Want to improve your conversation skills? In this lesson, I will teach you three common conversation expressions. By learning these expressions, you’ll make it easier for people to understand what you’re saying, and your speech will flow more naturally.
I am the first to comment on the lesson your lessons fun and beautiful I hope you can come to Egypt, Egyptians love you all Emma
pls can u help me i have a problem to add a comment on the vid
The examples provided in the lesson helped me to better understand the meaning and use of these three idiomatic expressions.
Thanks very much Emma.
Oooops!!! That reminds me, I have to do the quiz.
By for now.
your explanation very clear and powerful, could you please help me in IELTS
Even i have a problem in leaving a comment…I’m only able to reply to somebody’s comment but unable to leave an individual comment..
Pls Can somebody help me…
Thanx for this lesson .. i like it
Hi Emma,
Thanks alot for these expressions, they are very useful for me..
God bless!
Have a nice day!
Shing Mang Tun
flora lemos
I Thank you for these expressions, they are very useful for me.keep tight,
God bless you!
Have a nice day!
benito antoine
Thanx for this lesson .. I hope u come to Malaysia.
Hello Emma, Thanks very much for this lesson :)
Thanks for this lovely lesson. :)
Keep up miss cheerful,lovely Emma :)
Like your name :)
Asmaa Ahmed
hello emma thanks u its a lovely lesson I am watching many video its one of the best..
Keep it up
Hello emma,
im thankful by your lesson,
it was very nice and also diferent from other because it’s very impportant to us know about how to use daily expressions instead take ourselfs studying by grammar,
i hope see more videos from these topics, thank you so much.
Brazil loves you!
hello emma
I am learner its good video for learner
I am happy to see ur experssion
keep it up
thanks mrs emma for your good understanding lesson
PS3? What is it?
Hi Denvo,
A PS3 stands for playstation 3. It’s a video game system.
wow .i have played the game with PS2,emma, the PS3 ,i cant use it .but ,i like your lessons,thanks for your job.
all best for you.
Hi Miss.Emma . how can I upload videos here and be a member with other teachers to explain English for those who talks Arabic or other language.
best wishes
Hi Emma, I would like to thank you. You are the best in engvid. I really love your lessons!!!
Kisses from Brazil!!!
Thank you very much indeed , really helpful
hello mame ……. i love ur teaching….and i m also impressed by ur smile :) thank you so much for ur kind lecture
It was realy usefull
It was realy usefull and interesting, thanks,
Thank u Emma!!!!
Hi Maira,
To ‘fake it’ is to make something seem real. For example, if you don’t like a person, you can ‘fake it’. This means you can pretend to like someone even though you don’t.
Maybe you have a job interview and you don’t feel confident. You can pretend to be confident even though you’re not. This is ‘faking it’.
for me. “fake it” it have some different mean. not only one mean.
EX: i can make up my face to will fake his face.
i think “fake it” it mean is esspecial in order to cheating
Hi Emma, Thanks very much for this lesson its really great i do like it.
I got five. It reminds me to resume my TutorABC class.
wonderful lessons.Thanks s lot Emma. I learned many useful words.
thanks emma
these lessons are very effective I really like it.
Nawid Mattin
Today’s lesson I could understand than yesterday’s.
thanks alot miss emma!,,im very thankful of this site and also with you!,,i hope my grammar is correct,,i just wanted to tell you guys that im happy thanks alot again!,,god bless!,,from phillppines!,,,, thanks!
algeber pon
Amazing! Thanks for the lesson
lesson was great.i learn some new and useful things.thanks a million.
i will study hard , take some execises , reread and remember what i have learned for facing my final test in this semester. if worse comes to worst , i am gonna study harder and always be thankful to God..
Thanks Emma for teaching everyone who watch this video..
Great use of the expression!
Thanks Emma .. I learned a lot from you .. But i wanna speak English fluently in about 20 days .. if you have a method please tell us what it is .. Merci D’avance Pour Ta Reponse ..
thnx for this lesson
Hello Emma mam.How are you thank you very much for such a nice lesson.
Do you know i have learnt a lot from you and i am still learning from you.
You are a very nice teacher.
And this site is a lake of miracals.
I must Say.
There are some goodness in rose because it smells very good.
there are some goodness in honey because it tests very good.
I am learning a lot By Emma mam.
There are some goodness in you Because you are giving knowlege which makes is live with brotherhood.
Thank you! I like engvid lessons!
Emma .. I really love U so much because u r great teacher & all ur lessons r very usefal as well that ur accent is veru clear.
I learnt from U a lot . Thank U kindly. I hope that U make a lot of lessons
so useful site and clearly understandable!!! Thanks for all effort
emma you have really good manner in teaching..!!! especially inasmuch as your smiling at the same time on your lesson
Thanks so much, I like your lessons.
Great lesson thanks a lot .
Emma you are a great teacher….engvid.com rocks…thank you very much…..
Somdev Paramel
what a nice lesson. u made my day, lovely, blonde teacher. until next time thank u 4 teachin’ us.
Does the website Engvid.com ring a bell?
yes, it’ reminds me about a pretty teacher named Emma :)
Vu Uoc
Yes, She is beautiful :)
Thank you a lot! Great lesson – Great teacher…
Hi Emma I new student
You are very good
Plees toking slowly
(sorry for my English )
Welcome to the site Lolo.
I also want to thank everyone for the amount of enthusiasm and kind words for this lesson.
Great lesson thanks
Thank you, Emma! That reminds me, now these conversation expressions will ring a bell at least, if worse comes to worst.
I love your accent Emma. ItĀ“s so clear.
It was a great lesson….congratulations..from Brazil
Hi Emma a thanks for the lesson but i found you little bit confuse or may be I’m wrong:)
I really like the lesson! :)
Thanks, Emma
Lorenzo Bac Suy
Hi mam, its very nice of u if u tell me any test about knowing the level of my english understanding.
Actually I dont know, where to start to improve of english.
Ohhh .. this lesson remind me that I’ve IELTS test on 16th of June.
Good use of the expression and good luck!
hi emma, i’m so happy to find this website… i hope i can improving my english..thank’s so much emma…
Fikri Faidul JIhad
Thanks for this lesson.
Thanx a lot..
Hello Emma, very nice lesson.
thank you, very much.
All the lessons are very effective specialy valen lessons, I really Like it. Thanks alot dear Valen.
Nawid Mattin
lesson is very good, the way of teaching also good. I would like to ask that how can i improve my speaking? could you please suggest me some tips.
Jhankar Vishwokarma
the best way to improve ur speaking is talking as much as u can and improve ur pronunciation as well
Vu Uoc
Doing mammoth favor specially to people of third world.I really appreciate ur efforts and teaching style.From Pakistan
Mazhar Jamil
you lesson reminds me to study english
Xin Wang
Teacher Emma, these are very, very useful expressions. I wish you could make more in the future such as these. I must say that they are essential when communicating & interacting with people. I admit that this is my weak point in English, as well as prepositions and conjunctions. So, please do more.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, imagining that I am having a conversation with another person, and it goes just fine, you wouldn’t believe, I really sound like a real native English speaker, and speak equally as good as my first language. But the problem appears when person is real, not myself in the looking glass, and then, I become deaf-mute, hahaha, funny, but true. This is probably because of the fact that I don’t think what I have to say, but I focus on how I’m going to perform, whether I will make mistakes and so on. If I were about to speak with you ove Skype, I could’t breathe, let alone to have a conversation with you live. So, what do you suggest I should do in order to change this? This is not the problem only with me, but with most of people.
I was having some troubles to leave a comment, so I used second address, and result is two same comments. Sorry…
Teacher Emma, these are very, very useful expressions. I wish you could make more in the future such as these. I must say that they are essential when communicating & interacting with people. I admit that this is my weak point in English, as well as prepositions and conjunctions. So, please do more.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, imagining that I am having a conversation with another person, and it goes just fine, you wouldnāt believe, I really sound like a real native English speaker, and speak equally as good as my first language. But the problem appears when person is real, not myself in the looking glass, and then, I become deaf-mute, hahaha, funny, but true. This is probably because of the fact that I donāt think what I have to say, but I focus on how Iām going to perform, whether I will make mistakes and so on. If I were about to speak with you ove Skype, I couldāt breathe, let alone to have a conversation with you live. So, what do you suggest I should do in order to change this? This is not the problem only with me, but with most of people.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for sharing this. You’ve correctly observed one of the main problems students have. I had the same problem when I was learning French. I would be able to speak on my own, but when I was speaking to a native speaker I would get nervous and make many mistakes.
I think that dealing with speaking anxiety is one of the key skills you can learn to become a better English speaker.
Here are some tips to deal with anxiety:
1) Take a deep breath if you get nervous while speaking.
2) Take a short walk before any speaking tests or meetings.
3) Practice key expressions outloud often so they become automatic.
4) Think positively. Tell yourself that you are a good speaker.Make yourself believe it.
5) Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Native speakers make them often.
6) Remind yourself that nobody is perfect or speaks perfect English.
I’ve found that learning stress management techniques really helped me to become a better French speaker.
Hello Emma) I would like to thank you for these useful tips. I’ll try to make use of them tomorrow before (and during) my exam)
Hi Emma. I feel that when I talk to foregners, even with my teachers at English class. I can’t control my breathe and a bit nervous so I don’t be confident to speak English. After that, on the way I go home, I remind myself to try next time. But the next time, i do the same mistakes. You know if i am alone,I can think a lot of thing which I talk in that situation. So your lessons really useful for me. I hope you and ENGVID have a lot of good lessonsfor us. Wish full happy from Vietnam. Thanks Emma and ENGVID.
Thanks for everything you done for us
im new here
Be A Candle
Be A Light
Be A Twinkle
Be A Hope
Be An Inspiration
Be A Great Teacher Forever.!
thank u emma
Oh yes! same here…thanks Emma for the answer!
Helmer H.B.
H! My dear taecher EMMA, the lesson is very good .
Abdirisak yakub
Hi Emma.
I appreciate your class. Nowadays I need to watch your video two or three times, because this is my first year learning English. Finally I can understand all the three common English expressions.
Thanks a lot for your information
about the expression “ring a bell”. A very concise class.
Hi Emma
I have a question about noun modified for example, The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower. when do we put dash and ed? Do you have a lesson about this?
Hello Emma! Actually, it is my first time watching your teaching videos and I am really interested it. Hope you could keep making more high quality videos like this.
Here, please allow me have a little question to ask. These 3 expressions that you talked about can only be used in the spoken language, rather than in the written language. Is that right? I mean they are all informal expressions, aren’t they? Thanks in advance!
Hi Elvis,
You’re right. These expressions are informal and used in conversation. They are not common in writing.
I m sad about my english.
syeda Rida Hassan
Why are you sad about your English Rida?
English is a difficult language to learn and it does take a long time.
Don’t be hard on yourself. I’m sure everyone on this site has at some point felt bad about their English skills. What may help you feel better is learning how to recognize what your strengths are and be proud of those. Some students have difficulty speaking, but reading comes naturally to them. Other students are great listeners but have trouble with spelling. Every student has a strength; find out what yours are.
I’m Pianist since being 14 years old.
It’s the most difficult thing I do in my life…now I’m 35 years old…but I never give up.
-If you like it…just do it.
-Be always your best beginner version.
-Keep on, and you don’t stop till you get enough.
-Just try…and you’ll have more than you wait.
-Write a schedule. I have a notebook with three items: NEW WORDS (I repeat them all the day); PRONUNCIATION; and GRAMMAR (included slam, sentences, etc).
And I’m doing a list with phrases invented by me with the new words (as Emma recomended).
Some times I go to details trying listen every word native speakers say.
But some times I just hear…and other times I repeat as a parrot in real time.
Some times I just write or see news.
Don’t give up…do your best every day. You’re not alone. All we here are doing the best.
Helmer H.B.
Emma, you really are a very special kind of woman! Wish you the best!
Jr. from Brazil
Al Jr.
thank you emma , I LOVE YOUR CLASS
thanx for this awesome lesson, thank u so much Emma…………
hi Emma, I saw your video and i think you’re a good teacher….that’s remind me…you’re beautiful, thank’s for the lesson!!!…greetings from Mexico…if worse comes to worst I think I should see the video again…
Thanks for your facinating lesson.
My English is not good so sometimes I can’t follow you for your rapid speech but I really love.
thank you emma is soo usful
good lesson
You are great!
Luiz Carlos de SĆ”
thank you so much teachers
thank you so much engvid.com
hello friands if anyone want to talk in english to practice send me massege my E mail ID is gibrahim200@hotmail.com
thank you emma your lessons are very helpful, greetings from Mexico
thanxxx emmmmmmmmmmmmmma
Thanks Emma!
IĀ“m waiting for you here in Brazil!
Antonio Marcos
Thanks It is very important lesson
Hi Emma you must recomment your fans (: I understood hard first expression
“that reminds me”
thanks for lesson
Hi muttipikims,
We use ‘that reminds me’ if we are having a conversation with someone, and something said in the conversation makes us think of something else.
For example, imagine we are talking about soccer. You’re talking about your favourite team. As your talking, I remember that a player from that team is signing autographs in Toronto. I say to you, “That reminds me, did you hear that Luis Suarez is visiting Toronto this weekend and signing autographs at the bookstore?” In this conversation, hearing the word soccer made me remember the fact that a soccer player is coming to town.
Let me know if you need more examples of this expression. Thank you for your question.
That reminds me, I’d like to thank you all for your questions and comments.
oo thanks for your replying .I understand now and sure you explained clearly with example.
“That reminds me” we use this expression in our language thanks again we are waiting for your new lessons (:
I really love your classes ! I like your way to teach ! Thank you so ! ;)
I have no visa card once I got one I will support engvid.com
Hi, Emma, the lesson is quite interesting!Now, will you please tell me how this sentence can be changed into the passive voice? ‘He likes people call him sir’
Hii Emma,
This is the first time I am going to pen down to you as I haven’t submitted any comment so far.Today, I intend to write down some sentences showing how the word “could” can be used in many different context which gives distinct meaning.I have written down some sentences below and like you to correct them if you find any mistake in them.
1.When I started to converse in English, I could not express my ideas,thoughts,feelings clearly.
(Explanation:Here the sentence indicates that I had problems speaking in English in my early days-I was unable to form my sentences correctly because of not knowing the grammar rules as well as having a limited vocab.)
2.Could you coach me how to play cricket?(Explntn:Here,I have used coach as a verb which I got to know after reading an article on newspaper.I have also found that words related to body parts like “head”,”eye”,”hand” could also be used as action words after going through a book taught to students pursuing graduation.However, here could just indicatess politeness.It says the person telling the sentence is asking for the information politely.He is actually behaving modestly or decently).
3.It could rain in the evening as it has been too hot for past two days.
(Expln:Here, could refers to the possibility of raining in the evening.It is likely to rain in the evening.Someone is speculating that there might be chances of rains at that time.)
4.Ram could have let me know his problems in solving past question papers before getting them solved by our tutor as it could have built confidence in us as well as helping to solve questions by ourselves in the future.
(Explantn:Here could is used to refer to what could have been done in the past although that was not done.It remained undone in the past as my friend Ram did not contact with me to solve problems.He went to the tutor and requested him to resolve the problems he had brought to him.)
If some sentences become ambiguaous to you,I would like you to write to me back mentioning them.
I would also request you to correct my sentences if you find mistakes in their formation,unclearity in meaning or anything which is unnecessary or redundant.
I hope you will definitely help me in my English learning..
Looking forward to receiving a fast response from you.
sona sharma
Hi Sona,
It appears based on your explanations and sentences that you have mastered the modal ‘could’. You correctly explain its usage in each example.
Here are some corrections:
1. When I first started to converse in English, I could not express my ideas, thoughts, and feelings clearly.
By adding the word first, it makes it clearer that you’re referring to your early English days.
2) Could you coach me for cricket?
Teach may be the better verb for your original example of how to play cricket.
3)It could rain in the evening as it has been too hot for the past two days.
4)Ram could have let me know his problems in solving past questions before getting them solved by our tutor as it could have built confidence in us as well as helped us to solve questions by ourselves in the future.
This last sentence is a little long. It may be more effective if you break it into two sentences.
Hope that helps!
Hi Emma !
I think the lesson very important for my skill English. thank you very much.
if a day you come to VietNam. I hope see you in my country.
hi dear emma,i wanna study there what and how can i do for that?
these lessons are really usefull.I liked it and thank you.
Hi Emma…Thanks for your lesson Could you tell me what’s wrong in this expression
That remembers me, I need to go to the store later today.
For this expression, we never use the word remember. It is always ‘that reminds me’.
The sentence is incorrect because only people and animals can remember things. In your example, ‘that’ is the subject of the sentence. ‘That’ is not a human or an animal, so it does not have the ability to remember.
On the other hand, something can remind us of something else. A photo can remind me of a friend. In this case where we use the verb ‘remind’, the subject can be anything, not just a person or animal.
thanks teacher. :)
you are excellent teacher mam emma…i love you
reminds me ! Emma. I remembered a song’name is Reminds me ,it is very nice.
Hi Emma,
You and your lessons are GREAT.
Thank you Emma, it is my first lesson and I am very glad to have been found this website
Hi…..,I love this website.I want to know which is more better , US English conversation or UK .I am the one who want to speak English fluently.
It all depends on who you will have more interaction with in the future. Do you plan to travel to one of those places in the future? Do you work with more Americans or British?
Thank you Emma, this lesson very useful for me.
Hi, Emma! You are so good! I enjoy watching this! I can’t wait more video from you!
me so lucky to have a web site like this..Emma you are so great..Also Valen i like her very much..thanx..
Hi Emma, you did really good class. I want to ask why didnĀ“t you use present perfect in the second example (after that reminds me)? I mean you said ‘That reminds me, did you hear there is a dvd sale…’ instead of ‘That reminds me, have you heard there is a dvd sale…’ Can you explain us if we can use both or just past simple?
Yasen Dudin
I just find out this amazing website and I’m very excited about that, it’s remind me that I have to watch all the lessons to improve my English, after all if worse comes to worse and I have doubts I can watch again, it rings a bell that I must start…
Cute Teacher, Great Class, Wonderful website!!!
thanks very much, it’s useful
how to play video?
really I love the English very much I can’t bear my life without English I study English 24/7
ziad hassan
hi teacher,
in the Toeic test, i don’t know how to undersand part 4( short talk) so please give me some advice about this part, i mean : how to do, how to improve listen skill in this part.
thank a lot
its first time i show your listen
good jobe
and when we use whats up ?
This Lesson is very Awesome.
Ring a Bell..How about Save by the Bell ?? we need more Idiom , same words , but different meaning. Can you make more Idiom Lesson ?? Thanks a lot..
The show ‘Saved by the bell’ definitely rings a bell for me.
Thank you everyone for your lesson suggestions and comments.
Hi Emma,
thank you for your clear and excellent explanation. Do you have extra lessons for IELTS, task1 about body and conclusion? How can I have it?
Thank you Emma, I live in Canada for about 16 months but I haven’t heard expressions like those before. Maybe that might be because Canadians don’t use them while speaking with new English speakers. Doesn’t it?
Hello Emma ! How can I start to learn English ? I have studied English at school long time ago. Now, I am 50 and It is difficult when you are not young anymore. I don not know what it would be my first step…grammar, go to school, learn at home ?
My drean is to learn English because I love this language and I want to prepare myself for my retirement doing cultural things all over the world.
With all due respetc,
Thank you Emma, This is my first time watching your videos and I LOVE IT! <3
Hi Emma, I hope to see more videos. I will to recomend this website ItĀ“s perfect. :D
I would like to watch videos where I can see vocabulary. for example vegetables and listen the pronunsation of them with a photo or draw of them too. ItĀ“s only an idea I am very happy with this website. See you soon.
sorry, I couldn’t see the video
Hi Emma.I am watching your video first time..and i understood every thing.i am new at speaking english..Did I wrote every thing correct??
I wanna to express how lucky we are to have this website!!! I fell in love with it and its teachers. So, I spend at least an hour per day and my English is getting better and better. Thanks a lot, wishing you all the best, and long life to EngVid.com
thank u very much teacher emma
i am proud of teacher emma
hi emma ur really great teacher.i like all ur lessons and i love the way u use when u address ur lectures.ur my favorite teacher.
hi Emma you are great teacher
my qustion is why i can unserstand you but i can’t understand athoer pepole they have orginal languge . like a movei?
kaindly thank you
Hi..Teacher Emma i am watching your vedio frist time thanks alot i like it u lrean this lesson so much ..I’ll watch your vedio every day….! see u soon
This is a real donation of knowledge to give somebody for real. Please always try to answer your students. god bless you
Really it is very helpful Emma,
‘ring a bell’ is an interesting expression I think :)
but I don’t understand the last example ‘ Does our website http://www.engvid.com ring a bell?’
could you explain one more time? thanks! :)
Hi there,
Hope all’s well with u,
The quiz was so obvious,any way…tx.
A ? plz:in the 3rd example of the 3rd expression(Does our site….),ring a bell? means Do u remember?!
D best!
this video ring a bell me that english is not that difficult
Hi Emma,
Really fantastic to go through your lessons, they are very useful. Thanks a lot for providing good knowledge about English
Thanks a lot for providing good knowledge about English
Thanks Emma for this lesson, you really helped us a lot. See u soon.
Hi,Emma Teacher!
It’s a great pleasure to meet you and the site.
The Vid Eng is the best thing that exists on the Internet. I’m spreading to colleagues who enjoy and study this language. Especially their classes!
Sorry for the inversion: EngVid!
Thank u Mam
Abdul Qayum
Really I enjoy your lessons and I’m quite happy that your lessons are really useful to me.
thank u all the staff at eng vid for your help and great ways of teaching
hi.. Emma am can you pleas make a video about spelling rules… pleas pleas
thank you for ur lessons. I really love engVid video…can u show some idioms in the next lesson?
mek bean
love the way you teach English. hope you come to srilanka.
Thank a lot, a lot, a lot Emma
Gia Hy
Hi , KSA is here
thanks Emma you have a white heart and I can see it in your eyes .
God bless you |~
Hi emma! Thank u so much. I”m practicing my listening and when you talk I can understand very well. you speak clearly
Dear Emma
I hope to be teached by a good teacher like you because in Australia most of the English teachers are NOT qualified enough.
Bset Regards
Dear Emma,
Thank you. Your teaching expression is very nice easily we can understand.Thanks, Wish you all the best.
Best Regards
vinod lakhera
Ma’am, is the expression ‘that reminds me’ similar to ‘speaking of’? I think they’re the same.
Hi Emma, good lesson.
About “If worse come to worst”, is it follow for future simple or present simple?
In the first example. you were use present simple.
In the second you use future simple
About the first expression, it is the same in Spanish.
Hi Emma I hope you excellent future.
I like your accent, it’s very clear.
I have seen your videos tens of times, so my listening is more improved.
Thanks so much my teacher Emma.
Ali Murad
hi mam! this is my first lesson i learned from you,i enjoyed it vey much, you are also a very good teacher and teaches very well, i hope your lectures will help me a lot in learning english. THanx
Very clear, thank you.
Thank you very much Emma for your lesson !
Hi Emma
Thanks a lot…
Please teach me….
Thanks Emma. Your explanation is so easy, and I could understand well.
Before I listened your lesson, I was confused when I should use these expressions. But now I know. Thanks again, and have a nice day. Bye^^
To Emma
That was a very useful lesson I
Hi Emma. I like so much of your classes. All website is great. Congratulations for all time EngVid.
Hi teacher
thank you for your lesson
but i wanna ask u to explain the last example ( does our site http://www.engvid.com ring a bell ? )
Hi teacher,
truly you are a able educator.
your lectures helps me lot.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Emma! You are great! (Sidney – Brazil)
hi emma
ilike your teaching way could u plz tell me where we use “have got” and “has got”? plz do tell me
shabi zehra
Thank you Emma your clsses are useful
god bless you!!!
What a wonderful you are!
You’re a great teacher Emma,thanks a lot.
Your lesson is really great and clear.
Thank you.
Where can I ask a question about something else,please?
you are good teacher
thank you very much :)
thanks emma your lessone is very good
saud al nahdi
Very useful video. Thanks Mrs.
Emma !
i love you emma. would you please marry me ?
when I saw the expression first i not understand now with my eyes closed
you really good teacher and i say’s Pass with flying colors
Emma God gifted you teaching skills i appreciate that you polished as well. nice accent.very nice explanation
Ikram Marwat
Thank Emma, you are great…!!!
Thank you for your lesson, was very clear…
Thank you Emma.
I think that it should be completed the 1st example about PS3, writing on the blackboard a phrase that you gave only by word of mouth. It could be more helpful.
Best regards,
Thank you Emma!
I really enjoyed your video class. But, if worse comes to worst i come back and watch the video again.
really great way in teaching Miss. Emma . yo simplify the subject to be easy to understand by the students.
best regards
Teacher Firas
I learn 3 new expressions now!!!! thank you sooooo much ….
Hay, I have a question. I work with British and they always use those silly expressions which are far from making any good sense to me. For instance, “Living the dream”. What does it mean? If any teacher or the mod can answer, please.
If you’re “living the dream”, it means you’re doing what you’ve always hoped to do. (“She always wanted to be an astronaut, and now she’s going to Mars. She’s living the dream.”)
You can also use it sarcastically to mean the opposite. (“I always wanted to be an astronaut, but instead I sit at a desk all day and answer the phone. Living the dream.”)
engVid Moderator
Thank you Emma I love your way!
Thank you so much Emma you are the best. I am happy for you thanks
That was a nice lesson. I liked the friendliness you put on it. Good continuation.
you make me a new skill in conversations skill and I new student nice to meet you teacher,thank you for lesson. haha
emma,mam i m a new student but really i like this most. ur teaching is very gud.
Thankyou verry much for these lessons. It is a realy useful site with great teachers. You are doing a great job
Thank Emma! I love this lesson.
thanks a lot.Engvid teachers and there lessons are very awesome
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much for your class.
thank you soo much for this lesson, it is very helpfull.
thank you emma for your interesting topics,really it’s ring a bell to me.,,,,,,
Thank you so much Emma for your efforts , and I have two questions , first one is (what the deference between till and until?) and the second one is (is there any deference in meaning between pretend and claim).
I’m sure these expression will help my conversation more fantastic
Thank you very much teacher Emma
It was really a nice lesson thank u soo much teacher emma
thanks emma, im 36 years old, but im very interesting to can speak fluently…im come from indonesia…
thanks Emma im 27 Years old is ery interesting
thanks emma
i wanna to know what the meaning of ” ruine my cover ” means?
thank in advance
I like this lesson,thanks teacher.
Thank you very much teacher
it is very good teachers
hi emma could u tell me how con i improve my english.your lesson is good
Emma ur way of Explaining is superb,thats makes me feel so easy to learn in a quick and easy way .. thanx so much Eamma :-)
Mohammed Sami Uddin
Hi I am from romania i like very much
Thanks a lot Emma.
Hi Emma, this lesson is very interesting. Thank you so much!
thank you very much emma Ijust have been aproblem I coudnt write very good how can I improve my writting
Thanks Emma for your time and effort,your are a good teacher and teaching.Have a good one.:D
hi emma!congratulation for this lesson.even though i got 100 scorses i’m not good spiker.What do you recomande me
Thanks very much Emma…Very good classe
thnx Emma
Hi Miss Emma. The explainations were very good and clear. Thanks very much…. Can you please tell me how to score high in TOEFL iBT test and what necessary preparations are needed?
Hello Emma! This lesson is very nice,I like it.Thaks.I am from Moscow .
I am a malian, in my contry, it’s dificult to speek in english because people don’t speek. I Want to speek english. Can you help me with a book? I a beginer. thanks
Hi,Emma, enjoy your lesson not ready yet do it just wonder How do you do the exams? As I said in my profile I am 47 and born in Toront lived here all my life learning keeps my mind sharp.
On Sunday Oct 14 ran the 21K race it started at City hall and finished there.
ohh… bt i will try more n more..
All expressions are best explained by Emma.
Thanks for good leading us.
Hello Emma, I am one of your new students from Middle East. May I have your e-mail, please? Because I need your help to improve my English specifically on writing, if it’s possible. Thank you so much for all your help.
Semira Hussen
i hate the class
Hi! Emma, its nice video.
now I’m improving my English day by day.
Great lesson Emma!! I am a new student from Colombia. Thanks!!!
Thanks a lot! Ring a bell? Ja!
Hi mam
Is “ENGVID” enough to master English.
every day i watch 4 videos is this Ok?
I wish you advise me how to improve my english faster.
dear Emma
I am Tatev from Armenia,I would like to know what the sentence “ring my bells” means?
You are very good!You are teaching very art…thank you.I speak English not well because I not…
this is just gr8 :) i mean i love this website .. it has helped me alot ..
hi emma,I am thanking all teachers working and helpping peapel like me to learne english at this sit.its my first time I joind and ihop it will be the key.but english not as frence/…
Many thanks Emma! Your lesson very useful! I’m looking forward to learning your new lesson.
Take care!
thank you Emma.could you tell me please what is the difference between hictoric and historial
It is very important for me I am waiting for your answer
Thank you Emma) It’s very interesting lesson. In my language we have similar expressions, that’s why it was easy for me to understand the meaning.
hello Emma i would like just to thank u so much for all this lessons
its really useful…thanks to Engvid and all teachers
Thank you Emma
you have to be sarcastic like, mrs.Ronnie :-p , go on you are the best :D
Hi Emma .. i am new student in ur classes could you please help how to improve my language without traveling or taking with native speakers,, i am from jordan
thank alot Emma you are the best
Thank you so much for your teaching and you are so beautiful really(:
Hi Emma, your lessons are always helpful & u have a nice way of teaching :)
thank you so much, you are good teacher
very clear, useful lesson, thank you very much
Thank you Emma for interesting and useful lesson!
Keep it up!
Have a ball!
Guys need your help!
I have to improve my low English-speaking skeels.
If you have a desire to communicate with me, I will be glad.
Here is my Skype ID – jevgeniikyrychyk.
Hi Emma. You’ve got a whole lot of positive energy inside yourself. How are you doing this??
Please, Give me more movie about useful conversation expression. I like it:)
100% =D
HI emma
could plz make video about how to use INTO and piz the meaning of this expression. “FROM FRYING PAN TO THE FIRE” thnx a lot i really like your videos it helps a lot
hi my special valued teacher
may i get your email address? i need your help regarding the study in Canada.
nice lesson
Emma, nice lessons. May i ask you if you’re talking slowly, or is this your normal speaking way?
thanks for you to sacrifice for us.
my question is this i want to speak an accurate english how i m supposed study ?,what is th mainly liaison in native english speaker
Hi miss Emma..I would like to thank yu first.
I have a problem with dealing would,should,might and could words..im kind of confused that where and when i ‘ve to use those things in specific situations.
Hi Emma,
You’re a great teacher. I learned lots of things with you. I would like to know if you give private tuition in IELTS online. Thank you.
Dear Emma
I really like your teaching.
Thanks for your clearly explanation
I learn a lot.
Nice lesson thank you emma.. i have a questions can you tell me some tips when I am going to say a speech in front many people .. pleasee!!!!
hi emma i’m a student from morocco i want to thank you a lot for your assistance, my english was weak and unclear ,but when i bigan listen and watch all your lessons videos i feel my english is going to improve
Only 80%. My bell didn’t ring at all in second question ;)
You are so beautiful today^_^
Thanks !
Hi EMMA i would like to ask you a Question that confuses me please..
I wanna know the differences between these phrases and when to use it …
1- we are going to learn
2- we will be learning
3- we are going to be learning
or do they have the same meaning ?!!!
Hi Emma
My name is Tam, I am confused about the difference between “also” and “as well”. I mean the way to use them? Could you please explain to me?
Best regards,
really impressed by the way you speak i mean your accent,as a native speaker i can get clearly what you say and surely that will help me to improve my speaking as well as my pronunciation. thanx Ems.
thanks for your teaching; my English is so waek I can’t speak and I can’t
I’ll definitely use this this words.
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma,
U have taken very well.. It’s really interesting expressions which our common conversations..
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma.
Could you teach me how to greet someone?
When people say ” How are you, today?”. I usually reply “Fine, Thank you” or “OK”. I want to learn more common expressions. Thanks a lot.
That’s a good idea! I’ve added it to the list of requests, so one of the teachers can make a lesson for it!
engVid Moderator
hi Emma i have aproblem in agrammar and i can’t understand anative tone speakers ,what shall i do or listen to improve my writting and reading skills ,please help me ,best wishes.
you are good teacher thank you
Absolutly 100 % of score.U are great.
Thank you very much for this lesson
Can you please tell me about difference between “make” and “do”
Thangks alot
Thank you.
These are wonderful expressions.
Hi Emma. Could you teach me about the different pronunciation of the letter (A)?
That reminds me. Thanks alot for this class. I got 100 |0| |0| |0|
thank u for this test..
Thanks Emma! This lesson reminded me to watch again the lesson wich explain the difference between remind, recall and remender. I forgot their correct uses but I guess you made this lesson.
I meant usages instead uses.
I am very much impressed by this video..and i have to say that i love the way you teaching…
You are seriously cool!
This is my first time on this web and I love it!
Thank you .
I was at the pub six months ago and my friend lent me some money. I haven’t seen him since that time. This lesson rings a bell that I have owed him 500 crowns since March !
Thank you very much Mr’s Emma.
You are very amazing teacher and this lesson is very useful
thank you very much Emma .
Excellent class, Thank You!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ms Emma Useful lesson! :)
Ip Man Lee
Hi, Miss Emma. Thank you for the lessons. I found your lessons very useful.
If you don’t mind I would like to give you a question: What does it means “White collar crime”? Excuse me for the mistakes if I have and thank you…….
Thank you so much miss Emma. That was really helpful.
Thank you so much miss Emma. That was really helpful!
thank you Emma!
Thank you Emma. I got
Thank you Emma. I got everything, besides one word. You repeated several times “you should memorize as a ch…”. What was this word? I could not to find. What does it mean. I know it beside the point, but anyway. Thanks!
Hopefully I can become a master of English soon after i watched some emma’s lesson. If worse come to worst, I have to stay on engvid for a while.
water meter check please
I like the way you teach. :)
Thanks Emma got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
I’ve done all my exams well (100%), ring a ball?
Thx Emma this was great.
Did I you the expression correct?
I have a mistake in last comment:-))))
Did I use the expression correct?
Thank you very much~ God bless you^^
Gloria Lee
These 3 expressions are really helpful for my daily spoken~~thank you
I Scored 100!!! Thank you so much Emma. It was something New.
Ben Bob
Hi Emma
It was a great lesson by a splendid teacher, I am preparing for the TOFEL exam and my weak point is a speaking section can you provide me by some tips and advices to improve my speaking especially for the TOEFL cause I need to explain many points in a short time and it’s so hard.
Merci en advance.
thanks a lot my teacher .. u r a great .
Thank you,
Thank you mam… so much
vijay jaiswal
Thank you
Thanks Emma.
This lesson reminds me speaking is the most important part of each language!
Saeed Hosseini
your way of using hands and laughing when you are speaking is simply superb
i really liked your way of saying
and i learnt so much
thank you so much and i would like to watch your video classes more
Thank you!
really great video feel enthusiastic after getting full on full u way of teaching really better than other on engvid mam plzz suggest me how can i improve my speaking skills when i speak in front someone my mind goes off and often forget every thing that i learned and mostly people told me if u want to speak fluent u must practice with someone who know english speaking otherwise it’s west of time and there is know one who can speak with me so what should i do mam
If worse comes to worst I will watch your lessons Emma.thanks.
Thanks so much for your lesson :). I want to practise speaking EL but no one can help me. I hope anyone can talk with me on skype. thanks so much. my skype:nana.na1234
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma ,Your voice help me improve my listening ,and I tried to repeat every of your word to practice pronunciation .God blesses you.
tri dzung
thanks Emma,your name rings a bell
Thank you Emma. Even if these expressions are not common in writing, do you recommend us to use them in writing…I mean in our professional messages?
Thank you Emma
I really thanks
Hi, Emma! Thanks for your lesson. It’s so helpful for me. Even though I started these lessons only a week ago, I already feel that I will be addicted to your lecture.
Emma, is there anyone who says that you remind of some movie star? When I first saw you on utube, I could’t help thinkng an actress who appeared on famous movie, “Leaving Lasvagas”. Even I thought that you maybe a relative to the movie star. Especially your voice and intonations are really simillar to hers. She is very talented actress that I enjoyed watching her movie and now I’m enjoying watching your lesssons. Thans a lot.
YS Park
she is fantastic teacher , I wish improve my English by her lessons , thank you very much .
omar gizani
Emma, thank you very mach for your fantastic lesson. I hope that i can enhance my English immediately with your lectures.
Hello everybody, the lessons in video are amazing, i’m learning new words and expessions and inproving my vocabulary, very, very good,
I didn’t get the idea of the second method (Speaking of). But the lesson was useful
Hi Emma,
Thank you very much for your lesson. You are the best english teacher I have ever had to listen.
And to my friends from engvid, hi guys, if you want to improve your english, please add me on skype
thanks for this class, I understand to you very well,
Jose Maria
I tried to learn this lesson two times. And I got perfect.
I hope I can use these conversation expressions fluently.
Emma! Thank you so much for your nice lesson.
Yutaka Endo
Thank you.
Thank you for your commitment
Well done
Realy I very thanks you alot, Emma
i’m new student in your class
I hope you to speak about the work ,I’m civil engineering and treat with English NATIONALITY
Sorry for my bad English to speak with you
Very useful. I like your class. Thank you.
Figen As
Hi Emma ..
You are doing a great job my dear. I enjoy your lessons alot. One thing i want to ask you is that i want to build my vocabulary because i stammered when i was debating with my colleagues and it was very irritating for me. So kindly suggest me some tips to improve my vocabulary skills. Thank you.
Maira Shahzad
the quiz ring a bell emma
this my quiz:
You got 4 correct out of 5.
I have a mestake at number two
chakim hamzah
If worse comes worst. Sking ship, load it to sink faster. There is a treasure under the sea.
Luiz Moreira
Luiz Moreira
could you please explain which tense should I use with “reminded me of”. when I want to pinpoint the evet that happened in the past or something that I used to do or did. For example this reminded me of the day I taught him a english lesson or this video reminded me of the way I used to teach him.
Thanks Emma! the lesson is very useful
Hello Emma I love your english classes, thanks so much! This expressions the class today was very nice for keep dialogue in daily routine.
Thank you yery much, Emma. Very useful expressions. You’re the best teacher.
Hello, Emma
would tell me how teach adult people in a very interesting way so could enjoy the lessons well.
well I am an English teacher in AKF-A that deal with all elder guys.
would please guide me
Hello, teacher
really i like so much her classes,
you form to explain the lessons is very interesting,
oh that reminds me, that emma is the most beautiful and intelligent teacher. :D
Hi, from your explanation the English language becomes easy and easy!!!
I comment in your video last time ring a bell??
If your thoughts of learning English wors comes to worst, just watch Emma videos!!
Hi, nice work, interesting topic with so practical use.
I will watch videos from engvid everyday. if worse comes worst, I will make up for what I missed finally.
Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma.
Thank you for this lesson. I’m watching your lessons almost everyday.
They fit me, so I enjoy them very much.
I got 5 out of 5 in this quiz, but I should use these phrases in right way at right time! It’s difficult for me to do so.
I will continue to watch your videos in order to improve my English skills.
Thank you again!
Hello, Emma, I got the perfect score! Thanks!
thanks wonderful excellent ring a bell
goldy korpal
Thanks Emma , I really learned something today ,I appreciate , I got the full mark :)
Ahmed Elkhashab
Thank you Emma
thank you Emma. you’re a real teacher. I learnt a lot from your lessons
Useful expressions. Thank you so mucho Emma
I got 5. Thanks a lot Emma
I decided to join a national choir competition. I would have to practice for hours everyday. I said “If worse comes to worst, if my grades become lower, I’ll stop singing in choir for the next semester.”
emma so thnks you are Number 1.
I have benefited so much from the lesson
Thank you very much
I scored 4 out of 5
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 80. That remind me, I should improve my skills.
Emma you are the best teacher!!
It was a really excellent way to learn some chunks in english, thanks a lot Emma. Congratulations. If you don’t mind, i would like to say that u are pretty beatiful.
hello Mrs Emma — i already have never seen or listened which person who can explain those expression as well.
best regards
Taking a test makes you aware of your mistakes.
Gustavo Perez Criollo
Respectfully, talking about the question :”If something rings a bell, it means you remember it, but no clear”, my answer was false, because when somebody is talking to me about a movie he watches on TV, it (what he just said) reminds me CLEARLY that it is a DVD sale in the MALL. I think that my friend’s talking is a something.
I would appreciate it if some body explain me if what I think is an error.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Gustavo Perez Criollo
Thank you teatcher
you are wonderful
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thank you
M kartal
5/5 ok!
hi emma, thank u so much!!
Tanks a lot EMMA was your lessons about remind me and ring the bell .. Honestly the topic valuable and more beneficent too , and I look forward to have similar Topic ..
she is one of the best teacher of Eng
saiyed mohammadhasnain
thanks for all,I get 10/10 for this lesson i find it very interesting
Hamidko Terjem
I liked this episode!
Emma, thanks for your job!
I know it’s stupid question ??
But if miss someone strongly then it’s wrong to say (I miss you a lot )
I wish I could speak like u Emma ma’am.thanks for the lessons anyway.You rock!!!
Thanks Emma,
I am thankful whit you, your lesson, how you teach, etc.
Mr Toufik from Algeria
Thanks a lot!!!
Ruslan Riznyk
Actually am new here. But nevertheless I really love your lesson have learnt a lot from you… God shall reward you well! Rings a bell I haven’t been taught this format before in my life… Plz I need more explanation on IELTS
Thanks for the lesson
I appreciate your lesson questions
A million thanks for your outstanding lesson mam!It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.you have explained eloquently.After watch this lesson I have to take a quiz,if worse comes to worst again I take a quiz.I love your lesson as ever.you are amazing mam.
Thank you Ms. Emma.
Thank you!
Hello teacher, Emma. In this lesson I heard you said “I kind of… or I’m still kind of…” This form I’ve never seen before. It’s very strange for me! So could you make a new video lesson to teach that form in grammar and use? Thanh you.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I am the first to comment on the lesson your lessons fun and beautiful I hope you can come to Egypt, Egyptians love you all Emma
pls can u help me i have a problem to add a comment on the vid
The examples provided in the lesson helped me to better understand the meaning and use of these three idiomatic expressions.
Thanks very much Emma.
Oooops!!! That reminds me, I have to do the quiz.
By for now.
your explanation very clear and powerful, could you please help me in IELTS
Even i have a problem in leaving a comment…I’m only able to reply to somebody’s comment but unable to leave an individual comment..
Pls Can somebody help me…
Thanx for this lesson .. i like it
Hi Emma,
Thanks alot for these expressions, they are very useful for me..
God bless!
Have a nice day!
I Thank you for these expressions, they are very useful for me.keep tight,
God bless you!
Have a nice day!
Thanx for this lesson .. I hope u come to Malaysia.
Hello Emma, Thanks very much for this lesson :)
Thanks for this lovely lesson. :)
Keep up miss cheerful,lovely Emma :)
Like your name :)
hello emma thanks u its a lovely lesson I am watching many video its one of the best..
Keep it up
Hello emma,
im thankful by your lesson,
it was very nice and also diferent from other because it’s very impportant to us know about how to use daily expressions instead take ourselfs studying by grammar,
i hope see more videos from these topics, thank you so much.
Brazil loves you!
hello emma
I am learner its good video for learner
I am happy to see ur experssion
keep it up
thanks mrs emma for your good understanding lesson
PS3? What is it?
Hi Denvo,
A PS3 stands for playstation 3. It’s a video game system.
wow .i have played the game with PS2,emma, the PS3 ,i cant use it .but ,i like your lessons,thanks for your job.
all best for you.
Hi Miss.Emma . how can I upload videos here and be a member with other teachers to explain English for those who talks Arabic or other language.
best wishes
Hi Emma, I would like to thank you. You are the best in engvid. I really love your lessons!!!
Kisses from Brazil!!!
Thank you very much indeed , really helpful
hello mame ……. i love ur teaching….and i m also impressed by ur smile :) thank you so much for ur kind lecture
It was realy usefull
It was realy usefull and interesting, thanks,
Thank u Emma!!!!
Hi Maira,
To ‘fake it’ is to make something seem real. For example, if you don’t like a person, you can ‘fake it’. This means you can pretend to like someone even though you don’t.
Maybe you have a job interview and you don’t feel confident. You can pretend to be confident even though you’re not. This is ‘faking it’.
for me. “fake it” it have some different mean. not only one mean.
EX: i can make up my face to will fake his face.
i think “fake it” it mean is esspecial in order to cheating
Hi Emma, Thanks very much for this lesson its really great i do like it.
I got five. It reminds me to resume my TutorABC class.
wonderful lessons.Thanks s lot Emma. I learned many useful words.
thanks emma
these lessons are very effective I really like it.
Today’s lesson I could understand than yesterday’s.
thanks alot miss emma!,,im very thankful of this site and also with you!,,i hope my grammar is correct,,i just wanted to tell you guys that im happy thanks alot again!,,god bless!,,from phillppines!,,,, thanks!
Amazing! Thanks for the lesson
lesson was great.i learn some new and useful things.thanks a million.
i will study hard , take some execises , reread and remember what i have learned for facing my final test in this semester. if worse comes to worst , i am gonna study harder and always be thankful to God..
Thanks Emma for teaching everyone who watch this video..
Great use of the expression!
Thanks Emma .. I learned a lot from you .. But i wanna speak English fluently in about 20 days .. if you have a method please tell us what it is .. Merci D’avance Pour Ta Reponse ..
thnx for this lesson
Hello Emma mam.How are you thank you very much for such a nice lesson.
Do you know i have learnt a lot from you and i am still learning from you.
You are a very nice teacher.
And this site is a lake of miracals.
I must Say.
There are some goodness in rose because it smells very good.
there are some goodness in honey because it tests very good.
I am learning a lot By Emma mam.
There are some goodness in you Because you are giving knowlege which makes is live with brotherhood.
Thank you! I like engvid lessons!
Emma .. I really love U so much because u r great teacher & all ur lessons r very usefal as well that ur accent is veru clear.
I learnt from U a lot . Thank U kindly. I hope that U make a lot of lessons
so useful site and clearly understandable!!! Thanks for all effort
emma you have really good manner in teaching..!!! especially inasmuch as your smiling at the same time on your lesson
Thanks so much, I like your lessons.
Great lesson thanks a lot .
Emma you are a great teacher….engvid.com rocks…thank you very much…..
what a nice lesson. u made my day, lovely, blonde teacher. until next time thank u 4 teachin’ us.
Does the website Engvid.com ring a bell?
yes, it’ reminds me about a pretty teacher named Emma :)
Yes, She is beautiful :)
Thank you a lot! Great lesson – Great teacher…
Hi Emma I new student
You are very good
Plees toking slowly
(sorry for my English )
Welcome to the site Lolo.
I also want to thank everyone for the amount of enthusiasm and kind words for this lesson.
Great lesson thanks
Thank you, Emma! That reminds me, now these conversation expressions will ring a bell at least, if worse comes to worst.
I love your accent Emma. ItĀ“s so clear.
It was a great lesson….congratulations..from Brazil
Hi Emma a thanks for the lesson but i found you little bit confuse or may be I’m wrong:)
I really like the lesson! :)
Thanks, Emma
Hi mam, its very nice of u if u tell me any test about knowing the level of my english understanding.
Actually I dont know, where to start to improve of english.
Ohhh .. this lesson remind me that I’ve IELTS test on 16th of June.
Good use of the expression and good luck!
hi emma, i’m so happy to find this website… i hope i can improving my english..thank’s so much emma…
Thanks for this lesson.
Thanx a lot..
Hello Emma, very nice lesson.
thank you, very much.
All the lessons are very effective specialy valen lessons, I really Like it. Thanks alot dear Valen.
lesson is very good, the way of teaching also good. I would like to ask that how can i improve my speaking? could you please suggest me some tips.
the best way to improve ur speaking is talking as much as u can and improve ur pronunciation as well
Doing mammoth favor specially to people of third world.I really appreciate ur efforts and teaching style.From Pakistan
Mazhar Jamil
you lesson reminds me to study english
Teacher Emma, these are very, very useful expressions. I wish you could make more in the future such as these. I must say that they are essential when communicating & interacting with people. I admit that this is my weak point in English, as well as prepositions and conjunctions. So, please do more.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, imagining that I am having a conversation with another person, and it goes just fine, you wouldn’t believe, I really sound like a real native English speaker, and speak equally as good as my first language. But the problem appears when person is real, not myself in the looking glass, and then, I become deaf-mute, hahaha, funny, but true. This is probably because of the fact that I don’t think what I have to say, but I focus on how I’m going to perform, whether I will make mistakes and so on. If I were about to speak with you ove Skype, I could’t breathe, let alone to have a conversation with you live. So, what do you suggest I should do in order to change this? This is not the problem only with me, but with most of people.
I was having some troubles to leave a comment, so I used second address, and result is two same comments. Sorry…
Teacher Emma, these are very, very useful expressions. I wish you could make more in the future such as these. I must say that they are essential when communicating & interacting with people. I admit that this is my weak point in English, as well as prepositions and conjunctions. So, please do more.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror, imagining that I am having a conversation with another person, and it goes just fine, you wouldnāt believe, I really sound like a real native English speaker, and speak equally as good as my first language. But the problem appears when person is real, not myself in the looking glass, and then, I become deaf-mute, hahaha, funny, but true. This is probably because of the fact that I donāt think what I have to say, but I focus on how Iām going to perform, whether I will make mistakes and so on. If I were about to speak with you ove Skype, I couldāt breathe, let alone to have a conversation with you live. So, what do you suggest I should do in order to change this? This is not the problem only with me, but with most of people.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for sharing this. You’ve correctly observed one of the main problems students have. I had the same problem when I was learning French. I would be able to speak on my own, but when I was speaking to a native speaker I would get nervous and make many mistakes.
I think that dealing with speaking anxiety is one of the key skills you can learn to become a better English speaker.
Here are some tips to deal with anxiety:
1) Take a deep breath if you get nervous while speaking.
2) Take a short walk before any speaking tests or meetings.
3) Practice key expressions outloud often so they become automatic.
4) Think positively. Tell yourself that you are a good speaker.Make yourself believe it.
5) Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Native speakers make them often.
6) Remind yourself that nobody is perfect or speaks perfect English.
I’ve found that learning stress management techniques really helped me to become a better French speaker.
Hello Emma) I would like to thank you for these useful tips. I’ll try to make use of them tomorrow before (and during) my exam)
Hi Emma. I feel that when I talk to foregners, even with my teachers at English class. I can’t control my breathe and a bit nervous so I don’t be confident to speak English. After that, on the way I go home, I remind myself to try next time. But the next time, i do the same mistakes. You know if i am alone,I can think a lot of thing which I talk in that situation. So your lessons really useful for me. I hope you and ENGVID have a lot of good lessonsfor us. Wish full happy from Vietnam. Thanks Emma and ENGVID.
Thanks for everything you done for us
im new here
Be A Candle
Be A Light
Be A Twinkle
Be A Hope
Be An Inspiration
Be A Great Teacher Forever.!
thank u emma
Oh yes! same here…thanks Emma for the answer!
H! My dear taecher EMMA, the lesson is very good .
Hi Emma.
I appreciate your class. Nowadays I need to watch your video two or three times, because this is my first year learning English. Finally I can understand all the three common English expressions.
Thanks a lot for your information
about the expression “ring a bell”. A very concise class.
Hi Emma
I have a question about noun modified for example, The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower. when do we put dash and ed? Do you have a lesson about this?
Hello Emma! Actually, it is my first time watching your teaching videos and I am really interested it. Hope you could keep making more high quality videos like this.
Here, please allow me have a little question to ask. These 3 expressions that you talked about can only be used in the spoken language, rather than in the written language. Is that right? I mean they are all informal expressions, aren’t they? Thanks in advance!
Hi Elvis,
You’re right. These expressions are informal and used in conversation. They are not common in writing.
I m sad about my english.
Why are you sad about your English Rida?
English is a difficult language to learn and it does take a long time.
Don’t be hard on yourself. I’m sure everyone on this site has at some point felt bad about their English skills. What may help you feel better is learning how to recognize what your strengths are and be proud of those. Some students have difficulty speaking, but reading comes naturally to them. Other students are great listeners but have trouble with spelling. Every student has a strength; find out what yours are.
I’m Pianist since being 14 years old.
It’s the most difficult thing I do in my life…now I’m 35 years old…but I never give up.
-If you like it…just do it.
-Be always your best beginner version.
-Keep on, and you don’t stop till you get enough.
-Just try…and you’ll have more than you wait.
-Write a schedule. I have a notebook with three items: NEW WORDS (I repeat them all the day); PRONUNCIATION; and GRAMMAR (included slam, sentences, etc).
And I’m doing a list with phrases invented by me with the new words (as Emma recomended).
Some times I go to details trying listen every word native speakers say.
But some times I just hear…and other times I repeat as a parrot in real time.
Some times I just write or see news.
Don’t give up…do your best every day. You’re not alone. All we here are doing the best.
Emma, you really are a very special kind of woman! Wish you the best!
Jr. from Brazil
thank you emma , I LOVE YOUR CLASS
thanx for this awesome lesson, thank u so much Emma…………
hi Emma, I saw your video and i think you’re a good teacher….that’s remind me…you’re beautiful, thank’s for the lesson!!!…greetings from Mexico…if worse comes to worst I think I should see the video again…
Thanks a lot))) ur lesson’s perfect as u!
“Dose our site http://www.engvid.com, Ring a bell?”
http://www.engvid.com, oh yeah, That reminds me with the best ever teacher in the world ” Emma”.
Thanks for your facinating lesson.
My English is not good so sometimes I can’t follow you for your rapid speech but I really love.
thank you emma is soo usful
good lesson
You are great!
thank you so much teachers
thank you so much engvid.com
hello friands if anyone want to talk in english to practice send me massege my E mail ID is gibrahim200@hotmail.com
thank you emma your lessons are very helpful, greetings from Mexico
thanxxx emmmmmmmmmmmmmma
Thanks Emma!
IĀ“m waiting for you here in Brazil!
Thanks It is very important lesson
Hi Emma you must recomment your fans (: I understood hard first expression
“that reminds me”
thanks for lesson
Hi muttipikims,
We use ‘that reminds me’ if we are having a conversation with someone, and something said in the conversation makes us think of something else.
For example, imagine we are talking about soccer. You’re talking about your favourite team. As your talking, I remember that a player from that team is signing autographs in Toronto. I say to you, “That reminds me, did you hear that Luis Suarez is visiting Toronto this weekend and signing autographs at the bookstore?” In this conversation, hearing the word soccer made me remember the fact that a soccer player is coming to town.
Let me know if you need more examples of this expression. Thank you for your question.
That reminds me, I’d like to thank you all for your questions and comments.
oo thanks for your replying .I understand now and sure you explained clearly with example.
“That reminds me” we use this expression in our language thanks again we are waiting for your new lessons (:
I really love your classes ! I like your way to teach ! Thank you so ! ;)
I have no visa card once I got one I will support engvid.com
Hi, Emma, the lesson is quite interesting!Now, will you please tell me how this sentence can be changed into the passive voice? ‘He likes people call him sir’
Hii Emma,
This is the first time I am going to pen down to you as I haven’t submitted any comment so far.Today, I intend to write down some sentences showing how the word “could” can be used in many different context which gives distinct meaning.I have written down some sentences below and like you to correct them if you find any mistake in them.
1.When I started to converse in English, I could not express my ideas,thoughts,feelings clearly.
(Explanation:Here the sentence indicates that I had problems speaking in English in my early days-I was unable to form my sentences correctly because of not knowing the grammar rules as well as having a limited vocab.)
2.Could you coach me how to play cricket?(Explntn:Here,I have used coach as a verb which I got to know after reading an article on newspaper.I have also found that words related to body parts like “head”,”eye”,”hand” could also be used as action words after going through a book taught to students pursuing graduation.However, here could just indicatess politeness.It says the person telling the sentence is asking for the information politely.He is actually behaving modestly or decently).
3.It could rain in the evening as it has been too hot for past two days.
(Expln:Here, could refers to the possibility of raining in the evening.It is likely to rain in the evening.Someone is speculating that there might be chances of rains at that time.)
4.Ram could have let me know his problems in solving past question papers before getting them solved by our tutor as it could have built confidence in us as well as helping to solve questions by ourselves in the future.
(Explantn:Here could is used to refer to what could have been done in the past although that was not done.It remained undone in the past as my friend Ram did not contact with me to solve problems.He went to the tutor and requested him to resolve the problems he had brought to him.)
If some sentences become ambiguaous to you,I would like you to write to me back mentioning them.
I would also request you to correct my sentences if you find mistakes in their formation,unclearity in meaning or anything which is unnecessary or redundant.
I hope you will definitely help me in my English learning..
Looking forward to receiving a fast response from you.
Hi Sona,
It appears based on your explanations and sentences that you have mastered the modal ‘could’. You correctly explain its usage in each example.
Here are some corrections:
1. When I first started to converse in English, I could not express my ideas, thoughts, and feelings clearly.
By adding the word first, it makes it clearer that you’re referring to your early English days.
2) Could you coach me for cricket?
Teach may be the better verb for your original example of how to play cricket.
3)It could rain in the evening as it has been too hot for the past two days.
4)Ram could have let me know his problems in solving past questions before getting them solved by our tutor as it could have built confidence in us as well as helped us to solve questions by ourselves in the future.
This last sentence is a little long. It may be more effective if you break it into two sentences.
Hope that helps!
Hi Emma !
I think the lesson very important for my skill English. thank you very much.
if a day you come to VietNam. I hope see you in my country.
hi dear emma,i wanna study there what and how can i do for that?
these lessons are really usefull.I liked it and thank you.
Hi Emma…Thanks for your lesson Could you tell me what’s wrong in this expression
That remembers me, I need to go to the store later today.
For this expression, we never use the word remember. It is always ‘that reminds me’.
The sentence is incorrect because only people and animals can remember things. In your example, ‘that’ is the subject of the sentence. ‘That’ is not a human or an animal, so it does not have the ability to remember.
On the other hand, something can remind us of something else. A photo can remind me of a friend. In this case where we use the verb ‘remind’, the subject can be anything, not just a person or animal.
thanks teacher. :)
you are excellent teacher mam emma…i love you
reminds me ! Emma. I remembered a song’name is Reminds me ,it is very nice.
Hi Emma,
You and your lessons are GREAT.
Thank you Emma, it is my first lesson and I am very glad to have been found this website
Hi…..,I love this website.I want to know which is more better , US English conversation or UK .I am the one who want to speak English fluently.
It all depends on who you will have more interaction with in the future. Do you plan to travel to one of those places in the future? Do you work with more Americans or British?
Thank you Emma, this lesson very useful for me.
Hi, Emma! You are so good! I enjoy watching this! I can’t wait more video from you!
me so lucky to have a web site like this..Emma you are so great..Also Valen i like her very much..thanx..
Hi Emma, you did really good class. I want to ask why didnĀ“t you use present perfect in the second example (after that reminds me)? I mean you said ‘That reminds me, did you hear there is a dvd sale…’ instead of ‘That reminds me, have you heard there is a dvd sale…’ Can you explain us if we can use both or just past simple?
I just find out this amazing website and I’m very excited about that, it’s remind me that I have to watch all the lessons to improve my English, after all if worse comes to worse and I have doubts I can watch again, it rings a bell that I must start…
Cute Teacher, Great Class, Wonderful website!!!
thanks very much, it’s useful
how to play video?
really I love the English very much I can’t bear my life without English I study English 24/7
hi teacher,
in the Toeic test, i don’t know how to undersand part 4( short talk) so please give me some advice about this part, i mean : how to do, how to improve listen skill in this part.
thank a lot
its first time i show your listen
good jobe
and when we use whats up ?
This Lesson is very Awesome.
Ring a Bell..How about Save by the Bell ?? we need more Idiom , same words , but different meaning. Can you make more Idiom Lesson ?? Thanks a lot..
The show ‘Saved by the bell’ definitely rings a bell for me.
Thank you everyone for your lesson suggestions and comments.
Hi Emma,
thank you for your clear and excellent explanation. Do you have extra lessons for IELTS, task1 about body and conclusion? How can I have it?
You can check out all our IELTS lessons!
I loved the way she explained the lesson!!
Thanks Emma for great lesson.
Thank you Emma, I live in Canada for about 16 months but I haven’t heard expressions like those before. Maybe that might be because Canadians don’t use them while speaking with new English speakers. Doesn’t it?
Hello Emma ! How can I start to learn English ? I have studied English at school long time ago. Now, I am 50 and It is difficult when you are not young anymore. I don not know what it would be my first step…grammar, go to school, learn at home ?
My drean is to learn English because I love this language and I want to prepare myself for my retirement doing cultural things all over the world.
With all due respetc,
Thank you Emma, This is my first time watching your videos and I LOVE IT! <3
Hi Emma, I hope to see more videos. I will to recomend this website ItĀ“s perfect. :D
I would like to watch videos where I can see vocabulary. for example vegetables and listen the pronunsation of them with a photo or draw of them too. ItĀ“s only an idea I am very happy with this website. See you soon.
sorry, I couldn’t see the video
Hi Emma.I am watching your video first time..and i understood every thing.i am new at speaking english..Did I wrote every thing correct??
Comment allez-vous Emma? Always useful lessons.
I wanna to express how lucky we are to have this website!!! I fell in love with it and its teachers. So, I spend at least an hour per day and my English is getting better and better. Thanks a lot, wishing you all the best, and long life to EngVid.com
thank u very much teacher emma
i am proud of teacher emma
hi emma ur really great teacher.i like all ur lessons and i love the way u use when u address ur lectures.ur my favorite teacher.
hi Emma you are great teacher
my qustion is why i can unserstand you but i can’t understand athoer pepole they have orginal languge . like a movei?
kaindly thank you
Hi..Teacher Emma i am watching your vedio frist time thanks alot i like it u lrean this lesson so much ..I’ll watch your vedio every day….! see u soon
This is a real donation of knowledge to give somebody for real. Please always try to answer your students. god bless you
Really it is very helpful Emma,
‘ring a bell’ is an interesting expression I think :)
but I don’t understand the last example ‘ Does our website http://www.engvid.com ring a bell?’
could you explain one more time? thanks! :)
Hi there,
Hope all’s well with u,
The quiz was so obvious,any way…tx.
A ? plz:in the 3rd example of the 3rd expression(Does our site….),ring a bell? means Do u remember?!
D best!
this video ring a bell me that english is not that difficult
Hi Emma,
Really fantastic to go through your lessons, they are very useful. Thanks a lot for providing good knowledge about English
Thanks a lot for providing good knowledge about English
Thanks Emma for this lesson, you really helped us a lot. See u soon.
Hi,Emma Teacher!
It’s a great pleasure to meet you and the site.
The Vid Eng is the best thing that exists on the Internet. I’m spreading to colleagues who enjoy and study this language. Especially their classes!
Sorry for the inversion: EngVid!
Thank u Mam
Really I enjoy your lessons and I’m quite happy that your lessons are really useful to me.
thank u all the staff at eng vid for your help and great ways of teaching
hi.. Emma am can you pleas make a video about spelling rules… pleas pleas
thank you for ur lessons. I really love engVid video…can u show some idioms in the next lesson?
love the way you teach English. hope you come to srilanka.
Thank a lot, a lot, a lot Emma
Hi , KSA is here
thanks Emma you have a white heart and I can see it in your eyes .
God bless you |~
Hi emma! Thank u so much. I”m practicing my listening and when you talk I can understand very well. you speak clearly
Dear Emma
I hope to be teached by a good teacher like you because in Australia most of the English teachers are NOT qualified enough.
Bset Regards
Dear Emma,
Thank you. Your teaching expression is very nice easily we can understand.Thanks, Wish you all the best.
Best Regards
Ma’am, is the expression ‘that reminds me’ similar to ‘speaking of’? I think they’re the same.
Hi Emma, good lesson.
About “If worse come to worst”, is it follow for future simple or present simple?
In the first example. you were use present simple.
In the second you use future simple
About the first expression, it is the same in Spanish.
Hi Emma I hope you excellent future.
I like your accent, it’s very clear.
I have seen your videos tens of times, so my listening is more improved.
Thanks so much my teacher Emma.
hi mam! this is my first lesson i learned from you,i enjoyed it vey much, you are also a very good teacher and teaches very well, i hope your lectures will help me a lot in learning english. THanx
Very clear, thank you.
Thank you very much Emma for your lesson !
Hi Emma
Thanks a lot…
Please teach me….
Thanks Emma. Your explanation is so easy, and I could understand well.
Before I listened your lesson, I was confused when I should use these expressions. But now I know. Thanks again, and have a nice day. Bye^^
To Emma
That was a very useful lesson I
Hi Emma. I like so much of your classes. All website is great. Congratulations for all time EngVid.
Hi teacher
thank you for your lesson
but i wanna ask u to explain the last example ( does our site http://www.engvid.com ring a bell ? )
Hi teacher,
truly you are a able educator.
your lectures helps me lot.
Thank you very much.
Thanks Emma! You are great! (Sidney – Brazil)
hi emma
ilike your teaching way could u plz tell me where we use “have got” and “has got”? plz do tell me
Thank you Emma your clsses are useful
god bless you!!!
What a wonderful you are!
You’re a great teacher Emma,thanks a lot.
Your lesson is really great and clear.
Thank you.
Where can I ask a question about something else,please?
you are good teacher
thank you very much :)
thanks emma your lessone is very good
Very useful video. Thanks Mrs.
Emma !
i love you emma. would you please marry me ?
when I saw the expression first i not understand now with my eyes closed
you really good teacher and i say’s Pass with flying colors
Emma God gifted you teaching skills i appreciate that you polished as well. nice accent.very nice explanation
Thank Emma, you are great…!!!
Thank you for your lesson, was very clear…
Thank you Emma.
I think that it should be completed the 1st example about PS3, writing on the blackboard a phrase that you gave only by word of mouth. It could be more helpful.
Best regards,
Thank you Emma!
I really enjoyed your video class. But, if worse comes to worst i come back and watch the video again.
really great way in teaching Miss. Emma . yo simplify the subject to be easy to understand by the students.
best regards
Teacher Firas
I learn 3 new expressions now!!!! thank you sooooo much ….
Hay, I have a question. I work with British and they always use those silly expressions which are far from making any good sense to me. For instance, “Living the dream”. What does it mean? If any teacher or the mod can answer, please.
If you’re “living the dream”, it means you’re doing what you’ve always hoped to do. (“She always wanted to be an astronaut, and now she’s going to Mars. She’s living the dream.”)
You can also use it sarcastically to mean the opposite. (“I always wanted to be an astronaut, but instead I sit at a desk all day and answer the phone. Living the dream.”)
Thank you Emma I love your way!
Thank you so much Emma you are the best. I am happy for you thanks
That was a nice lesson. I liked the friendliness you put on it. Good continuation.
you make me a new skill in conversations skill and I new student nice to meet you teacher,thank you for lesson. haha
emma,mam i m a new student but really i like this most. ur teaching is very gud.
Thankyou verry much for these lessons. It is a realy useful site with great teachers. You are doing a great job
Thank Emma! I love this lesson.
thanks a lot.Engvid teachers and there lessons are very awesome
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much for your class.
thank you soo much for this lesson, it is very helpfull.
thank you emma for your interesting topics,really it’s ring a bell to me.,,,,,,
Thank you so much Emma for your efforts , and I have two questions , first one is (what the deference between till and until?) and the second one is (is there any deference in meaning between pretend and claim).
I’m sure these expression will help my conversation more fantastic
Thank you very much teacher Emma
It was really a nice lesson thank u soo much teacher emma
thanks emma, im 36 years old, but im very interesting to can speak fluently…im come from indonesia…
thanks Emma im 27 Years old is ery interesting
thanks emma
i wanna to know what the meaning of ” ruine my cover ” means?
thank in advance
I like this lesson,thanks teacher.
Thank you very much teacher
it is very good teachers
hi emma could u tell me how con i improve my english.your lesson is good
Emma ur way of Explaining is superb,thats makes me feel so easy to learn in a quick and easy way .. thanx so much Eamma :-)
Hi I am from romania i like very much
Thanks a lot Emma.
Hi Emma, this lesson is very interesting. Thank you so much!
thank you very much emma Ijust have been aproblem I coudnt write very good how can I improve my writting
Thanks Emma for your time and effort,your are a good teacher and teaching.Have a good one.:D
hi emma!congratulation for this lesson.even though i got 100 scorses i’m not good spiker.What do you recomande me
Thanks very much Emma…Very good classe
thnx Emma
Hi Miss Emma. The explainations were very good and clear. Thanks very much…. Can you please tell me how to score high in TOEFL iBT test and what necessary preparations are needed?
Hello Emma! This lesson is very nice,I like it.Thaks.I am from Moscow .
I am a malian, in my contry, it’s dificult to speek in english because people don’t speek. I Want to speek english. Can you help me with a book? I a beginer. thanks
Hi,Emma, enjoy your lesson not ready yet do it just wonder How do you do the exams? As I said in my profile I am 47 and born in Toront lived here all my life learning keeps my mind sharp.
On Sunday Oct 14 ran the 21K race it started at City hall and finished there.
ohh… bt i will try more n more..
All expressions are best explained by Emma.
Thanks for good leading us.
Hello Emma, I am one of your new students from Middle East. May I have your e-mail, please? Because I need your help to improve my English specifically on writing, if it’s possible. Thank you so much for all your help.
i hate the class
Hi! Emma, its nice video.
now I’m improving my English day by day.
Great lesson Emma!! I am a new student from Colombia. Thanks!!!
Thanks a lot! Ring a bell? Ja!
Hi mam
Is “ENGVID” enough to master English.
every day i watch 4 videos is this Ok?
I wish you advise me how to improve my english faster.
dear Emma
I am Tatev from Armenia,I would like to know what the sentence “ring my bells” means?
You are very good!You are teaching very art…thank you.I speak English not well because I not…
this is just gr8 :) i mean i love this website .. it has helped me alot ..
hi emma,I am thanking all teachers working and helpping peapel like me to learne english at this sit.its my first time I joind and ihop it will be the key.but english not as frence/…
Many thanks Emma! Your lesson very useful! I’m looking forward to learning your new lesson.
Take care!
thank you Emma.could you tell me please what is the difference between hictoric and historial
It is very important for me I am waiting for your answer
Thank you Emma) It’s very interesting lesson. In my language we have similar expressions, that’s why it was easy for me to understand the meaning.
hello Emma i would like just to thank u so much for all this lessons
its really useful…thanks to Engvid and all teachers
Thank you Emma
you have to be sarcastic like, mrs.Ronnie :-p , go on you are the best :D
Hi Emma .. i am new student in ur classes could you please help how to improve my language without traveling or taking with native speakers,, i am from jordan
thank alot Emma you are the best
Thank you so much for your teaching and you are so beautiful really(:
Hi Emma, your lessons are always helpful & u have a nice way of teaching :)
thank you so much, you are good teacher
very clear, useful lesson, thank you very much
Thank you Emma for interesting and useful lesson!
Keep it up!
Have a ball!
Guys need your help!
I have to improve my low English-speaking skeels.
If you have a desire to communicate with me, I will be glad.
Here is my Skype ID – jevgeniikyrychyk.
Hi Emma. You’ve got a whole lot of positive energy inside yourself. How are you doing this??
Please, Give me more movie about useful conversation expression. I like it:)
100% =D
HI emma
could plz make video about how to use INTO and piz the meaning of this expression. “FROM FRYING PAN TO THE FIRE” thnx a lot i really like your videos it helps a lot
hi my special valued teacher
may i get your email address? i need your help regarding the study in Canada.
nice lesson
Emma, nice lessons. May i ask you if you’re talking slowly, or is this your normal speaking way?
thanks for you to sacrifice for us.
my question is this i want to speak an accurate english how i m supposed study ?,what is th mainly liaison in native english speaker
Hi miss Emma..I would like to thank yu first.
I have a problem with dealing would,should,might and could words..im kind of confused that where and when i ‘ve to use those things in specific situations.
Hi Emma,
You’re a great teacher. I learned lots of things with you. I would like to know if you give private tuition in IELTS online. Thank you.
Dear Emma
I really like your teaching.
Thanks for your clearly explanation
I learn a lot.
Nice lesson thank you emma.. i have a questions can you tell me some tips when I am going to say a speech in front many people .. pleasee!!!!
hi emma i’m a student from morocco i want to thank you a lot for your assistance, my english was weak and unclear ,but when i bigan listen and watch all your lessons videos i feel my english is going to improve
Only 80%. My bell didn’t ring at all in second question ;)
You are so beautiful today^_^
Thanks !
Hi EMMA i would like to ask you a Question that confuses me please..
I wanna know the differences between these phrases and when to use it …
1- we are going to learn
2- we will be learning
3- we are going to be learning
or do they have the same meaning ?!!!
Hi Emma
My name is Tam, I am confused about the difference between “also” and “as well”. I mean the way to use them? Could you please explain to me?
Best regards,
really impressed by the way you speak i mean your accent,as a native speaker i can get clearly what you say and surely that will help me to improve my speaking as well as my pronunciation. thanx Ems.
thanks for your teaching; my English is so waek I can’t speak and I can’t
I’ll definitely use this this words.
Thanks Emma
Thanks Emma,
U have taken very well.. It’s really interesting expressions which our common conversations..
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma.
Could you teach me how to greet someone?
When people say ” How are you, today?”. I usually reply “Fine, Thank you” or “OK”. I want to learn more common expressions. Thanks a lot.
That’s a good idea! I’ve added it to the list of requests, so one of the teachers can make a lesson for it!
hi Emma i have aproblem in agrammar and i can’t understand anative tone speakers ,what shall i do or listen to improve my writting and reading skills ,please help me ,best wishes.
you are good teacher thank you
Absolutly 100 % of score.U are great.
Thank you very much for this lesson
Can you please tell me about difference between “make” and “do”
Thangks alot
Thank you.
These are wonderful expressions.
Hi Emma. Could you teach me about the different pronunciation of the letter (A)?
That reminds me. Thanks alot for this class. I got 100 |0| |0| |0|
thank u for this test..
Thanks Emma! This lesson reminded me to watch again the lesson wich explain the difference between remind, recall and remender. I forgot their correct uses but I guess you made this lesson.
I meant usages instead uses.
I am very much impressed by this video..and i have to say that i love the way you teaching…
You are seriously cool!
This is my first time on this web and I love it!
Thank you .
I was at the pub six months ago and my friend lent me some money. I haven’t seen him since that time. This lesson rings a bell that I have owed him 500 crowns since March !
Thank you very much Mr’s Emma.
You are very amazing teacher and this lesson is very useful
thank you very much Emma .
Excellent class, Thank You!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ms Emma Useful lesson! :)
Hi, Miss Emma. Thank you for the lessons. I found your lessons very useful.
If you don’t mind I would like to give you a question: What does it means “White collar crime”? Excuse me for the mistakes if I have and thank you…….
Thank you so much miss Emma. That was really helpful.
Thank you so much miss Emma. That was really helpful!
thank you Emma!
Thank you Emma. I got
Thank you Emma. I got everything, besides one word. You repeated several times “you should memorize as a ch…”. What was this word? I could not to find. What does it mean. I know it beside the point, but anyway. Thanks!
Hopefully I can become a master of English soon after i watched some emma’s lesson. If worse come to worst, I have to stay on engvid for a while.
I like the way you teach. :)
Thanks Emma got 100%.
I’ve done all my exams well (100%), ring a ball?
Thx Emma this was great.
Did I you the expression correct?
I have a mistake in last comment:-))))
Did I use the expression correct?
Thank you very much~ God bless you^^
These 3 expressions are really helpful for my daily spoken~~thank you
I Scored 100!!! Thank you so much Emma. It was something New.
Hi Emma
It was a great lesson by a splendid teacher, I am preparing for the TOFEL exam and my weak point is a speaking section can you provide me by some tips and advices to improve my speaking especially for the TOEFL cause I need to explain many points in a short time and it’s so hard.
Merci en advance.
thanks a lot my teacher .. u r a great .
Thank you,
Thank you mam… so much
Thank you
Thanks Emma.
This lesson reminds me speaking is the most important part of each language!
your way of using hands and laughing when you are speaking is simply superb
i really liked your way of saying
and i learnt so much
thank you so much and i would like to watch your video classes more
Thank you!
really great video feel enthusiastic after getting full on full u way of teaching really better than other on engvid mam plzz suggest me how can i improve my speaking skills when i speak in front someone my mind goes off and often forget every thing that i learned and mostly people told me if u want to speak fluent u must practice with someone who know english speaking otherwise it’s west of time and there is know one who can speak with me so what should i do mam
If worse comes to worst I will watch your lessons Emma.thanks.
Thanks so much for your lesson :). I want to practise speaking EL but no one can help me. I hope anyone can talk with me on skype. thanks so much. my skype:nana.na1234
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma ,Your voice help me improve my listening ,and I tried to repeat every of your word to practice pronunciation .God blesses you.
thanks Emma,your name rings a bell
Thank you Emma. Even if these expressions are not common in writing, do you recommend us to use them in writing…I mean in our professional messages?
Thank you Emma
I really thanks
Hi, Emma! Thanks for your lesson. It’s so helpful for me. Even though I started these lessons only a week ago, I already feel that I will be addicted to your lecture.
Emma, is there anyone who says that you remind of some movie star? When I first saw you on utube, I could’t help thinkng an actress who appeared on famous movie, “Leaving Lasvagas”. Even I thought that you maybe a relative to the movie star. Especially your voice and intonations are really simillar to hers. She is very talented actress that I enjoyed watching her movie and now I’m enjoying watching your lesssons. Thans a lot.
she is fantastic teacher , I wish improve my English by her lessons , thank you very much .
Emma, thank you very mach for your fantastic lesson. I hope that i can enhance my English immediately with your lectures.
Hello everybody, the lessons in video are amazing, i’m learning new words and expessions and inproving my vocabulary, very, very good,
I didn’t get the idea of the second method (Speaking of). But the lesson was useful
Hi Emma,
Thank you very much for your lesson. You are the best english teacher I have ever had to listen.
And to my friends from engvid, hi guys, if you want to improve your english, please add me on skype
Great lesson .
thanks for this class, I understand to you very well,
I tried to learn this lesson two times. And I got perfect.
I hope I can use these conversation expressions fluently.
Emma! Thank you so much for your nice lesson.
Thank you.
Thank you for your commitment
Well done
Realy I very thanks you alot, Emma
i’m new student in your class
I hope you to speak about the work ,I’m civil engineering and treat with English NATIONALITY
Sorry for my bad English to speak with you
Very useful. I like your class. Thank you.
Hi Emma ..
You are doing a great job my dear. I enjoy your lessons alot. One thing i want to ask you is that i want to build my vocabulary because i stammered when i was debating with my colleagues and it was very irritating for me. So kindly suggest me some tips to improve my vocabulary skills. Thank you.
the quiz ring a bell emma
this my quiz:
You got 4 correct out of 5.
I have a mestake at number two
If worse comes worst. Sking ship, load it to sink faster. There is a treasure under the sea.
could you please explain which tense should I use with “reminded me of”. when I want to pinpoint the evet that happened in the past or something that I used to do or did. For example this reminded me of the day I taught him a english lesson or this video reminded me of the way I used to teach him.
Thanks Emma! the lesson is very useful
Hello Emma I love your english classes, thanks so much! This expressions the class today was very nice for keep dialogue in daily routine.
Thank you yery much, Emma. Very useful expressions. You’re the best teacher.
Hello, Emma
would tell me how teach adult people in a very interesting way so could enjoy the lessons well.
well I am an English teacher in AKF-A that deal with all elder guys.
would please guide me
Hello, teacher
really i like so much her classes,
you form to explain the lessons is very interesting,
oh that reminds me, that emma is the most beautiful and intelligent teacher. :D
Hi, from your explanation the English language becomes easy and easy!!!
I comment in your video last time ring a bell??
If your thoughts of learning English wors comes to worst, just watch Emma videos!!
Hi, nice work, interesting topic with so practical use.
I will watch videos from engvid everyday. if worse comes worst, I will make up for what I missed finally.
Thank you Emma
Hi, Emma.
Thank you for this lesson. I’m watching your lessons almost everyday.
They fit me, so I enjoy them very much.
I got 5 out of 5 in this quiz, but I should use these phrases in right way at right time! It’s difficult for me to do so.
I will continue to watch your videos in order to improve my English skills.
Thank you again!
Hello, Emma, I got the perfect score! Thanks!
thanks wonderful excellent ring a bell
Thanks Emma , I really learned something today ,I appreciate , I got the full mark :)
Thank you Emma
thank you Emma. you’re a real teacher. I learnt a lot from your lessons
Useful expressions. Thank you so mucho Emma
I got 5. Thanks a lot Emma
I decided to join a national choir competition. I would have to practice for hours everyday. I said “If worse comes to worst, if my grades become lower, I’ll stop singing in choir for the next semester.”
emma so thnks you are Number 1.
I have benefited so much from the lesson
Thank you very much
I scored 4 out of 5
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 80. That remind me, I should improve my skills.
Emma you are the best teacher!!
It was a really excellent way to learn some chunks in english, thanks a lot Emma. Congratulations. If you don’t mind, i would like to say that u are pretty beatiful.
hello Mrs Emma — i already have never seen or listened which person who can explain those expression as well.
best regards
Taking a test makes you aware of your mistakes.
Respectfully, talking about the question :”If something rings a bell, it means you remember it, but no clear”, my answer was false, because when somebody is talking to me about a movie he watches on TV, it (what he just said) reminds me CLEARLY that it is a DVD sale in the MALL. I think that my friend’s talking is a something.
I would appreciate it if some body explain me if what I think is an error.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Thank you teatcher
you are wonderful
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thank you
5/5 ok!
hi emma, thank u so much!!
Tanks a lot EMMA was your lessons about remind me and ring the bell .. Honestly the topic valuable and more beneficent too , and I look forward to have similar Topic ..
she is one of the best teacher of Eng
thanks for all,I get 10/10 for this lesson i find it very interesting
I liked this episode!
Emma, thanks for your job!
I know it’s stupid question ??
But if miss someone strongly then it’s wrong to say (I miss you a lot )
I wish I could speak like u Emma ma’am.thanks for the lessons anyway.You rock!!!
Thanks Emma,
I am thankful whit you, your lesson, how you teach, etc.
Mr Toufik from Algeria
Thanks a lot!!!
Actually am new here. But nevertheless I really love your lesson have learnt a lot from you… God shall reward you well! Rings a bell I haven’t been taught this format before in my life… Plz I need more explanation on IELTS
Thanks for the lesson
I appreciate your lesson questions
A million thanks for your outstanding lesson mam!It’s so useful,very clear and more informative.you have explained eloquently.After watch this lesson I have to take a quiz,if worse comes to worst again I take a quiz.I love your lesson as ever.you are amazing mam.
Thank you Ms. Emma.
Thank you!
Hello teacher, Emma. In this lesson I heard you said “I kind of… or I’m still kind of…” This form I’ve never seen before. It’s very strange for me! So could you make a new video lesson to teach that form in grammar and use? Thanh you.
Thanks Emma.
Easy test.