Do you want to impress your friends, colleagues, and teachers with more advanced vocabulary? Are you tired of using the same vocabulary again and again? In this lesson, you will improve your vocabulary by learning five advanced adjectives that will make you the intellectual life of the party! This lesson covers maudlin, lackadaisical, interminable, egregious, and visceral. Grab a bottle of wine and get ready to enhance your lexicon!
Very Good lesson teacher.
Once more thing:
May yoy help me about a expression that I am not undestand yet:
“To take for granted”
Can you explain to me please?
Hi, Anselmo.
Take something for granted;
contar com ovo no cu da galinha… :)
Evaldo Mendes
Hi Evaldo, exactly, now became easy to understand.
Thanks a lot
Interesting lesson on vocabulary Alex, but . . . it will take some time before these words actually become part of my active vocabulary.
If I do not put them into real practice, I am quite sure I’m going to forget them soon.
Thanks for everything.
Have a great day Alex!!!
the meaning is
” non dare per scontato “
I’m sorry Anselmo ( and EngVid ), I had thought at first sight that you were Italian and I replied in my language …
Hi Marvilla, No problem.
Thanks a lot.
To assume something or someone will always be there regardless of how much work YOU put into the thing or relationship. Basically, it means you do not value something properly.
For example:
I don’t have to help you! Don’t take me for granted!
Thanks everybody for the explanations.
This expression was not usual to me.
best regards.
Hi Anselmo!
“take something for granted” significa não reconhecer o valor de algo, ou ver isso como algo corriqueiro.
They all are my first words. Really difficult and confusing. But I got 8 correct out of 10. Maybe I was just lucky. haha. My housework is interminable (this sentence is correct?) Thank you, Alex :)
Your sentence is fine. :)
Thank you, Alex :D
Thanks for more five new words in my vocabulary..
thanks Alex very much !
Thanks, very useful
Thanks for your lesson, can we use this when we are writing?
Thanks I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Interesting lesson on vocabulary Alex, but … it will take some time before these words actually become part of my active vocabulary.
If I do not put them into real practice, I am quite sure I’m going to forget them soon.
Thanks for everything.
Have a great day Alex!!!
Regino, are you going to be lackadaisical?
Yep!!! Oftentimes you do not have any other choice at hand Hiubhp.
I’m sure you expected a visceral reaction on my part, but guess what? I welcomed your observations with open arms. I’ve learned a lot from all of you.
Have a great weekend!!!
Thanks a lot! And these words will definitely take most people a while to really memorize and incorporate into their own personal lexicon. :)
Thanks Alex.Very interesting lesson.
Egregious for Italian students of English is a “false friend”.
Egregio in Italian means Dear. Es: Dear Sir, Dear Mr Rossi…..
Thanks for let me know it!Very useful! Ciao.
No problem! And I just learned some Italian. Cool!
Very good lesson. Tanks
Ivo Crifar
thanks a lot)) i have no hesitation about usefulness oh these words. got 100% ;D
Thanks! Alex.
Can you make a movie about ‘engage’. I know this word has different meanings, but I don’t know how to use it well in sentences in different meanings.
If you could help, I’ll appreciate it. :)
That’s a good idea for a future lesson. I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks!
Hi Alex, the word ‘engage’ is hard for me to use too. Could u make a video, ths.
thanks, you gave me great words to study…they are all useful for everyday conversation…
Thanks for your video and I got 80% so lucky but somehow I can’t understand other words you used in this video, although I heard them before
Thanks Alex,
I got 90%.
thanks for the short presentation of these vocab item, I like so much the first two items: moudlin and lackadaisical. I like the way they sound.
Thanks!Very interesting and useful lesson!
Abisso Rain
Thanks so much Alex.
I want to ask you about this: “I’m looking forward to meet you” some people say it is wrong. I’m confused, why?.. I need your help about this…thanks in advance Alex..
“I’m looking forward to meeting you” is correct. You need a gerund form for a verb that follows the phrasal verb “to look forward to”.
“look forward to” is the expression. Since the expression ends with a preposition (“to”), you need to follow it with a gerund. (verb+ing)
More examples:
“I’m looking forward to seeing you.”
“He’s looking forward to watching the movie.”
Thanks Alex, greatly appreciated :-)
Thank you very much teacher for this interesting lesson.
I’d like to follow some lesson about the “did” when used either affirmative phrase and interrogative form
Thank you for this excelent lesson, Alex. I’ll practice these adjectives (all but visceral new for me) in my conversations. I’m not a lackadaisical person.
Luiz Alberto
That’s a good thing!
Great lesson.I got 9 out of 10. I lenrn 4 new words. thank you so much Alex
Awesome lesson on vocabulary!
I got 10/10.
Thank you very much sir. Your video is very informative. One request please provide more adjectives as in the PDF format. Again, Thank you.
Great lesson! Thanks Alex :)
Thanks Alex.
I got 10
“Interminable” and “visceral” are alike words in my own language.But “maudlin”, “lackadaisical” and ” egregious” I’ve never heard them before.Maybe I was lackadaisical in my vocabulary improvement.
Thank you very much!
In the quiz I saw the question:
“Did you EVEN check your facts?”
Is it right?
I think better ask:
“Did you EVER check your facts?” Isn’t it?
I got 100. Very good material. I hope I don’t have to use “lackadaisical” and “egregious” with my students but they will be very useful in case I have to. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Alex, it was a great lesson.
You are awesome and a great teacher
Dorian Garcia
Thank you Alex! :)
have I ever said how I love new vocabulary? Pity that them get me confused ´cuz it’s too much vocabulary to remember.
The net in our country is very bad, but I intresting very much in your lesson, thanks.
Abuomar Sabbagh
thanks Alex I wish you could post more words … I GET 10 OUT OF 10 it’s incredible ….
mili gomita
excelent I love these lessons . It help me a lot
Thank you so much ALEX . I get 10 out of 10.
Tnx teacher, I got 100%!!
Tnx teacher, I got 100%!! Nice!
What a visceral lesson! Not interminable. Semms like Alex hasn’t been lackadaisical last week.
Haha. Nice. Just make sure you say “Seems like Alex wasn’t lackadaisical last week.” :)
Roma locuta causa finita ;-) I will use past simple in such cases.
thx Alex, great lesson!
at first i thought was donig a lackadaisical job…boooum the lesson was so visceral!
thx again.
Hi Alex! Excuse me but I’ve a question for you. Why, in the first sentence, the verb “make” has the “s” at its end.
Thank you very much indeed!
Thanks Alex…
great teacher
80%- give me five
I got 80%
That means, I have to repeaat your Explanation again and again :-)
Thank you Alex.
I got 10 out of 10.^_^
When I see some new words I feel like I’m lackadisical.
But this time, I wroted down all the quizes.
So I repeated those words. It helped me to memorize the new words for me.
Thanks again!!
reiko kenmotsu
Hi Alex,
Thanks for being so clear in your explanations!
After that video I definitely won’t be lackadaisical anymore! LOL
I can’t wait for more videos!
wow what a great lesson! thanks a lot. Keep up
10 out of 10 :)
Very good job!!
Thank you very much)
Thank you so much. You are the best
Great, after this lesson I will sound like Sheldon Cooper!
Useful lesson for daily interactions, first time I receive class about this excellent tool for conversations.
Alex your clear pronunciation and appropriate body-language help so much, thanks!!
Dennys Espinoza (Vzla)
Oh man i got 9 out of 10 YUPEEEEEE i knew it…!
Hi, teacher!
Great lesson! More five words in my mind.
Bye bye!
hauhauh Very nice! I just found this web site and signed up! Its amazing! The videos are great and you Alex is the best! I almost felt like we were actually interacting! Good job with the timing! hehe Nice tips in this video! I will sure try to use this words and sound smarter! heheh Thank you! :)
That was one of my very best lessons Alex ;). Advanced vocabulary is something I’ve been looking for. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary
Ps. I love your hairstyle ;);):)
Please for some more lessons like this, please, please, please, please, please ;)
Thank you,Mr. Alex
8/10 I hope I will learn by heart and try to use it.
6. That test felt interminably! I can’t believe I finally finished it!
so we can use “can’t” not “couldn’t”. honestly, i wonder a little but never mind. thanks a lot
thank u for that amazing lesson i want more and more new intresting vocabulary plzzzzzzzzzzz
Great lesson, great teacher! Thank you Alex!
Very Interesting lesson! Thank you Alex!
Thanks so much for that effective lesson .
sherif abdullatif
Thank you alex,
You are crazy, you know it.
God Bless you.
You Guys Rock!
Wielkie dzieki! :)
thank you, Alex
Nice, new vocab, thank you !
Hi, Alex
I felt myself lackadaisical lately because of the interminable winter which made me feel really maudlin. I’ve made egregious statements about the weather, the country, the nature. The arrival of the SPRING is a visceral experience to me, I can’t wait to see the flowers all around and the SUN shining!!
Thank you very much, Alex. As I have said before, you are the best!!!
Thank i will try.
Thanks very much. Your lesson was very helpful to me. Please do more of this lessons. Thanks again . Your doing the best.
thank you very much for the lessons, i felt incredibly visceral because my quiz score almost perfect ! lol
thank you Alex but I have problem in pronunciation how can I face this problem??
Thank you very much-)
very helpful lesson..Good quiz example..I like both.
can u make a video about all kind of ”to be”? I ‘m confused about it :(
Thx a lot my favorite teacher ever.
Tks teacher. Your class was incredibly enlightening.
Thanks Alex. a great lesson.
thanks Alex, i got 100
Thank you!
like visceral sex after a interminable lackadaisical afternoon.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for the lesson, as it awoke some brain cells that I haven’t used for quite a while. Hehehe
God Bless You and Yours!
Cpt. Michael R. Metzler Sr.
Helicopter Test Pilot
English Teacher
The word lackadaisical sounded like a tongue-twister to me at first, but I actually like it! I can’t wait till I use it!!!
Gracias Alex!!!
How can I request a lesson?
I would like to see a lesson that explains the archaic words: Thou, thee, thy, thine, and Ye
Basically, “ye” is the 2nd person plural pronoun, which in modern English is just “you”, like the 2nd person singular. (Some English dialects still have a 2nd person plural pronoun, though — “y’all”, short for “you all”, is common in the United States.)
“Thou/thee/thy/thine” are various cases of the 2nd person singular pronoun that would only be used with people you are familiar with. “You” was the more formal 2nd person singular pronoun. Now we just use “you” for everything. However, there are many other languages that still have different pronouns depending on who you are addressing!
engVid Moderator
How can I request a lesson?
For nearly 15 years, vocabulary has been the most difficult part of learning any language. After 4 years of researching, I found the only two methods that work universally:
1. Draw a picture for every new word (in psychology this is called learning by association)
2. Study the etimology of every new word.
These is a whole theory in psychology as to why each of these methods works, but simply said it is because different parts of the brain get involved in remembering the new word. The traditional methods for learning vocabulary engage only one part of the brain, and are therefore ineffective for far too many individuals.
I would like to see the teachers adapting one of these techniques, or better yet combining them.
thank you very much alex!
So long time not learning English on the engvid. I leaning so many awesome words today. Thanks Alex. I got 8 out of 10.
thanks Alex ) i got 100%
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned 4 new words,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned 4 new stuff,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned new stuff,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
such a nice vocabularies i feel visceral to learn more
I got 100% and now I can say how I fell:
My housework is interminable, but I have been lackadaisical lately! If only I could spend all my time in Engvid…
Thank you Alex!
Sally S
Happy I got 10 correct out of 10.Thank you Alex for the lesson .
Great lesson! Since visceral and interminable are Latin words, they are easier to understand if you speak one of the Latin languages, but the other 3 are totally new for me! Thanks a lot, Alex!
I’m sure you mean Romance Languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, and the like.
Words that come from Latin are easy for us to learn, it goes without saying Ana Coelho.
Hello Alex
Thanks for such a nice video lesson.
Could you please tell me that these adjective expressions for everyday uses or for formal situation?
The most visceral experience I have ever had was diarrhoea.
this is my first English lesson I take on line, but it was interesting.
Enoe Ayala
amazing lesson thank you
lol really awesome class thanks for this page its free and well i first find a page like this,thank you a lot
Thanks Alex.
I got 10 correct out of 10. This means you’re a very good teacher, Alex! Thank you very much!
I got 10 correct of 10. This means you’re a very good teacher, Alex! Thank you very much!
Thanks a bunch, Alex!
You’re awesome!
I loved it! I got 10. I do love this website!
Very useful lesson.
This is very useful and interesting! Thank you.
l’ve got 10 awesome!!
thank you alex your a very good teacher
soraya 050@
very cognitive lesson! Thank you!
wow,I’ve got 10 out of 10.thanks
Good for you Thomchelle, your score speaks for itself.
All the best with your English!
ahhh 80 %. Ok thanks.
great lesson!
thank you.
Great lesson! Thanks.
100% x3 thanks~
Great and useful lesson … I’m so grateful to you Alex and all staff of engvid because you are doing amazing job :) … all words can’t appreciate your work teachers .
My regards .
Thank you Alex I got 90. To be lackadaisical about your lesson is an egregious decision
Thank you Alex.
Great lesson :)
He is a good teacher, I can’t believe it today is my first day and I got 10 over 10 on the new vocabulary Quiz.
fama fall
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I got the quiz perfect :)
Thank you very much ALEX
good lesson.
10/10! BOOM! Thanks for the new words in my vocabulary. Only watched it once and I now know it. I thought I was slow learner, apparently not!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you, Alex. But I think there are many more adjectives to learn. I hope you’ll make other videos on them.
hmm.. i hope we have a chat box to practice our grammar . thank you alex for teaching us . i will use this website to share my friends ..
Is Visceral a positive thrill or can be used in negative context as well?
For ex- I was feeling visceral when dentist was plucking my tooth out. “Right” or “wrong”?
Is ‘being maudlin’ similar to ‘being nostalgic’?
“Don’t be egregious?” Is this a right expression if you don’t agree to a person on some topic.
Hi Alex.In most of the quizzes I got 100 and I dont brag about it,even though if the lesson were interminable I wood never feel lackadaical,not even for egregious bad comments.
Thank you.You are one of the best teachers I ever had in my whole life.
sorry, lackadaisacal
I liked
carlos 2138
so happy to learn new vocabulary :)
Hi, Alex, thank you for your wonderful lesson. I’m fascinated by the sentence “Grab a bottle of wine and get ready to enhance your lexicon!”, which comes from the introduction under the title. Could you explain the meaning and usage of “Grab a bottle of wine and …”, thank you so much.
and I was wondering the meaning and usage of “make you the intellectual life of the party”. Never before have I come across the expression “make someone something”.
Please help me.
Many thanks Alex. Except “Interminable”, all the words are new in my lexicon. One again Tahnk you ^_^
Alex, you are awesome but this haircut doesn’t suit you
looking at these adjectives (I do not know yet) makes me maudlin…
Perfect score. Thanks Alex!
Precious Gee
Thanks a lot, dear teacher, Alex ! … I have to recognise that I had never heard about these words. I got 8 out of 10, but I think I have to prectice them many times, I’m still confused in some contexts! I hope my process of learning and improving my English communication skills won’t be interminable ! I dream of being fluent in English, at the end of 2016! … I hope I will never turn into a lackadaisical person, but a tenacious one ! *** Best wishes for you and all my virtual classmates, from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America ! G’day!
Thanks Alex. I really enjoyed the way you presented the material. Positive vibes))))
I got 100% Thank you Alex =)
Grinko Evgeniy
thanks a lot ;very helpful
dead link Sir !!thnks
this test seems harder
Thank you Alex,your lessons are always helpful.
I really like this mini lesson to boost my vocabulary to the advanced level. Could you have more lessons like this? Thank you in advance!
A great lesson
Thank you Alex
I got 9 correct out of 10 :)
Thank you very much Alex. I got 9 out of 10. Next time, I wont be lackadaisical in paying attention to the sentences!!. (is it right?)
Alex, thank you very much… Never met those words before…:)
All your lessons are very very helpful!!!
Thank you so much
7out of 10 not so bad thx sir
Asma abyad
Sir you are good at inculcating knowledge into student’s brain. Am I correct?
can’t love the “sound smart” series more! Thanks, Alex! guess I ‘ll soon be able to recgonize them in reading and use them in writing one day.
To be honest, I feel like a child watching Dora the explorer when I repeat after Alex lol that makes me laugh.
Thank you so much Alex! Great content!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thanks Alex!
10/ 10 gracias alex.!
10/ 10 gracias alex.!
your are great
Thanks.. I appreciate your efforts.
Mohamed Ali Moyasser
thank you Alex!?
Really helpful lesson. Thanks a lot Alex and engVid.Your approach and teaching module is fine.
AKM Mostafa
Looking at photos of me and my ex makes me feel maudlin.
When I was smoking all the time I was feeling Lackadaisical
Learn English for free with 2160 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very Good lesson teacher.
Once more thing:
May yoy help me about a expression that I am not undestand yet:
“To take for granted”
Can you explain to me please?
Hi, Anselmo.
Take something for granted;
contar com ovo no cu da galinha… :)
Hi Evaldo, exactly, now became easy to understand.
Thanks a lot
Interesting lesson on vocabulary Alex, but . . . it will take some time before these words actually become part of my active vocabulary.
If I do not put them into real practice, I am quite sure I’m going to forget them soon.
Thanks for everything.
Have a great day Alex!!!
the meaning is
” non dare per scontato “
I’m sorry Anselmo ( and EngVid ), I had thought at first sight that you were Italian and I replied in my language …
Hi Marvilla, No problem.
Thanks a lot.
To assume something or someone will always be there regardless of how much work YOU put into the thing or relationship. Basically, it means you do not value something properly.
For example:
I don’t have to help you! Don’t take me for granted!
Thanks everybody for the explanations.
This expression was not usual to me.
best regards.
Hi Anselmo!
“take something for granted” significa não reconhecer o valor de algo, ou ver isso como algo corriqueiro.
They all are my first words. Really difficult and confusing. But I got 8 correct out of 10. Maybe I was just lucky. haha. My housework is interminable (this sentence is correct?) Thank you, Alex :)
Your sentence is fine. :)
Thank you, Alex :D
Thanks for more five new words in my vocabulary..
thanks Alex very much !
Thanks, very useful
Thanks for your lesson, can we use this when we are writing?
Thanks I got 80%.
Interesting lesson on vocabulary Alex, but … it will take some time before these words actually become part of my active vocabulary.
If I do not put them into real practice, I am quite sure I’m going to forget them soon.
Thanks for everything.
Have a great day Alex!!!
Regino, are you going to be lackadaisical?
Yep!!! Oftentimes you do not have any other choice at hand Hiubhp.
I’m sure you expected a visceral reaction on my part, but guess what? I welcomed your observations with open arms. I’ve learned a lot from all of you.
Have a great weekend!!!
Thanks a lot! And these words will definitely take most people a while to really memorize and incorporate into their own personal lexicon. :)
Thanks Alex.Very interesting lesson.
Egregious for Italian students of English is a “false friend”.
Egregio in Italian means Dear. Es: Dear Sir, Dear Mr Rossi…..
Thanks for let me know it!Very useful! Ciao.
No problem! And I just learned some Italian. Cool!
Very good lesson. Tanks
thanks a lot)) i have no hesitation about usefulness oh these words. got 100% ;D
Thanks! Alex.
Can you make a movie about ‘engage’. I know this word has different meanings, but I don’t know how to use it well in sentences in different meanings.
If you could help, I’ll appreciate it. :)
That’s a good idea for a future lesson. I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks!
Hi Alex, the word ‘engage’ is hard for me to use too. Could u make a video, ths.
thanks, you gave me great words to study…they are all useful for everyday conversation…
Thanks for your video and I got 80% so lucky but somehow I can’t understand other words you used in this video, although I heard them before
Thanks Alex,
I got 90%.
thanks for the short presentation of these vocab item, I like so much the first two items: moudlin and lackadaisical. I like the way they sound.
Thanks!Very interesting and useful lesson!
Thanks so much Alex.
I want to ask you about this: “I’m looking forward to meet you” some people say it is wrong. I’m confused, why?.. I need your help about this…thanks in advance Alex..
“I’m looking forward to meeting you” is correct. You need a gerund form for a verb that follows the phrasal verb “to look forward to”.
“look forward to” is the expression. Since the expression ends with a preposition (“to”), you need to follow it with a gerund. (verb+ing)
More examples:
“I’m looking forward to seeing you.”
“He’s looking forward to watching the movie.”
Thanks Alex, greatly appreciated :-)
Thank you very much teacher for this interesting lesson.
I’d like to follow some lesson about the “did” when used either affirmative phrase and interrogative form
OMG. I’ve got 100, Now I am smarter. Thank you, Alex.
PD: You can add me if you want to practise:
thanks, Adam
Good job too .
I got 10 out of 10 ! thank you Alex!
9/10 the last one beat me.
Thank you for this excelent lesson, Alex. I’ll practice these adjectives (all but visceral new for me) in my conversations. I’m not a lackadaisical person.
That’s a good thing!
Great lesson.I got 9 out of 10. I lenrn 4 new words. thank you so much Alex
Awesome lesson on vocabulary!
I got 10/10.
Thank you very much sir. Your video is very informative. One request please provide more adjectives as in the PDF format. Again, Thank you.
Great lesson! Thanks Alex :)
Thanks Alex.
I got 10
“Interminable” and “visceral” are alike words in my own language.But “maudlin”, “lackadaisical” and ” egregious” I’ve never heard them before.Maybe I was lackadaisical in my vocabulary improvement.
Thank you very much!
In the quiz I saw the question:
“Did you EVEN check your facts?”
Is it right?
I think better ask:
“Did you EVER check your facts?” Isn’t it?
I got 100. Very good material. I hope I don’t have to use “lackadaisical” and “egregious” with my students but they will be very useful in case I have to. Thanks a lot!
Thank you Alex, it was a great lesson.
You are awesome and a great teacher
Thank you Alex! :)
have I ever said how I love new vocabulary? Pity that them get me confused ´cuz it’s too much vocabulary to remember.
The net in our country is very bad, but I intresting very much in your lesson, thanks.
thanks Alex I wish you could post more words … I GET 10 OUT OF 10 it’s incredible ….
excelent I love these lessons . It help me a lot
Thank you so much ALEX . I get 10 out of 10.
Tnx teacher, I got 100%!!
Tnx teacher, I got 100%!! Nice!
What a visceral lesson! Not interminable. Semms like Alex hasn’t been lackadaisical last week.
Haha. Nice. Just make sure you say “Seems like Alex wasn’t lackadaisical last week.” :)
Roma locuta causa finita ;-) I will use past simple in such cases.
thx Alex, great lesson!
at first i thought was donig a lackadaisical job…boooum the lesson was so visceral!
thx again.
Hi Alex! Excuse me but I’ve a question for you. Why, in the first sentence, the verb “make” has the “s” at its end.
Thank you very much indeed!
Thanks Alex…
great teacher
80%- give me five
I got 80%
That means, I have to repeaat your Explanation again and again :-)
Thank you Alex.
I got 10 out of 10.^_^
When I see some new words I feel like I’m lackadisical.
But this time, I wroted down all the quizes.
So I repeated those words. It helped me to memorize the new words for me.
Thanks again!!
Hi Alex,
Thanks for being so clear in your explanations!
After that video I definitely won’t be lackadaisical anymore! LOL
I can’t wait for more videos!
wow what a great lesson! thanks a lot. Keep up
10 out of 10 :)
Very good job!!
Thank you very much)
Thank you so much. You are the best
Great, after this lesson I will sound like Sheldon Cooper!
Useful lesson for daily interactions, first time I receive class about this excellent tool for conversations.
Alex your clear pronunciation and appropriate body-language help so much, thanks!!
Oh man i got 9 out of 10 YUPEEEEEE i knew it…!
Hi, teacher!
Great lesson! More five words in my mind.
Bye bye!
hauhauh Very nice! I just found this web site and signed up! Its amazing! The videos are great and you Alex is the best! I almost felt like we were actually interacting! Good job with the timing! hehe Nice tips in this video! I will sure try to use this words and sound smarter! heheh Thank you! :)
That was one of my very best lessons Alex ;). Advanced vocabulary is something I’ve been looking for. Thanks for expanding my vocabulary
Ps. I love your hairstyle ;);):)
Please for some more lessons like this, please, please, please, please, please ;)
Thank you,Mr. Alex
8/10 I hope I will learn by heart and try to use it.
6. That test felt interminably! I can’t believe I finally finished it!
so we can use “can’t” not “couldn’t”. honestly, i wonder a little but never mind. thanks a lot
thank u for that amazing lesson i want more and more new intresting vocabulary plzzzzzzzzzzz
Great lesson, great teacher! Thank you Alex!
Very Interesting lesson! Thank you Alex!
Thanks so much for that effective lesson .
Thank you alex,
You are crazy, you know it.
God Bless you.
You Guys Rock!
Wielkie dzieki! :)
thank you, Alex
Nice, new vocab, thank you !
Hi, Alex
I felt myself lackadaisical lately because of the interminable winter which made me feel really maudlin. I’ve made egregious statements about the weather, the country, the nature. The arrival of the SPRING is a visceral experience to me, I can’t wait to see the flowers all around and the SUN shining!!
Thank you very much, Alex. As I have said before, you are the best!!!
Thank i will try.
Thanks very much. Your lesson was very helpful to me. Please do more of this lessons. Thanks again . Your doing the best.
thank you very much for the lessons, i felt incredibly visceral because my quiz score almost perfect ! lol
thank you Alex but I have problem in pronunciation how can I face this problem??
Thank you very much-)
very helpful lesson..Good quiz example..I like both.
can u make a video about all kind of ”to be”? I ‘m confused about it :(
Thx a lot my favorite teacher ever.
Tks teacher. Your class was incredibly enlightening.
Thanks Alex. a great lesson.
thanks Alex, i got 100
Thank you!
like visceral sex after a interminable lackadaisical afternoon.
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for the lesson, as it awoke some brain cells that I haven’t used for quite a while. Hehehe
God Bless You and Yours!
Cpt. Michael R. Metzler Sr.
Helicopter Test Pilot
English Teacher
The word lackadaisical sounded like a tongue-twister to me at first, but I actually like it! I can’t wait till I use it!!!
Gracias Alex!!!
How can I request a lesson?
I would like to see a lesson that explains the archaic words: Thou, thee, thy, thine, and Ye
I gave it a go here!
Basically, “ye” is the 2nd person plural pronoun, which in modern English is just “you”, like the 2nd person singular. (Some English dialects still have a 2nd person plural pronoun, though — “y’all”, short for “you all”, is common in the United States.)
“Thou/thee/thy/thine” are various cases of the 2nd person singular pronoun that would only be used with people you are familiar with. “You” was the more formal 2nd person singular pronoun. Now we just use “you” for everything. However, there are many other languages that still have different pronouns depending on who you are addressing!
How can I request a lesson?
For nearly 15 years, vocabulary has been the most difficult part of learning any language. After 4 years of researching, I found the only two methods that work universally:
1. Draw a picture for every new word (in psychology this is called learning by association)
2. Study the etimology of every new word.
These is a whole theory in psychology as to why each of these methods works, but simply said it is because different parts of the brain get involved in remembering the new word. The traditional methods for learning vocabulary engage only one part of the brain, and are therefore ineffective for far too many individuals.
I would like to see the teachers adapting one of these techniques, or better yet combining them.
thank you very much alex!
So long time not learning English on the engvid. I leaning so many awesome words today. Thanks Alex. I got 8 out of 10.
thanks Alex ) i got 100%
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned 4 new words,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned 4 new stuff,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
Thank you very much Alex,i liked this video,i learned new stuff,in the test i’ve got 9 out of 10,i’m very happy:)
such a nice vocabularies i feel visceral to learn more
I got 100% and now I can say how I fell:
My housework is interminable, but I have been lackadaisical lately! If only I could spend all my time in Engvid…
Thank you Alex!
Happy I got 10 correct out of 10.Thank you Alex for the lesson .
Great lesson! Since visceral and interminable are Latin words, they are easier to understand if you speak one of the Latin languages, but the other 3 are totally new for me! Thanks a lot, Alex!
I’m sure you mean Romance Languages such as Italian, French, Spanish, and the like.
Words that come from Latin are easy for us to learn, it goes without saying Ana Coelho.
Hello Alex
Thanks for such a nice video lesson.
Could you please tell me that these adjective expressions for everyday uses or for formal situation?
The most visceral experience I have ever had was diarrhoea.
this is my first English lesson I take on line, but it was interesting.
amazing lesson thank you
lol really awesome class thanks for this page its free and well i first find a page like this,thank you a lot
Thanks Alex.
I got 10 correct out of 10. This means you’re a very good teacher, Alex! Thank you very much!
I got 10 correct of 10. This means you’re a very good teacher, Alex! Thank you very much!
Thanks a bunch, Alex!
You’re awesome!
I loved it! I got 10. I do love this website!
Very useful lesson.
This is very useful and interesting! Thank you.
l’ve got 10 awesome!!
thank you alex your a very good teacher
very cognitive lesson! Thank you!
wow,I’ve got 10 out of 10.thanks
Good for you Thomchelle, your score speaks for itself.
All the best with your English!
ahhh 80 %. Ok thanks.
great lesson!
thank you.
Great lesson! Thanks.
100% x3 thanks~
Great and useful lesson … I’m so grateful to you Alex and all staff of engvid because you are doing amazing job :) … all words can’t appreciate your work teachers .
My regards .
Thank you Alex I got 90. To be lackadaisical about your lesson is an egregious decision
Thank you Alex.
Great lesson :)
He is a good teacher, I can’t believe it today is my first day and I got 10 over 10 on the new vocabulary Quiz.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I got the quiz perfect :)
Thank you very much ALEX
good lesson.
10/10! BOOM! Thanks for the new words in my vocabulary. Only watched it once and I now know it. I thought I was slow learner, apparently not!
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you, Alex. But I think there are many more adjectives to learn. I hope you’ll make other videos on them.
hmm.. i hope we have a chat box to practice our grammar . thank you alex for teaching us . i will use this website to share my friends ..
Is Visceral a positive thrill or can be used in negative context as well?
For ex- I was feeling visceral when dentist was plucking my tooth out. “Right” or “wrong”?
Is ‘being maudlin’ similar to ‘being nostalgic’?
“Don’t be egregious?” Is this a right expression if you don’t agree to a person on some topic.
Hi Alex.In most of the quizzes I got 100 and I dont brag about it,even though if the lesson were interminable I wood never feel lackadaical,not even for egregious bad comments.
Thank you.You are one of the best teachers I ever had in my whole life.
sorry, lackadaisacal
I liked
so happy to learn new vocabulary :)
Hi, Alex, thank you for your wonderful lesson. I’m fascinated by the sentence “Grab a bottle of wine and get ready to enhance your lexicon!”, which comes from the introduction under the title. Could you explain the meaning and usage of “Grab a bottle of wine and …”, thank you so much.
and I was wondering the meaning and usage of “make you the intellectual life of the party”. Never before have I come across the expression “make someone something”.
Please help me.
Many thanks Alex. Except “Interminable”, all the words are new in my lexicon. One again Tahnk you ^_^
Alex, you are awesome but this haircut doesn’t suit you
looking at these adjectives (I do not know yet) makes me maudlin…
Perfect score. Thanks Alex!
Thanks a lot, dear teacher, Alex ! … I have to recognise that I had never heard about these words. I got 8 out of 10, but I think I have to prectice them many times, I’m still confused in some contexts! I hope my process of learning and improving my English communication skills won’t be interminable ! I dream of being fluent in English, at the end of 2016! … I hope I will never turn into a lackadaisical person, but a tenacious one ! *** Best wishes for you and all my virtual classmates, from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America ! G’day!
Thanks Alex. I really enjoyed the way you presented the material. Positive vibes))))
I got 100% Thank you Alex =)
thanks a lot ;very helpful
dead link Sir !!thnks
this test seems harder
Thank you Alex,your lessons are always helpful.
I really like this mini lesson to boost my vocabulary to the advanced level. Could you have more lessons like this? Thank you in advance!
A great lesson
Thank you Alex
I got 9 correct out of 10 :)
Thank you very much Alex. I got 9 out of 10. Next time, I wont be lackadaisical in paying attention to the sentences!!. (is it right?)
Alex, thank you very much… Never met those words before…:)
All your lessons are very very helpful!!!
Thank you so much
7out of 10 not so bad thx sir
Sir you are good at inculcating knowledge into student’s brain. Am I correct?
can’t love the “sound smart” series more! Thanks, Alex! guess I ‘ll soon be able to recgonize them in reading and use them in writing one day.
To be honest, I feel like a child watching Dora the explorer when I repeat after Alex lol that makes me laugh.
Thank you so much Alex! Great content!
Thanks Alex!
10/ 10 gracias alex.!
10/ 10 gracias alex.!
your are great
Thanks.. I appreciate your efforts.
thank you Alex!?
Really helpful lesson. Thanks a lot Alex and engVid.Your approach and teaching module is fine.
Looking at photos of me and my ex makes me feel maudlin.
When I was smoking all the time I was feeling Lackadaisical
I got 10/10 yeapiiii