Ronnie Thanks so much for the perfect lesson . :) my scored 4 out of 4 hehehe. . . you are my good teacher :D
Thank you Ronnie, You are a very enthusiastic teacher, I like your teaching method.
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
I’ll tell u
Thanks Ronnie for a great lesson.I did learn a lot from you.More lesson to come :-)
Thank you very much. It is really very useful!
Subject about soup was very useful.)) Thank you Ronnie. I always thought that preparation is just step before cooking.))) In your lesson you told that we cannot say “I ate a dinner”. I am wondering why? When can we use an article “a/an” and where not? The same question about using “the” before noun. Thank again. Take care. :-)
Sorry, Ronnie. I`ve realized just now that I asked you about articles before. And you already respond me. (it`s awkward)I`m blushing.
Thank you mam.
Hello miss Ronnie!! I really like ur lesson, they always r interesting and very useful, it was such a great lesson, I’ve learned a lot through u. Could u tell me what the meaning of curry is?
Curry is an Indian/South Asian dish made with many spices. You have homework……go to a Thai/Indian/South Asian restaurant and try curry!
Miss Ronnie thank u so much :)
You are welcome!
thanks u Ronnie I made my lunch sandwich
I have a question about TRY, it is more correct use TRY instead EAT in “go to a Thai Asian restaurant and try curry!”? or can I say “go to a Thai Asian restaurant and eat curry!”?
by the way thanks for the lessons
Try means that you are tasting it for the first time!
Thanks for watching!
what a nice teacher, Ms Ronnie ♥
curry one of my favorite!love it! THANK YOU SO MUCH Ms.Ronnie..u’re great teacher
hello good teacher this lesson is great thank you
hi ronnie you are my queen of english thank you god bless you have a nice time
thanks u miss for this lesson . may god protect u . u r good-hearted i see that at u .
yemen's girl
hate it a lot
the lesson is good
thanks teacher Ronnie
saludos desde mexico lindo y querido
that realy very good lesson
thank you alot teacher Ronnie …:) !
Thanks Ronnie, it was really useful lesson
Hello Ronie..:-)When can we use an article “a/an” and where not? The same question about using “the” before noun.I hope u can help me with my grammar.Thanks:)
Search the website for “articles” (an/a/the), I believe that another teacher has already done that lesson! If not, I will do it for you!
Hi Izzahyazid
I know it has been such along time since you asked this .
It’s just that I know the answer and I would like to tell you .
We use (a) for the single noune which start with a concenant letter not vowel
for example : a dog , a cat , a car ,a girl .
We use (an) for a noune which start with vowel
for example: an elephant, an apple, an orange ,an ice cream.
We use (the) firstly : for a contenant or natural things like sky , earth , sun, moon etc…
for example : the sun , the moon, the USA , the UK, the dead sea , and so on
scoendly: we use the to talke about specific things which we know
for example : where did you learn english ? on the website of engvid .
where did you leave your coat ? inside the car.
we said (the website) because you know which website we were refering to.
hope you got me.
Thank alot this lesson is grate
thanks ronnie teacher.amazing english classes.iam learning a lot of thing from you .thak u god bless you
its really amazing lesson I really wish to be in the future great teacher just like you…..any way I have a question I see this sentence in my book”at glance sentences for Lee brandon” (she had not eaten since the clock struck twelve ) is it right sentence ? because I think the first action is “the clock struck twelve” hence it must be”she did not eaten since the clock had stuck twelve” because as I think its past perfect sentence so why do they consider it like this?
Yes, that sentence in the book is correct!
Hi,i really like your lesson.You are a good teacher for me.Thankyou so much,may god bless you.
Thank you, for the wonderful lesson.
please need help to learning english
I had a TV dinner once – the highlightings was the mustard.
Mr Gerund
Did you have a tasty sausage TV dinner, with 2 potatoes? You really did have a posh meal, in Canada there is no mustard in a TV dinner, only a salty white sauce.
Thanks for watching!
hi how are you been our better teacher ,first thing i love your lessons and i wish to make something better on this ,evry thing is very well ,i hop you have good luck for you life,and thank very muck for any act ok ,but now i wanna know deferant about him her them it and how can we use these pronone
kamal rahi
ok byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye and have good luck with us
kamal rahi
Bu now, I only can now Thank you for this lesson, it wad very interesting.
Thank you, Ronnie~
It’s an interesting lesson for me.
I realized I made a lot of mistakes about side dishes.
Thank you. Ronnie
It as an interesting lesson for me.
I realized I made a lot of mistakes about “side dishes”.
Dear Ronnie! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
I do not have the text of any lesson! Sorry!
What a pitty!
Watch it on you tube and you can get subtitles..
Very interesting subject!!
Thank you teacher~
Hi madam, nice lesson!I liked it! You are an inspiring teacher!
hi Ronnie you very good teacher i leanr so much from you Ronnie could you please help me about pronunciation
I am sorry, I do not know how to download the lessons.
hi ronnie, pls tell how to start to speak others
The best way is just to introduce yourself and ask people questions about themselves or the surroundings!
ronnie madam, i like ur way of teaching, pls in future wat verb going to use?
In the future, we use “will+base verb) or be going to +base verb.
There is a lesson about going to and will on engvid! Please watch it and I hope it helps you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Hi Ronnie, I’m from Thailand. I’m really love to learn from your Video. It’s really appreciated.
Hi, Ronnie. It’s so splendid to be in communication with you. But I wanna ask you, which is correct:
No problemS or No problem? And why?
Thank you for your reply!
We say no problem when we talk about both singular and plural…..why…because it is slang!
okay…. thanks
Hi Ronnie; How are you ? I hope everyting is going fine for you . Thank you so mush for your help.
Hi Ronnie
would you please prepare a lesson on ” exam vocabulary” like
are you prepared?…oh that was hard! ….
I will try to make a video like this for you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable! Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please. And else what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
I’m sorry i didn’t see that you don’t have texts, please don’t take note. thank you
i m always perplexed with the right use of vocabulary.
is my sentence correct?
children are very young, hence they are vulnerable to the social ill.
hi ronie tell me which no is not correct sentence..
1. They study by themselves in adversity without any technological aid.
2. The family conflict is inevitable outcome of poverty
3. i am not gratified by his work.
thanks so much for help me
Hi, Ronnie! What are differences between
1) yours and your and my mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
thank you Ronnie a lot…
Ronnie , please help me! I’m studying both English sections , literature and linguistics . But I have a problem this term with the English criticism especially the neoclassicism and renaissance styles that I hate being an English student! could you help me please ?!
Sorry, I am an ESL teacher, not a English professor. I too studied English in University but I am afraid I am not of much help to you, as I didn’t study neoclassicism or renaissance styles.
that’s great.
Thank you. You´re a great teacher.
Can you tell me when to use “to+verb” and when the “ing” form of the verb ex. Should I say: “I like to play soccer” or “I like playing soccer”
I looking you through in Thailand..
I’ve used English about food very bad. Thank you Ronnie!. You help me form the crisis..
Ohh.. I very excited..!!
I looking you through in Thailand..
I’ve used English about food very bad. Thank you Ronnie!. You help me form the crisis..
Thank you Ronnie very very much. You realy helped me. I learned all your lessons. You are the best teacher I have ever known. Thank yoy, thank you, thank you…
is it for vadim?
mrs Ronnie your are a very gooood teacher
you use helpful ways
thanks a lot
I love this website so much! I’m improving a lot with this free lessons. All teachers are pretty good. Awesome!
I’m going to Toronto in may 1th for learn more about language and canadian culture. See you there!
Edson – Brazil – Sao Paulo
edson garcia
tanks ronnie
sorry (thanks)
hi how are u i m brazilia i think u viry nice i have learn engles with u u explain very well
aaa…im glad i’ve found this website!!!love it!
thank u Ronnie
thank Ronnie i happy to watch your videos
my name is ahmed i live in senegal i like english so much but in senegal the people speal french no english that why i am bad at english but i hope that one day i will be good at english because your website is very good and the people can learn english through your website
thank thank thank i love you mrs
you are a good teacher
thank you dear teacher for the lesson
i’m from algeria and i’m 14 years old
so i hope that you Accept me as a new member
Thank you for this lesson.
:) i love the vedio~! very useful. im going to have a party in next weekend and searve my friends who are speaking english~!
I hope you keep you in explaining the lesson you’re the best teacher ever
I’m fond of you Ronnie
Thank you so
I face a lot of problems and mistakes in my speeling … how to avoid that ? and thanx for the lessons you gaved us here
I too have a lot of problems with spelling! We are lucky now because most computers have spell check so I recommend using that! The only way to learn spelling is by memorizing!
Hi teacher ronnie, I just would like to say that this site is really great! It really helps a lot especially to those who want to learn more about the rules in english grammar. You guys are doing great, the way you delivered certain topics and the way you explain something are really amazing. keep it up and more power! God Bless…
Thanks Teacher Ronnie! :)
thanks alot for that useful lesson , i really learned from you ^_^
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie, I really like this when you teaching English.
I think it will be very useful to make a video about “used to”
hello.thanxs.u r good teacher
I’m an Egyptian teacher of English . I teach English as a foriegn languges for Egyptian students . Can i get a lot of grammer lessons in only one file ?
thank you very much
Thank for teaching me english in such a polite and good way. TS
Thank. u my funny teacher, trough the mistakes and striving i got a lot of usefull thinks from ENGVID
Thanks a lot! for your lesson, and please try “Shami Kabab Sandwich”. I M lovin it
Dear! my teacher I think you are my good teacher who I never met before. I expect that I will get a lot of points for improving my ability in IELTS testing. thank u so so much.
Thank you very very much teacher Ronnie. you are the best teacher i have ever known before. i like to see your all of lessons. I am Mongolian. but unfortunately in few days later i can’t watch your lessons because we are going to move another place, there is not internet. thanks a lot.
can i say i had a beef sandwich with vegetables.Because my teacher say that’s right.
Shayma El
Sure you can say that.
Hi Ronnie. I would like to ask you what is the difference between in and under
As a proposition with examples please
Thank you
Have a nice day
In = inside: “I am in(side) my house.” Under = on the bottom of or the opposite of over: “I am under my bed.” (The bed is over me)
Thanks you.
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot of help.
Ronnie, you are the best teacher !Thank you a lot
many thanks for you miss Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie sister,
You are the best :)
ur classes r really inspiring & fascinating..
can u plz teach me how 2 pronounce words including (starting with/has in middle)-J-????
and also with -c-!!
hi Ronnie!ur classes are really inspiring & fascinating..
could u be kind enough 2 teach me,how 2 pronounce words including (starting/has in middle)-J-???
similarly,can u plz teach me the above wid the letter -C-??
thank you!!
I will try to make a lesson on that for you!
This is a first time, I comment your lesson. I understand all though my english is not good. I really thank you and look forward to the next lesson.You are an excellent teacher. Nice to see you Ronnie ^^
Hi Ronnie, thank you very much for your excellent lessons. It helps me alot. But I have a problem in English concerning food. I’m a bodybuilder and I frequently go on a diet so I always want to know how this food was made, and the problem starts. Grilled, broiled, roasted, barbecued I can’t differentiate between them. Boiled, poached, sauteed, same way. Even dictionaries didn’t help me. In Arabic, each of those two groups has only one equivalent word. Because of this problem I never eat in a restaurant when we travel to an international event. Do me a favour and make a lesson entitled ways of cooking, sounds eye-catching (^-^) and explain the terms that I mentioned! waiting for your answer! Thank you again!
Oh BTW sorry for any English mistakes
To make a video will take a while – so I will tell you the answers.
Grilled = BBQ’d (the heat comes from one source – the bottom and the hot grill cooks the food.)
Broiled = cooked in an oven, the heat source comes from the top.
Roasted = baked. The heat source comes from both the top and bottom.
Boiled= the food is submerged and cooked in very hot water ( boiling water). The pot is deep.
Poached= a shallow pan but cooked in very hot water.
Sauteed = pan fried. Cooked with oil in a pan.
Thank you very much Ronnie!! I have finally understood the ways of cooking after 2 years of suffering LOL. Thank you have a nice time!
but another small question please. Does any way of those requires oil or any kind of fats except sauteed?
Usually the grill is oiled so the meat doesn’t stick to it. It really depends on the cook if they add oil/fat to the meat. Roasted would have the natural fats that occur in the meat but probably none added. It is best just to ask the cook/server!!!!
Thank you so much
I have got 4
i don’t understand ronnia
hi, can u tell me the difference B/W Verb, Adjective, Pronoun and ADverb in a easy way!
Mazhar Khattak
hi,thnx for ur lessons,.I always stuck with words, & due this i not very much fluent with English.Can U Help me out to over come this??
Thank you so much Ronnie
Hello Miss Ronnie, really you are great teacher we have got for lot of knowledge.
thank u for u r teaching !
what’s the difference between “I had dinner” and “I ate dinner”
Thank you so much Ronnie
I enjoy that lesson indeed. Thak you teacher, you are my the one no more :)
Hi Ronnie..I’m Imee from Philippines..i really enjoyed your video lessons. The way u speak is easy to understand..I am not good in english speaking that’s why i keep on watching in your video lessons so i can learn.Thank you so much.More power and God Bless! You doing great in every lesson you made…Take care!
Can I say “I cooked soup” then?
Yes, but it is more natural to say “I made soup”.
Thanks my Teacher so much
Hi! Ronnie, all teachers are good, but specialy, You, speaking good, no fast, no slow, no hi, no low, perfect, and you explain it very well.. I understan almost 100%
I like you how Teaching…. :0)
my nisck name is phanthonghaui
I come from viet nam.
I need a friend to chat in voice or writting in English.
thanks for your kind
Amazing teaching method
plz learn us pronounciation
“Ronnie” You are my first teacher by internet. I just start learn English for conversation . I try listen and do lesson after your lecture.Thank you very much for everything.
Mr.Weerapol Ra-ngubpai
Hi Ronnie. I love watching you English lessons. They are really worth watching. Referring to the lesson on talking about food, can we say like “I prepared curry” instead of ‘I cooked lunch’.
Yes you can say “I prepared curry”, but I made curry is more natural!
hey Ronnie…u r really a fantastic teacher….I just love the way u teach…God bless u.
Hi Ronnie, can I say “I will prepare your breakfast” and “I will prepare your food for lunch”.
NO I will make is what we say!
I WANT one by one your leasion so tell me what can i do?
Just click on my picture on the website and see all the lessons I’ve done.
Hallo Ronnie, can I say I had lunch or I ate lunch. I’m not gonna say I made lunch:)
Thank you so much for teaching us. God bless you!
YOU CAn say I had or I ate lunch – it is the same!
hi ronnie!Iam siraji farid abdi from somalia. Iam really appretiated the way you teach and the way you pronounce the word it is easy to get your words.the one who practices your lessons surely will avoid mistakes mispronounciation.everyone must keep on watching this lesson please
Hi Ronnie,
I’ve some doubts.
Normally we say,
1) I’m blessed with boy baby.
Which one is correct?
Boy baby or baby boy.
2) I feel hungry.
Which one is correct?
I too or me too.
Can u reply this query.
I am blessed with a baby boy.
I am hungry.
Me too.
I cooked my lunch almost everyday, want to know why? because i eat rice for lunch. yes, almost everyday.
hi Ronni today u was looking very beautiful
When’ll we use these below words in sentence,
would,should,could,might,will,shall,can,may. Can u explain with ex for each word. It’ll b useful for me pls.
Hi Ronnie,
I’m just confused while using these words in sentences will,shall,can,may,would,should,could and might. Plz explain those words with ex.
Madam you are very nice teacher. you teach the english in very easy way. thank you so much
tnx in advance.
wow!!! seems o me that preparing was just when you were doing all the ingredients ready to be cooked, no matter what i’m about to cook, so thanks for the explanation!!!! Am i lost or wrong with the meamning?
and again thanks for the opportunity to listen to those usefull tricks and facts that i didn’t know.
Thank you ronnie!!!!
thanks for nice and easy way of teaching
ohh… man… this site is so cool… with it i can learn English more and more… i’m very happy to have found this side.. thank you so much!!
P.S.: I am brazilian, and my english is not very well.. but i’m trying :)
douglas fritzen
Good luck! I am happy you found it! Tell your friends about it!!!!!!!!!!!!
After watching this I am very hungry its 2:00 in afternoon….I will have roast beef sandwich with tomato sauce….. Delicious lesson by the way:)and hope my sentence is correct….
Yes, your sentence is correct!
I was woundred if u tell me about abrivations in english specially those which are like to words.
waiting for your prompt reply.
You mean like A.T.M or U.F.O?
These are called acronyms! Instead of saying all the words ( ATM automated teller machine or UFO unidentified flying object) we just say the first letters of each word!
Dera Ms.Ronnie,
It is really delighted to be your protege.
Iwould be chuffed,if you tell me some of usuall salutation those which,are in common on both English and American language,and also how to have a good end in formal business letters.
Ihave no word to express my deep great thank
Ronnie, thank you very, very and very much, for teaching and being so funny and just wonderfull, your lessons are full of enjoy!!! I LOVE YOU!
You are so good Ms. Ronnie. May god bless you. I am a big fan of your lessons.
wow , amazing Ronni good work
would you mind contact me via Email or facebook to help me provide my English ?
This is the first time I know this web. I like it.It’s very interesting. These are my common mistakes.
I have an inquery that would it be ok to say my name is kinda of religious name.i would be chuffed if u tell me what is the defrence of kinda and kind.
By the way thanks for your prompt reply.
Kinda is how we say “kind of” when we speak very quickly. “What kinda (kind of) pop would you like?”
Kind= nice. He is kind.
Dear: Ms Ronnie I like cooked soup thanks for your lessons.
Hai.. ronnie.. thanks to teach me to understand the exact meaning of the words…
Hai.. i am jeet thanks to teach me to understand the exact meaning of the world….
Hi! mam, Ronnie
thanks for teaching me this lesson, before i didn’t know how to speak & write.Now you make me clear.
Dear Ronnie,
Could you help me? I took the IELTS 4 times and my writing section band was 5.5 all time. What can I do to improve?
Best Regards,
Write a diary everyday to improve your writing skills!
thanks a lot for your help its really helpful,
Mr Maker
Thank you a lot for this video
Very nice lessons and useful for students from the others countries.I like to hear pronounciacion because we learn English not with ears but with eyes and it is not OK.Irena from Czech Europe
hi ronnie how are you ?
i have a little ambiguity in in using cooked soup or made soup.As you mentioned that we use ‘cook’ with the food that is cooked with help of heat but soup is also made(or cooked?) by using heat!!!
thanks for being such a nice teacher!!!
great lesson!
i have a guestion.. if i want to ask the waiter or waitress what the dishes beside the chicken or steak ,,what shuld i say?
wow great lesion Ronnie!
Hello. Ronnie!
It was such great lesson.
Korean B.B.Q “with” Kimch… Not side dish.
I often said “side dish”
Thank You.
hi miss ronnie,what is an ESL teacher? would u please to make a video lesson about the ‘as’ word? thanks a lot^^
And “ESL teacher” = English as a Second Language teacher!
Hi ronnie i really like your lessons but i cant take your quis it not open to me
how i can take quis
i need learn english you help me with your lesson , thank Ronnie
pleas if you can help us on how to write a good essay corectly ans how to choose the exactly words thank’s
wawel amokrane
Thank you Ronnie .i like you :)
HI… I’m from Myanmar.i want to speak English and write very well. I like you teach on video.How to should improve in English? Thank you.
Judah fish
thank you for a godd lessons
Hiiiiiiii my dear teacher Ronnie.i really like ideas.
zaheer abbas
Hi mssis roonie i like you when you teaching but i don’t have grammar and i can’t speake english….. can you help
what a delicious lecture Ronnie.
what can i do now i’m starving!!!
well done Ronnie
good luck my wonderful teacher.
hello,could you please do a lesson for as about how to use the past perfect for an event that occurred befor anther event or time period in the past, i don’t know how to thank you if you did or not.
Yes, I will make a lesson for you!
you are great teacher
i am postgraduate. but i cannot speak english. there are grammer mistakes. can you help me?
Practice makes man woman perfect. The more we practise (or practice) the more we’ll be able to handle English, or any other language for that matter. GRAMMAR is one word people normally misspell as GRAMMER. Not to bother, we can, together, learn English with the help of Ms Ronnie Mdam. She’s very helpful, and teaches very NICE!!!
Hi Ronnie.I am from Armenia.I would like to improve my listening skills.When I listen to your lessons I do understand everything, but when I am watching an English film, I always face the music in understanding.Could you please make a lesson about English common simplifications that the English people usually do in informal situations to make their speech quicker and which makes a lot of problems for English learners to understand them.Or maybe the problem is in the vecabulary, as it does not matter how many words you already know, you aaaaaaaaaaalways meet some unknown words for you, though English is not as rich in vecabulary as Armenian is.
OK! I will try to make a video for you!
please You can help me to speak Enghlish fluently….
thank u very much!!!
great ….. I tried and made two mistakes, I admit. It is nicely educative. Love you Ronnie … Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much that you are willing to help us in learning English.By the way would you like me to teach you Armenian language?You will tickle me in the pink if you say you do.Thank you once more!!!
Hey! Thanks I’d love to learn Armenian but I have to study Spanish right now!
P.S. You have to say I would be tickled pink.
Not “you will tickle me in the pink”. That means I will tickle you in the vagina! ahahah
Oh!Thank you that you corrected my mistake.I am sure I will not make it any more.You made me feel embarrassed really.Ye sometimes you find you in a deep water when you do not master the language.But it is natural, isnt it??I will learn gradually.
And would you please answer what P.S. means that you wrote in your massage?Thank you in advance, love you very much and blow a great kiss to you!!
P.S is from Latin post scriptum and it means Post Script. Post=after Script=writing
We use it when we add something at the end of a letter!
hello teacher, is this sentence correct?
“they teach me a lot of things”
and what is the passive voice? thank you dear ronnie
That is correct!
Search the website for “passive” – there are 2 lessons on the site!
aliana cass
Now i understand all thank you miss ronnie your nice and pretty :”)
aliana cass
understand all thank you miss ronnie your nice and pretty :”)
aliana cass
Your teaching style is very unique. But the style that suits you. Anyone can understand it with fun.
You are a great teacher. I will happy to learn from you.
Thank you :)
I am learning English. So, I apologize if done any spelling or grammar mistake.
Thank you teacher! It was really useful…. I would probably make all those mistakes, but now I won’t :)
I like this program very much. My dream is to be able to speak english in the end of this year ! Why not ???
Thank Ronnie so much. You are canadien right ? You speak french ?
Yes, I am Canadian. NO I do not speak French. I can speak Japanese!!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. Your lessen was very interesting, useful and understandable.
can u plzz give me explanation on MADE,COOKED,PREPARED. cooked and made are these words same?? can we use any of these.?
Made can be anything that you create (cooked or not).
Prepared implies that you have the ingredients ready to cook. (they are washed/cut/peeled)
Cooked means the food was heated/bbq’d/boiled/grilled/fried/baked.
thanks a lot.
Hello, i think that i noticed you visited my site so i came to go back the prefer?.I’m attempting to in finding issues to improve my site!I assume its adequate to use a few of your ideas!!
learn american english online
Thanks for the lessons they are excellent and very useful
Thank You Ms.Ronnie
Hi teacher Ronnie, you are a very good teacher.please help me..can I say
I’m going to take my dinner later – can I use “take” , because I always correct other people do not say ” I will eat my dinner later..Your immediate answer would be much appreciated.
We say I am going to have or eat my dinner later.
Take is unusual.
My english proceeds by leaps and bounds! Thank you Ronnie!
thank you so you mean teacher’s not wrong, it’s just unusual?
hi, how are you
thank you so much
it is good lesson
can i say : i make mu food ?
and whay no say i prepare my food ????
I Like you and i like your methode to explane english which is very simple
Thank you
Ahmed Atallah
thank u Ronnie so much
Hi Ronie! You are my favorite teacher. I’m interesting in TOEIC lessons. Could you let me know how can I take them.
Sorry, I don’t know.
Hi Ronie, I always watch your lesson. I like your teaching adequate. And i am also improving my communication skills while watching your lessons. Thank you so much.You are the best teacher in my opinion thank you very much again.
jayprakash sharma
Thank you ….you are a great teacher
Hi Ronie,i like to watch your lesson,your are so great!!!Thank you!!!
Hi,i really like your lesson.You are a good teacher for me.Thankyou so much,may god bless you.
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Extremely helpful information specially the last part :) I care for such info much. I was seeking this particular info for a very long time. Thank you and good luck.
Elane Neveu
I like the lesson very much,
Awesome! i liked the lesson very much.
I really like this lesson !!
Can you teach me about how I can write formal e_mail?!
Really interesting ….
Hi Ronie,i really impressed of your teaching method ,your are so great.I m going to attend an interview within 15 days.If u Can train me i can attend well.
hi Ronie mam ,
could u please prepare basics over a single tag
thanks dear
Can you help me please? I not good English so much.
You people are doing noble job. God bless you
Hi Ronnie. I come from Indonesia. Fankly speaking, I love how you teach in this video. Clear and Fun…
thank you
thank you
Many many thank for your teaching.
Hi Ronnie
would like to try the pupusas from El Salvador?
great video!
I need help the videos do not work please someone answer me thanks
Miss Ronnie I have an interview with 3 American people to travel to USA in a schooler ship so can you recommended some lessons for me,please.
superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i had dinner lol
Hi Teacher! I have been watching your videos and I never even thank you. Thank you so much, and I hope that I can go to know Canada in some point.
Juan Pablo
thank you so much!
Hi, in italian language, we say CONTORNO, and google translates it as ” side dish” ?!?!
Ronnie is the best teacher!! tnks so much! I learned and understood everything!!! tnks a lot!
Oscar Vega
Very NICE lesson. Thanks.
trooo nazzz
la tess
Hi Ronnie, I’m very happy to watch your teaching in youtube.It is very interesting and very helpful for those who need it.I’m very interesting to write something ,for example poem,schools Anthem,stories etc,but i don’t have a confidence about my writing because i’m very doubtful about my grammar mistake.I request you “will you please do me a favour for correction?”.If u will pls email me “”
very good is the work the practice my like thank you
Hi Ronnie Thanks for ur beautiful lessons. They are all very interesting . Could u pls teach us how to write the IELTS academic task 2 essays soon. I have watched Emma’s task 1 lesson (only one video).Are there any continuation of the same topic lessons available? thanks a million
everyday i’m learning a language from you so i would thank you for it
Hi,,,,,,,, Teacher….. How are you ? nice to see you and study from of your website ok,,,,,, May i study more from you please
HI,,,, Miss Ronnie. What are you doing now? now, May i learning English from you please?
I’m really happy day by day going good with English
Mohammad Yasin Jafari
I want to learn more .so is is possible that may i have any notes .
iam completed mba but not talk to others how to improve my skill please give me suggestion
hi mam why u did not used word of cook for sups its always boiling please explain it thanks for your grand teaching
Tank you very much for teaching us English and very happy about that.
selim Dogan
hi ronnie thanks for your lessons
thank u very much…for this lesson
Shaik Mohammed
Thank you and i m enjoyed for you listen .
see soon .
ibrahim from dubai .
Hello Ronnie.
Speaking of soup may I say cook or only make?
If you open a can of soup and heat it, use cook.
If you cut all the ingredients and prepare it, use make.
In Russia and other post-Soviet countries people usually cook soups. They boil a water, put in a pot meat, vegetables (cut potatoes, carrot etc.), cereals (for example buckwheat, millet or sometheing else.. it can also be macaroni or pea or haricot). And then all these ingredients cook for one or two hours. Soups are usually served hot even in summer. ^-^ So I think Tusia can use a word “cook”.
Thank you for this interesting and useful lesson, Ronnie! You’re the best teacher in the world. I like your videos very much. I know that you used to teach English in Japan. Japanese people also like so called “side dishes” or “okazu”. Did you like a living in Japan? ^_^ I have been to Japan too. It’s a wonderful country.
hello thank y i love u so much u are sooooo sweet please tell me how to refuse in polit way thanks ronni epypt
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
I believe that you are no less than The superior teacher if not the great.
Hi Ronnie I am Gohar from Pakistan. Thanks really i learn so many thing from you. I work in Higher Education Commission as a Clerk. I need to imporve my English Language. Please help me in this situation. And also sent me the link of your videos. Waiting. May Allah / God keep you always happy and safe from all the hardships.
Gohar AlI khan
hi Ronnie.
thank you for all really i enjoy your lossens and please what is the meaning of “snoggled”
hi Runnie
so, is it right that I can say “I cooked soup” so it’s mean that I made chicken soup?
thanks so much!
Thank you for helping me but I would like to ask you how can I make good opening and closing for my presentation
thank you for the lessons you gave us.
Hi Ronnie.
I made 4 correct out of 4 :D.
I understood what you say. It was a great lesson.
Teach us some more English;I’m ready to learn from you.
Have a Great Night.
Incredible lecture! I learned a lot about food thanks Ronnie!
I enjoy watching it. :)
thanks for this great lesson .
Ronnie you are terrific !!!!. Thanks for your lessons.
Thank you very much
Ronnie is that any possibility to use “Have” instead of Try or Eat, Go to restaurant and have curry
its really very interesting , and its very helpful and beneficial.
i did not get first one ( side dishes ) ?!
ronnie u r my fevorite teacher ever.:)
Vipul Singh
Hi Ronnie! I know that what I’m gonna ask isn’t about food, but I’d like to know the difference of “I got” and “I’ve got” or “I had” and “I’ve had” … That always confuses me. I hope you could understand my doubt. Thank you! Bye!
Hi! The lesson is very informative! Thank you, Ronnie! But I’ve got a question not related to this lesson. Could you make video about AIRPORTS (I mean vocabulary, expressions maybe etc.)? I would be most grateful to you! All the best!
Mmm…I’m hungry.Thank you.
Ronnie, thank you very much!
Thanks so much my great teacher Emma I get a lot of benefit from the lesson
Mohamed Dafa Elseed
I’m so sorry I said Emma I mean you great teacher Ronnie That’s because I’m studying with you and Ms Emma thank you so much
Mohamed Dafa Elseed
No problem, me too?
Thank you very much for this lesson, Ronnie! Do you know any great books or references that help English learners choose the right word?
hi, Ronnie, i am Men, I am from Viet Nam, i speak EL not good, im very worry but im trying.
thanks you for this lesson.
men doan
This is message for other teachers:
you should inspire with Ronnie lessons.
she make it by fun way, it very important.
please dont do it like in scholl. it is too boring..
except James, You are funny often :) but talk too fast, i have problem to understand you. but i try :D
Thanks you too much
Waw,i passed it.
I success thank you
ann ann
I cooked lunch and I made lunch .Are both of them correct?
Plz help me for learn English
Thank you.
thanks ronnie .can you speak about past tenses for me plaese?
hi. when I might to use “do” ? in this situation: I do love you. why? thanx
You’d say that if someone says “You don’t love me” or something like that — to correct a statement that says or implies something that isn’t the case. Some more examples:
– “She doesn’t know Spanish, does she?” “Actually, she does speak Spanish.”
– “You told me you’d send me a postcard!” “I did send you a postcard…it must have got lost in the mail.”
engVid Moderator
thanks so much
Dear Ronnie many thanks for everything .
Dear Konnie I love every VDO you made. Than very clear for me :) Thank you so much for your lessons.
ann ann
Thank u
Hi, Ronnie! I like your lessons! :) Concerning this one, I’d like to clarify, if I want to make soup of fresh vegetables, can I use “prepare” or “cook” in this case? And about lunch.. If lunch is not a sandwich, but some hot meal made by myself – can I say that I cooked my lunch? Thanks in advance.
Hello thank
Heleno Silva de Lyra
Hi i dont know if you still read the comments after 5 years, or should i write it in the newest videos?, anyway, after all the explanations of cook, prepare, and make i was a little confused, could you please make more videos about tourism?
Hi ronnie, I wanna ask you a question plesae: Can I say I made dinner?
Tarik rahmouni
Hi, Ronnie! I didn’t understand one thing in this lesson. Can I say that I prepared soup (for example chicken broth) if I take chicken meat, carrots etc? Or should I say that I made it? And … do you really buy soup in cans?!
Jen Kasprzyk
Hi Ronnie you have feeling me very hungry…miam..miam..
Sunny Muffin
Thank you.
You got 2 correct out of 4.
M kartal
Thanks Ms. Ronnie.
3/4! Oh! My first foul in Ronnie’s quiz! I need to go over this lesson.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Ronnie Thanks so much for the perfect lesson . :) my scored 4 out of 4 hehehe. . . you are my good teacher :D
Thank you Ronnie, You are a very enthusiastic teacher, I like your teaching method.
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
Please I want to learn how to write a good essay
I’ll tell u
Thanks Ronnie for a great lesson.I did learn a lot from you.More lesson to come :-)
Thank you very much. It is really very useful!
Subject about soup was very useful.)) Thank you Ronnie. I always thought that preparation is just step before cooking.))) In your lesson you told that we cannot say “I ate a dinner”. I am wondering why? When can we use an article “a/an” and where not? The same question about using “the” before noun. Thank again. Take care. :-)
Sorry, Ronnie. I`ve realized just now that I asked you about articles before. And you already respond me. (it`s awkward)I`m blushing.
Thank you mam.
Hello miss Ronnie!! I really like ur lesson, they always r interesting and very useful, it was such a great lesson, I’ve learned a lot through u. Could u tell me what the meaning of curry is?
Curry is an Indian/South Asian dish made with many spices. You have homework……go to a Thai/Indian/South Asian restaurant and try curry!
Miss Ronnie thank u so much :)
You are welcome!
thanks u Ronnie I made my lunch sandwich
I have a question about TRY, it is more correct use TRY instead EAT in “go to a Thai Asian restaurant and try curry!”? or can I say “go to a Thai Asian restaurant and eat curry!”?
by the way thanks for the lessons
Try means that you are tasting it for the first time!
Thanks for watching!
what a nice teacher, Ms Ronnie ♥
curry one of my favorite!love it! THANK YOU SO MUCH Ms.Ronnie..u’re great teacher
hello good teacher this lesson is great thank you
hi ronnie you are my queen of english thank you god bless you have a nice time
thanks u miss for this lesson . may god protect u . u r good-hearted i see that at u .
hate it a lot
the lesson is good
thanks teacher Ronnie
saludos desde mexico lindo y querido
that realy very good lesson
thank you alot teacher Ronnie …:) !
Thanks Ronnie, it was really useful lesson
Hello Ronie..:-)When can we use an article “a/an” and where not? The same question about using “the” before noun.I hope u can help me with my grammar.Thanks:)
Search the website for “articles” (an/a/the), I believe that another teacher has already done that lesson! If not, I will do it for you!
Hi Izzahyazid
I know it has been such along time since you asked this .
It’s just that I know the answer and I would like to tell you .
We use (a) for the single noune which start with a concenant letter not vowel
for example : a dog , a cat , a car ,a girl .
We use (an) for a noune which start with vowel
for example: an elephant, an apple, an orange ,an ice cream.
We use (the) firstly : for a contenant or natural things like sky , earth , sun, moon etc…
for example : the sun , the moon, the USA , the UK, the dead sea , and so on
scoendly: we use the to talke about specific things which we know
for example : where did you learn english ? on the website of engvid .
where did you leave your coat ? inside the car.
we said (the website) because you know which website we were refering to.
hope you got me.
Thank alot this lesson is grate
thanks ronnie teacher.amazing english classes.iam learning a lot of thing from you .thak u god bless you
its really amazing lesson I really wish to be in the future great teacher just like you…..any way I have a question I see this sentence in my book”at glance sentences for Lee brandon” (she had not eaten since the clock struck twelve ) is it right sentence ? because I think the first action is “the clock struck twelve” hence it must be”she did not eaten since the clock had stuck twelve” because as I think its past perfect sentence so why do they consider it like this?
Yes, that sentence in the book is correct!
Hi,i really like your lesson.You are a good teacher for me.Thankyou so much,may god bless you.
Thank you, for the wonderful lesson.
please need help to learning english
I had a TV dinner once – the highlightings was the mustard.
Did you have a tasty sausage TV dinner, with 2 potatoes? You really did have a posh meal, in Canada there is no mustard in a TV dinner, only a salty white sauce.
Thanks for watching!
hi how are you been our better teacher ,first thing i love your lessons and i wish to make something better on this ,evry thing is very well ,i hop you have good luck for you life,and thank very muck for any act ok ,but now i wanna know deferant about him her them it and how can we use these pronone
ok byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye and have good luck with us
Bu now, I only can now Thank you for this lesson, it wad very interesting.
Thank you, Ronnie~
It’s an interesting lesson for me.
I realized I made a lot of mistakes about side dishes.
Thank you. Ronnie
It as an interesting lesson for me.
I realized I made a lot of mistakes about “side dishes”.
Dear Ronnie! If you have the text of your lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan[ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
I do not have the text of any lesson! Sorry!
What a pitty!
Watch it on you tube and you can get subtitles..
Very interesting subject!!
Thank you teacher~
Hi madam, nice lesson!I liked it! You are an inspiring teacher!
hi Ronnie you very good teacher i leanr so much from you Ronnie could you please help me about pronunciation
I am sorry, I do not know how to download the lessons.
hi ronnie, pls tell how to start to speak others
The best way is just to introduce yourself and ask people questions about themselves or the surroundings!
ronnie madam, i like ur way of teaching, pls in future wat verb going to use?
In the future, we use “will+base verb) or be going to +base verb.
There is a lesson about going to and will on engvid! Please watch it and I hope it helps you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
Hi Ronnie, I’m from Thailand. I’m really love to learn from your Video. It’s really appreciated.
Hi, Ronnie. It’s so splendid to be in communication with you. But I wanna ask you, which is correct:
No problemS or No problem? And why?
Thank you for your reply!
We say no problem when we talk about both singular and plural…..why…because it is slang!
okay…. thanks
Hi Ronnie; How are you ? I hope everyting is going fine for you . Thank you so mush for your help.
Hi Ronnie
would you please prepare a lesson on ” exam vocabulary” like
are you prepared?…oh that was hard! ….
I will try to make a video like this for you!
Thanks for watching and good luck!
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable! Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please. And else what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
I’m sorry i didn’t see that you don’t have texts, please don’t take note. thank you
i m always perplexed with the right use of vocabulary.
is my sentence correct?
children are very young, hence they are vulnerable to the social ill.
hi ronie tell me which no is not correct sentence..
1. They study by themselves in adversity without any technological aid.
2. The family conflict is inevitable outcome of poverty
3. i am not gratified by his work.
thanks so much for help me
Hi, Ronnie! What are differences between
1) yours and your and my mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
thank you Ronnie a lot…
Ronnie , please help me! I’m studying both English sections , literature and linguistics . But I have a problem this term with the English criticism especially the neoclassicism and renaissance styles that I hate being an English student! could you help me please ?!
Sorry, I am an ESL teacher, not a English professor. I too studied English in University but I am afraid I am not of much help to you, as I didn’t study neoclassicism or renaissance styles.
that’s great.
Thank you. You´re a great teacher.
Can you tell me when to use “to+verb” and when the “ing” form of the verb ex. Should I say: “I like to play soccer” or “I like playing soccer”
I looking you through in Thailand..
I’ve used English about food very bad. Thank you Ronnie!. You help me form the crisis..
Ohh.. I very excited..!!
I looking you through in Thailand..
I’ve used English about food very bad. Thank you Ronnie!. You help me form the crisis..
Thank you Ronnie very very much. You realy helped me. I learned all your lessons. You are the best teacher I have ever known. Thank yoy, thank you, thank you…
is it for vadim?
mrs Ronnie your are a very gooood teacher
you use helpful ways
thanks a lot
I love this website so much! I’m improving a lot with this free lessons. All teachers are pretty good. Awesome!
I’m going to Toronto in may 1th for learn more about language and canadian culture. See you there!
Edson – Brazil – Sao Paulo
tanks ronnie
sorry (thanks)
hi how are u i m brazilia i think u viry nice i have learn engles with u u explain very well
aaa…im glad i’ve found this website!!!love it!
thank u Ronnie
thank Ronnie i happy to watch your videos
my name is ahmed i live in senegal i like english so much but in senegal the people speal french no english that why i am bad at english but i hope that one day i will be good at english because your website is very good and the people can learn english through your website
thank thank thank i love you mrs
you are a good teacher
thank you dear teacher for the lesson
i’m from algeria and i’m 14 years old
so i hope that you Accept me as a new member
Thank you for this lesson.
:) i love the vedio~! very useful. im going to have a party in next weekend and searve my friends who are speaking english~!
I hope you keep you in explaining the lesson you’re the best teacher ever
I’m fond of you Ronnie
Thank you so
I face a lot of problems and mistakes in my speeling … how to avoid that ? and thanx for the lessons you gaved us here
I too have a lot of problems with spelling! We are lucky now because most computers have spell check so I recommend using that! The only way to learn spelling is by memorizing!
Hi teacher ronnie, I just would like to say that this site is really great! It really helps a lot especially to those who want to learn more about the rules in english grammar. You guys are doing great, the way you delivered certain topics and the way you explain something are really amazing. keep it up and more power! God Bless…
Thanks Teacher Ronnie! :)
thanks alot for that useful lesson , i really learned from you ^_^
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie, I really like this when you teaching English.
I think it will be very useful to make a video about “used to”
hello.thanxs.u r good teacher
I’m an Egyptian teacher of English . I teach English as a foriegn languges for Egyptian students . Can i get a lot of grammer lessons in only one file ?
thank you very much
No, but here are all of our FREE ENGLISH GRAMMAR LESSONS.
thank.u teacher Ronnie
i understan your very vell
Respected teacher Ms Ronnie.
Thank for teaching me english in such a polite and good way. TS
Thank. u my funny teacher, trough the mistakes and striving i got a lot of usefull thinks from ENGVID
Thanks a lot! for your lesson, and please try “Shami Kabab Sandwich”. I M lovin it
Dear! my teacher I think you are my good teacher who I never met before. I expect that I will get a lot of points for improving my ability in IELTS testing. thank u so so much.
Thank you very very much teacher Ronnie. you are the best teacher i have ever known before. i like to see your all of lessons. I am Mongolian. but unfortunately in few days later i can’t watch your lessons because we are going to move another place, there is not internet. thanks a lot.
can i say i had a beef sandwich with vegetables.Because my teacher say that’s right.
Sure you can say that.
Hi Ronnie. I would like to ask you what is the difference between in and under
As a proposition with examples please
Thank you
Have a nice day
In = inside: “I am in(side) my house.”
Under = on the bottom of or the opposite of over: “I am under my bed.” (The bed is over me)
Thanks you.
Dear Sir,
Thanks a lot of help.
Ronnie, you are the best teacher !Thank you a lot
many thanks for you miss Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie sister,
You are the best :)
ur classes r really inspiring & fascinating..
can u plz teach me how 2 pronounce words including (starting with/has in middle)-J-????
and also with -c-!!
hi Ronnie!ur classes are really inspiring & fascinating..
could u be kind enough 2 teach me,how 2 pronounce words including (starting/has in middle)-J-???
similarly,can u plz teach me the above wid the letter -C-??
thank you!!
I will try to make a lesson on that for you!
This is a first time, I comment your lesson. I understand all though my english is not good. I really thank you and look forward to the next lesson.You are an excellent teacher. Nice to see you Ronnie ^^
Hi Ronnie, thank you very much for your excellent lessons. It helps me alot. But I have a problem in English concerning food. I’m a bodybuilder and I frequently go on a diet so I always want to know how this food was made, and the problem starts. Grilled, broiled, roasted, barbecued I can’t differentiate between them. Boiled, poached, sauteed, same way. Even dictionaries didn’t help me. In Arabic, each of those two groups has only one equivalent word. Because of this problem I never eat in a restaurant when we travel to an international event. Do me a favour and make a lesson entitled ways of cooking, sounds eye-catching (^-^) and explain the terms that I mentioned! waiting for your answer! Thank you again!
Oh BTW sorry for any English mistakes
To make a video will take a while – so I will tell you the answers.
Grilled = BBQ’d (the heat comes from one source – the bottom and the hot grill cooks the food.)
Broiled = cooked in an oven, the heat source comes from the top.
Roasted = baked. The heat source comes from both the top and bottom.
Boiled= the food is submerged and cooked in very hot water ( boiling water). The pot is deep.
Poached= a shallow pan but cooked in very hot water.
Sauteed = pan fried. Cooked with oil in a pan.
Thank you very much Ronnie!! I have finally understood the ways of cooking after 2 years of suffering LOL. Thank you have a nice time!
but another small question please. Does any way of those requires oil or any kind of fats except sauteed?
Usually the grill is oiled so the meat doesn’t stick to it. It really depends on the cook if they add oil/fat to the meat. Roasted would have the natural fats that occur in the meat but probably none added. It is best just to ask the cook/server!!!!
Thank you so much
I have got 4
i don’t understand ronnia
hi, can u tell me the difference B/W Verb, Adjective, Pronoun and ADverb in a easy way!
hi,thnx for ur lessons,.I always stuck with words, & due this i not very much fluent with English.Can U Help me out to over come this??
Thank you so much Ronnie
Hello Miss Ronnie, really you are great teacher we have got for lot of knowledge.
thank u for u r teaching !
what’s the difference between “I had dinner” and “I ate dinner”
Thank you so much Ronnie
I enjoy that lesson indeed. Thak you teacher, you are my the one no more :)
Hi Ronnie..I’m Imee from Philippines..i really enjoyed your video lessons. The way u speak is easy to understand..I am not good in english speaking that’s why i keep on watching in your video lessons so i can learn.Thank you so much.More power and God Bless! You doing great in every lesson you made…Take care!
Can I say “I cooked soup” then?
Yes, but it is more natural to say “I made soup”.
Thanks my Teacher so much
Hi! Ronnie, all teachers are good, but specialy, You, speaking good, no fast, no slow, no hi, no low, perfect, and you explain it very well.. I understan almost 100%
I like you how Teaching…. :0)
my nisck name is phanthonghaui
I come from viet nam.
I need a friend to chat in voice or writting in English.
thanks for your kind
Amazing teaching method
plz learn us pronounciation
“Ronnie” You are my first teacher by internet. I just start learn English for conversation . I try listen and do lesson after your lecture.Thank you very much for everything.
Hi Ronnie. I love watching you English lessons. They are really worth watching. Referring to the lesson on talking about food, can we say like “I prepared curry” instead of ‘I cooked lunch’.
Yes you can say “I prepared curry”, but I made curry is more natural!
hey Ronnie…u r really a fantastic teacher….I just love the way u teach…God bless u.
Hi Ronnie, can I say “I will prepare your breakfast” and “I will prepare your food for lunch”.
NO I will make is what we say!
I WANT one by one your leasion so tell me what can i do?
Just click on my picture on the website and see all the lessons I’ve done.
Hallo Ronnie, can I say I had lunch or I ate lunch. I’m not gonna say I made lunch:)
Thank you so much for teaching us. God bless you!
YOU CAn say I had or I ate lunch – it is the same!
hi ronnie!Iam siraji farid abdi from somalia. Iam really appretiated the way you teach and the way you pronounce the word it is easy to get your words.the one who practices your lessons surely will avoid mistakes mispronounciation.everyone must keep on watching this lesson please
Hi Ronnie,
I’ve some doubts.
Normally we say,
1) I’m blessed with boy baby.
Which one is correct?
Boy baby or baby boy.
2) I feel hungry.
Which one is correct?
I too or me too.
Can u reply this query.
I am blessed with a baby boy.
I am hungry.
Me too.
I cooked my lunch almost everyday, want to know why? because i eat rice for lunch. yes, almost everyday.
hi Ronni today u was looking very beautiful
When’ll we use these below words in sentence,
would,should,could,might,will,shall,can,may. Can u explain with ex for each word. It’ll b useful for me pls.
Hi Ronnie,
I’m just confused while using these words in sentences will,shall,can,may,would,should,could and might. Plz explain those words with ex.
Madam you are very nice teacher. you teach the english in very easy way. thank you so much
tnx in advance.
wow!!! seems o me that preparing was just when you were doing all the ingredients ready to be cooked, no matter what i’m about to cook, so thanks for the explanation!!!! Am i lost or wrong with the meamning?
and again thanks for the opportunity to listen to those usefull tricks and facts that i didn’t know.
Thank you ronnie!!!!
thanks for nice and easy way of teaching
ohh… man… this site is so cool… with it i can learn English more and more… i’m very happy to have found this side.. thank you so much!!
P.S.: I am brazilian, and my english is not very well.. but i’m trying :)
Good luck! I am happy you found it! Tell your friends about it!!!!!!!!!!!!
After watching this I am very hungry its 2:00 in afternoon….I will have roast beef sandwich with tomato sauce….. Delicious lesson by the way:)and hope my sentence is correct….
Yes, your sentence is correct!
I was woundred if u tell me about abrivations in english specially those which are like to words.
waiting for your prompt reply.
You mean like A.T.M or U.F.O?
These are called acronyms! Instead of saying all the words ( ATM automated teller machine or UFO unidentified flying object) we just say the first letters of each word!
Dera Ms.Ronnie,
It is really delighted to be your protege.
Iwould be chuffed,if you tell me some of usuall salutation those which,are in common on both English and American language,and also how to have a good end in formal business letters.
Ihave no word to express my deep great thank
I love the word “chuffed”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is a video for you on salutations……
And here is a lesson on business letters!!
wow…i got the new word “chuffed”…:)
Ronnie, thank you very, very and very much, for teaching and being so funny and just wonderfull, your lessons are full of enjoy!!! I LOVE YOU!
You are so good Ms. Ronnie. May god bless you. I am a big fan of your lessons.
wow , amazing Ronni good work
would you mind contact me via Email or facebook to help me provide my English ?
This is the first time I know this web. I like it.It’s very interesting. These are my common mistakes.
I have an inquery that would it be ok to say my name is kinda of religious name.i would be chuffed if u tell me what is the defrence of kinda and kind.
By the way thanks for your prompt reply.
Kinda is how we say “kind of” when we speak very quickly. “What kinda (kind of) pop would you like?”
Kind= nice. He is kind.
Dear: Ms Ronnie I like cooked soup thanks for your lessons.
Hai.. ronnie.. thanks to teach me to understand the exact meaning of the words…
Hai.. i am jeet thanks to teach me to understand the exact meaning of the world….
Hi! mam, Ronnie
thanks for teaching me this lesson, before i didn’t know how to speak & write.Now you make me clear.
Dear Ronnie,
Could you help me? I took the IELTS 4 times and my writing section band was 5.5 all time. What can I do to improve?
Best Regards,
Write a diary everyday to improve your writing skills!
thanks a lot for your help its really helpful,
Thank you a lot for this video
Very nice lessons and useful for students from the others countries.I like to hear pronounciacion because we learn English not with ears but with eyes and it is not OK.Irena from Czech Europe
hi ronnie how are you ?
i have a little ambiguity in in using cooked soup or made soup.As you mentioned that we use ‘cook’ with the food that is cooked with help of heat but soup is also made(or cooked?) by using heat!!!
thanks for being such a nice teacher!!!
great lesson!
i have a guestion.. if i want to ask the waiter or waitress what the dishes beside the chicken or steak ,,what shuld i say?
wow great lesion Ronnie!
Hello. Ronnie!
It was such great lesson.
Korean B.B.Q “with” Kimch… Not side dish.
I often said “side dish”
Thank You.
hi miss ronnie,what is an ESL teacher? would u please to make a video lesson about the ‘as’ word? thanks a lot^^
And “ESL teacher” = English as a Second Language teacher!
Hi ronnie i really like your lessons but i cant take your quis it not open to me
how i can take quis
i need learn english you help me with your lesson , thank Ronnie
pleas if you can help us on how to write a good essay corectly ans how to choose the exactly words thank’s
Thank you Ronnie .i like you :)
HI… I’m from Myanmar.i want to speak English and write very well. I like you teach on video.How to should improve in English? Thank you.
thank you for a godd lessons
Hiiiiiiii my dear teacher Ronnie.i really like ideas.
Hi mssis roonie i like you when you teaching but i don’t have grammar and i can’t speake english….. can you help
what a delicious lecture Ronnie.
what can i do now i’m starving!!!
well done Ronnie
good luck my wonderful teacher.
hello,could you please do a lesson for as about how to use the past perfect for an event that occurred befor anther event or time period in the past, i don’t know how to thank you if you did or not.
Yes, I will make a lesson for you!
you are great teacher
i am postgraduate. but i cannot speak english. there are grammer mistakes. can you help me?
Practice makes man woman perfect. The more we practise (or practice) the more we’ll be able to handle English, or any other language for that matter. GRAMMAR is one word people normally misspell as GRAMMER. Not to bother, we can, together, learn English with the help of Ms Ronnie Mdam. She’s very helpful, and teaches very NICE!!!
Hi Ronnie.I am from Armenia.I would like to improve my listening skills.When I listen to your lessons I do understand everything, but when I am watching an English film, I always face the music in understanding.Could you please make a lesson about English common simplifications that the English people usually do in informal situations to make their speech quicker and which makes a lot of problems for English learners to understand them.Or maybe the problem is in the vecabulary, as it does not matter how many words you already know, you aaaaaaaaaaalways meet some unknown words for you, though English is not as rich in vecabulary as Armenian is.
OK! I will try to make a video for you!
please You can help me to speak Enghlish fluently….
thank u very much!!!
great ….. I tried and made two mistakes, I admit. It is nicely educative. Love you Ronnie … Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much that you are willing to help us in learning English.By the way would you like me to teach you Armenian language?You will tickle me in the pink if you say you do.Thank you once more!!!
Hey! Thanks I’d love to learn Armenian but I have to study Spanish right now!
P.S. You have to say I would be tickled pink.
Not “you will tickle me in the pink”. That means I will tickle you in the vagina! ahahah
Oh!Thank you that you corrected my mistake.I am sure I will not make it any more.You made me feel embarrassed really.Ye sometimes you find you in a deep water when you do not master the language.But it is natural, isnt it??I will learn gradually.
And would you please answer what P.S. means that you wrote in your massage?Thank you in advance, love you very much and blow a great kiss to you!!
P.S is from Latin post scriptum and it means Post Script. Post=after Script=writing
We use it when we add something at the end of a letter!
hello teacher, is this sentence correct?
“they teach me a lot of things”
and what is the passive voice? thank you dear ronnie
That is correct!
Search the website for “passive” – there are 2 lessons on the site!
Now i understand all thank you miss ronnie your nice and pretty :”)
understand all thank you miss ronnie your nice and pretty :”)
Your teaching style is very unique. But the style that suits you. Anyone can understand it with fun.
You are a great teacher. I will happy to learn from you.
Thank you :)
I am learning English. So, I apologize if done any spelling or grammar mistake.
Thank you teacher! It was really useful…. I would probably make all those mistakes, but now I won’t :)
I like this program very much. My dream is to be able to speak english in the end of this year ! Why not ???
Thank Ronnie so much. You are canadien right ? You speak french ?
Yes, I am Canadian. NO I do not speak French. I can speak Japanese!!!!!
Thanks a lot, Ronnie. Your lessen was very interesting, useful and understandable.
can u plzz give me explanation on MADE,COOKED,PREPARED. cooked and made are these words same?? can we use any of these.?
Made can be anything that you create (cooked or not).
Prepared implies that you have the ingredients ready to cook. (they are washed/cut/peeled)
Cooked means the food was heated/bbq’d/boiled/grilled/fried/baked.
thanks a lot.
Hello, i think that i noticed you visited my site so i came to go back the prefer?.I’m attempting to in finding issues to improve my site!I assume its adequate to use a few of your ideas!!
Thanks for the lessons they are excellent and very useful
Thank You Ms.Ronnie
Hi teacher Ronnie, you are a very good teacher.please help me..can I say
I’m going to take my dinner later – can I use “take” , because I always correct other people do not say ” I will eat my dinner later..Your immediate answer would be much appreciated.
We say I am going to have or eat my dinner later.
Take is unusual.
My english proceeds by leaps and bounds! Thank you Ronnie!
thank you so you mean teacher’s not wrong, it’s just unusual?
hi, how are you
thank you so much
it is good lesson
can i say : i make mu food ?
and whay no say i prepare my food ????
I Like you and i like your methode to explane english which is very simple
Thank you
thank u Ronnie so much
Hi Ronie! You are my favorite teacher. I’m interesting in TOEIC lessons. Could you let me know how can I take them.
Sorry, I don’t know.
Hi Ronie, I always watch your lesson. I like your teaching adequate. And i am also improving my communication skills while watching your lessons. Thank you so much.You are the best teacher in my opinion thank you very much again.
Thank you ….you are a great teacher
Hi Ronie,i like to watch your lesson,your are so great!!!Thank you!!!
Hi,i really like your lesson.You are a good teacher for me.Thankyou so much,may god bless you.
Nice post. I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! Extremely helpful information specially the last part :) I care for such info much. I was seeking this particular info for a very long time. Thank you and good luck.
I like the lesson very much,
Awesome! i liked the lesson very much.
I really like this lesson !!
Can you teach me about how I can write formal e_mail?!
Really interesting ….
Hi Ronie,i really impressed of your teaching method ,your are so great.I m going to attend an interview within 15 days.If u Can train me i can attend well.
hi Ronie mam ,
could u please prepare basics over a single tag
thanks dear
Can you help me please? I not good English so much.
You people are doing noble job. God bless you
Hi Ronnie. I come from Indonesia. Fankly speaking, I love how you teach in this video. Clear and Fun…
thank you
thank you
Many many thank for your teaching.
Hi Ronnie
would like to try the pupusas from El Salvador?
great video!
I need help the videos do not work please someone answer me thanks
Miss Ronnie I have an interview with 3 American people to travel to USA in a schooler ship so can you recommended some lessons for me,please.
superbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i had dinner lol
Hi Teacher! I have been watching your videos and I never even thank you. Thank you so much, and I hope that I can go to know Canada in some point.
thank you so much!
Hi, in italian language, we say CONTORNO, and google translates it as ” side dish” ?!?!
Ronnie is the best teacher!! tnks so much! I learned and understood everything!!! tnks a lot!
Very NICE lesson. Thanks.
trooo nazzz
Hi Ronnie, I’m very happy to watch your teaching in youtube.It is very interesting and very helpful for those who need it.I’m very interesting to write something ,for example poem,schools Anthem,stories etc,but i don’t have a confidence about my writing because i’m very doubtful about my grammar mistake.I request you “will you please do me a favour for correction?”.If u will pls email me “”
very good is the work the practice my like thank you
Hi Ronnie Thanks for ur beautiful lessons. They are all very interesting . Could u pls teach us how to write the IELTS academic task 2 essays soon. I have watched Emma’s task 1 lesson (only one video).Are there any continuation of the same topic lessons available? thanks a million
everyday i’m learning a language from you so i would thank you for it
Hi,,,,,,,, Teacher….. How are you ? nice to see you and study from of your website ok,,,,,, May i study more from you please
HI,,,, Miss Ronnie. What are you doing now? now, May i learning English from you please?
I’m really happy day by day going good with English
I want to learn more .so is is possible that may i have any notes .
iam completed mba but not talk to others how to improve my skill please give me suggestion
hi mam why u did not used word of cook for sups its always boiling please explain it thanks for your grand teaching
Tank you very much for teaching us English and very happy about that.
hi ronnie thanks for your lessons
thank u very much…for this lesson
Thank you and i m enjoyed for you listen .
see soon .
ibrahim from dubai .
Hello Ronnie.
Speaking of soup may I say cook or only make?
If you open a can of soup and heat it, use
.If you cut all the ingredients and prepare it, use
.In Russia and other post-Soviet countries people usually cook soups. They boil a water, put in a pot meat, vegetables (cut potatoes, carrot etc.), cereals (for example buckwheat, millet or sometheing else.. it can also be macaroni or pea or haricot). And then all these ingredients cook for one or two hours. Soups are usually served hot even in summer. ^-^ So I think Tusia can use a word “cook”.
Thank you for this interesting and useful lesson, Ronnie! You’re the best teacher in the world. I like your videos very much. I know that you used to teach English in Japan. Japanese people also like so called “side dishes” or “okazu”. Did you like a living in Japan? ^_^ I have been to Japan too. It’s a wonderful country.
hello thank y i love u so much u are sooooo sweet please tell me how to refuse in polit way thanks ronni epypt
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
I believe that you are no less than The superior teacher if not the great.
Hi Ronnie I am Gohar from Pakistan. Thanks really i learn so many thing from you. I work in Higher Education Commission as a Clerk. I need to imporve my English Language. Please help me in this situation. And also sent me the link of your videos. Waiting. May Allah / God keep you always happy and safe from all the hardships.
hi Ronnie.
thank you for all really i enjoy your lossens and please what is the meaning of “snoggled”
hi Runnie
so, is it right that I can say “I cooked soup” so it’s mean that I made chicken soup?
thanks so much!
Thank you for helping me but I would like to ask you how can I make good opening and closing for my presentation
thank you for the lessons you gave us.
Hi Ronnie.
I made 4 correct out of 4 :D.
I understood what you say. It was a great lesson.
Teach us some more English;I’m ready to learn from you.
Have a Great Night.
Incredible lecture! I learned a lot about food thanks Ronnie!
I enjoy watching it. :)
thanks for this great lesson .
Ronnie you are terrific !!!!. Thanks for your lessons.
Thank you very much
Ronnie is that any possibility to use “Have” instead of Try or Eat, Go to restaurant and have curry
its really very interesting , and its very helpful and beneficial.
i did not get first one ( side dishes ) ?!
ronnie u r my fevorite teacher ever.:)
Hi Ronnie! I know that what I’m gonna ask isn’t about food, but I’d like to know the difference of “I got” and “I’ve got” or “I had” and “I’ve had” … That always confuses me. I hope you could understand my doubt. Thank you! Bye!
Hi! The lesson is very informative! Thank you, Ronnie! But I’ve got a question not related to this lesson. Could you make video about AIRPORTS (I mean vocabulary, expressions maybe etc.)? I would be most grateful to you! All the best!
Mmm…I’m hungry.Thank you.
Ronnie, thank you very much!
Thanks so much my great teacher Emma I get a lot of benefit from the lesson
I’m so sorry I said Emma I mean you great teacher Ronnie That’s because I’m studying with you and Ms Emma thank you so much
No problem, me too?
Thank you very much for this lesson, Ronnie! Do you know any great books or references that help English learners choose the right word?
hi, Ronnie, i am Men, I am from Viet Nam, i speak EL not good, im very worry but im trying.
thanks you for this lesson.
This is message for other teachers:
you should inspire with Ronnie lessons.
she make it by fun way, it very important.
please dont do it like in scholl. it is too boring..
except James, You are funny often :) but talk too fast, i have problem to understand you. but i try :D
Thanks you too much
Waw,i passed it.
I success thank you
I cooked lunch and I made lunch .Are both of them correct?
Plz help me for learn English
Thank you.
thanks ronnie .can you speak about past tenses for me plaese?
hi. when I might to use “do” ? in this situation: I do love you. why? thanx
You’d say that if someone says “You don’t love me” or something like that — to correct a statement that says or implies something that isn’t the case. Some more examples:
– “She doesn’t know Spanish, does she?” “Actually, she does speak Spanish.”
– “You told me you’d send me a postcard!” “I did send you a postcard…it must have got lost in the mail.”
thanks so much
Dear Ronnie many thanks for everything .
Dear Konnie I love every VDO you made. Than very clear for me :) Thank you so much for your lessons.
Thank u
Hi, Ronnie! I like your lessons! :) Concerning this one, I’d like to clarify, if I want to make soup of fresh vegetables, can I use “prepare” or “cook” in this case? And about lunch.. If lunch is not a sandwich, but some hot meal made by myself – can I say that I cooked my lunch? Thanks in advance.
Hello thank
Hi i dont know if you still read the comments after 5 years, or should i write it in the newest videos?, anyway, after all the explanations of cook, prepare, and make i was a little confused, could you please make more videos about tourism?
Hi ronnie, I wanna ask you a question plesae: Can I say I made dinner?
Hi, Ronnie! I didn’t understand one thing in this lesson. Can I say that I prepared soup (for example chicken broth) if I take chicken meat, carrots etc? Or should I say that I made it? And … do you really buy soup in cans?!
Hi Ronnie you have feeling me very hungry…miam..miam..
Thank you.
You got 2 correct out of 4.
Thanks Ms. Ronnie.
3/4! Oh! My first foul in Ronnie’s quiz! I need to go over this lesson.