In this lesson I discuss five great ways to improve your English. All aspects are covered: reading, writing, grammar, and speaking. There is no end to what you can learn, and no reason why you can’t have fun doing it!
thanks for the video Jon, i am learning and practice my bad English XD, so thanks from México
Thanks for your video,but I ask myself if reading and listening at same time is better ?
pls snd me ur emsil id. i would like to speak with u for my carrier… plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
first, I guess so.
Hi Jon thanks for all, i missed your class you’re an excellente teacher. could you do me a favor?. please explain me the differences between sense, sensible and sensitive.
Hello Jon, I really enjoy your listening class today it was my first time to have your lesson through video, so I do appreciate nice listening I have just learn today may you keep it up I particular I want more help especially in grammar tenses I mean connection words
thank you teacher
Jon lost his glasses in the second part of the video. LOL
Thanks for the video!
I knew I could do it :)
Thanks for the video Jon. I noticed you have a T-shirt with the name of my country Peru. that’s nice :) :)
My name is Alex, I´m from Colombia. I want to practice my listening with videos with english subtittles… But I have not found a web with them… someone knows a web with subtitled series… or movies?
Do you know how to use CC on ? Every right corner of video has some options for you. As you can see a box after clicked ‘CC’. It means you can turn on or off automatic sub.:D
Thanks a lot,keep going on these splendid videos, i suggest to give me out some reading books which are easy and available online.
Jon, you missed one important way of learning — games, especially RPG. :)
thanks a lot for free video…english lesson
you’re Getting Weaker.
have you been doing wrong something ? :P
So useful,
Thuy Quynh
I could not identify which part of the video we had the two Actors mentioned.
Please sign the lesson about the “just”
we are confuse with this.. thank you for your lesson…
Hello I am from afghanistan where are you living right now? I watched your videos and liked it today. I need your help in english part. Tank you
Thanks :-)
Thank you! This is always useful to know what paths to follow when learning a language.
And the quiz has got some amazing answers’ options. Like this:
“It’s difficult to concentrate because of Facebook.”
I like it :)
I agree with you. It’s difficult for me to concentrate with Facebook on. :>
Sally S
Hi Sally I would like to practice my English with you. Please add me to skype upp_ulises or what is yours?
Regards from Mexico =)
hahaha..yeahhhh it sounds funny..
i like your goal in this quiz.
could u tell me what the swag means please.i hear it a lot like he has a swag or she has a swag but what is a swag
thanks jon i like your teaching style and i understant better thank u sir very much i thank ful to u
Thanks a lot
Thanh you very much, Jon for your teaching, but I think you should speak a bit more slowly for beginners like me.
nice lesson,thanks
Thank you…
nice :D
thank you,it really help me to realize the interesting way to learn English than just study books.
Tnx …really nice class…and the teacher ir very funny !!
Yeah, great!
5 ways how to improve English by Jon and how not to learn English by James!
Thank you!
Thank you nice lesson,
Hi teacher,i´m from Peru and it´s very exciting see you wearing a carateristic t-shirt from my country and colour blue fits ok on you.
Thanks teacher
Thank u teacher very much
“Sarcasm?” Actually we’re watching The Big Bang Theory (Brazil), and thank you!
Thanks Mr Jon.
The lession was sent to my daughter to see also. And she’s excited with it. And she ask me to thank you too.
Best regards.
jon thanx for all ,,,
I fells this lesson very interesting.
Thanks so much my teacher “John”
Thank you so much ,
but i want to ask you about the good website for improve the English , because i’m saudi girl and i’m study in translation and language college , and i love English but i need some help if you may :)
thanks again
This website is far the best, but you also can use It helped me a lot. I am looking for a partner to practice speaking by skipe. What do you think?
Sally S
Hi Sally which is your skype, can I add it, my skype is upp_ulises
I wanted to tell May I add you, sorry my English is not the best =)
I’d loved to..
Hii Sally.. I want to practice my English too, what is your skype ID? or facebook name?
Thanks Jon, You was wearing a t-shirt from my country, I so proud of my country :-)
Thanks a lot, Jon! Your way of teaching is really very similar to talking (or maybe it’s just my perception :) And I hope to find a new lesson from you every day!
I love this one. Yes, there are a lot of slang.
But as Canada Bill Jones said, “It’s immoral to let a sucker keep his money.”
i don’t like watching movies,what’s the solution?
Hi, nice video. I liked some of the wrong quiz answers so much that I couldn’t resist :-)
Cheers, Maciej
Nice one, will help improve my skills for sure :P
@axelesk Just download a movie in any language and then look for the subtitles in google. You need VLC Player or Media Player Classic for that. Once you’ve got the movie and the subtitles on your computer, put them in one folder and name the subtitles file after the movie one. Hope it works, good luck!
thanks Jon. hi everyone! i speak English very bad. i really want to improve English by myself. who can speak english? help me please!. my account Skype: kevin.nguyen7891 . thanks a lot
Thank You teacher
Thank you!
RPS Jayawardana
Thanks for your effots but I can only partly agree with you, sorry. Imagine you’ve just started learning Russian and try to watch a film in Russian or read a children’s poem. To do that you have to be at least an independant language user. Even in this case I am in a doubt if you will understand the movie…
Thanks you for your lesson. I hope You have many good lessons next time.
Van Huy
thank u .. waiting for more tips
hi Jon such dashing lessons cool man
Hi! I’m a teacher and I loved the writing tip; thanks a lot
hi, my name is rizwan , i live in Dubai. i want to learn English , is there any teacher who help me. Contact with me at my Email
Thanks a lot~
Подскажите, как тут вставить фото?
Я вот пробую, но никак не выходит :(
I think you’re asking about how to put a picture in your comment. Try just pasting the link to it (for example,, or uploading it to Imgur, then pasting the link.
engVid Moderator
thanks, it’s really useful.
no one is anything without Allah.
Thank you so much.
Thanks teacher, i got the idea and i was paying attention as well. I noticed that when i read books not in my level i get frustrated and i give up easily. Thank you for clearing the point and im going to start again reading books in my level.
I like your lessons, is my first time in this web… my puntuation at the quizz was 8.0 not bad for first day!
Thank you teacher.Jon. :)
It was impossible to watch our class because in the lesson meadle it was blocked?????????
thank you very much sir!!! itcould be inprove my english!!
hello i would to know someone to share english togother on messenger cin i add in my email
thank u
Thank you so much Jon for the lesson
Hey Jon ! Thanks a lot ! I thought really interesting what you told us in this videos ! I’ll try to do that to improve my English !
Thank you for this lesson
thank you jon!! :)
Thank you teacher..
This was very instructive. Thanks.
Catherine Lamontagne
Thank you! I especially liked the tip about writing and changing words, as I do that in my own language when writing and “stealing” structures or sentences from good writing authors. Very good lesson, I would also include listenings of all types not only movies, listenings like the radio which normally is more easy as the topics are more focused.
Hi I cant fine any thing about polite conversation please help me
Nice video. I love it. Thank you..
It is very useful. Appreciation !
mmm thanq 4 this useful lesson :)
good lesson
Thank you so much!I learned a lot!
thank you bro :)
Thank you!!
hi Akibelle, nice to meet you :)
Thank you!!
It was a great lesson, I have just found this video by chance. I was watching the music videos, and felt like I wanted to hear some English conversation. I used to be an English teacher, but my English is not really good. This video will help me to improve not only my English but also the way I will be teaching my students when I go back to my country. I have no doubt why people in my country are not well-educated, the low quality of high technology is the main consequence.
thank you ^^
I wanna learn English so much. I like a pop song
hi,this is absolutely unmatched experience for people like me.i learn many things with the help of all my great teachers.thank u so much for arranging this sort of videos.
mohammad aslam
hey! children’s poems that’s a good idea good tips thanks
Listening Comprehension ! 100 :D I’m over wheels
Beautiful poem! Thank you! Reading poems was the best tip, I never had thought about it. Cool! You are great, thank you!
Sally S
Thank you very much!!
I love English and
thank you very much!
Question number seven was tricky :-D
Thank you very much teacher John,your lessons are really great,am an english learner who is living in Mogadishu-Somalia. since I started listening your lessons my is english is becoming great, I download the lessons and convert it into 3gp and listen it while am working,walking and before the bed thank you very much.
best regards
Daud Haji
Question 7 was tricky. I didn’t even read the fourth items and answered the third one (because I have to choose !) Anyway, the tips are really good. The only thing to do is … to do it ! Thanks Jon. Your are really a cool and good teacher.
you’ve got to have a brilliant brain to remind all the things you mentioned in the lesson, good job, thanks.
Thank you for sharing great ways to learn English.
Cool, thanks !!!!!!
thank you !! But please try to speak slowly and clearly ‘coz I can’t undestand every thing
I got 80 %. Thanks.
Hi teacher, thanks for your useful lesson about the communication. i want to respond you for the seven question. I don’t want to meet someone. The only that i want from him is to respond me at the conversation. In my job all my life i was with people who was thinking that was somebody big and i was not able to talk with. Now if someone asks me only then i respond him not in other way.
Please if you have a little time correct me and please if you want correct and my essay because i’m not an author but a simple waiter from Greece.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you 100%
thank you teacher
Exellent questions…tnx
It’s very helpful for me. Thanks
it’s great my teacher .
I still have problems with speaking skill. so if u have new ways to improve it tell me .
thanks your advices
good video but frustrating questions
Mahmoud Mohammed
Thank you so much Jon, this was another great lesson.
I really love your t-shirt by the way.
Greetings from Macchu-Picchu, PERU.
Dorian Garcia
Hello, Jon. Thank you for lesson and I like the your quiz , it makes me smile :)
THE is never used with my, your ,his ………. . Best regards.
I got 5 correct out of 10. That’s too bad for me :(
But I enjoyed the quiz. I have many children’s picture books (not poem). I have had fun with Oxford Dictionaries’ spelling game, engVid, Facebook, TED talk and YouTube recently. I hope to try your quiz again someday. Thank you, Jon :)
Thank you for the lesson Jon. It is helpful
rawan 1996
Like all the examples you gave
Thuy Linh
Hi my name is Sarah, I’m from Indonesia and I’m so interested in English. There’s something I don’t understand. I noticed this from movies, why people who younger than his/her friends or brothers/sisters or someone else used to call them with name?
Thank you :)
Thanks.. liked it!! :D
Oh my God, what a positive man! More I watch your videos more I have a passion about English! You make me smile and even laugh! Thank you!
i read to much books for children, is a good start i hoope :P
Thank you!!!
Abdul Qayum
thank you jon.
Hi, I want to practice my English and make friends
it was was easy to get also i admire ur way of explaining and speaking ..such gd lesson …thanks a lot
hafSsa hafoussa
I loved the class with these tips will improve my English!
Today I learned something new!
Thank u Jon!
thanks teacher, thank engvid, i love to become friend with every persion on the world. my face book is Long Boder
thanks alot :) teacher
mark gerges
hi. I can t watch movie.why?
Probably because Youtube is blocked by your country or the company you get Internet from. Try using the Tor browser (and here is how to enable Youtube).
engVid Moderator
Hi Jon!
First, thanks for the lesson, very useful tips, and I’ll try to use everyone. So, I read about your experience with Brazilian students. could you make a video about the most commons mistakes of Brazilian speakers???
thanks a lot for your explanation and thx for all engvid website.
Plz .. Add me whatsup or tango as you wish . To enhance our launguge 00966536980079. Plz. Plz. Anybody can add me
Hi Teacher! Read me children poems. I love u :)
Thank you teacher… i love your classes, but i didn’t undertand why is weird to watch Friends. Im brazilian too, and i love Friends so much. They are very loved in here… My favorite tv serie.
thanks was a useful lesson.
Hello! I am Anand. I want to improve my English.
I hope we learn together. Please find me on Skype – anand.andy10
Thanks in advance. :)
I like the way 4. This is new for me. Thanks,Jon.
I got 10 out of 10 :). talking with someone is the best way to learn, I’m trying hardly to find someone!!
I’ve got 9 out of 10. and I was expected to get wrong for the last question coz i misheard about it. but I didn’t. hahaha
hey Jon, i don’t know what happaned with your videos, i can’t watch… look there
Thanks you teacher Jon
Nickolas Nembhard
Your a very good teacher Jon
Nickolas Nembhard
Hi Lex21 how are you?
Nickolas Nembhard
thank u so much jon.
Mohsen Barati
Thank you sir jon
Thank you!
Got a perfect score again, this the second time. Thanks jon for this wonderful tips on how to learn English more. Anybody here want to have a conversation in English? So we can practice this together.
If someone here is interested, you can add me up on Facebook. Just search my name. Its ryan tataro Salazar. Thanks.
Thanks a lot. I believed that these tips are very helpful. I will use them to improve my English.
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Thanks Jon
u re so funny Jon..
Thank you,Jon
Mohsen Tatoo
Jon,the subject of video was useful. But actually it was the first time I watched your video,you are a competent teacher but I don’t know why I couldn’t connect with you method. Maybe it’s my fault. By the way,thank you for your advices.
When woman discovered barbeque, man recorded it
Nice t-shirt
Thank you, Jon!!
Thank you Jon
thank you
Ramakrishnan Palakkad
I love that children’s poem. It can relate to adult’s life too.
ok jon! let’s does this! I’m really needing conversations but while it not happens, I’m following engvid and improving my skills! thanks Mr.Jon!
Very good!!! Thanks for the tips!!!
thanks for information
Thanks a lot Mr. Jon!
thanks mate
Thanks I’ll try to use this way.
filipe sebastiao
thank a lot John (KAZAKSTAN 17 oct2021)
Thanks a lot for the lesson, I`ll try to use these ways.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank You teacher Jon
thanks for the video Jon, i am learning and practice my bad English XD, so thanks from México
Thanks for your video,but I ask myself if reading and listening at same time is better ?
pls snd me ur emsil id. i would like to speak with u for my carrier… plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
first, I guess so.
Hi Jon thanks for all, i missed your class you’re an excellente teacher. could you do me a favor?. please explain me the differences between sense, sensible and sensitive.
Hello Jon, I really enjoy your listening class today it was my first time to have your lesson through video, so I do appreciate nice listening I have just learn today may you keep it up I particular I want more help especially in grammar tenses I mean connection words
thank you teacher
Jon lost his glasses in the second part of the video. LOL
Thanks for the video!
I knew I could do it :)
Thanks for the video Jon. I noticed you have a T-shirt with the name of my country Peru. that’s nice :) :)
My name is Alex, I´m from Colombia. I want to practice my listening with videos with english subtittles… But I have not found a web with them… someone knows a web with subtitled series… or movies?
Do you know how to use CC on ? Every right corner of video has some options for you. As you can see a box after clicked ‘CC’. It means you can turn on or off automatic sub.:D
Thanks a lot,keep going on these splendid videos, i suggest to give me out some reading books which are easy and available online.
Jon, you missed one important way of learning — games, especially RPG. :)
thanks a lot for free video…english lesson
you’re Getting Weaker.
have you been doing wrong something ? :P
So useful,
I could not identify which part of the video we had the two Actors mentioned.
Please sign the lesson about the “just”
we are confuse with this.. thank you for your lesson…
Hello I am from afghanistan where are you living right now? I watched your videos and liked it today. I need your help in english part. Tank you
Thanks :-)
Thank you! This is always useful to know what paths to follow when learning a language.
And the quiz has got some amazing answers’ options. Like this:
“It’s difficult to concentrate because of Facebook.”
I like it :)
I agree with you. It’s difficult for me to concentrate with Facebook on. :>
Hi Sally I would like to practice my English with you. Please add me to skype upp_ulises or what is yours?
Regards from Mexico =)
hahaha..yeahhhh it sounds funny..
i like your goal in this quiz.
could u tell me what the swag means please.i hear it a lot like he has a swag or she has a swag but what is a swag
Hi, Abbas
You can use It have been useful to me.
thanks jon i like your teaching style and i understant better thank u sir very much i thank ful to u
Thanks a lot
Thanh you very much, Jon for your teaching, but I think you should speak a bit more slowly for beginners like me.
nice lesson,thanks
Thank you…
nice :D
thank you,it really help me to realize the interesting way to learn English than just study books.
Tnx …really nice class…and the teacher ir very funny !!
Yeah, great!
5 ways how to improve English by Jon and how not to learn English by James!
Thank you!
Thank you nice lesson,
Hi teacher,i´m from Peru and it´s very exciting see you wearing a carateristic t-shirt from my country and colour blue fits ok on you.
Thanks teacher
Thank u teacher very much
“Sarcasm?” Actually we’re watching The Big Bang Theory (Brazil), and thank you!
Thanks Mr Jon.
The lession was sent to my daughter to see also. And she’s excited with it. And she ask me to thank you too.
Best regards.
jon thanx for all ,,,
I fells this lesson very interesting.
Thanks so much my teacher “John”
Thank you so much ,
but i want to ask you about the good website for improve the English , because i’m saudi girl and i’m study in translation and language college , and i love English but i need some help if you may :)
thanks again
This website is far the best, but you also can use It helped me a lot. I am looking for a partner to practice speaking by skipe. What do you think?
Hi Sally which is your skype, can I add it, my skype is upp_ulises
I wanted to tell May I add you, sorry my English is not the best =)
I’d loved to..
Hii Sally.. I want to practice my English too, what is your skype ID? or facebook name?
Thanks Jon, You was wearing a t-shirt from my country, I so proud of my country :-)
Thanks a lot, Jon! Your way of teaching is really very similar to talking (or maybe it’s just my perception :) And I hope to find a new lesson from you every day!
I love this one. Yes, there are a lot of slang.
But as Canada Bill Jones said, “It’s immoral to let a sucker keep his money.”
i don’t like watching movies,what’s the solution?
Hi, nice video. I liked some of the wrong quiz answers so much that I couldn’t resist :-)
Cheers, Maciej
Nice one, will help improve my skills for sure :P
@axelesk Just download a movie in any language and then look for the subtitles in google. You need VLC Player or Media Player Classic for that. Once you’ve got the movie and the subtitles on your computer, put them in one folder and name the subtitles file after the movie one. Hope it works, good luck!
thanks Jon. hi everyone! i speak English very bad. i really want to improve English by myself. who can speak english? help me please!. my account Skype: kevin.nguyen7891 . thanks a lot
Thank You teacher
Thank you!
Thanks for your effots but I can only partly agree with you, sorry. Imagine you’ve just started learning Russian and try to watch a film in Russian or read a children’s poem. To do that you have to be at least an independant language user. Even in this case I am in a doubt if you will understand the movie…
Thanks you for your lesson. I hope You have many good lessons next time.
thank u .. waiting for more tips
hi Jon such dashing lessons cool man
Hi! I’m a teacher and I loved the writing tip; thanks a lot
hi, my name is rizwan , i live in Dubai. i want to learn English , is there any teacher who help me. Contact with me at my Email
Thanks a lot~
Подскажите, как тут вставить фото?
Я вот пробую, но никак не выходит :(
I think you’re asking about how to put a picture in your comment. Try just pasting the link to it (for example,, or uploading it to Imgur, then pasting the link.
thanks, it’s really useful.
no one is anything without Allah.
Thank you so much.
Thanks teacher, i got the idea and i was paying attention as well. I noticed that when i read books not in my level i get frustrated and i give up easily. Thank you for clearing the point and im going to start again reading books in my level.
I like your lessons, is my first time in this web… my puntuation at the quizz was 8.0 not bad for first day!
Thank you teacher.Jon. :)
It was impossible to watch our class because in the lesson meadle it was blocked?????????
thank you very much sir!!! itcould be inprove my english!!
hello i would to know someone to share english togother on messenger cin i add in my email
thank u
Thank you so much Jon for the lesson
Hey Jon ! Thanks a lot ! I thought really interesting what you told us in this videos ! I’ll try to do that to improve my English !
Thank you for this lesson
thank you jon!! :)
Thank you teacher..
This was very instructive. Thanks.
Thank you! I especially liked the tip about writing and changing words, as I do that in my own language when writing and “stealing” structures or sentences from good writing authors. Very good lesson, I would also include listenings of all types not only movies, listenings like the radio which normally is more easy as the topics are more focused.
Hi I cant fine any thing about polite conversation please help me
Nice video. I love it. Thank you..
It is very useful. Appreciation !
mmm thanq 4 this useful lesson :)
good lesson
Thank you so much!I learned a lot!
thank you bro :)
Thank you!!
hi Akibelle, nice to meet you :)
Thank you!!
It was a great lesson, I have just found this video by chance. I was watching the music videos, and felt like I wanted to hear some English conversation. I used to be an English teacher, but my English is not really good. This video will help me to improve not only my English but also the way I will be teaching my students when I go back to my country. I have no doubt why people in my country are not well-educated, the low quality of high technology is the main consequence.
thank you ^^
I wanna learn English so much. I like a pop song
hi,this is absolutely unmatched experience for people like me.i learn many things with the help of all my great teachers.thank u so much for arranging this sort of videos.
hey! children’s poems that’s a good idea good tips thanks
Listening Comprehension ! 100 :D I’m over wheels
Beautiful poem! Thank you! Reading poems was the best tip, I never had thought about it. Cool! You are great, thank you!
Thank you very much!!
I love English and
thank you very much!
Question number seven was tricky :-D
Thank you very much teacher John,your lessons are really great,am an english learner who is living in Mogadishu-Somalia. since I started listening your lessons my is english is becoming great, I download the lessons and convert it into 3gp and listen it while am working,walking and before the bed thank you very much.
best regards
Question 7 was tricky. I didn’t even read the fourth items and answered the third one (because I have to choose !) Anyway, the tips are really good. The only thing to do is … to do it ! Thanks Jon. Your are really a cool and good teacher.
you’ve got to have a brilliant brain to remind all the things you mentioned in the lesson, good job, thanks.
Thank you for sharing great ways to learn English.
Cool, thanks !!!!!!
thank you !! But please try to speak slowly and clearly ‘coz I can’t undestand every thing
I got 80 %. Thanks.
Hi teacher, thanks for your useful lesson about the communication. i want to respond you for the seven question. I don’t want to meet someone. The only that i want from him is to respond me at the conversation. In my job all my life i was with people who was thinking that was somebody big and i was not able to talk with. Now if someone asks me only then i respond him not in other way.
Please if you have a little time correct me and please if you want correct and my essay because i’m not an author but a simple waiter from Greece.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you 100%
thank you teacher
Exellent questions…tnx
It’s very helpful for me. Thanks
it’s great my teacher .
I still have problems with speaking skill. so if u have new ways to improve it tell me .
thanks your advices
good video but frustrating questions
Thank you so much Jon, this was another great lesson.
I really love your t-shirt by the way.
Greetings from Macchu-Picchu, PERU.
Hello, Jon. Thank you for lesson and I like the your quiz , it makes me smile :)
THE is never used with my, your ,his ………. . Best regards.
I got 5 correct out of 10. That’s too bad for me :(
But I enjoyed the quiz. I have many children’s picture books (not poem). I have had fun with Oxford Dictionaries’ spelling game, engVid, Facebook, TED talk and YouTube recently. I hope to try your quiz again someday. Thank you, Jon :)
Thank you for the lesson Jon. It is helpful
Like all the examples you gave
Hi my name is Sarah, I’m from Indonesia and I’m so interested in English. There’s something I don’t understand. I noticed this from movies, why people who younger than his/her friends or brothers/sisters or someone else used to call them with name?
Thank you :)
Thanks.. liked it!! :D
Oh my God, what a positive man! More I watch your videos more I have a passion about English! You make me smile and even laugh! Thank you!
i read to much books for children, is a good start i hoope :P
Thank you!!!
thank you jon.
Hi, I want to practice my English and make friends
it was was easy to get also i admire ur way of explaining and speaking ..such gd lesson …thanks a lot
I loved the class with these tips will improve my English!
Today I learned something new!
Thank u Jon!
thanks teacher, thank engvid, i love to become friend with every persion on the world. my face book is Long Boder
thanks alot :) teacher
hi. I can t watch movie.why?
Probably because Youtube is blocked by your country or the company you get Internet from. Try using the Tor browser (and here is how to enable Youtube).
Hi Jon!
First, thanks for the lesson, very useful tips, and I’ll try to use everyone. So, I read about your experience with Brazilian students. could you make a video about the most commons mistakes of Brazilian speakers???
thanks a lot for your explanation and thx for all engvid website.
Plz .. Add me whatsup or tango as you wish . To enhance our launguge 00966536980079. Plz. Plz. Anybody can add me
Hi Teacher! Read me children poems. I love u :)
Thank you teacher… i love your classes, but i didn’t undertand why is weird to watch Friends. Im brazilian too, and i love Friends so much. They are very loved in here… My favorite tv serie.
thanks was a useful lesson.
Hello! I am Anand. I want to improve my English.
I hope we learn together. Please find me on Skype – anand.andy10
Thanks in advance. :)
I like the way 4. This is new for me. Thanks,Jon.
I got 10 out of 10 :). talking with someone is the best way to learn, I’m trying hardly to find someone!!
I’ve got 9 out of 10. and I was expected to get wrong for the last question coz i misheard about it. but I didn’t. hahaha
hey Jon, i don’t know what happaned with your videos, i can’t watch… look there
Thanks you teacher Jon
Your a very good teacher Jon
Hi Lex21 how are you?
thank u so much jon.
Thank you sir jon
Thank you!
Got a perfect score again, this the second time. Thanks jon for this wonderful tips on how to learn English more. Anybody here want to have a conversation in English? So we can practice this together.
If someone here is interested, you can add me up on Facebook. Just search my name. Its ryan tataro Salazar. Thanks.
Thanks a lot. I believed that these tips are very helpful. I will use them to improve my English.
Thanks you so much
Thanks Jon
u re so funny Jon..
Thank you,Jon
Jon,the subject of video was useful. But actually it was the first time I watched your video,you are a competent teacher but I don’t know why I couldn’t connect with you method. Maybe it’s my fault. By the way,thank you for your advices.
When woman discovered barbeque, man recorded it
Nice t-shirt
Thank you, Jon!!
Thank you Jon
thank you
I love that children’s poem. It can relate to adult’s life too.
ok jon! let’s does this! I’m really needing conversations but while it not happens, I’m following engvid and improving my skills! thanks Mr.Jon!
Very good!!! Thanks for the tips!!!
thanks for information
Thanks a lot Mr. Jon!
thanks mate
Thanks I’ll try to use this way.
thank a lot John (KAZAKSTAN 17 oct2021)
Thanks a lot for the lesson, I`ll try to use these ways.