hai can you please make videos of all tenses with example it wil be so much for much
What about football match ?
I am going to A football match, right?
thnx rebecca.. i will be learning.., more..
endah permata
Better you say: I’ll keep learning.
My english teacher did not explain this to me very well and i am so glad that i found your video…it has already made me understand subject- verb agreement better!
Hey man!
Correctly, It has already made me understood S- V agreement better!
All Best wishes to you! Hope you secceed in learning English!
“Hey man!
Correctly, It has already made me understood S- V agreement better!”
It is “understand” not “understood”
Thank you Rebecca.
6/7 ???
hi you are doing wonderful job,
i would like to inquire you if you could make a lesson for how to read A Map pls!
THANk you again
yes i am very much interested
Rose ann Pradia
THX a lot Rebecca . I hope see you soon
I little confused with go and go for.
Is it corect I say: I go for a dance or I’m go swin?
Yes, you can say:
I’m going for a dance.
I’m going for a swim.
In these examples, you are using the nouns, dance and swim, not the verbs, so it is fine to use them in this way.
If you wanted to use the verbs, you would need to say:
I’m going to dance.
I’m going to swim.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you.
In the last examples above, we are using the infinitive. “to dance” and “to swim”.
You could also say:
I’m going swimming.
I’m going dancing.
Isn’t English wonderful?
Yes, it is indeed!
that’s why the word Romance is SWEET and WONDERFUL!
Dennis Kambai
rebecca aunt is this correct im am going to swimming
you’e wonderful teacher. i’ll keep learning E in this web to study more and more knowlegdes from you. ALL MY BEST TO YOU. HAVE A INTERESTING DAY !
Thank you Rebecca you are nice teacher
Hello Rebeca
How are you? I hope you are doing well and everything is fine with you.
I’m studying english in preparing for the IELTS exam. currently, I’ve reached the writing module, writing of letters. So, can you help me in evaluating my letters?. what I’m doing actually is writing the letters in a word document, so I can send it to if it is possible.
many thanks to you, Im waiting your replay..
Yours Sincerely,
I like all ur lessons
u r a great T.A
thinks for learing us
Thanks a lot.
1. why ”i am going to a coldplay concert” instead of ”i am going to THE coldplay concert”? because we both know what concert i am talking about?
2.please explain ”go on!” and ”go for it!”
3.thanks a lot!!!
1)Both of your examples are correct, but in different contexts.
If you are talking about the one concert that is happening in your town, or the one concert that is happening that night, then you would say,
I’m going to the Coldplay concert.
If a band or performer has a few concerts in town over more than one night, then you would say the following:
I’m going to a Coldplay concert.
I went to a Coldplay concert.
2) The expression “go on” means “continue”, as in ” Go on, go on, what happened next?”
3) The other one, “go for it” means don’t give up and continue doing your best to achieve your goal.
My best wishes to you, Cristina.
thanks Cristina I would have asked the same. Thanks to Rebecca too!
Aloha from Hawaii Rebecca =). Great lesson. All the best for you.
I thing that you are from Brazil, or
Brazil, Maui…all beautiful places! Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you and your students.
o shit 6/7 very bad marks sorry miss…next time i’ll never be disappointed you !
Change the Libyan flag to the new one pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
change the flag
change it please
it is very helpful to speak correct and i am enjoy to learn.
umer aziz
<—– change the flag
It helps me a lot! Thanks!!
it helped me this topic a lot. you went to a concert good 4 u. cya lovely Rebecca.
hi fatima i wanna ask u onething
till afternoon i didnt take bath
so i can say like tht way naa
tht i didnt take bath till now is right ans
U know there r 2 common verbs which we can use 2 talk about shower(bath)
:1.have 2.take
e.g.=I didn’t have(take) a shower yesterday.
e.g.=I had a
e.g.=I had a bath last night.
Hope I could help.
Thanks for your help, Fatima. Good for you!
Hi! Even though I’m a very advanced student and I already know all this stuff, I wanted to say that I love the way you teach. You really focus on the grammar, and if you ask me I think that’s very important. When the other teachers made lessons about grammar they’re great as well, but unfortunately they often forgot some issues. Anyway, I was wondering if you please could make a lesson about the difference in on to and onto, and the differents meanings of onto. Thank you
“onto” is an obsolete form for “to”, but still used mainly in the US.
No, it actually just means “on to”.
engVid Moderator
Thanks for your kind feedback, Martin. My best wishes to you and thanks for watching, in spite of obviously being an advanced student.
Greaaat! I loved it. I’ll watch it several times until I have it memorized! :)
I would like to study everyday little by little.
My score was 5 out 7.
Thank you
HI how are you doing, we doing great job i hope god blessing your
good exam
Hello. Sorry but I think you made a mistake. When you talk about Paul Mcartney’s concert you said “I went to a Paul Mcartney concert” but you actually know which concert. So shouldn’t it be I went to the Paul Mcartney concert. Though I woulndn’t say it either. In my case I would say I went to Paul Mcartney’s concert. Please tell me if I’m wrong. Nevertheless thank you for making this video.
Thanks for your comments, Daniel, but I didn’t make a mistake in this case. Please see my answer to Cristina’s question above related to the Colplay concert. The same explanation applies in this case.
We say, “I went to the Paul McCartney concert.” when the artist gave only one concert in town.
In this case, the artist gave more than one performance so you need to say, “I went to a Paul McCartney concert.”
Hope this helps and thanks for paying close attention! My best wishes to you, Daniel.
i like it
Rebecca, I have a question for using ” go to the”.
You teach “go to THE supermarket” is correct, but if there are many supermarket around your house and if the person you are talking to doesn’t know the specific supermarket you are talking about, would it be “I’m going to A supermarket” ?
Also, if I talk my friend who lives far away and she doesn’t know which supermarket I usually go to, then would it be ” I’m going to A supermarket” isn’t it?
I would be appriciated if you answer this, thank you! :)
In all the situations you mention, you would still say,
I’m going to the supermarket.
The reference point is you, not the person you are speaking to. As long as you know which supermarket you’re going to, and which supermarket or supermarkets you usually go to, it’s fine to say”the supermarket”.
However, if you were in a strange town, or a new city, you could say,
“I need to find a supermarket” because then even you don’t know which specific supermarket you are talking about.
Hope this helps! My best to you with your English.
It was understandable job.
from Mongolia
7 out of 7. nice lesson :):)
Thanks for the lesson:)
thanks for the video, now I’ll practice this everyday!
really there are great lesson . thank you very much teacher
Ashur Iraqi
Thank you REBECA.
Your work is excellent.
Every your contribution is great and very valuable.
thanx sweet teacher I m grateful you . and actually very useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca!
good lesson Rebecca,
is it british assent or american you teachers speak
I think that they speak Canadian, that is closer to British than to the US accent.
Actually, Canadian and American accents are pretty much the same.
engVid Moderator
That’s right, thanks. I was confused because of Canada still being under some kind of British sovereingty (the head of state is Queen Elisabeth II).
peter can u help me to learn english?plz add me on skype mehwish2292
I have a hybrid accent based on the many places I have lived in my life, though the primary influences are American and Canadian.
The Canadian accent is certainly more American than British, although Canadian English has some special characteristics.
Everyone has his or her own accent, and that is fine, as long as the accent is not too heavy or distracting and as long as the accent does not lead you to mispronounce words, causing confusion for your listener.
All the best to you.
thanks ….
thanks Rebecca for the great lesson
hi as i very much love your website so i mad a group named ENGVID so i want you to join that group if any of you are on facebook ….
Dear prof.
Let me know the correct answers of my questions plz:
1.Is paper countable o uncountable?!
Can I say:I wanna check ur papers?!!
2.”I’ve got a surprise TO u!”Is it correct??!I wanna use TO instead of WITH.!!!!!!!
3.Can I say “any problem?!” o just any problemS??!!
I need 2 know about.
Tx in advance 4 ur all kindliness!
In NO.2 I wanna use TO instead of FOR not with.
Thanks for your questions.
1) Paper can be countable or uncountable. If you are speaking about the paper as a mass, then you could say.
I need to buy some paper.
If you’re speaking about each sheet or paper or each student’s exam papers, for example, then you could use the other form:
I dropped the students’ papers on the floor.
I dropped the student’s papers on the floor.
2) I’ve got a surprise for you.
3) You could use either “problem” or “problems”.
All the best to you, Fatima.
thanks.would you please tell me when i use must and when i use have to ?
Basically, both “must” and “have to” mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
However, in reality, in North America, we tend to use “have to” more often then “must” in spoken English.
My best wishes to you, azza.
excellent lesson!
waooo……im new i’m from nicaragua living in usa… but ever i have problems for speak..but this look good…!!! thankssssssssssssssss
This site is awesome and the teachers are awesome too !!!! am i correct ??? :) ……im from Sri Lanka
Hi… mom,,, I still confused when we use
go on and go for specifically?
Hi Reb..,I liked ur explanetion,but I have 1 question..can I say THE bank if there are many defferent banks near to my home when I tell for somebody who doesn’t know which bank I’m talking about.
Please see my detailed response to XxReaxX above.
Remember that the reference point is you, not the listener, so as long as you know which bank you are going to , then you can use “the bank”. If you are in an unfamiliar place and don’t know which bank to go to, then you can say:
I need to go to a bank.
Hope this helps! All the best to you.
ok,,thank u ,,so good job….. i have good mark… thank u for teching hohoooo
I have just doubt , which one correct?
susan goes swimming / susan goes to swimming
thax so much
Susan goes swimming.
Susan goes for a swimming lesson every week.
These are both correct. My best to you, Abdul.
if the verb is behind of “go”,you must use -ing.
if you use “goes to”,the behind is NOUN。is it correct?
nice place to practise
Thanks for your effort.
hi you are doing wonderful job..!
Thanks and Nice to learn
thx so much rebecca
i commit two mistake i think is not bad i’m here to learn so thanks for that’s quiz is very useful
just joke !
Who said that English is easy.
Fill this blank with ” yes ” or ” no .
1.—– I don’t have a brain.
2.—–I don’t have scene.
3.—– I am stupid.
interesting !
Thank you for this helpful class!
Thanks for this tips its very helpful..
Thank u. it’s lovely and easy i got it.means i understood it.thank u a lot
manar mousa
Thank you Rebecca, It was very useful to me. Hugs from Brazil.
Am learning a lot from you, thank you very much God bless you all.
Rebeca, it’s been so long since I watched, your last class here . I confess : You are still the best ever ! Hugs from Brazil !
ricardo alessandro
Hey, Ricardo! Nice to hear from you again and hope you and your students are all doing well in Brazil. My best wishes to you, as always. Stay in touch and let me know if your students have any special questions or difficulties. Hugs, Brazilian- style, to all of you.
maybe the next time will be all right
I’m sure you will get better and better each time. We have to think this way in life, right? My best wishes to you, Rosanna.
very helpful lesson.But what is the logic behind using theses prepositions? why can’t we say ‘lets go to home’instead of ‘lets go home’?
Alas, my friend, not all elements of the English language are logical!
My best wishes to you, in making the best of life’s illogical situations.
excelent class Rebeca, you explain very well. Thanks
몰랐덩거 알았네요 감사합니다. 레베카 선생님
Thank you teacher Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you!
thank you very much , this is a good exiam.
Rebecca, thank you!
Dear Miss Rebecca,
I learnt a lot from your video teaching. I just wanted to ask which is correct. I am going to Philippines or I am going to the Philippines? Many of the people in Philippines say ” I am going to the Philippines”, but as you explained that you don’t need to use the because it is already a proper noun. I am confused. I hope you can help me.
Thank you and take care teacher. You are the best.
Sorry for the confusion, May.
In this case, since the official name of the country is the Republic of the Philippines, the correct way is to say:
I’m going to the Philippines.
Similarly, we say,
I’m going to the United States.
I’m going to the United Arab Emirates.
I’m going to the People’s Republic of China.
The reason for this is that we use
the + republic/kingdom/ union/ states
Of course, we can also say
I’m going to China.
I’m going to America.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you, May.
hi, I enjoyed your teaching methods it was fun and very helpful.
I enjoyed your lesson!
Thanks Rebecca i have a doubt i hope you clarify that —-
I am going shopping(You told this is right)
I am going for shopping
(can you tell me why this is not right?)
anil kumar
The correct expression is
I’m going shopping.
This is because shopping is considered in the same category as other sports and activities as skiing, skating, fishing, sailing, etc.
Hope that helps! All the best to you, Anil.
Very good this lesson, it useful for everyone. I like learning english with you.
Th a lot Rebecca!!! I need to learning more…
This web page is very good to learn english… Thanks
great lessons, thank you a lot!
Great it’s amazing!
thenks rebeca for this lesson its verry entresting
I want to know English, but it is difficult to me.
Thanks a lot …
great lesson
I’m glad in having this website.
Hope to learn more from you wonderful teachers.
Best regards
khabindra limbu
I got the point too !!
Well done
Thank so much
Happy women’s day
Josué Verne
Great lesson now I clarify my doubts..thank you teacher excellent job :D
Gerg Ivan
I want learning English.
Hi Rebecca,
you are a great teacher!
Ahmed Mohamed
Thanks for the lesson.
Rebecca, your lesson is very interesting! Thanks
Thanx a lot Rebecca,
i like the lesson but the questions in the quiz little bit different
Thank for the lesson. I have known all these examples before but it’s a pleasure to study english with you. You are perfect teacher.
thank you so much. i belive it’s lessons will help me for learning english language
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca.I am interested in your lessons and your way of teaching.I decided to be a teacher just like you.
Welcome to the club, Sara! Teaching is a very gratifying profession. My best wishes to you.
nice lesson
leticia getry
6/7, not bad. thanks ^^
You taught very very clear make me did all correct test.
Thanks so much !
Hi, rebecca
I have enjoyed from the lesson, ThankU.
Can you do a lesson about The “Conditionals” 1,2 and about The “Temporal clause”?
And thank you very much again..
You help many students..
First of all thanks for the lesson.
But I must say that, you are using “alright?” and “okay?” too much, and this is so distractive.
p p
My sincere thanks to all of you for watching, writing and caring enough to improve your English. My best wishes to all of you. Please tell your friends so we can continue to offer you more lessons. Thanks again.
We need some milk. Let’s __________ supermarket.
go to
go to the
go for the
Dear Rebecca, I am confusing between go to supermarket in case we have more than one and not sure where to go, and go to the supermarket in case we have just one or I know where to go, which supermarket I’ll go.
The correct choice would be:
Let’s go to the supermarket.
It means the one that you usually go to, and also the idea of the supermarket as a place to shop for groceries.
My best to you, Nawal.
This is my first lesson, and I’m loving you is great.
You can tell me if there ma rule to use the “go” alone? I did not understand the relationship of the house with the downtown, I understand that the rule would be like to “go to the”. Thank you in advance.
to go to… Japan, ok, but..
don’t we say “to go to THE…USA” ?
hello Rebecca, Lucky this night by asking my search back how to use at and in, then your link comes out in the web..i tried the “go quiz” and got 6..Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I think bec of this site i’ll be improving my english in a short time.
Wish u all Teachers here a lovely day..
Thank you very much teacher.Is this my frist time study english on the internet it very helpful.
Thanks a million, Rebecca. Howover, im realy confused about ‘ go to the’. Why the word ‘ parents’ cannot use ‘go to the’. I think that we must know who are our parents, so, we should use ‘go to the’.Can you explain this?
Second, Which is corect? Or all the answers can be accepted? Why?
1. She goes on a meeting.
2. She goes to a meeting.
3. She goes to the meeting .
3, The sentences ‘ I go for walking’ and ‘ i go walking’ are the same meaning? Am i right?
I am really confused. I need your help. Your apply is appreciated.Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Not sure what you mean by the first question.
She goes to a meeting.
This is correct if she goes to a meeting regularly.
She goes to the meeting .
This is correct if you and the listener know which meeting you’re talking about.
Third. “I go walking” and “I go for a walk” are fine.
All the best to you, Fong.
it’s nice lesson
thank you Rebecca i like you
thanks so much,,,,, can i ask u a question please …….. i hear every day songs and the singers make some grammar mistakes is this the slang in the street or what?
Yes, in songs, poems and newspaper headlines, the grammar is not always correct.
Some songs contain a lot of slang, in fact. So be careful about using them as a learning tool.
We do use songs to help students learn grammar in our school, but you need to choose the right songs.
I wish you all the best with your English.
thank you teacher.
Thanks! Even I could understand. Very easy way to learn.
hi teacher you’re good
I’m very happy to meet you in this Website. I understand your lesson.thanks a millions.
Soungalo Diarra.Mali
Thank you very much ! I want to learn English. Please, advise me what I can do to lear English?
Thank you teacher I really enjoyed thank you again
Hi, Rebecca!
I like all your lessons very much!
All your comments are very interesting and useful.
Thank you!
wild boar
sometimes I heard”I´m going party” it´s wrong?
The correct way would be to say:
I’m going to a party.
Sometimes, though, people use the slang expression:
I’m gonna party!
Let’s party!
Here, party is being used a verb, instead of a noun.
All the best to you, Mario.
thank u its useful to me
you are Telugu
Wonderful lesson mam..You guys are doing great job.. Keep it up..
Thanx its really v good.
thannk you very much, may be i knew go more
I just would like to say that you are a good teacher and your pronunciation is wonderful to understand. Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca :)
Voice questions with blank is much better for me I guess then writen on the desk.
I am saying you.
I am saying to you.
The second one is correct, as part of a longer sentence such as:
Do you understand what I’m saying to you?
All the best!
if you use the “say”,you can remrember this:
1.i say to (somebody).
2.i say about (something).
i hope these can help you.
Can i say? ” Im going to see my doctor?” without using the
Yes, you could say that.
My best to you.
Thankyou your lesson. God bless you
Thank you for the video is interesting, I hope to learn much more
thank you teacher
thanks, really good stuff for us….
7/7 excellent ! :)
thanks,very good.
Thanks alot, excellent lecture
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
awwwww,I have nothing to comment except saying “thank you a lot” and I look foraward to get more and more from your excellent and clear
videos :)
Thanks for a good lesson!
the lessons are sensational
thanks a lot
i didn’t see the video but my Quiz was correct!!!!
thank you very much , dildar from kurdistan
Thank you Rebecca,
I like your lessons.Everything from you is easy.
I agree!
hi Rebeca,
i have a question….what is the meaning of”I don’t mean to be rude”
how can i use this? plz tell me…
thank you
it is really good i read all the question and answer i really like it thanks again and again wish you all right
Thank u
Abdul Qayum
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson!
It’s very helpful. But I still have a question:
What should we use with a word “hospital”?
I am going to the hospital or
I am going to hospital???
Thanks a lot, this lesson is very helpful for me.
Thanks, Rebecca, your lesson was very helpful, as always.
Ana Paula
very helpful lesson,thanks Rebbecca
Thanks a lot, Rebecca, Really appreciated. your lesson was very helpful, :)
thanks Madam
Thank you!
Thanks a lot
Dear Ms Rebecca,
how are you doing? I hope you are fine and everything is okay with you.
actually I need your help for evaluating my writings. now I am practicing on letter writing but I need someone who is able to check what I am writing. So, could you please be that person??!! many thanks.
hi rebecca
i can`t understand this lesson could you tell me what to do
thx for your help
you are the best
Thanks rebeca, all of this help me a lot, respects : ) from mexico
Thank Rebecca, I loved your explanations about topic on the “chat”. The people’s question helps me to understand better.
When you teach on chat you write and that is cool.
Thanks so much.
hi friends!
how are you all?
i wanna learn english can anybody help me?
Thanks a lot for your lessons which seem to be accepted by all those who watch them .I have a comment here because I’m a teacher of English as a foreign language ,so I hope you present lectures for advanced learners and qizes ? Thanks once more .
Abdul Hameed Mustafa
Thanx a lot Rebecca you are a great teacher.
very clear thanks….!!
thanks Rebecca. It is clear to understand “go”.
Hello Rebecca.
It’s hard to understand the difference between ‘a’ and ‘the’ in case of the Paul McCartney’s concert. Use’ve used ‘a’, but we know for sure someone’s going to his concert, but not some abstract one. Please comment.
And yes, thank you for your lessons and this site, my wife seems loved it, hope she will improve her English.
“You’ve used ‘a'”
Thaks for your lesson!
i am going to home is incorrect in which sense
what is adverb
I scored 4 out of 7))
thanks a lot
thx so much..
i love ur teaching coz i’ve learnt a lot from the video. (^_^)
Thanks Rebecca. It is clear to understand meaning of Go
Dear Rebecca
Thanks for your support,I’m trying to get IELTS with score 6.
I decided to learn from the beginner
Hope I will do it.
Many Thanks
Thanks Rebecca you’re the best teacher .and teaching.thanks for your time and efforts .have a great day .
Hi Rebecca! I enjoyed very much your lesson. You’re a great teacher. Thank you very much
hi rebeca
can you help me with the words that don’t collocate with verbs go,catch,do,answer and take?
Hello! Rebecca.
I am going home. There is no preposition before home. If I want to go to someone’s home? What should I say?
Thank you so much.
Hi Teacher Rebecca.
I don’t know how to check many test,..
i need more test a lot about “GO” for do it.
May u sent the test for me to do About how to use Go ?
Thanks teacher
Cao Chinh
Thanks a lot Mrs Rebeca for the English lessons its help a lot
Thank you Rebecca!
I am from Azerbaijan.
All hi
Hi Rebecca
I got 7/7 in this exam
so i am very happy.
Thanks Rebecca
thanks for you Reb….
thanks really well explained
Thank you Rebecca
I have been troubling those grammar problems before I watched your English lesson. It helps me a lot to use the Verb “go.”
oh lt’s such an useful lesson^^ thanks a lot rebecca^^
Dear Miss rebecaa,
I really want to thank you for this great and helpfull lesson.
Thank you very much
hi rebeca
i am a teacher.
i want to tell you about your class.
you are teaching very well.
thank you for your help .
best regard.
are you telugu
Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca,the videos are excellent I can learn very quickly.I have a question;
when you use: I’m going , for all the examples is about a future form?
Thanks for lesson.
To my mind, it’s necessary just learn by rote
Hi Rebecca,
When we talk about routine, general truths and facts, we use Present simple. So I Did these questions above, especially the number”6″ but it appeared wrong. when I wrote: Susan goes to swim every morning at 6am?
Thank you!
Hi, Rebecca!
Could you make some lessons about the words like WANNA, GONNA, GOTTA? Thanks a lot and ta-ta for now!!
100 !! Great !
In any case,your lessons are very interesting and very helpful.You are a real classical teacher, and I’m very glade of it.Thanks a lot.
Excelent Rebeca
Hi! You said I use “the” if I know the place (like supermarket, bank etc). I didn’t understand why I don’t use “the” also for the school for example. I know what school. Thanks!
Thank you very much teacher ,i’m from uganda refugee settlemen,this it is very great and helpe full sutdy ,i’m try more to the following lesson.God Bless
Gutama Asefa
i like this lesson ,thank you very much.
i am going home .
i am going to class.
i am going to a party .
i am going to the doctor .
i am going on a vacation .
i am going for a walk .
Mohamed Babikir
teacher , what is the difference between the word study and learn ?
Mohamed Babikir
could i say …
1. i am going for a vacation on next week..
2.i am going on a vacation next week.
please let me know which are the correct usage
Tnx it’s the best way of learning English
Can u help me how I can speak English
Very well that’s my problem . If u can help me
Thank u very much
thank u sister
Thank you so very much
tell me wrong questions and i like u have best eforts
thank you so much, just we need more practice with excercice, couldn’t belive how i finished excercie fast
Hi Rebeca,
I learned English just as talking to people on the net. And now I have same mistakes with all off them. I am not young as much as lot’s of your students and it is not easy to study English grammar via books for me. I am very impressed than these carefully selected simple but goal oriented topics which in these friendly little video lessons. Not boring. Not complex. And also I like your expression way. You like your job…. I wish to best of all for you. Thanks.
Hello ! Teacher Rebecca
I am confusing about 2 sentences.
1: I am going to school.
2: I am going to go to school.
Are they different meaning? (I guess they are same meaning)
What is the rule to use both of them? Would you please explain ? Thanks
Commando 27/53
very useful lessons thanks.
I got 6 correct out of 7. Thank you very much for your wonderful lessons :)
very clear to understand .
Thank you Rebecca. Just let me know, why you introduce yourself Robecca? which pronunciation actually is correct? Rebecca or Robecca?
Thanks a lot.
This is really helpful lesson. Thank you for your lesson. :)
could you please give the lesson abot the verbs that are followed by preposition ‘with;? i would be grateful…..
Thanks Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you very much! I like your way of teaching!
I really love your teaching. Your way motivate me to learn more English. I just want to say thank you to you, my nice teacher.
I got perfect points. Thanks Ms.Rebecca :)
Thanks for the lesson and it is useful for me.
Thanks mam! can you teach about punctuation?because I don’t know where I should put , ; ‘ “. and all. Thanks once again.
thank you for lesson :)
“We went for a swim everyday” , I think it is grammatically not a correct sentence.
which one is correct? I am going to The Czech Republic or I am going to Czech Republic? What about South Africa?
thanks for the lesson! But I’m having a slight confusion after getting my answer on the last question of the quiz wrong. Isn’t “seminar” in the “go to” group? I thought that it works the same to “go to class”. :|
Thanks Rebecca got 71%.
Abdul Qayum
I got 6 correct out of 7.Thanks Ms.Rebecca
i get 7 correct of seven, thanks rebecca
it’s very interesting. i love the quize and i need more.
Agala Wisdom
i’m site is great, for any who want to learn english .
Agala Wisdom
I have little confuse about this sentence .
“I will go study abroad next year.
Is it correct ?
thank you rebecca
Thank you ,Rebecca.
OOOOh I GOT 7 correct out of 7.
every time I had one wrong :(
Thank you very much!
Thank you, it is a good reviewer.
thanks for your lesson kindly explain the difference between
goes swimming
go for a swim
71:( tnx u rebeca
Dear Rebecca: thanks a lot for your class. Long life for you!!!
jaime rivera
I guess we should say they are going on A holiday , is this right ?? because there is no A .
Haitham Al Saied
Perfect Rebecca!
Grazie Rebecca , you are maravellous !!
It is help me alot as well. Thanks
thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
hello Rebecca
I want to ask you two questions..and I hope you reply
the first question is:what is the meaning of”go too far”?
the second question:I’ve listened some call the letter of “z” as “zi” not “zd” as I learned in my school can you tell me why?
Dwe Dar
hello Mrs.Rebecca(I’ve forgotten the word of Mrs,I’m sorry)
I want to ask you two questions..and I hope you reply
the first question is:what is the meaning of”go too far”?
the second question:I’ve listened some call the letter of “z” as “zi” not “zd” as I learned in my school can you tell me why?
Dwe Dar
Is it okay if I say “I go to a party”instead of “I goto a party”?
Dwe Dar
Hi Rebecca
as i heared about examples in 6 ways to use the verb go
you said:I went to a (i dont know exactly)Pavarotti concert this summer.
whould you please let me know that we must use the before pavarotti concert?
6/7 :(
Zainab Awni
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks. I am still learning passionately every day.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,,
Soon my broken English will be inproved thanks to your wonderfull teaching style.
I can’t stop myself of following yours lessons.
Thanks very much… I loved your lessons
What different between a and the.Can you help me to correct it?
Hello, Rebecca. I’d like to know more about the use of go + verb without “to”. For example:
1) Go see him.
2) Go do it.
When should I use it in this way?
Thanks in advance.
Mr. Blanco, Brazil.
Mr. Blanco
Thanks, Rebecca.
I have a question. The word PROBLEM is countable.
So, “any” is singular used with non-countable
nows. “There isn’t any coffe powder in the jar.”
but “any” is plural when we have a countable
nown. ” There aren’t any boxes of coffee here”
So, it’s not easy for me to understand the sentence ” I don’t have any problem” because
to the best of my knowledge, the noun problem
is countable.
Could you help me here,please?
Thank you for thid kind lesson. I think I’m ok now with the verb go.
Hi. can you help me? I really want improve my English. This is my skype : ruou.joey
Hi. I want improve my english. can you help me? this is my skype : ruou.joey
Thank you teacher. Real sentences ! good quiz.
It’s very useful for me.Thank you very much.
Thanks you so much, you really are the best.
Marta Lopez
Thank you :) This topic is very useful for me.
Please, explain me why in the last question right answer “to a seminar”?
Thank you my dear. Your lesson are more useful for me!
Moldir Bekbolat
Hi Rebecca, Could you explain the difference between the following sentences?
I go swimming every sunday at 6:00am.
I go for a swim every sunday at 6:00am.
I go to swim every sunday at 6:00am.
I have learned a lot from this lesson.
Well done Rebecca. Helpful lesson.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Rebecca
Amazing video-lesson as always, god bless you dear teacher.
fernando triana
I got 100! Thanks!!
Very well
Thank you so much.
awesome teacher! thanks!
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thank you so much…
M kartal
Very good 6/7!
thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebekka, I’m wondering about the “goes swimming” answer of the quiz. I know, if I use regular activity (for example every morning at 6:00am) I have to use present simple not the present continuous tens. Thank you in advance.
Thanks Rebecca!!! It’s so helpful!
I watched this video twice on September 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 7.
I got 4/7.
Thank you! =)
Thank you Teacher Rabecca.
i got 7 out of 7
I need help with this, Where/ to the cinema/ you/ go
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got the point
hai can you please make videos of all tenses with example it wil be so much for much
What about football match ?
I am going to A football match, right?
thnx rebecca.. i will be learning.., more..
Better you say: I’ll keep learning.
My english teacher did not explain this to me very well and i am so glad that i found your video…it has already made me understand subject- verb agreement better!
Hey man!
Correctly, It has already made me understood S- V agreement better!
All Best wishes to you! Hope you secceed in learning English!
“Hey man!
Correctly, It has already made me understood S- V agreement better!”
It is “understand” not “understood”
Thank you Rebecca.
6/7 ???
hi you are doing wonderful job,
i would like to inquire you if you could make a lesson for how to read A Map pls!
THANk you again
yes i am very much interested
THX a lot Rebecca . I hope see you soon
I little confused with go and go for.
Is it corect I say: I go for a dance or I’m go swin?
Yes, you can say:
I’m going for a dance.
I’m going for a swim.
In these examples, you are using the nouns, dance and swim, not the verbs, so it is fine to use them in this way.
If you wanted to use the verbs, you would need to say:
I’m going to dance.
I’m going to swim.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you.
In the last examples above, we are using the infinitive. “to dance” and “to swim”.
You could also say:
I’m going swimming.
I’m going dancing.
Isn’t English wonderful?
Yes, it is indeed!
that’s why the word Romance is SWEET and WONDERFUL!
rebecca aunt is this correct im am going to swimming
you’e wonderful teacher. i’ll keep learning E in this web to study more and more knowlegdes from you. ALL MY BEST TO YOU. HAVE A INTERESTING DAY !
Thank you Rebecca you are nice teacher
Hello Rebeca
How are you? I hope you are doing well and everything is fine with you.
I’m studying english in preparing for the IELTS exam. currently, I’ve reached the writing module, writing of letters. So, can you help me in evaluating my letters?. what I’m doing actually is writing the letters in a word document, so I can send it to if it is possible.
many thanks to you, Im waiting your replay..
Yours Sincerely,
I like all ur lessons
u r a great T.A
thinks for learing us
Thanks a lot.
1. why ”i am going to a coldplay concert” instead of ”i am going to THE coldplay concert”? because we both know what concert i am talking about?
2.please explain ”go on!” and ”go for it!”
3.thanks a lot!!!
1)Both of your examples are correct, but in different contexts.
If you are talking about the one concert that is happening in your town, or the one concert that is happening that night, then you would say,
I’m going to the Coldplay concert.
If a band or performer has a few concerts in town over more than one night, then you would say the following:
I’m going to a Coldplay concert.
I went to a Coldplay concert.
2) The expression “go on” means “continue”, as in ” Go on, go on, what happened next?”
3) The other one, “go for it” means don’t give up and continue doing your best to achieve your goal.
My best wishes to you, Cristina.
thanks Cristina I would have asked the same. Thanks to Rebecca too!
Aloha from Hawaii Rebecca =). Great lesson. All the best for you.
I thing that you are from Brazil, or
Brazil, Maui…all beautiful places! Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you and your students.
o shit 6/7 very bad marks sorry miss…next time i’ll never be disappointed you !
Change the Libyan flag to the new one pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
change the flag
change it please
it is very helpful to speak correct and i am enjoy to learn.
<—– change the flag
It helps me a lot! Thanks!!
it helped me this topic a lot. you went to a concert good 4 u. cya lovely Rebecca.
hi fatima i wanna ask u onething
till afternoon i didnt take bath
so i can say like tht way naa
tht i didnt take bath till now is right ans
U know there r 2 common verbs which we can use 2 talk about shower(bath)
:1.have 2.take
e.g.=I didn’t have(take) a shower yesterday.
e.g.=I had a
e.g.=I had a bath last night.
Hope I could help.
Thanks for your help, Fatima. Good for you!
Hi! Even though I’m a very advanced student and I already know all this stuff, I wanted to say that I love the way you teach. You really focus on the grammar, and if you ask me I think that’s very important. When the other teachers made lessons about grammar they’re great as well, but unfortunately they often forgot some issues. Anyway, I was wondering if you please could make a lesson about the difference in on to and onto, and the differents meanings of onto. Thank you
“onto” is an obsolete form for “to”, but still used mainly in the US.
No, it actually just means “on to”.
Thanks for your kind feedback, Martin. My best wishes to you and thanks for watching, in spite of obviously being an advanced student.
Greaaat! I loved it. I’ll watch it several times until I have it memorized! :)
I would like to study everyday little by little.
My score was 5 out 7.
Thank you
HI how are you doing, we doing great job i hope god blessing your
good exam
Hello. Sorry but I think you made a mistake. When you talk about Paul Mcartney’s concert you said “I went to a Paul Mcartney concert” but you actually know which concert. So shouldn’t it be I went to the Paul Mcartney concert. Though I woulndn’t say it either. In my case I would say I went to Paul Mcartney’s concert. Please tell me if I’m wrong. Nevertheless thank you for making this video.
Thanks for your comments, Daniel, but I didn’t make a mistake in this case. Please see my answer to Cristina’s question above related to the Colplay concert. The same explanation applies in this case.
We say, “I went to the Paul McCartney concert.” when the artist gave only one concert in town.
In this case, the artist gave more than one performance so you need to say, “I went to a Paul McCartney concert.”
Hope this helps and thanks for paying close attention! My best wishes to you, Daniel.
i like it
Rebecca, I have a question for using ” go to the”.
You teach “go to THE supermarket” is correct, but if there are many supermarket around your house and if the person you are talking to doesn’t know the specific supermarket you are talking about, would it be “I’m going to A supermarket” ?
Also, if I talk my friend who lives far away and she doesn’t know which supermarket I usually go to, then would it be ” I’m going to A supermarket” isn’t it?
I would be appriciated if you answer this, thank you! :)
In all the situations you mention, you would still say,
I’m going to the supermarket.
The reference point is you, not the person you are speaking to. As long as you know which supermarket you’re going to, and which supermarket or supermarkets you usually go to, it’s fine to say”the supermarket”.
However, if you were in a strange town, or a new city, you could say,
“I need to find a supermarket” because then even you don’t know which specific supermarket you are talking about.
Hope this helps! My best to you with your English.
It was understandable job.
7 out of 7. nice lesson :):)
Thanks for the lesson:)
thanks for the video, now I’ll practice this everyday!
really there are great lesson . thank you very much teacher
Thank you REBECA.
Your work is excellent.
Every your contribution is great and very valuable.
thanx sweet teacher I m grateful you . and actually very useful lesson
Thank you Rebecca!
good lesson Rebecca,
is it british assent or american you teachers speak
I think that they speak Canadian, that is closer to British than to the US accent.
Actually, Canadian and American accents are pretty much the same.
That’s right, thanks. I was confused because of Canada still being under some kind of British sovereingty (the head of state is Queen Elisabeth II).
peter can u help me to learn english?plz add me on skype mehwish2292
I have a hybrid accent based on the many places I have lived in my life, though the primary influences are American and Canadian.
The Canadian accent is certainly more American than British, although Canadian English has some special characteristics.
Everyone has his or her own accent, and that is fine, as long as the accent is not too heavy or distracting and as long as the accent does not lead you to mispronounce words, causing confusion for your listener.
All the best to you.
thanks ….
thanks Rebecca for the great lesson
hi as i very much love your website so i mad a group named ENGVID so i want you to join that group if any of you are on facebook ….
Dear prof.
Let me know the correct answers of my questions plz:
1.Is paper countable o uncountable?!
Can I say:I wanna check ur papers?!!
2.”I’ve got a surprise TO u!”Is it correct??!I wanna use TO instead of WITH.!!!!!!!
3.Can I say “any problem?!” o just any problemS??!!
I need 2 know about.
Tx in advance 4 ur all kindliness!
In NO.2 I wanna use TO instead of FOR not with.
Thanks for your questions.
1) Paper can be countable or uncountable. If you are speaking about the paper as a mass, then you could say.
I need to buy some paper.
If you’re speaking about each sheet or paper or each student’s exam papers, for example, then you could use the other form:
I dropped the students’ papers on the floor.
I dropped the student’s papers on the floor.
2) I’ve got a surprise for you.
3) You could use either “problem” or “problems”.
All the best to you, Fatima.
thanks.would you please tell me when i use must and when i use have to ?
Basically, both “must” and “have to” mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably.
However, in reality, in North America, we tend to use “have to” more often then “must” in spoken English.
My best wishes to you, azza.
excellent lesson!
waooo……im new i’m from nicaragua living in usa… but ever i have problems for speak..but this look good…!!! thankssssssssssssssss
This site is awesome and the teachers are awesome too !!!! am i correct ??? :) ……im from Sri Lanka
Hi… mom,,, I still confused when we use
go on and go for specifically?
Hi Reb..,I liked ur explanetion,but I have 1 question..can I say THE bank if there are many defferent banks near to my home when I tell for somebody who doesn’t know which bank I’m talking about.
Please see my detailed response to XxReaxX above.
Remember that the reference point is you, not the listener, so as long as you know which bank you are going to , then you can use “the bank”. If you are in an unfamiliar place and don’t know which bank to go to, then you can say:
I need to go to a bank.
Hope this helps! All the best to you.
ok,,thank u ,,so good job….. i have good mark… thank u for teching hohoooo
I have just doubt , which one correct?
susan goes swimming / susan goes to swimming
thax so much
Susan goes swimming.
Susan goes for a swimming lesson every week.
These are both correct. My best to you, Abdul.
if the verb is behind of “go”,you must use -ing.
if you use “goes to”,the behind is NOUN。is it correct?
nice place to practise
Thanks for your effort.
hi you are doing wonderful job..!
Thanks and Nice to learn
thx so much rebecca
i commit two mistake i think is not bad i’m here to learn so thanks for that’s quiz is very useful
just joke !
Who said that English is easy.
Fill this blank with ” yes ” or ” no .
1.—– I don’t have a brain.
2.—–I don’t have scene.
3.—– I am stupid.
interesting !
Thank you for this helpful class!
Thanks for this tips its very helpful..
Thank u. it’s lovely and easy i got it.means i understood it.thank u a lot
Thank you Rebecca, It was very useful to me. Hugs from Brazil.
Am learning a lot from you, thank you very much God bless you all.
Rebeca, it’s been so long since I watched, your last class here . I confess : You are still the best ever ! Hugs from Brazil !
Hey, Ricardo! Nice to hear from you again and hope you and your students are all doing well in Brazil. My best wishes to you, as always. Stay in touch and let me know if your students have any special questions or difficulties. Hugs, Brazilian- style, to all of you.
maybe the next time will be all right
I’m sure you will get better and better each time. We have to think this way in life, right? My best wishes to you, Rosanna.
very helpful lesson.But what is the logic behind using theses prepositions? why can’t we say ‘lets go to home’instead of ‘lets go home’?
Alas, my friend, not all elements of the English language are logical!
My best wishes to you, in making the best of life’s illogical situations.
excelent class Rebeca, you explain very well. Thanks
몰랐덩거 알았네요 감사합니다. 레베카 선생님
Thank you teacher Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you!
thank you very much , this is a good exiam.
Rebecca, thank you!
Dear Miss Rebecca,
I learnt a lot from your video teaching. I just wanted to ask which is correct. I am going to Philippines or I am going to the Philippines? Many of the people in Philippines say ” I am going to the Philippines”, but as you explained that you don’t need to use the because it is already a proper noun. I am confused. I hope you can help me.
Thank you and take care teacher. You are the best.
Sorry for the confusion, May.
In this case, since the official name of the country is the Republic of the Philippines, the correct way is to say:
I’m going to the Philippines.
Similarly, we say,
I’m going to the United States.
I’m going to the United Arab Emirates.
I’m going to the People’s Republic of China.
The reason for this is that we use
the + republic/kingdom/ union/ states
Of course, we can also say
I’m going to China.
I’m going to America.
Hope this helps! My best wishes to you, May.
hi, I enjoyed your teaching methods it was fun and very helpful.
I enjoyed your lesson!
Thanks Rebecca i have a doubt i hope you clarify that —-
I am going shopping(You told this is right)
I am going for shopping
(can you tell me why this is not right?)
The correct expression is
I’m going shopping.
This is because shopping is considered in the same category as other sports and activities as skiing, skating, fishing, sailing, etc.
Hope that helps! All the best to you, Anil.
Very good this lesson, it useful for everyone. I like learning english with you.
Th a lot Rebecca!!! I need to learning more…
This web page is very good to learn english… Thanks
great lessons, thank you a lot!
Great it’s amazing!
thenks rebeca for this lesson its verry entresting
I want to know English, but it is difficult to me.
Thanks a lot …
great lesson
I’m glad in having this website.
Hope to learn more from you wonderful teachers.
Best regards
I got the point too !!
Well done
Thank so much
Happy women’s day
Great lesson now I clarify my doubts..thank you teacher excellent job :D
I want learning English.
Hi Rebecca,
you are a great teacher!
Thanks for the lesson.
Rebecca, your lesson is very interesting! Thanks
Thanx a lot Rebecca,
i like the lesson but the questions in the quiz little bit different
Thank for the lesson. I have known all these examples before but it’s a pleasure to study english with you. You are perfect teacher.
thank you so much. i belive it’s lessons will help me for learning english language
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca.I am interested in your lessons and your way of teaching.I decided to be a teacher just like you.
Welcome to the club, Sara! Teaching is a very gratifying profession. My best wishes to you.
nice lesson
6/7, not bad. thanks ^^
You taught very very clear make me did all correct test.
Thanks so much !
Hi, rebecca
I have enjoyed from the lesson, ThankU.
Can you do a lesson about The “Conditionals” 1,2 and about The “Temporal clause”?
And thank you very much again..
You help many students..
First of all thanks for the lesson.
But I must say that, you are using “alright?” and “okay?” too much, and this is so distractive.
My sincere thanks to all of you for watching, writing and caring enough to improve your English. My best wishes to all of you. Please tell your friends so we can continue to offer you more lessons. Thanks again.
We need some milk. Let’s __________ supermarket.
go to
go to the
go for the
Dear Rebecca, I am confusing between go to supermarket in case we have more than one and not sure where to go, and go to the supermarket in case we have just one or I know where to go, which supermarket I’ll go.
The correct choice would be:
Let’s go to the supermarket.
It means the one that you usually go to, and also the idea of the supermarket as a place to shop for groceries.
My best to you, Nawal.
This is my first lesson, and I’m loving you is great.
You can tell me if there ma rule to use the “go” alone? I did not understand the relationship of the house with the downtown, I understand that the rule would be like to “go to the”. Thank you in advance.
to go to… Japan, ok, but..
don’t we say “to go to THE…USA” ?
hello Rebecca, Lucky this night by asking my search back how to use at and in, then your link comes out in the web..i tried the “go quiz” and got 6..Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I think bec of this site i’ll be improving my english in a short time.
Wish u all Teachers here a lovely day..
Thank you very much teacher.Is this my frist time study english on the internet it very helpful.
Thanks a million, Rebecca. Howover, im realy confused about ‘ go to the’. Why the word ‘ parents’ cannot use ‘go to the’. I think that we must know who are our parents, so, we should use ‘go to the’.Can you explain this?
Second, Which is corect? Or all the answers can be accepted? Why?
1. She goes on a meeting.
2. She goes to a meeting.
3. She goes to the meeting .
3, The sentences ‘ I go for walking’ and ‘ i go walking’ are the same meaning? Am i right?
I am really confused. I need your help. Your apply is appreciated.Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Not sure what you mean by the first question.
She goes to a meeting.
This is correct if she goes to a meeting regularly.
She goes to the meeting .
This is correct if you and the listener know which meeting you’re talking about.
Third. “I go walking” and “I go for a walk” are fine.
All the best to you, Fong.
it’s nice lesson
thank you Rebecca i like you
thanks so much,,,,, can i ask u a question please …….. i hear every day songs and the singers make some grammar mistakes is this the slang in the street or what?
Yes, in songs, poems and newspaper headlines, the grammar is not always correct.
Some songs contain a lot of slang, in fact. So be careful about using them as a learning tool.
We do use songs to help students learn grammar in our school, but you need to choose the right songs.
I wish you all the best with your English.
thank you teacher.
Thanks! Even I could understand. Very easy way to learn.
hi teacher you’re good
I’m very happy to meet you in this Website. I understand your lesson.thanks a millions.
Thank you very much ! I want to learn English. Please, advise me what I can do to lear English?
Thank you teacher I really enjoyed thank you again
Hi, Rebecca!
I like all your lessons very much!
All your comments are very interesting and useful.
Thank you!
sometimes I heard”I´m going party” it´s wrong?
The correct way would be to say:
I’m going to a party.
Sometimes, though, people use the slang expression:
I’m gonna party!
Let’s party!
Here, party is being used a verb, instead of a noun.
All the best to you, Mario.
thank u its useful to me
you are Telugu
Wonderful lesson mam..You guys are doing great job.. Keep it up..
Thanx its really v good.
thannk you very much, may be i knew go more
I just would like to say that you are a good teacher and your pronunciation is wonderful to understand. Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca :)
Voice questions with blank is much better for me I guess then writen on the desk.
I am saying you.
I am saying to you.
The second one is correct, as part of a longer sentence such as:
Do you understand what I’m saying to you?
All the best!
if you use the “say”,you can remrember this:
1.i say to (somebody).
2.i say about (something).
i hope these can help you.
Can i say? ” Im going to see my doctor?” without using the
Yes, you could say that.
My best to you.
Thankyou your lesson. God bless you
Thank you for the video is interesting, I hope to learn much more
thank you teacher
thanks, really good stuff for us….
7/7 excellent ! :)
thanks,very good.
Thanks alot, excellent lecture
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a lot.
awwwww,I have nothing to comment except saying “thank you a lot” and I look foraward to get more and more from your excellent and clear
videos :)
Thanks for a good lesson!
the lessons are sensational
thanks a lot
i didn’t see the video but my Quiz was correct!!!!
thank you very much , dildar from kurdistan
Thank you Rebecca,
I like your lessons.Everything from you is easy.
I agree!
hi Rebeca,
i have a question….what is the meaning of”I don’t mean to be rude”
how can i use this? plz tell me…
thank you
it is really good i read all the question and answer i really like it thanks again and again wish you all right
Thank u
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson!
It’s very helpful. But I still have a question:
What should we use with a word “hospital”?
I am going to the hospital or
I am going to hospital???
Thanks a lot, this lesson is very helpful for me.
Thanks, Rebecca, your lesson was very helpful, as always.
very helpful lesson,thanks Rebbecca
Thanks a lot, Rebecca, Really appreciated. your lesson was very helpful, :)
thanks Madam
Thank you!
Thanks a lot
Dear Ms Rebecca,
how are you doing? I hope you are fine and everything is okay with you.
actually I need your help for evaluating my writings. now I am practicing on letter writing but I need someone who is able to check what I am writing. So, could you please be that person??!! many thanks.
hi rebecca
i can`t understand this lesson could you tell me what to do
thx for your help
you are the best
Thanks rebeca, all of this help me a lot, respects : ) from mexico
Thank Rebecca, I loved your explanations about topic on the “chat”. The people’s question helps me to understand better.
When you teach on chat you write and that is cool.
Thanks so much.
hi friends!
how are you all?
i wanna learn english can anybody help me?
Thanks a lot for your lessons which seem to be accepted by all those who watch them .I have a comment here because I’m a teacher of English as a foreign language ,so I hope you present lectures for advanced learners and qizes ? Thanks once more .
Thanx a lot Rebecca you are a great teacher.
very clear thanks….!!
thanks Rebecca. It is clear to understand “go”.
Hello Rebecca.
It’s hard to understand the difference between ‘a’ and ‘the’ in case of the Paul McCartney’s concert. Use’ve used ‘a’, but we know for sure someone’s going to his concert, but not some abstract one. Please comment.
And yes, thank you for your lessons and this site, my wife seems loved it, hope she will improve her English.
“You’ve used ‘a'”
Thaks for your lesson!
i am going to home is incorrect in which sense
what is adverb
I scored 4 out of 7))
thanks a lot
thx so much..
i love ur teaching coz i’ve learnt a lot from the video. (^_^)
Thanks Rebecca. It is clear to understand meaning of Go
Dear Rebecca
Thanks for your support,I’m trying to get IELTS with score 6.
I decided to learn from the beginner
Hope I will do it.
Many Thanks
Thanks Rebecca you’re the best teacher .and teaching.thanks for your time and efforts .have a great day .
Hi Rebecca! I enjoyed very much your lesson. You’re a great teacher. Thank you very much
hi rebeca
can you help me with the words that don’t collocate with verbs go,catch,do,answer and take?
Hello! Rebecca.
I am going home. There is no preposition before home. If I want to go to someone’s home? What should I say?
Thank you so much.
Hi Teacher Rebecca.
I don’t know how to check many test,..
i need more test a lot about “GO” for do it.
May u sent the test for me to do About how to use Go ?
Thanks teacher
Thanks a lot Mrs Rebeca for the English lessons its help a lot
Thank you Rebecca!
I am from Azerbaijan.
All hi
Hi Rebecca
I got 7/7 in this exam
so i am very happy.
Thanks Rebecca
thanks for you Reb….
thanks really well explained
Thank you Rebecca
I have been troubling those grammar problems before I watched your English lesson. It helps me a lot to use the Verb “go.”
oh lt’s such an useful lesson^^ thanks a lot rebecca^^
Dear Miss rebecaa,
I really want to thank you for this great and helpfull lesson.
Thank you very much
hi rebeca
i am a teacher.
i want to tell you about your class.
you are teaching very well.
thank you for your help .
best regard.
are you telugu
Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca,the videos are excellent I can learn very quickly.I have a question;
when you use: I’m going , for all the examples is about a future form?
Thanks for lesson.
To my mind, it’s necessary just learn by rote
Hi Rebecca,
When we talk about routine, general truths and facts, we use Present simple. So I Did these questions above, especially the number”6″ but it appeared wrong. when I wrote: Susan goes to swim every morning at 6am?
Thank you!
Hi, Rebecca!
Could you make some lessons about the words like WANNA, GONNA, GOTTA? Thanks a lot and ta-ta for now!!
100 !! Great !
In any case,your lessons are very interesting and very helpful.You are a real classical teacher, and I’m very glade of it.Thanks a lot.
Excelent Rebeca
Hi! You said I use “the” if I know the place (like supermarket, bank etc). I didn’t understand why I don’t use “the” also for the school for example. I know what school. Thanks!
Thank you very much teacher ,i’m from uganda refugee settlemen,this it is very great and helpe full sutdy ,i’m try more to the following lesson.God Bless
i like this lesson ,thank you very much.
i am going home .
i am going to class.
i am going to a party .
i am going to the doctor .
i am going on a vacation .
i am going for a walk .
teacher , what is the difference between the word study and learn ?
could i say …
1. i am going for a vacation on next week..
2.i am going on a vacation next week.
please let me know which are the correct usage
Tnx it’s the best way of learning English
Can u help me how I can speak English
Very well that’s my problem . If u can help me
Thank u very much
thank u sister
Thank you so very much
tell me wrong questions and i like u have best eforts
thank you so much, just we need more practice with excercice, couldn’t belive how i finished excercie fast
Hi Rebeca,
I learned English just as talking to people on the net. And now I have same mistakes with all off them. I am not young as much as lot’s of your students and it is not easy to study English grammar via books for me. I am very impressed than these carefully selected simple but goal oriented topics which in these friendly little video lessons. Not boring. Not complex. And also I like your expression way. You like your job…. I wish to best of all for you. Thanks.
Hello ! Teacher Rebecca
I am confusing about 2 sentences.
1: I am going to school.
2: I am going to go to school.
Are they different meaning? (I guess they are same meaning)
What is the rule to use both of them? Would you please explain ? Thanks
very useful lessons thanks.
I got 6 correct out of 7. Thank you very much for your wonderful lessons :)
very clear to understand .
Thank you Rebecca. Just let me know, why you introduce yourself Robecca? which pronunciation actually is correct? Rebecca or Robecca?
Thanks a lot.
This is really helpful lesson. Thank you for your lesson. :)
could you please give the lesson abot the verbs that are followed by preposition ‘with;? i would be grateful…..
Thanks Rebecca
Rebecca, thank you very much! I like your way of teaching!
I really love your teaching. Your way motivate me to learn more English. I just want to say thank you to you, my nice teacher.
I got perfect points. Thanks Ms.Rebecca :)
Thanks for the lesson and it is useful for me.
Thanks mam! can you teach about punctuation?because I don’t know where I should put , ; ‘ “. and all. Thanks once again.
thank you for lesson :)
“We went for a swim everyday” , I think it is grammatically not a correct sentence.
which one is correct? I am going to The Czech Republic or I am going to Czech Republic? What about South Africa?
thanks for the lesson! But I’m having a slight confusion after getting my answer on the last question of the quiz wrong. Isn’t “seminar” in the “go to” group? I thought that it works the same to “go to class”. :|
Thanks Rebecca got 71%.
I got 6 correct out of 7.Thanks Ms.Rebecca
i get 7 correct of seven, thanks rebecca
it’s very interesting. i love the quize and i need more.
i’m site is great, for any who want to learn english .
I have little confuse about this sentence .
“I will go study abroad next year.
Is it correct ?
thank you rebecca
Thank you ,Rebecca.
OOOOh I GOT 7 correct out of 7.
every time I had one wrong :(
Thank you very much!
Thank you, it is a good reviewer.
thanks for your lesson kindly explain the difference between
goes swimming
go for a swim
71:( tnx u rebeca
Dear Rebecca: thanks a lot for your class. Long life for you!!!
I guess we should say they are going on A holiday , is this right ?? because there is no A .
Perfect Rebecca!
Grazie Rebecca , you are maravellous !!
It is help me alot as well. Thanks
thank you!
hello Rebecca
I want to ask you two questions..and I hope you reply
the first question is:what is the meaning of”go too far”?
the second question:I’ve listened some call the letter of “z” as “zi” not “zd” as I learned in my school can you tell me why?
hello Mrs.Rebecca(I’ve forgotten the word of Mrs,I’m sorry)
I want to ask you two questions..and I hope you reply
the first question is:what is the meaning of”go too far”?
the second question:I’ve listened some call the letter of “z” as “zi” not “zd” as I learned in my school can you tell me why?
Is it okay if I say “I go to a party”instead of “I goto a party”?
Hi Rebecca
as i heared about examples in 6 ways to use the verb go
you said:I went to a (i dont know exactly)Pavarotti concert this summer.
whould you please let me know that we must use the before pavarotti concert?
6/7 :(
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks. I am still learning passionately every day.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,,
Soon my broken English will be inproved thanks to your wonderfull teaching style.
I can’t stop myself of following yours lessons.
Thanks very much… I loved your lessons
What different between a and the.Can you help me to correct it?
Hello, Rebecca. I’d like to know more about the use of go + verb without “to”. For example:
1) Go see him.
2) Go do it.
When should I use it in this way?
Thanks in advance.
Mr. Blanco, Brazil.
Thanks, Rebecca.
I have a question. The word PROBLEM is countable.
So, “any” is singular used with non-countable
nows. “There isn’t any coffe powder in the jar.”
but “any” is plural when we have a countable
nown. ” There aren’t any boxes of coffee here”
So, it’s not easy for me to understand the sentence ” I don’t have any problem” because
to the best of my knowledge, the noun problem
is countable.
Could you help me here,please?
Thank you for thid kind lesson. I think I’m ok now with the verb go.
Hi. can you help me? I really want improve my English. This is my skype : ruou.joey
Hi. I want improve my english. can you help me? this is my skype : ruou.joey
Thank you teacher. Real sentences ! good quiz.
It’s very useful for me.Thank you very much.
Thanks you so much, you really are the best.
Thank you :) This topic is very useful for me.
Please, explain me why in the last question right answer “to a seminar”?
Thank you my dear. Your lesson are more useful for me!
Hi Rebecca, Could you explain the difference between the following sentences?
I go swimming every sunday at 6:00am.
I go for a swim every sunday at 6:00am.
I go to swim every sunday at 6:00am.
I have learned a lot from this lesson.
Well done Rebecca. Helpful lesson.
Thank you so much.
Thank you Rebecca
Amazing video-lesson as always, god bless you dear teacher.
I got 100! Thanks!!
Very well
Thank you so much.
awesome teacher! thanks!
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thank you so much…
Very good 6/7!
thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebekka, I’m wondering about the “goes swimming” answer of the quiz. I know, if I use regular activity (for example every morning at 6:00am) I have to use present simple not the present continuous tens. Thank you in advance.
Thanks Rebecca!!! It’s so helpful!
I watched this video twice on September 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 7.
I got 4/7.
Thank you! =)
Thank you Teacher Rabecca.
i got 7 out of 7
I need help with this, Where/ to the cinema/ you/ go
Thank you!