Homophones are words that sound the same, but mean different things. There are a lot of these in English, and they can be very confusing. In this lesson, I go over nine common sets of homophones: byte / bite, hear / here, sense / cents / scents, ate / eight, Czech / check / cheque, cell / sell, clothes / close, cereal / serial, chews / choose.
HEY Teacher your lisson’s so greatest, so wonderful so easy to understanding in my side so thank you is not Enough.
J (Milkii)
Thank u
i m the graduateat english and i m persuing my M.A in English and by profession i m the teacher i want to teach ilets so plz assit me how to teach
now i want next test
hi ronnie. you are a good teacher i pray to God to cater to your desires . i am the first one to watch this video and also the first one to learn it.can you please tell me that what’s the meaning of this expression [put me in] . please . i await your answer
Put sb in= to employ sb to do a particular job.
what was that did not get it
Sorry, I have never heard this expression. Where did you hear it?
i heard it in chipmunks movie . that boy says [ put me in . i can win this]
In that case, put me in means “enter me in the contest”, or “sign me up for the contest!”
ronnie, i’m from indonesia. i like english,i still wanna study more, do you have skype’s id?
thanks u
Thanks for this lesson teacher I enjoyed it, have a nice day,keep this up!!
You’re so funny, the way you explain things… I get a feeling you spend a lot of time with children :)
thx so much…i like ur lesson ….i enjoyed it,i get feeling gd….
thank you Vere good lesson and its Vere Helpful
thank you so much!
I really enjoy and learn
Tank you Ronnie
I like your Lesson.
That´s good!!
Hi Ronnie!Congratulation with this lesson,it was so witty and useful.Thanks.LOL
thank you for this important lesson
Thanks a lot. It’s very useful.
i like the way she was teaching…..
can you teach me how to say the word with letter ‘s’ it’s difficult for me to say that kind of words….. thank you…
wooow It is nice
i get the fall mark ..
Thank you my graete teacher
Thank you!
I am very happy
Thanks alot for the lesson it helped me so much.
thanx alot
you are a great help. my students really learn a lot because you are special,and excellent people.I am a happy teacher now.
I really enjoy everyone of you guys,you are A good teacher, I certainly understand your lessons every time I’m used to watched it. the fact that your videos is so concise yet it clear and make us understood more quickly. you are an effective teachers.
Thanks !!!
it was intereting lesson :)
iam very happy to learn english by engvid
Mohamed Academy
thank you so much , that was really helpful , i lake the joke i ate 8 pizzas , waiting for the next lesson Mrs.Ronny i hope i spilled your name correct .
ahmed elsenussi
wooooooow i like you’r of teaching
Think you a lot .
I want to take your lesson interactively, probably via Skype as you suggested?
Could I have detail of your lesson, like cost, time and so on.
Thank you.
Sorry I don’t offer Skype lessons anymore. Only private lessons in Toronto.
i want to learn english in short time because .i have to go america to get education….can you help me..
saud hayat baloch
hi for all i get lots of information
thank’s for this lesson . It’s really intersting and useful . I love the way which you used for teaching so keep going and from today i’ll be one of your students .
Best regards
thanks ma’am
hi thankyou for the lessons
and want to talk to you
e-mail me please
i liked this lesson very must, sister..!
thanks a lot :)
bbbbbbbb happppyyy rooooooniiiii,,,,,
realy it is great lesson
dr obada
hi.. how can hear or watch lesson ?
You should see a big video at the top of this page, under the menu. If you don’t see it, YouTube might be blocked in your country or on your network. If you know that YouTube is not blocked, please try using a modern browser, like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, and make sure you have a recent version of Flash player installed.
i love all your video teacher .. thank u so much .
Thanks so much Ronnie. This is a very important point of English language, and often so confusing for foreigners.. I suggest including other homophones such as aunt\ant, son\ sun etc.. Just a question: are “chews and choose ” homophones also in British English? I thougt they weren’t but I might be wrong
Thank you teacher this is very important lesson.
It’s really useful lesson, thank you so much teacher
Hello ! i have seen your Engvid. you are very good teacher.
Your teaching method is really appealing.
Your hand gestures and facial expressions during
the lesson are great and apart from all you are
a beautiful woman.God take care of you.
I really got benefits but i missed a question
again about homophones.. I checked in a dictionary and I found out that “close” and “clothes” aren’t homophones in British English..Maybe in Canadian and American language? What do you think?
thanks a lot
Оh…wonderful facial expressions and sense of humor, thanks, I’m your fan now
ya… well your’s taught.Really good
Thank you for the lesson you are gifted i can say you born to teach good luck
Asfaw Fisseha
Thanks for lessons this is free :D
Bur ı want to talking someone :( ı need to pratice
please help me to learn english ;thanx a lot
Thank you a lot , this lesson is really helpful especially ” clothes and close”
_______Thank’s for the help…
___________________I was counfused about it
the way you say homophones in the final of the video it’s do funny_______*u*
sorry “too”…I wrote it wrong
i love this lesson,thank
Are you Australian? :)
NO, I am Canadian!!!
kindly tell me where are you from.
i like your style of teaching .
Hi Ronnie, I’m from Brazil and your lessons help me a lot…
You are awesome!
heyyyyy ronnie can you teach me more i really like it pls
hi Ronnie,
I’m so happy to learn from you.
could you tell me the phrase after you explained “ate, eight”…. i can’t hear it right.
thx alot.
ate — the past of eat — is said the same way as the number 8!
thanks for ur efforts
thank you dear teacher first I done the QuiZ of homophones and and I right all of five question then I listing lesson and I understand very well thank you my dear teacher
proper distribution and sequence of lecture with supporting notes needed, then set a quiz accordingly.
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thanks teacher.
thank you very much
happy new year
hey ronnie i really like u r teaching style.
hello are you fine ?. could you please explaine to the differnce between homophones and alophones.
basically an allophone is a single letter that changes it’s pronunciation within different words. A homophone are 2 words that are spelt differently but sound exactly the same.
is T silent in the word “scents” ?
thanks alot
Thank you for your lessons!!! They was really useful for me and my daughter. When she saw a lesson with you she told me “Mam, I want to see all her lessons, I understood all what she spoke and her lesson was really interesting!” :)
are homophones and homonyms same please reply
and what was your explanation about czech
yes they are the same
czech is the same as saying check or cheque
Thank you for the good lesson
hi roonie im soo happy to learn from u . this is the first time i see u on teaching video.
Hi Ronnie! I really really want to be good at English. But I don’t know how to start. Can you show me what I must do 1st and then? I really don’t know how to start. Plz Help me!
my understanding in this lesson make my score perfect..
Hi teacher, I always enjoy your lessons thank you very much.
Laila Al Hamid
Hi Ronnie! I like your lesson! Thanks.
thank u couz i fell better
thank u
hi iam luciany and would like to know more about preposition can you help me please
Thank you very much for this lecture Ronnie..
Thank you so much for teaching the useful lessons.
Do you teach English in Canada ?
Yes, in Toronto!
very good lesson
you ae great
Hi Ronnie, I am from Colombia, but I am living in Florida USA, you are an excelent teacher.
thanks for the lesson ;)
i enjoyed a lot. thank you.
Ronnie, you are doing great job, but you should’t eat anything when you are speaking :). It is not nice :)
i did it, your way of tech excellent, you r a great Ronnie
ronnie are you german ?
No, I am Canadian!
you are a good teacher
I enjoyed it!
I’d like to have teachers as you here in brazil!
You should teach class here in brazil
The lesson was very very very helpful!!!! Thank you Ronnie from all my heart!!! Before, I tried to pronounce some of this words differently, thinking that if they written differently, sounds have to be different too. LOL :-))))))))
the was very helpful, thank you ronnie
Hi Ronnie, very nice this website.
Hey Genius! How is life back in Brazil? Glad you like the site!
hi ronnie….. i really enjoyed your lessons… you’re brain is full of knowledge… hehe… i like your lessons about homophones,birth,lost, and others… i really really really reallylike it…
I don’t know how to thank you Ronnie .
thank you !
I like a lot your class. Besides you are a excellent teacher you have a bit of humor the become you wonderfull. In addittion today in this class you are much beautful with your tied back hair
thank you so much your way is so easy and helpful Rouni
i need to ask you a favor could u please help me to find a site where i speak with people in English to improve my pronunciation and to gain more words and as u know to learn any language you must practice
thank you sooooooooooooooo much
haaahhhaay. I got 5 uot of 5 in the quize. That means I understood the lesson which also means that Ronnie is a good teacher. I want to ask u Ronnie is my grammer in this comment correct?? thank u so much
YES, your grammar is correct but your spelling is wrong!
Yup! You suppose to say ” out” not “uot”! Sometimes I got that confusion too!! Hihi.
binh phan
Hi, Ronnie
This website is very interesting.
Thank you!
Hi!I’m from sikkim.I really like ur style of teaching and i really undestood.thank u so much and can u tell me how to use past participle in a sentances.
khagendra chettri
thank you Ms ronny for the lesson
we need to know more homophons
carry on miss hhhhhhh
by the way i always make mistakes in writing how
can i get rid my problem?????????????
What is your problem with writing….spelling? grammar? paragraphs?
it’s with spelling
thanx alot ms ronni
you are a good teacher.i like your lessons.
i would like to improve english.may be you can help me.This is my skype shanashan1035.
Thanks alot
I’V got full mark
I saw your video lesson about REGRET “I SHOULD HAVE + PP”, my question is, what happens in the case of using SHE/HE/IT, the structure is the same or these pronouns are said with HAS? like “SHE SHOULD HAS STUDIED…” TY very much you did a great work!, I am from Argentina and I am trying to learn English. thanks for your attention!. cecy
ALL of them are should have +P.P!!!!
what about the structure for HE /SHE/ IT, do we say “she should has or have??? + pp ???
ty for your anwser
hi Ronnie you are a very good teacher i wanna know if you don”t have practic english book or CD for sell
No sorry I don’t! Just the videos to watch for FREE!
thanks my teacher , i love your lessons .
Hi Ronnie, I found this website yesterday, and
It’s great! Thank you for your clear explanation.
u r good and thx alot but realy tetcher i need more-vocabulary- and slang to meka the conversetion easier
Hi dear teacher,
I just told my fiancee about your PSM and SLANG lessons, she was like OMG hahaha and give lessons, and after she told me that someone looks like you, and also the way you talk in FL LOL, good lessons, and thanks for your efforts to bring good topics, keep it up :)
It was very interesting ! thank you.
Thank you!
Ronni , i LOVE your lessons .I benefited grrrrrrrrrrrreatly from it
thanks aloooooooooot
but what dose it mean (tata)
Is “spellt” correct in Canada? It’s not in America. You may either want to note that or correct it on the assessment.
I find this website very interesting
hello Ronnie
May you tell me the difference between in time and on time
In time we use + just. “just in time” – this means you are not late….but you arrived EXACTLY at the right time!!!!
ON time we use to say that the person is not late.
i ev cofuced abt the use unless /until plz help me :)
UNTIL means when an action stops. The store will be open until 9.
UNLESS means except or but if or like a conditional…I won’t go unless you do. = I won’t go but if you go, I will go.
I’ll be there at 7 unless the train is late. = I will be there but if the train is late I won’t.
Can I say the store will be open from 8 until 15 or from 8 to 15 or from 8-till 15? I have never known it:(
They are all correct!
HOW CHEWs AND CHOOSE ARE SAME in pronounciation dear?chew pronounce as CHEEE uuus and choose pronounced as chooo se,so how they are homophons,i dont understand dear
Hi Ronnie, again watching and paying attention to ur classes / videos… thank U
Now I would like u to tell me something:
Are those Homophones similar / diferent as the ones called Minimal pairs? What’s the difference if they are different?
Thank you so much for the lessons
hi teacher Ronnie
I am your student
This is very helpful lesson
but i cannot clearly pronounce between work and walk
Your lesson is very helpful for us
We would like to learn about your new lessons
Thank you so much for your teaching
Walk is like waaaaaak (the “L” is silent)
Work is like ” were-k”
what about word and world ?
Would u mind 2 answer me plz!
“Where r u off to”?(what does it mean)??
Tnx mam!
It means where are you going!
I’m very excited this wibsite…
so excellent!
i like the way teacher, Ronnie express, that is funny, attractive, natural and a little bit evil :-}, (joking)
Hope to see you more in next lessons
Have you thought about visiting Brazil?
Yeah I’d love to! I just need $$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! you are real! it’s great, you are a very good teach, if one day you came to visit the Brazil, you will be my invited.
Hiiii Ronnie-I always love your lesson and like to learn and improve my english from you.Actually when you are on my computer screen ,I pay a close attention to every words you say…Could you help me to solve one problem-I just want to know that everything you say/explain/express/describe you use a verb and according to my understanding I have learnt for the last six months that whatever we want to express,we have to know the action word or the verb which actually expresses our idea,thoughts whatever we are thinking at the time of speaking…I just want to ask you that wheather I am proceeding correctly or not-and please rectify my sentences if you find anything wrong in this short passage and also guide me where should I focus more-looking forward to get reply from your end…Have a nice day ahead!!!!!!
sona sharma
Yes, every sentence in English needs a verb!
Hi ronnie!you are really great teacher.l like your’s way of teaching.what is your e-mail address.i want to contact you.
Dear Respected Miss. Ronnie,
I have join this site for you as you teachs us that “for” uses for good. So i have join “For” appricating your behavior. For gaining Good Words. i have not us the word “to”.
So please comment me.
Awaiting “For” Your reply.
I know my english is very week but i am just trying.
Your Slave,
Asad Jillany
You are my slave????
Why not Dear madam i am your slave really but if you accept me as a slave.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks again
:D you are lovely :D
good lesson
Hello Ronnie, You are really perfect!!! Thank you for your lessons, it help me a lot… I am from Russia
I think its a bit hard n takes more time n practice 2 better understanding.
By the way 4/5 isnt so bad!
Cheer up!
Hi, My name is Rasheed. I ‘m from Islamabad, Pakistan.
i learn from you more. thank you
rasheed khan
Great lesson
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style.
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style.
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style..
Thank you very much
Dear Ronnie:
Can you give me example about how to use homophones in advertising please.
Amir Irhayyim
I no you want to know!
hi Ronnie you’re a good and fun teacher i love all youe lessons
thank u Ronnie. i have just join u today and i like your lessons. thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
thank you ronnie you have a very nice way in teaching
Ronni why OH MY GOD is considered as a swear because i always say OH MY GOD
It is only considered a swear word if you are very Christian. Most people say Oh my god! Don’t worry!
teacher ronnie i have never listened such a enjoyable lesson like this thanks a lot i loved you and your lesson.
yes, I got 5 out of 5.
Thanks Ronnie.
Mohsin Zaman
Hi Ronnie,
Hope everything is fine with you.
Could you please tell me what’s the meaning of “WC”. It’s more than common but actually I don’t know the basic of this shortcut.
Thanks a lot.
WC = washroom. It is used in Europe and I think the literal translation is water closet!
Hi Rnnie i really enjoy learning your lessons.Could you tell me how can i watch your sequnce of lessons please?i wil appreciate if you tell me.By the way you are the best teacher i have seen in Canada.
Just go to “teachers” and click on my name.
Bed and bad.
Hey Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson
Nice lesson, thanks
Thnx a lot teacher Ronnie for this great lesson, i really enjoy all lessons in this websites + they are very useful and helpful
Well…i actually have a question to you about Allophone???? would you please explain it to me pleasssssssssssssssssssse
thnks again
have a great time ^_^
Thnx a lot teacher Ronnie for this great lesson, i really enjoy all lessons in this website + they are very useful and helpful
Well…i actually have a question to you about Allophone???? would you please explain it to me pleasssssssssssssssssssse
thnks again
have a great time ^_^
how do u do t Ronnie,
first of all i hope u r enjoying ur time,it is toolong that i have been thinking to europe to study english but after i found this site,i do,t,i am realy so excited to learn english with u,dear,
i jus wanna ask about how do u do? is it common there,because i know it is the way to greet someone u did’nt meet him before,
all the best,
It’s a piece of cake: I made 5 out of 5…uhuuuu!
Hello Ronnie, you’re great! You always make it fun to learn. Thank you very much.
I like the lesson it’s the first time i hear about homophones !! but I get the meaning and also i get 5/5 ^^
Thanks, helped so much:)
Niceeeeeeee ! tq Roonie
HI.! Ronnie its me Addy khan from karachi.pakistan . Ronnie i must say that u r Awesome I love alot ur way of teaching…….plz I would like to ask about would be or could be ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok thanks
Would be is used in an unreal/wish situation. I would be a rock star if I could sing.
Could be is more realistic. I could be a singer but I want to be a drummer.
hi ronnie, is the pronounce between eyes and ice same? thanks
NO but they are similar! Ice is like ic ssssssss (or eye ssssssss)
Eyes = eyezzzzzzzzzz
thank a lot ronnie, you’re awesome!
and 1 more question, how pronounce word and world?
Word = were+d
world = were +ld or whirl-d
plz .. I want some one to practice English with him to enhance my English
Hi Ronnie,
Do you offer private lessons in Toronto? Do you have an email address I can contact you at for information on fees and registration? Thanks!
Hello Ronnie, thanks for this lesson, I think you should teach private lessons in the internet by skype and make money. In my opinion lots of students in this website will sign up with you if you want to teach more, by the way you can pay a couple of day off to Wallis and Futuna islands. :-)
Greeting from the Czech Republic! Great job Ronnie :) Thank You.
Is there silent letter in cents / scents? There’s not letter “t” in sense, why have they the same sound?
Sorry, I don’t know – I did not make the language….I just have to teach it!
Ronnie, I’m really sorry for my question… I would like know if I have to put the sound “t” in word “sense”.
PS::( I know you did not the languague, but can you search it?
In sense, there is no “t” sound!
i like your lesson
i don’t know how to thank you ronne
Ronnie, how about “hair” and “hare” do they sound the same way?
4 and for
like ur way of teaching
Thanks a lot!
“Sense” is actually not pronounced the same as “cents” and “scents” because “cents” and “scents” have an extra “t” sound.
Jesse Corey
hi ronnie how i can improve my english i am come frome india last 3 month ican understand but not speak properly please help aslo thanks for these lessons.
Hi Ronni
I need your help!! I’ll be having an interview next Monday, I’ve watched your videos about interview but i have many question for you, hope you can help me as soon as possible.
(my native language is Arabic and the interviewer is American!!!
if yes please tell me how can i contact with you?
iam good in raeding and writing but iam bad in speaking i have no practicing , i wanna to improve my language how can i do ? i need to listen more
To improve listening, watch tv/movies with subtitles.
To help your speaking skills, put your skype id on the website and invite other students to chat!!
fsayel.alsagri ok invite me in skype to learn more togather
Cool! I got 100!
Hi, than you for the compliment about my country…
it pleases
Excellent class. Thanks.
thank you for all your videos
can you help me . I can’t speak because i’m shy.i afraid for my mistecks. I want any webs help me to speak to make chat thank you again
Thank a lot for your lesson I like it so much.
Hi Ronnie, how are u. U said : Czech is a beautiful country, is it. Did u visit the Czech country? Im from Czech :)
i like that it’s really interesting so you are ronnie
Thank you very much for your lesson. Clothes and Close may have different pronunciations in British English, What do you think, Sir?
Hello Ronnie!!
I love all your lessons, you are a great!!!!
I always had a problem with the word clothes, and you just solved my problem.
Thanks a lot!!!!
You are a great teacher
Sorry, I ate the word teacher in my last comment…
u are a nice teacher i like you very much a have a question i cant understand the exact meaning of byte can you explian it more for mei will be very thank full to you
Hi there, there is using notes instead of bills for paper money. Might be useful sometimes ;-)
Hi again, I have ment there for England in the previous comment.
I am living in Britain for about 3 years, but I personally would not say that there is homonym with their or they’re in Kingdom English. The last two are homonyms though.
I have just mentioned that, because it was use as the correct answers in above test and I can not agree with that.
Thank you teacher for very useful lesson.
Nigel Niel
Thanks for very good lessons.
Im bigginer if you are
make mark for every lesson, first and second,
and third.
I Think it esy to to poeple find what they want.
Mehran Sky
4/5 thanks for this…
Hi Ronnie,
Is there classes with you in Canada, anything like a Language Exchange?
Let me know please,
Juliano Martins
Juliano Martins
HI Ronnie,I need info about Allmorphs, please!
Hello Ronnie, I´m a Czech and maybe I´ll send you the check:-) Thanks for lessons
Hi Ronnie. Thanks a lot. I do appreciate and enjoy your teaching. Blessings.
tnx teacher :)
Very nice idea teacher Ronnie. It’s adding to my vocabulary. I’m not good in english but I make some way how to speak and know more about it. It’s very helping. Thanks for sharing with us. More power.
Thank you, but the quiz was very easy.
Teacher Augusto
I really like your style for learning English,but do you have lecture in skype or not please answer me?
Sorry, we don’t do Skype lessons!
engVid Moderator
Wow Your lessons help me a lot. thank you.
My Love ethio
nice lesson
I do really like the way u teach with a beautiful and simple accent thanks im student in africa studying english literature and this site helps me thanks
Thank you so much Ronnie. You are helping me a lot with your lessons!!!
Thank you Ronnie you are a great teacher!
thank you Ronnie i learned the new word too witch was scents for smells.
Teacher Ronnie , thank you so much very nice lessen
I want to learn English and I want to give me good plan for learning ,please ❤️
thank you
I want to learn about the sounds ends in: T D please!
Hi, Ronnie! This lesson was very interesting! It was good to know that the word “clothes” has the same pronunciation of the word “close”! Thank you!
Júlio César L Sousa
I like flower/flour homophones.
-Buy me a flower, honey!
-Here is your flour, babe. Bake a cake for me!
Mr. Lawyer
Thank you, teacher! I liked the cereals! xD See you, then.
thank you Ronnie.
ann ann
very nice your explanation ronnie but when you speak of bad word and matter of sex, this is a matter of shame which might uglify your class, I counsel you that god do not want you so, you must be have a change for god, I hope you excuse me. with affection osmin
interesting lesson. Thank you.
Ronni thanks for your lessons so much!Could you please explain the difference between loose and lose?
I really enjoy your lesson, thank you
Tank you Ronnie !
Thank you my dear teacher I really enjoy the lesson .Take care your self
khurram shahzd toor
Thank you so much I’m so happy
i like this lesson
very good
louafi samir
Hi Ronnie! I’d like to thank you for your lessons ‘coz you inspire me to learn English more and more)
Thank you
Sunny Muffin
Thank you Ronnie..
Doni Bungaa
You got 5 correct out of 5.
M kartal
Hi Ronnie could you please show me the different sound as in the word, which one is different lam confused
Bend (e)
Said (ai)
Take (a)
Melt (e)
thank you so much
I’m improving
Al Yazidi
Thanks Ronnie!
The word “Cheque” in Portuguese has exactly the same meaning and spells the same too.
Evandro Prado
Yes i Got 5 correct out of 5. i’m happy
Thanks Ronnie
thanks Madam, i have a problem with homophone words, after i closely attention listened and watch your videos i clearly understood all types and their similar words, so now i can’t say to you more than thanks youuuuuuuu
Thanks slot.i’ve got 4 of 5.
Hello teacher how can I recognize my eng level?
thank Ronnie
al willis
thank Ronnie
al willis
5/5! Homophones’ words confused me when I was a student learning English. My listening part of the English test always got lower marks.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i want to listen the conversation on line
I want to listen to the conversation online
HEY Teacher your lisson’s so greatest, so wonderful so easy to understanding in my side so thank you is not Enough.
Thank u
i m the graduateat english and i m persuing my M.A in English and by profession i m the teacher i want to teach ilets so plz assit me how to teach
now i want next test
hi ronnie. you are a good teacher i pray to God to cater to your desires . i am the first one to watch this video and also the first one to learn it.can you please tell me that what’s the meaning of this expression [put me in] . please . i await your answer
Put sb in= to employ sb to do a particular job.
what was that did not get it
Sorry, I have never heard this expression. Where did you hear it?
i heard it in chipmunks movie . that boy says [ put me in . i can win this]
In that case, put me in means “enter me in the contest”, or “sign me up for the contest!”
ronnie, i’m from indonesia. i like english,i still wanna study more, do you have skype’s id?
thanks u
Thanks for this lesson teacher I enjoyed it, have a nice day,keep this up!!
You’re so funny, the way you explain things… I get a feeling you spend a lot of time with children :)
thx so much…i like ur lesson ….i enjoyed it,i get feeling gd….
thank you Vere good lesson and its Vere Helpful
thank you so much!
I really enjoy and learn
Tank you Ronnie
I like your Lesson.
That´s good!!
Hi Ronnie!Congratulation with this lesson,it was so witty and useful.Thanks.LOL
thank you for this important lesson
Thanks a lot. It’s very useful.
i like the way she was teaching…..
can you teach me how to say the word with letter ‘s’ it’s difficult for me to say that kind of words….. thank you…
wooow It is nice
i get the fall mark ..
Thank you my graete teacher
Thank you!
I am very happy
Thanks alot for the lesson it helped me so much.
thanx alot
you are a great help. my students really learn a lot because you are special,and excellent people.I am a happy teacher now.
I really enjoy everyone of you guys,you are A good teacher, I certainly understand your lessons every time I’m used to watched it. the fact that your videos is so concise yet it clear and make us understood more quickly. you are an effective teachers.
Thanks !!!
it was intereting lesson :)
iam very happy to learn english by engvid
thank you so much , that was really helpful , i lake the joke i ate 8 pizzas , waiting for the next lesson Mrs.Ronny i hope i spilled your name correct .
wooooooow i like you’r of teaching
Think you a lot .
I want to take your lesson interactively, probably via Skype as you suggested?
Could I have detail of your lesson, like cost, time and so on.
Thank you.
Sorry I don’t offer Skype lessons anymore. Only private lessons in Toronto.
i want to learn english in short time because .i have to go america to get education….can you help me..
hi for all i get lots of information
thank’s for this lesson . It’s really intersting and useful . I love the way which you used for teaching so keep going and from today i’ll be one of your students .
Best regards
thanks ma’am
hi thankyou for the lessons
and want to talk to you
e-mail me please
i liked this lesson very must, sister..!
thanks a lot :)
bbbbbbbb happppyyy rooooooniiiii,,,,,
realy it is great lesson
hi.. how can hear or watch lesson ?
You should see a big video at the top of this page, under the menu. If you don’t see it, YouTube might be blocked in your country or on your network. If you know that YouTube is not blocked, please try using a modern browser, like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, and make sure you have a recent version of Flash player installed.
i love all your video teacher .. thank u so much .
Thanks so much Ronnie. This is a very important point of English language, and often so confusing for foreigners.. I suggest including other homophones such as aunt\ant, son\ sun etc.. Just a question: are “chews and choose ” homophones also in British English? I thougt they weren’t but I might be wrong
Thank you teacher this is very important lesson.
It’s really useful lesson, thank you so much teacher
Hello ! i have seen your Engvid. you are very good teacher.
Your teaching method is really appealing.
Your hand gestures and facial expressions during
the lesson are great and apart from all you are
a beautiful woman.God take care of you.
I really got benefits but i missed a question
again about homophones.. I checked in a dictionary and I found out that “close” and “clothes” aren’t homophones in British English..Maybe in Canadian and American language? What do you think?
thanks a lot
Оh…wonderful facial expressions and sense of humor, thanks, I’m your fan now
ya… well your’s taught.Really good
Thank you for the lesson you are gifted i can say you born to teach good luck
Thanks for lessons this is free :D
Bur ı want to talking someone :( ı need to pratice
please help me to learn english ;thanx a lot
Thank you a lot , this lesson is really helpful especially ” clothes and close”
_______Thank’s for the help…
___________________I was counfused about it
the way you say homophones in the final of the video it’s do funny_______*u*
sorry “too”…I wrote it wrong
i love this lesson,thank
Are you Australian? :)
NO, I am Canadian!!!
kindly tell me where are you from.
i like your style of teaching .
Hi Ronnie, I’m from Brazil and your lessons help me a lot…
You are awesome!
heyyyyy ronnie can you teach me more i really like it pls
hi Ronnie,
I’m so happy to learn from you.
could you tell me the phrase after you explained “ate, eight”…. i can’t hear it right.
thx alot.
ate — the past of eat — is said the same way as the number 8!
thanks for ur efforts
thank you dear teacher first I done the QuiZ of homophones and and I right all of five question then I listing lesson and I understand very well thank you my dear teacher
proper distribution and sequence of lecture with supporting notes needed, then set a quiz accordingly.
Thanks a lot Ronnie
Thanks teacher.
thank you very much
happy new year
hey ronnie i really like u r teaching style.
hello are you fine ?. could you please explaine to the differnce between homophones and alophones.
basically an allophone is a single letter that changes it’s pronunciation within different words. A homophone are 2 words that are spelt differently but sound exactly the same.
is T silent in the word “scents” ?
thanks alot
Thank you for your lessons!!! They was really useful for me and my daughter. When she saw a lesson with you she told me “Mam, I want to see all her lessons, I understood all what she spoke and her lesson was really interesting!” :)
are homophones and homonyms same please reply
and what was your explanation about czech
yes they are the same
czech is the same as saying check or cheque
Thank you for the good lesson
hi roonie im soo happy to learn from u . this is the first time i see u on teaching video.
Hi Ronnie! I really really want to be good at English. But I don’t know how to start. Can you show me what I must do 1st and then? I really don’t know how to start. Plz Help me!
my understanding in this lesson make my score perfect..
Hi teacher, I always enjoy your lessons thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie! I like your lesson! Thanks.
thank u couz i fell better
thank u
hi iam luciany and would like to know more about preposition can you help me please
Thank you very much for this lecture Ronnie..
Thank you so much for teaching the useful lessons.
Do you teach English in Canada ?
Yes, in Toronto!
very good lesson
you ae great
Hi Ronnie, I am from Colombia, but I am living in Florida USA, you are an excelent teacher.
thanks for the lesson ;)
i enjoyed a lot. thank you.
Ronnie, you are doing great job, but you should’t eat anything when you are speaking :). It is not nice :)
i did it, your way of tech excellent, you r a great Ronnie
ronnie are you german ?
No, I am Canadian!
you are a good teacher
I enjoyed it!
I’d like to have teachers as you here in brazil!
You should teach class here in brazil
The lesson was very very very helpful!!!! Thank you Ronnie from all my heart!!! Before, I tried to pronounce some of this words differently, thinking that if they written differently, sounds have to be different too. LOL :-))))))))
the was very helpful, thank you ronnie
Hi Ronnie, very nice this website.
Hey Genius! How is life back in Brazil? Glad you like the site!
hi ronnie….. i really enjoyed your lessons… you’re brain is full of knowledge… hehe… i like your lessons about homophones,birth,lost, and others… i really really really reallylike it…
I don’t know how to thank you Ronnie .
thank you !
I like a lot your class. Besides you are a excellent teacher you have a bit of humor the become you wonderfull. In addittion today in this class you are much beautful with your tied back hair
thank you so much your way is so easy and helpful Rouni
i need to ask you a favor could u please help me to find a site where i speak with people in English to improve my pronunciation and to gain more words and as u know to learn any language you must practice
thank you sooooooooooooooo much
haaahhhaay. I got 5 uot of 5 in the quize. That means I understood the lesson which also means that Ronnie is a good teacher. I want to ask u Ronnie is my grammer in this comment correct?? thank u so much
YES, your grammar is correct but your spelling is wrong!
Yup! You suppose to say ” out” not “uot”! Sometimes I got that confusion too!! Hihi.
Hi, Ronnie
This website is very interesting.
Thank you!
Hi!I’m from sikkim.I really like ur style of teaching and i really undestood.thank u so much and can u tell me how to use past participle in a sentances.
thank you Ms ronny for the lesson
we need to know more homophons
carry on miss hhhhhhh
by the way i always make mistakes in writing how
can i get rid my problem?????????????
What is your problem with writing….spelling? grammar? paragraphs?
it’s with spelling
thanx alot ms ronni
you are a good teacher.i like your lessons.
i would like to improve english.may be you can help me.This is my skype shanashan1035.
Thanks alot
I’V got full mark
I saw your video lesson about REGRET “I SHOULD HAVE + PP”, my question is, what happens in the case of using SHE/HE/IT, the structure is the same or these pronouns are said with HAS? like “SHE SHOULD HAS STUDIED…” TY very much you did a great work!, I am from Argentina and I am trying to learn English. thanks for your attention!. cecy
ALL of them are should have +P.P!!!!
what about the structure for HE /SHE/ IT, do we say “she should has or have??? + pp ???
ty for your anwser
hi Ronnie you are a very good teacher i wanna know if you don”t have practic english book or CD for sell
No sorry I don’t! Just the videos to watch for FREE!
thanks my teacher , i love your lessons .
Hi Ronnie, I found this website yesterday, and
It’s great! Thank you for your clear explanation.
u r good and thx alot but realy tetcher i need more-vocabulary- and slang to meka the conversetion easier
Hi dear teacher,
I just told my fiancee about your PSM and SLANG lessons, she was like OMG hahaha and give lessons, and after she told me that someone looks like you, and also the way you talk in FL LOL, good lessons, and thanks for your efforts to bring good topics, keep it up :)
It was very interesting ! thank you.
Thank you!
Ronni , i LOVE your lessons .I benefited grrrrrrrrrrrreatly from it
thanks aloooooooooot
but what dose it mean (tata)
Is “spellt” correct in Canada? It’s not in America. You may either want to note that or correct it on the assessment.
I find this website very interesting
hello Ronnie
May you tell me the difference between in time and on time
In time we use + just. “just in time” – this means you are not late….but you arrived EXACTLY at the right time!!!!
ON time we use to say that the person is not late.
i ev cofuced abt the use unless /until plz help me :)
UNTIL means when an action stops. The store will be open until 9.
UNLESS means except or but if or like a conditional…I won’t go unless you do. = I won’t go but if you go, I will go.
I’ll be there at 7 unless the train is late. = I will be there but if the train is late I won’t.
Can I say the store will be open from 8 until 15 or from 8 to 15 or from 8-till 15? I have never known it:(
They are all correct!
HOW CHEWs AND CHOOSE ARE SAME in pronounciation dear?chew pronounce as CHEEE uuus and choose pronounced as chooo se,so how they are homophons,i dont understand dear
Hi Ronnie, again watching and paying attention to ur classes / videos… thank U
Now I would like u to tell me something:
Are those Homophones similar / diferent as the ones called Minimal pairs? What’s the difference if they are different?
Thank you so much for the lessons
hi teacher Ronnie
I am your student
This is very helpful lesson
but i cannot clearly pronounce between work and walk
Your lesson is very helpful for us
We would like to learn about your new lessons
Thank you so much for your teaching
Walk is like waaaaaak (the “L” is silent)
Work is like ” were-k”
what about word and world ?
Would u mind 2 answer me plz!
“Where r u off to”?(what does it mean)??
Tnx mam!
It means where are you going!
I’m very excited this wibsite…
so excellent!
i like the way teacher, Ronnie express, that is funny, attractive, natural and a little bit evil :-}, (joking)
Hope to see you more in next lessons
Have you thought about visiting Brazil?
Yeah I’d love to! I just need $$$$$$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! you are real! it’s great, you are a very good teach, if one day you came to visit the Brazil, you will be my invited.
Hiiii Ronnie-I always love your lesson and like to learn and improve my english from you.Actually when you are on my computer screen ,I pay a close attention to every words you say…Could you help me to solve one problem-I just want to know that everything you say/explain/express/describe you use a verb and according to my understanding I have learnt for the last six months that whatever we want to express,we have to know the action word or the verb which actually expresses our idea,thoughts whatever we are thinking at the time of speaking…I just want to ask you that wheather I am proceeding correctly or not-and please rectify my sentences if you find anything wrong in this short passage and also guide me where should I focus more-looking forward to get reply from your end…Have a nice day ahead!!!!!!
Yes, every sentence in English needs a verb!
Hi ronnie!you are really great teacher.l like your’s way of teaching.what is your e-mail address.i want to contact you.
Dear Respected Miss. Ronnie,
I have join this site for you as you teachs us that “for” uses for good. So i have join “For” appricating your behavior. For gaining Good Words. i have not us the word “to”.
So please comment me.
Awaiting “For” Your reply.
I know my english is very week but i am just trying.
Your Slave,
Asad Jillany
You are my slave????
Why not Dear madam i am your slave really but if you accept me as a slave.
Thanks for your comment.
Thanks again
:D you are lovely :D
good lesson
Hello Ronnie, You are really perfect!!! Thank you for your lessons, it help me a lot… I am from Russia
I think its a bit hard n takes more time n practice 2 better understanding.
By the way 4/5 isnt so bad!
Cheer up!
Hi, My name is Rasheed. I ‘m from Islamabad, Pakistan.
i learn from you more. thank you
Great lesson
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style.
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style.
Hi Ronni, i got 5 out of 5 in this lesson. u teach so… good and have fun. i really enjoy your teaching style..
Thank you very much
Dear Ronnie:
Can you give me example about how to use homophones in advertising please.
I no you want to know!
hi Ronnie you’re a good and fun teacher i love all youe lessons
thank u Ronnie. i have just join u today and i like your lessons. thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
thank you ronnie you have a very nice way in teaching
Ronni why OH MY GOD is considered as a swear because i always say OH MY GOD
It is only considered a swear word if you are very Christian. Most people say Oh my god! Don’t worry!
teacher ronnie i have never listened such a enjoyable lesson like this thanks a lot i loved you and your lesson.
yes, I got 5 out of 5.
Thanks Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie,
Hope everything is fine with you.
Could you please tell me what’s the meaning of “WC”. It’s more than common but actually I don’t know the basic of this shortcut.
Thanks a lot.
WC = washroom. It is used in Europe and I think the literal translation is water closet!
Hi Rnnie i really enjoy learning your lessons.Could you tell me how can i watch your sequnce of lessons please?i wil appreciate if you tell me.By the way you are the best teacher i have seen in Canada.
Just go to “teachers” and click on my name.
Bed and bad.
Hey Ronnie! Thanks for the lesson
Nice lesson, thanks
Thnx a lot teacher Ronnie for this great lesson, i really enjoy all lessons in this websites + they are very useful and helpful
Well…i actually have a question to you about Allophone???? would you please explain it to me pleasssssssssssssssssssse
thnks again
have a great time ^_^
Thnx a lot teacher Ronnie for this great lesson, i really enjoy all lessons in this website + they are very useful and helpful
Well…i actually have a question to you about Allophone???? would you please explain it to me pleasssssssssssssssssssse
thnks again
have a great time ^_^
how do u do t Ronnie,
first of all i hope u r enjoying ur time,it is toolong that i have been thinking to europe to study english but after i found this site,i do,t,i am realy so excited to learn english with u,dear,
i jus wanna ask about how do u do? is it common there,because i know it is the way to greet someone u did’nt meet him before,
all the best,
It’s a piece of cake: I made 5 out of 5…uhuuuu!
Hello Ronnie, you’re great! You always make it fun to learn. Thank you very much.
I like the lesson it’s the first time i hear about homophones !! but I get the meaning and also i get 5/5 ^^
Thanks, helped so much:)
Niceeeeeeee ! tq Roonie
HI.! Ronnie its me Addy khan from karachi.pakistan . Ronnie i must say that u r Awesome I love alot ur way of teaching…….plz I would like to ask about would be or could be ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok thanks
Would be is used in an unreal/wish situation. I would be a rock star if I could sing.
Could be is more realistic. I could be a singer but I want to be a drummer.
hi ronnie, is the pronounce between eyes and ice same? thanks
NO but they are similar! Ice is like ic ssssssss (or eye ssssssss)
Eyes = eyezzzzzzzzzz
thank a lot ronnie, you’re awesome!
and 1 more question, how pronounce word and world?
Word = were+d
world = were +ld or whirl-d
plz .. I want some one to practice English with him to enhance my English
Hi Ronnie,
Do you offer private lessons in Toronto? Do you have an email address I can contact you at for information on fees and registration? Thanks!
Hello Ronnie, thanks for this lesson, I think you should teach private lessons in the internet by skype and make money. In my opinion lots of students in this website will sign up with you if you want to teach more, by the way you can pay a couple of day off to Wallis and Futuna islands. :-)
Greeting from the Czech Republic! Great job Ronnie :) Thank You.
Is there silent letter in cents / scents? There’s not letter “t” in sense, why have they the same sound?
Sorry, I don’t know – I did not make the language….I just have to teach it!
Ronnie, I’m really sorry for my question… I would like know if I have to put the sound “t” in word “sense”.
PS::( I know you did not the languague, but can you search it?
In sense, there is no “t” sound!
i like your lesson
i don’t know how to thank you ronne
Ronnie, how about “hair” and “hare” do they sound the same way?
4 and for
like ur way of teaching
Thanks a lot!
“Sense” is actually not pronounced the same as “cents” and “scents” because “cents” and “scents” have an extra “t” sound.
hi ronnie how i can improve my english i am come frome india last 3 month ican understand but not speak properly please help aslo thanks for these lessons.
Hi Ronni
I need your help!! I’ll be having an interview next Monday, I’ve watched your videos about interview but i have many question for you, hope you can help me as soon as possible.
(my native language is Arabic and the interviewer is American!!!
if yes please tell me how can i contact with you?
iam good in raeding and writing but iam bad in speaking i have no practicing , i wanna to improve my language how can i do ? i need to listen more
To improve listening, watch tv/movies with subtitles.
To help your speaking skills, put your skype id on the website and invite other students to chat!!
fsayel.alsagri ok invite me in skype to learn more togather
Cool! I got 100!
Hi, than you for the compliment about my country…
it pleases
Excellent class. Thanks.
thank you for all your videos
can you help me . I can’t speak because i’m shy.i afraid for my mistecks. I want any webs help me to speak to make chat thank you again
Thank a lot for your lesson I like it so much.
Hi Ronnie, how are u. U said : Czech is a beautiful country, is it. Did u visit the Czech country? Im from Czech :)
i like that it’s really interesting so you are ronnie
Thank you very much for your lesson. Clothes and Close may have different pronunciations in British English, What do you think, Sir?
Hello Ronnie!!
I love all your lessons, you are a great!!!!
I always had a problem with the word clothes, and you just solved my problem.
Thanks a lot!!!!
You are a great teacher
Sorry, I ate the word teacher in my last comment…
u are a nice teacher i like you very much a have a question i cant understand the exact meaning of byte can you explian it more for mei will be very thank full to you
Hi there, there is using notes instead of bills for paper money. Might be useful sometimes ;-)
Hi again, I have ment there for England in the previous comment.
I am living in Britain for about 3 years, but I personally would not say that there is homonym with their or they’re in Kingdom English. The last two are homonyms though.
I have just mentioned that, because it was use as the correct answers in above test and I can not agree with that.
Thank you teacher for very useful lesson.
Thanks for very good lessons.
Im bigginer if you are
make mark for every lesson, first and second,
and third.
I Think it esy to to poeple find what they want.
4/5 thanks for this…
Hi Ronnie,
Is there classes with you in Canada, anything like a Language Exchange?
Let me know please,
Juliano Martins
HI Ronnie,I need info about Allmorphs, please!
Hello Ronnie, I´m a Czech and maybe I´ll send you the check:-) Thanks for lessons
Hi Ronnie. Thanks a lot. I do appreciate and enjoy your teaching. Blessings.
tnx teacher :)
Very nice idea teacher Ronnie. It’s adding to my vocabulary. I’m not good in english but I make some way how to speak and know more about it. It’s very helping. Thanks for sharing with us. More power.
Thank you, but the quiz was very easy.
I really like your style for learning English,but do you have lecture in skype or not please answer me?
Sorry, we don’t do Skype lessons!
Wow Your lessons help me a lot. thank you.
nice lesson
I do really like the way u teach with a beautiful and simple accent thanks im student in africa studying english literature and this site helps me thanks
Thank you so much Ronnie. You are helping me a lot with your lessons!!!
Thank you Ronnie you are a great teacher!
thank you Ronnie i learned the new word too witch was scents for smells.
Teacher Ronnie , thank you so much very nice lessen
I want to learn English and I want to give me good plan for learning ,please ❤️
thank you
I want to learn about the sounds ends in: T D please!
Hi, Ronnie! This lesson was very interesting! It was good to know that the word “clothes” has the same pronunciation of the word “close”! Thank you!
I like flower/flour homophones.
-Buy me a flower, honey!
-Here is your flour, babe. Bake a cake for me!
Thank you, teacher! I liked the cereals! xD See you, then.
thank you Ronnie.
very nice your explanation ronnie but when you speak of bad word and matter of sex, this is a matter of shame which might uglify your class, I counsel you that god do not want you so, you must be have a change for god, I hope you excuse me. with affection osmin
interesting lesson. Thank you.
Ronni thanks for your lessons so much!Could you please explain the difference between loose and lose?
I really enjoy your lesson, thank you
Tank you Ronnie !
Thank you my dear teacher I really enjoy the lesson .Take care your self
Thank you so much I’m so happy
i like this lesson
very good
Hi Ronnie! I’d like to thank you for your lessons ‘coz you inspire me to learn English more and more)
Thank you
Thank you Ronnie..
You got 5 correct out of 5.
Hi Ronnie could you please show me the different sound as in the word, which one is different lam confused
Bend (e)
Said (ai)
Take (a)
Melt (e)
thank you so much
I’m improving
Thanks Ronnie!
The word “Cheque” in Portuguese has exactly the same meaning and spells the same too.
Yes i Got 5 correct out of 5. i’m happy
Thanks Ronnie
thanks Madam, i have a problem with homophone words, after i closely attention listened and watch your videos i clearly understood all types and their similar words, so now i can’t say to you more than thanks youuuuuuuu
Thanks slot.i’ve got 4 of 5.
Hello teacher how can I recognize my eng level?
thank Ronnie
thank Ronnie
5/5! Homophones’ words confused me when I was a student learning English. My listening part of the English test always got lower marks.
Thank you, Ronnie.
Thank you