Adjectives can be followed by many prepositions in English. In this lesson, learn about some of the most common adjective/preposition combinations! This is something you should be interested in.
It is a very good lession,how about the adjective with ING form?
Cuong ta
We don’t follow “-ing” adjectives with prepositions like we do in this lesson.
mangalika miss
It`s a very useful lesson. Thanks! :D
Terrific lesson ..
Thanks a lot
I’m good at taking quizzes, I’ve never failed. thank a million Alex have a nice day dude.
Efrain Dominguez
No problem! Keep studying!
What is the difference between “I’m good in” and “I’m good at”? Can I use them interchangeably?
The next thing is this: Alex you said that “worried for” is used for a person or something what is acting like a person. :) Anyway, in the quiz, there is “Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister.”, and I chose “about”, but according to you, I should use “for” instead. If we talking about people, can we chose between “for” and “about”? Could you explain me this issue?
Yes, we can use “for” and “about” in that situation, but “for” has a more personal meaning in that context.
“Good at” indicates ability. “Good in” does not…at least, not in the same way. For example:
“I’m good at typing.” (It’s awkward to say “good in” here)
“Angelina Jolie was really good in Changeling.”
“Sugar is good in many things!”
ok, you are good at explication¡¡
Thank you so much. I got 10 correct out of 10. It is amazing because preposition is a good challenge. You are really good at teaching.
Claudia Rejane from Brazil
I have another question :)
If we want to use the word “explain”, do we use any preposition after it, or it depends on something?
For example:
“Could you explain me this issue?” — Should I add “to” after explain? — “Could you explain to me this issue?”
Can we change a little bit the above sentence to this form? — “Could you explain this issue to me?”
Good question!
The most correct and common form of your question here is the last one. “Could you explain this/that to me/us/them?”
“Could you explain me your reasons” is incorrect, since you’re asking the other person to explain YOU.
thank you please Alex answer my Q
which adjectives goes with Around and ON
please help me
thanks again
There are numerous possibilities.
“He’s nervous/anxious/confident around beautiful women.”
One common idiomatic expression with an adjective and on is “big on.” For example, if I say “I’m big on sci-fi literature,” I mean that I am really interested in sci-fi.
Hope this helps!
Hello Alex. I`m new in this wedsite and I find the lesson is fantastic with a wonderful teacher. I’m a Spanish teacher too, but not an English teacher. I can learn a lot from your experince.
9 of 10
I have to keep practicing
Many thanks
Im an old guy comuing to the end of a working career and now want to become a teacher
YOU are the teacher for me
Thanks for the class.
thank you
Thanks Alex, I’ve scored 9 out of 10! great lesson!
Thank you Alex
Would you explain between two prepositions “for and “about”?
Another question for using comma, Q: Paul is going to see the movie about the couple who disappeared, so he may come home late, because it lasts three hours.
My question is -Why use a comma before because? Would you explain to me? I could not understand why use before a subordinating conjunction, because?
thank alex ur great teacher
excellent lesson
احلى دانا
Thank you so much.
Li Ra
thanks so much about this lesson . greeting to you mr alex
9/10 i need more practice
Thanks Alex. keep up the good work
100% ! Thank you Alex. I love your lessons!
really 1 of the best. thank u i love it and wish to be a student learning from this program
Sham Ali
Thank you very much for this lesson ! ++ I am appreciate to study with you.
This is a typical area for interferences italian-english. the use of prepositions in italian is quite different. So, thanks for your help Alex
No problem! Thanks for coming back!
I got 90..yay!
was very helpful!!
please answer my question
thanks Alex so much I so interesting in this lesson
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson. I have one question on same.
Here is this question in quiz. “Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister” and correct answer was about. Can we say Rodrigo is worried for his sister?
Absolutely. “For” makes it feel more personal, as if Rodrigo is worried in place of his sister. I hope that makes sense! It works for people, but doesn’t really work in other contexts. For example:
“I’m a little worried about my driving exam.”
“I’m a little worried for my driving exam.”
“For” doesn’t work here because it implies that you are worried in place of your driving exam, which is impossible because exams don’t have feelings.
perfect answer!
you are a great teacher.
thanks a lot, thank you very much mister Alex
thanks so much!!
thanks alott
abdul aziz
I,v been looking for a web that much helpfull .envid is the one.thankyou.
thanks! i liked this lesson
Thanks a lot Alex you are good at teaching :-)
It’s really a good lesson for me,I think I need practice more.Thank you,Alex.
hongli jin
howdy Alex great lesson
thinks a bundle
one question :if I wanna say
I think she is tired from trying. instead of ((of)) use (from) because from it can used to describe condition . it that correct hope to find replies
You can definitely be “tired from” something. It means that the thing you are tired from directly caused your fatigue.
i realy liked this websites but i have one problem , i study english in college first year and i realy realy need help from u guys , i have issues in linguistics and epistomology plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need your help teacher alex or anyone capable plzzzzzzzzzz i have exams soon so i’m waiting your answer if anyone see this plzzzz replie to my e-mail adress or my fb pretty hind ,i need lessons in this modules plzzzzzz
Hi Alex,
50% oups i really have to revise this lesson !! Please what are the answers ?
I’m terrible __ taking quizzes. (with? at?)
I’m really tired ____all her lies (about? with?)
“Terrible at” and “Tired of.” :)
Hi Kurtleen. The first question’s answer is “at” as he taught us we are good or bad at something.
The second one’s answer is of so that you can translate in french ” Je suis fatigué de tous ses mensonges”.
I hope I helped you. Au revoir.
Hi Alex ! What about my request of the pronunciation difference of :
‘puːl ˈpʊl ˈfuːl ˈfʊl’.
I think that the pronunciation lessons are the most important and they aren’t completed on Engvid. There are some pronunciation lessons but they don’t cover all the 15 vowels sounds.
I looked in the web and I found some good stuff but I think that if you could teach them I would understand better and everybody would benefit of it. Thanks for your help and your patience.
I think this is a great idea. I’ll put together some more pronunciation lessons for the new year!
I hadn’t seen you answered me. Thanks for taking this idea in consideration. Watch you soon ^^.
I did not know which preposition should be combined with good and bad. Thank millions
Good, thank you for this site.
many thanks
good lesson keep this up!!
10 correct out of 10, thank u alex :D your lessons are always helpful
This is very much helpful!
Im the best in the world =p
I like. it was really how he explained this class. thanks.
9 correct out of 10
I think it’s good mark for me as it’s my 1st visit to the site
Omar Hesham
thank u was very intresting was very good at teaching.:-)
thanks a lot .it’s really interesting what you’re teaching.i’d like to distinguish between the prepositions at / in
You would need a whole book for that. :) The basic difference, if you’re talking about “at” and “in” as prepositions of place, is that “in” actually means “inside,” whereas “at” means “at a specific location.”
For example:
“I am in school.” (I’m inside the building)
“I am at school.” (Maybe I’m in the computer lab, maybe I’m outside, maybe I’m in class…I’m somewhere in or around the school)
Hope this helps!
goog examle!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot ^^
hi alex how r u ? its really good to listen into ur lessons , my question is when i can say i told him and when i say i ve’ told him. really im happy if u can provide me with ur good the way u have such a great clear accent which i love best regards to u
“I told him” is simple past, which means you can also add a past time expression like “yesterday,” “two days ago,” “last week,” etc. to it.
“I have told him” is present perfect, which means you can’t use past time expressions. It’s the indefinite past. You told him at some point before the present, but the time is not important. However, you can say “I’ve told him today/recently.” It’s something that happened in the recent past in these examples.
thank you Alex
i really learn from you. thanks a lot!
Hi alex, it was a really good lesson. Your one of the best teacher of engvid. I liked this lesson a lot because you explain it very easy. I understood all the things tha you sais. Thank you very much. Good luck
thanks teacher for your class
you have a good pronunciation alex… very understandable … thanks
Thanks so much. it’s so interesting and important rule..:))
interesting lesson thanks.
Thanks for the lesson, you are good at teaching.
Thanks for your comment, and thanks to everyone else who has commented on this video. You guys are great.
Hi Alex thanks for the lesson. I got all answers correct, thanks to you.
Today I am going to have lunch in Vaudeville, do want to join?
thank a lot, It’s very helpful…:D
I got 10 correct out of 10 :) that’s great really :) thank you for awesome Video!!!
bakhtiyar ali
Thanks for your awesome lessons! They are really helpful! I wish you will keep on them!
thanks alex. i have been learning a lot.than you sooooo much..
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much,your lessons are very clear like crystal and useful.Will you explain a video lesson about reported speech please ?
should we say terrible AT?
thank you for every thing you have been learning us and i am benefiting from these lessons
Great to learn this lesson thank you ALEX
Hi, Alex. Thank you for your lesson. I have a question for you. Could you tell me what part of speech the word “gone” is? Could it be used not only as a PastParticiple but also as an adjective? I`ve seen some sentences, that contain word “gone”. And it has been unclear for me since, how to use “gone” in this case. For example: “Wow, this ice-cream is gone! It`s really gone!” Or: “The robber had been gone when I came.” Can I use the auxiliary verb “to be” with “gone” in Present Perfect tense instead of “have”? For example: “He is gone”. I hope you understand my question.
Best regards.
Great site to learn English
how about “i want to be good in english” or is it “i want to be good at english” what is the correct preposition to be used?
I think you are a good teacher. I understand very clear your pronunciation and your helpful thanks
Thank you so much Alex, and Carlos77 !!!
Thank you. :)
I found this page very interesting and I like it, the teachers are very good and explain very well. Thank you very much.
Mariella Parra
Thank you Alex for this great tuto, useful !! Good job !
thank you very much for all your efforts. plz help me to be in touch with each other . im from palestine . i want to complete my studies but there is no enough money for me to complete or to leave my own country .
plz help me
hany rommana
How can I doawload this video?
wow i got 10 of 10.i m so excited.
dziękuje Alex
Thanks Alex for this great lesson.
I want to say that with some very simple examples like the one of the test&feelings to explain why not using the preposition for, made this part of the lesson so clear that i’ll always remember this context before using it after adjectives.
Your way of teaching is fantastic and to the point. Thanks again.
Hi Alex,
I´m new web page user, this was an excellent lesson and i got 9 points :)
I’m terrible on taking quizzes.
Is it right? “I am terrible in taking quizzes.”
txn alot alex i have one qoustion that is:if i said i’m interesting ur speak….is that correct or in correct ? or can i use in…..tnx alot i hope u will replies me
Thanks for you lessons, Alex. EngVid is an incredible site having great teachers with their cognitive and informative lessons. Carry on!I have one little question: could you tell me how to say “I am afraid of” in Passive Voice,I mean when smbdy is afraid of me. Thank you in advance
I got 10/10 hehehe Thank you so much Alex :)
i got 10 out of 10 ! thanks so much alex.
i have a question.
we use “in” when we are interested in something. we use “i am interested in IT” am i right?
what about i am interested a person. what preposition should we use? “in” or “on” for example: “i am interested on you” or “i am interested in you” , i am interested on him or i am interested in he or him?
thank you.
hi my favourite teacher Alex how r u doin? wish u doin wll, wanna ask u how can i use (i would)? my best wishes to u .
i got 9.not bad.thanks Alex.
I had been troubled so many using preposition all the time. That lesson was very helping me to use in English.
Thank you for the lesson,
Thanks for the class
Kindly explain to me about the usage of behind and back .thanks a lot.
Su wah htun
i got 90
thank you Alex.
Thank you Alex. I am not trying to be boastful but i ‘m very good at listening and writing. and the way you folks teach makes everything looks easy.
Hi Alex
how are you ?
I want to understand all the tenses in English language and I want to speak an English language ..
Can you help me please ?
Hello Alex! Good job! I’d like to know if is possible use ON instead OF in the forth sentence “… tired on trying.” Thank you!
Very good!
Dear sir,
is it possible sir to nuber the lessons in order to enable us to know where we statr and where we finish, or there ia away and i don’t how to know it or use it.
thank you Mr.Alex
Nazar from Iraq
Thank you Alex, Great lesson! I just can’t understand the prepositions!!! For example, what is correct to say: I am not good at prepositions or I am not good with prepositions?
Sally S
thanks Alx. this was nice.
thnx a lot :)
great lesson thank u.
joya rai
I got 100%! Your lecture is very effective. Thank you Mr. Alex
thank you.
my score is (You got 10 correct out of 10.) thanks for my best teacher it is worked
Ari Qader
10/10 Thank you, Sir!
Hello,i am new participant in this website and I learned alot from you and miss Ronnie I have one question about ,Being, can we use being in this sentence? eg,I am scared of being alone.
I am being happy.
i am excied being meeting you
Woow how awesome! I got 10/10. Good job Mr. Alex
The essence of this topic is fairly well understood. It is impossible to cover all. But maybe you or somebody from engVid team can make a list of adjectives with commonly used prepositions. Thank you for the lesson, Alex!
I scored 10/10 after your lecture,,,,,,but i still have a lot problems like…..what is correct,,,,i am going to/on holiday…2) i am arrived at/to new york….he is died of/by/from malaria…….he will return by/in a week…..he is blind in/of one eye…….he is ill with/by fever.,,,,write with/in ink…..train is running to/by time…..i hope you like to help me love you all
jagwinder singh
HI Alex Sir,
This video is very useful to understand prepositions with adjectives, could you please exalin how to use prepostion ‘ for’.
Really interesting, thank you very much.
Thank so much , it was really useful lesson :)
Thank you for the lesson
Great! You got 10 correct out of 10.
I like the lesson. Thank you Alex.
thank you
thank you engvid
thnx alott alex
Hello teacher Alex. Could you explain?
Why we use? ” I am interred in….” instead “I have interested in ….”
I supposed “is/am/are” always follow by ” ing ”
Such as. ” I am interesting in writing” OR ” I am exciting about your birthday.”
Why don’t we use like ” I have interred in writing” ” I have excited about your
Thank you.
Commando 27/53
This video really help me understand English Grammar.
Thank you Alex
Very helpful! Thanks!
I feel confused
Ok Alex, thanks. 90%.
Really you are Stunning teacher, thanks so much,although I got 100% result of quiz, I still weak in English
Do you have “good to” in English? What is the meaning?
Example: She is very good to her patients.
Thanks Alex!!! Your explanations are very helpful.
Thank you.
Excellent Job, Thank you
great class. Thanks Alex.
10\9 not bad)))
Hi, I have a question about “focused”.
I have learnt from my English teacher that I should always say ” I’m focused on sth or on doing sth. But today I saw someone writing focused in/at, like in the phrase:
I wasn’t focused in/at work today. Then, I asked that person If it shouldn’t be ” I wasn’t focused on my work today and she said that I could use in or at in this case and it would be right. I would like to know If she is right and that I really can use “focused ” this way.
100% correct.
Unbelievable! I got 100. But it’s not so easy using them while speaking! Thanks Alex. . .
I was really confused with prepositions before I saw your video. Thanks Alex!
thanks for this class
8/10 wow
Thanks I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Are you hero or something like that
mark’s good (in) cooking
is it correct
What is the correct answer for number 8?
8. I’m terrible _____ taking quizzes.
terrible “at”
Thank! But this lesson is useful but i think it cant help us to know about ADJ + Preposition. I mean do you have formula to bring us up to know exactly when & how we use “preposition” in sentence. I’m always confuss about it. Waiting for your answer! Thank!
Thanks for you Alex,I am interesting in yours tips
great lessons!!!! ALEX U R THE BEST!!
Melina Perisati
Im intrested in your teaching method. Tnx alex
thank you very much indeed!
easy work 10:)))
I got 8! Thanks : ) It was clear (y)
Thanks it is clear
” Dear Alex, If a student got 10 correct out of 10, What will be his / her bonus? Remember I’m one of them as well. haha
don’t we say ‘ TO BE GOOD AT STH ‘ bit ” TO BE BAD IN SMTH ” ???? THANKS FOR THE ANSWER !
Thanks Alex .. I’m interested in all your lessons … keep going
which of these is correct?
the script was translated in Spanish.
the script was translated to Spanish.
the script was translated into Spanish.
Hi Alex
I would like to know if this adjective/Preposition combination applies to all adjectives. Like: The coach is analogous of our skills.
thank’s for the teaching.
OK, I am glad
Oleg Tomson
10/10 . I was lucky because I don’t know the correct answer to this question.
I’m terrible……taking quizzes.
Thanks in advance
10/10. thank you very much.
It is very good that you work on different parts of English language skills. Thanks again .
Excellent there any trick to remember the combination like expert at not expert in.Sir Alex please arrange more lectures on this.
Excellent lesson
Hussein Gabralla
Thanks for teaching.
I’m learn a lot from your lesson.
Can you suggest some tricks to solve these adjectives and prepositions question??
Vikash gupta
thank alex ur great teacher
it is a very useful lesson, thanks a lot sir!
guiahod pangadil
good lesson
i got 9 out of 10
Thanks,Teacher Alex~
If there any possible that we can create some rules of these combination at least covering most of the common use?
Dicky Lu
Sorry some typo.
Is there any ……
Dicky Lu
sir plz ,add some classes about root words
Thanks for ur explanation,,i got 100% to do ur quiz. BTW, if u don’t mind, would u like tell us what’s the different “tired of” with “tired from” .. Thanks
Please explain more detail, 5 minutes not enough.
im still not understand when to use in/at, please explain more, why use in or at, why not use other preposition such as on/by.
Hello Sir
I am new participant, I will follow your lessons I watched your previous lessons that were very useful
thanks Sir
I am really interested in your teaching. Thank!!!
kang limpichrothanak
kang limpichrothanak
I’m good at EngVid quizzes because I got all correct out of 10.
Thanks Alex.
I’m gonna have a test on Sunday, I have to be prepared.
Nice Teaching
Thank you Mr. Alex.
Thanks a million sir for your outstanding lesson!It’s so clear and very useful.It’s really a good lesson and more informative.I love your lesson as always.I am interested in learning English.
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
best regards,Alex (Kazakhstan o7 Dec2o21:)
6. Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister.
why is it (about) not (of) as you have said (about) with someone who has no feeling and (of) with someone like the example number 5 in the video
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It is a very good lession,how about the adjective with ING form?
We don’t follow “-ing” adjectives with prepositions like we do in this lesson.
It`s a very useful lesson. Thanks! :D
Terrific lesson ..
Thanks a lot
I’m good at taking quizzes, I’ve never failed. thank a million Alex have a nice day dude.
No problem! Keep studying!
What is the difference between “I’m good in” and “I’m good at”? Can I use them interchangeably?
The next thing is this: Alex you said that “worried for” is used for a person or something what is acting like a person. :) Anyway, in the quiz, there is “Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister.”, and I chose “about”, but according to you, I should use “for” instead. If we talking about people, can we chose between “for” and “about”? Could you explain me this issue?
Yes, we can use “for” and “about” in that situation, but “for” has a more personal meaning in that context.
“Good at” indicates ability. “Good in” does not…at least, not in the same way. For example:
“I’m good at typing.” (It’s awkward to say “good in” here)
“Angelina Jolie was really good in Changeling.”
“Sugar is good in many things!”
ok, you are good at explication¡¡
Thank you so much. I got 10 correct out of 10. It is amazing because preposition is a good challenge. You are really good at teaching.
I have another question :)
If we want to use the word “explain”, do we use any preposition after it, or it depends on something?
For example:
“Could you explain me this issue?” — Should I add “to” after explain? — “Could you explain to me this issue?”
Can we change a little bit the above sentence to this form? — “Could you explain this issue to me?”
Good question!
The most correct and common form of your question here is the last one. “Could you explain this/that to me/us/them?”
“Could you explain me your reasons” is incorrect, since you’re asking the other person to explain YOU.
thank you please Alex answer my Q
which adjectives goes with Around and ON
please help me
thanks again
There are numerous possibilities.
“He’s nervous/anxious/confident around beautiful women.”
One common idiomatic expression with an adjective and on is “big on.” For example, if I say “I’m big on sci-fi literature,” I mean that I am really interested in sci-fi.
Hope this helps!
Hello Alex. I`m new in this wedsite and I find the lesson is fantastic with a wonderful teacher. I’m a Spanish teacher too, but not an English teacher. I can learn a lot from your experince.
9 of 10
I have to keep practicing
Many thanks
Im an old guy comuing to the end of a working career and now want to become a teacher
YOU are the teacher for me
Thanks for the class.
thank you
Thanks Alex, I’ve scored 9 out of 10! great lesson!
Thank you Alex
Would you explain between two prepositions “for and “about”?
Another question for using comma, Q: Paul is going to see the movie about the couple who disappeared, so he may come home late, because it lasts three hours.
My question is -Why use a comma before because? Would you explain to me? I could not understand why use before a subordinating conjunction, because?
thank alex ur great teacher
excellent lesson
Thank you so much.
thanks so much about this lesson . greeting to you mr alex
9/10 i need more practice
Thanks Alex. keep up the good work
100% ! Thank you Alex. I love your lessons!
really 1 of the best. thank u i love it and wish to be a student learning from this program
Thank you very much for this lesson ! ++ I am appreciate to study with you.
This is a typical area for interferences italian-english. the use of prepositions in italian is quite different. So, thanks for your help Alex
No problem! Thanks for coming back!
I got 90..yay!
was very helpful!!
please answer my question
thanks Alex so much I so interesting in this lesson
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson. I have one question on same.
Here is this question in quiz. “Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister” and correct answer was about. Can we say Rodrigo is worried for his sister?
Absolutely. “For” makes it feel more personal, as if Rodrigo is worried in place of his sister. I hope that makes sense! It works for people, but doesn’t really work in other contexts. For example:
“I’m a little worried about my driving exam.”
“I’m a little worried for my driving exam.”
“For” doesn’t work here because it implies that you are worried in place of your driving exam, which is impossible because exams don’t have feelings.
perfect answer!
you are a great teacher.
thanks a lot, thank you very much mister Alex
thanks so much!!
thanks alott
I,v been looking for a web that much helpfull .envid is the one.thankyou.
thanks! i liked this lesson
Thanks a lot Alex you are good at teaching :-)
It’s really a good lesson for me,I think I need practice more.Thank you,Alex.
howdy Alex great lesson
thinks a bundle
one question :if I wanna say
I think she is tired from trying. instead of ((of)) use (from) because from it can used to describe condition . it that correct hope to find replies
You can definitely be “tired from” something. It means that the thing you are tired from directly caused your fatigue.
i realy liked this websites but i have one problem , i study english in college first year and i realy realy need help from u guys , i have issues in linguistics and epistomology plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz i need your help teacher alex or anyone capable plzzzzzzzzzz i have exams soon so i’m waiting your answer if anyone see this plzzzz replie to my e-mail adress or my fb pretty hind ,i need lessons in this modules plzzzzzz
Hi Alex,
50% oups i really have to revise this lesson !! Please what are the answers ?
I’m terrible __ taking quizzes. (with? at?)
I’m really tired ____all her lies (about? with?)
“Terrible at” and “Tired of.” :)
Hi Kurtleen. The first question’s answer is “at” as he taught us we are good or bad at something.
The second one’s answer is of so that you can translate in french ” Je suis fatigué de tous ses mensonges”.
I hope I helped you. Au revoir.
Hi Alex ! What about my request of the pronunciation difference of :
‘puːl ˈpʊl ˈfuːl ˈfʊl’.
I think that the pronunciation lessons are the most important and they aren’t completed on Engvid. There are some pronunciation lessons but they don’t cover all the 15 vowels sounds.
I looked in the web and I found some good stuff but I think that if you could teach them I would understand better and everybody would benefit of it. Thanks for your help and your patience.
I think this is a great idea. I’ll put together some more pronunciation lessons for the new year!
I hadn’t seen you answered me. Thanks for taking this idea in consideration. Watch you soon ^^.
I did not know which preposition should be combined with good and bad. Thank millions
Good, thank you for this site.
many thanks
good lesson keep this up!!
10 correct out of 10, thank u alex :D your lessons are always helpful
This is very much helpful!
Im the best in the world =p
I like. it was really how he explained this class. thanks.
9 correct out of 10
I think it’s good mark for me as it’s my 1st visit to the site
thank u was very intresting was very good at teaching.:-)
thanks a lot .it’s really interesting what you’re teaching.i’d like to distinguish between the prepositions at / in
You would need a whole book for that. :) The basic difference, if you’re talking about “at” and “in” as prepositions of place, is that “in” actually means “inside,” whereas “at” means “at a specific location.”
For example:
“I am in school.” (I’m inside the building)
“I am at school.” (Maybe I’m in the computer lab, maybe I’m outside, maybe I’m in class…I’m somewhere in or around the school)
Hope this helps!
goog examle!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot ^^
hi alex how r u ? its really good to listen into ur lessons , my question is when i can say i told him and when i say i ve’ told him. really im happy if u can provide me with ur good the way u have such a great clear accent which i love best regards to u
“I told him” is simple past, which means you can also add a past time expression like “yesterday,” “two days ago,” “last week,” etc. to it.
“I have told him” is present perfect, which means you can’t use past time expressions. It’s the indefinite past. You told him at some point before the present, but the time is not important. However, you can say “I’ve told him today/recently.” It’s something that happened in the recent past in these examples.
thank you Alex
i really learn from you. thanks a lot!
Hi alex, it was a really good lesson. Your one of the best teacher of engvid. I liked this lesson a lot because you explain it very easy. I understood all the things tha you sais. Thank you very much. Good luck
thanks teacher for your class
you have a good pronunciation alex… very understandable … thanks
Thanks so much. it’s so interesting and important rule..:))
interesting lesson thanks.
Thanks for the lesson, you are good at teaching.
Thanks for your comment, and thanks to everyone else who has commented on this video. You guys are great.
Hi Alex thanks for the lesson. I got all answers correct, thanks to you.
Today I am going to have lunch in Vaudeville, do want to join?
thank a lot, It’s very helpful…:D
I got 10 correct out of 10 :) that’s great really :) thank you for awesome Video!!!
Thanks for your awesome lessons! They are really helpful! I wish you will keep on them!
thanks alex. i have been learning a lot.than you sooooo much..
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much,your lessons are very clear like crystal and useful.Will you explain a video lesson about reported speech please ?
should we say terrible AT?
thank you for every thing you have been learning us and i am benefiting from these lessons
Great to learn this lesson thank you ALEX
Hi, Alex. Thank you for your lesson. I have a question for you. Could you tell me what part of speech the word “gone” is? Could it be used not only as a PastParticiple but also as an adjective? I`ve seen some sentences, that contain word “gone”. And it has been unclear for me since, how to use “gone” in this case. For example: “Wow, this ice-cream is gone! It`s really gone!” Or: “The robber had been gone when I came.” Can I use the auxiliary verb “to be” with “gone” in Present Perfect tense instead of “have”? For example: “He is gone”. I hope you understand my question.
Best regards.
Great site to learn English
how about “i want to be good in english” or is it “i want to be good at english” what is the correct preposition to be used?
dear Alex Thank you,that was perfecta
thx alex u are great teacher
i’m the best
=p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p =p
Thank You Alex
Excelent classes !!
I got full mark! thanks Alex
I think you are a good teacher. I understand very clear your pronunciation and your helpful thanks
Thank you so much Alex, and Carlos77 !!!
Thank you. :)
I found this page very interesting and I like it, the teachers are very good and explain very well. Thank you very much.
Thank you Alex for this great tuto, useful !! Good job !
thank you very much for all your efforts. plz help me to be in touch with each other . im from palestine . i want to complete my studies but there is no enough money for me to complete or to leave my own country .
plz help me
How can I doawload this video?
wow i got 10 of 10.i m so excited.
dziękuje Alex
Thanks Alex for this great lesson.
I want to say that with some very simple examples like the one of the test&feelings to explain why not using the preposition for, made this part of the lesson so clear that i’ll always remember this context before using it after adjectives.
Your way of teaching is fantastic and to the point. Thanks again.
Hi Alex,
I´m new web page user, this was an excellent lesson and i got 9 points :)
I’m terrible on taking quizzes.
Is it right? “I am terrible in taking quizzes.”
txn alot alex i have one qoustion that is:if i said i’m interesting ur speak….is that correct or in correct ? or can i use in…..tnx alot i hope u will replies me
Thanks for you lessons, Alex. EngVid is an incredible site having great teachers with their cognitive and informative lessons. Carry on!I have one little question: could you tell me how to say “I am afraid of” in Passive Voice,I mean when smbdy is afraid of me. Thank you in advance
I got 10/10 hehehe Thank you so much Alex :)
i got 10 out of 10 ! thanks so much alex.
i have a question.
we use “in” when we are interested in something. we use “i am interested in IT” am i right?
what about i am interested a person. what preposition should we use? “in” or “on” for example: “i am interested on you” or “i am interested in you” , i am interested on him or i am interested in he or him?
thank you.
hi my favourite teacher Alex how r u doin? wish u doin wll, wanna ask u how can i use (i would)? my best wishes to u .
i got 9.not bad.thanks Alex.
I had been troubled so many using preposition all the time. That lesson was very helping me to use in English.
Thank you for the lesson,
Thanks for the class
Kindly explain to me about the usage of behind and back .thanks a lot.
i got 90
thank you Alex.
Thank you Alex. I am not trying to be boastful but i ‘m very good at listening and writing. and the way you folks teach makes everything looks easy.
Hi Alex
how are you ?
I want to understand all the tenses in English language and I want to speak an English language ..
Can you help me please ?
Hello Alex! Good job! I’d like to know if is possible use ON instead OF in the forth sentence “… tired on trying.” Thank you!
Very good!
Dear sir,
is it possible sir to nuber the lessons in order to enable us to know where we statr and where we finish, or there ia away and i don’t how to know it or use it.
thank you Mr.Alex
Nazar from Iraq
Thank you Alex, Great lesson! I just can’t understand the prepositions!!! For example, what is correct to say: I am not good at prepositions or I am not good with prepositions?
thanks Alx. this was nice.
thnx a lot :)
great lesson thank u.
I got 100%! Your lecture is very effective. Thank you Mr. Alex
thank you.
my score is (You got 10 correct out of 10.) thanks for my best teacher it is worked
10/10 Thank you, Sir!
Hello,i am new participant in this website and I learned alot from you and miss Ronnie I have one question about ,Being, can we use being in this sentence? eg,I am scared of being alone.
I am being happy.
i am excied being meeting you
Woow how awesome! I got 10/10. Good job Mr. Alex
The essence of this topic is fairly well understood. It is impossible to cover all. But maybe you or somebody from engVid team can make a list of adjectives with commonly used prepositions. Thank you for the lesson, Alex!
I scored 10/10 after your lecture,,,,,,but i still have a lot problems like…..what is correct,,,,i am going to/on holiday…2) i am arrived at/to new york….he is died of/by/from malaria…….he will return by/in a week…..he is blind in/of one eye…….he is ill with/by fever.,,,,write with/in ink…..train is running to/by time…..i hope you like to help me love you all
HI Alex Sir,
This video is very useful to understand prepositions with adjectives, could you please exalin how to use prepostion ‘ for’.
Really interesting, thank you very much.
Thank so much , it was really useful lesson :)
Thank you for the lesson
Great! You got 10 correct out of 10.
I like the lesson. Thank you Alex.
thank you
thank you engvid
thnx alott alex
Hello teacher Alex. Could you explain?
Why we use? ” I am interred in….” instead “I have interested in ….”
I supposed “is/am/are” always follow by ” ing ”
Such as. ” I am interesting in writing” OR ” I am exciting about your birthday.”
Why don’t we use like ” I have interred in writing” ” I have excited about your
Thank you.
This video really help me understand English Grammar.
Thank you Alex
Very helpful! Thanks!
I feel confused
Ok Alex, thanks. 90%.
Really you are Stunning teacher, thanks so much,although I got 100% result of quiz, I still weak in English
Do you have “good to” in English? What is the meaning?
Example: She is very good to her patients.
Thanks Alex!!! Your explanations are very helpful.
Thank you.
Excellent Job, Thank you
great class. Thanks Alex.
10\9 not bad)))
Hi, I have a question about “focused”.
I have learnt from my English teacher that I should always say ” I’m focused on sth or on doing sth. But today I saw someone writing focused in/at, like in the phrase:
I wasn’t focused in/at work today. Then, I asked that person If it shouldn’t be ” I wasn’t focused on my work today and she said that I could use in or at in this case and it would be right. I would like to know If she is right and that I really can use “focused ” this way.
100% correct.
Unbelievable! I got 100. But it’s not so easy using them while speaking! Thanks Alex. . .
I was really confused with prepositions before I saw your video. Thanks Alex!
thanks for this class
8/10 wow
Thanks I got 100%.
Are you hero or something like that
mark’s good (in) cooking
is it correct
What is the correct answer for number 8?
8. I’m terrible _____ taking quizzes.
terrible “at”
Thank! But this lesson is useful but i think it cant help us to know about ADJ + Preposition. I mean do you have formula to bring us up to know exactly when & how we use “preposition” in sentence. I’m always confuss about it. Waiting for your answer! Thank!
Thanks for you Alex,I am interesting in yours tips
great lessons!!!! ALEX U R THE BEST!!
Im intrested in your teaching method. Tnx alex
thank you very much indeed!
easy work 10:)))
I got 8! Thanks : ) It was clear (y)
Thanks it is clear
” Dear Alex, If a student got 10 correct out of 10, What will be his / her bonus? Remember I’m one of them as well. haha
don’t we say ‘ TO BE GOOD AT STH ‘ bit ” TO BE BAD IN SMTH ” ???? THANKS FOR THE ANSWER !
Thanks Alex .. I’m interested in all your lessons … keep going
which of these is correct?
the script was translated in Spanish.
the script was translated to Spanish.
the script was translated into Spanish.
Hi Alex
I would like to know if this adjective/Preposition combination applies to all adjectives. Like: The coach is analogous of our skills.
thank’s for the teaching.
OK, I am glad
10/10 . I was lucky because I don’t know the correct answer to this question.
I’m terrible……taking quizzes.
Thanks in advance
10/10. thank you very much.
It is very good that you work on different parts of English language skills. Thanks again .
Excellent there any trick to remember the combination like expert at not expert in.Sir Alex please arrange more lectures on this.
Excellent lesson
Thanks for teaching.
I’m learn a lot from your lesson.
Can you suggest some tricks to solve these adjectives and prepositions question??
thank alex ur great teacher
it is a very useful lesson, thanks a lot sir!
good lesson
i got 9 out of 10
Thanks,Teacher Alex~
If there any possible that we can create some rules of these combination at least covering most of the common use?
Sorry some typo.
Is there any ……
sir plz ,add some classes about root words
Thanks for ur explanation,,i got 100% to do ur quiz. BTW, if u don’t mind, would u like tell us what’s the different “tired of” with “tired from” .. Thanks
Please explain more detail, 5 minutes not enough.
im still not understand when to use in/at, please explain more, why use in or at, why not use other preposition such as on/by.
Hello Sir
I am new participant, I will follow your lessons I watched your previous lessons that were very useful
thanks Sir
I am really interested in your teaching. Thank!!!
I’m good at EngVid quizzes because I got all correct out of 10.
Thanks Alex.
I’m gonna have a test on Sunday, I have to be prepared.
Nice Teaching
Thank you Mr. Alex.
Thanks a million sir for your outstanding lesson!It’s so clear and very useful.It’s really a good lesson and more informative.I love your lesson as always.I am interested in learning English.
I watched this video twice on June 06, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
best regards,Alex (Kazakhstan o7 Dec2o21:)
6. Rodrigo is worried ___ his sister.
why is it (about) not (of) as you have said (about) with someone who has no feeling and (of) with someone like the example number 5 in the video
Thank you teacher Alex…!
Thank you Teacher Alex.
It was helpful,thank you.