In this grammar lesson, I show you an easy way to understand and use adverbs correctly. You’ll also learn about the difference between good and well, hard and hardly, and more! No more confusion!
thanks a million Rebecca,this lesson was great. easily understood, u r my angel come n’ save me tonight.
true it’s a very interesting lesson
Dear teacher Rebecca, I have been learnig a lot with your worderful lessons, I really appreciate your kindness and high level of professionalism. A grat hello from a Brazilian fan, Sérgio.
P.S I mean learning, great and wonderful and after teacher we do not use the name, sorry about that.
thank you my best teacher in engvid, your lesson is very helpfull.
very good lesson,thanks.
nashat anwar
I am an inmigrant living in USA, how happy I can feeling when I listen you and I undertand eveything you say. my english is no good but I wanted to tell you that.
A big hug for you.
I apreciate this lesson.
Good lesson. I passed the quiz.
hello teacher. thanks
you teach very well
this lesson is really well to understand use of adverb
Great ! I’m looking forward to your next lesson
great lesson,thanks much.:)
thanks teacher rebeca and always i understand your lesson and mosly i answer your quastions easily.thank for your wast time for us.
Thank you very much for this lesson ,rely that is very helpful for us i ‘m very impassioned to do all your cours. Best thanks
this is really awesome…
Yaya Vogue
hi can u plz tell me that he/she does has a car is a correct sentence or he/she does have a car is correct??
The correct version would be:
Does he have a car?
All the best to you.
i like the lessons here, it’s fun and challenging
Jeremy Gavriel
I will joint to your class virtual every day, how can I do this ?
barli aryahadikusumah
There are many old lessons you could go through, and that will keep you going for a little while. There are many excellent lessons by other engvid teachers, which I am sure can help you too.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much teacher I love your teaching lesson very clear and clear and I’m looking forward to your next lesson.
thank you very much for your teaching lesson and more beauty more healthy.
HI every one … at first we have to say special thanks for ENGVID teams and all teachers..
I’m New member for this web site.
Actually i have a good background for English but now i need to be fluently in English (Academic English )because, now i am master student .
thanks again for all
you’ re fantastic. You helped me a lot
wow what a nice
Hello he slams the door suddenly. He’s a careless driver. He had a Car accident . He looks strong,muscle bound, built up well
Nose hair, he is tall. He jumps up and down. Walks backward
Is that correct?
hi rebeca i have a question what happend when i use “GOOD”
First of all, good is an adjective and well is an adverb.
The words good and bad are irregular adjectives and behave differently from regular adjectives.
With regular adjectives, we make the comparative form by adding -er to the adjective, and the superlative form by adding the -est to the adjective, as in hot, hotter and the hottest. The other regular way is to use more / most, as in difficult, more difficult, and the most difficult.
In the case of good, good is the basic adjective, better is the comparative form and the best is the superlative form.
This is a good car.
This car is better.
This is the best car of them all.
The same happens with bad/ worse/ the worst.
The adverb well is used in this way:
He writes well. (not “He writes good.”)
Like all adverbs, it tells us how he writes; in other words, it gives us more information about the verb.
Bad and Badly require a little more explanation, so I suggest you check a good grammar book.
All the best to you.
I messed up lots of times with the use of good and well till now. Thanks!
Hi Rebecca, On the quiz about adverbs. When do I use good and when do I use well? thanks a lot!! :)
Hello, I have a thought that I can answer your question. “good” is adjective and “well” is adverb of adjective “good”. Now, let’s take this example:
“We did a good job.” –> “good” describes “job” which is a noun and for that reason, “good” is an adjective. But you also can say:
“We did the job well” –> “well” describes the action of how “job” was performed. Both sentences have the same meanings. I hope you understand! ^^!
You’ve explained very well
Hi Rebecca, I really appreciate your kindness and your explanation. Thanks alot.
Hi Rebecca, I hope you’re doing great. Wonderful video by the way. I want to ask you something. You clearly said that when you use good as an adverb you must use well, I understood that. But I have heard some people that say very well and very good, and I wonder what’s the difference in that case (or should I say what the difference is) correct me if I’m wrong please. Oh another question. When I was doing the I choosed She speaks very clear, but after finishing the quiz pointed out that it was wrong, that I should have said clearly. It makes sense because if you ask how does she speak the answer should say that she speaks clearly, like you have taught. But I think that I have heard it without the ly before. I must be wrong sure, but is there any possibility that I could be right? Thanks for doing the video, and I hope for reading and answering! Hope to see you soon with another grammar lesson on this site.
Thanks for your feedback and interest.
Sometimes people say “very well” or “Very good” at the start of a sentence as a way of saying, “Okay”.
However, in a sentence, they would be used in this way:
He speaks very good Portuguese.
He speaks Portuguese very well.
In the case of “She speaks clearly.”
this is the only correct version.
Thanks very much for your interest and attention to detail, Martin. My very best wishes to you.
rebecca,how about inspire?
Hi Rebecca,
I thank you very much for these lessons.
i have done it nicely >>>
thank you very much
you explain very good.thank you very match
thank you very much for your teaching lesson and more beauty more healthy.
Thanks a lot, that helped me so much ..
Thanks rebeca ! It was great !
thanx a lot…. you are perfect Rebecca.
sham on u and on your comments go to hell forever
sarish khan
thanks Rebecca!!
Dear Rebecca,it was fine !!
thank you for this lesson
thanx alot you teach us in good way
sarish khan
i scored 8 out of 8 i got it thanx
sarish khan
thank you very much!
Thanks Rebecca . That was really helpful for my.
Thank you my best techer I love you too
I’ve got 8/8. It’s a good lesson and you teach really well.
I hope there’re various useful lessons in the next time.
I’d like to learn using about VERB+PREPOSITION
Thank you so much
Thank you very much!
I scored 8 out of 8! Yeah!
It is wanderful !!! Thanks very much !!
My scored 7 out 8, it is because I’m still confused to use ‘good’ and ‘well’ word, coz both sound correct.
Please check my reply to this question above. All the best to you.
the way and pattern you are learning is very good, carry on, thanks.
thank you for this lesson my best techer
great lesson
Hi Rebeca, I first want to know how you are..I hope things are going right in your life and you are leading your life smoothly,easily,happily while having a lot of fun and joy in your life.I must thank you for being inspired,motivated of learning this language by your priceless,incredible,unmatched video lesson ..Sometimes I intend to live in a world surrounded by English.I consider English to be the sweetest language across the world.To be honest,I must admit that I would have loved to take birth in an English speaking country.However,the creator does not seem to have wanted that but I am grateful as well as fortunate to have been able to see the beautiful world around me which encourages me to do something which has not been done by any living creatures till date-something which is still hidden,unbeliveable.I am also blessed to have got a chance to improve my English with the best friend (i.e. engvid) of mine..I request you to keep going this noble work helping a lot of learners across the world to have a strong command along with a deep realization of this language which could enable them to be landed in their desired carrers ..
Finally, I am winding up my emotions,thoughts by letting you know that I am looking forward to getting response from you…
sona sharma
Thank you kindly for your feedback. I wish you all the best with your English language learning.Given what you have written, I would say that you already have mastered quite a lot of the language. I do believe that we are all capable of achieving our goals, and I am sure you will do the same. My very best wishes to you, Sona.
Rebecca, thank you so much for this lesson. I am working on my English improvement hard, so I hope I used the adverbs in this sentence correctly.
What a bum
yeap teacher i understand and leccion i m promise focus studing english practices mora at more
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lessons,they are really helpful and useful. Your language outcome and may I ask where are you from.
just in context of your accent. is it more canadian or kiwi..? Not been offensive,just curious. ))
thanks a lot..:)
good lesson you are professional
ahmed saied rahama,Sudan
this is a nice learning lesson..
hi Rebecca . Can you please tel me last example ?
She speaks good English
She speaks English well
I can’t understand these examples :{ what the different?
hi Rebecca . Can you please tel me last example ?
She speaks good English
She speaks English well
I can’t understand these examples :{ what is the different?
I think about the meaning, both two sentences have no differences. But about the grammar, they’re different. “good” stands before English so it’s an adjective which describes the noun which is “English”. In the opposite, “well” is adverb which describes the verb “speak”. Tell me if I’m wrong. ^^!
hi rebecca,may i ask u a question about the present continuous tense?
if i miss someone at the present time,should i say i’m missing you??is it correct?
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for clear explanation. I like your pronunciation. It is clear and suitable for the non-native persons. Your lessons and method are also very obvios for any learners. Enjoy your teaching.
Samrid Komkhum
Nice! Keep going and going—–
I really appreciate the methodology of teaching English.I have learnt too much of things before which i could not think of those materials. Thanks a bunch Mrs.Rebecca
Nasir Buledi
Dear Rebecca,
Your lesson is very useful. I learnt a lot. Very clear explanations. Very easy to understand this lesson.
thank you very much teacher. I understand now about take a bring that you teach thank so much but how about (give and take)
Hii Rebecca,
I have learnt one stuff today.It’s actually a fundamental concept of English.I like to discuss about parts of speech expressing how much I have properly understood.
For an instance, we have words like “education”,”protection”,”Eviction” etc.These are all nouns whereas if we eliminate the “tion” part from the end of these words,we get the action words called verbs in English(Like “to educate”,”to protect” etc.)
Even, we can convert these action words into their corrresponding adjective forms by just adding “ed” at the end.I have cited some sample sentences here too.
1.All of my friends are well educated except me.
2.The chief minister of bengal(A state known Kolkata in India) has pledged to provide rehabilation package to the evicted people of Nonadanga.(The place where a lot of encroachers used to live before being evicted by the government).
3.My laptop is well protected by the newly-launched antivirus by microsoft which cost me one thousand and two hundred rupees to buy.
I like you to let me know if I have proper conception or not..
sona sharma
thank you for help
Thank you very much teacher. I understand now about take a bring that you teach thank so much but how about (give and take)
Nazir Muhammad Yousufzai
It was really cool to learn about those adjectives which are adverbs also, whithout changing its form. these were some new things for me.
Also the explanation about good and well and their use was a flash of light over a subject that I used to get confused.
Thanks Rebecca, nice class :)
Thank you very much for lesson!
Very nice lesson and very good pronunciation!
Hi, Rebecca
I have a question about preposition
i have read a sentence like this :
i am leaving the country , question is why we don’t use preposition here like leaving from the compony. Sometimes we have to use preposition but here why we don’t use or are there verbs we don’t have to use preposition ? Can you explain or can you make a lesson on this topic ,please ? Thank you very much for this great lessons …
I always ask myself about these rules… Actually I asked, because after this explanation everything is clear in mind… I’ve been learning a lot, in that way my I’ll improve quickly…All the best
Thank you Rebecca, very helpful lesson.
I wish you all the best!
Thank you very much teacher I love your teaching lesson very clear
thank you
Thank u
Abdul Qayum
Dear Rebecca,
Hope all’s ok with u,
A ? I’ve got plz:
In NO.1 what’s the matter with “clear”,I couldn’t catch the answer!
Many tx.
hi teacher i speak english leter because i’m not study english befor how i can learing speaking and writing moor and thank u alot for your lessons
I didn’t understand about adv and adj,but i’ve understood now.Thank you Miss.Rebecca
Keep teaching us :)
thank you teacher very much.
Chamil Sarajith
first, thank you for help. I am wondering if you give TOFEL course online.
my is e-mail:
Hello from Ukraine.
The lesson was great. Thank you.
hi rebecca,i am recently saw your teaching.if i have a doubt now,will you answer my question? in this what all mistake?could you correct it.please
heloo maam……
The commitee could not come to a final decision.
The honesty is a virtue.
what is wrong in these two sentences…please help
first of all, good afternoon teacher rebecca, well, teacher rebecca I am zulávio sebastião bunga, I have been enjoing so much with your lesson , teacher rebecca please send me everything that has to do with beginner and Intermediate level.,grammar study. this is my email
Great lesson! :D
Thanks Becca the 2 last questions.I ´ve got a mystake, but i´ll be trying and studying
thaks Rebeca, you are a very good teacher. i like the way you give de information
Je souhaiterais avoir une diction aussi parfaite que la vôtre.
Thanks a lot et dont give up
dear teacher; i like the method of your teaching. And i want that you should teach all tenses in one video i will be thankful of you, please.
essa khan
Thanks for his wonderful video which really helped me to keep my doubts away.
rebeca thank you for lesson .
Hello Rebecca…you know I have not gone to the haven, but when I think about it, think that all of the angel are gonna look like you !!!
thanhks rebeca. you said slowly and i can understand this lesson. ^^
Rebeca, why the last question we choose hardly ?
Hi hahuynh, I think that Rebecca mentions “hardly” to make you pay more attention to distinguish of “hard” and “hardly”. They’re both adverbs but have different meanings. “Hardly” means “almost not or almost no”. For example: “She hardly ever call me”. That means that she almost never call me! ^^!
Thank you for all your lessons..
Thank you very much for your informations. I am Turkish and English is than very diffrent Turkish. So I don’t easily learn but you help well. thank you…
what is different between?
Slow and slowy
through and by
withou and exept
Bilawal Baloch
Thanks dear best Rbeca you make me feel Well
Thank you madame.
Hi madame Rebecca ,just a quetion ,what is the diffference between : I was gone ,and I have gone ,because I am in trouble with using have and was with past participle .when can i use have and was ? thank you .
thank´s Teacher this is a good lesson
Thanks Rebecca ,Your teaching really well .God bless you .My best wishesto you.
I learned fast not fastly..
i just say “you teach perfectly” :)
Thanks a lot. Which is correct between ” please read the sentance loudly.” and ” please read the sentance loud.”?
The correct sentence is “Please read the sentence loudly.” but we can say like this “Please read the sentence out loud”. Amazing huh! ^^!
Thank you Rebecca , you good and helpful work.
i appreciate your efforts thank you so much, you a good teacher
But where we have to put thé adverb?
Thanks for the useful lesson.
I like Rebecca’s lessons because of a manner of the teaching – she doesn’t speak fast and sounds each word very clear. I see in it her care about us, learners.
Thanks a lot and I’m waiting for the new ones.
I ment I’m waiting for new lessons.
thanks teacher..i received 100 out of 100..i am satisfied because of i answered carefully..
can u teach about UPON”….in your next lesson? also “MAY HAVE” SHALL HAVE?
You are so Awesome! 8 out of 8 .
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
I like when teachers speak clearly!
Many thanks I believe he speaks English good English but, you said she speak English I am correct or incorrect or your answer is highly appreciate.
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for your lessons, you teach very well!
Thanks you for giving these some information .the lesson was very useful.I hope to teach us a lot.^^
good lesson. I have a question about the word: slowly. I don´t understand that means “slowly” in the sentences:
1)She is slowly talented and her work is fascinating.
2)I khow the artist slowly well.
I´m confuse that sentences. Please help me
Excuse me I meant: 2)I know the artist slowly well.
Thank you so much Rebecca
you are the best my teacher
Your teaching really well .God bless you
can some one explan to me this :
how the careless become carlesly ?
. Sonia works ______________.
“Sonia works carelessly” is the correct sentence. “Work” is a verb, so we need an adverb (carelessly) to describe the action of Sonia. There’s no word like “carelesly”. I think it’s wrong spelling.
i got it thanks engvid
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are the best teacher I’ve ever seen. I really love your lessons and by the way, can you explain to me how to use the word “very”. Sometimes, I’m confused of using “very”. “Very quick or very quickly?” Which one is correct? Do we have any tip or formula to use it?
you explain very well
God bless you,my friend Rebecca!
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!
Ip Man Lee
good good
Thanks, I got 100% amazingly.
Abdul Qayum
great lesson. Thank a lot
Ho Thanh Tuan
The EngVid’s teachers realize extraordinary english lessons,thank you a zillion times!!!
Thank you, Rebwcca.
thanks teacher is a very well lesson
could we have a lesson about what if or type 3 conditional.please
thanks in advance
you teach really good
please explain above sentence
Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca.
I have some problems when I need to say ” I can
hadly stand up” x I can’t hardly stand up.”
I know there is something wrong but I don’t
know the difference. I’ve heard people saying
both ways.
Could you help me, Rebecca? Thanks in advance.
You are a great teacher.
Rebecca you teach very well. I’m only twelve and I’m from Spain, and I understand all the video
Thanks Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
You explain very clearly this lesson.
We understand easily the use of adverbs. Thanks.
Best regards.
thank you Teacher Rebecca, now I understood how to use adverb, you’ve explained lesson clearly so I got it very easily, thanks a lot.
I loved… congratulation Teacher…God Bless you!
karla viana
I dont understand to end of video,could you give an examples about it ?
Great great lesson!!!!
Thank you very much.
hi rebecca thank you very much for this lesson i found some confusing word clearly
im not really good in english hope you will correct my english grammar so i..
Thank you, Rebecca. You teach really well and I am learning fast.
i got 75%
How can i watch video
Wood Wang
noooo… l need practice.. l should listen again..
RBC, great lesson as usual. Thanks a lot from far Siberia )))
Thanks, Rebecca good lesson. I got 88
thanks. my score is 75
Thank you, Rebecca!!
You got 6 correct out of 8.
thank you..
M kartal
thank you for the lesson
i can’t take quiz after i had an answer no. 1 question. i repeatedly clicks next question.
rogelio m. aquino
Hi .
Sorry to say i found a mistake in the answers, how come happy becomes (HAPPYLY) in question no.4.
I think it’s a tricky question, and the right answer is (easily).
Thank you very much.
Sorry, sorry, I thought you asked for the correct spelling word.?
thank you rebbeca
Thank you for this lesson! Could you please tell me about the words Dark and Light? Can they be used both as adjectives and adverbs? “It is dark/light in here” – is it correct?
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Ms. Rebecca!
Than you so much Rebecca. Your teaching english is clear cristal.
You have an incredible way of Explaining the lessons, you make it easy for everyone,
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Lalla salwa
Thank you, Rebecca. I learned anew thing today which is hard. hardly means almost nothing. I thought hardly is the adverb of hard till today. I was wrong . thanks for the great explanation.
Thank you teacher . I also learned today for hardly …
Thank you teacher . I also learned today for hardly …
100You got 8 correct out of 8.
:D happy days.. good job everyone.. also thank you Rebecca for everything… your such a good teacher to us…
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks so much
I watched this video twice on July 24, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
thank a lot, Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 23 Nov2021)
you really teach well
please recommend a lesson for the order of adverbs/adjectives in sentence.
she is the best teacher i have ever seen
You are an Amazing teacher. I’m so grateful to you! Thank you a lot ❤️
Maraming Salamat!!!
I got 8/8.
Thank you! :)
Thanks, mam for giving us such an informative video. It helps me a lot.
Awais ullah virk
thank you Rebecca for all your hard work, I have learned so much from all your lessons your sure are a well teacher.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks a million Rebecca,this lesson was great. easily understood, u r my angel come n’ save me tonight.
true it’s a very interesting lesson
Dear teacher Rebecca, I have been learnig a lot with your worderful lessons, I really appreciate your kindness and high level of professionalism. A grat hello from a Brazilian fan, Sérgio.
P.S I mean learning, great and wonderful and after teacher we do not use the name, sorry about that.
thank you my best teacher in engvid, your lesson is very helpfull.
very good lesson,thanks.
I am an inmigrant living in USA, how happy I can feeling when I listen you and I undertand eveything you say. my english is no good but I wanted to tell you that.
A big hug for you.
I apreciate this lesson.
Good lesson. I passed the quiz.
hello teacher. thanks
you teach very well
this lesson is really well to understand use of adverb
Great ! I’m looking forward to your next lesson
great lesson,thanks much.:)
thanks teacher rebeca and always i understand your lesson and mosly i answer your quastions easily.thank for your wast time for us.
Thank you very much for this lesson ,rely that is very helpful for us i ‘m very impassioned to do all your cours. Best thanks
this is really awesome…
hi can u plz tell me that he/she does has a car is a correct sentence or he/she does have a car is correct??
The correct version would be:
Does he have a car?
All the best to you.
i like the lessons here, it’s fun and challenging
I will joint to your class virtual every day, how can I do this ?
There are many old lessons you could go through, and that will keep you going for a little while. There are many excellent lessons by other engvid teachers, which I am sure can help you too.
My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much teacher I love your teaching lesson very clear and clear and I’m looking forward to your next lesson.
thank you very much for your teaching lesson and more beauty more healthy.
HI every one … at first we have to say special thanks for ENGVID teams and all teachers..
I’m New member for this web site.
Actually i have a good background for English but now i need to be fluently in English (Academic English )because, now i am master student .
thanks again for all
you’ re fantastic. You helped me a lot
wow what a nice
Hello he slams the door suddenly. He’s a careless driver. He had a Car accident . He looks strong,muscle bound, built up well
Nose hair, he is tall. He jumps up and down. Walks backward
Is that correct?
hi rebeca i have a question what happend when i use “GOOD”
First of all, good is an adjective and well is an adverb.
The words good and bad are irregular adjectives and behave differently from regular adjectives.
With regular adjectives, we make the comparative form by adding -er to the adjective, and the superlative form by adding the -est to the adjective, as in hot, hotter and the hottest. The other regular way is to use more / most, as in difficult, more difficult, and the most difficult.
In the case of good, good is the basic adjective, better is the comparative form and the best is the superlative form.
This is a good car.
This car is better.
This is the best car of them all.
The same happens with bad/ worse/ the worst.
The adverb well is used in this way:
He writes well. (not “He writes good.”)
Like all adverbs, it tells us how he writes; in other words, it gives us more information about the verb.
Bad and Badly require a little more explanation, so I suggest you check a good grammar book.
All the best to you.
I messed up lots of times with the use of good and well till now. Thanks!
Hi Rebecca, On the quiz about adverbs. When do I use good and when do I use well? thanks a lot!! :)
Hello, I have a thought that I can answer your question. “good” is adjective and “well” is adverb of adjective “good”. Now, let’s take this example:
“We did a good job.” –> “good” describes “job” which is a noun and for that reason, “good” is an adjective. But you also can say:
“We did the job well” –> “well” describes the action of how “job” was performed. Both sentences have the same meanings. I hope you understand! ^^!
You’ve explained very well
Hi Rebecca, I really appreciate your kindness and your explanation. Thanks alot.
Hi Rebecca, I hope you’re doing great. Wonderful video by the way. I want to ask you something. You clearly said that when you use good as an adverb you must use well, I understood that. But I have heard some people that say very well and very good, and I wonder what’s the difference in that case (or should I say what the difference is) correct me if I’m wrong please. Oh another question. When I was doing the I choosed She speaks very clear, but after finishing the quiz pointed out that it was wrong, that I should have said clearly. It makes sense because if you ask how does she speak the answer should say that she speaks clearly, like you have taught. But I think that I have heard it without the ly before. I must be wrong sure, but is there any possibility that I could be right? Thanks for doing the video, and I hope for reading and answering! Hope to see you soon with another grammar lesson on this site.
Thanks for your feedback and interest.
Sometimes people say “very well” or “Very good” at the start of a sentence as a way of saying, “Okay”.
However, in a sentence, they would be used in this way:
He speaks very good Portuguese.
He speaks Portuguese very well.
In the case of “She speaks clearly.”
this is the only correct version.
Thanks very much for your interest and attention to detail, Martin. My very best wishes to you.
rebecca,how about inspire?
Hi Rebecca,
I thank you very much for these lessons.
i have done it nicely >>>
thank you very much
you explain very good.thank you very match
thank you very much for your teaching lesson and more beauty more healthy.
Thanks a lot, that helped me so much ..
Thanks rebeca ! It was great !
thanx a lot…. you are perfect Rebecca.
sham on u and on your comments go to hell forever
thanks Rebecca!!
Dear Rebecca,it was fine !!
thank you for this lesson
thanx alot you teach us in good way
i scored 8 out of 8 i got it thanx
thank you very much!
Thanks Rebecca . That was really helpful for my.
Thank you my best techer I love you too
I’ve got 8/8. It’s a good lesson and you teach really well.
I hope there’re various useful lessons in the next time.
I’d like to learn using about VERB+PREPOSITION
Thank you so much
Thank you very much!
I scored 8 out of 8! Yeah!
It is wanderful !!! Thanks very much !!
My scored 7 out 8, it is because I’m still confused to use ‘good’ and ‘well’ word, coz both sound correct.
Please check my reply to this question above. All the best to you.
the way and pattern you are learning is very good, carry on, thanks.
thank you for this lesson my best techer
great lesson
Hi Rebeca, I first want to know how you are..I hope things are going right in your life and you are leading your life smoothly,easily,happily while having a lot of fun and joy in your life.I must thank you for being inspired,motivated of learning this language by your priceless,incredible,unmatched video lesson ..Sometimes I intend to live in a world surrounded by English.I consider English to be the sweetest language across the world.To be honest,I must admit that I would have loved to take birth in an English speaking country.However,the creator does not seem to have wanted that but I am grateful as well as fortunate to have been able to see the beautiful world around me which encourages me to do something which has not been done by any living creatures till date-something which is still hidden,unbeliveable.I am also blessed to have got a chance to improve my English with the best friend (i.e. engvid) of mine..I request you to keep going this noble work helping a lot of learners across the world to have a strong command along with a deep realization of this language which could enable them to be landed in their desired carrers ..
Finally, I am winding up my emotions,thoughts by letting you know that I am looking forward to getting response from you…
Thank you kindly for your feedback. I wish you all the best with your English language learning.Given what you have written, I would say that you already have mastered quite a lot of the language. I do believe that we are all capable of achieving our goals, and I am sure you will do the same. My very best wishes to you, Sona.
Rebecca, thank you so much for this lesson. I am working on my English improvement hard, so I hope I used the adverbs in this sentence correctly.
What a bum
yeap teacher i understand and leccion i m promise focus studing english practices mora at more
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lessons,they are really helpful and useful. Your language outcome and may I ask where are you from.
just in context of your accent. is it more canadian or kiwi..? Not been offensive,just curious. ))
thanks a lot..:)
good lesson you are professional
this is a nice learning lesson..
hi Rebecca . Can you please tel me last example ?
She speaks good English
She speaks English well
I can’t understand these examples :{ what the different?
hi Rebecca . Can you please tel me last example ?
She speaks good English
She speaks English well
I can’t understand these examples :{ what is the different?
I think about the meaning, both two sentences have no differences. But about the grammar, they’re different. “good” stands before English so it’s an adjective which describes the noun which is “English”. In the opposite, “well” is adverb which describes the verb “speak”. Tell me if I’m wrong. ^^!
hi rebecca,may i ask u a question about the present continuous tense?
if i miss someone at the present time,should i say i’m missing you??is it correct?
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for clear explanation. I like your pronunciation. It is clear and suitable for the non-native persons. Your lessons and method are also very obvios for any learners. Enjoy your teaching.
Nice! Keep going and going—–
I really appreciate the methodology of teaching English.I have learnt too much of things before which i could not think of those materials. Thanks a bunch Mrs.Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
Your lesson is very useful. I learnt a lot. Very clear explanations. Very easy to understand this lesson.
thank you very much teacher. I understand now about take a bring that you teach thank so much but how about (give and take)
Hii Rebecca,
I have learnt one stuff today.It’s actually a fundamental concept of English.I like to discuss about parts of speech expressing how much I have properly understood.
For an instance, we have words like “education”,”protection”,”Eviction” etc.These are all nouns whereas if we eliminate the “tion” part from the end of these words,we get the action words called verbs in English(Like “to educate”,”to protect” etc.)
Even, we can convert these action words into their corrresponding adjective forms by just adding “ed” at the end.I have cited some sample sentences here too.
1.All of my friends are well educated except me.
2.The chief minister of bengal(A state known Kolkata in India) has pledged to provide rehabilation package to the evicted people of Nonadanga.(The place where a lot of encroachers used to live before being evicted by the government).
3.My laptop is well protected by the newly-launched antivirus by microsoft which cost me one thousand and two hundred rupees to buy.
I like you to let me know if I have proper conception or not..
thank you for help
Thank you very much teacher. I understand now about take a bring that you teach thank so much but how about (give and take)
It was really cool to learn about those adjectives which are adverbs also, whithout changing its form. these were some new things for me.
Also the explanation about good and well and their use was a flash of light over a subject that I used to get confused.
Thanks Rebecca, nice class :)
Thank you very much for lesson!
Very nice lesson and very good pronunciation!
Hi, Rebecca
I have a question about preposition
i have read a sentence like this :
i am leaving the country , question is why we don’t use preposition here like leaving from the compony. Sometimes we have to use preposition but here why we don’t use or are there verbs we don’t have to use preposition ? Can you explain or can you make a lesson on this topic ,please ? Thank you very much for this great lessons …
I always ask myself about these rules… Actually I asked, because after this explanation everything is clear in mind… I’ve been learning a lot, in that way my I’ll improve quickly…All the best
Thank you Rebecca, very helpful lesson.
I wish you all the best!
Thank you very much teacher I love your teaching lesson very clear
thank you
Thank u
Dear Rebecca,
Hope all’s ok with u,
A ? I’ve got plz:
In NO.1 what’s the matter with “clear”,I couldn’t catch the answer!
Many tx.
hi teacher i speak english leter because i’m not study english befor how i can learing speaking and writing moor and thank u alot for your lessons
I didn’t understand about adv and adj,but i’ve understood now.Thank you Miss.Rebecca
Keep teaching us :)
thank you teacher very much.
first, thank you for help. I am wondering if you give TOFEL course online.
my is e-mail:
Hello from Ukraine.
The lesson was great. Thank you.
hi rebecca,i am recently saw your teaching.if i have a doubt now,will you answer my question? in this what all mistake?could you correct it.please
heloo maam……
The commitee could not come to a final decision.
The honesty is a virtue.
what is wrong in these two sentences…please help
first of all, good afternoon teacher rebecca, well, teacher rebecca I am zulávio sebastião bunga, I have been enjoing so much with your lesson , teacher rebecca please send me everything that has to do with beginner and Intermediate level.,grammar study. this is my email
Great lesson! :D
Thanks Becca the 2 last questions.I ´ve got a mystake, but i´ll be trying and studying
thaks Rebeca, you are a very good teacher. i like the way you give de information
Je souhaiterais avoir une diction aussi parfaite que la vôtre.
Thanks a lot et dont give up
dear teacher; i like the method of your teaching. And i want that you should teach all tenses in one video i will be thankful of you, please.
Thanks for his wonderful video which really helped me to keep my doubts away.
rebeca thank you for lesson .
Hello Rebecca…you know I have not gone to the haven, but when I think about it, think that all of the angel are gonna look like you !!!
thanhks rebeca. you said slowly and i can understand this lesson. ^^
Rebeca, why the last question we choose hardly ?
Hi hahuynh, I think that Rebecca mentions “hardly” to make you pay more attention to distinguish of “hard” and “hardly”. They’re both adverbs but have different meanings. “Hardly” means “almost not or almost no”. For example: “She hardly ever call me”. That means that she almost never call me! ^^!
Thank you for all your lessons..
Thank you very much for your informations. I am Turkish and English is than very diffrent Turkish. So I don’t easily learn but you help well. thank you…
what is different between?
Slow and slowy
through and by
withou and exept
Thanks dear best Rbeca you make me feel Well
Thank you madame.
Hi madame Rebecca ,just a quetion ,what is the diffference between : I was gone ,and I have gone ,because I am in trouble with using have and was with past participle .when can i use have and was ? thank you .
thank´s Teacher this is a good lesson
Thanks Rebecca ,Your teaching really well .God bless you .My best wishesto you.
I learned fast not fastly..
i just say “you teach perfectly” :)
Thanks a lot. Which is correct between ” please read the sentance loudly.” and ” please read the sentance loud.”?
The correct sentence is “Please read the sentence loudly.” but we can say like this “Please read the sentence out loud”. Amazing huh! ^^!
Thank you Rebecca , you good and helpful work.
i appreciate your efforts thank you so much, you a good teacher
But where we have to put thé adverb?
Thanks for the useful lesson.
I like Rebecca’s lessons because of a manner of the teaching – she doesn’t speak fast and sounds each word very clear. I see in it her care about us, learners.
Thanks a lot and I’m waiting for the new ones.
I ment I’m waiting for new lessons.
thanks teacher..i received 100 out of 100..i am satisfied because of i answered carefully..
can u teach about UPON”….in your next lesson? also “MAY HAVE” SHALL HAVE?
You are so Awesome! 8 out of 8 .
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
I like when teachers speak clearly!
Many thanks I believe he speaks English good English but, you said she speak English I am correct or incorrect or your answer is highly appreciate.
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for your lessons, you teach very well!
Thanks you for giving these some information .the lesson was very useful.I hope to teach us a lot.^^
good lesson. I have a question about the word: slowly. I don´t understand that means “slowly” in the sentences:
1)She is slowly talented and her work is fascinating.
2)I khow the artist slowly well.
I´m confuse that sentences. Please help me
Excuse me I meant: 2)I know the artist slowly well.
Thank you so much Rebecca
you are the best my teacher
Your teaching really well .God bless you
can some one explan to me this :
how the careless become carlesly ?
. Sonia works ______________.
“Sonia works carelessly” is the correct sentence. “Work” is a verb, so we need an adverb (carelessly) to describe the action of Sonia. There’s no word like “carelesly”. I think it’s wrong spelling.
i got it thanks engvid
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are the best teacher I’ve ever seen. I really love your lessons and by the way, can you explain to me how to use the word “very”. Sometimes, I’m confused of using “very”. “Very quick or very quickly?” Which one is correct? Do we have any tip or formula to use it?
you explain very well
God bless you,my friend Rebecca!
Thanks a lot, Ms Rebecca! Useful lesson!
good good
Thanks, I got 100% amazingly.
great lesson. Thank a lot
The EngVid’s teachers realize extraordinary english lessons,thank you a zillion times!!!
Thank you, Rebwcca.
thanks teacher is a very well lesson
could we have a lesson about what if or type 3 conditional.please
thanks in advance
you teach really good
please explain above sentence
Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca.
I have some problems when I need to say ” I can
hadly stand up” x I can’t hardly stand up.”
I know there is something wrong but I don’t
know the difference. I’ve heard people saying
both ways.
Could you help me, Rebecca? Thanks in advance.
You are a great teacher.
Rebecca you teach very well. I’m only twelve and I’m from Spain, and I understand all the video
Thanks Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
You explain very clearly this lesson.
We understand easily the use of adverbs. Thanks.
Best regards.
thank you Teacher Rebecca, now I understood how to use adverb, you’ve explained lesson clearly so I got it very easily, thanks a lot.
I loved… congratulation Teacher…God Bless you!
I dont understand to end of video,could you give an examples about it ?
Great great lesson!!!!
Thank you very much.
hi rebecca thank you very much for this lesson i found some confusing word clearly
im not really good in english hope you will correct my english grammar so i..
Thank you, Rebecca. You teach really well and I am learning fast.
i got 75%
How can i watch video
noooo… l need practice.. l should listen again..
RBC, great lesson as usual. Thanks a lot from far Siberia )))
Thanks, Rebecca good lesson. I got 88
thanks. my score is 75
Thank you, Rebecca!!
You got 6 correct out of 8.
thank you..
thank you for the lesson
i can’t take quiz after i had an answer no. 1 question. i repeatedly clicks next question.
Hi .
Sorry to say i found a mistake in the answers, how come happy becomes (HAPPYLY) in question no.4.
I think it’s a tricky question, and the right answer is (easily).
Thank you very much.
Sorry, sorry, I thought you asked for the correct spelling word.?
thank you rebbeca
Thank you for this lesson! Could you please tell me about the words Dark and Light? Can they be used both as adjectives and adverbs? “It is dark/light in here” – is it correct?
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Ms. Rebecca!
Than you so much Rebecca. Your teaching english is clear cristal.
You have an incredible way of Explaining the lessons, you make it easy for everyone,
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Thank you, Rebecca. I learned anew thing today which is hard. hardly means almost nothing. I thought hardly is the adverb of hard till today. I was wrong . thanks for the great explanation.
Thank you teacher . I also learned today for hardly …
Thank you teacher . I also learned today for hardly …
100You got 8 correct out of 8.
:D happy days.. good job everyone.. also thank you Rebecca for everything… your such a good teacher to us…
Thanks Rebecca
Thanks so much
I watched this video twice on July 24, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
thank a lot, Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 23 Nov2021)
you really teach well
please recommend a lesson for the order of adverbs/adjectives in sentence.
she is the best teacher i have ever seen
You are an Amazing teacher. I’m so grateful to you! Thank you a lot ❤️
Maraming Salamat!!!
I got 8/8.
Thank you! :)
Thanks, mam for giving us such an informative video. It helps me a lot.
thank you Rebecca for all your hard work, I have learned so much from all your lessons your sure are a well teacher.
I got 100 ❤️🩹❤️🩹