This lesson will teach you some easy ways to use auxiliary verbs like a native speaker. Improve your conversation skills by learning how to express polite interest and answer questions quickly!
yeah understood everything, keep reading n’ making jokes James.
Lol… you are funny! I love your lessons … Yes, I do :)
I agree with you. he is a great teacher
he is great teacher not funny
asad nizamani
i am in st kilda rd VIC 3004
I really enjoy his lessons
Hi! I found your site so much usefull !i’m from greece and i’m terrible sorry about my mistakes! :-)
I always thank your lessons.
When do we use was & were?
Ok we can chat I’d like to know about your country.
thank you,this is useful teacher :), and i would like to teach us how do we use would, could,should and might?
Great job James. Tanksssss a lotttttt
morning starts with fitness workout and continues with engvid brain workout )) u’re making me proud of myself thank u
good job. keep up the good work.
Well done!
4/4 is nice.
LOL.You’re so funy. Tks a lot. Lily from Brazil
really good
hey, I understand everithing that you said, but I hace one question about to use HAVE to make a past. I have a big problem with present perfect because I don’t have it in portuguese.
Your accent is canadian or american?
I think James’ accent is Canadian, but I detect a slight british or perhaps caribbean something there too. For example, when he says, ‘past’, his ‘a’ is a little like ‘ah’ as in ‘paw’ or jaw. Hmmm, maybe he has parents of british or caribbean background. Now, I am a Toronto girl, so it’s easy for me to hear this. But, definitely not American, I would guess.
thank you James………I love it
thanx ur lessons r very easy n useful. i am learning english n this is very helpful.
I can’t speak english.I don’t know why. I have a lot of new vocabulary in mind ,but I can’t use them. I find dificulty to selecting the right words to express my ideas. I usually stop speaking because of this problem. I need some advises.
I think the same … I understand much of a conversation in english, but I can’t speak … do not structure the sentences.
Hi there,
U know,everything’s possible if u want n try!In my book,1 of the best way 2 improve ur speaking as well as possible is 2 lissten n 2 watch alot.Then u shold speak with urself
n u have 2 use the new words u know.Don’t worry,it takes time but
it does really work.I’ve experienced it by myself as well.
Remember:U r able.
Get it a try n do ur best.
Goodluck with ur English.
Thank you,
is not the same using and knowing dude if you wannna speak english correctly you should speak that is it.
you need to learn listening a lot because you need to learn with your ears not wiht you eyes you got me man
Just great!
I love you guys so easy learn from here .
Thanks so much for awesome work !!
some times i dont understand if i need to say: he is? or is he? whats the difference is it the same? as are they? or they are?
hi, marlon, I think that we use are they? and is he? to formulate a question. but he is and they are we use them to say an affirmative sentence.
wow nice
i like you
i like the way u teach with, i like to keep going with u and i like ur jokes too
the best english class i´ve ever had you are absolutly amazing…take care
I have the same question of marlon 1992. “Are they?” and “He is” are both correct? Why?
Thanks for the lesson!!
What kind of situation:
You use He is… when you have clue about something:
-Mark is a nica guy!
-Yes, he is!
When you have doubt about it or you are surprise you use Is he?, look:
-Mark is gay!
-Is he?, I didn’t know!
It is correct for any form of person (he,she they… wherever)
ok, Teacher is correct what I said?
Thanks, man!
But Im still havent understood why James said “He is?” (question) to show the surprise of the situation.
Please James, help us!
Thanks one more time!
Thanks a lot)but i still have a question.what is the difference in using the answer “is he” instead of “he is”?
Give me examples.
he is kinda ridiculous.
he is?
is he?
ok, let me see:
-He is a kind of ridiculous!
-Is he? (I am very surprised)
-He is! (I agree)
I think that you can say “is he?” and “he is?” but I think that Is he is more correct to make a question.
Please, James, look if it is correct.
but you missunderstand me..both of them are what want is to be able to differentiate any case thank you for your attention)so James could you possibly explain it to us?thank you in advance)
As an English s2dent,I suppose the best answer to ur question is using question tag,like this:
He’s kind and ridiculous.Isn’t he?!
But if u wanna use just he is or is he,u can say:He is!? or Is he??
(in this way u can chang ur tone) However I told u the best response.
Hope I could help.
Goodluck with ur English.
thanks to you)))
yes u r right. use tag Q.
Thanks for the interest lesson.I like your humour…
Hi James i from Afghanistan and i am an english instructor i really like u man especial the way of your acting in class your speaking your explanation thanks bro
i have a question from you man . how should we manage an english class mean how should we run a class ifyou don’t mind give some information thanks i’ll appreciate that .
see you next time
s a ghafoor
Hi James, Thank you for this lesson; but I like that you answer questions the guys, it help us much!!!Could you please or Team engVid. Hugs.
sir its a very great effort by u people 4 teaching us the basics of helps us a lot…ur way of teaching is 2 much cool james
3/4 :D Hi thank you for your free lesson. It help me a lot :D
James speaks fast but it’s clear. 4 out of 4
very interesting!!!
Here is the best place I found to learn and practice English.
I always learn here. Thanks so much teachers!
Irk and Sulu both are gays!
Excuse me! Your data base is filtered in my country are they any ways to access videos?
(You tube)is filtered.
Un4tunately there’s no way 2 watch!!
hello, could you plz tell me the use of despite of and inspite of,wats the difference between them,my email id is
you are too good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks, thats an interest lesson …
Nice lesson you are fun!
i like it, May Allah Bless you.
I Love The Way You Teach Its So Funny And We Can Understand Easily,Other Teachers Are So Boring And We Can’t Understand Anything
thank you for this …I like you .
u r so funny i really enjoy ur lessons
thnxx alot
hope the video be longer than that :)
You are so Great James. I understand more about English with your lessons. Thanks you.
Some people have a lot of knowledge but fail to make us understand it. I have been researching for years and have never found a person so creative in helping people understand – James, you are a genius! I could listen to you forever! Keep doing what you do my man, the world will be smarter thanks to your skills.
Thank you!!! You are fantastic!
thank you so much but i still get confused about the verb like have been, had been , will have been…e t c.can you help me with that? thank you
James, you are a very good teacher! But, considering the fact that you talk so quickly, your classes can not be directed to people who want to learn English. Instead, your classes are for students who ALREADY have a high level of knowledge. Anyone who is in basic or intermediate level will hardly understand half of the words you say. So, IMHO, you should try talking slower than that.
Luciano (Brazil)
Thank you James!
You’re a great teacher!
Greetings from Sofia (Bulgaria)
you are a great teacher James :)
Thanks teacher!
hello thanks a lot for this videos they help me so much but i can’t find the quiz
I really like the way you teach. It is never a dull moment, not boring ;). I don’t sleep at night without watching your videos. Truly, I am learning. Hope to watch all the videos you have before. Keep it up.
you’re a great teacher James!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, James :)
you are such a great teacher James n sorry coz I had to borrow ur (mr.E)to make it easy for my students :)
i really respect you as a teacher James thanks
Hi, teacher James!
Thank you for the lesson.
It’s truly amazing how you make everythink so easy to understand.
I’ve learnt a lot so far and I am thirsty for more. I really am :)
So keep going teacher James
hey, its really nice useful lesson, i am intersting learining with funny teachers
I think this lesson was the shortest of James’lessons! It was!
james ,u speak so fast.i find sm trouble to get with you…:(
thanks James )))
Hi James
In first surprise question you said are you? then when you said someone is guy. then you put he is? as a surprise sentence, is it correct? because we know that we have to put auxiliary verb first. I think we should say Isn’t he? not He is?
I am looking forward to your more explanation.
Hemn Merany – UK
Hemn Merany
high five, James!,keep up the good and funny teaching,
thank you
khalid ali
Thank you very much I have no idea to learn english because of my poor life but I got your help through this website thank yoou.
learning of English language is my interest…thank you for helping us.
hi james!thank you
,u speak so fast.i find sm trouble to get with you and please give more example
Your classes are very interesting but I was wondering, can you give me some ideas about English in engineering? If you were to teach at an engineering faculty, what would you teach them related to their subject of study? I hope you understand what I’m asking:)Thanks
o oh 4/4 thanks sir
John and Mary ( I ‘m not sure if you used these names) are going to get married! ARE THEY? THAT’S SO COOL! ( I don’t really care about it) HAHAHAHA you’re funny teacher…. thanks for the lesson!
He is very good teacher and funny ,but english with him very (axuiliray) and wonderful
Nice lesson you are fun!
How funny you are, James. I exactly love your lesson; useful and so funny. :) …Thank you very much….
Cool topic teacher James:) Keep up the good work!
sir please clearify me how to use the word how
Lay off the sexual references, like gay or anything like that – it’s not nice at all if children access your lessons. Go figure!
thank you :)
thank you for your lessons
Thank You Sir :)
James thanks a lot I did no mistakes in the quiz
thank you, but can you put more ideas, so we can understand it more. thanks.
HI. I have been enjoing a lot the lessons.
I do undestood it, but I have a doubt. For instance like the teacher said. They are getting mariied. And we say.. ARE THEY?!
And then, He is gay! He is??!!
What is the order to say that, verb to be first or pronon?which one cames first?! is there a rule for that?
thanks you for that lesson.
james sir, what you are explaining is very nice and i can easily understand what you are saying Thank you vey much sir.
you are one of the bess teachers in the world. i like you and i like positive teachers
Very helpful lesson.
Thank you.
thank you so much you;re amazing teacher u are so funny :D
Hey Id like to practice and improve my english, if u want just add me on skype I will pleasure JuanSala88
you’re a funny teacher i like your video lessons thanks it’s helpful
thank you so much for your lesson. it is very useful.
Hi James!
i’ve been following your lessons for a while already.You are good my friend.I’ve been wordmouthing you a lot since my environment is basically e.s.l’ers.
I have the intencion of teaching english as a second long would ot take my to pick up the proper didactic and have a acceptable teaching skills?
p/s This website is awesome!
wow, great
Hi james
I can understand easily all thing which you have to learned in this lesson. since today i’ll try to apply in my conversation.
is any sentences incorrect so plz suggest me?
I love Jame so much, hahha he is so intelligent to teach us. From beginning i don’t have interest listen to him but by naturally he is changing my mind to listen him. Finally I didn’t wanted stop watching to his lesson. This is called authentic unmistaken teacher.
Ohhh, Many Thanks for the Lessons -very Useful
Hi.. I’m from Libya, I discovered this site yesterday… and I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes… Thank you very much
why we didn’t say “Is he?”
as u said before “Are they?”
Amr Sobhy
thank you so much.
This lesson was so helpful but i got 50 out of 100 ok thanks you again
ok Im very happy and very thanks
do you love all teacher in this site?
yes, i do!
I did all of those.
tnx a lot Mr. jame. but could u please answer which one is the correct as u used. captain kok is a gay. he is? or is he?
good :)
Capt. Kirk is gay! Is he? NOT He is?
Ican not speak english.please help me
mina delphieh
Yes…..100 % result. Thanks.
Is James a great teacher? Yes he is!
Is he funny? Yes he is!
I hope I have used auxiliary verbs correctly. :-)
Keep it up James!
I like you:)Good Teacher!
goog work james.that was so cool .i’d like to learn more
I didn’t know the word “auxiliary” but I could understand it because of your explanation. Thank you, James :)
Thanks Mr. James, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you very much!
Thanks for this lesson!!!!!!!! it was helpful and very funny :)
i had had a nice lesson here. it was really nice… and I’m not FEIGNING it. yeah, im not. I’ve learned so much. like always engvid does it best. credit also those talented and very smart teachers we have in engvid.I hope you still teach us, or the future students in the best way that you can. :) and if someday, if i become a native English speaker like you all do, i will not forget this site and all of those talented teachers that I’ve encountered who are the one who taught me so well.
You are not just funny but very informative and doing a hard, helpful work so thanks a lot James. I always repeat myself but this is true and I want to acknowledge you honestly.
Thanks for the lesson, anyone Who want to chat a little for practice?
thank you i like yore lessons
Auxiliary verbs with generally speaking may use action and time, “to be” for the action and “to do”, “will” and “to have” for the time, and also they are used for short answers and polite interest. You have told us that “feign” is another auxiliary verb which means to pretend to be interested with good manners and it has been the first time I have learnt this topic, a new concept for me. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a good review of the auxiliary verbs.
I already know what “Auxiliary Verb” for. Thanks to you Sir James and to your video. Its very interesting and very useful. By the way, I got 100% in this quiz ^_^
Very good lesson!
James is the greatest teacher ever I met on the internet
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you.
M kartal
Thanks for juice tutorials Mr james unfortunately I would like u to assist me in model auxiliary verbs
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
yeah understood everything, keep reading n’ making jokes James.
Lol… you are funny! I love your lessons … Yes, I do :)
I agree with you. he is a great teacher
he is great teacher not funny
i am in st kilda rd VIC 3004
I really enjoy his lessons
Hi! I found your site so much usefull !i’m from greece and i’m terrible sorry about my mistakes! :-)
I always thank your lessons.
When do we use was & were?
Ok we can chat I’d like to know about your country.
thank you,this is useful teacher :), and i would like to teach us how do we use would, could,should and might?
Great job James. Tanksssss a lotttttt
morning starts with fitness workout and continues with engvid brain workout )) u’re making me proud of myself thank u
good job. keep up the good work.
Well done!
4/4 is nice.
LOL.You’re so funy. Tks a lot. Lily from Brazil
really good
hey, I understand everithing that you said, but I hace one question about to use HAVE to make a past. I have a big problem with present perfect because I don’t have it in portuguese.
Your accent is canadian or american?
I think James’ accent is Canadian, but I detect a slight british or perhaps caribbean something there too. For example, when he says, ‘past’, his ‘a’ is a little like ‘ah’ as in ‘paw’ or jaw. Hmmm, maybe he has parents of british or caribbean background. Now, I am a Toronto girl, so it’s easy for me to hear this. But, definitely not American, I would guess.
thank you James………I love it
thanx ur lessons r very easy n useful. i am learning english n this is very helpful.
I can’t speak english.I don’t know why. I have a lot of new vocabulary in mind ,but I can’t use them. I find dificulty to selecting the right words to express my ideas. I usually stop speaking because of this problem. I need some advises.
I think the same … I understand much of a conversation in english, but I can’t speak … do not structure the sentences.
Hi there,
U know,everything’s possible if u want n try!In my book,1 of the best way 2 improve ur speaking as well as possible is 2 lissten n 2 watch alot.Then u shold speak with urself
n u have 2 use the new words u know.Don’t worry,it takes time but
it does really work.I’ve experienced it by myself as well.
Remember:U r able.
Get it a try n do ur best.
Goodluck with ur English.
Thank you,
is not the same using and knowing dude if you wannna speak english correctly you should speak that is it.
you need to learn listening a lot because you need to learn with your ears not wiht you eyes you got me man
Just great!
I love you guys so easy learn from here .
Thanks so much for awesome work !!
some times i dont understand if i need to say: he is? or is he? whats the difference is it the same? as are they? or they are?
hi, marlon, I think that we use are they? and is he? to formulate a question. but he is and they are we use them to say an affirmative sentence.
wow nice
i like you
i like the way u teach with, i like to keep going with u and i like ur jokes too
the best english class i´ve ever had you are absolutly amazing…take care
I have the same question of marlon 1992. “Are they?” and “He is” are both correct? Why?
Thanks for the lesson!!
What kind of situation:
You use He is… when you have clue about something:
-Mark is a nica guy!
-Yes, he is!
When you have doubt about it or you are surprise you use Is he?, look:
-Mark is gay!
-Is he?, I didn’t know!
It is correct for any form of person (he,she they… wherever)
ok, Teacher is correct what I said?
Thanks, man!
But Im still havent understood why James said “He is?” (question) to show the surprise of the situation.
Please James, help us!
Thanks one more time!
Thanks a lot)but i still have a question.what is the difference in using the answer “is he” instead of “he is”?
Give me examples.
he is kinda ridiculous.
he is?
is he?
ok, let me see:
-He is a kind of ridiculous!
-Is he? (I am very surprised)
-He is! (I agree)
I think that you can say “is he?” and “he is?” but I think that Is he is more correct to make a question.
Please, James, look if it is correct.
but you missunderstand me..both of them are what want is to be able to differentiate any case thank you for your attention)so James could you possibly explain it to us?thank you in advance)
As an English s2dent,I suppose the best answer to ur question is using question tag,like this:
He’s kind and ridiculous.Isn’t he?!
But if u wanna use just he is or is he,u can say:He is!? or Is he??
(in this way u can chang ur tone) However I told u the best response.
Hope I could help.
Goodluck with ur English.
thanks to you)))
yes u r right. use tag Q.
Thanks for the interest lesson.I like your humour…
Hi James i from Afghanistan and i am an english instructor i really like u man especial the way of your acting in class your speaking your explanation thanks bro
i have a question from you man . how should we manage an english class mean how should we run a class ifyou don’t mind give some information thanks i’ll appreciate that .
see you next time
Hi James, Thank you for this lesson; but I like that you answer questions the guys, it help us much!!!Could you please or Team engVid. Hugs.
sir its a very great effort by u people 4 teaching us the basics of helps us a lot…ur way of teaching is 2 much cool james
3/4 :D Hi thank you for your free lesson. It help me a lot :D
James speaks fast but it’s clear. 4 out of 4
very interesting!!!
Here is the best place I found to learn and practice English.
I always learn here. Thanks so much teachers!
Irk and Sulu both are gays!
Excuse me! Your data base is filtered in my country are they any ways to access videos?
(You tube)is filtered.
Un4tunately there’s no way 2 watch!!
hello, could you plz tell me the use of despite of and inspite of,wats the difference between them,my email id is
you are too good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks, thats an interest lesson …
Nice lesson you are fun!
i like it, May Allah Bless you.
I Love The Way You Teach Its So Funny And We Can Understand Easily,Other Teachers Are So Boring And We Can’t Understand Anything
thank you for this …I like you .
u r so funny i really enjoy ur lessons
thnxx alot
hope the video be longer than that :)
You are so Great James. I understand more about English with your lessons. Thanks you.
Some people have a lot of knowledge but fail to make us understand it. I have been researching for years and have never found a person so creative in helping people understand – James, you are a genius! I could listen to you forever! Keep doing what you do my man, the world will be smarter thanks to your skills.
Thank you!!! You are fantastic!
thank you so much but i still get confused about the verb like have been, had been , will have been…e t c.can you help me with that? thank you
James, you are a very good teacher! But, considering the fact that you talk so quickly, your classes can not be directed to people who want to learn English. Instead, your classes are for students who ALREADY have a high level of knowledge. Anyone who is in basic or intermediate level will hardly understand half of the words you say. So, IMHO, you should try talking slower than that.
Thank you James!
You’re a great teacher!
Greetings from Sofia (Bulgaria)
you are a great teacher James :)
Thanks teacher!
hello thanks a lot for this videos they help me so much but i can’t find the quiz
I really like the way you teach. It is never a dull moment, not boring ;). I don’t sleep at night without watching your videos. Truly, I am learning. Hope to watch all the videos you have before. Keep it up.
you’re a great teacher James!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, James :)
you are such a great teacher James n sorry coz I had to borrow ur (mr.E)to make it easy for my students :)
i really respect you as a teacher James thanks
Hi, teacher James!
Thank you for the lesson.
It’s truly amazing how you make everythink so easy to understand.
I’ve learnt a lot so far and I am thirsty for more. I really am :)
So keep going teacher James
hey, its really nice useful lesson, i am intersting learining with funny teachers
I think this lesson was the shortest of James’lessons! It was!
james ,u speak so fast.i find sm trouble to get with you…:(
thanks James )))
Hi James
In first surprise question you said are you? then when you said someone is guy. then you put he is? as a surprise sentence, is it correct? because we know that we have to put auxiliary verb first. I think we should say Isn’t he? not He is?
I am looking forward to your more explanation.
Hemn Merany – UK
high five, James!,keep up the good and funny teaching,
thank you
Thank you very much I have no idea to learn english because of my poor life but I got your help through this website thank yoou.
learning of English language is my interest…thank you for helping us.
hi james!thank you
,u speak so fast.i find sm trouble to get with you and please give more example
Your classes are very interesting but I was wondering, can you give me some ideas about English in engineering? If you were to teach at an engineering faculty, what would you teach them related to their subject of study? I hope you understand what I’m asking:)Thanks
o oh 4/4 thanks sir
John and Mary ( I ‘m not sure if you used these names) are going to get married! ARE THEY? THAT’S SO COOL! ( I don’t really care about it) HAHAHAHA you’re funny teacher…. thanks for the lesson!
He is very good teacher and funny ,but english with him very (axuiliray) and wonderful
Nice lesson you are fun!
How funny you are, James. I exactly love your lesson; useful and so funny. :) …Thank you very much….
Cool topic teacher James:) Keep up the good work!
sir please clearify me how to use the word how
Lay off the sexual references, like gay or anything like that – it’s not nice at all if children access your lessons. Go figure!
thank you :)
thank you for your lessons
Thank You Sir :)
James thanks a lot I did no mistakes in the quiz
thank you, but can you put more ideas, so we can understand it more. thanks.
HI. I have been enjoing a lot the lessons.
I do undestood it, but I have a doubt. For instance like the teacher said. They are getting mariied. And we say.. ARE THEY?!
And then, He is gay! He is??!!
What is the order to say that, verb to be first or pronon?which one cames first?! is there a rule for that?
thanks you for that lesson.
james sir, what you are explaining is very nice and i can easily understand what you are saying Thank you vey much sir.
you are one of the bess teachers in the world. i like you and i like positive teachers
Very helpful lesson.
Thank you.
thank you so much you;re amazing teacher u are so funny :D
Hey Id like to practice and improve my english, if u want just add me on skype I will pleasure JuanSala88
you’re a funny teacher i like your video lessons thanks it’s helpful
thank you so much for your lesson. it is very useful.
Hi James!
i’ve been following your lessons for a while already.You are good my friend.I’ve been wordmouthing you a lot since my environment is basically e.s.l’ers.
I have the intencion of teaching english as a second long would ot take my to pick up the proper didactic and have a acceptable teaching skills?
p/s This website is awesome!
wow, great
Hi james
I can understand easily all thing which you have to learned in this lesson. since today i’ll try to apply in my conversation.
is any sentences incorrect so plz suggest me?
I love Jame so much, hahha he is so intelligent to teach us. From beginning i don’t have interest listen to him but by naturally he is changing my mind to listen him. Finally I didn’t wanted stop watching to his lesson. This is called authentic unmistaken teacher.
Ohhh, Many Thanks for the Lessons -very Useful
Hi.. I’m from Libya, I discovered this site yesterday… and I couldn’t believe my ears and eyes… Thank you very much
why we didn’t say “Is he?”
as u said before “Are they?”
thank you so much.
This lesson was so helpful but i got 50 out of 100 ok thanks you again
ok Im very happy and very thanks
do you love all teacher in this site?
yes, i do!
I did all of those.
tnx a lot Mr. jame. but could u please answer which one is the correct as u used. captain kok is a gay. he is? or is he?
good :)
Capt. Kirk is gay! Is he? NOT He is?
Ican not speak english.please help me
Yes…..100 % result. Thanks.
Is James a great teacher? Yes he is!
Is he funny? Yes he is!
I hope I have used auxiliary verbs correctly. :-)
Keep it up James!
I like you:)Good Teacher!
goog work james.that was so cool .i’d like to learn more
I didn’t know the word “auxiliary” but I could understand it because of your explanation. Thank you, James :)
Thanks Mr. James, I got 100%.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for this lesson!!!!!!!! it was helpful and very funny :)
i had had a nice lesson here. it was really nice… and I’m not FEIGNING it. yeah, im not. I’ve learned so much. like always engvid does it best. credit also those talented and very smart teachers we have in engvid.I hope you still teach us, or the future students in the best way that you can. :) and if someday, if i become a native English speaker like you all do, i will not forget this site and all of those talented teachers that I’ve encountered who are the one who taught me so well.
You are not just funny but very informative and doing a hard, helpful work so thanks a lot James. I always repeat myself but this is true and I want to acknowledge you honestly.
Thanks for the lesson, anyone Who want to chat a little for practice?
thank you i like yore lessons
Auxiliary verbs with generally speaking may use action and time, “to be” for the action and “to do”, “will” and “to have” for the time, and also they are used for short answers and polite interest. You have told us that “feign” is another auxiliary verb which means to pretend to be interested with good manners and it has been the first time I have learnt this topic, a new concept for me. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, a good review of the auxiliary verbs.
I already know what “Auxiliary Verb” for. Thanks to you Sir James and to your video. Its very interesting and very useful. By the way, I got 100% in this quiz ^_^
Very good lesson!
James is the greatest teacher ever I met on the internet
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you.
Thanks for juice tutorials Mr james unfortunately I would like u to assist me in model auxiliary verbs