What does it mean when a person is hammered? What is a tab? What’s a dive? In this useful lesson for people who like to party, learn how to speak in a bar or pub setting. Warning: some strong language.
Hi Alex!Unfortunately I didn’t understand the meaning of ”the hole in the wall” very clearly.Isn’t it a machine from the bank where you can withdraw the money??? Please explain this to me!Thanks, Cristina
Hi Cristina! Imagine a wall! If there is a hole is not a good wall… A hole in the wall is not a good place …I think…
I think what Cristina meant is, that a hole in the wall means an ATM, so is it possible that it also means a dirty bar/pub. Alex, could you please tell us if we’re correct? Does “a hole in the wall” mean both ATM and dirty pub?
Hi Cristina, i really do not understand your question, the explanation is clear.
The expression is “a hole in the wall.” It just means a really ugly, messy, and dirty bar, pub, or restaurant.
shithole,shitfaced lol. last Monday I drank many beers so face looked like a shitfced lol. that’s all right I like drinking. thanks Alex pretty nice lesson so long n’ good bye.
thanks Alex
Wow………! I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for your lesson, Alex.
Hi Alex
Could you help me out in phrasal verbs especially Transitive, Intransitive, separable, Inseparable.
How does it work?
good question¡
Nice one! Thank you!
sweet i got 5/5 but it didint help me one bit with my shitty spelling
5 out of 5!!! I killed the test!!! Ah ah ah!!! I don’t like very much bars, but after a day of climbing every hole is good to get some beer with my friends! Thanks Alex!
aww! good for you bro!
woww i got 5 out of 5…thnx
Hi Mr., I really enjoyed your class again. You`re really fun and dynamic at the time to teach and it´s very important to learn on that way. Thanks a lot.
Best regards, Javier.
After going through this wonderful lesson, I will oblige to go to any bar tomorrow to use it.
It’a shame Igot 4 out of 5 Thank you anyway I’try my best next time
Dung from Viet Nam
Watch it and try again. :) You’ll get it. The key is practice.
Hi Alex, Thanks for your clear explaination, its very nice indeed. i have one question that, a dive and a hole in the ground is used for a dirty bar?, Can i use wherever, the place dirty?,
Thanks alot, Alex.
Have a nice day!
shing mang tun
Usually, we refer to dirty bars and pubs as dives. It can be a music venue, or a dance club that’s dirty as well. A hole in the wall can also be used for a small or dirty restaurant.
Hey alex,thanks for ur video,its good to know about some new words and their meanings.i have some doubts that,a tab and a dive is used for a total pay and a dirty place,can i use them wherever,the things happen?,anyway thank u so much .
thanks for the effort/ means a lot to me… i’ve learned something while watching and even got 5 on the quiz provided. thanks God bless you. :)
thank you for this effort
thank’s mr.alex …
I knew that one too. But, that was selected by chance. Any way, …… thanks for teaching … .
nice nice nice thank you very much Alex=D
No problem! Thanks for the comments, guys.
its really inteeresting thanks you
thank you
nishhhh onee keep it up !
Thank you so much
how about the bar is a good place? is there any slang on it??
You can use the phrase “top notch” to describe something that’s really high quality. “Final Fantasy XII is a top notch video game!” “That place is top notch.” “She’s a top notch teacher.”
a helpful lession.thank you!
great explanation!
many thanks and good understandable teacher Alex
it’s really a good way to learn thanks guys.
Thank you alex, it has been very useful. From now I will know how to push my friends to pay the next round… just saying them: This one is gonna be on you! hahahaha xDD
Thank you alex
Thank you Alex, that was useful for me. I really like your lessons.
Very useful explication, thanks. But I gonna buy you a red marker ;-)
“Very useful explanation.” We don’t use “explication” in English. :)
But then I could find explication in English dictionaries. Why can’t we use it. It means the same as “explain” or “elucidate”
Thank you Alex. It was really a nice class. I got good things.
Geez! i took the quiz and i got 2 out of five! i must say i need more practice and help. Thank’s Teacher Alex keep up the good work!
ihave been ones in the bar and i sayed its massed up it good one or no
alnaji ismail
“Messed up” means crazy, disturbed/disturbing, or just ridiculous.
“Have you seen Oldboy? The ending of that movie is totally messed up!”
Hey Alex!
Nice to meet you :) I am a freshman here and do like to get knowledge this way. Thanks a lot. You and other guys are really great. The information you give people is really useful and I hope I will use it when I visit the USA in the future.
i don’t go to a bars so i won’t use this lesson
ty anyway :)
good lesson Alex thank you for that, i don’t go to bar but still good to know :)
Very Nice lesson ;) I appreciated a lot the strong language…a teacher in Englad taught me lots of swear words! xD thank you…
hey, you are very kind to do all this great job for us the non native english speaks. thank you very much
carlos vargas
Hi Alex! It was clear as usually. It’s useful for me. :) Thanks!
please tell me if i can use “dive or hole in the ground “to describe a garden or a class room ,any dirty place .
Thanks .
Hi Alex, I love you… I m very happy because I can understand everything you say and explain… and my test are all ok.
Thank you very much!!
can we start a tab?
that means we pay a bill at the end ,but i really don’t know how to imagine the situation,
so can you describe clearly?
thank you.
All teachers of this site great. Its a very beautiful job you do here. Congratulations. I want to know people from all world and to pratice English. Who want talk to me, send me an e-mail: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
My scored five out of five.
thank you Alex
thank u sir
thanks a lot for the whole lessons,
greetings from iran.
Thanks Alex, it was useful and you do great job, could you please foucs on Adjective clause, Noun clause and Adverb clause one day too. Thank you
thanks sir … sir are from canada
Tonight I am going to bar to use these words,
Alex sir thanks for get me the reason to go bar tonight. I am jus gonna celebrate my result 5/5….
Alex sir I love your voice and way of speaking. I could understand everyting what your saying, even i am not a born english man. Thanks a lot…
Vijay from India.
Dear Alex, you are a top notch teacher. I love your teaching. It is very useful. Thank you so much. Keep teaching.
again…a helpful lesson
so many thanks Alexe,your lesson and teaching method is very vital for english learner,very short explination and very vivid description,thanks
Hello Alex I did not understand some thing
Now I can go to a pub!!!!!
Sir , can u help me? where should use , till, still ,untill , upto , since.
thax sir
Thanks Alex, That was “bad-ass” lesson!
George from Georgia
I got scored 5 out of 5. Thanxxxxxxxx Alexxxxxx
Alex, is this American slang only or British people also understand this word???
Ex, in vocabulary the word “hole in the wall” means cash dispenser or ATM (British)
How about it looks like a Pigsty!
hiii, thank you verry much for this lesson , i really loved it , can i ask you pleaze more lessons on slang , thanks !!!!!
nice lesson ,thanks so much
Thnx Alex
I got zero marks out of 5
Abdul Qayum
Thank u Sir, I am improving ,my english by watching ENGVID.
You’re amazing,I couldn’t help laughing Very useful lesson lool
nice lesson thanks
Hi Alex,let’s go the dive tonight,I will take care of the tab Because I was load.
Cuong ta
I was loaded.
Cuong ta
Hi Alex
What is the different between “He drank way too much” and “He drank too much”
you are a top notch teacher!!!! thanks a lot for your class I love them
Once my friend brought me at a bar. Actually that was a shithole place. I asked a bar-tender to start a tab. Finally we got hammered and went at home.
great teacher!
Wonderful way to learn and Teach English. Teacher’s pronuntiation is so Clear that anybody can understand almost everything. Thank you very Much Alex, you are a great teacher !!!!
Thank you very much Alex, it is so useful ;)
It is really nice slang. I got new useful slang word. Thank you very much.
Kou (Laos)
You are an excellent teacher Alex, I like when you refer to us , your students , as “guys”
you are awesome teacher Alex.
You guys i was good,but it would be awesome if you guys had a video about video games and their slangs :D;however,you American People Love XBOX :D.ops! Canadian :D BTW,I love you so much Alex.you videos and technic of teaching is so different with others.Cheers Dude :D
It was good” Sorry for the error :P
That’s a great idea — I’ve added it to the request list and hopefully one of the geekier teachers will pick it up :)
engVid Moderator
i just wanna speak English in email
hussein syd
thank you so much
I appreciate this site.. very helpful, I keep on studying as well as practicing.
thank you so much I understand these now slang
thank you Alex
thank you sir!
Thank you.:)
It’s such awesome sir
yeahhh 100 %. Thanks
Thanks. This is my favourite site of learning English)))
You are a top notch teacher. Teehee
Solange Kim
I am very glad that I have found this really interesting and useful site!
And Alex is cut out to be a teacher Well done, man!
perfect score
ann ann
Hi Alex, thanks. this is the new slang for me to learn about pub and bar slang.
Hi Alex, thanks. i will remind when we are going to bar and pub he.. the slang is important to learn… if any others slang please share with us..
got 5 correct out of 5.
:D thanks
but still as i guess there are many pubs expressions for example when i was in London .i asked the bar man to give me to pips of beer and then i told him the beer name , so the word pips i didn’t understand what it refer too but later i understood that it must refer to glass or bottles :)
Hi, there. What do we call the snacks eaten with wine? i.e that is specially eaten with wine such as nuts etc… . Many thanks in advance.
thanks alex
iam incredibly enjoyable by watching your lessons
see you later
thanks sir very helpful
Thank you.
ann ann
Good lesson, at this moment I have learned new words.
Its so funny and useful! Thanks a lot Alex! hahaha
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Alex!Unfortunately I didn’t understand the meaning of ”the hole in the wall” very clearly.Isn’t it a machine from the bank where you can withdraw the money??? Please explain this to me!Thanks, Cristina
Hi Cristina! Imagine a wall! If there is a hole is not a good wall… A hole in the wall is not a good place …I think…
I think what Cristina meant is, that a hole in the wall means an ATM, so is it possible that it also means a dirty bar/pub. Alex, could you please tell us if we’re correct? Does “a hole in the wall” mean both ATM and dirty pub?
Hi Cristina, i really do not understand your question, the explanation is clear.
The expression is “a hole in the wall.” It just means a really ugly, messy, and dirty bar, pub, or restaurant.
shithole,shitfaced lol. last Monday I drank many beers so face looked like a shitfced lol. that’s all right I like drinking. thanks Alex pretty nice lesson so long n’ good bye.
thanks Alex
Wow………! I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for your lesson, Alex.
Hi Alex
Could you help me out in phrasal verbs especially Transitive, Intransitive, separable, Inseparable.
How does it work?
good question¡
Nice one! Thank you!
sweet i got 5/5 but it didint help me one bit with my shitty spelling
5 out of 5!!! I killed the test!!! Ah ah ah!!! I don’t like very much bars, but after a day of climbing every hole is good to get some beer with my friends! Thanks Alex!
aww! good for you bro!
woww i got 5 out of 5…thnx
Hi Mr., I really enjoyed your class again. You`re really fun and dynamic at the time to teach and it´s very important to learn on that way. Thanks a lot.
Best regards, Javier.
After going through this wonderful lesson, I will oblige to go to any bar tomorrow to use it.
It’a shame Igot 4 out of 5 Thank you anyway I’try my best next time
Watch it and try again. :) You’ll get it. The key is practice.
Hi Alex, Thanks for your clear explaination, its very nice indeed. i have one question that, a dive and a hole in the ground is used for a dirty bar?, Can i use wherever, the place dirty?,
Thanks alot, Alex.
Have a nice day!
Usually, we refer to dirty bars and pubs as dives. It can be a music venue, or a dance club that’s dirty as well. A hole in the wall can also be used for a small or dirty restaurant.
Hey alex,thanks for ur video,its good to know about some new words and their meanings.i have some doubts that,a tab and a dive is used for a total pay and a dirty place,can i use them wherever,the things happen?,anyway thank u so much .
thanks for the effort/ means a lot to me… i’ve learned something while watching and even got 5 on the quiz provided. thanks God bless you. :)
thank you for this effort
thank’s mr.alex …
I knew that one too. But, that was selected by chance. Any way, …… thanks for teaching … .
nice nice nice thank you very much Alex=D
No problem! Thanks for the comments, guys.
its really inteeresting thanks you
thank you
nishhhh onee keep it up !
Thank you so much
how about the bar is a good place? is there any slang on it??
You can use the phrase “top notch” to describe something that’s really high quality. “Final Fantasy XII is a top notch video game!” “That place is top notch.” “She’s a top notch teacher.”
a helpful lession.thank you!
great explanation!
many thanks and good understandable teacher Alex
it’s really a good way to learn thanks guys.
Thank you alex, it has been very useful. From now I will know how to push my friends to pay the next round… just saying them: This one is gonna be on you! hahahaha xDD
Thank you alex
Thank you Alex, that was useful for me. I really like your lessons.
Very useful explication, thanks. But I gonna buy you a red marker ;-)
“Very useful explanation.” We don’t use “explication” in English. :)
But then I could find explication in English dictionaries. Why can’t we use it. It means the same as “explain” or “elucidate”
Thank you Alex. It was really a nice class. I got good things.
Geez! i took the quiz and i got 2 out of five! i must say i need more practice and help. Thank’s Teacher Alex keep up the good work!
ihave been ones in the bar and i sayed its massed up it good one or no
“Messed up” means crazy, disturbed/disturbing, or just ridiculous.
“Have you seen Oldboy? The ending of that movie is totally messed up!”
Hey Alex!
Nice to meet you :) I am a freshman here and do like to get knowledge this way. Thanks a lot. You and other guys are really great. The information you give people is really useful and I hope I will use it when I visit the USA in the future.
i don’t go to a bars so i won’t use this lesson
ty anyway :)
good lesson Alex thank you for that, i don’t go to bar but still good to know :)
Very Nice lesson ;) I appreciated a lot the strong language…a teacher in Englad taught me lots of swear words! xD thank you…
hey, you are very kind to do all this great job for us the non native english speaks. thank you very much
Hi Alex! It was clear as usually. It’s useful for me. :) Thanks!
please tell me if i can use “dive or hole in the ground “to describe a garden or a class room ,any dirty place .
Thanks .
Hi Alex, I love you… I m very happy because I can understand everything you say and explain… and my test are all ok.
Thank you very much!!
can we start a tab?
that means we pay a bill at the end ,but i really don’t know how to imagine the situation,
so can you describe clearly?
thank you.
All teachers of this site great. Its a very beautiful job you do here. Congratulations. I want to know people from all world and to pratice English. Who want talk to me, send me an e-mail: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
My scored five out of five.
thank you Alex
thank u sir
thanks a lot for the whole lessons,
greetings from iran.
Thanks Alex, it was useful and you do great job, could you please foucs on Adjective clause, Noun clause and Adverb clause one day too. Thank you
thanks sir … sir are from canada
Tonight I am going to bar to use these words,
Alex sir thanks for get me the reason to go bar tonight. I am jus gonna celebrate my result 5/5….
Alex sir I love your voice and way of speaking. I could understand everyting what your saying, even i am not a born english man. Thanks a lot…
Vijay from India.
Dear Alex, you are a top notch teacher. I love your teaching. It is very useful. Thank you so much. Keep teaching.
again…a helpful lesson
so many thanks Alexe,your lesson and teaching method is very vital for english learner,very short explination and very vivid description,thanks
Hello Alex I did not understand some thing
Now I can go to a pub!!!!!
Sir , can u help me? where should use , till, still ,untill , upto , since.
thax sir
Thanks Alex, That was “bad-ass” lesson!
I got scored 5 out of 5. Thanxxxxxxxx Alexxxxxx
Alex, is this American slang only or British people also understand this word???
Ex, in vocabulary the word “hole in the wall” means cash dispenser or ATM (British)
How about it looks like a Pigsty!
hiii, thank you verry much for this lesson , i really loved it , can i ask you pleaze more lessons on slang , thanks !!!!!
nice lesson ,thanks so much
Thnx Alex
I got zero marks out of 5
Thank u Sir, I am improving ,my english by watching ENGVID.
You’re amazing,I couldn’t help laughing Very useful lesson lool
nice lesson thanks
Hi Alex,let’s go the dive tonight,I will take care of the tab Because I was load.
I was loaded.
Hi Alex
What is the different between “He drank way too much” and “He drank too much”
you are a top notch teacher!!!! thanks a lot for your class I love them
Once my friend brought me at a bar. Actually that was a shithole place. I asked a bar-tender to start a tab. Finally we got hammered and went at home.
great teacher!
Wonderful way to learn and Teach English. Teacher’s pronuntiation is so Clear that anybody can understand almost everything. Thank you very Much Alex, you are a great teacher !!!!
Thank you very much Alex, it is so useful ;)
It is really nice slang. I got new useful slang word. Thank you very much.
You are an excellent teacher Alex, I like when you refer to us , your students , as “guys”
you are awesome teacher Alex.
You guys i was good,but it would be awesome if you guys had a video about video games and their slangs :D;however,you American People Love XBOX :D.ops! Canadian :D BTW,I love you so much Alex.you videos and technic of teaching is so different with others.Cheers Dude :D
It was good” Sorry for the error :P
That’s a great idea — I’ve added it to the request list and hopefully one of the geekier teachers will pick it up :)
i just wanna speak English in email
thank you so much
I appreciate this site.. very helpful, I keep on studying as well as practicing.
thank you so much I understand these now slang
thank you Alex
thank you sir!
Thank you.:)
It’s such awesome sir
yeahhh 100 %. Thanks
Thanks. This is my favourite site of learning English)))
You are a top notch teacher. Teehee
I am very glad that I have found this really interesting and useful site!
And Alex is cut out to be a teacher Well done, man!
perfect score
Hi Alex, thanks. this is the new slang for me to learn about pub and bar slang.
Hi Alex, thanks. i will remind when we are going to bar and pub he.. the slang is important to learn… if any others slang please share with us..
got 5 correct out of 5.
:D thanks
but still as i guess there are many pubs expressions for example when i was in London .i asked the bar man to give me to pips of beer and then i told him the beer name , so the word pips i didn’t understand what it refer too but later i understood that it must refer to glass or bottles :)
Hi, there. What do we call the snacks eaten with wine? i.e that is specially eaten with wine such as nuts etc… . Many thanks in advance.
thanks alex
iam incredibly enjoyable by watching your lessons
see you later
thanks sir very helpful
Thank you.
Good lesson, at this moment I have learned new words.
Its so funny and useful! Thanks a lot Alex! hahaha
Thank you Alex!
Thanks Alex!
Ohh thanks i got 5 ovoer 5