Alex, could you please make a lesson about difference between JOB and WORK. Thanks.
Hi Kasper! Work is a verb…(I work,she works,we work) , and Job is synonim of employment.
Hi Alex, Good job
thanks a lot Alex!!! god bless you
tnx, very interesting.
Thank you Alex! Goodluck!
Thanks Alex for this easy lesson.
thanx so much ,very intresting lesson
mohammad qayyum
Thanks a lot!
thanks for all the help us
thank you for THIS lesson! =)
thank for your lecture.
Alex makes me happy in english.
thkx for this good job go on we wait the new thkx again
alex i really interest this leason and i like the way teach
alex im still confusin this words •This apple.
•That apple.
•These apples.
•Those apples
This and that are singular
These and those are plural
This can be used when you are near by persons or something.
Example for this: You and your friend are sitting together and referring/looking some picture/photo and you are saying to your friend “see this picture is very nice”
These can be used when you are near/very close by persons or something but it should be plural manner.
Example for these: You and your friend are sitting together and referring/looking some pictures’/photos’ and you are saying to your friend “see these pictures’ are very nice”
Now I’m giving an explanation about “that”
Please read this scenario carefully:
That can be used when something is far or you are ignoring something.
Example for something far “That”:
Just make an assumption you are walking on street with your girl friend and you are saying “see that rose is awesome”
Example for something far “Those”:
Just make an assumption you are walking on street with your girl friend and you are saying “see those roses’ are awesome”
Note: When you are combing more than one rose you should say “those” and if it is only one rose then you should say “that”.
Example for ignoring something “That”:
If anyone giving chocolate to you for his/her birthday and you are saying I don’t want this “5 star” chocolate and I want that Diary milk chocolate.
Hope you are perfect with these examples!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
very good.
This and That are use to indicate singular
-this:use when item or person is close by or in your hands.
-that:when is away from you.
These and Those are use to indicate plural;
-these:items or peoples are close to you.
-those:items or peoples are away from you.
that are great examplos i do know if i wrote is correct to you because i am learning english together that website thanks for the tips.
Very very good lesson
hi,thanks for all your help.
noureen khurshedi
Thank you very much Alex !! you did a very good job..could you please make a lesson on would have, could have and should have..
Rummy Vasudeva
thanx Alex…
meraba, bu videoları nasıl izleyebiliriz bende açılmıyo videoyu göstermiyo yardımcı olabilir misin?
michael omar
hiiiiiiii alex u r amazing……..
u r gr8 teacher,its really help for me…
thankx a lot..
thanks for this session
Good Day sir,
I m sorry. I haven’t rated this one cause i didn’t watch it. I am just collecting all the videos so i can i watch it later. sir i have one request can you pls upload video or mail me… to use “has/have been, would, could, can, has, have, do, does, did…in sentence coz sometime i really get confused when to use what depending on the situation. It will be of great help….Thanking you in anticipation.
good day sir
i am deaf and mute . so i can i watch it later. sir i have one request can you pls upload video of mail me. how to use has /have, been ,would , could , do, does, did , this,that,these,those. it will be of great help .. thanking u very
justin k j
thank you very much,Alex
i get it all those things…
thanx Alex…..
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson ;-)
May I ask you something?
How is right to say with the noun “days”
like for example if I wanna say: I’ve been working hard these days
Is it right?
and another example the sentence “these couple days” – Does it sound wrong and english speakers don’t say like this?
Thanks ;-)
Thanx, alex, uor movies are very usefull =)
first of all , i want to thank you Alex for another great lesson . all right .
i’ve got a question for you .. why shouldn’t i say those boys are wearing a red hat??
Absolutely fine and please go-ahead!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
Thank you so much for this lesson,
i get it every thing, It was useful lesson,Just keep it up .
i wish the best for you
Thank you sit this example is very helpful.
you are really great alex
pls continue like many classes
Thank you so much!
It’s Great
Luong Van Ha
thank you for sharing it with us
Thank you so much…
This mv really helpful for my writing…
you did your great job, it is very useful to me
Venky – India
Thanks Alex about everything it is very good lessons
I am struggling with the five “w”s I would really like it if I had a lesson on it.
thanks Iam v. happy to hear u but where is Alain bye
hello , first of all I want to say hi to everyone here , because I’ am a new user here, and i want to thanks all teachers that did their best to teach people free on the internet..and for teh lessons it’s very important for somone who wants learn english fluently..finally i want to say that, i am going to pass my Toefl paper based next month and i need to comunicat with people who are interesting on toefl…good luck see you freinds
This lesson is very fine to me. Thanks.
Ashwini Sharma
wow! very very good
Ricardinho Britto
Hello Alex! Your lessons are easy to learn, you are a very good teacher. Thank you.
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dear vry nice…………………………………. i like thaz engvid
Hi Alex, thanks so much
Respect the maximum.
Your are capable to explain my 4 important words in 5 min.
My lousy school teacher needed more than 2 years.
Thank you a lot!
Greetings fom
Thomas from Germany
thkz a lot alex
nice and Thanks
Deep thnx for Alex
Sameh Abdel Hakeem
Thanks alex.
I am Naveed Khattak from Pakistan
I thanks a lot to the whole eng vid teams
Naveed khattal
Thanks Alex
Thx :) Kisses from Poland :)
thanks Alex
very nice, very simple, really you are the best teacher i listen to.
very thank full
Alex, it’s one of greatest classes that I ever seen, and I use to really confused with using those and ( this / these) but now it’s crystal clear, so Thanks again Alex, God bless u..
very good. thanks Alex.
thank you very mush
cool! thanks for this video, i like the way you teach and the way you speak. your accent is easy to understand
nice …
pl.give instruction to listen your lessen
chandani uh
Please focus your attention at him, remove fearness/Scareness and create confidence on you like you can do anything.
I wanted to say one important thought to entire readers and especially for you.
When you are something nervous or unconfidence please read below mentioned note:
Scareness is the greatest weakness of success for human being so remove your fearness from your life and
Create confidence on you like anything you can do it without objecting – Mohammed Shahith (India)
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
Really…these video is very helpful to improve good english…From India
This is my f***ing comment jejeje… Many thanks for this lesson. also thank you for those lesson that you gave me.
thnx Alex
Very good!
Thanks, Alex.
from Mongolia.
thanx alot alex
from jordan
Thanks Alex . nice lesson
Thanks Alex. too good.
Alex you are better than others teachers because
you speak slowly.Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for good lecture
Polavarapu Naga Mani
Thanks a lot guys you are amazing , I am planning to give my IELTS possibly next month , aiming at 7 in all modules , your teaching will really help me to achieve that.
hi, alex thnx for good job.
good job, your video can help improving my english course. thank you, alex
thank you very much,it was very helpuful,you are a good and nice teacher :)
hi,sir nice your program
satish gaurav
when i am watching program on tv and want to talk about someone in the program can i use this
hi Mr alex
how to answer this question
A: i`lost my books.
B: were did you lost (these/those) books
This teacher( Alex) is very very good.
Thanks so much!
Hey Alex! Greetings from Germany!
First of all I wanted to mention that your explanation is just great! I always understand everything you say! But I’ve still a question about these, those, this and that. I talked to my friend from the US recently and we were talking on the phone ( if that matters ) about some topics and themes.
What shall I use in this case? ” Yeah I love this topic we are talking about right now ” ?
Or “that”? I mean.. a topic can’t be close to me or far away from me so I’m really confused about that. There are many words like that. Another one is “situation”. ” I don’t like “this?” situation ” ” I didn’t like “this?” situation “? I mean, the situation happened, but still, its neither close to me nor far away
Thank your alot for your help and your lessons!
I appreciate that alot!!
With respect to phone conversation you and your friend are for away so better you can say Yeah, I love “that” topic because its too tragedy
Please let me know if you have any question!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
I’m liking this website. I am new here, thank you. I would like to learn more.
very good lesson
THAT was a good lesson.
Hi Alex, thanks for the video. I have a question about how to use “his, her, its, their, our and mine”, I know how to use most of them but for example when you say “That person was with his/her/its?? dog? when you don’t specify a gender, how do you know which of these 3 options you have to use? the same case happens when you use “anyone/someone/everybody/etc… Thank you!
Alex,couid you please make a lesson about parts of speech…
Good lesson but I would like to see my teacher in Avatar version.
thanks so much Alex , I am beginning i try the test i got score: 83.33 :)
thanks teacher^^
it is nice thank u very much
Nice lesson, thank u very much
thanks.. i took this lesson in my school today
one mystake. I likely cannot read:) – incorrect no correct :)
EngVid dot com is pretty good engine for practising of skills:)
or single mystake, the only mistake? Alex, which of these posibilities is a better?
omg mistake in word mistake :D.. so just “mistake” :-))
really it’s easy,and nice. Thank very much alexs
bhanu teja
Thank you
i like this
i have got 5 out 6.
is this correct?(one of these days)
Very easy. I liked!
Nice video.
Thanks alot Mr.Alex…nice video
I can’t understanding.Why the sentence: (These sunglasses are great!)is incorrect.(That boys is wearing a red hat.) is correct.
Hi Angela,
You are right. The sentence “These sunglasses are great” is correct, and “That boys is wearing a red hat” is incorrect. Does the quiz say something different?
Hi teacher can you tell me that where we can use “IT” because you said that this is used for near,and that is used for far. Reply me please
Diyar khan
Sorry.I know where I went wrong.
Hi sir
First I like to say:Tashidelek!!! in my native langauge it’s mean’s greating. thank you very much!!! From Tibetan.
Thanks!!… can help me to improved my english..
hi alex thanks
Alex, you are a very good teacher. Your lesson is clear for me.I would to say thanks you. Best wish for you!
thanks so much Alex! this was very helpful.
simply great Mr.Alex
how can improved loeran english thakis
hi Alex, you are a wonderful, you always did a good job. I appreciat it,Good bless you.
Soheir Hassan
sorry, I made mistake, God bless you
Soheir Hassan
haha so good (?) zz
thank you .. :)
can u plz tell me how i can undrestant the last quation
really very very useful…..
thank you very much!
this lesson is very helpful to me!
thank you again
Really useful lesson ,thanks
God bless you
this video is very nice thx ..
could u help me?The goverment wants to…a new scheme to encourage people to start their own businesses.Which one i can put? Hand out, find out, try out or pass by.
thank you alex
nice,very great..thanks
interesting….but your audio is mute i hear nothing..
i love to learn english because it is useful in communicating different people all over the world…thank your for making it…
It really helps.Thanks a lot!
It really helps. Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for the demo on this, that, etc. I am taking a grammar exam this Wed to complete my Tefl Certificate. Having left school age 14 & I’m now 53 I’m really struggling to understand, but working hard at it. Right now I’m studying past exam questions & trying to answer them. I am doing error corrections right now, I must write the sentence in the correct form & explain the rule I would describe to the student. The latter part of the question is giving me the most trouble. Can you please help me to understand how to explain the rules simply. I am in Granada right now, the students I’ve been practicing with are spanish. I firstly need to understand these rules or how can I possibly help speakers of another language to understand. Thats really difficult in a 4 week programme.
The immediate question is:
1. This box contains less oranges than that one.
2.The new book is gooder than the previous one.
3.The eggs are adding to the cake mixture.
4.If I were rich, I will buy a swimming pool.
Alex I have tried to correct 2 previous sentences & spent hours doing so. I dont think they are entirely correct but if I continue this way it will be next Wed. before I finish this sample paper. Would you please help me somewhat get a handle on the rules for the above 4 so that I can then go ahead & try to correct & explain rules for the next 6 questions myself. Many thanks. Hope I hear from you. I will be really appreciative of any help. Sandy (FRom Dublin Ireland)Go raibh maith agat.
sandra kelly
i think you should put more questions in quizes :)
thanks , u teach really nice
thanks alex for learn about the grammer:-
It’s very helpful and a very good thing that you guys do for helping me in english.
Finally I understood these pronouns. Thank you, Alex. This site helps lots of people in the world to learn English in a easy and simple way. You and the EngVid team are doing an important social and educational work. Congratulations!!
Great job, Alex. Best regards from Uruguay.
thats cool. thanks
Thank you, Alex. I wish to learn more! More power to Engvid :)
goog job
thank u Alex.
Thank u very much
That all teachers of the world can not match with you & the others .. You are the best.
Shayma EL.
oh !!and you wrote That boy is wearing a red hat. wrong you wrote it with S (boys)check it out
Shayma EL.
Why we wrote (S) if it right??????
Shayma EL.
Mr Alex is right but he forgot to mention apostrophe before s and please see my comments in below column. Hope this might help you!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith .KH
Dear Teacher
When I do the quiz I chose the second sentence as correct one but when I checked the answers it was wrong and third one is the correct , but it is not the same while boy have s in the end!!While “this” is for single!! Can you please explain that to me?
Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
You can say that boy but you can’t say that boys.
For more details please refer my note on comment sections.
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
THIS VIDEO is very GOOD….ALex … Thanks.
thanks a lot. I am confusing between these and there. What’s the different between them ???Thanks!
hello alex! you are a very good teacher. thanks a lot. may i ask why i can’t use the quiz? everytime i click the quiz box it is empty
Hello Alex, Thank you man. Now I understand
Geminis3505 explanation help me a lot can you send me simple examples for a kindergarden ???
thank you Sir, :)
thanks a lot!!!!
very nice lesson.
Hallo Alex, why That “boys” is wearing a red hat.
Why the count noun boyS still using singular is instead of are ?
I have result – 100 out of 100.
This explanation is fine for with a knowledge of English; but I teach this to students with very little knowledge of English.
Hi! Alex.
Thank You.
(Those Boys are Wearing Red Hat) is correct!
Yes, absolutely!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
you are a good instructor nd u have a smile face .. nice work nd thanks for all your hard work and dedication .. Hope To give us more lessons about grammer rules
hi alex sir you are really good
hi alex thanks good job
well done Mr Alex
hi alex you are’s way of teaching is simple and intresting
vikhil reddy
Thank you! :))
thankyou i want teach us when use the in spaking for example i go to the par ? but what is wrong when itell i go to the london? thanks
kindly make a lecture on would have been, did have and has had,plz plz plz plz plz plz??
thanks alex..
Is more easy memorize with this draw, thanks!
Thanks!! :D
very authentic
you are very good thanks for u
farah Aymen
Hi Alex you are great,
Very well explained thxx
It is a Good way of teaching beginners.
Thank you
very good alex..easly to understand..tank’s
thank u sir your method of teaching is very goo0000d
Muhhamad Nasir ul Mulk
hi, alex.very good lesson.thanksssss…
Good morning,I been try to learn english for 20 year, I never speak right,I never read the right way, I never improve my the way suppose be, I am so frustrate,but most my pronunciation
What’s d part of speach of “that” plz?!
4instance that boy,Is it an adj??!
It’s a pronoun or an adjective.
what should I write now ‘I like those/that apples best of all? which one?
sadia islam
hi sadia islam we can say that apple if it is ( single and far away from us ) and we say this apple if it is ( single and close to us )and in the plural we say ( these apples / close to us ) and (those apples / far of us ) i hope that you understand the rule , thanks
very good……..!!!!!!
thank you very much sir
I’m beginning to learn English new
Hi Readers,
The quiz # 4 answer is incorrect because no apostrophe between boys example “boy’s”. If you want to bring this answer in right way you should write or say “That boy’s is wearing a red hat”.
Note: when you use the term boys, Womans and Childs it always express plural term only and if you wanted to say something in singular manner please place the apostrophe before the s to show singular possession.
Note: Use the apostrophe to show possession whenever it’s required.
Warm regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
thank you very much
Avatar version.
i got 100 out of 100
Hello Alex, Cauld you please explain me the uses of it and this (or that). I am always confusing between it and this (or that)
nice lesson i learned a lot from you! thank you very much alex! you’r great teacher, but why is it my score is only 83.33 i got only one mistake right? anyway that only a joke! hehehe…..
Hello,Mr alex you are so great ane i suggesion to yau that should teaching tha advance english. Thanks
thanks mr alwx
Thanks mr. Alex… You are very good teacher… I liked ”this” lesson so much.. I never forget it..
Victor Hugo
nice, is clear!
Thanks Sir Alex and to the engvid team.God bless you all for helping people.
thanks.It realy helps.
yes it realy helps
I still don’t get it. Can someone explain which of the demonstratives (this or that) I should use in the following phrase “for this/that purpose”?
Those lessons are crazy
Good on you Alex.
Finally, I understood much better the difference with no confusions in the mind now.
I have failed or I failed?
I think I have failed or I think I failed?
Thanks Mr Alex, for agood job i got u well although i failed one but i got u. this is near, That is fur and these are near but plulars and also those are fur which are more than one thanks Mr Alex.
Mr Alex, am extremly sorry but PLI!!!!!!!!! help me what can i do to leane spealings, That’s my big prob. advise me what can i do? u as a english teature thanks.
Hello, it’s a basic lesson and understable, but i have a question.
what’s the diference betwen ‘this’ and ‘these’ in pronuciation?
Thank you Alex,
It has been very clear.
thank you Alex
Really you are great
i will watch you everyday .. Explain a very simple
i m not getting” Those pants look good on you”is correct but “That boys is wearing a red hat” isn,t.
thank you Alex.
Thanks alex this is Very useful to learn english well. I got 5 out of 6 questions u’ve made. Thanks a lot. I am enjoying this lesson.
Yes I did it!!!thanks alex… You’re a great teacher for me….Salamat!!
hello, Alex. sorry for asking that but could you explain the difference between “this/that” and “it”. i can’t differentiate such sentences as “this/that is you book” and “it is you book”. thanks in advance.
p.s. sorry for my mistakes
this is very simple way to speaking……tnqu alex
this is very simple and understandable lessons. thnx.
hi,alek i am very thankful you.before i ca,nt understand this,that words make i this words sentence? but now i quickley understand. plz more have, had, has,these words how can use.send me more vidoes.thnx again.
I need to download these lessons because they are really usefull
thanks. these lessions are very nice.
Thanks for your support, guys! Keep the comments coming!
tank you mr alex good job
Thank you Alex. This was a helpful lesson.
he Alex! many thanks this lesson was helpful for me. leson was great. I have to tell you that for me very difficul to use would, could, and passive. can you give me some example.
have a lovely christmas and new year.
This explanation is nice
Thank you very much! That’s exactly what I was looking for. It became clear now :)
6/6… Thanks teacher!!!
is it right? That boys is wearing a red hat./that – fof sing., /
you could make every lessons of this way
Great lesson !!!thanks
Commando 27/53
thnx alex
Thank you
I like hoe you use realia in order to introduce the concept. You´re great!
Very clear, thank you
alex i like your course
4. Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
It should be THAT BOY or THOSE BOYS, right?
thanks all of you teachers actually Mr. alex but i want to know what is the corect answer for number for /It should be THAT BOY or THOSE BOYS, right?
Can you please, create a video for the Slovak (Russian) people for proper pronunciation (sounds) and English intonation. I know that each culture has its own difficulties and things that they should to pay more attention than others.
thanx so much ,very intresting lesson
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot, nice lesson
take care
Thanks i enjoy the quiz:) You good teacher:)
This, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
This is used when you are pointing at something near that is just singular.
That is when you are pointing something far and singular.
These is when you are pointing something near and plural.
Those,far and plural.
A friend of mine gave me a link for me to learn English even further.
Here: .
Try it.
Very nice
well today i make it that exercise more one time but i dont have great success because i dont have pay attention but is good video.
Hi Alex, please could you help me out? I don’t know how to use these or those in context of the sentence. For instance:
Sonny has many qualities worth recognizing, and the purpose of this letter is to point out two of [these/those] qualities.
There is any gramatic rule for apply in this kind of cases?
Thanks in advance
Thank You Alex :)
Alex, in the sentence number 4 is write: That boys is wearing a red hat. Is it correct? Because boys is plural. And it showed to me in the quiz, like correct answer.
Jeff Biancolini
Thanks for the lesson. great.
that boys or those boys?
4. Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
Oh well the answer is correct…for incorrect sentence
thanks sir
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex for making this video.
Thank you!!!!! All of you!! Very useful!
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Thanks Alex For the test .. Would you mind if you made an video talks about Got And Get … i little bit confusing about this 2 thanks again .. God bless it’s very helpful to us your video …
Thank you!
Olga Krasnodon
Alex, can I say “This book in your hand is mine!”?
Because it is close to whom I speak? Or even in this situation, because it is far from me, I must use that?
Thank you very much!
The best explanation ever! ty
so sad :/ 50/50
Thank you. It easy to understand.
thanks, alex!
Excellent lesson and very useful.
Hello, Alex! There is a mistake in your quiz question #2.
2. If one apple is far away from you, you say…
This apple.
These apples.
That apple.
Those apples.
The right variant of answers is 3, not 4.
didn’t know it, thank you
Thanks Alex
Thanks, simply and with taste.
thanks for the lesso. It was clear and useful. Well done!
Thank you kindly! I like your style how you lead your lessons. Simplicity is always important for well understanding!
Perfect lession. Thank you Alex :)
Sandra Marafioti
Sandra Marafioti
thanks for this lesson
eng hussien
Thanks you so much.You really are the best.
Marta Lopez
You all are super teachers :-)
Zakaria Hussain
I got it.
Thank you!
Young Kyung Lee
Ugh. Thanks bro alex! :))
Patrick R.
Very Good !! Thaks A lot!
j’ai apprécié cette leçon. Souvent, je me trompe en utilisant these and those.
Merci Alex.
Thank you for the upload of this video on – This, That, These and Those. Your video is very useful and very well explained…Well done!
Thank you. now i understand them.
Chairina Anwar
thank you so much Alex!! I like a lot…glad that I found this website.
I got 6/6! Great lesson! Thanks!
Hi, Alex. I’ve watched your classes and I’ve liked so much.
Mr. Oliveira
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex! I learned so much!
God bless.
Thank you alex for your explanations
Many many thanks….for this ………….n vedio is more helpfull…..
Meraj Akhtar
New effects! Nice!
10/10 very easy thank you
This video is very helpful. Thanks!
very very easy thanks
321 arturo
This was great to me.
very esay thanks.
i got 5/6
mehdi malekfele
i got 6/6 thanks
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
6/6 Thank you Alex
Thanks for all of your lessons.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
THIS LESSON IS very useful.
Great explanations; thanks, Alex!
Great, THIS lesson is easy and so important. I hope to follow all your video lessons.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
New effects. Nice.
Thanks! Soon we will have engVid 3D!
Thank’s for guiding me in my test…
Thanks I enjoy the quiz..
This quiz is easy.
Alex, could you please make a lesson about difference between JOB and WORK. Thanks.
Hi Kasper! Work is a verb…(I work,she works,we work) , and Job is synonim of employment.
Hi Alex, Good job
thanks a lot Alex!!! god bless you
tnx, very interesting.
Thank you Alex! Goodluck!
Thanks Alex for this easy lesson.
thanx so much ,very intresting lesson
Thanks a lot!
thanks for all the help us
thank you for THIS lesson! =)
thank for your lecture.
Alex makes me happy in english.
thkx for this good job go on we wait the new thkx again
alex i really interest this leason and i like the way teach
alex im still confusin this words •This apple.
•That apple.
•These apples.
•Those apples
This and that are singular
These and those are plural
This can be used when you are near by persons or something.
Example for this: You and your friend are sitting together and referring/looking some picture/photo and you are saying to your friend “see this picture is very nice”
These can be used when you are near/very close by persons or something but it should be plural manner.
Example for these: You and your friend are sitting together and referring/looking some pictures’/photos’ and you are saying to your friend “see these pictures’ are very nice”
Now I’m giving an explanation about “that”
Please read this scenario carefully:
That can be used when something is far or you are ignoring something.
Example for something far “That”:
Just make an assumption you are walking on street with your girl friend and you are saying “see that rose is awesome”
Example for something far “Those”:
Just make an assumption you are walking on street with your girl friend and you are saying “see those roses’ are awesome”
Note: When you are combing more than one rose you should say “those” and if it is only one rose then you should say “that”.
Example for ignoring something “That”:
If anyone giving chocolate to you for his/her birthday and you are saying I don’t want this “5 star” chocolate and I want that Diary milk chocolate.
Hope you are perfect with these examples!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
very good.
This and That are use to indicate singular
-this:use when item or person is close by or in your hands.
-that:when is away from you.
These and Those are use to indicate plural;
-these:items or peoples are close to you.
-those:items or peoples are away from you.
that are great examplos i do know if i wrote is correct to you because i am learning english together that website thanks for the tips.
Very very good lesson
hi,thanks for all your help.
Thank you very much Alex !! you did a very good job..could you please make a lesson on would have, could have and should have..
thanx Alex…
meraba, bu videoları nasıl izleyebiliriz bende açılmıyo videoyu göstermiyo yardımcı olabilir misin?
hiiiiiiii alex u r amazing……..
u r gr8 teacher,its really help for me…
thankx a lot..
thanks for this session
Good Day sir,
I m sorry. I haven’t rated this one cause i didn’t watch it. I am just collecting all the videos so i can i watch it later. sir i have one request can you pls upload video or mail me… to use “has/have been, would, could, can, has, have, do, does, did…in sentence coz sometime i really get confused when to use what depending on the situation. It will be of great help….Thanking you in anticipation.
good day sir
i am deaf and mute . so i can i watch it later. sir i have one request can you pls upload video of mail me. how to use has /have, been ,would , could , do, does, did , this,that,these,those. it will be of great help .. thanking u very
thank you very much,Alex
i get it all those things…
thanx Alex…..
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson ;-)
May I ask you something?
How is right to say with the noun “days”
like for example if I wanna say: I’ve been working hard these days
Is it right?
and another example the sentence “these couple days” – Does it sound wrong and english speakers don’t say like this?
Thanks ;-)
Thanx, alex, uor movies are very usefull =)
first of all , i want to thank you Alex for another great lesson . all right .
i’ve got a question for you .. why shouldn’t i say those boys are wearing a red hat??
Absolutely fine and please go-ahead!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
Thank you so much for this lesson,
i get it every thing, It was useful lesson,Just keep it up .
i wish the best for you
Thank you sit this example is very helpful.
you are really great alex
pls continue like many classes
Thank you so much!
It’s Great
thank you for sharing it with us
Thank you so much…
This mv really helpful for my writing…
you did your great job, it is very useful to me
Venky – India
Thanks Alex about everything it is very good lessons
I am struggling with the five “w”s I would really like it if I had a lesson on it.
thanks Iam v. happy to hear u but where is Alain bye
hello , first of all I want to say hi to everyone here , because I’ am a new user here, and i want to thanks all teachers that did their best to teach people free on the internet..and for teh lessons it’s very important for somone who wants learn english fluently..finally i want to say that, i am going to pass my Toefl paper based next month and i need to comunicat with people who are interesting on toefl…good luck see you freinds
This lesson is very fine to me. Thanks.
wow! very very good
Hello Alex! Your lessons are easy to learn, you are a very good teacher. Thank you.
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dear vry nice…………………………………. i like thaz engvid
Hi Alex, thanks so much
Respect the maximum.
Your are capable to explain my 4 important words in 5 min.
My lousy school teacher needed more than 2 years.
Thank you a lot!
Greetings fom
Thomas from Germany
thkz a lot alex
nice and Thanks
Deep thnx for Alex
Thanks alex.
I am Naveed Khattak from Pakistan
I thanks a lot to the whole eng vid teams
Thanks Alex
Thx :) Kisses from Poland :)
thanks Alex
very nice, very simple, really you are the best teacher i listen to.
very thank full
Alex, it’s one of greatest classes that I ever seen, and I use to really confused with using those and ( this / these) but now it’s crystal clear, so Thanks again Alex, God bless u..
very good. thanks Alex.
thank you very mush
cool! thanks for this video, i like the way you teach and the way you speak. your accent is easy to understand
nice …
pl.give instruction to listen your lessen
Please focus your attention at him, remove fearness/Scareness and create confidence on you like you can do anything.
I wanted to say one important thought to entire readers and especially for you.
When you are something nervous or unconfidence please read below mentioned note:
Scareness is the greatest weakness of success for human being so remove your fearness from your life and
Create confidence on you like anything you can do it without objecting – Mohammed Shahith (India)
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith(India)
Really…these video is very helpful to improve good english…From India
This is my f***ing comment jejeje… Many thanks for this lesson. also thank you for those lesson that you gave me.
thnx Alex
Very good!
Thanks, Alex.
from Mongolia.
thanx alot alex
from jordan
Thanks Alex . nice lesson
Thanks Alex. too good.
Alex you are better than others teachers because
you speak slowly.Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for good lecture
Thanks a lot guys you are amazing , I am planning to give my IELTS possibly next month , aiming at 7 in all modules , your teaching will really help me to achieve that.
hi, alex thnx for good job.
good job, your video can help improving my english course. thank you, alex
thank you very much,it was very helpuful,you are a good and nice teacher :)
hi,sir nice your program
when i am watching program on tv and want to talk about someone in the program can i use this
hi Mr alex
how to answer this question
A: i`lost my books.
B: were did you lost (these/those) books
This teacher( Alex) is very very good.
Thanks so much!
Hey Alex! Greetings from Germany!
First of all I wanted to mention that your explanation is just great! I always understand everything you say! But I’ve still a question about these, those, this and that. I talked to my friend from the US recently and we were talking on the phone ( if that matters ) about some topics and themes.
What shall I use in this case? ” Yeah I love this topic we are talking about right now ” ?
Or “that”? I mean.. a topic can’t be close to me or far away from me so I’m really confused about that. There are many words like that. Another one is “situation”. ” I don’t like “this?” situation ” ” I didn’t like “this?” situation “? I mean, the situation happened, but still, its neither close to me nor far away
Thank your alot for your help and your lessons!
I appreciate that alot!!
With respect to phone conversation you and your friend are for away so better you can say Yeah, I love “that” topic because its too tragedy
Please let me know if you have any question!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
I’m liking this website. I am new here, thank you. I would like to learn more.
very good lesson
THAT was a good lesson.
Hi Alex, thanks for the video. I have a question about how to use “his, her, its, their, our and mine”, I know how to use most of them but for example when you say “That person was with his/her/its?? dog? when you don’t specify a gender, how do you know which of these 3 options you have to use? the same case happens when you use “anyone/someone/everybody/etc… Thank you!
Alex,couid you please make a lesson about parts of speech…
Good lesson but I would like to see my teacher in Avatar version.
thank’s sir
This is what i need .Thanks alot
It’s very useful
thx alot alex u r sooooooooo flexable
thanks a lot is very interesting
Thank you
keep in touch
best way
thanks so much Alex , I am beginning i try the test i got score: 83.33 :)
thanks teacher^^
it is nice thank u very much
Nice lesson, thank u very much
thanks.. i took this lesson in my school today
one mystake. I likely cannot read:) – incorrect no correct :)
EngVid dot com is pretty good engine for practising of skills:)
or single mystake, the only mistake? Alex, which of these posibilities is a better?
omg mistake in word mistake :D.. so just “mistake” :-))
really it’s easy,and nice. Thank very much alexs
Thank you
i like this
i have got 5 out 6.
is this correct?(one of these days)
Very easy. I liked!
Nice video.
Thanks alot Mr.Alex…nice video
I can’t understanding.Why the sentence: (These sunglasses are great!)is incorrect.(That boys is wearing a red hat.) is correct.
Hi Angela,
You are right. The sentence “These sunglasses are great” is correct, and “That boys is wearing a red hat” is incorrect. Does the quiz say something different?
Hi teacher can you tell me that where we can use “IT” because you said that this is used for near,and that is used for far. Reply me please
Sorry.I know where I went wrong.
Hi sir
First I like to say:Tashidelek!!! in my native langauge it’s mean’s greating. thank you very much!!! From Tibetan.
Thanks!!… can help me to improved my english..
hi alex thanks
Alex, you are a very good teacher. Your lesson is clear for me.I would to say thanks you. Best wish for you!
thanks so much Alex! this was very helpful.
simply great Mr.Alex
how can improved loeran english thakis
hi Alex, you are a wonderful, you always did a good job. I appreciat it,Good bless you.
sorry, I made mistake, God bless you
haha so good (?) zz
thank you .. :)
can u plz tell me how i can undrestant the last quation
really very very useful…..
thank you very much!
this lesson is very helpful to me!
thank you again
Really useful lesson ,thanks
God bless you
this video is very nice thx ..
could u help me?The goverment wants to…a new scheme to encourage people to start their own businesses.Which one i can put? Hand out, find out, try out or pass by.
thank you alex
nice,very great..thanks
interesting….but your audio is mute i hear nothing..
i love to learn english because it is useful in communicating different people all over the world…thank your for making it…
It really helps.Thanks a lot!
It really helps. Thanks a lot!
Thanks Alex for the demo on this, that, etc. I am taking a grammar exam this Wed to complete my Tefl Certificate. Having left school age 14 & I’m now 53 I’m really struggling to understand, but working hard at it. Right now I’m studying past exam questions & trying to answer them. I am doing error corrections right now, I must write the sentence in the correct form & explain the rule I would describe to the student. The latter part of the question is giving me the most trouble. Can you please help me to understand how to explain the rules simply. I am in Granada right now, the students I’ve been practicing with are spanish. I firstly need to understand these rules or how can I possibly help speakers of another language to understand. Thats really difficult in a 4 week programme.
The immediate question is:
1. This box contains less oranges than that one.
2.The new book is gooder than the previous one.
3.The eggs are adding to the cake mixture.
4.If I were rich, I will buy a swimming pool.
Alex I have tried to correct 2 previous sentences & spent hours doing so. I dont think they are entirely correct but if I continue this way it will be next Wed. before I finish this sample paper. Would you please help me somewhat get a handle on the rules for the above 4 so that I can then go ahead & try to correct & explain rules for the next 6 questions myself. Many thanks. Hope I hear from you. I will be really appreciative of any help. Sandy (FRom Dublin Ireland)Go raibh maith agat.
i think you should put more questions in quizes :)
thanks , u teach really nice
thanks alex for learn about the grammer:-
It’s very helpful and a very good thing that you guys do for helping me in english.
Finally I understood these pronouns. Thank you, Alex. This site helps lots of people in the world to learn English in a easy and simple way. You and the EngVid team are doing an important social and educational work. Congratulations!!
Great job, Alex. Best regards from Uruguay.
thats cool. thanks
Thank you, Alex. I wish to learn more! More power to Engvid :)
goog job
thank u Alex.
Thank u very much
That all teachers of the world can not match with you & the others .. You are the best.
oh !!and you wrote That boy is wearing a red hat. wrong you wrote it with S (boys)check it out
Why we wrote (S) if it right??????
Mr Alex is right but he forgot to mention apostrophe before s and please see my comments in below column. Hope this might help you!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith .KH
Dear Teacher
When I do the quiz I chose the second sentence as correct one but when I checked the answers it was wrong and third one is the correct , but it is not the same while boy have s in the end!!While “this” is for single!! Can you please explain that to me?
Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
You can say that boy but you can’t say that boys.
For more details please refer my note on comment sections.
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
THIS VIDEO is very GOOD….ALex … Thanks.
thanks a lot. I am confusing between these and there. What’s the different between them ???Thanks!
hello alex! you are a very good teacher. thanks a lot. may i ask why i can’t use the quiz? everytime i click the quiz box it is empty
Hello Alex, Thank you man. Now I understand explanation help me a lot can you send me simple examples for a kindergarden ???
thank you Sir, :)
thanks a lot!!!!
very nice lesson.
Hallo Alex, why That “boys” is wearing a red hat.
Why the count noun boyS still using singular is instead of are ?
I have result – 100 out of 100.
This explanation is fine for with a knowledge of English; but I teach this to students with very little knowledge of English.
Hi! Alex.
Thank You.
(Those Boys are Wearing Red Hat) is correct!
Yes, absolutely!!!
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
you are a good instructor nd u have a smile face .. nice work nd thanks for all your hard work and dedication .. Hope To give us more lessons about grammer rules
hi alex sir you are really good
hi alex thanks good job
well done Mr Alex
hi alex you are’s way of teaching is simple and intresting
Thank you! :))
thankyou i want teach us when use the in spaking for example i go to the par ? but what is wrong when itell i go to the london? thanks
kindly make a lecture on would have been, did have and has had,plz plz plz plz plz plz??
thanks alex..
Is more easy memorize with this draw, thanks!
Thanks!! :D
very authentic
you are very good thanks for u
Hi Alex you are great,
Very well explained thxx
It is a Good way of teaching beginners.
Thank you
very good alex..easly to understand..tank’s
thank u sir your method of teaching is very goo0000d
hi, alex.very good lesson.thanksssss…
Good morning,I been try to learn english for 20 year, I never speak right,I never read the right way, I never improve my the way suppose be, I am so frustrate,but most my pronunciation
What’s d part of speach of “that” plz?!
4instance that boy,Is it an adj??!
It’s a pronoun or an adjective.
what should I write now ‘I like those/that apples best of all? which one?
hi sadia islam we can say that apple if it is ( single and far away from us ) and we say this apple if it is ( single and close to us )and in the plural we say ( these apples / close to us ) and (those apples / far of us ) i hope that you understand the rule , thanks
very good……..!!!!!!
thank you very much sir
I’m beginning to learn English new
Hi Readers,
The quiz # 4 answer is incorrect because no apostrophe between boys example “boy’s”. If you want to bring this answer in right way you should write or say “That boy’s is wearing a red hat”.
Note: when you use the term boys, Womans and Childs it always express plural term only and if you wanted to say something in singular manner please place the apostrophe before the s to show singular possession.
Note: Use the apostrophe to show possession whenever it’s required.
Warm regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
thank you very much
Avatar version.
i got 100 out of 100
Hello Alex, Cauld you please explain me the uses of it and this (or that). I am always confusing between it and this (or that)
nice lesson i learned a lot from you! thank you very much alex! you’r great teacher, but why is it my score is only 83.33 i got only one mistake right? anyway that only a joke! hehehe…..
Hello,Mr alex you are so great ane i suggesion to yau that should teaching tha advance english. Thanks
thanks mr alwx
Thanks mr. Alex… You are very good teacher… I liked ”this” lesson so much.. I never forget it..
nice, is clear!
Thanks Sir Alex and to the engvid team.God bless you all for helping people.
thanks.It realy helps.
yes it realy helps
I still don’t get it. Can someone explain which of the demonstratives (this or that) I should use in the following phrase “for this/that purpose”?
Those lessons are crazy
Good on you Alex.
Finally, I understood much better the difference with no confusions in the mind now.
I have failed or I failed?
I think I have failed or I think I failed?
Thanks Mr Alex, for agood job i got u well although i failed one but i got u. this is near, That is fur and these are near but plulars and also those are fur which are more than one thanks Mr Alex.
Mr Alex, am extremly sorry but PLI!!!!!!!!! help me what can i do to leane spealings, That’s my big prob. advise me what can i do? u as a english teature thanks.
Hello, it’s a basic lesson and understable, but i have a question.
what’s the diference betwen ‘this’ and ‘these’ in pronuciation?
Thank you Alex,
It has been very clear.
thank you Alex
Really you are great
i will watch you everyday .. Explain a very simple
i m not getting” Those pants look good on you”is correct but “That boys is wearing a red hat” isn,t.
thank you Alex.
Thanks alex this is Very useful to learn english well. I got 5 out of 6 questions u’ve made. Thanks a lot. I am enjoying this lesson.
I like your site very much I also use
thanks so much
Yes I did it!!!thanks alex… You’re a great teacher for me….Salamat!!
hello, Alex. sorry for asking that but could you explain the difference between “this/that” and “it”. i can’t differentiate such sentences as “this/that is you book” and “it is you book”. thanks in advance.
p.s. sorry for my mistakes
this is very simple way to speaking……tnqu alex
this is very simple and understandable lessons. thnx.
hi,alek i am very thankful you.before i ca,nt understand this,that words make i this words sentence? but now i quickley understand. plz more have, had, has,these words how can use.send me more vidoes.thnx again.
I need to download these lessons because they are really usefull
thanks. these lessions are very nice.
Thanks for your support, guys! Keep the comments coming!
tank you mr alex good job
Thank you Alex. This was a helpful lesson.
he Alex! many thanks this lesson was helpful for me. leson was great. I have to tell you that for me very difficul to use would, could, and passive. can you give me some example.
have a lovely christmas and new year.
This explanation is nice
Thank you very much! That’s exactly what I was looking for. It became clear now :)
6/6… Thanks teacher!!!
is it right? That boys is wearing a red hat./that – fof sing., /
you could make every lessons of this way
Great lesson !!!thanks
thnx alex
Thank you
I like hoe you use realia in order to introduce the concept. You´re great!
Very clear, thank you
alex i like your course
4. Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
It should be THAT BOY or THOSE BOYS, right?
thanks all of you teachers actually Mr. alex but i want to know what is the corect answer for number for /It should be THAT BOY or THOSE BOYS, right?
Can you please, create a video for the Slovak (Russian) people for proper pronunciation (sounds) and English intonation. I know that each culture has its own difficulties and things that they should to pay more attention than others.
thanx so much ,very intresting lesson
Hi Alex,
thanks a lot, nice lesson
take care
Thanks i enjoy the quiz:) You good teacher:)
This, that, these and those are demonstrative pronouns.
This is used when you are pointing at something near that is just singular.
That is when you are pointing something far and singular.
These is when you are pointing something near and plural.
Those,far and plural.
A friend of mine gave me a link for me to learn English even further.
Here: .
Try it.
Very nice
well today i make it that exercise more one time but i dont have great success because i dont have pay attention but is good video.
Hi Alex, please could you help me out? I don’t know how to use these or those in context of the sentence. For instance:
Sonny has many qualities worth recognizing, and the purpose of this letter is to point out two of [these/those] qualities.
There is any gramatic rule for apply in this kind of cases?
Thanks in advance
Thank You Alex :)
Alex, in the sentence number 4 is write: That boys is wearing a red hat. Is it correct? Because boys is plural. And it showed to me in the quiz, like correct answer.
Thanks for the lesson. great.
that boys or those boys?
4. Which sentence is incorrect?
These sunglasses are great!
This movie is boring.
That boys is wearing a red hat.
Those pants look good on you.
We must say “That boy,” because “that” is for single objects that are far away from us.
Oh well the answer is correct…for incorrect sentence
thanks sir
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex for making this video.
Thank you!!!!! All of you!! Very useful!
Thank you!
Thanks Alex For the test .. Would you mind if you made an video talks about Got And Get … i little bit confusing about this 2 thanks again .. God bless it’s very helpful to us your video …
Thank you!
Alex, can I say “This book in your hand is mine!”?
Because it is close to whom I speak? Or even in this situation, because it is far from me, I must use that?
Thank you very much!
The best explanation ever! ty
so sad :/ 50/50
Thank you. It easy to understand.
thanks, alex!
Excellent lesson and very useful.
Hello, Alex! There is a mistake in your quiz question #2.
2. If one apple is far away from you, you say…
This apple.
These apples.
That apple.
Those apples.
The right variant of answers is 3, not 4.
didn’t know it, thank you
Thanks Alex
Thanks, simply and with taste.
thanks for the lesso. It was clear and useful. Well done!
Thank you kindly! I like your style how you lead your lessons. Simplicity is always important for well understanding!
Perfect lession. Thank you Alex :)
thanks for this lesson
Thanks you so much.You really are the best.
You all are super teachers :-)
I got it.
Thank you!
Ugh. Thanks bro alex! :))
Very Good !! Thaks A lot!
j’ai apprécié cette leçon. Souvent, je me trompe en utilisant these and those.
Merci Alex.
Thank you for the upload of this video on – This, That, These and Those. Your video is very useful and very well explained…Well done!
Thank you. now i understand them.
thank you so much Alex!! I like a lot…glad that I found this website.
I got 6/6! Great lesson! Thanks!
Hi, Alex. I’ve watched your classes and I’ve liked so much.
Thank you Alex
Thank you Alex! I learned so much!
God bless.
Thank you alex for your explanations
Many many thanks….for this ………….n vedio is more helpfull…..
New effects! Nice!
10/10 very easy thank you
This video is very helpful. Thanks!
very very easy thanks
This was great to me.
very esay thanks.
i got 5/6
i got 6/6 thanks
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
6/6 Thank you Alex
Thanks for all of your lessons.
THIS LESSON IS very useful.
Great explanations; thanks, Alex!
Great, THIS lesson is easy and so important. I hope to follow all your video lessons.
you are the master of teaching :D
thank you
Thank you!