What is a noun? What is a verb? What is an adjective? AHHHHH!!! Learn how to recognize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in this important basic grammar lesson.
Ronee I M trying to correct my grammer u r question answer cheaking is very good. How do u feel about my rating.
thank you very much
Hi Ronee! Thank you so much :)
Hi Ronnie thanks for ur lesson. its so intersting to watch ur video. in this lesson u help me more.. cas i ddnt knew whn i check dictionary wht is adv adj. thnks alot…
Thank you Ronnie. You are a very good teacher. I am traying to review my English 1 from College courses I took many years ago. Do you have College English 1? Iam writing
a book and I need some help. English is my second language. I am 80 years old man. Thank you
Thanks Dear Teacher. This is my first time to joined your the class. I want to continue.
Thanks ones again
Mirwais Jalil
Thank teacher Roonie. Your voice is easy to listen to and understand even though my english is not good.
Thank again!
Thank you ma’am Ronnie! :) These videos are going to help me. I need them for my English classes.
thanks and i wish enjoy your teaching time all the time.
HI Ronni you a great teacher!!
Yeah ! I’m the first to submit a comment !!
I’m the first to submit a comment, nah nah nah nah nah ha!
Ok. So, first thanks for this lesson because as always it’s very useful for me and kind of you to help us out. I’d like to make a request and as this is the first comment I think someone will see this and maybe my wish will become real, ^^.
I would like that you explain the difference between vowel sounds. There are like fifteen sounds right ? And they’re not covered on the website. I found I & EE and A & E. They were very useful but I’d like to have the rest if it’s ok of course. I think everyone would like to improve their pronunciation. If you want an example, what about : the difference between pool & pull, fool & full ?
Thanks for your time and help.
Hi Ronnie,
How I thanks for your honestly teaching I mean thanks…………… my reqest is with the friend wiele he wanted your kindly informaton about ,pool.fool.full pull. thanks again and again.
sher M Akbar
OK! I will make a video to help you!
Thank you Ronnie,finally I got this one!
Thank you for teaching me and I like the way you teach. thank you regards murari
Hi Ronnie , you are very effective with our class .Have you visited Spain ??
thank you
Ronee Mam! I am Zeeshan I M trying to correct my grammer and also i learn more about the parts of speech would u like to more about
Zeeshan Ali
Nadee Roy
thank you for each and every videos. Today is my first day to watching your videos. i get confidence about english that i can be fluent in english by watching your videos
hello mrs rommie how are you thank you for the explaining i was long time when i learned alone i have diffeculte when i speak with people i can reading but i cant understand just little can you give me am advice please how i can learn english please
that would be a great idea. It’s a good topic to talk about
I guess I am the first to comment. Thus I want to say this lesson was very clear.
I’m a Brazilian. And this website has helped me to improve quickly my knowledge of this great language called English. I love this language. All of you are good lecturers and I like and enjoy your humor sense.
I would like a reply from you.
Greetings from Brazil.
Thanks! I am learning English with you. It´s website is the best, i have seen.
Francy Pérez
Thank you so much for this web site. It really helps me for my English lesson. Actually I am just a beginner in my English teaching lesson. I am not a Japanese actually. But I really love to teach English here in Japan. Thank you very much. More power to you.
Good lesson,the lesson is interesting.
Cuong ta
this leson very healp full to improve my english knowlege….
thank a lot ,
if you can teach ..how to make simple sentance and combine 3,4 sentance it’s very helap full to us …..
Thank you Ronnie, I like all of your English lessons :) .
Ronnir you re superb teacher..Thank you
thank you very much for engvid.com ,
i’m so lucky to found this website,
i can learn english by online,
i loved all teachers at engvid.com, especially ronnie. :d
they teach with the easy way, to understanding
I subscribe to dery opinion
hi ronnie i will not say you are good because you are awesome and handsome i didn’t see any teacher like you i was watching you and i understand the lesson it easily with you
Thank you Ronnie. Lesson was very fine.
Thanks for your useful lesson. I’m a teacher and I” use your precious hint
thanks for your useful losson
thankyou.ilike all lessons
Very good lesson – I like your technique.
New ideas for my classes.
Hello Ronnie!
Learn grammar is very good.
Thank you!
despite it’s easy lesson , but I felt its include important information
Thanks teacher Ronie
sweet lady
Thanks alot teacher :-)
Very thanks.
Thank you , fot your lessons, I watch all of them
great lesson,thanks
Thanks a lot.
thanks, Ronnie for ur lessons.
u r very clever
I am a morrocan aplicant aged 18 years old this is my first year in the unversity and i have choosen english as an option for my future!
well i have just found out this website and i really like so much and i really appreciate the efforts that those teachers not just teachers great men and women who are trying to make it easy for us
thank you so much especially the black one i like hime so much the way he use to teach is just amazing!
rachid lamghari
for future reference, his name is James…
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ronni. this lesson wasvery easy just becous yuo teach us.you make it always easy to undestand ,thanks a lot
best regards
Thank You Very Much Ronnie, I Really Appreciate Your Help.
Thank you very much Ronnie, for this lesson. You are very good teacher, for me. Sure I See you next day.
thank you ronnie.the lesson was nice and i got 9 in the quiz.thanks for your help
Thank you Ronnie. 10/10
please! change ur facial expressions, they are so much scary………………
greetings to u Ronnie. where r u located in Canada west,east,north,south? summer time, nice weather. thanks.
Dear Ronnie,hi…
1rst thing 1rst tx,,,
But the ? of mine’s: What does it mean by:
” what’s on “?!
Does it mean ” what’s up ” ?!!
The best!
What’s on means what events are happening.
good work thank you my dear i have questions if you have a good time .. why add to adverbs ly
mohamed Al alwany
i think both is true
Hi Ronnie, good lesson. However this lesson is basic, I liked it. I like the way you talk, it’s clear. Thanks!!
thank you so much
Chann Sokhsoeung
Your English lesson is a big help for me,thank you so much.
Rowena Gabionza
Your video is very useful for a person who want to improve English.
Thank you very much. :)
I like this teacher and these lessons!!!
Many thanks Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie but I think it may look like this. All sentences usualy have subject=the thing what talking about(this cold be usually noun or pronoun) object this atribute for object and predicate=what happened with object.(it would be verb or adverb. I can make some mistakes before in text but it’s exactly “I” is pronoun but this is not so important I get the Idea. You’re excellent teacher.
Ronnie you are very nice and I like all of your english lesson. Ciao, angelo Florence Italy
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!!!
how are you?
can you give a lesson on how to use (inversion) in the English language?
sam zeidan
I am very pleased to find this english class.
Thank you for teach me.
Hi Ronnie
you are the best (you is a noun )
you are the best (best is adj)
you teach us quickly ( quickly is adv)
you teach us quickly (teach is a verb)
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson was very useful for me.Thanks for such a nice lesson for basic english.
so good
I really enjoy your lessons Ronnie! You can instruct and delight at the same time. Bye Maria from Naples
Hi teachers thanks you all for learn us english language really studed more lessons form this webside
but i have one problem i use internet form mobail i can’t download video lessons which can help me as more so how i can download the video lessons on my mobail
i wait for you to help me thanks all
Excuse me all if i spoked broking english i’m beginner
Ronnie! Thank you =D I love your classes!I’m learning to much
very nice.it’s productive..
Thank you for this lesson and all other video lesson, but i think this web site has a lack of phonetic lesson!!! I am agree with carlos77 thank you for all
It was my first quiz in your pages. Thank you.
good lesson. I liked it..
you teach clearly , many thnaks
@odai3188 : Actually, “you” isn´t a noun, it´s a pronoun.
Thanks so much Ronnie .
Thanks Ronnie. I Lov U so much
gracias Ronnie, me gusto mucho la forma que ensenas.
yeah finally i have just realize that my english is not too bad thank so much Ronnie
wawan gunawan
thanks alot ronnie .
thanks you so much teacher ronnie. the lesson was nice and a got 8 in the quiz as the the out of 10 thanks for your help…and teaching more…….
10/10 Nice job… Thanks Ronnie for your lesson.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I could know about the difference between these things. Thanks again…
thank you
you are amazing teacher :)
very helpful video
That was amazing!!! BRILLIANT!!! So easy)))
Thank you, Ronnie!
thanx a lot teacher
Thanks,Ronnie Mam……
oh yeah i did it. thanks teachers!
Thanks lot teacher Ronie
I love rassoulou Allah Mohamed
nice classes
hiya Ronnie,
you are splendid teacher
thank a lot
I have question it has been in me mind since I start to learn English
noun it can be used as subject or object of a verb
but can it be used as the object of preposition ?
also is there are different between linking verb and Verb ?
I`ll be very grateful for you and thank in any how.^^
Thx a lot
thank u i was wonder if u can hellpe me how i can improve my write in english pleass ?
I got full mark !!!! Thz U so much
lee mijou
lee mijou
10/10 thanks U !
lee mijou
thanks i learnt english
thank you so much
Thank you very much!!! It really helped me! =) )))))))
Hi Ronnie, While teaching Verb(action) you specify that the actions u r performing are Noun. Somewhat confused
i got 10/10 thanks ronnie
Thanks for your useful lession
Thank you very much Ronnie, it’s very useful It’s the best website for learning English thanks engVid
Thank’you very much Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher!
Thank you very much.
The lesson is very beautiful and your way in teaching is really nice.
I have a question, hope Ms. Ronnie & you can help me clear that.
He’s not THAT popular how did this happen?
I heard the job market is not THAT hot right now
Why they put ‘THAT’ in these sentences & how to make a sentence with ‘THAT’?
Thanks a lot
In your sentences, THAT means the same as “too”. It is used to emphasize that the job market is hot but not super hot/ he is popular but not super popular!
I like ” that” !
how to download this video Ms??? can you help me to tell me how to download this video
Thank you so much, teacher Ronnie. I will improving my english with engVid that I love. ^.^
wow i cant believe it out of 10 questions i got 9 correct answers thank you so much!.i want to learn more from you teacher:)
thanks god i found these website it helps me a lot to improve my English.i hope you can help me i want to learn English so much .thank you!
i cant speak english …. can i study with your all???
elpe dee lagget
i got 7/10 thank you
I try.
is any body have skype id?
pls add me jawadbaig.26 for conversation
very good!
what u r doin is very fruitful n nice job keep it up ..appreciate it…
thank you teacher Ronnie you make me understand easy
thanks teacher.. may you live long.
mam i cann’t speak english fluently like you, i,m hesitating when i try to speak english.
i have no any friend who can speak english with me.
mam tell me the person who can speak english with me and i can speak english
mam your good teaching i have undrastand your lession
Hi Ronnie! I really like the way you teach… It is very easy to understand and it’s not boring… Keep up the good work Ron and Thank you very much.. :)
thanks ronnie i got marks 7 out of 10
thank you teacher, i like the way you teach. i got 10 out of 10
I got 10 . Thank you so much . :)
thanks you so much…
Thank you for teaching. You are very funy and perfect English teacher. I want to invent to my country. Will you please send me your e-mail? a_dundar@hotmail.com
Hi Mam, I am impressed. Thanks a million.
Vijay Sagar
Thanks a lot! Ronnie..
Teacher, you’re amazing! Great class! :)
WAY of teaching is very good.thanks
Sukhwant sraw
thnk u vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. Love your lessons!
thanks very much Ronnie i like your all lessons keep it up i learned something from you thanks again…..
kishan singh
thanks Ronnie i got marks 10/10
kishan singh
you’re so Interesting for teaching in all of your videos !! you’re good teacher.. oh,, can you explain me about gerund?
Ooop! I misunderstand two verse.
Thank you Ronnie. You are HOT! Thank you engvid.
Hi Ms. Ronnie thank you very much for your help. Really I’m happy with it.
Lazar Balraj
Thanks for this very informative video. Cheers!
Hi Ronnie
Thanks a lot for all great lessons.I have some pronouncations problems with some words. For example is there any pronouncaiton difference between HOT ,HEART, HARD.Could you help me, please? May be with alesson or short answer. Thanks in advance.
Hot, you have to open your mouth when you say the O.
Heart and hard both have the same vowel sound in the middle, so you have to say the end consonant clearly, so people can understand the word! Har-T
Are you Mexican?
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for answering my question about hot,heart,hard.I’m fom Turkey.I’m good at writing and reading but I have difficulity at pronunciation.May be you prepare a video about pronuncation of these dificult words.For example I also have some problem with the pronunciaton of WORD and WORLD. And words start con… contain,consider,condition,complex etc.Sometimes they read like e sound, sometimes like o sound.I hope to get answer from. Again thanks a lot.
Hi Ms. Ronnie, I’m Arabian, you have an excellent way to teach English , i will see your lessons
Manal Manassir
thanks for all your help :P
thanks for the tips
Hi Ronnie,
Thank u so much Ronnie.. i was looking for a site which helps me to improve my language.. this is really Helpful for me.. I am a social Science teacher.. I think because of u I can improve my English.. please help more to improve my vocabulary.. Which i can use in my Classes.. Now am very confident to take classes in English… thanks alot..:)
Thank you so much
HI Ronnie i like your video and i am in link school and you are very good teacher thank you .I need to know about paragraph how to write them.thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie
all your videos are interesting and very much informative.I like your way and approach of teaching language.
I am from India, my english is may not be good, I trying with the help of videos available on you tube;
I would like to suggest one thing about your pronouncing the word pronunciation.
it is PRO – NUN – CI – ATION
But we always here PRO – NOUN – CI – ATION
Can you please tell me which is correct one?
Thanks and regards
Pro-nun-ciation is correct.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks you for your wonderful teaching
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. :D
thank, easy and clear
Hi mam,
Your teaching is perfect and can you teach us english vocabulary on movies like there will be different kinds of movies(Ex:love,fiction and action)what all we have
Thank you
Hi Ma’am,
Thank you very much for this lesson….:)
thanks lot excellent
thanks ronnie it’s genial
way of teaching is superb
muhammad waqas
Your comment was great!~ I like your lesson ideas! Thanks!
Your comment was great! I like your lesson ideas! Thanks!
Thaanks Teacher :D
Allàh's slave
Thanks you very much teacher. Im from Viet Nam
My skype : meaningkha
nghia nguyenkha
im sure shes not like this in real life, nonetheless thx
Thank so much K.Ronnie.
Clear !!!
I was watching this video and i actually had a question to make,related to this lesson. If, big, small, bold, black etc are adjectives, what these words are, for example, political views, democratic party, economic development, social life. I was wondering if political, democratic, economic, social are adjectives? Thanks for these lessons you teach and thanks for taking your time reading my message. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. Once again great job Ronnie and all other teachers of this forum.
Look the words up in an online English dictionary. The dictionary will always tell you what kind of words they are!
Hi Ronnie. Thx for the lesson.
A have a doubt, a really grammar doubt.
1) When you gave us the example: A black cat. So, “black” is adjetive.
2) Another example: The cat is black.
So, “black” is adjetive too.
What’s the difference ?
In grammar, are there a rule about discrible the adjetives? Like Obama’s slogan campaign : Four more years. Because to me, I will say: More four years. Is correct?
Yes, black in both sentences is an adjective.
There are also rules when to use the adjectives in sentences…The noun comes after the adjectives.
1. quantity or number
2. quality or opinion
3. size
4. age
5. shape
6. color
7. proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
8. purpose or qualifier
Hi Ronnie. thank you for your lesson
Very handy lesson, thanks Ronnie :)
Very useful, I figured it out. Thank you so much <3
thanks a lot
Thank you very much for the excellent lesson))))
Thank you!!! Good class teacher
thanks a lot Ronnie, you have cleared my confusion regarding adverb and adjective.
Thank you this is useful lesson
You are good teacher :)
I like your lessons :)
Hi teacher ronnie! I m driss from morocco and i want say hello from my mum she s beside me now hhhhh i never dream have a wonderfull classroom like this but i m very weak or lazy in grammar lessens would you like to help me plssss i m waitting ur advice love you teacher byeee
Tks Ronnie!
Thank you very much :)
I love your class
Ronnie!!nice teacher!!very easy to get start and I love English~~
Thank you very much.
Aspic hart
thank you
Hi Ronnie well I want to ask you ( I am hot ) why hot is adjective why it’s not adverb ,and am is verb . Thanks a lot and I like your lessons
Hi Ronnie, i still confuse with these words “proudly present” would you please explain me?
how about these words
1. He strongly recommended the book.
2. I will totally support you.
3. your cooperation is highly appreciated
Hy mrs Ronnie I’ve got 90 for my test ,, thanks
Hy mrs ,,, I’m from Indonesia ,,, how about you , where are you from ?
;) :)
Good one…Thank for explaining the basics..
Thank you Ronnie, I love the way how you teach, I love your classes. You are really hot!
Very good . thanks you
luis miguel
Thank you for a good lesson))
Mrs. Ronnie, like i always say that you are my favourite teacher there’s no doubt. i really appreciate the way you, it’s kind of funny and really amazing!
Tony Espanto
i mean, the you teach.
Tony Espanto
oh my goodness! i always forget to the way you teach. that’s pretty much it. take teacher……………….
Tony Espanto
thanks, i have got out of marks for the
first time
This test I got 90. :(
But It’s ok I will remember what I’m wrong :)
Think you
Thank you very much teacher , you are so funny and smart, I make one mistake .
Reyes Gerardo
you are the best!thank you!
Yooohooo thank you ^____^
Thank you, you helped me a lot <33
realy thx i am french i dont know realy english but your corse is cool fun and i learn new things :)
Thanks! Your English actually sounds pretty good. :) Hope you keep watching!
engVid Moderator
raly thx for this lesson im form france and i have a dificulti with english and this lesson let me understand
obrigado Ronnei
Pedro mpela
i didnt knew anything about adj.adv…but now the problem soleved cause your lesson .it s very useful …………..thank you so much
yoho nori wa thank you..
Hi Ronnie good morning my self niranjan from india your all lessen is suprub and i like most. thanks.
Hi,MRS,Ronnie. I got 90 marks in this test, thank you a lot. And can you please also teach about either neither, or nor. please teach me. Thank you again.
Thank you very much
nice teacher I like that , but its simple for me . i like the diffecult then that
thank you for your best way to choice fo r us to learening
I love your smart lessons, thank you very much.
You said ‘I walk quickly’ is that correct?Don’t we need to tell ‘I walked quickly’.I am confused because the sentence seems like past.
Thank you Ronnie for the lecture! You have a great sense of humor, and the BEST teacher ever! I hope you make more videos.
Hi ronnie
from the i joined the school everyday i am watching your classes.Basically by great difficulty i have got this job as a teacher and i have i problem in forming sentences and paragraph writing can u please help me.by mailing to my email id please help me out naa
Hi, very good lesson!
Thanks Ronnie:) I liked this video!
Very good lesson
Suresh Kumar
Hi Ronnie ! I have problem with writing:( Can u write to me on my mail: bartus 763@o2.pl Maybe u can give me some helpful advice.
i understand english but i cant write
i will study to change this problem
Teacher please can you give to me your email addrs and i like to you a lession it’s very good
i like to lerning english but i haven’t help enybody but now i all redy cach my way now i want to help for good teacher lerning to the english
that’s way iam asking for yor help i”ll expect your reply for me Thank u . GOD bless U
Thank you Ronnie, this wii improve my writting
At last, I´m learning
I´m happy
I want learn english
perfect 10 even there’s a disturbing serine :) haha JK teacher.
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to thank you for teaching us. Today is my first class and I learned about basic grammar. Thank you so much, kindly correct me if you find any mistakes in my comments :-)
very good. i like your teaching style
It is amazing to know that Ronnie is so effective in traching basic english
Thannks keep working
thanx mam,i watched your lession and i like your lession .
One thing mam i havd poor knowledge about english so,help me anytime.ok
I like that….
Dear Ronnie i have a important question if its just a simple two words like control buttons does that make it a noun because it is a thing and its like a place on your camera to see options about how to change settings or frames and stuff like that so my words are control buttons, cursor pad, battery compartment and a lot of others but these are my simple ones for now
Hattie judd
I got 10/10. Thanks Ronnie! :) I love the way you teach. Thank You.
hey…thank u so much u did a great job i like to listen your lesson .i dont know how to say thanks.but still i want to say thank u so much
Dear Teacher thank you for your describes. you are the best in training I think ;)
madam, i like ur teaching and its style
ronnie can u plz tell me. how to use verb in present,past and future ? by the way u r awesome teacher…. i m fan of urs.. plz for me.. can u made a video for it.
hi Ronnie,
thank you for teaching English. I have a aunt and her name is Mahsa. she came from Iran 8 months ago and her English is not that good. she wants to improve her English. she is using your program that is very good for her and she is learning a lot form using your program. my aunt love to learn English properly and learn quickly. thank you for everything.
Jasmine pasand
thanks my teacher iam started learn english lang uage with you
thanks you
thanks i got 100%
Mohamad Howar
I am start. I like that. Is my firt day
Thanks Ronnie… It’s really useful lesson… U are great teacher n funny too :)
What is the difference between abstract noun and verb?
I have a confusion in this because I have read somewhere that abtract noun also includes name of action , this confuses me in identifying abstract noun and verb.
Thank you teacher for teaching me all the lessons well
Good lesson, thanks Ronnie
Thank you teacher.
Good job Ronnie. It’s a very clear lession. I alway write those thing but I don’t realy know what it’s mean, thank!!!
Hi Dear Teacher,
you are great teacher, i like u and your way of teaching, :*
Thank you So So Much
thanks a lot
ples help me i want to learn english
andy lili
Thanks Ronne and my Best Regards
hi! thanks to your lesson! it is very interesting! and Ronnie, you are so fanny)
what can you learn from watching both the adjective and the adverb video
momma j
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
You are great teacher
I want to ask you something, when to add “s” to the verb?
When the subject is He/She or It!
Don’t forget that a person’s name (Ronnie, my mom) will also get a “s” on the verb!
thank you
Ronnie, I’d like tell you..I’m falling love wth you.
thanks for the lesson
Simon Clarisa
Can you give me an example for my question, please? and thank you Ronnie, you are my favourite teacher :)
very useful..thank you
hey Ronnie, You teach really very well. I have a question ..you said that noun comes always after adjective but in this video you gave us an example “I am hot.”..but in this example noun is coming before adjective…could you pls give me an answer?
In the sentence, I is the subject, and there is a verb in between them. It would be better if I say sub + verb + adjective + noun!
EX. I have a red dog.
thanks i always see your video…I am from India and love to see your video…you teach fabulous
hai..i’m senthil.i know what is noun from ur lesson.i want to know what is subject and what is the difference between subject and noun..give some examples..thanks in advance
senthil kumar
I like your Way & your accent You’re very well ronie Thank you so much for this video
thanks ronnie
I love you all my teachers. You’re the best ♥
I’m learning too much from you. A big thank to you all :)
Hi mam ronnie,
I am confusing ,because in our study on early 90’s ,we had studied about linking verb,and the meaning of this is”link the subject and subjective compliments”.this is the same with “to be verb”?which you had mentioned earlier?
thank you mam,i love your way of teaching and site as well.
thank u Ronnie but i want ask u how to know the different type of nouns or transform the verb to noun sometimes i am confused between happy and happiness and child and childhood how to add hood and ness and ation and tion …plz help me Ms Ronnie
thanks ma’am
we need videos lessons of all grammar tenses.
please Mrs: Ronnie
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
good….more verer
Wilfredo Rodriguez
thanks for guide me
its very help ful site
This is really helpful i don’t think i will fail my test
olivia holt
Hello, Ronnie! How are you?
I have been watching all of your lessons and I do appreciate ’em very much, besides your teaching ways are amazing, however, even though I am a fluent english speaker ( have got mistakes, o’course) I have already taught English here in Brazil, I still have this amateur question. If you please could help me out *.* I would really appreciate it. =)
Here it is: Well, you told us that in the sentence ” the cat is tired”, “tired” is an adjective, So my question is,: Why is it an adjective, you mention it is how the cat feels, but wouldnt it be the verb “to tire” conjugated with the verb “to be” which would lead us to the past particple of the verb “to tire – tired”? I mean past particple having in sight my own language because I know it may be the past as well.
Hope you can help me with this. please? *_*
And congratz for your extraordinary work, Ronnie! You rock!
PS: somethings I know how to use by having contact daily with the language, but some stuffs I studied with books never fitted in or I was able to fully understand and with few minutes of these wondrous videos… a light is lit at the end of the tunnel! ^^
Thx so much for reading this!
Regards from Brazil!
I have a doubt.. Is there any difference between ‘subject’ and ‘noun’? if do so, what are they?
Hi Ronnie,
Great learning videos you have made.. I like to follow and use them base in my teaching. Also I learned on it..
Thanks keep up the good work.
many thanks to you
I learn a lot from that the remember me the past
Thanks for the tips Ms. Ronnie
what does whats up mean?
thanks Ronnie mam.
Thanks teacher Ronnie :D
thanks for the test and this video.i like it:D
thank you
Thank you Ronnie, you did it twice . You pronounced adj as adg , is there a reason !?
like like you. your so funny i love your lesson. thank you.
thanks mam..!
i would like to comment your videos but i don’t know english but i like to learning english
Thanks very much but I want ur help to improve my listening
thank you
Hello Ronnie.
really thank you so much for your help to make things going easy for us here.i suggest to learn us the propostions because really most of pupils are confused about it and am one of them.even i did alot of excercise,so if you have any eay idea to help us for that.thank you so much.and always keep smling.bye.
Hi i am from Singapore.i love your teaching
OH! I’m 100%! Wonderfull. Thanks teacher.
Thank you Rooni
you said the word after be verb with “ing” or “ed” will be adjective what about present continues like this : I’m watching TV. Is “watching” verb or adjective?
thank you Ronnie,you help me to learn English.I’m just beginner.
This is a good practice!!! Thanks Ronnie.
Hallo! Ronee dank u wel!!!
Thanks a lot.
do we can call adjective as adnoun?
It makes the terminologies more regular, isn’t it?
nice video
hi ronnie mam.. thanxs a lot mam .. u r so sweet and u r ma best teacher
Thank you my dear teacher. I’m learning portuguese studing inglish
very helpfull
thanks Ronnie!
Thank you
wow you amazing teacher thank you very much teacher RONNIE you number 1
Thank you,Teacher.
First of all, I’d like to thank you and all the teachers for the classes!! I love it so much!!
Second, I have a doubt in this lesson.
I thought “I” was just a “pronoun”. I’d like to understand why “I” is a noun in this case.
Thank you in advance!!
Hello! Why we say “run slowly”, but not “run fastly”?
thanks for teaching me teacher..thanks a lot.
Thx Ronnie :)
I make a 100 on this text.
T got 100 out of 100.
thank you very much ronnie
I like Ronny and these explications, it’s the best
sorry Ronnie
hi ronni,
I have got 90%.
Thanks a lot~ and I have a question for you. I have confused when you wrote ” The cat is tired” I am tired, ‘tired’ should be a adjective or past participle form of verb? In addition, a word of married as adjective or pp. Anybody help me if you can. Thanks.
Thanks…I got 10 out of 10…I am really enjoying your lessons.
Dear Ronnie,
Thank a lot for the English lesson.
Good day.
100 thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
This is a lovely style to teaching!!! I need practice and practice to remember it very well… Thanks million :)
I have several questions, in my english lesson
Adjective describe nouns or pronouns and
Adverb describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. I’m little confusing about adverb describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, can u give me more explain about that, Thank
Thanks, Ronnie.
the last question was
adjective would usually describe :
1_a noun 2_adverb
3_ names 4_verb
it was the hardest :)
because the answer must be 1 with 3
both are same
am i coreect ??
danibr from brazil ^_^
may i explain it for you ??
I = person
person is a noun ^_^
and thanks ^^
mr. khalid from saudia ^_^
alsalam alaykom first ^^
about your douet is (is watching verb or adjective )
it is adjective because it decsribed the noun
(I )
I is a noun
and watching is adjective
Ronnie ! you(n.) are (v.) amazing (adj)!!!!!!!
You’re a nice person :)
You’re a nice person :)
thanks roone
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie you are fantastic, excellent teacher!!! Congratulations
Hello Ma’am. Ma’am I got 10/10.In previous test also I got 10/10.So,I like the way you teach but Ma’am can you make one video on infinitive.
thnxxx Ronnie… thnx so much…
Literally you are the best instructor…
Superb Ms.Ronnie teacher. Thanks a lot
thanks Ronnie you way is very cool
Thank you Ronnie you´re excelent teacher ;)
thanks ronnie very much .You’re the best . 10/10 is the good result for me . i hope you’ll have a lof of new video comeback soon . you’re funny teacher .
Thankyou! <3
hi how do i increase my confident level to speak english as anative speaker??
Thanks ronnie i did the quiz got nine correct and one wrong.thanks
I got one hundred Points, It was really easy.
:) ..
thank u very much to describe basic concepts of grammer
I like your funny way to teach us english. Thanks so much Ronnie. Blesses….
Thank Ronnie today lesson is so helpful and i got 10 marks.
Thank you so much :)
Raquel Acosta
Hi Ronnie Your lessons are very entertaining and useful. I have a confusion. I would like to know when to use being and been. for example, I being trying to communicate with you over the phone or I been trying to communicate with you which one of these sentences is grammatical correct. Also should we add the simple past tense or the present continuous to verb after the verbs was/were like or this rule only apply when the verb to be is written in the singular present form am/is/are like you taught us in one of your beginner lesson. Thank you Ronnie inn advance for your help…
thank you so much, ma’am ronnie
Thanks Ronnie.. Yipppee I got a perfect score.
thanks Ronnie madam,,i got 10 out of ten..
thank you so much
thanks your lesson
Thank’s a lot of miss Ronnie..i can learn from your video. And always watching your video to added my experience for my lesson.
can you help me, how to decided the first sentences than paragraph,the eminent than some paragraph. than you for your attention miss. Success for us and God Bless.
Henri siregar
Thanks for the great lesson I wish all the teachers were like you It would be nice ^_^
thank you
many more thanks for your basic but important lesson…….. no enough words to say….i really love your every lesson. i often watch these video. you are such a very great teacher.
alaa saeed
thanks alot
Thanx teachers to very good quiz of noun
Mohammad yusuf
Amazing quiz thanks for you all to made this web
Mohammad yusuf
great class thank you “)
thanks a lot Ronnie, it’s important cours for me.
thank you so much ,
you make my level in English up !
It’s easy!!
got 100, refreshing my English grammar, still need to move on the next lecture, thanks to Teacher Ronnie.
Hello , Thanks Roonie God Bless You :) … !
Ouahab Lahcen
Lots of comment ^^
jiraporn poon
Thanks a lot teacher
Alden Earle
thank you it was fun and useful :p
Thanks!It’s very useful. I got 100
thanx teacher
thanks teacher ^^
Thanks Dear Teacher I got it 100%.
Thanks Ronnie
your my favorite teacher
thank you very much
Thank you, I learned the difference between adjective and adverb.
thank you Ronni
Thanks! a lot, but I am gonna tell u a small thing that is very important to know :)……… You said noun is a person, place, or thing but we can add one more thing and say A noun is a person, place, , thing and Idea :)
Thanks you.!
that is really great lesson that was my nightmare thanks god you upload this video
thanks a lot <3
Dana Ibrahim
it was a very nice lesson…
i like it very much..
Thank you Ronnie.
you are so amazing i got 10\10
thanks , great course
thank’s teacher :) ! could you tell me how to write a survey please ? :)
Absolutely. Ronnie is a good teacher. Im a cloud nine to learned the difference. Between. Noun verb. Adv. and adj….. Thanks ronnie.
I love you ronnie your the best :)
Thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Ronnie,
I am new here, and I’m learning English. I would like to ask if you ‘a video about “Prepositions”. Tha
Hi Ronnie,
Please ignore my previous comment. I would like to ask if you have a video about “Prepositions”. I am so confused about it.
Thank you so much.
i have only. for you Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie! I love the funny way you are introducing your subject. Keep it up!
thank you
i got 10/10 :)Thanks to you Ronnie for your interesting way of teaching.
Simple way to understand the basic English.. thanks a lot…
Hi Prof.Ronnie, Thank u so much your class more interesting and informative.
I got 10/10 I am very happy about marks.But mam basically I’m very poor in English grammar and making sentence sometimes I use to get lots of confusion.How I can find the mistakes which I am doing in grammar.Please help me mam.
But mam I have few doubts in this class as u said, ‘The cat is Tired”, in this sentence.
Is verb
cat noun
Tired adjective, but mam as u said verb is an action word so the word tired is also a action but why u say tired is an adjective word.
thank you very much . i got 100 degrees
I got 100% marks.Thanks for the lesson.
thanks Ronnie
I got 100%
Thank you Ronnie
hi Ronnie,
I’M beginner.
i love the way you teaching.
Help me Ronnie,a few days ago i met a friend from singapore.we’re chat/talked/conversation in a few minutes because i’m relly confius in using sentence.
We are talking about the/a place that was planned to build a house but this place should/shall/must/ be put by the soil/sand/land because the placed they were planned to build a house is the swamp area.
here is our conversation
1.me – hi, nice to met you how are you
2.my friend (mf)- hi,me to.i’m fine thanks you
3.me-where you from
4.MF – singapore.
5.Me-when did you arrived
7.Me-how many days you stay/live/leave/stayed here
8.me-where you stay/live
9.Me-when will/would you going home/go back to singapore
10.me-did your family come along with you
11.this place is swampy area and need to put the soil/sand/land.but it is worry that someday it’s will ruin
Wella Jimmy
It’s cool teacher.Can you teach advance.I want to approve my english advance.thankys.
teacher thanks…
Thanks Ronnie, I got 10/10
Thanks Ronnie! 9/10
it’s useful.I got 90%
hannah garinel
Its’s beneficial lesson !! i hot 100%
achalhi med
With you, it is very simple
Thank you 10/10
So easy to understand. You are a great trainer !!!
a lot of thanks…..
how can i improve my english please need help
thanks in advance:)
hello Ronnie. you ara a grat teacher . I love you.
and i’m a Egyptian Student.i’m 10 years old . I love English so much . and i want to learn it.
I want to be afriend with you on a feacebook if you have an account
Thanks a lot Teacher.
Ronnie thank you.You are great teacher
You are amazing Ronnie.
Mahmoud Abd El-Aziz
Bhagyadhar jena
Joey U.Gascon
thanks madam very easy to understand
thanks ma’am
Thank you for your lesson. I got 10. :)
Awesome ! I got 100%. Thanks Ronnie :)
Ronnie,, you’re an amazing teacher :) , I couldn’t understand until today the difference between, Noun, Adverb, Adjective, I think that is because I don’t understand the grammar in my native language spanish lol , but thank you so much for that cute explication in the video !!! :D I learnt a lot !!!
wonderful lesson!
that what’s am looking for. thank ronnie
hi ronnie thank’s for your teaching me about the verb, adverb, adjective and noun so now i am little understanding about that so thank you very much and i hope you teach me again
Hi Ronnie, I have just found out this site today. I am so excited and happy to hear that you were in my country, Japan for four years.
I’m sure that Japanese people love your characters.
Thank u so much Ronnie keep on
thank u . I got 100%.
Absolutely Amazing, Excellent skills Ronnie to make understand the concepts very simple and easy.
Perfect, very easy to understand you…
100% thanks teacher
hello! Ronnie your lesson is verry good! thanks
Hello!Ronnie, I want to say thank you with a good explanation, and i would like you provide more homework for your online student. Thanks
it’s a good refresher.
Thnx techer good lesson.
You are great !!!! thank you so much!!!
Tharidu Hitige
This class realy reacognize the grammar that we learned.
Today I’m at the college here in Brazil and I’m making the impossible.
Lerning to listening and speaking to speak this language, thanks one more time.
see you.
Thanks.The lessons are very interesting.during my school i never loved learning grammar as i always thought it to be difficult for me.Continue the teaching.I really loved learning here at engvid.
Thanks teacher , I like your lesson
Oh nooooooooooooooo
only 90 !!!
Thanks for the lesson is very usefull.
I love your accent teacher I want to learn to talk with this kind of accent it’ magic.
Thanks Ronnie, you are a great teacher… and you teach with fun. You are a female version of Robin Williams :) cute :)
big fat thank you
I got 9 correct out of 10 .
Thank you
You are the best teacher in the website.
I got a Perfect score 100. :) thank you ma’am ronnie.
:) You are hot!
I understand clearly. Thanks Ronnie. After my quiz, I watched again to correct myself. :-)
Thank you Ma’am Ronnie, you’re lesson is very simple and easy to understand.Its really big helpful to us, especially like me.
my name is sdjeda from JORDAN ,I need more lessons about DERIVATION RULE .
yea………….it’s a good lecture for beginning and Intermedia …………thx for ur efforts andall the teachers in ur group………….
rafi ghan
thank you teacher, you are the best
Finaly I understood adjectives and adverbs. Thank you so much, Ronnie.
Ege Sumer
Waaaw I got 90 .thank you so much
Raaliya Yusuf
WOOOOAAAAAHHH!!!! I got 100. Unbelievable. Thanks Ronnie, it is working.
Thanks Ronnie, i got 10 :D.
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie. You are the best and this site is really great for us.
I have request about the meaning of some adverbs like basically, initially,additionally, usually,theoretically, hypothetically, critically, technically, gradually ect. I want to know how to use them in grammar.
Rex Cifer
thank you Ronnie
YEY!!! I GOT 100. thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie! =)
Very Nice Video 90 out of 100
me too, 9/10 sad
thank you very much.I will try my best.
chung nguyen
Thanks Ronnie!!
I enjoy your lessons.
tanks Ronnie
tanks Ronnie
it is right. very important but very basic. i have some knowledge of this. 100% is right on quiz test.
What is the adverb in the following sentence?
The fat cow ran fast.
Why not fast, fast describes a verb in this case verbe is run ?
thank you ronnie realy we are love you so much
abdo zidan
GREAT teacher. love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Hi Ronnie! Your lessons are great!
I really want to ask about word formation when is asked to use a given word in the end of the line and u have to form a word that fits with the sentence…
for exp: I`m afraid the food isn`t….good (particular)
i wanna know when to put an adv,adj, v or n in different situations?
thanks ^_^
Thanks a lot. Thats a great lesson
your teaching skill is so lovely :)
thanks a lot teacher Ronnie
Thank you so much. These classes are helping me a lot.
thanks ronnie
thanks ronnie
i got a 100
10 correct out of 1o
thank you so much!!
Thank you Ronnie, your teaching is excellent and you are just fun to watch and learn.
anita john
Thank you Ronnie.I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie, you’re the best
i like you very much…!
Thanks Ronnie. Love you :D
Hi . Ronnie. I’m enjoying all your class
What a teacher you are!
Thank you teacher :)
You made me understand a lot easier.
great lesson
kala mallik
Very great lesson thanks dear ronnie
thank you so much.
thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie,it was wonderful lesson.
very good
Thank You so much!
10 out of 10….great!
Thanks Ronnie! :*
Rosa Casiero
my resut is 100 how great !
thank you teacher Ronnie :*
alaa hb
lovely style of teaching … Ronnie you rock.
Rajnikant Sharma
Thank you so much for the lesson made me understand a lot and Like style of ur teaching .Ronnie :PPP
thank you very much Ronnie…… i want how to use do did does plz tell me….
Ronnie you are incredible, thank you for every listening lesson.
This class very attractive.İam very fond of it.thanks
Love the way you are :) ..!!!!
Ronnie, your lessons are the best way to Learning English. Thank you so much :)
I got 10 Ronnie
Wow i got 10 out of 10. thanks ronnie
U learn me a lot.
fady 99
I am going to be learning TEFL soon. Loving this site; I want to be this kind of teacher a little bit nutty very good!!
Thank u so much Ronnie
Thank you!
Dani Mereles
thank u
Thanks lots great teacher, very help full videos for learning English.
Thx Ronnie, You help us a lot…
love you teacher i got 80%
You are an amazing teacher in the world!!!
You are awesome teacher, it’s very clarify for me to learn English when You teach,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks you very much,
Thank you soooooo much Ronnie. I really love your lesson.
Thank you !
Now I can identify between adv and adj…
Millions thanksssss
Ronnie you are the best teacher.You make all so useful.
Ronnie you are funny and outstanding English teacher.we enjoy learning not boring.thanks engvid.com
Thanks Teacher
wow i got 10/10 thank u so much teacher ronnie i learned very fast because u was explaining very well..
thank you so much !!!!!
thank you teacher Ronnie. You make me understand grammar easier. I love the way you teach. Love you.
Diamond Titanum
thanks a lot
thank you :)
wided kaaniche
It was a wonderful lesson, thanks a lot :)
Hi Dear prof. I have a question. some verbs are not action verbs. For example ” jump ” is action verb but ‘ be ” is not . However can we say a verb is a ” actio word” in general ? please answer me. thanks a lot.
thanks a lot
Thank you very much for the interessing lessons.
Ive got 100/100.
Thanks Mam
She sounded very ….. on the phone
Which is the correct? And why?
Thanks ❤️?
tnx ronnie
Ronnie is good english teacher.
Am i right?
Please correct me ,if i am wrong.
jaishree ahuja
That was good. Very good way to keep it fresh in your mind. I now will have to try that.
very usefull lesson . thanks
I’m surprised I’ve got 10 of 10! Oh,may!
I learned from the best :)
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for this video. I was able to stop the video take notes and keep watching. I think this is going to help me get my GED. I hope anyway.
Thank you so much for your nice and informative lesson
Thank you Ronnie :)
Sandra Marafioti
Thankful ^^
Thank you very much T:Ronnie
but i need to ask you about something
i will anshallah travel to London
British and american accent are thay have a lot of deference’s or not
ameen mustafa
Thank you so much ma’am.
I have a question to ask for example if I say “The cat is walking” then what is the role of word “walking” in the sentence. is it adjective or verb? as you said verb is an action word so “walking” is an action word but it also describes the noun “cat” in the sentence as you said adjective always describe a noun.
Fatima Naseem
thanks alot
Thanks teacher that was easy lesson .
Hello Suhayaya, I am Juan carlos from colombia, I have the same problem that you have. would you like to speak in english with me? if you are interested please send me a messages. my level is advanced
Ronnie!!! Thanks a lot! You guys are really great but I have a question!!! In the sentence “The cat is tired” I confuse the adverb with the passive form. I can’t understand! E.g. Can you say “The cat is tired from him”? So in that case the verb is “tired” while “is” is the auxiliary, right? How do you discern that from the other form?
Thanks Teacher !
I’ll do it again to understand
Vero chinita
It was easy and I have got 100%.
thanks a lot..
Thanks for help!!
Thanks a lot dear teacher, that was very informative to me.
Mustafa Masih
Thank you very much, Ronnie!!! your lesson so helpful to me.
Khiev Snae Vichea
Good lessons
Thanks a lot
want to thank you for all this lessons is very useful,if you don’t mind can you do some vedios for topics of covertation pleas i need it thank for other times
love it :) thanks ms. Ronnie :)
100% awesome how i learn english on this site..!!!!
carlos carpintero
Thank you so much Ronnie :)
Thank you very much…..
love ur vdo !!! easy way to learn :)
thnks u rinnie MAM
thanks teacher
thanks ronnie i like u
mustafa gencay
YEAP A GET 100 IN QUIZ Thanks ronnie :)
Thank you Teacher!
sonia fonteina
Mahmoud mongy
thank you lovely lady
Hi! Ronnie! I am glad that I found your videos. For me, you are the coolest English tutor I’ve ever seen. You are not boring every time I watch your tutorial videos. Keep it up! And thank you. I have so many lessons that I have learned from your tutorial videos especially about the basic grammar. Make more videos! God bless!
Kasandra Lopez
One thing I would love to talk about Ronnie, Thanks u so much, Have 1000 best thing for u.
thank you …..
samir abdelazem ali
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to thank Ronnie teacher. Because of easy to understanding the english grammar myself .So thank you very for your dedicated teaching the English class.
Fantastic teaching videos.
Sridhar D
Thank you Ronnie.
thank you teacher
I can learn a lot with your lessons but, I can roll about all the time! You are very extroverted, I love it so much. Haha! Thanks for the precious lesson! :D Congratulations!
Thanks for this video, it’s really gonna help for my test tomorrow
Please help 368
thank you so much Ronnie,You are cheerful, lively ,lovely and I admire you very much, you are the best teacher .
oubadji salaheddine
i cant submit to next question
I got full marks in the test. Thanks Ronnie for such a nice lesson
Got 10 , நன்றி
i wish i known this web sooner, every lession i perfect, the teacher is very enthusiastic. thank you so much for what you did for us.
jim rohn
thank you, I will be perfect in English because you are my teacher :D
Hend Mahmoud Soliman
Thank you Rooney ^_^
wawan sutisna
im sorry, but why the sound isnt out? i dont hear anything. thank you
finally, that sound is out. i can learn lesson well. thank you
Thank you.Finally I can learn lesion well
I got 10! thank you ronnie. it helps a lot! :) youre the best!
thank you so much??
thank you, and now i became a fan of you
Thank you very much may you live long all teachers
no explanation for wrong answer? why?
Hi Ronnie! You are amazing. Thank you so much.
Thank you teacher
Hanum Miani Putri
A very good video, thanks.
Warner Borras
Thanks mam?
thanks Ronnie, your lesson is very useful
Hi Ronnie how are you doing ? I appreciate you!because your lesson is very very clear English lesson.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
kedir Bade
Hi Ronnie thanks for ur lesson. its so intersting to watch ur video.you teach very interesting way.
Thanks alot Mam.
Ishmeet Singh
Hi teacher…..my score is 100…thanks
Thanks teacher it’s was very usefull
ms ron when to use “have had” or to put “s” in a verb at the end. still confused. sorry for my English, I’m a beginner.
It was useful.
Thanks teacher.
thanks for lesson
hassan ahmed masaad
Thanks,it is helpful.
The best network of learning english with great high Qualified teachers.Thanks a lot.
Ronnie u said j but like g is that right
10/10!!! :D I LOOOOOOVE RONNIE! :* :* :*
Joe MJ
i make a hundred thanks
joon mark
Thank you I love it
Thank you so much i pround for you
The way you explain make us feel all easy!!
Thank you teacher i learned more.
Thank you Ronnie
thank you Ronnie!
I love u
Hi Ronnie, you said we can use , “We are not” or “We aren’t” – but can’t we use “We’re not”
thankyou somuch for the lesson teacher!!!!
i am loving it. know grammatically its wrong
Tanveer Akhter Satti
You are an amazing teacher
Nawal mohamed
thank you for the lesson, teacher :)
Thanks teacher
thanks teacher
I like the way you teach. Thanks
Thanks.You are an amazing teaching.
Hi Ronnie !I have a doubt.In this sentence ‘The cat is sleeping ‘What is the adjective ?
Shailja Tiwari
I love Engvid Videos and I use them to teach my college ESL classes. This particular one has an error that will confuse some people. Right around 1:58 Ronnie is giving examples of verbs and she says, “These are all nouns.” Is there a way you can edit that so it is correct and will not confuse?
ESL Magic
thankyou very much i really apreciate you
Thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you very much Ronnie
Mr Hmz
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. My grammar no good, I have to Practice more.
thank you so much.
Thank you very much, Ronnie.
Good lesson Ronnie!!!
Thank you for help me :D !!!!
thanks a lot for this lesson
I got 10 to 10… Uauuu !! Thanks Ronnie
I got it perfect. Thank you teacher Ronnie ?
very thanks doctor :)
Hello Ronnie!
My name’s Sayed, I live in the US originally from Egypt, I listen to your awesome videos every day I learned a lot and I would like to know if EngVid
allow you to give personal classes online.
Please let me know.
thank you for your teaching about English grammar this is useful for me to practice English language
thanks for teaching
zahid tanha
Excellent lesson…
Sher Karim
your method great easy to understand
I got 10 out of 10! These parts of speech are not hard. Thank you Ronnie!
Chan M.
Thank you very much!
Hi ronnie. Thank you for your great teaching way and lesson. I just have a doubt on my sentence. “Ronnie is teaching beautifully”, as you said that adjective comes after “to be verb”. But base on my sentence, ronnie is a noun, is is verb, teaching is verb also and beautifully is adverb. There is no adjective right? Am I correct ronnie? If you don’t mind please correct me if any is there. Thanks
Great idea.
Batool Alasadi
Thanks guys, I am living in Guatemala city, I got 63 years old, With a good English I can still work for any call center here in my country, I will get a test next January, and I hope I will do it, I am reviewing my English grammar in order to get a good score. Your material is great.
Ms. Ronnie, you make learning fun and easy.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the English Lesson. I enjoy the way you teach English.
I got 9 correct out of 10
Muhd Faiez
Hello Ronnie, thank you i got 8/10??
Thanks Mrs Ronnie
Superlative teacher
The way Ronnie teaches is the best! Thanks!!
This is a very useful lesson & thanks Ms. Ronnie for your way of presentation.
Great lesson, fun teacher who makes it easier to learn.
Thank you teacher and more power to you
well, 10/10, I think that passed A1 level…jaja
Thanks, Ronnie. I get it now.
now I understand and got 90 almost 90%.
Wonderful. Thank you ?
This Lesson teaches me a lot ,,i think I’m starting from here now
This Lesson teaches me a lot ,,looks like this is my first lesson ,thank you
thank you teacher
Arlex Leonardo Ruda
Thank u teacher!! i got 10 out of 10!
YEEES i got 10/10
Thank you so much.
Maths mastery
Ronnie I love ? you’re videos please teach me more???
So easy…Thanks Ronnie.
good jop
your the best Roony
Wilber MachuPicchu
9/10! I learned the new word “stink”.
Jerry Gu
Got 10 correct out of 10.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I m 35 and learned very quickly, all kudos to teach Ronnie, Thanks Much teach!!
Thank you teacher
Moibon Gemechis
9/10 !! Thank you, teacher Ronnie :)
Thank you teacher :D
I know English Grammar a little, but I know, that “I” is PRONOUN not NOUN
Thanks Ronnie
thank you teacher
I wanted to ask that in this phrase “means of communication”, is “means” a noun or an adjective?
If communication is a noun then how can means be a noun too? because in the dictionary both are marked as nouns.
Javeria Shakil
communication just only as nouns.see every words if there are in the end /tion/that mean nouns.
Ahmed Obad
well, what an excellent video. it helped me a lot the video is over nine years and still helping people. thank you a lot
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
tnx teacher!
Ronee I M trying to correct my grammer u r question answer cheaking is very good. How do u feel about my rating.
thank you very much
Hi Ronee! Thank you so much :)
Hi Ronnie thanks for ur lesson. its so intersting to watch ur video. in this lesson u help me more.. cas i ddnt knew whn i check dictionary wht is adv adj. thnks alot…
Thank you Ronnie. You are a very good teacher. I am traying to review my English 1 from College courses I took many years ago. Do you have College English 1? Iam writing
a book and I need some help. English is my second language. I am 80 years old man. Thank you
Thanks Dear Teacher. This is my first time to joined your the class. I want to continue.
Thanks ones again
Thank teacher Roonie. Your voice is easy to listen to and understand even though my english is not good.
Thank again!
Thank you ma’am Ronnie! :) These videos are going to help me. I need them for my English classes.
thanks and i wish enjoy your teaching time all the time.
HI Ronni you a great teacher!!
Yeah ! I’m the first to submit a comment !!
I’m the first to submit a comment, nah nah nah nah nah ha!
Ok. So, first thanks for this lesson because as always it’s very useful for me and kind of you to help us out. I’d like to make a request and as this is the first comment I think someone will see this and maybe my wish will become real, ^^.
I would like that you explain the difference between vowel sounds. There are like fifteen sounds right ? And they’re not covered on the website. I found I & EE and A & E. They were very useful but I’d like to have the rest if it’s ok of course. I think everyone would like to improve their pronunciation. If you want an example, what about : the difference between pool & pull, fool & full ?
Thanks for your time and help.
Hi Ronnie,
How I thanks for your honestly teaching I mean thanks…………… my reqest is with the friend wiele he wanted your kindly informaton about ,pool.fool.full pull. thanks again and again.
OK! I will make a video to help you!
Thank you Ronnie,finally I got this one!
Thank you for teaching me and I like the way you teach. thank you regards murari
Hi Ronnie , you are very effective with our class .Have you visited Spain ??
thank you
Ronee Mam! I am Zeeshan I M trying to correct my grammer and also i learn more about the parts of speech would u like to more about
thank you for each and every videos. Today is my first day to watching your videos. i get confidence about english that i can be fluent in english by watching your videos
hello mrs rommie how are you thank you for the explaining i was long time when i learned alone i have diffeculte when i speak with people i can reading but i cant understand just little can you give me am advice please how i can learn english please
that would be a great idea. It’s a good topic to talk about
I guess I am the first to comment. Thus I want to say this lesson was very clear.
I’m a Brazilian. And this website has helped me to improve quickly my knowledge of this great language called English. I love this language. All of you are good lecturers and I like and enjoy your humor sense.
I would like a reply from you.
Greetings from Brazil.
Thanks! I am learning English with you. It´s website is the best, i have seen.
Thank you so much for this web site. It really helps me for my English lesson. Actually I am just a beginner in my English teaching lesson. I am not a Japanese actually. But I really love to teach English here in Japan. Thank you very much. More power to you.
Good lesson,the lesson is interesting.
this leson very healp full to improve my english knowlege….
thank a lot ,
if you can teach ..how to make simple sentance and combine 3,4 sentance it’s very helap full to us …..
Thank you Ronnie, I like all of your English lessons :) .
Ronnir you re superb teacher..Thank you
thank you very much for engvid.com ,
i’m so lucky to found this website,
i can learn english by online,
i loved all teachers at engvid.com, especially ronnie. :d
they teach with the easy way, to understanding
I subscribe to dery opinion
hi ronnie i will not say you are good because you are awesome and handsome i didn’t see any teacher like you i was watching you and i understand the lesson it easily with you
Thank you Ronnie. Lesson was very fine.
Thanks for your useful lesson. I’m a teacher and I” use your precious hint
thanks for your useful losson
thankyou.ilike all lessons
Very good lesson – I like your technique.
New ideas for my classes.
Hello Ronnie!
Learn grammar is very good.
Thank you!
despite it’s easy lesson , but I felt its include important information
Thanks teacher Ronie
Thanks alot teacher :-)
Very thanks.
Thank you , fot your lessons, I watch all of them
great lesson,thanks
Thanks a lot.
thanks, Ronnie for ur lessons.
u r very clever
I am a morrocan aplicant aged 18 years old this is my first year in the unversity and i have choosen english as an option for my future!
well i have just found out this website and i really like so much and i really appreciate the efforts that those teachers not just teachers great men and women who are trying to make it easy for us
thank you so much especially the black one i like hime so much the way he use to teach is just amazing!
for future reference, his name is James…
Thank you Ronni. this lesson wasvery easy just becous yuo teach us.you make it always easy to undestand ,thanks a lot
best regards
Thank You Very Much Ronnie, I Really Appreciate Your Help.
Thank you very much Ronnie, for this lesson. You are very good teacher, for me. Sure I See you next day.
thank you ronnie.the lesson was nice and i got 9 in the quiz.thanks for your help
Thank you Ronnie. 10/10
please! change ur facial expressions, they are so much scary………………
greetings to u Ronnie. where r u located in Canada west,east,north,south? summer time, nice weather. thanks.
Dear Ronnie,hi…
1rst thing 1rst tx,,,
But the ? of mine’s: What does it mean by:
” what’s on “?!
Does it mean ” what’s up ” ?!!
The best!
What’s on means what events are happening.
good work thank you my dear i have questions if you have a good time .. why add to adverbs ly
i think both is true
Hi Ronnie, good lesson. However this lesson is basic, I liked it. I like the way you talk, it’s clear. Thanks!!
thank you so much
Your English lesson is a big help for me,thank you so much.
Your video is very useful for a person who want to improve English.
Thank you very much. :)
I like this teacher and these lessons!!!
Many thanks Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie but I think it may look like this. All sentences usualy have subject=the thing what talking about(this cold be usually noun or pronoun) object this atribute for object and predicate=what happened with object.(it would be verb or adverb. I can make some mistakes before in text but it’s exactly “I” is pronoun but this is not so important I get the Idea. You’re excellent teacher.
Ronnie you are very nice and I like all of your english lesson. Ciao, angelo Florence Italy
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!!!
how are you?
can you give a lesson on how to use (inversion) in the English language?
I am very pleased to find this english class.
Thank you for teach me.
Hi Ronnie
you are the best (you is a noun )
you are the best (best is adj)
you teach us quickly ( quickly is adv)
you teach us quickly (teach is a verb)
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson was very useful for me.Thanks for such a nice lesson for basic english.
so good
I really enjoy your lessons Ronnie! You can instruct and delight at the same time. Bye Maria from Naples
Hi teachers thanks you all for learn us english language really studed more lessons form this webside
but i have one problem i use internet form mobail i can’t download video lessons which can help me as more so how i can download the video lessons on my mobail
i wait for you to help me thanks all
You’ll have to use a site like Keepvid.
Excuse me all if i spoked broking english i’m beginner
Ronnie! Thank you =D I love your classes!I’m learning to much
very nice.it’s productive..
Thank you for this lesson and all other video lesson, but i think this web site has a lack of phonetic lesson!!! I am agree with carlos77 thank you for all
It was my first quiz in your pages. Thank you.
good lesson. I liked it..
you teach clearly , many thnaks
@odai3188 : Actually, “you” isn´t a noun, it´s a pronoun.
Thanks so much Ronnie .
Thanks Ronnie. I Lov U so much
gracias Ronnie, me gusto mucho la forma que ensenas.
yeah finally i have just realize that my english is not too bad thank so much Ronnie
thanks alot ronnie .
thanks you so much teacher ronnie. the lesson was nice and a got 8 in the quiz as the the out of 10 thanks for your help…and teaching more…….
10/10 Nice job… Thanks Ronnie for your lesson.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I could know about the difference between these things. Thanks again…
thank you
you are amazing teacher :)
very helpful video
That was amazing!!! BRILLIANT!!! So easy)))
Thank you, Ronnie!
thanx a lot teacher
Thanks,Ronnie Mam……
oh yeah i did it. thanks teachers!
Thanks lot teacher Ronie
nice classes
hiya Ronnie,
you are splendid teacher
thank a lot
I have question it has been in me mind since I start to learn English
noun it can be used as subject or object of a verb
but can it be used as the object of preposition ?
also is there are different between linking verb and Verb ?
I`ll be very grateful for you and thank in any how.^^
Thx a lot
thank u i was wonder if u can hellpe me how i can improve my write in english pleass ?
I got full mark !!!! Thz U so much
10/10 thanks U !
thanks i learnt english
thank you so much
Thank you very much!!! It really helped me! =) )))))))
Hi Ronnie, While teaching Verb(action) you specify that the actions u r performing are Noun. Somewhat confused
i got 10/10 thanks ronnie
Thanks for your useful lession
Thank you very much Ronnie, it’s very useful It’s the best website for learning English thanks engVid
Thank’you very much Ronnie, you are a wonderful teacher!
Thank you very much.
The lesson is very beautiful and your way in teaching is really nice.
I have a question, hope Ms. Ronnie & you can help me clear that.
He’s not THAT popular how did this happen?
I heard the job market is not THAT hot right now
Why they put ‘THAT’ in these sentences & how to make a sentence with ‘THAT’?
Thanks a lot
In your sentences, THAT means the same as “too”. It is used to emphasize that the job market is hot but not super hot/ he is popular but not super popular!
I like ” that” !
how to download this video Ms??? can you help me to tell me how to download this video
You’ll have to use a site like Keepvid.
thank you very much
the lesson is very beautiful.
thanks for your lessons)))))
Thanku very much
Thamks,you are very funny !!!
Thank you so much, teacher Ronnie. I will improving my english with engVid that I love. ^.^
wow i cant believe it out of 10 questions i got 9 correct answers thank you so much!.i want to learn more from you teacher:)
thanks god i found these website it helps me a lot to improve my English.i hope you can help me i want to learn English so much .thank you!
i cant speak english …. can i study with your all???
i got 7/10 thank you
I try.
is any body have skype id?
pls add me jawadbaig.26 for conversation
very good!
what u r doin is very fruitful n nice job keep it up ..appreciate it…
thank you teacher Ronnie you make me understand easy
thanks teacher.. may you live long.
mam i cann’t speak english fluently like you, i,m hesitating when i try to speak english.
i have no any friend who can speak english with me.
mam tell me the person who can speak english with me and i can speak english
mam your good teaching i have undrastand your lession
Hi Ronnie! I really like the way you teach… It is very easy to understand and it’s not boring… Keep up the good work Ron and Thank you very much.. :)
thanks ronnie i got marks 7 out of 10
thank you teacher, i like the way you teach. i got 10 out of 10
I got 10 . Thank you so much . :)
thanks you so much…
Thank you for teaching. You are very funy and perfect English teacher. I want to invent to my country. Will you please send me your e-mail? a_dundar@hotmail.com
Hi Mam, I am impressed. Thanks a million.
Thanks a lot! Ronnie..
Teacher, you’re amazing! Great class! :)
WAY of teaching is very good.thanks
thnk u vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. Love your lessons!
thanks very much Ronnie i like your all lessons keep it up i learned something from you thanks again…..
thanks Ronnie i got marks 10/10
you’re so Interesting for teaching in all of your videos !! you’re good teacher.. oh,, can you explain me about gerund?
Ooop! I misunderstand two verse.
Thank you Ronnie. You are HOT! Thank you engvid.
Hi Ms. Ronnie thank you very much for your help. Really I’m happy with it.
Thanks for this very informative video. Cheers!
Hi Ronnie
Thanks a lot for all great lessons.I have some pronouncations problems with some words. For example is there any pronouncaiton difference between HOT ,HEART, HARD.Could you help me, please? May be with alesson or short answer. Thanks in advance.
Hot, you have to open your mouth when you say the O.
Heart and hard both have the same vowel sound in the middle, so you have to say the end consonant clearly, so people can understand the word! Har-T
Are you Mexican?
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for answering my question about hot,heart,hard.I’m fom Turkey.I’m good at writing and reading but I have difficulity at pronunciation.May be you prepare a video about pronuncation of these dificult words.For example I also have some problem with the pronunciaton of WORD and WORLD. And words start con… contain,consider,condition,complex etc.Sometimes they read like e sound, sometimes like o sound.I hope to get answer from. Again thanks a lot.
Hi Ms. Ronnie, I’m Arabian, you have an excellent way to teach English , i will see your lessons
thanks for all your help :P
thanks for the tips
Hi Ronnie,
Thank u so much Ronnie.. i was looking for a site which helps me to improve my language.. this is really Helpful for me.. I am a social Science teacher.. I think because of u I can improve my English.. please help more to improve my vocabulary.. Which i can use in my Classes.. Now am very confident to take classes in English… thanks alot..:)
Thank you so much
HI Ronnie i like your video and i am in link school and you are very good teacher thank you .I need to know about paragraph how to write them.thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie
all your videos are interesting and very much informative.I like your way and approach of teaching language.
I am from India, my english is may not be good, I trying with the help of videos available on you tube;
I would like to suggest one thing about your pronouncing the word pronunciation.
it is PRO – NUN – CI – ATION
But we always here PRO – NOUN – CI – ATION
Can you please tell me which is correct one?
Thanks and regards
Pro-nun-ciation is correct.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks you for your wonderful teaching
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie. :D
thank, easy and clear
Hi mam,
Your teaching is perfect and can you teach us english vocabulary on movies like there will be different kinds of movies(Ex:love,fiction and action)what all we have
Thank you
Hi Ma’am,
Thank you very much for this lesson….:)
thanks lot excellent
thanks ronnie it’s genial
way of teaching is superb
Your comment was great!~ I like your lesson ideas! Thanks!
Your comment was great! I like your lesson ideas! Thanks!
Thaanks Teacher :D
Thanks you very much teacher. Im from Viet Nam
My skype : meaningkha
im sure shes not like this in real life, nonetheless thx
Thank so much K.Ronnie.
Clear !!!
I was watching this video and i actually had a question to make,related to this lesson. If, big, small, bold, black etc are adjectives, what these words are, for example, political views, democratic party, economic development, social life. I was wondering if political, democratic, economic, social are adjectives? Thanks for these lessons you teach and thanks for taking your time reading my message. I am looking forward to hearing back from you. Once again great job Ronnie and all other teachers of this forum.
Look the words up in an online English dictionary. The dictionary will always tell you what kind of words they are!
Hi Ronnie. Thx for the lesson.
A have a doubt, a really grammar doubt.
1) When you gave us the example: A black cat. So, “black” is adjetive.
2) Another example: The cat is black.
So, “black” is adjetive too.
What’s the difference ?
In grammar, are there a rule about discrible the adjetives? Like Obama’s slogan campaign : Four more years. Because to me, I will say: More four years. Is correct?
Yes, black in both sentences is an adjective.
There are also rules when to use the adjectives in sentences…The noun comes after the adjectives.
1. quantity or number
2. quality or opinion
3. size
4. age
5. shape
6. color
7. proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
8. purpose or qualifier
Hi Ronnie. thank you for your lesson
Very handy lesson, thanks Ronnie :)
Very useful, I figured it out. Thank you so much <3
thanks a lot
Thank you very much for the excellent lesson))))
Thank you!!! Good class teacher
thanks a lot Ronnie, you have cleared my confusion regarding adverb and adjective.
Thank you this is useful lesson
You are good teacher :)
I like your lessons :)
Hi teacher ronnie! I m driss from morocco and i want say hello from my mum she s beside me now hhhhh i never dream have a wonderfull classroom like this but i m very weak or lazy in grammar lessens would you like to help me plssss i m waitting ur advice love you teacher byeee
Tks Ronnie!
Thank you very much :)
I love your class
Ronnie!!nice teacher!!very easy to get start and I love English~~
Thank you very much.
thank you
Hi Ronnie well I want to ask you ( I am hot ) why hot is adjective why it’s not adverb ,and am is verb . Thanks a lot and I like your lessons
Hi Ronnie, i still confuse with these words “proudly present” would you please explain me?
how about these words
1. He strongly recommended the book.
2. I will totally support you.
3. your cooperation is highly appreciated
Hy mrs Ronnie I’ve got 90 for my test ,, thanks
Hy mrs ,,, I’m from Indonesia ,,, how about you , where are you from ?
;) :)
Good one…Thank for explaining the basics..
Thank you Ronnie, I love the way how you teach, I love your classes. You are really hot!
Very good . thanks you
Thank you for a good lesson))
Mrs. Ronnie, like i always say that you are my favourite teacher there’s no doubt. i really appreciate the way you, it’s kind of funny and really amazing!
i mean, the you teach.
oh my goodness! i always forget to the way you teach. that’s pretty much it. take teacher……………….
thanks, i have got out of marks for the
first time
This test I got 90. :(
But It’s ok I will remember what I’m wrong :)
Think you
Thank you very much teacher , you are so funny and smart, I make one mistake .
you are the best!thank you!
Yooohooo thank you ^____^
Thank you, you helped me a lot <33
realy thx i am french i dont know realy english but your corse is cool fun and i learn new things :)
Thanks! Your English actually sounds pretty good. :) Hope you keep watching!
raly thx for this lesson im form france and i have a dificulti with english and this lesson let me understand
obrigado Ronnei
i didnt knew anything about adj.adv…but now the problem soleved cause your lesson .it s very useful …………..thank you so much
yoho nori wa thank you..
Hi Ronnie good morning my self niranjan from india your all lessen is suprub and i like most. thanks.
Hi,MRS,Ronnie. I got 90 marks in this test, thank you a lot. And can you please also teach about either neither, or nor. please teach me. Thank you again.
Thank you very much
nice teacher I like that , but its simple for me . i like the diffecult then that
thank you for your best way to choice fo r us to learening
I love your smart lessons, thank you very much.
You said ‘I walk quickly’ is that correct?Don’t we need to tell ‘I walked quickly’.I am confused because the sentence seems like past.
Thank you Ronnie for the lecture! You have a great sense of humor, and the BEST teacher ever! I hope you make more videos.
Hi ronnie
from the i joined the school everyday i am watching your classes.Basically by great difficulty i have got this job as a teacher and i have i problem in forming sentences and paragraph writing can u please help me.by mailing to my email id please help me out naa
Hi, very good lesson!
Thanks Ronnie:) I liked this video!
Very good lesson
Hi Ronnie ! I have problem with writing:( Can u write to me on my mail: bartus 763@o2.pl Maybe u can give me some helpful advice.
i understand english but i cant write
i will study to change this problem
Teacher please can you give to me your email addrs and i like to you a lession it’s very good
i like to lerning english but i haven’t help enybody but now i all redy cach my way now i want to help for good teacher lerning to the english
that’s way iam asking for yor help i”ll expect your reply for me Thank u . GOD bless U
Thank you Ronnie, this wii improve my writting
At last, I´m learning
I´m happy
I want learn english
perfect 10 even there’s a disturbing serine :) haha JK teacher.
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to thank you for teaching us. Today is my first class and I learned about basic grammar. Thank you so much, kindly correct me if you find any mistakes in my comments :-)
very good. i like your teaching style
It is amazing to know that Ronnie is so effective in traching basic english
Thannks keep working
thanx mam,i watched your lession and i like your lession .
One thing mam i havd poor knowledge about english so,help me anytime.ok
I like that….
Dear Ronnie i have a important question if its just a simple two words like control buttons does that make it a noun because it is a thing and its like a place on your camera to see options about how to change settings or frames and stuff like that so my words are control buttons, cursor pad, battery compartment and a lot of others but these are my simple ones for now
I got 10/10. Thanks Ronnie! :) I love the way you teach. Thank You.
hey…thank u so much u did a great job i like to listen your lesson .i dont know how to say thanks.but still i want to say thank u so much
Dear Teacher thank you for your describes. you are the best in training I think ;)
madam, i like ur teaching and its style
ronnie can u plz tell me. how to use verb in present,past and future ? by the way u r awesome teacher…. i m fan of urs.. plz for me.. can u made a video for it.
hi Ronnie,
thank you for teaching English. I have a aunt and her name is Mahsa. she came from Iran 8 months ago and her English is not that good. she wants to improve her English. she is using your program that is very good for her and she is learning a lot form using your program. my aunt love to learn English properly and learn quickly. thank you for everything.
thanks my teacher iam started learn english lang uage with you
thanks you
thanks i got 100%
I am start. I like that. Is my firt day
Thanks Ronnie… It’s really useful lesson… U are great teacher n funny too :)
What is the difference between abstract noun and verb?
I have a confusion in this because I have read somewhere that abtract noun also includes name of action , this confuses me in identifying abstract noun and verb.
Thank you teacher for teaching me all the lessons well
Good lesson, thanks Ronnie
Thank you teacher.
Good job Ronnie. It’s a very clear lession. I alway write those thing but I don’t realy know what it’s mean, thank!!!
Hi Dear Teacher,
you are great teacher, i like u and your way of teaching, :*
Thank you So So Much
thanks a lot
ples help me i want to learn english
Thanks Ronne and my Best Regards
hi! thanks to your lesson! it is very interesting! and Ronnie, you are so fanny)
what can you learn from watching both the adjective and the adverb video
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
You are great teacher
I want to ask you something, when to add “s” to the verb?
When the subject is He/She or It!
Don’t forget that a person’s name (Ronnie, my mom) will also get a “s” on the verb!
thank you
Ronnie, I’d like tell you..I’m falling love wth you.
thanks for the lesson
Can you give me an example for my question, please? and thank you Ronnie, you are my favourite teacher :)
very useful..thank you
hey Ronnie, You teach really very well. I have a question ..you said that noun comes always after adjective but in this video you gave us an example “I am hot.”..but in this example noun is coming before adjective…could you pls give me an answer?
In the sentence, I is the subject, and there is a verb in between them. It would be better if I say sub + verb + adjective + noun!
EX. I have a red dog.
thanks i always see your video…I am from India and love to see your video…you teach fabulous
hai..i’m senthil.i know what is noun from ur lesson.i want to know what is subject and what is the difference between subject and noun..give some examples..thanks in advance
I like your Way & your accent You’re very well ronie Thank you so much for this video
thanks ronnie
I love you all my teachers. You’re the best ♥
I’m learning too much from you. A big thank to you all :)
Hi mam ronnie,
I am confusing ,because in our study on early 90’s ,we had studied about linking verb,and the meaning of this is”link the subject and subjective compliments”.this is the same with “to be verb”?which you had mentioned earlier?
thank you mam,i love your way of teaching and site as well.
thank u Ronnie but i want ask u how to know the different type of nouns or transform the verb to noun sometimes i am confused between happy and happiness and child and childhood how to add hood and ness and ation and tion …plz help me Ms Ronnie
thanks ma’am
we need videos lessons of all grammar tenses.
please Mrs: Ronnie
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
good….more verer
thanks for guide me
its very help ful site
This is really helpful i don’t think i will fail my test
Hello, Ronnie! How are you?
I have been watching all of your lessons and I do appreciate ’em very much, besides your teaching ways are amazing, however, even though I am a fluent english speaker ( have got mistakes, o’course) I have already taught English here in Brazil, I still have this amateur question. If you please could help me out *.* I would really appreciate it. =)
Here it is: Well, you told us that in the sentence ” the cat is tired”, “tired” is an adjective, So my question is,: Why is it an adjective, you mention it is how the cat feels, but wouldnt it be the verb “to tire” conjugated with the verb “to be” which would lead us to the past particple of the verb “to tire – tired”? I mean past particple having in sight my own language because I know it may be the past as well.
Hope you can help me with this. please? *_*
And congratz for your extraordinary work, Ronnie! You rock!
PS: somethings I know how to use by having contact daily with the language, but some stuffs I studied with books never fitted in or I was able to fully understand and with few minutes of these wondrous videos… a light is lit at the end of the tunnel! ^^
Thx so much for reading this!
Regards from Brazil!
I have a doubt.. Is there any difference between ‘subject’ and ‘noun’? if do so, what are they?
Hi Ronnie,
Great learning videos you have made.. I like to follow and use them base in my teaching. Also I learned on it..
Thanks keep up the good work.
many thanks to you
I learn a lot from that the remember me the past
Thanks for the tips Ms. Ronnie
what does whats up mean?
thanks Ronnie mam.
Thanks teacher Ronnie :D
thanks for the test and this video.i like it:D
thank you
Thank you Ronnie, you did it twice . You pronounced adj as adg , is there a reason !?
like like you. your so funny i love your lesson. thank you.
thanks mam..!
i would like to comment your videos but i don’t know english but i like to learning english
Thanks very much but I want ur help to improve my listening
thank you
Hello Ronnie.
really thank you so much for your help to make things going easy for us here.i suggest to learn us the propostions because really most of pupils are confused about it and am one of them.even i did alot of excercise,so if you have any eay idea to help us for that.thank you so much.and always keep smling.bye.
Hi i am from Singapore.i love your teaching
OH! I’m 100%! Wonderfull. Thanks teacher.
Thank you Rooni
you said the word after be verb with “ing” or “ed” will be adjective what about present continues like this : I’m watching TV. Is “watching” verb or adjective?
thank you Ronnie,you help me to learn English.I’m just beginner.
This is a good practice!!! Thanks Ronnie.
Hallo! Ronee dank u wel!!!
Thanks a lot.
do we can call adjective as adnoun?
It makes the terminologies more regular, isn’t it?
nice video
hi ronnie mam.. thanxs a lot mam .. u r so sweet and u r ma best teacher
Thank you my dear teacher. I’m learning portuguese studing inglish
very helpfull
thanks Ronnie!
Thank you
wow you amazing teacher thank you very much teacher RONNIE you number 1
Thank you,Teacher.
First of all, I’d like to thank you and all the teachers for the classes!! I love it so much!!
Second, I have a doubt in this lesson.
I thought “I” was just a “pronoun”. I’d like to understand why “I” is a noun in this case.
Thank you in advance!!
Hello! Why we say “run slowly”, but not “run fastly”?
thanks for teaching me teacher..thanks a lot.
Thx Ronnie :)
I make a 100 on this text.
T got 100 out of 100.
thank you very much ronnie
I like Ronny and these explications, it’s the best
sorry Ronnie
hi ronni,
I have got 90%.
Thanks a lot~ and I have a question for you. I have confused when you wrote ” The cat is tired” I am tired, ‘tired’ should be a adjective or past participle form of verb? In addition, a word of married as adjective or pp. Anybody help me if you can. Thanks.
Thanks…I got 10 out of 10…I am really enjoying your lessons.
Dear Ronnie,
Thank a lot for the English lesson.
Good day.
100 thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie!
This is a lovely style to teaching!!! I need practice and practice to remember it very well… Thanks million :)
I have several questions, in my english lesson
Adjective describe nouns or pronouns and
Adverb describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. I’m little confusing about adverb describe verbs, adjectives or other adverbs, can u give me more explain about that, Thank
Thanks, Ronnie.
the last question was
adjective would usually describe :
1_a noun 2_adverb
3_ names 4_verb
it was the hardest :)
because the answer must be 1 with 3
both are same
am i coreect ??
danibr from brazil ^_^
may i explain it for you ??
I = person
person is a noun ^_^
and thanks ^^
mr. khalid from saudia ^_^
alsalam alaykom first ^^
about your douet is (is watching verb or adjective )
it is adjective because it decsribed the noun
(I )
I is a noun
and watching is adjective
Ronnie ! you(n.) are (v.) amazing (adj)!!!!!!!
You’re a nice person :)
You’re a nice person :)
thanks roone
Thank you Ronnie.
Ronnie you are fantastic, excellent teacher!!! Congratulations
Hello Ma’am. Ma’am I got 10/10.In previous test also I got 10/10.So,I like the way you teach but Ma’am can you make one video on infinitive.
thnxxx Ronnie… thnx so much…
Literally you are the best instructor…
Superb Ms.Ronnie teacher. Thanks a lot
thanks Ronnie you way is very cool
Thank you Ronnie you´re excelent teacher ;)
thanks ronnie very much .You’re the best . 10/10 is the good result for me . i hope you’ll have a lof of new video comeback soon . you’re funny teacher .
Thankyou! <3
hi how do i increase my confident level to speak english as anative speaker??
Thanks ronnie i did the quiz got nine correct and one wrong.thanks
I got one hundred Points, It was really easy.
:) ..
thank u very much to describe basic concepts of grammer
I like your funny way to teach us english. Thanks so much Ronnie. Blesses….
Thank Ronnie today lesson is so helpful and i got 10 marks.
Thank you so much :)
Hi Ronnie Your lessons are very entertaining and useful. I have a confusion. I would like to know when to use being and been. for example, I being trying to communicate with you over the phone or I been trying to communicate with you which one of these sentences is grammatical correct. Also should we add the simple past tense or the present continuous to verb after the verbs was/were like or this rule only apply when the verb to be is written in the singular present form am/is/are like you taught us in one of your beginner lesson. Thank you Ronnie inn advance for your help…
thank you so much, ma’am ronnie
Thanks Ronnie.. Yipppee I got a perfect score.
thanks Ronnie madam,,i got 10 out of ten..
thank you so much
thanks your lesson
Thank’s a lot of miss Ronnie..i can learn from your video. And always watching your video to added my experience for my lesson.
can you help me, how to decided the first sentences than paragraph,the eminent than some paragraph. than you for your attention miss. Success for us and God Bless.
Thanks for the great lesson I wish all the teachers were like you It would be nice ^_^
thank you
many more thanks for your basic but important lesson…….. no enough words to say….i really love your every lesson. i often watch these video. you are such a very great teacher.
thanks alot
Thanx teachers to very good quiz of noun
Amazing quiz thanks for you all to made this web
great class thank you “)
thanks a lot Ronnie, it’s important cours for me.
thank you so much ,
you make my level in English up !
It’s easy!!
got 100, refreshing my English grammar, still need to move on the next lecture, thanks to Teacher Ronnie.
Hello , Thanks Roonie God Bless You :) … !
Lots of comment ^^
Thanks a lot teacher
thank you it was fun and useful :p
Thanks!It’s very useful. I got 100
thanx teacher
thanks teacher ^^
Thanks Dear Teacher I got it 100%.
Thanks Ronnie
your my favorite teacher
thank you very much
Thank you, I learned the difference between adjective and adverb.
thank you Ronni
Thanks! a lot, but I am gonna tell u a small thing that is very important to know :)……… You said noun is a person, place, or thing but we can add one more thing and say A noun is a person, place, , thing and Idea :)
Thanks you.!
that is really great lesson that was my nightmare thanks god you upload this video
thanks a lot <3
it was a very nice lesson…
i like it very much..
Thank you Ronnie.
you are so amazing i got 10\10
thanks , great course
thank’s teacher :) ! could you tell me how to write a survey please ? :)
Absolutely. Ronnie is a good teacher. Im a cloud nine to learned the difference. Between. Noun verb. Adv. and adj….. Thanks ronnie.
I love you ronnie your the best :)
Thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie I got 90%.
Hi Ronnie,
I am new here, and I’m learning English. I would like to ask if you ‘a video about “Prepositions”. Tha
Hi Ronnie,
Please ignore my previous comment. I would like to ask if you have a video about “Prepositions”. I am so confused about it.
Thank you so much.
i have only. for you Thank you. Thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie! I love the funny way you are introducing your subject. Keep it up!
thank you
i got 10/10 :)Thanks to you Ronnie for your interesting way of teaching.
Simple way to understand the basic English.. thanks a lot…
Hi Prof.Ronnie, Thank u so much your class more interesting and informative.
I got 10/10 I am very happy about marks.But mam basically I’m very poor in English grammar and making sentence sometimes I use to get lots of confusion.How I can find the mistakes which I am doing in grammar.Please help me mam.
But mam I have few doubts in this class as u said, ‘The cat is Tired”, in this sentence.
Is verb
cat noun
Tired adjective, but mam as u said verb is an action word so the word tired is also a action but why u say tired is an adjective word.
thank you very much . i got 100 degrees
I got 100% marks.Thanks for the lesson.
thanks Ronnie
I got 100%
Thank you Ronnie
hi Ronnie,
I’M beginner.
i love the way you teaching.
Help me Ronnie,a few days ago i met a friend from singapore.we’re chat/talked/conversation in a few minutes because i’m relly confius in using sentence.
We are talking about the/a place that was planned to build a house but this place should/shall/must/ be put by the soil/sand/land because the placed they were planned to build a house is the swamp area.
here is our conversation
1.me – hi, nice to met you how are you
2.my friend (mf)- hi,me to.i’m fine thanks you
3.me-where you from
4.MF – singapore.
5.Me-when did you arrived
7.Me-how many days you stay/live/leave/stayed here
8.me-where you stay/live
9.Me-when will/would you going home/go back to singapore
10.me-did your family come along with you
11.this place is swampy area and need to put the soil/sand/land.but it is worry that someday it’s will ruin
It’s cool teacher.Can you teach advance.I want to approve my english advance.thankys.
teacher thanks…
Thanks Ronnie, I got 10/10
Thanks Ronnie! 9/10
it’s useful.I got 90%
Its’s beneficial lesson !! i hot 100%
With you, it is very simple
Thank you 10/10
So easy to understand. You are a great trainer !!!
a lot of thanks…..
how can i improve my english please need help
thanks in advance:)
hello Ronnie. you ara a grat teacher . I love you.
and i’m a Egyptian Student.i’m 10 years old . I love English so much . and i want to learn it.
I want to be afriend with you on a feacebook if you have an account
Thanks a lot Teacher.
Ronnie thank you.You are great teacher
You are amazing Ronnie.
thanks madam very easy to understand
thanks ma’am
Thank you for your lesson. I got 10. :)
Awesome ! I got 100%. Thanks Ronnie :)
Ronnie,, you’re an amazing teacher :) , I couldn’t understand until today the difference between, Noun, Adverb, Adjective, I think that is because I don’t understand the grammar in my native language spanish lol , but thank you so much for that cute explication in the video !!! :D I learnt a lot !!!
wonderful lesson!
that what’s am looking for. thank ronnie
hi ronnie thank’s for your teaching me about the verb, adverb, adjective and noun so now i am little understanding about that so thank you very much and i hope you teach me again
Hi Ronnie, I have just found out this site today. I am so excited and happy to hear that you were in my country, Japan for four years.
I’m sure that Japanese people love your characters.
Thank u so much Ronnie keep on
thank u . I got 100%.
Absolutely Amazing, Excellent skills Ronnie to make understand the concepts very simple and easy.
Perfect, very easy to understand you…
100% thanks teacher
hello! Ronnie your lesson is verry good! thanks
Hello!Ronnie, I want to say thank you with a good explanation, and i would like you provide more homework for your online student. Thanks
it’s a good refresher.
Thnx techer good lesson.
You are great !!!! thank you so much!!!
This class realy reacognize the grammar that we learned.
Today I’m at the college here in Brazil and I’m making the impossible.
Lerning to listening and speaking to speak this language, thanks one more time.
see you.
Thanks.The lessons are very interesting.during my school i never loved learning grammar as i always thought it to be difficult for me.Continue the teaching.I really loved learning here at engvid.
Thanks teacher , I like your lesson
Oh nooooooooooooooo
only 90 !!!
Thanks for the lesson is very usefull.
I love your accent teacher I want to learn to talk with this kind of accent it’ magic.
Thanks Ronnie, you are a great teacher… and you teach with fun. You are a female version of Robin Williams :) cute :)
big fat thank you
I got 9 correct out of 10 .
Thank you
You are the best teacher in the website.
I got a Perfect score 100. :) thank you ma’am ronnie.
:) You are hot!
I understand clearly. Thanks Ronnie. After my quiz, I watched again to correct myself. :-)
Thank you Ma’am Ronnie, you’re lesson is very simple and easy to understand.Its really big helpful to us, especially like me.
my name is sdjeda from JORDAN ,I need more lessons about DERIVATION RULE .
yea………….it’s a good lecture for beginning and Intermedia …………thx for ur efforts andall the teachers in ur group………….
thank you teacher, you are the best
Finaly I understood adjectives and adverbs. Thank you so much, Ronnie.
Waaaw I got 90 .thank you so much
WOOOOAAAAAHHH!!!! I got 100. Unbelievable. Thanks Ronnie, it is working.
Thanks Ronnie, i got 10 :D.
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie. You are the best and this site is really great for us.
I have request about the meaning of some adverbs like basically, initially,additionally, usually,theoretically, hypothetically, critically, technically, gradually ect. I want to know how to use them in grammar.
thank you Ronnie
YEY!!! I GOT 100. thanks Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie! =)
Very Nice Video 90 out of 100
me too, 9/10 sad
thank you very much.I will try my best.
Thanks Ronnie!!
I enjoy your lessons.
tanks Ronnie
tanks Ronnie
it is right. very important but very basic. i have some knowledge of this. 100% is right on quiz test.
What is the adverb in the following sentence?
The fat cow ran fast.
Why not fast, fast describes a verb in this case verbe is run ?
thank you ronnie realy we are love you so much
GREAT teacher. love u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thank you!
Hi Ronnie! Your lessons are great!
I really want to ask about word formation when is asked to use a given word in the end of the line and u have to form a word that fits with the sentence…
for exp: I`m afraid the food isn`t….good (particular)
i wanna know when to put an adv,adj, v or n in different situations?
thanks ^_^
Thanks a lot. Thats a great lesson
your teaching skill is so lovely :)
thanks a lot teacher Ronnie
Thank you so much. These classes are helping me a lot.
thanks ronnie
thanks ronnie
i got a 100
10 correct out of 1o
thank you so much!!
Thank you Ronnie, your teaching is excellent and you are just fun to watch and learn.
Thank you Ronnie.I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Ronnie, you’re the best
i like you very much…!
Thanks Ronnie. Love you :D
Hi . Ronnie. I’m enjoying all your class
What a teacher you are!
Thank you teacher :)
You made me understand a lot easier.
great lesson
Very great lesson thanks dear ronnie
thank you so much.
thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie,it was wonderful lesson.
very good
Thank You so much!
10 out of 10….great!
Thanks Ronnie! :*
my resut is 100 how great !
thank you teacher Ronnie :*
lovely style of teaching … Ronnie you rock.
Thank you so much for the lesson made me understand a lot and Like style of ur teaching .Ronnie :PPP
thank you very much Ronnie…… i want how to use do did does plz tell me….
Ronnie you are incredible, thank you for every listening lesson.
This class very attractive.İam very fond of it.thanks
Love the way you are :) ..!!!!
Ronnie, your lessons are the best way to Learning English. Thank you so much :)
I got 10 Ronnie
Wow i got 10 out of 10. thanks ronnie
U learn me a lot.
I am going to be learning TEFL soon. Loving this site; I want to be this kind of teacher a little bit nutty very good!!
Thank u so much Ronnie
Thank you!
thank u
Thanks lots great teacher, very help full videos for learning English.
Thx Ronnie, You help us a lot…
love you teacher i got 80%
You are an amazing teacher in the world!!!
You are awesome teacher, it’s very clarify for me to learn English when You teach,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks you very much,
Thank you soooooo much Ronnie. I really love your lesson.
Thank you !
Now I can identify between adv and adj…
Millions thanksssss
Ronnie you are the best teacher.You make all so useful.
Ronnie you are funny and outstanding English teacher.we enjoy learning not boring.thanks engvid.com
Thanks Teacher
wow i got 10/10 thank u so much teacher ronnie i learned very fast because u was explaining very well..
thank you so much !!!!!
thank you teacher Ronnie. You make me understand grammar easier. I love the way you teach. Love you.
thanks a lot
thank you :)
It was a wonderful lesson, thanks a lot :)
Hi Dear prof. I have a question. some verbs are not action verbs. For example ” jump ” is action verb but ‘ be ” is not . However can we say a verb is a ” actio word” in general ? please answer me. thanks a lot.
thanks a lot
Thank you very much for the interessing lessons.
Ive got 100/100.
Thanks Mam
She sounded very ….. on the phone
Which is the correct? And why?
Thanks ❤️?
tnx ronnie
Ronnie is good english teacher.
Am i right?
Please correct me ,if i am wrong.
That was good. Very good way to keep it fresh in your mind. I now will have to try that.
very usefull lesson . thanks
I’m surprised I’ve got 10 of 10! Oh,may!
I learned from the best :)
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for this video. I was able to stop the video take notes and keep watching. I think this is going to help me get my GED. I hope anyway.
Thank you so much for your nice and informative lesson
Thank you Ronnie :)
Thankful ^^
Thank you very much T:Ronnie
but i need to ask you about something
i will anshallah travel to London
British and american accent are thay have a lot of deference’s or not
Thank you so much ma’am.
I have a question to ask for example if I say “The cat is walking” then what is the role of word “walking” in the sentence. is it adjective or verb? as you said verb is an action word so “walking” is an action word but it also describes the noun “cat” in the sentence as you said adjective always describe a noun.
thanks alot
Thanks teacher that was easy lesson .
Hello Suhayaya, I am Juan carlos from colombia, I have the same problem that you have. would you like to speak in english with me? if you are interested please send me a messages. my level is advanced
my e-mail is Juanmmiv@hotmail.com
Thaks :)
Ronnie!!! Thanks a lot! You guys are really great but I have a question!!! In the sentence “The cat is tired” I confuse the adverb with the passive form. I can’t understand! E.g. Can you say “The cat is tired from him”? So in that case the verb is “tired” while “is” is the auxiliary, right? How do you discern that from the other form?
Thanks Teacher !
I’ll do it again to understand
It was easy and I have got 100%.
thanks a lot..
Thanks for help!!
Thanks a lot dear teacher, that was very informative to me.
Thank you very much, Ronnie!!! your lesson so helpful to me.
Good lessons
Thanks a lot
want to thank you for all this lessons is very useful,if you don’t mind can you do some vedios for topics of covertation pleas i need it thank for other times
love it :) thanks ms. Ronnie :)
100% awesome how i learn english on this site..!!!!
Thank you so much Ronnie :)
Thank you very much…..
love ur vdo !!! easy way to learn :)
thnks u rinnie MAM
thanks teacher
thanks ronnie i like u
YEAP A GET 100 IN QUIZ Thanks ronnie :)
Thank you Teacher!
thank you lovely lady
Hi! Ronnie! I am glad that I found your videos. For me, you are the coolest English tutor I’ve ever seen. You are not boring every time I watch your tutorial videos. Keep it up! And thank you. I have so many lessons that I have learned from your tutorial videos especially about the basic grammar. Make more videos! God bless!
One thing I would love to talk about Ronnie, Thanks u so much, Have 1000 best thing for u.
thank you …..
Hi Ronnie,
I would like to thank Ronnie teacher. Because of easy to understanding the english grammar myself .So thank you very for your dedicated teaching the English class.
Fantastic teaching videos.
Thank you Ronnie.
thank you teacher
I can learn a lot with your lessons but, I can roll about all the time! You are very extroverted, I love it so much. Haha! Thanks for the precious lesson! :D Congratulations!
Thanks for this video, it’s really gonna help for my test tomorrow
thank you so much Ronnie,You are cheerful, lively ,lovely and I admire you very much, you are the best teacher .
i cant submit to next question
I got full marks in the test. Thanks Ronnie for such a nice lesson
Got 10 , நன்றி
i wish i known this web sooner, every lession i perfect, the teacher is very enthusiastic. thank you so much for what you did for us.
thank you, I will be perfect in English because you are my teacher :D
Thank you Rooney ^_^
im sorry, but why the sound isnt out? i dont hear anything. thank you
finally, that sound is out. i can learn lesson well. thank you
Thank you.Finally I can learn lesion well
I got 10! thank you ronnie. it helps a lot! :) youre the best!
thank you so much??
thank you, and now i became a fan of you
Thank you very much may you live long all teachers
no explanation for wrong answer? why?
Hi Ronnie! You are amazing. Thank you so much.
Thank you teacher
A very good video, thanks.
Thanks mam?
thanks Ronnie, your lesson is very useful
Hi Ronnie how are you doing ? I appreciate you!because your lesson is very very clear English lesson.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Hi Ronnie thanks for ur lesson. its so intersting to watch ur video.you teach very interesting way.
Thanks alot Mam.
Hi teacher…..my score is 100…thanks
Thanks teacher it’s was very usefull
ms ron when to use “have had” or to put “s” in a verb at the end. still confused. sorry for my English, I’m a beginner.
It was useful.
Thanks teacher.
thanks for lesson
Thanks,it is helpful.
The best network of learning english with great high Qualified teachers.Thanks a lot.
Ronnie u said j but like g is that right
10/10!!! :D I LOOOOOOVE RONNIE! :* :* :*
i make a hundred thanks
Thank you I love it
Thank you so much i pround for you
The way you explain make us feel all easy!!
Thank you teacher i learned more.
Thank you Ronnie
thank you Ronnie!
I love u
Hi Ronnie, you said we can use , “We are not” or “We aren’t” – but can’t we use “We’re not”
thankyou somuch for the lesson teacher!!!!
i am loving it. know grammatically its wrong
You are an amazing teacher
thank you for the lesson, teacher :)
Thanks teacher
thanks teacher
I like the way you teach. Thanks
Thanks.You are an amazing teaching.
Hi Ronnie !I have a doubt.In this sentence ‘The cat is sleeping ‘What is the adjective ?
I love Engvid Videos and I use them to teach my college ESL classes. This particular one has an error that will confuse some people. Right around 1:58 Ronnie is giving examples of verbs and she says, “These are all nouns.” Is there a way you can edit that so it is correct and will not confuse?
thankyou very much i really apreciate you
Thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you very much Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. My grammar no good, I have to Practice more.
thank you so much.
Thank you very much, Ronnie.
Good lesson Ronnie!!!
Thank you for help me :D !!!!
thanks a lot for this lesson
I got 10 to 10… Uauuu !! Thanks Ronnie
I got it perfect. Thank you teacher Ronnie ?
very thanks doctor :)
Hello Ronnie!
My name’s Sayed, I live in the US originally from Egypt, I listen to your awesome videos every day I learned a lot and I would like to know if EngVid
allow you to give personal classes online.
Please let me know.
thank you for your teaching about English grammar this is useful for me to practice English language
thanks for teaching
Excellent lesson…
your method great easy to understand
I got 10 out of 10! These parts of speech are not hard. Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you very much!
Hi ronnie. Thank you for your great teaching way and lesson. I just have a doubt on my sentence. “Ronnie is teaching beautifully”, as you said that adjective comes after “to be verb”. But base on my sentence, ronnie is a noun, is is verb, teaching is verb also and beautifully is adverb. There is no adjective right? Am I correct ronnie? If you don’t mind please correct me if any is there. Thanks
Great idea.
Thanks guys, I am living in Guatemala city, I got 63 years old, With a good English I can still work for any call center here in my country, I will get a test next January, and I hope I will do it, I am reviewing my English grammar in order to get a good score. Your material is great.
Ms. Ronnie, you make learning fun and easy.
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the English Lesson. I enjoy the way you teach English.
I got 9 correct out of 10
Hello Ronnie, thank you i got 8/10??
Thanks Mrs Ronnie
Superlative teacher
The way Ronnie teaches is the best! Thanks!!
This is a very useful lesson & thanks Ms. Ronnie for your way of presentation.
Great lesson, fun teacher who makes it easier to learn.
Thank you teacher and more power to you
well, 10/10, I think that passed A1 level…jaja
Thanks, Ronnie. I get it now.
now I understand and got 90 almost 90%.
Wonderful. Thank you ?
This Lesson teaches me a lot ,,i think I’m starting from here now
This Lesson teaches me a lot ,,looks like this is my first lesson ,thank you
thank you teacher
Thank u teacher!! i got 10 out of 10!
YEEES i got 10/10
Thank you so much.
Ronnie I love ? you’re videos please teach me more???
So easy…Thanks Ronnie.
good jop
your the best Roony
9/10! I learned the new word “stink”.
Got 10 correct out of 10.
I m 35 and learned very quickly, all kudos to teach Ronnie, Thanks Much teach!!
Thank you teacher
9/10 !! Thank you, teacher Ronnie :)
Thank you teacher :D
I know English Grammar a little, but I know, that “I” is PRONOUN not NOUN
Thanks Ronnie
thank you teacher
I wanted to ask that in this phrase “means of communication”, is “means” a noun or an adjective?
If communication is a noun then how can means be a noun too? because in the dictionary both are marked as nouns.
communication just only as nouns.see every words if there are in the end /tion/that mean nouns.
well, what an excellent video. it helped me a lot the video is over nine years and still helping people. thank you a lot
I got 10/10.thanks a lot.
I got full marks nice!
sencilla pero buena clase!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thank you!
Help me lean English spelling proprely