Petrol or gas? Lorry or truck? High Street or Main Street? British or American English? Learn both British and American English vocabulary for talking about driving and cars!
I really like to improve my English thanks for your teaching ,
yes I had fun. downtown in north america,centre in british, one more stove in north america, cooker in british. good bye n’ so long dear Ronnie.
Hi, really nice podcast again. I am kind of liking your presentations – but this time I need to throw something in ;-) The bumper has nothing to do with the fender. The fender is usual more like the wing in British. I guess the bumper is the same in both – British and North American English ?!?!
wink wink
Excellent lesson. One request more for you Ronnie. Please do a lesson on USA vs Canada expressions. It would be good to discern the difference between these two.
I’ve just thought up something Ronnie. Could you somehow organize method about making new lessons on this site, or on a facebook. What do I mean by that? When someone propose a new lesson, then all of us students like it if we agree. And proposition that has the most likes, then you grant our requests. What do you say on that?
That is a good idea!
great job Ronnie.
your videos are amazing and simple.
i have a request about “ed” past simple.
could you please, provide some videos about adding “ed” to verbs and its pronunciation whether “t” or “ed” in the endings.
Rebecca has already done a lesson on that! Search engvid for “ed endings“
It’s me “tommy” after registering.
thanks for your kind reply Ronnie.
i’ll search for it.
thanks again.
have a nice day my amazing teacher.
Ronnie. i need really a lesson for prepositions because i am confused about the difference in using each one of them such as from, on, at,in, into. and there are also a certain verbs take a dfinite prepositions after it
I do believe that prepositions like on in, at, etc should meet certain actions, Please Check Alex’s Prepositions Video which explain it more, Also a good way may help you in the prepositions is to find the sentence smooth when you try to read it and it does give a meaning.
Best Regards
hi ronnie . u ar really good teacer for me. thanks a lot
Excellent lessen, really very intresting i will that way which the teacher teaching.I need more lessons in vocabulary .
hello could you continue this lessen with
other subject ?
Thank you Ronnie, Its very useful for me. Please teach us more of this kind and help us improving our vocabulary.
Very good lesson.
Fantastic it was!
Many tx.
Keep it up plz!!
It’s wonderful! I am enjoying theses lessons. Thank you very well.
Tks Ronnie,
It’s good Lesson. I’m so glad. Have good New Year. Lily from Brazil
Hi. Mrs ronnie I want lear geammer and speaking please i want help
Thanks alot Ronnie,
I’d like to know if there is a common language in English that is understandable between all the English speaker countries. i.e form example each Arabian country has their own accent and special words but we have a formal language that is understandable between all Arab countries.
Yes, as I said, ALL English speaking countries understand each other, it is just different vocab./slang that we use!
Good lessons, I love them. Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie
Hi ronnie ,i would love all your lessons. but i want to help me how to organise my CV(RESUME”).
I would relax if you just answer my question,please? i love you ronnie
I’m waiting for your response.
Look on the internet to find a sample resume!
Hi Ronni,
what verb do you use when a car passes by another car, normally at a higher speed?
In North America= pass. In British= overtake
Since I use to speak both of them but dominantly the British, I found it interesting, even I found sometimes confusing people who use to speak the American while I use the British words and vise-verse
i love you ronnie
hi for everyone please i wont someone help me i wont essay about how to learn English and i wont from the teacher help me how to make a good essay…..please and thanks a lot
Hi. good lesson
You know I adore British vocabulary, as well the accent.
take these works.
In BrE, windscreen. in AmE windshield.
in BrE, windscreen wiper. In AmE windshield.
In BrE gear lever (also gear stick). In AmE gear shift, stick
nice information
thank you for the lesson…I like it
Nice class, Ronnie! =) I’ve learned North American English better. I had 5 American coworkers and I never had big problems understanding them, but then a guy from the UK joined our team of workers and things got a bit complicated. As I’m not a native English speaker, the British accent was really difficult for me to grasp while speaking fast. I’ve always wondered if the same happens to native North American English speakers while talking to native British English speakers?
Well, it depends on people`s intelligence level. If someone is smart, they can figure out what other people are saying even if they use different vocabulary. Also, a lot of people have British heritage or had a British friend or watched British tv or have travelled, so they may have been exposed to British English!
Thank you, Ronnie! What really raised my interest so as to making this question is that I’m a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker and I swear to God I don’t understand really much what Portugal’s Portuguese speakers mean when they talk fast. So I thought it could kind of be the same thing with the British and North Americans.
Once again, thank you for your time and attention!
Good lesson Ronnie, love the way you teach.
I clicked on this video by accident, but I also was very lazy to switch the video. So I wait, during the first few seconds I thought in a thousand of swear words and couldn’t bear myself of being so stupid.But the magic began, the class was getting interesting and I ended up felt in love for you Ronnie. Awesome lecture.
What are the meanings of following words both North American and British English?
We use these words when talking about four-year school programs (high school or college/university). “Sophomore” means a student in their second year, “junior” is third year, and “senior” is fourth year.
engVid Moderator
which is more impolite? american english or british english?
There is no difference in the matter of politeness.
thank you for the lesson, who ever thought giving a free lesson it is a big reward for people English is their second language
thank you again
stay blessed
hi thanks for lovely lesson
thanks ronnie;)
Hi ronnie, you’re a nice teacher and i love to watch all your lessons..
i just want to ask you
i’m a new student in university and i feel sad about my language it’s good but i can’t still with it..
Can you just tell me what can i do to improve my speaking skills and if you know any website give lots of vocabulary besauce my words are not that much to help me in the future
could you please do more lessons especially on work expressions in British English and American English are the same or different Thanks regards
Thank you, nice information. I hope to see you in next lesson.
Hello Ronnie, thanks for your lesson. I would like to ask you about word out of this theme. It is famous using in mobile communication. When someone make a call to other but short call without take a call on the recipient side. In my vocabulary is prank or drop-call, or my idea is short-call. Are there anything else differences in British, American and worldwide EN?? Whats about in Canada? Thanks so much for your answer. Take care
We say prank call! I think it is the same in Britain and North America but I don`t know for sure!
I like your sense of humor!
love the way you teach
Thanks for this leason,I really love it.
Thanks you very much for giving nice information, see on next level
I love your classes very much. Especially the pronounciation classes. Thanks a lot.
I’m glad to discover this important site. I’ve learned some new vocabularies. Thank you much.
Thank you for the nice lesson! I like your sense of humor.
Thank you very much for lessons teatcher ronnie
i love you^_^ my dear teacher
i stand your lessons more quick than others
Hello dear teacher Ronnie.I am studying English department at University.I can improve my English with help of your lessons.I want to say that you are one of the best teachers who i have ever seen.Thank you.
Yours faithfully
it was great speech,you dont know me but I CONSIDER YOU my own teacher ,you have learnt a lot of thinks to me
Oh Ronnie I really like the way you teach :) this videos is one of the best lessons I have ever seen
BUT I gotta a little question
why do we say ”If I were you” and not ”If I was you”??
because I know that we have to use the word ”was” with
and I
Thank you ^^
We say this because when we SPEAK English, we ignore a lot of the grammar rules!!
So, was I right
which on of these is correct?
And make more please!
Ronnie,I would like you to explain in your next video, how to pronounce the words ‘through ‘ and ‘throw’. and i also want to congratulate you for the great job that you’ve been doing. You are amazing ! kisses and thanks :)
I writ this msg now when i lerned english from engvid i thank ms.ronnie
Give us more lesson
James T
Thanks Ronnie for your time ,It’s really useful .God bless you.
mrs ronnie
i’m so happy to know yo today
I’m an Egyptian, I enjoyed quite a way of your explanation, you are very wonderful teacher
thank you very much and we will wait your new vid.
Ronnie I love the way you explain your class, thank you
hi Ronnie . hope u got me . i m rawail ur medieval student who then left working over the web! . But now am back after a long time . Happy New Year to u and Canada ! May God keep u and Canada everlasting and cheering ! . i want to ask u somethin concerning english that can ya assist me like providing me with some slangs ! i be waiting for ya . hope the message is replied earlier than to be late . Bye and take care
Look at the site there are many new lessons on slang! Also. check out it is a slang dictionary!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie . How r ya ? well , in the quiz i got 8 out of 10. Was it good plz reply me back
I am a big fan of a way to explain
can you help me in conjunctions grammar?
Hi Ronnie, just i want to say that u´re one of my favorite eachers in this page.
Also, u are very nice person. U like me
In your opinin How learning english exactly ?
Live in an English speaking country.
thank you so much Ronnie, you are the best!
Hi Ronnie, I’d like to ask a very bewildered question.. What is the difference between (I remember doing and I remembered to do) can I say (I remember to do?? my last Question is if there is in english (I remembered doing????? plz give me examples. thnk u teacher by the way I like ur way of teaching ,u r such a fabulous teacher.
I remember doing = something you did as a habit in the past. Eg. I remember going to the park when I was 5.
I remembered to do = One thing you remembered to do. Ex.. I remembered to wash the car.
Thank you I got your point.
hai,how to speak english properly?
im from pakistan and i watch your all lesson i just want to say you are the best teacher in the world if i got a chance i will meet you i will try to come in your country for study
Hi, Ronnie
you are a great teacher. you have a special method of teaching. I am happy about joining engvid
i like you
i love you….my sweet opk
Thanks Ronnie!! Your lessons are great!!!
What’s the difference between “trip” and “travel”?
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! You are amazing teacher Ronnie!
Hello Ronnie! Thank you for the great lesson!) Can you do please a lesson on Direct and Indirect Speech? I’m looking forward.
OK! I will!
Thank you very much!=)
Hi there
Thank you very much for your lectures
Hello, Ronnie! Did i write correctly your name or no? If no, accept my apologies-) I like to learn English with your funny lessons. My level is beginner, so i didn’t learn “perfect” tenses, but, it seems to me, you will understand me-). I know, i make mistakes, and I learn from it, as you said in some of the your lessons. I study English in Kazakstan, and it is first of problem in studing a language. Because around me i hear a lot of languages- Russian, Kazakh, Chinese, except English, i often forget what i learned in last lessons) I hope, you and your lessons will help me on my way in learning English) So, what do you advise to me?
P.S. Please, correct my mistakes, but remember, i learned only Present Continious, simple, Past and Future Simple=)
I am Mongolian girl… This lesson is very important ….
Thank You So much :))
Mrs ronnie ,I’ve important question plz
I find very much videos in this site very motivating .
how can I start with right arrangement to maximize my english language.grammer first? or idioms?.. or what?
finally thank u very much for your way in explaining.
I would start with beginner lessons – learn vocabulary first, then basic grammar. Idioms are very difficult!!!
hey ronnie . ihave a disease of madness so do you know will i get rid of my stupid madnass . awaits for your answer bye .
Mad Person Rawail
Sure you will! Good luck!
hi ronniie . i want to ask you something . i dont know english . plz explain me thanks
thank you
Thanks, a good explanation of the topic.
I made a research about the difference between British and American language in most of the sides,so could you look at it please?
if you agree I send it to you teacher.
ok! I’ll read it!
I love British English sooo-much !!
if we want to test our self what shod we do
thank you ronnie.
You scored 4 out of 5.
:D :D i love listening & watching u actually :) u’re amazing teacher i ever seen in my life :)))) Thxx for your Great work :) ;) have fun in ur life & god bless your dayss :) ;)
very nice lesson thank you
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your lessons and the way of teaching!
thanks a lot dear ronnie :)
can i ask one question ? where is the topic for hotel and restaurant? coz i m studying abt this major. thanks so much :)
hi u did’t reply me
you’re lessons are very interesting . i like them very much
Amazing teacher
nice lesson, thanx, Ronnie. You are so good a teacher!
Hi Ronnie!
you are really really fantastic teacher
your explanation is excellent
you are the first teacher in the team
my best wishes
thanx ronnie they are very useful
Hi Ronnie, thank you so much for your contribution towards teaching English as second language. You know I love the way you are greeting your audience … “hi there my name is RRRONNIE”.
Stay safe,
Hi ronnie
thx you
and actually my language is not well also i have problem about how to start to learn English and how to save the vocabulary . And if you have Institute can i joined plz tell me.And sorry if i bother you this my email if you can help me thx again
hi teacher can we use these word in canada
Like like like !!!!
dear ranne first i would like to thank you so much for your videos i realy like it and watch them daily but i would like to ask if you can teach us the bussiness corespondance word so i can easily send a profficional email to my colleges
very nice
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you if is possible to make a leson about the work in the hotel,how you say at room,bad,stairs and all the thinks from the hotel,becouse in one month I will work in the hotel and I dont know to speak english very good.I looked on the internet how can say but the problem I dont know very good to prononce all,for ex at elevator?Thank you very much Ronnie for all your leson and I hope to help me.
Unfortunately, i will not be able to make a lesson and have it on the site in one month.
What job will you be doing at the hotel? Please tell me the words you need help saying and I will tell you!
Ele -vay-ter (ele like elephant)
Bed (not bad)
Thank you very much becouse you made time to answer me,I will work as a maid,and I looked on the internet all the words I need, but how I told you yesterday I dont know how is the prononce.And I have another question.The verb ,,to be,, at the negative forme.At the present time it is I AM NOT? At the past tense it is I WAS NOT?Becouse I am very confuse with this negative form at the present and the past tense.For exemple:I dont know the answer.I didnt know the answer(at negative forme in the past tense I use didnt and the present forme at the verb. Thank you very much Ronnie.
Yes, you are correct! At the present time it is I AM NOT. At the past tense it is I WAS NOT.
Please write a list of what words you need help saying! Also, you can look at an online dictionary and there is usually a button you can press to hear the word!!!!!!!!!
Hi! Ronnie!
You are very energetic person. And the same time you are cool teacher! I enjoy learning foreign language.
With you I desire new knowledge.
Ms Ronnie,I’m very confused about the usages of the following tenses :past simple,past perfect,present perfect please help me with some videos that illustrate the differences between them
Thank you for your response!I will look on the internet online dictionary.And please can you tell me if is corect what I will writte you now?When I ask a person something I must to put DO-at the present time:DO you eat?,all the time when I ask something to say with DO?At the past I put DID and the verb it is at the present time??DID you eat?And with DONT,it is at the present time,and DIDNT at the past,and when I use DIDNT the verb it is at the present time???I DIDNT LOSE THE BOOK!Please to answer me becouse I am very confuse with this.thank you and a big hug for you!!!
The British wording for directional signal is not correct. “Blinkers” (almost always used only in its plural form) is very informal – the usual word is “Indicator” or “Indicators”. I have never ever heard the word “winker” used – I think you would be laughed at for this!
Also, your description of “crossroads” in British English is a little off. I think the more general translation of “intersection” into British English would be “junction”.
The use of the word “crossroads” in British English usually conveys information about the type of junction i.e. there would be a major route with no traffic restrictions crossed by a minor route where drivers must give way. It would not usually be used to describe a traffic-light controlled junction or a roundabout.
As a result of this, “crossroads” in British English would be mostly a rural thing too.
I don’t think “Motorway” is the best translation for highway, either.
“Motorway” in British English refers only to the highest class of highway which has special laws and regulations. I grew up in a city that was 80 miles from the nearest motorway, yet to get to it I could still drive along a 6-lane major road!
Soon I’m going to buy a car. So thanks to your lesson I may look like a professional driver when bying it.
I loved this lesson!
was the sentec that we had in this lesson.
Learned a lot, very informative video many thanks! :)
you can do that by watching english movies and songs .i wish good luck for you .i like india because it is agreat country and my friend is there.
Hello our best teachers i would like to thanks all of you and i have a suggestion that if you can give us same ideas about how to read books;short story.Thanks
Hi Ronnie I hope you are happy.
Really I totally understand you thanks for your effort for teaching us real English language. So these lessons are very useful for conversation than our schools, which they teach us English in very bad manner and rude. I can read and write English but I can’t speak and heard when I’m talking with English or American people.
Thank you my teacher.
Ali Murad
I love the way u teach
hello ronnie… a question for you…i have heard that the blinker or twinker… or directional light.. isnt called turn lights???? thanks
Perhaps in some parts of the English speaking world but I have never heard that expression! When you say “turn lights” I do understand what you mean though!
You are the best :D Your lessons are very usefull and funny.
Thanks and greetings from Poland :)
Artur Pałczyński
Since how much time has you been coming?
Is it correct?
Abdul Qayum
I know about another word to define a truck, the one is lorry… I’m not sure if they can be used unchangeably!
my teacher Ronie .
I’m not able to describe you .you are great teacher
thanks alot
You are very good teacher
please, can you give me advice , I want to learn English very well so how i can use the good materials that you introduce in this site,I see alot of good teacher but how i use it, that mean i must first to beginner and go to intermediate and run to advanced, or what i must do ,
I know this site is more exited and give me alot of information , can you help me please ,
full thanks to my beautiful teacher .
I am from Egypt . My dream talk like you . Thanks alot again.
Yes, start at the beginner lessons then continue on! Good luck!!!!
Deadly lesson…Ronie.
I like this lesson. Thanks a lot teacher.
i love the way you teach :)
I have a question after watching your “British & American English: Cars & Driving Vocabulary” lesson.
After consulting a dictionary, I doubt that bumper and fender seem to be different parts of a car rather than the same part with two names. Is that the case or I misunderstood you?
I watched some your lessons. They are great and I love them.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Vernon Wang
thanks. great video))))
Hi, Ronnie,
It´s hard to find people like you all, giving your time and knowledge for free.
Congratulations for having a heart like that. Now my question: Is there any difference between american and canadian english accents?
God bless you all. Thanks!
thx 4 all ronnie…
Hey Ronnie, you are a fantastic teacher, but please don’t confuse America (the continent) with the United States (a country).
My favorite word is manual – standard. I’d love to drive a stick shift. It might be hard changing gears, but otherwise, the car would be driving.
Jesse Corey
Hello Ronnie,
I really appreciate your teaching :)
But could you please fix the following mistake (everyone makes mistakes as you like to say):
a Bumper in UK is also a Bumper in US/CAN.
Fender is a different stuff (for motorcycle).
quite interesting! haha, dead bodies or alive bodies inside the boot!
ronnie can u tell good reading book names pleeeeeeeeeees .i wont to improve my english
Love your lessons Ronnie, but I don’t know anyone that calls their INDICATOR a blinker ha ha…..
pretty good
Hi Ronnie! I love the way u make your lessons.
U teach with a lot of humour. Should act in movies cause u have such a charisma. Gonna wait for new lessons ))))!!
hii ronnie…..
could you pls explain where to use MAY and MIGHT…?
Good Lessom :)
Afif Razanah
your teaching is very nice. i am very happy
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much.
Ronnie you are the teacher in engvid.
Ronnie) thanks for such interesting lessons) you’re a good teacher and always lift my mood! (like chocolate :D) thank you very much!)
Thanks a lot!
thanks ronnie…
thanks for this lesson
do you know something
if i was in your age i would like to marry you
i appreciate your geat attempt to help us
Ps /out lesson/ what does grate mean
In Indonesia, English is used only in international public service such as airports, hotels, bank, etc. Many people have a good vocabulary but don’t understand grammar at all. They speak in English but with Indonesian Grammar. American and British English are mixed and blended, To Foreigner we say “Crossroad” to call a crossed-by wide roads ( at least 4 tracks) and “Intersection” for narrow crossed-by streets. “Pavement” is a kind of “Sidewalk” where people may also selling merchandise and foods on it, while “Sidewalk” is specialized only for taking a walk.
Thanks for the valuable lesson ronnie.. :) i’m an indian, i don’t know which english do we use, is it american or british??
akash kadu
Thank you Ronnie for all lessons , I have question : What the different between main street and highway ?
Ahmad AlOtaibi
tnx teacher :)
Thanks Ronnie!
ok, 100 % Thanks Ronnie
Ok, excellent Ronnie!
new words thanks
I think most common word for crossroads in the uk is junction :)
Nice lesson I like cars too.
ann ann
good lesson ronnie
fady 99
really thanks
sherif mabrouk
hey Ronnie
Can you give your skype Please
I’m very confused with the word GET
because americans, canadians, australians and british people mix some words with get and that does ONE VERB.
HELP ME PLEASE; I need you help me. I hope you can read this comment. Thank you so much for teaching me new things ever single day of my life.
thanks a lot ms. Ronnie.
I have watched dozens of your videos. They are really sick! But I am a little vexed because when you speak about United States, you say America. And America is South, Central and North America. United States is part of America. Not America itself. So North America is México, US and Canada, all together. Keep on helping us (americanos) to better our English!
Jorge Campos
Awesome. I really improved my knowledge about cars in this lesson. Thank for share it with us.
thanks for your class!!!
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I love your sweet trunk drawing on the board. it´s eassier.
5/5! I got it! My wife hopes we will have a caravan to travel the whole of China.
Jerry Gu
You are the best teacher Ronnie, I have a comment regarding the fendor and bumper in this lesson I think fender is different than bumper , right?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
nice lesson
i can learn english direct
I really like to improve my English thanks for your teaching ,
yes I had fun. downtown in north america,centre in british, one more stove in north america, cooker in british. good bye n’ so long dear Ronnie.
Hi, really nice podcast again. I am kind of liking your presentations – but this time I need to throw something in ;-) The bumper has nothing to do with the fender. The fender is usual more like the wing in British. I guess the bumper is the same in both – British and North American English ?!?!
wink wink
Excellent lesson. One request more for you Ronnie. Please do a lesson on USA vs Canada expressions. It would be good to discern the difference between these two.
I’ve just thought up something Ronnie. Could you somehow organize method about making new lessons on this site, or on a facebook. What do I mean by that? When someone propose a new lesson, then all of us students like it if we agree. And proposition that has the most likes, then you grant our requests. What do you say on that?
That is a good idea!
great job Ronnie.
your videos are amazing and simple.
i have a request about “ed” past simple.
could you please, provide some videos about adding “ed” to verbs and its pronunciation whether “t” or “ed” in the endings.
Rebecca has already done a lesson on that! Search engvid for “ed endings“
It’s me “tommy” after registering.
thanks for your kind reply Ronnie.
i’ll search for it.
thanks again.
have a nice day my amazing teacher.
i’m very grateful for your helpful feedback.
i found it.
it’s for “Jon” not “Rebecca”.
so i was wondering:-
Had Rebecca made a video for the same topic?
Yes, she did!
Ronnie. i need really a lesson for prepositions because i am confused about the difference in using each one of them such as from, on, at,in, into. and there are also a certain verbs take a dfinite prepositions after it
Hi Sarah,
I do believe that prepositions like on in, at, etc should meet certain actions, Please Check Alex’s Prepositions Video which explain it more, Also a good way may help you in the prepositions is to find the sentence smooth when you try to read it and it does give a meaning.
Best Regards
hi ronnie . u ar really good teacer for me. thanks a lot
Excellent lessen, really very intresting i will that way which the teacher teaching.I need more lessons in vocabulary .
hello could you continue this lessen with
other subject ?
Thank you Ronnie, Its very useful for me. Please teach us more of this kind and help us improving our vocabulary.
Very good lesson.
Fantastic it was!
Many tx.
Keep it up plz!!
It’s wonderful! I am enjoying theses lessons. Thank you very well.
Tks Ronnie,
It’s good Lesson. I’m so glad. Have good New Year. Lily from Brazil
Hi. Mrs ronnie I want lear geammer and speaking please i want help
Thanks alot Ronnie,
I’d like to know if there is a common language in English that is understandable between all the English speaker countries. i.e form example each Arabian country has their own accent and special words but we have a formal language that is understandable between all Arab countries.
Yes, as I said, ALL English speaking countries understand each other, it is just different vocab./slang that we use!
Good lessons, I love them. Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie
Hi ronnie ,i would love all your lessons. but i want to help me how to organise my CV(RESUME”).
I would relax if you just answer my question,please? i love you ronnie
I’m waiting for your response.
Look on the internet to find a sample resume!
Hi Ronni,
what verb do you use when a car passes by another car, normally at a higher speed?
In North America= pass. In British= overtake
Since I use to speak both of them but dominantly the British, I found it interesting, even I found sometimes confusing people who use to speak the American while I use the British words and vise-verse
i love you ronnie
hi for everyone please i wont someone help me i wont essay about how to learn English and i wont from the teacher help me how to make a good essay…..please and thanks a lot
Hi. good lesson
You know I adore British vocabulary, as well the accent.
take these works.
In BrE, windscreen. in AmE windshield.
in BrE, windscreen wiper. In AmE windshield.
In BrE gear lever (also gear stick). In AmE gear shift, stick
nice information
thank you for the lesson…I like it
Nice class, Ronnie! =) I’ve learned North American English better. I had 5 American coworkers and I never had big problems understanding them, but then a guy from the UK joined our team of workers and things got a bit complicated. As I’m not a native English speaker, the British accent was really difficult for me to grasp while speaking fast. I’ve always wondered if the same happens to native North American English speakers while talking to native British English speakers?
Well, it depends on people`s intelligence level. If someone is smart, they can figure out what other people are saying even if they use different vocabulary. Also, a lot of people have British heritage or had a British friend or watched British tv or have travelled, so they may have been exposed to British English!
Thank you, Ronnie! What really raised my interest so as to making this question is that I’m a native Brazilian Portuguese speaker and I swear to God I don’t understand really much what Portugal’s Portuguese speakers mean when they talk fast. So I thought it could kind of be the same thing with the British and North Americans.
Once again, thank you for your time and attention!
Good lesson Ronnie, love the way you teach.
I clicked on this video by accident, but I also was very lazy to switch the video. So I wait, during the first few seconds I thought in a thousand of swear words and couldn’t bear myself of being so stupid.But the magic began, the class was getting interesting and I ended up felt in love for you Ronnie. Awesome lecture.
What are the meanings of following words both North American and British English?
We use these words when talking about four-year school programs (high school or college/university). “Sophomore” means a student in their second year, “junior” is third year, and “senior” is fourth year.
which is more impolite? american english or british english?
There is no difference in the matter of politeness.
thank you for the lesson, who ever thought giving a free lesson it is a big reward for people English is their second language
thank you again
stay blessed
hi thanks for lovely lesson
thanks ronnie;)
Hi ronnie, you’re a nice teacher and i love to watch all your lessons..
i just want to ask you
i’m a new student in university and i feel sad about my language it’s good but i can’t still with it..
Can you just tell me what can i do to improve my speaking skills and if you know any website give lots of vocabulary besauce my words are not that much to help me in the future
i hope you help me and thanks a lot
Look at these lessons:
could you please do more lessons especially on work expressions in British English and American English are the same or different Thanks regards
Thank you, nice information. I hope to see you in next lesson.
Hello Ronnie, thanks for your lesson. I would like to ask you about word out of this theme. It is famous using in mobile communication. When someone make a call to other but short call without take a call on the recipient side. In my vocabulary is prank or drop-call, or my idea is short-call. Are there anything else differences in British, American and worldwide EN?? Whats about in Canada? Thanks so much for your answer. Take care
We say prank call! I think it is the same in Britain and North America but I don`t know for sure!
I like your sense of humor!
love the way you teach
Thanks for this leason,I really love it.
Thanks you very much for giving nice information, see on next level
I love your classes very much. Especially the pronounciation classes. Thanks a lot.
I’m glad to discover this important site. I’ve learned some new vocabularies. Thank you much.
Thank you for the nice lesson! I like your sense of humor.
Thank you very much for lessons teatcher ronnie
i love you^_^ my dear teacher
i stand your lessons more quick than others
Hello dear teacher Ronnie.I am studying English department at University.I can improve my English with help of your lessons.I want to say that you are one of the best teachers who i have ever seen.Thank you.
Yours faithfully
it was great speech,you dont know me but I CONSIDER YOU my own teacher ,you have learnt a lot of thinks to me
Oh Ronnie I really like the way you teach :) this videos is one of the best lessons I have ever seen
BUT I gotta a little question
why do we say ”If I were you” and not ”If I was you”??
because I know that we have to use the word ”was” with
and I
Thank you ^^
We say this because when we SPEAK English, we ignore a lot of the grammar rules!!
So, was I right
which on of these is correct?
And make more please!
Ronnie,I would like you to explain in your next video, how to pronounce the words ‘through ‘ and ‘throw’. and i also want to congratulate you for the great job that you’ve been doing. You are amazing ! kisses and thanks :)
Through sounds like “threw”
Throw sounds like th-row.
Check out these lessons to help you!
I writ this msg now when i lerned english from engvid i thank ms.ronnie
Give us more lesson
Thanks Ronnie for your time ,It’s really useful .God bless you.
mrs ronnie
i’m so happy to know yo today
I’m an Egyptian, I enjoyed quite a way of your explanation, you are very wonderful teacher
thank you very much and we will wait your new vid.
Ronnie I love the way you explain your class, thank you
hi Ronnie . hope u got me . i m rawail ur medieval student who then left working over the web! . But now am back after a long time . Happy New Year to u and Canada ! May God keep u and Canada everlasting and cheering ! . i want to ask u somethin concerning english that can ya assist me like providing me with some slangs ! i be waiting for ya . hope the message is replied earlier than to be late . Bye and take care
Look at the site there are many new lessons on slang! Also. check out it is a slang dictionary!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie . How r ya ? well , in the quiz i got 8 out of 10. Was it good plz reply me back
I am a big fan of a way to explain
can you help me in conjunctions grammar?
Hi Ronnie, just i want to say that u´re one of my favorite eachers in this page.
Also, u are very nice person. U like me
In your opinin How learning english exactly ?
Live in an English speaking country.
thank you so much Ronnie, you are the best!
Hi Ronnie, I’d like to ask a very bewildered question.. What is the difference between (I remember doing and I remembered to do) can I say (I remember to do?? my last Question is if there is in english (I remembered doing????? plz give me examples. thnk u teacher by the way I like ur way of teaching ,u r such a fabulous teacher.
I remember doing = something you did as a habit in the past. Eg. I remember going to the park when I was 5.
I remembered to do = One thing you remembered to do. Ex.. I remembered to wash the car.
Thank you I got your point.
hai,how to speak english properly?
im from pakistan and i watch your all lesson i just want to say you are the best teacher in the world if i got a chance i will meet you i will try to come in your country for study
Hi, Ronnie
you are a great teacher. you have a special method of teaching. I am happy about joining engvid
i like you
i love you….my sweet opk
Thanks Ronnie!! Your lessons are great!!!
What’s the difference between “trip” and “travel”?
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! You are amazing teacher Ronnie!
Hello Ronnie! Thank you for the great lesson!) Can you do please a lesson on Direct and Indirect Speech? I’m looking forward.
OK! I will!
Thank you very much!=)
Hi there
Thank you very much for your lectures
Hello, Ronnie! Did i write correctly your name or no? If no, accept my apologies-) I like to learn English with your funny lessons. My level is beginner, so i didn’t learn “perfect” tenses, but, it seems to me, you will understand me-). I know, i make mistakes, and I learn from it, as you said in some of the your lessons. I study English in Kazakstan, and it is first of problem in studing a language. Because around me i hear a lot of languages- Russian, Kazakh, Chinese, except English, i often forget what i learned in last lessons) I hope, you and your lessons will help me on my way in learning English) So, what do you advise to me?
P.S. Please, correct my mistakes, but remember, i learned only Present Continious, simple, Past and Future Simple=)
WOW!!!!!!!!! Your written English is fantastic! If you want to learn perfect tenses – past perfect and present perfect, look at these lessons
Thank you!
I am Mongolian girl… This lesson is very important ….
Thank You So much :))
Mrs ronnie ,I’ve important question plz
I find very much videos in this site very motivating .
how can I start with right arrangement to maximize my english language.grammer first? or idioms?.. or what?
finally thank u very much for your way in explaining.
I would start with beginner lessons – learn vocabulary first, then basic grammar. Idioms are very difficult!!!
hey ronnie . ihave a disease of madness so do you know will i get rid of my stupid madnass . awaits for your answer bye .
Sure you will! Good luck!
hi ronniie . i want to ask you something . i dont know english . plz explain me thanks
thank you
Thanks, a good explanation of the topic.
I made a research about the difference between British and American language in most of the sides,so could you look at it please?
if you agree I send it to you teacher.
ok! I’ll read it!
I love British English sooo-much !!
if we want to test our self what shod we do
thank you ronnie.
You scored 4 out of 5.
:D :D i love listening & watching u actually :) u’re amazing teacher i ever seen in my life :)))) Thxx for your Great work :) ;) have fun in ur life & god bless your dayss :) ;)
very nice lesson thank you
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your lessons and the way of teaching!
thanks a lot dear ronnie :)
can i ask one question ? where is the topic for hotel and restaurant? coz i m studying abt this major. thanks so much :)
hi u did’t reply me
you’re lessons are very interesting . i like them very much
Amazing teacher
nice lesson, thanx, Ronnie. You are so good a teacher!
Hi Ronnie!
you are really really fantastic teacher
your explanation is excellent
you are the first teacher in the team
my best wishes
thanx ronnie they are very useful
Hi Ronnie, thank you so much for your contribution towards teaching English as second language. You know I love the way you are greeting your audience … “hi there my name is RRRONNIE”.
Stay safe,
Hi ronnie
thx you
and actually my language is not well also i have problem about how to start to learn English and how to save the vocabulary . And if you have Institute can i joined plz tell me.And sorry if i bother you this my email if you can help me thx again
hi teacher can we use these word in canada
Like like like !!!!
dear ranne first i would like to thank you so much for your videos i realy like it and watch them daily but i would like to ask if you can teach us the bussiness corespondance word so i can easily send a profficional email to my colleges
very nice
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you if is possible to make a leson about the work in the hotel,how you say at room,bad,stairs and all the thinks from the hotel,becouse in one month I will work in the hotel and I dont know to speak english very good.I looked on the internet how can say but the problem I dont know very good to prononce all,for ex at elevator?Thank you very much Ronnie for all your leson and I hope to help me.
Unfortunately, i will not be able to make a lesson and have it on the site in one month.
What job will you be doing at the hotel? Please tell me the words you need help saying and I will tell you!
Ele -vay-ter (ele like elephant)
Bed (not bad)
Thank you very much becouse you made time to answer me,I will work as a maid,and I looked on the internet all the words I need, but how I told you yesterday I dont know how is the prononce.And I have another question.The verb ,,to be,, at the negative forme.At the present time it is I AM NOT? At the past tense it is I WAS NOT?Becouse I am very confuse with this negative form at the present and the past tense.For exemple:I dont know the answer.I didnt know the answer(at negative forme in the past tense I use didnt and the present forme at the verb. Thank you very much Ronnie.
Yes, you are correct! At the present time it is I AM NOT. At the past tense it is I WAS NOT.
Please write a list of what words you need help saying! Also, you can look at an online dictionary and there is usually a button you can press to hear the word!!!!!!!!!
Hi! Ronnie!
You are very energetic person. And the same time you are cool teacher! I enjoy learning foreign language.
With you I desire new knowledge.
Ms Ronnie,I’m very confused about the usages of the following tenses :past simple,past perfect,present perfect please help me with some videos that illustrate the differences between them
There is a lesson on past perfect coming soon!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your response!I will look on the internet online dictionary.And please can you tell me if is corect what I will writte you now?When I ask a person something I must to put DO-at the present time:DO you eat?,all the time when I ask something to say with DO?At the past I put DID and the verb it is at the present time??DID you eat?And with DONT,it is at the present time,and DIDNT at the past,and when I use DIDNT the verb it is at the present time???I DIDNT LOSE THE BOOK!Please to answer me becouse I am very confuse with this.thank you and a big hug for you!!!
I think you have understood do/did don’t and didn’t because your examples are correct! Just in case, here is a video for you!
The British wording for directional signal is not correct. “Blinkers” (almost always used only in its plural form) is very informal – the usual word is “Indicator” or “Indicators”. I have never ever heard the word “winker” used – I think you would be laughed at for this!
Also, your description of “crossroads” in British English is a little off. I think the more general translation of “intersection” into British English would be “junction”.
The use of the word “crossroads” in British English usually conveys information about the type of junction i.e. there would be a major route with no traffic restrictions crossed by a minor route where drivers must give way. It would not usually be used to describe a traffic-light controlled junction or a roundabout.
As a result of this, “crossroads” in British English would be mostly a rural thing too.
I don’t think “Motorway” is the best translation for highway, either.
“Motorway” in British English refers only to the highest class of highway which has special laws and regulations. I grew up in a city that was 80 miles from the nearest motorway, yet to get to it I could still drive along a 6-lane major road!
Soon I’m going to buy a car. So thanks to your lesson I may look like a professional driver when bying it.
I loved this lesson!
was the sentec that we had in this lesson.
Learned a lot, very informative video many thanks! :)
you can do that by watching english movies and songs .i wish good luck for you .i like india because it is agreat country and my friend is there.
Hello our best teachers i would like to thanks all of you and i have a suggestion that if you can give us same ideas about how to read books;short story.Thanks
Hi Ronnie I hope you are happy.
Really I totally understand you thanks for your effort for teaching us real English language. So these lessons are very useful for conversation than our schools, which they teach us English in very bad manner and rude. I can read and write English but I can’t speak and heard when I’m talking with English or American people.
Thank you my teacher.
I love the way u teach
hello ronnie… a question for you…i have heard that the blinker or twinker… or directional light.. isnt called turn lights???? thanks
Perhaps in some parts of the English speaking world but I have never heard that expression! When you say “turn lights” I do understand what you mean though!
You are the best :D Your lessons are very usefull and funny.
Thanks and greetings from Poland :)
Since how much time has you been coming?
Is it correct?
I know about another word to define a truck, the one is lorry… I’m not sure if they can be used unchangeably!
my teacher Ronie .
I’m not able to describe you .you are great teacher
thanks alot
You are very good teacher
please, can you give me advice , I want to learn English very well so how i can use the good materials that you introduce in this site,I see alot of good teacher but how i use it, that mean i must first to beginner and go to intermediate and run to advanced, or what i must do ,
I know this site is more exited and give me alot of information , can you help me please ,
full thanks to my beautiful teacher .
I am from Egypt . My dream talk like you . Thanks alot again.
Yes, start at the beginner lessons then continue on! Good luck!!!!
Deadly lesson…Ronie.
I like this lesson. Thanks a lot teacher.
i love the way you teach :)
I have a question after watching your “British & American English: Cars & Driving Vocabulary” lesson.
After consulting a dictionary, I doubt that bumper and fender seem to be different parts of a car rather than the same part with two names. Is that the case or I misunderstood you?
this is a reference:
I watched some your lessons. They are great and I love them.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Vernon Wang
thanks. great video))))
Hi, Ronnie,
It´s hard to find people like you all, giving your time and knowledge for free.
Congratulations for having a heart like that. Now my question: Is there any difference between american and canadian english accents?
God bless you all. Thanks!
thx 4 all ronnie…
Hey Ronnie, you are a fantastic teacher, but please don’t confuse America (the continent) with the United States (a country).
My favorite word is manual – standard. I’d love to drive a stick shift. It might be hard changing gears, but otherwise, the car would be driving.
Hello Ronnie,
I really appreciate your teaching :)
But could you please fix the following mistake (everyone makes mistakes as you like to say):
a Bumper in UK is also a Bumper in US/CAN.
Fender is a different stuff (for motorcycle).
quite interesting! haha, dead bodies or alive bodies inside the boot!
ronnie can u tell good reading book names pleeeeeeeeeees .i wont to improve my english
Love your lessons Ronnie, but I don’t know anyone that calls their INDICATOR a blinker ha ha…..
pretty good
Hi Ronnie! I love the way u make your lessons.
U teach with a lot of humour. Should act in movies cause u have such a charisma. Gonna wait for new lessons ))))!!
hii ronnie…..
could you pls explain where to use MAY and MIGHT…?
Good Lessom :)
your teaching is very nice. i am very happy
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much.
Ronnie you are the teacher in engvid.
Ronnie) thanks for such interesting lessons) you’re a good teacher and always lift my mood! (like chocolate :D) thank you very much!)
Thanks a lot!
thanks ronnie…
thanks for this lesson
do you know something
if i was in your age i would like to marry you
i appreciate your geat attempt to help us
Ps /out lesson/ what does grate mean
In Indonesia, English is used only in international public service such as airports, hotels, bank, etc. Many people have a good vocabulary but don’t understand grammar at all. They speak in English but with Indonesian Grammar. American and British English are mixed and blended, To Foreigner we say “Crossroad” to call a crossed-by wide roads ( at least 4 tracks) and “Intersection” for narrow crossed-by streets. “Pavement” is a kind of “Sidewalk” where people may also selling merchandise and foods on it, while “Sidewalk” is specialized only for taking a walk.
Thanks for the valuable lesson ronnie.. :) i’m an indian, i don’t know which english do we use, is it american or british??
Thank you Ronnie for all lessons , I have question : What the different between main street and highway ?
tnx teacher :)
Thanks Ronnie!
ok, 100 % Thanks Ronnie
Ok, excellent Ronnie!
new words thanks
I think most common word for crossroads in the uk is junction :)
Nice lesson I like cars too.
good lesson ronnie
really thanks
hey Ronnie
Can you give your skype Please
I’m very confused with the word GET
because americans, canadians, australians and british people mix some words with get and that does ONE VERB.
HELP ME PLEASE; I need you help me. I hope you can read this comment. Thank you so much for teaching me new things ever single day of my life.
thanks a lot ms. Ronnie.
I have watched dozens of your videos. They are really sick! But I am a little vexed because when you speak about United States, you say America. And America is South, Central and North America. United States is part of America. Not America itself. So North America is México, US and Canada, all together. Keep on helping us (americanos) to better our English!
Awesome. I really improved my knowledge about cars in this lesson. Thank for share it with us.
thanks for your class!!!
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I love your sweet trunk drawing on the board. it´s eassier.
5/5! I got it! My wife hopes we will have a caravan to travel the whole of China.
You are the best teacher Ronnie, I have a comment regarding the fendor and bumper in this lesson I think fender is different than bumper , right?