Learned or learnt? Burnt or burned? What are the correct ways to say, spell, and pronounce these verbs? Learn the differences between verbs in British and North American English!
thanks a lot ronnie
i have a question
out of this subject sorry
its i spilling wrong sometime in the letter G
like in this word regret it pronunciation of it G but in anther word like stingy its pronunciation J
In the word stingy – it is “stin-G”, (not J).
please describe about however in writing.I can not distinguish the meaning of however in texts.and when we should put cama(,) after however?
Ronnie how i spelling G and J and th. help me
could you help me
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson, but how about the other verbs? Is there a different or not?
And keep going, you’re the most teacher I like, specially when you talk about the slang :)
Most of the other verbs are the same!
Ronnie very useful, but I found you kinda sad, Am I right?…Hope all the best to you, Sérgio.
Thanks, I liked this video. How to ask about time in Canada? In a American English “What time is it?” or like a British English “What’s the time”?
Bruno Braga
We usually say “What time is it”, but both are understood.
hello ronnie yeah that lesson was really great and useful because the difference now is clear thx so much
Thanks Ronnie, but where is the quiz for this lesson????
Hi Ronnie, very interesting lesson. I pronounce both versions the same way (like a /t/ sound).
I think it’s difficult to distinguish /t/ from /d/, especially at the end of any word. In words like “better” the difference between BrE and AmE, is easier to make out.(/t/ the former, and /d/ the latter). I did learn dreamt is pronounce /dremt/, I thought it was /drimt/. ThX a lot.
Thank you Ronnie for lesson ,,
It is easy.
I want to draw your attention to some video’s that I would like to watch for another teachers that I can’t see the writing on the board really it’s not clear and I can’t read what the teacher are writing
great lesson teacher..i like ur style..
Have a go plz.
A ? mam:what the difference between too n very is,plz????????
cheer up!
Too we only use for negative things. I have too much homework!
Very = positive things! I love you very much!
Hai Ronnie ! Is it TOO uses for negative thing only? Not any special cases like the following sentence:
Ronnie : I love you very much !
FONG : Me too !
Can you explain this? I’m so confused. Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Hi, I think in your case:
Ronnie : I love you very much !
FONG : Me too !
The word “too” has another meaning, it isn’t similar as “very”. “Me too” = “So do I” = “I do too”, it means that you have the same thinking of the person who you’re taking with.
Hi there,
U know that’s sth else,,
Too at the end of the sentence means also,it’s not related 2 positive or negative things!
In “me too” there’s no adjective after too,bcoz it’s sth totally different.
Hope u got!
Its very helpful.
i would like to learn how to write bussiness ropot in english what words do we mostly use
Do u know which english is taught in India???
No – but I would guess that it is British!
Can anybody help me with this?
what kind of tense is this question?
What is going to have been being done?
That is not a proper sentence.
Could you please help me on how to use following type of expressions..
Had it been done in India, the result would have been completely chnanged
Hi Ronnie
I like you
I just want you to know that I’m from Carapicuiba – SP, Brazil
See you next time
helpful freakin’ lesson, u r a pretty good teacher. no doubt about it. cya Ronnie.
I must confess that I prefer the American version. It´s much easier to learn regular verbs conjugation in the past.
Yes, indeed, I agree with you.
thnks Ronnie for the lesson
Ronnie, thanks for the lesson, Here in Dominican Republic when something is good we say “Te la comiste”
good morning and thank u so much
sent me all English vocabulary plz meadam
thanks Ronnie.
Thanx ronnie….it was really beneficial ….well done
But there are some verbs also have different in same case as you know that for instance
Summarize …U.S.A
summarise ..,,U.K
Aram uk
I would like to ask you a question. you know Ronnie when i am with american military or with marines.some times they are using the word (CHILLAX) well, the question is that. Is this word comes from very famous English books the books could be american or British. or is it created by our this new generation.
Hope you got the question
Have a good time ..
It is created by this new generation! I don’t think it is from a book! It means chillin + relaxing!!!
Hello Madam Ronnie, about CHILLAX, I think it’s a slang word (verb)it means : being relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something. Please correct me if my proposition is wrong. Please carry on in your teaching method, it’s funny and exciting.
You are correct Chillax = relax + chill out!
Many thanks Ronnie,it was really helpful and interesting,if you don’t mind i think it would be better if you give some lessons about business English,because we really need it in our daily life,thank you again Ronnie.
What about phrasal verbs Ronnie???
Have you ever made some video teachin about it?
No – but search the site for them!
Ok! I will do this! :)
Thank you so much!
You’re so cute!!!
You’re so funny at teaching English i liked very much the lesson… thanks a lot
hello ronnie
thank you for teach us
I want ask you what is difference beteen also vs too
thank tou agine
hi my teacher Ronnie i am from lebanon but now i live in kuwait i love your video on you tube but somtimes i don t understand because you speak fast . But relay you are very good teacher
thanks madam,ur a excellent teacher
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you if is possible to make a leson about the work in the hotel,how you say at room,bad,stairs and all the thinks from the hotel,becouse in one month I will work in the hotel and I dont know to speak english very good.I looked on the internet how can say but the problem I dont know very good to prononce all,for ex at elevator?Thank you very much Ronnie for all your leson and I hope to help me.
HI Ronnie
I got a bunch of questions for you and i hope u can help me with it because they are really confusing me :DD what is the difference between :
1 receipt, bills and invoice
2 who and whom
3 although and despite
4 these and those
5 vanity and vanities
thanks so much my gnarly teacher and sorry for taking so long :D
Use an online dictionary to get the definitions of the words!
thank you Rooni
you are the best
i understood too vs also
but if you can make video this will be better
thank you again
Ronnie, just short question. It’s about adjectives and adverbs, which to use in this situation.
“You look stunning”, why don’t we say “You look stunningly”? And one more. “You guys did the job excellent”, or “You guys did the job excellently”?
Try to elucidate this for me please…
hi.Mark you should know that you should use adjective in this sentence: “you look stunning” like “amazing” because you’re describing that person. but in second sentence i agree with you.ms.Ronnie you said: excellently is not a word!what’s your mean? excellently is adverb. pls tell us a better reply.thank you.
thank you
hello i forget write my name s dalida. my teacher Ronnie i have counsel for become nice in english because i learn english before 1 moth but i speak frensh
y dont u teach us spanish language?!?:-)
I don’t speak Spanish!
Hi Ronnie, thank you so much.you are a wonderful teacher.I have a question about prepositions: what is the right preposition for places? for example which one of these sentences is correct?
1- I study at university of Toronto.
2- I study in university of Toronto.
thank you,
2. With the verb study and a school, we use at!
Hi Ronny, i like your methode of teaching, you are funny and beatiful. so i would like to invite you come to Togian Island Indonesia. i want to see you direct to improve my english. i am from central Sulawesi Indonesia. my city takes 4 hours by boat to Togian islands
Best regard
Wow – I would love to go to your Island!!! Good luck with English and thanks for watching!
Thank you .
Thamer Mohammed
hi Ronnie best of luck and bless i need your books to my country please help my internet is not so much better so please send me your books and help much more for english thanks
Sorry, I don’t have any books!
:) I can help you:)
Thanks for all you give
Hello!I´m not good in English grammar that´s why i´m here… Ronnie, first of all i´d like to say that you are lovely and funny. Congratulation for you all about the iniciative of creating a such good way of teaching.It´s been helping me so much.
It’s helpful for the people. thanks
Thank you very much
Hi, Ronnie. Nice to meet you. My english is weak. May I ask you that american english verbs don’t use for testing, exam?
heY ronnie. its nice n mostly love your style keep it up and teach us more like this :)
hey hi Ronnie i am aveen here u are the best teacher in the world i understand each and every thing which was explained by you thank you so much Ronnie you help me so much you are the best ..ever ever…love you
Just want to say that you’re awesome! Keep it that way.
hello Ronnie u are a good teacher i like your methode of teaching very much
I want ask you about the different between usage while and when in past continuous
I hope u help me.
They are the same!
Hello, I am new here and I want to learn English
Hi..Deb Here From India..Really Awesome Online English Learning Course..I went through the full video..I learned (American English)the difference between the Base/British/American English..Thanks a lot to engvid.com !!!
Deb Kumar Roy
Hi Ronnie!
I have a personal question for you.
I would like to study alone. I don`t want to go to the academy. I studied at the British academy during 3 months . The Course was very fast and I think I need more time to understand.
I`m feeling confortable with you and Rebbeca classes.
How can I improve my English study with EngVid?
Please tell me the steps that I need to Know, to improve my English.
Thank you.
Keep on watching the videos!
Ronnie,can you explain the difference between “have not”, “have no”, “don’t have”, please?
Have no + noun. (older/British English) I have no eggs.
Have not + verb. I have not gone.
Don’t have + noun. (modern English) I don’t have eggs.
i loove the way you use EGG…
but what should we use “t” pronounciation or “d” pronounciaton well i feel good to learn.
Which ever you choose, but “T” is how it is spelt.
it is fantastic video.
the only thing that comes to my mind whent I see your videos is that you’re amazing. Great job and thanks a lot.
Thank you for lesson
hello ronnie! sorry maybe i missed something , but i’m wondering one thing. you say “north american english” so does it mean that americans from other parts of usa don’t use this vocabulary? ss there anything like “south american english”?
When I say North American I mean USA and Canada. English varies in all states/cities/provinces/areas of North America! To talk about the Southern states in USA, you have to say Southren States!!! The English is very different there!
People in South America speak Spanish/Portuguese. They are all the countries below Mexico!!!
Now i get it! Thank you very much.
I just love the way teach.
I have some questions regarding a topic. This is about the pronunciation of the letter “J”.
I just love the way you teach.
I have some questions regarding a topic. This is about the pronunciation of the letter “J”.
Thanks you so much!
Well I’m from Pakistan where commonly British language rules. I’ll watch your lesson about pronouncing the English letters. Hopefully I’ll get your response again :)
Good luck!
If you have been taught British English it is best to use that pronunciation!
hello ronnie I just like to say that the way you teach its good . so i would like to know that how can i improve my speaking skills
Thank you for being an amazing teacher, im a beginner here and i understund that very well. i thank you so much.
Hello, I’m raymart a Filipino student :) may i ask a question? which one of the two is more correct. ” I haven’t receive your message” or ” I didn’t receive your message” thank you and God bless :)
They are the same.
Thank you, but how about “he’s not here” or “He isn’t here” sorry but im just confused , my prof often used he’s not here, but some used “he isn’t here”
They are the same. “He is not here”, is more formal than He isn’t here!”
can you help me
A warner
Hey Raymart!
Just one correction: I haven’t “received” (if you use the present perfect tense, you must use the past participle of the main verb in the sentence)
You do not need to do this using “did”, though. It already indicates you are using a past tense.
Very nice Video Ronnie…. But I’m Pakistan, I can use both ;)
hello, I’m in Bogota Colombia, I am in the basic level, and I have problems with irregular verbs, and how to ask questions rregulares and irregular verbs, can you help me?
Thank you Ronnie, you are a very good teacher. Thank once again
please give me a lesson about adjectives and adverbs . Explain me again Please Please . I shall be very thankful to you
hello ronnie can u tell me if my answer is correct
*her colleagues expected ______ the job.
a. (her to get)
b. thats she gets
c. thats she got
d. her getting
*not only _____ to London but she also visited
a. did she go
b. went she
c. she go
d. (she went)
*all of you athletes who took part in the international game should be ________
a. yourself
b. yourselves
c. (themselves)
d. oneself
*guess who I _____ into in the supermarket today?
a. knocked
b. hit
c. (bumped)
d. banged
NO. I do not do homework.
Hi, gr8 class indeed… just one observation, wouldn’t those be considered regular verbs since their ending in the past is d or ed… irregular verbs normally change spelling and of course there are some exceptions such as cut or put… but dream, learn and the ones you have their… are considered regular verbs… thx!! pls do let me know if I’m mistaken then again it’s my second language! RGDS!
Jose Iglesias
It’s relly plesure learn English with you.
Thaks for this lesson
Have a good day.
love your style ronnie…very clear :)
thanks very much
My teacher please How can I follow your lessons for beginners from start to finish gradually ?.thank u very much
Click on “beginner”.
thank u very much..
what is the difference between “like” “love” RSVP i want these words quickly for the test please
ziad hassan
Love is stronger than like.
hello ronnie thank you very much what you are doing for us good lessons are giving ronnie I’m excited to meet you again, thank you.
You are a very good teacher! Tks! :)
Hello I am very satisfied with your court I want to thank you infinitely
hi ronnie, i wanna thank u for every thing u do. “thanx alot” u r a great teatcher, PLZ if u a make a lesson about (true /t/, flap /t/ and glotta stope). i’ll be grateful..
sorry. teacher not teatcher
Miss I love Your lessons! :) you´re a dinamic person and the comprehension is 100% never leave us! Regards from El Salvador.
Wow you are amazing, thanks for this lesson.
I’ll try !!
1- If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.
2- If I knew, I wouldn’t be here now.
3- If someone had told me that it’s your birthday, I would have brought a gift.
Now correct me if I’m wrong with spelling and everything ^^
Hi Ronnie
y is there no quiz?
Abdul Qayum
that’s great
may allah reward YOU highest paradise
this lesson very easy
thank you
Hi roonie, I think that you just concentrate on the context of conversation because sometimes the sound are very similar, I sometimes use verbs on British English and other times use american English, my teacher scold to me :)
I want to mean that we must concentrate on the context, I did not refer to you
Very amazing videos Ronnie
Hi Teacher Ronnie ,to be honest with you I really prefer the american pronunciation ,because is more comercial .regards.
is that the only diff. bet. br & amr. english ?
Don’t ever make any crazy gesture like what you did in this video lesson – look so cheapy & crazy
mil. G
you are the best teacher because with you i now a lot of English thanks teacher.
thank you
this is the first lecture i watched
so simplified
thanks…. all times i saw a vid a click somme ads…. thanks
it awesome, thanks ronnie..
I’m an Indonesian, it’s hard for us to speak like yours..
Kurt Cobreti
Hi Ronnie!!I’m reviewing for my IELTS exam this coming October This is my second chance, hopefully I could make this time a better one.I need your help I got only 5.5 band score honestly it is embarassing for me.What would you suggest for me.Thanks!
Find some practice tests on the internet and try them!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!1
hey ronnie,
am a german man living in germany,i saw your videos and i loved it you explane it real good.the teaching like you do is fantastic.i would like to learn more from you,cause i will go to ohio middletown visit my sister and maybe stay there find a job and my luck.I love the american language,but i still gotta learn a lot till am perfect speaking,writing,but i do my best. i like you very much,hopefully you can teach me more in american language,would be cool.till then have a nice day.
see ya mike
Michael ( Mike )
Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. I want to learn and harness my English writing. I will watch all the videos and I hope at the end I could write a good report.
hi………… dear sim
ramesh ramee
ronnie i luv the way you teach but can u teach paraphrasing also ?
roonie can uteach paraphrasing?
thank you Ronnie.your lesson is very useful. i really enjoyed it
roonie i wanna meet you
Awais Justin
how about either and neither? are they pronounce [aize/naize] or [i:ze/ni:ze]????? I’ve heard both of them(((
Very informative, thank u.
paulson ms
thanks Ronnie I loved it :)
thanks ronnie!!
Hi Ronnie, sorry for my broken english but I am learning now… In this video, which form of the verb is the past simple and which is the past participle? British verbs -nt is past simple and US verbs -ed is past participle? … Or two forms of the verbs are the same?
Miguel Angel
I think y have a mistake with regular verbs -ed and this video…. Help me please!! Thank you!!
Miguel Angel
hey Ronnie !you are so amazing and you explain very well ,so i am very happy to learn english from you then i have already learnt alot of coures from you and i am really appreciate that ,the way you teach english .thank you so much teacher
thank you
thanks ronnie for your lesson and I love your method in learning ….. but I want to ask a question I watched a video for you in which you say that “ed” in past verbs pronounce “t” but here you said “d” so when I use “t” or “d”
very nice tip!
nice, thanks
Indeed, it is useful! For all my life, I thought I write in an American verbs but now I know, I have been using those damn British verbs with those words.
Hello Ronnie,and hello every budy.
My name is Jorge,I’m from Brazil,Rio de Janeiro City,and I would like to make some friends here that could add me on skype and talk about everythings.
I really need to impruve my pronunciatin and my hear.
My skype is J.leonardo5
When ,or if somebudy add me,please send a message talnking about you’re a student or a teacher from engvid.
Hi there ,thanks for teaching English Ronnie .I would be thankful if you teach oualification like much ,little , a little and so….
I love the way when you explained soo much
Thank you
miss ronnie i would like to have english in .diploma be a.good English soeaker .how can i joing in to your school please thanks.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank Roonie, you lessons are very helpful for me.
I hope you listening to me when I speak cause to see your efforts on the ground
hi miss ronnie thanks fr your precious lessons i realy understand many thinks in engvid but i have to ask you one thing please can you right my name on the board in your next lesson thanks a lot .
thanks teacher, you are so funny! :D your lessons are so good!
canu tell me how to right birten english
Awww that was easy to learn :D <3 thank youuuu :D
very good teachers
GREAT class. Thank you Ronnie !
hii ronnie… ur lessons are good..
could u pls explain where to use MAY and MIGHT….?
so easy
Thank you
Thx a lot Ronnie , can you help me: I used to have full marks in exams…but speaking is another story for me..thx so much
awesome video from miss Ronnie…:)
How are you Ronnie?
thank you very much for your great efforts.
I have a question I want to learn British Accent
pronunciation how please help me
thank you so much
How are you Ronnie?
thank you very much for your great efforts.
I have a question I want to learn British Accent
pronunciation how please help me
thank you so much
Thanks so much for the lesson.
thanks mrs ronnie
Is this site contain all pronunciation rules for British English Mrs: Ronnie?
Nice question
yeah my dear teacher Ronnie. On your discussion, I learned now that there are English words that can be laid to argument sometime. The verb burn I used on my maintenance report became highlighted because I used burned which is American English. And it was insisted that I must use burnt which is British English which is the same meaning but different English tradition.
Hi madam Ronnie, Can you be sometime discuss also verbs French to Canadian English. lol
You’re one of the best teachers i’ve met. Keep going… you make me laugh a lot! Thanks
Thank you!!
Hi Ronnie. In the video you mentioned that “Irregular verbs” are Simple Past and Past Participle of the verbs.
On the mentioned link “Past Simple” and “Past Participle” are different verbs though they are Irregular Verbs.
Can you please help me in sorting out the confusion.
that so usefull for me, thaks alot
Hello Ronnie,
I would very likely appreciate, if you are able, to conduct a video about the difference between “J” and “G” pronunciation. Also, a video about ” How to speak in formal and informal situations?” Thank you very much in advance.
thnkx a lot ;)
can you help me ?????it seems confusing and a hard thing for me i look for to the dictionary to learn my self about the all rules of pronunciation and i compounded the work with the same pronunciation like bud ,bug ,dun,dug,gun,nun,elc and go to google translation to lesten it becouse i thought the the vowel is change the pronunciation so i compounded the next words cure,fuse,music,tube ….elc but i think its a hard work for me could you help me please?
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons.
I have a confusion regarding the usage of does and dont. Cant we use dont with she/he in any case ? could you clear it for me ?
first, need to know english language for to understand this lessons. i dont know english. how i can understand that lessons then? if i speak english why im here? i understand nothing. i can some writing and reading thats all or maybe i’m just a stupid i can’t learning
good one
Good afternoon teacher, I’ve a question, which the better between languages English USA and English British ? So, I need to improve the English and that is very confuse for me!!! thanks teacher for your help!!
Very nice to know about these differences, but it’s hard to learn about every detail of pronunciation of American English. Learn about the differences between British and American English just confuse me even more!
Thank you for your lesson.
I really need it. I have been waiting for it a long time and finally you did it :)Thanks!
Serwan Sami
Thanks teacher
Abdul Qayum
Thanks Ronnie i love to watch your lessons…
M Shafi sultani
Hi Ronnie!!!I love the way you teach. Thank you for everything!
I would really appreciate a lesson about flap /t/ because it is hard for me to pronounce it and sometimes sounds more like an /r/ than like a /d/.
Thank you very much!!
dear annabelpamie i ask you if you can help me to try discus by voice i want lessning
it was a great lesson again ,and btw I loved your hairstyle :)
hi..Ronnie …i am learning British accent ..if i watch movies or videos comes with American accent ,will it affect my learning??
Thank you, Roonie. your lessons are extremely helpful.
Ronnie you are the best
a loooooong time… :l
Ronnie i am saying from my heart, it is really nice one. I try to watch your every video.I am from a small country of south Asia “Bangladesh” you might know or not. Sujan.
Sujan Miah
Ronnie deneng ora nana quis maning kepriben gue? (java language)
chakim hamzah
@Sujan Miah where is Bangladesh? I am Indonesian dont know where it is.
chakim hamzah
Thank you ronnie
mohammed mohamoud
Thank u very much Ronnie .. I like your teaching it’s easy to understanding
Ahmed Fahad
that working with oll verbs in Britich the pronunciation in bast we saying T and in US we saying D ???
Thi is – One of the moust usefuls lessons on my mind !!!!!!!! Thank You Ronnie !!!!!! )
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks a lot
Heba Ahmed Yousef
I love this teacher <3
A warner
thanks for all
faical AKL
I like you miss Ronnie!!!!
where is the quiz for this lesson?
vishnu vijay
Thank you so much Ronnie!
Juan Bernardo
Thanks a lot for this lesson :))
Ozzy Oz
Dear pressor, thank you so much. it’s very useful. i really enjoy to learning with you.
thanks DR.Ronnie
ibrahim saeed
hi Ronnie ,how are you ? i have more books and videos to improve English but i need advice you , how learn English ? what is steps ?
HI THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rasha @
excellent teacher
i was late agani!!!!
well I love you madam Ronnie!
You are my favorite.
is it driven pronounced “draiven”?
Thank a lot:)
Sunny Muffin
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you ronnie teacher.
Bijay kumar
Thank you teacher. I like you
good one Ronnie
Fcemma king
thank yoou Ronnie
Thank you so much.
No quiz?
Thanks, but I don’t know how to write, still. haha~ I hope that I can change.
Jack F
I have a question~?
Are both of them correct wen we speak formally?
Safa Alani
Hi Ronnie, What about below base words (1st from the left)?
Are 2nd and 3rd verbs corect in US/Canada?
lean leant leant
light lit lit
smell smelt smelt
spoil spoiled spoiled
show sowed shown/showed
sew sewed sewn/sewed
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
l loved it the intro hahahahha
Thank you Ronnie
The British and American seem to be Past tense
whereas the base word is the action of
Am I crazy here ?
I watched this video twice on June 27, 2021.
Oh! English is a crazy language! Irregular verbs confused me.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very amazing video Ronnie :)
Keep it up ^_^
thanks a lot ronnie
i have a question
out of this subject sorry
its i spilling wrong sometime in the letter G
like in this word regret it pronunciation of it G but in anther word like stingy its pronunciation J
In the word stingy – it is “stin-G”, (not J).
please describe about however in writing.I can not distinguish the meaning of however in texts.and when we should put cama(,) after however?
Ronnie how i spelling G and J and th. help me
could you help me
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson, but how about the other verbs? Is there a different or not?
And keep going, you’re the most teacher I like, specially when you talk about the slang :)
Most of the other verbs are the same!
Ronnie very useful, but I found you kinda sad, Am I right?…Hope all the best to you, Sérgio.
Thanks, I liked this video. How to ask about time in Canada? In a American English “What time is it?” or like a British English “What’s the time”?
We usually say “What time is it”, but both are understood.
hello ronnie yeah that lesson was really great and useful because the difference now is clear thx so much
Thanks Ronnie, but where is the quiz for this lesson????
Hi Ronnie, very interesting lesson. I pronounce both versions the same way (like a /t/ sound).
I think it’s difficult to distinguish /t/ from /d/, especially at the end of any word. In words like “better” the difference between BrE and AmE, is easier to make out.(/t/ the former, and /d/ the latter). I did learn dreamt is pronounce /dremt/, I thought it was /drimt/. ThX a lot.
Thank you Ronnie for lesson ,,
It is easy.
I want to draw your attention to some video’s that I would like to watch for another teachers that I can’t see the writing on the board really it’s not clear and I can’t read what the teacher are writing
great lesson teacher..i like ur style..
Have a go plz.
A ? mam:what the difference between too n very is,plz????????
cheer up!
Too we only use for negative things. I have too much homework!
Very = positive things! I love you very much!
Hai Ronnie ! Is it TOO uses for negative thing only? Not any special cases like the following sentence:
Ronnie : I love you very much !
FONG : Me too !
Can you explain this? I’m so confused. Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Hi, I think in your case:
Ronnie : I love you very much !
FONG : Me too !
The word “too” has another meaning, it isn’t similar as “very”. “Me too” = “So do I” = “I do too”, it means that you have the same thinking of the person who you’re taking with.
Hi there,
U know that’s sth else,,
Too at the end of the sentence means also,it’s not related 2 positive or negative things!
In “me too” there’s no adjective after too,bcoz it’s sth totally different.
Hope u got!
Its very helpful.
i would like to learn how to write bussiness ropot in english what words do we mostly use
Do u know which english is taught in India???
No – but I would guess that it is British!
Can anybody help me with this?
what kind of tense is this question?
What is going to have been being done?
That is not a proper sentence.
Could you please help me on how to use following type of expressions..
Had it been done in India, the result would have been completely chnanged
You have to say If it had been done in India, the result would have been completely changed.
This is a 3rd conditional sentence.
thank u
You Are amazing… :)
Hi Ronnie
I like you
I just want you to know that I’m from Carapicuiba – SP, Brazil
See you next time
helpful freakin’ lesson, u r a pretty good teacher. no doubt about it. cya Ronnie.
I must confess that I prefer the American version. It´s much easier to learn regular verbs conjugation in the past.
Yes, indeed, I agree with you.
thnks Ronnie for the lesson
Ronnie, thanks for the lesson, Here in Dominican Republic when something is good we say “Te la comiste”
good morning and thank u so much
sent me all English vocabulary plz meadam
thanks Ronnie.
Thanx ronnie….it was really beneficial ….well done
But there are some verbs also have different in same case as you know that for instance
Summarize …U.S.A
summarise ..,,U.K
I would like to ask you a question. you know Ronnie when i am with american military or with marines.some times they are using the word (CHILLAX) well, the question is that. Is this word comes from very famous English books the books could be american or British. or is it created by our this new generation.
Hope you got the question
Have a good time ..
It is created by this new generation! I don’t think it is from a book! It means chillin + relaxing!!!
Hello Madam Ronnie, about CHILLAX, I think it’s a slang word (verb)it means : being relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something. Please correct me if my proposition is wrong. Please carry on in your teaching method, it’s funny and exciting.
You are correct Chillax = relax + chill out!
Many thanks Ronnie,it was really helpful and interesting,if you don’t mind i think it would be better if you give some lessons about business English,because we really need it in our daily life,thank you again Ronnie.
What about phrasal verbs Ronnie???
Have you ever made some video teachin about it?
No – but search the site for them!
Ok! I will do this! :)
Thank you so much!
You’re so cute!!!
You’re so funny at teaching English i liked very much the lesson… thanks a lot
hello ronnie
thank you for teach us
I want ask you what is difference beteen also vs too
thank tou agine
Here is a great link to help you understand too and also!
please.I want help me for every things .sometime I am a fear for new language
hy ronnie ur lessons is realy helpful 4 me i am from pakistan i wana speek english plz tell me the best way to speek well ?
hi my teacher Ronnie i am from lebanon but now i live in kuwait i love your video on you tube but somtimes i don t understand because you speak fast . But relay you are very good teacher
thanks madam,ur a excellent teacher
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you if is possible to make a leson about the work in the hotel,how you say at room,bad,stairs and all the thinks from the hotel,becouse in one month I will work in the hotel and I dont know to speak english very good.I looked on the internet how can say but the problem I dont know very good to prononce all,for ex at elevator?Thank you very much Ronnie for all your leson and I hope to help me.
HI Ronnie
I got a bunch of questions for you and i hope u can help me with it because they are really confusing me :DD what is the difference between :
1 receipt, bills and invoice
2 who and whom
3 although and despite
4 these and those
5 vanity and vanities
thanks so much my gnarly teacher and sorry for taking so long :D
Use an online dictionary to get the definitions of the words!
thank you Rooni
you are the best
i understood too vs also
but if you can make video this will be better
thank you again
Ronnie, just short question. It’s about adjectives and adverbs, which to use in this situation.
“You look stunning”, why don’t we say “You look stunningly”? And one more. “You guys did the job excellent”, or “You guys did the job excellently”?
Try to elucidate this for me please…
Excellently is not a word!
hi.Mark you should know that you should use adjective in this sentence: “you look stunning” like “amazing” because you’re describing that person. but in second sentence i agree with you.ms.Ronnie you said: excellently is not a word!what’s your mean? excellently is adverb. pls tell us a better reply.thank you.
thank you
hello i forget write my name s dalida. my teacher Ronnie i have counsel for become nice in english because i learn english before 1 moth but i speak frensh
y dont u teach us spanish language?!?:-)
I don’t speak Spanish!
Hi Ronnie, thank you so much.you are a wonderful teacher.I have a question about prepositions: what is the right preposition for places? for example which one of these sentences is correct?
1- I study at university of Toronto.
2- I study in university of Toronto.
thank you,
2. With the verb study and a school, we use at!
Hi Ronny, i like your methode of teaching, you are funny and beatiful. so i would like to invite you come to Togian Island Indonesia. i want to see you direct to improve my english. i am from central Sulawesi Indonesia. my city takes 4 hours by boat to Togian islands
Best regard
Wow – I would love to go to your Island!!! Good luck with English and thanks for watching!
Thank you .
hi Ronnie best of luck and bless i need your books to my country please help my internet is not so much better so please send me your books and help much more for english thanks
Sorry, I don’t have any books!
:) I can help you:)
Thanks for all you give
Hello!I´m not good in English grammar that´s why i´m here… Ronnie, first of all i´d like to say that you are lovely and funny. Congratulation for you all about the iniciative of creating a such good way of teaching.It´s been helping me so much.
It’s helpful for the people. thanks
Thank you very much
Hi, Ronnie. Nice to meet you. My english is weak. May I ask you that american english verbs don’t use for testing, exam?
heY ronnie. its nice n mostly love your style keep it up and teach us more like this :)
hey hi Ronnie i am aveen here u are the best teacher in the world i understand each and every thing which was explained by you thank you so much Ronnie you help me so much you are the best ..ever ever…love you
Just want to say that you’re awesome! Keep it that way.
hello Ronnie u are a good teacher i like your methode of teaching very much
I want ask you about the different between usage while and when in past continuous
I hope u help me.
They are the same!
Hello, I am new here and I want to learn English
Hi..Deb Here From India..Really Awesome Online English Learning Course..I went through the full video..I learned (American English)the difference between the Base/British/American English..Thanks a lot to engvid.com !!!
Hi Ronnie!
I have a personal question for you.
I would like to study alone. I don`t want to go to the academy. I studied at the British academy during 3 months . The Course was very fast and I think I need more time to understand.
I`m feeling confortable with you and Rebbeca classes.
How can I improve my English study with EngVid?
Please tell me the steps that I need to Know, to improve my English.
Thank you.
Keep on watching the videos!
Ronnie,can you explain the difference between “have not”, “have no”, “don’t have”, please?
Have no + noun. (older/British English) I have no eggs.
Have not + verb. I have not gone.
Don’t have + noun. (modern English) I don’t have eggs.
i loove the way you use EGG…
but what should we use “t” pronounciation or “d” pronounciaton well i feel good to learn.
Which ever you choose, but “T” is how it is spelt.
it is fantastic video.
the only thing that comes to my mind whent I see your videos is that you’re amazing. Great job and thanks a lot.
Thank you for lesson
hello ronnie! sorry maybe i missed something , but i’m wondering one thing. you say “north american english” so does it mean that americans from other parts of usa don’t use this vocabulary? ss there anything like “south american english”?
When I say North American I mean USA and Canada. English varies in all states/cities/provinces/areas of North America! To talk about the Southern states in USA, you have to say Southren States!!! The English is very different there!
People in South America speak Spanish/Portuguese. They are all the countries below Mexico!!!
Now i get it! Thank you very much.
I just love the way teach.
I have some questions regarding a topic. This is about the pronunciation of the letter “J”.
I just love the way you teach.
I have some questions regarding a topic. This is about the pronunciation of the letter “J”.
What language do you speak? I cannot tell you have to pronounce a letter if I don’t know your native tongue.
BUT>>>>>here is a lesson on saying all the letters in English!
Thanks you so much!
Well I’m from Pakistan where commonly British language rules. I’ll watch your lesson about pronouncing the English letters. Hopefully I’ll get your response again :)
Good luck!
If you have been taught British English it is best to use that pronunciation!
hello ronnie I just like to say that the way you teach its good . so i would like to know that how can i improve my speaking skills
Thank you for being an amazing teacher, im a beginner here and i understund that very well. i thank you so much.
Hello, I’m raymart a Filipino student :) may i ask a question? which one of the two is more correct. ” I haven’t receive your message” or ” I didn’t receive your message” thank you and God bless :)
They are the same.
Thank you, but how about “he’s not here” or “He isn’t here” sorry but im just confused , my prof often used he’s not here, but some used “he isn’t here”
They are the same. “He is not here”, is more formal than He isn’t here!”
can you help me
Hey Raymart!
Just one correction: I haven’t “received” (if you use the present perfect tense, you must use the past participle of the main verb in the sentence)
You do not need to do this using “did”, though. It already indicates you are using a past tense.
Very nice Video Ronnie…. But I’m Pakistan, I can use both ;)
hello, I’m in Bogota Colombia, I am in the basic level, and I have problems with irregular verbs, and how to ask questions rregulares and irregular verbs, can you help me?
Thank you Ronnie, you are a very good teacher. Thank once again
please give me a lesson about adjectives and adverbs . Explain me again Please Please . I shall be very thankful to you
I love your class. Thanks Bornie
hello ronnie can u tell me if my answer is correct
*her colleagues expected ______ the job.
a. (her to get)
b. thats she gets
c. thats she got
d. her getting
*not only _____ to London but she also visited
a. did she go
b. went she
c. she go
d. (she went)
*all of you athletes who took part in the international game should be ________
a. yourself
b. yourselves
c. (themselves)
d. oneself
*guess who I _____ into in the supermarket today?
a. knocked
b. hit
c. (bumped)
d. banged
NO. I do not do homework.
Hi, gr8 class indeed… just one observation, wouldn’t those be considered regular verbs since their ending in the past is d or ed… irregular verbs normally change spelling and of course there are some exceptions such as cut or put… but dream, learn and the ones you have their… are considered regular verbs… thx!! pls do let me know if I’m mistaken then again it’s my second language! RGDS!
It’s relly plesure learn English with you.
Thaks for this lesson
Have a good day.
love your style ronnie…very clear :)
thanks very much
My teacher please How can I follow your lessons for beginners from start to finish gradually ?.thank u very much
Click on “beginner”.
thank u very much..
what is the difference between “like” “love” RSVP i want these words quickly for the test please
Love is stronger than like.
hello ronnie thank you very much what you are doing for us good lessons are giving ronnie I’m excited to meet you again, thank you.
You are a very good teacher! Tks! :)
Hello I am very satisfied with your court I want to thank you infinitely
hi ronnie, i wanna thank u for every thing u do. “thanx alot” u r a great teatcher, PLZ if u a make a lesson about (true /t/, flap /t/ and glotta stope). i’ll be grateful..
sorry. teacher not teatcher
Miss I love Your lessons! :) you´re a dinamic person and the comprehension is 100% never leave us! Regards from El Salvador.
Wow you are amazing, thanks for this lesson.
I’ll try !!
1- If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.
2- If I knew, I wouldn’t be here now.
3- If someone had told me that it’s your birthday, I would have brought a gift.
Now correct me if I’m wrong with spelling and everything ^^
Hi Ronnie
y is there no quiz?
that’s great
may allah reward YOU highest paradise
this lesson very easy
thank you
Hi roonie, I think that you just concentrate on the context of conversation because sometimes the sound are very similar, I sometimes use verbs on British English and other times use american English, my teacher scold to me :)
I want to mean that we must concentrate on the context, I did not refer to you
Very amazing videos Ronnie
Hi Teacher Ronnie ,to be honest with you I really prefer the american pronunciation ,because is more comercial .regards.
is that the only diff. bet. br & amr. english ?
Don’t ever make any crazy gesture like what you did in this video lesson – look so cheapy & crazy
you are the best teacher because with you i now a lot of English thanks teacher.
thank you
this is the first lecture i watched
so simplified
thanks…. all times i saw a vid a click somme ads…. thanks
it awesome, thanks ronnie..
I’m an Indonesian, it’s hard for us to speak like yours..
Hi Ronnie!!I’m reviewing for my IELTS exam this coming October This is my second chance, hopefully I could make this time a better one.I need your help I got only 5.5 band score honestly it is embarassing for me.What would you suggest for me.Thanks!
Find some practice tests on the internet and try them!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!1
hey ronnie,
am a german man living in germany,i saw your videos and i loved it you explane it real good.the teaching like you do is fantastic.i would like to learn more from you,cause i will go to ohio middletown visit my sister and maybe stay there find a job and my luck.I love the american language,but i still gotta learn a lot till am perfect speaking,writing,but i do my best. i like you very much,hopefully you can teach me more in american language,would be cool.till then have a nice day.
see ya mike
Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. I want to learn and harness my English writing. I will watch all the videos and I hope at the end I could write a good report.
hi………… dear sim
ronnie i luv the way you teach but can u teach paraphrasing also ?
roonie can uteach paraphrasing?
thank you Ronnie.your lesson is very useful. i really enjoyed it
roonie i wanna meet you
how about either and neither? are they pronounce [aize/naize] or [i:ze/ni:ze]????? I’ve heard both of them(((
Very informative, thank u.
thanks Ronnie I loved it :)
thanks ronnie!!
Hi Ronnie, sorry for my broken english but I am learning now… In this video, which form of the verb is the past simple and which is the past participle? British verbs -nt is past simple and US verbs -ed is past participle? … Or two forms of the verbs are the same?
I think y have a mistake with regular verbs -ed and this video…. Help me please!! Thank you!!
hey Ronnie !you are so amazing and you explain very well ,so i am very happy to learn english from you then i have already learnt alot of coures from you and i am really appreciate that ,the way you teach english .thank you so much teacher
thank you
thanks ronnie for your lesson and I love your method in learning ….. but I want to ask a question I watched a video for you in which you say that “ed” in past verbs pronounce “t” but here you said “d” so when I use “t” or “d”
very nice tip!
nice, thanks
Indeed, it is useful! For all my life, I thought I write in an American verbs but now I know, I have been using those damn British verbs with those words.
Hello Ronnie,and hello every budy.
My name is Jorge,I’m from Brazil,Rio de Janeiro City,and I would like to make some friends here that could add me on skype and talk about everythings.
I really need to impruve my pronunciatin and my hear.
My skype is J.leonardo5
When ,or if somebudy add me,please send a message talnking about you’re a student or a teacher from engvid.
Hi there ,thanks for teaching English Ronnie .I would be thankful if you teach oualification like much ,little , a little and so….
I love the way when you explained soo much
Thank you
miss ronnie i would like to have english in .diploma be a.good English soeaker .how can i joing in to your school please thanks.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank Roonie, you lessons are very helpful for me.
I hope you listening to me when I speak cause to see your efforts on the ground
hi miss ronnie thanks fr your precious lessons i realy understand many thinks in engvid but i have to ask you one thing please can you right my name on the board in your next lesson thanks a lot .
thanks teacher, you are so funny! :D your lessons are so good!
canu tell me how to right birten english
Awww that was easy to learn :D <3 thank youuuu :D
very good teachers
GREAT class. Thank you Ronnie !
hii ronnie… ur lessons are good..
could u pls explain where to use MAY and MIGHT….?
so easy
Thank you
Thx a lot Ronnie , can you help me: I used to have full marks in exams…but speaking is another story for me..thx so much
awesome video from miss Ronnie…:)
How are you Ronnie?
thank you very much for your great efforts.
I have a question I want to learn British Accent
pronunciation how please help me
thank you so much
How are you Ronnie?
thank you very much for your great efforts.
I have a question I want to learn British Accent
pronunciation how please help me
thank you so much
Thanks so much for the lesson.
thanks mrs ronnie
Is this site contain all pronunciation rules for British English Mrs: Ronnie?
Nice question
yeah my dear teacher Ronnie. On your discussion, I learned now that there are English words that can be laid to argument sometime. The verb burn I used on my maintenance report became highlighted because I used burned which is American English. And it was insisted that I must use burnt which is British English which is the same meaning but different English tradition.
Hi madam Ronnie, Can you be sometime discuss also verbs French to Canadian English. lol
You’re one of the best teachers i’ve met. Keep going… you make me laugh a lot! Thanks
Thank you!!
Hi Ronnie. In the video you mentioned that “Irregular verbs” are Simple Past and Past Participle of the verbs.
Please refer the following link:http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/irregular-verbs/
On the mentioned link “Past Simple” and “Past Participle” are different verbs though they are Irregular Verbs.
Can you please help me in sorting out the confusion.
that so usefull for me, thaks alot
Hello Ronnie,
I would very likely appreciate, if you are able, to conduct a video about the difference between “J” and “G” pronunciation. Also, a video about ” How to speak in formal and informal situations?” Thank you very much in advance.
thnkx a lot ;)
can you help me ?????it seems confusing and a hard thing for me i look for to the dictionary to learn my self about the all rules of pronunciation and i compounded the work with the same pronunciation like bud ,bug ,dun,dug,gun,nun,elc and go to google translation to lesten it becouse i thought the the vowel is change the pronunciation so i compounded the next words cure,fuse,music,tube ….elc but i think its a hard work for me could you help me please?
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons.
I have a confusion regarding the usage of does and dont. Cant we use dont with she/he in any case ? could you clear it for me ?
first, need to know english language for to understand this lessons. i dont know english. how i can understand that lessons then? if i speak english why im here? i understand nothing. i can some writing and reading thats all or maybe i’m just a stupid i can’t learning
good one
Good afternoon teacher, I’ve a question, which the better between languages English USA and English British ? So, I need to improve the English and that is very confuse for me!!! thanks teacher for your help!!
Very nice to know about these differences, but it’s hard to learn about every detail of pronunciation of American English. Learn about the differences between British and American English just confuse me even more!
Thank you for your lesson.
I really need it. I have been waiting for it a long time and finally you did it :)Thanks!
Thanks teacher
Thanks Ronnie i love to watch your lessons…
Hi Ronnie!!!I love the way you teach. Thank you for everything!
I would really appreciate a lesson about flap /t/ because it is hard for me to pronounce it and sometimes sounds more like an /r/ than like a /d/.
Thank you very much!!
dear annabelpamie i ask you if you can help me to try discus by voice i want lessning
it was a great lesson again ,and btw I loved your hairstyle :)
hi..Ronnie …i am learning British accent ..if i watch movies or videos comes with American accent ,will it affect my learning??
Thank you, Roonie. your lessons are extremely helpful.
Ronnie you are the best
a loooooong time… :l
Ronnie i am saying from my heart, it is really nice one. I try to watch your every video.I am from a small country of south Asia “Bangladesh” you might know or not. Sujan.
Ronnie deneng ora nana quis maning kepriben gue? (java language)
@Sujan Miah where is Bangladesh? I am Indonesian dont know where it is.
Thank you ronnie
Thank u very much Ronnie .. I like your teaching it’s easy to understanding
that working with oll verbs in Britich the pronunciation in bast we saying T and in US we saying D ???
Thi is – One of the moust usefuls lessons on my mind !!!!!!!! Thank You Ronnie !!!!!! )
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks a lot
I love this teacher <3
thanks for all
I like you miss Ronnie!!!!
where is the quiz for this lesson?
Thank you so much Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for this lesson :))
Dear pressor, thank you so much. it’s very useful. i really enjoy to learning with you.
thanks DR.Ronnie
hi Ronnie ,how are you ? i have more books and videos to improve English but i need advice you , how learn English ? what is steps ?
HI THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
excellent teacher
i was late agani!!!!
well I love you madam Ronnie!
You are my favorite.
is it driven pronounced “draiven”?
Thank a lot:)
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you ronnie teacher.
Thank you teacher. I like you
good one Ronnie
thank yoou Ronnie
Thank you so much.
No quiz?
Thanks, but I don’t know how to write, still. haha~ I hope that I can change.
I have a question~?
Are both of them correct wen we speak formally?
Hi Ronnie, What about below base words (1st from the left)?
Are 2nd and 3rd verbs corect in US/Canada?
lean leant leant
light lit lit
smell smelt smelt
spoil spoiled spoiled
show sowed shown/showed
sew sewed sewn/sewed
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
l loved it the intro hahahahha
Thank you Ronnie
The British and American seem to be Past tense
whereas the base word is the action of
Am I crazy here ?
I watched this video twice on June 27, 2021.
Oh! English is a crazy language! Irregular verbs confused me.
no test?
Hello, I am new here and I want to learn English
thanks a lot