By following a few simple techniques, you can make any problem sound less serious. Learn how to resolve your difficulties more easily, in business and in life. This English lesson will show you how.
thank you very much this is a good opportunity and Im very enteresting to learn more.
hi Rebecca!!
=O i like your lessons!
thanks so much!!
hello, I like your lessons very much.
I can’t figure out when to write don’t have and haven’t. I was taught that in the negative we use don’t have instead of haven’t and have you in the interrogative. I thought it was just distinction between the AmE and the BrE, or is there another rule? I know that we use don’t have with phrases, but is tis sentence correct ? :
I have a brother . – I haven’t a brother. – Have I a brother?
i dont have to : no necesary in present—..— i have not gone : present perfect : something was in the pas but continuous in the present.
I would recommend using “don’t have” as it will be understood clearly wherever in the world you are.
All the best, Manu!
Rebecca I finished advanced level in different
Institution but I hard to read job means general english is not enough when we face job contract/office document/they also call business English?
chakim hamzah
Hello, Rebecca! I’m from Russia. I have a bit of problem with my English. I also need a little more time I can understand this lesson! I’m going to listen agan and agan. I try to use the new words and the new word combinations!
Thanks so mush for your job!
hye alenika
may i download these videos? if yes, how can I?
No, you can’t download them right now. Sorry.
hello ,i am from china.i have some problems when i log onto the website.I can not watch all the lesson videos.Are there any softwares needed to show the videos?Looking forward to your reply really urgently.Thank you,Sir.
wbupc — the lessons are currently hosted by YouTube. Because YouTube is blocked by the Chinese government, you cannot see the lessons right now. Hopefully your government will allow YouTube in the future.
Oh,Thanks for your kindly feedback.I should say this website is really perfect.I will stick to this all the way.
Hi, Maybe you can use the tool called “FreeVPN” to see .
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Your videos lesson help me alots for my job.
hi rebecca,thanks for your all wishes for you.
noureen khurshedi
Thank you very much Rebecca for your help.
Thank you for your help teacher.
It was an interesting and Good topic.
Thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
You look always so professional in your presentations.
Thank you once again.
Omar Ventura
Thank You for all your help!
iam abdullahi
thank you very much for your help
Hi Rebeca I have a question from TOEFL exam.
Why does examiners give long format reading or listening in offical exam of TOEFL IBT. What will be change with 2 more text from reading or 3 more listening.
Some people do receive a longer format TOEFl test, in the reading and / or listening section.
ETS, the company that creates the TOEFL test, is testing new questions and that is why some students get a longer test. They are testing their new questions / passages etc. on you!
You are not scored for the extra passages. You are scored only on 3 of them, but you do not know which 3, so you have to do your best on all sections.
No choice in life sometimes!
hi! more power your english course online.i’ve learn a lot…
thanks and GOD blessed all of u out there……
Thank you for your useful english course. that’s wonderful!
hi everybody
Thank you about the lesson
Tuyet Van
Thank you so much.
Mr. Zanas
Tank you so much teacher Rebecca for this lesson is very useful.
Thanks to all for your feedback. Please tell your friends if you like our website. It will help us to continue to grow and record more lessons for you. All the best.
hi miss thank you for your lesson iam learnign to be honest thanksssssss
Thanks, Rebecca…this lesson is very useful.
hi Reebica.
thank’s alot,this help in treading people in true life, but how it help me in toefl ibt exam
i am realy glad for see this website
but i do like to received a bit of e-mail lessons
please let me know how can i received notification for your respect lesson to let me go inside the web and hear the lessons
thank you for your help
ahmed hassan8
saudi arabia
This Site very very good
From egypt
Dear Rebeca,
You people are doing excellent work, I pray to God for all of You for your generous support to people like us. A lot thanks.
Wow, thanks! All the best to you too, Rizwan.
i m frm PAKISTAN. i want to speak good english . u made my problem solve . thanx.
noor ul elmah hasan
this is elmah frm pakistan. ur programme is really very good. please after u taught us take a test.
noor ul elmah hasan
Thanks rebeca you and other teachers for everything..god blessed all of you..
Hey there! Rebeca
I´m from Brazil and I´d like to need, how can I upgrade my english, I have studied for 7 months.
can I help me?
Everton Venabra
zohrehei heidar
thanks a lot Rebecca
It was an interesting
thank you so much!
kadbougo morum
thanks you very much keep it up…………..
gurinder singh
thank a lot
Hi,Rebecca,I happenly open this website,but I falled in love with it immediately.your lessons are so wonderful and useful,I decide to receive more your lessons from now untill i can speak Enlish like a native.Thank you for your help.
Thank you , your classes are interesting…
Thank you for useful lesson!
abdulmalik alnoaman
ones of them are new for me. . . thank again.
Please let me know how to download your lesson videos ???
Aly Raxa
I have a bit of problem in grammar so, it was useful for me.
Thank you…..
first of all i would like to thanks for this lessen but i need more than this discribe
OK thanks
rizwan khan
Hi, Rebecca!!You are the best teacher on that site!!I would like to take for Ielts exam, and fortunately, I found your lessons. Saying the truth, your lessons help me to improve and enrich my English. I would be grateful if you could post more lessons for Ielts preparation. Thank you so much!!
Please also check my website for lots of information to help you prepare for the IELTS.
My best to you, Dinara.
Cool, Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Rebecca!
God bess you!
Hi Rebacca, I like you all lessions, i appreicate this website….
thanks for all team also……
Hello madam,
Your accent is really supurb and clear. I like to immitate your accent.
Dear Rebecca
I really like yr voice ,it is clear & warm . I am english beginner but I can listen almost from you .
Thank you alot
Hi Rebecca,Thanks for very good teaching ,I am a little bit lucky.
i love watching your lessons. it is helping me a lot, and by the way i am a sri lanken. we sri lanen thank u for all this lessons which u made and for your hard work. thank you.
Thanks to you and to all our Sri Lankan viewers. So glad we can help you.
My best to you, Harshan.
To all our dear viewers: Thank you kindly for your feedback. We appreciate your comments and encouragement. Please tell your friends so we can continue to add more lessons. Thank you!
this is not commendable one, no body can evaluate this. How many people are getting the benefit of these on line lessons? So I am very sorry to say thanks but god bless you a lot in this time and the next birth too!!
Thank you so much
Respected madam
I watched your topic.your presentation is very great with clerity of the english world.Topic is very helpfull in daily routing life.
Thanks this is really a good site
that’s nice teacher rebecca.Thanks a lot for sharing this lesson it is helpfull to everyone. “Godbless and Takecare”
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I thankyou for all your help.I dont know how to thank you for my better english
Your Sincerely,
all the words in the mail are made from engvid rocks :)
I’m very happy to hear that the engvid lessons are helping so many of you improve your English in an enjoyable way. My best wishes to all of you.
I really like your lesson and way of your teaching. I really enjoyed. This site is very usefull to learn good english. Thank you so much.
very useful trainigs
hi,i got 100 points!!i’m very pleased that my teacher showed me this website !!Thanks all of you so much…….
now or never
hello teachers…i like all of your lessons.this is the better web site.thanks great..GOD BLESS YOU
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca! I know you really teachs us by heart I can feel that.
I am living in Cambodia and I have been searching for a proper English training online.
Now I feel so lucky!
Many thanks to all the teachers of!
thank you very much for this lesson that provides me how to adapt with the problems
i really like this lesson and it really helping me on my business envoriment
thanks for this valuable lesson.
Dear teacher!
I wish call you as a teacher
I love your lessions so much.
For some reasons, I could not view them online.
Could I download them? I hope it yes!
Sorry — you can not download lessons at this time.
Ms. Rebeca
I glad to know you,I think this lesson was great!.Teach us how can we handle more easier some difficults.
hey Rebeca ..
your lessones are amazing and it can improve my english language … i was very upset because i cant find any website can help me , but when i find this website i feel so happy .. thanks alot
thank you
Thank you Rebeca
Thank you Rebeca .
good prctice
Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca:
I am impressed by your way of teaching.
The art of lying
mahmoud farhat
hi every body good luck for you
Hi rebecca
I really to thanks you for the video, and a I have a question for you. In one of the videos you used the word “find”, but in same sense think. I look in my dictionary and the only meaning for find was in a sense of thing or object or a person. Could give more examples.
Thanks. Fernando from brazil
Hi how are you and how are u doing???
This is one of your Repectable and Dear student
And want to say a few words To the Team of Engvid
Your the best Teachers then ever I haven’t seen teachers like you I wish to talk with My respectable teachers Please…
I want to say hello to Mis Valen, Mis Ronnie, Mis Rebecca, Mr Alex and my Hero James…
Please Text me On
pLEASE I will be very Appreciate for all of you… Take care and Be happy..
Thanks from the whole engVid team, irshad!
hi,iam asiya. pls rebecca i just want to learn how to teach or stand before students and teach the subject.or simply want to enhance my self confidence.please help me.hope for your earlier response.Be happy…
asiya khan
I have just met with your web site and i see that really it will be useful.From the first week i have begun to advise you to my friends.Thanks
Hello Rebeca and all the EngVid teacher’s team. I feel it as my duty to tell that you are all great!!! May God protect you, and Happy New Year!!! With great respect to you and to what you are doing,
Alexander from Russia
how are you doing thakns for that
Learn Real English website and yours help me a lot in improving my english. Keep up the good work. A big huge from me to you.
hi rebecca
i thank you a lot for your efforts to help us
Good Work.Thank you.
thank you sooooooooooo much inever understand grammer like this before
Thank you so much for helping us to injoy
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Your explanations are very clair, so we can learn english more easily than other forms (only text, f.e.).
thanks this is great
juan sebastian
Thanks Rebecca!!!
i understand exactly i am very glad with you to study english and learning your teaching is very excelent thanks a million again……
Very Good!
Rebecca, you are ssso amazing=) have made the Engvid my homepage)) THANKS a BILLON (=
rebeca – the best teacher
Hi Rebeva, thanks your lesson , it is clear as water, i have not a slight delay to get the quiz!
hector ararao
very helpfull ……..thanx a lot !
Amazing lesson
i study bussiness topic with all levels and next it will be slang
very good teacher
thank you my teacher
Even though i am new to this web site. i found really helpful lesson here. thanks very much to all engvid time. good luck.
it was team not time. i am sorry for that.
Dear Rebecca,
Your entire team is doing a tremendous job for the welfare of people who are facing many problems to learn English effectively.
I have a question. kindly tell me what’s the difference between Speak and Talk and how to use them in sentences?
Waiting anxiously for your quick response.
Hi Rebecca,
I like your style to teach….:)
Good luck.
I am from Sudan . your lessons are very benefit
thanks so much .I want to become a keen translator .so I will know more about other cultures and send our peace wishes
I appriciate your great teaching.
maryam nezafat
Thanks for help
Abid Siddique
Thank you again. I need few changes in learning English. Hope to see you more in the future and maybe I can contact you somehow.
Have a nice day!
Simple, easy, understanding. Thanks a lot
Great lesson!
Good job
Ngoc Nguyen
Mrs Rebecca. You are very good teacher!!!!!!
a few more lessons from u, n’ I will be a better student. hugs n’ kisses 2 u. nice job.
Thanks,but just a little question . how can we know to use slight or the other qualifiers in our speech could help me ?
thanks rebica but just a little question >how can I learn English flunce . sorry to my little english
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for helping using English language effectively. You’re such a great teacher!
Hi,rebecca. I am enjoying your classes.. and i feel that I can start to improve my knowledge. I am good at english. and also having confidence too. but sometimes I don’t understand aussie accent. It’s become hard to understand.. I am kingly greatful to you if you could give me few tips for that.. You have very excellent teaching style. I’m loving it. I’ve been thankful for you.
dear all responsible for producing this website which is very interesting for me I found it after searching too much about site may be support me in english language conversation ,finally I found it excellent effective and attractive so thanks again for all spesialy
badawy baghdady
dear rebecca,
I sent e-mail and this completion for the previous one your lessons supported me strongly, pls I’d like to be one of your students if you agree I,ll be thank you very much.
badawy baghdady
badawy baghdady
thank you so much, i feel that i can improve my english knowledge. and, the lessons was helping using effective language.
A good lesson.Ilearned a few interesting things.
Dear Rebecca,
I´d like to thank you for your advanced english lessons. I can see you must have a high academic profile. I am happy to learn with your fiendly english method; small details make a difference. “Good bye for now!”
Thanks for helping me. Sometimes I get into disagreements because I’m not polite.
This is my first time in this websize but i sure this lesson will help a lot.
Thank you so much.
Why you should always have to lie in English? Ex.Interview, problems at work, at your manager etc Thanks. I am from a country were people say what is really going on..English culture is so confused….
You are a good teacher. It is true!
Many North American and European cultures promote the values of “politeness” and “political correctness”. These are usually just nice ways of LYING! I hate it, too! What country are you from, Olga?
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes! I am from Argentina.We have many mistake in our culture, but people are really friendly and honest. SOMETIME we are naive…thanks for be honest with us..You do not have idea how much appreciated your wonderful classes. SORRY if I sound rude, but I hate lies…please do not stop teaching..THANKS A LOT!
so great Rebecca.
good job.
Thank you so much Rebecca,
your lessons are very clear!
Thank you very much Rebbeca, this is amazing lessons.
hi, really this lesson was very usful for meee
Thanks for this useful and informative video. Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks this is wonderful
In This Sentence : Two foreign journalists were killed in that blast and three other journalists caught up in it .
Why do not we use .. Two foreign journalists Killed. Use past tense killed instead of was killed.. what is difference please explain.
Dear Rebecca. i’d like to thanks thanks for your training. Frankly speaking I think you are the best teacher in here. The reason is your training level for students the exactly what I need. The second one is your topic devotes the business english. that’s why I attend your lessons more than others.
Hello, mrs Rebecca Im “SPEECHLESS”!!!…………..ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
mrs rebecca u r genious beacuse u help others including me to become heartly thanks to u and your team.
Thanks Rebecca! You are always accurate in your lessons!
thank you very much
teacher rebecca but please
try this sentence
( a slight dealy ) beacause
Im Not Understand the meaning
thank you teacher
thank you so much for your help!:)
Thank you. It found your method of teaching and consequently a quiz very useful.
Very nice! That was a lot of help! Thanks again.
Hi Ms Rebecca, Thank you a lot for your interesting lessons and for this website.
I have a quastion to ask: Can please tell what is the difference between the words: “effective” and “efficient”.
Tahnk you in advance .
Dear Ms Rebecca,
My name is Dung, I am from Vietnam. I just find out this wetsite for studying Enghish. I like this language when I was yourng but I had no opportunities to learn. I hope I will get more things from you and this website. Sometime I do not know how to study it well for inproving.
I am forward from you for your ideas
Thank you very much for your lesson
Dung Nguyen
thanks teacher…
Oh, I should have reminded myself of opposite meaning behind small disagreement , a bit of problem , slight delay , a little of time etc, and prepare my plan B. Funny it is.
Hi, how can I “tick” the lesson I have already done or my favourite one’s? Is it possibile?
Thanks and regards
Not yet, but we are looking into it!
engVid Moderator
I love your lesson.Thanks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca! Thank you a lot for your efforts! Your lessons easy to understand))! You are very talented teacher)).
With best regards from Russia
Thanks, Rebecca! Afraid means ‘to fear’. Then, what does it mean in the following sentence:
“I’m afraid, we have a slight problem”.
Dear Rebecca!
I am from Mongolia and I want to say great thanks to your excellent team for your gyus’s help. your lessons are improve my English by leaps and bounds!
I always enjoy watching your lesson and have a beautiful day ! kind regards :)
Hey! I am new from here. Thanks for your video.
Thanks a lot Rebecca. I need a little more time to complete the quiz
I’m really learning with you.
Thanks very much
thank you Rebeca so much ,, you have no idea how much i enjoy watching and learning from you..
Thanks Miss Rebeca. Today a learn something new.The explanation was clear..
Thank you, Rebeca.
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca.. You and teacher Ronnie are my favorite teachers because I can I understand you both very well and your accent is very good. I am always watching you and teacher Ronnie for english lesson everyday.. You guys complete my day and now I understand grammar and I love it so very much.
Thanks also to engVID I really love this website. You are the Best ever!!!
Thank You muah. :)
Cherry Ann
Es ist schon sehr lange her, dass ich Englisch in der Schule gelernt habe und daher brauche ich nun eine Auffrischung. Dabei habe ich einige Lernvideos probiert und bin mit keinem zufrieden gestellt worden. Nun fand ich mehr oder minder zufällig Ihre Lektionen, die mich sehr zufrieden stellen. Ihre Rhetorik entspricht genau meinen Vorkenntnissen, sodass ich Ihnen nahezu fließend folgen kann.
Great lesson!
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are outstanding!
Thank you Rebecca. How to minimize problems, it’s important in the business. I’ll use soon!
Kazuya Kinoshita
Dear Rebecca,
Yes, talking with sweet words is more user friendly.
Best regards.
my quiz
You got 4 correct out of 4.
chakim hamzah
It’s really Good and I’m passionating with your teaching that makes me more confident on English speaking and improving my English Listening Skill too.. .
I’ve got 4 to 4;…
Dear, Rebecca!
Thank you for your lessons, it very helpful for many of us, at least for me:)
But according this particular lesson “How to minimize problems”. I must tell, that in some cases such expressions and words looks like a little untruth.
For example if we know exact delay time 14 hours, but in result says “a slight delay” is it ok? I just want to say that “say truth in prioritet”. Or in result (when truth comes) we receive much bigger problems.
Thank you again, and good luck!
thank you so much teacher ;)) my all respects
thanks so much
kamal saeed
I need to have a litter more time to improve my English skills. :D 10/10
i think that laing is bad :)
jesus, there are so many phrase used in different situation ,i should press myself to catch up with thoes phrase to perfect my oral english and written english, let others regard my enlish is professional,gaga
Oh thanks i got 100
Thank you so much, I got full marks.
Thank you again Rebecca -)
Me and you slight misunderstanding each other.
I need a little more time to improve English from I have a bit of a problem because English isn’t easy for me to study. Thank you Rebecca. :) Happy study everyone.
thanks so much Rebeca, really I like your classes.
You got 4 correct out of 4.
M kartal
It is uesfull for me thanx
Rohit shinde
I am afraid we have a bit of problem to get there.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. I see your point. Let’s be optimistic.
Thank you very much for your lesson!
Thanks Rebeca!!!
edi wilson
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
That was great.
Thank you, Rebecca !
Now I understand how minimization could change the mood an easy resolvable way. That’s an incredible method to use.
Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks not very to understand this lesson,I got 100!
Mohammad mostaan
thanks a lot,Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 11Dec2o21:)
I like your classes teacher. thanks for the good points
Angelina Nava
Thanks 🙏
Is that ok for us to tell the truth or minimizing the
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you very much I like your lesson.
thank you very much this is a good opportunity and Im very enteresting to learn more.
hi Rebecca!!
=O i like your lessons!
thanks so much!!
hello, I like your lessons very much.
I can’t figure out when to write don’t have and haven’t. I was taught that in the negative we use don’t have instead of haven’t and have you in the interrogative. I thought it was just distinction between the AmE and the BrE, or is there another rule? I know that we use don’t have with phrases, but is tis sentence correct ? :
I have a brother . – I haven’t a brother. – Have I a brother?
i dont have to : no necesary in present—..— i have not gone : present perfect : something was in the pas but continuous in the present.
I would recommend using “don’t have” as it will be understood clearly wherever in the world you are.
All the best, Manu!
Rebecca I finished advanced level in different
Institution but I hard to read job means general english is not enough when we face job contract/office document/they also call business English?
Hello, Rebecca! I’m from Russia. I have a bit of problem with my English. I also need a little more time I can understand this lesson! I’m going to listen agan and agan. I try to use the new words and the new word combinations!
Thanks so mush for your job!
hye alenika
may i download these videos? if yes, how can I?
No, you can’t download them right now. Sorry.
hello ,i am from china.i have some problems when i log onto the website.I can not watch all the lesson videos.Are there any softwares needed to show the videos?Looking forward to your reply really urgently.Thank you,Sir.
wbupc — the lessons are currently hosted by YouTube. Because YouTube is blocked by the Chinese government, you cannot see the lessons right now. Hopefully your government will allow YouTube in the future.
Oh,Thanks for your kindly feedback.I should say this website is really perfect.I will stick to this all the way.
Hi, Maybe you can use the tool called “FreeVPN” to see .
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Your videos lesson help me alots for my job.
hi rebecca,thanks for your all wishes for you.
Thank you very much Rebecca for your help.
Thank you for your help teacher.
It was an interesting and Good topic.
Thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
You look always so professional in your presentations.
Thank you once again.
Thank You for all your help!
iam abdullahi
thank you very much for your help
Hi Rebeca I have a question from TOEFL exam.
Why does examiners give long format reading or listening in offical exam of TOEFL IBT. What will be change with 2 more text from reading or 3 more listening.
Some people do receive a longer format TOEFl test, in the reading and / or listening section.
ETS, the company that creates the TOEFL test, is testing new questions and that is why some students get a longer test. They are testing their new questions / passages etc. on you!
You are not scored for the extra passages. You are scored only on 3 of them, but you do not know which 3, so you have to do your best on all sections.
No choice in life sometimes!
hi! more power your english course online.i’ve learn a lot…
thanks and GOD blessed all of u out there……
Thank you for your useful english course. that’s wonderful!
hi everybody
Thank you about the lesson
Thank you so much.
Tank you so much teacher Rebecca for this lesson is very useful.
Thanks to all for your feedback. Please tell your friends if you like our website. It will help us to continue to grow and record more lessons for you. All the best.
hi miss thank you for your lesson iam learnign to be honest thanksssssss
Thanks, Rebecca…this lesson is very useful.
hi Reebica.
thank’s alot,this help in treading people in true life, but how it help me in toefl ibt exam
i am realy glad for see this website
but i do like to received a bit of e-mail lessons
please let me know how can i received notification for your respect lesson to let me go inside the web and hear the lessons
thank you for your help
ahmed hassan8
saudi arabia
This Site very very good
From egypt
Dear Rebeca,
You people are doing excellent work, I pray to God for all of You for your generous support to people like us. A lot thanks.
Wow, thanks! All the best to you too, Rizwan.
i m frm PAKISTAN. i want to speak good english . u made my problem solve . thanx.
this is elmah frm pakistan. ur programme is really very good. please after u taught us take a test.
Thanks rebeca you and other teachers for everything..god blessed all of you..
Hey there! Rebeca
I´m from Brazil and I´d like to need, how can I upgrade my english, I have studied for 7 months.
can I help me?
thanks a lot Rebecca
It was an interesting
thank you so much!
thanks you very much keep it up…………..
thank a lot
Hi,Rebecca,I happenly open this website,but I falled in love with it immediately.your lessons are so wonderful and useful,I decide to receive more your lessons from now untill i can speak Enlish like a native.Thank you for your help.
Thank you , your classes are interesting…
Thank you for useful lesson!
ones of them are new for me. . . thank again.
Please let me know how to download your lesson videos ???
I have a bit of problem in grammar so, it was useful for me.
Thank you…..
first of all i would like to thanks for this lessen but i need more than this discribe
OK thanks
Hi, Rebecca!!You are the best teacher on that site!!I would like to take for Ielts exam, and fortunately, I found your lessons. Saying the truth, your lessons help me to improve and enrich my English. I would be grateful if you could post more lessons for Ielts preparation. Thank you so much!!
Please also check my website for lots of information to help you prepare for the IELTS.
My best to you, Dinara.
Cool, Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Rebecca!
God bess you!
Hi Rebacca, I like you all lessions, i appreicate this website….
thanks for all team also……
Hello madam,
Your accent is really supurb and clear. I like to immitate your accent.
Dear Rebecca
I really like yr voice ,it is clear & warm . I am english beginner but I can listen almost from you .
Thank you alot
Hi Rebecca,Thanks for very good teaching ,I am a little bit lucky.
i love watching your lessons. it is helping me a lot, and by the way i am a sri lanken. we sri lanen thank u for all this lessons which u made and for your hard work. thank you.
Thanks to you and to all our Sri Lankan viewers. So glad we can help you.
My best to you, Harshan.
To all our dear viewers: Thank you kindly for your feedback. We appreciate your comments and encouragement. Please tell your friends so we can continue to add more lessons. Thank you!
this is not commendable one, no body can evaluate this. How many people are getting the benefit of these on line lessons? So I am very sorry to say thanks but god bless you a lot in this time and the next birth too!!
Thank you so much
Respected madam
I watched your topic.your presentation is very great with clerity of the english world.Topic is very helpfull in daily routing life.
Thanks this is really a good site
that’s nice teacher rebecca.Thanks a lot for sharing this lesson it is helpfull to everyone. “Godbless and Takecare”
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I thankyou for all your help.I dont know how to thank you for my better english
Your Sincerely,
all the words in the mail are made from engvid rocks :)
I’m very happy to hear that the engvid lessons are helping so many of you improve your English in an enjoyable way. My best wishes to all of you.
I really like your lesson and way of your teaching. I really enjoyed. This site is very usefull to learn good english. Thank you so much.
very useful trainigs
hi,i got 100 points!!i’m very pleased that my teacher showed me this website !!Thanks all of you so much…….
hello teachers…i like all of your lessons.this is the better web site.thanks great..GOD BLESS YOU
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca! I know you really teachs us by heart I can feel that.
I am living in Cambodia and I have been searching for a proper English training online.
Now I feel so lucky!
Many thanks to all the teachers of!
thank you very much for this lesson that provides me how to adapt with the problems
i really like this lesson and it really helping me on my business envoriment
thanks for this valuable lesson.
Dear teacher!
I wish call you as a teacher
I love your lessions so much.
For some reasons, I could not view them online.
Could I download them? I hope it yes!
Sorry — you can not download lessons at this time.
Ms. Rebeca
I glad to know you,I think this lesson was great!.Teach us how can we handle more easier some difficults.
hey Rebeca ..
your lessones are amazing and it can improve my english language … i was very upset because i cant find any website can help me , but when i find this website i feel so happy .. thanks alot
thank you
Thank you Rebeca
Thank you Rebeca .
good prctice
Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca:
I am impressed by your way of teaching.
The art of lying
hi every body good luck for you
Hi rebecca
I really to thanks you for the video, and a I have a question for you. In one of the videos you used the word “find”, but in same sense think. I look in my dictionary and the only meaning for find was in a sense of thing or object or a person. Could give more examples.
Thanks. Fernando from brazil
Hi how are you and how are u doing???
This is one of your Repectable and Dear student
And want to say a few words To the Team of Engvid
Your the best Teachers then ever I haven’t seen teachers like you I wish to talk with My respectable teachers Please…
I want to say hello to Mis Valen, Mis Ronnie, Mis Rebecca, Mr Alex and my Hero James…
Please Text me On
pLEASE I will be very Appreciate for all of you… Take care and Be happy..
Thanks from the whole engVid team, irshad!
hi,iam asiya. pls rebecca i just want to learn how to teach or stand before students and teach the subject.or simply want to enhance my self confidence.please help me.hope for your earlier response.Be happy…
I have just met with your web site and i see that really it will be useful.From the first week i have begun to advise you to my friends.Thanks
Hello Rebeca and all the EngVid teacher’s team. I feel it as my duty to tell that you are all great!!! May God protect you, and Happy New Year!!! With great respect to you and to what you are doing,
Alexander from Russia
how are you doing thakns for that
Learn Real English website and yours help me a lot in improving my english. Keep up the good work. A big huge from me to you.
hi rebecca
i thank you a lot for your efforts to help us
Good Work.Thank you.
thank you sooooooooooo much inever understand grammer like this before
Thank you so much for helping us to injoy
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Your explanations are very clair, so we can learn english more easily than other forms (only text, f.e.).
thanks this is great
Thanks Rebecca!!!
i understand exactly i am very glad with you to study english and learning your teaching is very excelent thanks a million again……
Very Good!
Rebecca, you are ssso amazing=) have made the Engvid my homepage)) THANKS a BILLON (=
rebeca – the best teacher
Hi Rebeva, thanks your lesson , it is clear as water, i have not a slight delay to get the quiz!
very helpfull ……..thanx a lot !
Amazing lesson
i study bussiness topic with all levels and next it will be slang
very good teacher
thank you my teacher
Even though i am new to this web site. i found really helpful lesson here. thanks very much to all engvid time. good luck.
it was team not time. i am sorry for that.
Dear Rebecca,
Your entire team is doing a tremendous job for the welfare of people who are facing many problems to learn English effectively.
I have a question. kindly tell me what’s the difference between Speak and Talk and how to use them in sentences?
Waiting anxiously for your quick response.
Hi Rebecca,
I like your style to teach….:)
Good luck.
I am from Sudan . your lessons are very benefit
thanks so much .I want to become a keen translator .so I will know more about other cultures and send our peace wishes
I appriciate your great teaching.
Thanks for help
Thank you again. I need few changes in learning English. Hope to see you more in the future and maybe I can contact you somehow.
Have a nice day!
Simple, easy, understanding. Thanks a lot
Great lesson!
Good job
Mrs Rebecca. You are very good teacher!!!!!!
a few more lessons from u, n’ I will be a better student. hugs n’ kisses 2 u. nice job.
Thanks,but just a little question . how can we know to use slight or the other qualifiers in our speech could help me ?
thanks rebica but just a little question >how can I learn English flunce . sorry to my little english
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for helping using English language effectively. You’re such a great teacher!
Hi,rebecca. I am enjoying your classes.. and i feel that I can start to improve my knowledge. I am good at english. and also having confidence too. but sometimes I don’t understand aussie accent. It’s become hard to understand.. I am kingly greatful to you if you could give me few tips for that.. You have very excellent teaching style. I’m loving it. I’ve been thankful for you.
dear all responsible for producing this website which is very interesting for me I found it after searching too much about site may be support me in english language conversation ,finally I found it excellent effective and attractive so thanks again for all spesialy
dear rebecca,
I sent e-mail and this completion for the previous one your lessons supported me strongly, pls I’d like to be one of your students if you agree I,ll be thank you very much.
badawy baghdady
thank you so much, i feel that i can improve my english knowledge. and, the lessons was helping using effective language.
A good lesson.Ilearned a few interesting things.
Dear Rebecca,
I´d like to thank you for your advanced english lessons. I can see you must have a high academic profile. I am happy to learn with your fiendly english method; small details make a difference. “Good bye for now!”
Thanks for helping me. Sometimes I get into disagreements because I’m not polite.
This is my first time in this websize but i sure this lesson will help a lot.
Thank you so much.
Why you should always have to lie in English? Ex.Interview, problems at work, at your manager etc Thanks. I am from a country were people say what is really going on..English culture is so confused….
You are a good teacher. It is true!
Many North American and European cultures promote the values of “politeness” and “political correctness”. These are usually just nice ways of LYING! I hate it, too! What country are you from, Olga?
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes! I am from Argentina.We have many mistake in our culture, but people are really friendly and honest. SOMETIME we are naive…thanks for be honest with us..You do not have idea how much appreciated your wonderful classes. SORRY if I sound rude, but I hate lies…please do not stop teaching..THANKS A LOT!
so great Rebecca.
good job.
Thank you so much Rebecca,
your lessons are very clear!
Thank you very much Rebbeca, this is amazing lessons.
hi, really this lesson was very usful for meee
Thanks for this useful and informative video. Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks this is wonderful
In This Sentence : Two foreign journalists were killed in that blast and three other journalists caught up in it .
Why do not we use .. Two foreign journalists Killed. Use past tense killed instead of was killed.. what is difference please explain.
Dear Rebecca. i’d like to thanks thanks for your training. Frankly speaking I think you are the best teacher in here. The reason is your training level for students the exactly what I need. The second one is your topic devotes the business english. that’s why I attend your lessons more than others.
Hello, mrs Rebecca Im “SPEECHLESS”!!!…………..ONCE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
mrs rebecca u r genious beacuse u help others including me to become heartly thanks to u and your team.
Thanks Rebecca! You are always accurate in your lessons!
thank you very much
teacher rebecca but please
try this sentence
( a slight dealy ) beacause
Im Not Understand the meaning
thank you teacher
thank you so much for your help!:)
Thank you. It found your method of teaching and consequently a quiz very useful.
Very nice! That was a lot of help! Thanks again.
Hi Ms Rebecca, Thank you a lot for your interesting lessons and for this website.
I have a quastion to ask: Can please tell what is the difference between the words: “effective” and “efficient”.
Tahnk you in advance .
Dear Ms Rebecca,
My name is Dung, I am from Vietnam. I just find out this wetsite for studying Enghish. I like this language when I was yourng but I had no opportunities to learn. I hope I will get more things from you and this website. Sometime I do not know how to study it well for inproving.
I am forward from you for your ideas
Thank you very much for your lesson
Dung Nguyen
thanks teacher…
Oh, I should have reminded myself of opposite meaning behind small disagreement , a bit of problem , slight delay , a little of time etc, and prepare my plan B. Funny it is.
Hi, how can I “tick” the lesson I have already done or my favourite one’s? Is it possibile?
Thanks and regards
Not yet, but we are looking into it!
I love your lesson.Thanks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca! Thank you a lot for your efforts! Your lessons easy to understand))! You are very talented teacher)).
With best regards from Russia
Thanks, Rebecca! Afraid means ‘to fear’. Then, what does it mean in the following sentence:
“I’m afraid, we have a slight problem”.
Dear Rebecca!
I am from Mongolia and I want to say great thanks to your excellent team for your gyus’s help. your lessons are improve my English by leaps and bounds!
I always enjoy watching your lesson and have a beautiful day ! kind regards :)
Hey! I am new from here. Thanks for your video.
Thanks a lot Rebecca. I need a little more time to complete the quiz
I’m really learning with you.
Thanks very much
thank you Rebeca so much ,, you have no idea how much i enjoy watching and learning from you..
Thanks Miss Rebeca. Today a learn something new.The explanation was clear..
Thank you, Rebeca.
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca.. You and teacher Ronnie are my favorite teachers because I can I understand you both very well and your accent is very good. I am always watching you and teacher Ronnie for english lesson everyday.. You guys complete my day and now I understand grammar and I love it so very much.
Thanks also to engVID I really love this website. You are the Best ever!!!
Thank You muah. :)
Es ist schon sehr lange her, dass ich Englisch in der Schule gelernt habe und daher brauche ich nun eine Auffrischung. Dabei habe ich einige Lernvideos probiert und bin mit keinem zufrieden gestellt worden. Nun fand ich mehr oder minder zufällig Ihre Lektionen, die mich sehr zufrieden stellen. Ihre Rhetorik entspricht genau meinen Vorkenntnissen, sodass ich Ihnen nahezu fließend folgen kann.
Great lesson!
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are outstanding!
Thank you Rebecca. How to minimize problems, it’s important in the business. I’ll use soon!
Dear Rebecca,
Yes, talking with sweet words is more user friendly.
Best regards.
my quiz
You got 4 correct out of 4.
It’s really Good and I’m passionating with your teaching that makes me more confident on English speaking and improving my English Listening Skill too.. .
I’ve got 4 to 4;…
Dear, Rebecca!
Thank you for your lessons, it very helpful for many of us, at least for me:)
But according this particular lesson “How to minimize problems”. I must tell, that in some cases such expressions and words looks like a little untruth.
For example if we know exact delay time 14 hours, but in result says “a slight delay” is it ok? I just want to say that “say truth in prioritet”. Or in result (when truth comes) we receive much bigger problems.
Thank you again, and good luck!
thank you so much teacher ;)) my all respects
thanks so much
I need to have a litter more time to improve my English skills. :D 10/10
i think that laing is bad :)
jesus, there are so many phrase used in different situation ,i should press myself to catch up with thoes phrase to perfect my oral english and written english, let others regard my enlish is professional,gaga
Oh thanks i got 100
Thank you so much, I got full marks.
Thank you again Rebecca -)
Me and you slight misunderstanding each other.
I need a little more time to improve English from I have a bit of a problem because English isn’t easy for me to study. Thank you Rebecca. :) Happy study everyone.
thanks so much Rebeca, really I like your classes.
You got 4 correct out of 4.
It is uesfull for me thanx
I am afraid we have a bit of problem to get there.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. I see your point. Let’s be optimistic.
Thank you very much for your lesson!
Thanks Rebeca!!!
thank you very much
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
That was great.
Thank you, Rebecca !
Now I understand how minimization could change the mood an easy resolvable way. That’s an incredible method to use.
Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks not very to understand this lesson,I got 100!
thanks a lot,Rebecca, hugs (Kazakhstan 11Dec2o21:)
I like your classes teacher. thanks for the good points
Thanks 🙏
Is that ok for us to tell the truth or minimizing the