In your business, do you have customers or clients? What’s the difference, anyway? Learn more in this short but informative free Business English lesson.
Thanks a I know the different between two words clearly.
Very nice
nice it is really helpful
“Being a customer at the Apple store feels like being a sheep waiting to be killed.”…???!!!! :D Fans of Apple will love the comparison!!!!
Mr. EngVid wrote this quiz, not Rebecca. So it is a little different :)
So you’re the bloody one!!! :)
Hi Rebecca!Your way of teaching is excellent,i really love it.
thanks allte
I didn’t understand second sentence, please explain me.
Arthur Enriquez
me nether :((
Not sure which second sentence you mean.
its about the second question. i guess that’s what he wants to point out.
I also didn’t understand the 2nd question in this quiz.
Thank you so much. You are helping us to understand differences.
Does prostitute have customer or client? We already know that answer from engVid………… it is John!
ME to
Karen I want to talk with you through Skype to improve my level of English language
Skype account: maye_alshmary
NO! you have misunderstood, she is a student not a prosti……
Karen i think a prostitute has both customer and client…
Prostitute offer a service! So, it’s client!
Thanks’s really helpful
I have qustion to envid .I’m prepareing my self for IELTS.i have problem in reading..its too difficult to understand.Houw i can improve it.If you make a lesson it may be help for me. Jassi From India
The IELTS exam is quite challenging so make sure you do a lot of practice tests, learn more academic vocabulary and understand the strategies required to answer each kind of reading question. You may find more help on my IELTS website. All the best to you, Jassi.
dear Rebecca,
I also prepare for ielts,so you can give me your IELTS website address. thank u so much.
thanh an is very useful.I appreciate your time and effort.
A real good explanation. Thank you. very useful to me.
thank you very much madame rebecca!
dear teacher how can i writh easy my spealing is so bad plz gave me information about that
sultan mahmood
It will help to get a spelling book. There are many such books available. Start from the beginning, even if it seems easy, and then move forward step by step. Also, working through the spelling book will make you more aware of words and their spelling, even when you read. English spelling is challenging, but you can master it, as many students have done. All the best to you.
Hey Rebecca, Your way of prentation is awesome..I like it & the one thing I want to know is which spelling book you are talking about…is there any online live training or calss for improving english vocab & pronounciation…thanks a lot for presenting & posting such good presentations…:)
Thanks’s really helpful.You are very good teacher.Take care :)
Why you all write her name like this? It is Rebecca!
Thanks, Karen, you’re right. The correct spelling of my name is Rebecca.
Thank you very much Rebecca. And Karen are very observation
And you still think you have a chanse on Karen L.O.L.
Its due to their respective language and citizenship.
thank you very much
please, i like english languge but my knewladge is a little please helpe me to more more understand
good luck
Keep watching our video lessons, join some English classes and but some good English books. Also, try to find a friend or teacher who speaks English and can help you. My best to you, Benamar.
good n helpful lesson! (:
Thank you
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much ma’am it will be really helpful for the all eng.vid students
Imran qureshi
its tooo…… good
I thought they are the same meaning but thank you so much
Glad you understand the difference now. My best to you.
its very helpful…..
thank you so much….
Hello Rebecca.. I like the way you explain to us, yur english is very very clear :) thank you
OPst.. I need to ask you something dear teacher. what is the good book in learning English, my friend has recommended me THe Power make easy. Is that good book? should I buy it? please tell me and thank you so much :)
There are many excellent books available for learning English. It depends where you are, what your current level is and what your goals are. I am not familiar with the book you mentioned. There are books that specialize in General English, Business English, Grammar, Vocabulary and more. A very good grammar book is Basic Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. My best wishes to you, Cristal.
thank you teacher,, I am going to study english literature this coming year, I want to study teaching,, and I am now studying online to prepare my university, I always do exercise online, working on my grammar, listen to the audios, go the english site from one to another, sometimes I get bored, and I feel like buying book, but I don’t know what book to buy to improve my english, now you know what is my aim to be, please!! any other good book to read, sorry I am talking too much, thanks teacher! thank you dear Rebecca :)
Thank you for lesson
yup now i get the main diffrence
its really nice now i know the difference. tnx anyway…
michelle gomez
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for this explanation. But and how about the word “patron”? The diccionaries say that it means both client and customer. Could you please explain it? Regards.
Thanks to all for your feedback. All the best with your English.
hi rebecca, I was wondering if you could do the vocabulary expansion technique video but this time using a word that have different meanings to them.
short and sweet thanks
hi Rebecca i am new to this website and i am willing to learn and speak english and i really like your explanation of teaching and i hope you will help me alot in learning english language.
thank you! It is really very nice!
Had this doubt in my mind, it’s clear now, thanks!
Adam Solo
Dear Rebecca
Good day!!
It was vry nice but could you please let me know that how can i speak english very flruently ?
I’m a new English student and next month I’ll do my IElTS General and I looking for help.
I would like to ask your support and help.
thans for nice lesson
i want to improve my my official English please advise
Abid Siddique
Thanks a lot Rebecca.You’re very kind.Lily from Brasil
Thanks for let me know the difference.
Amelia Reyna
Are passengers called customers or clients by taxi drivers or airline companys?
They are using transportation services, so guess they would be called clients but…..
what is the difference between sence and sense
Janet Baidoo
i want to try joint the quiz….but how to do it??
thanks mam for the lesson today…….
can you explane more about client
aftre i do the quiz i know the diffren
thank teachrt
go ahead
rebecca yoy are geart……
I like the way you are teaching us in video……
Keep smile every time :-)
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez someone here help me to improve my engliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish
louhichi ahmed
Hello Rebecca..
I like the way you explain. You are the excellent teacher. Thanks you.
Maria from Brazil.
tkank you very mach
Voce fala portuques ? Do you speak Portuguese. I’ll help, but you will help me with the English. Correct?
Você fala portugues ??? Do you speak Portuguese. I’ll help, but you will help me with the English. Correct?
thank you , I like the lesson (:
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca, it’s so wonderful for me
hi rebecca.
can u help me know about the difference between RATE and PROPORTION?
hi iam new student your teaching me english thanks
Wow… so grade. I understood well deferent between client and Customer
im from Viet Nam my english is not well so i like this site so much because help me know english better
thanks it ´s very helpful
respectable madam rebecca
i am disha barua.i am very much inspired by your teaching.Madam, i am facing many problems in speaking english well.can you please help me ???please do email me as soon as possible.i will appreciate an early response from you.
Thank you
disha barua
Very good
thanks to lesson ..
cool lesson very esay but importan thank you REBECA !!!
anderson perez
Many thanks for your lession. However, i have a little confuse.
The customer, is Ok. The client, i wonder if we can use the client for both compay and prof person.
Can you explain it for me.
Thanks in advance
hi could you help me for stress rule about double spell. mybe im wrong for example big bigger, begin beginning
It is very useful,I really appreciate it
Hello Rebecca! Thank you so much, you are great!!
hi Mrs.Rubica i really like your video it really helpful. I don’t have any problem with speaking only problem is Readying…….. i ‘m having hard time finding answer in Reading…. i m also preparing for IELTS for General and i already sat for once i got 5.5 overall Band score i need increase my band score. Is there any other Tricks in Reading… if there is please could u please help me .
Thank you
thank u rebecca by whatching this vedeo iam able to dffer those two concepts
jodice drice
I love these videos. and it’s obvious that you really master your job
Mind blowing.
I m weak in english plz help me to learn english. I want to improve my english.
An interesting lesson!
thank you
wow! Now I know how these words differ.. Thanks!
Dear medom Rebecca
I want to study to write business english letters. from whre i can learn it. any online classes or any books to advise me.
thanks and regards
thank you very much! i realy like your lessons
i know the difference very much…thx^^
Hello Rebecca!.you are great.
I love your lesson.and Ronie ..thanks too much
Good afternoon Rebeka! How you think, if I long listen to English speech, in particular your lessons, I will learn to understand about what you speak? The comment is written by means of the electronic dictionary. Thanks!
Fantastic! You are an excelent teacher. It helped me to understand the difference.
Thank you so much!
Aleir Lucas
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks for the knowledge. I am a professional with over 5 years of work experience. I was unsure till now when to use CUSTOMER and when to user CLIENTS. I am happy i am clear now. Thanks you so much.
It was very good lesson. but I am confused with this word (cotumer and customer) please, can you help me on that.
Revecca your are good teacher you realy help me with my english ,
Thanks a lot Revecca. It was really helpful to understand the difference between the customer and the client.
Thanks a lot for these useful information
thanks …great teacher you made me know how is diffirent about 2 words,i got some question to ask you. why the lesson was too short because i need to study step by step or level continue to next level,have dont you ? i hope u’ll understand my enghish writing ( i’ll wait ur respone)…thaks again
Dear teacher, I really love your lessons! I didn´t know the difference! Thank you very much!!!
Sally S
can service be buyed?
Thank you for all your help, I apreciate what you and your team do for as.
Yes now i konw thank you
hey Thanks for sharing such a nice session.
Rebecca thank you very much you had done good !
hello mrs .rebecca as an employee i have not times to learn english by regular way just only online on the net please give me an advice that i can follow it to enhance my english language.what i did before i was writting single words and translated to my mother tongue language .thanks
Thank u this lesson it is helpfu….thanks Rebecca
thank you
I find difficulty with my grammar especially when it comes to conversation? Can you help me?
thanks a lot for new information
Khalid from Oman
Many thanks, teacher i am right understanding between costumer and cilent
Hang Saroeun, Cambodia
When I have to say “simple” or “easy”?
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot)What the Interesting material!
thanks you are ageat teacher <3
Hi Rebeca,
From a manufacturing company? Are they customers or clients…please let me know
thanks a lot
ahmed salman abdulla
i did not find the quiz
what’s wrong with the quiz?can’t open it.Please can someone explain…
it is very interesting..i didnt know about this.Thank u Mss.Rebecca
very very thankfull to you for providing english classes..all of our teachers are skilled again i express my gratitude.
It’s amazing… means there is a lot we can learn and I reaaaaaaaaalllly appreciate it… thanks rebecca…
Thanx a lot from AZERBAIJAN
Thanks for your help I´m really thankful now I know the difference between client and costumer.
Amazing Rebecca, I’m loving your lessons. Huts from Brazil
It is really a good lesson
Mohammad Akbar
Hello Rebecca, I like your lessons! And I have one question… I was on my training in Spain, I worked as a receptionist. In Spanish we call our hotel guests “los clientes”, that’s why at first I wasn’t sure how I should call them in English – “clients” or “guests”? Which word is correct in this situation? Once I’ve been told that I shouldn’t use a word “client”. For example, I say: Usually our guests rent a car in the town. Can I say: Usually our clients rent a car in the town.?? Or You use other word to express it. Thank You for help! Liz.
At a hotel, you would usually call them guests.
Thanks a lot! :)
this lesson is really helpful to me i passed my quiz A+
i think as per your definition of customer/client , i am client for my Internet service provider likewise for my Mobile phone service provider, but, they are always addressing me as customer, where is the line i can differentiate among these two terms in the said scenario ?
I would like to know how to speak english smoothly.
Thank you from Madrid, neighborhood “The Roses”
thanks a lot !!!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for this lesson, it’s very useful and I am curious if the word “consumer” can be used in both cases.
Very good lesson and thank a lot.
Its really helpful
Thank you Rebecca
Taimoor Aalam
thank you, I always want to know this difference :-)
Hi Ms. Rebecca! I would like to ask, what about the guest in a hotel, are they customer or client? Hotels are giving service for accomodation but I usually heard they’re calling them as customer. Also, the customer/client of a real estate company? Land/House is considered as product? Would really appreciate your answer. Thank you.
you’ll never stop surprising me!you can always predict what a learner will
need to know by clarifying shortly and efficiently in a simple way.
your lessons make difference.
you’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen
thanks a lot.
can you explain the difference among ” audience, viewer, spectator”
Very cool your class and the difference thanks Becca
I pass the quiz perfect 4 question and i have 2 month in usa yesss
thank u my teacher for teaching ur students ^ ^
you are good human
Thank You Madam . But any word for both . Example : Nokia care Give products and software services . Iam client or customer of Nokia or any other word ?
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot! It’s really helpful.
Thanks a lot.
I´ve just discovered this web coming out of the blue (than you, Alex) and I love it. Congrats to all the teachers on your wonderful work here.
Thanks Teacher,, It was really important class.
Thank you dear Rebecca!!! It was very important for me)))
hi hnar i am Atta and want to be your friend so if you are intersted in conversation with me so add me on skype : attaurrehmankhan57
innocent khan
Useful lesson . So simple and so easy to understand.. Keep the good work :)
If you go to Tmoble store buy a samsung s3 cellphone and sign the contract for couple years of service so you are a customer or client?Or both.
Cuong ta
hello rebeca. im gustavo from costa rica, ive been studying english at one institution from here. but sometimes i need extra help. i dont know if u are teaching right now but i saw your page and it has been helping my a lot. thanks a lot
Hi dear E teacher Rebeca
I’m Weda from Afghanistan I’m a librarian in a organization thank you vary much and I have got 100 so I have a question, In our library every day we have lots of Clients or customers which one is correct Client,customer?
excellent source of information
Hi Emma,Alex,Valen,Rebecca,adam,james,Jon,Ronnie,
Really good english learning videos
Very clear explained, thank you very much
thank u
It’s clear now, I didn’t know the difference.
It’s clear now
I want to learn speaking by formal way with the guest because i am working in hotel
100 % Thanks a lot.
Thank a lot teacher Rebecca.
I am working at the Travel Agent.
So I often have to talk with clients.
Is client same meaning with guess?
Yin Tun
i was always confused with Client and customer.
many thanks Rebecca for this clarifications
Thank a lot.I am so pleased to know the difference between them.
Thank you Rebecca I am learning new things and its interesting.
Thank you very much. i only know the difference between customer and client after this lesson
First of all, I appreciate you efforts so thank for your help
So I can say that a consumer is a costomer generally
Thank you.
I am so happy to make this correct!
Juliano Martins
Thank you very much! i realy like your lessons ^”^
Ted Lee
Thank you very much
thank for all of your help. you’re a my life’s savior
I have worked in post sales management and I haven’t know that diference!! Thank you!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lesson. You are great teacher
Thanks Rebecca,
Good piece of info for my students who will serve customers at restaurants!
Hi Rebecca) thank youuu))
thanks alot for your excellent expression , like your teaching way :)
please tell me the difference “sure” between ” certain “?
Thank you very much. I hope you have more lesson about economic vocabulary
Eric Chan
nice lesson thankyou very much
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the class. But I still have a doubt. The Banks offer service and products, How the best word to classify?
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this linguistic clarification.
Best regards.
thank you Rebecca for your lessons. it is so helpful. could you please explain other words like them.
Thanks Rebecca, it’s easy to understand between customer and client from your lesson.
tony wang
Wow, thank you for teaching me how to distinguish between customer and client.
Thank you mam Reebika now i can be able to distinguish between customer and client thank you once again from the core of my heart.
Nar Bahadur Chettri
But mam don’t we have any method to improve my English verbally?
Nar Bahadur Chettri
Mmmm!These words (customer/client) have been confusing me at the marketing field. Now I understand
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank you Rebecca. I know the different now.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your petient and clear teaching.
If i had not watched your video,i would have known the difference,even i have been learning english for more than 18 years.I have been trying to read the English Novel,probably my vocabulary is not enough,every time i can not keep moving on,is it possible for a teacher have a lesson show us as per specific books ?
Thanks dear
Borin Tum
The question about the Apple products is tricky for Russian speaking students, because there is the word in Russian language – “product”, means “food”, not “goods”. So, if you are inattentive a bit, you can easily make a mistake. So did I.
Thanks for the lesson, can you say me how many business lessons there are and how I can find them on the engvid, and can you give me the title of a book where I can improve the business vocabulary; Thanks in advance
Thanks Rebecca. I am your new student.
and a firm (A) buys products from another firm(B) , the firm A is client ?
clear explanation!
So nice of you Rebecca.I hope, i am improving little by little
Author Rakesh
I got 4/4! Thanks very much for the lesson!!
Thanks Rebeca.
You are an extra ordinary teacher.
Thank you very much.
I was confused before your lesson.
It’s very clear explanation.
Thank you teacher .. it was a very helpful lesson
Thanks Rebecca I’ll try to be a good student.
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you…
M kartal
Thanks Rebecca for your lesson.
Now I know what the difference is.
4/4. Thank you ?
ann ann
thank You so much Rebecca :)
Thanks Rebecca!!
edi wilson
Thank you
Thank you
Hey, Rebecca! Thanks for this video!
One question: if I work in a factory, such as Bosch… I say Bosch has clients all around the world, right?
thanks so much for these information
Thanks alot
I like your lessons
It makes me better
Thank you so much
Very well explain
I watched this video twice on March 13, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 4.
Thanks for lesson.
I got 4/4.
Thank you! =)
Rebecca is a Wonderful teacher. She teaches me more professionally than my previous teachers. I will never forget your assistance with my broken language.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
now I know the difference….thank you!
me too
This is substantial!
Thanks a I know the different between two words clearly.
Very nice
nice it is really helpful
“Being a customer at the Apple store feels like being a sheep waiting to be killed.”…???!!!! :D Fans of Apple will love the comparison!!!!
Mr. EngVid wrote this quiz, not Rebecca. So it is a little different :)
So you’re the bloody one!!! :)
Hi Rebecca!Your way of teaching is excellent,i really love it.
thanks allte
I didn’t understand second sentence, please explain me.
me nether :((
Not sure which second sentence you mean.
its about the second question. i guess that’s what he wants to point out.
I also didn’t understand the 2nd question in this quiz.
Thank you so much. You are helping us to understand differences.
Does prostitute have customer or client? We already know that answer from engVid………… it is John!
ME to
Karen I want to talk with you through Skype to improve my level of English language
Skype account: maye_alshmary
NO! you have misunderstood, she is a student not a prosti……
Karen i think a prostitute has both customer and client…
Prostitute offer a service! So, it’s client!
Thanks’s really helpful
I have qustion to envid .I’m prepareing my self for IELTS.i have problem in reading..its too difficult to understand.Houw i can improve it.If you make a lesson it may be help for me. Jassi From India
The IELTS exam is quite challenging so make sure you do a lot of practice tests, learn more academic vocabulary and understand the strategies required to answer each kind of reading question. You may find more help on my IELTS website. All the best to you, Jassi.
dear Rebecca,
I also prepare for ielts,so you can give me your IELTS website address. thank u so much. is very useful.I appreciate your time and effort.
A real good explanation. Thank you. very useful to me.
thank you very much madame rebecca!
dear teacher how can i writh easy my spealing is so bad plz gave me information about that
It will help to get a spelling book. There are many such books available. Start from the beginning, even if it seems easy, and then move forward step by step. Also, working through the spelling book will make you more aware of words and their spelling, even when you read. English spelling is challenging, but you can master it, as many students have done. All the best to you.
Hey Rebecca, Your way of prentation is awesome..I like it & the one thing I want to know is which spelling book you are talking about…is there any online live training or calss for improving english vocab & pronounciation…thanks a lot for presenting & posting such good presentations…:)
Thanks’s really helpful.You are very good teacher.Take care :)
Why you all write her name like this? It is Rebecca!
Thanks, Karen, you’re right. The correct spelling of my name is Rebecca.
Thank you very much Rebecca. And Karen are very observation
And you still think you have a chanse on Karen L.O.L.
Its due to their respective language and citizenship.
thank you very much
please, i like english languge but my knewladge is a little please helpe me to more more understand
good luck
Keep watching our video lessons, join some English classes and but some good English books. Also, try to find a friend or teacher who speaks English and can help you. My best to you, Benamar.
good n helpful lesson! (:
Thank you
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much ma’am it will be really helpful for the all eng.vid students
its tooo…… good
I thought they are the same meaning but thank you so much
Glad you understand the difference now. My best to you.
its very helpful…..
thank you so much….
Hello Rebecca.. I like the way you explain to us, yur english is very very clear :) thank you
OPst.. I need to ask you something dear teacher. what is the good book in learning English, my friend has recommended me THe Power make easy. Is that good book? should I buy it? please tell me and thank you so much :)
There are many excellent books available for learning English. It depends where you are, what your current level is and what your goals are. I am not familiar with the book you mentioned. There are books that specialize in General English, Business English, Grammar, Vocabulary and more. A very good grammar book is Basic Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy. My best wishes to you, Cristal.
thank you teacher,, I am going to study english literature this coming year, I want to study teaching,, and I am now studying online to prepare my university, I always do exercise online, working on my grammar, listen to the audios, go the english site from one to another, sometimes I get bored, and I feel like buying book, but I don’t know what book to buy to improve my english, now you know what is my aim to be, please!! any other good book to read, sorry I am talking too much, thanks teacher! thank you dear Rebecca :)
Thank you for lesson
yup now i get the main diffrence
its really nice now i know the difference. tnx anyway…
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for this explanation. But and how about the word “patron”? The diccionaries say that it means both client and customer. Could you please explain it? Regards.
Thanks to all for your feedback. All the best with your English.
hi rebecca, I was wondering if you could do the vocabulary expansion technique video but this time using a word that have different meanings to them.
short and sweet thanks
hi Rebecca i am new to this website and i am willing to learn and speak english and i really like your explanation of teaching and i hope you will help me alot in learning english language.
thank you! It is really very nice!
Had this doubt in my mind, it’s clear now, thanks!
Dear Rebecca
Good day!!
It was vry nice but could you please let me know that how can i speak english very flruently ?
I’m a new English student and next month I’ll do my IElTS General and I looking for help.
I would like to ask your support and help.
thans for nice lesson
i want to improve my my official English please advise
Thanks a lot Rebecca.You’re very kind.Lily from Brasil
Thanks for let me know the difference.
Are passengers called customers or clients by taxi drivers or airline companys?
They are using transportation services, so guess they would be called clients but…..
what is the difference between sence and sense
i want to try joint the quiz….but how to do it??
thanks mam for the lesson today…….
can you explane more about client
aftre i do the quiz i know the diffren
thank teachrt
go ahead
rebecca yoy are geart……
I like the way you are teaching us in video……
Keep smile every time :-)
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez someone here help me to improve my engliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish
Hello Rebecca..
I like the way you explain. You are the excellent teacher. Thanks you.
Maria from Brazil.
tkank you very mach
Voce fala portuques ? Do you speak Portuguese. I’ll help, but you will help me with the English. Correct?
Você fala portugues ??? Do you speak Portuguese. I’ll help, but you will help me with the English. Correct?
thank you , I like the lesson (:
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca, it’s so wonderful for me
hi rebecca.
can u help me know about the difference between RATE and PROPORTION?
hi iam new student your teaching me english thanks
Wow… so grade. I understood well deferent between client and Customer
im from Viet Nam my english is not well so i like this site so much because help me know english better
thanks it ´s very helpful
respectable madam rebecca
i am disha barua.i am very much inspired by your teaching.Madam, i am facing many problems in speaking english well.can you please help me ???please do email me as soon as possible.i will appreciate an early response from you.
Thank you
Very good
thanks to lesson ..
cool lesson very esay but importan thank you REBECA !!!
Many thanks for your lession. However, i have a little confuse.
The customer, is Ok. The client, i wonder if we can use the client for both compay and prof person.
Can you explain it for me.
Thanks in advance
hi could you help me for stress rule about double spell. mybe im wrong for example big bigger, begin beginning
It is very useful,I really appreciate it
Hello Rebecca! Thank you so much, you are great!!
hi Mrs.Rubica i really like your video it really helpful. I don’t have any problem with speaking only problem is Readying…….. i ‘m having hard time finding answer in Reading…. i m also preparing for IELTS for General and i already sat for once i got 5.5 overall Band score i need increase my band score. Is there any other Tricks in Reading… if there is please could u please help me .
Thank you
thank u rebecca by whatching this vedeo iam able to dffer those two concepts
I love these videos. and it’s obvious that you really master your job
Mind blowing.
I m weak in english plz help me to learn english. I want to improve my english.
An interesting lesson!
thank you
wow! Now I know how these words differ.. Thanks!
Dear medom Rebecca
I want to study to write business english letters. from whre i can learn it. any online classes or any books to advise me.
thanks and regards
thank you very much! i realy like your lessons
i know the difference very much…thx^^
Hello Rebecca!.you are great.
I love your lesson.and Ronie ..thanks too much
Good afternoon Rebeka! How you think, if I long listen to English speech, in particular your lessons, I will learn to understand about what you speak? The comment is written by means of the electronic dictionary. Thanks!
Fantastic! You are an excelent teacher. It helped me to understand the difference.
Thank you so much!
Hello Rebecca,
Thanks for the knowledge. I am a professional with over 5 years of work experience. I was unsure till now when to use CUSTOMER and when to user CLIENTS. I am happy i am clear now. Thanks you so much.
It was very good lesson. but I am confused with this word (cotumer and customer) please, can you help me on that.
Revecca your are good teacher you realy help me with my english ,
Thanks a lot Revecca. It was really helpful to understand the difference between the customer and the client.
Thanks a lot for these useful information
thanks …great teacher you made me know how is diffirent about 2 words,i got some question to ask you. why the lesson was too short because i need to study step by step or level continue to next level,have dont you ? i hope u’ll understand my enghish writing ( i’ll wait ur respone)…thaks again
Dear teacher, I really love your lessons! I didn´t know the difference! Thank you very much!!!
can service be buyed?
Thank you for all your help, I apreciate what you and your team do for as.
Yes now i konw thank you
hey Thanks for sharing such a nice session.
Rebecca thank you very much you had done good !
hello mrs .rebecca as an employee i have not times to learn english by regular way just only online on the net please give me an advice that i can follow it to enhance my english language.what i did before i was writting single words and translated to my mother tongue language .thanks
Thank u this lesson it is helpfu….thanks Rebecca
thank you
I find difficulty with my grammar especially when it comes to conversation? Can you help me?
thanks a lot for new information
Khalid from Oman
Many thanks, teacher i am right understanding between costumer and cilent
When I have to say “simple” or “easy”?
thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot)What the Interesting material!
thanks you are ageat teacher <3
Hi Rebeca,
From a manufacturing company? Are they customers or clients…please let me know
thanks a lot
i did not find the quiz
what’s wrong with the quiz?can’t open it.Please can someone explain…
it is very interesting..i didnt know about this.Thank u Mss.Rebecca
very very thankfull to you for providing english classes..all of our teachers are skilled again i express my gratitude.
It’s amazing… means there is a lot we can learn and I reaaaaaaaaalllly appreciate it… thanks rebecca…
Thanx a lot from AZERBAIJAN
Thanks for your help I´m really thankful now I know the difference between client and costumer.
Amazing Rebecca, I’m loving your lessons. Huts from Brazil
It is really a good lesson
Hello Rebecca, I like your lessons! And I have one question… I was on my training in Spain, I worked as a receptionist. In Spanish we call our hotel guests “los clientes”, that’s why at first I wasn’t sure how I should call them in English – “clients” or “guests”? Which word is correct in this situation? Once I’ve been told that I shouldn’t use a word “client”. For example, I say: Usually our guests rent a car in the town. Can I say: Usually our clients rent a car in the town.?? Or You use other word to express it. Thank You for help! Liz.
At a hotel, you would usually call them guests.
Thanks a lot! :)
this lesson is really helpful to me i passed my quiz A+
i think as per your definition of customer/client , i am client for my Internet service provider likewise for my Mobile phone service provider, but, they are always addressing me as customer, where is the line i can differentiate among these two terms in the said scenario ?
I would like to know how to speak english smoothly.
Thank you from Madrid, neighborhood “The Roses”
thanks a lot !!!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for this lesson, it’s very useful and I am curious if the word “consumer” can be used in both cases.
Very good lesson and thank a lot.
Its really helpful
Thank you Rebecca
thank you, I always want to know this difference :-)
Hi Ms. Rebecca! I would like to ask, what about the guest in a hotel, are they customer or client? Hotels are giving service for accomodation but I usually heard they’re calling them as customer. Also, the customer/client of a real estate company? Land/House is considered as product? Would really appreciate your answer. Thank you.
you’ll never stop surprising me!you can always predict what a learner will
need to know by clarifying shortly and efficiently in a simple way.
your lessons make difference.
you’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen
thanks a lot.
can you explain the difference among ” audience, viewer, spectator”
Very cool your class and the difference thanks Becca
I pass the quiz perfect 4 question and i have 2 month in usa yesss
thank u my teacher for teaching ur students ^ ^
you are good human
Thank You Madam . But any word for both . Example : Nokia care Give products and software services . Iam client or customer of Nokia or any other word ?
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot! It’s really helpful.
Thanks a lot.
I´ve just discovered this web coming out of the blue (than you, Alex) and I love it. Congrats to all the teachers on your wonderful work here.
Thanks Teacher,, It was really important class.
Thank you dear Rebecca!!! It was very important for me)))
hi hnar i am Atta and want to be your friend so if you are intersted in conversation with me so add me on skype : attaurrehmankhan57
Useful lesson . So simple and so easy to understand.. Keep the good work :)
If you go to Tmoble store buy a samsung s3 cellphone and sign the contract for couple years of service so you are a customer or client?Or both.
hello rebeca. im gustavo from costa rica, ive been studying english at one institution from here. but sometimes i need extra help. i dont know if u are teaching right now but i saw your page and it has been helping my a lot. thanks a lot
Hi dear E teacher Rebeca
I’m Weda from Afghanistan I’m a librarian in a organization thank you vary much and I have got 100 so I have a question, In our library every day we have lots of Clients or customers which one is correct Client,customer?
excellent source of information
Hi Emma,Alex,Valen,Rebecca,adam,james,Jon,Ronnie,
Really good english learning videos
Very clear explained, thank you very much
thank u
It’s clear now, I didn’t know the difference.
It’s clear now
I want to learn speaking by formal way with the guest because i am working in hotel
100 % Thanks a lot.
Thank a lot teacher Rebecca.
I am working at the Travel Agent.
So I often have to talk with clients.
Is client same meaning with guess?
i was always confused with Client and customer.
many thanks Rebecca for this clarifications
Thank a lot.I am so pleased to know the difference between them.
Thank you Rebecca I am learning new things and its interesting.
Thank you very much. i only know the difference between customer and client after this lesson
First of all, I appreciate you efforts so thank for your help
So I can say that a consumer is a costomer generally
Thank you.
I am so happy to make this correct!
Thank you very much! i realy like your lessons ^”^
Thank you very much
thank for all of your help. you’re a my life’s savior
I have worked in post sales management and I haven’t know that diference!! Thank you!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lesson. You are great teacher
Thanks Rebecca,
Good piece of info for my students who will serve customers at restaurants!
Hi Rebecca) thank youuu))
thanks alot for your excellent expression , like your teaching way :)
please tell me the difference “sure” between ” certain “?
Good job,thank you!
Thank you, it’s easily to understand:)
Really made it easy and simple for me thanks
thanks alot ^_^
Thanks, alot!
Now i know ! What’s about if i work in Hotel ?
Thank you so much for clarify it!
Thank you very much. I hope you have more lesson about economic vocabulary
nice lesson thankyou very much
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the class. But I still have a doubt. The Banks offer service and products, How the best word to classify?
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this linguistic clarification.
Best regards.
thank you Rebecca for your lessons. it is so helpful. could you please explain other words like them.
Thanks Rebecca, it’s easy to understand between customer and client from your lesson.
Wow, thank you for teaching me how to distinguish between customer and client.
Thank you mam Reebika now i can be able to distinguish between customer and client thank you once again from the core of my heart.
But mam don’t we have any method to improve my English verbally?
Mmmm!These words (customer/client) have been confusing me at the marketing field. Now I understand
Thanks you so much.
Thank you Rebecca. I know the different now.
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your petient and clear teaching.
If i had not watched your video,i would have known the difference,even i have been learning english for more than 18 years.I have been trying to read the English Novel,probably my vocabulary is not enough,every time i can not keep moving on,is it possible for a teacher have a lesson show us as per specific books ?
Thanks dear
The question about the Apple products is tricky for Russian speaking students, because there is the word in Russian language – “product”, means “food”, not “goods”. So, if you are inattentive a bit, you can easily make a mistake. So did I.
Thanks for the lesson, can you say me how many business lessons there are and how I can find them on the engvid, and can you give me the title of a book where I can improve the business vocabulary; Thanks in advance
Thanks Rebecca. I am your new student.
and a firm (A) buys products from another firm(B) , the firm A is client ?
clear explanation!
So nice of you Rebecca.I hope, i am improving little by little
I got 4/4! Thanks very much for the lesson!!
Thanks Rebeca.
You are an extra ordinary teacher.
Thank you very much.
I was confused before your lesson.
It’s very clear explanation.
Thank you teacher .. it was a very helpful lesson
Thanks Rebecca I’ll try to be a good student.
You got 3 correct out of 4.
thank you…
Thanks Rebecca for your lesson.
Now I know what the difference is.
4/4. Thank you ?
thank You so much Rebecca :)
Thanks Rebecca!!
Thank you
Thank you
Hey, Rebecca! Thanks for this video!
One question: if I work in a factory, such as Bosch… I say Bosch has clients all around the world, right?
thanks so much for these information
Thanks alot
I like your lessons
It makes me better
Thank you so much
Very well explain
I watched this video twice on March 13, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 4.
Thanks for lesson.
I got 4/4.
Thank you! =)
Rebecca is a Wonderful teacher. She teaches me more professionally than my previous teachers. I will never forget your assistance with my broken language.
Rebecca is a Wonderful teacher