Hi, I enjoyed your video, as usual. I’m from Argentina, and here sometimes we say eh too. Oh by the way, speaking of Canada, I’ve got one silly question. Do people from the french province speak english as well? or they just speak french? And what about the people who live in the english provinces, do they speak french too?
All kids are forced to learn French and English. I grew up in Ontario, an English speaking province. I took French in school for 10 years but I cannot speak or understand French! I didn’t have the opportunity to practice French and I didn’t find it useful to learn! I am sure most Canadians have the same experience!
hi ronnie iam jaskaran i am from india and i come in canada 4 monthes ago.i don”t know english proper and i don”t know how to use could,would words can you please tell me.and hocky is popular in canada but not in india but hocky is our national sport.
search the site for “would” and “could”. There are many videos to help you!
Oh, Yeah..manny ,actually everything have a gender,in french, as i know, i dont like this language much
It is good to be familiar with English regional variations. It help us to broaden the mind and our horizons.
I send you a BIG thank you to you for this excellent lesson Ronnie.
All the best.
And what about Spanish? Is it as popular in Canada as in USA? There it is considered to be the second langiuage!..
No, Spanish is used much more in the US. The main reason for this is that the US shares a border with Mexico.
Same here
as you know in algeria we use french.all my studies are in french to be honest i dislike it.i prefer the usage of english or any other language.i’m not racist except with the french language.sorry to say that but it’s the reality.i can’t do other than that.
It is good to be familiar with English regional variations. It help us to broaden the mind and our horizons.
I send you a BIG thank you to you for this excellent lesson Ronnie.
All the best.
Is it possible to live in Montreal without speaking French?
Erdal 007
Yes—but it will be easier to find a job if you speak French.
engVid Moderator
thank you
Erdal 007
In Canada you say It’s cold, eh? In America they say It’s cold, ya? But in Serbia we say it’s cold, isn’t it? :D
I’m new here!! And I think that is awesome all this
I like Canuck. They are very relaxed. :)
A very nice lesson! I love Canada more now :)
Hi Ronnie, I am from pakistan i have seen your vidio on different tops. I am not good in english kindly sent me your vidio on daily conversation at above mentioned e-mail address. If you don’t mind kindly sent you cell phone no. i want to conversat with you. Take care. God preserve you.
Hi miss ronnie =)
I like your lessons..i’m learning english, i’m in basic 6.
you are a excelent teacher.
thank you so much for your videos, their lessons help me in my homeworks!
i’m writing from lima-Perú =)
I would really like to immigrate in Canada and to take private lessons from You Ronnie, but I don’t know how. I tried twice to come, but they stole my money, and didn’t give me visa nor the job. Do You Ronnie have a clue how I could immigrate and get the job there. Is there any organization that You know that is trustworthy? Thank You in advance.
You can come on a tourist visa – depending on what country you are from. Where are you from?
Thanks Ronnie. As before it is very interesting and special.
Hi,your explain it was very good please if you have new lectures show them to your Wibesite believe me your behavior to explain very nice please i want more lectures from you.Can you give me your
facebook if can and thank you
sarbast khider
You are a great teacher..
I enjoyed a lot.
Thank you so much.
Ronnie, you’re the best. :)
“Poutin” means French fries with cheese and gravy? OMG!
Now we know who really is the president of Russia ^__^
what a freakin’ great lesson. I will try to watch tv from Canada these days. 2-4 all 4 me n’ enjoy the natural in a beautiful park from your beautiful country, that will be so amazing thanks Ronnie.
And I forgot to say Ronnie, great hairstyle, you look great!
Hi Ronnie You ar a good teacher. i want to learn about ‘Would’ when and where it is used. Really appreciate ur Help.
Hey Ronnie…I have been watching your video since i was in india…Now i am in ur country Canada …I live in montreal is there any center of engvid in montrea?
NO sorry!
By the way,,”Eh” is also used in The Levant Countries such like “Syria and Lebanon” and in Egypt and sometimes Sudanese they say “Ah!”
Ah and Eh also they mean the same meaning that in Canada =)
yes that’s right.
sometimes we use Eh to simply say yes,but it is so slang and mothers touch there children not to say it specially when they are called,you know it’s better to use more polite ways to respond people’s calls,(they should say Naam).there’s no wrong with Eh,it’s not rude or something,but you know it’s a sllllaaannng. :) :)
your vid gives an idea on Canadian culture which seems cool. Shall consider visiting once!
Could you upload some more Canadian vocabs?
Dear Ronnie!
I have one question.. What differences between watch&look? Can you create video about this question? Thanks for your attention!!
Hi Ronie, we are from Brazil, and Nati live in Japan since 1990 and we learn English with your site. YOU ARE THE BEST teacher! say hello to us. bye see you on this site.
nati and nelson
Hi Ronnie ;) I have a problem with past perfect tense. Could help me to understand it , with a video? I would be thankful!
I have made a video on that = it will be on the site soon!!!!!!
I enjoyed your lesson ronnie…Thanks!
I’m from the Philippines too! I think we can share our thoughts about the English Language, and of course, with the help of engvid.com!
if i m talking to some one n in between somebody coming at home so i can say tht
my brother came is right ans
1.My brother arrives now.
2.My brother comes right now.
thanks fatima
if 2 peopele talking to eachother n sudnly some one coming in between n afer some time if i wanna iaske him so i can say tht
who was came at home is right ans
Great, Ronnie! It’s good to know and learn things about your country and culture. Speccially about Canadian accent. Speaking of “Canadian English”, I’ve noticed that you guys also say “aboot” instead of “about”, eh! :-) :-)
Thanks for the great lesson Ronnie but could you please make a lesson on punctuation especially commas pleeeeeeease
Ronnie, you are a little crazy but you stole me a laugh, tnks for that!! you are the best!! =D
Surely visit canada soon eh !
Oh-it was a great lesson. I am from Korea and going to go Canada two months later. Ur lesson will help me when I get there.Thanks!
Ronnie, thanks for doing so well your job, you teach us and let us happy at the same time.I love you and the way you explain everything, you’re a source of inspiration.God bless you,bye!
Say hello to me…
Jackson Camargo
What about the word “aye”? I’m in New Zealand and a friend of mine asked me about my school, “It’s pretty boring, aye?” I’m not sure if the word was aye or eh.
I have no idea- ask your friend!
I would like to ask about the different between either and neither? Can you explain clearly?
hi Ronnie! i enjoyed your lessons thank u soooo much…
hello ronnie thx so much for ur lovely lessons i like the way that u teaching with please ronnie i need to learn slang of usa i wonder if u can do it thanks a lot
Search the internet for “American slang”!
yeah i will try that thx so much teacher
hi… I want to say, that word Eh Is widly used inRUSSIAN….))))))) Eh, what do you do? and so on.
Russian student
Hi Ronnie,just watch how to keep conversation going. And i learn alot especially being a shy guy.thanks
thaaaaank you, Ronnie!! It was pretty much helpful, eh ? :D
That was ‘ay’ not aye.
Hi Ronnie,eh. I`m from Russia.This summer I will go to Columbia International College in Canada.Thank you for these lessons, i hope that they will help me in Canada,eh.I think i will understand people there.
Thank you,eh!
so cool…eh!
Hi, Ronnie, I am from Dominican Republic, and just begin to see your vidios, really there are very useful, and understandable. My congratulations!
I have a brother who lives in Toronto, I would like to know what or which part of Toronto are you from?
Until next
Now, I hope learning english.
very nice site
hi! i understand much your lesson. tnx..
thanks for the lesson
thank u thats realy help me so much
I wanna help in something if u dont mind call subordinate clauses I am from palsetine and I am study engliush and I try to findit here but it didnt work so plllzzz help me in it
I love it!!! Thank you!
i can speak but not long time and not easy for me save ???
Hi Ronnie,
where can i find the different between, anything and nothing. I like your Lessons a lot, your my Favourite.
Anything we use with a negative. I don`t have anything.
Nothing = we cannot use with a negative. I have nothing!
google anything vs. nothing!!
Sorry Ronnie!
We can surely use “I have nothing” with a negative! See the example below:
I have nothing to show for…….
I have nothing to hide………
I have nothing for you at this moment……
These are certainly phrases we use in our day to day English Canada!
Sorry Ronnie!
hi my dear, what’s different between especilly and specilly, thx teacher
They are the same.
tahnks miss Ronnie to help us
thank you soo much
Please what the difference between take off and take out
Take off we use for clothes. Take off your shoes.
Take out we use ONLY for things that we put into our bodies (contacts/earrings).
We also use for food. Take out or dine in.
Watch this video to answer your question! http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabulary-getting-dressed/
hi,ilike this lesson and i abeginner in english thakyou
It’s a real pleasure to watch your funny lessons! Thanks!
Hi Ronnie-san
I’m sometimes confused about various expression each country.
Especially, Britain people often use “have got to”. I guess that it means, “have to”.
If you know about the detail of it, would you tell me about the meaning of it?
You are correct, they basically mean the same. Have got to is a little stronger!!
Dear teacher Ronnie,i watched your some english grammer lesson.i got a more knowledge it but my endlish knowledge is very poor.i want to talk and write for english.it helpful to my higher education.now a day i tring to learn english.i think you can help me it to.i have a face book account.i would like to contact you and get the help to me learn the english.i live in sri lanka.im a after A/L student.i did my A/L exam on last year(2011)in science stream.my all details have in face book accont(nishan siriwardana).help me teacher Ronnie.
The best thing in Canada is RUSH!!!
by the way awesome lessons!
I’m from Sao Paulo
hi miss ronnie
i want you to help me. these are two sentence
i am gonna school
i was gonna school
gonna = going to + verb
i am gonna school = wrong. I am gonna GO TO school = correct. This is present tense.
i was gonna school = wrong. I was gonna GO TO school = correct. This is past tense.
i was gonna school = wrong. I was gonna GO TO school = correct. This is past tense.
“I was gonna go to school (This is past tense??)
Sorry Ronnie!
i am getting confused about idiomatics
i hope you will help me as soon as possible
thanks for video >>>>> i just wanna ask you some questions :
1_ i heard a singer said in his song “she lookin at me ”
why he didn’t put “is” after “she” because this is present continuous please explain it
2_ i heard also a singer said “she don’t sleep”
why he didn’t use “doesn’t instead of “don’t” because the subject is “she”
explain it
Hi Ronnie you are doing so much good work my english is not good becouse i know my own langaujes of paki i found you from youtube please give some your video links of shall.should, could,i dont know how to start a perfect english with grammer same mi never talk with person spoken with english i can write this to from my mind maybe its a right please teach me grammer english and full english becouse many words meaning i dont know of an english thanks my email is janmohummad@yahoo.com i need some free friends which is help to me teach english on skype my skype id is janojanfareed and i have facebook too
hello… Ronnie, I like the way you teach ENGLISH, and you’re so much fun,I got An English Community in my country, then I’ve shown this videos to my members, they all like to listen and notice what you say, and very nice. so may I link your videos to my website community ?
m alfian aufa zams
OF COURSE!!!!!! Please do. And please wish everyone good luck!!! If anyone has any questions or lesson requests, please email me!
thanks for allowing me to link your videos. can I know your email or facebook ? I have something to talk with you. I hope we can make a chat on fb or ym.
my email : artazzeppieno@yahoo.co.id
m alfian aufa zams
send me your email plz…? ^_^
m alfian aufa zams
This is my email.
Thanks it is god
ahmed ikhlef
thanks for video >>>>> i just wanna ask you some questions :
1_ i heard a singer said in his song “she lookin at me ”
why he didn’t put “is” after “she” because this is present continuous please explain it
2_ i heard also a singer said “she don’t sleep”
why he didn’t use “doesn’t instead of “don’t” because the subject is “she”
explain it
Singers NEVER use proper grammar.
thanks…… you mean only the singers like that but the people in the street speak naturally
I like Canada ,but Azerbaijan is the best country in the world .I like your lessons it help me to improve my ENGLISH .THANKS A LOT.Sincerely yours Tatyana from Baku
hi ronnie
i’m from Egypt. i watched a lot of your
video . they ‘re excellent. I learnt a lot of english rules and expressins.
thnxxxxxxxx ronnie
every thing great
Ahmad M.Moghaddas
hi teacher Ronnie.! I’m yeng from philippines. i saw your video at youtube last week. i was impress.!i glad that there’s people like you are willing to teach some one like me. actually i may not good in English even though i have idea, just a little :) but when i talk to other people much better than me i feel empty, lack of knowledge, lack of confident, too shy. i need to know how to speak thoroughly. hope you will help me. thank you .! god bless us :)
HI ronnie: wonderful video !! I’ve been in Canada ,Toronto. I went with a group of students to do an English in 2009 course.We tasted the coffee at Tim Horton,bought some ice wine at the LCBO.have wonderful memories .I wish I could come back some day. Great Country and people!ana from Argentina
ana maria
you are very funny!or seems like to be i want to have a teacher like you because you said loving the nature its funny! for the first impression thats fine
hello ronnie i tolled you sevrel time to teach me tag question as advance but you don’t teach me why
Sayed Naqib Ullah Sadat
toque means over here! gallo or when you come to visit mexico i advise you to ask for VAMOS A QUE MARTIN NOS PAGUE! O AVER A MARIA JUANA OR ….
ronnie, could you teach me the different between who and whom?
peace upon you ..Thank you for this lessons in English
you have helped me to speak English not me only but most people
its wonderful teacher
Hi Dear Ronni, how r you ?
I hope you’re having Good Day
Please make a lesson and explain how to use (although and though)please???I couldn’t find a lesson like this !!
best regards
They basically mean the same!
thank you ,,but i wanted to know how to use them during my conversation >>>>give me an example ???
Hi Ronni,,,
It was a great lesson,,,I really enjoyed it,,,Thanks for your kind invitation to Cannda,,,,I am thinking about it
Hiii Ronnie,How are you?I am back after a long time because I had my semester examination.However,I have a question for you.I have been reading English newspaper daily and also following video lesson provided by this site.I have come to know that the third form of a verb is similar to its adjective form in spelling.Is it correct or incorrect?I have also included some examples and want you to correct those if they are any mistakes..For an instance ,let take the example of the verb “to break”
1.My little sister broke the glass yesterday.(past tense).
2.The glass is already broken.(here broken is an adjective).
3.My spectacle has been broken.(present perfect but in passive sense,here the verb is also “to break”).
Now ,I would like to ask you a question i.e. if you look at my second and third sentence you will find that precisely in my second sentence I have used the adjective form and in last sentence the verb form-I have also encountered the same a lot of time-I request you to assist me in correcting my mistakes…
sona sharma
You are correct – we use the past participle as an adjective too!
very good teacher
thank you eh
Hi dear Ronnie
I hope that you are doing very well. I really like your teaching. Thanks so much for great lesson.Please I would like to improve my English speaking . Could you give me your email address to contact with you when you have time.
Thanks so much again
I totally agree, Canada is beautiful!
i enjoyed the tutorial. My manager is a Canadian. I always hear that eh! to him. He also likes to ask questions like, what’s happening? how’s it going..
Teacher Ronnie,
can you explain me meaning of “affect” and “effect” with examples.
thank you.
ooooooooooh teacher this is ma first time comment nd listen 2 u lecture i really liked more easier dan any one els tnx alot wish all da best god bless ya
Hi Ronnie
I live in Toronto more than 10 years , but it is the first time I heard about such expressions, so it was very interesting for me…!! I would like to ask you if you can give us a lesson about INSULTING and how to respond at such behavior in ethical way >>>>!! I work in customer service …and I have such problems…!! how to respond to an insult , but in good manner too..!!
Ok! I will make a lesson on this for you! The customer service industry is very challenging because you cannot just tell the people off! Good luck – Where do you work????
Hi….Ronnie this is Jamal…again..!! thank you for your quick respond..!! I spent long time in customer service..as a Concierge in two tower condo buildings…and I face a lot of challenge dealing with people from different backgrounds..I consider a good communication skills is the key for better understanding between people.!! eager to watch your next video…!
Hi Ronnie
when i speak to someone use present simple or present perfect? {in presesnt}
ELfatih A/latif izzedin
Depends on what you are talking about. Search the site for when to use present perfect or simple present.
hi, ronnie, this s Murat froom turkey, i’d like to watch canadian tv shows for improve my english skills, if you mind can you recomand couple of canadian tv shows, thanks a lot
Republic of Doyle (it’s from Newfoundland), SCTV, the Red Green Show. http://www.cbc.ca/
That is the Canadian Broadcasting website!!!
thank you Ronnie, i like the Red Green Show.
Many thanks teacher but let me tell you about myself ihave never learned at school. Finally your lessons are very useful.Many thanks again.
Karout Larbi
Hi Ronnie,
Yes, the word “poutine”, in Brazil, sounds as a “little hooker”.
Thanks for sharing us the canadian speaking slangs.
hahhaahh!!! Like puta!!
send your email pleas’^^^^^^^^
Poutine is russian president! (Владимир Владимирович Путин) :)
I want you you to explain for me how many plural do we have in English?
thanks alot
42. It is impossible to count!
I want you you to explain for me how many plural do we have in English?
thanks a lot
Dear Ronnie
What I mean is that the plural of respect not the plural of the word of respect????
Respect is a verb. There are no plural of verbs!
Dear Ronnie Mam,
I’m nt so gud n english mam, vn evr I watch ur video’s, I really felt sad, y nt i get this kind of teachers in my schooling’s and college days, I have a big respect with u mam, god bless u mam, tnx 4ur teaching, long live mam Ronnie.
you know, I’ve been learning English for more than 20years and I met so many English teachers along the way. I even studied English in Toronto when I was young. (I love your hometown,BTW! )
what I’m trying to say now is that your lessons are absolutely fabulous and really intriguing! That’s the most important factor when you learn different language, isn’t it? also I LOVE your sense of humor!!
I wish I could met you earlier..
anyways, I will be rooting for u !!!
your biggest fan from Japan.lol
Ronnie, I live in Victoria BC. I am 31. I have been watching your videos. You are great! What is your email?
I like , your way to teach, is so very fresh and moving, thanks
Hii Ronnie,
How are you getting on?Everything is in control or you are having some difficulties leading your life.. I hope things are going in your favour and according to you.By the way,I have got some problems with two sentence constructions-First one:Imagine,I am solving some mathematical problem where two numbers say 10 and 12 have to be added.In this regard ,I have two sentences.One of them reads out as if I added 10 and 12,it would result in 22 which is correct to say.
Another one is if I was to add 10 with 12 ,it would also give the same result.Now I just wanna understand the difference between the two construction while I am already familiar with the first construction which is basically formed in
classic conditional sense but the second one is not clear to me though..
I would like you to help me understand the differences as to use them correctly in the future.
I also request you to analyze my sentence-making abilities along with mistakes assosiated with them.If you give marks after going through this short writing,I would really be happy knowing my score next time..looking forward to receiving reply…
sona sharma
I like your lessons, and also I love canadian accent. For some reason I always can understand people from there, more than people from the States, or any other country, you guys just pronounce so clearly…
hi my name someya i wanto lern english how to lern please
Hi Ronnie. I´m Andrew from Colombia. Thank a lot for this lesson. Could you help me someday with this… What is the correct pronountation between new, news and knew ?
New = nou (like you)
news = nouz
knew = nou (knew and new are the same!)
Dear Ronnie,
Hope you have a good health and everything is going well with you,
I need to learn English like as my native language, what should I do?
I need your further information
Thanks in Advance
Yasmin Fazli
Yasmin Fazli
Live in an English speaking country for a short time.
Hi Ronnie, I like the way that you always appear in your videos :-) .I am from Greece and I`m going to be in beautiful Vancouver to live with my uncle.You are a great/Funny teacher and I`d like to tell me (with your experience)who is the best way to learn quickly the languish, by registered in a school or just speeking with other people? Thank you in advance.
I think in a school is good (depending on your level). If you learn English in Canada you get the advantage of “school life” and that everyone around you speaks English.
Poutine! HAHAHA! Best word in english for me now! xP
I enjoyed your lesson. you are teaching like hell…!
where is the quiz, eh?
Nice lesson..eh !
Hi Ronnie,I’m from Paris,
first of all i’d like to thank you for ur useful lessons.
It’s an easy way to learn.Every one can improve thanks to the way u teach.
Next year i’ll start my new life in Canada.i was afraid that i wont be able to understand or speak like nativ but now i’m 101 % sure that if i get a good teacher like u, i wont miss the chance.
Bon courage et merci encore une fois pour ENGVID.COM (You’ve done french for 10 years :)) )
My boy friend’s living in Canada, he always says like Canadian ppls are soft & nice. I Could feel that from Engvid teachers. I love Canada (& of Course my romantic country paris too)
Ronnie i will be happy if u say me atleast a Hi ;)
At least a hi!
Ronnie, you are so fascinating))) Love watching your classes.
Thhhank you!
Ronnie, you are such a warm and friendly person! I just can’t have enough of your videos…! I have lived in Canada for the last 10 years and still learning some from you! Do you have any video with words used when you socialize with people? Like Hi, how are you? ….Have a great day!
You can check the site for “greetings”. I think Rebecca has done a lesson on this topic for you!
Wooooo,what a cute toque!
Warm greetings.
That was nice lesson, Eh!
hi Ronnie : iam very happy to talk with you and i search more about your lessons but i want to help me about how can i prepar master in science in canadian if you know any information about this topic write to me please
ahmed zakaria
hi Ronnie iam admire for teaching style it is very simple and clear thanks for you
ahmed zakaria
Hi Ronnie ! i am actually a master student in Quebec ! but i didn’t really like this province !! I will certainly go for another province like Ontario or Alberta after finishing my studies here ! All people are telling me that i still not living in real Canada ! lol !
Hi Ronnie i like your way of teaching, i’m learning a lot from you
thank you
Hi,im jhazziey from philippines but im living here in south korea for years.I started learning english truth online and talkking with one friend from canada.Since my friend left i don’t have chance to improve more my english,so i try to find website that i could improve my english then i found engvid.i like you becuase you explain well the topic and you make me laugh the way you talk with joke sometimes..hope to hear from you the next topic you will discuss.Im sorry im not good in english.
Hi Ronnie, i´d like to live and work in Canada, it´s my dream, do you know if there are jobs that i can apply?, i´m from Ecuador
I have no idea, sorry.
Don’t you like to be my teacher eh? heheh :D
hi Ronnie, I from paraguay and we say mbae? you are fantastic and very practical
I adore you Ronnie:)
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Brazil, last year I studied one month in Vancouver, I want to back because one month is less.
Did you work in school in Canada?
Have you videos with business words?
Yes, I work in Toronto.
No, I do nor have business videos – sorry – is there something you need help with?
I´m great fun with you Ronnie :)). Best explains.
Hi Ronnie i want to ask something that when u ware giving this lacture u said in the last that come in canada u can eat u can bose? or bosse..i want to ask what dose it means bose?
This is great!
Nicholas James
Thanks Ronnie for you information, I need to studing English about all de subjects, this site is so important for me! Thanks again.
Hi Ronnie. I think you have an impressive dramatic talent.
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Fahim , an Engineering Student in Pakistan.
Very impressive site.
Ronnie, you are doing a fine job. God bless you.
Fahim Haider
Hi, Ronnie
you’re awesome .. BIG THANKS *__*
Can I ask you
thanks! ronnie ! so cool! blessings!
I like your lessons very much.
Best regards from Russia!
Thanks a lot Ms Ronnie.
Hi Ronia.
Your lesson for slag word is very informatic. pls. inform where i can got more yr lesson. again thanks
Muhammad Shahbaz
hello Mam! hope you are fine. GOD bless you. you are providing a great knowledge to us thanks
thanks my teacher.you’re pretty well
Hi ronnie, Im Carolina And I’m from Chile and I’ve enjoying your videos, they’re funny and useful.. Chileans use a lot the word POH at the end of a Sentence e.g: we say a lot “Hola POH” ( Hello). see you and thanks for your videos :D
Hello Ronnie,
I am Roy (English Trainer)
Heard good about u……
Thank you so much!
thx u
HI Ronnie, i want to speak english with canadian accent could you help meout for that. Could you tell me would i receive few CDs for the same.
Deepti Shah
Thank you from Russia! I love this site so much! And I shouldn’t forget to say that your job is very very great as always!
thanks Ronni for this lesson
Many thanks Ronni. Keep up a good job. BTW “poutine” sounds like a Russia’s President name Putin
I only have been learning by canadian teachers .. they’re funny and interesting people ^^ ..
I love the way canadians speak english !
Thanks Ronnie <3
You’re really funny ^^ I love your explanation! And I agree with you Canada is a beautiful country to live. I stayed in Toronto in 2009 for 3 weeks and I fell in love. I would like to come back!!!! =D kiss
Hi Ronnie,
thank you very much for this video. I lived in Canada for one year and your video made me realise how much I miss this wonderful country!
Hope u do well,Madam
I’m a little bit confused with a question.I hope if,you could help me on.well consider this as an answer of a question ( he is the second child of the family) would u plz make its question form.how can we express the question of this answer?what would that be? by the way this is Mahdi,thanks for the prompt reply by you,
yours faithfully.
Is he the second child?
I have been in Montreal for 2 years , it’s great place to live
“Eh” is much more beautiful than “ya”.
Bruno GIldo
Thank you so much…
Tequila…yeaaaahhh! That sound came from your inner floss.
thanks teacher Ronnie
i really like to learn accents of English
i enjoyed your lesson
god bless ya
and by the way
where did ya grow up?
are ya from canada?
hussein syd
I am from Canada. I grew up in Ontario.
Hello! I enjoyed very much your video too. I’m brazilian and I usually study a lot alone. I’m going to Canada in the next few weeks. just afraid of the cold. bye =)
Thiago Souza
Good luck! (And remember to wrap up warm.)
engVid Moderator
Hi Ronnie! what’s the meaning of “fuckenh”
Fuckin’ eh! Means YEAH!!!!or WOOO HOOOO! or ALRIGHT!!!! or GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie, your English lessons are very helpful. Keep up the great work. Thank you.
Bava from makham
teacher my problem is somewhat strange i forget English words fast because English is third language in my country could give an easy way please thanks
There is a lesson on hoe to remember vocab.! Check it ouT!!
thanx fr this different way to teach english fr a long distance …..could u tell me. what does ”snuggle up” means….thax in advance
Snuggle up means to be close to someone/something and feel warm and comfortable!
hi Ronnie,thank u for all lessons:)
i wonder if there would be a lesson like this but about britan accent,it’s too hard to get what they’re talkin’,and i’m going to study there,help me plizz,i’m gettin’ shocked when hear their fast conversations :/
I’m siddiek I’m from srilanka I was seeing your some tutorials it’s very nice and funny include that your actions…….I have to learn future tenses. please help me
Ronnie! How can I get a picture with you? ur so amazing! tht’d be my coolest picture ever for sure! :DD
wow is my first time here, and i like your videos thank you for your dedication.
I’d love to learn more about Canadian words and expressions. Thera ars some words I know and use, but many people laugh at me because they say they are not common English words. I simply say they are English words used in Canada, but unfortunatly I live in a country where Standard American English is more frequently spoken. Anyways, I love to know that you are teaching people about your beautiful country. Peace
Ronnie, I loved this video about Canadian Vocabulary, I went in Calgary (Alberta) e studied English for 1 month, I hope came back in this city and to study for a long time. Thanks for this video, i loved remember !!
Thanks Ronnie..
Can you teach about the speaking patterns???
hi roonie your native Canadian somehow looks like Swedish or Scandinavian language ! thanks for explanations dear teacher
HI Ronnie,
i have almost watched all your videos, but i couldnt find outa video i need so much.
that is the difference in pronounciation in these words:
theyre very confusing, i go crazy when i have to say two of these words and they sound the same way.
please help me.
you are the best one.
Thank U vry much. i got d basics.. :) n u teach it in very nce way..
hi Ronnie,
You are a wonderful teacher. I am in Ottawa. I would like to have double-double at Tim Hortons with you and show you I do I speak English or what I learnt from you.How about that? Sounds great. Eh?
Im visiting Halifax NS next week, I think this will come in handie :)Thank you !!
thank you for your lesson. i have a question and that is —— what is the difference between ‘the’ (th-a) and ‘the’ (th-e). is it like we use one before a vowel and the other before a consonant?
Dear Ms.Ronnie,
I am very proud to be part of Engvid. This’s Prabakaran from India. I have a doubt & could u plz answer to my query? That is, how to download your all video lessons from ENGVID website. And I have ENGVID’s username & password also. I u replay this,It will be useful for me to improve my English knowledge. Thanks in advance. My personal mail Id is ” ramveerkaran@gmail.com ” .
Hello mam you are amazingggg I am an indian learning from the beginning & ur videos helping me a looooooottttttttttttt thank you sooooooo much. I have one request plz plz plz tell me how can I practise English with u. Because I afraid whether I am using slang correctly or not waiting for reply thanks
Congrats!!! great class :)
your lessson is very good ^^ I like it
Poutine does sound a bad word Ronnie lol, it sounds like little b*tch in spanish/portuguese
Ronnie,I enjoyed with this lesson , and i would like to eat that dish that called poutine :)
I’m sure it’s very delicious, nice lesson and really it makes me very hungry :D
Hello Ronnie :)
I’d like to ask if there are actual differences in english between the US and Canda especially at slang and daily spoken language ,thnx.
There are! However, both the US and Canada are very big countries, so there are many kinds of American and Canadian English. There are many different accents, too. This survey might help show you the variation in types of English.
Some general differences: Canadians call the fizzy, sweet drink “pop”; Americans are more likely to call it “soda” or “Coke”. Canadians call a pack of 24 cans of beer a “two-four” (Americans have no word for it). What Canadians call “university” and “college”, Americans call “college” and “community college”. Here’s a longer list!
Some dialects of North American English have very different pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar from Standard English. Maritime (east coast) English, Southern U. S. English, and African-American Vernacular English are some of them.
That said, Canadian English and American English resemble each other more than any other kinds of English, because our countries are so close and share a lot of history and culture.
engVid Moderator
aha, thank you dear,
actually,I’m gonna travel to Michigan next month and of course it’s so close to Canada, so which videos do you think I should focus my watching on??(at this short period before traveling)
I’m not sure,but as I see this is maybe a Canadian website! ,thus If I can’t find my need here, please guide me to the optimal way.
thanks so much.. :)
i love your lessons sooooo much ,your friend from egypt
mohamed elhosiny
As in Portuguese Language. For instance, there are some differences between Portugal’s Portuguese and Brazil’s Portuguese. These differences are very important to make a country more peculiar.
Thank you, i’d like to learn more about Canadian accent, just because it sounds cute.
Actually i’ve 2 requests, more accent plus how can we ask for doughnuts just like double-double? Are there special short forms?
Abdul Qayum
Good day ms.Ronnie I will go for one month in Alberta Canada as tourist ,i’m a beginner student in English can you give me some advice how i improve my english? thank you so much!!
hey ronnie I’m from france
and I love you can tell me hi or sth like that
hi Ronnie how are you to day
i would like to know more and more Canada because it seems fun
areeg nabag
Thank you very much!
Hi I like this lesson, it was interesting, I’m in Mexico and the Mexican people is more familiar with the English U.S., I am learning English with a Canadian, and I like more the style Canada.
thank u teacher
thank you for this lesson
Hi Ronnie
You are fabulous!
I have a Tiny problem that I don’t speak in one accent it’s mix between British and American and I don’t know if there is something Else but that looks fanny ;p
I wanna learn the Canadian accent But i don’t know how if there some place to go in Toronto Idk ;(
Thank you So much for these videos you are helping aLot of people ;D
Hi Ronnie))) I want to say I relly LOVE CANADA!!!!!!I need your advice // I haven’t a lot of money but I can draw “I have experience for 5 years” and I know English and I know first aid…my mail. is “pink_13@mail.ru”or skype “angel.96122” I hope you will answer)
It is very interesting how every coutry has their particularities! Here in Brazil must of people use “neh” lol Thanks for the class! XOX
Hi Ronnie , I thnankyou very much for your excellent videos , Iwant ask you about that : Do you have a collection for all your lessons in a CDs , and Do you have a series for teaching english from the start tell to the advanced level , if you dont have what series which do you advice me to have .
Thankful for your efforts in teaching English
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your video. Spanish people also say Eh! at the end of the sentences but we use it as a question (eh?) It’s very common to say it. For example: it’s very cold today, eh?. We also use ¿no? with the same meaning, I supose is the equivalent of the “…, isn’t it?” . Thanks again.
Ronnie nganggo ketu (java language)
Ronnie memakai topi (Indonesia language)
Ronnie wearing toque (english)
apa nang kanada hawane adem Ronnie?
apa di kanada udaranya dingin Ronnie?
is in Canada cold Ronnie?
chakim hamzah
We also use a similar “prompt” in Hellenic (Greek), like the Canadian “eh”, for same purpose (to a great extent that is). For example we say: it’s really hot today, eh? For us it implies a reasoning with regards to something that is bound to be actually true and we simply await an affirmation (any kind will do; nodding or a simple “yes”) from the individual next to us… Cheers.
Hi again Ronnie :)
First of all sorry for my not so good English.
After your video about Canuck English I’ve decided to write you about Putine and why its sounds “dirty”… Have you ever been in Bulgaria Eh?! Or other country where they speak language close to Bulgarian (they all speak it but not the correct one). The word Putine sounds just like our slang word for vagina :) Eh!
Hi Ronnie.
This lesson was so so so great for me as a newcomer to Canada! Thank you.
thanks Ronnie
i wanna speak with one of you and practise ..please help me
thanks ronnie!
HI Ronnie, Could you please share your email id? I need your help in correcting my compositions which i have written for the practice. So could you please help me with that?
Hi ronnie,
do you have videos about toefl?
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your lesson!
I enjoyed learning about how to speak like Canuck :)
i enjoyed
special way to teach ronnie
Hi ronnie! We enjoy watching your video. My husband and I learned a lot from you! What a great job!!! Thank you! We love you!!!
great lesson!!!
I love Canadian accent! It’s really easy and clear! I can’t understand british accent… american accent is better than british and australian…but usually they speak very fast and it’s full of slangs and contractions.. Thanks Canada!
Hi ronnie,
Ronnie is the best!!! Fun videos.
Hahahaha actually in Brazil the word poutine is realy close to the dirty word “putinha”, wich is literally translating as “little bitch” or “little whore”, but not meaning as a small person, but kinda “cute way” to call your best friend or your sister :D
I felt that your canuck love for beer is similar to the irish kind of love. Is it right, or just an impression?
Hello! I want more Canadian words , please :) Its very nice!
Hi,Thanks Ronnie you are the first one to present Canadian :basics” I have never met any in any textbook, I wanted to check my knowledge about mickey.. and there is no quiz, I think I will come to Canada,the climate seems similar like that one in Poland… Eh?
Thank you Ronnie
Hello, I would like know if in Canada has this English school?
Where I can take this class (Engvid) ?
Is only on the internet?
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
Ye Yint Aung
Informative but alchol is haram for Muslims
You teach very simple and nice, you are excellent… thanks a lot
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie
Thanks for your teaching.
Please put number for lessones I am confuse about finding a lesson.
I’m hope to visit Canada soon ??❤️❤️
I love Canada mmore after this video
Zahraa. Bj25
How to speak First in Canadian ?
Mohammad Zahir
Thanks, Ronnie!
Jerry Gu
Thank you, Ronnie. Your video helped me to learn new expressions.
Dear Ronnie,
Maybe there is a mistake. The subtitles and what you teach are different.
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, I enjoyed your video, as usual. I’m from Argentina, and here sometimes we say eh too. Oh by the way, speaking of Canada, I’ve got one silly question. Do people from the french province speak english as well? or they just speak french? And what about the people who live in the english provinces, do they speak french too?
All kids are forced to learn French and English. I grew up in Ontario, an English speaking province. I took French in school for 10 years but I cannot speak or understand French! I didn’t have the opportunity to practice French and I didn’t find it useful to learn! I am sure most Canadians have the same experience!
hi ronnie iam jaskaran i am from india and i come in canada 4 monthes ago.i don”t know english proper and i don”t know how to use could,would words can you please tell me.and hocky is popular in canada but not in india but hocky is our national sport.
search the site for “would” and “could”. There are many videos to help you!
Oh, Yeah..manny ,actually everything have a gender,in french, as i know, i dont like this language much
It is good to be familiar with English regional variations. It help us to broaden the mind and our horizons.
I send you a BIG thank you to you for this excellent lesson Ronnie.
All the best.
And what about Spanish? Is it as popular in Canada as in USA? There it is considered to be the second langiuage!..
No, Spanish is used much more in the US. The main reason for this is that the US shares a border with Mexico.
Same here
as you know in algeria we use french.all my studies are in french to be honest i dislike it.i prefer the usage of english or any other language.i’m not racist except with the french language.sorry to say that but it’s the reality.i can’t do other than that.
It is good to be familiar with English regional variations. It help us to broaden the mind and our horizons.
I send you a BIG thank you to you for this excellent lesson Ronnie.
All the best.
Is it possible to live in Montreal without speaking French?
Yes—but it will be easier to find a job if you speak French.
thank you
In Canada you say It’s cold, eh? In America they say It’s cold, ya? But in Serbia we say it’s cold, isn’t it? :D
I’m new here!! And I think that is awesome all this
I like Canuck. They are very relaxed. :)
A very nice lesson! I love Canada more now :)
Hi Ronnie, I am from pakistan i have seen your vidio on different tops. I am not good in english kindly sent me your vidio on daily conversation at above mentioned e-mail address. If you don’t mind kindly sent you cell phone no. i want to conversat with you. Take care. God preserve you.
Hi miss ronnie =)
I like your lessons..i’m learning english, i’m in basic 6.
you are a excelent teacher.
thank you so much for your videos, their lessons help me in my homeworks!
i’m writing from lima-Perú =)
I would really like to immigrate in Canada and to take private lessons from You Ronnie, but I don’t know how. I tried twice to come, but they stole my money, and didn’t give me visa nor the job. Do You Ronnie have a clue how I could immigrate and get the job there. Is there any organization that You know that is trustworthy? Thank You in advance.
You can come on a tourist visa – depending on what country you are from. Where are you from?
Thanks Ronnie. As before it is very interesting and special.
Hi,your explain it was very good please if you have new lectures show them to your Wibesite believe me your behavior to explain very nice please i want more lectures from you.Can you give me your
facebook if can and thank you
You are a great teacher..
I enjoyed a lot.
Thank you so much.
Ronnie, you’re the best. :)
“Poutin” means French fries with cheese and gravy? OMG!
Now we know who really is the president of Russia ^__^
what a freakin’ great lesson. I will try to watch tv from Canada these days. 2-4 all 4 me n’ enjoy the natural in a beautiful park from your beautiful country, that will be so amazing thanks Ronnie.
And I forgot to say Ronnie, great hairstyle, you look great!
Hi Ronnie You ar a good teacher. i want to learn about ‘Would’ when and where it is used. Really appreciate ur Help.
Hey Ronnie…I have been watching your video since i was in india…Now i am in ur country Canada …I live in montreal is there any center of engvid in montrea?
NO sorry!
By the way,,”Eh” is also used in The Levant Countries such like “Syria and Lebanon” and in Egypt and sometimes Sudanese they say “Ah!”
Ah and Eh also they mean the same meaning that in Canada =)
yes that’s right.
sometimes we use Eh to simply say yes,but it is so slang and mothers touch there children not to say it specially when they are called,you know it’s better to use more polite ways to respond people’s calls,(they should say Naam).there’s no wrong with Eh,it’s not rude or something,but you know it’s a sllllaaannng. :) :)
your vid gives an idea on Canadian culture which seems cool. Shall consider visiting once!
Could you upload some more Canadian vocabs?
Dear Ronnie!
I have one question.. What differences between watch&look? Can you create video about this question? Thanks for your attention!!
Thanks so much! :)
Hi Ronie, we are from Brazil, and Nati live in Japan since 1990 and we learn English with your site. YOU ARE THE BEST teacher! say hello to us. bye see you on this site.
Hi Ronnie ;) I have a problem with past perfect tense. Could help me to understand it , with a video? I would be thankful!
I have made a video on that = it will be on the site soon!!!!!!
I enjoyed your lesson ronnie…Thanks!
I’m from the Philippines too! I think we can share our thoughts about the English Language, and of course, with the help of engvid.com!
if i m talking to some one n in between somebody coming at home so i can say tht
my brother came is right ans
1.My brother arrives now.
2.My brother comes right now.
thanks fatima
if 2 peopele talking to eachother n sudnly some one coming in between n afer some time if i wanna iaske him so i can say tht
who was came at home is right ans
Great, Ronnie! It’s good to know and learn things about your country and culture. Speccially about Canadian accent. Speaking of “Canadian English”, I’ve noticed that you guys also say “aboot” instead of “about”, eh! :-) :-)
Thanks for the great lesson Ronnie but could you please make a lesson on punctuation especially commas pleeeeeeease
And please change the Libyan flag
A very nice lesson! I love Canada more now :)
Ronnie, you are a little crazy but you stole me a laugh, tnks for that!! you are the best!! =D
Surely visit canada soon eh !
Oh-it was a great lesson. I am from Korea and going to go Canada two months later. Ur lesson will help me when I get there.Thanks!
Ronnie, thanks for doing so well your job, you teach us and let us happy at the same time.I love you and the way you explain everything, you’re a source of inspiration.God bless you,bye!
Say hello to me…
What about the word “aye”? I’m in New Zealand and a friend of mine asked me about my school, “It’s pretty boring, aye?” I’m not sure if the word was aye or eh.
I have no idea- ask your friend!
I would like to ask about the different between either and neither? Can you explain clearly?
hi Ronnie! i enjoyed your lessons thank u soooo much…
hello ronnie thx so much for ur lovely lessons i like the way that u teaching with please ronnie i need to learn slang of usa i wonder if u can do it thanks a lot
Search the internet for “American slang”!
yeah i will try that thx so much teacher
hi… I want to say, that word Eh Is widly used inRUSSIAN….))))))) Eh, what do you do? and so on.
Hi Ronnie,just watch how to keep conversation going. And i learn alot especially being a shy guy.thanks
thaaaaank you, Ronnie!! It was pretty much helpful, eh ? :D
That was ‘ay’ not aye.
Hi Ronnie,eh. I`m from Russia.This summer I will go to Columbia International College in Canada.Thank you for these lessons, i hope that they will help me in Canada,eh.I think i will understand people there.
Thank you,eh!
so cool…eh!
Hi, Ronnie, I am from Dominican Republic, and just begin to see your vidios, really there are very useful, and understandable. My congratulations!
I have a brother who lives in Toronto, I would like to know what or which part of Toronto are you from?
Until next
Now, I hope learning english.
very nice site
hi! i understand much your lesson. tnx..
thanks for the lesson
thank u thats realy help me so much
I wanna help in something if u dont mind call subordinate clauses I am from palsetine and I am study engliush and I try to findit here but it didnt work so plllzzz help me in it
I love it!!! Thank you!
i can speak but not long time and not easy for me save ???
Hi Ronnie,
where can i find the different between, anything and nothing. I like your Lessons a lot, your my Favourite.
Anything we use with a negative. I don`t have anything.
Nothing = we cannot use with a negative. I have nothing!
google anything vs. nothing!!
Sorry Ronnie!
We can surely use “I have nothing” with a negative! See the example below:
I have nothing to show for…….
I have nothing to hide………
I have nothing for you at this moment……
These are certainly phrases we use in our day to day English Canada!
Sorry Ronnie!
hi my dear, what’s different between especilly and specilly, thx teacher
They are the same.
tahnks miss Ronnie to help us
thank you soo much
Please what the difference between take off and take out
Take off we use for clothes. Take off your shoes.
Take out we use ONLY for things that we put into our bodies (contacts/earrings).
We also use for food. Take out or dine in.
Watch this video to answer your question!
hi,ilike this lesson and i abeginner in english thakyou
It’s a real pleasure to watch your funny lessons! Thanks!
Hi Ronnie-san
I’m sometimes confused about various expression each country.
Especially, Britain people often use “have got to”. I guess that it means, “have to”.
If you know about the detail of it, would you tell me about the meaning of it?
You are correct, they basically mean the same. Have got to is a little stronger!!
Dear teacher Ronnie,i watched your some english grammer lesson.i got a more knowledge it but my endlish knowledge is very poor.i want to talk and write for english.it helpful to my higher education.now a day i tring to learn english.i think you can help me it to.i have a face book account.i would like to contact you and get the help to me learn the english.i live in sri lanka.im a after A/L student.i did my A/L exam on last year(2011)in science stream.my all details have in face book accont(nishan siriwardana).help me teacher Ronnie.
The best thing in Canada is RUSH!!!
by the way awesome lessons!
I’m from Sao Paulo
hi miss ronnie
i want you to help me. these are two sentence
i am gonna school
i was gonna school
gonna = going to + verb
i am gonna school = wrong. I am gonna GO TO school = correct. This is present tense.
i was gonna school = wrong. I was gonna GO TO school = correct. This is past tense.
i was gonna school = wrong. I was gonna GO TO school = correct. This is past tense.
“I was gonna go to school (This is past tense??)
Sorry Ronnie!
i am getting confused about idiomatics
i hope you will help me as soon as possible
thanks for video >>>>> i just wanna ask you some questions :
1_ i heard a singer said in his song “she lookin at me ”
why he didn’t put “is” after “she” because this is present continuous please explain it
2_ i heard also a singer said “she don’t sleep”
why he didn’t use “doesn’t instead of “don’t” because the subject is “she”
explain it
Hi Ronnie you are doing so much good work my english is not good becouse i know my own langaujes of paki i found you from youtube please give some your video links of shall.should, could,i dont know how to start a perfect english with grammer same mi never talk with person spoken with english i can write this to from my mind maybe its a right please teach me grammer english and full english becouse many words meaning i dont know of an english thanks my email is janmohummad@yahoo.com i need some free friends which is help to me teach english on skype my skype id is janojanfareed and i have facebook too
Thanks Ronnie God Bless you
hello… Ronnie, I like the way you teach ENGLISH, and you’re so much fun,I got An English Community in my country, then I’ve shown this videos to my members, they all like to listen and notice what you say, and very nice. so may I link your videos to my website community ?
OF COURSE!!!!!! Please do. And please wish everyone good luck!!! If anyone has any questions or lesson requests, please email me!
thanks for allowing me to link your videos. can I know your email or facebook ? I have something to talk with you. I hope we can make a chat on fb or ym.
my email : artazzeppieno@yahoo.co.id
send me your email plz…? ^_^
This is my email.
Thanks it is god
thanks for video >>>>> i just wanna ask you some questions :
1_ i heard a singer said in his song “she lookin at me ”
why he didn’t put “is” after “she” because this is present continuous please explain it
2_ i heard also a singer said “she don’t sleep”
why he didn’t use “doesn’t instead of “don’t” because the subject is “she”
explain it
Singers NEVER use proper grammar.
thanks…… you mean only the singers like that but the people in the street speak naturally
I like Canada ,but Azerbaijan is the best country in the world .I like your lessons it help me to improve my ENGLISH .THANKS A LOT.Sincerely yours Tatyana from Baku
hi ronnie
i’m from Egypt. i watched a lot of your
video . they ‘re excellent. I learnt a lot of english rules and expressins.
thnxxxxxxxx ronnie
every thing great
hi teacher Ronnie.! I’m yeng from philippines. i saw your video at youtube last week. i was impress.!i glad that there’s people like you are willing to teach some one like me. actually i may not good in English even though i have idea, just a little :) but when i talk to other people much better than me i feel empty, lack of knowledge, lack of confident, too shy. i need to know how to speak thoroughly. hope you will help me. thank you .! god bless us :)
HI ronnie: wonderful video !! I’ve been in Canada ,Toronto. I went with a group of students to do an English in 2009 course.We tasted the coffee at Tim Horton,bought some ice wine at the LCBO.have wonderful memories .I wish I could come back some day. Great Country and people!ana from Argentina
you are very funny!or seems like to be i want to have a teacher like you because you said loving the nature its funny! for the first impression thats fine
hello ronnie i tolled you sevrel time to teach me tag question as advance but you don’t teach me why
toque means over here! gallo or when you come to visit mexico i advise you to ask for VAMOS A QUE MARTIN NOS PAGUE! O AVER A MARIA JUANA OR ….
ronnie, could you teach me the different between who and whom?
peace upon you ..Thank you for this lessons in English
you have helped me to speak English not me only but most people
its wonderful teacher
Hi Dear Ronni, how r you ?
I hope you’re having Good Day
Please make a lesson and explain how to use (although and though)please???I couldn’t find a lesson like this !!
best regards
They basically mean the same!
thank you ,,but i wanted to know how to use them during my conversation >>>>give me an example ???
Hi Ronni,,,
It was a great lesson,,,I really enjoyed it,,,Thanks for your kind invitation to Cannda,,,,I am thinking about it
Hiii Ronnie,How are you?I am back after a long time because I had my semester examination.However,I have a question for you.I have been reading English newspaper daily and also following video lesson provided by this site.I have come to know that the third form of a verb is similar to its adjective form in spelling.Is it correct or incorrect?I have also included some examples and want you to correct those if they are any mistakes..For an instance ,let take the example of the verb “to break”
1.My little sister broke the glass yesterday.(past tense).
2.The glass is already broken.(here broken is an adjective).
3.My spectacle has been broken.(present perfect but in passive sense,here the verb is also “to break”).
Now ,I would like to ask you a question i.e. if you look at my second and third sentence you will find that precisely in my second sentence I have used the adjective form and in last sentence the verb form-I have also encountered the same a lot of time-I request you to assist me in correcting my mistakes…
You are correct – we use the past participle as an adjective too!
very good teacher
thank you eh
Hi dear Ronnie
I hope that you are doing very well. I really like your teaching. Thanks so much for great lesson.Please I would like to improve my English speaking . Could you give me your email address to contact with you when you have time.
Thanks so much again
I totally agree, Canada is beautiful!
i enjoyed the tutorial. My manager is a Canadian. I always hear that eh! to him. He also likes to ask questions like, what’s happening? how’s it going..
Teacher Ronnie,
can you explain me meaning of “affect” and “effect” with examples.
thank you.
ooooooooooh teacher this is ma first time comment nd listen 2 u lecture i really liked more easier dan any one els tnx alot wish all da best god bless ya
Hi Ronnie
I live in Toronto more than 10 years , but it is the first time I heard about such expressions, so it was very interesting for me…!! I would like to ask you if you can give us a lesson about INSULTING and how to respond at such behavior in ethical way >>>>!! I work in customer service …and I have such problems…!! how to respond to an insult , but in good manner too..!!
Ok! I will make a lesson on this for you! The customer service industry is very challenging because you cannot just tell the people off! Good luck – Where do you work????
Hi….Ronnie this is Jamal…again..!! thank you for your quick respond..!! I spent long time in customer service..as a Concierge in two tower condo buildings…and I face a lot of challenge dealing with people from different backgrounds..I consider a good communication skills is the key for better understanding between people.!! eager to watch your next video…!
Hi Ronnie
when i speak to someone use present simple or present perfect? {in presesnt}
Depends on what you are talking about. Search the site for when to use present perfect or simple present.
hi, ronnie, this s Murat froom turkey, i’d like to watch canadian tv shows for improve my english skills, if you mind can you recomand couple of canadian tv shows, thanks a lot
Republic of Doyle (it’s from Newfoundland), SCTV, the Red Green Show.
That is the Canadian Broadcasting website!!!
thank you Ronnie, i like the Red Green Show.
Many thanks teacher but let me tell you about myself ihave never learned at school. Finally your lessons are very useful.Many thanks again.
Hi Ronnie,
Yes, the word “poutine”, in Brazil, sounds as a “little hooker”.
Thanks for sharing us the canadian speaking slangs.
hahhaahh!!! Like puta!!
send your email pleas’^^^^^^^^
Poutine is russian president! (Владимир Владимирович Путин) :)
I want you you to explain for me how many plural do we have in English?
thanks alot
42. It is impossible to count!
I want you you to explain for me how many plural do we have in English?
thanks a lot
Dear Ronnie
What I mean is that the plural of respect not the plural of the word of respect????
Respect is a verb. There are no plural of verbs!
Dear Ronnie Mam,
I’m nt so gud n english mam, vn evr I watch ur video’s, I really felt sad, y nt i get this kind of teachers in my schooling’s and college days, I have a big respect with u mam, god bless u mam, tnx 4ur teaching, long live mam Ronnie.
this site moderators r sleeping….
I’m not sleeping! I’m working!!
asdskrkl riiiropeedopwübdooepwüoobom
hi Ronnie!how are you?
you know, I’ve been learning English for more than 20years and I met so many English teachers along the way. I even studied English in Toronto when I was young. (I love your hometown,BTW! )
what I’m trying to say now is that your lessons are absolutely fabulous and really intriguing! That’s the most important factor when you learn different language, isn’t it? also I LOVE your sense of humor!!
I wish I could met you earlier..
anyways, I will be rooting for u !!!
your biggest fan from Japan.lol
Ronnie, I live in Victoria BC. I am 31. I have been watching your videos. You are great! What is your email?
I like , your way to teach, is so very fresh and moving, thanks
Hii Ronnie,
How are you getting on?Everything is in control or you are having some difficulties leading your life.. I hope things are going in your favour and according to you.By the way,I have got some problems with two sentence constructions-First one:Imagine,I am solving some mathematical problem where two numbers say 10 and 12 have to be added.In this regard ,I have two sentences.One of them reads out as if I added 10 and 12,it would result in 22 which is correct to say.
Another one is if I was to add 10 with 12 ,it would also give the same result.Now I just wanna understand the difference between the two construction while I am already familiar with the first construction which is basically formed in
classic conditional sense but the second one is not clear to me though..
I would like you to help me understand the differences as to use them correctly in the future.
I also request you to analyze my sentence-making abilities along with mistakes assosiated with them.If you give marks after going through this short writing,I would really be happy knowing my score next time..looking forward to receiving reply…
I like your lessons, and also I love canadian accent. For some reason I always can understand people from there, more than people from the States, or any other country, you guys just pronounce so clearly…
hi my name someya i wanto lern english how to lern please
Hi Ronnie. I´m Andrew from Colombia. Thank a lot for this lesson. Could you help me someday with this… What is the correct pronountation between new, news and knew ?
New = nou (like you)
news = nouz
knew = nou (knew and new are the same!)
Dear Ronnie,
Hope you have a good health and everything is going well with you,
I need to learn English like as my native language, what should I do?
I need your further information
Thanks in Advance
Yasmin Fazli
Live in an English speaking country for a short time.
Hi Ronnie, I like the way that you always appear in your videos :-) .I am from Greece and I`m going to be in beautiful Vancouver to live with my uncle.You are a great/Funny teacher and I`d like to tell me (with your experience)who is the best way to learn quickly the languish, by registered in a school or just speeking with other people? Thank you in advance.
I think in a school is good (depending on your level). If you learn English in Canada you get the advantage of “school life” and that everyone around you speaks English.
Poutine! HAHAHA! Best word in english for me now! xP
I enjoyed your lesson. you are teaching like hell…!
where is the quiz, eh?
Nice lesson..eh !
Hi Ronnie,I’m from Paris,
first of all i’d like to thank you for ur useful lessons.
It’s an easy way to learn.Every one can improve thanks to the way u teach.
Next year i’ll start my new life in Canada.i was afraid that i wont be able to understand or speak like nativ but now i’m 101 % sure that if i get a good teacher like u, i wont miss the chance.
Bon courage et merci encore une fois pour ENGVID.COM (You’ve done french for 10 years :)) )
My boy friend’s living in Canada, he always says like Canadian ppls are soft & nice. I Could feel that from Engvid teachers. I love Canada (& of Course my romantic country paris too)
Ronnie i will be happy if u say me atleast a Hi ;)
At least a hi!
Ronnie, you are so fascinating))) Love watching your classes.
Thhhank you!
Ronnie, you are such a warm and friendly person! I just can’t have enough of your videos…! I have lived in Canada for the last 10 years and still learning some from you! Do you have any video with words used when you socialize with people? Like Hi, how are you? ….Have a great day!
You can check the site for “greetings”. I think Rebecca has done a lesson on this topic for you!
Wooooo,what a cute toque!
Warm greetings.
That was nice lesson, Eh!
hi Ronnie : iam very happy to talk with you and i search more about your lessons but i want to help me about how can i prepar master in science in canadian if you know any information about this topic write to me please
hi Ronnie iam admire for teaching style it is very simple and clear thanks for you
Hi Ronnie ! i am actually a master student in Quebec ! but i didn’t really like this province !! I will certainly go for another province like Ontario or Alberta after finishing my studies here ! All people are telling me that i still not living in real Canada ! lol !
Hi Ronnie i like your way of teaching, i’m learning a lot from you
thank you
Hi,im jhazziey from philippines but im living here in south korea for years.I started learning english truth online and talkking with one friend from canada.Since my friend left i don’t have chance to improve more my english,so i try to find website that i could improve my english then i found engvid.i like you becuase you explain well the topic and you make me laugh the way you talk with joke sometimes..hope to hear from you the next topic you will discuss.Im sorry im not good in english.
Hi Ronnie, i´d like to live and work in Canada, it´s my dream, do you know if there are jobs that i can apply?, i´m from Ecuador
I have no idea, sorry.
Don’t you like to be my teacher eh? heheh :D
hi Ronnie, I from paraguay and we say mbae? you are fantastic and very practical
I adore you Ronnie:)
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Brazil, last year I studied one month in Vancouver, I want to back because one month is less.
Did you work in school in Canada?
Have you videos with business words?
Yes, I work in Toronto.
No, I do nor have business videos – sorry – is there something you need help with?
I´m great fun with you Ronnie :)). Best explains.
Hi Ronnie i want to ask something that when u ware giving this lacture u said in the last that come in canada u can eat u can bose? or bosse..i want to ask what dose it means bose?
This is great!
Thanks Ronnie for you information, I need to studing English about all de subjects, this site is so important for me! Thanks again.
Hi Ronnie. I think you have an impressive dramatic talent.
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
Fahim , an Engineering Student in Pakistan.
Very impressive site.
Ronnie, you are doing a fine job. God bless you.
Hi, Ronnie
you’re awesome .. BIG THANKS *__*
Can I ask you
thanks! ronnie ! so cool! blessings!
I like your lessons very much.
Best regards from Russia!
Thanks a lot Ms Ronnie.
Hi Ronia.
Your lesson for slag word is very informatic. pls. inform where i can got more yr lesson. again thanks
hello Mam! hope you are fine. GOD bless you. you are providing a great knowledge to us thanks
thanks my teacher.you’re pretty well
Hi ronnie, Im Carolina And I’m from Chile and I’ve enjoying your videos, they’re funny and useful.. Chileans use a lot the word POH at the end of a Sentence e.g: we say a lot “Hola POH” ( Hello). see you and thanks for your videos :D
Hello Ronnie,
I am Roy (English Trainer)
Heard good about u……
Thank you so much!
thx u
HI Ronnie, i want to speak english with canadian accent could you help meout for that. Could you tell me would i receive few CDs for the same.
Thank you from Russia! I love this site so much! And I shouldn’t forget to say that your job is very very great as always!
thanks Ronni for this lesson
Many thanks Ronni. Keep up a good job. BTW “poutine” sounds like a Russia’s President name Putin
I only have been learning by canadian teachers .. they’re funny and interesting people ^^ ..
I love the way canadians speak english !
Thanks Ronnie <3
You’re really funny ^^ I love your explanation! And I agree with you Canada is a beautiful country to live. I stayed in Toronto in 2009 for 3 weeks and I fell in love. I would like to come back!!!! =D kiss
Hi Ronnie,
thank you very much for this video. I lived in Canada for one year and your video made me realise how much I miss this wonderful country!
Hope u do well,Madam
I’m a little bit confused with a question.I hope if,you could help me on.well consider this as an answer of a question ( he is the second child of the family) would u plz make its question form.how can we express the question of this answer?what would that be? by the way this is Mahdi,thanks for the prompt reply by you,
yours faithfully.
Is he the second child?
I have been in Montreal for 2 years , it’s great place to live
“Eh” is much more beautiful than “ya”.
Thank you so much…
Tequila…yeaaaahhh! That sound came from your inner floss.
thanks teacher Ronnie
i really like to learn accents of English
i enjoyed your lesson
god bless ya
and by the way
where did ya grow up?
are ya from canada?
I am from Canada. I grew up in Ontario.
Hello! I enjoyed very much your video too. I’m brazilian and I usually study a lot alone. I’m going to Canada in the next few weeks. just afraid of the cold. bye =)
Good luck! (And remember to wrap up warm.)
Hi Ronnie! what’s the meaning of “fuckenh”
Fuckin’ eh! Means YEAH!!!!or WOOO HOOOO! or ALRIGHT!!!! or GREAT!!!!!!!!!
Hi Ronnie, your English lessons are very helpful. Keep up the great work. Thank you.
teacher my problem is somewhat strange i forget English words fast because English is third language in my country could give an easy way please thanks
There is a lesson on hoe to remember vocab.! Check it ouT!!
thanx fr this different way to teach english fr a long distance …..could u tell me. what does ”snuggle up” means….thax in advance
Snuggle up means to be close to someone/something and feel warm and comfortable!
hi Ronnie,thank u for all lessons:)
i wonder if there would be a lesson like this but about britan accent,it’s too hard to get what they’re talkin’,and i’m going to study there,help me plizz,i’m gettin’ shocked when hear their fast conversations :/
I’m siddiek I’m from srilanka I was seeing your some tutorials it’s very nice and funny include that your actions…….I have to learn future tenses. please help me
Ronnie! How can I get a picture with you? ur so amazing! tht’d be my coolest picture ever for sure! :DD
wow is my first time here, and i like your videos thank you for your dedication.
I’d love to learn more about Canadian words and expressions. Thera ars some words I know and use, but many people laugh at me because they say they are not common English words. I simply say they are English words used in Canada, but unfortunatly I live in a country where Standard American English is more frequently spoken. Anyways, I love to know that you are teaching people about your beautiful country. Peace
Ronnie, I loved this video about Canadian Vocabulary, I went in Calgary (Alberta) e studied English for 1 month, I hope came back in this city and to study for a long time. Thanks for this video, i loved remember !!
Thanks Ronnie..
Can you teach about the speaking patterns???
hi roonie your native Canadian somehow looks like Swedish or Scandinavian language ! thanks for explanations dear teacher
HI Ronnie,
i have almost watched all your videos, but i couldnt find outa video i need so much.
that is the difference in pronounciation in these words:
theyre very confusing, i go crazy when i have to say two of these words and they sound the same way.
please help me.
you are the best one.
Thank U vry much. i got d basics.. :) n u teach it in very nce way..
hi Ronnie,
You are a wonderful teacher. I am in Ottawa. I would like to have double-double at Tim Hortons with you and show you I do I speak English or what I learnt from you.How about that? Sounds great. Eh?
Im visiting Halifax NS next week, I think this will come in handie :)Thank you !!
thank you for your lesson. i have a question and that is —— what is the difference between ‘the’ (th-a) and ‘the’ (th-e). is it like we use one before a vowel and the other before a consonant?
Dear Ms.Ronnie,
I am very proud to be part of Engvid. This’s Prabakaran from India. I have a doubt & could u plz answer to my query? That is, how to download your all video lessons from ENGVID website. And I have ENGVID’s username & password also. I u replay this,It will be useful for me to improve my English knowledge. Thanks in advance. My personal mail Id is ” ramveerkaran@gmail.com ” .
Hello mam you are amazingggg I am an indian learning from the beginning & ur videos helping me a looooooottttttttttttt thank you sooooooo much. I have one request plz plz plz tell me how can I practise English with u. Because I afraid whether I am using slang correctly or not waiting for reply thanks
Congrats!!! great class :)
your lessson is very good ^^ I like it
Poutine does sound a bad word Ronnie lol, it sounds like little b*tch in spanish/portuguese
Ronnie,I enjoyed with this lesson , and i would like to eat that dish that called poutine :)
I’m sure it’s very delicious, nice lesson and really it makes me very hungry :D
Hello Ronnie :)
I’d like to ask if there are actual differences in english between the US and Canda especially at slang and daily spoken language ,thnx.
There are! However, both the US and Canada are very big countries, so there are many kinds of American and Canadian English. There are many different accents, too. This survey might help show you the variation in types of English.
Some general differences: Canadians call the fizzy, sweet drink “pop”; Americans are more likely to call it “soda” or “Coke”. Canadians call a pack of 24 cans of beer a “two-four” (Americans have no word for it). What Canadians call “university” and “college”, Americans call “college” and “community college”. Here’s a longer list!
Some dialects of North American English have very different pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar from Standard English. Maritime (east coast) English, Southern U. S. English, and African-American Vernacular English are some of them.
That said, Canadian English and American English resemble each other more than any other kinds of English, because our countries are so close and share a lot of history and culture.
aha, thank you dear,
actually,I’m gonna travel to Michigan next month and of course it’s so close to Canada, so which videos do you think I should focus my watching on??(at this short period before traveling)
I’m not sure,but as I see this is maybe a Canadian website! ,thus If I can’t find my need here, please guide me to the optimal way.
thanks so much.. :)
i love your lessons sooooo much ,your friend from egypt
As in Portuguese Language. For instance, there are some differences between Portugal’s Portuguese and Brazil’s Portuguese. These differences are very important to make a country more peculiar.
Thank you, i’d like to learn more about Canadian accent, just because it sounds cute.
Actually i’ve 2 requests, more accent plus how can we ask for doughnuts just like double-double? Are there special short forms?
Good day ms.Ronnie I will go for one month in Alberta Canada as tourist ,i’m a beginner student in English can you give me some advice how i improve my english? thank you so much!!
hey ronnie I’m from france
and I love you can tell me hi or sth like that
hi Ronnie how are you to day
i would like to know more and more Canada because it seems fun
Thank you very much!
Hi I like this lesson, it was interesting, I’m in Mexico and the Mexican people is more familiar with the English U.S., I am learning English with a Canadian, and I like more the style Canada.
thank u teacher
thank you for this lesson
Hi Ronnie
You are fabulous!
I have a Tiny problem that I don’t speak in one accent it’s mix between British and American and I don’t know if there is something Else but that looks fanny ;p
I wanna learn the Canadian accent But i don’t know how if there some place to go in Toronto Idk ;(
Thank you So much for these videos you are helping aLot of people ;D
Hi Ronnie))) I want to say I relly LOVE CANADA!!!!!!I need your advice // I haven’t a lot of money but I can draw “I have experience for 5 years” and I know English and I know first aid…my mail. is “pink_13@mail.ru”or skype “angel.96122” I hope you will answer)
It is very interesting how every coutry has their particularities! Here in Brazil must of people use “neh” lol Thanks for the class! XOX
Hi Ronnie , I thnankyou very much for your excellent videos , Iwant ask you about that : Do you have a collection for all your lessons in a CDs , and Do you have a series for teaching english from the start tell to the advanced level , if you dont have what series which do you advice me to have .
Thankful for your efforts in teaching English
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your video. Spanish people also say Eh! at the end of the sentences but we use it as a question (eh?) It’s very common to say it. For example: it’s very cold today, eh?. We also use ¿no? with the same meaning, I supose is the equivalent of the “…, isn’t it?” . Thanks again.
Ronnie nganggo ketu (java language)
Ronnie memakai topi (Indonesia language)
Ronnie wearing toque (english)
apa nang kanada hawane adem Ronnie?
apa di kanada udaranya dingin Ronnie?
is in Canada cold Ronnie?
We also use a similar “prompt” in Hellenic (Greek), like the Canadian “eh”, for same purpose (to a great extent that is). For example we say: it’s really hot today, eh? For us it implies a reasoning with regards to something that is bound to be actually true and we simply await an affirmation (any kind will do; nodding or a simple “yes”) from the individual next to us… Cheers.
Hi again Ronnie :)
First of all sorry for my not so good English.
After your video about Canuck English I’ve decided to write you about Putine and why its sounds “dirty”… Have you ever been in Bulgaria Eh?! Or other country where they speak language close to Bulgarian (they all speak it but not the correct one). The word Putine sounds just like our slang word for vagina :) Eh!
Hi Ronnie.
This lesson was so so so great for me as a newcomer to Canada! Thank you.
thanks Ronnie
i wanna speak with one of you and practise ..please help me
thanks ronnie!
HI Ronnie, Could you please share your email id? I need your help in correcting my compositions which i have written for the practice. So could you please help me with that?
Hi ronnie,
do you have videos about toefl?
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you for your lesson!
I enjoyed learning about how to speak like Canuck :)
i enjoyed
special way to teach ronnie
Hi ronnie! We enjoy watching your video. My husband and I learned a lot from you! What a great job!!! Thank you! We love you!!!
great lesson!!!
I love Canadian accent! It’s really easy and clear! I can’t understand british accent… american accent is better than british and australian…but usually they speak very fast and it’s full of slangs and contractions.. Thanks Canada!
Hi ronnie,
Ronnie is the best!!! Fun videos.
Hahahaha actually in Brazil the word poutine is realy close to the dirty word “putinha”, wich is literally translating as “little bitch” or “little whore”, but not meaning as a small person, but kinda “cute way” to call your best friend or your sister :D
I felt that your canuck love for beer is similar to the irish kind of love. Is it right, or just an impression?
Hello! I want more Canadian words , please :) Its very nice!
Hi,Thanks Ronnie you are the first one to present Canadian :basics” I have never met any in any textbook, I wanted to check my knowledge about mickey.. and there is no quiz, I think I will come to Canada,the climate seems similar like that one in Poland… Eh?
Thank you Ronnie
Hello, I would like know if in Canada has this English school?
Where I can take this class (Engvid) ?
Is only on the internet?
Thank you Teacher Ronnie
Informative but alchol is haram for Muslims
You teach very simple and nice, you are excellent… thanks a lot
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie
Thanks for your teaching.
Please put number for lessones I am confuse about finding a lesson.
I’m hope to visit Canada soon ??❤️❤️
I love Canada mmore after this video
How to speak First in Canadian ?
Thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you, Ronnie. Your video helped me to learn new expressions.
Dear Ronnie,
Maybe there is a mistake. The subtitles and what you teach are different.