Is Valentine’s Day on February 14th, or February 14? Did the runner come in 1, or did he come in 1st in the race? Learn how to use and pronounce cardinal and ordinal numbers in this essential lesson.
Hello, We are really appreciative for what you are
doing here.
as you know nowadays most people apply for studying
abroad. so, I would like to ask you talk about
university vocabulary.
The things that a student needs to know about Foreign
universities from applying to studying there.
i agree with you!
Try Fauza Permana
U r the first one right here
Thank you professor, you were very clear and the quiz excellent too.
Greetings from Costa Rica…
This is the second “thank you”!
gooood Job Mr Alex :) interesting
Hi, Alex. Very important lesson. Although it’s not a very difficult subject, you are right. when it comes to pronunciation, i have some difficulty in pronunciating the ordinal sixth. But i’ll follow your tip – i think that with some training, i’ll do very well. thank you so much
Daniel C Herculano
oops… sorry for the “training”. the right spelling, of course, is trainning.
Daniel C Herculano
Hello Daniel the first spelling was the right one. We say “training” not “trainning”. Hope that helps!
I like all these lessons cause they have quizzes at the end.
I know this site thanks to Ronnie videos on youtube.
Helmer listening and talking
So Clear Alex, Thank you….
Thank you!
Hi Alex! You are Nice Teacher. Thanks
I Scored 9 out of 10. But i have a question That Why this is wrong?
He’s Written over the twentieth books?
The correct one was-
He’s written over twenty books.
Please Anybody Reply?
Because 20th is an ordinal number and in this sentence you have to use a cardinal number-20.
I’m the sixth person to leave a comment. I got a great score in the quiz that made me happy lol. thank u Alex. so long n’ good bye.
Efrain Dominguez
I was the seventh person in viewers, and it took me a second to send a comment. Pretty good effort.
Six persons have left comments. I have written the eighth comment.
I approve the quiz.
Hi, Alex. Thank you very much, Alex. I heard your lessons from my ESL teacher. These classes are very useful for me who is a beginning english learner.
Nine commments have left. I’m the eighth person who have written comments.
I enjoy it
Thanks …
cool way to replicate the design
thank you
I’m your 12th student…
you’re Lectures are amazing.
please do a lecture on Conditionals…
please !
Hay Alex Brother.
you’re very Gentle.
I’m still puzzled in this :
My Grandma is fourty-four years old ??
Can I have s’more instances please !!
Hi, Alex.Thanks for useful lesson!
My scored 10 out of 10.
Thank you so much teacher.
I proud to add any one to improve my English language on my skype id mansouralqasem.
Best Regards
thanx so much
but what should I say if it above one hundred??
thanks alot
Excelent Alex. Thank you very much.
my score 9 out of 10 thank you
Hi Alex
It is very useful and important lesson. I got 10 out of 10.
Naim Ahmed
hi dear alex.i just got acquainted with u and ur site today.i m an english teacher but i learned sth more when i saw some of ur movies.i hope to start a good friendship with u. plz keep in touch. thanks a lot
mostafa jafari
thank you
thank you i love the lesson
All the lessons from you are great! Thanks teacher. We know you’ve been doing a lot for our weaknesses in English.
Alex,could you possibly do any lessons on negative questions at your convenience?
I think it would be helpful in daily conversations. Can all modals be used to make negative questions,say, ‘May and Might’?
Again, thank you very much!
great lesson!
khai nguyen
Am very intersted to the course you are offering on line. Is it possible to have the CD for all of the training you are offering? Please let me know how can get them?
Thank you for the lesson.
Hi Alex, I like your first lesson, thank you.
Ela from Poland :)
good job & thank you .
Great work done by you. This is the very basic step of improving your command on language as well as understand the propose of using ordinal number and cardinal number.
thank you!!!…
Thanks Alex ,it is very usefull
Are these proper ways to pronounce 20 -Twendy Twenny Twenty
Thanks Mr. Alex,
Now I am aware about cardinal and ordinal numbers differences and uses.
Sir, I want to start from the basic grammar. Please let me know from where i should start?
Thanks & Regards,
Jitender Kumar
Jitender Kumar (India)
Many thanks for explanation.
Very clear explanation!Thanks a lot.
10 out of 10! It’s easy to understand but when it comes to pronounciation it gets a little bit harder.But you are right!It’s all about practice.
hi teacher Alex, I got 10 out 10! thanks a lot.
Alex you are my favorite teacher, your lessons are easy going and you always make me smile :)I have been registered specially to say this :)
thank you teacher :)
Thank you alex 10/10.
Greetings from Brazil.
It’s a great help. Thank you
Mukesh Gusain
Mukesh Gusain
Helpful lesson. Thank you!
hi’ thank you for a greatest lessons you do’ and why you don’t put English subtitles in the video’ that well make it easily.
you are the best one on the network
Thank Alex
hai duong
I really appreciate your help.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you Alex
thank you sir.
Excellent, I hit it
Cardinal is mentioning about counts like 1,2,3 etc. Ordinal is mentioning about orders like first, second, etc. Am i right?
I’m frm Indonesia with scored 10 of ten…excellent…never been noticed before…its really helpfull…Thanks Bro Alex…
Thank you Alex so much for your explanation
8/10 but is really nice lesson,thanks mr.alex
Profuse thanks for these valuable lessons.
The pronunciation is more difficult than learn the rules.
Alan Goes
Salam, that’s really important for beginners.
I really enjoyed the lesson. Thank you.
Hi Alex! Thank you for the lesson. I’m trainning a lot to pronunciate correctly, at least for me, to pronounce those cardinal numbers is “a seven head monster” (idiom used in my country :)). I don’t know if it exists in English, but I hope you get what I’m saying (trying to say).
Leandro from Brazil
Sorry, I wanted to say ordinal, instead of cardinal.
yes you are right! 6th is the hardest haha
Thank you sir you are teaching is so nice to improve my english I am from India when iam in ternet i always watching your video please tell me are you coming to India sir. please uplode very nice video more and more. iwant to talk with you Sir.
Hi, Alex
Thank u very much for providing valuable English lessons
thank Alex, my teacher. it’s so clearly. i will become a good your student
very very good.. thank :)
thank you so much teacher I’ve got 10 out of 10 youpi you’re the man :D
Thanks for your one thousandth lesson!
Hi Alex… everyday i see your lesson s. My english is getting improve. Now… but. Sometime i ‘ve got confused… what do you think about my writting is it true or not? Thanks alot
What a great lesson. Alex I have a question could you tell me please how to write the date complete on an exam. Thank you so much
10/10. learning is fun
Sasmita pradhan
its really awesome that you have done here
thanks :)
Thank you, it was very good lesson for me.
thank you
Thanks sir, I really appreciate your work.
rami omer
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you alex
mohamed youssif
this lesson was good one for me nd i did score 8/10…
thank u
thank you for your efforts
i gotta 9points ^^ i really appreciate for you Mr. Alex !!!
thank you very much !
Thanks very much Alex! It’s pretty hard to pronounce though lol
Hi Alex,
Where can I find lessons on essay summarizing. I have to prepare summary for an essay reducing it by 75 percent IN MY OWN WORDS for a crucial test! Kindly Guide
Hello teacher, there’s a question I would like to ask you, how do you say 15th? is it fifteenth?? I hope your reply thank you.
Very informative,thanks.
Thanks for all of your comments! I really appreciate them!
thank you ,you make me understand very much ^^!
Thank you Alex!!
Thank you Alex!!Excelent teacher
Thanks Alex
Really useful!
hi teacher , thx for lesson :)
i wanna ask about a question on the quiz.
it’s “we’d like three coffees,please”
coffee is uncountble noun !! we can’t put a number before coffee
so i wanna know why why three coffees is correct :)
thx a lot
thanks sure you re the best
thanks my teacher
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
this pronunciation lessons are very useful. Thank you ALEX :)
Hey Alex
It’s very interesting ” ninth” and not nineth. I dind’t know.
Thanks :)
Great lesson
Thank you so much Alex
It was very basic and easy.
Next time, I want to know the difference in pronunciation between Today, Two days.
I intended to say ‘Today’, but almost people mistook it for ‘Two days’ or asked if the word I said is ‘Today’ or ‘Two days’.
I don’t know how to pronounce these words well.
If it’s possible please teach me..
I´ve liked remembering this lesson.
That´s great.
Thank you for doing so easy.
Yes, sixth is the most difficult to pronounce. The rest are easy, thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex! This is so good!
I like this lesson. Thanks Mr.Alex :-)
Thanks Alex!
Great explanations
sixth es very dificult to say. I’ve problems with 14th and 40th
Thanks Alex.
Thank you. I had several problems with the pronunciation 10 out of 10 :)
thank Alex
before am not clear about it so now i can know it better then before.
i love to learn with you.
thanks you ^_^
Very good lesson thanks !!! :)
I like lesson.
hello mr. alex. i’m britney from indonesia. thankyou very much for your lesson that very useful for me to learn more about english. :)
Hello mr. Alex !
My name is Fabiano,I learned a lot of with you today.
Best Regards!
thank you, you’re the best.
thanks you.
First time i watch you, teach me :D
Thank you so much for taking time for us!
Thanks I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks Alex. I love your quiz ^____^
In reference with your first example ” I have 2 sisters.”, you didn’t mention whether it is grammatically acceptable. If you say so, it would be a contrary to one of the lessons presented on this site. Notwithstanding, it was corrected in the quiz with “two” is one of the choices.
I am a Mathematics teacher from the Philippines, an avid follower of this site to improve my pronunciation as I wanted to speak English as my second language.
Thanks to all of you as mankind’s English teacher for the non-native speakers. Keep it up!
Hi Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Ali Malik
Thanks teacher.
Thank you for all your help. I got 10. :)
I got 10 without watch the video lol
Khansa Cintya
hi , plz ممكن حد يرد على
in q 8 coffees is plural noun but in another lesson it was uncountable
noun and doesn’t have a plural ???????
Lolo 86
I can learn English…yes,I can…
Thanks! Alex
thanks, Alex.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Thank you Alex!!!!
Thank you Alex!
Thanks, Mr. Alex!
I got 100 points :) Thank you Alex!
Olga Krasnodon
thank you
Thank you
I liked a lot..
90 I’m not “quantity person”… :D ;)
I got 10 correct out of 10 . Thank you for this lesson
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Thank you Teacher Alex
I got 10 but I will practice counting cardinal and ordinal numbers to keep in mind.
Thank you, Alex.
Young Kyung Lee
Can i say I’d like three cups of coffees? Thank you for your help
just amazing Alex…thank you so much for teaching us English in such a best way
Rising Star
I got 10/10 :D ☺?????????????????????????
Lets have a party???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Adwait Shiva
Thanks for what you are going:)
I got 10/10!! Your lesson are great! Thanks for your help Alex! My english is improving day by day!
Thanks, I got 9 from 10 I think great job Thanks for help me.
hossam kamal
what about no 11?
Thank you Alex
Thank you very much Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
omg this lesson is so hard!
Good evening Alex. I got 10/10 …. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your video. I like it because your articulation is good for me, I understand when you tell the class.
I watched this video twice on May 18, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of ten.
this is the first time to commemt here , thanks
thank you for this class teacher Alex, this is very interesting.
In spanish is: primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, septimo, octavo, noveno y decimo.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hello, We are really appreciative for what you are
doing here.
as you know nowadays most people apply for studying
abroad. so, I would like to ask you talk about
university vocabulary.
The things that a student needs to know about Foreign
universities from applying to studying there.
i agree with you!
U r the first one right here
Thank you professor, you were very clear and the quiz excellent too.
Greetings from Costa Rica…
This is the second “thank you”!
gooood Job Mr Alex :) interesting
Hi, Alex. Very important lesson. Although it’s not a very difficult subject, you are right. when it comes to pronunciation, i have some difficulty in pronunciating the ordinal sixth. But i’ll follow your tip – i think that with some training, i’ll do very well. thank you so much
oops… sorry for the “training”. the right spelling, of course, is trainning.
Hello Daniel the first spelling was the right one. We say “training” not “trainning”. Hope that helps!
I like all these lessons cause they have quizzes at the end.
I know this site thanks to Ronnie videos on youtube.
So Clear Alex, Thank you….
Thank you!
Hi Alex! You are Nice Teacher. Thanks
I Scored 9 out of 10. But i have a question That Why this is wrong?
He’s Written over the twentieth books?
The correct one was-
He’s written over twenty books.
Please Anybody Reply?
Because 20th is an ordinal number and in this sentence you have to use a cardinal number-20.
I’m the sixth person to leave a comment. I got a great score in the quiz that made me happy lol. thank u Alex. so long n’ good bye.
I was the seventh person in viewers, and it took me a second to send a comment. Pretty good effort.
Six persons have left comments. I have written the eighth comment.
I approve the quiz.
Hi, Alex. Thank you very much, Alex. I heard your lessons from my ESL teacher. These classes are very useful for me who is a beginning english learner.
Nine commments have left. I’m the eighth person who have written comments.
I enjoy it
Thanks …
cool way to replicate the design
thank you
I’m your 12th student…
you’re Lectures are amazing.
please do a lecture on Conditionals…
please !
Hay Alex Brother.
you’re very Gentle.
I’m still puzzled in this :
My Grandma is fourty-four years old ??
Can I have s’more instances please !!
Hi, Alex.Thanks for useful lesson!
My scored 10 out of 10.
Thank you so much teacher.
I proud to add any one to improve my English language on my skype id mansouralqasem.
Best Regards
thanx so much
but what should I say if it above one hundred??
thanks alot
Excelent Alex. Thank you very much.
my score 9 out of 10 thank you
Hi Alex
It is very useful and important lesson. I got 10 out of 10.
hi dear alex.i just got acquainted with u and ur site today.i m an english teacher but i learned sth more when i saw some of ur movies.i hope to start a good friendship with u. plz keep in touch. thanks a lot
thank you
thank you i love the lesson
All the lessons from you are great! Thanks teacher. We know you’ve been doing a lot for our weaknesses in English.
Alex,could you possibly do any lessons on negative questions at your convenience?
I think it would be helpful in daily conversations. Can all modals be used to make negative questions,say, ‘May and Might’?
Again, thank you very much!
great lesson!
Am very intersted to the course you are offering on line. Is it possible to have the CD for all of the training you are offering? Please let me know how can get them?
Thank you for the lesson.
Hi Alex, I like your first lesson, thank you.
Ela from Poland :)
good job & thank you .
Great work done by you. This is the very basic step of improving your command on language as well as understand the propose of using ordinal number and cardinal number.
thank you!!!…
Thanks Alex ,it is very usefull
Are these proper ways to pronounce 20 -Twendy Twenny Twenty
Thanks Mr. Alex,
Now I am aware about cardinal and ordinal numbers differences and uses.
Sir, I want to start from the basic grammar. Please let me know from where i should start?
Thanks & Regards,
Jitender Kumar
Many thanks for explanation.
Very clear explanation!Thanks a lot.
10 out of 10! It’s easy to understand but when it comes to pronounciation it gets a little bit harder.But you are right!It’s all about practice.
hi teacher Alex, I got 10 out 10! thanks a lot.
Alex you are my favorite teacher, your lessons are easy going and you always make me smile :)I have been registered specially to say this :)
thank you teacher :)
Thank you alex 10/10.
Greetings from Brazil.
It’s a great help. Thank you
Mukesh Gusain
Helpful lesson. Thank you!
hi’ thank you for a greatest lessons you do’ and why you don’t put English subtitles in the video’ that well make it easily.
you are the best one on the network
Thank Alex
I really appreciate your help.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you Alex
thank you sir.
Excellent, I hit it
Cardinal is mentioning about counts like 1,2,3 etc. Ordinal is mentioning about orders like first, second, etc. Am i right?
I’m frm Indonesia with scored 10 of ten…excellent…never been noticed before…its really helpfull…Thanks Bro Alex…
Thank you Alex so much for your explanation
8/10 but is really nice lesson,thanks mr.alex
Profuse thanks for these valuable lessons.
The pronunciation is more difficult than learn the rules.
Salam, that’s really important for beginners.
I really enjoyed the lesson. Thank you.
Hi Alex! Thank you for the lesson. I’m trainning a lot to pronunciate correctly, at least for me, to pronounce those cardinal numbers is “a seven head monster” (idiom used in my country :)). I don’t know if it exists in English, but I hope you get what I’m saying (trying to say).
Leandro from Brazil
Sorry, I wanted to say ordinal, instead of cardinal.
yes you are right! 6th is the hardest haha
Thank you sir you are teaching is so nice to improve my english I am from India when iam in ternet i always watching your video please tell me are you coming to India sir. please uplode very nice video more and more. iwant to talk with you Sir.
Hi, Alex
Thank u very much for providing valuable English lessons
thank Alex, my teacher. it’s so clearly. i will become a good your student
very very good.. thank :)
thank you so much teacher I’ve got 10 out of 10 youpi you’re the man :D
Thanks for your one thousandth lesson!
Hi Alex… everyday i see your lesson s. My english is getting improve. Now… but. Sometime i ‘ve got confused… what do you think about my writting is it true or not? Thanks alot
What a great lesson. Alex I have a question could you tell me please how to write the date complete on an exam. Thank you so much
10/10. learning is fun
its really awesome that you have done here
thanks :)
Thank you, it was very good lesson for me.
thank you
Thanks sir, I really appreciate your work.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you alex
this lesson was good one for me nd i did score 8/10…
thank u
thank you for your efforts
i gotta 9points ^^ i really appreciate for you Mr. Alex !!!
thank you very much !
Thanks very much Alex! It’s pretty hard to pronounce though lol
Hi Alex,
Where can I find lessons on essay summarizing. I have to prepare summary for an essay reducing it by 75 percent IN MY OWN WORDS for a crucial test! Kindly Guide
Hello teacher, there’s a question I would like to ask you, how do you say 15th? is it fifteenth?? I hope your reply thank you.
Very informative,thanks.
Thanks for all of your comments! I really appreciate them!
thank you ,you make me understand very much ^^!
Thank you Alex!!
Thank you Alex!!Excelent teacher
Thanks Alex
Really useful!
hi teacher , thx for lesson :)
i wanna ask about a question on the quiz.
it’s “we’d like three coffees,please”
coffee is uncountble noun !! we can’t put a number before coffee
so i wanna know why why three coffees is correct :)
thx a lot
thanks sure you re the best
thanks my teacher
10 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
this pronunciation lessons are very useful. Thank you ALEX :)
Hey Alex
It’s very interesting ” ninth” and not nineth. I dind’t know.
Thanks :)
Great lesson
Thank you so much Alex
It was very basic and easy.
Next time, I want to know the difference in pronunciation between Today, Two days.
I intended to say ‘Today’, but almost people mistook it for ‘Two days’ or asked if the word I said is ‘Today’ or ‘Two days’.
I don’t know how to pronounce these words well.
If it’s possible please teach me..
I´ve liked remembering this lesson.
That´s great.
Thank you for doing so easy.
Yes, sixth is the most difficult to pronounce. The rest are easy, thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex! This is so good!
I like this lesson. Thanks Mr.Alex :-)
Thanks Alex!
Great explanations
sixth es very dificult to say. I’ve problems with 14th and 40th
Thanks Alex.
Thank you. I had several problems with the pronunciation 10 out of 10 :)
thank Alex
before am not clear about it so now i can know it better then before.
i love to learn with you.
thanks you ^_^
Very good lesson thanks !!! :)
I like lesson.
hello mr. alex. i’m britney from indonesia. thankyou very much for your lesson that very useful for me to learn more about english. :)
Hello mr. Alex !
My name is Fabiano,I learned a lot of with you today.
Best Regards!
thank you, you’re the best.
thanks you.
First time i watch you, teach me :D
Thank you so much for taking time for us!
Thanks I got 100%.
thanks Alex. I love your quiz ^____^
In reference with your first example ” I have 2 sisters.”, you didn’t mention whether it is grammatically acceptable. If you say so, it would be a contrary to one of the lessons presented on this site. Notwithstanding, it was corrected in the quiz with “two” is one of the choices.
I am a Mathematics teacher from the Philippines, an avid follower of this site to improve my pronunciation as I wanted to speak English as my second language.
Thanks to all of you as mankind’s English teacher for the non-native speakers. Keep it up!
Hi Alex.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks teacher.
Thank you for all your help. I got 10. :)
I got 10 without watch the video lol
hi , plz ممكن حد يرد على
in q 8 coffees is plural noun but in another lesson it was uncountable
noun and doesn’t have a plural ???????
I can learn English…yes,I can…
Thanks! Alex
thanks, Alex.
Thank you!
Thank you Alex!!!!
Thank you Alex!
Thanks, Mr. Alex!
I got 100 points :) Thank you Alex!
thank you
Thank you
I liked a lot..
90 I’m not “quantity person”… :D ;)
I got 10 correct out of 10 . Thank you for this lesson
Thanks you so much
Thank you Teacher Alex
I got 10 but I will practice counting cardinal and ordinal numbers to keep in mind.
Thank you, Alex.
Can i say I’d like three cups of coffees? Thank you for your help
just amazing Alex…thank you so much for teaching us English in such a best way
I got 10/10 :D ☺?????????????????????????
Lets have a party???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Thanks for what you are going:)
I got 10/10!! Your lesson are great! Thanks for your help Alex! My english is improving day by day!
Thanks, I got 9 from 10 I think great job Thanks for help me.
what about no 11?
Thank you Alex
Thank you very much Alex!
omg this lesson is so hard!
Good evening Alex. I got 10/10 …. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your video. I like it because your articulation is good for me, I understand when you tell the class.
I watched this video twice on May 18, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of ten.
this is the first time to commemt here , thanks
thank you for this class teacher Alex, this is very interesting.
In spanish is: primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, septimo, octavo, noveno y decimo.
you are a special teacher
Thank you.
Thanks, I understand
Thank you!
Thank you a lot!!!
Really amazing!