Do you know what a comma splice is? Learn about one of the most common writing mistakes that students make and four easy ways to correct it. This free lesson will help you to become a better writer.
Great lesson, I had never heard about comma splices !
Aguinaldo Mendes da Silva
Hi Emma & Teams, Thanks a lot for give the opportunity to learn English for non native speakers. Once again I would like to say thanks for the hole Team members.
Praveen Kumar
I must to speak english very well because i like english very well
cypre junior
Thanks Emma, i did a lot of mistake on this lessons comma, i will do it again and again.
Dear Emma, Many thanks for this useful vid about using comma properly. We are short of this kind of vids for advanced learners here in Hungary. Ohh btw, greeting from Hungary. I like your new haircut.
Nowadays this is a very common error in spanish language too. In fact, some years ago I thought I was wrong or it was a new way to write the language… until this lesson.
It was a great explanation, and now I can use comma correctly in English.
Hello dear Emma.Thank you for your Videos it was so useful for me And I hope you continue to do video in academic writing like fragment and subject verb agreement and so on.
best wishes for you.
hell yeah, gorgeous haircut. take care, Emma cya until next time.
Thank you for sharing a worth lesson. It help the people around the Globe.
Thanks a lot for your lesson Emma, but I have a question for you: what about the colon?and dashes and quotes?
Punctuation marks are very annoying!
hi, i’m a brazilian guy; i have known engVid on youtube and, since then i have watched your lessons. they are very helpful and thanks to them, my english has improved a lot. you really do a great, i take your lessons everyday. thank you so much.
Daniel Clementino Herculano
Hi!! Emma, it has been a great lesson. I hope you can give us more lessons like this. By the way, you´ve got a very nice hair cut, you look so nice…
Regards from México.
Edgar Ruiz Amaya
nice lesson thank you
Thanks from VietNam.
Why did you put a comma before the word But in the five sentence?
Thank you for your question.
We use a comma before ‘but’ if the phrase (clause) after it can be its own sentence.
For example:
I like watching movies, but I don’t like watching TV.
‘I don’t like watching TV’ can be its own sentence because it has a subject (I) and a verb (don’t like watching. ‘But’ actually joins two sentences together.
If the phrase after ‘but’ cannot be its own sentence, we don’t use a comma.
For example: I’m feeling tired but good.
‘Good’ can’t be its own sentence. It’s missing a subject and a verb. Therefore, we don’t need a comma before ‘but’.
This is the comma rule for what are called FANBOYS: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Here are some more examples of this comma rule.
I visit engvid everyday, and I love the videos on the site. (Notice the comma before ‘and’)
I like coffee and tea. (Notice there is no comma)
Today I was tired, so I went to bed early. (Notice comma before ‘so’)
I want to improve my English, but I don’t know how. (Notice comma before ‘but’)
My friend is funny but lazy. (Notice there is no comma)
good explanation,but i see some sentences with but without a comma,they are not like you explained.
both sentences are complete sentences and i can not figure out why there is no comma
sorry, which one ?
I didn’t see any thing wrong here :)
Nguyen Vu Long
Nice explanation
……very easy to understand .Thanks
thanks for saying this madam ,but i believe that if you want learn a language you have to speak and write with the people who may know more then you in order to correct your mistakes.
Awesome explanation…Thanks
Just another question. I like watching movies, but he doesn’t like watching TV. Is it correct mam?
An excellent example. Thanks, Mam.
Sravan Kumar Kotluri
Very well explained. I understood the lesson, but did not score well. Keep up the great work. Thank you, Emma.
Arieh Dorjee
great lesson Emma, thanks a lot!!!
Hii Emma,
I would like you to thank for correcting my sentences which I included in my last comment.I have understood my mistakes after reading the rectified ones corrected by you.Today, I intend to tell you something.Sometimes, I feel that it is not possible for me to learn this language properly as I can’t keep a belief in myself .Moreover, I always think that what I am doing/learning/understanding is incorrect. Consequently, it makes me feel bad.Sometimes, I read some sentences in my technical books whose sentence structure is not known to me rather I do not know the rules associated with them for being able to make sentences in that way.I have shown some examples of those.
1.We have a finance dept. in our office headed by Steve Johnson.
2.The company has several branches spread across the city managed by different manager.
Actually mam, what I want to know is that what grammar rules words like “managed by”,”headed by” follow in the above sentences.
Furthermore,how do we use them in a sentence and what’s the related grammar rule.Though, the meaning is very clear as the first sentence indicates that Steve Johnson heads the finance dept.In other words, he is the head of the finance dept.In the second case,the meaning which we can derive from the sentence is that the company has deputed enough number of employees to supervise the activities of each department it has across the city.The sentence clearly means that there is a manager posted at each branch.To be honest, I have acquired this idea as I am an engineering student and have been reading books in English for past three years.
I would request you to help me understand this rule citing some examples.
sona sharma
The correctness of a sentence/phrase in every natural language depends on its usage. All natural languages have ‘style’, ‘register’ and so on. For example, if I say ‘Fire! Get out!’ am I breaking grammar rules? No, but you can see something is missing: ‘(There’s a) fire! (Let’s all) get out!’. As for your sentences, the first should read ‘Steve Johnson is the finance department – head office in our company’, and the second one should be ‘The company has several branch offices spread across the city. Each office is assigned to a different manager.’
Hi Sona,
Thank you for your question. First of all, I’d like to say that it is clear that you have studied English for a long time. Your writing is easy to understand.
Secondly, I just wanted to remind everyone that it’s okay to make mistakes. In terms of grammar, many people, both native and non native speakers, have difficulty. Everyday, I have English speakers who were born in Canada ask me grammar questions. ESL students do not realize the many mistakes that native speakers make.
Technical grammar books are difficult for most people to understand, so do not lose hope and do not be too hard on yourselves if you find grammar challenging. I find that sometimes these sorts of books leave students more confused than before.
In terms of your question about ‘managed by’ and ‘headed by’, your understanding of the example sentences is correct. As you’ve probably noticed, these words are followed by the names or titles of people.
I will get back to you on this question soon with a more detailed response.
what a great lesson!!! Thanks a lot.
This lesson is really help me to cleared up all the question i had regarding to comma usage. Thanks you.
Emma, you are the best teacher!!! :)
very educative!thanks!
I enjoy this class! Thanks!
you’re so beautiful and cute with new hair
I can not understand how to answer for the quiz. ” I read the newspaper today, there were some really great stories in it.”
I think this sentence is incorrect. I should put period instead of comma? Complicated quiz for me…
Hi Masa,
Comma splices are difficult for both native and non native speakers. You are correct with your example. The sentence is incorrect, so you can put a period to correct it.
Hi Emma,
I love working at the bank, but my friend hates it. – I thought the sentence was incorrect because “fanboys” (but) are usually used without comma. What is correct?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Anaxo,
Thank you for your comment. We use a comma with ‘FANBOYS’ when we join two sentences together. Please see my explanation above for eldu19.
That was really good stuff to learn. Thanks a lot for the lesson!!
Cristian Jirón
Great stuff!! Thanks.
I think it would be correct a period or the word but, anybody?
Hi Shred,
These are two ways to correct comma splices. Let me know if you have a specific question or example you’re confused about.
Thanks Emma.
one Sentence, one Verb !!!
Thanks for your lessons
Supper! Thanks a lot!
You are fantastic, greetings from Venezuela.
Thanks Emma. I have a question for you. Is “Comma Splices” the same than run-on sentences? Thanks in advance!
They are very similar. The only difference between run-ons and comma splices is the comma.
A run-on sentence is two or more sentences joined without proper punctuation(eg, I love reading books books are good we should buy more books).
A comma splice is two sentences mistakenly joined by only a comma (I love reading books, books are good.).
Thank you, Professor Emma for your class!
I really love the correct use of punctuation.
Please, consider including in the quiz the correct answers of the sentences.
By the way I liked your new hairstyle. You look so beautiful.
I think I made a mistake. Is “Comma Splices” the same as run-on sentences?
Emma apparently there is another way to avoid “Comma splices”, but I’m not sure. By using a dash to separate two independent clauses. What do you think?
Hi Esphiritu,
A dash is another possibility as well. It’s rarely used though. Thank you for your comments.
Hi Emma. I hope you have a nice time, please correct joining the two following sentences with comma splice.
The following sentence is an example of a comma splice: I went to the cinema yesterday and saw a film, it starred Brad Pitt.
This is an example of a comma splice. The comma has been used to incorrectly join two sentences.
Ali Murad
Hi Ali,
Here is the corrected sentence:
I went to the cinema yesterday and saw a film. It starred Brad Pitt.
Is it wrong to write:
” I went to the cinema yesterday, and saw a film. It starred Brad Pitt”.
I mean, the comma stays because i’m using a coordinating conjunction(and).
Please, help me!!
Hi Emma!Thank you very much for this lesson!It is very useful and clear!
Thank you very much miss emma, it was very usefull tip.
Best regards from Argentina,
Emma, you are adorable! Thanks for your lessons a lot. :)
engVid moderator: birthday happiness of you I am hambly wishing.
O______o …Yesterday was my birthday! How did you know…
engVid Moderator
Nice lesson, and WOW!!! Nice hair cut!! You look stunning!!!
I wanna chat for enhancing the English and skills.
It was a very useful lesson, thanks a lot.
late but happy birthday EngVid moderator many days like this one. may the third, now everyone knows it. we need 2 know if u r man or woman. one more thing take of picture of you.
I love ur bob hair,it looks great on you.Thank you for the lesson,Ive learned so much from it.
really it is a nice lesson to understand comma
Ali Sabri
Thanks Emma!
thank you madame
I should admit that it’s the hardest lesson for me on
Hi Emma
will you pleas explain me the meaning of the word “splice” in the “comma splice”?
I’m anxiously waiting for the explanation from you
By the way I’m from Carapicuiba, SP, Brazil
hello Emma, my teacher, thanks for helping me. i like your lessons very much.. bundle of thanks…
God bless you my Teacher
your sincerely,
Bakht Ullah from Pakistan
You got a new hairstyle here, wow! It looks nice! ;) Oh, and the lesson was very cool as well!
Thank you, cani put comma after and.
I sucked at quiz because i did all in opposite order.
Hi Harsh,
Let me know which ones you had difficulties with.
0 out of 9, wtf
Hi Max,
Try to watch the lesson again. If there is something that is confusing, please let me know. I will try to explain here.
nice lesson Emma
Thank you everyone for your comments!
Thanks for your answer, you are great Emma!!!
its amazing to learn english here i want to improve my englsih iam from pakistan. i every day watch a great videos of Emma & others.hell yes
the most confusing thing in this lesson for me was that “comma splice” is the “name of mistake”.sorry i don’t know how to explain it in better way. I mean that “My brother has four children, they look a lot like him.” is example of a comma splice. It means that there is a mistake in this clause.
Great example of a comma splice. I know the name of this sort of mistake may confuse people.
I think comma splices is a name of mistake. In English we may not connect two sentences with a help of comma. Comma splice is incorrect by definition.
u re’ still my favourite teacher because ur amazing in addressing ur lectures.
Thanks for great lessons…I have a question about how to speak such like native American. For example: How can I use teeth, tongue, and the air inside, outside of the mouth during speak. Is that we have special rule for that…such as: each word we have to speak in different way? How many sounds in American we have to learn to become successful such like standard native American speaking. Thanks thousand times for helping me with English…and have a great day…
Hi Emma
I am the one that asked you please explain me the exact meaning of the word “splice” in comma splices)
I see that several persons said they went badly on the quiz just like me and this fact makes me think that for sure they too don’t understand the real meaning of the word splice
Otherwise I’d like to let you know that I’ve already looked for this word in two dictionary and I wasn’t cleared up
If it’s possible to explain it I wll be very grateful
Sincery thanks
Hi Neusa,
Thank you for your question. In English ‘splice’ means to join things together. When we say comma splice, we are saying that two sentences are joined together with a comma. In English, this is considered a mistake.
Comma splice is the grammatical term for this type of mistake, but I guess this term may make people feel more confused.
Hi Emma
Thank you very much for the explanation I asked you for
You’re a lovely teacher
I’m waiting for your next lesson
Great lesson:)
I have a question to 3rd sentence. Is it not an identifing clause? Does it mean that i have only one friend? May the comma be ommited here?
Cheers from Poland:)
Hi Koku,
Thank you for your question. I believe that you’re referring to the sentence “My friend, a student at the University of Toronto, lives on campus.”
The sentence is a non-identifying clause. I’m giving additional information about my friend that is not necessary to identify whom I’m talking about. I could have also said “My friend lives on campus.”
The sentence does not necessarily mean I only have one friend. It could mean that I’m speaking about a particular friend who lives on campus. Alternatively, it may also mean that I have only one friend. It all depends on the rest of the conversation ie. the context for the sentence.
It would be possible to make this sentence into an identifying clause by omitting the comma.
Eg) My friend who is a student at the University of Toronto lives on campus.
In this example, I have only one friend who is a student at the University of Toronto.
Good but you speak very fast.
I got to learn a lot from… lov u all :)
My car broke down yesterday, and I need a car to get to work. Therefore, I should buy a new car.
you should say,
“Therefore, I should walk to go work everyday”
I want to make friends from all over the world, and I want to talk English like a native speaker.
Friends, you are welcome, if you want to practice spoken English on Skype.
my Skype ID: mursaleen_1
my email:
Hi Emma,
Thank you for healping me. I have spelling problems
thank a lot for your lessons you can give as more plz , about conversation . thank you
lila algeria
hi Emma . Can u tell me the difference between english that we normally use in our daily lives and the english completely different to what we use has a name known as ‘slang’
Thank you Emma!
hi Emma this was very interesting and I enjoy watching your lessons.
I’ve got a question which is not related to your lesson but quiet difficult to master for me: why is there a song entitled ‘what he don’t know?’ instead of ‘doesn’t’?!
And this is not the 1st time I’ve noticed that (in series)…
thanks in advance
by the way could you explain me the difference between ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ because I am always confused
thanks a lot
Oh Gosh!
No way…
I coulden’t catch the point n
I coulden’t pass the quiz as well.
Dear Emma,if it’s possible 2 u plz make another video on such a new n a bit … 4 understanding topic ASAP!
Many tx,
thank you !
wow, this lesson is really fantastic. I hadn’t heard anything about COMMA SPLICES before, and the explaination is excellent. I got 100% in the quizz… thanks a lot…
fabio maestre machado
Hi Emma,
First of all, I would like to thank you for replying to my last comment.I hope you are having a good time and enjoing yourself at the most.Today, I have read a sentence comprised of more than fifteen words on newspaper.It includes all the information together.The sentence reads as:
Three bodies were found floating near two ghats a day after a boat carrying pilgrims capsized in the Hooghly.
Info:First of all, the sentence provides information about a boat which was taking pilgrims to a sacred,holy place where they had decided to go to worship the almighty God.But they could not reach there as a catastrophe struck taking their lives.After that,someone saw that the bodies of the pilgrims were floating in the river and they were very close to the river bank.
We get these much of information after reading the sentence.According to the sentence, it uses passive voice in the past tense in its first part as the emphasis is on bodies, the object which was found.Next,the sentence also contains an usage of reduced relative clause.(Expln:If the first part of the sentence is expanded, it would be “Someone found three bodies which were floating .Here, it means when a person saw the bodies, they were floating.Now, the second part can be turned into a gerund while retaining all other things unchanged.In that case, the original sentence would get changed to the following one:
someone found three bodies floating.
Furthermore, if this intermediate sentence is converted to the passive voice, it would be “Three bodies were found floating{Here, It is not important to add a by phrase at the end.}.Therefore, the first part of the sentence uses a reduced relative clause as well as the passive structure.My next focus is on “the boat carrying”.It is also another use of reduced relative clause since “carrying” identifies the boat-the one which was carrying pilgrims.The last part is in simple past tense.
I have understood a detailed description of the sentence after learning relative clause’s,passive construction,and other related things.
I do not know if I have realized them clearly and exactly.I request you to check my concept as well as let me know about my mistakes.
sona sharma
hi Emma,
it was a great lesson that i have learned from you.i wish that i would like to have some more grammer lesson henceforth.
Thanx Emma.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you Emma!
Hi Emma,
Your lessons were useful for me.
I have one question for you.
I do not understand “the way we live”.
What does “the way” mean.?
It means “how” or “road” ?
nice lesson Emma
Hi there. I would like to share my knowledge about the use of Comma.
The listing use of Comma.
1.Type of list item: noun
He brought coffee, sandwitches, cheese, and soda.
2.Type of list item: verb
She caught, cleaned, cooked and served the fish.
3.Type of list item: adjective
The weather today is cool, dry, and windy.
4.Type of list item: verb phrase
I closed the door, started the car, pulled out of the driveway, and switched on the radio.
5.Type of list item: clause
I made the bread, Bilal cooked the meat, and Rehman chopped the vegetables.
The conjoining use of Comma
1.I lives in Pakistan, and I study at NEDUET.
2.Emma is Canadian, but I am Pakistani.
3.We could continue our relationship, or we could end our relationship.
4.She was sick, so she went to the doctor.
When we use conjunctions, and putting dependent clause first.
1. Although it was hot, he was wearing a coat.
2. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.
Mursaleen Fayyaz:)
Skype: mursaleen_1
Thanks Emma…
when it says ”they have shiny coats, is that a complete sentence.
Hi Zayd,
“They have shiny coats” can be a complete sentence.
Can’t we use a subordinator instead of using a conjunction?
Dear Emma,
great teaching again! Thank you.
By the way.
Even with short hair you look great.
Take care!
thnx alot dear.plz share your wisdom on writing task 2 also….it was a great lecture . i pray for your success and happiness….
hi emma how r u?wanna know how to use present perfect and past?
I thought I had good knowledge of English untill this lesson showed up !! . Where should I put the comma in this sentense : ” I didn’t have a happy birthday but rather a boring one ! ”
And do we generally use commas after (rather) ? Thank you in advance :)
Hi Aya,
In your example, you don’t need a comma.
You need a comma if the part of the sentence after ‘but’ has a subject and a verb.
“I didn’t have a happy birthday, but rather I had a really boring one.”
In this sentence we need a comma before ‘but’ because we have both a subject after ‘but’ (eg, I) and a verb (eg, had).
In terms of the word rather, a comma is optional. It indicates a pause in the sentence.
Nice explanation, but could u describe me the clause because I have bit confusion between clause and sentence.
I hope u would fix my problem.
Hi Nasim,
A lot of these grammatical terms can be quite confusing. I’ve written a standard definition of a clause below. This is a basic definition, so I recommend you check out the link below. It links to an in depth definition with many examples.
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a predicate (the predicate is the part of the sentence including the verb, objects of the sentence or phrases).
For a more in depth look at clauses, check out the following link:
Dear Emma,thank you very much for yours corrections and explanations about comma splices.Take care!!!!
i was interested 1st because i really don’t know how to use correct comma in a sentence.but you’re too fast to speak i ddn’t understand make it slowly emma ok? it was not cleard.
Great !!
I really understand it !
So many thanks
Dear Emma, this lesson is very well, but the quiz has a problem. People think that this sentence whether correct or false. Nevetheless, the question is “Does the sentence an example of a comma splice?”
OMG!That’s so confuse .Thanks
Thanks so much Emma its really great lesson!!!!
Your lecture is really helpful,and I like your excercise questions too. It’s really the planned lecture~ Thank you~~
Thanks Emma…
what a good lesson
great lesson emma
Thanks Emma
nice lesson. this is the first time , i heard about comma splices.
This is practically helpful. I am learning a lot from you.
Thank you
hi Emma , i like you so much
I have a question about spelling
my spelling so bad how I can make it batter ?
sorry maybe I have so many mistakes right now .
thanks a lot i really enjoyed the lessons the site is very useful to me so i am going to enjoy all the lessons and to improve my English.
Henry Jembi
hello haw arw you
Emma . You are best teacher
Nana Parkhe
nice, thanks!
Great lesson. Use comma in english sentences is a lot easier now. Thanks!
Thanks, Emma
Hi Emme, Thanks your teaching about comma splices .I really understood your teaching today lesson.
it’s really wonderful,and this video helping me lot.
its really helping a lot to understand the entire english model… many thanks for this..”)
thank you my teacher.
Tanks ,Emma
this lesson was so helpfull ,thank you
thanks was wonderful lesson
Wonderful lesson, Emma.
Thank You.
What a great lesson. I’ve been studying english for many years but nobody told me about this and I guess no one would do it better than you.
Thanks a million.
hi mam ur todays lesson is too complicated.
Thanks a lot Emma
today , I learned something new
Thank you
Nice Smile Emma, You’re really great teacher. Hope I can catch your lesson. When I was in my college I don’t want an english subject, because my course was Engineer. I thought that this is not important, but right now I’m working as a Network Engineer and dealing with client so I need to speak and write english. I really thanks to this site to help us improve our English language. Please correct my grammar. Once again thank you so much to you.
Hello Emma!
Thank you so much. It really helps me.
I’d had no idea about comma splices before I listened to your lesson and read these comments. I used to make such mistakes. It’s different in the Russian language. It’s not a mistake when you use a comma between two independent sentences in Russian. There must be a comma before who, what, which, that and so in Russian.
I would love you to tell me about sentences with words who, what, which, that. Sometimes I see a comma before these words when I read a book in English. It still confuses me.
Thanks in advance.
learned something new
Hi Emma can you please publish transcript of your explanations in detail with each video as a PDF document if it is possible. I think it is very important to us as a ESL student. forward, thank you very much for your endless efforts. With my best appreciations.
Ali Murad
hard lesson but its nice,
thanks teacher.
thanks a million teacher…your way of teaching is really awesome.keep it up!
Hi Emma!
Great lesson! Can I suggest some lessons, like when to apply “if” or “wether”, “more” and “further”. I’ve never known the differences and when to apply them. Can you help me, as your are such a great teacher.
Take care
it is very interesting. I am very happy
Bethy Diaz
I got the rules of the exercises, but I failed the quiz!
Thanks dear Emma for the excellent lesson.It took me long time to understand and,it was so confusing.I went for a nap and then when I came back to this ;it became more clear in my mind.
evangelia ammari
Great lesson. Thaks to emma.
i confuse some points in your lesson, teacher. do you mean comma splice is a mistake of using comma?
this is so cool. With the help of engvid I am more confident to take the ielts exam.
But in the video, she tells that we don’t use comma before a coordinating conjunction which, I feel, is different from what mr alex says in his lesson on coordinating conjunctions.Please do clear my doubt. anyway thanks for your lessons
This is a very useful material; the exercises are also helpful to reinforce the teaching material.
2 renjini Yes, Emma says one thing and the exercise may clear your doubts. Just do it to see what she had really meant.
Sergey Larin inyazserg
Emma could you explain very complicated for me grammar. Absolute and appositive noun phrases. My teacher explained me but it was so hard to understand. I will be grateful for you help.
Emma, I was confused.In your comma splice lesson you add FANBOY conjunction “but” and said that we can use comma before it. However you remove it. Can you, please explain it again?
Thanks! Emma
Mohd Suhail
Wow, 9/9!
Good way to brush up english.Thanks Emma!
thank you you always make it sipmle.
Thanks for the good lesson on how to punctuate.
Thank you Emma, it really helped me.
hi Emma, lovely to hear your voice. i’m rly happy to follow ur serious of free english video lessons. be hpy & hv fun
I enjoy this class! Thanks!
Thanks for this lesson teacher! Also thank you for Mr. Mursaleen for giving the useful information.
hai emma, i have a doubt, what r the difference between “i have brought lunch and i brought lunch”
I enjoy this lesson.It has help me out a lot.thank you!
Hi Emma,
after verb in sentence number four did you you say frame sentence ?
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much.
I first knew you and this website when I was looking for the difference between Most and Almost by google. Now, I will watch all your videos of English lessons.
Hello Emma, great explanation! I was looking for lesson like that, but I am still need some help. It is run-ons and comma splices sentences the same problem?
I hope it is not to late to get an answer from you. thank you Emma for that lesson.
Sorry, Emma I saw another student asking the same question as I did. I already saw the answer to my question, thank you any way.
See you on your next lesson.
i love watching movies, but i hate watching tv
i love watching movies but, i hate watching tv
which one of the above sentences are true
ok i got it :D
Can we use ‘since’ to give the meaning of ‘as’?
For ex: ‘Black bears are beautiful since they have shiny coats’
great lesson, really amazing
Hi, please help me to understand this sentence
Question 3
For lunch she ate two sandwiches, a salad and a cookie.
for me this sentence have a mistake after; salad *** and a cookie (it miss a comma after salad) right ?
Oh boy…this is one of the biggest debates in the English language — whether to put a comma before the last item in a list.
That last comma is called a “serial comma” or an “Oxford comma”. With “she ate two sandwiches, a salad(,) and a cookie”, it doesn’t really make a difference. You could read “a salad and a cookie” to refer to the two sandwiches — but there’s no such thing as a salad sandwich or a cookie sandwich, so you know that she ate 4 different things.
Now, if it were “two sandwiches, cheese and bacon”, it might be confusing, because it might mean “a cheese sandwich and a bacon sandwich”, or “two sandwiches, and some cheese, and some bacon”. That’s when the Oxford comma comes in handy!
engVid Moderator
Thanks, it was my doubt, too.
I got 9 corrected out of 9 :D thank you Emma.
10/10, thank you Emma. It’s the 1st time i’ve heard of “fanboys” since have studied english. Very good way to keep in mind coordinate conjuctions.
what does splice mean?
I am new in this website, but I really had a good time watching your video and reading all your explanations.
Thanks a lot.
Maria Gonzalez
hallo emma very good lesson! but i have a question, like the example3″My friend, a student at the university of toronto, lives on campus”. i remembered u say that two or more sentences combined in a wrong way, but like”lives on campus”,that is not a sentence. where is the subject for this?
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, but I think that I understood nothing. My score is 22. Might I understand the term “Comma splice” wrong?
Hello Emma.Thanks for the good lesson.I have a question. In Bulgarian writing we use lots of commas,so it is confusing for me to understand the rules in English. We often join two or more simple sentences with commas to form compound sentence ( I think this is the correct term). So it is always an error to join two or more simple sentences with just a comma in English, right? I will have to use semicolon? Sorry for my bad English.
yet another comma splice:
I did the quiz, I got 100 score!
hi Emma I saw some of your videos they were good , but I want to ask that if I can write an essay and you can correct it or score it. Because I am a SAT student and I need someone to guide me how to write an essay correctly.
Love this lesson, The comma is very important for independtent/dependtent cause.
water meter check please
Thanks but your first lesson which I cannot understand and got 33%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks for all your efforts!Your teaching is so clear and the Quiz’s answers are well simplified!
This is what makes you different from other teachers.I would appreciate it if you could answer my question:What are the differences between the two sentences I come from somewhere & I am from somewhere?
Thanks a lot!
Dear EmmA,
Thanks for teaching wonderful lesson.I humbly request you that is it possible to give hint for academic reading and listening tips.
Thank you very much, Emma
Great lesson
I got 100%
Thanks Emma. Can I ask a question about No.4?
Is that sentence correct with their tense?
I think the sentence will be “I did my homework today because I wanted to learn English”.
I got 100 % but in second time.
Thanks Emma. you’ve made my day ! Comma splices are clear to me now. Please, create more and more Advanced Tut like this for us.
take care
thank you so much
for this
its so nice
Hamad Alotaibi
thank you emma . i am beginner but i don’t fear to watch advanced lesson . just to encouraged my self.
your lesson is clair for me . i am beginner . so is al right be clair for the other :)
Hahahah I got 0 out of 10.
Arjun Gurung
This lesson is very difficult for me to understand ever.
But Emma’s lecture is so great. Thank you so much.
I will try to study this video again and again and get perfect next time.
Yutaka Endo
I have troubles with such lessons, but I’ll try to understand. However, I still don’t know if I put comma in my first sentence correctly:\\\
Looks good to me!
engVid Moderator
As usual you were great Emma!
I wish you were my teacher at the beginning of my English studies. You give me a splendid feeling!
As far as i am concerned, using a comma through the text has lots of rules…What are other rules in English?
Good one Emma.I had never heard about comma splices!thanks
Hi Emma,
It is good learn help me a lot in english.Thanks for updating.i am through all videos.
Thanks Emma! :)
Thanks Emma ! this’s the useful lesson.
this is the first time i made most mistake in the quiz.
Dear Prof. Emma,
I was wandering if I might ask you a question. I do not understand the difference between these sentences:
She is a brilliant, young woman. (with comma)
She is a brilliant young woman. (without comma).
Were I to ratiocinate in my own latin language, I would say the same. I do love the English language, strongly I do. I pay my respect to you. H
Briklend Handersson
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the nice lesson!
As I got from your lesson, if two sentences are independent clauses (subject+verb etc.) then comma should not be used in between. It has four ways to correct the sentences.
I have one question regarding following sentences those are having independent clauses too. Is it correct or not? If it is correct, and can you please explain it.
“I have three students, one student is Japanees, another is Mexican, the other is Saudian.”
“Micah yelled at his little brother, and told him not to run into the street.”
These sentences used here the coordinating conjunctions, but there is no subject in second part of the sentences. As it should have the independent clauses for using the coordinating conjunctions.
As per your lesson, it should be like
“Micah yelled at his little brother, and she told him not to run into the street.”
Can you explain regarding it which one is correct?
I learn a lot more about comma splice. thank you
I have got a nine out that possible nine .
You are wonderful maam Emma!!!!
Very nice explanation. I had a hard time when to use a semicolon. Now it’s clear. Thank you.
It seems to me that I understood everything but in test I made many mistakes.
Very useful topic.I love doing quiz,but I don’t love doing comment.
I love quiz and comment.
He dreams about a better future, so he works hard.
I am lucky to have someone like Emma who is great teacher. My English is getting better and better each day. I can understand her easily,and she knows exactly how to convey English to others. Did I say right, Emma? Happy study :)
Could you please provide a lesson on “serial comma” or an “Oxford comma”. It is really confusing to me.
This was one of the most confusing part of grammar for me until now.
Such a wonderful video. Thanks. You are an amazing teacher. I love your style of teaching. simple and quite clear . Thanks so much
I made all correct so I feel Great! Thanks Emma.:D happy stady everyone.
Hi Teacher!
I’m glad to say who you are the best!!!
I understand all your lessons and learn a lot!
Thank you!
Daniel Moura Resende
Sorry,“The following sentence an example of a comma splice”,this meaning is “is it incorrectly?”
My father, he was wonderful, died when I was 15 years old. I miss him very much and also my mom,too.:) Thank you Emma.
Hi Emma,
Many thanks for such topic. I didn’t hear about such topic before. Could you please make more videos about grammar and improving-writing techniques?
Emma! you did an excellent job on this video!
Teacher Emma, thank you for the topic comma splice I never thought that it will be important I used to ignore it. Godbless
Vanessa Tan
Dear Emma,
I have answered all the questions on the quiz, but I noticed that in the third question it is stated like this “3. For lunch she ate two sandwiches, a salad and a cookie.”
Isn’t supposed to be “For lunch, She ate two sandwiches, a salad, and a cookie?”.
Because “For lunch,” is a prepositional phrase and a dependent clause that came at the beginning of a sentence. Also, don’t we use a comma before the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) like the “And” in the question?
Thank you.
Hi Emma, you explanation about “comma splices,” was absolutely fantastic. I scored 100; all of the answers were correct. Thanks, once again.
many thanks for your explanation which really was amazing.
You got 4 correct out of 9.
M kartal
Thanks a lot Emma!
So, in my mind, I thought I was doing a great job, but in the test I was horrible. Emma do you do give private classes? Thank you.
i still don’t understand!!! and i have a quiz tomorrow!!!!!!
I had some confusing in the quiz. Will try one more time.
It’s clear now! Thx!
Thank you Mrs. Emma! I got 9 out of 9! I will be sure if I learn more comma splice.
Chan M.
great quiz madame.
Thanks Mrs. Emma.
I wasn’t understood the lesson today. ?
Thanks, Emma. I got a hundred percentage score, which is an indication of my learning achievement. However, I still feel the need for practicing more.
TahseenB Bhutto
Dear Emma,
so comma splice means a comma used incorrectly. It means that we joined two sentences with a comma incorrectly, right? That was something that I only understood after doing the quiz. It’s just to confirm.
I loved your lesson. Finally, I understood how to use commas in those cases.
thank you
isuru pushpakumara
Thank you Emma!
Barnett Barnett
Thanks for this lesson, I always guessed answer to such questions by intuition, now I have the proper logic to arrive at right answers.
Thanks for this Lesson. I always guessed answers to such questions, but now I can use the logic.
Hi Emma! Grammatical terms are some different in my lenguaje. I had been terrible with muy quiz:(
Maripaz Maldonado
Thanks Emma.
I got 7 out of 9.
Purushoth JR
I watched this video twice on April 24, 2021. I got 9 correct out of 9.
I don’t know why, but I got zero in this quiz
Hi Emma
I got zero for the quiz. Can you explain with the question of the quiz?
Thanks Emma.
Thank you so much, Emma, for this lesson and its Quiz. I got 9/9 which encourages me to work more on this website. Amazing website!
Thanks a lot I managed to get 9/9 in my test, and I’m very happy
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great lesson, I had never heard about comma splices !
Hi Emma & Teams, Thanks a lot for give the opportunity to learn English for non native speakers. Once again I would like to say thanks for the hole Team members.
I must to speak english very well because i like english very well
Thanks Emma, i did a lot of mistake on this lessons comma, i will do it again and again.
Dear Emma, Many thanks for this useful vid about using comma properly. We are short of this kind of vids for advanced learners here in Hungary. Ohh btw, greeting from Hungary. I like your new haircut.
Nowadays this is a very common error in spanish language too. In fact, some years ago I thought I was wrong or it was a new way to write the language… until this lesson.
It was a great explanation, and now I can use comma correctly in English.
Hello dear Emma.Thank you for your Videos it was so useful for me And I hope you continue to do video in academic writing like fragment and subject verb agreement and so on.
best wishes for you.
hell yeah, gorgeous haircut. take care, Emma cya until next time.
Thank you for sharing a worth lesson. It help the people around the Globe.
Thanks a lot for your lesson Emma, but I have a question for you: what about the colon?and dashes and quotes?
Punctuation marks are very annoying!
hi, i’m a brazilian guy; i have known engVid on youtube and, since then i have watched your lessons. they are very helpful and thanks to them, my english has improved a lot. you really do a great, i take your lessons everyday. thank you so much.
Hi!! Emma, it has been a great lesson. I hope you can give us more lessons like this. By the way, you´ve got a very nice hair cut, you look so nice…
Regards from México.
nice lesson thank you
Thanks from VietNam.
Why did you put a comma before the word But in the five sentence?
Thank you for your question.
We use a comma before ‘but’ if the phrase (clause) after it can be its own sentence.
For example:
I like watching movies, but I don’t like watching TV.
‘I don’t like watching TV’ can be its own sentence because it has a subject (I) and a verb (don’t like watching. ‘But’ actually joins two sentences together.
If the phrase after ‘but’ cannot be its own sentence, we don’t use a comma.
For example: I’m feeling tired but good.
‘Good’ can’t be its own sentence. It’s missing a subject and a verb. Therefore, we don’t need a comma before ‘but’.
This is the comma rule for what are called FANBOYS: For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Here are some more examples of this comma rule.
I visit engvid everyday, and I love the videos on the site. (Notice the comma before ‘and’)
I like coffee and tea. (Notice there is no comma)
Today I was tired, so I went to bed early. (Notice comma before ‘so’)
I want to improve my English, but I don’t know how. (Notice comma before ‘but’)
My friend is funny but lazy. (Notice there is no comma)
good explanation,but i see some sentences with but without a comma,they are not like you explained.
both sentences are complete sentences and i can not figure out why there is no comma
sorry, which one ?
I didn’t see any thing wrong here :)
Nice explanation
……very easy to understand .Thanks
thanks for saying this madam ,but i believe that if you want learn a language you have to speak and write with the people who may know more then you in order to correct your mistakes.
Awesome explanation…Thanks
Just another question. I like watching movies, but he doesn’t like watching TV. Is it correct mam?
An excellent example. Thanks, Mam.
Very well explained. I understood the lesson, but did not score well. Keep up the great work. Thank you, Emma.
great lesson Emma, thanks a lot!!!
Hii Emma,
I would like you to thank for correcting my sentences which I included in my last comment.I have understood my mistakes after reading the rectified ones corrected by you.Today, I intend to tell you something.Sometimes, I feel that it is not possible for me to learn this language properly as I can’t keep a belief in myself .Moreover, I always think that what I am doing/learning/understanding is incorrect. Consequently, it makes me feel bad.Sometimes, I read some sentences in my technical books whose sentence structure is not known to me rather I do not know the rules associated with them for being able to make sentences in that way.I have shown some examples of those.
1.We have a finance dept. in our office headed by Steve Johnson.
2.The company has several branches spread across the city managed by different manager.
Actually mam, what I want to know is that what grammar rules words like “managed by”,”headed by” follow in the above sentences.
Furthermore,how do we use them in a sentence and what’s the related grammar rule.Though, the meaning is very clear as the first sentence indicates that Steve Johnson heads the finance dept.In other words, he is the head of the finance dept.In the second case,the meaning which we can derive from the sentence is that the company has deputed enough number of employees to supervise the activities of each department it has across the city.The sentence clearly means that there is a manager posted at each branch.To be honest, I have acquired this idea as I am an engineering student and have been reading books in English for past three years.
I would request you to help me understand this rule citing some examples.
The correctness of a sentence/phrase in every natural language depends on its usage. All natural languages have ‘style’, ‘register’ and so on. For example, if I say ‘Fire! Get out!’ am I breaking grammar rules? No, but you can see something is missing: ‘(There’s a) fire! (Let’s all) get out!’. As for your sentences, the first should read ‘Steve Johnson is the finance department – head office in our company’, and the second one should be ‘The company has several branch offices spread across the city. Each office is assigned to a different manager.’
Hi Sona,
Thank you for your question. First of all, I’d like to say that it is clear that you have studied English for a long time. Your writing is easy to understand.
Secondly, I just wanted to remind everyone that it’s okay to make mistakes. In terms of grammar, many people, both native and non native speakers, have difficulty. Everyday, I have English speakers who were born in Canada ask me grammar questions. ESL students do not realize the many mistakes that native speakers make.
Technical grammar books are difficult for most people to understand, so do not lose hope and do not be too hard on yourselves if you find grammar challenging. I find that sometimes these sorts of books leave students more confused than before.
In terms of your question about ‘managed by’ and ‘headed by’, your understanding of the example sentences is correct. As you’ve probably noticed, these words are followed by the names or titles of people.
I will get back to you on this question soon with a more detailed response.
what a great lesson!!! Thanks a lot.
This lesson is really help me to cleared up all the question i had regarding to comma usage. Thanks you.
Emma, you are the best teacher!!! :)
very educative!thanks!
I enjoy this class! Thanks!
you’re so beautiful and cute with new hair
I can not understand how to answer for the quiz. ” I read the newspaper today, there were some really great stories in it.”
I think this sentence is incorrect. I should put period instead of comma? Complicated quiz for me…
Hi Masa,
Comma splices are difficult for both native and non native speakers. You are correct with your example. The sentence is incorrect, so you can put a period to correct it.
Hi Emma,
I love working at the bank, but my friend hates it. – I thought the sentence was incorrect because “fanboys” (but) are usually used without comma. What is correct?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Anaxo,
Thank you for your comment. We use a comma with ‘FANBOYS’ when we join two sentences together. Please see my explanation above for eldu19.
That was really good stuff to learn. Thanks a lot for the lesson!!
Great stuff!! Thanks.
I think it would be correct a period or the word but, anybody?
Hi Shred,
These are two ways to correct comma splices. Let me know if you have a specific question or example you’re confused about.
Thanks Emma.
one Sentence, one Verb !!!
Thanks for your lessons
Supper! Thanks a lot!
You are fantastic, greetings from Venezuela.
Thanks Emma. I have a question for you. Is “Comma Splices” the same than run-on sentences? Thanks in advance!
They are very similar. The only difference between run-ons and comma splices is the comma.
A run-on sentence is two or more sentences joined without proper punctuation(eg, I love reading books books are good we should buy more books).
A comma splice is two sentences mistakenly joined by only a comma (I love reading books, books are good.).
Thank you, Professor Emma for your class!
I really love the correct use of punctuation.
Please, consider including in the quiz the correct answers of the sentences.
By the way I liked your new hairstyle. You look so beautiful.
I think I made a mistake. Is “Comma Splices” the same as run-on sentences?
Emma apparently there is another way to avoid “Comma splices”, but I’m not sure. By using a dash to separate two independent clauses. What do you think?
Hi Esphiritu,
A dash is another possibility as well. It’s rarely used though. Thank you for your comments.
Hi Emma. I hope you have a nice time, please correct joining the two following sentences with comma splice.
The following sentence is an example of a comma splice: I went to the cinema yesterday and saw a film, it starred Brad Pitt.
This is an example of a comma splice. The comma has been used to incorrectly join two sentences.
Hi Ali,
Here is the corrected sentence:
I went to the cinema yesterday and saw a film. It starred Brad Pitt.
Is it wrong to write:
” I went to the cinema yesterday, and saw a film. It starred Brad Pitt”.
I mean, the comma stays because i’m using a coordinating conjunction(and).
Please, help me!!
Hi Emma!Thank you very much for this lesson!It is very useful and clear!
Thank you very much miss emma, it was very usefull tip.
Best regards from Argentina,
Emma, you are adorable! Thanks for your lessons a lot. :)
engVid moderator: birthday happiness of you I am hambly wishing.
O______o …Yesterday was my birthday! How did you know…
Nice lesson, and WOW!!! Nice hair cut!! You look stunning!!!
This is my ID :
I wanna chat for enhancing the English and skills.
It was a very useful lesson, thanks a lot.
late but happy birthday EngVid moderator many days like this one. may the third, now everyone knows it. we need 2 know if u r man or woman. one more thing take of picture of you.
I love ur bob hair,it looks great on you.Thank you for the lesson,Ive learned so much from it.
really it is a nice lesson to understand comma
Thanks Emma!
thank you madame
I should admit that it’s the hardest lesson for me on
Hi Emma
will you pleas explain me the meaning of the word “splice” in the “comma splice”?
I’m anxiously waiting for the explanation from you
By the way I’m from Carapicuiba, SP, Brazil
hello Emma, my teacher, thanks for helping me. i like your lessons very much.. bundle of thanks…
God bless you my Teacher
your sincerely,
Bakht Ullah from Pakistan
You got a new hairstyle here, wow! It looks nice! ;) Oh, and the lesson was very cool as well!
Thank you, cani put comma after and.
I sucked at quiz because i did all in opposite order.
Hi Harsh,
Let me know which ones you had difficulties with.
0 out of 9, wtf
Hi Max,
Try to watch the lesson again. If there is something that is confusing, please let me know. I will try to explain here.
nice lesson Emma
Thank you everyone for your comments!
Thanks for your answer, you are great Emma!!!
its amazing to learn english here i want to improve my englsih iam from pakistan. i every day watch a great videos of Emma & others.hell yes
the most confusing thing in this lesson for me was that “comma splice” is the “name of mistake”.sorry i don’t know how to explain it in better way. I mean that “My brother has four children, they look a lot like him.” is example of a comma splice. It means that there is a mistake in this clause.
Great example of a comma splice. I know the name of this sort of mistake may confuse people.
I think comma splices is a name of mistake. In English we may not connect two sentences with a help of comma. Comma splice is incorrect by definition.
u re’ still my favourite teacher because ur amazing in addressing ur lectures.
Thanks for great lessons…I have a question about how to speak such like native American. For example: How can I use teeth, tongue, and the air inside, outside of the mouth during speak. Is that we have special rule for that…such as: each word we have to speak in different way? How many sounds in American we have to learn to become successful such like standard native American speaking. Thanks thousand times for helping me with English…and have a great day…
Hi Emma
I am the one that asked you please explain me the exact meaning of the word “splice” in comma splices)
I see that several persons said they went badly on the quiz just like me and this fact makes me think that for sure they too don’t understand the real meaning of the word splice
Otherwise I’d like to let you know that I’ve already looked for this word in two dictionary and I wasn’t cleared up
If it’s possible to explain it I wll be very grateful
Sincery thanks
Hi Neusa,
Thank you for your question. In English ‘splice’ means to join things together. When we say comma splice, we are saying that two sentences are joined together with a comma. In English, this is considered a mistake.
Comma splice is the grammatical term for this type of mistake, but I guess this term may make people feel more confused.
Hi Emma
Thank you very much for the explanation I asked you for
You’re a lovely teacher
I’m waiting for your next lesson
Great lesson:)
I have a question to 3rd sentence. Is it not an identifing clause? Does it mean that i have only one friend? May the comma be ommited here?
Cheers from Poland:)
Hi Koku,
Thank you for your question. I believe that you’re referring to the sentence “My friend, a student at the University of Toronto, lives on campus.”
The sentence is a non-identifying clause. I’m giving additional information about my friend that is not necessary to identify whom I’m talking about. I could have also said “My friend lives on campus.”
The sentence does not necessarily mean I only have one friend. It could mean that I’m speaking about a particular friend who lives on campus. Alternatively, it may also mean that I have only one friend. It all depends on the rest of the conversation ie. the context for the sentence.
It would be possible to make this sentence into an identifying clause by omitting the comma.
Eg) My friend who is a student at the University of Toronto lives on campus.
In this example, I have only one friend who is a student at the University of Toronto.
Good but you speak very fast.
I got to learn a lot from… lov u all :)
My car broke down yesterday, and I need a car to get to work. Therefore, I should buy a new car.
you should say,
“Therefore, I should walk to go work everyday”
I want to make friends from all over the world, and I want to talk English like a native speaker.
Friends, you are welcome, if you want to practice spoken English on Skype.
my Skype ID: mursaleen_1
my email:
Hi Emma,
Thank you for healping me. I have spelling problems
thank a lot for your lessons you can give as more plz , about conversation . thank you
hi Emma . Can u tell me the difference between english that we normally use in our daily lives and the english completely different to what we use has a name known as ‘slang’
Thank you Emma!
hi Emma this was very interesting and I enjoy watching your lessons.
I’ve got a question which is not related to your lesson but quiet difficult to master for me: why is there a song entitled ‘what he don’t know?’ instead of ‘doesn’t’?!
And this is not the 1st time I’ve noticed that (in series)…
thanks in advance
by the way could you explain me the difference between ‘quite’ and ‘quiet’ because I am always confused
thanks a lot
Oh Gosh!
No way…
I coulden’t catch the point n
I coulden’t pass the quiz as well.
Dear Emma,if it’s possible 2 u plz make another video on such a new n a bit … 4 understanding topic ASAP!
Many tx,
thank you !
wow, this lesson is really fantastic. I hadn’t heard anything about COMMA SPLICES before, and the explaination is excellent. I got 100% in the quizz… thanks a lot…
Hi Emma,
First of all, I would like to thank you for replying to my last comment.I hope you are having a good time and enjoing yourself at the most.Today, I have read a sentence comprised of more than fifteen words on newspaper.It includes all the information together.The sentence reads as:
Three bodies were found floating near two ghats a day after a boat carrying pilgrims capsized in the Hooghly.
Info:First of all, the sentence provides information about a boat which was taking pilgrims to a sacred,holy place where they had decided to go to worship the almighty God.But they could not reach there as a catastrophe struck taking their lives.After that,someone saw that the bodies of the pilgrims were floating in the river and they were very close to the river bank.
We get these much of information after reading the sentence.According to the sentence, it uses passive voice in the past tense in its first part as the emphasis is on bodies, the object which was found.Next,the sentence also contains an usage of reduced relative clause.(Expln:If the first part of the sentence is expanded, it would be “Someone found three bodies which were floating .Here, it means when a person saw the bodies, they were floating.Now, the second part can be turned into a gerund while retaining all other things unchanged.In that case, the original sentence would get changed to the following one:
someone found three bodies floating.
Furthermore, if this intermediate sentence is converted to the passive voice, it would be “Three bodies were found floating{Here, It is not important to add a by phrase at the end.}.Therefore, the first part of the sentence uses a reduced relative clause as well as the passive structure.My next focus is on “the boat carrying”.It is also another use of reduced relative clause since “carrying” identifies the boat-the one which was carrying pilgrims.The last part is in simple past tense.
I have understood a detailed description of the sentence after learning relative clause’s,passive construction,and other related things.
I do not know if I have realized them clearly and exactly.I request you to check my concept as well as let me know about my mistakes.
hi Emma,
it was a great lesson that i have learned from you.i wish that i would like to have some more grammer lesson henceforth.
Thanx Emma.
Thank you Emma!
Hi Emma,
Your lessons were useful for me.
I have one question for you.
I do not understand “the way we live”.
What does “the way” mean.?
It means “how” or “road” ?
nice lesson Emma
Hi there. I would like to share my knowledge about the use of Comma.
The listing use of Comma.
1.Type of list item: noun
He brought coffee, sandwitches, cheese, and soda.
2.Type of list item: verb
She caught, cleaned, cooked and served the fish.
3.Type of list item: adjective
The weather today is cool, dry, and windy.
4.Type of list item: verb phrase
I closed the door, started the car, pulled out of the driveway, and switched on the radio.
5.Type of list item: clause
I made the bread, Bilal cooked the meat, and Rehman chopped the vegetables.
The conjoining use of Comma
1.I lives in Pakistan, and I study at NEDUET.
2.Emma is Canadian, but I am Pakistani.
3.We could continue our relationship, or we could end our relationship.
4.She was sick, so she went to the doctor.
When we use conjunctions, and putting dependent clause first.
1. Although it was hot, he was wearing a coat.
2. Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.
Mursaleen Fayyaz:)
Skype: mursaleen_1
Thanks Emma…
when it says ”they have shiny coats, is that a complete sentence.
Hi Zayd,
“They have shiny coats” can be a complete sentence.
Can’t we use a subordinator instead of using a conjunction?
Dear Emma,
great teaching again! Thank you.
By the way.
Even with short hair you look great.
Take care!
thnx alot dear.plz share your wisdom on writing task 2 also….it was a great lecture . i pray for your success and happiness….
hi emma how r u?wanna know how to use present perfect and past?
I thought I had good knowledge of English untill this lesson showed up !! . Where should I put the comma in this sentense : ” I didn’t have a happy birthday but rather a boring one ! ”
And do we generally use commas after (rather) ? Thank you in advance :)
Hi Aya,
In your example, you don’t need a comma.
You need a comma if the part of the sentence after ‘but’ has a subject and a verb.
“I didn’t have a happy birthday, but rather I had a really boring one.”
In this sentence we need a comma before ‘but’ because we have both a subject after ‘but’ (eg, I) and a verb (eg, had).
In terms of the word rather, a comma is optional. It indicates a pause in the sentence.
Nice explanation, but could u describe me the clause because I have bit confusion between clause and sentence.
I hope u would fix my problem.
Hi Nasim,
A lot of these grammatical terms can be quite confusing. I’ve written a standard definition of a clause below. This is a basic definition, so I recommend you check out the link below. It links to an in depth definition with many examples.
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a predicate (the predicate is the part of the sentence including the verb, objects of the sentence or phrases).
For a more in depth look at clauses, check out the following link:
Bundle of thanks my dear teacher…
Thanks, Teacher!
Dear Emma,thank you very much for yours corrections and explanations about comma splices.Take care!!!!
i was interested 1st because i really don’t know how to use correct comma in a sentence.but you’re too fast to speak i ddn’t understand make it slowly emma ok? it was not cleard.
Great !!
I really understand it !
So many thanks
Dear Emma, this lesson is very well, but the quiz has a problem. People think that this sentence whether correct or false. Nevetheless, the question is “Does the sentence an example of a comma splice?”
OMG!That’s so confuse .Thanks
Thanks so much Emma its really great lesson!!!!
Your lecture is really helpful,and I like your excercise questions too. It’s really the planned lecture~ Thank you~~
Thanks Emma…
what a good lesson
great lesson emma
Thanks Emma
nice lesson. this is the first time , i heard about comma splices.
This is practically helpful. I am learning a lot from you.
Thank you
hi Emma , i like you so much
I have a question about spelling
my spelling so bad how I can make it batter ?
sorry maybe I have so many mistakes right now .
thanks a lot i really enjoyed the lessons the site is very useful to me so i am going to enjoy all the lessons and to improve my English.
hello haw arw you
Emma . You are best teacher
nice, thanks!
Great lesson. Use comma in english sentences is a lot easier now. Thanks!
Thanks, Emma
Hi Emme, Thanks your teaching about comma splices .I really understood your teaching today lesson.
it’s really wonderful,and this video helping me lot.
its really helping a lot to understand the entire english model… many thanks for this..”)
thank you my teacher.
Tanks ,Emma
this lesson was so helpfull ,thank you
thanks was wonderful lesson
Wonderful lesson, Emma.
Thank You.
What a great lesson. I’ve been studying english for many years but nobody told me about this and I guess no one would do it better than you.
Thanks a million.
hi mam ur todays lesson is too complicated.
Thanks a lot Emma
today , I learned something new
Thank you
Nice Smile Emma, You’re really great teacher. Hope I can catch your lesson. When I was in my college I don’t want an english subject, because my course was Engineer. I thought that this is not important, but right now I’m working as a Network Engineer and dealing with client so I need to speak and write english. I really thanks to this site to help us improve our English language. Please correct my grammar. Once again thank you so much to you.
Hello Emma!
Thank you so much. It really helps me.
I’d had no idea about comma splices before I listened to your lesson and read these comments. I used to make such mistakes. It’s different in the Russian language. It’s not a mistake when you use a comma between two independent sentences in Russian. There must be a comma before who, what, which, that and so in Russian.
I would love you to tell me about sentences with words who, what, which, that. Sometimes I see a comma before these words when I read a book in English. It still confuses me.
Thanks in advance.
learned something new
Hi Emma can you please publish transcript of your explanations in detail with each video as a PDF document if it is possible. I think it is very important to us as a ESL student. forward, thank you very much for your endless efforts. With my best appreciations.
hard lesson but its nice,
thanks teacher.
thanks a million teacher…your way of teaching is really awesome.keep it up!
Hi Emma!
Great lesson! Can I suggest some lessons, like when to apply “if” or “wether”, “more” and “further”. I’ve never known the differences and when to apply them. Can you help me, as your are such a great teacher.
Take care
it is very interesting. I am very happy
I got the rules of the exercises, but I failed the quiz!
Thanks dear Emma for the excellent lesson.It took me long time to understand and,it was so confusing.I went for a nap and then when I came back to this ;it became more clear in my mind.
Great lesson. Thaks to emma.
i confuse some points in your lesson, teacher. do you mean comma splice is a mistake of using comma?
this is so cool. With the help of engvid I am more confident to take the ielts exam.
But in the video, she tells that we don’t use comma before a coordinating conjunction which, I feel, is different from what mr alex says in his lesson on coordinating conjunctions.Please do clear my doubt. anyway thanks for your lessons
This is a very useful material; the exercises are also helpful to reinforce the teaching material.
2 renjini Yes, Emma says one thing and the exercise may clear your doubts. Just do it to see what she had really meant.
Emma could you explain very complicated for me grammar. Absolute and appositive noun phrases. My teacher explained me but it was so hard to understand. I will be grateful for you help.
Emma, I was confused.In your comma splice lesson you add FANBOY conjunction “but” and said that we can use comma before it. However you remove it. Can you, please explain it again?
Thanks! Emma
Wow, 9/9!
Good way to brush up english.Thanks Emma!
thank you you always make it sipmle.
Thanks for the good lesson on how to punctuate.
Thank you Emma, it really helped me.
hi Emma, lovely to hear your voice. i’m rly happy to follow ur serious of free english video lessons. be hpy & hv fun
I enjoy this class! Thanks!
Thanks for this lesson teacher! Also thank you for Mr. Mursaleen for giving the useful information.
hai emma, i have a doubt, what r the difference between “i have brought lunch and i brought lunch”
I enjoy this lesson.It has help me out a lot.thank you!
Hi Emma,
after verb in sentence number four did you you say frame sentence ?
Hi Emma,
Thank you so much.
I first knew you and this website when I was looking for the difference between Most and Almost by google. Now, I will watch all your videos of English lessons.
Hello Emma, great explanation! I was looking for lesson like that, but I am still need some help. It is run-ons and comma splices sentences the same problem?
I hope it is not to late to get an answer from you. thank you Emma for that lesson.
Sorry, Emma I saw another student asking the same question as I did. I already saw the answer to my question, thank you any way.
See you on your next lesson.
i love watching movies, but i hate watching tv
i love watching movies but, i hate watching tv
which one of the above sentences are true
ok i got it :D
Can we use ‘since’ to give the meaning of ‘as’?
For ex: ‘Black bears are beautiful since they have shiny coats’
great lesson, really amazing
Hi, please help me to understand this sentence
Question 3
For lunch she ate two sandwiches, a salad and a cookie.
for me this sentence have a mistake after; salad *** and a cookie (it miss a comma after salad) right ?
Oh boy…this is one of the biggest debates in the English language — whether to put a comma before the last item in a list.
That last comma is called a “serial comma” or an “Oxford comma”. With “she ate two sandwiches, a salad(,) and a cookie”, it doesn’t really make a difference. You could read “a salad and a cookie” to refer to the two sandwiches — but there’s no such thing as a salad sandwich or a cookie sandwich, so you know that she ate 4 different things.
Now, if it were “two sandwiches, cheese and bacon”, it might be confusing, because it might mean “a cheese sandwich and a bacon sandwich”, or “two sandwiches, and some cheese, and some bacon”. That’s when the Oxford comma comes in handy!
Thanks, it was my doubt, too.
I got 9 corrected out of 9 :D thank you Emma.
10/10, thank you Emma. It’s the 1st time i’ve heard of “fanboys” since have studied english. Very good way to keep in mind coordinate conjuctions.
what does splice mean?
I am new in this website, but I really had a good time watching your video and reading all your explanations.
Thanks a lot.
hallo emma very good lesson! but i have a question, like the example3″My friend, a student at the university of toronto, lives on campus”. i remembered u say that two or more sentences combined in a wrong way, but like”lives on campus”,that is not a sentence. where is the subject for this?
Hi Emma! Thanks for this lesson, but I think that I understood nothing. My score is 22. Might I understand the term “Comma splice” wrong?
Hello Emma.Thanks for the good lesson.I have a question. In Bulgarian writing we use lots of commas,so it is confusing for me to understand the rules in English. We often join two or more simple sentences with commas to form compound sentence ( I think this is the correct term). So it is always an error to join two or more simple sentences with just a comma in English, right? I will have to use semicolon? Sorry for my bad English.
yet another comma splice:
I did the quiz, I got 100 score!
hi Emma I saw some of your videos they were good , but I want to ask that if I can write an essay and you can correct it or score it. Because I am a SAT student and I need someone to guide me how to write an essay correctly.
Love this lesson, The comma is very important for independtent/dependtent cause.
Thanks but your first lesson which I cannot understand and got 33%.
Thanks for all your efforts!Your teaching is so clear and the Quiz’s answers are well simplified!
This is what makes you different from other teachers.I would appreciate it if you could answer my question:What are the differences between the two sentences I come from somewhere & I am from somewhere?
Thanks a lot!
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas ANSER ME?
I got 89%, 8/9 thank you so much.
Dear EmmA,
Thanks for teaching wonderful lesson.I humbly request you that is it possible to give hint for academic reading and listening tips.
Thank you very much, Emma
Great lesson
I got 100%
Thanks Emma. Can I ask a question about No.4?
Is that sentence correct with their tense?
I think the sentence will be “I did my homework today because I wanted to learn English”.
I got 100 % but in second time.
Thanks Emma. you’ve made my day ! Comma splices are clear to me now. Please, create more and more Advanced Tut like this for us.
take care
thank you so much
for this
its so nice
thank you emma . i am beginner but i don’t fear to watch advanced lesson . just to encouraged my self.
your lesson is clair for me . i am beginner . so is al right be clair for the other :)
Hahahah I got 0 out of 10.
This lesson is very difficult for me to understand ever.
But Emma’s lecture is so great. Thank you so much.
I will try to study this video again and again and get perfect next time.
I have troubles with such lessons, but I’ll try to understand. However, I still don’t know if I put comma in my first sentence correctly:\\\
Looks good to me!
As usual you were great Emma!
I wish you were my teacher at the beginning of my English studies. You give me a splendid feeling!
As far as i am concerned, using a comma through the text has lots of rules…What are other rules in English?
Good one Emma.I had never heard about comma splices!thanks
Hi Emma,
It is good learn help me a lot in english.Thanks for updating.i am through all videos.
Thanks Emma! :)
Thanks Emma ! this’s the useful lesson.
this is the first time i made most mistake in the quiz.
Dear Prof. Emma,
I was wandering if I might ask you a question. I do not understand the difference between these sentences:
She is a brilliant, young woman. (with comma)
She is a brilliant young woman. (without comma).
Were I to ratiocinate in my own latin language, I would say the same. I do love the English language, strongly I do. I pay my respect to you. H
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma,
Thanks for the nice lesson!
As I got from your lesson, if two sentences are independent clauses (subject+verb etc.) then comma should not be used in between. It has four ways to correct the sentences.
I have one question regarding following sentences those are having independent clauses too. Is it correct or not? If it is correct, and can you please explain it.
“I have three students, one student is Japanees, another is Mexican, the other is Saudian.”
“Micah yelled at his little brother, and told him not to run into the street.”
These sentences used here the coordinating conjunctions, but there is no subject in second part of the sentences. As it should have the independent clauses for using the coordinating conjunctions.
As per your lesson, it should be like
“Micah yelled at his little brother, and she told him not to run into the street.”
Can you explain regarding it which one is correct?
I learn a lot more about comma splice. thank you
I have got a nine out that possible nine .
You are wonderful maam Emma!!!!
Very nice explanation. I had a hard time when to use a semicolon. Now it’s clear. Thank you.
It seems to me that I understood everything but in test I made many mistakes.
Very useful topic.I love doing quiz,but I don’t love doing comment.
I love quiz and comment.
He dreams about a better future, so he works hard.
I am lucky to have someone like Emma who is great teacher. My English is getting better and better each day. I can understand her easily,and she knows exactly how to convey English to others. Did I say right, Emma? Happy study :)
Could you please provide a lesson on “serial comma” or an “Oxford comma”. It is really confusing to me.
This was one of the most confusing part of grammar for me until now.
Such a wonderful video. Thanks. You are an amazing teacher. I love your style of teaching. simple and quite clear . Thanks so much
I made all correct so I feel Great! Thanks Emma.:D happy stady everyone.
Hi Teacher!
I’m glad to say who you are the best!!!
I understand all your lessons and learn a lot!
Thank you!
Sorry,“The following sentence an example of a comma splice”,this meaning is “is it incorrectly?”
My father, he was wonderful, died when I was 15 years old. I miss him very much and also my mom,too.:) Thank you Emma.
Hi Emma,
Many thanks for such topic. I didn’t hear about such topic before. Could you please make more videos about grammar and improving-writing techniques?
Emma! you did an excellent job on this video!
Teacher Emma, thank you for the topic comma splice I never thought that it will be important I used to ignore it. Godbless
Dear Emma,
I have answered all the questions on the quiz, but I noticed that in the third question it is stated like this “3. For lunch she ate two sandwiches, a salad and a cookie.”
Isn’t supposed to be “For lunch, She ate two sandwiches, a salad, and a cookie?”.
Because “For lunch,” is a prepositional phrase and a dependent clause that came at the beginning of a sentence. Also, don’t we use a comma before the coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) like the “And” in the question?
Thank you.
Hi Emma, you explanation about “comma splices,” was absolutely fantastic. I scored 100; all of the answers were correct. Thanks, once again.
many thanks for your explanation which really was amazing.
You got 4 correct out of 9.
Thanks a lot Emma!
So, in my mind, I thought I was doing a great job, but in the test I was horrible. Emma do you do give private classes? Thank you.
i still don’t understand!!! and i have a quiz tomorrow!!!!!!
I had some confusing in the quiz. Will try one more time.
It’s clear now! Thx!
Thank you Mrs. Emma! I got 9 out of 9! I will be sure if I learn more comma splice.
great quiz madame.
Thanks Mrs. Emma.
I wasn’t understood the lesson today. ?
Thanks, Emma. I got a hundred percentage score, which is an indication of my learning achievement. However, I still feel the need for practicing more.
Dear Emma,
so comma splice means a comma used incorrectly. It means that we joined two sentences with a comma incorrectly, right? That was something that I only understood after doing the quiz. It’s just to confirm.
I loved your lesson. Finally, I understood how to use commas in those cases.
thank you
Thank you Emma!
Thanks for this lesson, I always guessed answer to such questions by intuition, now I have the proper logic to arrive at right answers.
Thanks for this Lesson. I always guessed answers to such questions, but now I can use the logic.
Hi Emma! Grammatical terms are some different in my lenguaje. I had been terrible with muy quiz:(
Thanks Emma.
I got 7 out of 9.
I watched this video twice on April 24, 2021. I got 9 correct out of 9.
I don’t know why, but I got zero in this quiz
Hi Emma
I got zero for the quiz. Can you explain with the question of the quiz?
Thanks Emma.
Thank you so much, Emma, for this lesson and its Quiz. I got 9/9 which encourages me to work more on this website. Amazing website!
Thanks a lot I managed to get 9/9 in my test, and I’m very happy