In this lesson, I look at comma use in the English language. If you are looking to get into university, or simply want to improve your writing, this lesson is a great way to strengthen your punctuation skills. Don’t forget to test your understanding of the lesson by taking the quiz at
Hi Alex
I appreciate your very nice, intersting, and useful lesson.
Thanks Alex
wow i love this lessing what u give to me i’m trying to do my best in high school,so thanks it was a great teaching from u.alex
hi my jameil
This is great lesson for me!
Pervaiz Hanif Rind
hi alex,
i would like to extend my gratitude by saying wow!
Dear sir
i really like this, i was looking for this kind of simply-explained, video lesson. final i got one from u, i realy grateful to you
i am Dhsrahan(name) i am Sri Lankna ,but now in USA
thank mr alex, its helpfull
Thanks for all, but the audio quality is very poor… Could you fix it?
Yes ! The lesson is very useful but the audio isn’t very good .
Where is the audio problem? Its sounds good to me!!
There’s no problem with the video. It sounds very good. I think you have to fix your speakers
Yes, I agree with toy, there’s problem with audio, it’s clear and loud.
Yes, I agree with you, there’s no problem with the audio, it’s clear and loud.
Hi Karen))
My name is Sveta,I am from Ukraine.I am going to learn YOUR native language(Spanish).I would like you to tell me about it.Is it complicated or not???
Best regards.
I wish for you doing well in your exam
Dear Karen,
It’s just fine, You just need to try again.
i agree with you
francisco berti da cruz
Thank you so much for your helpfull lesson !
Hello there…
The lesson is Very informative, and i really like it.
Mr. Allex;
I’m having some difficulties on understanding the syllable, like, if you have a word, and i want to know how many syllable does it have.
please, advise
thanks Alex
I come across a book that talks merely on technical writing. In the book, it was mentioned that when the writer wants to quate someone then he should use a colon.
As per this lesson, comma is used when we quate.
Please, advise for this and the one posted on june 17th 2009
I think it’s the same as the example 7.
I,Reynaldo,need to put more attention in class from Alex.In order to, improve faster.
Thank you,Mr Alex.
Very well the lesson, thanks for you do this!!
Thanks a lot for the interesting, nice, meaningful lesson. Personally, I learned a lot out of it.
M. Waleed
Hi, Dear Alex
I can not express how greatfull i am to you for teaching us the most confused part of eglnish punctuation.
“One who does not thank people will not thank Allah-(God)”
thank allex,
Hi, all. I got 100% again! Alex, one question: Should we put comma between sentences if the independent one comes first?
According to the video, it’s no need to put comma if the independent one comes first.
As Anna noted, if the independent clause comes first, you do not need to place a comma between it and the dependent clause.
Thanks for the question, Alena20.
hi, dear alex thanks for the intersting,nice lessons.i have some dficalty to use past partsipl if you could help me please.
I will keep this in mind for future lessons. Thank you for the suggestion.
Awesome !!
I like the lesson !
Good lessons
Awesome lessons. Thank you.
extremelly useful, again!
Thank you so much for this interesting video.
Thank you so much Sir for this very important and interesting viedo.
HI!!Thank you very much.after lesson, it is very helpful to have test.I am studying for ACT.Thanks
Hi Alex
You are really good in teaching english grammar and send the massage to student , and i am lucky tp find this website ,so i can learn
a lot and improve me english .
I wish for all the best
Thanks again .
I glad I found your page. It is going to be very handy. Thanks for your time.
Hi Alex ,
Thanks for the videos. Could you give a video class about article “the”?
hi Alex
Your class on punctuation is interesting.
thank you
Your lesson was excellent.
I’m a teacher of English. I was told to teach students to write something like this:
John is tall, dark and handsome.
According to you, in this lesson, we need another comma after “and”. I will take your word for it, but could you explain why there should/shouldn’t be a comma after “and” in sentences like this?
Thanks in advance 4 your answer.
Abu Nasser
I think you mean before and !!!
You must write a comma before (and) in this situation.
thanks so much and god bless u
Was a n important lesson thank you Alex.
I reallt apreciate the lessons!!! you people are the best teachers at internet!!!
hi sir .fantastic job .by sir
nas94 I think you tried to say “before and”, didn’t you?
Great lesson thank you Alex.
Hi Alex ,
Thanks for the videos.
I am very poool in grammar, thank you for this video, it help me so much.
Now I ask you, if it is possible see the pronunciation ruler with vouel and consonants, etc.
thank you
You Rock Alex. Thank you so much.
could you tell me which is the difference between make and do because when I am writing or talking I don’t know what to use
your lessons are very informative
Thankyou so mush, you help me alote
Thank you Alex,your classes are very useful for me.Now, I can understand more how to use commas correctly.
Hi Alex,
Nice video. Can you please explain how to use comma in a sentnce where there are two ‘and’.
For e.g. Moreover, considering the experience and knowledge of the participants of the interviews, and respondent of the survey helped to gathered qualitative data.
Thanks man ! It was very important lesson for me, as I am trying to improve and work on my writing ! Anyway, I am from Central Asia .
Thanks teacher.
Dear Mr. Alex
You are wonderful teacher. Your accent is clear and I really enjoy your videoa. is a helpful webside. I want to be a new user. I entered my email but I haven’t received my password yet? why? Please advise.
Your simply superb….Ilearned a lot from u..Try to come with more and more grammers…
it was very useful.thank q=
Thank You so much Alex. You are helping thousands of people through your videos.
They’re really good, useful lessons for me!
I’m glad to find this site. Thank u !
Hi your lecture has helped me with an assignment.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much for your lessons.
thank you
Thank you Alex.
It is really good lessons.
bashar ali
Dear Alex,
Thank you so much. The lesson was very interesting. I’ve learned a lot from your clear explanation.
Thanks a lot for the lesson!
It was very helpful, cause I often feel confused using commas in writing.
Thank you!
Thanks Alex for this useful lesson,but i need some lessons in using the other punctuation marks.Could you help me,please?
Thanks again
You make learning very easy.
I appreciate ur manner to explain.You are real teacher Alex.
sir can u explain me about the using of comma with word and like you used it in second example in video i.e. I bought apples,tomatoes, and carrot.
In above sentence you used comma & the word and together. please explain the concept.
& thank u for video..
Hi Alex, I need your advice regarding last question.
In your videos, you told to use commas before “and”, but, in last question, why its wrong to use comma before and?
* Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television.
Hello, Sir
Really I enjoyed the lesson too much. I thank you for your good and simple explanation.Ffter finishing my English Term this month, I will continue watching your videos.
Best wishes
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Very clear and simple explanations. I’m sure this will help me in my English exam which I have in a few weeks.
i say hello to every teacher iam from afghanistan befor i didnt know english but now i know english james is the best teacher in ur website
i will tell a poem to james .
freindship is like a snowball that is to make but that is diffucult to keep for a long time
james plz help me in the writing i cant write english clear
I’ve always wondered all functions of commas in English Writing. Thank you for your good lession. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
Happy New Year
thank you it is very helpful
Thank you very much Alex, your method of teaching was clear and easy to understand. Keep up the good work.
Oh Alex thank you so much.
hi alex thank you very much
thanks to your video i learned a lot from it
and i got 6 out of 6 right thats 100% on the mini quiz ^-^ thanks .
thank you mr Alex,God bless you.
Thanks Alex!
Your lesson is very awesome!
How long have you taught English? You may be a dedicated teacher in teaching for ESL learners like me.
From Kelly in San Diego
Thanks Alex
hi alex,
i have to do my last english exam and i want to know if you can help me. I have tree textes and I have to explain to the Professor the puntuaction rules, so can you explain me how to use semi-colon, dashes and full stop? thanks a lot
Thank you for your video!
Thans for helpfull support your are providing english learners living around the world
special thanks to Ronnie
Hi alex! How are you doing? You alway do a good job. I like the way when you teach us English. You are a wonderful person. Will you please teach me when we can use all kind of Punctuation? And write some example please? Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. You have a good day.
good lesson.
Hi Alex…
its great to have in ur classroom session…
Very good lesson ..
take care
it is very good lesson,but i didnot know why i get wrong in the last question i choose D, but it was wrong .if u please explan to me i will be happy .thank
Respected sir,
I’m looking for some helpful sites,and eventually i got your site.I’m very grateful to you,and hope you will give us some more good lessons.
thanks to helping me,alex
keep it coming,you rock!
hi alex,
I really appreciate the way you teach.
Hi Alex,
it is very very interesting lesson, hope you upload more on how to use puncuations, Chhoeun
Sim Chhoeun, Camboian
I would like to clarify on the use of comma especially when you are stating a list of items or write a series of adjectives. Is there really a comma after the last adjective or before the linking word AND? For example: books, pencils, bags, and laptops.
I have observed that others wrote them without a comma after the last item or adjective or before the linking/conjunctio word AND.
Thank you!
Thank you Alex,your classes are very useful for me.Now, I can understand more how to use commas correctly.I will also help to teach other people how to use commas.Thank you.
Abass Kamara
I love this video and learn about the commas. Thanks for helping me doing my class work. Thank you Alex.
i found out about this website on youtube…very helpful thank u so much.
Thanks for this lesson!It is really important to pay attention on commas.
Hello Alex,
Thank your for your nice teaching.
I got the important knoledges from your lesson.
Best wishes,
Ganaa (Mongolia)
I have learnt a new thing today.I found your way of teaching very effective and easy to understand.Thank you so much.
GA hemel
I understand how to use commas in English writng better. Thank you so much.
thank you for your lesson
Huong Dao
hi,alex can you teache me how to write an
I just have to say, “Thank you so very much to all of you”. You are an amazing teachers.
Hello, I would like to test my new knowledge comma :0) but I can´t open your quiz :0)
i get it finally!! thanks man!!
Really helpful! Great practice!
Hi alex, i m nageena from pakistan, u r very good teacher and i m very thankful to you,
nageena niamat
I really understand this part
Hi Alex,I’m like english class
Thank you Alex.
Some of these examples are similar to Russian clauses, so it’s too clear for me now.
thanks! it’s very nice!
thanks , it is too clear , i can use ” comma ” more precise ):
Thank you for this lesson!!
VERY helpfull!!! I HAD always problems with it. Note any more, I hope.
hi Alex i face the same problem with the audio please fix it
Hi.. I’m not clear about the sue of some and any.
Thank you for your wonderful unique lesson!
But I can see nothing of punctuation marks of this lesson.
So I can’t answer any of them.
Thank you,Alex,for this writing lesson!It’s exactly what I really want.I guess,it help me one day)
Any Russia
it was very helpful, but i had a hard time seeing the comma’s.
natasha arnasalam
good job,really help full for everyone
Hi Alex;
That video is great.Could u please upload the video “would be”,”would have”,”would have been” tutorial on this forum.
Great video. This is much before than my text book. You explained it in a very simple term.
He’s teaching you all about grammar and punctuation. Looking at these comments, I suspect most of you didn’t pay attention. Lack of capitalization, lack of punctuation, and/or misplaced punctuation (specifically commas, which, proves my point) in almost every one.
Very simple and clear, thank you very much.
How about a lesson about comma splices and ran-ons?
hi Alex,
thank you very much , i never thought that comma we put it before(and) when there are two clauses
Dear Alex,
I do thank you for your simple and fruitfull explanation of using commas in English writing. Any way, I would appreciate it more if you go further byond these simple rules.
Thanks again
Amer Hatamleh
Hi Alex, thanks for the lesson. Please forgot my first comment in another lesson
Thank you so much….this was extremely helpful and probably just save me from taking high school English
thanks man
Dear Alic,
I found this lesson very useful. It help me in writing english. please also give lesson on (:) and (;) thanks.
muhammad ahmed qureshi
Great lessons.
Hi Alex,
I think I’ve come to the right shop
Thank you very much.
for the third step you need to put and between smart and happy man because it is 2 and you say 2 or more
Thanks very much for your lesson. it makes understanding.. :)
thanks for your class…
This is very useful lesson. could you please explain another punctuation marks which are importants in writing?
Thanks a lot.
Doaa Galal
Hi Alex, Thank you for teaching me how to use a comma.
thank you for this lesson because you just help me for tomorrow test for high school THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex, thanks your teaching. becouse everybody can understand your teaching and learning quickly
thanks a lot
hello is good
Dear Teacher Alex!
You are very nice teacher i got 100 marks in this quiz. You teach very well.
Hi Alex, thank you so much.
thanks alot .thanks abundle .you are the best .cheers
You, Alex, did a good job on this commas lesson. Thank you very much.
It’s a very entertaining form to learn
Thanks Mr.
Job well done, Mr. Alex! That lesson helps a lot:) Cheers!!!….
very corisstirol
very nice
Dziekuje Alex za bardzo dobre wyjasnienie tematu :)
Well done!
author Sam Song
author Sam Song
I think comma is also mean loss of consciousness, is it true??
yes, pretty much so, you are now in a state of unconsciousness!
Hi I`ve been studying English for more than twenty years and I tought grammar long time ago, It has been very helpful to refresh these knowledges one more time. Thanks a lot again.
Rafael Ceballos
By the way, I thought that commas didn`t have to write them after (but. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Rafael Ceballos
Very informative thanks for sharing
thank you Alex
this is bad my point3
thank you so much
Dear Sir,
i am very impresive this kind of programe, “engvid”, very helpful for me
i want to improve my writing skill,please suggest me,
thanking you,
moizuddin ansari.
I Alex thank you so munch very nice
Thanks Alex.
Just a query popping up!
Why are we using a comma, when are have used ‘and’?
Hi Sir,thanks for this. It really helps me a lot to understand about the lesson. I understand your lesson well than my teachers. =) Sorry but its true.
Hey Alex,
thanks for this lesson. I’ve gone through many rules and grammar summaries but none of them expain punctation regarding commas so clear. I’m going to write this down to never forget it again. :)
Good for watching,thank a lot,Have a nice day Alex.
Fine !
In the video you say that a comma is required before a quotation. This is correct, but you disregard the fact that having a comma before a quotation can lead to a comma splice or a sentence fragment. Commas are not always required before quotations, sometimes it is useful to use a colon, a comma, or have absolutely no punctuation prior to the quotation.
Proper quotation integration is the name of the game. Avoiding comma splices and sentence fragments is essential.
This lesson helped me a lot :)
Thank you Alex :)
thank you
thank you very much for all your help.Now I have succeded
This lesson helped me alot.Thank you very much
Thanks again Alex
You the best
Thank you, Sir, Got 6/6.
Mr. Alex All your lessons are very useful, I think you pronunciations is excellent, so I will continue visiting this web page to improve my english!!! Thanks a lot
hey sur i just found your,website and i was realy struggling at school cause i was to scared i might go to high school and be dumh…
Thanks Alex very good class it is help for my writin
oooooooo! I got a smiley face ;) Thanks Alex!
Hoorah! I got a big smiley :D Your teaching, Alex, is very good! …. see what I did there;)
Dear Sir,
I could learn much about comma, thank you very much for your session.
Please keep it up with more lessons.
Regards & best wishes
Thomas T.Baby from India.
I find that you are putting comma before and it is not correct, as either comma or and is necessary.
best regards Thomas
I got 5 out of 6
There are more than 10 rules about the comma use. I am a sort of confused now about separating the short items using comma.
I am used to write in this way : I bought fruit, vegetables, flour and meat in a supermarket rather than I bought fruit, vegetables , flour, and meat in a supermarket.
if the items in the series is group of words, comma is added before and + last item, e.g.,
The firm is a place where I work, read, take a nap sometimes , and have my lunch and supper.
But, yesterday afternoon, I spend time with my family and friends, making food, watching show on TV, and having a walk on the beach.
Am I wrong ? The rule has changed ? Correct me.
I agree with Tom’s ideas about quotation.
Dad said ‘ You come with me.’
Dad said: ‘ You come with me.’
Dad said, ‘ You come with me.’
All of them are clear to understanding.
This is only my own idea : ‘and’ is put between the second and last word/ or words, implying that we are coming to the end of the sentence.
Now, I got answers regarding ‘ comma used in short item’ and “why we need identifying clause.”
1. It seems that the old school rule has been replaced by updated one. Many writers wrote in this way : ,and + the last word/ words.
2. Generally , general word gives us an dull idea or may have multiple interpretation , further questions etc. To prevent the trouble, we need to give more details so that they become specific, e.g.,
I am staring at the cat that has two tails.
I am staring at a cat.
Some people said, abstract and general terms explain attitudes, ideas , explore relationships , such as contingency and priority ; concrete and specific words clarify and illustrate between abstract/ concrete noun and general / specific language, blending them naturally. To achieve this mix , use abstract and general to state your ideas, use concrete and specific to illustrate and support them.
The given sample sentences were :
1) The food ( general ) was appealing ( abstract )
2 ) the warm bread with nut-brown -crust and yeasty aroma made my mouth water.
Obviously , with such a mix, the meaning of sentence become more vivid and more interesting.
Of course, uncountable noun is still a hard part to me. Somethings in mind shift into the countable nouns make me uncomfortable and panic. I have to overcome it.
Great lesson ,but the audio was poor.
Hi Alex! I try to learn English. Learning English is necessary for me. Your lessons are comprehensible, and very funny. Thank you very much…
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson, it is very helpful to me at my work.
Thanks Alex
Nice lesson! Thanks!
Thank you for making things simple!
Thank you so much Mr. , I got 100 ! :D
thank you alot
Hadeel Moon
Alex is smart, young, and handsome.
as nas
Dear teacher:
May I ask some questions about the ”,” in advance?
1. What kinds of complex sentence structures should be used “,”?
2. IF “,” locate different location, are there any different meanings?
It would be grateful if you could teach me.
~Thank you~
Thanks a lot, sir Alex! I would like to know more about commas before relative clauses, if it is possible.
Hi Alex,
I looked a long time for such rules.
Thanks a lot.
Good one…Really helpful.
Nengi Benstowe
What a great lesson it was!
Thanks a lot dear Alex
After watching your lesson, I improved my writing skills..
Could someone please explain me the 7 point .. I did not get it..
Hello Alex, thank you for the helpful lecture.
I have a question about the last, ‘transition’ one.
You gave an example of ‘therefore,consequently’.
And if i’m right, both of them are conjunctive adverbs.
So i’m wondering if conjunction, such as but, yet, and although can also be used?
I know he is right. But, ~ ~~
like this kind of sentence
for example,
Your lesson can teaches 1 more rule.
good job
Nice quiz
I got a 100% thank you!
The site which I improve my English by it , is very useful .
i enjoyed with this lesson, because I had 65/100, i must learn more on punctuation.
6/6 Thanks,Alex!
Hi Alex
In last question we have ‘AND’ .Why is not the last one correct ? Shouldn’t we put a commas in front of “and” in this case?Why?
Thank you for your time
Thank you!
Thank You Alex!!
Thank you very much . I think it’s good way and so effective because you illustrate in clear,and simple way.
I appreciate .
Firstly, thank you very much for your informative lecture.
Secondly, I got 2 points wrong number 1 and 2 “commas to separate a list of similar words or phrases”
Cambridge webpage said: “We use commas to separate a list of similar words or phrases:
It’s important to write in clear, simple, accurate words.
They were more friendly, more talkative, more open than last time we met them.
We do not normally use a comma before and at the end of a list of single words:
They travelled through Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland.
American English does use a comma in lists before and:
So, I think my answers were right as both can be possibly correct
I’m just thankful for this website!!!
Hi Alex,
Excellent class. Really thank you!
Simple, but essencial.
The teacher, who makes it simple, deserves my congratulations.
Hi . My score was 5 out of 6 , because I am confused with the commas before the word `and` . Every where I read about , I get the impression that is not necessary . As soon I will have an exam regarding punctuation ,please , can you clarify this ? Thank you .
There is a problem with quiz 6. I think the answer should be C. Will any one explain it to me??
Thanks for a very useful lesson. I always have troubles with commas. But I don’t understand why we should put a comma before “and” in the first and second question.
It was great, thank you!!!
Thank you Alex, but I’m confused, should be necessary use the comma before “and”?
6/6, it was pretty simple, in Russia we have much more rules
thank you Alex
Very useful
thank you
I think this video has much time when it was recorded. but thank you Alex. Greetings from Mexico.
thank you alex. I have a question, the below-mentioned examples apply for both nouns and adjectives?
1. Which of following is correct?
John is tall, dark, and handsome.
2. Which of the following is correct?
I like cars, music, and computers.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex,
Very good lesson.
I really appreciate your help.
Hello! Alex.
thanks, credible lesson.
Matthew.S. Kovoma
Thank you for the lesson it helped me a lot. I would like to know if its possible to do a lesson about wordiness, parallel sentences, sentence fragment, and modifiers. I would appreciate your explanation since I’m a little frustrated trying to pass a test. :0(
Thank you, Alex, for this such a helpful lesson. You speak in a very clear way, and you are quite didactic too. I have always wanted to learn the rules of comma in English, which are a little bit different in Portuguese. Your lesson has helped me a lot. See you in the next video!
Eduardo França
I say about you ,sir Alex, in this comment.he is a nice,kind, and handsome teacher,and his lessons are very new ,useful, and practicable for his students .because his lecture is very clear,I learn many thing .Alex ,who is the best teacher in engvid, said ,you can check out engvid for quiz , .I want to find a teacher lick him for other languages like German , Spanish , and Persian .therefor I search other site . how many mistake I have in my comment? please somebody give me a hand .
one of my mistake is lick and after therefor I should put a comma please somebody help me my gmail is
thank you very much
Hi, Alex
I am definitely enjoyed and learn a lot of commas uses. thank you very much
Hi Alex:
Maybe I’m wrong, but I se to write a colon instead of a comma before quoting SO. He said: “I’m back” instead of He said, “I’m back”.
Thanks & greets from Argentina.
Holla! Sexy man!…;-) You can use the Colon to emphasis, or to discribe a list.
Tu, here’s un hombre mui huapoq/ chullo. Chau!
Thank u sir . It was nice Class for me .i am really happy.
Thanks Sir. The lesson is so useful to me.
i got 83%
thank you.
100. Yes yes and yes
I got a 50 mark:(
I had two mistakes. For example in John is tall, dark, and handsome. Normally, in spanish the “and” replace the comma when is a diferent adjetive.
Herlen Murieles
I´m surprise there is a comma before “and” maybe because in spanish when we separate things the last one has no comma therefore we use “Y” which is the meaning of “and” in spanish, but is very good to know this things. Thanks a lot teacher.
5. Which of the following is correct?
I was feeling very hungry, so I went to the store to buy some food.
Alex, isn’t it like: Suzy didn’t study. Therefore, she didn’t pass.
comma after the conjuction?
Because it was raining, I stayed home and watched television.
Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television.
This is a case of a dependent clause coming before an independent clause. To link the two, we must use a comma between each clause.
Before “and” there is no comma? idependent clause.
above all , i really appreciate this awesome vedio about one of the most important writing condition .
ow!! really excited i got 85%
Simple explanation!!
Fantastic! I got 100%”………..:-)
Thanks! Adam, for the wonderful lesson.
By the way, my bother’s name is also Adam. Funny!
Hi Alex, thanks for this lesson!!
Hi Alex,
« I bought apples, tomatoes, and carrots. »
Sorry, i don’t understand why the comma between tomatoes and « and »
I bought apples, tomatoes, carrots or I bought apples, tomatoes and carrots without comma before and.
Thank you!
Why in the number six the comma does not comes before and ?
he looks like Jonah Hill lol
Thanks, so easy to understand the lessons
Thank you Alex.
ann ann
i love this video
That very clear and helpful.
Thank Alex.
huu van vo
I am absolutely elated to find such a helpful, beginners guide to the composition of English in it’s, in my opinion most tangible written form.
Hello Alex,
First of all thank you for the helpful videos. I just have a question. The point 1: you said two independent clauses if joined by word like “and” will have a comma in it. For the last question in the quiz I selected the option where it said “Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television”.
Now “I stayed home” is an independent clause and watched television is also an independent clause? joined by the word “and”. Shouldn’t we have a comma here too.
Thank you!
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
Thank you very much
I got poor score. I need more quiz
I got 100% ! Thank you very much, Alex!
thank you
Mohamed Sellai
Short and clear. Thanks Alex for this great lesson.
Arieh Dorjee
Thank you! That’s all I wanted to know.
Thank you very much Mr. Alex!
Hi Alex. How do I upload a selfie for my profile picture?
Thank you! :)
Can someone direct me on how to upload a picture of self?
Thank you Alex.
Hello sir, first thank you for your time and efforts, second I wanted to ask you about the last E.G., can’t we put a semi colon before Therefore?.
graet lesson Thanks!
I watched this video twice on May 2, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 6 correct out of 6.
I watched this video twice on June 11, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Great lesson. I got six out of six!
Thanks a lot
Hashim Hassan
perfect, still number one Sir, Alex
Fahd Nasser
Comma is really hard, but I´m understanding your lesson, Teacher Alex. Thank you.
Thanks for the lesson, it really came through. I am asking for more practice on punctuation. Simply, keep forgetting to put commas in the writing. Can I get help?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Alex
I appreciate your very nice, intersting, and useful lesson.
Thanks Alex
wow i love this lessing what u give to me i’m trying to do my best in high school,so thanks it was a great teaching from u.alex
This is great lesson for me!
hi alex,
i would like to extend my gratitude by saying wow!
Dear sir
i really like this, i was looking for this kind of simply-explained, video lesson. final i got one from u, i realy grateful to you
i am Dhsrahan(name) i am Sri Lankna ,but now in USA
thank mr alex, its helpfull
Thanks for all, but the audio quality is very poor… Could you fix it?
Yes ! The lesson is very useful but the audio isn’t very good .
Where is the audio problem? Its sounds good to me!!
There’s no problem with the video. It sounds very good. I think you have to fix your speakers
Yes, I agree with toy, there’s problem with audio, it’s clear and loud.
Yes, I agree with you, there’s no problem with the audio, it’s clear and loud.
Hi Karen))
My name is Sveta,I am from Ukraine.I am going to learn YOUR native language(Spanish).I would like you to tell me about it.Is it complicated or not???
Best regards.
I wish for you doing well in your exam
Dear Karen,
It’s just fine, You just need to try again.
i agree with you
Thank you so much for your helpfull lesson !
Hello there…
The lesson is Very informative, and i really like it.
Mr. Allex;
I’m having some difficulties on understanding the syllable, like, if you have a word, and i want to know how many syllable does it have.
please, advise
thanks Alex
I come across a book that talks merely on technical writing. In the book, it was mentioned that when the writer wants to quate someone then he should use a colon.
As per this lesson, comma is used when we quate.
Please, advise for this and the one posted on june 17th 2009
I think it’s the same as the example 7.
I,Reynaldo,need to put more attention in class from Alex.In order to, improve faster.
Thank you,Mr Alex.
Very well the lesson, thanks for you do this!!
Thanks a lot for the interesting, nice, meaningful lesson. Personally, I learned a lot out of it.
Hi, Dear Alex
I can not express how greatfull i am to you for teaching us the most confused part of eglnish punctuation.
“One who does not thank people will not thank Allah-(God)”
thank allex,
Hi, all. I got 100% again! Alex, one question: Should we put comma between sentences if the independent one comes first?
According to the video, it’s no need to put comma if the independent one comes first.
As Anna noted, if the independent clause comes first, you do not need to place a comma between it and the dependent clause.
Thanks for the question, Alena20.
hi, dear alex thanks for the intersting,nice lessons.i have some dficalty to use past partsipl if you could help me please.
I will keep this in mind for future lessons. Thank you for the suggestion.
Awesome !!
I like the lesson !
Good lessons
Awesome lessons. Thank you.
extremelly useful, again!
Thank you so much for this interesting video.
Thank you so much Sir for this very important and interesting viedo.
HI!!Thank you very much.after lesson, it is very helpful to have test.I am studying for ACT.Thanks
Hi Alex
You are really good in teaching english grammar and send the massage to student , and i am lucky tp find this website ,so i can learn
a lot and improve me english .
I wish for all the best
Thanks again .
I glad I found your page. It is going to be very handy. Thanks for your time.
Hi Alex ,
Thanks for the videos. Could you give a video class about article “the”?
hi Alex
Your class on punctuation is interesting.
thank you
Your lesson was excellent.
I’m a teacher of English. I was told to teach students to write something like this:
John is tall, dark and handsome.
According to you, in this lesson, we need another comma after “and”. I will take your word for it, but could you explain why there should/shouldn’t be a comma after “and” in sentences like this?
Thanks in advance 4 your answer.
Abu Nasser
I think you mean before and !!!
You must write a comma before (and) in this situation.
thanks so much and god bless u
Was a n important lesson thank you Alex.
I reallt apreciate the lessons!!! you people are the best teachers at internet!!!
hi sir .fantastic job .by sir
nas94 I think you tried to say “before and”, didn’t you?
Great lesson thank you Alex.
Hi Alex ,
Thanks for the videos.
I am very poool in grammar, thank you for this video, it help me so much.
Now I ask you, if it is possible see the pronunciation ruler with vouel and consonants, etc.
thank you
You Rock Alex. Thank you so much.
could you tell me which is the difference between make and do because when I am writing or talking I don’t know what to use
your lessons are very informative
Thankyou so mush, you help me alote
Thank you Alex,your classes are very useful for me.Now, I can understand more how to use commas correctly.
Hi Alex,
Nice video. Can you please explain how to use comma in a sentnce where there are two ‘and’.
For e.g. Moreover, considering the experience and knowledge of the participants of the interviews, and respondent of the survey helped to gathered qualitative data.
Thanks man ! It was very important lesson for me, as I am trying to improve and work on my writing ! Anyway, I am from Central Asia .
Thanks teacher.
Dear Mr. Alex
You are wonderful teacher. Your accent is clear and I really enjoy your videoa. is a helpful webside. I want to be a new user. I entered my email but I haven’t received my password yet? why? Please advise.
Your simply superb….Ilearned a lot from u..Try to come with more and more grammers…
it was very useful.thank q=
Thank You so much Alex. You are helping thousands of people through your videos.
They’re really good, useful lessons for me!
I’m glad to find this site. Thank u !
Hi your lecture has helped me with an assignment.
Thank you very much
Thank you so much for your lessons.
thank you
Thank you Alex.
It is really good lessons.
Dear Alex,
Thank you so much. The lesson was very interesting. I’ve learned a lot from your clear explanation.
Thanks a lot for the lesson!
It was very helpful, cause I often feel confused using commas in writing.
Thank you!
Thanks Alex for this useful lesson,but i need some lessons in using the other punctuation marks.Could you help me,please?
Thanks again
You make learning very easy.
I appreciate ur manner to explain.You are real teacher Alex.
sir can u explain me about the using of comma with word and like you used it in second example in video i.e. I bought apples,tomatoes, and carrot.
In above sentence you used comma & the word and together. please explain the concept.
& thank u for video..
Hi Alex, I need your advice regarding last question.
In your videos, you told to use commas before “and”, but, in last question, why its wrong to use comma before and?
* Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television.
Hello, Sir
Really I enjoyed the lesson too much. I thank you for your good and simple explanation.Ffter finishing my English Term this month, I will continue watching your videos.
Best wishes
Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Very clear and simple explanations. I’m sure this will help me in my English exam which I have in a few weeks.
i say hello to every teacher iam from afghanistan befor i didnt know english but now i know english james is the best teacher in ur website
i will tell a poem to james .
freindship is like a snowball that is to make but that is diffucult to keep for a long time
james plz help me in the writing i cant write english clear
I’ve always wondered all functions of commas in English Writing. Thank you for your good lession. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
Happy New Year
thank you it is very helpful
Thank you very much Alex, your method of teaching was clear and easy to understand. Keep up the good work.
Oh Alex thank you so much.
hi alex thank you very much
thanks to your video i learned a lot from it
and i got 6 out of 6 right thats 100% on the mini quiz ^-^ thanks .
thank you mr Alex,God bless you.
Thanks Alex!
Your lesson is very awesome!
How long have you taught English? You may be a dedicated teacher in teaching for ESL learners like me.
From Kelly in San Diego
Thanks Alex
hi alex,
i have to do my last english exam and i want to know if you can help me. I have tree textes and I have to explain to the Professor the puntuaction rules, so can you explain me how to use semi-colon, dashes and full stop? thanks a lot
Thank you for your video!
Thans for helpfull support your are providing english learners living around the world
special thanks to Ronnie
Hi alex! How are you doing? You alway do a good job. I like the way when you teach us English. You are a wonderful person. Will you please teach me when we can use all kind of Punctuation? And write some example please? Thanks a lot. I appreciate it. You have a good day.
good lesson.
Hi Alex…
its great to have in ur classroom session…
Very good lesson ..
take care
it is very good lesson,but i didnot know why i get wrong in the last question i choose D, but it was wrong .if u please explan to me i will be happy .thank
Respected sir,
I’m looking for some helpful sites,and eventually i got your site.I’m very grateful to you,and hope you will give us some more good lessons.
thanks to helping me,alex
keep it coming,you rock!
hi alex,
I really appreciate the way you teach.
Hi Alex,
it is very very interesting lesson, hope you upload more on how to use puncuations, Chhoeun
I would like to clarify on the use of comma especially when you are stating a list of items or write a series of adjectives. Is there really a comma after the last adjective or before the linking word AND? For example: books, pencils, bags, and laptops.
I have observed that others wrote them without a comma after the last item or adjective or before the linking/conjunctio word AND.
Thank you!
Thank you Alex,your classes are very useful for me.Now, I can understand more how to use commas correctly.I will also help to teach other people how to use commas.Thank you.
I love this video and learn about the commas. Thanks for helping me doing my class work. Thank you Alex.
i found out about this website on youtube…very helpful thank u so much.
Thanks for this lesson!It is really important to pay attention on commas.
Hello Alex,
Thank your for your nice teaching.
I got the important knoledges from your lesson.
Best wishes,
I have learnt a new thing today.I found your way of teaching very effective and easy to understand.Thank you so much.
I understand how to use commas in English writng better. Thank you so much.
thank you for your lesson
hi,alex can you teache me how to write an
I just have to say, “Thank you so very much to all of you”. You are an amazing teachers.
Hello, I would like to test my new knowledge comma :0) but I can´t open your quiz :0)
i get it finally!! thanks man!!
Really helpful! Great practice!
Hi alex, i m nageena from pakistan, u r very good teacher and i m very thankful to you,
I really understand this part
Hi Alex,I’m like english class
Thank you Alex.
Some of these examples are similar to Russian clauses, so it’s too clear for me now.
thanks! it’s very nice!
thanks , it is too clear , i can use ” comma ” more precise ):
Thank you for this lesson!!
VERY helpfull!!! I HAD always problems with it. Note any more, I hope.
hi Alex i face the same problem with the audio please fix it
Hi.. I’m not clear about the sue of some and any.
Thank you for your wonderful unique lesson!
But I can see nothing of punctuation marks of this lesson.
So I can’t answer any of them.
Thank you,Alex,for this writing lesson!It’s exactly what I really want.I guess,it help me one day)
it was very helpful, but i had a hard time seeing the comma’s.
good job,really help full for everyone
Hi Alex;
That video is great.Could u please upload the video “would be”,”would have”,”would have been” tutorial on this forum.
Great video. This is much before than my text book. You explained it in a very simple term.
He’s teaching you all about grammar and punctuation. Looking at these comments, I suspect most of you didn’t pay attention. Lack of capitalization, lack of punctuation, and/or misplaced punctuation (specifically commas, which, proves my point) in almost every one.
Very simple and clear, thank you very much.
How about a lesson about comma splices and ran-ons?
hi Alex,
thank you very much , i never thought that comma we put it before(and) when there are two clauses
Dear Alex,
I do thank you for your simple and fruitfull explanation of using commas in English writing. Any way, I would appreciate it more if you go further byond these simple rules.
Thanks again
Hi Alex, thanks for the lesson. Please forgot my first comment in another lesson
Thank you so much….this was extremely helpful and probably just save me from taking high school English
thanks man
Dear Alic,
I found this lesson very useful. It help me in writing english. please also give lesson on (:) and (;) thanks.
Great lessons.
Hi Alex,
I think I’ve come to the right shop
Thank you very much.
for the third step you need to put and between smart and happy man because it is 2 and you say 2 or more
Thanks very much for your lesson. it makes understanding.. :)
thanks for your class…
This is very useful lesson. could you please explain another punctuation marks which are importants in writing?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex, Thank you for teaching me how to use a comma.
thank you for this lesson because you just help me for tomorrow test for high school THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex, thanks your teaching. becouse everybody can understand your teaching and learning quickly
thanks a lot
hello is good
Dear Teacher Alex!
You are very nice teacher i got 100 marks in this quiz. You teach very well.
Hi Alex, thank you so much.
thanks alot .thanks abundle .you are the best .cheers
You, Alex, did a good job on this commas lesson. Thank you very much.
It’s a very entertaining form to learn
Thanks Mr.
Job well done, Mr. Alex! That lesson helps a lot:) Cheers!!!….
very corisstirol
very nice
Dziekuje Alex za bardzo dobre wyjasnienie tematu :)
Well done!
author Sam Song
I think comma is also mean loss of consciousness, is it true??
Close — that’s a coma!
yes, pretty much so, you are now in a state of unconsciousness!
Hi I`ve been studying English for more than twenty years and I tought grammar long time ago, It has been very helpful to refresh these knowledges one more time. Thanks a lot again.
By the way, I thought that commas didn`t have to write them after (but. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Very informative thanks for sharing
thank you Alex
this is bad my point3
thank you so much
Dear Sir,
i am very impresive this kind of programe, “engvid”, very helpful for me
i want to improve my writing skill,please suggest me,
thanking you,
I Alex thank you so munch very nice
Thanks Alex.
Just a query popping up!
Why are we using a comma, when are have used ‘and’?
Hi Sir,thanks for this. It really helps me a lot to understand about the lesson. I understand your lesson well than my teachers. =) Sorry but its true.
Hey Alex,
thanks for this lesson. I’ve gone through many rules and grammar summaries but none of them expain punctation regarding commas so clear. I’m going to write this down to never forget it again. :)
Good for watching,thank a lot,Have a nice day Alex.
Fine !
In the video you say that a comma is required before a quotation. This is correct, but you disregard the fact that having a comma before a quotation can lead to a comma splice or a sentence fragment. Commas are not always required before quotations, sometimes it is useful to use a colon, a comma, or have absolutely no punctuation prior to the quotation.
Proper quotation integration is the name of the game. Avoiding comma splices and sentence fragments is essential.
This lesson helped me a lot :)
Thank you Alex :)
thank you
thank you very much for all your help.Now I have succeded
This lesson helped me alot.Thank you very much
Thanks again Alex
You the best
Thank you, Sir, Got 6/6.
Mr. Alex All your lessons are very useful, I think you pronunciations is excellent, so I will continue visiting this web page to improve my english!!! Thanks a lot
hey sur i just found your,website and i was realy struggling at school cause i was to scared i might go to high school and be dumh…
Thanks Alex very good class it is help for my writin
oooooooo! I got a smiley face ;) Thanks Alex!
Hoorah! I got a big smiley :D Your teaching, Alex, is very good! …. see what I did there;)
Dear Sir,
I could learn much about comma, thank you very much for your session.
Please keep it up with more lessons.
Regards & best wishes
Thomas T.Baby from India.
I find that you are putting comma before and it is not correct, as either comma or and is necessary.
best regards Thomas
I got 5 out of 6
There are more than 10 rules about the comma use. I am a sort of confused now about separating the short items using comma.
I am used to write in this way : I bought fruit, vegetables, flour and meat in a supermarket rather than I bought fruit, vegetables , flour, and meat in a supermarket.
if the items in the series is group of words, comma is added before and + last item, e.g.,
The firm is a place where I work, read, take a nap sometimes , and have my lunch and supper.
But, yesterday afternoon, I spend time with my family and friends, making food, watching show on TV, and having a walk on the beach.
Am I wrong ? The rule has changed ? Correct me.
I agree with Tom’s ideas about quotation.
Dad said ‘ You come with me.’
Dad said: ‘ You come with me.’
Dad said, ‘ You come with me.’
All of them are clear to understanding.
This is only my own idea : ‘and’ is put between the second and last word/ or words, implying that we are coming to the end of the sentence.
Now, I got answers regarding ‘ comma used in short item’ and “why we need identifying clause.”
1. It seems that the old school rule has been replaced by updated one. Many writers wrote in this way : ,and + the last word/ words.
2. Generally , general word gives us an dull idea or may have multiple interpretation , further questions etc. To prevent the trouble, we need to give more details so that they become specific, e.g.,
I am staring at the cat that has two tails.
I am staring at a cat.
Some people said, abstract and general terms explain attitudes, ideas , explore relationships , such as contingency and priority ; concrete and specific words clarify and illustrate between abstract/ concrete noun and general / specific language, blending them naturally. To achieve this mix , use abstract and general to state your ideas, use concrete and specific to illustrate and support them.
The given sample sentences were :
1) The food ( general ) was appealing ( abstract )
2 ) the warm bread with nut-brown -crust and yeasty aroma made my mouth water.
Obviously , with such a mix, the meaning of sentence become more vivid and more interesting.
Of course, uncountable noun is still a hard part to me. Somethings in mind shift into the countable nouns make me uncomfortable and panic. I have to overcome it.
Great lesson ,but the audio was poor.
Hi Alex! I try to learn English. Learning English is necessary for me. Your lessons are comprehensible, and very funny. Thank you very much…
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson, it is very helpful to me at my work.
Thanks Alex
Nice lesson! Thanks!
Thank you for making things simple!
Thank you so much Mr. , I got 100 ! :D
thank you alot
Alex is smart, young, and handsome.
Dear teacher:
May I ask some questions about the ”,” in advance?
1. What kinds of complex sentence structures should be used “,”?
2. IF “,” locate different location, are there any different meanings?
It would be grateful if you could teach me.
~Thank you~
Thanks a lot, sir Alex! I would like to know more about commas before relative clauses, if it is possible.
Hi Alex,
I looked a long time for such rules.
Thanks a lot.
Good one…Really helpful.
What a great lesson it was!
Thanks a lot dear Alex
After watching your lesson, I improved my writing skills..
Could someone please explain me the 7 point .. I did not get it..
Hello Alex, thank you for the helpful lecture.
I have a question about the last, ‘transition’ one.
You gave an example of ‘therefore,consequently’.
And if i’m right, both of them are conjunctive adverbs.
So i’m wondering if conjunction, such as but, yet, and although can also be used?
I know he is right. But, ~ ~~
like this kind of sentence
for example,
Your lesson can teaches 1 more rule.
good job
Nice quiz
I got a 100% thank you!
The site which I improve my English by it , is very useful .
i enjoyed with this lesson, because I had 65/100, i must learn more on punctuation.
6/6 Thanks,Alex!
Hi Alex
In last question we have ‘AND’ .Why is not the last one correct ? Shouldn’t we put a commas in front of “and” in this case?Why?
Thank you for your time
Thank you!
Thank You Alex!!
Thank you very much . I think it’s good way and so effective because you illustrate in clear,and simple way.
I appreciate .
Firstly, thank you very much for your informative lecture.
Secondly, I got 2 points wrong number 1 and 2 “commas to separate a list of similar words or phrases”
Cambridge webpage said: “We use commas to separate a list of similar words or phrases:
It’s important to write in clear, simple, accurate words.
They were more friendly, more talkative, more open than last time we met them.
We do not normally use a comma before and at the end of a list of single words:
They travelled through Bulgaria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland.
American English does use a comma in lists before and:
We took bread, cheese, and fruit with us.”
So, I think my answers were right as both can be possibly correct
I’m just thankful for this website!!!
Hi Alex,
Excellent class. Really thank you!
Simple, but essencial.
The teacher, who makes it simple, deserves my congratulations.
Hi . My score was 5 out of 6 , because I am confused with the commas before the word `and` . Every where I read about , I get the impression that is not necessary . As soon I will have an exam regarding punctuation ,please , can you clarify this ? Thank you .
There is a problem with quiz 6. I think the answer should be C. Will any one explain it to me??
Thanks for a very useful lesson. I always have troubles with commas. But I don’t understand why we should put a comma before “and” in the first and second question.
It was great, thank you!!!
Thank you Alex, but I’m confused, should be necessary use the comma before “and”?
6/6, it was pretty simple, in Russia we have much more rules
thank you Alex
Very useful
thank you
I think this video has much time when it was recorded. but thank you Alex. Greetings from Mexico.
thank you alex. I have a question, the below-mentioned examples apply for both nouns and adjectives?
1. Which of following is correct?
John is tall, dark, and handsome.
2. Which of the following is correct?
I like cars, music, and computers.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex,
Very good lesson.
I really appreciate your help.
Hello! Alex.
thanks, credible lesson.
Thank you for the lesson it helped me a lot. I would like to know if its possible to do a lesson about wordiness, parallel sentences, sentence fragment, and modifiers. I would appreciate your explanation since I’m a little frustrated trying to pass a test. :0(
Thank you, Alex, for this such a helpful lesson. You speak in a very clear way, and you are quite didactic too. I have always wanted to learn the rules of comma in English, which are a little bit different in Portuguese. Your lesson has helped me a lot. See you in the next video!
I say about you ,sir Alex, in this comment.he is a nice,kind, and handsome teacher,and his lessons are very new ,useful, and practicable for his students .because his lecture is very clear,I learn many thing .Alex ,who is the best teacher in engvid, said ,you can check out engvid for quiz , .I want to find a teacher lick him for other languages like German , Spanish , and Persian .therefor I search other site . how many mistake I have in my comment? please somebody give me a hand .
one of my mistake is lick and after therefor I should put a comma please somebody help me my gmail is
thank you very much
Hi, Alex
I am definitely enjoyed and learn a lot of commas uses. thank you very much
Hi Alex:
Maybe I’m wrong, but I se to write a colon instead of a comma before quoting SO. He said: “I’m back” instead of He said, “I’m back”.
Thanks & greets from Argentina.
Holla! Sexy man!…;-) You can use the Colon to emphasis, or to discribe a list.
Tu, here’s un hombre mui huapoq/ chullo. Chau!
Thank u sir . It was nice Class for me .i am really happy.
Thanks Sir. The lesson is so useful to me.
i got 83%
thank you.
100. Yes yes and yes
I got a 50 mark:(
I had two mistakes. For example in John is tall, dark, and handsome. Normally, in spanish the “and” replace the comma when is a diferent adjetive.
I´m surprise there is a comma before “and” maybe because in spanish when we separate things the last one has no comma therefore we use “Y” which is the meaning of “and” in spanish, but is very good to know this things. Thanks a lot teacher.
5. Which of the following is correct?
I was feeling very hungry, so I went to the store to buy some food.
Alex, isn’t it like: Suzy didn’t study. Therefore, she didn’t pass.
comma after the conjuction?
Because it was raining, I stayed home and watched television.
Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television.
This is a case of a dependent clause coming before an independent clause. To link the two, we must use a comma between each clause.
Before “and” there is no comma? idependent clause.
above all , i really appreciate this awesome vedio about one of the most important writing condition .
ow!! really excited i got 85%
Simple explanation!!
Fantastic! I got 100%”………..:-)
Thanks! Adam, for the wonderful lesson.
By the way, my bother’s name is also Adam. Funny!
Hi Alex, thanks for this lesson!!
Hi Alex,
« I bought apples, tomatoes, and carrots. »
Sorry, i don’t understand why the comma between tomatoes and « and »
I bought apples, tomatoes, carrots or I bought apples, tomatoes and carrots without comma before and.
Thank you!
Why in the number six the comma does not comes before and ?
he looks like Jonah Hill lol
Thanks, so easy to understand the lessons
Thank you Alex.
i love this video
That very clear and helpful.
Thank Alex.
I am absolutely elated to find such a helpful, beginners guide to the composition of English in it’s, in my opinion most tangible written form.
Hello Alex,
First of all thank you for the helpful videos. I just have a question. The point 1: you said two independent clauses if joined by word like “and” will have a comma in it. For the last question in the quiz I selected the option where it said “Because it was raining, I stayed home, and watched television”.
Now “I stayed home” is an independent clause and watched television is also an independent clause? joined by the word “and”. Shouldn’t we have a comma here too.
Thank you!
thank you very much
Thank you very much
I got poor score. I need more quiz
I got 100% ! Thank you very much, Alex!
thank you
Short and clear. Thanks Alex for this great lesson.
Thank you! That’s all I wanted to know.
Thank you very much Mr. Alex!
Hi Alex. How do I upload a selfie for my profile picture?
Thank you! :)
Can someone direct me on how to upload a picture of self?
Thank you Alex.
Hello sir, first thank you for your time and efforts, second I wanted to ask you about the last E.G., can’t we put a semi colon before Therefore?.
graet lesson Thanks!
I watched this video twice on May 2, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 6 correct out of 6.
I watched this video twice on June 11, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Great lesson. I got six out of six!
Thanks a lot
perfect, still number one Sir, Alex
Comma is really hard, but I´m understanding your lesson, Teacher Alex. Thank you.
Thanks for the lesson, it really came through. I am asking for more practice on punctuation. Simply, keep forgetting to put commas in the writing. Can I get help?
Thanks Alex. I got 6 correct out of 6.
very good Alex! I got 1 wrong!