Do English pronouns confuse you? Watch this important lesson and learn which pronouns to use when. You’ll be taking a big step forward in improving your English.
HI, How can I leave a comment? Can you help me?thanks, I tell you I wrote in leave a message but not show me the dialoge box so I wrote to you if you can help, thanks again, bye
Very Good Lesson
so useful
thank you for this Lesson, I’ve been waiting for this Long time ago…. :D:D:D
Glad we could help you!
Thank You teacher. You’re very good to explain…Lily from Brazil
well done.
thanks for your lesson it was interesting
Arthur Enriquez
thx for it.
wow!! i got the perfect score!!!!! amazing!!!! tnx a lot for teaching us,….
Super! Great work, Regina!
Hellot . I think you’r one of thé best teacher and i wanna sty lerning from you . I Hope you’r writ to me and find some personnes chat with le to improve out accents in englich or you too
i got a perfect score! I loved it. thank you for teaching.
Good for you, Sheena. Keep up the good work!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, but I have a question: what about situation when we say “Me too”? It is like using “I” as a subject. Please, explain it us.
Yes, we do say, “Me, too” or “Me, neither”, which is a bit of an exception to the general pattern.
The normal patterns of usage are what I’ve explained above. Thanks for your comments and all the best to you, Ashot.
wonderful website! It’s really helpful ;)
Hello Rebecca!!!How are you?Your kind of teaching is fantastic.You speak very,very clearly.It was a good English lesson .You are a very good professional.Congratulations…CARLOS
I agree…:)
Thank you for your kind words, Carlos and Cristina. So glad the lessons help you. Warm wishes to both of you.
Really!! This Is A very Good Lesson.i Learned It Very clearly.because You have presented It sincerely.i always appreciate your teaching. Thank you very much for your lessons & May The all Mighty God Bless You.
Thank you very much, Jahir. I wish you all the best, too.
According to “CLIFFS TOEFL BOOK” after de verb
to be the subject pronouns must be used
for example
1.- It was she who called you
2.- Is it I you were looking for?
these are examples given by the book
I would like your comments on this please.
I think the first sentence is right ,but not the second one
huseyin çeri
thanx….itz awsum
serwat mehdi
Thanks! Happy Easter to everyone. Kiss!
Nice, lesson I´m happy to be a part of, the best site for learning English
Great to have you on board the engvid express! My best wishes to you, bigboy85.
Great!! Thnaks for your lesson.
great lesson
‘She and I is going out.’
‘She and I are going out.’
Confusing….Different hearsay
Mang Kai Chow
She and I are going out.
You are right, Alex. Thank you.
She and I are going out.
Mang , the second option , is the correct , because you have two people in the sentence , these two people are = we and as you might know , we say we are … look no matter how many people you have in a sentence , as long as you use I it will be always = we . Hugs from Brazil .
ricardo alessandro
Thanks as always for your help, Ricardo. My warm regards to you and all your students in Brazil.
She and I are going out.
Thank you so much.
abriq i got perfect score.thanks teacher Rebecca.
salam mis Rebecca
i have question
what is differrence between object pronoun, possive adjective and posessive pronoun
Hello Salam . I will show you the difference .
Their. these words are called Possessive adjectives.
Theirs . These words are called Possessive Pronouns .
Now , I will show you a few examples in how to use both of them in English
Possessive Adjectives.
This is my car .
This is your car.
This is his car . Note , after a possessive adjective , you need a noun
Let’s take a look now , in how to use the possessive pronoun.
This car is mine .
This car is yours .
Observe , the possessive pronoun does not need a noun after it , it can be used by itself .
If I were you , I would watch some lessons about it on the internet .
Hugs from Brazil . I hope it help you .
ricardo alessandro
tnx dear friend now i understand
You ‘re welcome buddy .
ricardo alessandro
You are an amazing teacher, Ricardo! Thank you very, very much. Your students are fortunate, indeed, to have you.
It’s really easy.!
thank u very much’re teaching awesome although could you say a bit more about ‘it’,please?
which situation can i use “ME” ?
Rey - Brazil
Thank u so much mam…
Good exercise!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, but I have a question: what about situation when we say “Me too”? It is like using “I” as a subject. Please, explain it.
Thank you, Rebecca)
full mark ^_^ thank you for this lesson
I like this kind of lessons
Fatima Botelho
really thanx
Hi Rebecca thank you for your lesson
Henry Wilson
thanks Rebecca ..
I got 8 out of 8 ..
you must be happy
me too toleen :)
Ahmadzai “I’m so happy for that :)
fighterman ” goodluck for u ” ..
tnx dear toleeeeeeeeen just take care of your self der
your lessons are very accurate and I like watching your videos…thank you Rebecca
Why Rebecca when do I listen you I understand everything? Maybe because you aren’t english or maybe because did I meet too much Americans on my street? I’m joking, you have a good british accent.
Thank you Rebecca.
On you tube there are plenty possibilities to chose english teachers. In my opnion you and yours friends are the best.
Thank you kindly, Stefan. Warm wishes to you.
i got 8 out of 8…..
really i am proud of you that your english lecture so easy and i understanding alot of thing which i have not covered in my country pakist. i need further your assistant because i am going to appear in IELTS recently.
Mushtaque Ahmed
it is so easy .I like this lesson:)
Thanks for such gorgeous lesoons, very interesting and useful for my english. Thanks a lot!
I m itersting so much.big thank to you
Hi Rebbeca. I am always waiting for your next lesson, they are very good.
Thanks Rebbeca.
Thanks a lot Rebbeca.
thank you very much!!!!
this kind of lessons are very useful!! Greetings from Mexico…
thanks rebella the lesson was very clear!!!
Rebecca,thanks for the great lesson, I have a question regarding this sentence, Please call me when you get home! why there is using present indefinite tens for future.??
When we use a conditional word or phrase, such as when, if, as soon as, before, after, etc, we need to use the present simple tense in that part of the sentence, instead of the future tense.
For example,
When I come to London, I’ll call you.
If I come to London, I’ll call you.
As soon as I come to London, I’ll call you.
Before I come to London, I’ll call you.
After I come to London, I’ll call you.
In all of the examples above, we used the present simple tense in the part of the sentence with the conditional word.
We could switch the parts of the sentence around and the same rule would apply:
I’ll call you when I come to London.
I’ll call you if I come to London.
This seems strange to many students because in other languages the sentence would be:
If I will come to London, I will call you.
This sentence in incorrect in terms of English grammar.
So you need to get used to using the present simple tense in that conditional part of the sentence.
This is a really good question as we use these kind of sentences a lot, and therefore there are a lot of chances to make mistakes or get it right!
Thanks a lot for your intelligent question, sm. My best wishes to you.
thank you teacher rebecca.
thans alot
It is very good.Thank you very much.
Rebecca, I was taught in my grammar classes that the correct response to “who is at the door?” is “It is I”, because the implied response is “I a at the door.” ???
Well, no one really speaks like that in real life. So the much more common response would be:
“It’s me!”
My best to you, Lynda.
thank you
thanks for all
it was fantastic.
thank’s a lot for the interresting lesson
butterfly 02
Hi Rebecca,
I am a great fan and user of I would like to request a short lesson on reflexive pronouns and their uses. My students often ask “What’s the difference between I, My, Mine etc?”
Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for your kind comments and for watching the engvid lessons. I will plan a lesson such as you have requested. My warmest wishes to you and your students, Rashida.
hey, rebecca ,
i have little difficulty in listening the english. what should i do?
There are books available that specialize in developing your listening skills in English. Try to borrow some from a library if you can. Start with simple materials and move on to more advanced listening exercises. If you are already advanced, you could borrow some TOEFL or IELTS books and follow the script as they speak, so as to connect the words with the way they are spoken by different English speakers.
I wish you all the best, Shahid.
Dear Rebbeca.
Thank you so much for your lesson.
good luck
Thank you, and I’m loking for more lessons
Hi Rebecca,Thanks. I did quiz very well
very nice intersting
Dear Rebecca:
Thanks for sharing your knowledges with us. God Bless you.
Hi! there, Eduardo.
Did you meant to say, ” Dear Rebecca: Thanks for sharing your fabulous knowledge with us.
God bless you!”
Sincerely yours,
this is good”,)!
thanks for everything
thank you so much
i have question
what is differrence between object pronoun, possive adjective and posessive pronoun
Abdulah Hajj
Please see Ricardo’s wonderful explanation to this question above.
Best wishes to you.
thank you for this engvid
Thanks a lot.
thank you so much for this great lesson
i like you
It’s a great lesson, thnx everybody for this great job.
Andre de Almeida
Thanks a lot :D
Great thank you
Thank you again Rebecca. I like the quiz after video. It’s great idea. I wish one after each video.
See you soon!
Glad you enjoy the quizzes. We try to include one after each video. I am sure you are a good English teacher as you really seem to care about your students and about the language.
My best wishes to you, Catamari.
Thank you for this lesson
The Great teaching method!
thank you,I like your class :)
Thank you Rebecca .
Nice lesson.
nice website tnx for it
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 8 correct out of 8. Check your answers below.’
thanks for teach me
thanks Rerebecca so much. you teach well making easy and clear.
misgina tekie
Hi Teacher,
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
i’m get ,thank you so much.
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate hearing from you. All the best with your English.
it’s fun to learn with you Rebecca :) thanks
Thanks for the lesson! More lessons to post.
Wow! I got it,… Awesome, Very Helpful Video hehehe,… Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca ^___^
Wow , thanks
This is extremely useful and I only wish that it wasn’t presented as though it was only for ESL students.
I have native born American college students whose English is their first language (and their parents’ first language as well) who need these lessons.
Thank you so much for providing it!
Leslie Yarmo
The toppest lesson,very understandeble,thank you!
nice teaching lesson. thanks
Dear Rebecca,
the boss should usually the best. And you’re the best!
A very good lesson again.
I learned a lot today, thank you.
could you please teach when we can use what about…? or how about…..? I mean, what is difference at conversation?
Hi!maam Rebecca, Its fun and great lesson,thanks for all your help Engvid
Fernando Avila
when i shaw your english lessons i feel that i want to be your student…
I loved this Quiz! It is wonderful. You can do exercises. Great!
๋Good job!! Man
thank’s… i got a perfect score!unbelievable
Thank you for your unique way to teach English grammar.
I want to know about different between they-them, they-their
Thank again.
I know about different between him, his, her.
Here some example
She finished work him self.
She finished work her self.
He finished work his self.
He finished work him self.
Which one is true teacher?
My mife and I will be having wedding aniversary on December.. AM I RIGHT MS REBECCA? Pls correct me if iam wrong.. TYVM
I may be mistaken, but here my variant:
My wife and I are going to celebrate the wedding anniversary at December.
(wife and I = subjects + are coz it 2 persons, going to + verb = coz you already planned it, I suppose. for planned future use present tenses).
Sorry if I’m wrong. I learn English too.
Hi Ronnisse this lesson is very intersting.thanks
nycc lecture\
thank you mem..rebecca.icorrect it my lot of mistake.thank you so much….
md rasool
Everything is clearly now, thank you Miss.
Hello Rebecca. Thanks for you help.
I saw the Common English Errors: I or me? She or her? They or them? and I found a mistake, it is in the pronoun you, Which is the correct possive you or your ? Thanks. I have seem almost all your videos.
thanks 4 the lesson Rebecca. I got it from the start to the end xoxo.
Someone asked “who ate the pasta in the fridge?”…I blurted out “NOT I”. Was I correct or was it supposed to be “not me”.
i am bad at ‘i’.
its really good web which can improve our english
I have a question when we use “AT” in the places sometimes I listen people said at the or only at restaurant in what case we use “AT”. please help me
Thanks a lot.
THis is perfect site and it is interesting.Thanks a lot.
i am really thanks teacher rebacca
Helpful lesson
Thank u rebeca
Very clear, interesting and useful lessons.
Much thanks to Rebecca!
I like your quiz because I can practice my english a lot.
hi Rebecca,
thanks for u
Abdullah alqhtani
You are GREAT! Obrigado!!!
thanks a lot, i’m from Brazil….
thaks lotsa teacher , i have already understood recentlt.some months ago i didn’t know use but this lesson and teacher are useful for me .i am happy tonighi .i promise i will learn in this web page everyday.i love all teacher
It’s easy to understand and your voice is too. Thanks from Vietnam!
Good show!
Thnk u so much
Hi Teacher,
Thanks a lot for your lesson. I don’t understand when I have to use preposition. I went WITH THEM. She sent it TO ME. Please HELP ME. Thanks
Thank you so much for your lesson? I’m from guatemala and i need to learn to speak more English…
thank you for this lesson
Thank you teacher.
respected teacher Rebecca:
Thanks for your lessons,they are very helpful.Allah bless you
sohail ahmed
thanks rebecca. :)
i really enjoy ur teaching.i wish to be ur student so that i can learn much from your excellent teaching.
thank you a lot are really great.i hope you present more.
These class are very very incredible. I feel very excited and interested for correct all my mistakes Thank you Rebeca
thanks a lot..
i have question…
what about this sentense?
she and he are* going to party..
she and he is* going to party
should we use are or is ?
I think – ARE coz it THEY
you can use “WE” instead “I & she” :)
respected teacher Rebecca:
Your kind of teaching is fantastic.You speak very,very clearly.It was a good English lesson. Allah bless you.
Thank you so much for the lesson, I’ve learned so much from you today. :D
thank you very much this site is great
Amazing !! Im very grateful THANKS FOR THIS FREE CLASS HELPS ME A LOT ….. :D
katherine evora
thanks for this lesson it can help to improve my English
Dear Ms Rebecca,
Thank you very much for the Basic Learning of English. I found it very meaningful and it’s fun .
too easy for medium
hi madam i am very thankful to you i like it
grammar is boring but engvid make it more interesting im enjoying the lesson thank you engvid.
Thank you REBECCA…
you r really good human
and your teaching very well
i m thank full of u ?
your good wisher from India
please send a video…how i read new paper easily…..
Thanks a lot for the class. I’m improving my English skills with you and the other teachers. There are difficult classes and other ones not so difficult. But, I’m better before your classes.
Lucio Barros
Thank you Engvid & Rebecca.
Yipeee, thank you miss Rebecca, i got perfect score again to this quiz.
Thank You Ms. Rebecca!
I really enjoyed listening to the lesson and I learned a lot.
I was actually browsing the net for the answers but voila, I found the , and thankfully, I am enlightened.
I was about to teach students as part of our program and I am still not prepared not until awhile ago. All thanks to you!
More power and God Bless!
Hi Rebecca
Thanks for your lessons.
Are the following sentences correct?
I will speak to you after i reached there.
Before i will reach there, i will speak to you.
please help me.which is correct:
Ronie and I ate icecream.
I and Ronie ate icecream.
Hi Rebecca – which is correct/
We were sitting in the room, she on the chair, I on the sofa
We were sitting in the room, her on the chair, me on the sofa
teacher, could you please teach us active and passive voice??? its too confusing!!
Your lesson was well organized and obviously helpful for many students. As a foreign language teacher in the U.S., one of the most difficult tasks I have is getting students to understand their own language and how poorly most of them/us use it. Unfortunately, the answer to your last question is incorrect. In English “It is I” is grammatically correct but hardly anyone in America uses that form. “It is me” is simply the accepted spoken equivalent.
Phil: the correct form is “…she on the chair, I on the sofa” since “she” & “I” are refering to the subject “we” stated in the first clause.
Kumari: the passive voice happens when the traditional subject is either understood or unnecessary, so the direct object is turned into the new subject, usually by using some form of the verbs “get” or “being”. “My parents grounded me.” becomes “I got grounded” or “I am being grounded”. Everyone knows that “parents” do the grounding, so that word is not critical. What’s important is to whom it happened (not “who it happened to”). You can identify if a sentence is in the passive voice by adding “…by the man/woman” to the end of it and it still makes sense: “I got grounded…by the man/woman”. Also, if the subject is not the one doing the actual action or verb of the sentence then it is passive. “I got grounded”: if “I” is not the one doing the “grounding” then it is not the traditional subject and therefore must be passive.
Please reconsider your “correct” answer to number 8 Although we Americans routinely use “me” after the verb “to be” it is not correct in formal English grammar.
Hi Rebeca, I have enjoyed your lesson today and i will like you to explain the difference between YOURS FAITHFULLY AND YOURS SINCERELY as i had on my exam and I had not knowledge of difference. Many thanks for your teaching as.
Hi, Rebecca! Are these correct?
“It was me who called.”
“That was Alex and me whom you saw.”
“It is us clerks who work hard.”
Thanks for your feedback.
100% yeah, thank you very much.
Hello Rebbeca,thanks for a usuful lesson.
thanks Rebeca
Simply easy
hello mam! correct me if i’m wrong but my understanding is that, after the linking verb or the verb to be the pronoun should be in the nominative case. thanks
100 :)
thanks rebeca, it’s very helpfull but how about using “his”?
for example : does he complete his homework?
please let Raj and_____ go to theatre .
A. I
B. me
c. he
Answer, please… I got 100 at lesson above.
The option (A)
Raj and I go to the theatre
I is the subjet.
All the best
Hello Rebeca,
First, I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this website :)
Second, could you help me?
Which ones are right?
“I arrived before HER” or I arrived before SHE”
“I arrived earlier than HER or earlier than SHE”
” How many are THEY? or How many are THEM?
And on the phone… I have heard both… Can I speak to Sarah?
Hello this is she
Hello this is her
Over all, what is the grammar rule??
Thank you,
Paula Germano
Hello mam! thanks for the lesson.Is this sentence correct? it’s me Thiruselvi.
I got 88 %. Good. Thanks Rebecca.
thank you so much :)
Hi. First all I’m sorry my English so I hope you’ll understand what I’m trying to ask you.
In Spanish we use to omit personal pronouns. Does it happens in English?
An example could be the next one:
My name is Chris and I am from Tenerife. I used to climb but I fell down three years ago and now I have troubles to control my mind when I climb.
Could I say like follow?
My name is Chris and I am from Tenerife. I used to climb but fell down three years ago and now have troubles to controlling my mind when climb.
I don’t know if my doubt is formulated to understand it.
Hi I love all your lessons.
Thank you so much.
saad kezai
oh , thank a lot Rebecca , and Can you give us a lot of exercise ?
Edward st
I am improving my English. Thanks a Lot
That was a good one and very useful to me.
Adil Kadhim
do you really like john ?
thank you very much teacher Rebecca
Thank you prof.Rebecca.
But I have a doubt, you said, ”I like John” and ”John likes me”, ”we like John and John likes us. In this two sentence “I” is singular so you used ”like” as a singular form but in 2nd sentence ”Me” is also singular form so why do you say ”likes” why not ”like”, John like me or John like us..
will u explain me? please…
Thank you prof.Rebecca. I scored 8/8
But I have a doubt, you said, ”I like John” and ”John likes me”, ”we like John and John likes us. In this two sentence “I” is singular so you used ”like” as a singular form but why not ”John like me or John like us.
Rebecca, You are the wonderful teacher. Thanks!
Hi Rebecca,thanks a lot
great lesson – great explanation – great teacher
take care
Great job Rebecca, I love all your classes and I can understand when do you talk. Very thanks!
Great job Rebecca, I love all your classes and sometimes, I can understand when do you talk to us. Very thanks!
,,,,, .Only she. or
,,,,, .Only her.
Could this be sentence at ll?
Thank you ,Rebecca.
My gratitude knows no bounds.
Hi Rebecca, do you say “he is better than me” or “better than I”?
Thank you :)
Very useful topic.
Thank you, Rebecca.
who is there
it is them -him- you-us
are they correct
please answer rebecca
Thanks.. I like this site…
100% thank uuu
Zainab Awni
Dear Rebecca,
Clear lesson. Thank you.
Best regards.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
Mahapatra Debasish
my quiz
You got 8 correct out of 8.
chakim hamzah
my quiz
you got 8 out of 8 correct
keona malcolm
thank you very much
Hi there.
I have a question about this topic.
Yesterday I was having a conversation with a group friends when someone said this expression: “she, she and her” so my friends and I started a discussion about this topic what is the correct way to say this? She, she and Her or She, she and she?
Help me please!
looking for the right answer is confusing. just read the questions thoroughly..
I have a problem with, “This is her” and “This is she”, when answering the phone. I searched all over the internet. What is said is, that “This is she” is correct, but “This is her” is more commonly used. The same goes with, “It is I” and “It is me”. This is in reference to the last question in your quiz.
you are right. after to be one must use subject pronoun.
Briklend Handersson
“It is ME” is not grammatically correct in the academic sense, but is used in spoken English.
“It is I” is grammatically correct in the pure sense, but would never be used in spoken English – or very rarely by people who speak in an ultra-formal dialect.
“It is I” would have been correct in Shakespeare’s time, in spoken English, but not now
Briklend Handersson
Dear prof, why do not use subject pronoun after to be (it’s I not it’s me; If I were she, he,). One must use subject pronoun only after to be. it is an exception. is it more formal ?? Thank you
Briklend Handersson
Thank you so much Rebbeca
i got 7 out of 8
Thanks for lectures
The video was very simple and useful, lots of thanks ! :D
Lucas Avelino
very good lesson!
Good review!
ups! very bad. I had many mistakes
I got total mark (:. thank you sooooo much for this information
Zainab abdul wahed
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you.
M kartal
All right!! I got 100% on this lesson….:-)
Thanks! Rebecca, for the wonderful lesson.
Keep up with the excellent work.
Thank you Rebecca ! 100% on this lesson :)
Thanks for your efforts, I like when you teach us the correct pronunciations of the words Such as ( her / were) please keep going we need that a lot.
thank you
thank you
7/8 very good!!
that was great and very helpful
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you so much!!
Thank you very much for your service!
Michael Omoya
I’m going with them
While attempting these quizzes I feel like I should start teach English..! ??
But its really good, you are doing great guys keep it up.
8/8, very simple explanation! Thanks a lot!!
Hi Rebecca . Nice lesson . The first time i understand object pronom. Thanks a lot
It well.
Dear Rebeca,
Which sentence is correct “help me study” or “help me to study”?
When do we use “TO” after the verb “HELP”?
Thanks again for another wonderful lesson. i just wondered if you have a lesson on easy writing, and oral English? I look forward to your repy.
Tamba James Biaddy
thank you
abde motalib
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Hasan Soledad
Can I say: “Is him good at that?” or it is correct to say “Is he good at that?”??
Your method is really wonderful.This method increases learning and understanding english.
Good job my teacher Rebecca, congratulations.
I watched this video twice on July 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
Nice classes. Goodluck!
kannanji sampath
Hi! Can you please help me?
Is this how I’d write….
I’d like to make final decisions on my finish materials with her and your help?
Thank you so much!
I got full mark! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 27 Dec2o21
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you aa lot engvid for this intresting cours
HI, How can I leave a comment? Can you help me?thanks, I tell you I wrote in leave a message but not show me the dialoge box so I wrote to you if you can help, thanks again, bye
Very Good Lesson
so useful
thank you for this Lesson, I’ve been waiting for this Long time ago…. :D:D:D
Glad we could help you!
Thank You teacher. You’re very good to explain…Lily from Brazil
well done.
thanks for your lesson it was interesting
thx for it.
wow!! i got the perfect score!!!!! amazing!!!! tnx a lot for teaching us,….
Super! Great work, Regina!
Hellot . I think you’r one of thé best teacher and i wanna sty lerning from you . I Hope you’r writ to me and find some personnes chat with le to improve out accents in englich or you too
i got a perfect score! I loved it. thank you for teaching.
Good for you, Sheena. Keep up the good work!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, but I have a question: what about situation when we say “Me too”? It is like using “I” as a subject. Please, explain it us.
Yes, we do say, “Me, too” or “Me, neither”, which is a bit of an exception to the general pattern.
The normal patterns of usage are what I’ve explained above. Thanks for your comments and all the best to you, Ashot.
wonderful website! It’s really helpful ;)
Hello Rebecca!!!How are you?Your kind of teaching is fantastic.You speak very,very clearly.It was a good English lesson .You are a very good professional.Congratulations…CARLOS
I agree…:)
Thank you for your kind words, Carlos and Cristina. So glad the lessons help you. Warm wishes to both of you.
Really!! This Is A very Good Lesson.i Learned It Very clearly.because You have presented It sincerely.i always appreciate your teaching. Thank you very much for your lessons & May The all Mighty God Bless You.
Thank you very much, Jahir. I wish you all the best, too.
According to “CLIFFS TOEFL BOOK” after de verb
to be the subject pronouns must be used
for example
1.- It was she who called you
2.- Is it I you were looking for?
these are examples given by the book
I would like your comments on this please.
I think the first sentence is right ,but not the second one
thanx….itz awsum
Thanks! Happy Easter to everyone. Kiss!
Nice, lesson I´m happy to be a part of, the best site for learning English
Great to have you on board the engvid express! My best wishes to you, bigboy85.
Great!! Thnaks for your lesson.
great lesson
‘She and I is going out.’
‘She and I are going out.’
Confusing….Different hearsay
She and I are going out.
You are right, Alex. Thank you.
She and I are going out.
Mang , the second option , is the correct , because you have two people in the sentence , these two people are = we and as you might know , we say we are … look no matter how many people you have in a sentence , as long as you use I it will be always = we . Hugs from Brazil .
Thanks as always for your help, Ricardo. My warm regards to you and all your students in Brazil.
She and I are going out.
Thank you so much. i got perfect score.thanks teacher Rebecca.
salam mis Rebecca
i have question
what is differrence between object pronoun, possive adjective and posessive pronoun
Hello Salam . I will show you the difference .
Their. these words are called Possessive adjectives.
Theirs . These words are called Possessive Pronouns .
Now , I will show you a few examples in how to use both of them in English
Possessive Adjectives.
This is my car .
This is your car.
This is his car . Note , after a possessive adjective , you need a noun
Let’s take a look now , in how to use the possessive pronoun.
This car is mine .
This car is yours .
Observe , the possessive pronoun does not need a noun after it , it can be used by itself .
If I were you , I would watch some lessons about it on the internet .
Hugs from Brazil . I hope it help you .
tnx dear friend now i understand
You ‘re welcome buddy .
You are an amazing teacher, Ricardo! Thank you very, very much. Your students are fortunate, indeed, to have you.
It’s really easy.!
thank u very much’re teaching awesome although could you say a bit more about ‘it’,please?
which situation can i use “ME” ?
Thank u so much mam…
Good exercise!
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson, but I have a question: what about situation when we say “Me too”? It is like using “I” as a subject. Please, explain it.
Thank you, Rebecca)
full mark ^_^ thank you for this lesson
I like this kind of lessons
really thanx
Hi Rebecca thank you for your lesson
thanks Rebecca ..
I got 8 out of 8 ..
you must be happy
me too toleen :)
Ahmadzai “I’m so happy for that :)
fighterman ” goodluck for u ” ..
tnx dear toleeeeeeeeen just take care of your self der
your lessons are very accurate and I like watching your videos…thank you Rebecca
Why Rebecca when do I listen you I understand everything? Maybe because you aren’t english or maybe because did I meet too much Americans on my street? I’m joking, you have a good british accent.
Thank you Rebecca.
On you tube there are plenty possibilities to chose english teachers. In my opnion you and yours friends are the best.
Thank you kindly, Stefan. Warm wishes to you.
i got 8 out of 8…..
really i am proud of you that your english lecture so easy and i understanding alot of thing which i have not covered in my country pakist. i need further your assistant because i am going to appear in IELTS recently.
it is so easy .I like this lesson:)
Thanks for such gorgeous lesoons, very interesting and useful for my english. Thanks a lot!
I m itersting so much.big thank to you
Hi Rebbeca. I am always waiting for your next lesson, they are very good.
Thanks Rebbeca.
Thanks a lot Rebbeca.
thank you very much!!!!
this kind of lessons are very useful!! Greetings from Mexico…
thanks rebella the lesson was very clear!!!
Rebecca,thanks for the great lesson, I have a question regarding this sentence, Please call me when you get home! why there is using present indefinite tens for future.??
When we use a conditional word or phrase, such as when, if, as soon as, before, after, etc, we need to use the present simple tense in that part of the sentence, instead of the future tense.
For example,
When I come to London, I’ll call you.
If I come to London, I’ll call you.
As soon as I come to London, I’ll call you.
Before I come to London, I’ll call you.
After I come to London, I’ll call you.
In all of the examples above, we used the present simple tense in the part of the sentence with the conditional word.
We could switch the parts of the sentence around and the same rule would apply:
I’ll call you when I come to London.
I’ll call you if I come to London.
This seems strange to many students because in other languages the sentence would be:
If I will come to London, I will call you.
This sentence in incorrect in terms of English grammar.
So you need to get used to using the present simple tense in that conditional part of the sentence.
This is a really good question as we use these kind of sentences a lot, and therefore there are a lot of chances to make mistakes or get it right!
Thanks a lot for your intelligent question, sm. My best wishes to you.
thank you teacher rebecca.
thans alot
It is very good.Thank you very much.
Rebecca, I was taught in my grammar classes that the correct response to “who is at the door?” is “It is I”, because the implied response is “I a at the door.” ???
Well, no one really speaks like that in real life. So the much more common response would be:
“It’s me!”
My best to you, Lynda.
thank you
thanks for all
it was fantastic.
thank’s a lot for the interresting lesson
Hi Rebecca,
I am a great fan and user of I would like to request a short lesson on reflexive pronouns and their uses. My students often ask “What’s the difference between I, My, Mine etc?”
Thanks for all your help.
Thanks for your kind comments and for watching the engvid lessons. I will plan a lesson such as you have requested. My warmest wishes to you and your students, Rashida.
hey, rebecca ,
i have little difficulty in listening the english. what should i do?
There are books available that specialize in developing your listening skills in English. Try to borrow some from a library if you can. Start with simple materials and move on to more advanced listening exercises. If you are already advanced, you could borrow some TOEFL or IELTS books and follow the script as they speak, so as to connect the words with the way they are spoken by different English speakers.
I wish you all the best, Shahid.
Dear Rebbeca.
Thank you so much for your lesson.
good luck
Thank you, and I’m loking for more lessons
Hi Rebecca,Thanks. I did quiz very well
very nice intersting
Dear Rebecca:
Thanks for sharing your knowledges with us. God Bless you.
Hi! there, Eduardo.
Did you meant to say, ” Dear Rebecca: Thanks for sharing your fabulous knowledge with us.
God bless you!”
Sincerely yours,
this is good”,)!
thanks for everything
thank you so much
i have question
what is differrence between object pronoun, possive adjective and posessive pronoun
Please see Ricardo’s wonderful explanation to this question above.
Best wishes to you.
thank you for this engvid
Thanks a lot.
thank you so much for this great lesson
i like you
It’s a great lesson, thnx everybody for this great job.
Thanks a lot :D
Great thank you
Thank you again Rebecca. I like the quiz after video. It’s great idea. I wish one after each video.
See you soon!
Glad you enjoy the quizzes. We try to include one after each video. I am sure you are a good English teacher as you really seem to care about your students and about the language.
My best wishes to you, Catamari.
Thank you for this lesson
The Great teaching method!
thank you,I like your class :)
Thank you Rebecca .
Nice lesson.
nice website tnx for it
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 8 correct out of 8. Check your answers below.’
thanks for teach me
thanks Rerebecca so much. you teach well making easy and clear.
Hi Teacher,
Thanks a lot for your lesson.
i’m get ,thank you so much.
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate hearing from you. All the best with your English.
it’s fun to learn with you Rebecca :) thanks
Thanks for the lesson! More lessons to post.
Wow! I got it,… Awesome, Very Helpful Video hehehe,… Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca ^___^
Wow , thanks
This is extremely useful and I only wish that it wasn’t presented as though it was only for ESL students.
I have native born American college students whose English is their first language (and their parents’ first language as well) who need these lessons.
Thank you so much for providing it!
The toppest lesson,very understandeble,thank you!
nice teaching lesson. thanks
Dear Rebecca,
the boss should usually the best. And you’re the best!
A very good lesson again.
I learned a lot today, thank you.
could you please teach when we can use what about…? or how about…..? I mean, what is difference at conversation?
Hi!maam Rebecca, Its fun and great lesson,thanks for all your help Engvid
when i shaw your english lessons i feel that i want to be your student…
I loved this Quiz! It is wonderful. You can do exercises. Great!
๋Good job!! Man
thank’s… i got a perfect score!unbelievable
Thank you for your unique way to teach English grammar.
I want to know about different between they-them, they-their
Thank again.
I know about different between him, his, her.
Here some example
She finished work him self.
She finished work her self.
He finished work his self.
He finished work him self.
Which one is true teacher?
My mife and I will be having wedding aniversary on December.. AM I RIGHT MS REBECCA? Pls correct me if iam wrong.. TYVM
I may be mistaken, but here my variant:
My wife and I are going to celebrate the wedding anniversary at December.
(wife and I = subjects + are coz it 2 persons, going to + verb = coz you already planned it, I suppose. for planned future use present tenses).
Sorry if I’m wrong. I learn English too.
Hi Ronnisse this lesson is very intersting.thanks
nycc lecture\
thank you mem..rebecca.icorrect it my lot of mistake.thank you so much….
Everything is clearly now, thank you Miss.
Hello Rebecca. Thanks for you help.
I saw the Common English Errors: I or me? She or her? They or them? and I found a mistake, it is in the pronoun you, Which is the correct possive you or your ? Thanks. I have seem almost all your videos.
thanks 4 the lesson Rebecca. I got it from the start to the end xoxo.
Someone asked “who ate the pasta in the fridge?”…I blurted out “NOT I”. Was I correct or was it supposed to be “not me”.
i am bad at ‘i’.
its really good web which can improve our english
I have a question when we use “AT” in the places sometimes I listen people said at the or only at restaurant in what case we use “AT”. please help me
Thanks a lot.
THis is perfect site and it is interesting.Thanks a lot.
i am really thanks teacher rebacca
Helpful lesson
Thank u rebeca
Very clear, interesting and useful lessons.
Much thanks to Rebecca!
I like your quiz because I can practice my english a lot.
hi Rebecca,
thanks for u
You are GREAT! Obrigado!!!
thanks a lot, i’m from Brazil….
thaks lotsa teacher , i have already understood recentlt.some months ago i didn’t know use but this lesson and teacher are useful for me .i am happy tonighi .i promise i will learn in this web page everyday.i love all teacher
It’s easy to understand and your voice is too. Thanks from Vietnam!
Good show!
Thnk u so much
Hi Teacher,
Thanks a lot for your lesson. I don’t understand when I have to use preposition. I went WITH THEM. She sent it TO ME. Please HELP ME. Thanks
Thank you so much for your lesson? I’m from guatemala and i need to learn to speak more English…
thank you for this lesson
Thank you teacher.
respected teacher Rebecca:
Thanks for your lessons,they are very helpful.Allah bless you
thanks rebecca. :)
i really enjoy ur teaching.i wish to be ur student so that i can learn much from your excellent teaching.
thank you a lot are really great.i hope you present more.
These class are very very incredible. I feel very excited and interested for correct all my mistakes Thank you Rebeca
thanks a lot..
i have question…
what about this sentense?
she and he are* going to party..
she and he is* going to party
should we use are or is ?
I think – ARE coz it THEY
you can use “WE” instead “I & she” :)
respected teacher Rebecca:
Your kind of teaching is fantastic.You speak very,very clearly.It was a good English lesson. Allah bless you.
Thank you so much for the lesson, I’ve learned so much from you today. :D
thank you very much this site is great
Amazing !! Im very grateful THANKS FOR THIS FREE CLASS HELPS ME A LOT ….. :D
thanks for this lesson it can help to improve my English
Dear Ms Rebecca,
Thank you very much for the Basic Learning of English. I found it very meaningful and it’s fun .
too easy for medium
hi madam i am very thankful to you i like it
grammar is boring but engvid make it more interesting im enjoying the lesson thank you engvid.
Thank you REBECCA…
you r really good human
and your teaching very well
i m thank full of u ?
your good wisher from India
please send a video…how i read new paper easily…..
Thanks a lot for the class. I’m improving my English skills with you and the other teachers. There are difficult classes and other ones not so difficult. But, I’m better before your classes.
Thank you Engvid & Rebecca.
Yipeee, thank you miss Rebecca, i got perfect score again to this quiz.
Thank You Ms. Rebecca!
I really enjoyed listening to the lesson and I learned a lot.
I was actually browsing the net for the answers but voila, I found the , and thankfully, I am enlightened.
I was about to teach students as part of our program and I am still not prepared not until awhile ago. All thanks to you!
More power and God Bless!
Hi Rebecca
Thanks for your lessons.
Are the following sentences correct?
I will speak to you after i reached there.
Before i will reach there, i will speak to you.
please help me.which is correct:
Ronie and I ate icecream.
I and Ronie ate icecream.
Hi Rebecca – which is correct/
We were sitting in the room, she on the chair, I on the sofa
We were sitting in the room, her on the chair, me on the sofa
teacher, could you please teach us active and passive voice??? its too confusing!!
Your lesson was well organized and obviously helpful for many students. As a foreign language teacher in the U.S., one of the most difficult tasks I have is getting students to understand their own language and how poorly most of them/us use it. Unfortunately, the answer to your last question is incorrect. In English “It is I” is grammatically correct but hardly anyone in America uses that form. “It is me” is simply the accepted spoken equivalent.
Phil: the correct form is “…she on the chair, I on the sofa” since “she” & “I” are refering to the subject “we” stated in the first clause.
Kumari: the passive voice happens when the traditional subject is either understood or unnecessary, so the direct object is turned into the new subject, usually by using some form of the verbs “get” or “being”. “My parents grounded me.” becomes “I got grounded” or “I am being grounded”. Everyone knows that “parents” do the grounding, so that word is not critical. What’s important is to whom it happened (not “who it happened to”). You can identify if a sentence is in the passive voice by adding “…by the man/woman” to the end of it and it still makes sense: “I got grounded…by the man/woman”. Also, if the subject is not the one doing the actual action or verb of the sentence then it is passive. “I got grounded”: if “I” is not the one doing the “grounding” then it is not the traditional subject and therefore must be passive.
Ecxellent lesson Rebecca, thanks a million
Please reconsider your “correct” answer to number 8 Although we Americans routinely use “me” after the verb “to be” it is not correct in formal English grammar.
Hi Rebeca, I have enjoyed your lesson today and i will like you to explain the difference between YOURS FAITHFULLY AND YOURS SINCERELY as i had on my exam and I had not knowledge of difference. Many thanks for your teaching as.
Hi, Rebecca! Are these correct?
“It was me who called.”
“That was Alex and me whom you saw.”
“It is us clerks who work hard.”
Thanks for your feedback.
100% yeah, thank you very much.
Hello Rebbeca,thanks for a usuful lesson.
thanks Rebeca
Simply easy
hello mam! correct me if i’m wrong but my understanding is that, after the linking verb or the verb to be the pronoun should be in the nominative case. thanks
100 :)
thanks rebeca, it’s very helpfull but how about using “his”?
for example : does he complete his homework?
please let Raj and_____ go to theatre .
A. I
B. me
c. he
Answer, please… I got 100 at lesson above.
The option (A)
Raj and I go to the theatre
I is the subjet.
All the best
Hello Rebeca,
First, I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this website :)
Second, could you help me?
Which ones are right?
“I arrived before HER” or I arrived before SHE”
“I arrived earlier than HER or earlier than SHE”
” How many are THEY? or How many are THEM?
And on the phone… I have heard both… Can I speak to Sarah?
Hello this is she
Hello this is her
Over all, what is the grammar rule??
Thank you,
Hello mam! thanks for the lesson.Is this sentence correct? it’s me Thiruselvi.
I got 88 %. Good. Thanks Rebecca.
thank you so much :)
Hi. First all I’m sorry my English so I hope you’ll understand what I’m trying to ask you.
In Spanish we use to omit personal pronouns. Does it happens in English?
An example could be the next one:
My name is Chris and I am from Tenerife. I used to climb but I fell down three years ago and now I have troubles to control my mind when I climb.
Could I say like follow?
My name is Chris and I am from Tenerife. I used to climb but fell down three years ago and now have troubles to controlling my mind when climb.
I don’t know if my doubt is formulated to understand it.
Hi I love all your lessons.
Thank you so much.
oh , thank a lot Rebecca , and Can you give us a lot of exercise ?
I am improving my English. Thanks a Lot
That was a good one and very useful to me.
do you really like john ?
thank you very much teacher Rebecca
Thank you prof.Rebecca.
But I have a doubt, you said, ”I like John” and ”John likes me”, ”we like John and John likes us. In this two sentence “I” is singular so you used ”like” as a singular form but in 2nd sentence ”Me” is also singular form so why do you say ”likes” why not ”like”, John like me or John like us..
will u explain me? please…
Thank you prof.Rebecca. I scored 8/8
But I have a doubt, you said, ”I like John” and ”John likes me”, ”we like John and John likes us. In this two sentence “I” is singular so you used ”like” as a singular form but why not ”John like me or John like us.
Rebecca, You are the wonderful teacher. Thanks!
Hi Rebecca,thanks a lot
great lesson – great explanation – great teacher
take care
Great job Rebecca, I love all your classes and I can understand when do you talk. Very thanks!
Great job Rebecca, I love all your classes and sometimes, I can understand when do you talk to us. Very thanks!
,,,,, .Only she. or
,,,,, .Only her.
Could this be sentence at ll?
Thank you ,Rebecca.
My gratitude knows no bounds.
Hi Rebecca, do you say “he is better than me” or “better than I”?
Thank you :)
Very useful topic.
Thank you, Rebecca.
who is there
it is them -him- you-us
are they correct
please answer rebecca
Thanks.. I like this site…
100% thank uuu
Dear Rebecca,
Clear lesson. Thank you.
Best regards.
Thanks a lot Rebecca
my quiz
You got 8 correct out of 8.
my quiz
you got 8 out of 8 correct
thank you very much
Hi there.
I have a question about this topic.
Yesterday I was having a conversation with a group friends when someone said this expression: “she, she and her” so my friends and I started a discussion about this topic what is the correct way to say this? She, she and Her or She, she and she?
Help me please!
looking for the right answer is confusing. just read the questions thoroughly..
I have a problem with, “This is her” and “This is she”, when answering the phone. I searched all over the internet. What is said is, that “This is she” is correct, but “This is her” is more commonly used. The same goes with, “It is I” and “It is me”. This is in reference to the last question in your quiz.
you are right. after to be one must use subject pronoun.
“It is ME” is not grammatically correct in the academic sense, but is used in spoken English.
“It is I” is grammatically correct in the pure sense, but would never be used in spoken English – or very rarely by people who speak in an ultra-formal dialect.
“It is I” would have been correct in Shakespeare’s time, in spoken English, but not now
Dear prof, why do not use subject pronoun after to be (it’s I not it’s me; If I were she, he,). One must use subject pronoun only after to be. it is an exception. is it more formal ?? Thank you
Thank you so much Rebbeca
i got 7 out of 8
Thanks for lectures
The video was very simple and useful, lots of thanks ! :D
very good lesson!
Good review!
ups! very bad. I had many mistakes
I got total mark (:. thank you sooooo much for this information
Hello, Rebecca!
Thanks for your lesson.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you.
All right!! I got 100% on this lesson….:-)
Thanks! Rebecca, for the wonderful lesson.
Keep up with the excellent work.
Thank you Rebecca ! 100% on this lesson :)
Thanks for your efforts, I like when you teach us the correct pronunciations of the words Such as ( her / were) please keep going we need that a lot.
thank you
thank you
7/8 very good!!
that was great and very helpful
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you so much!!
Thank you very much for your service!
I’m going with them
While attempting these quizzes I feel like I should start teach English..! ??
But its really good, you are doing great guys keep it up.
8/8, very simple explanation! Thanks a lot!!
Hi Rebecca . Nice lesson . The first time i understand object pronom. Thanks a lot
It well.
Dear Rebeca,
Which sentence is correct “help me study” or “help me to study”?
When do we use “TO” after the verb “HELP”?
Thanks again for another wonderful lesson. i just wondered if you have a lesson on easy writing, and oral English? I look forward to your repy.
thank you
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Can I say: “Is him good at that?” or it is correct to say “Is he good at that?”??
Your method is really wonderful.This method increases learning and understanding english.
Good job my teacher Rebecca, congratulations.
I watched this video twice on July 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
Nice classes. Goodluck!
Hi! Can you please help me?
Is this how I’d write….
I’d like to make final decisions on my finish materials with her and your help?
Thank you so much!
I got full mark! ? :D
Thanks a lot,Ms.
Happy New Year!
Greetings from Kazakhstan 27 Dec2o21
Looks easy and simple
for me.
I got 8/8.
Thank you! :)
thank you a lot.