Hola jesics, yo tambien soy de la argentina, Hello Jesica, I am also from Argentina.
Hello alexsarg, how are you??? :) I’m from Cordoba- Argentina!! what about you??
Thank you Rebecca.
I am currently taking english classes in college but, when I do not understand something I review your lessons and they help me a lot. You are the best teacher !!.
u taught me very good lesson
adil hussain
Thanks Rebek!
The way you present, its so easy to understand.
May God give you the wisdom and strenght to become the best teacher in the world.
I am humbled by your very kind words. Many thanks and all the best to you,Mathai.
Thanks ma’m Rebecca
I had got 8/8….
Jack Gangte
Great lesson, can you tell me what is the difference between may and might?
They are basically the same, when you use them in a sentence.
In very polite questions, we use may, not might. For example:
May I hold the door for you?
May I use the phone, please?
All the best with your English, umair26.
In this two sentences:
1. Ann may go to the party.
2. Ann might go to the party.
Sentence 1 means, the speaker is allowing Ann to go to the party.
Sentence 2 means, the speaker is saying that it is more possible that Ann is going to the party. But Rebecca, please correct me if i’m wrong. thanks ^^ God bless you more ……..
Thank you very much for lessons, Rebecca.
Best regards from Russia :)
Spaseeba, Dmitry.
My best wishes to you, too.
Thank you very much. your Help is Very important in my life
Gasagara Usengimana Patrick
So glad our lessons help you. All the best with your English.
after “did” what should v use i mean “did” is related to past, after tat word shoud v use present verb or a past verb
like here “where did he go ?” or “where did he went?
mam i dont know how to ask its better u make a lesson for the viewers in future … pls
Where did he go?
This is the correct way to ask this question in the past. Please consult a basic grammar book for this info -it will help you.
In English, we say:
He went to the store. (Affirmative sentence)
He didn’t go to the store. (negative sentence)
Did he go tot the store? (Question)
We only change the verb in the affirmative/positive sentence. In the negative sentence and the question, we go back to the base form of the verb.
All the best to you.
this is really helpful, thank you so much..
by the way i got 8/8 in the quiz .. thank u mam
thanks for this lesson teacher rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca! Your lesson was very logical and acurate and …because of that my score was 100 percent !
My score was 87.50 :)
thanks miss rebecca for this lesson , but why ” any ” for falafel isn’t this the first exception for yes answers if i get in a falafel shop and ask for it i expect the yes answer!!! plz explain this point <. thanks again for you
mr osama
Thanks a lot. I`ve got a lot of useful information for myself.
HI thank you miss rebecca u are amazing teacher thank you
Dear rebcca mam,
your small video class is very interesting and focused on small and very importand mistakes. so your classes is very usefull for me. slowly-slowly my english is improve by your regular classes.
Rakesh Singh
Dhanyavad. I am happy to hear our website is helping you. My best wishes to you, Rakesh.
Hello Rebecca!!! hope u r too fine. U r an amazing teacher, i really like ur lessons,they’re very clear n’ also they help me 2 improve my English n’ knOwledge
The best wishes 2 u
geetings from Mexico
ii am very glad to see this web,i like that so much.the teacher is very good english i understand what she say.thanks alot.
Thank you for your lesson. It’s very useful for me. I love this webside and good teachers.
coud you please make a video about where,were, what is the differences between this two , about its pronunciation?
I forget say hello!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson!
Could you explain me the meaning of word ‘falalfel’. I try on dictionary, but cannot find out.
hey…it’s an egyption food
Nice lesson! Really it would work for me
Love you Canadian people !!!!!
hi rebecca
excuse me i wanna answer for anbui
Falafel is a fried ball of spiced beans or chickpeas, somewhere eaten in all the Middle East. It’s our traditional breakfast ..!!
that true do you mean rebecca..
Thank you Rebecca. Your videos are the best help to my poor English. This is the first time I´ve got 100 % of success.
Dear Rebecca,
Is the sentence “we remain at your disposal for any furher information” wrong?
Thank you in advance for you kind reply!
This sentence is fine. In some cases, such as this, “any” is used in a positive sentence.
All the best to you,Alex.
please explain when any use it as positive sentence.
hi rebecca
I just want to say honestly you are the best grammar teacher ever :) !!
Thank you very much for your kind words. My best wishes to you, Sara1.
Thank you miss Rebecca for let me understand when to use some /any
Henry Wilson
thank you my result is 100 out 100
interesting lessons tahnk
hi! thank u for the lesson.
Hello, Rebeca. Could you please explain the difference between such words as “answer, respond and reply”. I mix them up all the time. ))) Best regards. Natalie.
thank you Rabecca, you are very kind to teach to everybody, and how neat words when you teach,
geshe Tenzin Sherab
i learnt lot. thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca. This lesson is very clear and easy t understand. Thanks!!!
Thanks for your lesson!
me gustaria aprender mucho ingles.mucha cracia
great help. thanks. :))
thanks Rebeca i would like to more abt how to and when use will,would,could,can,etc…..
best regards,
Thank you
All the videos are very good but particularly this one I do not like the pictures. I hope that you can change them.
Thanks a lot. I am an English teacher and I really like the videos they are very helpful in class and it is fun to watch them. The students like to be taught in many different ways.
Thanks again.
Good lesson! Now I really understand the difference about some and any.
thanks for good teaching
ali baloch
thanks so much, i live in Qatar, your wep site is very intrsting
I have the seem problem>>>>
That was very helpful. Thank you.
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable! Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please. And else what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
We do not have the text of the lessons available, but we do have some English resources available on this site, which you might find useful.
There is no difference between “etc” and “and so on”, but the second one is better to use in formal or academic situations.
For the difference between “your” and “yours”, please consult a good grammar book, as the explanation is a little long.
All the best with your English, Vadim.
thank you so much ma’am rebecca for this very helpful lesson…
thanks teacher it was good
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable!
Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
thank u
thank you teacher Rebeca….I’m say your speech a very understandable!!! Thtnk y a lot…
you are so amazing Rebbeca.i real wont to say thank you so much.i cant wait to wach your next lesson video
TY!! :)
thanks Rebeca, your explanation super
Thank you Rebecca very very much. You realy helped me.
Thank you very much Rebbeca.
Frankly, i like your teaching method.
HI Thanks for teaching that lesson and will you please teach a lesson something about “supposed” with some examples….
Mahesh Katkam
Thank you alot.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 87.50 You got 7 correct out of 8. Check your answers below.’
u are good thank you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your kind explanation about “some and any”. It’s very important for me because it’s always my common mistakes when using them in a sentence.
thank you !!
it’s very easy to undersatand
thanks very much rebecca
Very formative way to learn and understand. Thank you Rebecca..
thanks alot
thank you very much teacher.You are very clear.please upload more lessons.we are waiting for u.
owh…tq so much teacher..
thats a great lesson..
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! :)
Rebeca, you are a excellent teacher because you speak solwly and clearly. When I listen you I allays score Thank 100% on the quiz. for help me!!
It is very clear and helpful. Thank you very much.
oh my.. i often ask this question “do you have some money” without knowing that “some” should not be used when asking & should be replaced by the word any hehehe thanks teacher rebecca
Thank you Teacher Rebecca (:
Year!!! I love this lesson, it make me improve my Eng skill, thank you so much. Best wish to you :)
thank you! very good!
Great lesson!!!
Hi Rebeca, I have troubles to use the words WHICH & THAT correctly:
The people that/which were in the party are my friends.
The bottle that/which contains water is on the table.
Perhaps is a good theme for one of your fantastic videos.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for your suggestion. There is not much difference between the two words, so you could use either one comfortably.
What you cannot do is to use “which” to talk about people. In that case, we must use “who”.
Thanks and all the best to you.
In asking a question like:
Which one do you like?
can we also say:
That one, do you like?
thanks, Teacher!!!! ^^
I think no,Xhiann.
but it is possible to say
‘Do you mean that one?’
thanks ^^
thanks Ribeca so much. I can fully understand what you present. thanks!
Thank you, Rebecca. You are so helpful and your way of representation is so good and I wish all the success and happiness in your life. Thank you again for your help.
Rati Ranjan
Thank You
Really , it’s wonderful . Thanks a lot , I’d like more about tenses
YOu are cool
Balzhan from Kazakhstan
Hi Teacher,
Thanks you sir.
Rebecca Thanks a lot…For me it´s to complicated to speak english.
Thank you very much to all of you who have left such kind comments. I am so glad the engvid lessons help you. It means a lot to us. Please tell your friends so we can continue to offer more lessons. My best wishes to all of you.
thank you >>> you make it easy
I really the teaching way of you. thank you so much
it is very easy to understands
good health
What does mean “falelefl”?
Thank you for teaching me!
Linh Vo
i always got a perfect score it looks like my major problem is to speak up or make a conversation to somebody!
I answer all. You are a great teacher. It is easy to understand lessons. I hope you stay healthy and teach lessons or something like that. Thank you so much Rebecca.
when we use could sould would….
thanks alot my teacher
thanks Rebeka.You’re so helpful and clear.thanks a lot……..
Dear Rebecca, can you explain about use of “HELD”
when, what situation …?
Thanks a lot you are the best teacher
Hello Rebecca!
You are a such a nice teacher and no lesson was hard or complicated that I learned.
Thanks. See you later.
mam i like this class because you are teaching well
thank you very much mam
I learned a lot from this video..thanks… I just hate the pictures which were suddenly appearing during the discussion.. they’re kind of disturbing for me… It was like, I was so engrossed listening to you and then suddenly, someone came and messed up with our moment together! :( but Rebecca, i really appreciate your lesson. thanks a lot!! ^^ God bless you more ^^
Sorry, the pictures were my fault :|
oh my… no no… no big deal! sorry
What is falalfel? and how do you pronounce it? thanks! ^^
an Egyptian dish.
Hüseyin çeri
how do u pronounce it???? thanks! ^^
It’s pronounced like it is written: fa-la-fell. The stress is on the ‘la’.
thank you! ^_^
Thank you very much, i got 100
thank’s ma’m
thank u so much…..you are the best….:)
the way u explain,very nice…..take care…..
no, i have some money
NO, I HAVE some soup
are these correct
thank you very much.you teach english so clearly.I gave correct answer to all questions.
Thank you for your explanation about this lesson. Now I think that I understood.
Dear Rebecca,
You always add something new to any lesson.So,your lessons are very useful for any person whatever his level is.
Kind regards,
Medhat Nagy
Cairo – Egypt
Medhat Nagy
Thank you a lot again (or agin a lot ?)^^.
It’s very clear now (I hope so :)),bye.
I just want to say that this is the best site on internet I’ve ever seen to learn English easily and quicker. Rebecca is an excellent teacher.
May God bless you forever
This lesson is very helpful.. Thank teacher!
thanks a lot for your fantastic lessons . they are very helpful and interesting .
thank you teacher
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Hi.This is great. I learned lots of things from you teacher. Thanks.
Aisha Binte Akram
Thank you very much, Rebbeca!
Thank you Rebecca. Could you please tell what the word “falalfel” means? I can not find it in a dictionary.
Thank you so much! very well done :)
Good question about ‘falalfel’
I haven’t found too :) Thank’s Juliange!
Very nice website… congratulations all!!!!
Thank you teacher for this lesson.
best wishes to you!
OK, but which one is correct:
Do you want some lemonade?
Do you want any lemonade?
Actually i want 2 know what should we use after any?plural o singular??!
N always we use noune after it???
I’ve got it,
We use any with uncountable n plural countable nouns in negatives,
questions n sometimes in affermative clauses after words that have a negative o limiting meaning like:
1.U never give me any help.
2.There’s hardly any tea left.
Sorry,noun not noune!
From my heart I am telling “GOD bless you”, you are a ver good teacher, I wil pray for you well being
From my heart I am telling “GOD bless you”, you are a very good teacher, I will pray for your well being
I’m from Brazil, Sao Paulo, and I’m really liking your lessons. Thank you for helping us.
thank you
Hello how are you ? .nice to meet you .thanks for your all lesson.you are a good teaching English. I wish you have good luck health happiness especially successful for your job and life all times .good luck .SWEET DREAM
sry meng
thank you so much
it’s nice(may god guide you to straight way)
what is the difference between somewhere and anywhere
8 correct.thanx to rebecca..ı have not any problem with any and some now.thanx
thank u !!!
it was really helpful 2 me.
these quiz questions are just like a game ”PLAY AND LEARN”
thank you very much Rebecca!!!! God bless you :)
From new caledonia.
Thank you very much :-)
I liked your explanation. Thank you.
thank you for this lessons i have problem with gammar what can i do?
hi I’m SADEQ from Iraq
actually,wonderful and amazing job ….. I havn’t seen any lesson like what you doing here
thank u so much for your help
eccept my greeting for all teachers here
thank u
Thank you very much
Thank.s Rebecca, you are the best!
Tks Rebecca
thank you so much rebecca because tomorrow we are going to have a big test on the lesson of some,any and no i really understand when my english teacher explain us but i don’t know why i want to learn more so i search the sites like yours and i find yours and i am very glad you speak very clearly and easily like my english teacher thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s very very useful .
I love it !
Thank you teacher. :))
Thanks Rebecca .Best wishes for a wonderful day .God bless you .
88 … You got 7 correct out of 8
3rd One was wrong .. :(
thank u teacher ….. :)
Thanks can und very easily thais teacher
hello Rebecca,
It’s really a great effort by you to correct the English of those who are weak in it, or shall we say, teach English to those who really need it. It’s very interesting indeed. The more we learn the more we come to know how much we don’t know!
Thanks & regards,
Thank you!
you are the best teacher easy to understand .
please corect to me this sentence:any one needs ahelp to pick up chldren from school i am at your service.thanks
Thank you Rebecca,
I have never seen any grammar lesson very clear like this, your lectures are amazing.
Best regards,
Li Ra
thanx mam you are best teacher i understant your lecture are amazing
good !!!!!! for explain thank..(^_^)
Hi Rebecca !
I’m Vietnammese, Your lessons so great …! love u
Nguyen Huyen
Thanks a lot!best teacher Rebecca madam, these leasons are a very helpful for all of those who are weak, just me, but i think that you explain all of tences one by one,for why, i am a new student of u, by.
syed shiraz
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Rebecca,these lessons are very useful.
thank u very much.i m arabic so tnx for bourekas.
for the last one in the quiz i thought the person was expecting yes for blue shirt. we can use some, am i wrong, or only in question no answers.tnx
hi,rebicca i just want to say thank you very much i really understand about so & such how to use and which condition need to use . thank you very much engvid.com
shyam bahadur shrestha
Thank you so much teacher for the explanation.
I am from India. Thank you very much for teaching me.
would you tell me the difference between ” Dad” and “father” ” Mom” and ” Mother” ? Thank you very much. Hope you will respond……. hope Rececca ….. I love you …..
thnx u are very good teacher i was looking for that for longtime thnx again now i can learn english easly have anice day
Thanks for the lesson!
Easy understandable. I really liked it.
thank you
When we expect ‘ Yes ‘ , we may use ‘ some’ to question people…
Do you want any/ some felafal ? or only ” Do you want any felafal ? If only one answer with ” any,please explain me more . Thank you.
I wonder , how can you find my comment ?
Thanks Rebecca, I like your lessons.
thanks Rebeca but i have a question what is it the meaning about falafel?
i did’nt known how to use some and any,but now i can use it easily. thanks u very much,Rebeca!
Good job! I got 8 correct out of 8. thanks for your guidance.
I got 5 out of 8 but its ok I will try harder next time
i so cool
Thank you very much.You are the best.With your lessons I’ll be the best in my class.But ı’ve got a question.Any is used with questions but some is used in the questions too.How can I distinguish it.(If ı’ve got some mistakes in this I’m really sorry.I don’t know English like you
I fınd my mıstakes ın my fırst note. I thınk in the last sentence ,’like you’is a really bad mistake I’m sorry
Hi Rebecca!
How about this one: I’d been unemployed for two years so I’ll take ANY job now.
Is this correct? And how do you explain the use of “any”?
I never had any mistake. It´s a example.
I got 8/8. Thank you so much :)
Thank you Rebecca!
I like this lesson. ^”^
Ted Lee
ooooooooohh i’m prince
Thanks teacher.
definitely easy! i got 100 thanks a lot rebecca
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca.This will really help me in my working enviroment.
Maqbul Hussain
Thank You! I understood about that very much!
Moh Moh
hello…rebecca, you’re a wonderful teacher i’ve ever seen in my life…the way you teach is so easy to comprehend….if i were in your position, i would feel so proud of myself….well, i’ve a question for you….can you tell me what’s the meaning of ages,years?(especially used in perfect continuous sentence)
Thank’s Rebecca.The best regards.
Thank you for your lesson. I got 7 correct out of 8. :)
Thank you very much,Rebecca. I didn’t know this before. I always think that some use with uncountable noun and any use with countable noun. Your lessons are great!
Very clear. Thanks a lot.
hehehehehe it was a good and very pratic class :)
Thank you for another great lesson.
useful and clear as always!! thanks
Please could you explain us the difference between “whitch” and “that”?
I am sure all your students are waiting for a lesson about this!!!
There are only two words in your lesson. But it is such an important theme!
Thank you so much Dear Rebecca .
Very useful lesson, clear explanation….easy to understand.
I have a question. Is that correct to say Any child likes chocolate, if it is correct this is an affirmative sentence and this is confusing for me, could you explain me please. Thanks in advance.
It’s very clear. Thank you :)
Thank you so much dear Rebecca. I got 6 correct out of 8.
Dear Rebecca,
This presentation of “some”and “any” is easy to understand. Thank you.
Best regards.
Hello Dear Rebecca, is it related countable and noncountable to the sentences for
Hi, Rebecca, I have a question!, i was taught when i was studying English that ‘some’ does not change when we are talking about fruits and vegs, for example there are some apple? And when we ask; are there some apples?, negative there aren’t some apples. would like to help to be clear on this inquire?, thanks
Very good video!! Easy to remember and understand. Thank u Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
i got 100%
It was very very well !!!! Thank you very much!
I didn’t get any mistake on this quiz.
Hello Rebecca. This is Ismael from Mexico City. The lesson about Call Centers and Customer Service is really helpful. Thankyou very much.
Thanks a lot Rbbecca, now so ease to understand how can I use them correctly. Regards Lydia
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks a lot, Rebeca. I got 10 of 10. This lesson was a very clear. To be honest, I always used the word “some” hehehehehe. Finally, I understood how to use those words.
Thanks, Rebecca Go on ^_^
miss ghada mahrous
I can understand! So easy! Thanks for help! :)
thank you very much Rebecca
Very helpful lesson!
Hi Rebecca. Your lesson is very easy to understand. But I have a question about “some/any”. Which option should I use – some or any if that is Wh-question?
For example: “Who gave ____ money to Mike?”
This blank is “Some” or “Any”? Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you so much.
M kartal
thank you Rebecca
thank you so much .it’s very helpful .thank you again
I have a question.
I talk with my friend to invite people.
He said three people and i said six students
He said, six students is a good idea
Is here correct or he should have used are instead of is when he said six students (is)
Thank you a lot Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you for this lesson. You are one of the best English teacher.
Thanks a lot mam! You are the best teacher ever.
hi misses Rebecca is it possible to say ‘She never has no time for me’ Regards from Mexico ;)
Hi Rebecca, well done.Keep on
Your the best teacher I’ve been seen in my life
Waleed jan2341
thanks teacher
Arlex Leonardo Ruda
Dear Rebecca. In previous Quiz Countable and Uncountale nouns. There was question: Would you like ___ pizza ? I choose answer “some” and test said that it was wrong answer. The write answer was “a few”. I do not understand why. Type of question is ASKING FOR SMTH = EXPECTING YES. Am I right ?
I scored 100 on the quiz, I’m on cloud nine!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
I got 100 without any help.
Hasan Soledad
Thank you very much for the lessons, teacher.
Best regards from Brazil
Thank you Rebecca!
Good explanation.
HI NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Murad Salyanskiy
Hi teacher, thanks a lot. I love your classes.
thanks. It is very clear and easy to understand , your lessons is really useful to me
I watched this video twice on July 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
I got 8/8.
Thank you! =)
Good lesson, thank you teacher Rabecca.
I don’t see any videos that explain when to use any or some ( with plural or singular nouns).
Learn English for free with 2161 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
you are very clear. thanks!!!
Hola jesics, yo tambien soy de la argentina, Hello Jesica, I am also from Argentina.
Hello alexsarg, how are you??? :) I’m from Cordoba- Argentina!! what about you??
Thank you Rebecca.
I am currently taking english classes in college but, when I do not understand something I review your lessons and they help me a lot. You are the best teacher !!.
u taught me very good lesson
Thanks Rebek!
The way you present, its so easy to understand.
May God give you the wisdom and strenght to become the best teacher in the world.
I am humbled by your very kind words. Many thanks and all the best to you,Mathai.
Thanks ma’m Rebecca
I had got 8/8….
Great lesson, can you tell me what is the difference between may and might?
They are basically the same, when you use them in a sentence.
In very polite questions, we use may, not might. For example:
May I hold the door for you?
May I use the phone, please?
All the best with your English, umair26.
In this two sentences:
1. Ann may go to the party.
2. Ann might go to the party.
Sentence 1 means, the speaker is allowing Ann to go to the party.
Sentence 2 means, the speaker is saying that it is more possible that Ann is going to the party. But Rebecca, please correct me if i’m wrong. thanks ^^ God bless you more ……..
Thank you very much for lessons, Rebecca.
Best regards from Russia :)
Spaseeba, Dmitry.
My best wishes to you, too.
Thank you very much. your Help is Very important in my life
So glad our lessons help you. All the best with your English.
after “did” what should v use i mean “did” is related to past, after tat word shoud v use present verb or a past verb
like here “where did he go ?” or “where did he went?
mam i dont know how to ask its better u make a lesson for the viewers in future … pls
Where did he go?
This is the correct way to ask this question in the past. Please consult a basic grammar book for this info -it will help you.
In English, we say:
He went to the store. (Affirmative sentence)
He didn’t go to the store. (negative sentence)
Did he go tot the store? (Question)
We only change the verb in the affirmative/positive sentence. In the negative sentence and the question, we go back to the base form of the verb.
All the best to you.
this is really helpful, thank you so much..
by the way i got 8/8 in the quiz .. thank u mam
thanks for this lesson teacher rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca! Your lesson was very logical and acurate and …because of that my score was 100 percent !
My score was 87.50 :)
thanks miss rebecca for this lesson , but why ” any ” for falafel isn’t this the first exception for yes answers if i get in a falafel shop and ask for it i expect the yes answer!!! plz explain this point <. thanks again for you
Thanks a lot. I`ve got a lot of useful information for myself.
HI thank you miss rebecca u are amazing teacher thank you
Dear rebcca mam,
your small video class is very interesting and focused on small and very importand mistakes. so your classes is very usefull for me. slowly-slowly my english is improve by your regular classes.
Rakesh Singh
Dhanyavad. I am happy to hear our website is helping you. My best wishes to you, Rakesh.
Hello Rebecca!!! hope u r too fine. U r an amazing teacher, i really like ur lessons,they’re very clear n’ also they help me 2 improve my English n’ knOwledge
The best wishes 2 u
geetings from Mexico
ii am very glad to see this web,i like that so much.the teacher is very good english i understand what she say.thanks alot.
Thank you for your lesson. It’s very useful for me. I love this webside and good teachers.
coud you please make a video about where,were, what is the differences between this two , about its pronunciation?
I forget say hello!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson!
Could you explain me the meaning of word ‘falalfel’. I try on dictionary, but cannot find out.
hey…it’s an egyption food
Nice lesson! Really it would work for me
Love you Canadian people !!!!!
hi rebecca
excuse me i wanna answer for anbui
Falafel is a fried ball of spiced beans or chickpeas, somewhere eaten in all the Middle East. It’s our traditional breakfast ..!!
that true do you mean rebecca..
Thank you Rebecca. Your videos are the best help to my poor English. This is the first time I´ve got 100 % of success.
Dear Rebecca,
Is the sentence “we remain at your disposal for any furher information” wrong?
Thank you in advance for you kind reply!
This sentence is fine. In some cases, such as this, “any” is used in a positive sentence.
All the best to you,Alex.
please explain when any use it as positive sentence.
hi rebecca
I just want to say honestly you are the best grammar teacher ever :) !!
Thank you very much for your kind words. My best wishes to you, Sara1.
Thank you miss Rebecca for let me understand when to use some /any
thank you my result is 100 out 100
interesting lessons tahnk
hi! thank u for the lesson.
Hello, Rebeca. Could you please explain the difference between such words as “answer, respond and reply”. I mix them up all the time. ))) Best regards. Natalie.
thank you Rabecca, you are very kind to teach to everybody, and how neat words when you teach,
i learnt lot. thanks
Thank you very much Rebecca. This lesson is very clear and easy t understand. Thanks!!!
Thanks for your lesson!
me gustaria aprender mucho ingles.mucha cracia
great help. thanks. :))
thanks Rebeca i would like to more abt how to and when use will,would,could,can,etc…..
best regards,
Thank you
All the videos are very good but particularly this one I do not like the pictures. I hope that you can change them.
Thanks a lot. I am an English teacher and I really like the videos they are very helpful in class and it is fun to watch them. The students like to be taught in many different ways.
Thanks again.
Good lesson! Now I really understand the difference about some and any.
thanks for good teaching
thanks so much, i live in Qatar, your wep site is very intrsting
I have the seem problem>>>>
That was very helpful. Thank you.
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable! Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please. And else what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
We do not have the text of the lessons available, but we do have some English resources available on this site, which you might find useful.
There is no difference between “etc” and “and so on”, but the second one is better to use in formal or academic situations.
For the difference between “your” and “yours”, please consult a good grammar book, as the explanation is a little long.
All the best with your English, Vadim.
thank you so much ma’am rebecca for this very helpful lesson…
thanks teacher it was good
thanks a lot, thanks a million, god bless you! Your speech a very great and understandable!
Have you got a text of your any lesson? If you have a text of your any lesson, could you send it on my e-mail – vadimchan [ a t ] mail [ d o t ] ru, if you want and please.
what are differences between yours and your and etc. “etc.” and “so on”
thank u
thank you teacher Rebeca….I’m say your speech a very understandable!!! Thtnk y a lot…
you are so amazing Rebbeca.i real wont to say thank you so much.i cant wait to wach your next lesson video
TY!! :)
thanks Rebeca, your explanation super
Thank you Rebecca very very much. You realy helped me.
Thank you very much Rebbeca.
Frankly, i like your teaching method.
HI Thanks for teaching that lesson and will you please teach a lesson something about “supposed” with some examples….
Thank you alot.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 87.50 You got 7 correct out of 8. Check your answers below.’
u are good thank you
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for your kind explanation about “some and any”. It’s very important for me because it’s always my common mistakes when using them in a sentence.
thank you !!
it’s very easy to undersatand
thanks very much rebecca
Very formative way to learn and understand. Thank you Rebecca..
thanks alot
thank you very much teacher.You are very clear.please upload more lessons.we are waiting for u.
owh…tq so much teacher..
thats a great lesson..
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! :)
Rebeca, you are a excellent teacher because you speak solwly and clearly. When I listen you I allays score Thank 100% on the quiz. for help me!!
It is very clear and helpful. Thank you very much.
oh my.. i often ask this question “do you have some money” without knowing that “some” should not be used when asking & should be replaced by the word any hehehe thanks teacher rebecca
Thank you Teacher Rebecca (:
Year!!! I love this lesson, it make me improve my Eng skill, thank you so much. Best wish to you :)
thank you! very good!
Great lesson!!!
Hi Rebeca, I have troubles to use the words WHICH & THAT correctly:
The people that/which were in the party are my friends.
The bottle that/which contains water is on the table.
Perhaps is a good theme for one of your fantastic videos.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for your suggestion. There is not much difference between the two words, so you could use either one comfortably.
What you cannot do is to use “which” to talk about people. In that case, we must use “who”.
Thanks and all the best to you.
In asking a question like:
Which one do you like?
can we also say:
That one, do you like?
thanks, Teacher!!!! ^^
I think no,Xhiann.
but it is possible to say
‘Do you mean that one?’
thanks ^^
thanks Ribeca so much. I can fully understand what you present. thanks!
Thank you, Rebecca. You are so helpful and your way of representation is so good and I wish all the success and happiness in your life. Thank you again for your help.
Thank You
Really , it’s wonderful . Thanks a lot , I’d like more about tenses
YOu are cool
Hi Teacher,
Thanks you sir.
Rebecca Thanks a lot…For me it´s to complicated to speak english.
Thank you very much to all of you who have left such kind comments. I am so glad the engvid lessons help you. It means a lot to us. Please tell your friends so we can continue to offer more lessons. My best wishes to all of you.
thank you >>> you make it easy
I really the teaching way of you. thank you so much
it is very easy to understands
good health
What does mean “falelefl”?
Thank you for teaching me!
i always got a perfect score it looks like my major problem is to speak up or make a conversation to somebody!
I answer all. You are a great teacher. It is easy to understand lessons. I hope you stay healthy and teach lessons or something like that. Thank you so much Rebecca.
when we use could sould would….
thanks alot my teacher
thanks Rebeka.You’re so helpful and clear.thanks a lot……..
Dear Rebecca, can you explain about use of “HELD”
when, what situation …?
Thanks a lot you are the best teacher
Hello Rebecca!
You are a such a nice teacher and no lesson was hard or complicated that I learned.
Thanks. See you later.
mam i like this class because you are teaching well
thank you very much mam
I learned a lot from this video..thanks… I just hate the pictures which were suddenly appearing during the discussion.. they’re kind of disturbing for me… It was like, I was so engrossed listening to you and then suddenly, someone came and messed up with our moment together! :( but Rebecca, i really appreciate your lesson. thanks a lot!! ^^ God bless you more ^^
Sorry, the pictures were my fault :|
oh my… no no… no big deal! sorry
What is falalfel? and how do you pronounce it? thanks! ^^
an Egyptian dish.
Hüseyin çeri
how do u pronounce it???? thanks! ^^
It’s pronounced like it is written: fa-la-fell. The stress is on the ‘la’.
thank you! ^_^
Thank you very much, i got 100
thank’s ma’m
thank u so much…..you are the best….:)
the way u explain,very nice…..take care…..
no, i have some money
NO, I HAVE some soup
are these correct
thank you very much.you teach english so clearly.I gave correct answer to all questions.
Thank you for your explanation about this lesson. Now I think that I understood.
Dear Rebecca,
You always add something new to any lesson.So,your lessons are very useful for any person whatever his level is.
Kind regards,
Medhat Nagy
Cairo – Egypt
Thank you a lot again (or agin a lot ?)^^.
It’s very clear now (I hope so :)),bye.
I just want to say that this is the best site on internet I’ve ever seen to learn English easily and quicker. Rebecca is an excellent teacher.
May God bless you forever
This lesson is very helpful.. Thank teacher!
thanks a lot for your fantastic lessons . they are very helpful and interesting .
thank you teacher
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Hi.This is great. I learned lots of things from you teacher. Thanks.
Thank you very much, Rebbeca!
Thank you Rebecca. Could you please tell what the word “falalfel” means? I can not find it in a dictionary.
Thank you so much! very well done :)
Good question about ‘falalfel’
I haven’t found too :) Thank’s Juliange!
Very nice website… congratulations all!!!!
Thank you teacher for this lesson.
best wishes to you!
OK, but which one is correct:
Do you want some lemonade?
Do you want any lemonade?
Actually i want 2 know what should we use after any?plural o singular??!
N always we use noune after it???
I’ve got it,
We use any with uncountable n plural countable nouns in negatives,
questions n sometimes in affermative clauses after words that have a negative o limiting meaning like:
1.U never give me any help.
2.There’s hardly any tea left.
Sorry,noun not noune!
From my heart I am telling “GOD bless you”, you are a ver good teacher, I wil pray for you well being
From my heart I am telling “GOD bless you”, you are a very good teacher, I will pray for your well being
I’m from Brazil, Sao Paulo, and I’m really liking your lessons. Thank you for helping us.
thank you
Hello how are you ? .nice to meet you .thanks for your all lesson.you are a good teaching English. I wish you have good luck health happiness especially successful for your job and life all times .good luck .SWEET DREAM
thank you so much
it’s nice(may god guide you to straight way)
what is the difference between somewhere and anywhere
8 correct.thanx to rebecca..ı have not any problem with any and some now.thanx
thank u !!!
it was really helpful 2 me.
these quiz questions are just like a game ”PLAY AND LEARN”
thank you very much Rebecca!!!! God bless you :)
From new caledonia.
Thank you very much :-)
I liked your explanation. Thank you.
thank you for this lessons i have problem with gammar what can i do?
hi I’m SADEQ from Iraq
actually,wonderful and amazing job ….. I havn’t seen any lesson like what you doing here
thank u so much for your help
eccept my greeting for all teachers here
thank u
Thank you very much
Thank.s Rebecca, you are the best!
Tks Rebecca
thank you so much rebecca because tomorrow we are going to have a big test on the lesson of some,any and no i really understand when my english teacher explain us but i don’t know why i want to learn more so i search the sites like yours and i find yours and i am very glad you speak very clearly and easily like my english teacher thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s very very useful .
I love it !
Thank you teacher. :))
Thanks Rebecca .Best wishes for a wonderful day .God bless you .
88 … You got 7 correct out of 8
3rd One was wrong .. :(
thank u teacher ….. :)
Thanks can und very easily thais teacher
hello Rebecca,
It’s really a great effort by you to correct the English of those who are weak in it, or shall we say, teach English to those who really need it. It’s very interesting indeed. The more we learn the more we come to know how much we don’t know!
Thanks & regards,
Thank you!
you are the best teacher easy to understand .
please corect to me this sentence:any one needs ahelp to pick up chldren from school i am at your service.thanks
Thank you Rebecca,
I have never seen any grammar lesson very clear like this, your lectures are amazing.
Best regards,
thanx mam you are best teacher i understant your lecture are amazing
good !!!!!! for explain thank..(^_^)
Hi Rebecca !
I’m Vietnammese, Your lessons so great …! love u
Thanks a lot!best teacher Rebecca madam, these leasons are a very helpful for all of those who are weak, just me, but i think that you explain all of tences one by one,for why, i am a new student of u, by.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Rebecca,these lessons are very useful.
thank u very much.i m arabic so tnx for bourekas.
for the last one in the quiz i thought the person was expecting yes for blue shirt. we can use some, am i wrong, or only in question no answers.tnx
hi,rebicca i just want to say thank you very much i really understand about so & such how to use and which condition need to use . thank you very much engvid.com
Thank you so much teacher for the explanation.
I am from India. Thank you very much for teaching me.
would you tell me the difference between ” Dad” and “father” ” Mom” and ” Mother” ? Thank you very much. Hope you will respond……. hope Rececca ….. I love you …..
thnx u are very good teacher i was looking for that for longtime thnx again now i can learn english easly have anice day
Thanks for the lesson!
Easy understandable. I really liked it.
thank you
When we expect ‘ Yes ‘ , we may use ‘ some’ to question people…
Do you want any/ some felafal ? or only ” Do you want any felafal ? If only one answer with ” any,please explain me more . Thank you.
I wonder , how can you find my comment ?
Thanks Rebecca, I like your lessons.
thanks Rebeca but i have a question what is it the meaning about falafel?
i did’nt known how to use some and any,but now i can use it easily. thanks u very much,Rebeca!
Good job! I got 8 correct out of 8. thanks for your guidance.
I got 5 out of 8 but its ok I will try harder next time
i so cool
Thank you very much.You are the best.With your lessons I’ll be the best in my class.But ı’ve got a question.Any is used with questions but some is used in the questions too.How can I distinguish it.(If ı’ve got some mistakes in this I’m really sorry.I don’t know English like you
I fınd my mıstakes ın my fırst note. I thınk in the last sentence ,’like you’is a really bad mistake I’m sorry
Hi Rebecca!
How about this one: I’d been unemployed for two years so I’ll take ANY job now.
Is this correct? And how do you explain the use of “any”?
I never had any mistake. It´s a example.
I got 8/8. Thank you so much :)
Thank you Rebecca!
I like this lesson. ^”^
ooooooooohh i’m prince
Thanks teacher.
definitely easy! i got 100 thanks a lot rebecca
I got 8 correct out of 8. Thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca.This will really help me in my working enviroment.
Thank You! I understood about that very much!
hello…rebecca, you’re a wonderful teacher i’ve ever seen in my life…the way you teach is so easy to comprehend….if i were in your position, i would feel so proud of myself….well, i’ve a question for you….can you tell me what’s the meaning of ages,years?(especially used in perfect continuous sentence)
Thank’s Rebecca.The best regards.
Thank you for your lesson. I got 7 correct out of 8. :)
Thank you very much,Rebecca. I didn’t know this before. I always think that some use with uncountable noun and any use with countable noun. Your lessons are great!
Very clear. Thanks a lot.
hehehehehe it was a good and very pratic class :)
Thank you for another great lesson.
useful and clear as always!! thanks
Please could you explain us the difference between “whitch” and “that”?
I am sure all your students are waiting for a lesson about this!!!
There are only two words in your lesson. But it is such an important theme!
Thank you so much Dear Rebecca .
Very useful lesson, clear explanation….easy to understand.
I have a question. Is that correct to say Any child likes chocolate, if it is correct this is an affirmative sentence and this is confusing for me, could you explain me please. Thanks in advance.
It’s very clear. Thank you :)
Thank you so much dear Rebecca. I got 6 correct out of 8.
Dear Rebecca,
This presentation of “some”and “any” is easy to understand. Thank you.
Best regards.
Hello Dear Rebecca, is it related countable and noncountable to the sentences for
Hi, Rebecca, I have a question!, i was taught when i was studying English that ‘some’ does not change when we are talking about fruits and vegs, for example there are some apple? And when we ask; are there some apples?, negative there aren’t some apples. would like to help to be clear on this inquire?, thanks
Very good video!! Easy to remember and understand. Thank u Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
i got 100%
It was very very well !!!! Thank you very much!
I didn’t get any mistake on this quiz.
Hello Rebecca. This is Ismael from Mexico City. The lesson about Call Centers and Customer Service is really helpful. Thankyou very much.
Thanks a lot Rbbecca, now so ease to understand how can I use them correctly. Regards Lydia
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks a lot, Rebeca. I got 10 of 10. This lesson was a very clear. To be honest, I always used the word “some” hehehehehe. Finally, I understood how to use those words.
Thanks, Rebecca Go on ^_^
I can understand! So easy! Thanks for help! :)
thank you very much Rebecca
Very helpful lesson!
Hi Rebecca. Your lesson is very easy to understand. But I have a question about “some/any”. Which option should I use – some or any if that is Wh-question?
For example: “Who gave ____ money to Mike?”
This blank is “Some” or “Any”? Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you so much.
thank you Rebecca
thank you so much .it’s very helpful .thank you again
I have a question.
I talk with my friend to invite people.
He said three people and i said six students
He said, six students is a good idea
Is here correct or he should have used are instead of is when he said six students (is)
Thank you a lot Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you for this lesson. You are one of the best English teacher.
Thanks a lot mam! You are the best teacher ever.
hi misses Rebecca is it possible to say ‘She never has no time for me’ Regards from Mexico ;)
Hi Rebecca, well done.Keep on
Your the best teacher I’ve been seen in my life
thanks teacher
Dear Rebecca. In previous Quiz Countable and Uncountale nouns. There was question: Would you like ___ pizza ? I choose answer “some” and test said that it was wrong answer. The write answer was “a few”. I do not understand why. Type of question is ASKING FOR SMTH = EXPECTING YES. Am I right ?
I scored 100 on the quiz, I’m on cloud nine!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
I got 100 without any help.
Thank you very much for the lessons, teacher.
Best regards from Brazil
Thank you Rebecca!
Good explanation.
HI NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi teacher, thanks a lot. I love your classes.
thanks. It is very clear and easy to understand , your lessons is really useful to me
I watched this video twice on July 26, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight out of 8.
I got 8/8.
Thank you! =)
Good lesson, thank you teacher Rabecca.
I don’t see any videos that explain when to use any or some ( with plural or singular nouns).
do I miss any videos here?
Thanks. ..it is very helpful.