Really good lesson, Please, would you mind to put more some example on how to use advice and advise..
One question.
Is is right to say:
“Thanks for the advices that have you gave to us”
Thanks for help.
Only to correct,
“Is it right to say”
Sure, Marcos.
I advise you to study English for half an hour every day.
If you follow my advice, your English will improve steadily.
The doctor advised John to start exercising.
John decided to take his doctor’s advice seriously, and started losing weight the following month.
Also, you cannot add an s to the noun advice. It is a non-count noun.
For example,
She gave him much advice about his career.
She gave him many advices about his career.
Valen’s lesson on Countable Nouns explains this concept in detail.
Good luck to you!
Respected mam,
i like ur style of teaching,it was very helpful for me
u r wonderful i like u so much ,mam r u from australia
i love u mam
Glad you enjoyed the lesson, Karan.
No, I’m not from Australia. I live in Canada now, though I have lived in other places in my life.
what about verb advise..can we add an s?e.g:Ms Rebecca advises us to speak English everyday…
Ms we have to add an s to the verb advise right?
yes, you are right.
Rajender Gannu
Hi Rebecca,
Can I say, “At your advice, I am choosing the larger house?”
Or would it be “following your advice,” “upon your advice,” etc?
how to watch vedios
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
engVid Moderator
I read your question and I think you wanted to say “Thanks for the advices that you have given to us”.
yes, i think so too.
Well done
I like this program
Glad I could help.
i am from suadi i have difcllt to speak E
and thank you for this wep sit. ti si good
The main point is that you understand where you are and want to improve. Keep watching the lessons and pay close attention to English whenever you encounter it – in person, on TV, in the movies, in songs and so on. The Internet also has many great sites to help you improve your English. Good luck, wadha.
thank you rebecca!
My pleasure :)
Thank you for the advice or it is advise?
It’s advice isn’t it?
Please advice!
I’m so confused ESL isn’t for me :(
Yes, it should be:
“Thank you for your advice.”
“Please advise me…”
Keep going and you’ll get it… just like with any other skill. You can do it! Try the quiz above for additional practice.
Thank you Rebecca
I am going to take in account every your advices and I am going to advise to others to visit your website.
Greetings from Chile
Thanks for your comments. Actually, the correct way to say that is:
I am going to take all your advice into account and I’m going to advise others to visit your website.
Hope this helps.
Hi again
I was watching Valen’s lesson about countable nouns and now I know that “device” is unccountable noun in English.
Thank you again for every your advice
You mean,
Thanks again for all your advice. :)
thanks a lot.
Welcome :)
That’s terrific. I am so happy the lesson helped you.
thank you very much .. all of your lessons are very good and clear ..
Thanks for your feedback.
Thanks again, I have 100.00 score wow that’s fantastic. I like your lessons, and this site so much. Cheers.
Hey, that’s a great score. So happy the lessons are helping you.
thank u very much. this is really great for students who wants to improve english. than u once again.
You’re very welcome.
By the way, you should say:
….this is really great for students who want to improve English…
Thank you very much , I appriciate your effort.
You’re welcome….be careful of the spelling of “appreciate” ….English spelling is always a little tricky.
Glad I could help.
Thank you a lot! Thank to your teaching I knew clearly about the different between advice and advise! That’s great!!
You’re welcome.
Another small point…you wanted to say, ‘…the difference between advice and advise.”
This word is also confused by many students. Glad I could help you.
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca for your wonderful teaching. It is really helpful for us.
So kind of you to provide us with feedback. All the best to you and do tell your friends so we can continue to add more lessons.
Thank you so much .We need more advice
Thanks and good for you for understanding the point!
Thank you so much I like very much this video. We need more advice
Rajesh Kumar
Thank you so much I like very much this video , but i went to tell me something about ‘connectors’ like although , despite, so that …………………….. please because i dont understand it
You are very good teacher and i joyed alot with your lesson.. thank you…
erhan kacmaz
Thanks for all your suggestions and comments. My best to each of you.
very good, well done…
i appreciate what you’re doing to help us students. thanks from my heart’s bottom. i would like an advice of you, how can i have a good vocabulary? i am confused, i study too much english per day but i cant achieve to learn too many words:(, is there any better idea? i am looking forward to hearing from you;)
You should learn 50 or more words in a per day, After learning its, try to write sentences by using these words.. :)
Very good lesson really useful for me VERY VERY THANKS.
Good video!
Silas Ng
thanks dear for these confuse words, now meaning and use both clear to i. you are doing your job marvelous.
thank you teacher for this lesson, I want your advice please because I’m going to study in USA and I don’t have toefl.
THX again.
thank you for spending your time to teach us.
i learn a lot from your lessons
thanks very much for this class.I was so confuse with these words
please would you mind to help me more on non countablenouns
oben egbe
advise me please,
how can I improve my pronounsition and writting
musaab alkandari
hai thanyou very much for this classes
hai thanks for these lessons
God bless each one of you.
You are doing a great job for every body.
Me, Pablo, in particular, apreciated your effort.
Pablo Martinez
I do too.
Li Ra
hi Rebecca mam thanks.You are a great teacher please send me also detais about tenses
I’m really confused now. Shouldn’t it be “confusing words” instead of “confused words”? I thought only a person can be confused by something like you told us in the lesson “Bored – Boring”.
Anyway, thank you for the lesson, Rebecca! It’s really helpful.
Good day, Dear Rebecca! I am learning english for my job. I can read very well, I understand your speech per 85% approximately, but I can’t speak so well as I want, because, I havn’t the practice. Would you like to give me some advices about this, please? Your lesson is very good and they are help me very much! Thanks a lot!
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
This is really great “ADVICE & ADVISE” lesson.I was facing problem with these word,now clear to me.Many many thanks.
Thanks & regards,
Hello Mrs. Rebecca
belive me you are the best teacher I met in my life.
Thak you
thank u thats realy useful we want more . from egypt byeeeeeeeeee
Hi… i got 100% score thanks
i live in uk what is there much different in UK English spelling and American or Canadian?
adil aslam
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Thanks for this lesson. This really helps. I do had some difficulties on which one I should use while writing a sentence. I hope you could also teach me the difference between “which” and “that” and when/how to use them appropriately.
Regards & more power,
Anne from Philippines
Hi Rebecca, thank you for your lessons, it surely is very helpful…is it possible that you could also teach on the difference between complement and compliment….these are just 2 words that I often misuse..thanks ahead…
i took the short quiz and i got 8 correctly=)hope to learn mo.. more power to you ms. rebecca=)
Thank you Mam rebeca, you’re so great and very kind person, your lesson its the big factor that I had improved my knowledge about English. Please create more English lesson. thanks and god bless… sorry about my grammar!
hi rebeca, very useful your lesson… i will follow your advice, learning at least half an hour..:), i going to advise my kids on this as well.
rebbeca i really like ur way to really impressd with ur way of teaching .and i learn many things 4rm u..thanks …
regards mustafa
ms rebbecca .God bless you always..
regard mustafa
ur teachng very good i learnd it very soon
ms rebbecca thank you God bless you you are great nice person
your lesson is very useful for me.Now I start to learn English and I don’t know how to communicate with other by English.Can you help me?
Hello,I’m Elvis, from Lima Peru and Thanks for your help.I’m learning with your lesson.
elvis colonia Z
thank you so much for making this videos…it helped me so much in my review for ielts.
I am looking forward for email etiquette. Pls help me.
Thanks for your good advice. I’ll advise my friends.
hi i don,t know what can i say to you when i find this wep i was so happy but i will be here any time
i like this
Tariq aziz
Thanks for this lesson, it’s quite interesting to learn English with this site web
good luck for everybody
Dear Rebecca,
Thanking once again from your advice, I am from Afghanistan yon know better that Afghanistan is a war-ravage country everyone know that Afghans need too much help to reconstract their country again so, we need to get education for our nation and country
would you please work hard with me?. to learn perfect English Language to rebulid my lovely country
pleas reply as soon as possible
Best wishes.
hello ms rebbeca, you are so nice with all new learners, and i’m one of them and i appreciat your all effrots to make an easy english, think you so much, but i need some classes specially in the grammar
Hello, Rebecca
When reading the comments of your students the truth that you win me of studying with you but is what I always wonder as much as it leaves the course and if truly free?
does he have some cost the I cure?
most of the things that I write you the Aug by means of a translator,
very good the I toss that one can study for internet
Thank you once again
Awesome!! i like this teacher :)
I’m happy every time I perfect the short quiz. :)
thank you very much for that .
Dear Rebecca,
You just a good and nice teacher i ever had. Your teaching ways so alive! I can follows each words u said. I really enjoy watching your nice vid. Thanks so much Rebecca. You are adourable!
thank you its really usefull
Thanks Teacher!GOD BLESS YOU!
hector ararao
hi…i want to know the difference between ‘is it’ and ‘isn’t it’..and when we can use these phrase..thank you…
get w/tks!
I got it, thank your.
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Can I say “advices”? i.e. can “advice” be “plural” the singular is advice and the plural is advices. Please advise me. Thank you.
I like your way of teaching <3
You are so good teacher that I do not find words for tank you. Thank you very much. I am very proud to be you student
Thank you again. I want to say just conintue with lessons. Every day I look a new one. I want to see more and more :). Maybe you can recomand us an oder to see them. See you, soon! Cata
an order … to skedule them :)
Thank you Rebecca,I improved a lot from this Lesson.
Dear Rebecca,
The usage and the difference between Advice and Advise was more than confusing. In deed it has quite been irritating. Today, Iam glad that your explanation helped me to get rid of that confusion. Thank you. Iam from India
I really like the lesson but pls may i know difference between economical and economic
Thanks teacher Rebecca.I gotta!!!
I love this site!really this is Help full for non native English speaker!
Especially the way of teaching ,And Madam Rebecca is truly helpful
I have Q ?
If i want to inform my Boss!
that I already inform him about something with some respect ;
I wrote Like this : Sir I already informed you about this;
But one of my colleague is telling me write like this : I already informed yourself ;
is it make any sense ?
is there any word that can show some respect ? like you please ,as he is telling me the Word yourself is showing this in the above statement .
semak, I think the first one is better.
For me… I’m also learning
Oh i am still waiting for the answer ,But no reply from any one /
I don’t know ,when will they approved my comments ……………….and I’ll get the answer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yeah I got it ;
This is the best one !
I have Already informed you sir ;
Previous one with “Yourself” does not make any sense .that one is grammatically wrong one
thanks mam ur way of teaching is so good ur accent is good but i have problem in my accent i totally confused when i m giving presentation plz help me how i can clear my accent and how i can remove my confusing problem?????
plz rply me
muhammad farooq
Really you are wonderful teacher and i want watch all lessons and understand it
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this atilrce.
Hello rebecca you can see I don’t write please help me. Me I want to be a nurse.
jasmin cornejo
I’m hispanic people, and is very interesting, and it;s help me improve my English!! Thanks.
It was so clear to understand, thanks…
i am looking the comment i think so is very good comment i like it before i am listing the other man but after i am listing your viedo i like it
Rebecca thank u 4 teaching us. u r great.see ya, babe.
fabulous lesson !! this webside is the most helpful ..thanks a lot…I wish you guys the best!!
I really enjoyed the Class.
Thanks Rebecca, this helps me a lot.
More power.
Got the perfect score..:-)…thanks again Rebecca.
Hi Ms. Rebecca,
Now, we came cross when to use Advice, and advise.
Could plz provide some more illustrations on same.
mam i love your way of teaching. from your way of teaching everyone can understand how much u love students and teaching
thanks a lot, I learn something from you.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your advice!
Respected madam,i enjoyed all your lessons and are helping me a lot in my preparations for GMAT & TOEFL.Madam, you teach with so much passion that i really feel sitting in front of you.Thnx
vaishali sharma
Thanks alot but I want you to show me how to prepare for getting the high marks in IELTS.
Dear Rebecca, I must admit that I am really glad I found this site. I love your vids. I’ve seen lots of them, but I’ve never left a comment. Shame on me :-)I have an English speaking friends, but this time I want to ask you ;-) I was tought (at uni) to say a piece of advice…e.g. I am going to take all your pieces of advice into account and I’m going to give a piece of advice (or some pieces of advice)to others to visit your website. Is it okey/correct to say that way? Anyway I see that your way of applying this word (noun/verb)is better, easier, and shorter :-D Thanks a lot, and keep making more and more vids
advise is a verb while advice is noun.
If I would like to send email to inform someone. It should be “Please be advised the date….. or please be advice the date…
Thank you
my english vary poor and Iam student univerty so pelaes give me some advance
Hi Rebacca.Thank you for your advice.I am very happy with your lesson.Can you give me more some advice
Rissa Abdoulaye
Parents/Lawyer/Doctor/Teachers other professionals provide ADVICE and
Patients/students/kids/ layman seek their advise.
Advice to be used from giver’s perspective and Advise from receiver’s point of view.
Am I correct Rebacca??
Nope. “Advice” is the noun, “advise” is the verb. Patients seek advice; doctors advise them.
engVid Moderator
Hi, I enjoy listen to your video .I`m beginner`s student .I try write to you, please, give me your advice .
Thanks, mam Rebecca
Hello Rebecca,
Great lesson, I have been confused by trying to understand these two words. Now I get it! Thank you for you advice!!!!
like always thank you so much for the advice.diosbless you.
Hi everyone ! thank you so much for this lesson it help me a lot ,plz i have a question :what the difference betwenn LESS and FEWER ? thank you in advance
That’s a tricky one that often trips up native speakers! This page has a short, simple explanation.
engVid Moderator
Ooh thanks for the page it’s useful ,now I understand :)
thank you so much, it is a great lesson :)
heart secrets
Hi everyone!!:X
This lesson is very useful.I’m confused how to use negative prefixes to form antonyms.It can has any rule or I must learn by heart!!!???Someone know can help me!!:(
Thanks a lot!<3
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your wonderful advice. I advised my friend to watch this video to understand the difference between the two words.
Thank you Rebecca,
I did not know the difference until now :)
This is soooo usefull
Its a wounder website. i appreciate the team of engvid for their efforts.
btr 4 me.. thanxx
Himanshu aggarwal
thanks a lot Rebecca!!!! i’ll never commit mistake using these two words henceforth.
thank u so much for these advices
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca.. now I know how to use Advice and Advise in a correct grammar =)
Thanks a lot, really this is the first time to understanding the difference between these two words.
I would ask you an important question , I’m a Phd student in statistics how can I improve my English language
Great lesson. Thanks. I learned a lot.
It’s a great lesson, I didn’t know that before thank you.
good lesson to me.
thanks, i can now differentaite the two words
Thank you again Rebecca. Your lessons are very helpful.
Hi Rebecca,
may ı ask you a question? in the your lesson, “OF”, you said that we used this word with objects, things that was not alive. However in the above test, there is a example sentence: “on the advice of my dentist”. ı couldnt understand how to use “OF”. thanks
sorry “of” lesson is Emma’s lesson
we’ll just wait for your advise regarding this matter?
pls help me on this..thank you very much!!!
we’ll just wait for your advice regarding this matter?
You got 10 correct out of 10 :D
‘Thank you for the advice’ … Is it Correct ?
Thank u Teacher … :)
Morning for all!
I want to speak correctely
thank you very much rebecca..:)
Thank u very much.
You are the best teacher which I have seen.
I am following your all advice.
Hello Rebbeca,
Thank you very much!
You are a Great teacher for me!!
Lopes – Brazil
Thanks a lot. It’s a beautiful lesson indeed.
Best wishes and regards,
hello rebecca, its wonderful lesson. I always enjoyed your video.
thanks again!!
Thank you for your advice, I really needed someone who advise me about such as to learn English.
Li Ra
thank you very much… I got 100
Thanks a lot Ms Rebecca.
I really enjoy study english with you so much.
It is very usefull for me.
Thank you From Colombia :P
hi mam.
I read the comments left by different learners. and i would like to appreciate you taking your time and replying emails.
I was wondering if you could introduce some helpful sites for us to apply in English classes?
Best regards.
how you read different? in American accent. Is it “diffrent” and how about better is it “Bedder”?
i love your speak I’m learning your advice for other!
Dear mam, i got happy when i saw you video about advice and advise and i like your style of teaching but i am confused here in the sentence that what is mistake here. please see …….
The teacher gave me many advices.
can we not use advices here in place of advice?
could u tell me what is mistake.
great teacher from a great web site
very well. Best wishes from Dragan
i enjoy this lesson
thank you
I love you teacher rebecca you are very nice
Really this is good for our kids who at the moment are struggling with their spelling and pronouciation.I think I will recommend it to my child school.
Lengthen M
Wow, crystal clear. Thanks alot
Louie Reyes
thank you rebecca you’re really good. you explain the lesson very well and another things nice to you is you response to the questions here. more power
Hi Rebecca. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
I am going to advise to my friends to visit engVid…
Ahmad from Uzbekistan
Thanks u so much ms Rebecca.infact u av tried a lot. May GOD b wit u on anytin u lay ur hand upon
could i say …. i got advice or i got advise which are corrected words
ADVICE like that :
*MY friend,s are advice me play the drums.
( This works not bind for me).noun
ADVISE like that :
*MY teacher is advise me about home works for tomorrow( This works bind me)verb.
Rebecca, you are the Best, thanks alot.
Thank you very much Rebecca.I am learning a lot from you.
Bandara Henaka
Waw – 100. You explained it very well Rebecca…
I would like to seek your advice/ advise?
Great lesson!
thanks for all rebecca.
Everton Andrade
Thank you Rebecca!
I learnt the difference between advice versus advise, with many attention I understand also the different spelling. But for me it’s very similar. Also for the native speakers it’s difficult to understand? Maybe, native speaker understand the word for the grammar of the sentence and not for the different pronunciation?
Bye ;-)
thanks alot Ms Rebecca, it is little bit confusing but i am trying to overcome this problem.
innocent khan
Difficult for me this lesson :(
I got 100% on the quiz. Nice lesson. thanks : )
Thank you , Rebecca
Tchin Shi
Hi, everybody. I think there is a little spell mistake in 8th question. There should be “stockholders”, not “stockolders”.
Sergiy D
I got 10. Thank you for your advice.
Dear Rebecca, which is true (can we use both of them?):
“I ve got 10”
“I got 10”
It is still confusing me… Thank You very much…
Thank you so much, teacher!
Xan San
Thank you ! It’s very helpful, I didn’t know the difference ! :-D
Greetings from Belgium ! :-)
Dear Rebecca,
Great thank you for these advices.
Yours sincerely.
Dear Rebecca,
Sorry, “advice” is an uncountable noun.
Great thank you for this advice.
Yours sincerely.
yes i got 10 out 10 scores,,hahha
my quiz
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thank you Rebecca.
I don’t knew the difference between “ADVICE” AND “ADVISE”. Thanks for that class.
You are excellent teacher Rebecca!
Thank you for all your advice!
Thanks a lot dear rebecca, you are really an amazing teacher
Rahmouni Tarik
i got 7 of 10
Hi guys! I hope all you are well! to all who want to improve their English skills, let me know, i want to do it too! Add me on Whatsapp +5804268624599. See you around!
Dear teacher,
I am confused by these words: Headmaster/ Principal/ Rector.
Deputy and Vice
Could you please explain about the way of use these words, please?
Thank you very much!
Sophia Hoang
Dear teacher,
I want to ask you about form teacher who has responsibility for a particular class in a school.
Are there any other words have the same meaning like form teacher?
Sophia Hoang
I got 1 mistake, the #9 question. Thank you very much teacher Rebecca, you’re a blessing to me. God bless you!
thanks a lot
I didn’t know about those words, I only knew the first one (advice) and i thought that it could be used as a verb and a noun, because of its similar pronuciation.
Thanks for your lesson, it is very useful to me.
Hello rebecca madam,
Your teaching style is mind blowing. You got so much of patience . I like your advice. I am following it. You are a great teacher !!
I wish when I’ll come to Canada I’m gonna meet your team and you off course. Looking at your body language and teaching style, you sound to be very humble and don to earth person. True respect from my heart.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
I am very happy.
thank you
thank you rebecca
Thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much, these two words were confusing me.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Understood the lesson but I am still hesitant. Perhaps, I need some time and practice. Terrific lesson. Cheers!!!
Arieh Dorjee
Thank you so much for your advices mam.
thank you so much
Its honor for me to baing a part of engvid this really good platform where millions of students connected with world well qulified teachers my all teachers are fablious.
Nazakat ali
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 12Sept2021);
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Really good lesson, Please, would you mind to put more some example on how to use advice and advise..
One question.
Is is right to say:
“Thanks for the advices that have you gave to us”
Thanks for help.
Only to correct,
“Is it right to say”
Sure, Marcos.
I advise you to study English for half an hour every day.
If you follow my advice, your English will improve steadily.
The doctor advised John to start exercising.
John decided to take his doctor’s advice seriously, and started losing weight the following month.
Also, you cannot add an s to the noun advice. It is a non-count noun.
For example,
She gave him much advice about his career.
She gave him many advices about his career.
Valen’s lesson on Countable Nouns explains this concept in detail.
Good luck to you!
Respected mam,
i like ur style of teaching,it was very helpful for me
u r wonderful i like u so much ,mam r u from australia
i love u mam
Glad you enjoyed the lesson, Karan.
No, I’m not from Australia. I live in Canada now, though I have lived in other places in my life.
what about verb advise..can we add an s?e.g:Ms Rebecca advises us to speak English everyday…
Ms we have to add an s to the verb advise right?
yes, you are right.
Hi Rebecca,
Can I say, “At your advice, I am choosing the larger house?”
Or would it be “following your advice,” “upon your advice,” etc?
how to watch vedios
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
I read your question and I think you wanted to say “Thanks for the advices that you have given to us”.
yes, i think so too.
Well done
I like this program
Glad I could help.
i am from suadi i have difcllt to speak E
and thank you for this wep sit. ti si good
The main point is that you understand where you are and want to improve. Keep watching the lessons and pay close attention to English whenever you encounter it – in person, on TV, in the movies, in songs and so on. The Internet also has many great sites to help you improve your English. Good luck, wadha.
thank you rebecca!
My pleasure :)
Thank you for the advice or it is advise?
It’s advice isn’t it?
Please advice!
I’m so confused ESL isn’t for me :(
Yes, it should be:
“Thank you for your advice.”
“Please advise me…”
Keep going and you’ll get it… just like with any other skill. You can do it! Try the quiz above for additional practice.
Thank you Rebecca
I am going to take in account every your advices and I am going to advise to others to visit your website.
Greetings from Chile
Thanks for your comments. Actually, the correct way to say that is:
I am going to take all your advice into account and I’m going to advise others to visit your website.
Hope this helps.
Hi again
I was watching Valen’s lesson about countable nouns and now I know that “device” is unccountable noun in English.
Thank you again for every your advice
You mean,
Thanks again for all your advice. :)
thanks a lot.
Welcome :)
That’s terrific. I am so happy the lesson helped you.
thank you very much .. all of your lessons are very good and clear ..
Thanks for your feedback.
Thanks again, I have 100.00 score wow that’s fantastic. I like your lessons, and this site so much. Cheers.
Hey, that’s a great score. So happy the lessons are helping you.
thank u very much. this is really great for students who wants to improve english. than u once again.
You’re very welcome.
By the way, you should say:
….this is really great for students who want to improve English…
Thank you very much , I appriciate your effort.
You’re welcome….be careful of the spelling of “appreciate” ….English spelling is always a little tricky.
Glad I could help.
Thank you a lot! Thank to your teaching I knew clearly about the different between advice and advise! That’s great!!
You’re welcome.
Another small point…you wanted to say, ‘…the difference between advice and advise.”
This word is also confused by many students. Glad I could help you.
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca for your wonderful teaching. It is really helpful for us.
So kind of you to provide us with feedback. All the best to you and do tell your friends so we can continue to add more lessons.
Thank you so much .We need more advice
Thanks and good for you for understanding the point!
Thank you so much I like very much this video. We need more advice
Thank you so much I like very much this video , but i went to tell me something about ‘connectors’ like although , despite, so that …………………….. please because i dont understand it
You are very good teacher and i joyed alot with your lesson.. thank you…
Thanks for all your suggestions and comments. My best to each of you.
very good, well done…
i appreciate what you’re doing to help us students. thanks from my heart’s bottom. i would like an advice of you, how can i have a good vocabulary? i am confused, i study too much english per day but i cant achieve to learn too many words:(, is there any better idea? i am looking forward to hearing from you;)
You should learn 50 or more words in a per day, After learning its, try to write sentences by using these words.. :)
Very good lesson really useful for me VERY VERY THANKS.
Good video!
thanks dear for these confuse words, now meaning and use both clear to i. you are doing your job marvelous.
thank you teacher for this lesson, I want your advice please because I’m going to study in USA and I don’t have toefl.
THX again.
thank you for spending your time to teach us.
i learn a lot from your lessons
thanks very much for this class.I was so confuse with these words
please would you mind to help me more on non countablenouns
advise me please,
how can I improve my pronounsition and writting
hai thanyou very much for this classes
hai thanks for these lessons
God bless each one of you.
You are doing a great job for every body.
Me, Pablo, in particular, apreciated your effort.
I do too.
hi Rebecca mam thanks.You are a great teacher please send me also detais about tenses
I’m really confused now. Shouldn’t it be “confusing words” instead of “confused words”? I thought only a person can be confused by something like you told us in the lesson “Bored – Boring”.
Anyway, thank you for the lesson, Rebecca! It’s really helpful.
Good day, Dear Rebecca! I am learning english for my job. I can read very well, I understand your speech per 85% approximately, but I can’t speak so well as I want, because, I havn’t the practice. Would you like to give me some advices about this, please? Your lesson is very good and they are help me very much! Thanks a lot!
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
This is really great “ADVICE & ADVISE” lesson.I was facing problem with these word,now clear to me.Many many thanks.
Thanks & regards,
Hello Mrs. Rebecca
belive me you are the best teacher I met in my life.
Thak you
thank u thats realy useful we want more . from egypt byeeeeeeeeee
Hi… i got 100% score thanks
i live in uk what is there much different in UK English spelling and American or Canadian?
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Thanks for this lesson. This really helps. I do had some difficulties on which one I should use while writing a sentence. I hope you could also teach me the difference between “which” and “that” and when/how to use them appropriately.
Regards & more power,
Anne from Philippines
Hi Rebecca, thank you for your lessons, it surely is very helpful…is it possible that you could also teach on the difference between complement and compliment….these are just 2 words that I often misuse..thanks ahead…
i took the short quiz and i got 8 correctly=)hope to learn mo.. more power to you ms. rebecca=)
Thank you Mam rebeca, you’re so great and very kind person, your lesson its the big factor that I had improved my knowledge about English. Please create more English lesson. thanks and god bless… sorry about my grammar!
hi rebeca, very useful your lesson… i will follow your advice, learning at least half an hour..:), i going to advise my kids on this as well.
rebbeca i really like ur way to really impressd with ur way of teaching .and i learn many things 4rm u..thanks …
regards mustafa
ms rebbecca .God bless you always..
regard mustafa
ur teachng very good i learnd it very soon
ms rebbecca thank you God bless you you are great nice person
your lesson is very useful for me.Now I start to learn English and I don’t know how to communicate with other by English.Can you help me?
Hello,I’m Elvis, from Lima Peru and Thanks for your help.I’m learning with your lesson.
thank you so much for making this videos…it helped me so much in my review for ielts.
I am looking forward for email etiquette. Pls help me.
Thanks for your good advice. I’ll advise my friends.
hi i don,t know what can i say to you when i find this wep i was so happy but i will be here any time
i like this
Thanks for this lesson, it’s quite interesting to learn English with this site web
good luck for everybody
Dear Rebecca,
Thanking once again from your advice, I am from Afghanistan yon know better that Afghanistan is a war-ravage country everyone know that Afghans need too much help to reconstract their country again so, we need to get education for our nation and country
would you please work hard with me?. to learn perfect English Language to rebulid my lovely country
pleas reply as soon as possible
Best wishes.
hello ms rebbeca, you are so nice with all new learners, and i’m one of them and i appreciat your all effrots to make an easy english, think you so much, but i need some classes specially in the grammar
Hello, Rebecca
When reading the comments of your students the truth that you win me of studying with you but is what I always wonder as much as it leaves the course and if truly free?
does he have some cost the I cure?
most of the things that I write you the Aug by means of a translator,
very good the I toss that one can study for internet
Thank you once again
Awesome!! i like this teacher :)
I’m happy every time I perfect the short quiz. :)
thank you very much for that .
Dear Rebecca,
You just a good and nice teacher i ever had. Your teaching ways so alive! I can follows each words u said. I really enjoy watching your nice vid. Thanks so much Rebecca. You are adourable!
thank you its really usefull
Thanks Teacher!GOD BLESS YOU!
hi…i want to know the difference between ‘is it’ and ‘isn’t it’..and when we can use these phrase..thank you…
get w/tks!
I got it, thank your.
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
Can I say “advices”? i.e. can “advice” be “plural” the singular is advice and the plural is advices. Please advise me. Thank you.
I like your way of teaching <3
You are so good teacher that I do not find words for tank you. Thank you very much. I am very proud to be you student
Thank you again. I want to say just conintue with lessons. Every day I look a new one. I want to see more and more :). Maybe you can recomand us an oder to see them. See you, soon! Cata
an order … to skedule them :)
Thank you Rebecca,I improved a lot from this Lesson.
Dear Rebecca,
The usage and the difference between Advice and Advise was more than confusing. In deed it has quite been irritating. Today, Iam glad that your explanation helped me to get rid of that confusion. Thank you. Iam from India
I really like the lesson but pls may i know difference between economical and economic
Thanks teacher Rebecca.I gotta!!!
I love this site!really this is Help full for non native English speaker!
Especially the way of teaching ,And Madam Rebecca is truly helpful
I have Q ?
If i want to inform my Boss!
that I already inform him about something with some respect ;
I wrote Like this : Sir I already informed you about this;
But one of my colleague is telling me write like this : I already informed yourself ;
is it make any sense ?
is there any word that can show some respect ? like you please ,as he is telling me the Word yourself is showing this in the above statement .
semak, I think the first one is better.
For me… I’m also learning
Oh i am still waiting for the answer ,But no reply from any one /
I don’t know ,when will they approved my comments ……………….and I’ll get the answer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Yeah I got it ;
This is the best one !
I have Already informed you sir ;
Previous one with “Yourself” does not make any sense .that one is grammatically wrong one
thanks mam ur way of teaching is so good ur accent is good but i have problem in my accent i totally confused when i m giving presentation plz help me how i can clear my accent and how i can remove my confusing problem?????
plz rply me
Really you are wonderful teacher and i want watch all lessons and understand it
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this atilrce.
Hello rebecca you can see I don’t write please help me. Me I want to be a nurse.
I’m hispanic people, and is very interesting, and it;s help me improve my English!! Thanks.
It was so clear to understand, thanks…
i am looking the comment i think so is very good comment i like it before i am listing the other man but after i am listing your viedo i like it
Rebecca thank u 4 teaching us. u r great.see ya, babe.
fabulous lesson !! this webside is the most helpful ..thanks a lot…I wish you guys the best!!
I really enjoyed the Class.
Thanks Rebecca, this helps me a lot.
More power.
Got the perfect score..:-)…thanks again Rebecca.
Hi Ms. Rebecca,
Now, we came cross when to use Advice, and advise.
Could plz provide some more illustrations on same.
mam i love your way of teaching. from your way of teaching everyone can understand how much u love students and teaching
thanks a lot, I learn something from you.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your advice!
Respected madam,i enjoyed all your lessons and are helping me a lot in my preparations for GMAT & TOEFL.Madam, you teach with so much passion that i really feel sitting in front of you.Thnx
Thanks alot but I want you to show me how to prepare for getting the high marks in IELTS.
Dear Rebecca, I must admit that I am really glad I found this site. I love your vids. I’ve seen lots of them, but I’ve never left a comment. Shame on me :-)I have an English speaking friends, but this time I want to ask you ;-) I was tought (at uni) to say a piece of advice…e.g. I am going to take all your pieces of advice into account and I’m going to give a piece of advice (or some pieces of advice)to others to visit your website. Is it okey/correct to say that way? Anyway I see that your way of applying this word (noun/verb)is better, easier, and shorter :-D Thanks a lot, and keep making more and more vids
advise is a verb while advice is noun.
If I would like to send email to inform someone. It should be “Please be advised the date….. or please be advice the date…
Thank you
my english vary poor and Iam student univerty so pelaes give me some advance
Hi Rebacca.Thank you for your advice.I am very happy with your lesson.Can you give me more some advice
Parents/Lawyer/Doctor/Teachers other professionals provide ADVICE and
Patients/students/kids/ layman seek their advise.
Advice to be used from giver’s perspective and Advise from receiver’s point of view.
Am I correct Rebacca??
Nope. “Advice” is the noun, “advise” is the verb. Patients seek advice; doctors advise them.
Hi, I enjoy listen to your video .I`m beginner`s student .I try write to you, please, give me your advice .
Thanks, mam Rebecca
Hello Rebecca,
Great lesson, I have been confused by trying to understand these two words. Now I get it! Thank you for you advice!!!!
like always thank you so much for the advice.diosbless you.
Hi everyone ! thank you so much for this lesson it help me a lot ,plz i have a question :what the difference betwenn LESS and FEWER ? thank you in advance
That’s a tricky one that often trips up native speakers! This page has a short, simple explanation.
Ooh thanks for the page it’s useful ,now I understand :)
thank you so much, it is a great lesson :)
Hi everyone!!:X
This lesson is very useful.I’m confused how to use negative prefixes to form antonyms.It can has any rule or I must learn by heart!!!???Someone know can help me!!:(
Thanks a lot!<3
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your wonderful advice. I advised my friend to watch this video to understand the difference between the two words.
Thank you Rebecca,
I did not know the difference until now :)
This is soooo usefull
Its a wounder website. i appreciate the team of engvid for their efforts.
btr 4 me.. thanxx
thanks a lot Rebecca!!!! i’ll never commit mistake using these two words henceforth.
thank u so much for these advices
Thank you so much Miss Rebecca.. now I know how to use Advice and Advise in a correct grammar =)
Thanks a lot, really this is the first time to understanding the difference between these two words.
I would ask you an important question , I’m a Phd student in statistics how can I improve my English language
Great lesson. Thanks. I learned a lot.
It’s a great lesson, I didn’t know that before thank you.
good lesson to me.
Thank you again Rebecca. Your lessons are very helpful.
Hi Rebecca,
may ı ask you a question? in the your lesson, “OF”, you said that we used this word with objects, things that was not alive. However in the above test, there is a example sentence: “on the advice of my dentist”. ı couldnt understand how to use “OF”. thanks
sorry “of” lesson is Emma’s lesson
we’ll just wait for your advise regarding this matter?
pls help me on this..thank you very much!!!
we’ll just wait for your advice regarding this matter?
You got 10 correct out of 10 :D
‘Thank you for the advice’ … Is it Correct ?
Thank u Teacher … :)
Morning for all!
I want to speak correctely
thank you very much rebecca..:)
Thank u very much.
You are the best teacher which I have seen.
I am following your all advice.
Hello Rebbeca,
Thank you very much!
You are a Great teacher for me!!
Lopes – Brazil
Thanks a lot. It’s a beautiful lesson indeed.
Best wishes and regards,
hello rebecca, its wonderful lesson. I always enjoyed your video.
thanks again!!
Thank you for your advice, I really needed someone who advise me about such as to learn English.
thank you very much… I got 100
Thanks a lot Ms Rebecca.
I really enjoy study english with you so much.
It is very usefull for me.
Thank you From Colombia :P
hi mam.
I read the comments left by different learners. and i would like to appreciate you taking your time and replying emails.
I was wondering if you could introduce some helpful sites for us to apply in English classes?
Best regards.
how you read different? in American accent. Is it “diffrent” and how about better is it “Bedder”?
i love your speak I’m learning your advice for other!
Dear mam, i got happy when i saw you video about advice and advise and i like your style of teaching but i am confused here in the sentence that what is mistake here. please see …….
The teacher gave me many advices.
can we not use advices here in place of advice?
could u tell me what is mistake.
great teacher from a great web site
very well. Best wishes from Dragan
i enjoy this lesson
thank you
I love you teacher rebecca you are very nice
Really this is good for our kids who at the moment are struggling with their spelling and pronouciation.I think I will recommend it to my child school.
Wow, crystal clear. Thanks alot
thank you rebecca you’re really good. you explain the lesson very well and another things nice to you is you response to the questions here. more power
Hi Rebecca. Thanks a lot for your lessons.
I am going to advise to my friends to visit engVid…
Ahmad from Uzbekistan
Thanks u so much ms Rebecca.infact u av tried a lot. May GOD b wit u on anytin u lay ur hand upon
could i say …. i got advice or i got advise which are corrected words
ADVICE like that :
*MY friend,s are advice me play the drums.
( This works not bind for me).noun
ADVISE like that :
*MY teacher is advise me about home works for tomorrow( This works bind me)verb.
Rebecca, you are the Best, thanks alot.
Thank you very much Rebecca.I am learning a lot from you.
Waw – 100. You explained it very well Rebecca…
I would like to seek your advice/ advise?
Great lesson!
thanks for all rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca!
I learnt the difference between advice versus advise, with many attention I understand also the different spelling. But for me it’s very similar. Also for the native speakers it’s difficult to understand? Maybe, native speaker understand the word for the grammar of the sentence and not for the different pronunciation?
Bye ;-)
thanks alot Ms Rebecca, it is little bit confusing but i am trying to overcome this problem.
Difficult for me this lesson :(
I got 100% on the quiz. Nice lesson. thanks : )
Thank you , Rebecca
Hi, everybody. I think there is a little spell mistake in 8th question. There should be “stockholders”, not “stockolders”.
I got 10. Thank you for your advice.
Dear Rebecca, which is true (can we use both of them?):
“I ve got 10”
“I got 10”
It is still confusing me… Thank You very much…
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thank you ! It’s very helpful, I didn’t know the difference ! :-D
Greetings from Belgium ! :-)
Dear Rebecca,
Great thank you for these advices.
Yours sincerely.
Dear Rebecca,
Sorry, “advice” is an uncountable noun.
Great thank you for this advice.
Yours sincerely.
yes i got 10 out 10 scores,,hahha
my quiz
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you Rebecca.
I don’t knew the difference between “ADVICE” AND “ADVISE”. Thanks for that class.
You are excellent teacher Rebecca!
Thank you for all your advice!
Thanks a lot dear rebecca, you are really an amazing teacher
i got 7 of 10
Hi guys! I hope all you are well! to all who want to improve their English skills, let me know, i want to do it too! Add me on Whatsapp +5804268624599. See you around!
Dear teacher,
I am confused by these words: Headmaster/ Principal/ Rector.
Deputy and Vice
Could you please explain about the way of use these words, please?
Thank you very much!
Dear teacher,
I want to ask you about form teacher who has responsibility for a particular class in a school.
Are there any other words have the same meaning like form teacher?
I got 1 mistake, the #9 question. Thank you very much teacher Rebecca, you’re a blessing to me. God bless you!
thanks a lot
I didn’t know about those words, I only knew the first one (advice) and i thought that it could be used as a verb and a noun, because of its similar pronuciation.
Thanks for your lesson, it is very useful to me.
Hello rebecca madam,
Your teaching style is mind blowing. You got so much of patience . I like your advice. I am following it. You are a great teacher !!
I wish when I’ll come to Canada I’m gonna meet your team and you off course. Looking at your body language and teaching style, you sound to be very humble and don to earth person. True respect from my heart.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
I am very happy.
thank you
thank you rebecca
Thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much, these two words were confusing me.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Understood the lesson but I am still hesitant. Perhaps, I need some time and practice. Terrific lesson. Cheers!!!
Thank you so much for your advices mam.
thank you so much
Its honor for me to baing a part of engvid this really good platform where millions of students connected with world well qulified teachers my all teachers are fablious.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 12Sept2021);
thank you ma’am rebecca
I got 10/10.
Thank you! =)