I like this teacher, because her explaination is too much clear!!!!
Thank you Rebecca
Miriam Sena de Santana
Thank you very much for you lesson.
I don’t understand why in sentence “Every night, Jason fall asleep ___watching television” the answer is while because I think in this case “watching television” is a noun.
please! explain to me
I will try to solve your doubt, I am not 100% sure, so If I am wrong sorry, but in that case, watching television -> “watching” is the act of to watch television, so it’s a verb. A noun is a Person, Place or Thing.Only television is the noun.
Thanks, Marcos. You’re right! Good job!
Thanking you mame for your clear teaching
Hi! First, I wanna say that you are a fantastic teacher.
I would like to know the difference between while and whereas.
Thank you
I thought the samething that you, I just was confuse about this question. television is the noun. but don’t worry about, always we learn more. thank’s for engvid.
Yes me too
Safi kamal
Dear Rebecca,
I would like that you write while you explain.
Thanks a lot.
Will try and do that. Thanks.
i like you ma’am..,^_^
please ,write your solucion,thanks
I like the way your teach, it will help me to improve my English.Thank you~~^^
Very nice lesson, just a question,
on the fourth quiz question , I put
“During” the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
And on the score said that I was wrong, but Isn’t cake a noun?
So why is that wrong? Maybe because it was the beggining of the sentence…
Dear Marco,
I think I can help you out. And to Rebecca, thanks for making these videos.
It really helps to know the parts of speech when trying to understand English. During is a preposition; that’s why nouns are usually following. While on the other hand is usually a conjunction. So what do you do if you find yourself unsure of which word to use? Plug in the definition and see if the sentence still makes sense. Here are some definitions (from Marriam Webster’s online dictionary:
During – Prepostion – throughout the duration of
While – Conjunction – during the time that
Now to use your example
During/While the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
So plug in the definitions and see which one makes better sense…
1. Throughout the duration of the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
2. During the time that the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
Which one makes more sense? To me, “duration of the cake,” seems a little odd but “during the time that the cake was baking,” while long, still makes sense. Since this is the definition of “while,” “while” would be the better word to use here.
While not 100% foolproof, the technique can help you out most of the time.
Bill Ralens
Thanks, Bill, for your detailed explanation.
what do you mean by Marriam Webster’s online dictionary ?
Maybe it’s a kind of dictionary.
Safi kamal
Good teacher . From Brazil
Rebecca,thanks a lot for your help.I think that your teaching is very good!
Thanks for your lessons. I’m very grateful in this lesson. Now I know how I can say correct during and while. Thank you very much Rebecca.
great job! thanks
this was great. I greatly enjoyed it.
aijaz khatti
but it was bad and very confused
Thank you.
thank u but ı want to watch your videos,Iam new here ı thınk ı couldnt find :(please help me
What problem are you having exactly?
Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Glad I could help most of you.
you lesson is easy to undetstand, but it is better if you write more; I aprriciate your effort. thanhks so much
Will keep that in mind. Thanks.
Thank you
Thanks to all for your feedback.
hi Rebeccaesl, thank you very much .your video is short ,but it is very interesting.
Thank you, Rebecca. Very easy to understand for me. Test 100%!
Thank you, Rebecca.
thank you,it was simple and great.
Thank you so much, it’s realy great watching and listening your video lessons.
helo Rebecca
Thank you so much, your way of teaching is very nice like you, may i have your skyype address, i would like to learn english like u speak , thanks you very much.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your effort on teaching English (and to the rest of the team as well)! It helps me a lot to kind of proceed my knowledge about the English language. One question about this video is remaining: I’ve heard about ‘whilst’ in some cases. So how can I use this in a proper way?
“Whilst” is not used very often anymore, but in essence it is used in the same way as the word “while”.
He knocked on the door whilst I was cooking.
Whilst cleaning, look out for my keys. I can’t find them.
My best wishes to you.
Mam, you teach very comprehensively. I have little confusion in using of could have and would have. Could you please guide me. Regards
Hi Rebecca,
Congratulations for your video-class. The best. Please, could you
write during your explanation?
Thank you very much.
mam your way of teaching is very sweet.Thanks
Thanks to all for you feedback.
I thought I will not understand but I have got 100 in quiz.
It made me very happy. Thank you for excelent explanations.
I am your personal fan, please stay with your students.
Silvia Czech Rep.
Hi RebeccaESL,
I am so glad from you an from your related teems. you all great teachers for me and for all those watch your lessons.
I wish good chance for you and form your friends.
Thanks so much,
Faizullah Faizan
Kabul Afghanistan
Faizullah Faizan
thanks a lot first i have on quation is while is look like same meaning of when is i m right on no thanks again
younes from morocco
Mam thank you very much for your help. I have watched your videos on you tube.
Hardeep Singh
i like the way you teaching………………………………………… while i listened to you………… i have nothing to say……………
joshua joseph
sr,i’ve mistake: “i like the way you’re teaching………………………………………… while i was listening to you………… i have nothing to say……………”
hope it’s correct now.(^-^) !!!
Excellent! Great! You remove all my confusions in these case. Thanks a lot. Please keep on these efforts for the sake of large community of students who likes a teacher like you.
hi, thank you for your all help.best wishes for you.
noureen khurshedi
Thanks Rebecca
Great lesson for me.
I love your classes, thank you so much!
Alex Barbosa
I enjoy your classes, thank you very much!
I realy catch something useful, thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Your explanation is so much clear.
thank u mam
i like ur teaching way you are very polite
samrath jaiswar
hi rebecca teacher,
your teaching way is very polite and soft and thak u 4 teaching us
samrath jaiswar
Thank you for your all your help.
I realy like it. thanks Rebecca
is good but you MUST write was so quick…
while + ver + ing, all the time you said (or i heard) ing after while..could you explain..tks
I love the way to teach the topic, outstanding…………….. God Bless you
well what i can say is that its more than clear your explanation but ill recommend you to use the board in order to help another people thanks
I enjoyed a lot while watching this video lesson, & I gave my full concentration during watching.
Arshad Hussain
Dear Rebecca,
I’m a little confused by the sentence “WHILE the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.”
In your video you gave us the following rule:
“While+verb” and “During +noun” but this sentence doesn’t follow the rule.
Please explain it.
Best Regards,
Hi, i got an another 100% score..
Thank you so much
wow my score was 100.00, thank’s Rebecca, i like the way you teach very clear
I need help with participal adjectives
Hi, great job thanks so much
hi im a new comer. why do i not sign up? i dont receive any password to log in.
thanks so mutch
You explain very clear.thanks.:)
thank RebeccaESL very much. this lesson is very useful for me.
would u mind if I’m asking u a problem?
what is the best way to remember the new words?
thanks very much
Ms. Rebecca what is correct?
During my duty
while my duty
Ms: Rebecca thanks for your lecture, which is very very useful for us. Mis Rebecca can you help us to find Vocabulary through any web site
Thanks you very much Miss: rebecca your lectures are very useful for me I learnt allot through these. Miss: Rebecca most of the people teaching but your method is different. Thanks again.
Miss: I request you if you kind enough to reply me that is there any website to improve my vocabulary and how I can easily improve my speaking
Good afternoon teacher, I love the way of your teach very much.
Rebecca, I thank you a lot about all your teachings and your kind way of working with people.You’re a great teacher.
I like you mam because you explain very clear.
You’re a good teacher for me. I’ve got 100% Ha..Ha..
I am a student studing in class viii and i was confused a lot with these two words:
‘During’ and ‘While’ and I thank you for your help but I even have some confusion between the difference of these two words:
‘So’ and ‘Such’. And I would love to learn this from you rather than my English teacher.
Thank You!!!
Your Secret Student,
Remya (India)
Thank you very much dear REBECCA
I’d like to thank you!
Natalie Byron
Hi Mrs.Rebecca!
First of all, i would like to thank you for all your lessons, they are all great and i do really enjoy them.
in this comment i would like to share with u and the other studens who do use acess this site web, the problem that i do ofen face in English,
i have spent a great deal of time learning english and i do often practise it with its native speakers,more than that, i am planning to take the exam of CPE at the british council,yet, i don’t trust my english and i really don’t know why,i don’t know if passing this exam will be a kind of jumping the gun!
are there some advices for me?
woww, amazing style of teaching here in this site, im new and i saw the video’s of great teacher Ms. Rebecca yet. But great site, thanks for the videos.
im student of intermediate yet. i would like to improve my english here with the help of tis site. Many many thanks to the admin and all kind and high able teachers.
hi rebecca^^..
thank you very mush for all the great lessons
could you learn us about what is the different between while and when we use them in the past tens and past continuous..thanks
Dear Rebecca,
It is very good but I think question number 4 needs more clarification.
Kind regards,
Medhat Nagy.
Medhat Nagy
Hello Rebecca,
I just found this site and I really enjoyed it. I’ve learn a lot.. I studied English by myself through about.com but this site is more helpful to all English student. i’m very interested to study English and I hope you guys will help to all English student like me..
Happy New year! God bless you all the English teacher here in engVid.com..
Hi Rebecca,
I had a confusion when i was attending the question number 4. You said in your lectures that “during” always followed by its noun and “while” will always followed by verb. But in question number 4, “while” is followed by the noun (the cake). I am confused. Please tell me the logic.
Hi ma’am,could you explain also in your video the use of “nevertheless”.thank you.
I love your teachings they are cool
it is very wounderful lessens
While I was doing the quiz, the phone started to ring, but I did not answered.the quiz is first. I did it pretty good, thanks teacher.
thanks alot, i like the way you teach me many things, really you are goog teacher, thank you again.
You said DURING is followed by the noun and WHILE is followed by the gerund, but in the sentence” while the cake was baking” while is followed by the noun and not by the gerund , wby?
I like a lot your class Rebeca this way I can improve my english faster. thanks a lot
You are excellent teacher !
Thank you for your clear lessons !
Hi ,
I would like to know if the usage of “still” is correct in this sentence below .
I would like to still follow the same way , so Im sending back the file to the office .
Tks ,Nita
Hi Rebecca! I got 100 percent from your exam, I learn a lot from you! you the best and very good teacher…. god bless you all the best….
Thank you Rebecca..!
I found it’s really useful for me
Thank you very much Rebecca, U cleared my confusion
Dear rebecca,
please tell me which of the following sentences are correct
1. I knew you would do that job
2. I know you would do that job
3. I knew you will do that job
4. I know you will do that job
and please tell me how to handle similar situations.
Rebecca mam
Very very thanks for this lesson.
Teacher Rebecca ! Really Really thanks for your lessons ….
thank you, Rebecca, your lesson so clear to understand and your voice is good.
thank you so much.^^
Wow!!!!!!! you”re a wonderful teacher, thanks a lot.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for this video. Have a nice day!
again Rebeca you are the best
thank you rebeccca for teaching us…. i got a perfect score… =D
when do we usewhile and during?
Thank you rebecca for everything. Ican always
watching you.
thank you my teacher
Thanks mummy with clear teaching …
I have a question Ms. Rebecca.I’ve been practicing grammar quizzes through internet and i encountered this one which i got confused. Regarding this example:
He learned Chinese _____ his stay in HongKong.
My answer was During, but i remember what you said here that, WHile is always followed by a subject and a verb phrase. Now, can you please explain this example to me? Why During is the correct answer? Thank you and More power!!
Hello, Ms. Rebecca, do you have any videos that differentiate “much” and “more”?
very nice and good web
its very easy way to learn english
thnkx Rebeeca
could you please help me
I don`t know exactly when I have to use (do,does and did) while I am using question word (what. who,…_
for example:
when did you finish your work?
what happened?
why sometimes we use (do, does and did) and sometimes we don`t…????
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your explanations on the use of ‘during” and ‘while”.For you, both of them as Prepositions which are to be followed by nouns for ‘during’ and gerunds for “while”.
I have no doubt about ‘during’, but for ‘while’, in all the dictionaries I have checked, it is never stated to be a preposition, but only a noun and a conjuntion, which rightfully to be followed by a sentence turning it into an adverb cluase. But many regard it to be a preposition, thus accepting a gerund after it. So do all wrongs turn it into an accepted ‘right’ grammatically. I have been puzzled by this quite some time. How do you explain this ? Thanks
TN Phang
thank you mam rebecca i absolutely understand your lecture…
Hi mam
your teaching was good and clear even person who doesnt know English can understand your language.I like you very much. Can u pls explain about Past perfect,present perfect,future perfect and past perfect continous, present perfect continous and future perfect continous tense
Thank you for clarification,its so clear now
Hi Rebecca!!
Thank you for this website it helps me to get more english grammar knowledges.I would like to know how can I get a good english pronounciation?
I wish you all the best!!
hi, really it’s great. thank u so much
Thank you for your one of the most important lesson rebbeca i was my self very much confuse to understand the difference and proper position to these two words but thanks to your lesson i attempt the quiz and i got 90%
irfan ali
Thanks so much Rebecca!
excellent and easy esplaination!
Thank you so much Rebeca
Catherine Llagas
super explanation nice class thanks
joseph xavier
thank you teacher nice class
joseph xavier
nice one
Rebecca ,,, you are the best
Thank you
____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
as you’ve said in the pass lesson that “during” is followed by noun and the “while” is verb.How come that a cake is a verb? cake is the noun subject am i right? and it must be preceded by during. please help me to understand the rules very clearly, hope you will show some examples that is so confusing just like this.
Can you wait for me _____ I finish shopping?
Why while is the correct answer? can you please explain this to me, coz I’m confuse of the rule “during” is followed by noun and also the “while” is verb. In this Sentence “while” is followed by I and “I” is a pronoun. Is there a rule that “while” followed should follow a pronoun and not “during” plus a pronoun?
hope you understand this question and I’m to give me your response.
thank you very much!
Hi Ms. Rebecca!
I have a simple sentence about During and While and here it it.
I am busy during my work while Mario is dancing with my daughter.
Is it correct? if it is
question numero uno. while folloed by Mario which is a noun violated the rules that “while” should followed by a verb.
And if this is not correct,I mean the sentence if it is not correct, please show to me the appropriate one.
thanks a lot.
_____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
How correct is this question? I came across WHILE attending the quiz.
Sudhher A
thanks a lot sweet teacher it was really good and understandable.
there is no confusion after attending your lecture
May you smile always!
ok it is clear so i biginner
thanks alot now is very clear
Jabal 99
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca
Would you explain ‘ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes ‘
why should i use the While ??
the ” The cake ” is noun right??
Best Regards,,,
Rebeca, you’re a wonderful teacher.
Could you explain me the differences between “say”,”speak”,”talk”? Thanks
Hello Rebeca,wonderful teacher
Please explain me the differences between “speak”, “say”, “talK”
thanks Rebeca you are the best.
thats grait thank u dear rebecca now i understand how to use during and while
Hi Ms.Rebecca,
Thank you so much, i was really confused this two words how do used. anyway i achived in quiz 10 out of 10!
Ramzan Hosen Bhuia
thank you
Thank you for presenting these lessons in a manner that is easy to understand. Also I’m thankful for giving these free.
-Gamini -Sri Lanka
Gamini C. Kumara
I’m very grateful to you end all the other teachers, you speak very clear,this site is fantastic!!!
thank u so much, i understood how to use ‘WHILE and DURING”
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so mutch
Hello, I wanted to ask you why in the forth question answer is While not during. This is this example:
_____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
thank you rebeca……
Thanks Rebecca, This simple rule is really helpful to me in understanding the use of While and During.
But at end of test. I am confused in below question.
Q: ______ the cake was baking.Diane washed the dishes.
I answered ‘During’ as the cake is noun. But the answer was wrong.
Can you please enlighten me on this.
Once again thank you very much for this lession.
Thanks Rebecca, it is great work on internet.
hellooooo Rebecca,
it was a wandafull lesson. thaks alots
Many many thanks!
Rebecca, This simple rule is really helpful to me in understanding the use of While and During.
With affection
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I like the way you present your lecture. Can you explain why we don’t we have to use preposition for ‘ school, home, music .’
Thank you Ms Rebecca for clear explaination!
Excellent lesson, thank very much
Hi Rebecca,
Following your lession, I did the quiz of this lession but I understood the sentene below was be wrong. You explaned that: after During is noun, and after While is Verb (ing)
1._____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
– During
– While
I chose “During” but my result was wrong.
I do not kmow how can I understand clearly.
I think my English is not good so I did not understand what did you explan it.
Many thanks,
thank you very much, I was confused about what’s the difference between while and during. Actually I can understad and that’s more clariry for me.
thanks Rebecca !
I think i’m a good student. I’ve got 100%. Thank you.
Thank you!!!!
I’ve got no words to express. this is really useful thank ms Rebecca
Very easy to understand! Thanks
Rebecca, you say “followed by a verb or a noun.”
your explanation is not clear to me because in the sentence from the quiz: ,”______I finish shopping”(question 8) it is followd by a noun “I” so why isnt the answer “during”
I do like your tone of voice, it helps me a lot to understand.
Thanks for the lesson!!
wow 10/10 thanks Rebecca ;)
Thank you, It’s very clear.
Tankhs’rebecca. please wright your example on board.
Yeahhhh.. I got 100 %. Thabks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Could you explain the differences between DURING and FOR?
Sincerely, Albisha.
light simple and easy to understand thanks dear REBECA
Thank u very much! It was my first lesson in this web site. I am glad to use it.
well understood.
Dear Professor Rebecca,
First – It is highly practical lesson. Thank you a lot.
Second – The issue of the lack of written sentences that you expressed orally is a small shortage, as it has been said in the above comments.
Third – Unfortunately your video is technically recorded very badly. Simply I cannot hear you. I think that it would be of great help if you replace this recording with a new one.
Fourth – I suggest to watch Emma’s lesson on while vs. meanwhile after watching this class.
We can see and understand while this simple topic you have chosen for us is important for us. I appreciate that your choice of grammar class is based on your teaching experience.
Best wishes,
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you teacher,it’s been very easy to understand,i got 10/10 that’s makes my day
Thank you Rebecca Mam. This is all about i wanted to know. I did quizes after this and i easily gave correct answers.
Thanks, Rebecca
Tchin Shi
I scored full! Thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebecca.
Yep. She is very good while explaining the exercises
Tomek Krol
Yeah! another absolute victory. Thanks Rebecca. I owe you one. by the way, saying the truth, my fav teachers here are only you and Adam.
Thank you so much, teacher!
Xan San
Dear Rebecca,
I have understood : “during” is a preposition, and “while” is a conjunction.
Yours sincerely.
Thank you so much.
You are great. Thank you.
mohamed owais
Rebecca, could you explain this fragment from Yahoo news, please:
“While some parents wouldn’t even contemplate allowing their kids to get physical with a partner under their roof, here’s one mother who actively encourages it”.
Here we have “while + noun”.
U can make a video on must and must not
And u can also make a video on parts of speech and u can also take a topic like shortcuts in writing
eg: didn’t or any shortcut except this one!
Actually I told u to make a video on speech because I am too shy while I am giving a speech,so pls give me some tips.
I want to overcome my fears
and pls make one on overcoming spelling mistakes because I make them very often, u may even find some in this tip which I am writing to u.
You’re an awesome teacher….
Bye take care and keep making awesome videos
hi no comments :(
I made one mistake while I was testing. Thank you Rebecca.:D
Thank you so much, very useful and clear explanation.Thank
Marta Lopez
another amazing and useful lesson from you, i am appreciate your effort teacher Rebecca. while i attending this lesson i watch just two words in the screen,but i understood very well during amazing explanation for you .by the way i got 100 per sent. thank you so much
essam eldeen
l always get 100 out of 100, sometimes I get 80
Thank you so much.
Sujeet kumar pathak
could you open the course for when and while word?
I used to used both in the same way, but I know how to use them in the correct way
Hi Rebecca, first of all I truly appreciate your help of teaching fluent English to people around the world. By the way I am Dr.Venkat, aspiring to practice in Canada. Anyway, I am commenting to let you know that I always get baffled between words advise and advice. I would appreciate it if you would kindly clear me out the difference between these two words.Oh! and I hope my sentence formation and grammar I used in this comment are accurate.Kindly let me know if any mistakes. Thank you again.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
M kartal
I’m forgetful but I learned alot to man Rebecca.Thanks to you. May god bless you more than anything else.
Lenon Boyd
Please , I’m a begginer
Can I say
During sleeping , The light went out.
thank you Rebecca
I love the way Rebecca teaches. She clearly defines and explains words and expressions. I am learning a lot from her. Thanks Rebecca!.
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca.
Love your job Rebecca
Can smb explain me why do we use:
The children were very restless during the flight, but they ARE fast asleep now. Instead of “they WERE fast asleep now” (because they WERE restless). I mean that “to be / to fall/ to get asleep is an finished action, so why we put it in a present tense form. I’m not sure to formulate well my question but if someone can try to answer, pleaaaaase
thank you very much
Everything is perfect. Courses Homework. I am very happy because I have learnt many things wih you. GOd blees you.
kader 94
I was wondering if you could help me regarding the
below Question.
Karen was very tired during the day, because she hadn’t slept all night.
Karen was very tired (which past tense? and why?
Hi our teacher thank you very much for your helping us. i encounter the question is what is the difference between “Not And “No thank you
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca! I just wanted to pay attention to 1 more similar construction – using “as” (as well as “when”). For example, “As a child, I liked sweets.” or “When out of home, beware of thieves.” (and so on). It will be great, if you add these cases to your review to compare. /Or do I misunderstand smth. ..?/
Nataly Maleyeva
I got it! thank you
Excellent lesson!
Jobson Almeida
Thank you!!
I got 100 thankyou teacher Rebecca
Aso Sdiq
Thank you from your help I have one suggestions to help me about IELTS lessons
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I like this teacher, because her explaination is too much clear!!!!
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you very much for you lesson.
I don’t understand why in sentence “Every night, Jason fall asleep ___watching television” the answer is while because I think in this case “watching television” is a noun.
please! explain to me
I will try to solve your doubt, I am not 100% sure, so If I am wrong sorry, but in that case, watching television -> “watching” is the act of to watch television, so it’s a verb. A noun is a Person, Place or Thing.Only television is the noun.
Thanks, Marcos. You’re right! Good job!
Thanking you mame for your clear teaching
Hi! First, I wanna say that you are a fantastic teacher.
I would like to know the difference between while and whereas.
Thank you
I thought the samething that you, I just was confuse about this question. television is the noun. but don’t worry about, always we learn more. thank’s for engvid.
Yes me too
Dear Rebecca,
I would like that you write while you explain.
Thanks a lot.
Will try and do that. Thanks.
i like you ma’am..,^_^
please ,write your solucion,thanks
I like the way your teach, it will help me to improve my English.Thank you~~^^
Very nice lesson, just a question,
on the fourth quiz question , I put
“During” the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
And on the score said that I was wrong, but Isn’t cake a noun?
So why is that wrong? Maybe because it was the beggining of the sentence…
Dear Marco,
I think I can help you out. And to Rebecca, thanks for making these videos.
It really helps to know the parts of speech when trying to understand English. During is a preposition; that’s why nouns are usually following. While on the other hand is usually a conjunction. So what do you do if you find yourself unsure of which word to use? Plug in the definition and see if the sentence still makes sense. Here are some definitions (from Marriam Webster’s online dictionary:
During – Prepostion – throughout the duration of
While – Conjunction – during the time that
Now to use your example
During/While the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
So plug in the definitions and see which one makes better sense…
1. Throughout the duration of the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
2. During the time that the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
Which one makes more sense? To me, “duration of the cake,” seems a little odd but “during the time that the cake was baking,” while long, still makes sense. Since this is the definition of “while,” “while” would be the better word to use here.
While not 100% foolproof, the technique can help you out most of the time.
Bill Ralens
Thanks, Bill, for your detailed explanation.
what do you mean by Marriam Webster’s online dictionary ?
Maybe it’s a kind of dictionary.
Good teacher . From Brazil
Rebecca,thanks a lot for your help.I think that your teaching is very good!
Thanks for your lessons. I’m very grateful in this lesson. Now I know how I can say correct during and while. Thank you very much Rebecca.
great job! thanks
this was great. I greatly enjoyed it.
but it was bad and very confused
Thank you.
thank u but ı want to watch your videos,Iam new here ı thınk ı couldnt find :(please help me
What problem are you having exactly?
Thanks to everyone for your feedback. Glad I could help most of you.
you lesson is easy to undetstand, but it is better if you write more; I aprriciate your effort. thanhks so much
Will keep that in mind. Thanks.
Thank you
Thanks to all for your feedback.
hi Rebeccaesl, thank you very much .your video is short ,but it is very interesting.
Thank you, Rebecca. Very easy to understand for me. Test 100%!
Thank you, Rebecca.
thank you,it was simple and great.
Thank you so much, it’s realy great watching and listening your video lessons.
helo Rebecca
Thank you so much, your way of teaching is very nice like you, may i have your skyype address, i would like to learn english like u speak , thanks you very much.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your effort on teaching English (and to the rest of the team as well)! It helps me a lot to kind of proceed my knowledge about the English language. One question about this video is remaining: I’ve heard about ‘whilst’ in some cases. So how can I use this in a proper way?
“Whilst” is not used very often anymore, but in essence it is used in the same way as the word “while”.
He knocked on the door whilst I was cooking.
Whilst cleaning, look out for my keys. I can’t find them.
My best wishes to you.
Mam, you teach very comprehensively. I have little confusion in using of could have and would have. Could you please guide me. Regards
Hi Rebecca,
Congratulations for your video-class. The best. Please, could you
write during your explanation?
Thank you very much.
mam your way of teaching is very sweet.Thanks
Thanks to all for you feedback.
I thought I will not understand but I have got 100 in quiz.
It made me very happy. Thank you for excelent explanations.
I am your personal fan, please stay with your students.
Silvia Czech Rep.
Hi RebeccaESL,
I am so glad from you an from your related teems. you all great teachers for me and for all those watch your lessons.
I wish good chance for you and form your friends.
Thanks so much,
Faizullah Faizan
Kabul Afghanistan
thanks a lot first i have on quation is while is look like same meaning of when is i m right on no thanks again
Mam thank you very much for your help. I have watched your videos on you tube.
i like the way you teaching………………………………………… while i listened to you………… i have nothing to say……………
sr,i’ve mistake: “i like the way you’re teaching………………………………………… while i was listening to you………… i have nothing to say……………”
hope it’s correct now.(^-^) !!!
Excellent! Great! You remove all my confusions in these case. Thanks a lot. Please keep on these efforts for the sake of large community of students who likes a teacher like you.
hi, thank you for your all help.best wishes for you.
Thanks Rebecca
Great lesson for me.
I love your classes, thank you so much!
I enjoy your classes, thank you very much!
I realy catch something useful, thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca. Your explanation is so much clear.
thank u mam
i like ur teaching way you are very polite
hi rebecca teacher,
your teaching way is very polite and soft and thak u 4 teaching us
Thank you for your all your help.
I realy like it. thanks Rebecca
is good but you MUST write was so quick…
while + ver + ing, all the time you said (or i heard) ing after while..could you explain..tks
I love the way to teach the topic, outstanding…………….. God Bless you
well what i can say is that its more than clear your explanation but ill recommend you to use the board in order to help another people thanks
I enjoyed a lot while watching this video lesson, & I gave my full concentration during watching.
Arshad Hussain
Dear Rebecca,
I’m a little confused by the sentence “WHILE the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.”
In your video you gave us the following rule:
“While+verb” and “During +noun” but this sentence doesn’t follow the rule.
Please explain it.
Best Regards,
Hi, i got an another 100% score..
Thank you so much
wow my score was 100.00, thank’s Rebecca, i like the way you teach very clear
I need help with participal adjectives
Hi, great job thanks so much
hi im a new comer. why do i not sign up? i dont receive any password to log in.
thanks so mutch
You explain very clear.thanks.:)
thank RebeccaESL very much. this lesson is very useful for me.
would u mind if I’m asking u a problem?
what is the best way to remember the new words?
thanks very much
Ms. Rebecca what is correct?
During my duty
while my duty
Ms: Rebecca thanks for your lecture, which is very very useful for us. Mis Rebecca can you help us to find Vocabulary through any web site
Thanks you very much Miss: rebecca your lectures are very useful for me I learnt allot through these. Miss: Rebecca most of the people teaching but your method is different. Thanks again.
Miss: I request you if you kind enough to reply me that is there any website to improve my vocabulary and how I can easily improve my speaking
Good afternoon teacher, I love the way of your teach very much.
Rebecca, I thank you a lot about all your teachings and your kind way of working with people.You’re a great teacher.
I like you mam because you explain very clear.
You’re a good teacher for me. I’ve got 100% Ha..Ha..
I am a student studing in class viii and i was confused a lot with these two words:
‘During’ and ‘While’ and I thank you for your help but I even have some confusion between the difference of these two words:
‘So’ and ‘Such’. And I would love to learn this from you rather than my English teacher.
Thank You!!!
Your Secret Student,
Remya (India)
Thank you very much dear REBECCA
I’d like to thank you!
Hi Mrs.Rebecca!
First of all, i would like to thank you for all your lessons, they are all great and i do really enjoy them.
in this comment i would like to share with u and the other studens who do use acess this site web, the problem that i do ofen face in English,
i have spent a great deal of time learning english and i do often practise it with its native speakers,more than that, i am planning to take the exam of CPE at the british council,yet, i don’t trust my english and i really don’t know why,i don’t know if passing this exam will be a kind of jumping the gun!
are there some advices for me?
woww, amazing style of teaching here in this site, im new and i saw the video’s of great teacher Ms. Rebecca yet. But great site, thanks for the videos.
im student of intermediate yet. i would like to improve my english here with the help of tis site. Many many thanks to the admin and all kind and high able teachers.
hi rebecca^^..
thank you very mush for all the great lessons
could you learn us about what is the different between while and when we use them in the past tens and past continuous..thanks
Dear Rebecca,
It is very good but I think question number 4 needs more clarification.
Kind regards,
Medhat Nagy.
Hello Rebecca,
I just found this site and I really enjoyed it. I’ve learn a lot.. I studied English by myself through about.com but this site is more helpful to all English student. i’m very interested to study English and I hope you guys will help to all English student like me..
Happy New year! God bless you all the English teacher here in engVid.com..
Hi Rebecca,
I had a confusion when i was attending the question number 4. You said in your lectures that “during” always followed by its noun and “while” will always followed by verb. But in question number 4, “while” is followed by the noun (the cake). I am confused. Please tell me the logic.
Hi ma’am,could you explain also in your video the use of “nevertheless”.thank you.
I love your teachings they are cool
it is very wounderful lessens
While I was doing the quiz, the phone started to ring, but I did not answered.the quiz is first. I did it pretty good, thanks teacher.
thanks alot, i like the way you teach me many things, really you are goog teacher, thank you again.
You said DURING is followed by the noun and WHILE is followed by the gerund, but in the sentence” while the cake was baking” while is followed by the noun and not by the gerund , wby?
I like a lot your class Rebeca this way I can improve my english faster. thanks a lot
You are excellent teacher !
Thank you for your clear lessons !
Hi ,
I would like to know if the usage of “still” is correct in this sentence below .
I would like to still follow the same way , so Im sending back the file to the office .
Tks ,Nita
Hi Rebecca! I got 100 percent from your exam, I learn a lot from you! you the best and very good teacher…. god bless you all the best….
Thank you Rebecca..!
I found it’s really useful for me
Thank you very much Rebecca, U cleared my confusion
Dear rebecca,
please tell me which of the following sentences are correct
1. I knew you would do that job
2. I know you would do that job
3. I knew you will do that job
4. I know you will do that job
and please tell me how to handle similar situations.
Rebecca mam
Very very thanks for this lesson.
Teacher Rebecca ! Really Really thanks for your lessons ….
thank you, Rebecca, your lesson so clear to understand and your voice is good.
thank you so much.^^
Wow!!!!!!! you”re a wonderful teacher, thanks a lot.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for this video. Have a nice day!
again Rebeca you are the best
thank you rebeccca for teaching us…. i got a perfect score… =D
when do we usewhile and during?
Thank you rebecca for everything. Ican always
watching you.
thank you my teacher
Thanks mummy with clear teaching …
I have a question Ms. Rebecca.I’ve been practicing grammar quizzes through internet and i encountered this one which i got confused. Regarding this example:
He learned Chinese _____ his stay in HongKong.
My answer was During, but i remember what you said here that, WHile is always followed by a subject and a verb phrase. Now, can you please explain this example to me? Why During is the correct answer? Thank you and More power!!
Hello, Ms. Rebecca, do you have any videos that differentiate “much” and “more”?
very nice and good web
its very easy way to learn english
thnkx Rebeeca
could you please help me
I don`t know exactly when I have to use (do,does and did) while I am using question word (what. who,…_
for example:
when did you finish your work?
what happened?
why sometimes we use (do, does and did) and sometimes we don`t…????
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your explanations on the use of ‘during” and ‘while”.For you, both of them as Prepositions which are to be followed by nouns for ‘during’ and gerunds for “while”.
I have no doubt about ‘during’, but for ‘while’, in all the dictionaries I have checked, it is never stated to be a preposition, but only a noun and a conjuntion, which rightfully to be followed by a sentence turning it into an adverb cluase. But many regard it to be a preposition, thus accepting a gerund after it. So do all wrongs turn it into an accepted ‘right’ grammatically. I have been puzzled by this quite some time. How do you explain this ? Thanks
thank you mam rebecca i absolutely understand your lecture…
Hi mam
your teaching was good and clear even person who doesnt know English can understand your language.I like you very much. Can u pls explain about Past perfect,present perfect,future perfect and past perfect continous, present perfect continous and future perfect continous tense
Thank you for clarification,its so clear now
Hi Rebecca!!
Thank you for this website it helps me to get more english grammar knowledges.I would like to know how can I get a good english pronounciation?
I wish you all the best!!
hi, really it’s great. thank u so much
Thank you for your one of the most important lesson rebbeca i was my self very much confuse to understand the difference and proper position to these two words but thanks to your lesson i attempt the quiz and i got 90%
Thanks so much Rebecca!
excellent and easy esplaination!
Thank you so much Rebeca
super explanation nice class thanks
thank you teacher nice class
nice one
Rebecca ,,, you are the best
Thank you
____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
as you’ve said in the pass lesson that “during” is followed by noun and the “while” is verb.How come that a cake is a verb? cake is the noun subject am i right? and it must be preceded by during. please help me to understand the rules very clearly, hope you will show some examples that is so confusing just like this.
Can you wait for me _____ I finish shopping?
Why while is the correct answer? can you please explain this to me, coz I’m confuse of the rule “during” is followed by noun and also the “while” is verb. In this Sentence “while” is followed by I and “I” is a pronoun. Is there a rule that “while” followed should follow a pronoun and not “during” plus a pronoun?
hope you understand this question and I’m to give me your response.
thank you very much!
Hi Ms. Rebecca!
I have a simple sentence about During and While and here it it.
I am busy during my work while Mario is dancing with my daughter.
Is it correct? if it is
question numero uno. while folloed by Mario which is a noun violated the rules that “while” should followed by a verb.
And if this is not correct,I mean the sentence if it is not correct, please show to me the appropriate one.
thanks a lot.
_____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
How correct is this question? I came across WHILE attending the quiz.
thanks a lot sweet teacher it was really good and understandable.
there is no confusion after attending your lecture
May you smile always!
ok it is clear so i biginner
thanks alot now is very clear
Thank you Mrs. Rebecca
Would you explain ‘ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes ‘
why should i use the While ??
the ” The cake ” is noun right??
Best Regards,,,
Rebeca, you’re a wonderful teacher.
Could you explain me the differences between “say”,”speak”,”talk”? Thanks
Hello Rebeca,wonderful teacher
Please explain me the differences between “speak”, “say”, “talK”
thanks Rebeca you are the best.
thats grait thank u dear rebecca now i understand how to use during and while
Hi Ms.Rebecca,
Thank you so much, i was really confused this two words how do used. anyway i achived in quiz 10 out of 10!
thank you
Thank you for presenting these lessons in a manner that is easy to understand. Also I’m thankful for giving these free.
-Gamini -Sri Lanka
I’m very grateful to you end all the other teachers, you speak very clear,this site is fantastic!!!
thank u so much, i understood how to use ‘WHILE and DURING”
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so mutch
Hello, I wanted to ask you why in the forth question answer is While not during. This is this example:
_____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
thank you rebeca……
Thanks Rebecca, This simple rule is really helpful to me in understanding the use of While and During.
But at end of test. I am confused in below question.
Q: ______ the cake was baking.Diane washed the dishes.
I answered ‘During’ as the cake is noun. But the answer was wrong.
Can you please enlighten me on this.
Once again thank you very much for this lession.
Thanks Rebecca, it is great work on internet.
hellooooo Rebecca,
it was a wandafull lesson. thaks alots
Many many thanks!
Rebecca, This simple rule is really helpful to me in understanding the use of While and During.
With affection
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I like the way you present your lecture. Can you explain why we don’t we have to use preposition for ‘ school, home, music .’
Thank you Ms Rebecca for clear explaination!
Excellent lesson, thank very much
Hi Rebecca,
Following your lession, I did the quiz of this lession but I understood the sentene below was be wrong. You explaned that: after During is noun, and after While is Verb (ing)
1._____ the cake was baking, Diane washed the dishes.
– During
– While
I chose “During” but my result was wrong.
I do not kmow how can I understand clearly.
I think my English is not good so I did not understand what did you explan it.
Many thanks,
thank you very much, I was confused about what’s the difference between while and during. Actually I can understad and that’s more clariry for me.
thanks Rebecca !
I think i’m a good student. I’ve got 100%. Thank you.
Thank you!!!!
I’ve got no words to express. this is really useful thank ms Rebecca
Very easy to understand! Thanks
Rebecca, you say “followed by a verb or a noun.”
your explanation is not clear to me because in the sentence from the quiz: ,”______I finish shopping”(question 8) it is followd by a noun “I” so why isnt the answer “during”
I do like your tone of voice, it helps me a lot to understand.
Thanks for the lesson!!
wow 10/10 thanks Rebecca ;)
Thank you, It’s very clear.
Tankhs’rebecca. please wright your example on board.
Yeahhhh.. I got 100 %. Thabks Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Could you explain the differences between DURING and FOR?
Sincerely, Albisha.
light simple and easy to understand thanks dear REBECA
Thank u very much! It was my first lesson in this web site. I am glad to use it.
well understood.
Dear Professor Rebecca,
First – It is highly practical lesson. Thank you a lot.
Second – The issue of the lack of written sentences that you expressed orally is a small shortage, as it has been said in the above comments.
Third – Unfortunately your video is technically recorded very badly. Simply I cannot hear you. I think that it would be of great help if you replace this recording with a new one.
Fourth – I suggest to watch Emma’s lesson on while vs. meanwhile after watching this class.
We can see and understand while this simple topic you have chosen for us is important for us. I appreciate that your choice of grammar class is based on your teaching experience.
Best wishes,
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you teacher,it’s been very easy to understand,i got 10/10 that’s makes my day
Thank you Rebecca Mam. This is all about i wanted to know. I did quizes after this and i easily gave correct answers.
Thanks, Rebecca
I scored full! Thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebecca.
Yep. She is very good while explaining the exercises
Yeah! another absolute victory. Thanks Rebecca. I owe you one. by the way, saying the truth, my fav teachers here are only you and Adam.
Thank you so much, teacher!
Dear Rebecca,
I have understood : “during” is a preposition, and “while” is a conjunction.
Yours sincerely.
Thank you so much.
You are great. Thank you.
Rebecca, could you explain this fragment from Yahoo news, please:
“While some parents wouldn’t even contemplate allowing their kids to get physical with a partner under their roof, here’s one mother who actively encourages it”.
Here we have “while + noun”.
U can make a video on must and must not
And u can also make a video on parts of speech and u can also take a topic like shortcuts in writing
eg: didn’t or any shortcut except this one!
Actually I told u to make a video on speech because I am too shy while I am giving a speech,so pls give me some tips.
I want to overcome my fears
and pls make one on overcoming spelling mistakes because I make them very often, u may even find some in this tip which I am writing to u.
You’re an awesome teacher….
Bye take care and keep making awesome videos
hi no comments :(
I made one mistake while I was testing. Thank you Rebecca.:D
Thank you so much, very useful and clear explanation.Thank
another amazing and useful lesson from you, i am appreciate your effort teacher Rebecca. while i attending this lesson i watch just two words in the screen,but i understood very well during amazing explanation for you .by the way i got 100 per sent. thank you so much
l always get 100 out of 100, sometimes I get 80
Thank you so much.
could you open the course for when and while word?
I used to used both in the same way, but I know how to use them in the correct way
Hi Rebecca, first of all I truly appreciate your help of teaching fluent English to people around the world. By the way I am Dr.Venkat, aspiring to practice in Canada. Anyway, I am commenting to let you know that I always get baffled between words advise and advice. I would appreciate it if you would kindly clear me out the difference between these two words.Oh! and I hope my sentence formation and grammar I used in this comment are accurate.Kindly let me know if any mistakes. Thank you again.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
I’m forgetful but I learned alot to man Rebecca.Thanks to you. May god bless you more than anything else.
Please , I’m a begginer
Can I say
During sleeping , The light went out.
thank you Rebecca
I love the way Rebecca teaches. She clearly defines and explains words and expressions. I am learning a lot from her. Thanks Rebecca!.
Thank you so much Ms. Rebecca.
Love your job Rebecca
Can smb explain me why do we use:
The children were very restless during the flight, but they ARE fast asleep now. Instead of “they WERE fast asleep now” (because they WERE restless). I mean that “to be / to fall/ to get asleep is an finished action, so why we put it in a present tense form. I’m not sure to formulate well my question but if someone can try to answer, pleaaaaase
thank you very much
Everything is perfect. Courses Homework. I am very happy because I have learnt many things wih you. GOd blees you.
I was wondering if you could help me regarding the
below Question.
Karen was very tired during the day, because she hadn’t slept all night.
Karen was very tired (which past tense? and why?
Hi our teacher thank you very much for your helping us. i encounter the question is what is the difference between “Not And “No thank you
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca! I just wanted to pay attention to 1 more similar construction – using “as” (as well as “when”). For example, “As a child, I liked sweets.” or “When out of home, beware of thieves.” (and so on). It will be great, if you add these cases to your review to compare. /Or do I misunderstand smth. ..?/
I got it! thank you
Excellent lesson!
Thank you!!
I got 100 thankyou teacher Rebecca
Thank you from your help I have one suggestions to help me about IELTS lessons