What’s the difference between EFFECT and AFFECT? Even native speakers often get this wrong, but you can learn how to use these words correctly in this quick English lesson. Take the test after the lesson to see if you understood the class.
I like your lesson..I learned a lot.thank you for very much.
By all means mrs
Oh, my God! Your Enghlish is so bad. Who has taught English grammar for you?
That’s why he’s here to learn and correct his grammar. He’s just being honest to himself and to everybody.Anyway,
could you check your grammar and spelling if it’s correct before you post it ok?
strawberry cake
yeah u r right
hahahaha….. you’re right… he must look his/herself before he hurt someone….
i mean, he must look hiself before he hurts someone.
Totally agree with your comment. The main reason why people come to this website is to improve their English practice and get it right in everyword they will say in the future. It’s better to only center on our own self without blaming to anyone’s mistake.
if you are a talented student why u r opening this website ha? stop to badly comment here .we like this web site and teachers so we r here and we know that we r getting good lesson by engvid teachers so we loved them
i want to learn english.so i opened this side.
Nguyns, I’m really/extremely/badly disappointed your reaction to Koug, because it may hurt her motivation toward English. So, its all i can suggest is, be kindness to others. Thank you
I agree. Everyone is here to learn, and each student is at a different level. There is no need to insult anyone here.
yeah you’re right
what are you doin’ here in the first place?? u think you’re so damn good in english? now get the hell out of here…..
who taught YOU english grammer
keep trying Koug… english isn’t my first language, too… it’s difficult but we do have patience, don’t we? so keep learning… good luck… ^^
I like your lesson I learned a lot. thank you for very much.
you are not a teacher,but creature
you are not a creature,but torch
totally your seems one of the NATURES
R 4 Regular
E 4 Ever
B 4 Brilliant
E 4 Excellent
C 4 coach
C 4 computer
A 4 A 2 Z in english
that’s okay and he;ll learn
I like very much your way of teaching it´s so clear I don´t have any problem uderstanding.
I would like you to help me clarify this doubt
that I have when verbs are used as nouns specially at the beginning of sentences
like for example “Swimming is good exercise”,
“working ten years in the mine was enough”
“To sleep in is a luxury” and “To be able to read is important” But what if I say “To swim is a good execise” or “sleeping is a luxury”
when do I have to use “to” or “ing” with the noun?.
I would be very grateful if you help me solve
this doubt.
thank you very munch.
May you answer this question, please? Is it right to make a difficult exam for my students to master English or not? I’m a teacher from Egypt. I always prefer difficult tests. what’s your opinion?
Interesting question. In the classroom, I try to take the responsibility on myself to teach so clearly that my students can do well on any test. I prefer to motivate through positive reinforcement; if the tests are too hard and the students get low marks, that could turn them off English forever or leave them with the self-image of being poor learners of languages. I prefer to set it up so that they take small steps and succeed at each stage so they develop the self-confidence, which is so necessary to master the new language. I also think we, as teachers, have to find many creative ways to correct students until they get it right!
Hope this helps. All the best to you, Kamel.
I agree…. ^^
Rebecca,You are a good teacher
rebecca you are the best to teach
That is why you are a great teacher,you are not only teaching us English knowledge,but also how to be a good person,thanks so much Rebecca
love you so much
I now know the difference between the two words … thanks for your efforts EngVid team, you’re having a great effect on our english improvement
Thanks so much…
thank you
robbeca i like your teaching method
please can you send me more example about ago and before.
this is very confusing propostion
any english my second language
and ineed also affect and effect
thank you very much and i apriciate
God bless you!!!!!!!!!
Please check my video on Commonly Confused Words in English: Before and Ago
Here are some more examples:
I left home a few minutes ago.
We finished dinner half an hour ago.
I used to go out with him many years ago.
I went to the gym before going to lunch.
He called me from the airport before his flight took off.
Jack’s poor diet affected his health.
Jack’s poor diet had a negative effect on his health.
All the best to you!
thanks a lot, i really happy that i found this web site :):):
Thanks a lot, i really happy for understanding confused words. :)
thank u for your lesson i learn a lot
I love all your lesson, they are always very clear and interesting.
Today I found this sentence in the news “What went wrong at the oil rig?” I would like if you could to talk about of the structure of that sentence.
Thank you a lots
Thank for u learning
If a got 100% in the quiz, Mrs. Rebecca is a great theacher, Thank a lot.
I think Ishmael is a great and humble student. Congratulations and all the best to you.
This is a very good web site. I want to know this is a free online course or paid. Can you tell me about this course as well as How can I improve my spoken and written english. Have you any step by step programme.
p singh
p. singh
1. It’s FREE.
2. There is no step-by-step program here yet. Just go to the ALL ENGLISH LESSONS page, and select WRITING and SPEAKING classes to study when you have time.
Good luck with your studies.
Good lesson Rebbeca!!!
The word effect can be a verb and it can also be noun.
Smoking can adversely affect health.
Quitting may effect an improvement.
Kevin Faler
Please ignore my comment.
Kevin Faler
Yes, at an advanced level, we can speak about “effecting a change” as in causing a change to happen.
Most ESL students are confused by the more common usage of the two words though; hence, the lesson.
Thanks for your contribution.
gr8 teaching method!
The word effect can be a verb.
Smoking can adversely effect health.
Quitting may effect an improvement.
Effect is also a noun.
Smoking can have an adverse effect on health.
Kevin Faler
Wrong: Smoking can adversely effect health.
Right: Smoking can adversely affect health.
Sorry about not proof reading before I click on the submit button.
Kevin Faler
yes, it`s nice . i took 4 out of 5. so i am very well
Basically The quizz is not quite difficult, however it’s a good lesson !
thanks for this coz first time both meaning clear to i.
good lesson
can u tell me when to use was and were
he was playing
they were playing
what were u doing?
hello i am khalid ali from kurdistan in iraq.i like all your lessons very much i like learning english so much god bye
khalid ali
very helpful
Really, I love your site
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
hi really nice!!!! i want to improve my communication skill. i’m having a shy n hesitation to talk with others!!! can u tell me how????
Practice speaking every chance you get! Don’t worry about making mistakes – it is through our mistakes that we learn and grow. No shame necessary. Listen, read, write, sing, dance and joke in English. Surround yourself with the language whenever you can and you will make good progress
All the best!
thanks for help me….
thank’s alot
thanks love i had problem with these two words but now it sorted
can u please tell me which of the following 2 sentences is right:
1-there is something affects my feeling
2-there is something affect my feeling
i mean my question is about the 3rd person present singular
which one of them is right???
ahmed mwaffaq
Sorry, but both sentences are incorrect the way they are.
You could say,
A horror movie affects me negatively.
Horror movies affect me negatively.
The form of the verb depends on the subject of the sentence.
Good luck, Ahmed.
Thank you very much.This lesson is useful,so I love engVid.
Please tell me how to improve new vocablary.
Thanks again from japan.
There are so many ways. You could read, listen, play word games, do simple crosswords and take an active interest in words. With news items, you could start by just reading headlines, then the first paragraph of different news stories, then later perhaps the whole story. If there is some “breaking news” on TV, they will keep on repeating the story and this gives you a chance to hear new vocabulary many times in context and learn it.
All the best to you!
i have lear a lot here thanks!!
Thank you a lot. It’s really useful for me.
Thank you Rebecca
thank you so much
This lesson had a good effect to me.
Im very gratful. Thanks a bundle!
Thnx alot
saudi Arabai
Thank you for posting these videos, Rebecca. I wanted to ask you about the IELTS exam. Well, it may not be the most suitable place/website to inquire but after watching your videos and noticing your response to other comments I assume you might be the right person to refer to.
In one video you mentioned that in the IELTS exam one must be able to speak/write/understand British English. I have no problems with that. My concerns are about my accent. I have developed an American accent. So, basically, will my accent in any certain ways influence my SPEAKING part’s results (even though my grammar is good)?
Sorry if I gave you that impression.
No, it does not matter what kind of accent you have on the IELTS exam. What matters is how correctly and fluently you speak.
What I meant was that you will hear British accents on the listening part of the IELTS, and they also use some specifically British English expressions or vocabulary so you must be familiar with these.
If you speak with correct grammar, you can get a good score, no matter what accent you have.
All the best to you, Oskars!
Thanks to all of you for this noble work.
I am improving my daily English with the help of engvid without any cost, which is a great help for me.I just pray for all of you for such a noble cause.
Ishaque Khan, Pakistan
Thank You . I like your Lessons
Dr.Narayan B Jethwani
Thanks Rebecca
My thanks to all for your thanks!
hello Rebecca i really like all the lessons that u gave.my Q is what is needed 4 to get tofel exam.including educational level thanks to u rebecca.ethiopia
Hello Rebecca ! Your very nice disposition have had a good effect on me. If I’m not writing well,that affects me badly. Sorry I’ve done only a joke ! It’s o.k. ?
You are really good teacher..
I like the way of your teaching. It is very clear and nice. Thanks a lot.
san ei
This is a great wibside. In some videos teacher said that We can ask the teacher about the lesson on http://www.engvid.com. May you please tell how. I pressed the new user up on the right corner of the screen. I entered my username and my email. But how can I know my password. In addition can I make a chating with the teacher and how?
You can ask your question right here, zoka!
If you registered, you will get your password via email. You cannot chat with teachers currently.
Your lesson has a great effect on my English progress. Is it correct Prof?
Thank you
You are the good teacher. I like your explaining the meaning of confusing words.
Very accessible and interesting!
ur lesson is very interesting
i very like many ur lessons. i hope to be friend with U via xuvirus96@yahoo.com so that i can improve my engish
Your lesson is very nice and it helps me lot.
hi robeca could you please write the firsy sntence that you use for show affect and effect you said smokin ……. i did not get the last word can you wrte me the sentence thanks
Easy and fastest way to learn english form home at your own pace.Thanks!
Alfonso Potes
Is this sentence is correct:-
1)This radical changes can(or Could)affect
Is this sentence is correct:-
1)This radical changes can(or Could) affect views of general public toward govt.
2)We are being effected or affected(?) by the financial Crisis.
How we can use effect as a verb?
could you tell me when we use can/cuold, may/might, must/have to. what are the differences between them.
I couldn’t believe that I watched your video on the ‘Affect’ and ‘Effect”. After watching your video on the ‘Affect’ which is a Verb, and ‘Effect’ which is a Noun, I can see the whole picture like a puzzle. You explained how to use these two words so clear, and making English so simple and easy to learn and understand is a fond experience. I appreciate you very much.
You always inspire me! Love you all there! Thanks a lot.
I have always confused with these 3 words: lay, laid, lie. Can you please help me to understand when I suppose to use these words correctly in writing or speaking?
I have understood bt still bit confuse
I love this website although my English isn’t very poor. I guess, my English level now isn’t lower than Intermediate, but still being quite far from Advanced.
Rebecca, your lessons are so clear, your English is perfect – both the pronunciation and the content of speech. Well done!
P.S. I’m from Ukraine.
very good, thank you, good
luis miguel
hello,Rebecca: This is Peggy from Taiwan!
I really love your teaching on every lesson.
You are such a great teacher who have passion in teaching English! hahaha~I am already your fan:) thank you so much! by the way…This webside is really useful in learning English:)
hi rebecca, thank’s for the lesson. actually till now i couldn’t understand for affect and effect. could you please explain with a simple way to me, perhaps i can understand more.
thank’s Rebecca
Timor Leste
You are the best English teacher I ever met.
Thanks a lot dear teacher-Rebecca
I like ur teaching, thank all heap.
what a good lesson. it helps me a lot. thanks. i like your lesson much.
Now, I know how to use “affect” and “effect”. Thanks a lot!
thank you so much for this beautiful lesson , it opened my eyes, i used these two expessions before instinctively but now i understood the rule when and where they are used thank you so much rebecca with all my best wishes to you
Hi lectur, my name Chea, i am Cambodian, i apriciated your way of teaching.I would like ask you one request. Being good lecuture, what kid of approach, principle being used? I am sorry, my english is not good
I do like this website. It looks common, but it’s not common. You can touch by yourself.
smoking has bad effect on my health ,so i must stop it.
thank you rebecca for this beautiful lesson.
all the best wishes to you from morocco
dear rebeca,
i feeling this lesson is very difficult, can u tell me one more examples by using the word ‘affect” and “effect”.
sajna noushad
My thanks to all for your thanks!
I would like to congratulate you for your videos, they are very well made. For the lesson concerning Affects and effect, I would like to have the text of your example because there are some words that j’ have difficulty in seize. Thank you
Félix Bouchard
Hello Rebecca,
I would like to congratulate you for your videos, they are very well made. For the lesson concerning Affects and effect, I would like to have the text of your example because there are some words that i dont understand. Thank you
Félix Bouchard
you know i do not know how to thank you but thanks a lot for what you do teacher , all the best
hi ma’am.. thanks for the teaching.. i really like the way you teach… i become more clearly to differentiate between affect and effect after i watched this video.. :)
Thank you very much..
Dear rebeca,
really, thank you very much for your easily understanding methods
hi thanks
can i get answer please ?’i have many words but i cannot use them in the speaking please how i can speak fluently with different words that i have ?
I really do like your way of teaching and want to say thank you for giving us an opportunities to learn so many things. i do have one small problem that i have tried to do test online but i could not get where to go and how ? it would be greatly appreciated if you or anyone help me how to take test ? thank you
Best wishes
You should see the quiz just under the video, and above the comments. If you don’t see it, you may be using a very old browser, or have javascript turned off. Please update to a modern browser like Chrome.
thanks for your lesson it was so easy to understand . thanks again.
Rebecca, thank’s a lot . These lessons helped me so much in my preparing the TOEFL.
Rebecca, I’m preparing ibt TOEFL exam. My english level is intermediate, and if you don’t mind could you tell me approximately how much time I need to practise thoroughly to reach 80 on ibt TOEFL? Thank’s in advance
please reply me
Thanks it’s very helpfull for me
thanks a lot
Can we downlod the vedios
No, sorry.
I like your videos. I started the lessons a week ago and I have learned more than the school. Thanks
Thank you so much Robaca I don’t how to thank you for All yours lesoson but I need you to hlpe my for two word befor and age woh I use this word .I say Thank you so sooooooooooo much again and thanks alote thank kindly
thanks rebecca
you teach very clearly,i have been lerninig english for many years , still i have problems when i talk and write in english.youe lessons help me to over come those barriers.
haru from japan
THANKS Rubecca!!!but still i have just bit conffusion
Jassi, the difference between the words: affect and effect, is effect is a more generalized idea, for example: People smoke Marijuana for the effect of it.” I may also mention that you could think of effect as bringing about something or a cause. Oppose to affect is more direct towards a individual, yet you must remember that affect most of the time deals with a emotion. Think of affecting having a more particular cause to support it.
For example, “Ben like’s the affect of sparkles in his hair.”
Usually what I do is think of their parts of speech. It’s alot more simplistic than you think. I usually do is condense it in a way my mind can absorb, and grasp it :D Hope this helps.
Best wishes :D
Sincerely- katz
You definitely explained these concepts, clearly, and concisely I had no idea these to very similar words had such a vast difference! hahhah exciting! This is a must to learn. Even-though many may understand just fine. It’s still good to make sure and go over this lesson just to instill confindence within yourself.
It was a nice lesson. I had been cleared since i watched this lesson.
Thank you very much, it’s really great lesson.
I asked someone he speak English well about the different but he could’t explain to me
but now I knew the different exactly
Thanks teacher!! :)
Just i want to know the phrase that you said when you want to correct somthing (exactly 2.20 minute) ? thanks! :)
hi Rabbeca madam ur way of teaching is very very nice mindblowing..ilove ur way of teaching.
i was confused bet these words ..
thx alot 4 ur explanation <3
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for the lesson on this pair of frequently confused words. Students do often make mistakes using ‘effect’ and ‘affect’ interchangeably as they often do not realise that these words belong to two different parts of speech.
My question is about two other FCW(frequently confused words): presumption and assumption. The IELTS Vocabulary books often place them in the FCW section. I have checked the English monolingual dictionaries and honestly failed to find the difference. Could you please explain it? These are two sentences I have in my IELTS book:
1. They raised taxes on the assumption that it would help control spending.
2. It’s sheer presumption for the government to suggest things have improved since they came to power.
Is it about the difference in meaning, combinability or something else?
I’m not sure that it is the right place to ask new questions. Could you please also tell me where I could do so on your website?
Thanks a lot in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
to my dearest rebecca,
In my country english is the second foreign language after French and most of the students like Englesh better than French just we are facing a big problem when dealing with a situation of integration students find it hard to build up a paragraph or making a report ,so we need your lovely and fruitful techniques bye all the best greetings
abderezak ferrah
thanks! i have a test tomorrow
you are very good teacher and your voice is very clear and sweet.
a lot of thanks for your lectures
that is nice explain thanks all learner
I really learned a lot with all lessons. but I still need more to learn, can you please explain more ways to communicate with examples.
Hai Rebecca… I am an English student of STKIP Hamzanwadi in Indonesia… My lecturer suggested me this website… Your teaching is excellent. One thing that I want to ask to you. How can i motivate my friends to learn English in the fun way, so they can clearly and easily receive the English lessons in the class especially in grammar, because most of my friends were very confuse in learning grammar. hmm… So do I… hehehehe.
Now I know.
Thank U so much Mrs Rebecca . Honestly, your lessons have a great effect on my English.
Thank you soo much….we want more..
hi,teacher i can’t understand te samples on the words,effet and affet
Hi Rebacca! Your lessons are very useful for me as we are moving to next month.Thank you so much.
Hi Rebacca! Your lessons are very helpful for me. Thanks so much. I have difficulty in greeting people on special occasions such as wedding anniversary or retirement with appropriate words. could you please help me.
thank you very much for your excellent lessons, I hope you to keep on and help us. God bless you for ever.
yahya suleiman
Thank you again! Hope to be able sometime to talk with you, live :). See you soon!
hay vai~ =))
very helpful, thanks rebecca
I am clearly on your program. Its really help me in using english.
i learned enough from this lesson.
thank you
Hello Rebecca
I’ve a quetion concerning with this lesson. Can I use ”affect,, “”effect,, also in positieve situation?
All the best yo you,
i like it,thanks rebecca its helpful for me and for others.
please teacher can you advice me i am beginner in english i wont be good in english what the solution i study every day in this site can you tell me what i can do it again thanks
Thank u Rebecca for this lesson, now i can distinguish between affect & effect very well, thank u very much again
thanks you .
rebecca, you r a good teacher
etx ruby
i like your lessons
etx ruby
thank you very much for hellping me to inprove my english
lisa leger
Great lesson thanks..
its still too confusing to me :(
I am happy since I know this web, I listen to videos everyday, thanks for your explaining them
bui thi hanh
what can i say, your really a good teacher. thanks! :)
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for doing such a great job I really enjoy your lessons.
Thank you teacher.
Could someone clear my confusion please…Firstly, what is the last word that Rebecca have said, “smoking affected the condition of his xxxxx”…what is the xxxxx?
secondly,regarding on the quiz above, “The drugs must be affecting her brain”..why do we use “affecting” instead of “affected”?does affecting was a gerund or a verb?
Please help somebody help me…
Thanks a lot for this lesson ….
Wow, great! thanks
thank you very much
totaly sucks
Hi Rabicca , its very good to hear you online i got my confussion off,you realy inpired me and my admirration is with you, I am there fore cordily inviting here you in pakistan particulerly Swat vally, you will see the people’s hospitalities and eagernes to learn english,if you could please accept my humbleness ,thanks
Hi, Rebecca!
I am a Middle School student and this movie has helped my understanding of Affect and Effect.
I was just wondering; are the sentences ‘Car exhaust AFFECTED her by giving her lung cancer’ and ‘Developing lung cancer was the EFFECT of inhaling car exhaust’ grammatically correct?
Very good lesson I got 5/5 ;)
thank u .its very helfful to me.
very beaytiful mam.
your way of teaching is amazing
sarish khan
good team , good staff and good lessons thanks you all my teachers …
samih m.h
This lesson is quite interesting since through it one is able to clearly understand the difference between the words AFFECT and EFFECT. Besides all, the teacher shows a great ability on teaching grammar points. I do like this very amusing way of teaching English you have presented to us.
P.S. – By the way, how could I improve my listening in English?
Francisco Antonio Ramos de Araújo
São José dos Campos city
State of São Paulo
Francisco Antonio Ramos de Araújo
You made it very clear, thank you. I think others would like to know better about how to use :
some time
some times
better, thank you so much, I would make so much tea for you. I am from Taiwan, an island near Hong Kong, the people here are Chinese, but we don’t live in China.
dear teacher,will you please tell me the difference between life and live?
my quiz was a 100% correct
very good but i want to know about the direct and indirect speeches please help me about this topic.
imran khan
It’s a God blessing that such type of people are present in our world. God bless them.
Mubeen Uddin
Bravo !
like your lesson! thanks rebeka!
thank you so much for this great lesson
hi, Thank you for your way to teaching is good.
Thanks Rebecca,Your’re a great teacher .Have a good one .
Hi dear teacher
Your lecture is cool. I have a suggestion please teach us with written examples.
You scored 5 out of 5.”
woow.. I am a good student.
Hello Rebecca,
You’ve very well explained the difference between ‘affect’ and ‘effect’. These are the two words out of so many words people wrongly use at different places.
Thanks a lot for the kind guidance.
Tnx a Zillion for such a helpful lessons…
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I’m really really happy.
actually i performed the quiz, i have got this mark:
‘You got 5 correct out of 5.:D’
thanks a lot.Now I know the difference between these two words
Affect and Effect — that’s a good lesson.
Rebecca, thank you for this lesson! Please tell me if there are any differences between affect and influence…
Hi Rebecca,
your lesson is helpful for everyone but I have my opinion that you should be got more example & more explain the meaning. This is very important because negative effect mean effect or no effect.
one more question
could you explain for me to pronoun affect is a’ not ei and effect is i’ not e.
thanks again
Thanks a lot. God bless you.
Thanks a lot. God bless you.
This lesson is good, for me not that much clear :(
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Could you please let me know difference between “affect” and “influence”?
I was always confused to use these words. So, I would like to watch video lesson for this. Thank you very much in advance.
you are really great teacher .you always touch the important parts in Eenglish that students really need.Thank you very much
please could you tell us how we can avoid spilling mistakes.this is my problem. I am English student and I need band 6 to enter my college
Staying up all night has a strong effect on my concentration :(
My salutation
Thanks for the helpful&an effective lesson, and I got 4/5.
Mam! can u correct this translated sentences by me? Is this correct mam? can you correct me?
In every villages has spread the knowledge of technology’, that we did not come to know.We didn’t accept their skill in a proper manner.
Dear rebbeca, could you tell me these two sentences are correct or incorrect please?1.Practicing English daily affected to be a good English speaker. 2.Drinking water has a positive effect for a healthy life.Thank you very much.
Bandara Henaka
Dear Rebeca
Thank you very much for teaching online like this. This is very awesome and I am very impressed to study with you.
Truc Pham
thanks Rebeca
You are a great ***teacher****
i like your video very much. it’s very useful for me.now i can remember that:”affect” is a verb and ” effect” is a noun . right?
Dear Rebecca, I’m sure that your lessons have positive effect on our studying English. Many thanks!
Hello teacher Rebecca! I am so excited of teaching.I have got 100.Many thanks
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much. Your lessons help me a lot.
take care
hi my friend how ar you
AbdelHalim elaydi
thanking you so much
100 % it means you made me understand. Thanks
I like your lesson but I still cant get it.
watching your lesson is the best way to learn English
I understood difference between words of both
The effect of global warming on humans will be bad
The global warming will affect on humans
realy helpful REBA, Thanx…………
1-Getting more weight will affect my health adversely.
2-More weight will have a negative effect on my health.
Do these examples work correctly?
Mahmoud M.
Hi. Thank you very much.
I have a question. Could you tell me what is the differences between law and rule?
Dear Rebecca,
Learn on engvid has a positive effect on my memory. :-)
Best regards.
am very pour in englihs spellings can any one suggest me how to improve then
Hi teacher, thank you very much for this lesson. I have just a question, even though not related to this lesson. However, it is a doubt I would like to solve:
In this sentence: the drugs must be affecting her brain. why do you use the verb to be and the ing form? Thank you very much.
thanks Mr.Rebecca :)
thank you so much.
thanks for your teaching, Rebecca. this is the one of the useful video.
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
i did it thank you Rebecca. stop insulting mistake always makes you prefect do not judge any body here
i did it thank you Rebecca. stop insulting practice always makes you prefect do not judge any body here.
I like your lesson..I learned a lot.thank you for very much. I want learn English with you!!! How do I?
Sonia Nunes
thank u
Dark flame Master
Yey! I got perfect score! Thank you again teacher Rebecca! God bless you! :)
Thanks a lot, Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you very much my dear teacher. The lesson had a useful effect on me and I have been affected by that.
Mehdi 2022
Thank you Ms Rebecca
thanks Rebecca for this topic, I had problems with this subject before watching this video, but now I get 5 correct out of 5
Abdelrahman Sebak
I got 100! Thanks very much!
to effect isn’t a verb? What happen e.g. with “the new law effected big changes” or “the protests effected a change”?
I’ve been confusing this two words all the time. But your way of teaching affected my understanding. That has a useful effect on me.
Novak Dean
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thank you so much.
M kartal
hi Rebbeca I’m Mohamed from Egypt UR are my good teacher indeed I love all of UR lessons .
Mohamed Nagah
thank you
Thank you for the clarity, I was not able to differentiate the meaning between these two words.
5 correct out of 5. Thanks to Rebecca
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you mam for your wonderful lesson!you explained very clearly.this lesson affects me a lot.
Thank you!!
Barnett Barnett
may many thanks, please we need more lesson about vocabulary
sarito yoki
Truth to be said , I tried various learning sources , but Madam Rebecca way of exposing the thing is amazing l.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.GOD Bless you more!
I got 5/5 great
I watched this video twice on March 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I like your lesson..I learned a lot.thank you for very much.
By all means mrs
Oh, my God! Your Enghlish is so bad. Who has taught English grammar for you?
That’s why he’s here to learn and correct his grammar. He’s just being honest to himself and to everybody.Anyway,
could you check your grammar and spelling if it’s correct before you post it ok?
yeah u r right
hahahaha….. you’re right… he must look his/herself before he hurt someone….
i mean, he must look hiself before he hurts someone.
Totally agree with your comment. The main reason why people come to this website is to improve their English practice and get it right in everyword they will say in the future. It’s better to only center on our own self without blaming to anyone’s mistake.
if you are a talented student why u r opening this website ha? stop to badly comment here .we like this web site and teachers so we r here and we know that we r getting good lesson by engvid teachers so we loved them
i want to learn english.so i opened this side.
Nguyns, I’m really/extremely/badly disappointed your reaction to Koug, because it may hurt her motivation toward English. So, its all i can suggest is, be kindness to others. Thank you
I agree. Everyone is here to learn, and each student is at a different level. There is no need to insult anyone here.
yeah you’re right
what are you doin’ here in the first place?? u think you’re so damn good in english? now get the hell out of here…..
who taught YOU english grammer
keep trying Koug… english isn’t my first language, too… it’s difficult but we do have patience, don’t we? so keep learning… good luck… ^^
I like your lesson I learned a lot. thank you for very much.
you are not a teacher,but creature
you are not a creature,but torch
totally your seems one of the NATURES
R 4 Regular
E 4 Ever
B 4 Brilliant
E 4 Excellent
C 4 coach
C 4 computer
A 4 A 2 Z in english
that’s okay and he;ll learn
I like very much your way of teaching it´s so clear I don´t have any problem uderstanding.
I would like you to help me clarify this doubt
that I have when verbs are used as nouns specially at the beginning of sentences
like for example “Swimming is good exercise”,
“working ten years in the mine was enough”
“To sleep in is a luxury” and “To be able to read is important” But what if I say “To swim is a good execise” or “sleeping is a luxury”
when do I have to use “to” or “ing” with the noun?.
I would be very grateful if you help me solve
this doubt.
thank you very munch.
May you answer this question, please? Is it right to make a difficult exam for my students to master English or not? I’m a teacher from Egypt. I always prefer difficult tests. what’s your opinion?
Interesting question. In the classroom, I try to take the responsibility on myself to teach so clearly that my students can do well on any test. I prefer to motivate through positive reinforcement; if the tests are too hard and the students get low marks, that could turn them off English forever or leave them with the self-image of being poor learners of languages. I prefer to set it up so that they take small steps and succeed at each stage so they develop the self-confidence, which is so necessary to master the new language. I also think we, as teachers, have to find many creative ways to correct students until they get it right!
Hope this helps. All the best to you, Kamel.
I agree…. ^^
Rebecca,You are a good teacher
rebecca you are the best to teach
That is why you are a great teacher,you are not only teaching us English knowledge,but also how to be a good person,thanks so much Rebecca
love you so much
I now know the difference between the two words … thanks for your efforts EngVid team, you’re having a great effect on our english improvement
Thanks so much…
thank you
robbeca i like your teaching method
please can you send me more example about ago and before.
this is very confusing propostion
any english my second language
and ineed also affect and effect
thank you very much and i apriciate
God bless you!!!!!!!!!
Please check my video on Commonly Confused Words in English: Before and Ago
Here are some more examples:
I left home a few minutes ago.
We finished dinner half an hour ago.
I used to go out with him many years ago.
I went to the gym before going to lunch.
He called me from the airport before his flight took off.
Jack’s poor diet affected his health.
Jack’s poor diet had a negative effect on his health.
All the best to you!
thanks a lot, i really happy that i found this web site :):):
Thanks a lot, i really happy for understanding confused words. :)
thank u for your lesson i learn a lot
I love all your lesson, they are always very clear and interesting.
Today I found this sentence in the news “What went wrong at the oil rig?” I would like if you could to talk about of the structure of that sentence.
Thank you a lots
Thank for u learning
If a got 100% in the quiz, Mrs. Rebecca is a great theacher, Thank a lot.
I think Ishmael is a great and humble student. Congratulations and all the best to you.
This is a very good web site. I want to know this is a free online course or paid. Can you tell me about this course as well as How can I improve my spoken and written english. Have you any step by step programme.
p singh
1. It’s FREE.
2. There is no step-by-step program here yet. Just go to the ALL ENGLISH LESSONS page, and select WRITING and SPEAKING classes to study when you have time.
Good luck with your studies.
Good lesson Rebbeca!!!
The word effect can be a verb and it can also be noun.
Smoking can adversely affect health.
Quitting may effect an improvement.
Please ignore my comment.
Yes, at an advanced level, we can speak about “effecting a change” as in causing a change to happen.
Most ESL students are confused by the more common usage of the two words though; hence, the lesson.
Thanks for your contribution.
gr8 teaching method!
The word effect can be a verb.
Smoking can adversely effect health.
Quitting may effect an improvement.
Effect is also a noun.
Smoking can have an adverse effect on health.
Wrong: Smoking can adversely effect health.
Right: Smoking can adversely affect health.
Sorry about not proof reading before I click on the submit button.
yes, it`s nice . i took 4 out of 5. so i am very well
Basically The quizz is not quite difficult, however it’s a good lesson !
thanks for this coz first time both meaning clear to i.
good lesson
can u tell me when to use was and were
he was playing
they were playing
what were u doing?
hello i am khalid ali from kurdistan in iraq.i like all your lessons very much i like learning english so much god bye
very helpful
Really, I love your site
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks a lot.
hi really nice!!!! i want to improve my communication skill. i’m having a shy n hesitation to talk with others!!! can u tell me how????
Practice speaking every chance you get! Don’t worry about making mistakes – it is through our mistakes that we learn and grow. No shame necessary. Listen, read, write, sing, dance and joke in English. Surround yourself with the language whenever you can and you will make good progress
All the best!
thanks for help me….
thank’s alot
thanks love i had problem with these two words but now it sorted
can u please tell me which of the following 2 sentences is right:
1-there is something affects my feeling
2-there is something affect my feeling
i mean my question is about the 3rd person present singular
which one of them is right???
Sorry, but both sentences are incorrect the way they are.
You could say,
A horror movie affects me negatively.
Horror movies affect me negatively.
The form of the verb depends on the subject of the sentence.
Good luck, Ahmed.
Thank you very much.This lesson is useful,so I love engVid.
Please tell me how to improve new vocablary.
Thanks again from japan.
There are so many ways. You could read, listen, play word games, do simple crosswords and take an active interest in words. With news items, you could start by just reading headlines, then the first paragraph of different news stories, then later perhaps the whole story. If there is some “breaking news” on TV, they will keep on repeating the story and this gives you a chance to hear new vocabulary many times in context and learn it.
All the best to you!
i have lear a lot here thanks!!
Thank you a lot. It’s really useful for me.
Thank you Rebecca
thank you so much
This lesson had a good effect to me.
Im very gratful. Thanks a bundle!
Thnx alot
Thank you for posting these videos, Rebecca. I wanted to ask you about the IELTS exam. Well, it may not be the most suitable place/website to inquire but after watching your videos and noticing your response to other comments I assume you might be the right person to refer to.
In one video you mentioned that in the IELTS exam one must be able to speak/write/understand British English. I have no problems with that. My concerns are about my accent. I have developed an American accent. So, basically, will my accent in any certain ways influence my SPEAKING part’s results (even though my grammar is good)?
Sorry if I gave you that impression.
No, it does not matter what kind of accent you have on the IELTS exam. What matters is how correctly and fluently you speak.
What I meant was that you will hear British accents on the listening part of the IELTS, and they also use some specifically British English expressions or vocabulary so you must be familiar with these.
If you speak with correct grammar, you can get a good score, no matter what accent you have.
All the best to you, Oskars!
Thanks to all of you for this noble work.
I am improving my daily English with the help of engvid without any cost, which is a great help for me.I just pray for all of you for such a noble cause.
Ishaque Khan, Pakistan
Thank You . I like your Lessons
Thanks Rebecca
My thanks to all for your thanks!
hello Rebecca i really like all the lessons that u gave.my Q is what is needed 4 to get tofel exam.including educational level thanks to u rebecca.ethiopia
Hello Rebecca ! Your very nice disposition have had a good effect on me. If I’m not writing well,that affects me badly. Sorry I’ve done only a joke ! It’s o.k. ?
You are really good teacher..
I like the way of your teaching. It is very clear and nice. Thanks a lot.
This is a great wibside. In some videos teacher said that We can ask the teacher about the lesson on http://www.engvid.com. May you please tell how. I pressed the new user up on the right corner of the screen. I entered my username and my email. But how can I know my password. In addition can I make a chating with the teacher and how?
You can ask your question right here, zoka!
If you registered, you will get your password via email. You cannot chat with teachers currently.
Your lesson has a great effect on my English progress. Is it correct Prof?
Thank you
You are the good teacher. I like your explaining the meaning of confusing words.
Very accessible and interesting!
ur lesson is very interesting
i very like many ur lessons. i hope to be friend with U via xuvirus96@yahoo.com so that i can improve my engish
Your lesson is very nice and it helps me lot.
hi robeca could you please write the firsy sntence that you use for show affect and effect you said smokin ……. i did not get the last word can you wrte me the sentence thanks
Easy and fastest way to learn english form home at your own pace.Thanks!
Is this sentence is correct:-
1)This radical changes can(or Could)affect
Is this sentence is correct:-
1)This radical changes can(or Could) affect views of general public toward govt.
2)We are being effected or affected(?) by the financial Crisis.
How we can use effect as a verb?
could you tell me when we use can/cuold, may/might, must/have to. what are the differences between them.
I couldn’t believe that I watched your video on the ‘Affect’ and ‘Effect”. After watching your video on the ‘Affect’ which is a Verb, and ‘Effect’ which is a Noun, I can see the whole picture like a puzzle. You explained how to use these two words so clear, and making English so simple and easy to learn and understand is a fond experience. I appreciate you very much.
You always inspire me! Love you all there! Thanks a lot.
I have always confused with these 3 words: lay, laid, lie. Can you please help me to understand when I suppose to use these words correctly in writing or speaking?
I have understood bt still bit confuse
I love this website although my English isn’t very poor. I guess, my English level now isn’t lower than Intermediate, but still being quite far from Advanced.
Rebecca, your lessons are so clear, your English is perfect – both the pronunciation and the content of speech. Well done!
P.S. I’m from Ukraine.
very good, thank you, good
hello,Rebecca: This is Peggy from Taiwan!
I really love your teaching on every lesson.
You are such a great teacher who have passion in teaching English! hahaha~I am already your fan:) thank you so much! by the way…This webside is really useful in learning English:)
hi rebecca, thank’s for the lesson. actually till now i couldn’t understand for affect and effect. could you please explain with a simple way to me, perhaps i can understand more.
thank’s Rebecca
Timor Leste
You are the best English teacher I ever met.
Thanks a lot dear teacher-Rebecca
I like ur teaching, thank all heap.
what a good lesson. it helps me a lot. thanks. i like your lesson much.
Now, I know how to use “affect” and “effect”. Thanks a lot!
thank you so much for this beautiful lesson , it opened my eyes, i used these two expessions before instinctively but now i understood the rule when and where they are used thank you so much rebecca with all my best wishes to you
Hi lectur, my name Chea, i am Cambodian, i apriciated your way of teaching.I would like ask you one request. Being good lecuture, what kid of approach, principle being used? I am sorry, my english is not good
I do like this website. It looks common, but it’s not common. You can touch by yourself.
smoking has bad effect on my health ,so i must stop it.
thank you rebecca for this beautiful lesson.
all the best wishes to you from morocco
dear rebeca,
i feeling this lesson is very difficult, can u tell me one more examples by using the word ‘affect” and “effect”.
My thanks to all for your thanks!
I would like to congratulate you for your videos, they are very well made. For the lesson concerning Affects and effect, I would like to have the text of your example because there are some words that j’ have difficulty in seize. Thank you
Hello Rebecca,
I would like to congratulate you for your videos, they are very well made. For the lesson concerning Affects and effect, I would like to have the text of your example because there are some words that i dont understand. Thank you
you know i do not know how to thank you but thanks a lot for what you do teacher , all the best
hi ma’am.. thanks for the teaching.. i really like the way you teach… i become more clearly to differentiate between affect and effect after i watched this video.. :)
Thank you very much..
Dear rebeca,
really, thank you very much for your easily understanding methods
hi thanks
can i get answer please ?’i have many words but i cannot use them in the speaking please how i can speak fluently with different words that i have ?
I really do like your way of teaching and want to say thank you for giving us an opportunities to learn so many things. i do have one small problem that i have tried to do test online but i could not get where to go and how ? it would be greatly appreciated if you or anyone help me how to take test ? thank you
Best wishes
You should see the quiz just under the video, and above the comments. If you don’t see it, you may be using a very old browser, or have javascript turned off. Please update to a modern browser like Chrome.
thanks for your lesson it was so easy to understand . thanks again.
Rebecca, thank’s a lot . These lessons helped me so much in my preparing the TOEFL.
Rebecca, I’m preparing ibt TOEFL exam. My english level is intermediate, and if you don’t mind could you tell me approximately how much time I need to practise thoroughly to reach 80 on ibt TOEFL? Thank’s in advance
please reply me
Thanks it’s very helpfull for me
thanks a lot
Can we downlod the vedios
No, sorry.
I like your videos. I started the lessons a week ago and I have learned more than the school. Thanks
Thank you so much Robaca I don’t how to thank you for All yours lesoson but I need you to hlpe my for two word befor and age woh I use this word .I say Thank you so sooooooooooo much again and thanks alote thank kindly
thanks rebecca
you teach very clearly,i have been lerninig english for many years , still i have problems when i talk and write in english.youe lessons help me to over come those barriers.
THANKS Rubecca!!!but still i have just bit conffusion
Jassi, the difference between the words: affect and effect, is effect is a more generalized idea, for example: People smoke Marijuana for the effect of it.” I may also mention that you could think of effect as bringing about something or a cause. Oppose to affect is more direct towards a individual, yet you must remember that affect most of the time deals with a emotion. Think of affecting having a more particular cause to support it.
For example, “Ben like’s the affect of sparkles in his hair.”
Usually what I do is think of their parts of speech. It’s alot more simplistic than you think. I usually do is condense it in a way my mind can absorb, and grasp it :D Hope this helps.
Best wishes :D
Sincerely- katz
You definitely explained these concepts, clearly, and concisely I had no idea these to very similar words had such a vast difference! hahhah exciting! This is a must to learn. Even-though many may understand just fine. It’s still good to make sure and go over this lesson just to instill confindence within yourself.
It was a nice lesson. I had been cleared since i watched this lesson.
Thank you very much, it’s really great lesson.
I asked someone he speak English well about the different but he could’t explain to me
but now I knew the different exactly
Thanks teacher!! :)
Just i want to know the phrase that you said when you want to correct somthing (exactly 2.20 minute) ? thanks! :)
hi Rabbeca madam ur way of teaching is very very nice mindblowing..ilove ur way of teaching.
i was confused bet these words ..
thx alot 4 ur explanation <3
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for the lesson on this pair of frequently confused words. Students do often make mistakes using ‘effect’ and ‘affect’ interchangeably as they often do not realise that these words belong to two different parts of speech.
My question is about two other FCW(frequently confused words): presumption and assumption. The IELTS Vocabulary books often place them in the FCW section. I have checked the English monolingual dictionaries and honestly failed to find the difference. Could you please explain it? These are two sentences I have in my IELTS book:
1. They raised taxes on the assumption that it would help control spending.
2. It’s sheer presumption for the government to suggest things have improved since they came to power.
Is it about the difference in meaning, combinability or something else?
I’m not sure that it is the right place to ask new questions. Could you please also tell me where I could do so on your website?
Thanks a lot in advance. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
to my dearest rebecca,
In my country english is the second foreign language after French and most of the students like Englesh better than French just we are facing a big problem when dealing with a situation of integration students find it hard to build up a paragraph or making a report ,so we need your lovely and fruitful techniques bye all the best greetings
thanks! i have a test tomorrow
you are very good teacher and your voice is very clear and sweet.
a lot of thanks for your lectures
that is nice explain thanks all learner
I really learned a lot with all lessons. but I still need more to learn, can you please explain more ways to communicate with examples.
Hai Rebecca… I am an English student of STKIP Hamzanwadi in Indonesia… My lecturer suggested me this website… Your teaching is excellent. One thing that I want to ask to you. How can i motivate my friends to learn English in the fun way, so they can clearly and easily receive the English lessons in the class especially in grammar, because most of my friends were very confuse in learning grammar. hmm… So do I… hehehehe.
Now I know.
Thank U so much Mrs Rebecca . Honestly, your lessons have a great effect on my English.
Thank you soo much….we want more..
hi,teacher i can’t understand te samples on the words,effet and affet
Hi Rebacca! Your lessons are very useful for me as we are moving to next month.Thank you so much.
Hi Rebacca! Your lessons are very helpful for me. Thanks so much. I have difficulty in greeting people on special occasions such as wedding anniversary or retirement with appropriate words. could you please help me.
thank you very much for your excellent lessons, I hope you to keep on and help us. God bless you for ever.
Thank you again! Hope to be able sometime to talk with you, live :). See you soon!
hay vai~ =))
very helpful, thanks rebecca
I am clearly on your program. Its really help me in using english.
i learned enough from this lesson.
thank you
Hello Rebecca
I’ve a quetion concerning with this lesson. Can I use ”affect,, “”effect,, also in positieve situation?
All the best yo you,
i like it,thanks rebecca its helpful for me and for others.
please teacher can you advice me i am beginner in english i wont be good in english what the solution i study every day in this site can you tell me what i can do it again thanks
Thank u Rebecca for this lesson, now i can distinguish between affect & effect very well, thank u very much again
thanks you .
rebecca, you r a good teacher
i like your lessons
thank you very much for hellping me to inprove my english
Great lesson thanks..
its still too confusing to me :(
I am happy since I know this web, I listen to videos everyday, thanks for your explaining them
what can i say, your really a good teacher. thanks! :)
Thank you Ms. Rebecca for doing such a great job I really enjoy your lessons.
Thank you teacher.
Could someone clear my confusion please…Firstly, what is the last word that Rebecca have said, “smoking affected the condition of his xxxxx”…what is the xxxxx?
secondly,regarding on the quiz above, “The drugs must be affecting her brain”..why do we use “affecting” instead of “affected”?does affecting was a gerund or a verb?
Please help somebody help me…
Thanks a lot for this lesson ….
Wow, great! thanks
thank you very much
totaly sucks
Hi Rabicca , its very good to hear you online i got my confussion off,you realy inpired me and my admirration is with you, I am there fore cordily inviting here you in pakistan particulerly Swat vally, you will see the people’s hospitalities and eagernes to learn english,if you could please accept my humbleness ,thanks
Hi, Rebecca!
I am a Middle School student and this movie has helped my understanding of Affect and Effect.
I was just wondering; are the sentences ‘Car exhaust AFFECTED her by giving her lung cancer’ and ‘Developing lung cancer was the EFFECT of inhaling car exhaust’ grammatically correct?
Very good lesson I got 5/5 ;)
thank u .its very helfful to me.
very beaytiful mam.
your way of teaching is amazing
good team , good staff and good lessons thanks you all my teachers …
This lesson is quite interesting since through it one is able to clearly understand the difference between the words AFFECT and EFFECT. Besides all, the teacher shows a great ability on teaching grammar points. I do like this very amusing way of teaching English you have presented to us.
P.S. – By the way, how could I improve my listening in English?
Francisco Antonio Ramos de Araújo
São José dos Campos city
State of São Paulo
You made it very clear, thank you. I think others would like to know better about how to use :
some time
some times
better, thank you so much, I would make so much tea for you. I am from Taiwan, an island near Hong Kong, the people here are Chinese, but we don’t live in China.
dear teacher,will you please tell me the difference between life and live?
my quiz was a 100% correct
very good but i want to know about the direct and indirect speeches please help me about this topic.
It’s a God blessing that such type of people are present in our world. God bless them.
Bravo !
like your lesson! thanks rebeka!
thank you so much for this great lesson
hi, Thank you for your way to teaching is good.
Thanks Rebecca,Your’re a great teacher .Have a good one .
Hi dear teacher
Your lecture is cool. I have a suggestion please teach us with written examples.
You scored 5 out of 5.”
woow.. I am a good student.
Hello Rebecca,
You’ve very well explained the difference between ‘affect’ and ‘effect’. These are the two words out of so many words people wrongly use at different places.
Thanks a lot for the kind guidance.
Tnx a Zillion for such a helpful lessons…
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I’m really really happy.
actually i performed the quiz, i have got this mark:
‘You got 5 correct out of 5.:D’
thanks a lot.Now I know the difference between these two words
Affect and Effect — that’s a good lesson.
Rebecca, thank you for this lesson! Please tell me if there are any differences between affect and influence…
Hi Rebecca,
your lesson is helpful for everyone but I have my opinion that you should be got more example & more explain the meaning. This is very important because negative effect mean effect or no effect.
one more question
could you explain for me to pronoun affect is a’ not ei and effect is i’ not e.
thanks again
Thanks a lot. God bless you.
Thanks a lot. God bless you.
This lesson is good, for me not that much clear :(
Thank you very much for your lesson.
Could you please let me know difference between “affect” and “influence”?
I was always confused to use these words. So, I would like to watch video lesson for this. Thank you very much in advance.
you are really great teacher .you always touch the important parts in Eenglish that students really need.Thank you very much
please could you tell us how we can avoid spilling mistakes.this is my problem. I am English student and I need band 6 to enter my college
Staying up all night has a strong effect on my concentration :(
My salutation
Thanks for the helpful&an effective lesson, and I got 4/5.
Mam! can u correct this translated sentences by me? Is this correct mam? can you correct me?
In every villages has spread the knowledge of technology’, that we did not come to know.We didn’t accept their skill in a proper manner.
Dear rebbeca, could you tell me these two sentences are correct or incorrect please?1.Practicing English daily affected to be a good English speaker. 2.Drinking water has a positive effect for a healthy life.Thank you very much.
Dear Rebeca
Thank you very much for teaching online like this. This is very awesome and I am very impressed to study with you.
thanks Rebeca
You are a great ***teacher****
i like your video very much. it’s very useful for me.now i can remember that:”affect” is a verb and ” effect” is a noun . right?
Dear Rebecca, I’m sure that your lessons have positive effect on our studying English. Many thanks!
Hello teacher Rebecca! I am so excited of teaching.I have got 100.Many thanks
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much. Your lessons help me a lot.
take care
hi my friend how ar you
thanking you so much
100 % it means you made me understand. Thanks
I like your lesson but I still cant get it.
watching your lesson is the best way to learn English
I understood difference between words of both
The effect of global warming on humans will be bad
The global warming will affect on humans
realy helpful REBA, Thanx…………
1-Getting more weight will affect my health adversely.
2-More weight will have a negative effect on my health.
Do these examples work correctly?
Hi. Thank you very much.
I have a question. Could you tell me what is the differences between law and rule?
Dear Rebecca,
Learn on engvid has a positive effect on my memory. :-)
Best regards.
am very pour in englihs spellings can any one suggest me how to improve then
Hi teacher, thank you very much for this lesson. I have just a question, even though not related to this lesson. However, it is a doubt I would like to solve:
In this sentence: the drugs must be affecting her brain. why do you use the verb to be and the ing form? Thank you very much.
thanks Mr.Rebecca :)
thank you so much.
thanks for your teaching, Rebecca. this is the one of the useful video.
Thanks you so much.
i did it thank you Rebecca. stop insulting mistake always makes you prefect do not judge any body here
i did it thank you Rebecca. stop insulting practice always makes you prefect do not judge any body here.
I like your lesson..I learned a lot.thank you for very much. I want learn English with you!!! How do I?
thank u
Yey! I got perfect score! Thank you again teacher Rebecca! God bless you! :)
Thanks a lot, Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you very much my dear teacher. The lesson had a useful effect on me and I have been affected by that.
Thank you Ms Rebecca
thanks Rebecca for this topic, I had problems with this subject before watching this video, but now I get 5 correct out of 5
I got 100! Thanks very much!
to effect isn’t a verb? What happen e.g. with “the new law effected big changes” or “the protests effected a change”?
I’ve been confusing this two words all the time. But your way of teaching affected my understanding. That has a useful effect on me.
You got 5 correct out of 5.
thank you so much.
hi Rebbeca I’m Mohamed from Egypt UR are my good teacher indeed I love all of UR lessons .
thank you
Thank you for the clarity, I was not able to differentiate the meaning between these two words.
5 correct out of 5. Thanks to Rebecca
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank you mam for your wonderful lesson!you explained very clearly.this lesson affects me a lot.
Thank you!!
may many thanks, please we need more lesson about vocabulary
Truth to be said , I tried various learning sources , but Madam Rebecca way of exposing the thing is amazing l.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.GOD Bless you more!
I got 5/5 great
I watched this video twice on March 23, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
thanks a lot