Great page however I thought that if it’s better with more interactivities in the videos. Many thanks. Jeyckson Yanez from Venezuela.
I Live In Algeria
I Watch Live Football Matches
Thank u for the lesson its good short lesson but u can understand it
Thanks mahmoud
mahmoud omar
Hi thanks for the lesson, can you help me?…,can you do a lesson about pronunciation of verbs?. it’s important for me becouse I have a bad procunciation.
Hi M’ Ronie, i have a question when should i use a rather in a sentence.?
Hello I need to learn to pronounce the letters correctly and read the words correctly
this is great so wonderfull a love it helps a lot thanks so very much
it looks so wonderfull help me please with prepositions to share with my pupils of prepschool sometimes I feel little loss.
mario blanco
syahrul nizam
thank you very much , you are too good to be true
thanks, I wish you to live a well life.
musaab alkandari
very best teacher
rizwan khan
Ithink that is important for everybody want to be speaker in inglish.thanks
you are the best teacher Ronnie,could you give me some examples about have +past participle and get + past participle please?thanks bye
Hell, thanx for this lesson
1-I live with my family
2-I see live game
are there right Examples ??
#1 is correct!
#2 you have to say “I see the game live”, or “I see the live game!”
dear mam (rani) whats the different between these two sentences
1) i watch the live game
2) i see the live game
plz mam tell me use of watch and see thanx dear … i m waiting for your reply
safir bangash
There is no difference really. But watch means you are concentrating on the game and see means you are looking at it!
what is the meaning of the second word-live? plz
Wow! I have never used “live” as an adjective! Now I feel myself “updated” ^:^ But…I have always heard about “alive” (alye-vve!! Thank you!!
hello my teacher rani thank you God bless you today i lorn about borrow and land i want to tell you more but i dont have well english jost lourning with your good videos thankyou
paul tamang
Dear sir madam
how are you
Thank you mrs
for the losson its good short losson .i hope my english well be prove here.
thank you for help me
I live in Thailand and I am watching live football matches.
this is very useful topic for me….thx!!^^
why you not ansuer peoples?
Where is the quiz?
Sorry, there’s no quiz on this lesson.
please can i learn english online if i can how do that and thank you
you are the best tk you
i dont know ~~
putang ina mo teacher !!
madam your are good speaker
sunny india
hello rani..would you please teach us how can we use ( as much as – as many as – as few as- as soon as – bla bla bla) :)
can you helpe my ?
ali aburawi
pleas can you tell me when i say “i” like this (aai)
and when i say “i” same (e)
so great
Hi thanks a lot for your lesson. I like to see your lesson because your are my favourite teacher in online.Can you say something more about pastperticiple.
I want to download all speaking videos (all in one step) instead of downloading them one by one .This is very boring . I think it will be easier for your students
We could allow this, but then the website would no longer be free.
Thank you for you doing!
This website is verd good.Thanks…………
syed Asghar ali shah
Thank you so much for this vid it’s really useful I used to think “live” had just one pronunciation, I’ve been learning English for a couple of years and I had never learn this. Good luck from Mexico
thank u very much.
This website is verd good.
thank you for help me to improve my language skill
Thank you very much for your explanation.
Great video i like it
Nice lesson but it is too short.You could add some other words like Read as a present verb and read as a past verb.What do you think??
Thankyou dear teacher Ronnie! I’m very clear about to use these two words now. It was wonderful explane from you. I like very much your lessons. Can I have more lessons from you in private please? Sencerly Jashar Hoxha from Tepelene, Albania
Jashar Hoxha
Thank you dear teacher.I learn more from your vidio .thanks once again
I had heeded with the great concern and watched variety of english lessons that were really very intresting because of their lucidity and transparency. i hope your’s this endeavor would halp a lot to many to improve and remove deficiency in the writting as well as spoken english, please keep it upgrading on daily basis, thanks
dear mam rani . whats the different between these two sentences 1) i watch the live game . and 2) i see the live game.
safir bangash
thank you for sharing your knowledge to us.. specially me i really need to learn how to use english words properly, hope u’ll never get tired to help us.. thank you and god bless :)
you forgot to give us the meaning of these words
hi ronie, a have a quation, what is the meaning of live like adjetive?
Live as an adjective means not recorded or pre-recorded.
It is usually used when we talk about TV shows or bands.
How about live chicken?? Am i going to read it as li-ve or lye-vve?? I’m confused with this. Pls.. help.=)
To figure this and all the other times you have this difficultly, you must decide if the word you want to use is a adjective (lye-ve) or a verb (liii-ve)!
If you want to say that the chicken is not dead you can say…. It lives! (verb = liii-ves)
If you want to describe the chickens you can say…. They are live! (adjective=lye-ve) We would use this if we were selling them to advertise how fresh they were!
I can improve my English skills through EngVid
I’m in Thailand
I watch your video everyday and it can help me improve my eng skills
good about anythings
I’m living in Sri Lanka
Hai mam thank you very much for your lesson it’s very helpfull to improve my english thank u once again
Thanks for your lesson
U.. R.. doing really good…. Keep going….
Could you pls explain clearly to write about followup and follow up with some examples.
i did not find the quiz
There’s no quiz on this lesson. Sorry!
its very useful i think it helps make me into a stronger person
i’m in Thailand, I would like to improve my english skill. Thanks.
i moizuddin ansari, i like ‘engvid’ very much,and you’rs teaching method is excellent,
moizuddin ansari.
Hi! what’s up teacher? I hope you’re fine & having a great time.
So, thanks for the lesson, As i’d like to say that i do like the way you teach, You’re special & there’s a few teachers who have such way nowadays
Well, there’s a verb “To Leave” which confused many times in past when i started learn english, for example:
– I’m going to leave there.
– I’m going to live there.
To help you with this, we don’t usually say I am going to leave THERE. We usually say I am going to leave!!!!!!
Hope that helps!
Hello. I am Su.I come from Thailand. I like this web site so much. It is very useful and suit leran english at home.
thank you for lesson
kwon joon
you are very funny! your lessons are really interesting.
thanks ronnie u r wonderful teacher
mohammad ali
Hi everybody there , I am Hisham . I am an English teacher. I am from Egypt. I really get use of listening to native speakers of English. Thank you very much. I have a demand, please can I have all the lessons at once through easy way instead of downloading lesson by lesson. Thanks again. Bye…there
Sorry, no.
Hi! Ms. Ronnie,Can you please explain what is the difference between perhaps and probably?
There really isn’t a lot of difference!
In North America we use probably more than perhaps. Perhaps is more British English!
Perhaps I will drink some tea.
I will probably drink some tea.
Both mean that the speaker is not 100% sure about if they are going to do the action!
Thank you very much for you lesson.
plz add more quiz to enhance learner skill
Hi Would it be possible to talk about sh, tion, su-re,… or some other which is they are the same sound with different Speal, I wander their means are the same or not, and what is difference between them. thank you
pls. teach me the pronunciation between leave and live..
muchas gracias.
Leave is like “leeeeeeeev”. The e is drawn out.
Live is like Lye-ve (adj) or Li-vv (verb)…like the actress Liv Tyler. The “liv” is the same pronunciation
Your Lesson always makes me happy.
Thank you very much!!
really I adored your way of teaching my dear teacher and i hope that many lessons have come to enjoy and learn a lot.
Hello mam Ronnie
mam can you please explain what is leave?
Thank you very much and we love you all muwah.. ^_^
Leave is a verb.
You can say I must leave. = I must go. =present tense
I am leaving. = present continuous.
I left. = past
Hi ma’am what is your exact name “rani” or “ronnie”? i love your teaching style you are my favourite teacher.
My name is Ronnie! Thanks for watching and commenting!
I thought probably aashi had thought that you are indian..That’s he/she was thingking about rani..
i hope to see you live because i love you
thank youvery much it is very good lesson
we want more example and quize
I was in doubt about it…I was.
Thanks for helping us!!
thank you
Thanks =)
hi .ronnie this is rishi i found this site few days ago ,i am going through it ,its amazing .
thank you madam… i will be able to differentiate after take your lesson..
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie ..
it’s really nice lesson ..
as long as I want to know what is the different between the two words “live” :)
Thanks again :)
congratulations teacher Ronnie i love to see your explanations in wich video and manner that you explain the details about pronunciations keep doing this with love
what are comparative and superlative degrees of ‘live’ adj.
Hi , Ronnie! You are the best!Trust me !
I have a question for you . What’s the difference between “simple ” and “sample” ?
smart teacher
Thank you very much Ronnie, Realy i was confused about ‘live’ when we are watching TV sometimes we see live program or sports,so what’s differences about : I live in Toronto and live program.
Hi, Ronnie! i’m from indonesia and i would to know how the pronunciation of LIFE..?thx b4
please help me to learn english
hey Ronnie i’m very glad because i used to confuse those li-ve and ly-ve and also leave!!! funny right? you are helping me to improve my English…thanks a lot
hi my great teacher ronnie .u still the best.plz can u tell me when can i use i have been . and when can i use i had been .will be waiting ur answer eagerly. with my best regards to u .
Leave is like leeeeeeeeeeeve. E like the ABC song.
hi im suzie i from use i I live in Estate know Only speak english
i cand, Read it write
nice to join here
actually i wanna ask u
what is the different between
telling story and story telling
Storytelling is an art form or entertainment.
Telling a story (not telling story) is just talking about an event that happened!
I am glad you found the website!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie I have a doubt
NO. The plural of life is lives. A cat has 9 lives.
HOw about the different between LIVE nad LIFE, and how we use it in the sentence, I confused about this, Thanks Ronnie, You are awesome ::)))
Life is a noun. Eg… “I have a great life.” “I wish you a long life.” Live is an adjective ( “The band is live.”) and a verb — “He lives in Ireland.”
Thanks Ronnie,It was awesome!!! :X
excellent. thanks.
HI Sis Ronnie,
Apologize if my question like silly. I’m learn from your teaching grammar such “noun” are person,place,things. which one of this of life.
i hope your can reply my question. I like much your teaching style. thank you so much.
Life = noun.
thanks ms ronnie.
hi ms.ronnie,thank u for your nice teaching i really like your action while teaching the lesson , i appreciate
Hi! Ronnie!
Thank’s a lot for your kindness teaching.
It is very helpful for me.
helpful to every one
i regard you as the best teacher iv ever seen
OOOOOOOH…Very interesting word for me.Thanks Ronnie mam.
I live 4 watch your website.engVid is the reason to stay alive so long sweetie.
by the way, life (lyfe) is true or life (llif)?
thank you i learn more thinghs from you
hi, hope you are find and doing great. Ma’am kindly make a lesson on
i am so confused, how to use them properly
live and live are homographs?
I understood very well. Thanks
thank you vrey much!you make it easy and clear.
Hi ronnie.
I’ve just discovered thid helpful website and I am enchanted with it. Could you tell me if there is any difference in the pronunciation betwen life and live as an adjective?
Thank you very much
whay I can not understand
thank u teacher it is a really very clear plz if possible send send youre e-mail. I’ll be waiting for your reply thanks once again.
great ronie…but how to make different pronounsiation between word “live and life”.and could you give example sentences of these words?
Hello Rebecca.I’m from Bali,Indonesia.I’m lucky and so glad can learn English from you.Until now,i still don’t understand,what is the different use between “to do” and “to be”.When we have to use “to do” or “to be”.Why English use “to do” or “to be” (what for ?).Thank’s alot Rebecca.I need your help to understand this.I really appreciate.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for ur lesson ,
i want to live good life.
everyone, who is live in this world, should be effectively person.
are they correct examples?
Hello Ronnie,
many thanks for your reply, Kindly pls advise study plan for exp.
1- vocabulary
2- ???
to make my plan
thanks to help me.pls reply on my email id for easy reference:
1- vocabulary
2- use vocab. in small sentences.
3- use vocab in longer sentences!
Thanks a lot for your reply,
This what i am working on it at the moments.
Hi there what is difrent between live & alive
plz sent me a test for this lesson and hs answer . I need it.
Hi Ronni,
Thank you a lot for your effort.If you don’t mind i would like you to teach me how i could pronounce the letter (I) when the word ends with vowel letter or after the consonant.Is there two pronounce for (the). Thank you.
Hi Ronnie. What´s the diference between live and alive, I know is the same meanning, but when i can use it. Thanks in advance
Live = verb. I live in Canada.
alive = adjective. He is alive. (not dead)
live = adjective. The band is live. (not recorded)
it is an excellent page , I can practice my listen and prepare classes for my students it’s a very good way to learn and clear confused concepts I am Ruben Bernate from Colombia
faten from egypt say thanks alot rooni
faten aziz
how do we pronounce this, long, live(lIve or laive), the king?
Please answer, THX so much..
kru Sook
“Live”, like the verb.
engVid Moderator
Live = liiive. Not ly-ve!
u r the best ronnie
teacher ronnie what is the meaning of wanna
Wanna = want to
thanks for help me with english ronnie
from Brazil
dirceu my first name
Ya, like I’m grateful to hear Live/Dead:
Pig Pen
Hi! Very useful tips, indeed. It would be great if you kindly add an example…. like
Paul McCartney Live at whatever… in this case live would be and adjective also but it is after the noun….isn’t it?
Thank you
Hi I´m new in here, I like speak with somebody.
Hi teacher Ronnie you is nice.I like your lesson.
Also for “read” it’s the same … why hehe :D
thank you Ronnie for your teaching I from Perú actualy I live in Virú Town
I Just learned your website few days ago…….and I’m loving it so much..thanks teacher Ronnie and the rest of your team
Thanks ronnie for all the help U people r doing to make us learn this language…Love u all …
I have been learning a lot. thank you very much
jaime romero
thank you
you are funny ;)
Hi, Ronnie
I like very much your video and I have been learning a lot. I appreciate for all.
hey thats help a lot please can you make a video where you show the difference between LIFE and LIVE
Life = noun. My life is great. His life ended too soon.
Live – adjective and verb. I live in Canada. The band was live.
More Quizes, please Ronne
i would like to thank you for your corporation with us
Good luck
hi ronni ur realy good thx for u
Thank you so much Ronnie!! But can you give a favor? I don’t understand the difference between search and research because both are verbs and nouns.Are they synoms? Thank you?
i live in U.S.A and i am watching a live programme.
are this sentence right?????????
very good !
Thank you Ronnie,you are my best teacher.But i have a serious question:do you know the song:life is life?i used to sing it but i’m confused now,i think i was wrong and that the title of the song is life is live since live here is an adjective.Is that correct?And if it is can you explain to me what does is it mean?please reply
very helpful.
Hello. Are you going to give us the quiz about this lesson some day? because I´d like to practice with this.
Hi Ronie, I have a questions:
Live (verb) => I live in Warsaw.
Live (adj.) => I love the live music.
and live(adj) sounds like alive. For example: an alive flower.
In my opinion, you can tall use differences between words “live” and “leave” because pronunciation is similar too.
And I’d like to tell you: I love wchating your movie! You so funny and helpful! You are the best!
PS: Sorry for mistakes!
You are the best teacher in my life, thank you for everything
Many thanks
Thanks!!! Ronnie
Ronnie,you are my best teacher.I like very much your video and I have been learning a lot.
Hi Ronnie,thanks very much for your excellent lessons. It hasn’t been very long time that I found this website by coincidence. I watched lots of your and the other teachers’ videos. They are all very useful and helpful.Thanks a lot for this awesome website…
bye for now.
take good care…
oh-uh, what was that? You forgot what the past tense of live was; to a native speaker. That’s why France shouldn’t have put its nose in Canada.
Hi Ronnie
could you please tell me way do we use ‘ a ‘ sometimes before the adjectives ? like a nice man , a good live , a live music … and thank you
hi Ronnie ,
thank youuu , you really helped me a lot , but i have a big problem with phonetic transcription could you help me plzzz , i have an exam on phonetic transcription
fati ( casablanca )
Hi Teacher
If this lesson had a quiz like previous lessons.
It will be awesome.
heheh i am too
Thank you very much Ronnie
hi i good insight thanks
hope madam that u will safe and sound your teaching method is so good friendly especially the teaching of Canadian vocablory
So easy and simple easy to understand Dear Ronnie teacher i like your teaching
Dear Ronni,I just start watching your lessons and I can’t find a word to express my appreciation to you . You are gifted teacher for students from varies back ground or origin . You really making a difference keep up the good work.
best regards
Hello Ronnie could you teach me whats the difference between this two words “living” and “leaving” and I also having problems about the pronunciation . Could you help me on this Please . . . .looking forward to it thanks ^_^
No, she was correct. She was saying the plural of “life”. One life can be saved, two lives (“Lye-vs”) can be saved, many lives can be saved. She wasn’t saying the verb “lives”. (“He lives in Amsterdam.”)
Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie for teaching with face expressions.
Hi teacher tell me please if you have something about life and live.
You are the best. Thank you.
i’m vietnamese. thank u very much because make this lesson for us. and are u know??? your hair very beautyful. i like ít.
love u
I like short videos thankssss :)
Hellon Ronnie.I don’t understand live an adjective.What does live adjectice mean?Can you explain me please?I am waiting for your reply.PLEASE
Hi Ronnie.Can I ask you a question?I am too or Me too which sentences is true?Why?I am sorry wrong words.:(
hello. im new student
Hi Ronnie, You can tell me, please
A synonym for “live” used as an adjective (adjective value that sits beside a noun)?
Iliescu Cornel
I live(“place”) at the following address …
I live this music, she awakes me.
I live this music, it comes alive.
So as not make frequent confusion, I have to know an adjective synonymous with value. Can I replace the adjective “nice”, “enjoyable” or “like”?
Iliescu Cornel
Thanks Ronnie.
Sirlei Barbosa
thank u ronnie
ahmed tohami gouda
So helpful :) thanks…
hi ronnie mam every day i watch your class and other teacher class’s. overall 6 hours for a day and i prepare to notes. for better english’ u r teaching style is like my mom or aunt ur facial expressions and u r body language match to u r lesson it’s look clear understanding u r valuable teaching thank you for helping… suji
Hi Ronnie, thanksfor for explanation
take care
Thanks for the useful lesson, Ronnie!,
The first, thanks a lot for the lesson but which is the diference sound between Live(adj) and Life?
Thanks in advance
tnx teacher :)
I think this is the most useful web page on internet to learn English.. I see Ronnie’s lessons almost five times a day… I think this is the best way to improve our English level..Thank you Ronnie..
Ronnie, I just love the way you think before writing a word. You are the most adorable teacher on engvid. Kisses from Brazil to you!
You explained this (or that?.-.) very well, thanks a lot Ronny :)
Nice , really you are very amazing .
Great. Now I understand that. Thanks so much
I have learned many webs but this is my best
were is the quise
Sorry, not all lessons have one!
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ronnie. you are number one ! #1
Great and Useful Video!
Andres Felipe Arias Mosquera
Thank you so much, teacher. I could understood difference between live and live. See you later.
thank u
ann ann
hi Ronnie kindly explain has,have ,have to they are very confusing sometime.
Gourav Raj
excuse me ,I’ve a question how can i spell Live before war ?
I love you Ronnie and your teaching is excellent and still in the mind for ever.
You are the best.
thanks Ronnie.. I’m like your lessons
momo jaafar
Thanks Ronnie! Good explanation!
good explanation but i think some examples with sentences would have helped to understand the lesson more clearly… just saying
can i get English subtitle this video?
dear Ronnie
can you pleases show me where can i fined the quiz
about you each lesson ? coz i wanna to check my understand
aya khalel
Thanks Ronnie it was useful and your smill make it more intersting the lesson .
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie.
ann ann
Thank you Ronnie
thankyou ma’am its agood lesson. i learn alot of things about these two confused words..thankx again.
sidra tanwir
I lived in Ningbo city which is one of the eastern Chinese coastal cities. Here have many famous seafood restaurants, more live seafood in the aquarium.
Jerry Gu
Thank you for your explanation.
thanks, ma’am..
I like the way you talk like comedy you are my favorite teacher. so! please give me the spirit to learn English ma’am 🙌
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great page however I thought that if it’s better with more interactivities in the videos. Many thanks. Jeyckson Yanez from Venezuela.
I Live In Algeria
I Watch Live Football Matches
Thank u for the lesson its good short lesson but u can understand it
Thanks mahmoud
Hi thanks for the lesson, can you help me?…,can you do a lesson about pronunciation of verbs?. it’s important for me becouse I have a bad procunciation.
Please look at Rebecca’s lesson that she did for the pronunciation of simple past verbs!
Hi M’ Ronie, i have a question when should i use a rather in a sentence.?
Hello I need to learn to pronounce the letters correctly and read the words correctly
this is great so wonderfull a love it helps a lot thanks so very much
it looks so wonderfull help me please with prepositions to share with my pupils of prepschool sometimes I feel little loss.
thank you very much , you are too good to be true
thanks, I wish you to live a well life.
very best teacher
Ithink that is important for everybody want to be speaker in inglish.thanks
you are the best teacher Ronnie,could you give me some examples about have +past participle and get + past participle please?thanks bye
Hell, thanx for this lesson
1-I live with my family
2-I see live game
are there right Examples ??
#1 is correct!
#2 you have to say “I see the game live”, or “I see the live game!”
dear mam (rani) whats the different between these two sentences
1) i watch the live game
2) i see the live game
plz mam tell me use of watch and see thanx dear … i m waiting for your reply
There is no difference really. But watch means you are concentrating on the game and see means you are looking at it!
what is the meaning of the second word-live? plz
Wow! I have never used “live” as an adjective! Now I feel myself “updated” ^:^ But…I have always heard about “alive” (alye-vve!! Thank you!!
hello my teacher rani thank you God bless you today i lorn about borrow and land i want to tell you more but i dont have well english jost lourning with your good videos thankyou
Dear sir madam
how are you
Thank you mrs
for the losson its good short losson .i hope my english well be prove here.
thank you for help me
I live in Thailand and I am watching live football matches.
this is very useful topic for me….thx!!^^
why you not ansuer peoples?
Where is the quiz?
Sorry, there’s no quiz on this lesson.
please can i learn english online if i can how do that and thank you
you are the best tk you
i dont know ~~
putang ina mo teacher !!
madam your are good speaker
hello rani..would you please teach us how can we use ( as much as – as many as – as few as- as soon as – bla bla bla) :)
can you helpe my ?
pleas can you tell me when i say “i” like this (aai)
and when i say “i” same (e)
so great
Hi thanks a lot for your lesson. I like to see your lesson because your are my favourite teacher in online.Can you say something more about pastperticiple.
I want to download all speaking videos (all in one step) instead of downloading them one by one .This is very boring . I think it will be easier for your students
We could allow this, but then the website would no longer be free.
Thank you for you doing!
This website is verd good.Thanks…………
Thank you so much for this vid it’s really useful I used to think “live” had just one pronunciation, I’ve been learning English for a couple of years and I had never learn this. Good luck from Mexico
thank u very much.
This website is verd good.
thank you for help me to improve my language skill
Thank you very much for your explanation.
Great video i like it
Nice lesson but it is too short.You could add some other words like Read as a present verb and read as a past verb.What do you think??
Thankyou dear teacher Ronnie! I’m very clear about to use these two words now. It was wonderful explane from you. I like very much your lessons. Can I have more lessons from you in private please? Sencerly Jashar Hoxha from Tepelene, Albania
Thank you dear teacher.I learn more from your vidio .thanks once again
I had heeded with the great concern and watched variety of english lessons that were really very intresting because of their lucidity and transparency. i hope your’s this endeavor would halp a lot to many to improve and remove deficiency in the writting as well as spoken english, please keep it upgrading on daily basis, thanks
dear mam rani . whats the different between these two sentences 1) i watch the live game . and 2) i see the live game.
thank you for sharing your knowledge to us.. specially me i really need to learn how to use english words properly, hope u’ll never get tired to help us.. thank you and god bless :)
you forgot to give us the meaning of these words
hi ronie, a have a quation, what is the meaning of live like adjetive?
Live as an adjective means not recorded or pre-recorded.
It is usually used when we talk about TV shows or bands.
How about live chicken?? Am i going to read it as li-ve or lye-vve?? I’m confused with this. Pls.. help.=)
To figure this and all the other times you have this difficultly, you must decide if the word you want to use is a adjective (lye-ve) or a verb (liii-ve)!
If you want to say that the chicken is not dead you can say…. It lives! (verb = liii-ves)
If you want to describe the chickens you can say…. They are live! (adjective=lye-ve) We would use this if we were selling them to advertise how fresh they were!
I can improve my English skills through EngVid
I’m in Thailand
I watch your video everyday and it can help me improve my eng skills
good about anythings
I’m living in Sri Lanka
Hai mam thank you very much for your lesson it’s very helpfull to improve my english thank u once again
Thanks for your lesson
U.. R.. doing really good…. Keep going….
Could you pls explain clearly to write about followup and follow up with some examples.
i did not find the quiz
There’s no quiz on this lesson. Sorry!
its very useful i think it helps make me into a stronger person
i’m in Thailand, I would like to improve my english skill. Thanks.
i moizuddin ansari, i like ‘engvid’ very much,and you’rs teaching method is excellent,
Hi! what’s up teacher? I hope you’re fine & having a great time.
So, thanks for the lesson, As i’d like to say that i do like the way you teach, You’re special & there’s a few teachers who have such way nowadays
Well, there’s a verb “To Leave” which confused many times in past when i started learn english, for example:
– I’m going to leave there.
– I’m going to live there.
To help you with this, we don’t usually say I am going to leave THERE. We usually say I am going to leave!!!!!!
Hope that helps!
Hello. I am Su.I come from Thailand. I like this web site so much. It is very useful and suit leran english at home.
thank you for lesson
you are very funny! your lessons are really interesting.
thanks ronnie u r wonderful teacher
Hi everybody there , I am Hisham . I am an English teacher. I am from Egypt. I really get use of listening to native speakers of English. Thank you very much. I have a demand, please can I have all the lessons at once through easy way instead of downloading lesson by lesson. Thanks again. Bye…there
Sorry, no.
Hi! Ms. Ronnie,Can you please explain what is the difference between perhaps and probably?
There really isn’t a lot of difference!
In North America we use probably more than perhaps. Perhaps is more British English!
Perhaps I will drink some tea.
I will probably drink some tea.
Both mean that the speaker is not 100% sure about if they are going to do the action!
Thank you very much for you lesson.
plz add more quiz to enhance learner skill
Hi Would it be possible to talk about sh, tion, su-re,… or some other which is they are the same sound with different Speal, I wander their means are the same or not, and what is difference between them. thank you
pls. teach me the pronunciation between leave and live..
muchas gracias.
Leave is like “leeeeeeeev”. The e is drawn out.
Live is like Lye-ve (adj) or Li-vv (verb)…like the actress Liv Tyler. The “liv” is the same pronunciation
Your Lesson always makes me happy.
Thank you very much!!
really I adored your way of teaching my dear teacher and i hope that many lessons have come to enjoy and learn a lot.
Hello mam Ronnie
mam can you please explain what is leave?
Thank you very much and we love you all muwah.. ^_^
Leave is a verb.
You can say I must leave. = I must go. =present tense
I am leaving. = present continuous.
I left. = past
Hi ma’am what is your exact name “rani” or “ronnie”? i love your teaching style you are my favourite teacher.
My name is Ronnie! Thanks for watching and commenting!
I thought probably aashi had thought that you are indian..That’s he/she was thingking about rani..
i hope to see you live because i love you
thank youvery much it is very good lesson
we want more example and quize
I was in doubt about it…I was.
Thanks for helping us!!
thank you
Thanks =)
hi .ronnie this is rishi i found this site few days ago ,i am going through it ,its amazing .
thank you madam… i will be able to differentiate after take your lesson..
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie ..
it’s really nice lesson ..
as long as I want to know what is the different between the two words “live” :)
Thanks again :)
congratulations teacher Ronnie i love to see your explanations in wich video and manner that you explain the details about pronunciations keep doing this with love
what are comparative and superlative degrees of ‘live’ adj.
Hi , Ronnie! You are the best!Trust me !
I have a question for you . What’s the difference between “simple ” and “sample” ?
smart teacher
Thank you very much Ronnie, Realy i was confused about ‘live’ when we are watching TV sometimes we see live program or sports,so what’s differences about : I live in Toronto and live program.
Hi, Ronnie! i’m from indonesia and i would to know how the pronunciation of LIFE..?thx b4
please help me to learn english
hey Ronnie i’m very glad because i used to confuse those li-ve and ly-ve and also leave!!! funny right? you are helping me to improve my English…thanks a lot
hi my great teacher ronnie .u still the best.plz can u tell me when can i use i have been . and when can i use i had been .will be waiting ur answer eagerly. with my best regards to u .
Leave is like leeeeeeeeeeeve. E like the ABC song.
hi im suzie i from use i I live in Estate know Only speak english
i cand, Read it write
nice to join here
actually i wanna ask u
what is the different between
telling story and story telling
Storytelling is an art form or entertainment.
Telling a story (not telling story) is just talking about an event that happened!
I am glad you found the website!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie I have a doubt
NO. The plural of life is lives. A cat has 9 lives.
HOw about the different between LIVE nad LIFE, and how we use it in the sentence, I confused about this, Thanks Ronnie, You are awesome ::)))
Life is a noun. Eg… “I have a great life.” “I wish you a long life.”
Live is an adjective ( “The band is live.”) and a verb — “He lives in Ireland.”
Thanks Ronnie,It was awesome!!! :X
excellent. thanks.
HI Sis Ronnie,
Apologize if my question like silly. I’m learn from your teaching grammar such “noun” are person,place,things. which one of this of life.
i hope your can reply my question. I like much your teaching style. thank you so much.
Life = noun.
thanks ms ronnie.
hi ms.ronnie,thank u for your nice teaching i really like your action while teaching the lesson , i appreciate
Hi! Ronnie!
Thank’s a lot for your kindness teaching.
It is very helpful for me.
helpful to every one
i regard you as the best teacher iv ever seen
OOOOOOOH…Very interesting word for me.Thanks Ronnie mam.
I live 4 watch your website.engVid is the reason to stay alive so long sweetie.
by the way, life (lyfe) is true or life (llif)?
thank you i learn more thinghs from you
hi, hope you are find and doing great. Ma’am kindly make a lesson on
i am so confused, how to use them properly
live and live are homographs?
I understood very well. Thanks
thank you vrey much!you make it easy and clear.
Hi ronnie.
I’ve just discovered thid helpful website and I am enchanted with it. Could you tell me if there is any difference in the pronunciation betwen life and live as an adjective?
Thank you very much
whay I can not understand
thank u teacher it is a really very clear plz if possible send send youre e-mail. I’ll be waiting for your reply thanks once again.
great ronie…but how to make different pronounsiation between word “live and life”.and could you give example sentences of these words?
Hello Rebecca.I’m from Bali,Indonesia.I’m lucky and so glad can learn English from you.Until now,i still don’t understand,what is the different use between “to do” and “to be”.When we have to use “to do” or “to be”.Why English use “to do” or “to be” (what for ?).Thank’s alot Rebecca.I need your help to understand this.I really appreciate.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for ur lesson ,
i want to live good life.
everyone, who is live in this world, should be effectively person.
are they correct examples?
Hello Ronnie,
many thanks for your reply, Kindly pls advise study plan for exp.
1- vocabulary
2- ???
to make my plan
thanks to help me.pls reply on my email id for easy reference:
1- vocabulary
2- use vocab. in small sentences.
3- use vocab in longer sentences!
Thanks a lot for your reply,
This what i am working on it at the moments.
Hi there what is difrent between live & alive
plz sent me a test for this lesson and hs answer . I need it.
Hi Ronni,
Thank you a lot for your effort.If you don’t mind i would like you to teach me how i could pronounce the letter (I) when the word ends with vowel letter or after the consonant.Is there two pronounce for (the). Thank you.
Hi Ronnie. What´s the diference between live and alive, I know is the same meanning, but when i can use it. Thanks in advance
Live = verb. I live in Canada.
alive = adjective. He is alive. (not dead)
live = adjective. The band is live. (not recorded)
it is an excellent page , I can practice my listen and prepare classes for my students it’s a very good way to learn and clear confused concepts I am Ruben Bernate from Colombia
faten from egypt say thanks alot rooni
how do we pronounce this, long, live(lIve or laive), the king?
Please answer, THX so much..
“Live”, like the verb.
Live = liiive. Not ly-ve!
u r the best ronnie
teacher ronnie what is the meaning of wanna
Wanna = want to
thanks for help me with english ronnie
from Brazil
Ya, like I’m grateful to hear Live/Dead:
Hi! Very useful tips, indeed. It would be great if you kindly add an example…. like
Paul McCartney Live at whatever… in this case live would be and adjective also but it is after the noun….isn’t it?
Thank you
Hi I´m new in here, I like speak with somebody.
Hi teacher Ronnie you is nice.I like your lesson.
Also for “read” it’s the same … why hehe :D
thank you Ronnie for your teaching I from Perú actualy I live in Virú Town
I Just learned your website few days ago…….and I’m loving it so much..thanks teacher Ronnie and the rest of your team
Thanks ronnie for all the help U people r doing to make us learn this language…Love u all …
I have been learning a lot. thank you very much
thank you
you are funny ;)
Hi, Ronnie
I like very much your video and I have been learning a lot. I appreciate for all.
hey thats help a lot please can you make a video where you show the difference between LIFE and LIVE
Life = noun. My life is great. His life ended too soon.
Live – adjective and verb. I live in Canada. The band was live.
More Quizes, please Ronne
i would like to thank you for your corporation with us
Good luck
hi ronni ur realy good thx for u
Thank you so much Ronnie!! But can you give a favor? I don’t understand the difference between search and research because both are verbs and nouns.Are they synoms? Thank you?
i live in U.S.A and i am watching a live programme.
are this sentence right?????????
very good !
Thank you Ronnie,you are my best teacher.But i have a serious question:do you know the song:life is life?i used to sing it but i’m confused now,i think i was wrong and that the title of the song is life is live since live here is an adjective.Is that correct?And if it is can you explain to me what does is it mean?please reply
very helpful.
Hello. Are you going to give us the quiz about this lesson some day? because I´d like to practice with this.
Hi Ronie, I have a questions:
Live (verb) => I live in Warsaw.
Live (adj.) => I love the live music.
and live(adj) sounds like alive. For example: an alive flower.
In my opinion, you can tall use differences between words “live” and “leave” because pronunciation is similar too.
And I’d like to tell you: I love wchating your movie! You so funny and helpful! You are the best!
PS: Sorry for mistakes!
You are the best teacher in my life, thank you for everything
Many thanks
Thanks!!! Ronnie
Ronnie,you are my best teacher.I like very much your video and I have been learning a lot.
Hi Ronnie,thanks very much for your excellent lessons. It hasn’t been very long time that I found this website by coincidence. I watched lots of your and the other teachers’ videos. They are all very useful and helpful.Thanks a lot for this awesome website…
bye for now.
take good care…
oh-uh, what was that? You forgot what the past tense of live was; to a native speaker. That’s why France shouldn’t have put its nose in Canada.
Hi Ronnie
could you please tell me way do we use ‘ a ‘ sometimes before the adjectives ? like a nice man , a good live , a live music … and thank you
A is an article. We need it to tell that there is only one of something!
Check out the articles lesson:
hi Ronnie ,
thank youuu , you really helped me a lot , but i have a big problem with phonetic transcription could you help me plzzz , i have an exam on phonetic transcription
Hi Teacher
If this lesson had a quiz like previous lessons.
It will be awesome.
heheh i am too
Thank you very much Ronnie
hi i good insight thanks
hope madam that u will safe and sound your teaching method is so good friendly especially the teaching of Canadian vocablory
So easy and simple easy to understand Dear Ronnie teacher i like your teaching
Dear Ronni,I just start watching your lessons and I can’t find a word to express my appreciation to you . You are gifted teacher for students from varies back ground or origin . You really making a difference keep up the good work.
best regards
Hello Ronnie could you teach me whats the difference between this two words “living” and “leaving” and I also having problems about the pronunciation . Could you help me on this Please . . . .looking forward to it thanks ^_^
No, she was correct. She was saying the plural of “life”. One life can be saved, two lives (“Lye-vs”) can be saved, many lives can be saved. She wasn’t saying the verb “lives”. (“He lives in Amsterdam.”)
Thank you!
Thanks Ronnie for teaching with face expressions.
Hi teacher tell me please if you have something about life and live.
You are the best. Thank you.
i’m vietnamese. thank u very much because make this lesson for us. and are u know??? your hair very beautyful. i like ít.
love u
I like short videos thankssss :)
Hellon Ronnie.I don’t understand live an adjective.What does live adjectice mean?Can you explain me please?I am waiting for your reply.PLEASE
Hi Ronnie.Can I ask you a question?I am too or Me too which sentences is true?Why?I am sorry wrong words.:(
hello. im new student
Hi Ronnie, You can tell me, please
A synonym for “live” used as an adjective (adjective value that sits beside a noun)?
I live(“place”) at the following address …
I live this music, she awakes me.
I live this music, it comes alive.
So as not make frequent confusion, I have to know an adjective synonymous with value. Can I replace the adjective “nice”, “enjoyable” or “like”?
Thanks Ronnie.
thank u ronnie
So helpful :) thanks…
hi ronnie mam every day i watch your class and other teacher class’s. overall 6 hours for a day and i prepare to notes. for better english’ u r teaching style is like my mom or aunt ur facial expressions and u r body language match to u r lesson it’s look clear understanding u r valuable teaching thank you for helping… suji
Hi Ronnie, thanksfor for explanation
take care
Thanks for the useful lesson, Ronnie!,
The first, thanks a lot for the lesson but which is the diference sound between Live(adj) and Life?
Thanks in advance
tnx teacher :)
I think this is the most useful web page on internet to learn English.. I see Ronnie’s lessons almost five times a day… I think this is the best way to improve our English level..Thank you Ronnie..
Ronnie, I just love the way you think before writing a word. You are the most adorable teacher on engvid. Kisses from Brazil to you!
You explained this (or that?.-.) very well, thanks a lot Ronny :)
Nice , really you are very amazing .
Great. Now I understand that. Thanks so much
I have learned many webs but this is my best
were is the quise
Sorry, not all lessons have one!
Thank you Ronnie. you are number one ! #1
Great and Useful Video!
Thank you so much, teacher. I could understood difference between live and live. See you later.
thank u
hi Ronnie kindly explain has,have ,have to they are very confusing sometime.
excuse me ,I’ve a question how can i spell Live before war ?
I love you Ronnie and your teaching is excellent and still in the mind for ever.
You are the best.
thanks Ronnie.. I’m like your lessons
Thanks Ronnie! Good explanation!
good explanation but i think some examples with sentences would have helped to understand the lesson more clearly… just saying
can i get English subtitle this video?
dear Ronnie
can you pleases show me where can i fined the quiz
about you each lesson ? coz i wanna to check my understand
Thanks Ronnie it was useful and your smill make it more intersting the lesson .
Thank you.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
thankyou ma’am its agood lesson. i learn alot of things about these two confused words..thankx again.
I lived in Ningbo city which is one of the eastern Chinese coastal cities. Here have many famous seafood restaurants, more live seafood in the aquarium.
Thank you for your explanation.
thanks, ma’am..
I like the way you talk like comedy you are my favorite teacher. so! please give me the spirit to learn English ma’am 🙌