LOSE or LOOSE? This vocabulary lesson is about one of the most common spelling mistakes made by students. Watch this video and you won’t go wrong again.
I liked it. So, can you some video with more pronuntiation?
yes i can
The focus of your lesson on these three aspects -pronunciation, grammar, and spelling- made me understand much better the source of confusion between these words.
The quiz provided useful examples in context.
Thanks a million for this excellent lesson; Rebecca, you are an exceptional teacher.
Thankyou very much Mams,You are doing very nice job for learners and i am giving 2 hour,s a day for the videos.
Rahmat Ud Din
very nice
thank you so much>>>>>>
and i also don’t want to lose your lessons…….
you are doing good job rebecca
I would like to explain that you should use “miss” instead of “lose” because you should say “miss a lesson, a bus, train, lecture, etc” and “lose” is used with “money, keys, bag, job,etc.” Thanks
Thanks for wonderful lesson. Actually I solved this problem before but you suggest me more option.
Could you give a lesson on “Have something done”
Thanks Rebecce.
Have a nice day.
Please continue teach me :)
Hello. How are you today ? I saw your biology. So can i know you?
U a good teacher
You can also learn Indonesian,would you learn with me…?
That’s a good lesson. Thank you
hi rebecca, do u tell me that when you upload your lesson, i don’t know that day plz tell me because i don’t want to miss your lesson
Hi, shahid, I’ve liked the page of engvid on facebook, and now I know when they upload their lessons…
Thanks Rebecca for your explaination, it’s more now for me
Hi rebecca you are the best.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you)))
Rebecca Thanks you very much! It’s website is brillant!!! and your class too!! Really thanks against!
Eduardo Argentina
Thank you Rebecca
well im mexican tomorrow i´ll present the comprehension reading of my pre toefl exam, and i saw a part in which it says -the green algae is commonly located on the fresh water-
and the queston say.
where is commonly located the green algae?
a)in surrounding water.
b)on lakes and rivers.
c) on the floor of the sea
which is te correct answer?
I think number (B) is correct.
thanks for ur wonderful lesson…..
thanks, teacher Rebecca, I never been lose again….
Hi Rebecca, Thank you all of our teachers for wonderful work. i’ll appreciate if you could explain, how to use and pronunce salon and saloon. thanks again
why i didn’t received any english lesson from you?
thanks a lot 4 this lesson
I wanna ask the second quizz, why use LOSE instead of LOOSE ….?
thank you Rebecca, love you so much :D
Hi Cristal99, it means “to lose weight”. Got it?!!!
Hi you both,,it means “to lose your a little money’,,,that is i think,,
thanks alot Mrs. Rebecca..i’m preseeeent..:D
Thank you so much. You do the great job!
My first time here! It´s was great! Thank you teacher!
gud job…. gud website too…
I agree…
thank you so much
I came in here by chance and I reallyyyy loved these lessons they r so useful for me…now I’m sending the link to my friend to get advantage of it as well…thanks Rebeca
thanks rebeca for this wondeful site…i want to know more or learn about english grammar…keep it up..have a nice day!
cristina abuel
thank you so much REBECCa.From now on I don’t want to lose this lessons from you.
good job.
Dear Rebbeca
I love your teaching way. If I had had teachers like you, probably I would know much more English language.
Thank you and go on like that.
thnks a lot for this page.
I´d like to know how to use ending ing for exemple: about + ing.
thanks my teacher
thank you Rebbeca for thes lesson
thanks rebbeca u r doing great job
humera ather
Thank you Rebecca, …Alex, James, Jon, Ronnie and Valen.
You are wonderful and help me every day since I found you.
VIVA Eng as in english Vid as in video .com!!!!!!
hanks alot for this golden service. you are a great teacher.
great channel, here I can improve much my english…
thank you a lot…
Marcos Sena
thanks techer.
i dont know how to thanks you..
great job..thnks
Rebecca, you are simply spectacular
nice teacher very clearly.
thank you for this lesson
Hi Teacher,
Thank you so much for your lessons!
I would like to suggest a lesson about the difference between the verbs TO BEGIN and TO START.
Paulo Martins
hi Paulo Martins, i agree with you
Thanks so much I’m a teacher too, I like the way you teach, I’m learning a lot from your teaching techniques.
Thank you Madam, I learnt a lot from you.
Thank you i could answers all your questions
I have watch some of your video on YouTube it was really good and it was really helpful for me and I have learned a lot of new things, so now I would like to ask you that I am having a little problem with my grammar, because when I wrote the paragraph my grammar is not right, so now I need your advise to help me out what do I have to do, and would be possible if you could recommend me some book to improve my grammar,
Thank you in advance,
Your response would be highly appreciated,
I’ll wait for your reply,
Teacher, this lesson was nice , very clear, and special by me.
I like your english program. This online learning is so great. It can help me to improve my english.
I like your program. It’s so great program.
Thank you Rebecca! You are great teacher!
thank you teacher
thank you my teacher
thanks Rebecca… I really love the way you teach… u kind of inspire me ^_^ you speak clearly and slowly and I understand every word that comes from your mouth :) i think you’re an effective teacher to us ESL learners… :)
Thanks Rebecca.. you’re a wonderful teacher.. I understand every word that comes from your mouth.. I think you’re an effective teacher to us ESL learners…. i’ll look forward to your new posts… post some more! more!! more!!! ^^
God bless you!
Thank you your teaching.
thank you Rebecca,i really liked the way you teach. you are the success teacher.
HI Rebcca thank you so much you do great job.
I liked it very much. You have great pronunciation. Now I will never confuse this two different words.
THANK you very much.
I asked a lot of questions about your lessons and since i couldn’t get an answer immediately,the next day, iv to go back to the video where i posted to check if you have a reply.. and i think i miss some of the information i should know… is there a possibility that i post questions here and receive your reply on my Facebook home page? New engvid lessons appear in my news feed so i was thinking that, that would be possible as well.. sorry if my question is something stupid, but sometimes i lose my patience researching for the lessons where i posted my questions… i hope u understand… thanks ^^ your lessons are very helpful.. and i love the way you explain ’em… :)
Hi Rebeeca,the lesson is very interesting.You are a perfect teacher.Thanks alot.I need your help to pass the tofel exam.
mahda muhaisen
Hi Rebecca! Your small lesson is very useful. You pronouced clearly and it’s easy to listen.
thank you so much and I hope you will have more and more lesson like that.
Thank you now I understand the differences between these two words- anyone is my grammar correct?
hi rebecca
jenel sanon
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
you are a great teacher as you give us valuable information in a very simple way…
Thank you.
Medhat Nagy
Cairo – Egypt
Medhat Nagy
i got 8 out of 8 , thanks to you
No I won’t lose the way between loose n’ lose. have a nice day, nice black hair.
Thank Rebecca.
I love this lesson.
thanx alot rebeeca xcelent
avery important lesson,
thank u.
all the best to u
thank you, it’s very interesting
Hi, you opened my eyes about these completed verbs , adjective words wow…..I had never knew what they meant! thanks I am happy cause am learning the real grammar on this website. Thanks a lot more….!
excellent videos! they are helping me a lot, thanks Rebecca!
thank you.it was useful for me
thnks u Mrs Rebecca. 4 ur wonderfull the way you teach people realy attaracted me so much i dont know how can i thnks u !!
interesting miss rebecca. thanks for giving us this lesson. please give us more.
dear Ms. rebecca, please tell me how to say TO, TOO, and TWO in pronounciation, thank you :)
Hi!!rebecca , thank u very much =D I like it
Thank you so much
Thanks Rebecca, I enjoyed a lot your lesson…
Hi Rebecca. I need some help with the word ‘to arrange’. Here is an example sentence:
– I arranged a tea party.
Well, my dictionary says ‘to arrange – to plan or prepare for; to organize’.
Now, to my mind there is a difference between PLANNING and ORGANIZING. If it were ‘I planed a tea party’ that would mean we just know when (and perhaps how) the event is going to happen. When I say ‘I organized a tea party’ you may be sure that apart from having a plan for the event I made all the necessary preparations. We can’t state that the tea party is organized until we provide enough tea for it, may be some honey etc, can we?
So, if I have been right so far (did I just choose the correct tense, I wonder), then tell me please, when you hear that a tea party is ARRANGED, does it sound to you closer to being ORGANIZED or PLANNED?
i got 9 out of 9 without watching the video.thanks!
thanks rebica soooooooo much
Oh Rebbeca, I might say your classes are so good. I get all you say, your pronunciation is so clear to me, thanks for the help!
Juliana (Brazil)
Hi guys!!!
The word “lose” can be used in the following different ways:-
1) I can’t find my wallet, I think I lost it on the train.
2) If you lose your ticket you’ll have to buy another one
3) we lost money on the lottery.
4) She doesn’t eat potatoes as she’s trying to lose weight (= to get thinner)
5) The clock loses 10 minutes every day (means = it falls 10 minutes behind the correct time every day)
6) to lose your temper = to become angry
He lost his temper when they told him there was no room in the hotel
7) to lose time = to waste time, not to do something quickly enough; don’t lose any time in posting the letter.
I hope you all will learn from above.
Abbas Khan
Abbas Khan
Thanks Rebecce.
Have a nice day.
Please continue teach me :-)
Thank you for teaching me some example,I love your video and hope you make it more of this ,I love to study english.
Dear Rebecca.
Thank’s for your Lesson I got 100% Marked and I will never lose your lesson. Thank’s lot.
thank you very Rebecca, that’s nice differentiated
words between loose & lose
thanks again.
James Manyang
yeah..my quiz is 100 % correct..thanks Rebecca..
Thank you so much..
Terimakasih (meaning thank you in Bahasa)
Thanks Rebecca so much!your lesson helped a lot for me ,now i think my english is better than before.I hope,you alway are a the best teacher,and alway happy in your life.
Thanks Rebecca, your video is very helpful for me to impove my english.
Great, I loved your explain.
Dear Rebecca,
I really appreciate your way of teaching. I have improved my English since I started watching your video. one more question, can you make lesson on different meanings of ‘quite’, ‘quiet’ ‘quit’ and ‘lie’?
wish you all the best,
Thank you for this interesting lesson!
OK i repeat that lessons ,It is easy.So i want to buy video, please i like Eng vid
Thank you very much for all the lessons you provided.I really love to listen to them.Few lessons a day.
Mawinee maming
thanks rebbeca irealy like your lessons
iwant some help in english
Thank you very much.I love you website
Fantástic, it’s a great video , thanks Rebeca.
Hi! I did the quiz and there is a something wrong in the answer of the second question. Am I wrong, I think the right choice is loose. Thanks a lot for your attention.
Rebecca teşekkür ederim, çok güzel ingilizce öğretiyorsun. Diğer hocalarımdan da çok memnunum. Hepinize teşekkür ederim.
Thanks for all of you. :)
thank u foe your wonderful lesson. I have learn a lot from your video lesson.
Thank you so much,,, really, I was so confused with these two wors but Now, I understood them,, Thank you alot
just say awesome!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hi Rebbeca this is the first time that i sign in this greatful sit ,at first welcome you .Rebeca i have aproblem in writing or i feel that i have a problem,so i want you to help me or guide me to write way to improve the skill of writing.thank you more.
thank you
This answer for eylem’ question. Sevgili eylem quiz sorusu doğru zira içine girebilmek için 10 pounds zayıflamak zorunda olduğundan bahsediyor.
thank u so much for this lesson and u are nice teacher ilove the way u teaching for lessons thanks again.
thank u mam >>>
Easy to understand. Thanks for your explanation
which is correct: never lose hope or never loose hope?
which is correct never lose hope or never loose hope? ..need ur help pls! thank you!
Never lose hope is correct
It’s so nice…. I would like to learn more eng….
would like to teach me mam…..
Great lesson, by explaining the difference between “Lose” & “Loose”. Many thanks for sharing!!!
great! i love english..
It is a great job from Rebeca, I love this language, now, maybe I can learn.
Thanks, by.
Fantastic ! All teachers here are superab.
again perfect yahoo
A very cool website for all English learners. Thanks so much.
Perfect score
Me too O(∩_∩)O!
Thank you very much your lessions is very useful and simple
Your the best Rebeca! Your teaching was never been confusing!
thanks again Rebecca.God bless <3
Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca ,I like your way of teaching ,Excellent .have a great day .
nice lesson thanks teacher.
Thank you Rebecca for you explanation.
Thank you teacher. :)
Of course, teaching in any form or on any subject is one of the best and noble professions!!!
I can’t believe I missed that one. These lessons are great
Thanks a lot. It was very nice. I can not lose the next video.
Hello Rebecca,
It’s a FANTASTIC learning experience.
Thanks & regards,
Thank you
Thank you, Rebecca.
Realy, you’re a very smart teacher
ı got 100 ın the test thank you teacher
Another helpful lesson. Thank you Teacher Rebecca
thanks a lot
that was use_full far me thank and good job
this is my first time I listened to your video.understood.I like the way of pronunciation.
It helped me.wish you all the best teacher.
wow…I got a perfect score……
I am Japanese.
And I am studying English every day.
I like your lesson. This lesson is very good.
Yoshiaki Matsumoto
Nice Lesson Ma’am
Many Many Thanks!
Ata Ur Rahman Safi
nice teacher very clearly.
I allway lose my mind When i want to write a letter.
Jose a garcia
Rebecca,thanks I know enghish is no easy.
Jose a garcia
Ecxellent explanation, thank you very much
Thank you so much
well done !
Thank you teacher
Hi Rebeca
i am a student and i have a problem about how to write literary analysis. can you post me and other students who had same problem a vedio clip about it?
which tense form is better to use when we analyzing a tex?
I got 88 %. thanks.
I´m a little confused about these words…
thanks a lot
fantastic:). Please give more videos like this. Thank you so much. Love U, Rebecca!
good lesson
perfect teacher
wonderful time ^”^
Ted Lee
i usualy got a high score from your lesson.
you’re an excellent teacher.
thanking you .now i am clear difference between loose and lose
Thanks a lot Dear Rebecca.
What about the noun loss.
And what about the verb loosen , loosened ??
Please I’m confused how to use and interprtate words ( lose,lost,loose,loosen and loosened ).
I am a better person because I know you. Thank you for being the way you are.
100 % tks
Thank you. I liked this lesson.
Dear Professor Rebecca,
Really good presentation of the grammatical, and practical difficulties; we the students of English face with two confused words. Thanks.
Fongratulation, very clear. I did not lose.
Yeah!!! 8/8
I don’t ever want to lose your teaching. Others than your teaching are too loose for me. Are these sentences crorret ?
Thank you very much Rebecca.
you would give the details about loose.
100% Thanks a lot
Zainab Awni
Dear Rebecca,
Especially not, with you like teacher I don’t lose my way.
Best regards.
W Excellent,I can’t stop mayself of watshing your videos.
All is very useful for me.
Thank you Mr Rebecca
thanks Rebecca for lesson.. now I have to lose my confusing to implement “Lose” and “Loose” in my daily activities.. see u soon.. I want to wear my loose t-shirt.. :)
Thanks :)
These are the vocabularies that confuse me. Thanks a lot my teacher.
Good morning (or? may be iveneng) Rebecca!!!!!! This is GREAT lesson !!!!!!!! Thank you for it !!!!!!! )
It was an excellent lesson.
In my view, you are a great teacher.
Thank you kindly!
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
M kartal
yes.i have got 100 scores thanks my teacher
thank you very much, Mrs. Rebecca, a very good teacher. you are awesome,
Dear Mrs. Rebecca. The lesson is very good for beginners but not for intermediates and you have sown some doubts. Let’s say, that the world “loose” is a verb as well and can be taken in the contex “to free”, “to release”, “to unleash”, “to untie”. The sentences “to lose a temper” and “to loose a temper” have quite different meanigs and why you have not adverted this trick?
word “loose”
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you so much mam for your wonderful lesson!it gives me a lot of information.you explained very clear and
Thank you so much mam for your wonderful lesson!it gives me a lot of information.you explained very clear and your way of teaching is excellent.
Learn English for free with 2161 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I liked it. So, can you some video with more pronuntiation?
yes i can
The focus of your lesson on these three aspects -pronunciation, grammar, and spelling- made me understand much better the source of confusion between these words.
The quiz provided useful examples in context.
Thanks a million for this excellent lesson; Rebecca, you are an exceptional teacher.
Thankyou very much Mams,You are doing very nice job for learners and i am giving 2 hour,s a day for the videos.
very nice
thank you so much>>>>>>
and i also don’t want to lose your lessons…….
you are doing good job rebecca
I would like to explain that you should use “miss” instead of “lose” because you should say “miss a lesson, a bus, train, lecture, etc” and “lose” is used with “money, keys, bag, job,etc.” Thanks
Thanks for wonderful lesson. Actually I solved this problem before but you suggest me more option.
Could you give a lesson on “Have something done”
Thanks Rebecce.
Have a nice day.
Please continue teach me :)
Hello. How are you today ? I saw your biology. So can i know you?
U a good teacher
You can also learn Indonesian,would you learn with me…?
That’s a good lesson. Thank you
hi rebecca, do u tell me that when you upload your lesson, i don’t know that day plz tell me because i don’t want to miss your lesson
Hi, shahid, I’ve liked the page of engvid on facebook, and now I know when they upload their lessons…
Thanks Rebecca for your explaination, it’s more now for me
Hi rebecca you are the best.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you)))
Rebecca Thanks you very much! It’s website is brillant!!! and your class too!! Really thanks against!
Thank you Rebecca
well im mexican tomorrow i´ll present the comprehension reading of my pre toefl exam, and i saw a part in which it says -the green algae is commonly located on the fresh water-
and the queston say.
where is commonly located the green algae?
a)in surrounding water.
b)on lakes and rivers.
c) on the floor of the sea
which is te correct answer?
I think number (B) is correct.
thanks for ur wonderful lesson…..
thanks, teacher Rebecca, I never been lose again….
Hi Rebecca, Thank you all of our teachers for wonderful work. i’ll appreciate if you could explain, how to use and pronunce salon and saloon. thanks again
why i didn’t received any english lesson from you?
thanks a lot 4 this lesson
I wanna ask the second quizz, why use LOSE instead of LOOSE ….?
thank you Rebecca, love you so much :D
Hi Cristal99, it means “to lose weight”. Got it?!!!
Hi you both,,it means “to lose your a little money’,,,that is i think,,
thanks alot Mrs. Rebecca..i’m preseeeent..:D
Thank you so much. You do the great job!
My first time here! It´s was great! Thank you teacher!
gud job…. gud website too…
I agree…
thank you so much
I came in here by chance and I reallyyyy loved these lessons they r so useful for me…now I’m sending the link to my friend to get advantage of it as well…thanks Rebeca
thanks rebeca for this wondeful site…i want to know more or learn about english grammar…keep it up..have a nice day!
thank you so much REBECCa.From now on I don’t want to lose this lessons from you.
good job.
Dear Rebbeca
I love your teaching way. If I had had teachers like you, probably I would know much more English language.
Thank you and go on like that.
thnks a lot for this page.
I´d like to know how to use ending ing for exemple: about + ing.
thanks my teacher
thank you Rebbeca for thes lesson
thanks rebbeca u r doing great job
Thank you Rebecca, …Alex, James, Jon, Ronnie and Valen.
You are wonderful and help me every day since I found you.
VIVA Eng as in english Vid as in video .com!!!!!!
hanks alot for this golden service. you are a great teacher.
great channel, here I can improve much my english…
thank you a lot…
thanks techer.
i dont know how to thanks you..
great job..thnks
Rebecca, you are simply spectacular
nice teacher very clearly.
thank you for this lesson
Hi Teacher,
Thank you so much for your lessons!
I would like to suggest a lesson about the difference between the verbs TO BEGIN and TO START.
hi Paulo Martins, i agree with you
Thanks so much I’m a teacher too, I like the way you teach, I’m learning a lot from your teaching techniques.
Thank you Madam, I learnt a lot from you.
Thank you i could answers all your questions
I have watch some of your video on YouTube it was really good and it was really helpful for me and I have learned a lot of new things, so now I would like to ask you that I am having a little problem with my grammar, because when I wrote the paragraph my grammar is not right, so now I need your advise to help me out what do I have to do, and would be possible if you could recommend me some book to improve my grammar,
Thank you in advance,
Your response would be highly appreciated,
I’ll wait for your reply,
Teacher, this lesson was nice , very clear, and special by me.
I like your english program. This online learning is so great. It can help me to improve my english.
I like your program. It’s so great program.
Thank you Rebecca! You are great teacher!
thank you teacher
thank you my teacher
thanks Rebecca… I really love the way you teach… u kind of inspire me ^_^ you speak clearly and slowly and I understand every word that comes from your mouth :) i think you’re an effective teacher to us ESL learners… :)
Thanks Rebecca.. you’re a wonderful teacher.. I understand every word that comes from your mouth.. I think you’re an effective teacher to us ESL learners…. i’ll look forward to your new posts… post some more! more!! more!!! ^^
God bless you!
Thank you your teaching.
thank you Rebecca,i really liked the way you teach. you are the success teacher.
HI Rebcca thank you so much you do great job.
I liked it very much. You have great pronunciation. Now I will never confuse this two different words.
THANK you very much.
I asked a lot of questions about your lessons and since i couldn’t get an answer immediately,the next day, iv to go back to the video where i posted to check if you have a reply.. and i think i miss some of the information i should know… is there a possibility that i post questions here and receive your reply on my Facebook home page? New engvid lessons appear in my news feed so i was thinking that, that would be possible as well.. sorry if my question is something stupid, but sometimes i lose my patience researching for the lessons where i posted my questions… i hope u understand… thanks ^^ your lessons are very helpful.. and i love the way you explain ’em… :)
Hi Rebeeca,the lesson is very interesting.You are a perfect teacher.Thanks alot.I need your help to pass the tofel exam.
Hi Rebecca! Your small lesson is very useful. You pronouced clearly and it’s easy to listen.
thank you so much and I hope you will have more and more lesson like that.
Thank you now I understand the differences between these two words- anyone is my grammar correct?
hi rebecca
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
you are a great teacher as you give us valuable information in a very simple way…
Thank you.
Medhat Nagy
Cairo – Egypt
i got 8 out of 8 , thanks to you
No I won’t lose the way between loose n’ lose. have a nice day, nice black hair.
Thank Rebecca.
I love this lesson.
thanx alot rebeeca xcelent
avery important lesson,
thank u.
all the best to u
thank you, it’s very interesting
Hi, you opened my eyes about these completed verbs , adjective words wow…..I had never knew what they meant! thanks I am happy cause am learning the real grammar on this website. Thanks a lot more….!
excellent videos! they are helping me a lot, thanks Rebecca!
thank you.it was useful for me
thnks u Mrs Rebecca. 4 ur wonderfull the way you teach people realy attaracted me so much i dont know how can i thnks u !!
interesting miss rebecca. thanks for giving us this lesson. please give us more.
dear Ms. rebecca, please tell me how to say TO, TOO, and TWO in pronounciation, thank you :)
Hi!!rebecca , thank u very much =D I like it
Thank you so much
Thanks Rebecca, I enjoyed a lot your lesson…
Hi Rebecca. I need some help with the word ‘to arrange’. Here is an example sentence:
– I arranged a tea party.
Well, my dictionary says ‘to arrange – to plan or prepare for; to organize’.
Now, to my mind there is a difference between PLANNING and ORGANIZING. If it were ‘I planed a tea party’ that would mean we just know when (and perhaps how) the event is going to happen. When I say ‘I organized a tea party’ you may be sure that apart from having a plan for the event I made all the necessary preparations. We can’t state that the tea party is organized until we provide enough tea for it, may be some honey etc, can we?
So, if I have been right so far (did I just choose the correct tense, I wonder), then tell me please, when you hear that a tea party is ARRANGED, does it sound to you closer to being ORGANIZED or PLANNED?
i got 9 out of 9 without watching the video.thanks!
thanks rebica soooooooo much
Oh Rebbeca, I might say your classes are so good. I get all you say, your pronunciation is so clear to me, thanks for the help!
Hi guys!!!
The word “lose” can be used in the following different ways:-
1) I can’t find my wallet, I think I lost it on the train.
2) If you lose your ticket you’ll have to buy another one
3) we lost money on the lottery.
4) She doesn’t eat potatoes as she’s trying to lose weight (= to get thinner)
5) The clock loses 10 minutes every day (means = it falls 10 minutes behind the correct time every day)
6) to lose your temper = to become angry
He lost his temper when they told him there was no room in the hotel
7) to lose time = to waste time, not to do something quickly enough; don’t lose any time in posting the letter.
I hope you all will learn from above.
Abbas Khan
Thanks Rebecce.
Have a nice day.
Please continue teach me :-)
Thank you for teaching me some example,I love your video and hope you make it more of this ,I love to study english.
Dear Rebecca.
Thank’s for your Lesson I got 100% Marked and I will never lose your lesson. Thank’s lot.
thank you very Rebecca, that’s nice differentiated
words between loose & lose
thanks again.
James Manyang
yeah..my quiz is 100 % correct..thanks Rebecca..
Thank you so much..
Terimakasih (meaning thank you in Bahasa)
Thanks Rebecca so much!your lesson helped a lot for me ,now i think my english is better than before.I hope,you alway are a the best teacher,and alway happy in your life.
Thanks Rebecca, your video is very helpful for me to impove my english.
Great, I loved your explain.
Dear Rebecca,
I really appreciate your way of teaching. I have improved my English since I started watching your video. one more question, can you make lesson on different meanings of ‘quite’, ‘quiet’ ‘quit’ and ‘lie’?
wish you all the best,
Thank you for this interesting lesson!
OK i repeat that lessons ,It is easy.So i want to buy video, please i like Eng vid
Thank you very much for all the lessons you provided.I really love to listen to them.Few lessons a day.
thanks rebbeca irealy like your lessons
iwant some help in english
Thank you very much.I love you website
Fantástic, it’s a great video , thanks Rebeca.
Hi! I did the quiz and there is a something wrong in the answer of the second question. Am I wrong, I think the right choice is loose. Thanks a lot for your attention.
Rebecca teşekkür ederim, çok güzel ingilizce öğretiyorsun. Diğer hocalarımdan da çok memnunum. Hepinize teşekkür ederim.
Thanks for all of you. :)
thank u foe your wonderful lesson. I have learn a lot from your video lesson.
Thank you so much,,, really, I was so confused with these two wors but Now, I understood them,, Thank you alot
just say awesome!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hi Rebbeca this is the first time that i sign in this greatful sit ,at first welcome you .Rebeca i have aproblem in writing or i feel that i have a problem,so i want you to help me or guide me to write way to improve the skill of writing.thank you more.
thank you
This answer for eylem’ question. Sevgili eylem quiz sorusu doğru zira içine girebilmek için 10 pounds zayıflamak zorunda olduğundan bahsediyor.
thank u so much for this lesson and u are nice teacher ilove the way u teaching for lessons thanks again.
thank u mam >>>
Easy to understand. Thanks for your explanation
which is correct: never lose hope or never loose hope?
which is correct never lose hope or never loose hope? ..need ur help pls! thank you!
Never lose hope is correct
It’s so nice…. I would like to learn more eng….
would like to teach me mam…..
Great lesson, by explaining the difference between “Lose” & “Loose”. Many thanks for sharing!!!
great! i love english..
It is a great job from Rebeca, I love this language, now, maybe I can learn.
Thanks, by.
Fantastic ! All teachers here are superab.
again perfect yahoo
A very cool website for all English learners. Thanks so much.
Perfect score
Me too O(∩_∩)O!
Thank you very much your lessions is very useful and simple
Your the best Rebeca! Your teaching was never been confusing!
thanks again Rebecca.God bless <3
Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca ,I like your way of teaching ,Excellent .have a great day .
nice lesson thanks teacher.
Thank you Rebecca for you explanation.
Thank you teacher. :)
Of course, teaching in any form or on any subject is one of the best and noble professions!!!
I can’t believe I missed that one. These lessons are great
Thanks a lot. It was very nice. I can not lose the next video.
Hello Rebecca,
It’s a FANTASTIC learning experience.
Thanks & regards,
Thank you
Thank you, Rebecca.
Realy, you’re a very smart teacher
ı got 100 ın the test thank you teacher
Another helpful lesson. Thank you Teacher Rebecca
thanks a lot
that was use_full far me thank and good job
this is my first time I listened to your video.understood.I like the way of pronunciation.
It helped me.wish you all the best teacher.
wow…I got a perfect score……
I am Japanese.
And I am studying English every day.
I like your lesson. This lesson is very good.
Nice Lesson Ma’am
Many Many Thanks!
nice teacher very clearly.
I allway lose my mind When i want to write a letter.
Rebecca,thanks I know enghish is no easy.
Ecxellent explanation, thank you very much
Thank you so much
well done !
Thank you teacher
Hi Rebeca
i am a student and i have a problem about how to write literary analysis. can you post me and other students who had same problem a vedio clip about it?
which tense form is better to use when we analyzing a tex?
I got 88 %. thanks.
I´m a little confused about these words…
thanks a lot
fantastic:). Please give more videos like this. Thank you so much. Love U, Rebecca!
good lesson
perfect teacher
wonderful time ^”^
i usualy got a high score from your lesson.
you’re an excellent teacher.
thanking you .now i am clear difference between loose and lose
Thanks a lot Dear Rebecca.
What about the noun loss.
And what about the verb loosen , loosened ??
Please I’m confused how to use and interprtate words ( lose,lost,loose,loosen and loosened ).
I am a better person because I know you. Thank you for being the way you are.
100 % tks
Thank you. I liked this lesson.
Dear Professor Rebecca,
Really good presentation of the grammatical, and practical difficulties; we the students of English face with two confused words. Thanks.
Fongratulation, very clear. I did not lose.
Yeah!!! 8/8
I don’t ever want to lose your teaching. Others than your teaching are too loose for me. Are these sentences crorret ?
Thank you very much Rebecca.
you would give the details about loose.
100% Thanks a lot
Dear Rebecca,
Especially not, with you like teacher I don’t lose my way.
Best regards.
W Excellent,I can’t stop mayself of watshing your videos.
All is very useful for me.
Thank you Mr Rebecca
thanks Rebecca for lesson.. now I have to lose my confusing to implement “Lose” and “Loose” in my daily activities.. see u soon.. I want to wear my loose t-shirt.. :)
Thanks :)
These are the vocabularies that confuse me. Thanks a lot my teacher.
Good morning (or? may be iveneng) Rebecca!!!!!! This is GREAT lesson !!!!!!!! Thank you for it !!!!!!! )
It was an excellent lesson.
In my view, you are a great teacher.
Thank you kindly!
Thanks Rebecca.
You got 8 correct out of 8.
yes.i have got 100 scores thanks my teacher
thank you very much, Mrs. Rebecca, a very good teacher. you are awesome,
Dear Mrs. Rebecca. The lesson is very good for beginners but not for intermediates and you have sown some doubts. Let’s say, that the world “loose” is a verb as well and can be taken in the contex “to free”, “to release”, “to unleash”, “to untie”. The sentences “to lose a temper” and “to loose a temper” have quite different meanigs and why you have not adverted this trick?
word “loose”
Thank you Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you so much mam for your wonderful lesson!it gives me a lot of information.you explained very clear and
Thank you so much mam for your wonderful lesson!it gives me a lot of information.you explained very clear and your way of teaching is excellent.
Thanks Rebecca! Here in Brazil, we love you!
I tried my best but still i got 88 out of 100!
I got 8/8.
Thank you! =)
Great job
Dear Rebecca, you are the best in explanation!