I had not heard and i had not seen “sometime” anywhere so i did not know difference between them.
thanks so much
me neither…thank you!
I did great with the quiz ! Merci Rebecca :)
Good jop :)
Sara KH'azal
de rien
“some time” and “sometime” have the same meaning?
Great lesson Rebecca!
I have a suggest: you could do a lesson about the verb “get”? It have many means and often get lost in his interpretation.
thanks so much!
Thanks for watching and for the idea, Bruno. Will do my best to record a lesson on that useful word!
All the best to you.
Rebecca I love your quizzes.Sometimes, I don’t get all right.Most of the times, I get 100% right!:)
suman shenoy
awesome! are there any such couples of word?
me too…xD
sometimes me confusing the language ingles
I so How sometime visit the family in USA
thank you teacher Rebecca
saludos desde mexico
Hello teacher!! i just wanna tell ya that u r an excellent one, i’ve been learnin’ a lot through u. This lesson was great ‘coz 2 be honest i didn’t know anything about the word “sometime” .. i’m wondering if u can tell me some tips 2 improve my listening ‘coz that’s the most difficult for me ,,, take care ..
Try to get hold of some English learning materials designed specially to help you improve your listening skills. Start very easily, with a short passage at a level you can understand and then go forward from there. You can do it! Also, have fun with the language. Sing along with the songs, watch some shows, and so on.
All the best to you, Leslie.
thanks alot dear Rebecca.
Dear Rebbeca! you are really so wonderful. thank you so verymuch.R.J
Hi Rebeca, “sometime” I will got good inglish if I follow your sometimes listened suggestion: ….”Keep working in English”…
Many thanks for spending your time.Best Regards
Hi Dear Teacher. As always, your lessons are very nice and very clear your explanation, but I have a question. Could I use: “some time” or “some times”, and if those is possible, their meanings are different than “sometime” and “sometimes”.
A great hug from Chile.
“Some time” means something different. For example:
I have some time before my exam, so I’m going to have lunch.
Every day he spends some time teaching his son how to read.
“Some times” is also different from what is explained in the video lesson.
For example:
There are some times in life when you just don’t know what to do.
I hope this helps! All the best to you, Raul.
Thanks a lots
Thank you a lot for these precisions. You really help madam. Have a good life!
hi Rebecca !!! I´ve been watching your lessons and they are very very usefull as tips to keep in mind regularly and the most important is I can understand the listening as you speek very clearly!!! So so gratefull to you !!!
thanks mam.
I dont know how i thank u for ur help
could do me a favour i wanna know whats difference between two words in meaning “like”and “such”i know the right structure grammer for them as u know”like”comes b4 noun or pronoun and “such” comes noun or adj+noun. also i know whats difference between “as & like”and “so & such”as u know but i wanna u give tips or if u can do lesson between “such and like” excatly even though i know “like” use for similer and “such” for emphsise but im still confused about them in meaning.
i hope u get my idea and help asap
thanks for everything in indeed
best regards,
basem aqlan
Thanks for the suggestion, and thanks for watching, Basem.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca.
Sorry I still confused, thank you Rebecca.
It´s really useful thanks so much for this video lessons !!
oh!great,i don’t know it.it’s fun to more know.thank u very much.i hope to see more video as it.
Dear Rebecca thanks for your classes are very good.
Can you help me, please?
Sometimes I have a lot of confussion when I need to use, to say, to talk, to speak.
I’ll be waiting for your news.
xime1 [ a t ] adsl [ d o t ] tie [ d o t ] cl
Thanks teachers for all your effort.
Thank you very much, ‘All of the time’
shouldn’t the correct title mean “confusing words” rather than “confused words”? Words cannot be confused, but they can cause confusion.
–Global English Exchange
William Noble
I think we are both right, in different ways. We mean, “commonly confused words”.
Thanks for your comments and all the best to you.
thanks so much rebecca now I knew very well the different between the two words .GOD bless you just keep up.
misgina tekie
it was interesting .. thanks teacher
Wali Anjas
I was Interested
No sorry I beg you pardon because I was wrong not you sorry
thank you REBBECA
sometimes, I wish I could visit CANADA sometime…..
Cute! Hope you can, Raheem! My best wishes to you.
i like your example.
I have a question Teacher.
I knew that I am confused because something is confusing.
Is the title of the video correct? confused words or confusing words???
thank you very much!
Wonderful lesson Rebecca. Looking forward for next lesson… Is there any possibility to listen these lessons on Blackberry phone??
I am sorry for posting here this message, but I have some problems with my account, and I can’t find any other way to complain.
All my messages which I’ve posted here as a registered user are staying unposted several days with a notice that “Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.”
What should I do? Thank you.
Hi! Comments automatically go into moderation and I have to approve them by hand first — which is why your comments don’t show up right away. I’ll try to mod comments more frequently!
Beautifully done, Rebecca. You are my favorite ENGvid teacher. You never use COARSE language to convey your ideas. Millions of thanks for your lessons.I love the way you TEACH. Best from Venezuela
Thank you Rebecca,your lessons are really helpfull because I can easily to remember what you have said. I hardly to remember what my teacher said in the class,I never had native teacher before,so you are really help me.once more,thank you.
Hell dear Rebecca,
I am study IT-Computers level 2 at Isle of wight college, but sometime I find it difficult between English idioms and phrases to describe.
Can you help me between them english idioms & phrases?
I will very appreciate about that
Best wishes Shafiq
I’m very very sorry about the first word hello I hope you get it.
We all make mistake
thank you
No problem, Shafiq. That’s called a “typo”, meaning a typing mistake.
We do have several video lessons on our site that explain idioms. Please go to our home page and have a look.
My best to you.
Dear Rebecca madam
your voice very clearly, veru usefull lesson
thanks to you and all your stop members…
I love your lessons to let me know.
Thank you so much, my English teacher.
madam Rebecca im algerian english student.i really like listning to u , your lessons are very useful and you are very clear when expain
Thank you Rebecca.
It is very useful lesson.
hi my lovely and sweet teacher i am still confused
thank you very much rebecca, your presentation is very nice
thanks rebecca you are a very good teacher
hi. thank you for this lesson.i am English teacher too, and i always watch your videos.
thank you Rebecca for what you offered to us about learning english .would you mind I get your email please to ask you in sometime about english please.and you will find me good friend I promise you that.and thank you
your explicatoin is well
Oh Teacher
I’ve just known that.
I haven’t known that they have different meaning before.
And u make me know clearly.
Thank you
thank so much rebecca.
Rebeca , good morning . I am here , to suggest a new lesson . Why don’t you create many sentences to be completed with for or to .
E.g: I do it for you / I will send the e-mail to you and so on. Do you remember that lesson you did about the use of do and make ? After watching your lesson , I really understood , that’s why I suggest this one above , because I have caught myself in trouble in how to use these two words to and for , but if you do one lesson about it , I am sure that I and anyone else will not have problem with this anymore .
Please sleep on it .
All the best to you .
ricardo alessandro
Thanks, Ricardo, for the suggestion. I will try my best to put together a lesson on that. You are right that many students confuse these two little prepositions.
My best wishes to you, Ricardo.
Hi Rebeca, Thanks a lot. I have had very good understand about the deference between sometime and sometimes.
Dear Rebecca! I use to use those words from your lesson intuitively. And now I know the exact rules for using them. Thank you so much for helping to improve my English! Best regards.
thank u sooooooooo much teacher . may God protect u :)
arabian girl
Thank you Rebecca. very helpful lesson.It has cleared the confusion we got in using these two words (sometime and sometimes).
Have a nice time.
clear explanation! Thank you.
This website is great ! Thank you very much
thank for lesson ! I think I may learn to listen diffence two words “sometime(s) and sometime :)
thanks for all lessons! I am now joint to this cours.
I wold lick to start the lessons but I cant find all the lessons by number I mens (from A to Z) so I request you cindly that advise me how I shold larn esly.
Hello! why i couldn’t wacth your video.I log in already but it’s not playing.
Hi! You shouldn’t have to be logged in to watch the video. Are you able to watch other YouTube videos, or is it just this one that won’t play?
I did great with the test, thank you ..
thanks allot
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thanks. To God be the Glory.
tnx teacher rebecca for teaching us. when i was 9 years old, i thought that sometime and sometimes are the same, but i was wrong when i ask my teacher, but,she didn’t tell me the meaning of sometime and sometimes, this short video is a big help for me. thanks a lot teacher rebecca.god bless you…=D
thank you so much
Hi Rebecca! Can I say MAYBE when it’s uncertainty?
Yes, certainly.
You can use the word “maybe” by itself.
For example,
A: Are you going to the party?
B: Maybe.
Otherwise, in a sentence you need to use “may” or “might”.
I may go to the party.
I might go to the party.
All the best, Eliete.
Dear Mam Rebbeca,
A couple of days ago, I visited this website and found it very useful to improve my English proficiency. It has helped me a lot in the preparation for IELTS. There were many confusions in my mind regarding many words which have been removed now after watching these videos. Could you please deliver some lectures on how to grasp the reading and comprehension skills by giving some sample passages.
I feel some difficulty in the reading module. Sometimes very long passages make me confused and I become unable to answer the question associated with the passages. Kindly lend me hand in this regard.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
You can find specific help regarding the IELTS exam on one of our other websites, goodluckielts.com.
I wish you all the best with your exam. Be careful to study how to answer each of the reading comprehension questions as they can be pretty tricky. There are many exam preparation textbooks which can help you as well.
Best of luck!
sorry but i dont get it. . my score is 1 over 6 to bad. . . :(
mary kane
I am sorry you had difficulty with that. Please watch the video again a few times or else try to read about these two words from a good grammar book. Whenever we have difficulty, we should keep on until we find an explanation that gets through to us and helps us to understand. You can do it, Mary.
Hi rebecca
this is Rahmet Hunzai ffrom heaven on the earth Huza valley Pakistan.Sometimes i will meet u. is this a correct sentence?
Rahmet hunzai
I will meet you sometime.
This is when you think you will meet but you don’t know when.
I meet you sometimes.
This is talking about the fact that you meet someone quite regularly.
Hope this helps. All the best to you.
thank you because i understood now the meaning of these….:)
Gilbert N.. Regalario
thank u a lot
Thanks again. Hope to see more lessons with you.
You are great.
By the way, I have a question : How can I see if there is a reply on my comments or an answer ? Can I have a button for my comments and your answers ? Thank a lots. See you, Cata!
Thanks for your comments and suggestions, Cata. Always appreciated.
Best wishes to you.
wow! i got 100 6/6, thank you for the wonderful lessons, you’re such a big help to us who needs help on how to improved thier english. i have a question. how to pronouns often? is it often or offen? i’m little bit confused. but i usually use offen.
Thanks for your feedback. The American way is to pronounce that word like “offen”, but people do use the other pronunciation, “often”, as well.
I always use the first pronunciation of the word.
My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all for your feedback. We really appreciate hearing from you. My best wishes to all of you.
Dear Rebecca,
What did u mean pls : “I pick up dinner…” ??!!
Did u mean take o buy o sth else?
Tx in advance! :)
a little bit confuce
zul hisyam
you such great teaching thanks>
Thanks. I wanna visit you somtime… I like this lesson. Have a nice day Rebecca ^^
Thank you Rebecca. It’s a great video. Keep going. We need more of these.
I just know to use these words. This lesson’s very clear for me.Make more good lessons like this. I’ll watch.
Thank you
Thank you soooo much..:)
wow i’m very happy with your usefull lessons, i will share all of them in facebook.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for this class. There is a ruge difference between this words. I’ve been studing english for three years and I stiil hadn’t seen it before.
Thansks for sharing.
Thank you for this class it’s useful.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for your lessons. I like to learn English with you because you always explain very clear.
Thank you so much. teacher
thank you so much, this really helps me! :D
Hey want to ask something about the pronounciatiopn OF WORD comment,IS IT PRONOUNCE AS cumment ,OR CO-MMENT,HERE MANY PEOPLE SAY cO-MENTT,BUt i usually prefer to PRONOUNCE AS CUM-MENT,which word is more preferabale dear,plz help me
Useful tip: You can check it out in an English-Engish dictionary, all entries (words) include pronunciation apart from their meaning.
The stress falls on the first syllable /´kement/
Hope it helps Simr.
UR LESSONS ARE SO GOOOD,hey dear,is this is right to sAY that SOMETIMES IN LIFE WE FEEL SO BLUE!
Hi Rebeca,
Thank you so much for the video that tell the difference between Sometimes and Sometime, it was very very easy to understand.
Thank you god bless you.
Amadeu Alexandre
hi Rebeca,you’reraelly great.thank you so much.
douglas fritzen
thank you rabica for all the useful lessons you provide us. my question is
can i put sometime in the end of the sentence…e.g I wish to visit Italy for tourism in the future sometime.
is this right?
Amazing , thank you
Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca!
Could you please teach us how to divide words into syllables? I know it has to do with the pronunciation, which makes it very difficult, but with practice I’m sure I can learn it. After all that’s how I learned how to pronounce the ED ending of the regular verbs. Pratice! Now I can almost do it without thinking about the rule.
please help me I have very bad english. what should I do for it?
Rebecca you are great teacher..thanks for all your videos.
Hi,un4tunately i cant catch the videos ever n never bcoz some internet problems in the country,,is it possible 2 u 2 explain 2 me d difference between sometime n sometimes plz?!!
I checked d coments but i couldent catch.
Goodluck with ur job.
I have it ! :)
thanks a lot.. it is good to learn.. its easy and very useful. all lessons are really woth going through and worth learning.. thanks a lot
narayana murthy
thanks for your lessons,Best whishes
Hashim Alan
Thanks, Rebecca I really appreciate your cordiality, i tried 3 times to get 100% score on this quiz, but it seems my comprehension is decreasing, i don’t know what to do.
Hi Rebeca tanks for teaching to every body whose would like to improve English interests .
Dear Engvid!Could you help me, i have some problems with QUIZ, i choose it and push to the next button, so there is no reaction. Pls, tell me how I can participate in tests. Thank you in advance
Hi Rebecca, how are you?
I found it that your teaching is a kinda of helpful.
Yep! Her teaching style is unique, but above all her language teaching tips and advice.
Ciao Wini!
Dear & sincere Rebecca, I got 5 wow.u are good sure u know that but 4me u the best i watched 2 videos & i got 6 in go lesson & in here i got 5 really u R amazing. thanks my dear 34ever teacher
Manar Mousa
manar mousa
Thanks a lot ms. Rebecca and to all engvid instructors for sharing your kowledge with us. God Bless you more!
as i said , this movie was really interesting to me and helpful , i am doing my TOEFL after two days , i wish i would have a nice secure ,
Thank You
what an awesome lesson,please subscribe more like this thank you very much))))))))))))))))
Thanks so much Rebecca….I am quite clear with these words now…
sometimes, we can see little meaning differences, although these little difference are so important, in the context…
dearest t.rebecca,
this lesson is very useful.
thank you very much.
Amiya Navita Td
Dear Rebecca
The lesson is great for me. this is the way to speak,to write English.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much ! This Was very helpful.
See you sometime-Rebecca.I got 6 correct out of 6.I think it gets better.Yours lessons are as good as usually.Thanks for effort again. God bless you.
great,,,,,,,,,, thanks for everything
al kautsar
The computer age makes the World is as a smoll village.Thanks for the new era and makes the stability reaches all over t he world. Thank s a lot teacher Rabecca for your teaching.
Al-Nahdi fromYEMEN
Thank U I really like your teaching because you speak clearly and you r a quiet person so i can understand what going on ^_^
I got 6 correct out of 6 looooool but i want to ask you how to use “sometime” at unknown place ??
now i understand the difference of this 2. thanks very much to you and engvid.com. So far this site is the best one for me to improve my english. I’ll keep watching another lessons. thank you so much
hi Rebecca it is very useful me but i have a doubt sometime is adverb
hi rebecca could you make a video about how pronounce the words ending in ing.
Thank you so much.
Very helpful lesson.
Thank you so much……………
thanks Rebeca, it was an excellent explanation and very concise
thanks Rebeca
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca you teach very will
Thank you Rebecca you teach very well
Hi there! Rebecca i had my first 100% correct answers!!Thank you!! Talks so pure!!
Thanks Rebecca!
thanks Rebecca for lesson…
Thanks for your lessons,quiz and all the best to you
How simple and clear explanation!
Yep! Rebecca explains everything with great ease.
She’s a gifted teacher. I love her videos.
Great day Gelli!
oops but i get it now and see you sometime
Hello Rebecca! Although this is an old video of yours, I’d like to thank you hugely….. I’ve been teaching basic english for a couple of weeks and to be honest, I’ve never heard about the difference between those 2 words which are VERY similar in pronunciation BUT the meaning proved to be quite different. Be sure I will learn a lot from you since I watch your variety of videos every single day…. Regards from Bolivia!
wow very useful lesson for me.
i like it.
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
when I’m speaking in English sometimes I made mistakes.Sometime I didn’t do this mistakes again.
Thank you Rebecca.
Hi, Rebecca. I believe that you are the best English teacher in the universe! Your pronunciation is very clear. I can understand almost everything you say (98%). And your method of teaching the completely сlassical: both your speech and your deportment are very suitable. You definitely have the gift of teaching. I have benefited greatly from your lessons. Thank you extraordinarily! I want to ask: is it correct to write “I wonder what would have happened if he and i had got married”, as it is writen in 4th question of the lesson? I think the pronoun “i” has to be written in capital “I” every time, has not it?
Sergiy D
Thank you Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Learn English is sometimes difficult. With you this is easier.
Best regards.
hello dear. REBECCA i new here i started today morning i saw your your class and i,m so impressed i hope to learn more and more day by day with your english class. i let you know that i,m from dominican republic. thaks rebecca
I understand the difference now thanks Rebecca
thank you thank you thank you
i really thought so that my answer in number 1 was incorrect, too late to correct it as i’ve already press the button for the next question. :-)
ann ann
I’m so stuck to grammar rules that I would say:
” I sometimes have cereals for breakfast”.
as I have been taught that the adverbs of frequency should always be placed between the
pronoun and the verb, being the only exception
the verb Be: Paul is sometimes late.”
So, this way of speaking is not natural, is it?
If possible, Rebecca, could you comment on this
way of speaking? Does it sound snobish?
wow…I did it…
faysal hasan
Pedro Cardoso
thank you so much Rebecca
I like this teacher. She explains all information very easy to understand it.
Hello from Ukraine!
I didn’t know the difference between the both . It’s very,very useful and the explainations were clear . thanks
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thank you..
M kartal
6 correct out of 6. thanks
Sometimes I forget things what I was looking for so I have to go back and start again.
I guss I’m too old now.
Rebecca,thank you so much for your hard working to us.
Did`t know it!
Iva Albania
Thank you ever so much Ms. Rebecca!
I sometimes visit the EngVid website during my free time in order to more advance my English. Thanks Rebecca!
Nina Ginting
Great lesson as always. Loved it. I am having a lot of fun with these lessons. It’s wonderful and beneficial in so many ways.
Arieh Dorjee
Thanks a lot mam. Great lesson and it’s so helpful!
Thaks Rebecca
Your lesson is amazing.
Aye Mya Phyu
Thanks teacher, you’re the best!
I got 6/6.
Thank you!
sometimes = from time to time?
Aleksei Sidorin
Rebecca, thanks a lot! It’s an important nuance.
Natalya Malginova
Probably,it’s better to say: that’s an important point)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Dear Rebbeca
I had not heard and i had not seen “sometime” anywhere so i did not know difference between them.
thanks so much
me neither…thank you!
I did great with the quiz ! Merci Rebecca :)
Good jop :)
de rien
“some time” and “sometime” have the same meaning?
Great lesson Rebecca!
I have a suggest: you could do a lesson about the verb “get”? It have many means and often get lost in his interpretation.
thanks so much!
Thanks for watching and for the idea, Bruno. Will do my best to record a lesson on that useful word!
All the best to you.
Rebecca I love your quizzes.Sometimes, I don’t get all right.Most of the times, I get 100% right!:)
awesome! are there any such couples of word?
me too…xD
sometimes me confusing the language ingles
I so How sometime visit the family in USA
thank you teacher Rebecca
saludos desde mexico
Hello teacher!! i just wanna tell ya that u r an excellent one, i’ve been learnin’ a lot through u. This lesson was great ‘coz 2 be honest i didn’t know anything about the word “sometime” .. i’m wondering if u can tell me some tips 2 improve my listening ‘coz that’s the most difficult for me ,,, take care ..
Try to get hold of some English learning materials designed specially to help you improve your listening skills. Start very easily, with a short passage at a level you can understand and then go forward from there. You can do it! Also, have fun with the language. Sing along with the songs, watch some shows, and so on.
All the best to you, Leslie.
thanks alot dear Rebecca.
Dear Rebbeca! you are really so wonderful. thank you so verymuch.R.J
Hi Rebeca, “sometime” I will got good inglish if I follow your sometimes listened suggestion: ….”Keep working in English”…
Many thanks for spending your time.Best Regards
Hi Dear Teacher. As always, your lessons are very nice and very clear your explanation, but I have a question. Could I use: “some time” or “some times”, and if those is possible, their meanings are different than “sometime” and “sometimes”.
A great hug from Chile.
“Some time” means something different. For example:
I have some time before my exam, so I’m going to have lunch.
Every day he spends some time teaching his son how to read.
“Some times” is also different from what is explained in the video lesson.
For example:
There are some times in life when you just don’t know what to do.
I hope this helps! All the best to you, Raul.
Thanks a lots
Thank you a lot for these precisions. You really help madam. Have a good life!
hi Rebecca !!! I´ve been watching your lessons and they are very very usefull as tips to keep in mind regularly and the most important is I can understand the listening as you speek very clearly!!! So so gratefull to you !!!
thanks mam.
I dont know how i thank u for ur help
could do me a favour i wanna know whats difference between two words in meaning “like”and “such”i know the right structure grammer for them as u know”like”comes b4 noun or pronoun and “such” comes noun or adj+noun. also i know whats difference between “as & like”and “so & such”as u know but i wanna u give tips or if u can do lesson between “such and like” excatly even though i know “like” use for similer and “such” for emphsise but im still confused about them in meaning.
i hope u get my idea and help asap
thanks for everything in indeed
best regards,
basem aqlan
Thanks for the suggestion, and thanks for watching, Basem.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca.
Sorry I still confused, thank you Rebecca.
It´s really useful thanks so much for this video lessons !!
oh!great,i don’t know it.it’s fun to more know.thank u very much.i hope to see more video as it.
Dear Rebecca thanks for your classes are very good.
Can you help me, please?
Sometimes I have a lot of confussion when I need to use, to say, to talk, to speak.
I’ll be waiting for your news.
xime1 [ a t ] adsl [ d o t ] tie [ d o t ] cl
Thanks teachers for all your effort.
Thank you very much, ‘All of the time’
shouldn’t the correct title mean “confusing words” rather than “confused words”? Words cannot be confused, but they can cause confusion.
–Global English Exchange
I think we are both right, in different ways. We mean, “commonly confused words”.
Thanks for your comments and all the best to you.
thanks so much rebecca now I knew very well the different between the two words .GOD bless you just keep up.
it was interesting .. thanks teacher
I was Interested
No sorry I beg you pardon because I was wrong not you sorry
thank you REBBECA
sometimes, I wish I could visit CANADA sometime…..
Cute! Hope you can, Raheem! My best wishes to you.
i like your example.
I have a question Teacher.
I knew that I am confused because something is confusing.
Is the title of the video correct? confused words or confusing words???
thank you very much!
Wonderful lesson Rebecca. Looking forward for next lesson… Is there any possibility to listen these lessons on Blackberry phone??
I am sorry for posting here this message, but I have some problems with my account, and I can’t find any other way to complain.
All my messages which I’ve posted here as a registered user are staying unposted several days with a notice that “Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.”
What should I do? Thank you.
Hi! Comments automatically go into moderation and I have to approve them by hand first — which is why your comments don’t show up right away. I’ll try to mod comments more frequently!
Beautifully done, Rebecca. You are my favorite ENGvid teacher. You never use COARSE language to convey your ideas. Millions of thanks for your lessons.I love the way you TEACH. Best from Venezuela
Thank you Rebecca,your lessons are really helpfull because I can easily to remember what you have said. I hardly to remember what my teacher said in the class,I never had native teacher before,so you are really help me.once more,thank you.
Hell dear Rebecca,
I am study IT-Computers level 2 at Isle of wight college, but sometime I find it difficult between English idioms and phrases to describe.
Can you help me between them english idioms & phrases?
I will very appreciate about that
Best wishes Shafiq
I’m very very sorry about the first word hello I hope you get it.
We all make mistake
thank you
No problem, Shafiq. That’s called a “typo”, meaning a typing mistake.
We do have several video lessons on our site that explain idioms. Please go to our home page and have a look.
My best to you.
Dear Rebecca madam
your voice very clearly, veru usefull lesson
thanks to you and all your stop members…
I love your lessons to let me know.
Thank you so much, my English teacher.
madam Rebecca im algerian english student.i really like listning to u , your lessons are very useful and you are very clear when expain
Thank you Rebecca.
It is very useful lesson.
hi my lovely and sweet teacher i am still confused
thank you very much rebecca, your presentation is very nice
thanks rebecca you are a very good teacher
hi. thank you for this lesson.i am English teacher too, and i always watch your videos.
thank you Rebecca for what you offered to us about learning english .would you mind I get your email please to ask you in sometime about english please.and you will find me good friend I promise you that.and thank you
your explicatoin is well
Oh Teacher
I’ve just known that.
I haven’t known that they have different meaning before.
And u make me know clearly.
Thank you
thank so much rebecca.
Rebeca , good morning . I am here , to suggest a new lesson . Why don’t you create many sentences to be completed with for or to .
E.g: I do it for you / I will send the e-mail to you and so on. Do you remember that lesson you did about the use of do and make ? After watching your lesson , I really understood , that’s why I suggest this one above , because I have caught myself in trouble in how to use these two words to and for , but if you do one lesson about it , I am sure that I and anyone else will not have problem with this anymore .
Please sleep on it .
All the best to you .
Thanks, Ricardo, for the suggestion. I will try my best to put together a lesson on that. You are right that many students confuse these two little prepositions.
My best wishes to you, Ricardo.
Hi Rebeca, Thanks a lot. I have had very good understand about the deference between sometime and sometimes.
Dear Rebecca! I use to use those words from your lesson intuitively. And now I know the exact rules for using them. Thank you so much for helping to improve my English! Best regards.
thank u sooooooooo much teacher . may God protect u :)
Thank you Rebecca. very helpful lesson.It has cleared the confusion we got in using these two words (sometime and sometimes).
Have a nice time.
clear explanation! Thank you.
This website is great ! Thank you very much
thank for lesson ! I think I may learn to listen diffence two words “sometime(s) and sometime :)
thanks for all lessons! I am now joint to this cours.
I wold lick to start the lessons but I cant find all the lessons by number I mens (from A to Z) so I request you cindly that advise me how I shold larn esly.
Hello! why i couldn’t wacth your video.I log in already but it’s not playing.
Hi! You shouldn’t have to be logged in to watch the video. Are you able to watch other YouTube videos, or is it just this one that won’t play?
I did great with the test, thank you ..
thanks allot
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thanks. To God be the Glory.
tnx teacher rebecca for teaching us. when i was 9 years old, i thought that sometime and sometimes are the same, but i was wrong when i ask my teacher, but,she didn’t tell me the meaning of sometime and sometimes, this short video is a big help for me. thanks a lot teacher rebecca.god bless you…=D
thank you so much
Hi Rebecca! Can I say MAYBE when it’s uncertainty?
Yes, certainly.
You can use the word “maybe” by itself.
For example,
A: Are you going to the party?
B: Maybe.
Otherwise, in a sentence you need to use “may” or “might”.
I may go to the party.
I might go to the party.
All the best, Eliete.
Dear Mam Rebbeca,
A couple of days ago, I visited this website and found it very useful to improve my English proficiency. It has helped me a lot in the preparation for IELTS. There were many confusions in my mind regarding many words which have been removed now after watching these videos. Could you please deliver some lectures on how to grasp the reading and comprehension skills by giving some sample passages.
I feel some difficulty in the reading module. Sometimes very long passages make me confused and I become unable to answer the question associated with the passages. Kindly lend me hand in this regard.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
You can find specific help regarding the IELTS exam on one of our other websites, goodluckielts.com.
I wish you all the best with your exam. Be careful to study how to answer each of the reading comprehension questions as they can be pretty tricky. There are many exam preparation textbooks which can help you as well.
Best of luck!
sorry but i dont get it. . my score is 1 over 6 to bad. . . :(
I am sorry you had difficulty with that. Please watch the video again a few times or else try to read about these two words from a good grammar book. Whenever we have difficulty, we should keep on until we find an explanation that gets through to us and helps us to understand. You can do it, Mary.
Hi rebecca
this is Rahmet Hunzai ffrom heaven on the earth Huza valley Pakistan.Sometimes i will meet u. is this a correct sentence?
I will meet you sometime.
This is when you think you will meet but you don’t know when.
I meet you sometimes.
This is talking about the fact that you meet someone quite regularly.
Hope this helps. All the best to you.
thank you because i understood now the meaning of these….:)
thank u a lot
Thanks again. Hope to see more lessons with you.
You are great.
By the way, I have a question : How can I see if there is a reply on my comments or an answer ? Can I have a button for my comments and your answers ? Thank a lots. See you, Cata!
Thanks for your comments and suggestions, Cata. Always appreciated.
Best wishes to you.
wow! i got 100 6/6, thank you for the wonderful lessons, you’re such a big help to us who needs help on how to improved thier english. i have a question. how to pronouns often? is it often or offen? i’m little bit confused. but i usually use offen.
Thanks for your feedback. The American way is to pronounce that word like “offen”, but people do use the other pronunciation, “often”, as well.
I always use the first pronunciation of the word.
My best wishes to you.
Thanks to all for your feedback. We really appreciate hearing from you. My best wishes to all of you.
Dear Rebecca,
What did u mean pls : “I pick up dinner…” ??!!
Did u mean take o buy o sth else?
Tx in advance! :)
a little bit confuce
you such great teaching thanks>
Thanks. I wanna visit you somtime… I like this lesson. Have a nice day Rebecca ^^
Thank you Rebecca. It’s a great video. Keep going. We need more of these.
I just know to use these words. This lesson’s very clear for me.Make more good lessons like this. I’ll watch.
Thank you
Thank you soooo much..:)
wow i’m very happy with your usefull lessons, i will share all of them in facebook.
Hi Rebecca, thanks for this class. There is a ruge difference between this words. I’ve been studing english for three years and I stiil hadn’t seen it before.
Thansks for sharing.
Thank you for this class it’s useful.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for your lessons. I like to learn English with you because you always explain very clear.
Thank you so much. teacher
thank you so much, this really helps me! :D
Hey want to ask something about the pronounciatiopn OF WORD comment,IS IT PRONOUNCE AS cumment ,OR CO-MMENT,HERE MANY PEOPLE SAY cO-MENTT,BUt i usually prefer to PRONOUNCE AS CUM-MENT,which word is more preferabale dear,plz help me
Useful tip: You can check it out in an English-Engish dictionary, all entries (words) include pronunciation apart from their meaning.
The stress falls on the first syllable /´kement/
Hope it helps Simr.
UR LESSONS ARE SO GOOOD,hey dear,is this is right to sAY that SOMETIMES IN LIFE WE FEEL SO BLUE!
Hi Rebeca,
Thank you so much for the video that tell the difference between Sometimes and Sometime, it was very very easy to understand.
Thank you god bless you.
Amadeu Alexandre
hi Rebeca,you’reraelly great.thank you so much.
thank you rabica for all the useful lessons you provide us. my question is
can i put sometime in the end of the sentence…e.g I wish to visit Italy for tourism in the future sometime.
is this right?
Amazing , thank you
Thanks for the lesson, Rebecca!
Could you please teach us how to divide words into syllables? I know it has to do with the pronunciation, which makes it very difficult, but with practice I’m sure I can learn it. After all that’s how I learned how to pronounce the ED ending of the regular verbs. Pratice! Now I can almost do it without thinking about the rule.
please help me I have very bad english. what should I do for it?
Rebecca you are great teacher..thanks for all your videos.
Hi,un4tunately i cant catch the videos ever n never bcoz some internet problems in the country,,is it possible 2 u 2 explain 2 me d difference between sometime n sometimes plz?!!
I checked d coments but i couldent catch.
Goodluck with ur job.
I have it ! :)
thanks a lot.. it is good to learn.. its easy and very useful. all lessons are really woth going through and worth learning.. thanks a lot
thanks for your lessons,Best whishes
Thanks, Rebecca I really appreciate your cordiality, i tried 3 times to get 100% score on this quiz, but it seems my comprehension is decreasing, i don’t know what to do.
Hi Rebeca tanks for teaching to every body whose would like to improve English interests .
Dear Engvid!Could you help me, i have some problems with QUIZ, i choose it and push to the next button, so there is no reaction. Pls, tell me how I can participate in tests. Thank you in advance
Hi Rebecca, how are you?
I found it that your teaching is a kinda of helpful.
Yep! Her teaching style is unique, but above all her language teaching tips and advice.
Ciao Wini!
Dear & sincere Rebecca, I got 5 wow.u are good sure u know that but 4me u the best i watched 2 videos & i got 6 in go lesson & in here i got 5 really u R amazing. thanks my dear 34ever teacher
Manar Mousa
Thanks a lot ms. Rebecca and to all engvid instructors for sharing your kowledge with us. God Bless you more!
as i said , this movie was really interesting to me and helpful , i am doing my TOEFL after two days , i wish i would have a nice secure ,
Thank You
what an awesome lesson,please subscribe more like this thank you very much))))))))))))))))
Thanks so much Rebecca….I am quite clear with these words now…
sometimes, we can see little meaning differences, although these little difference are so important, in the context…
dearest t.rebecca,
this lesson is very useful.
thank you very much.
Dear Rebecca
The lesson is great for me. this is the way to speak,to write English.
Thank you very much.
Thank you so much ! This Was very helpful.
See you sometime-Rebecca.I got 6 correct out of 6.I think it gets better.Yours lessons are as good as usually.Thanks for effort again. God bless you.
great,,,,,,,,,, thanks for everything
The computer age makes the World is as a smoll village.Thanks for the new era and makes the stability reaches all over t he world. Thank s a lot teacher Rabecca for your teaching.
Thank U I really like your teaching because you speak clearly and you r a quiet person so i can understand what going on ^_^
I got 6 correct out of 6 looooool but i want to ask you how to use “sometime” at unknown place ??
now i understand the difference of this 2. thanks very much to you and engvid.com. So far this site is the best one for me to improve my english. I’ll keep watching another lessons. thank you so much
hi Rebecca it is very useful me but i have a doubt sometime is adverb
hi rebecca could you make a video about how pronounce the words ending in ing.
Thank you so much.
Very helpful lesson.
Thank you so much……………
thanks Rebeca, it was an excellent explanation and very concise
thanks Rebeca
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca you teach very will
Thank you Rebecca you teach very well
Hi there! Rebecca i had my first 100% correct answers!!Thank you!! Talks so pure!!
Thanks Rebecca!
thanks Rebecca for lesson…
Thanks for your lessons,quiz and all the best to you
How simple and clear explanation!
Yep! Rebecca explains everything with great ease.
She’s a gifted teacher. I love her videos.
Great day Gelli!
oops but i get it now and see you sometime
Hello Rebecca! Although this is an old video of yours, I’d like to thank you hugely….. I’ve been teaching basic english for a couple of weeks and to be honest, I’ve never heard about the difference between those 2 words which are VERY similar in pronunciation BUT the meaning proved to be quite different. Be sure I will learn a lot from you since I watch your variety of videos every single day…. Regards from Bolivia!
wow very useful lesson for me.
i like it.
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
when I’m speaking in English sometimes I made mistakes.Sometime I didn’t do this mistakes again.
Thank you Rebecca.
Hi, Rebecca. I believe that you are the best English teacher in the universe! Your pronunciation is very clear. I can understand almost everything you say (98%). And your method of teaching the completely сlassical: both your speech and your deportment are very suitable. You definitely have the gift of teaching. I have benefited greatly from your lessons. Thank you extraordinarily! I want to ask: is it correct to write “I wonder what would have happened if he and i had got married”, as it is writen in 4th question of the lesson? I think the pronoun “i” has to be written in capital “I” every time, has not it?
Thank you Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Learn English is sometimes difficult. With you this is easier.
Best regards.
hello dear. REBECCA i new here i started today morning i saw your your class and i,m so impressed i hope to learn more and more day by day with your english class. i let you know that i,m from dominican republic. thaks rebecca
I understand the difference now thanks Rebecca
thank you thank you thank you
i really thought so that my answer in number 1 was incorrect, too late to correct it as i’ve already press the button for the next question. :-)
I’m so stuck to grammar rules that I would say:
” I sometimes have cereals for breakfast”.
as I have been taught that the adverbs of frequency should always be placed between the
pronoun and the verb, being the only exception
the verb Be: Paul is sometimes late.”
So, this way of speaking is not natural, is it?
If possible, Rebecca, could you comment on this
way of speaking? Does it sound snobish?
wow…I did it…
thank you so much Rebecca
I like this teacher. She explains all information very easy to understand it.
Hello from Ukraine!
I didn’t know the difference between the both . It’s very,very useful and the explainations were clear . thanks
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thank you..
6 correct out of 6. thanks
Sometimes I forget things what I was looking for so I have to go back and start again.
I guss I’m too old now.
Rebecca,thank you so much for your hard working to us.
Did`t know it!
Thank you ever so much Ms. Rebecca!
I sometimes visit the EngVid website during my free time in order to more advance my English. Thanks Rebecca!
Great lesson as always. Loved it. I am having a lot of fun with these lessons. It’s wonderful and beneficial in so many ways.
Thanks a lot mam. Great lesson and it’s so helpful!
Thaks Rebecca
Your lesson is amazing.
Thanks teacher, you’re the best!
I got 6/6.
Thank you!
sometimes = from time to time?
Rebecca, thanks a lot! It’s an important nuance.
Probably,it’s better to say: that’s an important point)