Do you think English grammar is confusing? Ever wonder why can we say “a dollar” but we can’t say “a money”? Why can we say “houses”, but not “furnitures”? In this class, you will learn the grammar rules about countable and uncountable nouns in English, including when to use a or an, when to add an s at the end of a noun to make it plural, and when you should NOT add an s. You will also learn about the difference between much and many.
Hye waraa somali maa thy inay somali Meshan soo gasho mawa moodayn
Mohammed Olat
Somali wax ma barato miyaa??
maxaaa inoo diday walal wabarshada
Hi Emma,
thank you for your lesson, I could improve my knowledge in English.
But I think, that the countable nouns can be ALWAYS counted, not just OFTEN, while the singular form = the plural form.
One fish, two fish, three fish, …
The beginners can get a little confused.
Nice day
As she said; we learn this grammar in order to know when we can use a\an or how to use the noun as plural or singular in different situation the purpose isn’t just counting them or not((:
Very nice lesson and beutyfull teacher …
husam simawi
Thank you.
good lesson
good lesson
good and perfect lesson thank you alot
you can write a lot (separately), no alot
I have got 10/10 and happiness when hit the maximum grade. the video clip is very interesting I hope you make many lessons in the future. Thanks a lot
nguyen van long
Thank you very much…..!!!
Jakub Alvarez
Hi, mahfuzz21! Thank you for commenting. This is an opportunity to practice your English, so please don’t make one-word comments!
Here’s a cat gif.
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot. that information about .
Good I have got 100 Marks. Thank you Emma
It is a good lesson…
Thank you Emma!
Patrick Stives
Thanks a lot teacher Emma.
I got 10 correct out of 10 :D
Thanks Emma
Very nice lesson and beutyfull teacher …
Khalil alzobiry
i got 90% ..huhuhu i got wrong answerr in question nr.4
The four question is interesting due the food is an uncountable noun and we have to use without many and a, only we can use with much or a lot of, this last expression that Emma explained on the video is for general nouns.
9/10. wrong at no.4….
Check the answer that I gave to chrizz2p3r. He did the same mistake.
Thank you.
i got 90 out of 100 waw
Fazal min Allah
Thank you,I have learnt a lot about nouns by watching this helpful video lesson.
thank you, Emma
Thank you, Emma i got 7/10
Kehinde Adeosun
Thanks teacher
8 / thanks
Thanks Emam!!
Thank you, teacher.
Thank you.
Thank you very much Emma! You’re amazing!
Thanks Emma,I’m learning \o/
Thanks Emma! Great lesson!
Rose Idiartt
Hi Emma, thank you very much for the lesson, you are a good teacher.
Jose Cipriano
PHEW! I GOT 10 OUT OF 10 if I might have wrong answer.
Thanks for teaching this lesson.
Chan M.
Use Many or Much because it’s for native speakers. A lot of is only for English learners.
Chan M.
Dear Emma, thank you for the helpful lesson!
I am running Bao’an Foreign Languages Association which is a non-profit organizaiton and based in Shenzhen China to help people learn foreign languages.
I wonder if we can reuse those videos in Shenzhen so that they can help more people. We can pay for reusing them, though not much as we are an NPO, for your helping.
But as we are not allowed to use facebook/youtube/twitter in China, we can use only email and wechat. I hope to establish contact with you teachers, please tell me how:) Thank you and best regards,
Thank you ?
A great lesson.
Lovely teacher!!!
Wow! Thank you! Emma
Thank you Emma.
My lovely teacher.
oh, i really like this lesson. My english very bad, so i hope i can improvement day by day when i saw your videos
HuyenTrang Rose
thank you
Thanks u ..Emma ..i found my mistakes to improve ..
han li
Thanks Emma, Great lesson
Milena Solorzano
Very helpful, thank you Emma. I followed up on the quiz and got a 9/10 correct, almost had a perfect score.
Very helpful, thank you Emma. I got 8/10 correct, also had a prefect score.
Thanks for your guidance
Hello Emma! Great lesson!Thank you!
Osmar Bispo Alves
Please, I have a question, in the quizz “Shiela has many foods”. I think the word food is uncountable ..It is category like the word furniture..Am I right please answer..❤
Faisal N Alotaibi
thank you, is great!!
Sheila has many food.
Sheila has much food.
Faisal N Alotaibi
thanks emma relay your very nice
got 8 correct out of 10.
thanks Emma!
Emma thanks for an easy way to learn countable and uncountable nouns
Robert Anya
Russia (next words) are ANYMAL and DOG. Canada is a large country!!! Emma is that your level of propaganda from Canada???????? You should say next time that Russia is the largest country in the world, Russia destroyed Nazi Germany in 1945, Russia sent first man and woman in space and so on….. What kind of great events related with Canada??????? Hockey? Yes its very good in Canada… I hope you will read this message and get that people from Russia are much smarter then you think!
you F*cking crazy, man
Concerning your face you are fu….. crazy triple )))))
Go to the hospital and get treated. You’re not normal.
Thanks, Emma
neng nao
Great lesson! Thanks!
Thank you Emma. This is first time I joint this web. I got 10/10. It’s great! See you on the next lesson. Ths one more.
That’s good
Cherif 37
what’s the order of noun / adjective in “sick long eye laches” or “long light pink hair “? ;)
I have found this order but it’s not clear when doing a search, for example. I’ve nobody/no one to speak to:
not SICK but THICK long eye laches in the post before…
Thank you Teacher Emma
Thank you emma, I am enjoying the lessons with your simple and amazing method
Thanks Emma. I got 9 points.
thanks is uncountable
Hi Emma I got 8 points. Thank you teacher Emma.
Thanks a lot for anything you do for us
Ala'a Ahmed
thank you Emma for teaching me English
Nyota waciba
I get 90 point
so sad…
food is uncountable…
we also use “much” to get right answer.
Great! I got 10 points…. Thanks a lot !
I’m preparing for the ielts exam. so I hope i can learn many things in this website
Thanks, Emma, you have a good way and simple to learn us
hopefully my sentence is correct
one hundred percent lol,thanks Emma
Abdulrazzag Amtayriq
thank you Emma
10 correct. Thank Emma
thank you for the lesson Emma
thank you teacher was good classes
Emma a good teacher in world
kaaf haal
Thanks a lot
hi emma thanks. a lot of things you teach him.i have 2 brothers.i have two table
thanks Emma but how can i contact with you
mostafa khalifa
Great, teacher. You help me a lot.
Hi, Emma!
Thanks a lot for your lesson. It is very useful.
Thanks emma
I got 60 of 100
Thank you! Very helpful.
Alfoalem A. Abiye
thanks im learning teaching methods u r great Emma
Thank you vert much. now i can say only few word
Thank you, Emma.
I like the topic you cover this morning. It was very helpful. Thank you so much.
I read “a pair of jeans” recently. One jean is the material -> “A piece of Jean”?
I think that a pair of jeans is right. Even though the material of the pants is jeans, you can also say jeans for a kind of pants.
Thanks for the video. It was an interesting form to explain the coutable and uncountable nouns. I liked it.
Thank you very much my teacher .
Thank you, Emma.
Thanks for the lesson Emma. I won 90 points.
this lesson was great …thanks Emma …you are best teacher in the world .
Thanks Emma for this lesson you’re so great
Thank you verry much
Thank you. This lesson Washington great
thanks. Emma
It was really good Emma, thanks a lot
Thank you Emma for this interesting lesson.
Thanks teacher
Sergio Murilo Lopes
Thank you so much, I can finish the Quiz right.
Lovely teacher, I have A question that is I’m a beginer in English,how can I fluent in English, help me emma
thanku so much
Thanks alot Emma
Thanks Emma
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot Emma
10/10 that was great
eman yones moaffa
Thanks Emma, 9/10
Javier M.
That was a good lesson,thanks a lot Emma
Ehab Mostafa
I got 7 thank you emma
Thank you Emma!
Thanks a lot Emma. You are wonderful. I really want to master this foreign language. And I will! I’ll keep on struggling!
Thank you emma you are the best
I get it completely
Great, It was clear and simple
Thank you Emma
Good lesson . Thank you madam .
lochini budara
Good lesson . Thank you Very much madam .
lochini budara
Great Emma, my favourite teacher. 9 points!!
Markus Ginkus
Thank you for the lesson that I’ve learn to day.
Yes, now have a three lessons with 100. Thanks Emma
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you for this lesson. I am understand very Well.
8 point !
By the way emma can you tell us about noun I mean only noun.
I got 8 correct out of 10. thanks Emma.
Waooo amazing thanks for 90 marks
@hadi Muhammad 1214
7 correct out of 10
Thank you, I think I got it)
Thank you, I think I got it)
I got ten points of ten thanks so much Mrs. Emma your teaching method is really working on and I really appreciate it thanks again.
Thank you Ms. Emma. I learned a lot things from you or shall I say I learned many things from you. I hope I put my sentence grammatically correct otherwise please tell me if there is any. Thank you beautiful Emma.
Thanks Emma I got 90/100
Dear sir/ Madam
I need a help in adding verb to collective noun like;
a brood of chicken or a brood of chickens
How we add verb like “a brood of chicken is in the field”:
a brood of chickens is in the field
a brood of chicken are in the field
broods of chickens are in the field
pl explain which correct
send me more example like this for other collective noun:
a herd of cattle, a herd of goats, a bunch of bananas, a bunch of ducks, a dove of pigs, a dove of oxen, a kit of pigeons, a galaxy of stars, a fleet of ships
pl explain when we add singular verb and popular verb in sentences clearly pl
thanks a lot Emma, you contributed lo of knowledge of uncountable and countable nouns, thanks teacher.
a love your way to teach, thanks for being so kind Emma.
* please erase the “a” and fill in “I”
Thank you…but Im so sad.
Just I got 6
meraja sudagar
Good job.
90per !
Thank you for this remarkable lesson .yeah number four confused me. I will do my best .
Hi, do u have telegram or wattsup
Badr sultan44
Thanks! alot’s Dear teachar
thank you so much
Thanks, Emma.
Hi Dear friend
Hamidullah Angar
thanks Emma i’ve got 9
jackie kieng
Thanks a lot Emma. I’ve got 10
Thanks a lot Emma. You are my favorite teacher!
9 correct out of ten
ten out of ten! nice teacher!!!
thank you for your lesson
Reda 24
I love these tests! I have 80! To review again!
I'm Manuel
Emma brings me happiness,am I right? What do you think,Emma? Thank you for your help always.
I wish you have a wonderful life year around.
Thank you Emma.
because you are good teacher,we need to learn more.
Thanks Emma
Joany Vargas
Ten out of ten. Thanks a lot.
thanks teacher!
Lucre Cervantes
Great, Emma
I got 70 point
I will to try again , Thank You Emma, I love you
Nopie Opy
I got 7out of 10
Trisbea 95
Dear Emma, I truly appreciate your great efforts to improve our English. I have learned a large amount of information about countable and uncountable nouns today. Your explanations were clear, precise and rich. Thank you.
Hi Emma ,Can i use a word “little” before noun “Money”.
Thanks for your lesson. EMMA! You are a great teacher.
You always give me understanding about more english.
john lang
10 out of 10
Thank you so much.
I thought so easy that I thought I’ll get 10/10 but I got two question wrong. I’ll learn this language fluefly. I hope so.
Thank so much,Emma
Tank You. =)
Thanks a lot Emma you’re amazing
I got 90%.
I worng 2nd question.
Thanks a lot. Emma.
Byeong jin Jo
Thank you very much Emma!
thank you
This is a good lesson for new students. Thank you, Emma!
Tnx. Emma
Great, a amazing lession
Thanks, Emma!
Great lesson, but I am confused. “History” is countable or uncountable? Fruit represents a category which is uncountable. On the same way, liquid is uncountable, but we can say “Use healthy oils”, Eat plenty of fruits of all colors”, “Processed meats are not healthy”, “Police are going to interviewing all the suspects”. If police is uncountable why the verb has to be on plural form?
Sidney Ferreira
Thank you Amma!!!
Can I have the countable noun list which doesn’t take s at the end of noun. Urgent!!! Thanks
Thank you
thanks emma
wendshet abera
Thank y
Thank you mam! you have taught many lessons to us.
Hello everyone nice lessons if anyone wants to practice speaking can contact me on facebook Egzon N.Hoxha.
I got 6 points i’ll try to learn more.
you are a best english teacher for me.. really thanks a lot to make a platform like this to learn English easily
rana das
8/10 correct
Marie Tomastikova
thank you so much for the makes the subject vey easy to understand.9\10
manisha sisodia
Sorry about my score
Very good……….!
Sumit Maity
many many thanks .. what !!! many ?
Thank you!!
Thank you, Emma!
Robert Jackson
Thanks Emma, stay bless an absolute teacher
kamar abbas
Oh, stupid me. I made a silly mistake in the quiz.
yaay 10/10
thank you emma! great lesson!
Thank’s a million!
I got 10 out of 10 correct. Thank you Emma.
Yay got 10/10 in the 1st lesson.
Thanks Emma
Panama Republic, May 26th, year 2020.
Good Morning citizens: Teacher or Professor, etc.
In the lesson countable & uncountable nouns,in the test was not correct in this section:
number 4:
food is uncountable
many is for use with countable.
number 9:
skirt is countable noun.
notice put ”a” in front.
if I am not correct of my understanding, I can take in consideration the opinion from others citizens about this test.
Thank you to all of you, and for teach this lesson.
Have a good day.
Best regards.
Tech Nurse.
Thank you
Jihad El makaoui
Thank you Emma. This website is really helpful. I always enjoy it. In addition, When ever i watch videos, i directly visit on here to do exercises. It’s worth noticing that Teachers on engvid website are well prepared.
I got 10 out of 10 the lesson was so good
thanks teacher
Celina MO
Thank you.
Very clear
Thanks a lot❤️
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma
egyptians people are intelligent
Thanks a lot Emma.
Hasan Soledad
Thank you Emma. Now I understand two kinds of nouns and can understand the use of ‘many’ and ‘much’.
Alen Emesce
Thank you Emma
Mohammed Olat
6/10 :”) perasaan bener semua
salwaa nur iskandar
9/10, wow. I do it! Thank you for the lesson :D
9/10. great..! good lesson
yeeey i have got 9 correct out of 10
thank you emma
Mohamed Abdelftah
I watched the video twice on April 10, 2021 and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
I got 10 points. Thanks, Mrs. Emma.
Thank you miss emma, I got 10 points
Lucy varela
I can’t say anything! thanks a lot Emma!
I watched this video one more time on June 20, 2021.
Can I use ‘foods’? e.g. some popular foods.
Thanks Emma, Very clear.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Thanks Emma..
Tanks Emma.
I’m happy to learn with you >> Emma .
Thank you, so much, very good method to teach English, I love your classes.
Omar Cabrera
Thanks alot my dear teacher really, after this time i know the difference of countable noun and uncountable noun.
thank a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan 16 Dec2o21:)
Thanks Emma , i got 9 out of 10
Thank you Emma, I got 8 of 10
Fadiyah putri
It was too easy, but i made a mistake.
I knew the correct answers.unfortunately i select wrong one..
Thats why i got 9 out of 10.
Thank you for your teaching. I will use it in my practice.
Thank you for your splendid quiz it did improve my understanting
Hi Emma! I am a very big fan of you and I really like how you teach! :)
Thanks a lot, Emma. You are a wonderful girl. (Azores Islands, 15Apr2022);
Great, well done,100!
Hanana Putri Almanda
great lesson
thank you
Thanks :)
Hamza h3g
Thanks again sweet Emma for this magnificent lesson as always you re the best greetings from Surco Peru
Thank you Dear Emma, my first test 10/10. Surco-Peru
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great! 10 point. Thanks Emma
nguy can you practice me English
Hye waraa somali maa thy inay somali Meshan soo gasho mawa moodayn
Somali wax ma barato miyaa??
maxaaa inoo diday walal wabarshada
Hi Emma,
thank you for your lesson, I could improve my knowledge in English.
But I think, that the countable nouns can be ALWAYS counted, not just OFTEN, while the singular form = the plural form.
One fish, two fish, three fish, …
The beginners can get a little confused.
Nice day
As she said; we learn this grammar in order to know when we can use a\an or how to use the noun as plural or singular in different situation the purpose isn’t just counting them or not((:
Very nice lesson and beutyfull teacher …
Thank you.
good lesson
good lesson
good and perfect lesson thank you alot
you can write a lot (separately), no alot
I have got 10/10 and happiness when hit the maximum grade. the video clip is very interesting I hope you make many lessons in the future. Thanks a lot
Thank you very much…..!!!
Hi, mahfuzz21! Thank you for commenting. This is an opportunity to practice your English, so please don’t make one-word comments!
Here’s a cat gif.
Thanks a lot. that information about .
Good I have got 100 Marks. Thank you Emma
It is a good lesson…
Thank you Emma!
Thanks a lot teacher Emma.
I got 10 correct out of 10 :D
Thanks Emma
Very nice lesson and beutyfull teacher …
i got 90% ..huhuhu i got wrong answerr in question nr.4
The four question is interesting due the food is an uncountable noun and we have to use without many and a, only we can use with much or a lot of, this last expression that Emma explained on the video is for general nouns.
9/10. wrong at no.4….
Check the answer that I gave to chrizz2p3r. He did the same mistake.
Thank you.
i got 90 out of 100 waw
Thank you,I have learnt a lot about nouns by watching this helpful video lesson.
thank you, Emma
Thank you, Emma i got 7/10
Thanks teacher
8 / thanks
Thanks Emam!!
Thank you, teacher.
Thank you.
Thank you very much Emma! You’re amazing!
Thanks Emma,I’m learning \o/
Thanks Emma! Great lesson!
Hi Emma, thank you very much for the lesson, you are a good teacher.
PHEW! I GOT 10 OUT OF 10 if I might have wrong answer.
Thanks for teaching this lesson.
Use Many or Much because it’s for native speakers. A lot of is only for English learners.
Dear Emma, thank you for the helpful lesson!
I am running Bao’an Foreign Languages Association which is a non-profit organizaiton and based in Shenzhen China to help people learn foreign languages.
I wonder if we can reuse those videos in Shenzhen so that they can help more people. We can pay for reusing them, though not much as we are an NPO, for your helping.
But as we are not allowed to use facebook/youtube/twitter in China, we can use only email and wechat. I hope to establish contact with you teachers, please tell me how:) Thank you and best regards,
Thank you ?
A great lesson.
Lovely teacher!!!
Wow! Thank you! Emma
Thank you Emma.
My lovely teacher.
oh, i really like this lesson. My english very bad, so i hope i can improvement day by day when i saw your videos
thank you
Thanks u ..Emma ..i found my mistakes to improve ..
Thanks Emma, Great lesson
Very helpful, thank you Emma. I followed up on the quiz and got a 9/10 correct, almost had a perfect score.
Very helpful, thank you Emma. I got 8/10 correct, also had a prefect score.
Thanks for your guidance
Hello Emma! Great lesson!Thank you!
Please, I have a question, in the quizz “Shiela has many foods”. I think the word food is uncountable ..It is category like the word furniture..Am I right please answer..❤
thank you, is great!!
Sheila has many food.
Sheila has much food.
thanks emma relay your very nice
got 8 correct out of 10.
thanks Emma!
Emma thanks for an easy way to learn countable and uncountable nouns
Russia (next words) are ANYMAL and DOG. Canada is a large country!!! Emma is that your level of propaganda from Canada???????? You should say next time that Russia is the largest country in the world, Russia destroyed Nazi Germany in 1945, Russia sent first man and woman in space and so on….. What kind of great events related with Canada??????? Hockey? Yes its very good in Canada… I hope you will read this message and get that people from Russia are much smarter then you think!
you F*cking crazy, man
Concerning your face you are fu….. crazy triple )))))
Go to the hospital and get treated. You’re not normal.
Thanks, Emma
Great lesson! Thanks!
Thank you Emma. This is first time I joint this web. I got 10/10. It’s great! See you on the next lesson. Ths one more.
That’s good
what’s the order of noun / adjective in “sick long eye laches” or “long light pink hair “? ;)
I have found this order but it’s not clear when doing a search, for example. I’ve nobody/no one to speak to:
[Opinion, Size, Condition, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material, Purpose]!?
not SICK but THICK long eye laches in the post before…
Thank you Teacher Emma
Thank you emma, I am enjoying the lessons with your simple and amazing method
Thanks Emma. I got 9 points.
thanks is uncountable
Hi Emma I got 8 points. Thank you teacher Emma.
Thanks a lot for anything you do for us
thank you Emma for teaching me English
I get 90 point
so sad…
food is uncountable…
we also use “much” to get right answer.
Great! I got 10 points…. Thanks a lot !
I’m preparing for the ielts exam. so I hope i can learn many things in this website
Thanks, Emma, you have a good way and simple to learn us
hopefully my sentence is correct
one hundred percent lol,thanks Emma
thank you Emma
10 correct. Thank Emma
thank you for the lesson Emma
thank you teacher was good classes
Emma a good teacher in world
Thanks a lot
hi emma thanks. a lot of things you teach him.i have 2 brothers.i have two table
thanks Emma but how can i contact with you
Great, teacher. You help me a lot.
Hi, Emma!
Thanks a lot for your lesson. It is very useful.
Thanks emma
I got 60 of 100
Thank you! Very helpful.
thanks im learning teaching methods u r great Emma
Thank you vert much. now i can say only few word
Thank you, Emma.
I like the topic you cover this morning. It was very helpful. Thank you so much.
I read “a pair of jeans” recently. One jean is the material -> “A piece of Jean”?
I think that a pair of jeans is right. Even though the material of the pants is jeans, you can also say jeans for a kind of pants.
Thanks for the video. It was an interesting form to explain the coutable and uncountable nouns. I liked it.
Thank you very much my teacher .
Thank you, Emma.
Thanks for the lesson Emma. I won 90 points.
this lesson was great …thanks Emma …you are best teacher in the world .
Thanks Emma for this lesson you’re so great
Thank you verry much
Thank you. This lesson Washington great
thanks. Emma
It was really good Emma, thanks a lot
Thank you Emma for this interesting lesson.
Thanks teacher
Thank you so much, I can finish the Quiz right.
Lovely teacher, I have A question that is I’m a beginer in English,how can I fluent in English, help me emma
thanku so much
Thanks alot Emma
Thanks Emma
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot Emma
10/10 that was great
Thanks Emma, 9/10
That was a good lesson,thanks a lot Emma
I got 7 thank you emma
Thank you Emma!
Thanks a lot Emma. You are wonderful. I really want to master this foreign language. And I will! I’ll keep on struggling!
Thank you emma you are the best
I get it completely
Great, It was clear and simple
Thank you Emma
Good lesson . Thank you madam .
Good lesson . Thank you Very much madam .
Great Emma, my favourite teacher. 9 points!!
Thank you for the lesson that I’ve learn to day.
Yes, now have a three lessons with 100. Thanks Emma
Thank you for this lesson!
Thank you for this lesson. I am understand very Well.
8 point !
By the way emma can you tell us about noun I mean only noun.
I got 8 correct out of 10. thanks Emma.
Waooo amazing thanks for 90 marks
7 correct out of 10
Thank you, I think I got it)
Thank you, I think I got it)
I got ten points of ten thanks so much Mrs. Emma your teaching method is really working on and I really appreciate it thanks again.
Thank you Ms. Emma. I learned a lot things from you or shall I say I learned many things from you. I hope I put my sentence grammatically correct otherwise please tell me if there is any. Thank you beautiful Emma.
Thanks Emma I got 90/100
Dear sir/ Madam
I need a help in adding verb to collective noun like;
a brood of chicken or a brood of chickens
How we add verb like “a brood of chicken is in the field”:
a brood of chickens is in the field
a brood of chicken are in the field
broods of chickens are in the field
pl explain which correct
send me more example like this for other collective noun:
a herd of cattle, a herd of goats, a bunch of bananas, a bunch of ducks, a dove of pigs, a dove of oxen, a kit of pigeons, a galaxy of stars, a fleet of ships
pl explain when we add singular verb and popular verb in sentences clearly pl
Thanks: my Email is if you like you can email me in text
thanks a lot Emma, you contributed lo of knowledge of uncountable and countable nouns, thanks teacher.
a love your way to teach, thanks for being so kind Emma.
* please erase the “a” and fill in “I”
Thank you…but Im so sad.
Just I got 6
Good job.
90per !
Thank you for this remarkable lesson .yeah number four confused me. I will do my best .
Hi, do u have telegram or wattsup
Thanks! alot’s Dear teachar
thank you so much
Thanks, Emma.
Hi Dear friend
thanks Emma i’ve got 9
Thanks a lot Emma. I’ve got 10
Thanks a lot Emma. You are my favorite teacher!
9 correct out of ten
ten out of ten! nice teacher!!!
thank you for your lesson
I love these tests! I have 80! To review again!
Emma brings me happiness,am I right? What do you think,Emma? Thank you for your help always.
I wish you have a wonderful life year around.
Thank you Emma.
because you are good teacher,we need to learn more.
Thanks Emma
Ten out of ten. Thanks a lot.
thanks teacher!
Great, Emma
I got 70 point
I will to try again , Thank You Emma, I love you
I got 7out of 10
Dear Emma, I truly appreciate your great efforts to improve our English. I have learned a large amount of information about countable and uncountable nouns today. Your explanations were clear, precise and rich. Thank you.
Hi Emma ,Can i use a word “little” before noun “Money”.
Thanks for your lesson. EMMA! You are a great teacher.
You always give me understanding about more english.
10 out of 10
Thank you so much.
I thought so easy that I thought I’ll get 10/10 but I got two question wrong. I’ll learn this language fluefly. I hope so.
Thank so much,Emma
Tank You. =)
Thanks a lot Emma you’re amazing
I got 90%.
I worng 2nd question.
Thanks a lot. Emma.
Thank you very much Emma!
thank you
This is a good lesson for new students. Thank you, Emma!
Tnx. Emma
Great, a amazing lession
Thanks, Emma!
Great lesson, but I am confused. “History” is countable or uncountable? Fruit represents a category which is uncountable. On the same way, liquid is uncountable, but we can say “Use healthy oils”, Eat plenty of fruits of all colors”, “Processed meats are not healthy”, “Police are going to interviewing all the suspects”. If police is uncountable why the verb has to be on plural form?
Thank you Amma!!!
Can I have the countable noun list which doesn’t take s at the end of noun. Urgent!!! Thanks
Thank you
thanks emma
Thank y
Thank you mam! you have taught many lessons to us.
Hello everyone nice lessons if anyone wants to practice speaking can contact me on facebook Egzon N.Hoxha.
I got 6 points i’ll try to learn more.
you are a best english teacher for me.. really thanks a lot to make a platform like this to learn English easily
8/10 correct
thank you so much for the makes the subject vey easy to understand.9\10
Sorry about my score
Very good……….!
many many thanks .. what !!! many ?
Thank you!!
Thank you, Emma!
Thanks Emma, stay bless an absolute teacher
Oh, stupid me. I made a silly mistake in the quiz.
yaay 10/10
thank you emma! great lesson!
Thank’s a million!
I got 10 out of 10 correct. Thank you Emma.
Yay got 10/10 in the 1st lesson.
Thanks Emma
Panama Republic, May 26th, year 2020.
Good Morning citizens: Teacher or Professor, etc.
In the lesson countable & uncountable nouns,in the test was not correct in this section:
number 4:
food is uncountable
many is for use with countable.
number 9:
skirt is countable noun.
notice put ”a” in front.
if I am not correct of my understanding, I can take in consideration the opinion from others citizens about this test.
Thank you to all of you, and for teach this lesson.
Have a good day.
Best regards.
Tech Nurse.
Thank you
Thank you Emma. This website is really helpful. I always enjoy it. In addition, When ever i watch videos, i directly visit on here to do exercises. It’s worth noticing that Teachers on engvid website are well prepared.
I got 10 out of 10 the lesson was so good
thanks teacher
Thank you.
Very clear
Thanks a lot❤️
I got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma
egyptians people are intelligent
Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you Emma. Now I understand two kinds of nouns and can understand the use of ‘many’ and ‘much’.
Thank you Emma
6/10 :”) perasaan bener semua
9/10, wow. I do it! Thank you for the lesson :D
9/10. great..! good lesson
yeeey i have got 9 correct out of 10
thank you emma
I watched the video twice on April 10, 2021 and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
I got 10 points. Thanks, Mrs. Emma.
Thank you miss emma, I got 10 points
I can’t say anything! thanks a lot Emma!
I watched this video one more time on June 20, 2021.
Can I use ‘foods’? e.g. some popular foods.
Thanks Emma, Very clear.
Thanks Emma..
Tanks Emma.
I’m happy to learn with you >> Emma .
Thank you, so much, very good method to teach English, I love your classes.
Thanks alot my dear teacher really, after this time i know the difference of countable noun and uncountable noun.
thank a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan 16 Dec2o21:)
Thanks Emma , i got 9 out of 10
Thank you Emma, I got 8 of 10
It was too easy, but i made a mistake.
I knew the correct answers.unfortunately i select wrong one..
Thats why i got 9 out of 10.
Thank you for your teaching. I will use it in my practice.
Thank you for your splendid quiz it did improve my understanting
Hi Emma! I am a very big fan of you and I really like how you teach! :)
Thanks a lot, Emma. You are a wonderful girl. (Azores Islands, 15Apr2022);
Great, well done,100!
great lesson
thank you
Thanks :)
Thanks again sweet Emma for this magnificent lesson as always you re the best greetings from Surco Peru
Thank you Dear Emma, my first test 10/10. Surco-Peru