Can I use the word “retard” when talking about someone with a disability or is this an unacceptable term? What is the difference between “visually impaired” and “blind”? Should I say someone is “handicapped” or “disabled”? This lesson will teach you vocabulary for talking about disability. It will also teach you words that you should avoid. This is not just a vocabulary lesson; you’ll also learn about North American culture.
hello asma
i am very interesting to improve my english language so if you don’t have a mind to corporate with me to do this thing,please don’t hesitate to send me an email on
I’m very interested
If you don’t mind
Emad Daoowd
Talking about disabilities is a real issue. So, it is important to know how to address people who suffer from a permanent disability.
Interesting lesson with very illustrative examples.
Thanks for sharing all this with us Emma.
By for now.
I can say that minkyu is so cool. Thanks for the helpful post.
Thank you very much for this lesson. I am a Spanish speaker but I teach English in Costa Rica. This lesson has helped me a great deal!!!!!!!!!!
Leticia Wille
You are the best Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like your lesson very much. Thanks. What if I use the unacceptable words? I’ll get embarrassed and must lead to peoples’ anger, you did correct me…. errmm besides have good presentation skill, you look beautiful and have charming smile, teacher..I do like u
All the best
hi emma thank you for learn english i love english
What a nice teacher , the best teacher ever
Thank you
Hi Ms. Emma
What is the difference between OTHER and ANOTHER? THANKS
Hi Ms.Emma
What is the diffren
The pronounce of the word “deaf” seems a lot with “death”… A few months ago I was playing a game and the character said “I’m blind not deaf”. I’ve been thinking he was saying death but is deaf… O.O
It’s very useful lesson!
Thank you very much!!!
wild boar
Great lesson Emma!!! you explain very well !! the website is sooo great! the best one!! it helps me a lot !!! and I would say give us more and more lessons!! thank youu!!
hey youssef how are you doing .
i’m amine 23 years old from morrocco ( live in marrakesh ) the reason why i talk to you is that we’re from the same country and we have also something common
is manifasted of speaking in english so if you are intersted to talk this my email address by the way emma you are a very good teacher this lesson is so helpfull for me thank you again and keep doing the great lessons like that
hey amine actually i want to speak to anybody who is interested in speaking and writing english . I hope you get back to me
hi am also wan some1 to talk to in english i will be happy if u call me
I’ll be careful with those terms. thanks 4 the free topic, u were great. untill next week hopefully.cya Emma.
Thank you that was really helpful :)
thnx!! Its really important to know
Thank you very very mush ^^
Hello Your Lesson is very useful Thank you for your lesson
Very important topic. Thanks.
it is so important for us and it can fortify our English language.
thank you so much.
Very interesting lesson!Thank you very much
i want to some to help me …..please
Thank you so much.It will be help me. I think so
kyaw naing
hi emma, u r doning a great job, this was a really informative video. keep it up.
can u tell me in which acsent people speak in canada and in which acsent you teachers on this site speak???????????????
Hi Najma,
My response to your question was accidently placed below Youssef Morrocco’s question. Please look there.
very useful lesson as usual
thanks so much!
I scored 4 out of 4.that means I’m on the right way to learn english;I’m very happy for reaching this level.I know It’s not the end of the road.but also It’s not the starting of the road.thanks a lot Emma;pleas can I know your openion.
youssef morrocco
Well done Youssef! I think what you have written is a good reminder for everyone. Learning English is a journey. Everyday, you advance a little and know slightly more than you did before.
Emma, what is the difference between slightly an lightly?
Can I use both?
emma live is a journey
chakim hamzah
I do not know when i like you & your lesson as from. Emma.
Thank you
I believe most of the teachers on the site are Canadian. In Canada, there are multiple accents. In general, people west of Quebec have a similar accent, while people from the East Coast of Canada share a slightly different accent.
Canadians have a very similar accent to some American states. Often, when I meet an American, I don’t notice a lot of differences in the way we talk.
Some pronunciations are different though, like ‘about’. Canadians are also famous for saying ‘eh?’.
Hi, I like your accent. I understand you very well. I’m from Europe and I’ve been learnig British English in my language course. :)
Best wishes from Poland (Cracow)!
hey guys ; i am one of the student who are intrested in learning english language . and i would be happy if i resive any request from : this is my facebook’s name ( wacky man )
wacky man
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh////i learned a lot
i perfectly answered the Quiz
Really useful lesson! Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot.
what’s the difference between “the deaf” and “people who are deaf”? why the first is offensive and the second is correct?
Hi Ivan,
In general, it is better to use what is known as people-first language. People with disabilities want to be identified as people first. If we say the Deaf, we are identifying these people only by their disability. Some think this is dehumanizing.
Hello Emma! Thank you for the lesson. I think it is pity that we don’t use all these “unacceptable words”. What’s wrong with the word – lame, or disabled, or homo, or black-skinned. In the near future we won’t say – father or mother because people with non traditional orientation very offensive. You will have to say – parent (for mother) and parent (for dad)… This “political correctness” goes to nowhere. We only do the language we speak insipid. The most important thing is to set up comfortable living conditions for disabled people, but not by changing the words’ meaning.
Okay, but this lesson is teaching people the words because that is what is generally acceptable now in North America. Once you know what is expected, you can choose to use whichever words you want.
Why in modern English people are ashamed using traditional English words. For example lame or dumb? Instead of that they constantly create some Latin origin senseless terms like mobility disability and non-vocal?
I’m glad you’re questioning this. There are many different opinions on these issues and opinions differ as to what is the best way to speak about disability.
The rationale behind changing the words we use is that words influence our thoughts. As our views on the world change, so does the language we use to describe it.
The word dumb has a very negative meaning. For example, stupid is a synonym of dumb. If we describe people who can’t speak as dumb, we are insulting their intellect. For instance, although Helen Keller couldn’t speak, she was a very intelligent woman.
On the other hand, some people feel that North American society is too sensitive on these issues and that we shouldn’t have to be so careful with our words.
Regardless of what you believe, it’s important to know that if you use the wrong words, there may be consequences, especially in the workplace.
thank you so much u are a very nice teacher
Great lesson!It’s really important learn it, cause are different cultures and impressions.
thank u
Thank you! Apart of beautiful, you are a great teacher…
Great video! Thanks a lot!
Thanks, tc.
thank you my teacher emma i very happy because always listen to your teaching then i need more.
Thank You!
That’s great !!! you speak clearly, thank you for that !!!
Emma , could it be true that one person is both beautiful and attractive and intellectual ? It’s you. I wish you were my friend . Thank you for these great lessons (Although i know you are the best teacher in the world who dedicated your life for us to learn English , i couldn’t help complementing myself for you)
Emma , could it be true that one person is both beautiful and attractive and intellectual ? It’s you. I wish you were my friend . Thank you for these great lessons (Although i know you are the best teacher in the world who dedicated your life for us to learn English , i couldn’t help complementing myself for you) :)
Thank you for excellent explanation of the lesson.
thank you very much .. really its very useful lesson and very important
Thank you for your comments everyone. I know this topic isn’t usually discussed in ESL classes. I’d be interested to know if there are specific words you use to talk about disability in your culture. Do you have to be careful with the words you use or are people from your culture less sensitive when talking about disability?
Hi Emma. Im mexican. In our country the use of these words have changed with the time as well. Now there are more respect with people with disbility, however, there are people who still continue using offensive words, like invalid,fo example. Your lesson is great and I really apreciate that people like you make this for ESL. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunae, but many people here continue to use offensive language when talking about disabilities.
Hi Emma
…It’s curios that you have chosen this topic lesson, maybe are you directly involved? However it makes you much honor.
very important and great lesson, thank you.
Hi Ms.Emma- Whow do you pronounce ABOUT in Canadian pronunciations?–What is the meaning of “EH” in canada? THANKS
Ronnie has a great new lesson on some language unique to Canada. She covers ‘eh’ in it.
Hi Emma
This topic you taught to us is very important but it was very confused
Hi Crebio,
What exactly confused you? Maybe I could explain something clearer?
Thanks Emma, you explained it very clearly. I really like this site. You all are expert in teaching English. Thanks for sharing your knowledge..^_^
nice sharing mam
Hello Emma,
Thank you for your good job. You do very well. Could I be informed that how many lessons are better to watch and please direct me that where will be the best point of starting I mean from which lesson I can start, and continuously follow which way?
To modify better how many lessons could be better to watch daily? Thanks I missed daily in the previous comment.
hi Emma great lesson as useula could you make a lesson for how to read a
Map direction
hiiiiiiiiii friends I want to learn english. can you help me
Dear Emma, I suppose you are a professional teacher. That means you have studied pedagogue. Am I am right? All your lessons are really great. Take care Hoppel
Hi Hoppel,
In response to your question, I have studied pedagogy. Thank you for your comments.
this lesson was so good that I couldn’t help it, I translated it into spanish on my blog if you don´t mind, I¨m learning english and you all are the best teachers I´ve seen so far….
HI Dear Emma i am so glad to see your teaching and i like your teaching more i want to learn English good and have a lot of problem in English so i want to get some benefit from you can you accept me as your friend and some times give me some advices.i am 16 years old and please accept me like your friend and send me your Email i will be very happy. i hope you accept as your friend thanks dear. Ilyas
Ilyas hotak
thank you
thanks alot
thanks emma great lesson
4 out of 4. Well, thank you Emma.
thnk you teacher good lessn for me xxx
hi Emma what’s difference between most and almost
Hi Mila,
Please see my video on most and almost. After watching it, if you still have questions, please post them there.
Hi Emma….
How are you??
It’s your great lesson….
okay take care.
Hi Emma,
I’ve understood almost all about this topic, except “to have a learning disability”.
Please, would U like to tell me the exact meaning? So that I can understand what happens to Tom Cruise.
By the way, I’d like to express how much I really, really love this website. I found a few months ago and have already learned a lot by your amazing method of teaching: useful, short and interesting topics (not boring), clear and nice teachers…
Thanks a lot EngVid Team.
Hi Juju,
Thank you for your comments. A learning disability is a disability that makes learning difficult in some way. Usually it is because of a difference in the way a brain processes information.
For example, Tom Cruise has dyslexia, a type of learning disability. This type of disability makes it difficult to read because the brain has trouble recognizing letters and symbols. I heard in Tom Cruise’s case, he gets people to read him his lines.
Thank you that was really helpful
Happy women’s day
Josué Verne
Hi, I am Sérgio from Brazil and we are taking care of the words like you guys, that´s why you lesson was perfect. Many thanks.
Sorry, I mean “your”
thnx!! Its really important to know
Very useful lesson.I really appreciate your endeavour to expand our horizons.
Thanks from you to serve us
thank you about this lesson
thank you
Realy,I benefited from this lesson
Thank you everyone for watching the video and commenting on it.
I enjoy your class. I hear a lots for thing abouut disabilitys and how did i do on your test
thanks teacher for the lesson, i`m really learning too much,,
Dear amma,
You & your way of teaching, I lke
both. Even Ronni & Alex are great.
I,am an Indian, but sattled in Austria
I,am Austrian citizen, my wife and my
child too.
whenever u like to visit Austria just
contact me.
Thx once again for your leson,
I used to use these words like handicappe and spacial , but now i come to know that disability or disabiled is the most correct word to ,
thank u so much teacher :)
hello speaking of developmentally disabled.what’s the difference between
learning disability and intellectual
disability?could be math,language,biology.
Hi Dan,
There is a difference between an intellectual disability and a learning disability.
An intellectual disability refers to an inability to learn certain skills or tasks. There is a gradient. Some people have mild intellectual disabilities, while others have severe ones.
On the other hand, a learning disability refers to someone who has obstacles to learning certain things but has the ability to do so.
Thanks Ronnie for ur good explanation on interview skills…as well on english teachings….
pavan kumar
Thank you for the lesson, now I will be able not to offend people who have a disability.
Hello Emma, thank you very much indeed for doing this video! I would like to ask you to make a video explaining the inversion with negative adverbs. :)
Hello, Emma! I have a question. Will be offensive to say “He is visually challenged”? Thank you.
Hi Mirimarini,
I haven’t heard people use this expression before. I don’t think it is very common. When I looked the word up in a guide book, the book said that people may find it offensive.
Again, what some people find offensive, others may find acceptable. It often depends on the person.
hi Emma.thaks for the was very interestig.Im trying to seak in english but I think I can’t speak good.can you give me some advice.what I must do?thanks again
Thanks Emma, i like the way you teach.
Lots of new vocabulary for me.
Thank you Emma!
I’ve just got through this site and i would be so grateful if u could advise me with the most useful things in which i might get top benefits .
what does ” pasta pouch ” mean ?
I haven’t heard this expression before. Where did you come across it?
Thank you very much Emma….
Good topics!
Thank you so much!
Great! Thanks.
Nice Video.. Great teaching thanks madam.
thanks so mucha
Very good teacher.
Hello Emma,
i’am very happy for the video your are good teacher
Nice Vedio…………….
hi emma,you have given many english learners like me a very gorgeous and impressive lesson,thank you so much ,what’s more,i am able to understand the culture in Canada better,which is quite different from my country China.thanks again,best to you.
Many thanks for your kindness and explanation Emma.In Brazil, we are passing through the same process.
Sérgio (from Brazil)
Iam very satisfied about this lesson thankz emma
great exploation emma
this is the first time here but i’m enjoy. thank’s Emma
All of you, are great teachers… and thank you so much!! I`m very impressed with the qualitty of this site, the theacher`s capacitty .. I`m really glad to find out you teaching english, where we can improve our knowledgment in this language.. thank you….
Thanks a lot) It’s a very good lesson.
Emma your lessons are very well organised
Irena Smile
Very experienced teacher
nice class
emma i like your lesson and i want to be your friend if it is possible could you send to me your e-mail also in order to give me some help in English by the way i am a girl from Tunisia
Many thanks Emma,it was a very interesting and helpful lesson,thank you for your effort to make us understand.
I think that this tobic is very important, but I have some questions in a different subject Are there major differences between British English and other?
Hi Mada,
Ronnie has made some great videos for this site regarding the difference between American and British English. I suggest you watch these videos.
Thank you Emma for this great lesson. I like your way of teaching =).
Hi to everyone..That was really good subject.As everybody knows that if you have some disabled person around you,they are really really sensitive about their situation.we should pay attention while talking them.Thank you very much Emma for choosing this topic!
a nice topic,a nice teacher
Hello. how are you,Emma, I hope that you’re fine. I have a big disability, I don´t know what to do improve my listening.
Do you have any advice for me?
Hi, i’m from Brazil.
I’m learning a lot with this site,
You are very nice teacher.
very nice clase
Good lesson,thank you Emma.I’m from China,in our middle high school we aslo learn this ,but not native like you .
Hi Emma, I really don’t understand this lesson, Please advice me if you have a free time for your new student I really like to learn English but I have a problem for Listening & Speaking & talking and writing. Please answer me…^_^
Thank you very much
usefull information
thank you.really very nice class
thank you ,really it is very usefull
Hi Emma … thanks you for your class. I want ask you a question. I know a pretty song of Reo Speedwagon called “take it on the run” talked about the singer’s girlfriend who some people seen leaving with other boy …..Have you ever heard it? Well: What is the meaning of “take it on the run” in this case?
I’m not exactly sure. This is not a common expression, but from what I gather, I think it means ‘to hit the road’ or leave town.
Thanks for the lesson. I learned a lot.
Thank you Very much , it really a good lesson , appreciate your great effort.
Mister Salem
thanks teacher
Hi Emma ,,thanks for all you lessons.I would like to learn about sayings………thanks..
thank’s Emma
emma what is the difference b/w mental illness and intellectual disability??does’nt these both have a same meaning??
Good. This is what I was looking for.
In Russian language we do not have special rules for naming disabled people. Still we try to say it in a mild way
Your lesson is excellent! Congrats!
My doubt is: can the word maimed have non-offensive meaning in another context?
For example:
The surfer had his left hand maimed when the shark bit it.
He was maimed during the WW1.
Hi Emma!
Thank you for such a brilliant video! This is the best video i’ve watched on your site ever! You don’t get to learn such things everyday, I totally appreciate your effort and time you’ve spent preparing for that video. I have a request for you; would you please make a video about a normal in-class conversation; things like how to ask the teacher about the material included on an exam and so on. I’ve googled such type of conversations but i couldn’t find any. One more thing please, i would highly appreciated if you could make a video on how to ask the barber or the hairdresser for a certain haircut, i know that haircut styles are endless, but at least teach us the basics.
Thank you very much.
PS; you’re a celebrity in my university in Jordan; all English majors just love you, especially after your video on disability!
Thank you for your kind words and video suggestions!
Dear Emma,
Thank you for your lesson, they helped me a lot
Very helpful! Than you.
thank you*
Great, magnificient English lesson.
Tks Miss Emma.
thank you mam about this interesting lesson . really it’s beneficial thing to learn culture .
could please tell me about another uses of word ” special”?
thank you so much
Very Good, espaciba.
emma another good teacher of
what does put a keep are you
i like the lesson
Your lesson is excellent! Congrats!
My doubt is: can the word maimed have non-offensive meaning in another context?
For example:
The surfer had his left hand maimed when the shark bit it.
He was maimed during the WW1.
Thank you a lot!
Hi Lari,
This is an excellent question. I think you would be ok with these sentences. From what I have read, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with these.
Yay! Full marks for the quiz again! =3
Emma, you are really fantastic! I would like to meet you one day.
thank tetcher for this vidio
Thank you very much for your useful lessons.I am sorry to say that you are also beautiful .
I wish you a nice days .
Thank you very much my dear teacher Emma.
Best Wishes
thanks alot, it was very helpful… i hope you offer more vocabulary lessons
Thank you very much my dear teacher Emma.
Best Wishes
Thank you Emma.
I’ve learned a lot from this lesson.
thank you very much fr your explanation. I work with people that have intellectual, psychiatric, learning disabilities! i often have problems to explain to other people what my job consists of! thank you very much!
Thanks for the lesson, it is very helpful.
Hi Emma,
Yes, today we talked about a very important topic.
Thank you very much.
Ahmet Bircan
It’s very organized lecture~
I Really appreciate you~
Hi Emma, in the sentence “Some people can not hear a thing, they are born deaf” is considered offensive if I say “can not hear at all” instead of “can not hear a thing”. Thanks. Great site, great teachers, great human beings.
You are a very good teacher.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the video-lesson, I really appreciate it and learnt a lot because this kind of vocabulary it’s difficult to find in the course texts. By the way STONE DEAF is a word I recently read in a novel.
great lesson
i am fine and you
Thank you for the lesson.
Thank you so much. Actually I am disabled person. I have been Bone Illness for a long Time and take Theapie from my Home Doctor. about Bone Illness I have Limited Movement..How do you call my case disability ?? I do not think mobility diasbalitiy is my Case.
Thank You Emma, Excellent video class.
nice lesson . thank u mem
love the site.. and a great topic…
Thanks a lot. A very good teacher
Hi Emma!, Your lecture is useful. also, as a EFL person I am very keen to hear you. Thanks Emma.
As always I love the way you teach since I started to take each of the tutorials I have done very well in class and my table of records has always been excellent thank you very much for your teaching Emma I hope to learn carefully alberto
hi.may i have ur email plz?
This topic is great.
i am from ASIA. I have started learning english three year ago, but have broblem in grammer. Kindly share method to improve the best.
Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.
This topic is great.
i am from ASIA. I have started learning english three year ago, but have broblem in grammer. Kindly share method to improve the best by my email:
hi emmi …. i really desie such this vedio lessons and i thanking for your helping us !!!!! teacher can i get a complate vedio lessson ? if you help me to speak english fluently i need you help
Hahaha they are wanted to know you in person
I like Canadian people . they are very kind .
i want to speak english fleuntly can you help me and i denying to speak english because speaking english is very important.
Hi there Emma. I´m wondering if it´s true that the Canadians are particularly afraid of the dark lol!jk.I point this out because I watched not so long ago on an episode of the sitcom “How I met your mother” how some Americans at a bar mocked at the Canadian girl(Robin) saying that :) It was kind of funny.Regards.
Thank you Emma, I won’t hurt any person with my English…. or bad expressions, but sometimes, as a beginner, it is not easy to find the right word. Regards
It is a great lesson with taboo words. As a foreigner, we often learn any wrong or rude English expressions from the massmedia such as TV, Movies, Radio and even from songs. Thank you for your great teaching. I will be careful to use expressions with diability. Cheers!
great lesson from great teacher,thanks
it’s really useful. thank you so much . very important to me
Dear Emma
According to English Grammar “the poor or the blind” refer to group of people, but your comment on this a bit controversy. How could you explain this to me, please.
awaiting your reply soon.
thans alot iam agreatful so much for you
emmu ur really good teacher….. thanxx… mam.
Another interesting video from Emma,thank you very much for this lesson,i didn’t know these differences/kinds of disability but now i do and that’s because of you…GOD BLESS YOU
Hi, Really great lesson. Thanks a lot.
thanx alot. I couldn’t find a word to describe this lesson and you as well because I’ve used the word “Excellent” for less impressive lectures.
we need more advanced lessons from you. we are waiting you.
Ahmad . R
Hi emme dear i dont 9 a bout English conversion how to speak English
hi I already study English in usa but i want learn more so if you want learn more like me you should practice everyday with someone speak english
hi miss emme im letr letr spekng english
how me good spekng english teel me
And work on your spelling too.Practice with friends and speak to yourself sometimes.Those two methods worked for me and honestly,i am not a perfect speaker.There are many though, just see which method best suits you
Waligaa wax baro
thank you teacher actually it is very useful
Amma Thenk you. But tell me please, I’m understanding almost anything you are sayng in this video, but i can’t understand for example English TV or Radio broadcasting. Doese this mean that you are speaking easy english?
thank you teacher . you have a perfect way explain
Hi everybody,
my name is javad i’m from iran..
my english is mediocre and i’m looking forward to chat with someone for having english practice..
Thanks Emma! I got 4/4. :)
Hello..I think I hear the following:…they can’t speak and hear AS WELL. Is the term “AS WELL” used as EITHER?
way of your teaching is very good. you gave me use full information that what kind of word should be used for disabled persons.thank you Emma mam
use of proper grammar is necessary when we are talking English?
emma i wanna to improve me accent what shall i do and what is the way to this?
Emma, its nice that americans are worried of this theme. In Russia people usually are more rude in this issue.
Very good teacher
Dear Emma,
That’s great lesson.
I’m looking forward to attending your next lesson.
Best regards
from Japan
I’m an English teacher and I must admit I found your lesson absolutely informative and useful, I’m gonna teach it in my classes. Thanks Emma. How long have you been teaching?
thank you Emma about your lesson. Also I would like to say thank you very much for all teachers put their effort to help us!!!!!
ehem aselole….
Thanks Emma
Could you please tell us how to describe or to talk about a kid or person who has disability in small grade of autism ?
You are a great teacher.I have learned a lot from you.
You are a great teacher.I have learned a lot from you.
Hi Emma! I really wanna thank you for this useful lesson…. all the info is very accurate and up to date….. waaao!! I got 4 correct out of 4
Good and have you got the email
Pham dinh phong
plz mam i want to learn english….
hi emma my neme is ezzat begi iam from afghanistan my inglish is mediocre and iam looking forward to chat with some one for having inglish practice . my emial thanku very nice
ezzat begi
You are really very clear. It’s quiet easy to undersand. Thanks Emma.
the nice lien good job
that was a really nice lesson Emma
but I have an irrelevant question
is there any sort of diffrence in the use of the term “till” and “until” ???
Sublime Emma.
Sorry but you said in a previous answer: :Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunae, but many people here continue to use offensive language when talking about disabilities….can I say:Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunate, but many people here continue “using” (instead of “to use”)offensive language when talking about disabilities. Thanks in advance.
Hi Emma, I’d like to express my high gratitude to you for this wonderful lesson. I’m an ESL teacher and i can use the vocabulary of this lesson to teach my students what to say and what not to say when talking about disability.
Hi Emma,thanks very much the lesson is very useful
hi emma thank you so much for ur lesson but this acceptable words are offended only in north America ?
Hi Emma
It is very useful.
Thank you
Thank you Emma!)
Emma, your lessons are very informative and helpful. I would like you to upload a video on popular expressions and idioms concerning RELIGION that native American or Canadian speakers use both formally and informally. How to be religiously correct?
Thank you very much for your proficiency and dedication!
hi teacher Emma .computer ii’s very important device in our life . we never accept disease effect it, but according of the your lesson we discover it is offend, computer disability deaf by used word mute this is offend or not .thanks
very interesting, thx Emma
i love you thanx <3
Dear Emma: You are a fantastic teacher!, I have been in progress with my english and your are the guilty. I am very grateful with you.
you rock!! I wish I had an english teacher like you in my country!!
thanks for this lesson Emma!
Fantastic!a whole mental and physical disability was taught.With these examples,they couldnot get any better.A natural teacher.Nothing else i have for her
Waligaa wax baro
Great lesson. Thanks
Thank you
Important information.
Yuriy Karpenko
This topic is very interesting and important.
Thank you so much.
You love your job. So your lessons are perfect and simple. U r smile when u do your job . I hope to be like u . I am a computer teacher but I hate my job . I hate the students. I support this website because the teachers here are very generous . They offer their experience for free . Thanks
75, Thank you Emma, I going to be practicing.
Hi Emma, I am beginer English language. How to start? Thank You!
How to learn step by step?
thank u
Thank you very much my teacher, got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Emma if a person have limit education ;What type of disability expression must I say
hanan Rashad
Thank u very much
now i can improving my language.. so thank you engvid and Emmaa
Hello Emma.I am Ruslan. I am from Ukraine. I like your lessons. All they are very useful but unfortunatelly you often speak very very very fast. Could you speak a little bit slowly? I think it would be easier to understand of what you speak for many people who learn English on
hello…..emma, thanks for your helpful lesson.
can you talk about tourism please
I was a good lesson, i got 100%
Thank Emma
Best Regards.
Thanks Emma Mam. This lesson is really helpful for me. I’ll attend on SAT exam this year and if by the grace of Almighty i got good marks i’ll move USA for higher study.
I might happen that i’ll get my disable friends but i don’t know how to talk with them ,with proper words. then it could be an awful situation. But as i watched you lesson so it wont be happen :)
I appreciate you this lesson highly. :)
Best wishes.
thank u very much Emma
Ahmed Tefa
Thank you very much!
Thanks..for your useful lesson. I got 100%.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks miss Emma, it is really very sensitive and important lesson.
Mr.hany physics
ok, 100 %, Thanks Emma.
It was a such good lesson dear thanks a lot and u got 100 thanks
Wonderful class ! Congrats
tnx a lot emma, its very useful lesson…
I really apreciate ur lesson, thank
Emma you are Excellent. The interesting parts of your lectures are ,you also give the real life examples such as Stephen Hawking is a mobility disabled. Also you gave info about Tom Cruise and Van Gough with whatever disabilities they do have. I think this is the first time I am leaving a comment on EngVid. Great work
Hey professor I`d like from you more videos about reading and listening IELTS Exam. On this location you don`t have enough videos. Please teacher
Hi, it’s very useful lesson, thank you very much Emma.
Emma, are you from Canada? I asked because I looking for a good English course and job in Canada. I am Income Expert in goverment of Turkey and I am looking for a job but I don’t know if it is better to work in Canada.
And my friends in engvid, if your want to improve your english in Skype please add me!
Great Informations, which should be used.
Thank you Emma
Be happy.
bless you
Abdullah kateb
Oh information should be uncountable.hehe
so again
Abdullah kateb
Oh information should be uncountable.hehe :)
So again and again.
Thank you Emma and for your lessons.
Abdullah kateb
Thank you, Emma. I have to be careful.
Your accent is wonderful, Your are the best English teacher who ı meet via Internet. Thank you very much Emma to teach English to us :) I hope you will promote in your life. Until next writing take care of yourself :) you can get along everything whatever you want . I believe you .
Thanks Emma. This is a subject that I like very much. I am volunteer with people with intellectual disabilities, and I want to do a College, maybe in Occupational Therapy, to help them.and I want to do a College, maybe in Occupational Therapy, to help them. Is there a waym to we record our development in this site? The videos that we saw, quiz score, etc…
Happy women day!!!
Happy women’s day !!!
Thank you Emma! It’s very useful lesson, sometimes we use this offensive words without to know it.
Good lesson teacher. Thanks.
Guille 2015
Nice video and it is very helpful to me. Please continue sharing lesson like this. Thank you.
Is a question for you, Are you a native teacher? because your accent is pretty fluent, but you are a nice person and most important you have a excelent way to teach this language.
10Q Emma!
Hi Emma your lessons are the best but need more explanations, and more examples also time is very short
I want to ask you can I?
1. How can I take an exam in IELT or TOFEL by INTERNET?
2.And how can I give payment? there are any document to read for preparation for this exam?
I see that the way of asking in Q3 is wrong need help for fixing my mistakes
I want to ask you can I?
1. How can I take an exam in IELT or TOFEL by INTERNET?
2.And how can I give payment? there are any document to read for preparation for this exam?
I see that the way of asking in Q3 is wrong need help for fixing my mistakes
than you
It is really a class about North American culture.
Very good!
Thank you for your lesson.
You got my big heart❤ teacher Emma. ^_^
Good one! Very insightful. Thank you.
Your lessons help me a lot, Emma… Great!
Rafael Casafranca
thanks Emma as always was a necessary lesson; in my family there is several people with psychiatric disability, here in my country is offense too almost all word that you pointed like unacceptable, it’s very significant the respectful manner that you were driving the lesson, I am a male nurse and I could feel how is better to use the correct word to every person…Best wishes
pretty good comment
I got it.
thank you, Emma.
I have learned a lot of vocabularies. Thank you, teacher.
Thanks Emma, it’s a really useful lesson.
hi i have learn English pleas help me.
Currently in Syria, we have many cases of this lesson
Imad Ali
Very good class.
Thanks Emma.
informative lesson…many thanks Ms. Emma
I scored 4 out of 4 :) Thank you Emma
Nando Rodrigues
Thanks teacer
yahya.s lman
still confused about developmentlly disabled and psychiatric disability
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good class teacher.
t want to learn speaking
emme u r really gr8 teacher luv ur way
hello asma
i am very interesting to improve my english language so if you don’t have a mind to corporate with me to do this thing,please don’t hesitate to send me an email on
I’m very interested
If you don’t mind
Talking about disabilities is a real issue. So, it is important to know how to address people who suffer from a permanent disability.
Interesting lesson with very illustrative examples.
Thanks for sharing all this with us Emma.
By for now.
I can say that minkyu is so cool. Thanks for the helpful post.
Thank you very much for this lesson. I am a Spanish speaker but I teach English in Costa Rica. This lesson has helped me a great deal!!!!!!!!!!
You are the best Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like your lesson very much. Thanks. What if I use the unacceptable words? I’ll get embarrassed and must lead to peoples’ anger, you did correct me…. errmm besides have good presentation skill, you look beautiful and have charming smile, teacher..I do like u
All the best
hi emma thank you for learn english i love english
What a nice teacher , the best teacher ever
Thank you
Hi Ms. Emma
What is the difference between OTHER and ANOTHER? THANKS
Hi Ms.Emma
What is the diffren
The pronounce of the word “deaf” seems a lot with “death”… A few months ago I was playing a game and the character said “I’m blind not deaf”. I’ve been thinking he was saying death but is deaf… O.O
It’s very useful lesson!
Thank you very much!!!
Great lesson Emma!!! you explain very well !! the website is sooo great! the best one!! it helps me a lot !!! and I would say give us more and more lessons!! thank youu!!
hey youssef how are you doing .
i’m amine 23 years old from morrocco ( live in marrakesh ) the reason why i talk to you is that we’re from the same country and we have also something common
is manifasted of speaking in english so if you are intersted to talk this my email address by the way emma you are a very good teacher this lesson is so helpfull for me thank you again and keep doing the great lessons like that
hey amine actually i want to speak to anybody who is interested in speaking and writing english . I hope you get back to me
hi am also wan some1 to talk to in english i will be happy if u call me
I’ll be careful with those terms. thanks 4 the free topic, u were great. untill next week hopefully.cya Emma.
Thank you that was really helpful :)
thnx!! Its really important to know
Thank you very very mush ^^
Hello Your Lesson is very useful Thank you for your lesson
Very important topic. Thanks.
it is so important for us and it can fortify our English language.
thank you so much.
Very interesting lesson!Thank you very much
i want to some to help me …..please
Thank you so much.It will be help me. I think so
hi emma, u r doning a great job, this was a really informative video. keep it up.
can u tell me in which acsent people speak in canada and in which acsent you teachers on this site speak???????????????
Hi Najma,
My response to your question was accidently placed below Youssef Morrocco’s question. Please look there.
very useful lesson as usual
thanks so much!
I scored 4 out of 4.that means I’m on the right way to learn english;I’m very happy for reaching this level.I know It’s not the end of the road.but also It’s not the starting of the road.thanks a lot Emma;pleas can I know your openion.
Well done Youssef! I think what you have written is a good reminder for everyone. Learning English is a journey. Everyday, you advance a little and know slightly more than you did before.
Emma, what is the difference between slightly an lightly?
Can I use both?
emma live is a journey
I do not know when i like you & your lesson as from. Emma.
Thank you
I believe most of the teachers on the site are Canadian. In Canada, there are multiple accents. In general, people west of Quebec have a similar accent, while people from the East Coast of Canada share a slightly different accent.
Canadians have a very similar accent to some American states. Often, when I meet an American, I don’t notice a lot of differences in the way we talk.
Some pronunciations are different though, like ‘about’. Canadians are also famous for saying ‘eh?’.
Hi, I like your accent. I understand you very well. I’m from Europe and I’ve been learnig British English in my language course. :)
Best wishes from Poland (Cracow)!
hey guys ; i am one of the student who are intrested in learning english language . and i would be happy if i resive any request from : this is my facebook’s name ( wacky man )
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh////i learned a lot
i perfectly answered the Quiz
Really useful lesson! Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot.
what’s the difference between “the deaf” and “people who are deaf”? why the first is offensive and the second is correct?
Hi Ivan,
In general, it is better to use what is known as people-first language. People with disabilities want to be identified as people first. If we say the Deaf, we are identifying these people only by their disability. Some think this is dehumanizing.
There is a good wikipedia article on this:
Very interesting comment Emma! great lesson!
Hello Emma! Thank you for the lesson. I think it is pity that we don’t use all these “unacceptable words”. What’s wrong with the word – lame, or disabled, or homo, or black-skinned. In the near future we won’t say – father or mother because people with non traditional orientation very offensive. You will have to say – parent (for mother) and parent (for dad)… This “political correctness” goes to nowhere. We only do the language we speak insipid. The most important thing is to set up comfortable living conditions for disabled people, but not by changing the words’ meaning.
Okay, but this lesson is teaching people the words because that is what is generally acceptable now in North America. Once you know what is expected, you can choose to use whichever words you want.
Why in modern English people are ashamed using traditional English words. For example lame or dumb? Instead of that they constantly create some Latin origin senseless terms like mobility disability and non-vocal?
I’m glad you’re questioning this. There are many different opinions on these issues and opinions differ as to what is the best way to speak about disability.
The rationale behind changing the words we use is that words influence our thoughts. As our views on the world change, so does the language we use to describe it.
The word dumb has a very negative meaning. For example, stupid is a synonym of dumb. If we describe people who can’t speak as dumb, we are insulting their intellect. For instance, although Helen Keller couldn’t speak, she was a very intelligent woman.
On the other hand, some people feel that North American society is too sensitive on these issues and that we shouldn’t have to be so careful with our words.
Regardless of what you believe, it’s important to know that if you use the wrong words, there may be consequences, especially in the workplace.
thank you so much u are a very nice teacher
Great lesson!It’s really important learn it, cause are different cultures and impressions.
thank u
Thank you! Apart of beautiful, you are a great teacher…
Great video! Thanks a lot!
Thanks, tc.
thank you my teacher emma i very happy because always listen to your teaching then i need more.
Thank You!
That’s great !!! you speak clearly, thank you for that !!!
Emma , could it be true that one person is both beautiful and attractive and intellectual ? It’s you. I wish you were my friend . Thank you for these great lessons (Although i know you are the best teacher in the world who dedicated your life for us to learn English , i couldn’t help complementing myself for you)
Emma , could it be true that one person is both beautiful and attractive and intellectual ? It’s you. I wish you were my friend . Thank you for these great lessons (Although i know you are the best teacher in the world who dedicated your life for us to learn English , i couldn’t help complementing myself for you) :)
Thank you for excellent explanation of the lesson.
thank you very much .. really its very useful lesson and very important
Thank you for your comments everyone. I know this topic isn’t usually discussed in ESL classes. I’d be interested to know if there are specific words you use to talk about disability in your culture. Do you have to be careful with the words you use or are people from your culture less sensitive when talking about disability?
Hi Emma. Im mexican. In our country the use of these words have changed with the time as well. Now there are more respect with people with disbility, however, there are people who still continue using offensive words, like invalid,fo example. Your lesson is great and I really apreciate that people like you make this for ESL. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunae, but many people here continue to use offensive language when talking about disabilities.
Hi Emma
…It’s curios that you have chosen this topic lesson, maybe are you directly involved? However it makes you much honor.
very important and great lesson, thank you.
Hi Ms.Emma- Whow do you pronounce ABOUT in Canadian pronunciations?–What is the meaning of “EH” in canada? THANKS
Ronnie has a great new lesson on some language unique to Canada. She covers ‘eh’ in it.
Hi Emma
This topic you taught to us is very important but it was very confused
Hi Crebio,
What exactly confused you? Maybe I could explain something clearer?
Thanks Emma, you explained it very clearly. I really like this site. You all are expert in teaching English. Thanks for sharing your knowledge..^_^
nice sharing mam
Hello Emma,
Thank you for your good job. You do very well. Could I be informed that how many lessons are better to watch and please direct me that where will be the best point of starting I mean from which lesson I can start, and continuously follow which way?
To modify better how many lessons could be better to watch daily? Thanks I missed daily in the previous comment.
hi Emma great lesson as useula could you make a lesson for how to read a
Map direction
hiiiiiiiiii friends I want to learn english. can you help me
Dear Emma, I suppose you are a professional teacher. That means you have studied pedagogue. Am I am right? All your lessons are really great. Take care Hoppel
Hi Hoppel,
In response to your question, I have studied pedagogy. Thank you for your comments.
this lesson was so good that I couldn’t help it, I translated it into spanish on my blog if you don´t mind, I¨m learning english and you all are the best teachers I´ve seen so far….
HI Dear Emma i am so glad to see your teaching and i like your teaching more i want to learn English good and have a lot of problem in English so i want to get some benefit from you can you accept me as your friend and some times give me some advices.i am 16 years old and please accept me like your friend and send me your Email i will be very happy. i hope you accept as your friend thanks dear. Ilyas
thank you
thanks alot
thanks emma great lesson
4 out of 4. Well, thank you Emma.
thnk you teacher good lessn for me xxx
hi Emma what’s difference between most and almost
Hi Mila,
Please see my video on most and almost. After watching it, if you still have questions, please post them there.
Hi Emma….
How are you??
It’s your great lesson….
okay take care.
Hi Emma,
I’ve understood almost all about this topic, except “to have a learning disability”.
Please, would U like to tell me the exact meaning? So that I can understand what happens to Tom Cruise.
By the way, I’d like to express how much I really, really love this website. I found a few months ago and have already learned a lot by your amazing method of teaching: useful, short and interesting topics (not boring), clear and nice teachers…
Thanks a lot EngVid Team.
Hi Juju,
Thank you for your comments. A learning disability is a disability that makes learning difficult in some way. Usually it is because of a difference in the way a brain processes information.
For example, Tom Cruise has dyslexia, a type of learning disability. This type of disability makes it difficult to read because the brain has trouble recognizing letters and symbols. I heard in Tom Cruise’s case, he gets people to read him his lines.
Thank you that was really helpful
Happy women’s day
Hi, I am Sérgio from Brazil and we are taking care of the words like you guys, that´s why you lesson was perfect. Many thanks.
Sorry, I mean “your”
thnx!! Its really important to know
Very useful lesson.I really appreciate your endeavour to expand our horizons.
Thanks from you to serve us
thank you about this lesson
thank you
Realy,I benefited from this lesson
Thank you everyone for watching the video and commenting on it.
I enjoy your class. I hear a lots for thing abouut disabilitys and how did i do on your test
thanks teacher for the lesson, i`m really learning too much,,
Dear amma,
You & your way of teaching, I lke
both. Even Ronni & Alex are great.
I,am an Indian, but sattled in Austria
I,am Austrian citizen, my wife and my
child too.
whenever u like to visit Austria just
contact me.
Thx once again for your leson,
I used to use these words like handicappe and spacial , but now i come to know that disability or disabiled is the most correct word to ,
thank u so much teacher :)
hello speaking of developmentally disabled.what’s the difference between
learning disability and intellectual
disability?could be math,language,biology.
Hi Dan,
There is a difference between an intellectual disability and a learning disability.
An intellectual disability refers to an inability to learn certain skills or tasks. There is a gradient. Some people have mild intellectual disabilities, while others have severe ones.
On the other hand, a learning disability refers to someone who has obstacles to learning certain things but has the ability to do so.
For more information, you can check out
Thanks Ronnie for ur good explanation on interview skills…as well on english teachings….
Thank you for the lesson, now I will be able not to offend people who have a disability.
Hello Emma, thank you very much indeed for doing this video! I would like to ask you to make a video explaining the inversion with negative adverbs. :)
Hello, Emma! I have a question. Will be offensive to say “He is visually challenged”? Thank you.
Hi Mirimarini,
I haven’t heard people use this expression before. I don’t think it is very common. When I looked the word up in a guide book, the book said that people may find it offensive.
Again, what some people find offensive, others may find acceptable. It often depends on the person.
hi Emma.thaks for the was very interestig.Im trying to seak in english but I think I can’t speak good.can you give me some advice.what I must do?thanks again
Thanks Emma, i like the way you teach.
Lots of new vocabulary for me.
Thank you Emma!
I’ve just got through this site and i would be so grateful if u could advise me with the most useful things in which i might get top benefits .
what does ” pasta pouch ” mean ?
I haven’t heard this expression before. Where did you come across it?
Thank you very much Emma….
Good topics!
Thank you so much!
Great! Thanks.
Nice Video.. Great teaching thanks madam.
thanks so mucha
Very good teacher.
Hello Emma,
i’am very happy for the video your are good teacher
Nice Vedio…………….
hi emma,you have given many english learners like me a very gorgeous and impressive lesson,thank you so much ,what’s more,i am able to understand the culture in Canada better,which is quite different from my country China.thanks again,best to you.
Many thanks for your kindness and explanation Emma.In Brazil, we are passing through the same process.
Iam very satisfied about this lesson thankz emma
great exploation emma
this is the first time here but i’m enjoy. thank’s Emma
All of you, are great teachers… and thank you so much!! I`m very impressed with the qualitty of this site, the theacher`s capacitty .. I`m really glad to find out you teaching english, where we can improve our knowledgment in this language.. thank you….
Thanks a lot) It’s a very good lesson.
Emma your lessons are very well organised
Very experienced teacher
nice class
emma i like your lesson and i want to be your friend if it is possible could you send to me your e-mail also in order to give me some help in English by the way i am a girl from Tunisia
Many thanks Emma,it was a very interesting and helpful lesson,thank you for your effort to make us understand.
I think that this tobic is very important, but I have some questions in a different subject Are there major differences between British English and other?
Hi Mada,
Ronnie has made some great videos for this site regarding the difference between American and British English. I suggest you watch these videos.
Thank you Emma for this great lesson. I like your way of teaching =).
Hi to everyone..That was really good subject.As everybody knows that if you have some disabled person around you,they are really really sensitive about their situation.we should pay attention while talking them.Thank you very much Emma for choosing this topic!
a nice topic,a nice teacher
Hello. how are you,Emma, I hope that you’re fine. I have a big disability, I don´t know what to do improve my listening.
Do you have any advice for me?
Hi, i’m from Brazil.
I’m learning a lot with this site,
You are very nice teacher.
very nice clase
Good lesson,thank you Emma.I’m from China,in our middle high school we aslo learn this ,but not native like you .
Hi Emma, I really don’t understand this lesson, Please advice me if you have a free time for your new student I really like to learn English but I have a problem for Listening & Speaking & talking and writing. Please answer me…^_^
Thank you very much
usefull information
thank you.really very nice class
thank you ,really it is very usefull
Hi Emma … thanks you for your class. I want ask you a question. I know a pretty song of Reo Speedwagon called “take it on the run” talked about the singer’s girlfriend who some people seen leaving with other boy …..Have you ever heard it? Well: What is the meaning of “take it on the run” in this case?
I’m not exactly sure. This is not a common expression, but from what I gather, I think it means ‘to hit the road’ or leave town.
Thanks for the lesson. I learned a lot.
Thank you Very much , it really a good lesson , appreciate your great effort.
thanks teacher
Hi Emma ,,thanks for all you lessons.I would like to learn about sayings………thanks..
thank’s Emma
emma what is the difference b/w mental illness and intellectual disability??does’nt these both have a same meaning??
Good. This is what I was looking for.
In Russian language we do not have special rules for naming disabled people. Still we try to say it in a mild way
Your lesson is excellent! Congrats!
My doubt is: can the word maimed have non-offensive meaning in another context?
For example:
The surfer had his left hand maimed when the shark bit it.
He was maimed during the WW1.
Hi Emma!
Thank you for such a brilliant video! This is the best video i’ve watched on your site ever! You don’t get to learn such things everyday, I totally appreciate your effort and time you’ve spent preparing for that video. I have a request for you; would you please make a video about a normal in-class conversation; things like how to ask the teacher about the material included on an exam and so on. I’ve googled such type of conversations but i couldn’t find any. One more thing please, i would highly appreciated if you could make a video on how to ask the barber or the hairdresser for a certain haircut, i know that haircut styles are endless, but at least teach us the basics.
Thank you very much.
PS; you’re a celebrity in my university in Jordan; all English majors just love you, especially after your video on disability!
Thank you for your kind words and video suggestions!
Dear Emma,
Thank you for your lesson, they helped me a lot
Very helpful! Than you.
thank you*
Great, magnificient English lesson.
Tks Miss Emma.
thank you mam about this interesting lesson . really it’s beneficial thing to learn culture .
could please tell me about another uses of word ” special”?
thank you so much
Very Good, espaciba.
emma another good teacher of
what does put a keep are you
i like the lesson
Your lesson is excellent! Congrats!
My doubt is: can the word maimed have non-offensive meaning in another context?
For example:
The surfer had his left hand maimed when the shark bit it.
He was maimed during the WW1.
Thank you a lot!
Hi Lari,
This is an excellent question. I think you would be ok with these sentences. From what I have read, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with these.
Yay! Full marks for the quiz again! =3
Emma, you are really fantastic! I would like to meet you one day.
thank tetcher for this vidio
Thank you very much for your useful lessons.I am sorry to say that you are also beautiful .
I wish you a nice days .
Thank you very much my dear teacher Emma.
Best Wishes
thanks alot, it was very helpful… i hope you offer more vocabulary lessons
Thank you very much my dear teacher Emma.
Best Wishes
Thank you Emma.
I’ve learned a lot from this lesson.
thank you very much fr your explanation. I work with people that have intellectual, psychiatric, learning disabilities! i often have problems to explain to other people what my job consists of! thank you very much!
Thanks for the lesson, it is very helpful.
Hi Emma,
Yes, today we talked about a very important topic.
Thank you very much.
It’s very organized lecture~
I Really appreciate you~
Hi Emma, in the sentence “Some people can not hear a thing, they are born deaf” is considered offensive if I say “can not hear at all” instead of “can not hear a thing”. Thanks. Great site, great teachers, great human beings.
You are a very good teacher.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the video-lesson, I really appreciate it and learnt a lot because this kind of vocabulary it’s difficult to find in the course texts. By the way STONE DEAF is a word I recently read in a novel.
great lesson
i am fine and you
Thank you for the lesson.
Thank you so much. Actually I am disabled person. I have been Bone Illness for a long Time and take Theapie from my Home Doctor. about Bone Illness I have Limited Movement..How do you call my case disability ?? I do not think mobility diasbalitiy is my Case.
Thank You Emma, Excellent video class.
nice lesson . thank u mem
love the site.. and a great topic…
Thanks a lot. A very good teacher
Hi Emma!, Your lecture is useful. also, as a EFL person I am very keen to hear you. Thanks Emma.
As always I love the way you teach since I started to take each of the tutorials I have done very well in class and my table of records has always been excellent thank you very much for your teaching Emma I hope to learn carefully alberto
hi.may i have ur email plz?
This topic is great.
i am from ASIA. I have started learning english three year ago, but have broblem in grammer. Kindly share method to improve the best.
Your comment is waiting to be approved by engVid.
This topic is great.
i am from ASIA. I have started learning english three year ago, but have broblem in grammer. Kindly share method to improve the best by my email:
hi emmi …. i really desie such this vedio lessons and i thanking for your helping us !!!!! teacher can i get a complate vedio lessson ? if you help me to speak english fluently i need you help
Hahaha they are wanted to know you in person
I like Canadian people . they are very kind .
i want to speak english fleuntly can you help me and i denying to speak english because speaking english is very important.
Hi there Emma. I´m wondering if it´s true that the Canadians are particularly afraid of the dark lol!jk.I point this out because I watched not so long ago on an episode of the sitcom “How I met your mother” how some Americans at a bar mocked at the Canadian girl(Robin) saying that :) It was kind of funny.Regards.
Thank you Emma, I won’t hurt any person with my English…. or bad expressions, but sometimes, as a beginner, it is not easy to find the right word. Regards
It is a great lesson with taboo words. As a foreigner, we often learn any wrong or rude English expressions from the massmedia such as TV, Movies, Radio and even from songs. Thank you for your great teaching. I will be careful to use expressions with diability. Cheers!
great lesson from great teacher,thanks
it’s really useful. thank you so much . very important to me
Dear Emma
According to English Grammar “the poor or the blind” refer to group of people, but your comment on this a bit controversy. How could you explain this to me, please.
awaiting your reply soon.
thans alot iam agreatful so much for you
emmu ur really good teacher….. thanxx… mam.
Another interesting video from Emma,thank you very much for this lesson,i didn’t know these differences/kinds of disability but now i do and that’s because of you…GOD BLESS YOU
Hi, Really great lesson. Thanks a lot.
thanx alot. I couldn’t find a word to describe this lesson and you as well because I’ve used the word “Excellent” for less impressive lectures.
we need more advanced lessons from you. we are waiting you.
Hi emme dear i dont 9 a bout English conversion how to speak English
hi I already study English in usa but i want learn more so if you want learn more like me you should practice everyday with someone speak english
hi miss emme im letr letr spekng english
how me good spekng english teel me
And work on your spelling too.Practice with friends and speak to yourself sometimes.Those two methods worked for me and honestly,i am not a perfect speaker.There are many though, just see which method best suits you
thank you teacher actually it is very useful
Amma Thenk you. But tell me please, I’m understanding almost anything you are sayng in this video, but i can’t understand for example English TV or Radio broadcasting. Doese this mean that you are speaking easy english?
thank you teacher . you have a perfect way explain
Hi everybody,
my name is javad i’m from iran..
my english is mediocre and i’m looking forward to chat with someone for having english practice..
Thanks Emma! I got 4/4. :)
Hello..I think I hear the following:…they can’t speak and hear AS WELL. Is the term “AS WELL” used as EITHER?
way of your teaching is very good. you gave me use full information that what kind of word should be used for disabled persons.thank you Emma mam
use of proper grammar is necessary when we are talking English?
emma i wanna to improve me accent what shall i do and what is the way to this?
Emma, its nice that americans are worried of this theme. In Russia people usually are more rude in this issue.
Very good teacher
Dear Emma,
That’s great lesson.
I’m looking forward to attending your next lesson.
Best regards
from Japan
I’m an English teacher and I must admit I found your lesson absolutely informative and useful, I’m gonna teach it in my classes. Thanks Emma. How long have you been teaching?
thank you Emma about your lesson. Also I would like to say thank you very much for all teachers put their effort to help us!!!!!
ehem aselole….
Thanks Emma
Could you please tell us how to describe or to talk about a kid or person who has disability in small grade of autism ?
You are a great teacher.I have learned a lot from you.
You are a great teacher.I have learned a lot from you.
Hi Emma! I really wanna thank you for this useful lesson…. all the info is very accurate and up to date….. waaao!! I got 4 correct out of 4
Good and have you got the email
plz mam i want to learn english….
hi emma my neme is ezzat begi iam from afghanistan my inglish is mediocre and iam looking forward to chat with some one for having inglish practice . my emial thanku very nice
You are really very clear. It’s quiet easy to undersand. Thanks Emma.
the nice lien good job
that was a really nice lesson Emma
but I have an irrelevant question
is there any sort of diffrence in the use of the term “till” and “until” ???
Sublime Emma.
Sorry but you said in a previous answer: :Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunae, but many people here continue to use offensive language when talking about disabilities….can I say:Thank you for your comment Isidro. It’s unfortunate, but many people here continue “using” (instead of “to use”)offensive language when talking about disabilities. Thanks in advance.
Hi Emma, I’d like to express my high gratitude to you for this wonderful lesson. I’m an ESL teacher and i can use the vocabulary of this lesson to teach my students what to say and what not to say when talking about disability.
Hi Emma,thanks very much the lesson is very useful
hi emma thank you so much for ur lesson but this acceptable words are offended only in north America ?
Hi Emma
It is very useful.
Thank you
Thank you Emma!)
Emma, your lessons are very informative and helpful. I would like you to upload a video on popular expressions and idioms concerning RELIGION that native American or Canadian speakers use both formally and informally. How to be religiously correct?
Thank you very much for your proficiency and dedication!
hi teacher Emma .computer ii’s very important device in our life . we never accept disease effect it, but according of the your lesson we discover it is offend, computer disability deaf by used word mute this is offend or not .thanks
very interesting, thx Emma
i love you thanx <3
Dear Emma: You are a fantastic teacher!, I have been in progress with my english and your are the guilty. I am very grateful with you.
you rock!! I wish I had an english teacher like you in my country!!
thanks for this lesson Emma!
Fantastic!a whole mental and physical disability was taught.With these examples,they couldnot get any better.A natural teacher.Nothing else i have for her
Great lesson. Thanks
Thank you
Important information.
This topic is very interesting and important.
Thank you so much.
You love your job. So your lessons are perfect and simple. U r smile when u do your job . I hope to be like u . I am a computer teacher but I hate my job . I hate the students. I support this website because the teachers here are very generous . They offer their experience for free . Thanks
75, Thank you Emma, I going to be practicing.
Hi Emma, I am beginer English language. How to start? Thank You!
How to learn step by step?
thank u
Thank you very much my teacher, got 100%.
Hi Emma if a person have limit education ;What type of disability expression must I say
Thank u very much
now i can improving my language.. so thank you engvid and Emmaa
Hello Emma.I am Ruslan. I am from Ukraine. I like your lessons. All they are very useful but unfortunatelly you often speak very very very fast. Could you speak a little bit slowly? I think it would be easier to understand of what you speak for many people who learn English on
hello…..emma, thanks for your helpful lesson.
can you talk about tourism please
I was a good lesson, i got 100%
Thank Emma
Best Regards.
Thanks Emma Mam. This lesson is really helpful for me. I’ll attend on SAT exam this year and if by the grace of Almighty i got good marks i’ll move USA for higher study.
I might happen that i’ll get my disable friends but i don’t know how to talk with them ,with proper words. then it could be an awful situation. But as i watched you lesson so it wont be happen :)
I appreciate you this lesson highly. :)
Best wishes.
thank u very much Emma
Thank you very much!
Thanks..for your useful lesson. I got 100%.
Thanks Emma.
Thanks miss Emma, it is really very sensitive and important lesson.
ok, 100 %, Thanks Emma.
It was a such good lesson dear thanks a lot and u got 100 thanks
Wonderful class ! Congrats
tnx a lot emma, its very useful lesson…
I really apreciate ur lesson, thank
Emma you are Excellent. The interesting parts of your lectures are ,you also give the real life examples such as Stephen Hawking is a mobility disabled. Also you gave info about Tom Cruise and Van Gough with whatever disabilities they do have. I think this is the first time I am leaving a comment on EngVid. Great work
Hey professor I`d like from you more videos about reading and listening IELTS Exam. On this location you don`t have enough videos. Please teacher
Hi, it’s very useful lesson, thank you very much Emma.
Emma, are you from Canada? I asked because I looking for a good English course and job in Canada. I am Income Expert in goverment of Turkey and I am looking for a job but I don’t know if it is better to work in Canada.
And my friends in engvid, if your want to improve your english in Skype please add me!
Great Informations, which should be used.
Thank you Emma
Be happy.
bless you
Oh information should be uncountable.hehe
so again
Oh information should be uncountable.hehe :)
So again and again.
Thank you Emma and for your lessons.
Thank you, Emma. I have to be careful.
Your accent is wonderful, Your are the best English teacher who ı meet via Internet. Thank you very much Emma to teach English to us :) I hope you will promote in your life. Until next writing take care of yourself :) you can get along everything whatever you want . I believe you .
Thanks Emma. This is a subject that I like very much. I am volunteer with people with intellectual disabilities, and I want to do a College, maybe in Occupational Therapy, to help them.and I want to do a College, maybe in Occupational Therapy, to help them. Is there a waym to we record our development in this site? The videos that we saw, quiz score, etc…
Happy women day!!!
Happy women’s day !!!
Thank you Emma! It’s very useful lesson, sometimes we use this offensive words without to know it.
Good lesson teacher. Thanks.
Nice video and it is very helpful to me. Please continue sharing lesson like this. Thank you.
Is a question for you, Are you a native teacher? because your accent is pretty fluent, but you are a nice person and most important you have a excelent way to teach this language.
10Q Emma!
Hi Emma your lessons are the best but need more explanations, and more examples also time is very short
I want to ask you can I?
1. How can I take an exam in IELT or TOFEL by INTERNET?
2.And how can I give payment? there are any document to read for preparation for this exam?
I see that the way of asking in Q3 is wrong need help for fixing my mistakes
I want to ask you can I?
1. How can I take an exam in IELT or TOFEL by INTERNET?
2.And how can I give payment? there are any document to read for preparation for this exam?
I see that the way of asking in Q3 is wrong need help for fixing my mistakes
than you
It is really a class about North American culture.
Very good!
Thank you for your lesson.
You got my big heart❤ teacher Emma. ^_^
Good one! Very insightful. Thank you.
Your lessons help me a lot, Emma… Great!
thanks Emma as always was a necessary lesson; in my family there is several people with psychiatric disability, here in my country is offense too almost all word that you pointed like unacceptable, it’s very significant the respectful manner that you were driving the lesson, I am a male nurse and I could feel how is better to use the correct word to every person…Best wishes
pretty good comment
I got it.
thank you, Emma.
I have learned a lot of vocabularies. Thank you, teacher.
Thanks Emma, it’s a really useful lesson.
hi i have learn English pleas help me.
Currently in Syria, we have many cases of this lesson
Very good class.
Thanks Emma.
informative lesson…many thanks Ms. Emma
I scored 4 out of 4 :) Thank you Emma
Thanks teacer
still confused about developmentlly disabled and psychiatric disability
anyone who can practice english with me?
Useful class…
I want to learn speaking english
I think I should but I do not have to be careful with wards
Thank you Emma
I’m here again!!
Great lesson!
Congrats Teacher!!!
Great teacher for me!
really good human teacher, I feel pity for all disabled persons and hope that things will be improved by the time, all the best for you Emma
Thank you very much, it is always interesting to listen to a long lesson, as it is great trains perception by ear
Thanks Emma!
I liked English because of you
Good lesson!
Emma where can I find your definition of disability?
This lesson was great! The best thing is that can be used in ANY LANGUAGE, because respect must be for everyone!
EMMA!! you are the best teacher ever :* love u from Iran
Thanks Mrs. Emma.
Thank you!?
great class thank you emma
What a nice teacher you are! The way of teaching is fantastic
thank so much emma. 100/100
4/4! Too much new vocabulary in this lesson. I need go over these words much time to understand and remember.
such a meaningful and necessary lecture
Very interesting your lesson Emma:)
Thanks a lot Emma.
Thank you Teacher EMMA.
I confused 2 questions but that mistakes make me learn more master :).
Thank you Emma, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 03 october2021)
Great class, very important topic!
Thanks Emma!