Learn the method for writing the perfect essay introduction. A good introduction makes writing an essay easy and reading it fun. AND YOU’LL GET A BETTER GRADE, TOO!
i’m anamika from india.
i ‘m very happy to see this site to learn english and i would like to say thanku for this..
but i want to say one more thing that is.. iwant to speak in english, which i don’t know how to speak. would u help me if u dont mind?
mrs. anamika jaiswal
ya sure.
hey i hv got an idea if u wanna improve ur self in english add me on skype (waled.khaled99) we can improve our english
waled khaled
Hi, Anamika.
You have just small mistek, but not much,you can write.I think you should use, I, not i. See more English movie..
It’s will help you..
I’m Taeyang and a English Student.. From Norway.. :)
Hi Taeyang! How are you? Do you have e-mail address?
Mr. Deel
appreciate ur commitment, a good lesson
Thanks for your lesson. This is the great one to figure out how to improve my essay. And i am looking forward to watching more great video from you.
David Chen
You just uncovered and revealed the secret of the best way of write taht is being uesd by all good journalist! I have been studing English for nine months, yet I have never been touht such technic! Thank you so mush!keep making this series, and doing what you do!
it is wonderful method to learn English .MR.James
you are a good teacher for me go a head .
thanks for the lesson
hey am from iraq! and know i think to learn english
and i begin watching to Your class, and your a good teacher for me and i can understand you rely well
Thank You so much.
Amal Ameen
Thanks so much for posted this on the wed free,,,
hi very happy to know you.
suy sovanna
thank u
Thank you, James. I love the way you present the lessons :X. You’re great!!!
i appreciate your way to teach…it’s very nice ‘n soft ;D thanks
I just want to thank you James for your good efforts ,don’t know why but I did apreciate all your videos just keep teeching !!
Your really are good teacher thanks so much for posted this video
I found this video very interesting, because, in my opinion, a good ideas and suggestions are things that always we will need.
Note: I would like to know more about counterarguments.
Thank you for your solution
Thanks for showing right path
Dr Pankaj Singh
That was an amazing teacher with a well prepare lesson.
thank you Mr.james for the lesson.
I hope your fine
One of your lessons I like the most. Well done.
Learning with enjoyment.Thanks for that.
Welcome to India.
Monika Sharma
hey m from india ,,, dear frn vry nyv site , isn’t it ??
I really enjoy this video, and think that it´s very helpful, thanks for the videos, and James its a great and funny teacher.
Thanks for the video.. It helps me a lot.. Now I’ll try to do an essay.. :)
Thanks James! After listening to your lesson, I was immediately inspired to write a 250 self-profile. After applying what I learnt from you, my writing style was also much different. I will definitely look at all your videos. You aspire people to be just like you. You are really interesting to watch, although sometimes your lessons have so much to take in such a short period. Thanks again!
Greeting to all the staff of these programs,
I hope you are feeling well with your team collegues,
Hi James!
The next part of the lesson: how to write an essay it was perfect! As always a very useful.
Thank you for that!
Edyta from Poland
Brilliant!!! Light years ahead of my English teacher. Thx!
This is a very useful and helpful video. Thank you very much for it. I like watching engvid´s lessons.
Hello James,
Just wanted to compliment you on all your lessons, you are a very dynamic teacher,keep up the good work.
I really love the way and method of teaching shown in this video.Really appreciable and want to thank for the video.This video really helps everyone in developing their English writing skill.Thank u so much.
Thanks for the lesson, helped heaps!
Definetely it was a great lesson. Actually my teacher congratulate me because of my essay which was perfect thanks to James’.
JAMES’ the BEST! Thank you for teaching so clearly. Love English because of you!
thank you james, teached us to make introduction in essay, because , i had a problem to writing essay and you’d told us. great james. i will struggle more to writting essay fluently. you’re cool.
style boy
thanks alot Mr.James for this useful video & for all your videos . actually, I get a huge benefit from this amazing site .. thank you again ….
Menna Mostafa
Thanks Sir…! It was really funny and educating.
I want to know some of the usual “grabber” used as examples and that E (snail) is great and i like it.
really helpful
awesome man!
awsome 4 correcting concept ov essay introduction
thanks, James, your videos are such great grabbers! they just make you want keeping up to learn English… maybe because they are not just about English, but about real life!
i love your method of teaching ,really helpful. thank you james!
Damn cool !!
Hey guys, i really liked this video and i got some useful information. Thanks Mr: James . keep on :D
AH, james, finally ican breath , i prepared for ielts exam by myself and really ur videos help me .
thank u very much . :)
I like the way your teaching expression,sir :)
Thanks a lot for your lessons. Plz Go on
Malinda Sri Lanka
Very helpful.
It was a wonderful lesson
God bless you.
Thank you for the lesson,It helped a lot. I am not a English native speaker but academic essay writing has always been a struggle for me. That should be a good topic for a new video “essay writing for non-native English speakers”
i love u and thankful to u for launching this site. specially for video tips
Hanif Abbasi
thank you vary much your a great entertaining teacher and the way you explained it made me see all the sections in every into i read thank you again
you are great Sir G, i like the way you teach using examples, thank you sir G.
James, Thank you very much. I have just started relearning again at a later age in life and had a mental block to how to start writing an essay – watching your videos has helped me immensely.
Great stuff!
i found this to be very helpful, and i will be passing this web site on to my class.
natasha arnasalam
Hi,James can you help me to write an essay with advantages and disadvantages?
This is a beautyful lesson for students who have problems whith writting. I am one of them. I can’t to make my reader interest in my text and this video, in my opinion, can help everyone for improving their knowleges. Thank very much, James!
Hi.I’m Nick.I’m 12 years old. Your lessons are really useful for me.I really like all of them. This lesson helped me to write my school essay. thanks alot.
Nick Tripathi
i wont to lern englesh proftionel
U are Awesome !! helped a lot on TOEFL.Thank You
you know Jems, I spent more than 3 years to learn English language to do my master next year, I have ever never seen any teachers in NZ said like this information,especially, in W5 questions.It’s really helps..thank you man …
keep going , I wish I meet you one day.
Brother this is Great!!! you would make a excellent bible Teacher!!!
5 out of 5 :P thank you so much for the lecture :) really helpfull
thanks, hope to get a good result on the TOEFL essey
wow.. good lesson .. thank u a lot
hi i could talk with you i think that speaking will help us to improve our language skill
shahriyar agamammadov
many many thanks! your lesson made me think clearer. Marina
Thanks for great explanations, I wish we had the same teachers in our university who could teach in an interesting way))
Thank you for your work! It was the most useful lesson for me because I’ve never been taught at school how to write a good introduction. Thanks to you I know it now!!!!!
how do i take the quiz?
Mr, James your lessons are interesting
hello james
you should come in movies seriously your charming personality speaks itself
u r just amazing solved my problems thank you..!!
hi sir james
I like the way you teach. I have a hard time writing good introductory paragraphs.
it is so great lessoon thank teacher..
Thank you for the useful lesson =)
I prayed for help in writing and my prayers have been answered. I am 48 and going back to school and I have a fear for writing which I love to them? Some paper have cause me to drop classes until my writting get better. The word thesis drives me crazy thank you
Casie O'Neil
Great………….. Lesson i have improved many things here
This is wonderful stuff and delivered with passion and energy. As a mature student here in England taking on writing for dissertation ,these video presentations make the business less daunting and enable a confident approach. All delivered in a very accessable friendly way. Keep it up james you are doing a fantastic job!
Your English is great, Jez! I’m glad you are finding the lessons useful.
thanx am from egypt it was a great lesson
samer khalil uwk
Thank you
hi,am ahmed from somalia and probable now most of u saying somalia !!! what does this pirate doing here? is there even an internet in somalia ? first of all let me say am not a pirate and many people in somalia or most of them are not a pirates either. so that is number one number tow yes we have internet in somalia and in some places we have the same technology that every one in the world’s first countries used or some time better then them.so i am here as many of you i wanna learn english what i wanna say about lesson is as usual mr jams is great teacher he has this way to combine fun and seriousness in his lessons so i had a lot of fun watching this video and also i benefited from it. in the end keep it up mr jams& engvid.com
Hey, I didn’t think you were a pirate! Relax!
hahaha, i was joking mr jams but admitted mr jams i got you . again thank you mr jams. you are a great teacher. ahmed from bosaso ,somalia
well described your position.
mohammad ali
Very Nice :)
It was an awesome session!!! Really loved it!! and learned a lot.
nice and interesting class
Hi James. thanks a lot. you are very good teacher and your teaching can understand everyone.
James, I really like the way you teach! I appreciate Engvid.com. I can’t find the other videos that follow this one. Help?
Dear James,
I hope you are fine and doing well. I know that time is precious, but may I request you to rate my IELTS General writing task 2 on band scale? I would highly appreciate if you could do this favour before 6-Jan-12 as on 7th Jan I will be taking on IELTS exam.
Wow u so funny and i love your way of presenting lessons :) wish u all the best.by the way im from morocco/north Africa
Thanks Mr.james…. nice lession
waqas ahmad
Hey! James!
I’m an ESl student and i have problems with my writing skill, can you make a video about how to write a essay?
Hi James,
You mention that there will be another video about the BODY of the essay. Will you be uploading it soon? Very eager to learn =D
Where I can find the video of the BODY of the essay please?
i learned a lot,
Hi all, I am from Mongolia. It is just what I needed to start writing essays. Thank you.
Otgontsetseg Jargal
Thanks so much for the video.
MC Ki'Re
oiii u! yeahh im talking to you! ;) hahah
when are you going to do the second vid about the essay
how to write an effective essay: the body…
common…. im in year 12 this year and i needa learn it quick!!!!! :D pleaseeee, im enjoying your vidz :D good stuff :) keep it up
how can i share my essay with you?i want you help for improving my essay.
Hi James,
Thank you for the lovely lesson on “introduction”. Have you made a lesson on “the body of an essay”? I couldn’t see it in the menu.
Love you James! Going to sit for my IELTS test this Saturday at the Singapore British Council. Your video really helps! I will update you of my results. hehe
thank u very interesting and useful
Mosquito breeding goes on unabated in rural India
The intensified antilarval measures taken up by the civic authorities during the recent outbreak of chikungunya and dengue in the rural India do not seem to have had a positive impact. Several areas continue to be mosquito-breeding centers on a large scale, researchers of the vector Biology and Control laboratory of the Andhra University have found. The laboratory officials found large density of mosquito larvae in the water samples collected from different districts. The samples were taken from East Godavari, Nellore, Srikakulam and areas near by lakes and ponds. The density was 2000 to 2100 larvae per dip of water in these localities on an average while the normal limit is less than 200 larvae per dip of water. Each dip of water contains about 300ml. The uni-dimensional method of using only chemicals to curb mosquito menace, perhaps , was the reason for this , the researchers surmise.
“Instead, an integrated mosquito management using physical, chemical and biological methods should have been taken up. Networking of various agencies involved in the efforts is also crucial. Mosquito control is a continual exercise and results cannot be expected by taking once-in-a-year anti-larval drive” says fellow Researcher with UGC on Vector control K.Hemalatha. The Vector Control Department would be submitting these recommendations in the national-level workshop on Integrated Mosquito Management to be held on Monday through Visakhapatnam municipal Commissioner Ms.Satyavathi.B.
Spreading of mosquitoes in rural Indian and need to have an integrated approach to effectively control the breeding of mosquitoes.
Help me make tutorials on writing Primary 5 Picture Compositions!
Thank you,
Victoria Aye
Thanks so much . I found a great benefit from this video ^^
Marwa Haddad
good lesson thx
finally someone who explains good (very good method)
Thank u very much…………………..
Best teacher ever :D
Thanks James for a beautiful lecture….Indeed pleasure to learn from you…
You are an awesome teacher! Im learning zoo much from your videos and you are hilarious as well :D i was literally laughing so hard at the diet coke thing :D keep up the amazing work :)
thanku for this web ,i have learned more
specialy from rebecca teacher
wel i want to learn about precis how write passage can you help me in this ?
Hi James,
Thank you for the lovely lesson on “introduction”. It is really very impressive. Have you made a lesson on “the body of an essay”? If not, please, do it.
Muhammad Nasir Khan
James, you lessons are all good. As per this one, I have a question: will you continue explaining how to write a good essay? I mean, you did the INTRO, then seeing the rest would be wonderful.
Great thanks,
Jeova Leite
James will be doing the rest of the essay lessons soon!
Thank you James ..
you are an amazing teacher
i really need this lesson at this time because we had a competition
Do you have something about writing a letter for general Ielts??The only thing i know how to write in letter is “Dear Sir/Madam”… and “Yours faithfully…” :) Maybe u have in mind a few words which i can write between? :)
Thank you so much for this lesson you explained it very well.
Thanks!! from Sydney, Australia :D
This is my first seeing your english videos and I must say, it is very simple to grasp.I have been withdrawing myself away from writing due to the complicated steps that I was taught throughout my years of school. I want to write a book but I want to write with effectiveness. I want to say to you, thank you, thank you and thank you.
From the USA.
think u so much ^^
Wow! you make things so clear! This video was really helpful! I want to be an excellent teacher like you.. thanks a lot
Oh my God!!!!!! I am shocked !!!!!!
You ALWAYS explain so easy and clearly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your lessons are always breathtaking!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot =*
you have an amazing personality(i love the way you share jokes) James…i like the way you teach and i find it/understands so effectively! keep it up!
James, thank you for sharing these wonderful videos. Your teaching style is fun, easy to understand, and full of value.
I would LOVE to see Part 2- “The Body,” of this video. Where might that be?
James, you’re amazing! , so much better than my current English teacher!
You are the best english teacher ever for real.
You have no idea how you are a big help to me even though i am not even in high school. I wish that you are in the United States.I have a trouble with writing even though I am advanced in English class. I am from Ethiopia and spoke my language since I was 3. Then I toke ESOL for 4 years. Now it is hard to speak Amaric but I speak english. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your smarticles(I made up this word).Please us it in a video.If not, I understand.I am sorry I wrote a lot.
so nice teacher….
Hi James,
Thankyou so much for an inspiring lesson on introduction!
Can you please tell me when will your lesson on the body of the essay be available?
Thankyou and Take Care
Amazing teacher !!
i really need help for writting my college essay :) thank u teacher
yhank you <3
i wish that you would display a topic and first of all paragraph,secondly paragraph, thirdly and inconculision so that i may visualize
I am learning English, i need to practice more speaking and listening, this video was interesting
thanks, it was usefull this video for me, I´m lerning English
it’s a really nice video, but where can i find the video of writing the body part, please?
A fun and informative video
I want MOOOOREEE videos about writing an essay! :)
Thanks! I love your classes
You are an amazing teacher JAmes.God sent u.Have my Intermediate level of GCSE and this helped a lot.MAy i suggest writing some structures for reports such as informative,proposal or maybe even an assesment report.Improving on summarising a text would also be benefitial to me thanks again.
Thank you very much for the effective Intro presentation! It is very useful and it helped me a lot. But I could find the second video, “How to write an ultimate Essay Body” =(, please help me with it. Thank U in advance!=)
I really enjoyed your lessons James it has given me good ideas when am in school teaching others.
hi….do these videos help me by wtiring an srtong formal essay?paper?
Good speech. thanks
Hi James,
I think you are a great teacher. I live in Toronto, just wondering if you provide a private tutoring?
Great lesson.Thank you
this lesson was great, entertaining and helpful so thank you
I really enjoyed your teaching and I learned a lot from you. I am a teacher and I would love to show this to my students; however, I cannot because of a few choice words – it is not appropriate for 6 graders. I will use a lot of this in teaching writing to my students. Thanks. I need you to do some on information writing, argumentative writing, and expository writing. Thanks I am looking forward to more videos from you.
catherine wallace
Great lesson.Thank you
Loved the video…. Where is part 2?
Hello ,Mr.James, i really thankful and grateful to you and like your way in teaching , i have an IELTS exam on december the first and i need someone to check my writing to tell me exactly what’s the defects are so if you could help on that , i send what i wrote and you leave comments it will be so FANTASTIC :) thank you
I watched your video once at got 5/5 on your quiz straight away!! You are the best English teacher!
Good eve Sir James, can you please discuss about parallelism? in English, I know as well that can add flavor in writing. What is the degree of its importance? can i used them regularly when I’m writing about anything?
Best Regards.
U consume lot of time.
varun pahwa
thank you for the valiabul advice and time it was a nice funy video
HI James,
Would you explain of inferences in passage? I am still waiting for your teaching to us.
very well done, thank you for the insights
Thank you and God bless you,,,God teach me your way, accidentally ,, I need an introduction to my essay ,,,and it is really help a lot…My God thank you for video …perfect
Hi James, thank you for such an interesting lesson in writing essays! You made it fun & you made it all sound so simple and easy to follow. you are in inspiration! god bless Gail
good lesson
mohammad ali
This helped a ton, thanks.
How would you use this formula to answer a question? Thank You!
Thank you for you help
I loved the way you teach sir. One thing i could not find on the site is the precise writing;i wish to learn about how to write a precise of any given topic. Will you please update some lectures regarding precise writing?
an amazing and dedicated lesson. I love it.
thank you very much
very productive way of authoring a topic….
45 king
thank you so much
Thank you very much the grabbere has really grabbed my attention …God bless you
deepak tiwari
Thanks, very helpful
Thanks for the lesson, it has been so interesting!
Awesome Video thanks heaps! I’ve copied the format and will use it often – wow writing essays is actually doable, who would have thought?
Where is the essay body video located? I really want to see that.
Thanks for all your hard work, its very appreciated!
this did not help at all :( The grabbers are a bit stupid c’mon!
Wow….. so interesting, James..Loved it
Keep it up … :) :D
thank you,it was great class
I was wondering if you could explaning the ultimate body and the ultimate concluding
I look forward for it
Hi Mr.James
I want to ask about the three main idea. do we have to concluded in the introduction or just in the body
HI, I really wanted to know how I can improve upon this and how I can write a thesis fro this kind of a topic…please HELP! This is my intro.-
Redemption? Destiny? “Holes” (by Louis Sachar) is an engrossing novel that revolves around these. In fact, everything, for whatever the reason might be, seems to line up, linking many generations and histories together through “Stanley Yelnats IV”, the protagonist. Nevertheless, he doesn’t know about it! Nor does he know that his endeavors have actually reformed him into a better person. This essay will now explore and examine how Stanley, unaware of what he was actually doing, set things right and how this changed him from a mousy to a confident character. The reader will discover how Stanley gets rid of a curse…a curse put on the Yelnats which completely eliminates their chances of making a fortune, in fact, is believed to be the reason they face such problems. Moreover, this “redemption” results in many worthy implications. In addition, the reader will also acquire how Stanley re-unites Zero and his missing mother. So, how does our environment affect us? Does it make us who we are? Does it change us?
Hi Mr James, I saw two videos and I learned good advice in both reading and essay, really you have good point of view, this encourage me to improve my English.. Thank you
James..thank you 4 da lesson you are very good, top teacher
is this intro good
The Oxford Dictionary defines literature as written work, especially the work that lies in the beauty of language or in emotional effect. A picture is worth a thousand words, meaning just pictures can give you much information as text or spoken words. The award winning graphic novel Chinese Born American won the Best Book award in 2006/2007 because it was smashing through all genre barriers and racked up, yet another prestigious first. Persepolis is a very emotional story about a little girl and her family going through hard time while their country, Iran, is at war. Stitches is a memoir about the author, David Small, and his crazy life. Graphic novels should count as a form of literature because they are emotional, funny, crazy, etc., in other words, they attract readers in their own intelligent way.
Many Thanks
Thanks for this video James – even as a native English speaker it is only now (when writing my undergraduate dissertation) that I have learnt how to write a good introduction! Good Job!
Is the follow-up video available yet? Could someone post the link if it’s ready? This was great!
Please will other video about the rest be soon?
wow, that’s great, i like your method of teaching, thank you!
Wonderful James.you are amazing but i am sad. Do you know why because I didn’t met you when I was there.
sir ??..
hmm… i really need your help..
can you help me to finalize my research papers ?
You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how you explain…
hello james i like your lessons but i steel have problems in writing could you help me more can you give me some advice’s
thank you
Somehow I got it… but I’m so confused about the topic and thesis, isn’t that the thesis is the same as topic? for example my thesis for my essay will be, I love cycling, because cycling is a great cardio, good for health and challenge. So do you think that’s is thesis statement or topic? please help!!!! I hate and love writing at the same time, because… I don’t get it yet… thanks
I’m writing an essay topic the causes of civil war :) my thesis stamens is, Thus the civil war was the revolution war socially, economically and politically.
It was very useful ,fantastic lesson ,thank you.
OMG! James is great teacher, really caught my attention. Very helpful video.
I like the calculated approach James took to handle The Introduction. For me it is never easy to start an essay, my mind always wonders off the topic.
hanks for this video James – even as a native English speaker it is only now (when writing my undergraduate dissertation) that I have learnt how to write a good introduction! Good Job!
I very thank
thanks but can you tell me which martial art you taught
thank you:)
Hi James! Firs of all I would like to say “Thank you”. I think you are a wonderful teacher and all your lessons are very useful. I’m glad there’s such a web site.
I’m confused because I’ve never written an essay before and it seems to be very complicated. I have to write a 350 word essay. The topic I’ve chosen is: “Why I want a university education and what I expect from it with regard to the future”. There are some grammar mistakes in the title but I have copied it from a book.
In this video (https://www.engvid.com/writing-skills-paragraph/) it is said that the paragraph should contain from four to five sentences. The introduction is a paragraph, isn’t it?
It is said in one of your lessons that the simple essay consists of five paragraphs with five sentences in which of them so it contains twenty-five sentences. 350 words divided into 25 sentences equals 14 words in a sentence. The paragraph of a simple essay should contain 70 words.
Here is the problem! My introduction contains 83 words, which are almost the half of the essay. Please, read my introduction and tell me what I’ve done wrong: “How can you get every woman’s heart – have a nice university education! There’re lots of women and men in the universities where people study interesting subjects. There people can meet someone with similar interests. Great friendships can emerge. Furthermore the studies encourage people to develop. Companies need smart people, so the university education can help you have a good start. The university education is the way that can open many doors for you and it can show you many paths in your life.”.
Thank you one more time for the great lessons!
The lesson was very clear and to the point, James! I am impressed by your teaching!
not good 60 %
I enjoyed the lesson it was very informative. My problem is writing an essay off of what I just read.
thank you so much keep up you are an amazing teacher ever
Micheal M.
my weakness is brainstorm. can you teach how to do?
It is nice to be taught by such a charismatic teacher =))
thank you for your lesson please if you can help me with personal Statement ))
I need an advice on this
Thank you very much James for the video it was very helpful I scord 100% fro the quiz!!!
Thank you very much James for the video it was very helpful I scord 100% for the quiz!!!
hi games my name I francesska and I would like be better in my English I don’t really know where should I start from
hi games my name I francesska and I would like be better in my English I don’t really know where should I start from
Thanks, James,an exellent work! How can I send message to Mr.E?
Hi James, your tutorials are great! I found it very useful. However, i couldn’t find the video for teaching How to Write an Effective Essay: The Body. Can you send me the link?
super great!
great thank you for your lesson James i really appreciate it . can you make tv show , it would really help lots of people around the world .
its a good idea really . thanks again James and Mr.E
Hello, James! I’ve searched about complicating for me FAN BOYS, so I found, but I still have misunderstanding (>__<) Can you make video about that, for goodness sake please (*_*) ? (please correct my answer)
I mean answer (shame on me)
*question, who could make double mistakes? only I
oh my goodness, I talk with myself
It’s really good class I used a grabber in my report introduction and it’s work!! thanks James
it is one of the best video
You blow my mind like a Cat 5 hurricane.Thanks.
That’s awesome! The best I ever seen/heard!
Hi James,
Thank you so much for the fantastic lesson. The only problem I had was with the captions. As I usually tell my students to use your videos, and they often use the captions; this time they were complaining about the inaccuracy of the “subtitles”! I checked them myself and saw they were so right. What you say is nothing written there…
Thank you for sharing to us your lessons. Your way of teaching us is truly amazing simple yet meaty and concise.
teacher James , thanks for this lesson
i wrote every single word you said it
i really liked your way in teaching English
and i get the full mark in your quiz
raefah mohammad
great sense of humor! thank you I lough a lot :D
thangs james
Thank James. You have my dad name, and i really love your teaching. You’re really a grabber.
James,you are a good teacher,funny as well.
Engaging and understandable
Thanks Mr. James can i send you my outlines and thesis statements for critical analysis. i will write them for my upcoming exam.
Thanks sir,, stay awesome! godbless
Hello.. Mr. James,
I need your help for my argumentation speech for this coming feb,11,2015 would you help me to make that speech.?
Chel Milmao
Mr. James
Can you upload more videos about how to write Essay?
hi the lesson went o good but im the learner can pls explain the words like thesis so it will be good and i can know english to some extent and thanks for the lesson
Gowtham Reddy
Thanks for the useful information. I feel more confident now and I will definitely continue with your lesson plans. I’m glad that I stumble upon your YouTube video and this site as well.
good job!
The lesson was really fun and usefull to me. Thank you so much!
…great job!
I need to practice speaking English as well…hmmmm
That was nice I liked it :)
Zainab Awni
Thank you for the lesson)I will use your tips for writing essay for writing site Essayltd, i hope they will be enjoy
Hahhah … you are the best!!! Before I had not any idea how I can I write a assay , but now I have got !!!! And I have to say THANK TO YOU!!!!!!
thanks for the lesson ready to go to the next step.
I am extremely impressed with you teaching methods. I do have a question about Introduction paragraph. If we use an anecdote, is there an etiquette to follow on how long it should be? I don’t want to lose my readers (my professor).
Sorry, I used you instead of your….but my typing is a lot slower than my thinking. Good excuse??
Thank you so much ^_^
hello . I want to ask how to write an essay about a quote (discussing a quote)
koukou sba
thanks but i will like to get your videos for the body and conclusion. how do i get them? plsss
Wonderful explanation. I made notes to study later. James, where is the second part? I’m craving it.
I really love the way that u teaching ?
What makes a teacher become happy of teaching? It is when his/her students say ” Teacher I am learning or Teacher I learned a lot from you”. Sometimes, we tend to think that when a student tell us “teacher you are smart, or teacher you are the best in the world, or teacher you are my favorite” that will make a teacher proud and happy. In contrary, a dedicated teacher would be the happiest profession on earth if he/she sees successful students he/she taught. What’s my point here is, JAMES IS A GREAT TEACHER BECAUSE I LEARNED!!!!! AND I LEARNED A LOT FROM THIS SIMPLE LECTURE.. Honestly, I do not pick you for any lesson in this site, however, you were able to grab my attention with your advertisement topic for your lecture. From now on, I would be excited to check on new tutorial lessons from you.. I hope to successfully pass the IELTS Academic exam with your tips.
Thank you!
Love the lesson, I wish I can send my writing for you to see if what are the things I need to improve more…
Awesome study, love the quiz! Thank you!
Thank you
Love my picture picture and your doing a wonderful job, I’m learning a lot. Thanks much
Great lesson! Love your enthusiam!
Must say your lessons are very entertaining! Keep it up!
Could you please improve the sound quality?
This was a complete lesson with a lot of concepts to learn and a little difficult to put in practice because you have to think clearly and carefully to enchain the four parts: grabbers, topics, thesis and his relations. It was a great lesson, thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid.
Prof Jame how May I write an narrative essay about m experience in a car accident
I got two wrong! Shucks!
Wow, I suck on the second attempt!
FINALLY, I get 100!
Good for you. congrats! i will be taking my 2nd TOEFL attempt next month and i am still having trouble forming my own essay. it sucks!
Thank you Mr. James. That helped me understand better on writing intro. i was hoping u will make a part 2.
Keep teaching..
Thank you for the explanation, when are you going to do the next part of the video? I would like to learn about the body and the conclusion.
Cynthia J. Lopez
it was a very interesting lesson, but it seems too fast though I shall watch again before the second part…but you´re a very good teacher james
Hello James,
Thanks for your great lessons, but do you have any suggestion to check essay and paragraph which is written by me. Because I can not check it correctly. So please tell me any suggestion?
Thank you James
I can’t believe I am understanding and learning more from EngVid.com than in my own classroom! Thanks, James, you are a lifesaver.
James you are a better teacher explaining the concepts then my past composition one teacher, also I have a question for introduction we can use quotes two but what my Comp 1 teacher said that a quote counts as a outside source and should be put after the thesis statement? can you explain me more about what he meant because that got me confuse.
thank you, this was really helpful.
Wonderful lesson!
I want some more new technics.
You got 5 correct out of 5.
M kartal
Thanks for your help.
I liked “grabbed her”.Oh,wait a second, I have just grabbed your ATTENTION.
Dixit Ramani
thanksss .. sir you are the tip top
nada benguemra
Thank you sir.
Excellent!! Thank you so much for the lesson.
I really need help doing an outline on Teenagers and Young Kids are spending too much Time on Technology Devices please help me
You grabbed my attention and even I signed up which I do not do easily! ?
Cool article!
Dear James
I am writing an academic essay and as usual I have problems with sequence and structure. I understand the theory of your approach. It makes it sound easy, however I find it difficult to pick out proof statements or my proof statements are not adequate because I cannot write freely. I would appreciate suggestions.
hey am enjoying your lessons thank you for the great work, have a great day too
Brian oscar
James, thank you for your teaching. one of the best teachers with all the jokes makes your teaching very interesting I want to learn more and am a student nurse. now I can write my essay well
Hey James
I am a very bad writer, putting my thoughts together.
Can you please go more into the introduction with the thesis?
Give an example of combined.
Greatly appreciate
Thank you very much with your lessons
Better I learned here than my teachers thought me.
I got a 100% in the quiz!! Thank you so so much this was really a great lesson.
Aune Amunyela
thanks James, interesting lesson. I’ll practice on it.
I must say this has been the best explanation of an introduction. Thank you Mr. James I learned a lot; it was a pleasure learning from you. I will incorporate what has been taught to me in the future.
Very Helpful. Thank You very much for the lesson.
Ghazanfar Halimi
good explanation from James , id like to thank you
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you for the lesson
Thank you for the lesson
A nice class, keep it up!
Good lessons.God bless you.
i’m anamika from india.
i ‘m very happy to see this site to learn english and i would like to say thanku for this..
but i want to say one more thing that is.. iwant to speak in english, which i don’t know how to speak. would u help me if u dont mind?
ya sure.
hey i hv got an idea if u wanna improve ur self in english add me on skype (waled.khaled99) we can improve our english
Hi, Anamika.
You have just small mistek, but not much,you can write.I think you should use, I, not i. See more English movie..
It’s will help you..
I’m Taeyang and a English Student.. From Norway.. :)
Hi Taeyang! How are you? Do you have e-mail address?
appreciate ur commitment, a good lesson
Thanks for your lesson. This is the great one to figure out how to improve my essay. And i am looking forward to watching more great video from you.
You just uncovered and revealed the secret of the best way of write taht is being uesd by all good journalist! I have been studing English for nine months, yet I have never been touht such technic! Thank you so mush!keep making this series, and doing what you do!
it is wonderful method to learn English .MR.James
you are a good teacher for me go a head .
thanks for the lesson
hey am from iraq! and know i think to learn english
and i begin watching to Your class, and your a good teacher for me and i can understand you rely well
Thank You so much.
Thanks so much for posted this on the wed free,,,
hi very happy to know you.
thank u
Thank you, James. I love the way you present the lessons :X. You’re great!!!
i appreciate your way to teach…it’s very nice ‘n soft ;D thanks
I just want to thank you James for your good efforts ,don’t know why but I did apreciate all your videos just keep teeching !!
Your really are good teacher thanks so much for posted this video
I found this video very interesting, because, in my opinion, a good ideas and suggestions are things that always we will need.
Note: I would like to know more about counterarguments.
Thank you for your solution
Thanks for showing right path
That was an amazing teacher with a well prepare lesson.
thank you Mr.james for the lesson.
I hope your fine
One of your lessons I like the most. Well done.
Learning with enjoyment.Thanks for that.
Welcome to India.
hey m from india ,,, dear frn vry nyv site , isn’t it ??
I really enjoy this video, and think that it´s very helpful, thanks for the videos, and James its a great and funny teacher.
Thanks for the video.. It helps me a lot.. Now I’ll try to do an essay.. :)
Thanks James! After listening to your lesson, I was immediately inspired to write a 250 self-profile. After applying what I learnt from you, my writing style was also much different. I will definitely look at all your videos. You aspire people to be just like you. You are really interesting to watch, although sometimes your lessons have so much to take in such a short period. Thanks again!
Greeting to all the staff of these programs,
I hope you are feeling well with your team collegues,
Hi James!
The next part of the lesson: how to write an essay it was perfect! As always a very useful.
Thank you for that!
Edyta from Poland
Brilliant!!! Light years ahead of my English teacher. Thx!
This is a very useful and helpful video. Thank you very much for it. I like watching engvid´s lessons.
Hello James,
Just wanted to compliment you on all your lessons, you are a very dynamic teacher,keep up the good work.
thanks it is woderfull
thanks!!! it is wonderfull
thanks it is wonderful
Gorgeous lesson, keep uploading videos please. Thanks James.
please can you explan more about essay
thank you for this lesson am very useful
I really love the way and method of teaching shown in this video.Really appreciable and want to thank for the video.This video really helps everyone in developing their English writing skill.Thank u so much.
Thanks for the lesson, helped heaps!
Definetely it was a great lesson. Actually my teacher congratulate me because of my essay which was perfect thanks to James’.
JAMES’ the BEST! Thank you for teaching so clearly. Love English because of you!
thank you james, teached us to make introduction in essay, because , i had a problem to writing essay and you’d told us. great james. i will struggle more to writting essay fluently. you’re cool.
thanks alot Mr.James for this useful video & for all your videos . actually, I get a huge benefit from this amazing site .. thank you again ….
Thanks Sir…! It was really funny and educating.
I want to know some of the usual “grabber” used as examples and that E (snail) is great and i like it.
really helpful
awesome man!
awsome 4 correcting concept ov essay introduction
thanks, James, your videos are such great grabbers! they just make you want keeping up to learn English… maybe because they are not just about English, but about real life!
i love your method of teaching ,really helpful. thank you james!
Damn cool !!
Hey guys, i really liked this video and i got some useful information. Thanks Mr: James . keep on :D
AH, james, finally ican breath , i prepared for ielts exam by myself and really ur videos help me .
thank u very much . :)
I like the way your teaching expression,sir :)
Thanks a lot for your lessons. Plz Go on
Very helpful.
It was a wonderful lesson
God bless you.
Thank you for the lesson,It helped a lot. I am not a English native speaker but academic essay writing has always been a struggle for me. That should be a good topic for a new video “essay writing for non-native English speakers”
i love u and thankful to u for launching this site. specially for video tips
thank you vary much your a great entertaining teacher and the way you explained it made me see all the sections in every into i read thank you again
you are great Sir G, i like the way you teach using examples, thank you sir G.
James, Thank you very much. I have just started relearning again at a later age in life and had a mental block to how to start writing an essay – watching your videos has helped me immensely.
Great stuff!
i found this to be very helpful, and i will be passing this web site on to my class.
Hi,James can you help me to write an essay with advantages and disadvantages?
This is a beautyful lesson for students who have problems whith writting. I am one of them. I can’t to make my reader interest in my text and this video, in my opinion, can help everyone for improving their knowleges. Thank very much, James!
Hi.I’m Nick.I’m 12 years old. Your lessons are really useful for me.I really like all of them. This lesson helped me to write my school essay. thanks alot.
i wont to lern englesh proftionel
U are Awesome !! helped a lot on TOEFL.Thank You
you know Jems, I spent more than 3 years to learn English language to do my master next year, I have ever never seen any teachers in NZ said like this information,especially, in W5 questions.It’s really helps..thank you man …
keep going , I wish I meet you one day.
Brother this is Great!!! you would make a excellent bible Teacher!!!
5 out of 5 :P thank you so much for the lecture :) really helpfull
thanks, hope to get a good result on the TOEFL essey
wow.. good lesson .. thank u a lot
hi i could talk with you i think that speaking will help us to improve our language skill
many many thanks! your lesson made me think clearer. Marina
Thanks for great explanations, I wish we had the same teachers in our university who could teach in an interesting way))
Thank you for your work! It was the most useful lesson for me because I’ve never been taught at school how to write a good introduction. Thanks to you I know it now!!!!!
how do i take the quiz?
Mr, James your lessons are interesting
hello james
you should come in movies seriously your charming personality speaks itself
u r just amazing solved my problems thank you..!!
I like the way you teach. I have a hard time writing good introductory paragraphs.
it is so great lessoon thank teacher..
Thank you for the useful lesson =)
I prayed for help in writing and my prayers have been answered. I am 48 and going back to school and I have a fear for writing which I love to them? Some paper have cause me to drop classes until my writting get better. The word thesis drives me crazy thank you
Great………….. Lesson i have improved many things here
This is wonderful stuff and delivered with passion and energy. As a mature student here in England taking on writing for dissertation ,these video presentations make the business less daunting and enable a confident approach. All delivered in a very accessable friendly way. Keep it up james you are doing a fantastic job!
Your English is great, Jez! I’m glad you are finding the lessons useful.
thanx am from egypt it was a great lesson
Thank you
hi,am ahmed from somalia and probable now most of u saying somalia !!! what does this pirate doing here? is there even an internet in somalia ? first of all let me say am not a pirate and many people in somalia or most of them are not a pirates either. so that is number one number tow yes we have internet in somalia and in some places we have the same technology that every one in the world’s first countries used or some time better then them.so i am here as many of you i wanna learn english what i wanna say about lesson is as usual mr jams is great teacher he has this way to combine fun and seriousness in his lessons so i had a lot of fun watching this video and also i benefited from it. in the end keep it up mr jams& engvid.com
Hey, I didn’t think you were a pirate! Relax!
hahaha, i was joking mr jams but admitted mr jams i got you . again thank you mr jams. you are a great teacher. ahmed from bosaso ,somalia
well described your position.
Very Nice :)
It was an awesome session!!! Really loved it!! and learned a lot.
nice and interesting class
Hi James. thanks a lot. you are very good teacher and your teaching can understand everyone.
James, I really like the way you teach! I appreciate Engvid.com. I can’t find the other videos that follow this one. Help?
Dear James,
I hope you are fine and doing well. I know that time is precious, but may I request you to rate my IELTS General writing task 2 on band scale? I would highly appreciate if you could do this favour before 6-Jan-12 as on 7th Jan I will be taking on IELTS exam.
Wow u so funny and i love your way of presenting lessons :) wish u all the best.by the way im from morocco/north Africa
Thanks Mr.james…. nice lession
Hey! James!
I’m an ESl student and i have problems with my writing skill, can you make a video about how to write a essay?
Hi James,
You mention that there will be another video about the BODY of the essay. Will you be uploading it soon? Very eager to learn =D
Where I can find the video of the BODY of the essay please?
i learned a lot,
Hi all, I am from Mongolia. It is just what I needed to start writing essays. Thank you.
Thanks so much for the video.
oiii u! yeahh im talking to you! ;) hahah
when are you going to do the second vid about the essay
how to write an effective essay: the body…
common…. im in year 12 this year and i needa learn it quick!!!!! :D pleaseeee, im enjoying your vidz :D good stuff :) keep it up
how can i share my essay with you?i want you help for improving my essay.
Hi James,
Thank you for the lovely lesson on “introduction”. Have you made a lesson on “the body of an essay”? I couldn’t see it in the menu.
Love you James! Going to sit for my IELTS test this Saturday at the Singapore British Council. Your video really helps! I will update you of my results. hehe
thank u very interesting and useful
Mosquito breeding goes on unabated in rural India
The intensified antilarval measures taken up by the civic authorities during the recent outbreak of chikungunya and dengue in the rural India do not seem to have had a positive impact. Several areas continue to be mosquito-breeding centers on a large scale, researchers of the vector Biology and Control laboratory of the Andhra University have found. The laboratory officials found large density of mosquito larvae in the water samples collected from different districts. The samples were taken from East Godavari, Nellore, Srikakulam and areas near by lakes and ponds. The density was 2000 to 2100 larvae per dip of water in these localities on an average while the normal limit is less than 200 larvae per dip of water. Each dip of water contains about 300ml. The uni-dimensional method of using only chemicals to curb mosquito menace, perhaps , was the reason for this , the researchers surmise.
“Instead, an integrated mosquito management using physical, chemical and biological methods should have been taken up. Networking of various agencies involved in the efforts is also crucial. Mosquito control is a continual exercise and results cannot be expected by taking once-in-a-year anti-larval drive” says fellow Researcher with UGC on Vector control K.Hemalatha. The Vector Control Department would be submitting these recommendations in the national-level workshop on Integrated Mosquito Management to be held on Monday through Visakhapatnam municipal Commissioner Ms.Satyavathi.B.
Spreading of mosquitoes in rural Indian and need to have an integrated approach to effectively control the breeding of mosquitoes.
Help me make tutorials on writing Primary 5 Picture Compositions!
Thank you,
Victoria Aye
Thanks so much . I found a great benefit from this video ^^
good lesson thx
finally someone who explains good (very good method)
Thank u very much…………………..
Best teacher ever :D
Thanks James for a beautiful lecture….Indeed pleasure to learn from you…
You are an awesome teacher! Im learning zoo much from your videos and you are hilarious as well :D i was literally laughing so hard at the diet coke thing :D keep up the amazing work :)
thanku for this web ,i have learned more
specialy from rebecca teacher
wel i want to learn about precis how write passage can you help me in this ?
Hi James,
Thank you for the lovely lesson on “introduction”. It is really very impressive. Have you made a lesson on “the body of an essay”? If not, please, do it.
James, you lessons are all good. As per this one, I have a question: will you continue explaining how to write a good essay? I mean, you did the INTRO, then seeing the rest would be wonderful.
Great thanks,
James will be doing the rest of the essay lessons soon!
Thank you James ..
you are an amazing teacher
i really need this lesson at this time because we had a competition
Do you have something about writing a letter for general Ielts??The only thing i know how to write in letter is “Dear Sir/Madam”… and “Yours faithfully…” :) Maybe u have in mind a few words which i can write between? :)
Thank you so much for this lesson you explained it very well.
Thanks!! from Sydney, Australia :D
This is my first seeing your english videos and I must say, it is very simple to grasp.I have been withdrawing myself away from writing due to the complicated steps that I was taught throughout my years of school. I want to write a book but I want to write with effectiveness. I want to say to you, thank you, thank you and thank you.
From the USA.
think u so much ^^
Wow! you make things so clear! This video was really helpful! I want to be an excellent teacher like you.. thanks a lot
Oh my God!!!!!! I am shocked !!!!!!
You ALWAYS explain so easy and clearly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your lessons are always breathtaking!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot =*
you have an amazing personality(i love the way you share jokes) James…i like the way you teach and i find it/understands so effectively! keep it up!
James, thank you for sharing these wonderful videos. Your teaching style is fun, easy to understand, and full of value.
I would LOVE to see Part 2- “The Body,” of this video. Where might that be?
James, you’re amazing! , so much better than my current English teacher!
You are the best english teacher ever for real.
You have no idea how you are a big help to me even though i am not even in high school. I wish that you are in the United States.I have a trouble with writing even though I am advanced in English class. I am from Ethiopia and spoke my language since I was 3. Then I toke ESOL for 4 years. Now it is hard to speak Amaric but I speak english. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and your smarticles(I made up this word).Please us it in a video.If not, I understand.I am sorry I wrote a lot.
so nice teacher….
Hi James,
Thankyou so much for an inspiring lesson on introduction!
Can you please tell me when will your lesson on the body of the essay be available?
Thankyou and Take Care
Amazing teacher !!
i really need help for writting my college essay :) thank u teacher
yhank you <3
i wish that you would display a topic and first of all paragraph,secondly paragraph, thirdly and inconculision so that i may visualize
I am learning English, i need to practice more speaking and listening, this video was interesting
thanks, it was usefull this video for me, I´m lerning English
it’s a really nice video, but where can i find the video of writing the body part, please?
A fun and informative video
I want MOOOOREEE videos about writing an essay! :)
Thanks! I love your classes
You are an amazing teacher JAmes.God sent u.Have my Intermediate level of GCSE and this helped a lot.MAy i suggest writing some structures for reports such as informative,proposal or maybe even an assesment report.Improving on summarising a text would also be benefitial to me thanks again.
Thank you very much for the effective Intro presentation! It is very useful and it helped me a lot. But I could find the second video, “How to write an ultimate Essay Body” =(, please help me with it. Thank U in advance!=)
I really enjoyed your lessons James it has given me good ideas when am in school teaching others.
hi….do these videos help me by wtiring an srtong formal essay?paper?
Good speech. thanks
Hi James,
I think you are a great teacher. I live in Toronto, just wondering if you provide a private tutoring?
Great lesson.Thank you
this lesson was great, entertaining and helpful so thank you
I really enjoyed your teaching and I learned a lot from you. I am a teacher and I would love to show this to my students; however, I cannot because of a few choice words – it is not appropriate for 6 graders. I will use a lot of this in teaching writing to my students. Thanks. I need you to do some on information writing, argumentative writing, and expository writing. Thanks I am looking forward to more videos from you.
Great lesson.Thank you
Loved the video…. Where is part 2?
Hello ,Mr.James, i really thankful and grateful to you and like your way in teaching , i have an IELTS exam on december the first and i need someone to check my writing to tell me exactly what’s the defects are so if you could help on that , i send what i wrote and you leave comments it will be so FANTASTIC :) thank you
I watched your video once at got 5/5 on your quiz straight away!! You are the best English teacher!
Good eve Sir James, can you please discuss about parallelism? in English, I know as well that can add flavor in writing. What is the degree of its importance? can i used them regularly when I’m writing about anything?
Best Regards.
U consume lot of time.
thank you for the valiabul advice and time it was a nice funy video
HI James,
Would you explain of inferences in passage? I am still waiting for your teaching to us.
very well done, thank you for the insights
Thank you and God bless you,,,God teach me your way, accidentally ,, I need an introduction to my essay ,,,and it is really help a lot…My God thank you for video …perfect
Hi James, thank you for such an interesting lesson in writing essays! You made it fun & you made it all sound so simple and easy to follow. you are in inspiration! god bless Gail
good lesson
This helped a ton, thanks.
How would you use this formula to answer a question? Thank You!
Thank you for you help
I loved the way you teach sir. One thing i could not find on the site is the precise writing;i wish to learn about how to write a precise of any given topic. Will you please update some lectures regarding precise writing?
an amazing and dedicated lesson. I love it.
thank you very much
very productive way of authoring a topic….
thank you so much
Thank you very much the grabbere has really grabbed my attention …God bless you
Thanks, very helpful
Thanks for the lesson, it has been so interesting!
Awesome Video thanks heaps! I’ve copied the format and will use it often – wow writing essays is actually doable, who would have thought?
Where is the essay body video located? I really want to see that.
Thanks for all your hard work, its very appreciated!
this did not help at all :( The grabbers are a bit stupid c’mon!
Wow….. so interesting, James..Loved it
Keep it up … :) :D
thank you,it was great class
I was wondering if you could explaning the ultimate body and the ultimate concluding
I look forward for it
Hi Mr.James
I want to ask about the three main idea. do we have to concluded in the introduction or just in the body
HI, I really wanted to know how I can improve upon this and how I can write a thesis fro this kind of a topic…please HELP! This is my intro.-
Redemption? Destiny? “Holes” (by Louis Sachar) is an engrossing novel that revolves around these. In fact, everything, for whatever the reason might be, seems to line up, linking many generations and histories together through “Stanley Yelnats IV”, the protagonist. Nevertheless, he doesn’t know about it! Nor does he know that his endeavors have actually reformed him into a better person. This essay will now explore and examine how Stanley, unaware of what he was actually doing, set things right and how this changed him from a mousy to a confident character. The reader will discover how Stanley gets rid of a curse…a curse put on the Yelnats which completely eliminates their chances of making a fortune, in fact, is believed to be the reason they face such problems. Moreover, this “redemption” results in many worthy implications. In addition, the reader will also acquire how Stanley re-unites Zero and his missing mother. So, how does our environment affect us? Does it make us who we are? Does it change us?
Hi Mr James, I saw two videos and I learned good advice in both reading and essay, really you have good point of view, this encourage me to improve my English.. Thank you
James..thank you 4 da lesson you are very good, top teacher
is this intro good
The Oxford Dictionary defines literature as written work, especially the work that lies in the beauty of language or in emotional effect. A picture is worth a thousand words, meaning just pictures can give you much information as text or spoken words. The award winning graphic novel Chinese Born American won the Best Book award in 2006/2007 because it was smashing through all genre barriers and racked up, yet another prestigious first. Persepolis is a very emotional story about a little girl and her family going through hard time while their country, Iran, is at war. Stitches is a memoir about the author, David Small, and his crazy life. Graphic novels should count as a form of literature because they are emotional, funny, crazy, etc., in other words, they attract readers in their own intelligent way.
Many Thanks
Thanks for this video James – even as a native English speaker it is only now (when writing my undergraduate dissertation) that I have learnt how to write a good introduction! Good Job!
Is the follow-up video available yet? Could someone post the link if it’s ready? This was great!
Please will other video about the rest be soon?
wow, that’s great, i like your method of teaching, thank you!
Wonderful James.you are amazing but i am sad. Do you know why because I didn’t met you when I was there.
sir ??..
hmm… i really need your help..
can you help me to finalize my research papers ?
You are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how you explain…
hello james i like your lessons but i steel have problems in writing could you help me more can you give me some advice’s
thank you
Somehow I got it… but I’m so confused about the topic and thesis, isn’t that the thesis is the same as topic? for example my thesis for my essay will be, I love cycling, because cycling is a great cardio, good for health and challenge. So do you think that’s is thesis statement or topic? please help!!!! I hate and love writing at the same time, because… I don’t get it yet… thanks
I’m writing an essay topic the causes of civil war :) my thesis stamens is, Thus the civil war was the revolution war socially, economically and politically.
It was very useful ,fantastic lesson ,thank you.
OMG! James is great teacher, really caught my attention. Very helpful video.
I like the calculated approach James took to handle The Introduction. For me it is never easy to start an essay, my mind always wonders off the topic.
hanks for this video James – even as a native English speaker it is only now (when writing my undergraduate dissertation) that I have learnt how to write a good introduction! Good Job!
I very thank
thanks but can you tell me which martial art you taught
thank you:)
Hi James! Firs of all I would like to say “Thank you”. I think you are a wonderful teacher and all your lessons are very useful. I’m glad there’s such a web site.
I’m confused because I’ve never written an essay before and it seems to be very complicated. I have to write a 350 word essay. The topic I’ve chosen is: “Why I want a university education and what I expect from it with regard to the future”. There are some grammar mistakes in the title but I have copied it from a book.
In this video (https://www.engvid.com/writing-skills-paragraph/) it is said that the paragraph should contain from four to five sentences. The introduction is a paragraph, isn’t it?
It is said in one of your lessons that the simple essay consists of five paragraphs with five sentences in which of them so it contains twenty-five sentences. 350 words divided into 25 sentences equals 14 words in a sentence. The paragraph of a simple essay should contain 70 words.
Here is the problem! My introduction contains 83 words, which are almost the half of the essay. Please, read my introduction and tell me what I’ve done wrong: “How can you get every woman’s heart – have a nice university education! There’re lots of women and men in the universities where people study interesting subjects. There people can meet someone with similar interests. Great friendships can emerge. Furthermore the studies encourage people to develop. Companies need smart people, so the university education can help you have a good start. The university education is the way that can open many doors for you and it can show you many paths in your life.”.
Thank you one more time for the great lessons!
The lesson was very clear and to the point, James! I am impressed by your teaching!
not good 60 %
I enjoyed the lesson it was very informative. My problem is writing an essay off of what I just read.
thank you so much keep up you are an amazing teacher ever
my weakness is brainstorm. can you teach how to do?
It is nice to be taught by such a charismatic teacher =))
thank you for your lesson please if you can help me with personal Statement ))
I need an advice on this
Thank you very much James for the video it was very helpful I scord 100% fro the quiz!!!
Thank you very much James for the video it was very helpful I scord 100% for the quiz!!!
hi games my name I francesska and I would like be better in my English I don’t really know where should I start from
hi games my name I francesska and I would like be better in my English I don’t really know where should I start from
Thanks, James,an exellent work! How can I send message to Mr.E?
Hi James, your tutorials are great! I found it very useful. However, i couldn’t find the video for teaching How to Write an Effective Essay: The Body. Can you send me the link?
super great!
great thank you for your lesson James i really appreciate it . can you make tv show , it would really help lots of people around the world .
its a good idea really . thanks again James and Mr.E
Hello, James! I’ve searched about complicating for me FAN BOYS, so I found, but I still have misunderstanding (>__<) Can you make video about that, for goodness sake please (*_*) ? (please correct my answer)
I mean answer (shame on me)
*question, who could make double mistakes? only I
oh my goodness, I talk with myself
It’s really good class I used a grabber in my report introduction and it’s work!! thanks James
it is one of the best video
You blow my mind like a Cat 5 hurricane.Thanks.
That’s awesome! The best I ever seen/heard!
Hi James,
Thank you so much for the fantastic lesson. The only problem I had was with the captions. As I usually tell my students to use your videos, and they often use the captions; this time they were complaining about the inaccuracy of the “subtitles”! I checked them myself and saw they were so right. What you say is nothing written there…
Thank you for sharing to us your lessons. Your way of teaching us is truly amazing simple yet meaty and concise.
teacher James , thanks for this lesson
i wrote every single word you said it
i really liked your way in teaching English
and i get the full mark in your quiz
great sense of humor! thank you I lough a lot :D
thangs james
Thank James. You have my dad name, and i really love your teaching. You’re really a grabber.
James,you are a good teacher,funny as well.
Engaging and understandable
Thanks Mr. James can i send you my outlines and thesis statements for critical analysis. i will write them for my upcoming exam.
Thanks sir,, stay awesome! godbless
Hello.. Mr. James,
I need your help for my argumentation speech for this coming feb,11,2015 would you help me to make that speech.?
Mr. James
Can you upload more videos about how to write Essay?
hi the lesson went o good but im the learner can pls explain the words like thesis so it will be good and i can know english to some extent and thanks for the lesson
Thanks for the useful information. I feel more confident now and I will definitely continue with your lesson plans. I’m glad that I stumble upon your YouTube video and this site as well.
good job!
The lesson was really fun and usefull to me. Thank you so much!
…great job!
I need to practice speaking English as well…hmmmm
That was nice I liked it :)
Thank you for the lesson)I will use your tips for writing essay for writing site Essayltd, i hope they will be enjoy
Hahhah … you are the best!!! Before I had not any idea how I can I write a assay , but now I have got !!!! And I have to say THANK TO YOU!!!!!!
thanks for the lesson ready to go to the next step.
I am extremely impressed with you teaching methods. I do have a question about Introduction paragraph. If we use an anecdote, is there an etiquette to follow on how long it should be? I don’t want to lose my readers (my professor).
Sorry, I used you instead of your….but my typing is a lot slower than my thinking. Good excuse??
Thank you so much ^_^
hello . I want to ask how to write an essay about a quote (discussing a quote)
thanks but i will like to get your videos for the body and conclusion. how do i get them? plsss
Wonderful explanation. I made notes to study later. James, where is the second part? I’m craving it.
I really love the way that u teaching ?
What makes a teacher become happy of teaching? It is when his/her students say ” Teacher I am learning or Teacher I learned a lot from you”. Sometimes, we tend to think that when a student tell us “teacher you are smart, or teacher you are the best in the world, or teacher you are my favorite” that will make a teacher proud and happy. In contrary, a dedicated teacher would be the happiest profession on earth if he/she sees successful students he/she taught. What’s my point here is, JAMES IS A GREAT TEACHER BECAUSE I LEARNED!!!!! AND I LEARNED A LOT FROM THIS SIMPLE LECTURE.. Honestly, I do not pick you for any lesson in this site, however, you were able to grab my attention with your advertisement topic for your lecture. From now on, I would be excited to check on new tutorial lessons from you.. I hope to successfully pass the IELTS Academic exam with your tips.
Thank you!
Love the lesson, I wish I can send my writing for you to see if what are the things I need to improve more…
Awesome study, love the quiz! Thank you!
Thank you
Love my picture picture and your doing a wonderful job, I’m learning a lot. Thanks much
Great lesson! Love your enthusiam!
Must say your lessons are very entertaining! Keep it up!
Could you please improve the sound quality?
This was a complete lesson with a lot of concepts to learn and a little difficult to put in practice because you have to think clearly and carefully to enchain the four parts: grabbers, topics, thesis and his relations. It was a great lesson, thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid.
Prof Jame how May I write an narrative essay about m experience in a car accident
I got two wrong! Shucks!
Wow, I suck on the second attempt!
FINALLY, I get 100!
Good for you. congrats! i will be taking my 2nd TOEFL attempt next month and i am still having trouble forming my own essay. it sucks!
Thank you Mr. James. That helped me understand better on writing intro. i was hoping u will make a part 2.
Keep teaching..
Thank you for the explanation, when are you going to do the next part of the video? I would like to learn about the body and the conclusion.
it was a very interesting lesson, but it seems too fast though I shall watch again before the second part…but you´re a very good teacher james
Hello James,
Thanks for your great lessons, but do you have any suggestion to check essay and paragraph which is written by me. Because I can not check it correctly. So please tell me any suggestion?
Thank you James
I can’t believe I am understanding and learning more from EngVid.com than in my own classroom! Thanks, James, you are a lifesaver.
James you are a better teacher explaining the concepts then my past composition one teacher, also I have a question for introduction we can use quotes two but what my Comp 1 teacher said that a quote counts as a outside source and should be put after the thesis statement? can you explain me more about what he meant because that got me confuse.
thank you, this was really helpful.
Wonderful lesson!
I want some more new technics.
You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thanks for your help.
I liked “grabbed her”.Oh,wait a second, I have just grabbed your ATTENTION.
thanksss .. sir you are the tip top
Thank you sir.
Excellent!! Thank you so much for the lesson.
I really need help doing an outline on Teenagers and Young Kids are spending too much Time on Technology Devices please help me
You grabbed my attention and even I signed up which I do not do easily! ?
Cool article!
Dear James
I am writing an academic essay and as usual I have problems with sequence and structure. I understand the theory of your approach. It makes it sound easy, however I find it difficult to pick out proof statements or my proof statements are not adequate because I cannot write freely. I would appreciate suggestions.
hey am enjoying your lessons thank you for the great work, have a great day too
James, thank you for your teaching. one of the best teachers with all the jokes makes your teaching very interesting I want to learn more and am a student nurse. now I can write my essay well
Hey James
I am a very bad writer, putting my thoughts together.
Can you please go more into the introduction with the thesis?
Give an example of combined.
Greatly appreciate
Thank you very much with your lessons
Better I learned here than my teachers thought me.
I got a 100% in the quiz!! Thank you so so much this was really a great lesson.
thanks James, interesting lesson. I’ll practice on it.
I must say this has been the best explanation of an introduction. Thank you Mr. James I learned a lot; it was a pleasure learning from you. I will incorporate what has been taught to me in the future.
Very Helpful. Thank You very much for the lesson.
good explanation from James , id like to thank you