Someone? Anybody? No one? Not sure which word to use when? Watch this lesson and learn a few simple rules to end your confusion. I cover the words someone, anyone, no one, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere, nowhere.
i like this lesson. thank u . it is remarkably useful… please make a lesson about when, while, before, as soon as, until pleaseeee….
Thanks for the suggestions. All the best to you.
Hello! in your video about some, any, you told about using ‘some’ in polite questions when a person is sure the answer to his question will be positive. for example, Would you like some chocolate? and what about this video? is it possible to ask Would like to go somewhere? or Would you like to go anywhere? what question is correct? Help me please! thanks!
Hi medvezhiyryk. This one’s correct: Would you like to go somewhere?
no, somewhere is only for positive sentence
Dear teacher.nice to address you and I really like your video lessons as well could you more elaborate words meaning while your lessons it will be more advantage for our understand and memory because I wish to improve my knowledge. god luck.
yes please..i want to do same like this
Eema Emaan
Thanks very much. It was very helpful.
Thank you for this lesson keep this up!!
thanks, It’s great lesson
link die teacher!!
thank you so much for this! I learned a lot :)
You’re a great teacher, in every sense of the word.
Thank for your lesson. You’re a good teacher
Thanks a lot, dear Rebecca! God bless you!
But I have a little question: You said that Anyone can be used in negative sentences and in questions. I thought I can use it in regular sentences too (for instance “I can speak with anyone” – it’s not a question nor a negative sentence). Is this correct? Am I right?
Yes, you are right. There are always exceptions and this is one of them.
My best wishes to you.
hi rebecca i have a major doubt though it doesnt belong to this particular section but please it would be great if u could help me on this …the doubt that i have is relatd to futue tense suppose i m speaking to sum1 nd i tell that person hi how are you nothing i good nd then i ask r u on facebook so her rply should be yeah i have just come for a few minutes or i came for few minutes??then i m going to switch it off..
Hey buddy ! It depends . If you say few , it means a short time a few means some minutes . Anyway you should watch Alex’s class about few , a few , little and a little .
Hugs from Brazil.
Ricardo Alessandro .
There are some possibilities:
I’m here for just a few minutes.
I’ll be here for just a few minutes.
Something like that would work. My best to you.
Hi hi, I have a question for you: do you pay for each letter you type on your keyboard?
It was very helpful. ilike it very much
it’s great thanks you ,my teacher!!!!!! ^o^
thats really nice but if i use in my speaking i usually failed:S
nice lesson i like it thanks for your help
Hi Rebecca, could you please help us about using everybody, anything, something, is it use as singular or plural form of the verb. thanks and have a great day
Everything is fine.
Everyone is here.
Something is not right.
All of these words take a singular verb. My best wishes to you.
I could never understand why everyone, everybody and everything are the singular.
Everyone, everybody is singular,, You’re right. But if you have never understood about it just pay attention to every = each –> singular
may this short& simple word can help u..
I wish there’s explanation then from Miss Rebecca
Rebbica you are the best teacher in the world ,you are amazing.i am an English teacher,you iwatched your present perfect lesson then do it in my made it in a brief and clear way to understand
amazing i like it
i hope we could communicte so i benefit from you thanks alot
hi rebecca . i hope you are doing well .you said that anyone and other words put tegether with ,any, to make it pronoun can be only used in negative or in interrogative sentence . here i have the one which is different ” i need to get food , anything you give me” it is different in this one . what type of sentence is this
Hi Abbas ! That is pretty simple . The word any can also be used in affirmative sentence when you don’t mind about . In this case ( anything you give me ) it means : I don’t mind what you have to give me whatever you give me I accept . I hope it cleans up your mind . You can ask any question here .
Hugs from Brazil.
ricardo alessandro
Thanks, Ricardo, my friend. Hope all is well with you and your students. My best wishes, always.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. It is very useful indeed.
It’d be great if you could make a video lesson regarding the pronunciation of the “i” as in “peek” and the “i” as in “pick”! Thanks!
thank u so much teacher rebacca my request is to make a video about opposit nouns i realy need this lesson i have a lot of problems when i want to give the opposit noun of another one
Thanks a million for giving helpful lessons)
Thanx, it was great.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I’d like to ask you about the difference between two sentenses. “Would you like to drink something?” and “Would you like to drink anything?” I usually use the first sentence instead of the second one.
Thank you in advance.
when GOd brings you to it . He takes you through it..what does this sentence mean
Hi Rebbeca, your videos are always so brainy, and are a nice delicacy for me. They teach me, though I can not always understand all the explanations, for that reason I was thinking if you could put in the bottom of the picture the text of that you transcription of that you speak.
Thank you a lots and have a nice day
Thanks Raul. Just try to understand as best you can, as in real life the conversation will take place even faster! I am sure you will get it, take your time and you will succeed soon enough.
My best wishes to you, Raul.
OMG ! I couldn’t believe when I heard you saying my name darling … it was a pleasure to learn from you again . I wish you all the best .
Hugs from Brazil , all my students love you .
ricardo alessandro
Thank you kindly, Ricardo.
I wish you and all your students a lot of joy and success in learning English. With you as their teacher, I’m sure they will learn very well. All the best to you, Ricardo.
I love these videos. Keep up the good work.
very useful lessons ,thank you very much
Someone already asked you about this earlier but I really don’t understand why you (English speakers) sometimes say “do you want something?” or “did you say something?” aren’t you supposed to say “do you want anything” and “did you say anything?” :-S I’m so confused everytime I have to say something like that.
I love you’re website it helps a lot with my test when I’m at home. =)=D
thanks a lot a lot really thanks
Hello… rebbeca ur lesson of english is very helpful for us.
thank you very much Rebecca for useful lesson
thank you so much
thank you verey much for useful lesson
Notwithstanding the fact that you are an English native speaker, I understand your English (100%). This is amazing. It’s no exaggeration to say that you have an excellent ability to teach English.
thanks alot
it is useful lesson
your way of teaching very easy
hello Rebecca how’re you?So o saw your video and help me so much but i wanna know about ‘GANNA’ i weiting from this world bye bye and have a beautiful day’s with all my respect from me to you DANIELA
Well, the word “gonna” is 100% slang.
You will hear it in movies and on TV, and native speakers do use it in conversation with friends but it is used only in informal situations.
It is the slang for “going to” – as in:
I’m gonna call him later.
instead of
I’m going to call him later.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Its a very useful lesson because through this lesson you solved my very big problem.
Thank You
Javed Ahmed
So glad we could help you, Javed.
All the best to you!
thanks for this good lesson
oh you are very grateful to everybody who need to learn English, Thank you lot and long life to you and the the company,
Geshe Tenzin Sherab
Thanks Rebeca, its been very useful informations.
Thnatk, Rebecca.
The best teacher to me Rebecca iam from iraq i relly benefit from your lessons but blease i want you to learn me the different between “look” and “sse” don’t look or dont see
i like you the best
thanks a lot
I like it very much. I don’t know how to thank you. please do one lesson for simple, complex & compound sentances.
It is very helpful program and I am getting more out of it.
Thank you very much
thanks for this lesson. Mrs Rebecca is a very good teacher.
Thank you again
thank u very much , your lesson was useful now i have no confused with these words .
Thank You Rebeca, You’re a Great Theacher, Your videos are helping me alot, Gracias Again…
Robert Estrada
Thank you Ms Robecca for your very good online english teaching. One thing I would like to ask for your help. coul you please tell me the best method that can help me to generate logic ideas and supporting points in the questions 1 & 2 in speaking, and question 2 (essay) of the iBT Toefl. These are parts that seem to be more difficult to me in this Test.
Good bless!
Questions 1 & 2 in the Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT are the Independent questions. Try to think of your answer as a mini mini essay. Start with an introduction, give a few reasons, and then add a concluding sentence, if you have time. At least try to say, ‘ And that’s why…I want to visit Rome” or “That’s why I would like to learn how to play the guitar.” These would be sufficient as concluding sentences.
There are some sample answers to speaking topics on my goodlucktoefl website, which should help you.
To learn how to write a logical essay, please watch this lesson:
If you follow the method explained in the video you will definitely get higher marks for the organizational aspect of your answer.
All the best with your exam, and with your English, Baker.
Thank you teacher,,,,, i love d way of teaching….. Grammer test is helping me a lot
very good. i need this lessons. so thnak you very much. i wait for more lessons
Great job!! thx Rebeca, your lessons are very
helpful thx kindly!
Sorry, we are not allowed to let you download. These are YouTube’s rules.
what’s deferent between no one and none ?
Well, let’s look at some examples:
No one here is above 30.
None of the people here are over 30.
Besides the differences in usage as shown above, “no one” is used to refer to people alone.
“None” can be used to refer to people or things or places.
For example:
None of the cities I visited were boring.
None of the shirts were cheap.
Hope this helps! My best to you.
Yay!! Thank you Rebecca, now I finally understood this difference.
Kristina Perez Duha
That’s good for me. I’m so thankful for your lessons.
I love you, I love engVid.
That’s good for me. I’m so thankful for your lessons.
I love you, I love engVid.
And we are very happy to have you join us here on engvid. Thanks kindly for your feedback, Paooo. All the best to you.
Hello Dear Sir/Madem,
This is really my pleasure to have access at your site, i would like to know that, how can i download the Video files from there? and i hope to find the reply in this connection,
Yours Faithfully,
Abdul Ahmad Barakzi
You can watch them, not download them. YouTube does not allow it.
I benefit more from this lesson, thank you
A very good lesson and quiz! Thank you!
Natalie Byron
eng vid site is doing good
i like very much the lesson, thank you
Could you guys do a leeson on Finally and finaly. Im not to sure what the diffrence is? Thank you
Actually, the correct word is finally, which means “in the end” or “at last”.
There is no word such as finaly.
Perhaps you mean to ask about the word “finale”, as in “the grand finale”, which means the final competition, the big race, the deciding event, etc.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Daniel.
The grand finale can also mean the last part of any performance.
Hi Dear Master:
your presentation in english grammer is excellent and helpful. i would like to have your e mail to ask you some questions. please accept my grateful beforehand.
cyrous.s from iran
cyrous .s
thank you so much . its a useful lesson.
My thanks to all for your kind feedback. My best wishes to each and every one of you.
Thanks a lot!
really your lesson is very clear & i want fpllow up all your lesson from now on please if you do’t min could you kindly send me your email adress
sheikh osman
Sorry, no private lessons :D
i did’nt asked for private lesson !
sheikh osman
wo““ it help a lot . thanks.
i like it very much …………..thanku
ahmed abdi
it is a very useful lesson and i have got 100 in quiz.Do you have anything for me as a prize
hahaha just kidding any way it’s just a very good lesson thanks
thats great
Eema Emaan
thanks for giving us free lectures
thank you, i lik this lesson but i am not indrstind verry good!!
realy u are the best
very happy to learn all of them ! they are very helpful to improve our communicative skills! thank you so much
thanks, I like this lesson but I don’t have verry good marks.
I necessary to learn more.
you’re really helping me with theses lessons i want to thank all of you
You got 7 correct out of 7.
oh thank you teacher
thank u for this useful lesson…..hmm i would like :) to ask a question which is different from this topic….what is the real difference between the past simple tense and present perfect one when i express an action??
Hi! could you please explain about using THEREFORE, WHEREUPON, THEREAT, THEREIN, HEREIN, and other similar to those mentioned above.
thanks it was very good lesson but ı need to see theaching solve the test for example dear Rabecca teaching some questions
Good day
M.Semih Çİlek
This is really helpful. I wish I could see the trail of the lessons from basic to advance. I really want to learn how to speak and write proper English. I really regret that I only realized it lately.. I was traumatized by my English Teacher when I was in primary school, from then on it seem English subject is too difficult for me to learn.
Thanks Ms. Rebecca you teaching is really great.
thank u for this useful lesson…..hmm i would like :) to ask a question which is different from this topic….what is the real difference between the past simple tense and present perfect one when i express an action??
mulu etay
thanks for giving us free lectures
mulu etay
very good lesson
Thank you for the lesson.
very helpful so nice teacher
i need lecture on change of narration.
can you help me?
thanks in advance.
Hi mum,in the part of your lesson here, you said “did you met anyone at the party?” and the next you said “do you need to eat anything?” and then the next one you said “do you want to go anywhere?” my question is, we should use do or did for this kind of conversation basicly on the grammar rule.thank you in advance for your explanation mum.
i would like to thank all Eso teachers that willing to help us to imrove our english thank you very much.
hi I am studying your lesson my name is zulaa Iam living a mongolia IT lesson is very very liked me pls sent to me letter
Thanks a lot.Now i have confidence that I can speak fluent english
Teacher! Can I say like this?
a)There is no one here.
b)There isn’t anyone here.
thank you!!
nice class, you are an excellent teacher. Congratulations!!!!!!!
Both of them are correct !
I progress …tanks
So nice to hear the accent of Teachers from these I’ve gather some useful expressions and imformation which is very useful for the beginners… Thanks a lot see you.
please do you have another examples, because I do not understand well
Thank you so much for your lessons. I really like it!
Thank you very much for these lessons. It’s very helpful for us! :)
this words make me confused, and this lesson it’s very helpful
Thanks you teacher
miss can pleas telme what is the difference between
1: which day is today?
2: what day is today?
and which one is corect
omid ahmadzai
Hello.. I got this site last night awhile browsing, I have watched some of the show. I’ll come more often.. :)
iam from Yemen and very happy to being here with you and join to us
thank you Rebe for this class I learned something new XD I hope learn more with you
hello Rebecca please can you show me how to write a resume
Thank you very much for everything……….
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca,for everything. thank you for your effort teaching us…
Can i ask a question? Is this sentence correct?:
past tense: i was born in February 3 1999.
future tense: the baby is going to be born sometime on June.
Thanks a lot, i hope you can answer my question. I’ll wait for your answer. And once again, THANK YOU!!!!
your English student:D
Dear Teacher Rebecca, in this case what´s the correct form
Did anyone phone me when I was out?
What´s the correct answer:
1. No, no one.
2. No, anyone.
Thanks for your help, I´ll be glad if you answer my question :)
( a )
What´s correct?
1. Did you buy anything at the shops?
a. No, nothing.
b. No, anything.
2. Did anyone phone me when I was out?
a. No, no one.
b. No, anyone.
PLZ Rebecca I need your help!!!
1- ( a )
2- ( a )
Hi Ms.Rebeca,
Im so glad I fnd this site!!! I like the way you speak it was very clear. Please helps me to improve my English please!! My English it wasnt good. I would like to speak fluent and nicely and clearly like you!! You’re my best Teacher!!!
Yours Sincerely,
Thank you again for the quiz. I need to do more :). It’s first time when I can study grammar, a little. Have a nice day!
Thank you Rebecca, I am liking yours lessons, because its very important for me to know english grammar. I would like very much speaking fluently and right. But my problem ,is grammar. I think that, you can help me. many thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca so much for your lesson!
I watch us nearly every day.
My best wishes to you,
Edyta from Poland
Thanks Rebecca! But could you tell us about all exceptional using someone, anyone and no one. Thanks!!!
thanks’s great…and I want know…the explanation about get, have, !!!
I’m still confuse, how to use it well…thankzz before….you’re the best…
This lesson helps me a lot.
Thanks for teaching
Wow you are really a goog explanation
Hi , how to use someone, anyone and no one in present perfect tense. Let me know the correct placement of `has` and `have`while using these words in a present perfect tense.
Abhilash Sadanandan
hi,can i ask a question please?my question is that what is the passive voice of the following sentences?
1-he does not have to send the monry
2-they do not have to call her
1. The money doesn’t have to be sent.
2. She doesn’t have to be called.
Im very happy with EngVid and Rebecca, thank you so much!!
thanks ,i am good in that
Thanks Rebek!
The way you present, its so easy to understand.
May God give you the wisdom and strenght to become the best teacher in the world
yeeeeha.i scored 7 out of 7.thank you soooooo much miss Rebecca.And i wish all the best.thaks a lot from Norway.
i ment all the best for you
thank you my know i’m new in this site .it’s very intersting.and thanks for your lessons.all my best wishes for you teacher
miss rebaca thank u for all what u re providing us with im really proud to learn from the source of english native teacheers
miss rebaca thank
thanks so much, that explanation was definitely very clear!
thank you very much for helping thousands of people like me god bless you.
Really useful
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.
Hello teacher. Great lesson. This is what I need it. Please, correct this sentence: “I have no one to practice with this language”.Is it correct or wrong? Thank you..
I like this kind of lessons. Thanks teacher for your efforts.
All wishes for you.
Marry cristmas for everybody.
My best wishes for everybody. Happy new year.
Hi Rebecca,
I need your help with this sentence: “Has anyone of you ever seen a few photos on the apparently official XYZ’s page? Something looks seriously wrong with this lady.”
Should it be ‘anyone’ or ‘any one’ in this sentence. Which one is correct? I hope you’d reply at your earliest convenience.
Happy New Year!
Hi Ms Rebecca would you mind if I ask some sentences I get confused? :) What does it mean if they said or differences between these of two “I don’t know who is that” and “I don’t know who that is”?
Well, the first one isn’t grammatically correct. “Who is that?” is a question on its own.
engVid Moderator
thanx rebecca
hi dear Rebecca ,I hope u r fine . I’m also fine and underestood many things about this lesson and also cnfuesed many things.And kindly i would like 2 ask u quesions about this goes like this you have said I NEED TO EAT SOMETHING. in question u said (DO U NEED TO EAT ANYTHING?) so why u not say (DO U NEED TO EAT SOMETHING?)another one is I WANNA GO SOMEWHERE in a question hv said (DO U WANNA GO ANYWHERE?) and why not (DO U WANNA GO SOMEWHERE?)also I MET SOMEONE AT THE PARTY and said as a question ( DID U MET ANYONE AT THE PARTY?)then why not (DID U MET SOMEONE AT THE PARTY?) I hope u sh’ll explain me well thank u somuch
ANY is used with negative verbs and questions.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.
Really useful
Thank you so much teacher rebecca.
thank you so much, Rebecca. finally I understand the differences between these two words.
you’re a wonderful teacher!!
Thanks Rebecca for your lesson, it’s has been very important for me. I’m Tomas from Cuba. You’re so excellent teacher that why I love you so much. GOD bless you. See you next.Bye.
thanx rebecca i got a lot from your classea i want to take your online conversation classes please
sarish khan
Hii mam,
Today,I have set up my mind to describe a number.It’s gonna be about a number description.In order to explain a number, I have chosen a five digit number,say 78431.Next,the description is gonna come.It reads like the following.
First of all,It’s a five digit number as it contains five individual digits in it.In the number,1 is placed at the extreme right whereas 7 is located at the extreme left.There are three distinct digits lying in between them.The number has the smallest digit at the unit’s place while the biggest digit appears at the thousand’s place.Besides it,the digits lying at hundreadth’s and tenth’s place differ in one.If we make a comparison between the boundary digits,we find that the digit appearing at left boundary is 7 times bigger than the digit at extreme right end.Along with this information,we also see that the digit lying one place right from the extreme left position is twice than the digit placed at hundredth’s place while it is 5 greater than the digit at tenth’s place.Apart from this,the number includes two digits which are divisable by two whereas it consists of two prime numbers namely 7 and 3.On comparing digits at extreme left position and one place right to it,we find the former digit is one less than the latter one(comparison between 7 and 8).As the number does not include a decimal point,it’s considered to be a whole number otherwise it would be called a fractional number.To clarify this concept, we might imagine a number ,say 34567.12.As we can see here,the number has some more digits after the decimal point which makes the number to be recognized as a fractional number.In our original number i.e. 78431,if we interchnged the digits at the two extreme left position,we would get even a bigger number than the original number we currently have i.e. it would turn out to be 87431 which would be ten thousnd bigger than the actual one.
I like you to pay a special attention in this section as I do realize that you have completely been confused at this point after reading the confused description so long. You might be thinking that the boy is totally out of mind otherwise he would not have tried to pen down such boring stuff but I wanna let you know that my intention is not to confuse anyone but to express everyhing in english to enhance my potential to be acquainted more and more with this sweet language.
I am really very sorry if you have felt bad but I just wanted to describe a number and that was only my intention.
I like you to correct my sentences as well as give marks out of 10 letting me know my improvement.
Looking forward to messaging you in the future.
sona sharma
Dear teacher Rebecca,your explanations are very clear and right to the point of the lessons.I´m from Brazil and very appreciate your teaching.The adverb never is negative to pronoun anyone and don´t is negative to nothing,right?Thank you very much!!!!
Yes. you are right !
Reb thank’s a lot But it seemse in the qiuz in the last task is a missprint
Dear Rebbeca your videos are very helpful more than any other ones you’re the best teacher i’ve ever seen
dear Rebbeca
i would be very happy if you can explain the defrence between that,those and thes,this
Your lesson is very helpful for beginners like me..Hoping to master all your video lessons here at engvid and wishing to become an effective communicator! thanks a lot!
It is really a very good lesson for me, i apreciated very much. Thank you!!!
i really like your way of teaching you made it in a brief and clear way
i’ve watched your present perfect tense with the past great and wonderful you simlify the lesson in an a mazing way ,so i made it in my class
it was helpful to explain are the best teacher in the world. i hoe we could communicate
i have like this lesson sins ferst word! thanks you rebeka!
Great lesson!!!!
this engvid is very helpful to me,thank you so much.
thank you for the test i got a perfect score thank you
this engvid is very helpful to me,thank you so much
Helpful lesson!
Please help me here, with non of them: was here or were here.
I hope if you can give us lesson on this topic as well in near future,will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very helpful for me. I really enjoy your classes.
I hope learn more with you.I really like it.All wishes for you.
I have never met _______________like you before.
Why can’t we say “I have never met someone like you before.”. What is wrong in it. Could you explain.
never makes it negative.
hello rebeeca how are you?you are such a great english help my many english problems.thanks a lot.
Im speak arabic
and I need speak English
Im speak little
what Ido to speak english good
wow..i really like this lesson.
maryjane amodia
It gives very grateful, but I suggest to improve the audio.
tnx miss fr this lesson
you are realy.good teacher
Jose a garcia
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for the lesson. I have a question, I failed the second question on the test, Could you explain me why is “anyone” instead of “no one”, because is not a negative sentence or question. Or it’s negative because of “never”? THANK YOU!!
2. I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
no one
Hi. Yes. NEVER makes the sentence negative.
Hello dear Rebeca ! I am here to suggest you a lesson which is how to use other, others , another ! Hugs from my students ! We love you !
Ricardo Alessandro
thank you Rebecca
but some times we use word something in the question for example :
can I offer you somthing?
Do you want to dringsomething?
Is it correct
I would think no… means negative things. Having your clear explanation , I got a lot of D .
hi Rebecca
bad score for me 40% !!!
je recommence .
hi mam rebecca i have a question… i just confused.. anything, anyone etc, we can use them as negative or question sentences… but how about the something, we can use something for question…example, would you like to eat something? or would you like to eat anything?… what is the correct question there?…
please… help me here… thanks in advance…
Since I found this site I have to visit every day!
The best English website
Thanx a lot for all the teachers
Thank you for your lesson. I feel my English is surely improving.
Ok 100%
thank you so much for your class and special because your form to teach is very good.
Thank you very much!
I have a question anyway )
We say: Do u want SOME coffee? Will u buy SOME milk?
We don’t use ANY in these questions…
whem we expect the listener say YES to our answer we use SOME in our questions .
Best regards: soei
Please give us more practice question?
Important theme to learn, thanks Rebecca!
Everything is okay with u!
I got :D.
thanks it really helps
shoaib ali01
Hi, Mrs. Rebbeca. You teach as a sage, though you feel like a womam. In my unpretentious conception the literature prize belongs to you.
Marcius Petropos Nestoriano
Good lesson, thanks.
Thank you very much i love you and this lesson is very easy
I hope to reconcile :)
Aya Ahmad
I didn’t listen the lesson course sound is is not very good, but no errors were done.
very useful lesson. I’ve never seen anyone like you the awesome teacher. thanks!
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
thanks a lot
moony 29
Thanks a lot mam
Thanks Rebeca you are an exellent teacher, never changed and best regards
Thanks for your great lesson! I would like to talk about the meaning of rich, wealthy, opulent and affluent. How is the situation I should use them? Please!
Hello Rebecca! it’s really useful lesson for me, but I just want to ask one more thing about this lesson. when we attach ‘some, any, and no’ with other words for example ‘book’ so it becomes ‘any books, no books, some books’. I heard this from native. why do they use ‘s’ in the end of it? please answer me! I’m longing for your best answer. thanks in advance.
thanks alot
it is useful lesson
thank you a lot , its useful lesson
i liked it! this it will help me…Thanks a lot!
Thank you for your lesson.
May I ask you one question about Verb to use for “some…”, should it use singular or plural verb?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Rebecca, many thanks for the lesson. You help me solving my doubts. Jesus Christ bless you powerfully. My best wishes for you, greetings from Brazil.
thankyou so much. this lesson really helpful
Hello my dear Rebecca. It’s been long time since I requested on Engvid this lesson… your classes are still the best ever. Hugs from my student.
PS: Ricardo Alessandro.
Ricardo Alessandro
Hi Rebeca, I have a question, when at the restaurant the cashier or the waiter ask you “anything else?”, what should I respond?. 1)anything else, thank you; 2) Nothing, 3) No, nothing else or 4) Nothing else?, 5) No, thanks. According to the lesson I would say “1”, but I’m not sure because I have heard the another answers many times. Thank you.
Rebeca, this sentence below comes from a webpage of grammar clases.
“Secretaries, job seekers, blog and article writers, or anyone who wants to make a good impression with their writing can use this tool.”
This a positive sentence, written with ANYONE.
Marcio de Moraes
Dear Rebecca,
“Nothing ventured nothing gained”.
Best regards.
Am really learning a lot.
Is there some use difference between negative sentences with “any” and positive sentences meaning negative?
Hi,Rebeca!Firstly I’d like to say you are an excellent teacher and I thank you for helping me a lot. my question is: why in the Avril Lavigne’s song, “I’m with you”, she uses this sentence: “Won’t somebody come take me home?”
The singer used somebody in a question??…Please, could you explian me why??….Thank you so much.
I have a common qestion.Why on the site for my account is not marked taked the videos and the qizes ?
ann ann
very useful. Thanks a lot.
Thanks very much. It was very helpful.
Thank you very much!
Dear Rebecca. I’ve watched the most Eng.videos on this site, as well as different lessons for other colleagues of yours, but you are just so exceptional like the beautiful music or the beautiful voice. my best warm wishes to you. please accept this test song from me:
Is “anyone is at the door” grammatically correct??
Hello Rebecca! Thanks a lot for your class, but I didn’t understand why I need to use “anyone” in this phrase:
“I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?”}
Could you help me, please?
Thank you!
2. I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
no one
why the answer it’s anyone??? the tense it’s not negative
i got 6 out of 7
I got 100! Nowhere in my English (grammar) books teach this. Thanks, Emma, you increase my ability to learn more English.
Thank you for your lesson.
May I ask a question?
How to say correct:
I wonder if anyone (or someone) could help me.
This is not a question, but it implies hesitation.
Thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca, I really need your help, I have 2 questions.
1. can we change “one” into plural ?
ex ; no one becomes no ones.
2. If no. 1 is correct, can we replace plural noun into no ones ?
ex : you said the pencils were in your bag but there were no ones.
thanks before
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for these lessons. I am teaching English online and I go through these lessons to reaffirm what I thought I learned from my English classes in High School and to learn too. It is helping me a lot. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to explain how these words should be used so I came here and found the answer. Also, because I’m used to hearing it so that’s how I know it’s correct but I can’t explain to my students. So thank you so much for these lessons.
well, this is a great way how to teach anyone, someone, and no one. this is a huge explanation with an excellent teacher we appreciate the chance to get into the course every time. we are all happy to be able to be apart of the platform.
Luis Alberto Mateo
I am learning and practice with my coworkers. Thanks
Great, thank you Rebecca.
thank you so much rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. Very good !
I scored 10 out 10! Thank you my dear Rebecca!
Sally Brazilian Student
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
I have a question, using the same examples. Are these sentences correct?
1.- I met no one at the party.
2.- I need to eat nothing.
3.- I want to go nowhere.
so su
Ifaild i must to try again
amrouche ahmed
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca.
in number 2 why “someone” is incorrect?
Thank you so much mam.
Thank u soooooo much for making things easy. I really love the way engvid team explain something. Once again thanks, Ur explanation helps me learn confusing grammar easily.
Aftab Ansari
But I don’t get it ??
Abdeljaleel 2022
Hi Rebecca!Thanks for this useful English Class,
So, I have a question! I don´t understand this sentence below:
I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
Why I should using “anyone” instead of Someone?
Please, could you help me? Many thanks in advance.
I have never seen anyone like you . or I have never seen someone like you . Which one is correct and why ?
thank’s Rebecca. I really enjoy the way you explain the subjets!
I watched this video twice on July 29, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven out of 7.
This is great ma, thanks.
Thank you! It’s so helpful for me.
Tran Giao
thank you very march before i misused this words bur now i understand the different
I really appreciate the lesson, it was helpful thank you very much
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i like this lesson. thank u . it is remarkably useful… please make a lesson about when, while, before, as soon as, until pleaseeee….
Thanks for the suggestions. All the best to you.
Hello! in your video about some, any, you told about using ‘some’ in polite questions when a person is sure the answer to his question will be positive. for example, Would you like some chocolate? and what about this video? is it possible to ask Would like to go somewhere? or Would you like to go anywhere? what question is correct? Help me please! thanks!
Hi medvezhiyryk. This one’s correct: Would you like to go somewhere?
no, somewhere is only for positive sentence
Dear teacher.nice to address you and I really like your video lessons as well could you more elaborate words meaning while your lessons it will be more advantage for our understand and memory because I wish to improve my knowledge. god luck.
yes please..i want to do same like this
Thanks very much. It was very helpful.
Thank you for this lesson keep this up!!
thanks, It’s great lesson
link die teacher!!
thank you so much for this! I learned a lot :)
You’re a great teacher, in every sense of the word.
Thank for your lesson. You’re a good teacher
Thanks a lot, dear Rebecca! God bless you!
But I have a little question: You said that Anyone can be used in negative sentences and in questions. I thought I can use it in regular sentences too (for instance “I can speak with anyone” – it’s not a question nor a negative sentence). Is this correct? Am I right?
Yes, you are right. There are always exceptions and this is one of them.
My best wishes to you.
hi rebecca i have a major doubt though it doesnt belong to this particular section but please it would be great if u could help me on this …the doubt that i have is relatd to futue tense suppose i m speaking to sum1 nd i tell that person hi how are you nothing i good nd then i ask r u on facebook so her rply should be yeah i have just come for a few minutes or i came for few minutes??then i m going to switch it off..
Hey buddy ! It depends . If you say few , it means a short time a few means some minutes . Anyway you should watch Alex’s class about few , a few , little and a little .
Hugs from Brazil.
There are some possibilities:
I’m here for just a few minutes.
I’ll be here for just a few minutes.
Something like that would work. My best to you.
Hi hi, I have a question for you: do you pay for each letter you type on your keyboard?
It was very helpful. ilike it very much
it’s great thanks you ,my teacher!!!!!! ^o^
thats really nice but if i use in my speaking i usually failed:S
nice lesson i like it thanks for your help
Hi Rebecca, could you please help us about using everybody, anything, something, is it use as singular or plural form of the verb. thanks and have a great day
Everything is fine.
Everyone is here.
Something is not right.
All of these words take a singular verb. My best wishes to you.
I could never understand why everyone, everybody and everything are the singular.
Everyone, everybody is singular,, You’re right. But if you have never understood about it just pay attention to every = each –> singular
may this short& simple word can help u..
I wish there’s explanation then from Miss Rebecca
Rebbica you are the best teacher in the world ,you are amazing.i am an English teacher,you iwatched your present perfect lesson then do it in my made it in a brief and clear way to understand
amazing i like it
i hope we could communicte so i benefit from you thanks alot
hi rebecca . i hope you are doing well .you said that anyone and other words put tegether with ,any, to make it pronoun can be only used in negative or in interrogative sentence . here i have the one which is different ” i need to get food , anything you give me” it is different in this one . what type of sentence is this
Hi Abbas ! That is pretty simple . The word any can also be used in affirmative sentence when you don’t mind about . In this case ( anything you give me ) it means : I don’t mind what you have to give me whatever you give me I accept . I hope it cleans up your mind . You can ask any question here .
Hugs from Brazil.
Thanks, Ricardo, my friend. Hope all is well with you and your students. My best wishes, always.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. It is very useful indeed.
It’d be great if you could make a video lesson regarding the pronunciation of the “i” as in “peek” and the “i” as in “pick”! Thanks!
Please check this lesson by Alex:
All the best to you.
thank u so much teacher rebacca my request is to make a video about opposit nouns i realy need this lesson i have a lot of problems when i want to give the opposit noun of another one
Thanks a million for giving helpful lessons)
Thanx, it was great.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I’d like to ask you about the difference between two sentenses. “Would you like to drink something?” and “Would you like to drink anything?” I usually use the first sentence instead of the second one.
Thank you in advance.
when GOd brings you to it . He takes you through it..what does this sentence mean
Hi Rebbeca, your videos are always so brainy, and are a nice delicacy for me. They teach me, though I can not always understand all the explanations, for that reason I was thinking if you could put in the bottom of the picture the text of that you transcription of that you speak.
Thank you a lots and have a nice day
Thanks Raul. Just try to understand as best you can, as in real life the conversation will take place even faster! I am sure you will get it, take your time and you will succeed soon enough.
My best wishes to you, Raul.
OMG ! I couldn’t believe when I heard you saying my name darling … it was a pleasure to learn from you again . I wish you all the best .
Hugs from Brazil , all my students love you .
Thank you kindly, Ricardo.
I wish you and all your students a lot of joy and success in learning English. With you as their teacher, I’m sure they will learn very well. All the best to you, Ricardo.
I love these videos. Keep up the good work.
very useful lessons ,thank you very much
Someone already asked you about this earlier but I really don’t understand why you (English speakers) sometimes say “do you want something?” or “did you say something?” aren’t you supposed to say “do you want anything” and “did you say anything?” :-S I’m so confused everytime I have to say something like that.
I love you’re website it helps a lot with my test when I’m at home. =)=D
thanks a lot a lot really thanks
Hello… rebbeca ur lesson of english is very helpful for us.
thank you very much Rebecca for useful lesson
thank you so much
thank you verey much for useful lesson
Notwithstanding the fact that you are an English native speaker, I understand your English (100%). This is amazing. It’s no exaggeration to say that you have an excellent ability to teach English.
thanks alot
it is useful lesson
your way of teaching very easy
hello Rebecca how’re you?So o saw your video and help me so much but i wanna know about ‘GANNA’ i weiting from this world bye bye and have a beautiful day’s with all my respect from me to you DANIELA
Well, the word “gonna” is 100% slang.
You will hear it in movies and on TV, and native speakers do use it in conversation with friends but it is used only in informal situations.
It is the slang for “going to” – as in:
I’m gonna call him later.
instead of
I’m going to call him later.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you.
Its a very useful lesson because through this lesson you solved my very big problem.
Thank You
So glad we could help you, Javed.
All the best to you!
thanks for this good lesson
oh you are very grateful to everybody who need to learn English, Thank you lot and long life to you and the the company,
Thanks Rebeca, its been very useful informations.
Thnatk, Rebecca.
The best teacher to me Rebecca iam from iraq i relly benefit from your lessons but blease i want you to learn me the different between “look” and “sse” don’t look or dont see
i like you the best
thanks a lot
I like it very much. I don’t know how to thank you. please do one lesson for simple, complex & compound sentances.
It is very helpful program and I am getting more out of it.
Thank you very much
thanks for this lesson. Mrs Rebecca is a very good teacher.
Thank you again
thank u very much , your lesson was useful now i have no confused with these words .
Thank You Rebeca, You’re a Great Theacher, Your videos are helping me alot, Gracias Again…
Thank you Ms Robecca for your very good online english teaching. One thing I would like to ask for your help. coul you please tell me the best method that can help me to generate logic ideas and supporting points in the questions 1 & 2 in speaking, and question 2 (essay) of the iBT Toefl. These are parts that seem to be more difficult to me in this Test.
Good bless!
Questions 1 & 2 in the Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT are the Independent questions. Try to think of your answer as a mini mini essay. Start with an introduction, give a few reasons, and then add a concluding sentence, if you have time. At least try to say, ‘ And that’s why…I want to visit Rome” or “That’s why I would like to learn how to play the guitar.” These would be sufficient as concluding sentences.
There are some sample answers to speaking topics on my goodlucktoefl website, which should help you.
To learn how to write a logical essay, please watch this lesson:
If you follow the method explained in the video you will definitely get higher marks for the organizational aspect of your answer.
All the best with your exam, and with your English, Baker.
Thank you teacher,,,,, i love d way of teaching….. Grammer test is helping me a lot
very good. i need this lessons. so thnak you very much. i wait for more lessons
Great job!! thx Rebeca, your lessons are very
helpful thx kindly!
Sorry, we are not allowed to let you download. These are YouTube’s rules.
what’s deferent between no one and none ?
Well, let’s look at some examples:
No one here is above 30.
None of the people here are over 30.
Besides the differences in usage as shown above, “no one” is used to refer to people alone.
“None” can be used to refer to people or things or places.
For example:
None of the cities I visited were boring.
None of the shirts were cheap.
Hope this helps! My best to you.
Yay!! Thank you Rebecca, now I finally understood this difference.
That’s good for me. I’m so thankful for your lessons.
I love you, I love engVid.
That’s good for me. I’m so thankful for your lessons.
I love you, I love engVid.
And we are very happy to have you join us here on engvid. Thanks kindly for your feedback, Paooo. All the best to you.
Hello Dear Sir/Madem,
This is really my pleasure to have access at your site, i would like to know that, how can i download the Video files from there? and i hope to find the reply in this connection,
Yours Faithfully,
Abdul Ahmad Barakzi
You can watch them, not download them. YouTube does not allow it.
I benefit more from this lesson, thank you
A very good lesson and quiz! Thank you!
eng vid site is doing good
i like very much the lesson, thank you
Could you guys do a leeson on Finally and finaly. Im not to sure what the diffrence is? Thank you
Actually, the correct word is finally, which means “in the end” or “at last”.
There is no word such as finaly.
Perhaps you mean to ask about the word “finale”, as in “the grand finale”, which means the final competition, the big race, the deciding event, etc.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Daniel.
The grand finale can also mean the last part of any performance.
Hi Dear Master:
your presentation in english grammer is excellent and helpful. i would like to have your e mail to ask you some questions. please accept my grateful beforehand.
cyrous.s from iran
thank you so much . its a useful lesson.
My thanks to all for your kind feedback. My best wishes to each and every one of you.
Thanks a lot!
really your lesson is very clear & i want fpllow up all your lesson from now on please if you do’t min could you kindly send me your email adress
Sorry, no private lessons :D
i did’nt asked for private lesson !
wo““ it help a lot . thanks.
i like it very much …………..thanku
it is a very useful lesson and i have got 100 in quiz.Do you have anything for me as a prize
hahaha just kidding any way it’s just a very good lesson thanks
thats great
thanks for giving us free lectures
thank you, i lik this lesson but i am not indrstind verry good!!
realy u are the best
very happy to learn all of them ! they are very helpful to improve our communicative skills! thank you so much
thanks, I like this lesson but I don’t have verry good marks.
I necessary to learn more.
you’re really helping me with theses lessons i want to thank all of you
You got 7 correct out of 7.
oh thank you teacher
thank u for this useful lesson…..hmm i would like :) to ask a question which is different from this topic….what is the real difference between the past simple tense and present perfect one when i express an action??
Hi! could you please explain about using THEREFORE, WHEREUPON, THEREAT, THEREIN, HEREIN, and other similar to those mentioned above.
thanks it was very good lesson but ı need to see theaching solve the test for example dear Rabecca teaching some questions
Good day
This is really helpful. I wish I could see the trail of the lessons from basic to advance. I really want to learn how to speak and write proper English. I really regret that I only realized it lately.. I was traumatized by my English Teacher when I was in primary school, from then on it seem English subject is too difficult for me to learn.
Thanks Ms. Rebecca you teaching is really great.
thank u for this useful lesson…..hmm i would like :) to ask a question which is different from this topic….what is the real difference between the past simple tense and present perfect one when i express an action??
thanks for giving us free lectures
very good lesson
Thank you for the lesson.
very helpful so nice teacher
i need lecture on change of narration.
can you help me?
thanks in advance.
Hi mum,in the part of your lesson here, you said “did you met anyone at the party?” and the next you said “do you need to eat anything?” and then the next one you said “do you want to go anywhere?” my question is, we should use do or did for this kind of conversation basicly on the grammar rule.thank you in advance for your explanation mum.
i would like to thank all Eso teachers that willing to help us to imrove our english thank you very much.
hi I am studying your lesson my name is zulaa Iam living a mongolia IT lesson is very very liked me pls sent to me letter
Thanks a lot.Now i have confidence that I can speak fluent english
Teacher! Can I say like this?
a)There is no one here.
b)There isn’t anyone here.
thank you!!
nice class, you are an excellent teacher. Congratulations!!!!!!!
Both of them are correct !
I progress …tanks
So nice to hear the accent of Teachers from these I’ve gather some useful expressions and imformation which is very useful for the beginners… Thanks a lot see you.
please do you have another examples, because I do not understand well
Thank you so much for your lessons. I really like it!
Thank you very much for these lessons. It’s very helpful for us! :)
this words make me confused, and this lesson it’s very helpful
Thanks you teacher
miss can pleas telme what is the difference between
1: which day is today?
2: what day is today?
and which one is corect
Hello.. I got this site last night awhile browsing, I have watched some of the show. I’ll come more often.. :)
iam from Yemen and very happy to being here with you and join to us
thank you Rebe for this class I learned something new XD I hope learn more with you
hello Rebecca please can you show me how to write a resume
Thank you very much for everything……….
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca,for everything. thank you for your effort teaching us…
Can i ask a question? Is this sentence correct?:
past tense: i was born in February 3 1999.
future tense: the baby is going to be born sometime on June.
Thanks a lot, i hope you can answer my question. I’ll wait for your answer. And once again, THANK YOU!!!!
your English student:D
Dear Teacher Rebecca, in this case what´s the correct form
Did anyone phone me when I was out?
What´s the correct answer:
1. No, no one.
2. No, anyone.
Thanks for your help, I´ll be glad if you answer my question :)
( a )
What´s correct?
1. Did you buy anything at the shops?
a. No, nothing.
b. No, anything.
2. Did anyone phone me when I was out?
a. No, no one.
b. No, anyone.
PLZ Rebecca I need your help!!!
1- ( a )
2- ( a )
Hi Ms.Rebeca,
Im so glad I fnd this site!!! I like the way you speak it was very clear. Please helps me to improve my English please!! My English it wasnt good. I would like to speak fluent and nicely and clearly like you!! You’re my best Teacher!!!
Yours Sincerely,
Thank you again for the quiz. I need to do more :). It’s first time when I can study grammar, a little. Have a nice day!
Thank you Rebecca, I am liking yours lessons, because its very important for me to know english grammar. I would like very much speaking fluently and right. But my problem ,is grammar. I think that, you can help me. many thanks.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca so much for your lesson!
I watch us nearly every day.
My best wishes to you,
Edyta from Poland
Thanks Rebecca! But could you tell us about all exceptional using someone, anyone and no one. Thanks!!!
thanks’s great…and I want know…the explanation about get, have, !!!
I’m still confuse, how to use it well…thankzz before….you’re the best…
This lesson helps me a lot.
Thanks for teaching
Wow you are really a goog explanation
Hi , how to use someone, anyone and no one in present perfect tense. Let me know the correct placement of `has` and `have`while using these words in a present perfect tense.
hi,can i ask a question please?my question is that what is the passive voice of the following sentences?
1-he does not have to send the monry
2-they do not have to call her
1. The money doesn’t have to be sent.
2. She doesn’t have to be called.
Im very happy with EngVid and Rebecca, thank you so much!!
thanks ,i am good in that
Thanks Rebek!
The way you present, its so easy to understand.
May God give you the wisdom and strenght to become the best teacher in the world
yeeeeha.i scored 7 out of 7.thank you soooooo much miss Rebecca.And i wish all the best.thaks a lot from Norway.
i ment all the best for you
thank you my know i’m new in this site .it’s very intersting.and thanks for your lessons.all my best wishes for you teacher
miss rebaca thank u for all what u re providing us with im really proud to learn from the source of english native teacheers
miss rebaca thank
thanks so much, that explanation was definitely very clear!
thank you very much for helping thousands of people like me god bless you.
Really useful
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.
Hello teacher. Great lesson. This is what I need it. Please, correct this sentence: “I have no one to practice with this language”.Is it correct or wrong? Thank you..
I like this kind of lessons. Thanks teacher for your efforts.
All wishes for you.
Marry cristmas for everybody.
My best wishes for everybody. Happy new year.
Hi Rebecca,
I need your help with this sentence: “Has anyone of you ever seen a few photos on the apparently official XYZ’s page? Something looks seriously wrong with this lady.”
Should it be ‘anyone’ or ‘any one’ in this sentence. Which one is correct? I hope you’d reply at your earliest convenience.
Happy New Year!
Hi Ms Rebecca would you mind if I ask some sentences I get confused? :) What does it mean if they said or differences between these of two “I don’t know who is that” and “I don’t know who that is”?
Well, the first one isn’t grammatically correct. “Who is that?” is a question on its own.
thanx rebecca
hi dear Rebecca ,I hope u r fine . I’m also fine and underestood many things about this lesson and also cnfuesed many things.And kindly i would like 2 ask u quesions about this goes like this you have said I NEED TO EAT SOMETHING. in question u said (DO U NEED TO EAT ANYTHING?) so why u not say (DO U NEED TO EAT SOMETHING?)another one is I WANNA GO SOMEWHERE in a question hv said (DO U WANNA GO ANYWHERE?) and why not (DO U WANNA GO SOMEWHERE?)also I MET SOMEONE AT THE PARTY and said as a question ( DID U MET ANYONE AT THE PARTY?)then why not (DID U MET SOMEONE AT THE PARTY?) I hope u sh’ll explain me well thank u somuch
ANY is used with negative verbs and questions.
Thank you so much teacher Rebecca.
Really useful
Thank you so much teacher rebecca.
thank you so much, Rebecca. finally I understand the differences between these two words.
you’re a wonderful teacher!!
Thanks Rebecca for your lesson, it’s has been very important for me. I’m Tomas from Cuba. You’re so excellent teacher that why I love you so much. GOD bless you. See you next.Bye.
thanx rebecca i got a lot from your classea i want to take your online conversation classes please
Hii mam,
Today,I have set up my mind to describe a number.It’s gonna be about a number description.In order to explain a number, I have chosen a five digit number,say 78431.Next,the description is gonna come.It reads like the following.
First of all,It’s a five digit number as it contains five individual digits in it.In the number,1 is placed at the extreme right whereas 7 is located at the extreme left.There are three distinct digits lying in between them.The number has the smallest digit at the unit’s place while the biggest digit appears at the thousand’s place.Besides it,the digits lying at hundreadth’s and tenth’s place differ in one.If we make a comparison between the boundary digits,we find that the digit appearing at left boundary is 7 times bigger than the digit at extreme right end.Along with this information,we also see that the digit lying one place right from the extreme left position is twice than the digit placed at hundredth’s place while it is 5 greater than the digit at tenth’s place.Apart from this,the number includes two digits which are divisable by two whereas it consists of two prime numbers namely 7 and 3.On comparing digits at extreme left position and one place right to it,we find the former digit is one less than the latter one(comparison between 7 and 8).As the number does not include a decimal point,it’s considered to be a whole number otherwise it would be called a fractional number.To clarify this concept, we might imagine a number ,say 34567.12.As we can see here,the number has some more digits after the decimal point which makes the number to be recognized as a fractional number.In our original number i.e. 78431,if we interchnged the digits at the two extreme left position,we would get even a bigger number than the original number we currently have i.e. it would turn out to be 87431 which would be ten thousnd bigger than the actual one.
I like you to pay a special attention in this section as I do realize that you have completely been confused at this point after reading the confused description so long. You might be thinking that the boy is totally out of mind otherwise he would not have tried to pen down such boring stuff but I wanna let you know that my intention is not to confuse anyone but to express everyhing in english to enhance my potential to be acquainted more and more with this sweet language.
I am really very sorry if you have felt bad but I just wanted to describe a number and that was only my intention.
I like you to correct my sentences as well as give marks out of 10 letting me know my improvement.
Looking forward to messaging you in the future.
Dear teacher Rebecca,your explanations are very clear and right to the point of the lessons.I´m from Brazil and very appreciate your teaching.The adverb never is negative to pronoun anyone and don´t is negative to nothing,right?Thank you very much!!!!
Yes. you are right !
Reb thank’s a lot But it seemse in the qiuz in the last task is a missprint
Dear Rebbeca your videos are very helpful more than any other ones you’re the best teacher i’ve ever seen
dear Rebbeca
i would be very happy if you can explain the defrence between that,those and thes,this
Your lesson is very helpful for beginners like me..Hoping to master all your video lessons here at engvid and wishing to become an effective communicator! thanks a lot!
It is really a very good lesson for me, i apreciated very much. Thank you!!!
i really like your way of teaching you made it in a brief and clear way
i’ve watched your present perfect tense with the past great and wonderful you simlify the lesson in an a mazing way ,so i made it in my class
it was helpful to explain are the best teacher in the world. i hoe we could communicate
i have like this lesson sins ferst word! thanks you rebeka!
Great lesson!!!!
this engvid is very helpful to me,thank you so much.
thank you for the test i got a perfect score thank you
this engvid is very helpful to me,thank you so much
Helpful lesson!
Please help me here, with non of them: was here or were here.
I hope if you can give us lesson on this topic as well in near future,will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very helpful for me. I really enjoy your classes.
I hope learn more with you.I really like it.All wishes for you.
I have never met _______________like you before.
Why can’t we say “I have never met someone like you before.”. What is wrong in it. Could you explain.
never makes it negative.
hello rebeeca how are you?you are such a great english help my many english problems.thanks a lot.
Im speak arabic
and I need speak English
Im speak little
what Ido to speak english good
wow..i really like this lesson.
It gives very grateful, but I suggest to improve the audio.
tnx miss fr this lesson
you are realy.good teacher
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for the lesson. I have a question, I failed the second question on the test, Could you explain me why is “anyone” instead of “no one”, because is not a negative sentence or question. Or it’s negative because of “never”? THANK YOU!!
2. I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
no one
Hi. Yes. NEVER makes the sentence negative.
Hello dear Rebeca ! I am here to suggest you a lesson which is how to use other, others , another ! Hugs from my students ! We love you !
thank you Rebecca
but some times we use word something in the question for example :
can I offer you somthing?
Do you want to dringsomething?
Is it correct
I would think no… means negative things. Having your clear explanation , I got a lot of D .
hi Rebecca
bad score for me 40% !!!
je recommence .
hi mam rebecca i have a question… i just confused.. anything, anyone etc, we can use them as negative or question sentences… but how about the something, we can use something for question…example, would you like to eat something? or would you like to eat anything?… what is the correct question there?…
please… help me here… thanks in advance…
Since I found this site I have to visit every day!
The best English website
Thanx a lot for all the teachers
Thank you for your lesson. I feel my English is surely improving.
Ok 100%
thank you so much for your class and special because your form to teach is very good.
Thank you very much!
I have a question anyway )
We say: Do u want SOME coffee? Will u buy SOME milk?
We don’t use ANY in these questions…
whem we expect the listener say YES to our answer we use SOME in our questions .
Best regards: soei
Please give us more practice question?
Important theme to learn, thanks Rebecca!
Everything is okay with u!
I got :D.
thanks it really helps
Hi, Mrs. Rebbeca. You teach as a sage, though you feel like a womam. In my unpretentious conception the literature prize belongs to you.
Good lesson, thanks.
Thank you very much i love you and this lesson is very easy
I hope to reconcile :)
I didn’t listen the lesson course sound is is not very good, but no errors were done.
very useful lesson. I’ve never seen anyone like you the awesome teacher. thanks!
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot mam
Thanks Rebeca you are an exellent teacher, never changed and best regards
Thanks for your great lesson! I would like to talk about the meaning of rich, wealthy, opulent and affluent. How is the situation I should use them? Please!
Hello Rebecca! it’s really useful lesson for me, but I just want to ask one more thing about this lesson. when we attach ‘some, any, and no’ with other words for example ‘book’ so it becomes ‘any books, no books, some books’. I heard this from native. why do they use ‘s’ in the end of it? please answer me! I’m longing for your best answer. thanks in advance.
thanks alot
it is useful lesson
thank you a lot , its useful lesson
i liked it! this it will help me…Thanks a lot!
Thank you for your lesson.
May I ask you one question about Verb to use for “some…”, should it use singular or plural verb?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Rebecca, many thanks for the lesson. You help me solving my doubts. Jesus Christ bless you powerfully. My best wishes for you, greetings from Brazil.
thankyou so much. this lesson really helpful
Hello my dear Rebecca. It’s been long time since I requested on Engvid this lesson… your classes are still the best ever. Hugs from my student.
PS: Ricardo Alessandro.
Hi Rebeca, I have a question, when at the restaurant the cashier or the waiter ask you “anything else?”, what should I respond?. 1)anything else, thank you; 2) Nothing, 3) No, nothing else or 4) Nothing else?, 5) No, thanks. According to the lesson I would say “1”, but I’m not sure because I have heard the another answers many times. Thank you.
Rebeca, this sentence below comes from a webpage of grammar clases.
“Secretaries, job seekers, blog and article writers, or anyone who wants to make a good impression with their writing can use this tool.”
This a positive sentence, written with ANYONE.
Dear Rebecca,
“Nothing ventured nothing gained”.
Best regards.
Am really learning a lot.
Is there some use difference between negative sentences with “any” and positive sentences meaning negative?
Hi,Rebeca!Firstly I’d like to say you are an excellent teacher and I thank you for helping me a lot. my question is: why in the Avril Lavigne’s song, “I’m with you”, she uses this sentence: “Won’t somebody come take me home?”
The singer used somebody in a question??…Please, could you explian me why??….Thank you so much.
I have a common qestion.Why on the site for my account is not marked taked the videos and the qizes ?
very useful. Thanks a lot.
Thanks very much. It was very helpful.
Thank you very much!
Dear Rebecca. I’ve watched the most Eng.videos on this site, as well as different lessons for other colleagues of yours, but you are just so exceptional like the beautiful music or the beautiful voice. my best warm wishes to you. please accept this test song from me:
Is “anyone is at the door” grammatically correct??
Hello Rebecca! Thanks a lot for your class, but I didn’t understand why I need to use “anyone” in this phrase:
“I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?”}
Could you help me, please?
Thank you!
2. I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
no one
why the answer it’s anyone??? the tense it’s not negative
i got 6 out of 7
I got 100! Nowhere in my English (grammar) books teach this. Thanks, Emma, you increase my ability to learn more English.
Thank you for your lesson.
May I ask a question?
How to say correct:
I wonder if anyone (or someone) could help me.
This is not a question, but it implies hesitation.
Thank you Rebecca.
Rebecca, I really need your help, I have 2 questions.
1. can we change “one” into plural ?
ex ; no one becomes no ones.
2. If no. 1 is correct, can we replace plural noun into no ones ?
ex : you said the pencils were in your bag but there were no ones.
thanks before
Hi Rebecca, thank you so much for these lessons. I am teaching English online and I go through these lessons to reaffirm what I thought I learned from my English classes in High School and to learn too. It is helping me a lot. Sometimes, it’s hard for me to explain how these words should be used so I came here and found the answer. Also, because I’m used to hearing it so that’s how I know it’s correct but I can’t explain to my students. So thank you so much for these lessons.
well, this is a great way how to teach anyone, someone, and no one. this is a huge explanation with an excellent teacher we appreciate the chance to get into the course every time. we are all happy to be able to be apart of the platform.
I am learning and practice with my coworkers. Thanks
Great, thank you Rebecca.
thank you so much rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. Very good !
I scored 10 out 10! Thank you my dear Rebecca!
You got 7 correct out of 7.
thanks a lot.
I have a question, using the same examples. Are these sentences correct?
1.- I met no one at the party.
2.- I need to eat nothing.
3.- I want to go nowhere.
Ifaild i must to try again
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you very much Ms. Rebecca.
in number 2 why “someone” is incorrect?
Thank you so much mam.
Thank u soooooo much for making things easy. I really love the way engvid team explain something. Once again thanks, Ur explanation helps me learn confusing grammar easily.
But I don’t get it ??
Hi Rebecca!Thanks for this useful English Class,
So, I have a question! I don´t understand this sentence below:
I have never met _______________like you before. Will you marry me?
Why I should using “anyone” instead of Someone?
Please, could you help me? Many thanks in advance.
I have never seen anyone like you . or I have never seen someone like you . Which one is correct and why ?
thank’s Rebecca. I really enjoy the way you explain the subjets!
I watched this video twice on July 29, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven out of 7.
This is great ma, thanks.
Thank you! It’s so helpful for me.
thank you very march before i misused this words bur now i understand the different
I really appreciate the lesson, it was helpful thank you very much
I got 6/7.
Thank you! :)
I missed ONE, I need more practice
Thank you teacher Rabecca.