My English lessons are longer than the other teachers. Why? Because I am a motormouth. Learn what that means, along with five other idioms and phrases in English that use the word ‘mouth’. If you want to badmouth me, leave a comment!
Interesting lesson…..say bye bye to Mr Mistery…….kiss
zulejka alexia
Hello, I wanted to say Im starting to understand how to set a 5 paragraph essay.
But, my problem is that my brain freezes when I start to begin my introduction . and I cant figure out what to say. How can I get help with that?
Hi James,
I’d like to watch your videos but I can’t..
I am in Turkey now.. What should I do to watch all videos? Could you pls help me?
Hi Mujde — Unfortunately, the Turkish government blocks videos from YouTube. All the videos on this site are currently served from YT, so you will not be able to watch the lessons unless you find a way to watch YouTube.
Müjde you have to change DNS Settings if you want to watch these videos blocked by Turkish government.
I am writing in Turkish.
“Tercih edilen DNS sunucusu: 4 2 2 1
Diğer DNS Sunucusu : 4 2 2 2”
I hope it is handy for you.
yusuf duzgun
Hi,James! Your lessons are incredibly interesting and engaging. I have a couple of questions to you. I am an advance learner of English language but I have a problem (which I think most English lerners face). When it comes to speaking all my vocabulary and just knowledge of the language dissapears. Is there any method to use to develop speaking abilities. Thank you in advance!
Here’s an advice: try role-playing. For instance, get a good movie on DVD, set the language and the subtitles to English (or better, get the movie script off the Internet), and try speaking as actors do. Then, when you’ll know whole dialogues by heart, try ‘acting’ the scenes as naturally as possible. Remember to turn the subtitle off, or you’ll end up looking at people’s feet in everyday’s life! ;-) Joking…
Hello James, I would like to thanks for your class. I’m from Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, and this is my second class with you and it’s excellent.
I don’t speak and write englis very well, but I’ll try to learn englis in this ENGVID. Sorry about my mistakes in this sentence but I want to thanks you so much.
André – Brasil
great lessons kepp this up!!!
Dear James,
Your videos are wonderful…thanks and keep going ahead :)
Hello James!
This is a very creative and interesting lesson! You should be proud of your beautiful
piece of work. Tomorrow, I will be showing it
to my students in Brasília, Brazil. I´m sure
they will enjoy your lesson! Once again, congratulations!
Anna Lúcia
Anna Lucia Seabra Mendes
Hello James!Thank you very much for your lessons!Josie
Hi James
You are doing a good job. Your teaching method is an unique one and is very gripping. Your ability to draw some good pictures relevent to the class is appreciable.Is it possible to conduct the class with english subtitles.That will be useful to most learners.
good thx
always amazing lessons!! Thanks a lot!
Hi James
I am much obliged to you for your lessones.It hеlped to me in learning english.Dany-Ukraine
really so superb for us….continue your job like that….
To be honest,I can understand 50%.Is this talking speed is normal?Maybe I have to study more hard.Thank you very much for teachin
hi james, it is my first time to see yours videos.i like them.your videos are very cool.i like the video about diferents about saying,telling,listening and hearing.
I’m very excited about what the funny teacher presents to us really. I don’t know what I say to this impressive guy really, but I will say that “What a nice teacher you’re I have ever seen”. I appreciate what you give to your learner students thank you! Thank you for everything you gave..
Much appreciated who has a bad mouth hahaha.
nice , veryy good
heyya James .im just wondering can u teach GCSE English Anthology …by any chance??????
Hello James,
I love your lessons. They really work for me.
I wanted to share your lesson, so I introduced your website with a lesson video on my blog. Do you mind? If you so, please let me know. I will remove about it right away. :-)
Thank you for your interesting lessons, again.
It’s not a problem at all. It’s great, actually. Please share with as many people as you can. We have blocked external links though in the comments, because of spam problems. But thank you, Eileen, and keep watching!
its realy very good learning for who want to improve spoken.
Tahir from Ayat Grammar School
Hello. I enjoy learn and listen this lesson
thanks you
Great lesson. It really helped me out.
So, idioms, expressions and slangs are synonyms, right?
I guess the words “idiom” and “expression” are more like formal and professional words than the word “slang”.
P. S. Is there any video about when to use single quotation marks (‘), when to use common one (“), and where do I need to place full stop when quotation mark is used?
Is there any difference about these two marks at all? I ask this because there is a difference in my language.
P. P. S. James, have you noticed anything strange about the way you write letter ‘w’?
It is kind of funny, you know what I mean. :)
The difference between idioms and expressions is not major. Slang, though, refers to informal, often incorrect speech. Slang can also be single words. Idioms and expressions are made up of more than one word.
There is a difference between these marks, but there is no lesson on engVid yet covering this topic.
As for where to put the period when using quotation marks, it depends on what writing you are doing. Newspapers often place the period after quotation marks, while in a lot of academic writing, it is kept in. You will have to check the “style guide” for whatever field you are writing in.
I will let James answer about his handwriting.
hi james how are you . everyday iam watch your videos these are very good .i learning lot’s of things. thank you very much and also i like your teach style and plz teach about preposition.
Thank you a lot for your excellent method of teachnig us.
lesson of mouth….. thanks jamas!
adam arif
adam arif
it is very interesting. very nice!!
i’m very happy, with this lesson. but i wouldlike to know how to get this video? please someone halp me!
Very interesting James.
One Question????????????
Are you skilled in running with your mouth?
great lesson motormouth ! keep it up
Hi sir james,
I realy like the way you explain everything. its so funny but great presentation.
I have a question about an idiom “STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH” i heard that somettimes in a movie convesation, and I realy don’t know the exact meaning. I hope you would spend a little time to help me on this, THAKNS A LOT.
i love it!!
i agree too
Hi James, your lessons is incredibly good it helps me a lot to improve my Vucabulary
I watch your lesson two times and I do not understand because you tease and kid a lot and this tak out my attention
cool style of teaching man !
i like it
i think i started to like your mr. motormouth…hehehe
Hi, I like your lessons, they are fun and interesting, thanks.
Hi, how r u? i’m here cauz i didn’t catch up these expressions, I mean MOTOR MOUTH and BADMOUTH,i hope you can help me.
thanks for the really nice class.
Thanks alot,but I believe THANKS is not enough for you, plz keep on and go head,,,,
Hi James,
I just want to know how to start the course, which lesson to start and what is the next… I’m just expecting a sequence to follow and that will help me to measure the status of completion and yet to complete. Expecting for your suggestion.
hello i am souad from Algeria and i am using engvid videos as teaching material in oral expression module and actually whenever the students saw your picture james they react very enthausistically my virtual teacher thanks a million
I enjoy our teaching and Find it very useful and interesting. I sometimes show your Teaching videos to my students to have fun and feel fresh.
sayyed jalil
it is very useful lessons
i love this channel, you’re a great and fun teacher
thanks sirji,nice lesson.but u speak very fast..i think moter mouth…right??
Hi James I’m new here and I dont know what Do I neet to do If I could not check myself out becuase I could not solve this quiz and also couple earlier
Thank you James …. it was a useful lesson
hasan aliraqi
Thank you James! Your lessons are very funny and useful…I love them.
Hi James, sorry but I don’t understand what you say. You speech is very fast. It’s too bad
Hi James, I won’t badmouth you because that was a fantastic lesson;) Although, I did’t know any of the expression I really like them all;) Thanks amd waiting for more lessons like this one;)
Perfect idioms!!!
I don’t want to badmouth you because it was a great lesson about 5 slang idioms with the word “mouth”. You have spoken up and clear, sometimes quicker than normal for me. Summarizing, “to shoot off at the mouth”(very quickly or bad mood); “running off at the mouth”(speedly); “motormouth”(speak up and loud, so fast); “big mouth” (speaking a lot of word); and “Bad mouth”(disrecpectly, unpolitely and negatively); I have understood these topics. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, good performance.
thank you, James.
it was cool but I can’t find part 2 not fair but i like minecraft do you pls say yes in the comments hehehe bye
Learn English for free with 2158 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Interesting lesson…..say bye bye to Mr Mistery…….kiss
Hello, I wanted to say Im starting to understand how to set a 5 paragraph essay.
But, my problem is that my brain freezes when I start to begin my introduction . and I cant figure out what to say. How can I get help with that?
Hi James,
I’d like to watch your videos but I can’t..
I am in Turkey now.. What should I do to watch all videos? Could you pls help me?
Hi Mujde — Unfortunately, the Turkish government blocks videos from YouTube. All the videos on this site are currently served from YT, so you will not be able to watch the lessons unless you find a way to watch YouTube.
Müjde you have to change DNS Settings if you want to watch these videos blocked by Turkish government.
I am writing in Turkish.
“Tercih edilen DNS sunucusu: 4 2 2 1
Diğer DNS Sunucusu : 4 2 2 2”
I hope it is handy for you.
Hi,James! Your lessons are incredibly interesting and engaging. I have a couple of questions to you. I am an advance learner of English language but I have a problem (which I think most English lerners face). When it comes to speaking all my vocabulary and just knowledge of the language dissapears. Is there any method to use to develop speaking abilities. Thank you in advance!
Here’s an advice: try role-playing. For instance, get a good movie on DVD, set the language and the subtitles to English (or better, get the movie script off the Internet), and try speaking as actors do. Then, when you’ll know whole dialogues by heart, try ‘acting’ the scenes as naturally as possible. Remember to turn the subtitle off, or you’ll end up looking at people’s feet in everyday’s life! ;-) Joking…
Hello James, I would like to thanks for your class. I’m from Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, and this is my second class with you and it’s excellent.
I don’t speak and write englis very well, but I’ll try to learn englis in this ENGVID. Sorry about my mistakes in this sentence but I want to thanks you so much.
André – Brasil
great lessons kepp this up!!!
Dear James,
Your videos are wonderful…thanks and keep going ahead :)
Hello James!
This is a very creative and interesting lesson! You should be proud of your beautiful
piece of work. Tomorrow, I will be showing it
to my students in Brasília, Brazil. I´m sure
they will enjoy your lesson! Once again, congratulations!
Anna Lúcia
Hello James!Thank you very much for your lessons!Josie
Hi James
You are doing a good job. Your teaching method is an unique one and is very gripping. Your ability to draw some good pictures relevent to the class is appreciable.Is it possible to conduct the class with english subtitles.That will be useful to most learners.
good thx
always amazing lessons!! Thanks a lot!
Hi James
I am much obliged to you for your lessones.It hеlped to me in learning english.Dany-Ukraine
really so superb for us….continue your job like that….
To be honest,I can understand 50%.Is this talking speed is normal?Maybe I have to study more hard.Thank you very much for teachin
hi james, it is my first time to see yours videos.i like them.your videos are very cool.i like the video about diferents about saying,telling,listening and hearing.
I’m very excited about what the funny teacher presents to us really. I don’t know what I say to this impressive guy really, but I will say that “What a nice teacher you’re I have ever seen”. I appreciate what you give to your learner students thank you! Thank you for everything you gave..
Much appreciated who has a bad mouth hahaha.
nice , veryy good
heyya James .im just wondering can u teach GCSE English Anthology …by any chance??????
Hello James,
I love your lessons. They really work for me.
I wanted to share your lesson, so I introduced your website with a lesson video on my blog. Do you mind? If you so, please let me know. I will remove about it right away. :-)
Thank you for your interesting lessons, again.
It’s not a problem at all. It’s great, actually. Please share with as many people as you can. We have blocked external links though in the comments, because of spam problems. But thank you, Eileen, and keep watching!
its realy very good learning for who want to improve spoken.
Hello. I enjoy learn and listen this lesson
thanks you
Great lesson. It really helped me out.
So, idioms, expressions and slangs are synonyms, right?
I guess the words “idiom” and “expression” are more like formal and professional words than the word “slang”.
P. S. Is there any video about when to use single quotation marks (‘), when to use common one (“), and where do I need to place full stop when quotation mark is used?
Is there any difference about these two marks at all? I ask this because there is a difference in my language.
P. P. S. James, have you noticed anything strange about the way you write letter ‘w’?
It is kind of funny, you know what I mean. :)
The difference between idioms and expressions is not major. Slang, though, refers to informal, often incorrect speech. Slang can also be single words. Idioms and expressions are made up of more than one word.
There is a difference between these marks, but there is no lesson on engVid yet covering this topic.
As for where to put the period when using quotation marks, it depends on what writing you are doing. Newspapers often place the period after quotation marks, while in a lot of academic writing, it is kept in. You will have to check the “style guide” for whatever field you are writing in.
I will let James answer about his handwriting.
hi james how are you . everyday iam watch your videos these are very good .i learning lot’s of things. thank you very much and also i like your teach style and plz teach about preposition.
Thank you a lot for your excellent method of teachnig us.
lesson of mouth….. thanks jamas!
it is very interesting. very nice!!
i’m very happy, with this lesson. but i wouldlike to know how to get this video? please someone halp me!
Very interesting James.
One Question????????????
Are you skilled in running with your mouth?
great lesson motormouth ! keep it up
Hi sir james,
I realy like the way you explain everything. its so funny but great presentation.
I have a question about an idiom “STOP PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH” i heard that somettimes in a movie convesation, and I realy don’t know the exact meaning. I hope you would spend a little time to help me on this, THAKNS A LOT.
i love it!!
i agree too
Hi James, your lessons is incredibly good it helps me a lot to improve my Vucabulary
I watch your lesson two times and I do not understand because you tease and kid a lot and this tak out my attention
cool style of teaching man !
i like it
i think i started to like your mr. motormouth…hehehe
Hi, I like your lessons, they are fun and interesting, thanks.
Hi, how r u? i’m here cauz i didn’t catch up these expressions, I mean MOTOR MOUTH and BADMOUTH,i hope you can help me.
thanks for the really nice class.
Thanks alot,but I believe THANKS is not enough for you, plz keep on and go head,,,,
Hi James,
I just want to know how to start the course, which lesson to start and what is the next… I’m just expecting a sequence to follow and that will help me to measure the status of completion and yet to complete. Expecting for your suggestion.
hello i am souad from Algeria and i am using engvid videos as teaching material in oral expression module and actually whenever the students saw your picture james they react very enthausistically my virtual teacher thanks a million
I enjoy our teaching and Find it very useful and interesting. I sometimes show your Teaching videos to my students to have fun and feel fresh.
it is very useful lessons
i love this channel, you’re a great and fun teacher
thanks sirji,nice lesson.but u speak very fast..i think moter mouth…right??
Hi James I’m new here and I dont know what Do I neet to do If I could not check myself out becuase I could not solve this quiz and also couple earlier
Thank you James …. it was a useful lesson
Thank you James! Your lessons are very funny and useful…I love them.
Hi James, sorry but I don’t understand what you say. You speech is very fast. It’s too bad
Hi James, I won’t badmouth you because that was a fantastic lesson;) Although, I did’t know any of the expression I really like them all;) Thanks amd waiting for more lessons like this one;)
Perfect idioms!!!
I don’t want to badmouth you because it was a great lesson about 5 slang idioms with the word “mouth”. You have spoken up and clear, sometimes quicker than normal for me. Summarizing, “to shoot off at the mouth”(very quickly or bad mood); “running off at the mouth”(speedly); “motormouth”(speak up and loud, so fast); “big mouth” (speaking a lot of word); and “Bad mouth”(disrecpectly, unpolitely and negatively); I have understood these topics. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, good performance.
thank you, James.
it was cool but I can’t find part 2 not fair but i like minecraft do you pls say yes in the comments hehehe bye
I don’t know if James does, but I do!