I’m bored? I’m boring? Not sure of the difference? Better watch this basic English grammar lesson then, or you could be saying something rather rude about yourself!
1nce again rebecca proofs she is not boring 1 bit! What about I am learning/ I am learned? Is it correct, the second one? I read it on a book, but teacher told me (my stupid ignorance teacher from india) it is not correct to say “I am learned”. is it?
@DogMan, “I am learning” means u are still learning and so do I :D, but I think “I have learned” is correct one :).
Hi Dogman
Thanks kindly for the feedback.
As wagas said, in the sentence “I am learning”, learning is a verb in the present continuous tense, not an adjective. It means you are learning right now.
The word “learned” ( pronounced ler -nid) is an adjective. Technically, you could say “I am learned.” – it would mean that you have a lot of knowledge or are scholarly. So usually, we would not say that about ourselves, because it sounds a little pompous ( like we’re showing off). We could certainly use it to talk about other people though, as in ” He /She is a learned professor.”
Hope this helps! Good luck!
it is lovely to see this comments rebeeca, it helps me a lot, my best wishes to you,,
could u help me with my E writing SKILL?
i’m looking forward to answering from you . sincere!
and I liked the quiz given below the video!!! Thanks a lot!!!
Glad it helped you!
that was a very interesting lesson, ms. rebecca. thank you.
My pleasure.
It’s an intresting lesson.
hi ribaco im glad your lesson reali thanks againg about your lesson and bye bye
I really like this lesson…
Sometimes I’m really confused between ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’. Your lessons are so helpful for me. Thanks.
thanks miss
i have full mark in these quiz
because i benfit alhot from you
Thanks to eudes, rajkumarkalshetty, fowz, marcos, rachel and amhd for your feedback.
Like any language, English has many small grammatical points such as these, which must be mastered in order to speak and write well.
If you’ve understood this lesson, you have already improved in an area where many ESL students make mistakes. Great work!
Rebecca thanks for your lessons you a teacher awesome
Thanks. Glad you’re enjoying the website.
By the way, you should say:
You’re an awesome teacher. :)
Dear Rebbecca,
I am a new student to this site. I do enjoy listening to your vie does, but I do have a question for you. I was wondering if you have any videos for verbal instructions in the passive tenses please let me know. The reason I am asking this questions because the majority of students are having problems with this part of grammar.
Thank you
We do actually have some lessons on this website dealing with the passive tense. Please check them out here:
Dear Rebbecca
I have a lot of relatives living there. Why can’t we say,,
I have a lot of relatives are living there.
Please let me know.
Thank you
Too many verbs.
You can say either:
I have a lot of relatives living there.
A lot of my relatives are living there.
Hope this helps.
Hi, Good day Mr. Mohsen.
With regards to your questioned sentence:
I have a lot of relatives are living there.
–Every sentence should have one main verb. In your sentence, “have” is the main verb, thus “are” is already irrelevant in the sentence.
Hope this helps. ^^
You are so great mam. I love how you teach! Thank you so much!:) what can I say? 5 stars! :)
May God Bless You!
Thanks, Julia. Bless you, too, and all the best with your English.
It was very interesting for me.
Thank you,Dear Rebecca.
You’re welcome, Renaldo. Glad it helped.
I am Sujith. I am from Sri Lanka. You are teaching us English very well. Your lessons are packed with useful facts. You really know the correct way to teach English. I am interested in watching your videos. I need to thank you. You are so excellent. You are successful.
Well, thanks Sujith. So many compliments all at once! You are very kind. I’m very happy the lessons are helping you improve your English. All the best to you, and do tell your friends about our site so we can continue to add more videos.
you are very kind an generos teacher no like my teacher in the school
really thanks because I was confused about that.
You can’t believe that I have been studying english for long time and the diference between bored and boring were terrble for me. But now, I undesrtand those. really thanks
you are a good teacher thanks
So glad I could help you understand the difference. My best to you, Juanita.
superb Mrs. Rebecca you’r superb.
Mrs. Rebecca when we say”you may sit here or you can sit here so what is major difference in it?
Thanks for your positive feedback, Sam. So glad I could help you.
Usually, “may” is more polite than “can”.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Sam.
according to me.. when we request for something than we use this polite word(MAY).. but at when we give permission to someone or who is younger then ours then we use (can)
i love u rebecca you are superb
I’m a new user. Thank you very much for your pleasant voice and smile.Hope to know alot of interesting things with your help.
“Hi. I’m not James, I’m Rebecca…” LOL :))).
Thanks for the lessons.
Glad you are all enjoying and learning from the lessons. Keep checking out the new lessons from all the teachers; there may be one which targets your mistakes exactly!
My best to each of you.
This lesson is very useful.
Thank you!
i liked the way put your explaination
hi i m realy imperess to your teaching i like you very much you r a good teacher . i sohail amin this is my id sohailamin786@yahoo.com plz send me your id so i can cuminicate to you bye allah hafiz
i m realy intrestad to learn english i watched your teaching its very good
sohail amin
hi,rebecca.thank you for your all help again.
noureen khurshedi
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for your lesson. I always confused “-ed” with “-ing”. Now I understand. I like the quiz very much. It’s very helpful.
Hello, Rebecca! Your lesson is interestING! And I’m not bored! I understand!
i just want to say that your lesson was very interesting but it will help me more when you write down the examples on the board for me
please help me,i did not see any answer about my quwestion,i do not know how to get inside de comment
I am a new user. it was really exiting me. your explanation is simply superub.
I like T.Rebbecca. I am intrested to learn your interesting teaching. Thanks. Teach more ENGLISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Silas Ng
thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
Well explained and easy to understand.
Now I can pass it on to my friends, thanks again.
Rebecca madam i love ur teaching styles. i love ur way of explaning …plzzz plzzz upload ur new lessons of past tense….ilove u ..teacher…..maaa maa maa maa
emraan hashmi
thank you a lot
Hi, Ms Rebecca i would like to suggest an idea and i hope it will help all of us. concerning the grammar lessons i think it will be helpful if you make the lessons in a specific order in goal to take us step by step to the level where we can master all tenses. for example simple present first then past ……
thank you and i hope i will hear soon from you
Lovely Rebbeca, A pleasure to say hello to you. I found very interesting your lesson but I have a big doubt: Can I say.??… I am boring also??…I mean trying to describe me like and adjetive??…in the sense I´m not enthusiastic……Is it ok ? or wrong,? because in Spanish can be like that… thanks before hand…regards by the way I´m from Chile.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re amazing….
Yousef Alghamdi
this lesson is very useful for me thanks alot for such a kind lesson……..cheereo
hi rebacca,
i like ur positive way of approach & ur teaching style.can you please tell me,difference between im bored &i was bored.
I really god it now.. Thank u so much..
Be happy ever.. :)
san ei
hi rebecca i was show your video, really interesting, and my score 80.00, so now i understand bored and boring, bored if we describing for our feel and boring we describing for the things.
i’m happy with engvid. thank’s Rebecca thank’s Engvid
a great lesson ! thank you veru much !
Hi rebecca I like your explanations. Can this lesson be considered as a participial adjectives lesson or is it different?
Dear Rebecca:
I want to thank you so much for the lesson and you explain it really well I understood how to use the words… thanks again
wonderful Job thanks alot and i have a little confusion?? i will be highly thankful if someonee will clear plz,,like we say i felt bored or i felt bore which one is correct and why???? since felt is already past so why we cant use bore instead of bored??????
only one word … nice thank u..
well,everything is fine,this lesson isn’t boring.
It was a veri exciting test!!!
It was a very exciting test!!!I’m so pleased to take it!!
What is the correct?: It was disapponted to hear about the earthquake? or It was disappointing to hear about the earthquake?
Hello ms.Rebecca my name it’s DANIELA i saw your video so great help me so much thanksfull bye bye Have a great day’s bye with all my respec Daniela
on saturday, the 27th’ is it correct english? should I use ‘the’ before 27th.
yes, you would say something like “We will meet for coffee on the 27th.”
very interesting lesson
but you speak slowly. I can’t catch a lecture!
Many students find it frustrated to learn English preposition.
Why frustrated is wrong ,frustrated is describing the students feeling,can you explain it to me, please
I have a question
Many students find it frustrating to learn English preposition.
Why in this case frustrated is wrong?
The way you feel the word always end with ed
So frustrated is describing the students feeling ,why it is wrong?
Rebecca ,can you please explain it to me?
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca. It was a simple e very usefull lesson.
Gastao Guimaraes
hai mam hope you are doing well?? Your all classes are excellent. mam can you explain me what is the difference between respond,response and responds. thank you
i’m spired by your lesson, because you talk interesting… is it correct ma’am???
Thank you so much , Teacher Rebecca . I Love it
thank u madam.u r a lovely teacher.ur all lesson are very usefull for us.i want to ask 1 question?(we are done).in this sentense done is third form of verb y we are using are??is done adjective??
plz explain it.i will wait ur answer….
thanks teachers 4 ur help and i really like this program. tanx alot of times
we are done.is it passive??plz explain.
madam you are superb
my friend wrote “so boring” on her facebook wall.she wanted to show her feeling but it’s wrong n it should be “so bored”. Am i right?
Rebecca, You’re a very good teacher. I was understand very well.
all right
This is why I hate teachers. You answer questions with more questions. You lost me after 20 seconds. I googled the answer I was looking for in less time.
Adrian House
Dear Rebbecca,
I am a new student to this site. I do enjoy listening to your vie does, but I do have a question for you. I was wondering if you have any videos for verbal instructions in the passive tenses please let me know. The reason I am asking this questions because the majority of students are having problems with this part of grammar.
Thank you
mahmoud barakat
it is an interesting lesson . I want to develop my english skills and need your help can you give us more vocabulary lessons to expand our vocabulary and at th same time to enriche our speaking.please I want to know the difference between “I wanna” and “I want”
Thank you madam.Your teaching is cool…I understood.
Interesting lesson !
Thank you so much Rebecca .
Thanks Rebeca. It is interesting!!!!
thanks ma’am rebecca..i have learned.
thanks, rebecca ,
it is too gooooooooooooooooooooooodddd,………….
really amazing
Hi, nice work, but i want to ask which from of the verb should be used in each sentences.
like :
1. i feel bored because the movie is boring.
2. i am interested because the play was interesting.
Please explain me.. Thanks for you support.
good lesson thanks
farhan khan
Thank you so much.
you’re very good teacher
hi teacher you are a very kindlly person
Hi Rebecca,
Can we use suppose to instead of should? I would be really grateful to u if you explain to me the different between suppose to and should.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks so much.
I would find how to use practice with theese form ed and ing.
But thank you for your clear lesson.
such a huge help!thanks!
you have a uniqu way very short lesson , very very useful too
Eng Moahemd
it really help studets to larn gammar
Your lessons very interesting.Thanks miss Rebecca.
Thank you my techar i can answer all your question it was a good lesson
thank you it`s so helpful
mazhar ali
thanks a lot can u give lesson about ‘OF’ thank you
Hi Rebecca,
I am a new student online. And I have found very interesting all of your classes. You are a very good English teacher. I am an advanced student, but still I have a lot of difficulties when I write and speak. I study myself most of the time. I enjoy studying and reading, creating my own vocabulary, I also see a lot of television news, series and movies in English only. I’m very dedicated student. I can understand 95% very well. But sometimes I feel I still need a lot to do. Could you please send me a tip how I can improve or be better.
(Could you please correct my writing) Thank you very much Rebecca.
I’m so thankful to this site…i’m interested to all the video’s to watch because it is very helpful helpful to me to study how to speak english corectly, and the speaker whose in the video is interesting how to teach.(please correct my writing) tnx jhong
i was too bad in that
Spelling of earthquake and combination is incorrect the reason why i m telling this because i love this site and i dont want that anybody else sat that, sorry
I’ve always had problem with this, when use -ed when -ing. It was very helpful :)
hello mam,
its little bit confusing.i got only 80 marks.
i have one question which confuses me.
The question is “what a boring/bored life”?
It is a very interesting
very useful lesson…thanks
nice lesson, i learn a lot today.. ^^ thx u
Professor Rebecca,
Thanks for the great work! Your lessons have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!!!!!
Pink ohnihleoc
i like your explanation because it doesnt any interupt in my computer, not like the other people I dont know why. but every body its still ok. btw(by the way) i am a little bit confuse, when i feel bored but right now, do i use i was feel bored? it is not a past?why cant use i am feel boring. tks
wow i never correct all quiz now i can do wonderful
Hi rebecca.
your lesson help much for me. Thanks.
Dear Rebecca?
The pleasure is all mine, and thank you for your kind class.
I have a question about these word (bored, boring, interested, interesting, etc) are they adjective? if yes sometimes I think every word has “ing” is noun?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Amir Irhayyim
Great class, great website and great teacher!!!!!!!!!!!
hi , it’s very interesting
what about if you have to use past+ ing form?
ex: like if you were bored/boring?
i am still confuse
Thanks Rebeca your quizzes are amazing and i love them.
notice they are important for practice and helps to remember who is who :)
Thank you So much
don’t thank. donate money
i love your teching
thanx alot
i’m confusing or i’m confused,if i want to express now.
Rebecca, thank you so much,your explanation was amazing, very useful.
I rearry rike your suggestions, i go now to speak good engrish to everybody! I so happy! I will ret you arr know how it goes!
my name is merve
thanks a lot for your great teaching
I have a question if you don’t mind :
what about the word “annoying”, how will it be when i want to describe my feeling or to descibe something else ???
is it right to say “i am annoyed”
or “it is something annoying” ??
If you are feeling annoyed, you’d say “I am annoyed” or “[This] is annoying me” — now, if you said “I’m annoying”, it means you are being annoying to someone else. Important difference!
engVid Moderator
Hope everyone is well
Thank you for all lessons Rebecca.
Thanks! Nice to see this.
my algerian husband nearly caused an upset when we were first married and he said I was boring…! He meant bored… but well done to him because he speaks three languages and I only speak english
june seghni
how can i convince my friend not to resign in a perfect grammas
lea manalo
Thanks a lot Rebecca, this lesson helped me so much! ;)
Dear mam,
i really find this site helpful to get English language, but i have got some thing more to learn about so i want you to make me clear where or in what situation we got to put verb in “ing” form after preposition “to”.
Sincerely yours
kumar tamang
hi there..actually i got a confusion in adjectives..because some adjectives are ended with ing and ed..but some are not ended with ing like writing,it is not a adjective…so,how i can get these king of adjectives are not ended with ing..could you tell me, the reason behind them,which are started with ed and ing …thanx
i dont know how to thank u…
i am new in this site earlier i did not know about this site.thank you so much for this site,really very helpful for me.
Rebecca, thanks for videos. I have a question. For example; I’m thinking about a person. In this way Should I say boring person or bored person. I’m confused. Which one is correct ? [Person doesnt feel anything ]
Great teacher! I like her a lot… I got 100 in practice
Malaysian here! Hi teacher! Every single word u say is really a help in every step of Grammar learning process. Thanks a lot! U help people around the world !! God bless you!
Hi, I’m from Brazil..this lesson is a great lesson, thanks a lot. You’re helping me to understand some doubts in englih, thanks again. Sorry if a have done any wrong word or expression in english.
Bye and stay with God!
hi Rebecca
I am from Turkey..I like your teaching.This video is very usefull..Thank you..
I am from india.
Thank you so much medam…i like to listen your lesson.
It is such a helpful the people whom need to improvement in life..
thanks you
Please keep it up mem other lesson with other style i realy like your lesson.
Thank you so much
Hi,Rebecca I have a problem writing full paragraph. how can i improve this?
Thank you very much.
This video gives me much cofidence to speak “bored” and “boring”.
hi teacher Rebecca,
i am very grateful to you for your simple style of teaching that everybody can understand.thanks
could u tell me whether which can be used instead of that in the above sentence.could u tell the difference?one more get bored got excited what are the rules to use these kinds of expressions with get?
v s kannan
Dear Rebecca.
I am interested in watch the video because it is very interesting.
Thank you so much.
Li Ra
these videos and quiz both are awesome …
thanks alot ..specially to Rebecca
Dear rebecca
i am intersted in watch the vedio because it is very intereting. mam can you explain me how to tell about my myself in interviews.
thank you so much maam
You are very good teacher. Thanks!
Thank you!
thnks a lot madam
Hello, Ms. Rebeca, I have a question, it is correct to say “it was pleased to meet you”. Thank you in advance for your answer.
Best regards.
Good Lesson really enjoyed it
hllo i am a new student.i cannot see videos.can you send my email?
thank you a lot , and i love all your lessons
Hi Rebeca i cant much english could you help me please?
I said yes in second 54 because I
First of all i would like to thank all the staff of this site for giving us the opportunity to learn more and develop our knowledge of studying English language. More power and Godbless Rebecca!
short and work!!! good job out there!!! Rebecca
Very nice lesson…it has been completly understood…thanks a lot Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
I recently found this site very interesting.
we live in San Diego, California. My wife would like to learn/speak English. Do you/your colleagues teach online courses?
Thank you Rebecca. you/your colleagues have already helped hundreds..
hello Rebecca
I wants to learn english please help.
Sadashiv Aldar
Thanks very much for this video and this website. This simple class is very useful for me. I will not get confused anymore!
Thank you very much for teaching us how to use v-ed ( What I feel/ felt ) and v-ing ( someone / something affects/ affected your emotion )
I enjoy both your lessons and quizzes.
Dear Rebecca, Thanks for your lesson.
But I got confused on the quiz #3&4.
#3 says ‘ed’ for someone or something.
#4 says ‘ing’ for someone or something.
#3 should be wrong. right?
Dear madam first of all i would like to thank you.madam i have a problem in uncountable noun. (PAPER) is countable or uncountable noun.you say paper is uncountable noun ,i can hear some people use (PAPERS) please help me this question
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for this lesson,i think the big problem in learning english it’s that ing form can take almost all any grammatically form then when we find ing form in phrase we try to know what does it mean exactly,if it’s(tense continuous,adv,noun,…)
and by the way i have a question: in quiz number three “Words ending with _____ are used to describe how someone or something is feeling.” then why is “ed” true??? i think both are true!!!
thanks forward :)
Hi. When for example some one is boring it doesn’t say that she or he has this feeling . Tihis means she can make oters bored. When something is amusing we get amused . I am tired because my job is tiring. tired talks about my feeling but tiring talks about how something is. I hope they help.
A little lesson like you say, but very helpful.
Thanks Rebecca ! :)
Thank you..
I needed all these, i will have exam about these
I was exciting about this lesson. It’s ok? hi
Thanks Rebecca in such a simple way you teach the lesson.
thank uuu rebecca mam ..these lessons are really helpfull for me….thank uuu soooooooooooo muchhhhhhhh
Thanks Rebecca. Finally I found that I want. Your lessons are very interesting.
i got 70 :(
i have to study it harder
Thank you very much!It’s exactly what I searched!
Abisso Rain
eathquake in question 6 (earthquake)
khalid subhi
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson. It’s great explanations
take care
Thank you Rebecca for so useful lesson! You’re doing a nice work for a whole world!
Thank you for the free lesson.
I got eight of ten! I’m learning very much!
But, I would like to say that:
In the six (6) question have an error: Eartquake don’t exist; correct is “Earthquake”.
By the way, thanks Rebecca, you, Adam and James are the learned professor!
Marcelo Matos
Mam rebecca it’s an interesting lesson thank you ^_^
Jhon mark togano
Damn i got 70
thanks rebecca!!
Dear Teacher Rebecca
I’m very grateful to your lessons,It’s very easy to understand and very useful to me
I wish you good things
thank you teacher, it’s a very useful lesson, i’m looking to learn more from you.
Thanks got 70% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you Rebecca
Hello, I’m not quite sure whether you’ll see this comment but I need to ask it anyway :) Is it a exhaustive list of the adjectives that end with -ing, or is it a superficial one meant to illustrate the lesson?
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct out of |0 IAM SO HAPPY!!!!
Hi Rebecca! I am an English teacher from Turkey. Before I explain the grammar to my students, I always look at this site to see how you are describing the things. I am so grateful that I came acroos this website. Thank you for everything! Today I’m going to teach this subject in the classroom. I hope my students understand well.
“I’m not James, I’m Rebecca” hahaha, teachers are funny :D
Thank you so much, techer!
Xan San
Really helpful.
Dear Rebecca,
Review basic grammar is very usefull, thank you.
Best regards.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
I’m frustrated because I got 50 but your tips were excelent. Thanks Rebecca
I like this lesson! thx u :)
very fun …our teacher
Good explanation Rebecca!!
I was CONFUSED about them HEHE
Thank you so much!! (K) (K) (K) (K) (K)
Great lesson, thank you so much for teaching us
I was confused between them but,After this short lesson l fell comfident
Thanks teacher
Thanks Rebeca your my favorite teacher
Thank you teacher !!!!!!!! You the Best in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much. Really helpul!
Thank you Rebecca. you are a great teacher.
ur Great!
Very good lesson.
Rosivaldo Marques
Hi! I am hard of hearing and I learn English. May I ask for subtittles or transcription? Thank you.
Thank you teacher Rebecca for the great and helpful lesson.
I’ve just got 8/10.Hic.But I will listen your lesson again and try to do perfectly.Thank you.
Thank you it’s a short lesson but help me a lot.
I´m still learning, i´d like to talk with any of you for to practice.
thanks rebbeca
I’ve never realised it that way, but it’s more instinctive explicated like that! Thanks a million!
i got 100 thanks
Thank you very much!!
You are great teacher
Cool ! Thank you teacher .
thanks to whole engvid team
Learning English is very frustrating in me so I get
frustrated. Did I say right?
taught an important lesson
Thank you
this was a helpful lesson , really ,
cause I used to be confused witch one I should use , it became obvious now ,
thank you Rebecca .
Samah At
I got 6/10. Thanks for the lesson!
Rebecca, you and James are excellent teachers, nowadays all teachers are. Thank you so much for your work here, I’m improving my English very well.
God bless you all!!!
thanks myteacher
ahmed khalifa
thank’s so much my teacher i got 80 /100 i love you so much my teacher rebecca
I got 70 but not bad… I try harder next time. Thanks Teacher Rebecca its really helpful for us. Godbless..
you are the best
You got 10 correct out of 10.
M kartal
please look at this “Words ending with _____ are used to describe how someone or something is feeling.”
can we describing feeling things? can we use ed to describe something is feeling? please help me.
and another question: according to this lesson we can use both ed and ing to describe someone. is it true?
thanks a lot.
mr mreza
I thought I understood the lesson well, but I got only 7 correct out of 10. :P
It’s nice to have a quick test after the class.
It really helps :)
thank you Rebecca
I got 100 percent
That was interesting lesson
And now I’m so interested to follow all of your lessons
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you ?
very useful lesson. thanks
Aml Mounier
Hi Rebecca,
I’m confused with the ed, if I want to say in past tense would it still be the same? For example I was bored vs I’m bored. Why the present tense form ends with ed.
Great Job, I got 100% Good.
Thank a bunch for this wonderful lesson. I just wanna ask you something that this rules will be fallow all words. Like stop and stoping . Ex:- I stopped because I am stoping my car. It’s correct sentence.
Manish Kumar Gautam
I am learning a lot on Rebecca’s lesson. Good job!
I still confused, Why my answered ( no. 3 & 10) incorrect.
Thank you,
Wilber MachuPicchu
I’m confused someone with something, also Ed and ing Thank you, Rebecca.
I’m very excited to watch this video, it is an exciting video. Thank you, Rebecca.
thanks a lot
Rebecca, the answer was simply amazing
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
i benefit so much from your lessons
I watched this video one more time on April 9, 2021.
I watched this video one more time on April 9, 2022.
Hello Rebecca, I did 3 mistakes on the quiz, but I don’t understand my mistake for one of them.
5) Many students find it frustrating to learn English preposition. For me they give her feeling so I choose frustrated. So what is my mistake ?
An another exemple : I find your lessons very interesting. I give you my feeling (so ed) about your lesson (thing I describe, so ing) in one sentence. … So I a little bit lost. Can you help me ?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
1nce again rebecca proofs she is not boring 1 bit! What about I am learning/ I am learned? Is it correct, the second one? I read it on a book, but teacher told me (my stupid ignorance teacher from india) it is not correct to say “I am learned”. is it?
@DogMan, “I am learning” means u are still learning and so do I :D, but I think “I have learned” is correct one :).
Hi Dogman
Thanks kindly for the feedback.
As wagas said, in the sentence “I am learning”, learning is a verb in the present continuous tense, not an adjective. It means you are learning right now.
The word “learned” ( pronounced ler -nid) is an adjective. Technically, you could say “I am learned.” – it would mean that you have a lot of knowledge or are scholarly. So usually, we would not say that about ourselves, because it sounds a little pompous ( like we’re showing off). We could certainly use it to talk about other people though, as in ” He /She is a learned professor.”
Hope this helps! Good luck!
it is lovely to see this comments rebeeca, it helps me a lot, my best wishes to you,,
could u help me with my E writing SKILL?
i’m looking forward to answering from you . sincere!
yes ,i can . this is my skype ruou.joey
and this is my yahoo nhokkute_ziz@yahoo.com
I liked this answer thanks
and I liked the quiz given below the video!!! Thanks a lot!!!
Glad it helped you!
that was a very interesting lesson, ms. rebecca. thank you.
My pleasure.
It’s an intresting lesson.
hi ribaco im glad your lesson reali thanks againg about your lesson and bye bye
I really like this lesson…
Sometimes I’m really confused between ‘-ed’ and ‘-ing’. Your lessons are so helpful for me. Thanks.
thanks miss
i have full mark in these quiz
because i benfit alhot from you
Thanks to eudes, rajkumarkalshetty, fowz, marcos, rachel and amhd for your feedback.
Like any language, English has many small grammatical points such as these, which must be mastered in order to speak and write well.
If you’ve understood this lesson, you have already improved in an area where many ESL students make mistakes. Great work!
Rebecca thanks for your lessons you a teacher awesome
Thanks. Glad you’re enjoying the website.
By the way, you should say:
You’re an awesome teacher. :)
Dear Rebbecca,
I am a new student to this site. I do enjoy listening to your vie does, but I do have a question for you. I was wondering if you have any videos for verbal instructions in the passive tenses please let me know. The reason I am asking this questions because the majority of students are having problems with this part of grammar.
Thank you
We do actually have some lessons on this website dealing with the passive tense. Please check them out here:
James: Passive Introduction
Ronnie: Easy Introduction to Passive in English
Dear Rebbecca
I have a lot of relatives living there. Why can’t we say,,
I have a lot of relatives are living there.
Please let me know.
Thank you
Too many verbs.
You can say either:
I have a lot of relatives living there.
A lot of my relatives are living there.
Hope this helps.
Hi, Good day Mr. Mohsen.
With regards to your questioned sentence:
I have a lot of relatives are living there.
–Every sentence should have one main verb. In your sentence, “have” is the main verb, thus “are” is already irrelevant in the sentence.
Hope this helps. ^^
You are so great mam. I love how you teach! Thank you so much!:) what can I say? 5 stars! :)
May God Bless You!
Thanks, Julia. Bless you, too, and all the best with your English.
It was very interesting for me.
Thank you,Dear Rebecca.
You’re welcome, Renaldo. Glad it helped.
I am Sujith. I am from Sri Lanka. You are teaching us English very well. Your lessons are packed with useful facts. You really know the correct way to teach English. I am interested in watching your videos. I need to thank you. You are so excellent. You are successful.
Well, thanks Sujith. So many compliments all at once! You are very kind. I’m very happy the lessons are helping you improve your English. All the best to you, and do tell your friends about our site so we can continue to add more videos.
you are very kind an generos teacher no like my teacher in the school
really thanks because I was confused about that.
You can’t believe that I have been studying english for long time and the diference between bored and boring were terrble for me. But now, I undesrtand those. really thanks
you are a good teacher thanks
So glad I could help you understand the difference. My best to you, Juanita.
superb Mrs. Rebecca you’r superb.
Mrs. Rebecca when we say”you may sit here or you can sit here so what is major difference in it?
Thanks for your positive feedback, Sam. So glad I could help you.
Usually, “may” is more polite than “can”.
Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, Sam.
according to me.. when we request for something than we use this polite word(MAY).. but at when we give permission to someone or who is younger then ours then we use (can)
i love u rebecca you are superb
I’m a new user. Thank you very much for your pleasant voice and smile.Hope to know alot of interesting things with your help.
“Hi. I’m not James, I’m Rebecca…” LOL :))).
Thanks for the lessons.
Glad you are all enjoying and learning from the lessons. Keep checking out the new lessons from all the teachers; there may be one which targets your mistakes exactly!
My best to each of you.
This lesson is very useful.
Thank you!
i liked the way put your explaination
hi i m realy imperess to your teaching i like you very much you r a good teacher . i sohail amin this is my id sohailamin786@yahoo.com plz send me your id so i can cuminicate to you bye allah hafiz
i m realy intrestad to learn english i watched your teaching its very good
hi,rebecca.thank you for your all help again.
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for your lesson. I always confused “-ed” with “-ing”. Now I understand. I like the quiz very much. It’s very helpful.
Hello, Rebecca! Your lesson is interestING! And I’m not bored! I understand!
i just want to say that your lesson was very interesting but it will help me more when you write down the examples on the board for me
please help me,i did not see any answer about my quwestion,i do not know how to get inside de comment
I am a new user. it was really exiting me. your explanation is simply superub.
I like T.Rebbecca. I am intrested to learn your interesting teaching. Thanks. Teach more ENGLISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
Well explained and easy to understand.
Now I can pass it on to my friends, thanks again.
Rebecca madam i love ur teaching styles. i love ur way of explaning …plzzz plzzz upload ur new lessons of past tense….ilove u ..teacher…..maaa maa maa maa
thank you a lot
Hi, Ms Rebecca i would like to suggest an idea and i hope it will help all of us. concerning the grammar lessons i think it will be helpful if you make the lessons in a specific order in goal to take us step by step to the level where we can master all tenses. for example simple present first then past ……
thank you and i hope i will hear soon from you
Lovely Rebbeca, A pleasure to say hello to you. I found very interesting your lesson but I have a big doubt: Can I say.??… I am boring also??…I mean trying to describe me like and adjetive??…in the sense I´m not enthusiastic……Is it ok ? or wrong,? because in Spanish can be like that… thanks before hand…regards by the way I´m from Chile.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re amazing….
this lesson is very useful for me thanks alot for such a kind lesson……..cheereo
hi rebacca,
i like ur positive way of approach & ur teaching style.can you please tell me,difference between im bored &i was bored.
I really god it now.. Thank u so much..
Be happy ever.. :)
hi rebecca i was show your video, really interesting, and my score 80.00, so now i understand bored and boring, bored if we describing for our feel and boring we describing for the things.
i’m happy with engvid. thank’s Rebecca thank’s Engvid
a great lesson ! thank you veru much !
Hi rebecca I like your explanations. Can this lesson be considered as a participial adjectives lesson or is it different?
Dear Rebecca:
I want to thank you so much for the lesson and you explain it really well I understood how to use the words… thanks again
wonderful Job thanks alot and i have a little confusion?? i will be highly thankful if someonee will clear plz,,like we say i felt bored or i felt bore which one is correct and why???? since felt is already past so why we cant use bore instead of bored??????
only one word … nice thank u..
well,everything is fine,this lesson isn’t boring.
It was a veri exciting test!!!
It was a very exciting test!!!I’m so pleased to take it!!
What is the correct?: It was disapponted to hear about the earthquake? or It was disappointing to hear about the earthquake?
Hello ms.Rebecca my name it’s DANIELA i saw your video so great help me so much thanksfull bye bye Have a great day’s bye with all my respec Daniela
on saturday, the 27th’ is it correct english? should I use ‘the’ before 27th.
yes, you would say something like “We will meet for coffee on the 27th.”
very interesting lesson
but you speak slowly. I can’t catch a lecture!
Many students find it frustrated to learn English preposition.
Why frustrated is wrong ,frustrated is describing the students feeling,can you explain it to me, please
I have a question
Many students find it frustrating to learn English preposition.
Why in this case frustrated is wrong?
The way you feel the word always end with ed
So frustrated is describing the students feeling ,why it is wrong?
Rebecca ,can you please explain it to me?
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca. It was a simple e very usefull lesson.
hai mam hope you are doing well?? Your all classes are excellent. mam can you explain me what is the difference between respond,response and responds. thank you
i’m spired by your lesson, because you talk interesting… is it correct ma’am???
Thank you so much , Teacher Rebecca . I Love it
thank u madam.u r a lovely teacher.ur all lesson are very usefull for us.i want to ask 1 question?(we are done).in this sentense done is third form of verb y we are using are??is done adjective??
plz explain it.i will wait ur answer….
thanks teachers 4 ur help and i really like this program. tanx alot of times
we are done.is it passive??plz explain.
madam you are superb
my friend wrote “so boring” on her facebook wall.she wanted to show her feeling but it’s wrong n it should be “so bored”. Am i right?
Rebecca, You’re a very good teacher. I was understand very well.
all right
This is why I hate teachers. You answer questions with more questions. You lost me after 20 seconds. I googled the answer I was looking for in less time.
Dear Rebbecca,
I am a new student to this site. I do enjoy listening to your vie does, but I do have a question for you. I was wondering if you have any videos for verbal instructions in the passive tenses please let me know. The reason I am asking this questions because the majority of students are having problems with this part of grammar.
Thank you
mahmoud barakat
it is an interesting lesson . I want to develop my english skills and need your help can you give us more vocabulary lessons to expand our vocabulary and at th same time to enriche our speaking.please I want to know the difference between “I wanna” and “I want”
Thank you madam.Your teaching is cool…I understood.
Interesting lesson !
Thank you so much Rebecca .
Thanks Rebeca. It is interesting!!!!
thanks ma’am rebecca..i have learned.
thanks, rebecca ,
it is too gooooooooooooooooooooooodddd,………….
really amazing
Hi, nice work, but i want to ask which from of the verb should be used in each sentences.
like :
1. i feel bored because the movie is boring.
2. i am interested because the play was interesting.
Please explain me.. Thanks for you support.
good lesson thanks
Thank you so much.
you’re very good teacher
hi teacher you are a very kindlly person
Hi Rebecca,
Can we use suppose to instead of should? I would be really grateful to u if you explain to me the different between suppose to and should.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks so much.
I would find how to use practice with theese form ed and ing.
But thank you for your clear lesson.
such a huge help!thanks!
you have a uniqu way very short lesson , very very useful too
it really help studets to larn gammar
Your lessons very interesting.Thanks miss Rebecca.
Thank you my techar i can answer all your question it was a good lesson
thank you it`s so helpful
thanks a lot can u give lesson about ‘OF’ thank you
Hi Rebecca,
I am a new student online. And I have found very interesting all of your classes. You are a very good English teacher. I am an advanced student, but still I have a lot of difficulties when I write and speak. I study myself most of the time. I enjoy studying and reading, creating my own vocabulary, I also see a lot of television news, series and movies in English only. I’m very dedicated student. I can understand 95% very well. But sometimes I feel I still need a lot to do. Could you please send me a tip how I can improve or be better.
(Could you please correct my writing) Thank you very much Rebecca.
I’m so thankful to this site…i’m interested to all the video’s to watch because it is very helpful helpful to me to study how to speak english corectly, and the speaker whose in the video is interesting how to teach.(please correct my writing) tnx jhong
i was too bad in that
Spelling of earthquake and combination is incorrect the reason why i m telling this because i love this site and i dont want that anybody else sat that, sorry
I’ve always had problem with this, when use -ed when -ing. It was very helpful :)
hello mam,
its little bit confusing.i got only 80 marks.
i have one question which confuses me.
The question is “what a boring/bored life”?
It is a very interesting
very useful lesson…thanks
nice lesson, i learn a lot today.. ^^ thx u
Professor Rebecca,
Thanks for the great work! Your lessons have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!!!!!
i like your explanation because it doesnt any interupt in my computer, not like the other people I dont know why. but every body its still ok. btw(by the way) i am a little bit confuse, when i feel bored but right now, do i use i was feel bored? it is not a past?why cant use i am feel boring. tks
wow i never correct all quiz now i can do wonderful
Hi rebecca.
your lesson help much for me. Thanks.
Dear Rebecca?
The pleasure is all mine, and thank you for your kind class.
I have a question about these word (bored, boring, interested, interesting, etc) are they adjective? if yes sometimes I think every word has “ing” is noun?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Great class, great website and great teacher!!!!!!!!!!!
hi , it’s very interesting
what about if you have to use past+ ing form?
ex: like if you were bored/boring?
i am still confuse
Thanks Rebeca your quizzes are amazing and i love them.
notice they are important for practice and helps to remember who is who :)
Thank you So much
don’t thank. donate money
i love your teching
thanx alot
i’m confusing or i’m confused,if i want to express now.
Rebecca, thank you so much,your explanation was amazing, very useful.
I rearry rike your suggestions, i go now to speak good engrish to everybody! I so happy! I will ret you arr know how it goes!
my name is merve
thanks a lot for your great teaching
I have a question if you don’t mind :
what about the word “annoying”, how will it be when i want to describe my feeling or to descibe something else ???
is it right to say “i am annoyed”
or “it is something annoying” ??
If you are feeling annoyed, you’d say “I am annoyed” or “[This] is annoying me” — now, if you said “I’m annoying”, it means you are being annoying to someone else. Important difference!
Hope everyone is well
Thank you for all lessons Rebecca.
Thanks! Nice to see this.
my algerian husband nearly caused an upset when we were first married and he said I was boring…! He meant bored… but well done to him because he speaks three languages and I only speak english
how can i convince my friend not to resign in a perfect grammas
Thanks a lot Rebecca, this lesson helped me so much! ;)
Dear mam,
i really find this site helpful to get English language, but i have got some thing more to learn about so i want you to make me clear where or in what situation we got to put verb in “ing” form after preposition “to”.
Sincerely yours
hi there..actually i got a confusion in adjectives..because some adjectives are ended with ing and ed..but some are not ended with ing like writing,it is not a adjective…so,how i can get these king of adjectives are not ended with ing..could you tell me, the reason behind them,which are started with ed and ing …thanx
i dont know how to thank u…
i am new in this site earlier i did not know about this site.thank you so much for this site,really very helpful for me.
Rebecca, thanks for videos. I have a question. For example; I’m thinking about a person. In this way Should I say boring person or bored person. I’m confused. Which one is correct ? [Person doesnt feel anything ]
Great teacher! I like her a lot… I got 100 in practice
Malaysian here! Hi teacher! Every single word u say is really a help in every step of Grammar learning process. Thanks a lot! U help people around the world !! God bless you!
Hi, I’m from Brazil..this lesson is a great lesson, thanks a lot. You’re helping me to understand some doubts in englih, thanks again. Sorry if a have done any wrong word or expression in english.
Bye and stay with God!
hi Rebecca
I am from Turkey..I like your teaching.This video is very usefull..Thank you..
I am from india.
Thank you so much medam…i like to listen your lesson.
It is such a helpful the people whom need to improvement in life..
thanks you
Please keep it up mem other lesson with other style i realy like your lesson.
Thank you so much
Hi,Rebecca I have a problem writing full paragraph. how can i improve this?
Thank you very much.
This video gives me much cofidence to speak “bored” and “boring”.
hi teacher Rebecca,
i am very grateful to you for your simple style of teaching that everybody can understand.thanks
could u tell me whether which can be used instead of that in the above sentence.could u tell the difference?one more get bored got excited what are the rules to use these kinds of expressions with get?
Dear Rebecca.
I am interested in watch the video because it is very interesting.
Thank you so much.
these videos and quiz both are awesome …
thanks alot ..specially to Rebecca
Dear rebecca
i am intersted in watch the vedio because it is very intereting. mam can you explain me how to tell about my myself in interviews.
thank you so much maam
You are very good teacher. Thanks!
Thank you!
thnks a lot madam
Hello, Ms. Rebeca, I have a question, it is correct to say “it was pleased to meet you”. Thank you in advance for your answer.
Best regards.
Good Lesson really enjoyed it
hllo i am a new student.i cannot see videos.can you send my email?
thank you a lot , and i love all your lessons
Hi Rebeca i cant much english could you help me please?
I said yes in second 54 because I
First of all i would like to thank all the staff of this site for giving us the opportunity to learn more and develop our knowledge of studying English language. More power and Godbless Rebecca!
short and work!!! good job out there!!! Rebecca
Very nice lesson…it has been completly understood…thanks a lot Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
I recently found this site very interesting.
we live in San Diego, California. My wife would like to learn/speak English. Do you/your colleagues teach online courses?
Thank you Rebecca. you/your colleagues have already helped hundreds..
hello Rebecca
I wants to learn english please help.
Thanks very much for this video and this website. This simple class is very useful for me. I will not get confused anymore!
Thank you very much for teaching us how to use v-ed ( What I feel/ felt ) and v-ing ( someone / something affects/ affected your emotion )
I enjoy both your lessons and quizzes.
Dear Rebecca, Thanks for your lesson.
But I got confused on the quiz #3&4.
#3 says ‘ed’ for someone or something.
#4 says ‘ing’ for someone or something.
#3 should be wrong. right?
Dear madam first of all i would like to thank you.madam i have a problem in uncountable noun. (PAPER) is countable or uncountable noun.you say paper is uncountable noun ,i can hear some people use (PAPERS) please help me this question
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for this lesson,i think the big problem in learning english it’s that ing form can take almost all any grammatically form then when we find ing form in phrase we try to know what does it mean exactly,if it’s(tense continuous,adv,noun,…)
and by the way i have a question: in quiz number three “Words ending with _____ are used to describe how someone or something is feeling.” then why is “ed” true??? i think both are true!!!
thanks forward :)
Hi. When for example some one is boring it doesn’t say that she or he has this feeling . Tihis means she can make oters bored. When something is amusing we get amused . I am tired because my job is tiring. tired talks about my feeling but tiring talks about how something is. I hope they help.
A little lesson like you say, but very helpful.
Thanks Rebecca ! :)
Thank you..
I needed all these, i will have exam about these
I was exciting about this lesson. It’s ok? hi
Thanks Rebecca in such a simple way you teach the lesson.
thank uuu rebecca mam ..these lessons are really helpfull for me….thank uuu soooooooooooo muchhhhhhhh
Thanks Rebecca. Finally I found that I want. Your lessons are very interesting.
i got 70 :(
i have to study it harder
Thank you very much!It’s exactly what I searched!
eathquake in question 6 (earthquake)
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson. It’s great explanations
take care
Thank you Rebecca for so useful lesson! You’re doing a nice work for a whole world!
Thank you for the free lesson.
I got eight of ten! I’m learning very much!
But, I would like to say that:
In the six (6) question have an error: Eartquake don’t exist; correct is “Earthquake”.
By the way, thanks Rebecca, you, Adam and James are the learned professor!
Mam rebecca it’s an interesting lesson thank you ^_^
Damn i got 70
thanks rebecca!!
Dear Teacher Rebecca
I’m very grateful to your lessons,It’s very easy to understand and very useful to me
I wish you good things
thank you teacher, it’s a very useful lesson, i’m looking to learn more from you.
Thanks got 70% without watching.
Thank you Rebecca
Hello, I’m not quite sure whether you’ll see this comment but I need to ask it anyway :) Is it a exhaustive list of the adjectives that end with -ing, or is it a superficial one meant to illustrate the lesson?
Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10 correct out of |0 IAM SO HAPPY!!!!
Hi Rebecca! I am an English teacher from Turkey. Before I explain the grammar to my students, I always look at this site to see how you are describing the things. I am so grateful that I came acroos this website. Thank you for everything! Today I’m going to teach this subject in the classroom. I hope my students understand well.
I’ve got a perfect score. Thanks Rebecca. I owe you one… http://prntscr.com/68dx2k
“I’m not James, I’m Rebecca” hahaha, teachers are funny :D
Thank you so much, techer!
Really helpful.
Dear Rebecca,
Review basic grammar is very usefull, thank you.
Best regards.
Thank you!
I’m frustrated because I got 50 but your tips were excelent. Thanks Rebecca
I like this lesson! thx u :)
very fun …our teacher
Good explanation Rebecca!!
I was CONFUSED about them HEHE
Thank you so much!! (K) (K) (K) (K) (K)
Great lesson, thank you so much for teaching us
I was confused between them but,After this short lesson l fell comfident
Thanks teacher
Thanks Rebeca your my favorite teacher
Thank you teacher !!!!!!!! You the Best in the world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much. Really helpul!
Thank you Rebecca. you are a great teacher.
ur Great!
Very good lesson.
Hi! I am hard of hearing and I learn English. May I ask for subtittles or transcription? Thank you.
Thank you teacher Rebecca for the great and helpful lesson.
I’ve just got 8/10.Hic.But I will listen your lesson again and try to do perfectly.Thank you.
Thank you it’s a short lesson but help me a lot.
I´m still learning, i´d like to talk with any of you for to practice.
thanks rebbeca
I’ve never realised it that way, but it’s more instinctive explicated like that! Thanks a million!
i got 100 thanks
Thank you very much!!
You are great teacher
Cool ! Thank you teacher .
thanks to whole engvid team
Learning English is very frustrating in me so I get
frustrated. Did I say right?
taught an important lesson
Thank you
this was a helpful lesson , really ,
cause I used to be confused witch one I should use , it became obvious now ,
thank you Rebecca .
I got 6/10. Thanks for the lesson!
Rebecca, you and James are excellent teachers, nowadays all teachers are. Thank you so much for your work here, I’m improving my English very well.
God bless you all!!!
thanks myteacher
thank’s so much my teacher i got 80 /100 i love you so much my teacher rebecca
I got 70 but not bad… I try harder next time. Thanks Teacher Rebecca its really helpful for us. Godbless..
you are the best
You got 10 correct out of 10.
please look at this “Words ending with _____ are used to describe how someone or something is feeling.”
can we describing feeling things? can we use ed to describe something is feeling? please help me.
and another question: according to this lesson we can use both ed and ing to describe someone. is it true?
thanks a lot.
I thought I understood the lesson well, but I got only 7 correct out of 10. :P
It’s nice to have a quick test after the class.
It really helps :)
thank you Rebecca
I got 100 percent
That was interesting lesson
And now I’m so interested to follow all of your lessons
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you ?
very useful lesson. thanks
Hi Rebecca,
I’m confused with the ed, if I want to say in past tense would it still be the same? For example I was bored vs I’m bored. Why the present tense form ends with ed.
Great Job, I got 100% Good.
Thank a bunch for this wonderful lesson. I just wanna ask you something that this rules will be fallow all words. Like stop and stoping . Ex:- I stopped because I am stoping my car. It’s correct sentence.
I am learning a lot on Rebecca’s lesson. Good job!
I still confused, Why my answered ( no. 3 & 10) incorrect.
Thank you,
I’m confused someone with something, also Ed and ing Thank you, Rebecca.
I’m very excited to watch this video, it is an exciting video. Thank you, Rebecca.
thanks a lot
Rebecca, the answer was simply amazing
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 28Sept2021);
i benefit so much from your lessons
I watched this video one more time on April 9, 2021.
I watched this video one more time on April 9, 2022.
Hello Rebecca, I did 3 mistakes on the quiz, but I don’t understand my mistake for one of them.
5) Many students find it frustrating to learn English preposition. For me they give her feeling so I choose frustrated. So what is my mistake ?
An another exemple : I find your lessons very interesting. I give you my feeling (so ed) about your lesson (thing I describe, so ing) in one sentence. … So I a little bit lost. Can you help me ?
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
I got 10/10, I’m so happy. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you!
Thank you for this class!