Need to get your hair cut? You can have your friend do it for you. These sentences both use a sentence structure known as the CAUSATIVE. In this grammar lesson we will look at this structure in both the active and passive forms.
hi Adam,thank you for your lesson. It is a little difficult. Is my sentense correct?
I dont understand the last quiz .Please explain it
do you ask me to explain “don’t make me make you say it”
Paraphrase: Don’t put me in a situation where I have to force you to say it.
Hi Mieto,
Mallory gave a good answer. It means don’t force me to force you to say it.
Hi Adam, thank you, very good lesson. A wonderful explanation, it was a revision for me.. I got 10 of 10. Sorry that I have to write a comment replying someone. I cant do it, with leave a comment. Thanks again.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the lesson. It was a good review for me. I appreciate the “engVid”team for putting together this website. Great job!
Yes, hilasou. It is. :)
Yep!!! It is correct Hilasou.
The causative pattern is not that easy. The quiz items were even a bit more complicated.
What we need -I think- is to go over the lesson and take the quiz again.
Thank you Regino for your comment.
4 correct out of 10 :(
I was a bit surprised that you made a lesson on the topic recently covered by Alex, but after watching, it appeared more like addition to his lesson.
Thanx a lot for your work.
Hi Adam, I still confuse with the answer no. 3 and 4. could you explain it to me for more detail about those sentences. thanks
Hi Yohanis,
To celebrate the holiday, the teacher had each of his students prepare a traditional dish at home and bring it to class to share at the party.– the teacher asked each of his students to make a dish from home for the holiday. I could have used “made” here, but sometimes it’s more polite to use have.
4. Your car is a mess. If you want, I can recommend a great place where you can have it cleaned inside and out, and it’s not too expensive.– i know a place where you can pay someone to clean your car for you. It’s not too expensive.
Does this help?
Thank you Adam for your reply.
Sorry i made a typo, it should be confused instead of confuse.
thank adam, i have got eight out of ten, this is a useful lesson for me, i had been confused about this before i learned the lesson. :)
70% Not so bad :)
8/10 but I’ve realised what I was doing wrong.
Although it’s a difficult topic you explained it very clear.
Thanks a lot Adam
many thanks
thank you Adam.
Omar Alshareef
thank you 6/10
really helpful lesson :)
thank you sir..
That was difficult, but i got 60 out of 10.
useful lesson, thanks Adam.
wafa mohammad
8 out of 10. Great! Thank you!
me too. Btw, thanks Adam.
Hi Adam today was the fist day of mine that I found this web site and watched your video on Causative verbs. It was really helpful and enjoyable for me. I thank you for your beautiful lesson. (Neda)
I did not understand. His mother had his sister help him with the homework. Does that mean mother is paying his sister? It sounds strange. Why don’t you use the verb get or ask?
Hi Anton,
You’re right, both of those choices would be ok as well. There is no “rule” about these causative verbs, it’s just common usages. In this case had could be replaced with got or made or asked. But his older sister might have needed a little bribe ;). No way to know that from the context though. I’ll be careful to make my ideas clearer in future.
First time I got 5 correct out of 10. But this time I got 6 correct out of 10. I’m still confused but better. BTW I usually get my hair cut :P Thank you, Adam :)
owh im sAD , i cant understand this lesson , i got 3/10 owh im so sad , but thank you adam , i wiil try to watch again this lesson
Don’t be sad Bheb. just keep trying :)
this lesson is difficult
it means we need to focus more about this topic
we’re almost same I got 4/10 :(
this lesson is difficult
it means we need to focus more about this topic
we’re almost same I got 4/10 :(
Your lesson always motivates me.
Grammer is not easy for me, but I’ll do my best!
very hard quize =)
Hello guys, how are you? It’s nice lesson, thanks a lot! I need more practice to improve my skills, and if you need too – please add me in skype alex_sem555 .I look forward to hearing from you!
I got 7 out of 10..not bad at all i think..^_^
Hi Mr. Adam,
When do we use “will” and when we use “be going to”? Thank you in advance.
Hi Atef,
Use will when you just thought of the idea about the future. Use going to when the idea was thought of before and plans and/or arrangements have already been made. going to is more definitive.
Hope that helps.
Thank you Sir!
Hi teacher! The quiz was very difficult for me… I will watch again and try to understand. Thanks! ;-)
Very good lesson but the right answer “Humans get computers to think for them (humans)” in question 2 is questionable because computers don’t actually think. Computers are only doing what its programmer told to them and they don’t know what they are doing.
And in question 9 I don’t understand why answer “I let my friend hack your computer” wouldn’t be also right because it’s grammatically correct and he could have been to not let (allow) his friend hack the computer. But perhaps answer “had” is more common.
Good points Juhapekka,
But… If I need to do my taxes, it’s easier to input data into a program and let it calculate the sums for me and arrange my files so i don’t need to spend hours on it. Of course, it doesn’t think… but then again, neither do I ;)
As for my friend’s computer, it’s not mine to give permission for. But you’re right, it is grammatically correct.
Hi Adam
But why we couldn’t use “Got” in 9-th sentence? May be he persuade his friend to do it.
It may be correct to use “get” in this sentence or no matter, and both words “got” and “had” possible to use in this sentence?
So,can I say”humans need to computers think for them.”? In general English, It might make sense.
hi sir
i did not understand completely this lesson .i want more classes from you sir .
hi sir
it was very difficult to me .i want you follow your lessons .
Hi Bhanusri,
Thank you. Keep practicing and it will get easier.
Also, I’m on a regular rotation here with the other teachers, so I come on every couple of weeks or so. I hope you watch the other teachers too. They’re good :)
I agree with all them. Hard lesson and also the quiz. 5/10 Bad:( Thanks a lot Adam!!!
Last question was awesome , thanks Adam
thanks Adam! Good lesson
Adam you are saying this idiom {you are in your head} what does it mean, please!
Hi Brala,
It means you think too much :)
Hi Adam, Thank you to spent your time for explain this lesson. I understand the direction but I have five to ten.
See you later.
ody joly
I do not see the lesson and I got 50% in quiz , what this mean?
Andrew Adel
Hi Andrew,
It means watch the lesson and get 100% :)
Very interesting lesson. Thank you so much!!! But there is one little thing I am not sure about. I would like to ask you for a piece of advice with verbs “get” and “have” in these kind of sentences. Am I right to think that get is sort of (persuade) and have is like (pay money for service). thank you and all the best Adam.
Hi pavel,
yes, more or less. There is no rule saying this, but in common usage, that’s how most people tend to use these.
Hi, Adam, I got a question for you. Is it possible to say ‘Jane got her sister sewing her a dress’? Or is it a huge mistake? Thanks. :)
Hi Dawiddku,
Not a huge mistake, a small one. It’s to sew, not sewing (in the case of a causative).
If you say ” Jane has got her sister sewing her a dress” it can mean that the sister is sewing right now, and Jane is a little bossy, and keeps her sister busy doing things for her.
Hope that helps
What a coincidence! Two days ago I read in my textbook about causative. Your lesson helped my to clearly understand it. So i got 10/10 at the quiz :)
Thank you very much!
Helped “me” not “my”.Sorry!
just a little confused with get and have, besides the difference on to do and do, how do we choose from have and get? I’ve seen a lot of cases where people use have sb do something for them without paying anything. Thank you
Hi Rico,
These aren’t set rules, just common usages. But, having said that, payment doesn’t always have to be in the form of money. It could be in the form of a favour. You do something for me, and later, I’ll do something for you.
Does that help?
Is it correct if I say <>
Sure Maqsudi. My pleasure :)
Hello Adam, thanks for your lesson. 8 out of ten. Only I made mistakes with the construction of the causative with get. I.e. I get him TO do something while I have hm do something (because I paid him for doing that). Is it correct? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your lesson.
Oh, oh… 06/10 Next time I’ll make someone answer the quiz for me.
Evaldo Mendes
It is a complex theme, but you have explained quite well. I understood quite well; I made some mistakes on the quiz, though. Thank you very much.
It was very difficult for me. I got 5 of 10 score. I need more practice to improve my english. Can you help me to practice ?
Thank you everyone.
I got my brain worked, thank you
It is so difficult lesson :(
Many thanks Adam for making yourself clear.
I like very much your lessons.
See you next time.
My pride vanished. 50%
Jorge Pedroso
No worries Jorge… It’ll be back :)
it’s very importent.thanks sir
2/10 very bad.
Dear Adam!
Could you make a lesson explaining the difference among verbs to treat, cure and heal?
Sincerely yours,
Hi Natalia,
I’ll see what I can do.
In the meantime:
treat a wound or injury (means take care of, apply 1st aid, etc.)
cure a disease (like smallpox)
heal an injury (like a broken leg)
Hope that helps a little
Thank you
oh i can not finish any one i want to cry who want to help me ?
Smile Jings. This stuff takes time.
Hi, Adam:
On this video, the structure of this sentence “Jane got her sister to sew her a dress” is different from other example sentences.
I am not sure if that sentence should be like this “Jane got her sister sew her a dress” or not.
Could you please help me with this? Thanks!
Hi Twsiw,
Remember: have, let, make + do
get + to do
2/10 i will watch your explanations again…it is not easy. In spanish we make these sentences in a different way….for this, it is soo hard to me. thank you anyway.
deal teachers can you give me some advice about how i can study english well with my present situations?
Hi Jings,
I don’t know your present situation I’m afraid. The best way to learn is to practice a lot and often.
I ran your video again. Better this time, much better: 8/10. thank you
ohhh it was rather difficult to understand…
Thank you Adam, you’re the best!
Hi Adam! One question. If someone says: ” I’ll have You killed”,suppose it mean that this person will be killed by someone who we don’t know?
I think it means, that you will be killed by someone
How about that baby? I’ll have watched this movie….
here is used Future Perfect tense. It’s not a causative
I will have the movie watched.
If we think of police looking for evidence to a murder and someone says there is a video of it, the detective might say he’ll have the video watched for clues. Meaning, he’ll ask a colleague to watch it and let him know if it’s real or useful, or whatever.
Not really sure though. I’d need more context to fully explain it I think.
I don’t agree with You baby!(You must watch this video again!) In the sentence we’re talking about is NO AGENT. If it is were:” I’ll have someone to have You killed”(that’s different). So it isn’t causative.
You’re right baby!
You’re right that that person will be killed by assassin!
Hi Katrin,
It most likely means I’ll hire someone (assassin) to kill you.
in the movie I watched sometime ago it is really that the woman most likely said she want to kill the person by killer(but it was interesting to me might this sentence to have double meaning…)
THANK YOU ADAM!!!(that’s very clear)
And what does it mean “personal pal”, and why “the pal” is personal? (it’s from children’s movie)
pal is slang for “friend” … so it’s a personal friend. Personal is used to emphasize that he’s not just someone I know, but we are actually good friends.
so you can say: the best friend(thanks)
Thank You for lessons again!
I’m sorry Adam, one more question. What is it “a cockney angel” in London and at all? Thank You very much!!!
Cockney is British slang meaning someone from a certain part of London. As for the whole sentence, not so sure. It must have something to do with the movie or tv show you heard it in.
So I must be very careful in using this in a conversation?!!
Thank You Adam!!! It is very big help.
The topic is a little confusing for me but I got 8 correct out of 10.By the way you explained it very clear.Thank you so much Adam.
I watched the lesson again and it was very easy !!! Thank you so much Adam!
I am confused about the meaning of these words: keep, that, take, and have, because I think in English the word has many meanings and significance, please explain these words clearly, thank you
Hi Anggono,
These words would each take a whole lesson in themselves. The best way to know them is to understand the context they are being used in, and then check the dictionary for the definition that makes sense in that context.
But I’ll see what I can do to explain them in future videos.
Great lesson, Adam
Very good, teacher
Although It took me quite a few time to get this lesson, but It’s worth it. Thanks to Adam as always!
Dam,I learnt these before, and forgot, and learnt it again this time, then I’m still wrong in some sentences.
Hi .. adam please help me to learn english very good… :( i’m very sad
Don’t be sad Jojo. You’ll learn more when you are happy. (frustrated… well, that’s a different thing) ;) keep trying
10 out of 10.
You always make me make myself improve my English. Thakx.
Thanx Adam for this wonderful lesson :) . A hard one though. But I’m confused about the “have” one. You said that have is to PAY someone to do something (i.e. pay services) . But I watched Alex’s video about Causative Verb that have means asking someone to do something, and you don’t have to pay for it. And some of the examples on the quiz doesn’t related with paying as well, or in the video like “you should HAVE the school call the boy’s parents” . Do you really have to PAY the school for doing such thing? Nahh… doesn’t make sense.
Could you explain to me about that?
Thanx anyway :) .
Hi Skyblues,
Firstly, this is not a rule about the verbs, just common usages. But, having said that, you do technically pay the school. If not in direct tuition, then with your taxes for public school. In this case, you have the right to demand service from the school.
Hope this helps a little.
ohhhh i get 4 from 10 :( so pour
Thank you! It’s clear. I’m from Ukraine and we don’t have such sentences, but I understand them with your video.
Thank you Adam, it was very clear! I had my doubts solved :DDD
Thank you Adam. I have a question. For passive case, can’t i use the verbs like make, let ?
For example, “I made my hair cut.” isn’t correct?
Hi BoKyung,
I’m afraid not. It sounds like you forced your hair to cut (something, someone, ???). Doesn’t work this way.
thanks you adam it was very nice
elham alsead
I’ve got 8/10.
I’m not good at passive voice.
I’ll study more.
Thank you Adam.
reiko kenmotsu
I enjoy very much your lessons because you are easy to understand: very clear, slow speaking and very organized speech.
thnx Mr.Adam great job May God bless u
Hi Adam. Do you know your girlfriend should have a barber cut your hair? But for the time being I would suggest you had your hair braided, I’m sur you’d be cute :-). And since you are kind of macho, you will make your girlfriend cut it instead of the barber :-(. However as the lady with character she is, she had the car drive you to the barber (well with the automatic google car).
Hi Adam !Nice to see you again :)! I want to explain why I am studing english and I want some advice from you which can help me with it.
I want to write in english , because I love poetry and books . When it sound in english for me it seems amazing, and I feel really comfortable( actually as you see I love english too not only french ) Merci on advance *_*
Hi Emanuela,
Best advice I can give is to read a lot, which is an advantage to you because you like to read. This will help your vocab and grammar, but it will also give you a “feel” for the language.
Also, in writing classes, a good tip teachers give their students is to copy your favourite writer’s story or poem. Write it, type, whatever, but word for word. Get the feeling of writing it yourself, then do it again with your own words.
let me know how it goes.
No, This can’t be, wish he has no Girlfriend, T_T I love him so much.
oh. Sir Adam <3
I wish I had enough hair to braid Patple :)
Listened twice and got 9 out of 10. This is a hard lesson. Thanks a lot.
Thanks, very bad situation, got only 30%.
Abdul Qayum
I thought I mostly understand your lesson but I got only 50%. Somehow I think it depends on sentences too right? and I’m not sure about get that you use in passive form. Why is get not got please go into more detail about this thank you so much
Hi 4you,
remember that the causative verb is the one that takes the tense in the sentence, so… if the sentence is in the past, the verb would be got, in the present get, in the future will get.
Does this help?
Thank you for replied
Thank you very much Adam ..
Hi, Adam!
I have 6/10.
Can you explane when we use “sometime”, when “sometimeS” and when we use sismlar noun such as “everytime” and “always”?
Perfect lesson! Thank you! You are the best teacher!
Wow..the Quiz was really gracious
Thx Adam
Hi Adam! I’m Nryson. I’d like to ask when we use ‘No’, ‘All’, ‘Any’, ‘Every’, ‘Each’ and ‘One of’, the following noun should be in plural form or in singular? Hope you can make a video to talk about this.
Oscar Wai
Hi Nryson,
A simple answer is use a singular noun (except for ‘All’). But this is a good topic. I’ll make a lesson about it.
i have to have me study more and more
Hi Adam. I just watched your lesson one more time. Very instructive but not that easy because it needs quite an effort of memory. More the structure must spring immediately when you speak. So a glass of Côte du Rhône (excellent subject) that I am currently drinking makes (CV) me (agent) remember (base) it (object). By the way, you told me you had been to Avignon – capital of Côtes du Rhône- for the Festival. I regret not having known you at that time. I’m living inside the walls (the ramparts) within a stone’s throw of the “Palais des Papes“. One moment I thought to become a “Pape“ myself since like them (the Popes) at that time – maybe it’s still the case, shame on me :-(, I love wine, good food, very old single malt scotch and other delicious drinks, women etc….life in general! I’m sure you do too.
I love your joie de vivre :)
40. my worst test so far. but made me study more
Thanks everyone.
Just a quick note:
The uses of these causative verbs are not set in a rule. You can use have or get and people will understand you. What i mentioned as the differences between them is based on common usage, the way people tend to use them.
I hope that helps with some of the confusion.
Keep up the good work. :)
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher :)
You’re getting me follow your lessons. It’s worth watching!
sorry, but : You’re getting me ‘TO’ follow your lessons. :)
Hello,Adam! Thanks for a very interesting lesson!It was my pleasure watching them. You are a distinguished and talented teacher! You explain complicated grammar rules easily, readily and accessibly.I wish every teacher could be like you.Keep up with the great work! By the way,would you mind explaining the other grammar topic-inversion,especially with words such as only, little, never ,etc at the beginning of the sentence.I often get confused using them.Thanks in advance.
10 out of 10
wow: how terrible!!!
I’m sorry. I made a mistake.Instead of “them” should be “it”.Actualy, I was thinking about all your lessons at that time.I like people who speak and write correctly.I think it’s an art. So, I will be very grateful if you correct me when I’m wrong.Thanks again.
hello adam, I have been reviewing my quiz and I really don’t understand why this answer is correct:Humans get computers to think for them. In the examples you gave I didn’t see that you used “to”….sam let his friend borrow his car. so why is Humans get computers think for them incorrect? thank you for your time adam
yay 10/10~! however I’m having a need to voice out my opinion about Q3’s answer. “prepare” would be a far better choice than “cook” as cooking might not be the only thing that the students did to prepare the dishes. :) Just my opinion though, hehe.
What is the difference between Causative and Complex Object?
Hi, Adam.What is the difference between Causative and Complex Object?
very informative
sherif abdullatif
Thank you very much Mr.Adam, you are an excellent teacher of English grammar.I have taken a decision to follow all your lessons. I really appreciate your skilful capability of teaching grammar.
Ismael F. Hussain
thanks adam , I get only 20 of 100
7/10 thank alot,
Hi, Adam, interesting lesson as always. I’m reading a book and I found this sentence. “I watched her straighten her dress, watched her stand up,….”. Is this a causative sentence? the structure is similar but using the verb watch. Thanks a lot for your excellent videos. I’m learning a lot with them. It’s a hard work to learn a new language though.
Hard lesson. I did not understand the first part but, the second part made things more clear.
thank you Adam.
hi adam thanks for this wonderful lessom,i have a request can you tell me the difference between such….a/an
such as
such that
fathy elmalt
Thanks Adam, so “Get/Got” will always come with “To”…correct????…..
Atif Khan
thanx 4 all
Hi Adam ..
Thank you for the lesson.. It’s very useful !!!!
but .. I got some doubts
1. can I use ‘have got’ instead of ‘have’ here?
2. “I’ve got it handled” is this causative?
thank you again for the great lesson :) :) …
It’s too difficult for me.anyway thanks a lot
Do we use these grammar rules frequently when we speak English? Can we use more easy ways instead of causative ?
Hi, Adam, I understand the lesson. It’s not very difficult, but I got 7. Strange! Anyway, thanks a lot for your explanation.
Honestly this is the first time I hear about the causative. We didn’t study it at collage but I always use the verb “make” in such situations ! After watching this video I got 9 I think that is ok. Thank you Adam :)
Hi Adam.
What if someone tells me about a good book and I want a friend of mine to read it. Can I say:
I have a friend of mine read this book
Teach Adam, can i ask when we use “base V” or ” to – base V” after causative V.
Can you get it ________ any tricks yet?
why can’t we use “do” to be alternative that the correct V is “to do”
Matthew was having difficulty with his English homework, so his mother had Linda, Matthew’s older sister, _______ him with some of his assignments
>> “Help” is correct, why can’t we use ” to help”
That make me confuse!
Hello,Adam. Thank you for the lesson
Thank a lot sir
it was really difficult,but i’ll try it later:) i only got five correct answers:(
Hi Sir , Yours explanation is Excellent.
Thank you very much
Hi Adam.Could you explain what’s the difference between following two sentences and which one is correct. This kind of question bothers me a lot. Thank you very much.
1) I will make my little brother “clean” my room.
2) I will make my little brother “to clean” my room.
Wendy Chen
Hi Adam, this lesson was very difficulty for me. But, I can see that the sentences in active or passive form have a model, and the secret is identify this.
Hi..Adam !!!
This Lesson made me understand better. I really like to watch your English video because you explain well and I can understand easier than before.
Thank You :)
That’s an impressive lesson and explanation!!
Thank you so much, Adam!
Maybe you have some material or a video-lesson that would help me understand which verbs take the -ING form and which the infinitive.
That’s a real problem for me, overall when I’m translating from my language to English.
Next month I will have my last English university exam before graduation :)
Thanks a lot.
how difficult lesson! i must try again.
Thanks for your great lession.
bad, 20 %. sorry.
Hi Adam,I was worry in question 7th,8th,9th.I don’t understand something looks smiley.Can you explain to me questons 7,8,9 again? Thank you so much.
Hi Adam.I from Albania and here we don’t practice so much english .because my friends don’t know how to speak english and in our school we don’t have a god teacher…please can you explain me the present perfect simple….please.
In this test I made a good result..I am teaching more here online as in our school.
This lesson was a little hard to me…i need to whatch one more time and try again!
Hi Adam
Thanks for the lesson but sadly I missed the answer of 2 and 6.. looking forward to having next lesson, after reading it secondly I got it.
so grateful for the lesson
i need another quiz
hey adam thanks for this lesson but actually i´m having a problem i dunno what is the correct use of the second verb in the sentence (active) u said that the causitive verb gonna take the tense but my question is the first one will change the second one for example : i had my mecanic fixed my car. is that correct?sorry if my writing isn´t the best but i´m practicing
Marwa Ben Abdallah
9 out of 10. I’m so happy! Thanks Adam, you’re the best
OMG, 8 out of 10 :*
Fauzi Al-Baihaqi
thanks adam
Adam, your lesson is amazing! Completely understandable, You’re the best teacher I’ve seen! Thanks a lot!
hi. Adam.. the lesson is very awesome. but Adam could you suggest me any advice that how to remember these rule because I watch and forget.
munificent ghori
thanks in advance
munificent ghori
I think that I need more practice :(
I sorta interested with your enunciation of the phrase’first of all’ .Can you guide me how to pronounce it as the natural way as you are.Thank in advance :)
I got the active side, but passive is still hard for me
My trainees asked me if causativeis a subject of TOEIC…
I answered YES you confirm?
Hi Adam! Thank you for your brilliant lessons as usual. May I ask you a question regarding today’s question?
Are there any difference in meaning between these two?
a. I had my bike fixed.
b. I got my bike fixed.
Thank you. I’d appreciate your feedback.
Thank you Adam for this video.
You are the best teacher !!!
Hello, Adam!
Warm greetings from Russia!)
I just want to say that it’s amaizing what you do here)You are a very effective teacher, because you know how to explain the lesson in a manner that your students understand.
I wish you a great success in your noble work!)
Best regards!
Thanks Adam for this lesson. I really appreciate your way to teach English. I get much clarity in concepts after watching your lesson.
just 5/10
when ever i think i am getting close to english and suddenly it goes away
i am breaking here plz help how can i improve sentence structure
i love you so much Adam i want yourmobil
number to talking to you to tell you about my problems in use english
I have watched this lesson for five times. very useful. Thanks!
Hi everyone, I have a doubt, it is possible to use CUT instead of DONE in this sentence:? I bought a gorgeous black dress and new shoes, and I’m getting my hair _________ at Silvio’s place. And also I would like to know if GET and HAVE can be use indistinctly in the passive voice almost always? I will appreciate any help you can provide.
Enrique M
I always make my sons study their exams
all my best wish to you… Adam
Thank you Adam :)
Asma Odeh
hello Adam, i got 7 out of 10. Sometimes it gets really confusing specially with the GET causative. Can you get it to do any tricks yet. I thought it was get it do any tricks.
Waheeda Kanwal
sorry i couldnot get marks much,i think,ihave confused a little more.i need practice more.please sir help me.through another lesson.
Nice lesson, but I got a bad score at the quiz -,-
Hi, Adam a love how you explain it,but i think to be confused with Active and Passive sentences,could you found easy way to understand it a little better? thank you.
Thank you for your video lesson. Now it’s really clear to me, but I came across the following sentence from the lesson video by Gill, using the same structure, which doesn’t sound like someone else did.
“I had it all arranged to bake a cake, but then there was a power cut, and I couldn’t use the oven.”
In this sentence, is it someone else who arranged?
I’d be happy if you could explain about it. Thank you.
8 out of 10 but not satisfied….
Hi Adam,
I am luck because I can write to you :-)
Does the computers do calculations for us?
Does the computers think calculations for us?
I chose “to do” and it seemes as a wrong answer.
Thank you…
Thank you Adam! This video will help me pass my English test today at school.
Hi adam, first of all thx you for this lesson but i wanna ask a question which is make me confusing.
the question is if i say “i had the cleaner company, which is the best cleaner in my city, clean my room. is it correct? i wrote there “cleaner compony” to mean obviously.
also if i say, i have the cleaner company which the best company in my city clean my house. (no comma) is it correct too?
i wanna say that if we use clauses in this structure is there a problem or not?
thank you for ur patiance.
Thank you, Adam for this lesson.
Thanks for your lesson. It’s useful. The Quiz #10 costed me a little time. I’m confused that the answer “you” is the question’s you or is the person who speaker is talking to?
Here’s my thought. Using your example:”Samantha made her boyfriend cut his hair.” Applying to this question. What can Samantha say to get her purpose? Samantha can say:”Don’t make me make you cut your hair.” So, who will have a haircut? Samantha’s boyfriend does.
Is my thought correct?
Hank Chen
bad 4/10, I need more practice.Thank you
Dear sir
your lesson is very good and very help full
butt could you please help me to understand the meninges of below sentences
“i got marred” “let’s get started”
Thank you for your lessons, they’re great, the website too, and help me a lot…
The causative is difficult, it’s high level for me.
Question: Is it American or English, this website? You have an American accent…
Later. Bye!
Hi Adam, Could you, please, clearing up the Q9? Given that the hacker is Bob´s friend then it is not convenient “pay” for the service as explained by you at the beginning for “Have” uses, thus why the correct answer is
Hi Adam, Could you, please, clearing up the Q9? Given that the hacker is Bob´s friend then it is not convenient “pay” for the service as explained by you at the beginning for “Have” uses, thus why the correct answer is “had” instead “let” for allowing his friend hacking some body else computer? Thanks, Adauto
I think so ! … I agree with you, virtual mate ! … LET is more appropriate for me, because the man was his friend, so he allowed that friend to hack his other friend’s computer. With HAD, I think is like if I had paid him to do it ! … Dear Adam, What is your opinion about it ?
Oh my, i only got 6 out of 10. This lesson is a little bit confusing i thought my answer on the questions were right. I need to practice more about this lesson. Thanks adam…
thanks adam,you’re great techer.
excuse me, teacher
Hi teacher, please can you explainme why is cooked (in the third quiestion) the wrong answer?
excuse me teacher, i dont get it why “the teacher had each of his student prepare” why is it prepare? not prepared? i thought that because it said “had” then the verb will become past too
it´s very difficult 4/10 I´m very sad Adam.
Thanks, Adam ! I got 7 out of 10, I think it was a good score, but not enough ! … This has been one of the most difficult topics I’ve ever had in my process of learning English for many years. Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America !
Adam, hi! Could you please say a bit more about “to”? Why, in some cases, you write ‘to’ (like in: “Jane gets her sister TO sew a dress”). But in some others you omit it (like in: “Sam made her boyfriend cut his hair”). Dziękuję z góry
Ooops, I should read Twsiw’s comments more carefully, you already explained my doubts. Sorry, oversights happen when you teach the others 4h constantly and then just try to skip to learning. But 8/10 at the end of my tether isn’t so bad.
I think number 9 is got
Why is it had not got?
Mostafa ashraf
very bad:((
This lesson is little bit difficult for me, whatever thank you a lot Adam.
gt only 4/10..:( how to improve??
i got 2!!!
i have a problem :(
“I got stuck in traffic”, in this sentence got is a causative verb?
i gotta say right off the bat that i understood very well this topic finally. But here is my question. “i get my groceries delivered” why you didn’t use “to” ? i am confused with it. because other teachers and you said that “to” ought to be used with “get” in this form.
example the last one. is should be “I got my groceries delivered” ?
or i m wrong?
ty for lessons the best teacher :)
it was a an excellent lesson.. thanks for it
Thanks very much
Thank You so mush sir. I felt so much comfortable when I was watching your lesson at first time on youtbue. At that moment I was seeking for a good English Teacher. Then I thought that I should follow you. Thank you lot sir.
I myself have been teaching English for nearly 15 years. It goes without saying that I’m interested in other professionals’ methods and styles. NEVER have I met such an amazing Teacher (neither in person nor online). Adam, you’re the best! Thank you =)
Lana Fontana
Hello Mr.Adam
I signed up just to say thank you for you. You did great job in these lessons and I really appreciate your efforts. Please keep up the great works.
Maha Eltom
thanks adam, you are the best professor i have ever seen, really … i got 8, one mistake with finally, i thought that we can use present tense with finally, could we?
How have you been Adam? Adam that’s nice of you for this lesson!I understand but now I only need more practice because it is bit difficult
Awesome dude
You’re awesome dude
hi best my teacher thank you for evrything you are amazing leader to achieve our goals I really hope visit you and attend your class life >> thank you a lot
Hi. I can’t understand this sentence:
‘It helped fournished the homes’. (Youtube CNN 10 subtitles July 26 2017).
Subject + Verbe help past tense + Verbe fournish past participle + Complement.
Is help in this case a causal verbe?
Can you explain me. Thank You.
Without knowing the context, “It helped furnish the homes” would probably be correct. If the subtitles were auto-generated, it could just be an error.
engVid Moderator
Hi Mister Adam.
Sorry, I made a mistake in my question.
I mean: Is help in this case a causative verbe? Thank You for your lessons.
thanks Adam,you are the best teacher:)
I got 10.
Totally lost on this concept!
Adam! getting 70s on your test means I don’t know the material you presented.
hi adamm thanks for teach me so
got you TO teach*
Marshall the spitter
great lesson Adam
Thank you so much Adam.I have so much fun watching all your videos. My english is going better with Thanks all staff too making this site great,and teaching people useful lessons. Finally I got ten correct out of ten .
Thanks Adam, a good lesson…
Hey Adam, I want to know how can we make a sentence like “Sam made her boyfriend cut his hair” in the passive form, I’m just a bit confused :D
Farah Hashem
Hi Adam
Thaks a lot
great techer!!!! greetings from Colombia!!!!!
I only got 30 % it´s time to repeat the lesson :(
so his mother had, MATHEW’S sister …. him with some of his assignment.
can u explain last two pronoun: how do those refer to whom….please?
another quest i’ll ask.
they make do with the rest of the expense by themselves… is it causative sentence and what is the function of with? please
Thanks Adam, after watching your video class is very clear for me how to use it.
Jose antonio coba
hi, one of your sentence is cal let his friend borrow his car. “cal” is third person why don’t add “s” to let ?!!
let is in its past form
Hi! Thanks for the lesson but only have a little difficulty to use or not to use “to” before the verb. For example: which one is correct: I ask my sister to buy something /I ask my sister buy something
Great lesson, thank you!
You’re a good teacher Adam. Thank you!
Hello Adam, thanks a lot for the lesson, it helped, but I have something to ask you. In third question, why are we putting prepare? I saw had, I know it is past and I added past participle. I didn’t understand. I know that causative verb creates the the tense. Thanks for being and giving lessons.
Nelli 1010@
Ohhh, i can’t understand (1/10), I can’t understand when I have to insert past, when present, when future (((( I’m so stupid (
Jane got her sister to sow her a dress.why to sow not to see is not not the infinitive? ???
OMG im feeling grateful right now… thanks for making this quiz!
dewi syaharani
9 out of 10
now I have a better understanding of causative structure.
Tnx Adam
I still get confused when I was saw “have” and “get” but this kind of lessons help me decrease my confusing. These are really “bully” :) Thanks Adam.
Thanks, Adam. I have done it from third time!
Thank you Adam
This lesson is difficult to me. I will learn it again.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Adam…..for this useful lesson ? ….You gave an example “I will make my little brother clean my room. Why? Because he’s my little brother. I’m bigger than him. I can make him do things. So I will ….for joking…I call this ‘Bullying’ ?
suhail habahbeh
Hello Mr Adam. Hope you are having a decent day. Despite the fact that I am a native English speaker, I am counfused at that question: “What a cute puppy! Can you get it ________ any tricks yet?” I would totally say to do while speaking, but since it is an active causative, we have to use the bare form of the verb. So, should not it be DO? I am confused. I will be grateful if you answer.
Frank Hose
I am sorry. I realised something and got the part I missed :)
Frank Hose
How to rewrite these sentences in causative:
1.I’ll ask her to book tickets for the concert.
2.They’ve published Jude’s new book.
3.The museum is going to recruit an architect to design an extension.
Help me please!!
First of all, I’d like to say thank you for this class Adam. I’m wondering that the causative verb of get needs to have agent then ‘to verb’ whereas make, let and have are followed by agent + verb.
best regards,Adam
greetings from Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Thank you so much, the grammar was easy and simple to understand.
thanks a lot Mr Adam , we appreciate your efforts .
Nazir Karnoub
8/10, thank you sir, and Q2,Q9 questions I have were solved as below discussion, it’s very helpful to me.
Hi Adam this lesson was so helpful for us thanks
I got 10 out of 10. Your lesson was very helpful Sir.
St Toni
Hello Adam, I hope you are doing great.
I can not understand passive and active.
I can’t understand the difference between them at all.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi Adam,thank you for your lesson. It is a little difficult. Is my sentense correct?
I dont understand the last quiz .Please explain it
do you ask me to explain “don’t make me make you say it”
Paraphrase: Don’t put me in a situation where I have to force you to say it.
Hi Mieto,
Mallory gave a good answer. It means don’t force me to force you to say it.
Hi Adam, thank you, very good lesson. A wonderful explanation, it was a revision for me.. I got 10 of 10. Sorry that I have to write a comment replying someone. I cant do it, with leave a comment. Thanks again.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the lesson. It was a good review for me. I appreciate the “engVid”team for putting together this website. Great job!
Yes, hilasou. It is. :)
Yep!!! It is correct Hilasou.
The causative pattern is not that easy. The quiz items were even a bit more complicated.
What we need -I think- is to go over the lesson and take the quiz again.
Thank you Regino for your comment.
4 correct out of 10 :(
I was a bit surprised that you made a lesson on the topic recently covered by Alex, but after watching, it appeared more like addition to his lesson.
Thanx a lot for your work.
Hi Adam, I still confuse with the answer no. 3 and 4. could you explain it to me for more detail about those sentences. thanks
Hi Yohanis,
To celebrate the holiday, the teacher had each of his students prepare a traditional dish at home and bring it to class to share at the party.– the teacher asked each of his students to make a dish from home for the holiday. I could have used “made” here, but sometimes it’s more polite to use have.
4. Your car is a mess. If you want, I can recommend a great place where you can have it cleaned inside and out, and it’s not too expensive.– i know a place where you can pay someone to clean your car for you. It’s not too expensive.
Does this help?
Thank you Adam for your reply.
Sorry i made a typo, it should be confused instead of confuse.
thank adam, i have got eight out of ten, this is a useful lesson for me, i had been confused about this before i learned the lesson. :)
70% Not so bad :)
8/10 but I’ve realised what I was doing wrong.
Although it’s a difficult topic you explained it very clear.
Thanks a lot Adam
many thanks
thank you Adam.
thank you 6/10
really helpful lesson :)
thank you sir..
That was difficult, but i got 60 out of 10.
useful lesson, thanks Adam.
8 out of 10. Great! Thank you!
me too. Btw, thanks Adam.
Hi Adam today was the fist day of mine that I found this web site and watched your video on Causative verbs. It was really helpful and enjoyable for me. I thank you for your beautiful lesson. (Neda)
I did not understand. His mother had his sister help him with the homework. Does that mean mother is paying his sister? It sounds strange. Why don’t you use the verb get or ask?
Hi Anton,
You’re right, both of those choices would be ok as well. There is no “rule” about these causative verbs, it’s just common usages. In this case had could be replaced with got or made or asked. But his older sister might have needed a little bribe ;). No way to know that from the context though. I’ll be careful to make my ideas clearer in future.
First time I got 5 correct out of 10. But this time I got 6 correct out of 10. I’m still confused but better. BTW I usually get my hair cut :P Thank you, Adam :)
owh im sAD , i cant understand this lesson , i got 3/10 owh im so sad , but thank you adam , i wiil try to watch again this lesson
Don’t be sad Bheb. just keep trying :)
this lesson is difficult
it means we need to focus more about this topic
we’re almost same I got 4/10 :(
this lesson is difficult
it means we need to focus more about this topic
we’re almost same I got 4/10 :(
Your lesson always motivates me.
Grammer is not easy for me, but I’ll do my best!
very hard quize =)
Hello guys, how are you? It’s nice lesson, thanks a lot! I need more practice to improve my skills, and if you need too – please add me in skype alex_sem555 .I look forward to hearing from you!
I got 7 out of 10..not bad at all i think..^_^
Hi Mr. Adam,
When do we use “will” and when we use “be going to”? Thank you in advance.
Hi Atef,
Use will when you just thought of the idea about the future. Use going to when the idea was thought of before and plans and/or arrangements have already been made. going to is more definitive.
Hope that helps.
Thank you Sir!
Hi teacher! The quiz was very difficult for me… I will watch again and try to understand. Thanks! ;-)
Very good lesson but the right answer “Humans get computers to think for them (humans)” in question 2 is questionable because computers don’t actually think. Computers are only doing what its programmer told to them and they don’t know what they are doing.
And in question 9 I don’t understand why answer “I let my friend hack your computer” wouldn’t be also right because it’s grammatically correct and he could have been to not let (allow) his friend hack the computer. But perhaps answer “had” is more common.
Good points Juhapekka,
But… If I need to do my taxes, it’s easier to input data into a program and let it calculate the sums for me and arrange my files so i don’t need to spend hours on it. Of course, it doesn’t think… but then again, neither do I ;)
As for my friend’s computer, it’s not mine to give permission for. But you’re right, it is grammatically correct.
Hi Adam
But why we couldn’t use “Got” in 9-th sentence? May be he persuade his friend to do it.
It may be correct to use “get” in this sentence or no matter, and both words “got” and “had” possible to use in this sentence?
So,can I say”humans need to computers think for them.”? In general English, It might make sense.
hi sir
i did not understand completely this lesson .i want more classes from you sir .
hi sir
it was very difficult to me .i want you follow your lessons .
Hi Bhanusri,
Thank you. Keep practicing and it will get easier.
Also, I’m on a regular rotation here with the other teachers, so I come on every couple of weeks or so. I hope you watch the other teachers too. They’re good :)
I agree with all them. Hard lesson and also the quiz. 5/10 Bad:( Thanks a lot Adam!!!
Last question was awesome , thanks Adam
thanks Adam! Good lesson
Adam you are saying this idiom {you are in your head} what does it mean, please!
Hi Brala,
It means you think too much :)
Hi Adam, Thank you to spent your time for explain this lesson. I understand the direction but I have five to ten.
See you later.
I do not see the lesson and I got 50% in quiz , what this mean?
Hi Andrew,
It means watch the lesson and get 100% :)
Very interesting lesson. Thank you so much!!! But there is one little thing I am not sure about. I would like to ask you for a piece of advice with verbs “get” and “have” in these kind of sentences. Am I right to think that get is sort of (persuade) and have is like (pay money for service). thank you and all the best Adam.
Hi pavel,
yes, more or less. There is no rule saying this, but in common usage, that’s how most people tend to use these.
Hi, Adam, I got a question for you. Is it possible to say ‘Jane got her sister sewing her a dress’? Or is it a huge mistake? Thanks. :)
Hi Dawiddku,
Not a huge mistake, a small one. It’s to sew, not sewing (in the case of a causative).
If you say ” Jane has got her sister sewing her a dress” it can mean that the sister is sewing right now, and Jane is a little bossy, and keeps her sister busy doing things for her.
Hope that helps
What a coincidence! Two days ago I read in my textbook about causative. Your lesson helped my to clearly understand it. So i got 10/10 at the quiz :)
Thank you very much!
Helped “me” not “my”.Sorry!
just a little confused with get and have, besides the difference on to do and do, how do we choose from have and get? I’ve seen a lot of cases where people use have sb do something for them without paying anything. Thank you
Hi Rico,
These aren’t set rules, just common usages. But, having said that, payment doesn’t always have to be in the form of money. It could be in the form of a favour. You do something for me, and later, I’ll do something for you.
Does that help?
Is it correct if I say <>
Sure Maqsudi. My pleasure :)
Hello Adam, thanks for your lesson. 8 out of ten. Only I made mistakes with the construction of the causative with get. I.e. I get him TO do something while I have hm do something (because I paid him for doing that). Is it correct? Thanks in advance.
Thank you for your lesson.
Oh, oh… 06/10 Next time I’ll make someone answer the quiz for me.
It is a complex theme, but you have explained quite well. I understood quite well; I made some mistakes on the quiz, though. Thank you very much.
It was very difficult for me. I got 5 of 10 score. I need more practice to improve my english. Can you help me to practice ?
Thank you everyone.
I got my brain worked, thank you
It is so difficult lesson :(
Many thanks Adam for making yourself clear.
I like very much your lessons.
See you next time.
My pride vanished. 50%
No worries Jorge… It’ll be back :)
it’s very importent.thanks sir
2/10 very bad.
Dear Adam!
Could you make a lesson explaining the difference among verbs to treat, cure and heal?
Sincerely yours,
Hi Natalia,
I’ll see what I can do.
In the meantime:
treat a wound or injury (means take care of, apply 1st aid, etc.)
cure a disease (like smallpox)
heal an injury (like a broken leg)
Hope that helps a little
Thank you
oh i can not finish any one i want to cry who want to help me ?
Smile Jings. This stuff takes time.
Hi, Adam:
On this video, the structure of this sentence “Jane got her sister to sew her a dress” is different from other example sentences.
I am not sure if that sentence should be like this “Jane got her sister sew her a dress” or not.
Could you please help me with this? Thanks!
Hi Twsiw,
Remember: have, let, make + do
get + to do
2/10 i will watch your explanations again…it is not easy. In spanish we make these sentences in a different way….for this, it is soo hard to me. thank you anyway.
deal teachers can you give me some advice about how i can study english well with my present situations?
Hi Jings,
I don’t know your present situation I’m afraid. The best way to learn is to practice a lot and often.
I ran your video again. Better this time, much better: 8/10. thank you
ohhh it was rather difficult to understand…
Thank you Adam, you’re the best!
Hi Adam! One question. If someone says: ” I’ll have You killed”,suppose it mean that this person will be killed by someone who we don’t know?
I think it means, that you will be killed by someone
How about that baby? I’ll have watched this movie….
here is used Future Perfect tense. It’s not a causative
I will have the movie watched.
If we think of police looking for evidence to a murder and someone says there is a video of it, the detective might say he’ll have the video watched for clues. Meaning, he’ll ask a colleague to watch it and let him know if it’s real or useful, or whatever.
Not really sure though. I’d need more context to fully explain it I think.
I don’t agree with You baby!(You must watch this video again!) In the sentence we’re talking about is NO AGENT. If it is were:” I’ll have someone to have You killed”(that’s different). So it isn’t causative.
You’re right baby!
You’re right that that person will be killed by assassin!
Hi Katrin,
It most likely means I’ll hire someone (assassin) to kill you.
in the movie I watched sometime ago it is really that the woman most likely said she want to kill the person by killer(but it was interesting to me might this sentence to have double meaning…)
THANK YOU ADAM!!!(that’s very clear)
And what does it mean “personal pal”, and why “the pal” is personal? (it’s from children’s movie)
pal is slang for “friend” … so it’s a personal friend. Personal is used to emphasize that he’s not just someone I know, but we are actually good friends.
so you can say: the best friend(thanks)
Thank You for lessons again!
I’m sorry Adam, one more question. What is it “a cockney angel” in London and at all? Thank You very much!!!
Cockney is British slang meaning someone from a certain part of London. As for the whole sentence, not so sure. It must have something to do with the movie or tv show you heard it in.
So I must be very careful in using this in a conversation?!!
Thank You Adam!!! It is very big help.
The topic is a little confusing for me but I got 8 correct out of 10.By the way you explained it very clear.Thank you so much Adam.
I watched the lesson again and it was very easy !!! Thank you so much Adam!
I am confused about the meaning of these words: keep, that, take, and have, because I think in English the word has many meanings and significance, please explain these words clearly, thank you
Hi Anggono,
These words would each take a whole lesson in themselves. The best way to know them is to understand the context they are being used in, and then check the dictionary for the definition that makes sense in that context.
But I’ll see what I can do to explain them in future videos.
Great lesson, Adam
Very good, teacher
Although It took me quite a few time to get this lesson, but It’s worth it. Thanks to Adam as always!
Dam,I learnt these before, and forgot, and learnt it again this time, then I’m still wrong in some sentences.
Hi .. adam please help me to learn english very good… :( i’m very sad
Don’t be sad Jojo. You’ll learn more when you are happy. (frustrated… well, that’s a different thing) ;) keep trying
10 out of 10.
You always make me make myself improve my English. Thakx.
Thanx Adam for this wonderful lesson :) . A hard one though. But I’m confused about the “have” one. You said that have is to PAY someone to do something (i.e. pay services) . But I watched Alex’s video about Causative Verb that have means asking someone to do something, and you don’t have to pay for it. And some of the examples on the quiz doesn’t related with paying as well, or in the video like “you should HAVE the school call the boy’s parents” . Do you really have to PAY the school for doing such thing? Nahh… doesn’t make sense.
Could you explain to me about that?
Thanx anyway :) .
Hi Skyblues,
Firstly, this is not a rule about the verbs, just common usages. But, having said that, you do technically pay the school. If not in direct tuition, then with your taxes for public school. In this case, you have the right to demand service from the school.
Hope this helps a little.
ohhhh i get 4 from 10 :( so pour
Thank you! It’s clear. I’m from Ukraine and we don’t have such sentences, but I understand them with your video.
Thank you Adam, it was very clear! I had my doubts solved :DDD
Thank you Adam. I have a question. For passive case, can’t i use the verbs like make, let ?
For example, “I made my hair cut.” isn’t correct?
Hi BoKyung,
I’m afraid not. It sounds like you forced your hair to cut (something, someone, ???). Doesn’t work this way.
thanks you adam it was very nice
I’ve got 8/10.
I’m not good at passive voice.
I’ll study more.
Thank you Adam.
I enjoy very much your lessons because you are easy to understand: very clear, slow speaking and very organized speech.
thnx Mr.Adam great job May God bless u
Hi Adam. Do you know your girlfriend should have a barber cut your hair? But for the time being I would suggest you had your hair braided, I’m sur you’d be cute :-). And since you are kind of macho, you will make your girlfriend cut it instead of the barber :-(. However as the lady with character she is, she had the car drive you to the barber (well with the automatic google car).
Hi Adam !Nice to see you again :)! I want to explain why I am studing english and I want some advice from you which can help me with it.
I want to write in english , because I love poetry and books . When it sound in english for me it seems amazing, and I feel really comfortable( actually as you see I love english too not only french ) Merci on advance *_*
Hi Emanuela,
Best advice I can give is to read a lot, which is an advantage to you because you like to read. This will help your vocab and grammar, but it will also give you a “feel” for the language.
Also, in writing classes, a good tip teachers give their students is to copy your favourite writer’s story or poem. Write it, type, whatever, but word for word. Get the feeling of writing it yourself, then do it again with your own words.
let me know how it goes.
No, This can’t be, wish he has no Girlfriend, T_T I love him so much.
oh. Sir Adam <3
I wish I had enough hair to braid Patple :)
Listened twice and got 9 out of 10. This is a hard lesson. Thanks a lot.
Thanks, very bad situation, got only 30%.
I thought I mostly understand your lesson but I got only 50%. Somehow I think it depends on sentences too right? and I’m not sure about get that you use in passive form. Why is get not got please go into more detail about this thank you so much
Hi 4you,
remember that the causative verb is the one that takes the tense in the sentence, so… if the sentence is in the past, the verb would be got, in the present get, in the future will get.
Does this help?
Thank you for replied
Thank you very much Adam ..
Hi, Adam!
I have 6/10.
Can you explane when we use “sometime”, when “sometimeS” and when we use sismlar noun such as “everytime” and “always”?
Thank you for your lessons!
Sorry, similar
Hi Kate,
actually made a lesson about this:
let me know if it helps
Perfect lesson! Thank you! You are the best teacher!
Wow..the Quiz was really gracious
Thx Adam
Hi Adam! I’m Nryson. I’d like to ask when we use ‘No’, ‘All’, ‘Any’, ‘Every’, ‘Each’ and ‘One of’, the following noun should be in plural form or in singular? Hope you can make a video to talk about this.
Hi Nryson,
A simple answer is use a singular noun (except for ‘All’). But this is a good topic. I’ll make a lesson about it.
i have to have me study more and more
Hi Adam. I just watched your lesson one more time. Very instructive but not that easy because it needs quite an effort of memory. More the structure must spring immediately when you speak. So a glass of Côte du Rhône (excellent subject) that I am currently drinking makes (CV) me (agent) remember (base) it (object). By the way, you told me you had been to Avignon – capital of Côtes du Rhône- for the Festival. I regret not having known you at that time. I’m living inside the walls (the ramparts) within a stone’s throw of the “Palais des Papes“. One moment I thought to become a “Pape“ myself since like them (the Popes) at that time – maybe it’s still the case, shame on me :-(, I love wine, good food, very old single malt scotch and other delicious drinks, women etc….life in general! I’m sure you do too.
I love your joie de vivre :)
40. my worst test so far. but made me study more
Thanks everyone.
Just a quick note:
The uses of these causative verbs are not set in a rule. You can use have or get and people will understand you. What i mentioned as the differences between them is based on common usage, the way people tend to use them.
I hope that helps with some of the confusion.
Keep up the good work. :)
Thank you Adam, you’re a great teacher :)
You’re getting me follow your lessons. It’s worth watching!
sorry, but : You’re getting me ‘TO’ follow your lessons. :)
Hello,Adam! Thanks for a very interesting lesson!It was my pleasure watching them. You are a distinguished and talented teacher! You explain complicated grammar rules easily, readily and accessibly.I wish every teacher could be like you.Keep up with the great work! By the way,would you mind explaining the other grammar topic-inversion,especially with words such as only, little, never ,etc at the beginning of the sentence.I often get confused using them.Thanks in advance.
10 out of 10
wow: how terrible!!!
I’m sorry. I made a mistake.Instead of “them” should be “it”.Actualy, I was thinking about all your lessons at that time.I like people who speak and write correctly.I think it’s an art. So, I will be very grateful if you correct me when I’m wrong.Thanks again.
hello adam, I have been reviewing my quiz and I really don’t understand why this answer is correct:Humans get computers to think for them. In the examples you gave I didn’t see that you used “to”….sam let his friend borrow his car. so why is Humans get computers think for them incorrect? thank you for your time adam
yay 10/10~! however I’m having a need to voice out my opinion about Q3’s answer. “prepare” would be a far better choice than “cook” as cooking might not be the only thing that the students did to prepare the dishes. :) Just my opinion though, hehe.
What is the difference between Causative and Complex Object?
Hi, Adam.What is the difference between Causative and Complex Object?
very informative
Thank you very much Mr.Adam, you are an excellent teacher of English grammar.I have taken a decision to follow all your lessons. I really appreciate your skilful capability of teaching grammar.
thanks adam , I get only 20 of 100
7/10 thank alot,
Hi, Adam, interesting lesson as always. I’m reading a book and I found this sentence. “I watched her straighten her dress, watched her stand up,….”. Is this a causative sentence? the structure is similar but using the verb watch. Thanks a lot for your excellent videos. I’m learning a lot with them. It’s a hard work to learn a new language though.
Hard lesson. I did not understand the first part but, the second part made things more clear.
thank you Adam.
hi adam thanks for this wonderful lessom,i have a request can you tell me the difference between such….a/an
such as
such that
Thanks Adam, so “Get/Got” will always come with “To”…correct????…..
thanx 4 all
Hi Adam ..
Thank you for the lesson.. It’s very useful !!!!
but .. I got some doubts
1. can I use ‘have got’ instead of ‘have’ here?
2. “I’ve got it handled” is this causative?
thank you again for the great lesson :) :) …
It’s too difficult for me.anyway thanks a lot
Do we use these grammar rules frequently when we speak English? Can we use more easy ways instead of causative ?
Hi, Adam, I understand the lesson. It’s not very difficult, but I got 7. Strange! Anyway, thanks a lot for your explanation.
Honestly this is the first time I hear about the causative. We didn’t study it at collage but I always use the verb “make” in such situations ! After watching this video I got 9 I think that is ok. Thank you Adam :)
Hi Adam.
What if someone tells me about a good book and I want a friend of mine to read it. Can I say:
I have a friend of mine read this book
Teach Adam, can i ask when we use “base V” or ” to – base V” after causative V.
Can you get it ________ any tricks yet?
why can’t we use “do” to be alternative that the correct V is “to do”
Matthew was having difficulty with his English homework, so his mother had Linda, Matthew’s older sister, _______ him with some of his assignments
>> “Help” is correct, why can’t we use ” to help”
That make me confuse!
Hello,Adam. Thank you for the lesson
Thank a lot sir
it was really difficult,but i’ll try it later:) i only got five correct answers:(
Hi Sir , Yours explanation is Excellent.
Thank you very much
Hi Adam.Could you explain what’s the difference between following two sentences and which one is correct. This kind of question bothers me a lot. Thank you very much.
1) I will make my little brother “clean” my room.
2) I will make my little brother “to clean” my room.
Hi Adam, this lesson was very difficulty for me. But, I can see that the sentences in active or passive form have a model, and the secret is identify this.
Hi..Adam !!!
This Lesson made me understand better. I really like to watch your English video because you explain well and I can understand easier than before.
Thank You :)
That’s an impressive lesson and explanation!!
Thank you so much, Adam!
Maybe you have some material or a video-lesson that would help me understand which verbs take the -ING form and which the infinitive.
That’s a real problem for me, overall when I’m translating from my language to English.
Next month I will have my last English university exam before graduation :)
Thanks a lot.
how difficult lesson! i must try again.
Thanks for your great lession.
bad, 20 %. sorry.
Hi Adam,I was worry in question 7th,8th,9th.I don’t understand something looks smiley.Can you explain to me questons 7,8,9 again? Thank you so much.
Hi Adam.I from Albania and here we don’t practice so much english .because my friends don’t know how to speak english and in our school we don’t have a god teacher…please can you explain me the present perfect simple….please.
In this test I made a good result..I am teaching more here online as in our school.
This lesson was a little hard to me…i need to whatch one more time and try again!
Hi Adam
Thanks for the lesson but sadly I missed the answer of 2 and 6.. looking forward to having next lesson, after reading it secondly I got it.
so grateful for the lesson
i need another quiz
hey adam thanks for this lesson but actually i´m having a problem i dunno what is the correct use of the second verb in the sentence (active) u said that the causitive verb gonna take the tense but my question is the first one will change the second one for example : i had my mecanic fixed my car. is that correct?sorry if my writing isn´t the best but i´m practicing
9 out of 10. I’m so happy! Thanks Adam, you’re the best
OMG, 8 out of 10 :*
thanks adam
Adam, your lesson is amazing! Completely understandable, You’re the best teacher I’ve seen! Thanks a lot!
hi. Adam.. the lesson is very awesome. but Adam could you suggest me any advice that how to remember these rule because I watch and forget.
thanks in advance
I think that I need more practice :(
I sorta interested with your enunciation of the phrase’first of all’ .Can you guide me how to pronounce it as the natural way as you are.Thank in advance :)
I got the active side, but passive is still hard for me
My trainees asked me if causativeis a subject of TOEIC…
I answered YES you confirm?
Hi Adam! Thank you for your brilliant lessons as usual. May I ask you a question regarding today’s question?
Are there any difference in meaning between these two?
a. I had my bike fixed.
b. I got my bike fixed.
Thank you. I’d appreciate your feedback.
Thank you Adam for this video.
You are the best teacher !!!
Hello, Adam!
Warm greetings from Russia!)
I just want to say that it’s amaizing what you do here)You are a very effective teacher, because you know how to explain the lesson in a manner that your students understand.
I wish you a great success in your noble work!)
Best regards!
I get 5 out of 10
It is cool. I made a summary here
Thanks Adam
It is really hard but it is useful.
Thanks Adam for this lesson. I really appreciate your way to teach English. I get much clarity in concepts after watching your lesson.
just 5/10
when ever i think i am getting close to english and suddenly it goes away
i am breaking here plz help how can i improve sentence structure
i love you so much Adam i want yourmobil
number to talking to you to tell you about my problems in use english
I have watched this lesson for five times. very useful. Thanks!
Hi everyone, I have a doubt, it is possible to use CUT instead of DONE in this sentence:? I bought a gorgeous black dress and new shoes, and I’m getting my hair _________ at Silvio’s place. And also I would like to know if GET and HAVE can be use indistinctly in the passive voice almost always? I will appreciate any help you can provide.
I always make my sons study their exams
all my best wish to you… Adam
Thank you Adam :)
hello Adam, i got 7 out of 10. Sometimes it gets really confusing specially with the GET causative. Can you get it to do any tricks yet. I thought it was get it do any tricks.
sorry i couldnot get marks much,i think,ihave confused a little more.i need practice more.please sir help me.through another lesson.
Nice lesson, but I got a bad score at the quiz -,-
Hi, Adam a love how you explain it,but i think to be confused with Active and Passive sentences,could you found easy way to understand it a little better? thank you.
Thank you for your video lesson. Now it’s really clear to me, but I came across the following sentence from the lesson video by Gill, using the same structure, which doesn’t sound like someone else did.
“I had it all arranged to bake a cake, but then there was a power cut, and I couldn’t use the oven.”
In this sentence, is it someone else who arranged?
I’d be happy if you could explain about it. Thank you.
8 out of 10 but not satisfied….
Hi Adam,
I am luck because I can write to you :-)
Does the computers do calculations for us?
Does the computers think calculations for us?
I chose “to do” and it seemes as a wrong answer.
Thank you…
Thank you Adam! This video will help me pass my English test today at school.
Hi adam, first of all thx you for this lesson but i wanna ask a question which is make me confusing.
the question is if i say “i had the cleaner company, which is the best cleaner in my city, clean my room. is it correct? i wrote there “cleaner compony” to mean obviously.
also if i say, i have the cleaner company which the best company in my city clean my house. (no comma) is it correct too?
i wanna say that if we use clauses in this structure is there a problem or not?
thank you for ur patiance.
Thank you, Adam for this lesson.
Thanks for your lesson. It’s useful. The Quiz #10 costed me a little time. I’m confused that the answer “you” is the question’s you or is the person who speaker is talking to?
Here’s my thought. Using your example:”Samantha made her boyfriend cut his hair.” Applying to this question. What can Samantha say to get her purpose? Samantha can say:”Don’t make me make you cut your hair.” So, who will have a haircut? Samantha’s boyfriend does.
Is my thought correct?
bad 4/10, I need more practice.Thank you
Dear sir
your lesson is very good and very help full
butt could you please help me to understand the meninges of below sentences
“i got marred” “let’s get started”
Thank you for your lessons, they’re great, the website too, and help me a lot…
The causative is difficult, it’s high level for me.
Question: Is it American or English, this website? You have an American accent…
Later. Bye!
Hi Adam, Could you, please, clearing up the Q9? Given that the hacker is Bob´s friend then it is not convenient “pay” for the service as explained by you at the beginning for “Have” uses, thus why the correct answer is
Hi Adam, Could you, please, clearing up the Q9? Given that the hacker is Bob´s friend then it is not convenient “pay” for the service as explained by you at the beginning for “Have” uses, thus why the correct answer is “had” instead “let” for allowing his friend hacking some body else computer? Thanks, Adauto
I think so ! … I agree with you, virtual mate ! … LET is more appropriate for me, because the man was his friend, so he allowed that friend to hack his other friend’s computer. With HAD, I think is like if I had paid him to do it ! … Dear Adam, What is your opinion about it ?
Oh my, i only got 6 out of 10. This lesson is a little bit confusing i thought my answer on the questions were right. I need to practice more about this lesson. Thanks adam…
thanks adam,you’re great techer.
excuse me, teacher
Hi teacher, please can you explainme why is cooked (in the third quiestion) the wrong answer?
excuse me teacher, i dont get it why “the teacher had each of his student prepare” why is it prepare? not prepared? i thought that because it said “had” then the verb will become past too
it´s very difficult 4/10 I´m very sad Adam.
Thanks, Adam ! I got 7 out of 10, I think it was a good score, but not enough ! … This has been one of the most difficult topics I’ve ever had in my process of learning English for many years. Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America !
Adam, hi! Could you please say a bit more about “to”? Why, in some cases, you write ‘to’ (like in: “Jane gets her sister TO sew a dress”). But in some others you omit it (like in: “Sam made her boyfriend cut his hair”). Dziękuję z góry
Ooops, I should read Twsiw’s comments more carefully, you already explained my doubts. Sorry, oversights happen when you teach the others 4h constantly and then just try to skip to learning. But 8/10 at the end of my tether isn’t so bad.
I think number 9 is got
Why is it had not got?
very bad:((
This lesson is little bit difficult for me, whatever thank you a lot Adam.
gt only 4/10..:( how to improve??
i got 2!!!
i have a problem :(
“I got stuck in traffic”, in this sentence got is a causative verb?
i gotta say right off the bat that i understood very well this topic finally. But here is my question. “i get my groceries delivered” why you didn’t use “to” ? i am confused with it. because other teachers and you said that “to” ought to be used with “get” in this form.
example the last one. is should be “I got my groceries delivered” ?
or i m wrong?
ty for lessons the best teacher :)
it was a an excellent lesson.. thanks for it
Thanks very much
Thank You so mush sir. I felt so much comfortable when I was watching your lesson at first time on youtbue. At that moment I was seeking for a good English Teacher. Then I thought that I should follow you. Thank you lot sir.
I myself have been teaching English for nearly 15 years. It goes without saying that I’m interested in other professionals’ methods and styles. NEVER have I met such an amazing Teacher (neither in person nor online). Adam, you’re the best! Thank you =)
Hello Mr.Adam
I signed up just to say thank you for you. You did great job in these lessons and I really appreciate your efforts. Please keep up the great works.
thanks adam, you are the best professor i have ever seen, really … i got 8, one mistake with finally, i thought that we can use present tense with finally, could we?
How have you been Adam? Adam that’s nice of you for this lesson!I understand but now I only need more practice because it is bit difficult
Awesome dude
You’re awesome dude
hi best my teacher thank you for evrything you are amazing leader to achieve our goals I really hope visit you and attend your class life >> thank you a lot
Hi. I can’t understand this sentence:
‘It helped fournished the homes’. (Youtube CNN 10 subtitles July 26 2017).
Subject + Verbe help past tense + Verbe fournish past participle + Complement.
Is help in this case a causal verbe?
Can you explain me. Thank You.
Without knowing the context, “It helped furnish the homes” would probably be correct. If the subtitles were auto-generated, it could just be an error.
Hi Mister Adam.
Sorry, I made a mistake in my question.
I mean: Is help in this case a causative verbe? Thank You for your lessons.
thanks Adam,you are the best teacher:)
I got 10.
Totally lost on this concept!
Adam! getting 70s on your test means I don’t know the material you presented.
hi adamm thanks for teach me so
got you TO teach*
great lesson Adam
Thank you so much Adam.I have so much fun watching all your videos. My english is going better with Thanks all staff too making this site great,and teaching people useful lessons. Finally I got ten correct out of ten .
Thanks Adam, a good lesson…
Hey Adam, I want to know how can we make a sentence like “Sam made her boyfriend cut his hair” in the passive form, I’m just a bit confused :D
Hi Adam
Thaks a lot
great techer!!!! greetings from Colombia!!!!!
I only got 30 % it´s time to repeat the lesson :(
so his mother had, MATHEW’S sister …. him with some of his assignment.
can u explain last two pronoun: how do those refer to whom….please?
another quest i’ll ask.
they make do with the rest of the expense by themselves… is it causative sentence and what is the function of with? please
Thanks Adam, after watching your video class is very clear for me how to use it.
hi, one of your sentence is cal let his friend borrow his car. “cal” is third person why don’t add “s” to let ?!!
let is in its past form
Hi! Thanks for the lesson but only have a little difficulty to use or not to use “to” before the verb. For example: which one is correct: I ask my sister to buy something /I ask my sister buy something
Great lesson, thank you!
You’re a good teacher Adam. Thank you!
Hello Adam, thanks a lot for the lesson, it helped, but I have something to ask you. In third question, why are we putting prepare? I saw had, I know it is past and I added past participle. I didn’t understand. I know that causative verb creates the the tense. Thanks for being and giving lessons.
Ohhh, i can’t understand (1/10), I can’t understand when I have to insert past, when present, when future (((( I’m so stupid (
Jane got her sister to sow her a dress.why to sow not to see is not not the infinitive? ???
OMG im feeling grateful right now… thanks for making this quiz!
9 out of 10
now I have a better understanding of causative structure.
Tnx Adam
I still get confused when I was saw “have” and “get” but this kind of lessons help me decrease my confusing. These are really “bully” :) Thanks Adam.
Thanks, Adam. I have done it from third time!
Thank you Adam
This lesson is difficult to me. I will learn it again.
Thank you Adam…..for this useful lesson ? ….You gave an example “I will make my little brother clean my room. Why? Because he’s my little brother. I’m bigger than him. I can make him do things. So I will ….for joking…I call this ‘Bullying’ ?
Hello Mr Adam. Hope you are having a decent day. Despite the fact that I am a native English speaker, I am counfused at that question: “What a cute puppy! Can you get it ________ any tricks yet?” I would totally say to do while speaking, but since it is an active causative, we have to use the bare form of the verb. So, should not it be DO? I am confused. I will be grateful if you answer.
I am sorry. I realised something and got the part I missed :)
How to rewrite these sentences in causative:
1.I’ll ask her to book tickets for the concert.
2.They’ve published Jude’s new book.
3.The museum is going to recruit an architect to design an extension.
Help me please!!
First of all, I’d like to say thank you for this class Adam. I’m wondering that the causative verb of get needs to have agent then ‘to verb’ whereas make, let and have are followed by agent + verb.
best regards,Adam
greetings from Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Thank you so much, the grammar was easy and simple to understand.
thanks a lot Mr Adam , we appreciate your efforts .
8/10, thank you sir, and Q2,Q9 questions I have were solved as below discussion, it’s very helpful to me.
Hi Adam this lesson was so helpful for us thanks
I got 10 out of 10. Your lesson was very helpful Sir.
Hello Adam, I hope you are doing great.
I can not understand passive and active.
I can’t understand the difference between them at all.
I got all correct sir, thank you very much