Many English students confuse the words could and should. If you’re having problems understanding these two words, you should watch this free lesson. There is a quick and easy way to know the difference!
Thanks Alex for your lesson, I think I should watch your lessons to improve my English
tnx. I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Till next time.
strawberry cake
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex your classes is very important for me, Take care!
Thanks Alex!!!I had a doubt between these two words for a long time.Now i got it clear.
thanks .today i got cleared about these two words.
thank you for it, was very helful
jovany villada
thank you Mr. Alex for this lesson. but what about may and would?
I have just start learning English and this help me so much. heartily thanks you alex
Thank you Alex when i listen to your lessons i`m not just improve my grammar but i do improve my listening skills to English too
Thanks a lot alex
u give very good advice
Thanks Alex for your lesson, I think I should watch your lessons to improve my English
thanks realy i apreciate
thanks alex
thank you
Thanks for giving useful things
Hello, Alex!
I couldn’t find another method to ask you and therefore I’m asking here.
I would like to ask you, do you give one-on-one lessons, using skype, for example?
Your lessons are very useful in our day to day conversations. Thank u so much
P.Satya Reddy
I really enjoy this lesson. Thank you very much Alex
thank you Mr
Its a great job. I am relly impressed with this job. I was unawair for using of could/should. No i can say that i have understood the difference and use of these word. Thanks a lot and keep helping to us alway.
Moin Jalal
thanks a lot Alex can u explain about should ,i need more explanation about”” SHOULD””
It is simple and helps.
Nikolay, I currently do not do private lessons over Skype. Teaching classes and making videos for you guys keeps me very busy already!
Excuse me, Sir.
Firstly, thanks for being so kind to give your spare time in making videos for us.
By the way, do you mind if I ask you not about “could” and “should”?
Well, I don’t know whether it was my mistake. I thought that you should’ve used “keep” (without “s”) on the sentence, “Teaching classes(1st) and making videos(2nd) for you guys keeps me very busy already!”.
I mean,the subject refers to 2 activities, so it’s plural and the verb doesn’t need to be added “s”.
I’m really sorry if what I thought was wrong. However, please, tell me why you used “keeps” rather than “keep”.
Hello Rifai
I am not an English teacher but Mr Alex used (keeps) because he refers it to himself not to the 2 activities and he (of course ) is one person :))
I hope that is an enough explanation for you :))
Alex, thanks for answer. And thanks for your video lessons, they are really good and helpful. I’ve almost seen all of your video lessons, great job, thanks again. I, as and others, I think, will be waiting for more and more of your lessons.
Thank you.Alex, You lessons help me to improve my English.
Excellent Teachings.. I should be a daily visitor of this website.
waaw i usualy visit this website
thanks for lessons
thnks a lot
zaki Hussein
Hi !! thx for lessons!!!!
appreciate your time i known now two important
Thank you alot
It’s very easy :)
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I like the way how you explain the things. It’s so great and so professional.
thanx alex! i like the way you teach & i’m sure i can learn a lot from you.
thank you very much. I´m From Brazil.
thanks all of the techers and i hope for them agood life
Hello, Alex!
I’ll be very appreciate if you could make a video or explain here, if it takes not much time, the subject about how to use correctly “GET”. OK. I can clearly understand if “GET” using like a part of phrasal verb (for example: Get in, get off, get up, etc.) from definition of phrasal verb, but when I meet “GET” in phrases like these: 1) get heavy,
2) get use… it’s a little bit confused me.
With a best regards,
I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Thank u so much
Moon Rehman
CooL..I lIKe..(^^,)
Thank you teacher Alex! It was wonderful lesson and wonderful explane. Jashar Hoxha Tepelene,Albania.
Jashar Hoxha
Ishould thank you for that because i had alittle confusion about them
thank you Alex.You are good teacher.When i listen to your lessons,i improve my listening skills and i learn how to teach .Idon’t find other way to contact you .please help me Alex.Ihave a research in didactic and i cant find themes.could you sent to me some themes?
lovely girl
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
thank you Alex.You are good teacher.When i listen to your lessons,i improve my listening skills and i learn how to teach .Idon’t find other way to contact you .please help me Alex.Ihave a research in didactic and i cant find themes.could you sent me some themes?
lovely girl
thanks alex…
i have mania to learn engligh i wanna marry american thank you
zakir hussain
alex could you help me .i have sentances that i cant say in english could you help me
zakir hussain
i am indian i thing this is very usefull site
I have been learning English for a long time. Now, my grammar very bad, i don’t know how to study better. Please help me!
Thu Nguyen
Alex, you are always enjoying.So i like watch your lesson :)
very good. can you help me sir for the words who, whose and whom? Please let you explain the different.
Thanks Alex……….
Syed Atif Shah
hey u doin gud work…
Thank you Alex! “Could” you talk sometime about should vs. must?
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
Thank you Alex, good job
Thank’s a lot
i should watch all of this videos to help enhance my grammar.. lots of thanks!!
Thank u alex
thank you alot!!
Alex, thank you very much for your very good lessons. They are very understandable and helpful for me
Thanks a lot! i will have apreciated it if you could explain to me the difference in meaning between moral and ethics i am little bit confussed about them! thanks again
I love your lessons, mr Alex
Hi Alex, i have any quation, it is posible to make a sentences using the word could and should but whit the contraction?
If the sentence is negative, then yes. For example, you can say “You shouldn’t do that.”
thanks alex.
Hi Alex, Really it is very helpful to improve language but you need to add more example to clear. Hope to see your modify video in this regards.
Hi Alex, you are doing good job, i appreciate it much
Good demonstration…… If someone keen to learn english, and watch the whole lesson with patience, then he can learn easily..
Thanks for GREAT lesson
thanks Alex,,well done teacher.
thanks you
thank you alex!
Excellent video.Thank you
thank u alex
Thanks For your Help To Understand use of Could & Should….
Raman Jha
Just know if someone says it’s good idea to ….. it means a definite advice. Thought it was suggestion but it’s clear now. Wow!!! Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex, Really it is very helpful to improve my english, i m regular your website viewer, Lot of regards.
Mohammad Saleem
Thank you ^_^
thanks alot
I found a video of engVid in youtube…
The classes are really good!
Thank you for everything…
thank you
Good lesson. Thanks!
Hello Alex, i just learn of this webite and I’m elated because I found this site to be very helpful, I will not have any probems with the could and should any more,but I do have a problem with could and would, will you please teach me how to use these two words correctly.
thank you,
Good job Alex….I need these lessons very badly
Thank you so much Alex, this lesson is very important.
thanks Alex. I benefit so much from your lessons..
sevki unal
Alex, Excellent¡¡¡¡ thanks
Thanks for your teaching. I should have done the negative also. I wish to learn the nagetive also.
Munawar Ali
Thank you. Could you explain about ” Would”, “could”?
thanks ,you r doing superb job….keep it up…
i don’t understand because you are quickly talk
Thank you Alex :)
thank you alex. now i understand the use of could/should
thank you for your effort.
you are a good teacher.
Thanks Alex you explain very well.
Please could answer this question:
About the futur what is the difference between:
Tomorow I’m going to Paris and
Tomorow,I will go to Paris
How can I’ watch the lesson in my mobile? I’ tried so many time but I’ filed.
Salah mah
The videos work on iPhone, but the site is not tested so far on other devices.
you should help us with another quation
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
Elizabeth Arango S
hi alex and everyone!
i have a question
what’s the diference between could and would?
you know i study a lesson about that and i have that doubt
faran ali
Hello Alex my name it’s Dany and i wanna say i saw you video with so clear and i like to learn more and i wanna some conversation okay so i understood everythink but i need’s more do you can help me?thanks alot bye
thank you alex it was very beneficial for me
Alex – I should say It`s simply Gr8 , I never seen such a wonderful learning video, It helped me and I look forward similar kind of video`s.
tnx buddy
thnak u very much my dear teacher.actually i’ve been worrying for many years about english.but,when i’m watching your videos i get confidence that i can quickly and easily learn english
thanks a lot
thank you a lot .
thank you
thanks! Alex it helps me a lot.
Luis Ong Jr.
Alex; tell me please i cant see any vido here.
any problem here?
Our videos are hosted on YouTube, which is blocked in Libya, where you live. Please find a way to get around the YouTube block and you will be able to watch engVid lessons.
Hello, Alex!
I would like to understand better the difference between the modals “can” (could) and “may” (might). Is it possible to make a lesson about it?
Good work
Hello Alex I have a doubt:can we also use could/couldn`t for the past (yesterday/last week…) or is better use able to ? Which is more right to say ?
When I was young, I could run very fast or
I was able to run very fast.
americo about can and shall??i still confuse about those words.thx
“Shall” is a more formal way of saying “will.”
I can see you tomorrow. (this means you are able to see the person tomorrow)
I shall see you tomorrow. (this is a promise made in the moment, just like using “will”)
Thankyou so much :)
Finally I got the answer to the question which I was searching so long.
Now I know the different between the could and should,thanks Alex.
Dear Sir Alex:
Thanks I understand this lesson, but sir I am confused in Parts of speech. So sir can you help me in parts of speech.
think you, your wonderful teacher.
Thank you Mr Alex for the free lessons you’re giving,that’s very helpful.God bless you and merry Christmas.
Thank you so much it’s very clear one!
Thank you alex
greetings,let me ask you something, why you do not try to improve the teachers’s sound, is horrible sometimes
Hi raul,
We have tried to improve the sound in our newer lessons by using a microphone. I hope that the quality is better!
Thanks Alex it was really helpfully …
thank you very much for this lessons and i must say you are the best teacher I ever meet.
alex,really you are good teacher,because you help us by your information.but i hope to give us more idea in what consorn grammar,and writing paragraphs. thank you so much
Thank you Alex
Hi about can be,Could be and would be? Can u tell us?
Hi Mr Alex first of all thank you
what is different between 4 question and 5? why you said possibility in 5?
#5 is “should,” and is not about possibility, but about advisability.
Hi Alex.I understood the uses of should and could.but what is the difference between could and
could be?
Hi satish,
“could be” is normally used to speculate.
“He could be sleeping.”
“The weather could be bad.”
“The other team could be tired.”
“Could” is generally followed by a base verb and can be used for past ability or present advice/possibility.
“When I was 22 years old, I could run for 5 kilometers.”
“You could call your mom.”
I hope this helps!
thanks alex, can u tell more about it.
thanks you very much sir. your video and your teaching style it’s really amazing .
can i say i could not come
in future point of view
Hi ramzan,
You can say “I could not come,” about the past, but not about the future. For the future you can say, “I can’t come,” or “I won’t be able to come.”
Should we say …sorry i could not come on time or I haven’t reached on time .pleaseclear
Johan Masih
HI Alex,
Thank you very much for you effort, we are learning a lot, so we should watch all videos in EngVid site.
Good work.
hi alex
thanks alot
first of all i am very happy to be here and learing in this website i study every day here and i am passing the exam but i have a problem with the quiz when i am going to push the botton of the quiz it dose not working well i don’t know what is the problem with that key it’s not working please hlep me and send me the guide to pass the exam
hi Alex:
excelent, thanks you
If I say “I could not be able to join the meeting.” for past meeting happened.Is it correct or wrong?
Thank you.Alex
you are really amazing.
Alex, if you can give us lecture on how some words are converted to noun, adjectives, adverb and verb. Some examples in my mind
play, player,
hi alex thanks for the lesson but i got a ? how about if i use would have ?
thanks alex
Im enjoying your lesson :)
thank you, Alex :)
its really very helpful
mohit garg
thanks alot mr alex, actually i like ur lessons, and you are very goog teacher. thank u very much.
thanks alot mr alex..c”,)..
gen ticman
my name is yehia i always study on my lab tob and i appreciated your job
Good job
Thank Alex!
hi teacher, your lessons are very helpful.It’s a good idea to learn english with engVid,I mean I should learn english via engVid.
Thanx Alex
Thanks I got the usage of could
Hi alex, i like ur way to teach, plz correct me, if i say, i should do every thing which i planned. for future event.
saeed tunio
Its a good lesson I like quiz also I scored 5/5
I found, It’s really useful for me ..! Thanks a lot alex
hi alex thank you so much all the best for your new lessons
by have a nice time
thanks Alex .
I love your class
thanks Sir.Alex.
I should listen your video again, Alex
marvellous way of teaching thanksssssssssss Sir Alex
i could learn many tings from your video lessons thanks Alex
I SHOULD WATCH YOUR lessons thanks Alex
its halpeful
i hope you are fine.
i want to know that how and when ‘could’ is use in past and future tenses.and what’s a difference between that.
is that right?
1. could is used for present possibility and past ability
2.could is used to make polite way of asking
3.could is also used to make future possibility
so could is used in all 3 forms of tenses..present,future and past.
am i right?
please elucidate.
You are correct. It sounds like you are an intermediate learner, and you are asking the right questions. Keep moving forward!
Thank you Alex for all your lessons, am learning from you alot. thank you and God Bless you, am getting ready for my next grammar call center, and thank God I find your page to learn more. From Granada Nicaragua. your friend Carlos
I’m glad that it’s helping you, Carlos. Good luck!
Thank you Alex! This site is very helpful for everybody who wants to learn English.
Best whishes,
Again thank you so much for the clarification how to use properly these words.
Best regards Alex and to all of your team..
God bless all of you guys..
dear AleX
I would like to thank you for your exelent lessons. i learn so many thig from your lessons.i like your way of your study
i impruved my english through your lessons.
Thank you,
Hi Alex. Thank you for teaching. How to compare the words must be and could be?
thanks alex! you could help me to solve my problems in english grammar and also i wanted to be a good speaker in english.Thanks a lot,just keep in touch.
rejymar zhyrus
I disagree a little with you because I think that should is almost an obligation e not a good idea
thank you for the lesson! It was really useful to me!
jess cui
well,i think i should thank you for providing us this are on the mark alex.carry on
Thank,it’s fabulous. It make me understand so much.
thanks alex .I have just learned your lessons .I love your way teaching so much .Hope you soon have more and more other lessons and tests
thank you master so much
hey alex i am your no.1 fan.. i love the way u teach.. really…
That helped. Thanks Alex.
its really like the way off you teach,keep it up thank you very much Mr.Alex.
(sorry) i really like the way of you teach thank you very much keep it up good luck.
Thanks Alex for the great job you’ve done. It helped me a lot. Now i speak a better English than i’ve been speaking before…..
You are awesome.
I’m a brazilian guy and I’m learning English.
I love yous videos and your pronunciation is really good. I’m learning a lot with your videos.
awesome information alex.. welldone
Ashraf Rathod
i’m still confused that we can use “could” for future but we cant use could’not for i could’not be able to come..instead we use i cant b able to come..or i wont .please help.
thanks a lot.
we should practice this lesson!
lovly boy
thank you
Thanks for this lesson i should start taking classes from engvid website thanks a lot… byeeeeeeeeeeee
masood khan
Thank you very match, very usefull topic
hi Alex,
Thanks for this lesson.I have a question for u that can we use “could” in future sentences like
could u come tomorrow..
could u wait for me..
could u that by the time i come… i’m waiting for reply..
Thank you Alex
Thanks a lot Alex… Today only i come to know exact different between should and could.. One doubt, is tr any video for should be and could be and why we use “be” followed by should and could, If no could u pls explain that too.
Thanks in advance
I always like the way you explain your lessons…. thanks :)
i really always looking for the exact difference b/n could and should today i got it. thanks a lot Alex
my mother is a teacher and father work at factory. london is the capital of great britain
hi sir alex could teach me how to use the “rather” in a sentence thank you…
thanks alex, i have confused abt this two, now im clear…..tnx
hey Alex I have a question, how can I say when I want to tell you that I couldn’t not to come, maybe its not right form ( I mean the sentence ) that we are friends and I couldn’t not to come to your birthday, I wouldn’t be friend if I hadn’t come to you!!! how can I tell this sentence correctly????? thanks friend!!!
thank you so much alex, really is very helpful for me this lesson
i get 5 out of 5 thanx alex u ara good teacher
Thank you .
that was so easy
thank you
Hi mr.Alex thank you a lot .
Thank you very much for your lesson
Very Good Lesson.
Thank You Alex
Saima 4om Pakistan
many thanks mr alex
Thank you Alex!
thank u alex
Well appreciated, Alex.
Tank you Alex.
I had been looking for a long time a good and free option to improve my English and it is the best. Thanks a lot
thanks for helping us!!!!!!
Thank you very much for your help!
I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand… I think you should put examples… The exersices are important, because If we don’t practice, we won’t learn!!! It’s my advice!!! Thanks!!!
Hi Alex…thank you….
Thanks Alex, is good to me remembering this lesson
thank you very much Alex and Success
Thank you so much Alex for this free lesson about could and should.
MIla Ortega
Hello Mr. Alex…
you lesson are so helpful.
please can you offer a lesson for who and whom?
thanks for your co-operation.
Thank you so much,it was help full.
I liked it.
Thank you Alex
thx for your, i understand about could and should
Thank you Alex!
Thank you. This lesson really helps me.
thanks a lot for all video lesson, im learning each day with them
thank a lot for all video lesson, i´m learning each day with them, congratulation at all team teacher
i should watch more of your videos to improve my english..
thanks a lot Alex, it is a really very helpful lesson.
thank you, it’s really a big help for me.
thank you
please please till me the difference between have to and should
Thank you Alex
Thanks a lot
thanks a lot ALEX i like to this way to lean your lesson is very interested it has lot of improve me.thanks. again
thank you very much
lesson very easy &fun
I am happy all my answers correct
Tanks a lot
thank you so much for these great information about English grammar and you really excellent teacher bye
Ashur Iraqi
its nice and helpful… :-)
You’re help me a lot, thanks.
thank’s Alex, this lesson it was really helpful for me. Thank’ a lot.
Thanks very much indeed! The Man!
Thanks a million, Alex. I have one question need your help.
How to use the word’ could’ and ‘would’ in a question like ‘Could you…’ or ‘ Would you’, is it same meaning when uses in question sentences?
Thanks a lot.
With Regards,
Hai Alex, is it the words’ could’ and ‘would ‘ is the same meaning?I means i can use the word’ would’ instead of ‘ could’ in some sentences? Am i right?
Your apply is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
tanks brother
I’m a student from Sri Lanka.
Thanks Alex, your lessons are awesome.
And can I know the exact place to use the two words could and would?? These two words always confuse me.
eg: i would go to the hospital or i could go to the hospital.
-waiting for your reply soon :)
thanx sir…
first time i listen”could” use as a suggestion:) thanx a lot sir.
thank you soo mch for this very helpful lesson.its always been a big difficulty to understand the use of could and should.
thanx 4 da lesson
amazing sir,
no need to go to coaching classes.
great work by great man.
Thank you Alex. It’s a beatuful job.
sir ,
what s the usage of should be and could be???
please reply me
thank u Alex
I have quiz tomorrow abouttween them modals and u explain should and could and the diffrences be, thank u :*
My quiz had no mistakes Alex Thanks
Thank You ALEX.
thanks, Alex!
Vuong nguyen
Hallo Alex,
Your question was: “Which word is used for advisability?
Acoording to me both words can be used.
Your question was: “You could call your mother”, means
It is not cleat to me, that the answer: ‘It is a good idea for you to call your mother.” is the wrong answer.
Greetings Jan
Jan Schetters
Hello Jan Schetters!
I would like to answer the question you have asked.
Based from the question given,
–> ” You could call your mother,” means… ”
….The right answer is;
“Calling your mother is an option or possibility.”
Because as far as i remember, Sir Alex said that we must use “COULD” to make suggestions or possibilities. While the word “SHOULD” gives a definite advice means it is advising.
In the question given, It mentioned the word “COULD”
:) i hope this helps
hi teacher.
my kids like the way you teach.
they are doing very well now.
thank you so much.
keep going.
Thanks Alex you’re a great teacher!
Thanks buddy
thanks a lot u r de best
thanks alex muach:)
hi Alex, how to use could, should and will? That three words always confuse me! Thks in advance.
thanks Alex
Thanks alex….
thank you
Thanks Alex!
great alex
hindsight ?
Thanks Mr Alex, It was a great job. I want to Know the use of the words: Shall, might and must.
Thank you Alex
;) THX Alex!!!! great lesson!!
than you sir from this great lesson,
thank you alex
thank you alex
Hello Alex it means should as an order or your duty but could like optional or maybe some thing like doing is up to you like if you can …..???????
Is it possible to say: “Today should be a party at this place (here)…” (someone told me about the party, I was arriving, but nobody is there yet, so I ask?) Is it correct? thanks for answer.
you’ve provide good technic for all users.who will study?
kamlesh thakur
wow. I wonder there is a very small difference between ‘could’ and ‘should’. Great lesson by Alex.
Thank you so much Alex. It is helpful.
thank you. that’s very helpful
I’m from Ukraine.Heard? Thank you ever so much for you lessons. Could you please make a video lesson about Conditionals
Hi, I’m from mongolia. Your lesson was very interesting and helpful to me.Thank you so much
Thank you alex on your lessons
Ketan Sawant
Good job Alex – thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.
Thank you
thanx a lot. ur teaching time is short. if u increase ,defnitely helpful for students
think teacher,
You have secret in teaching you are the best and i love you video
thik you very much
Thanks Alex. That was a great lesson. Now I know the difference between could and should.
Thanks a lot Alex.
thanks a lot alex u helped me a lot but can u talk about would have and would i m so much confused about this two terms
manish sharma
Hi alex i am going to ask you same thineg?when i am looking to the video of engvid i don get the topics properly for examaple if i get one topic to day then i could’nt get the fallow topic so that .haw can i get the topics in propper wey
Im from haiti but living in new york your lessons help me a lot thank you so much.
Jean L Noel
thanks for this lessons, I need it.
can you do the lesson of writting please,I need it,
thank you again
but i still confused if “could” mean suggestion or possibility in past because “could” is the past of can or only just about suggestion and possibility
Nasmaste sir…m guy from Nepal… I would like to request you to give some lesson on past or present perfect progressive tense. I didn’t get nice lessons on that. I love your lesson a lot. Hope you will think on my request.
We thank you for your clear comparissons.
hey can we say i could be let….?
Thanks a lot :)
Thank u :D
Thanks Alex,I had always had a problem to understand well the meaning of should,when we use it in the past,before watching this lesson. I think I should have watched this video earlier.
very good
hi alex i’m still confused about could
can i say: you could visit your sister sa a suggestion in future. thank you
Thanks Man !
thank you alex
sir can u tell me when we can use can or could?
Hi, thanks for the lesson. :)
I have a question about this lesson.
– I’m going to the movies. – You could/should walk.
I want to ask, why we say “could” and not “can”? Thank you.
thanks so mach
Ayad Saeed
WOW!Thank you teacher Alex How did you do that to in my brain~
I am very confused use “could” and “would”,then
I got it!very cleary understand just 4minutes , WOW wonderful your ability.
Thanks it’s very useful
Hi. Alex, my reguest, could you explane more new phraseol verb, spesially with “get”. Because I can’t understand when and how this to use. Thanks
Thank you Alex
thank you alex
Modal verbs is very difficult for me understand,after hours I forget.
Teixeira Alex
Thanks Alex, it’s very useful
very helpful..Please,continue posting more useful videos.
I knew it :D
Hi Alex,
thank you a lot, Your explanation ic clear and very helpful
take care
Hi Alex, this is nice lesson. I could have looked into this website long back. Nevertheless, I should look into it
Thanls a lot alex…
Thanks Alex, it’s very useful, now i can use the words (could & should) without mistakes.
Thanks Alex , it will help me a lot but i wanna learn some more lesson about may , might and would . there is too much confusion .
anubha lalit sharma
How about Would and will? when to properly use this word? thanks
Salam Alex thank u for yr lessons so mush
When I using these two, I somtimes confuse which is correct in the sentence .
But this time, I got 5 out of 5.
Thank you Alex.
Wonderful…thanks a lot
Thanx Alex, great lesson. It has been very helpful to me.
Thanks Alex.
that was great thanks
Thank you, Alex~!!
by the way, I have a qustion.
I’m confused.
Why is ‘could’ used for future??
It’s difficult… I wanna cry ㅠㅠㅠ
Danna Park
This lesson is great!!! Thanks for your time Alex
thank you very much alex, i wish if you were my teacher in kurdistan and thanks again.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
I should learn english to have a good conversation with english speakers. teacher, pls correct my grammar or sentence. Thank you
I could pay coffe for the team but sorry, I dont do it. I should bring something to drink at the office in my birthday. Is that correct?
Thank you, Alex. I love yours videos.
Sheyla Cunha
Thank’s a lot for this lesson
5/5 – short quiz for simple lesson :)
Thank you very much for all your help
Dear Alex
I found this instance clause performed by a teacher:
Sherlock did everything he could TO help Rhys.
Is it correct ? TO after could ? I have neve ever seen before, English is really difficult.
Thank you. A
Briklend Handersson
thank you!!
The explanation is easy and I like it.
Thanks Alex
Husen 12
Alex thank for all lesson. Please is possible explain me about past modal?
Yes I Got 5 correct answers Thanks…
Thanks Alex. I got it, but now I need to practice.
Leandro Souza
Thank you Alex
think you very much,i understand this lesson totaly
i love this too much
Thank you sir
Arijit Nandi
wow! It was easy, thank you Alex.
I got 5/5! Thanks Alex!
Thank you Alex so much
but the quiz dose not respond.
Huda alhajri
Thank you Alex
Thanks alex
thank you very match you are a good teacher
Very Much*
thank you teacher
i m so happy because all the lesson i got 100 thanks a lot
thanks.:D but i should study this lesson again. could & should is a little bit tricky for me.
Thank Alex! Very useful lesson so nice!!! You are a marvellous teacher. Grazie!<3
Thanks a lot
Fabio Vieira
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Thank you, I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Well done, it is interesting lesson.
thank you teacher Alex for you class.
I will learn inglish with your class teacher Alex.
I going to learn inglish with your class teacher Alex. what´s the correct sentence
you might teaching, what is the different between will and going to.
thanks, Alix, I could learn more from your lectures.
i mean could and should use for future possibility
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Alex
Thank you too,
Thank u 2
Thank you alex on your lessons
i like your explain alex so thank you verry much
I knew this, thanks anyway …
Thanks Alex for your lesson, I think I should watch your lessons to improve my English
tnx. I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Till next time.
thanks Alex
Thanks Alex your classes is very important for me, Take care!
Thanks Alex!!!I had a doubt between these two words for a long time.Now i got it clear.
thanks .today i got cleared about these two words.
thank you for it, was very helful
thank you Mr. Alex for this lesson. but what about may and would?
I have just start learning English and this help me so much. heartily thanks you alex
Thank you Alex when i listen to your lessons i`m not just improve my grammar but i do improve my listening skills to English too
Thanks a lot alex
u give very good advice
Thanks Alex for your lesson, I think I should watch your lessons to improve my English
thanks realy i apreciate
thanks alex
thank you
Thanks for giving useful things
Hello, Alex!
I couldn’t find another method to ask you and therefore I’m asking here.
I would like to ask you, do you give one-on-one lessons, using skype, for example?
Your lessons are very useful in our day to day conversations. Thank u so much
I really enjoy this lesson. Thank you very much Alex
thank you Mr
Its a great job. I am relly impressed with this job. I was unawair for using of could/should. No i can say that i have understood the difference and use of these word. Thanks a lot and keep helping to us alway.
thanks a lot Alex can u explain about should ,i need more explanation about”” SHOULD””
It is simple and helps.
Nikolay, I currently do not do private lessons over Skype. Teaching classes and making videos for you guys keeps me very busy already!
Excuse me, Sir.
Firstly, thanks for being so kind to give your spare time in making videos for us.
By the way, do you mind if I ask you not about “could” and “should”?
Well, I don’t know whether it was my mistake. I thought that you should’ve used “keep” (without “s”) on the sentence, “Teaching classes(1st) and making videos(2nd) for you guys keeps me very busy already!”.
I mean,the subject refers to 2 activities, so it’s plural and the verb doesn’t need to be added “s”.
I’m really sorry if what I thought was wrong. However, please, tell me why you used “keeps” rather than “keep”.
Hello Rifai
I am not an English teacher but Mr Alex used (keeps) because he refers it to himself not to the 2 activities and he (of course ) is one person :))
I hope that is an enough explanation for you :))
Alex, thanks for answer. And thanks for your video lessons, they are really good and helpful. I’ve almost seen all of your video lessons, great job, thanks again. I, as and others, I think, will be waiting for more and more of your lessons.
Thank you.Alex, You lessons help me to improve my English.
Excellent Teachings.. I should be a daily visitor of this website.
waaw i usualy visit this website
thanks for lessons
thnks a lot
Hi !! thx for lessons!!!!
appreciate your time i known now two important
Thank you alot
It’s very easy :)
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I like the way how you explain the things. It’s so great and so professional.
thanx alex! i like the way you teach & i’m sure i can learn a lot from you.
thank you very much. I´m From Brazil.
thanks all of the techers and i hope for them agood life
Hello, Alex!
I’ll be very appreciate if you could make a video or explain here, if it takes not much time, the subject about how to use correctly “GET”. OK. I can clearly understand if “GET” using like a part of phrasal verb (for example: Get in, get off, get up, etc.) from definition of phrasal verb, but when I meet “GET” in phrases like these: 1) get heavy,
2) get use… it’s a little bit confused me.
With a best regards,
I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Thank u so much
CooL..I lIKe..(^^,)
Thank you teacher Alex! It was wonderful lesson and wonderful explane. Jashar Hoxha Tepelene,Albania.
Ishould thank you for that because i had alittle confusion about them
thank you Alex.You are good teacher.When i listen to your lessons,i improve my listening skills and i learn how to teach .Idon’t find other way to contact you .please help me Alex.Ihave a research in didactic and i cant find themes.could you sent to me some themes?
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
thank you Alex.You are good teacher.When i listen to your lessons,i improve my listening skills and i learn how to teach .Idon’t find other way to contact you .please help me Alex.Ihave a research in didactic and i cant find themes.could you sent me some themes?
thanks alex…
i have mania to learn engligh i wanna marry american thank you
alex could you help me .i have sentances that i cant say in english could you help me
i am indian i thing this is very usefull site
I have been learning English for a long time. Now, my grammar very bad, i don’t know how to study better. Please help me!
Alex, you are always enjoying.So i like watch your lesson :)
very good. can you help me sir for the words who, whose and whom? Please let you explain the different.
Thanks Alex……….
hey u doin gud work…
Thank you Alex! “Could” you talk sometime about should vs. must?
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
Thank you Alex, good job
Thank’s a lot
i should watch all of this videos to help enhance my grammar.. lots of thanks!!
Thank u alex
thank you alot!!
Alex, thank you very much for your very good lessons. They are very understandable and helpful for me
Thanks a lot! i will have apreciated it if you could explain to me the difference in meaning between moral and ethics i am little bit confussed about them! thanks again
I love your lessons, mr Alex
Hi Alex, i have any quation, it is posible to make a sentences using the word could and should but whit the contraction?
If the sentence is negative, then yes. For example, you can say “You shouldn’t do that.”
thanks alex.
Hi Alex, Really it is very helpful to improve language but you need to add more example to clear. Hope to see your modify video in this regards.
Hi Alex, you are doing good job, i appreciate it much
Good demonstration…… If someone keen to learn english, and watch the whole lesson with patience, then he can learn easily..
Thanks for GREAT lesson
thanks Alex,,well done teacher.
thanks you
thank you alex!
Excellent video.Thank you
thank u alex
Thanks For your Help To Understand use of Could & Should….
Just know if someone says it’s good idea to ….. it means a definite advice. Thought it was suggestion but it’s clear now. Wow!!! Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex, Really it is very helpful to improve my english, i m regular your website viewer, Lot of regards.
Thank you ^_^
thanks alot
I found a video of engVid in youtube…
The classes are really good!
Thank you for everything…
thank you
Good lesson. Thanks!
Hello Alex, i just learn of this webite and I’m elated because I found this site to be very helpful, I will not have any probems with the could and should any more,but I do have a problem with could and would, will you please teach me how to use these two words correctly.
thank you,
Good job Alex….I need these lessons very badly
Thank you so much Alex, this lesson is very important.
thanks Alex. I benefit so much from your lessons..
Alex, Excellent¡¡¡¡ thanks
Thanks for your teaching. I should have done the negative also. I wish to learn the nagetive also.
Thank you. Could you explain about ” Would”, “could”?
thanks ,you r doing superb job….keep it up…
i don’t understand because you are quickly talk
Thank you Alex :)
thank you alex. now i understand the use of could/should
thank you for your effort.
you are a good teacher.
Thanks Alex you explain very well.
Please could answer this question:
About the futur what is the difference between:
Tomorow I’m going to Paris and
Tomorow,I will go to Paris
How can I’ watch the lesson in my mobile? I’ tried so many time but I’ filed.
The videos work on iPhone, but the site is not tested so far on other devices.
you should help us with another quation
Thank you Alex for your lesson.It’s help me very much.
hi alex and everyone!
i have a question
what’s the diference between could and would?
you know i study a lesson about that and i have that doubt
Hello Alex my name it’s Dany and i wanna say i saw you video with so clear and i like to learn more and i wanna some conversation okay so i understood everythink but i need’s more do you can help me?thanks alot bye
thank you alex it was very beneficial for me
Alex – I should say It`s simply Gr8 , I never seen such a wonderful learning video, It helped me and I look forward similar kind of video`s.
tnx buddy
thnak u very much my dear teacher.actually i’ve been worrying for many years about english.but,when i’m watching your videos i get confidence that i can quickly and easily learn english
thanks a lot
thank you a lot .
thank you
thanks! Alex it helps me a lot.
Alex; tell me please i cant see any vido here.
any problem here?
Our videos are hosted on YouTube, which is blocked in Libya, where you live. Please find a way to get around the YouTube block and you will be able to watch engVid lessons.
Hello, Alex!
I would like to understand better the difference between the modals “can” (could) and “may” (might). Is it possible to make a lesson about it?
Good work
Hello Alex I have a doubt:can we also use could/couldn`t for the past (yesterday/last week…) or is better use able to ? Which is more right to say ?
When I was young, I could run very fast or
I was able to run very fast.
Thanks about can and shall??i still confuse about those words.thx
“Shall” is a more formal way of saying “will.”
I can see you tomorrow. (this means you are able to see the person tomorrow)
I shall see you tomorrow. (this is a promise made in the moment, just like using “will”)
Thankyou so much :)
Finally I got the answer to the question which I was searching so long.
Now I know the different between the could and should,thanks Alex.
Dear Sir Alex:
Thanks I understand this lesson, but sir I am confused in Parts of speech. So sir can you help me in parts of speech.
think you, your wonderful teacher.
Thank you Mr Alex for the free lessons you’re giving,that’s very helpful.God bless you and merry Christmas.
Thank you so much it’s very clear one!
Thank you alex
greetings,let me ask you something, why you do not try to improve the teachers’s sound, is horrible sometimes
Hi raul,
We have tried to improve the sound in our newer lessons by using a microphone. I hope that the quality is better!
Thanks Alex it was really helpfully …
thank you very much for this lessons and i must say you are the best teacher I ever meet.
alex,really you are good teacher,because you help us by your information.but i hope to give us more idea in what consorn grammar,and writing paragraphs. thank you so much
Thank you Alex
Hi about can be,Could be and would be? Can u tell us?
Hi Mr Alex first of all thank you
what is different between 4 question and 5? why you said possibility in 5?
#5 is “should,” and is not about possibility, but about advisability.
Hi Alex.I understood the uses of should and could.but what is the difference between could and
could be?
Hi satish,
“could be” is normally used to speculate.
“He could be sleeping.”
“The weather could be bad.”
“The other team could be tired.”
“Could” is generally followed by a base verb and can be used for past ability or present advice/possibility.
“When I was 22 years old, I could run for 5 kilometers.”
“You could call your mom.”
I hope this helps!
thanks alex, can u tell more about it.
thanks you very much sir. your video and your teaching style it’s really amazing .
can i say i could not come
in future point of view
Hi ramzan,
You can say “I could not come,” about the past, but not about the future. For the future you can say, “I can’t come,” or “I won’t be able to come.”
Should we say …sorry i could not come on time or I haven’t reached on time .pleaseclear
HI Alex,
Thank you very much for you effort, we are learning a lot, so we should watch all videos in EngVid site.
Good work.
hi alex
thanks alot
first of all i am very happy to be here and learing in this website i study every day here and i am passing the exam but i have a problem with the quiz when i am going to push the botton of the quiz it dose not working well i don’t know what is the problem with that key it’s not working please hlep me and send me the guide to pass the exam
hi Alex:
excelent, thanks you
If I say “I could not be able to join the meeting.” for past meeting happened.Is it correct or wrong?
Thank you.Alex
you are really amazing.
Alex, if you can give us lecture on how some words are converted to noun, adjectives, adverb and verb. Some examples in my mind
play, player,
hi alex thanks for the lesson but i got a ? how about if i use would have ?
thanks alex
Im enjoying your lesson :)
thank you, Alex :)
its really very helpful
thanks alot mr alex, actually i like ur lessons, and you are very goog teacher. thank u very much.
thanks alot mr alex..c”,)..
my name is yehia i always study on my lab tob and i appreciated your job
Good job
Thank Alex!
hi teacher, your lessons are very helpful.It’s a good idea to learn english with engVid,I mean I should learn english via engVid.
Thanx Alex
Thanks I got the usage of could
Hi alex, i like ur way to teach, plz correct me, if i say, i should do every thing which i planned. for future event.
Its a good lesson I like quiz also I scored 5/5
I found, It’s really useful for me ..! Thanks a lot alex
hi alex thank you so much all the best for your new lessons
by have a nice time
thanks Alex .
I love your class
thanks Sir.Alex.
I should listen your video again, Alex
marvellous way of teaching thanksssssssssss Sir Alex
i could learn many tings from your video lessons thanks Alex
I SHOULD WATCH YOUR lessons thanks Alex
its halpeful
i hope you are fine.
i want to know that how and when ‘could’ is use in past and future tenses.and what’s a difference between that.
is that right?
1. could is used for present possibility and past ability
2.could is used to make polite way of asking
3.could is also used to make future possibility
so could is used in all 3 forms of tenses..present,future and past.
am i right?
please elucidate.
You are correct. It sounds like you are an intermediate learner, and you are asking the right questions. Keep moving forward!
Thank you Alex for all your lessons, am learning from you alot. thank you and God Bless you, am getting ready for my next grammar call center, and thank God I find your page to learn more. From Granada Nicaragua. your friend Carlos
I’m glad that it’s helping you, Carlos. Good luck!
Thank you Alex! This site is very helpful for everybody who wants to learn English.
Best whishes,
Again thank you so much for the clarification how to use properly these words.
Best regards Alex and to all of your team..
God bless all of you guys..
dear AleX
I would like to thank you for your exelent lessons. i learn so many thig from your lessons.i like your way of your study
i impruved my english through your lessons.
Thank you,
Hi Alex. Thank you for teaching. How to compare the words must be and could be?
thanks alex! you could help me to solve my problems in english grammar and also i wanted to be a good speaker in english.Thanks a lot,just keep in touch.
I disagree a little with you because I think that should is almost an obligation e not a good idea
thank you for the lesson! It was really useful to me!
well,i think i should thank you for providing us this are on the mark alex.carry on
Thank,it’s fabulous. It make me understand so much.
thanks alex .I have just learned your lessons .I love your way teaching so much .Hope you soon have more and more other lessons and tests
thank you master so much
hey alex i am your no.1 fan.. i love the way u teach.. really…
That helped. Thanks Alex.
its really like the way off you teach,keep it up thank you very much Mr.Alex.
(sorry) i really like the way of you teach thank you very much keep it up good luck.
Thanks Alex for the great job you’ve done. It helped me a lot. Now i speak a better English than i’ve been speaking before…..
You are awesome.
I’m a brazilian guy and I’m learning English.
I love yous videos and your pronunciation is really good. I’m learning a lot with your videos.
awesome information alex.. welldone
i’m still confused that we can use “could” for future but we cant use could’not for i could’not be able to come..instead we use i cant b able to come..or i wont .please help.
thanks a lot.
we should practice this lesson!
thank you
Thanks for this lesson i should start taking classes from engvid website thanks a lot… byeeeeeeeeeeee
Thank you very match, very usefull topic
hi Alex,
Thanks for this lesson.I have a question for u that can we use “could” in future sentences like
could u come tomorrow..
could u wait for me..
could u that by the time i come… i’m waiting for reply..
Thank you Alex
Thanks a lot Alex… Today only i come to know exact different between should and could.. One doubt, is tr any video for should be and could be and why we use “be” followed by should and could, If no could u pls explain that too.
Thanks in advance
I always like the way you explain your lessons…. thanks :)
i really always looking for the exact difference b/n could and should today i got it. thanks a lot Alex
my mother is a teacher and father work at factory. london is the capital of great britain
hi sir alex could teach me how to use the “rather” in a sentence thank you…
thanks alex, i have confused abt this two, now im clear…..tnx
hey Alex I have a question, how can I say when I want to tell you that I couldn’t not to come, maybe its not right form ( I mean the sentence ) that we are friends and I couldn’t not to come to your birthday, I wouldn’t be friend if I hadn’t come to you!!! how can I tell this sentence correctly????? thanks friend!!!
thank you so much alex, really is very helpful for me this lesson
i get 5 out of 5 thanx alex u ara good teacher
Thank you .
that was so easy
thank you
Hi mr.Alex thank you a lot .
Thank you very much for your lesson
Very Good Lesson.
Thank You Alex
many thanks mr alex
Thank you Alex!
thank u alex
Well appreciated, Alex.
Tank you Alex.
I had been looking for a long time a good and free option to improve my English and it is the best. Thanks a lot
thanks for helping us!!!!!!
Thank you very much for your help!
I’m sorry, but I didn’t understand… I think you should put examples… The exersices are important, because If we don’t practice, we won’t learn!!! It’s my advice!!! Thanks!!!
Hi Alex…thank you….
Thanks Alex, is good to me remembering this lesson
thank you very much Alex and Success
Thank you so much Alex for this free lesson about could and should.
Hello Mr. Alex…
you lesson are so helpful.
please can you offer a lesson for who and whom?
thanks for your co-operation.
Thank you so much,it was help full.
I liked it.
Thank you Alex
thx for your, i understand about could and should
Thank you Alex!
Thank you. This lesson really helps me.
thanks a lot for all video lesson, im learning each day with them
thank a lot for all video lesson, i´m learning each day with them, congratulation at all team teacher
i should watch more of your videos to improve my english..
thanks a lot Alex, it is a really very helpful lesson.
thank you, it’s really a big help for me.
thank you
please please till me the difference between have to and should
Thank you Alex
Thanks a lot
thanks a lot ALEX i like to this way to lean your lesson is very interested it has lot of improve me.thanks. again
thank you very much
lesson very easy &fun
I am happy all my answers correct
Tanks a lot
thank you so much for these great information about English grammar and you really excellent teacher bye
its nice and helpful… :-)
You’re help me a lot, thanks.
thank’s Alex, this lesson it was really helpful for me. Thank’ a lot.
Thanks very much indeed! The Man!
Thanks a million, Alex. I have one question need your help.
How to use the word’ could’ and ‘would’ in a question like ‘Could you…’ or ‘ Would you’, is it same meaning when uses in question sentences?
Thanks a lot.
With Regards,
Hai Alex, is it the words’ could’ and ‘would ‘ is the same meaning?I means i can use the word’ would’ instead of ‘ could’ in some sentences? Am i right?
Your apply is appreciated. Thanks a lot.
tanks brother
I’m a student from Sri Lanka.
Thanks Alex, your lessons are awesome.
And can I know the exact place to use the two words could and would?? These two words always confuse me.
eg: i would go to the hospital or i could go to the hospital.
-waiting for your reply soon :)
thanx sir…
first time i listen”could” use as a suggestion:) thanx a lot sir.
thank you soo mch for this very helpful lesson.its always been a big difficulty to understand the use of could and should.
thanx 4 da lesson
amazing sir,
no need to go to coaching classes.
great work by great man.
Thank you Alex. It’s a beatuful job.
sir ,
what s the usage of should be and could be???
please reply me
thank u Alex
I have quiz tomorrow abouttween them modals and u explain should and could and the diffrences be, thank u :*
My quiz had no mistakes Alex Thanks
Thank You ALEX.
thanks, Alex!
Hallo Alex,
Your question was: “Which word is used for advisability?
Acoording to me both words can be used.
Your question was: “You could call your mother”, means
It is not cleat to me, that the answer: ‘It is a good idea for you to call your mother.” is the wrong answer.
Greetings Jan
Hello Jan Schetters!
I would like to answer the question you have asked.
Based from the question given,
–> ” You could call your mother,” means… ”
….The right answer is;
“Calling your mother is an option or possibility.”
Because as far as i remember, Sir Alex said that we must use “COULD” to make suggestions or possibilities. While the word “SHOULD” gives a definite advice means it is advising.
In the question given, It mentioned the word “COULD”
:) i hope this helps
hi teacher.
my kids like the way you teach.
they are doing very well now.
thank you so much.
keep going.
Thanks Alex you’re a great teacher!
Thanks buddy
thanks a lot u r de best
thanks alex muach:)
hi Alex, how to use could, should and will? That three words always confuse me! Thks in advance.
thanks Alex
Thanks alex….
thank you
Thanks Alex!
great alex
hindsight ?
Thanks Mr Alex, It was a great job. I want to Know the use of the words: Shall, might and must.
Thank you Alex
;) THX Alex!!!! great lesson!!
than you sir from this great lesson,
thank you alex
thank you alex
Hello Alex it means should as an order or your duty but could like optional or maybe some thing like doing is up to you like if you can …..???????
Is it possible to say: “Today should be a party at this place (here)…” (someone told me about the party, I was arriving, but nobody is there yet, so I ask?) Is it correct? thanks for answer.
you’ve provide good technic for all users.who will study?
wow. I wonder there is a very small difference between ‘could’ and ‘should’. Great lesson by Alex.
Thank you so much Alex. It is helpful.
thank you. that’s very helpful
I’m from Ukraine.Heard? Thank you ever so much for you lessons. Could you please make a video lesson about Conditionals
Hi, I’m from mongolia. Your lesson was very interesting and helpful to me.Thank you so much
Thank you alex on your lessons
Good job Alex – thank you for sharing your knowledge. It is appreciated.
Thank you
thanx a lot. ur teaching time is short. if u increase ,defnitely helpful for students
think teacher,
You have secret in teaching you are the best and i love you video
thik you very much
Thanks Alex. That was a great lesson. Now I know the difference between could and should.
Thanks a lot Alex.
thanks a lot alex u helped me a lot but can u talk about would have and would i m so much confused about this two terms
Hi alex i am going to ask you same thineg?when i am looking to the video of engvid i don get the topics properly for examaple if i get one topic to day then i could’nt get the fallow topic so that .haw can i get the topics in propper wey
Im from haiti but living in new york your lessons help me a lot thank you so much.
thanks for this lessons, I need it.
can you do the lesson of writting please,I need it,
thank you again
but i still confused if “could” mean suggestion or possibility in past because “could” is the past of can or only just about suggestion and possibility
Nasmaste sir…m guy from Nepal… I would like to request you to give some lesson on past or present perfect progressive tense. I didn’t get nice lessons on that. I love your lesson a lot. Hope you will think on my request.
We thank you for your clear comparissons.
hey can we say i could be let….?
Thanks a lot :)
Thank u :D
Thanks Alex,I had always had a problem to understand well the meaning of should,when we use it in the past,before watching this lesson. I think I should have watched this video earlier.
very good
hi alex i’m still confused about could
can i say: you could visit your sister sa a suggestion in future. thank you
Thanks Man !
thank you alex
sir can u tell me when we can use can or could?
Hi, thanks for the lesson. :)
I have a question about this lesson.
– I’m going to the movies. – You could/should walk.
I want to ask, why we say “could” and not “can”? Thank you.
thanks so mach
WOW!Thank you teacher Alex How did you do that to in my brain~
I am very confused use “could” and “would”,then
I got it!very cleary understand just 4minutes , WOW wonderful your ability.
Thanks it’s very useful
Hi. Alex, my reguest, could you explane more new phraseol verb, spesially with “get”. Because I can’t understand when and how this to use. Thanks
Thank you Alex
thank you alex
Modal verbs is very difficult for me understand,after hours I forget.
Thanks Alex, it’s very useful
very helpful..Please,continue posting more useful videos.
I knew it :D
Hi Alex,
thank you a lot, Your explanation ic clear and very helpful
take care
Hi Alex, this is nice lesson. I could have looked into this website long back. Nevertheless, I should look into it
Thanls a lot alex…
Thanks Alex, it’s very useful, now i can use the words (could & should) without mistakes.
Thanks Alex , it will help me a lot but i wanna learn some more lesson about may , might and would . there is too much confusion .
How about Would and will? when to properly use this word? thanks
Salam Alex thank u for yr lessons so mush
When I using these two, I somtimes confuse which is correct in the sentence .
But this time, I got 5 out of 5.
Thank you Alex.
Wonderful…thanks a lot
Thanx Alex, great lesson. It has been very helpful to me.
Thanks Alex.
that was great thanks
Thank you, Alex~!!
by the way, I have a qustion.
I’m confused.
Why is ‘could’ used for future??
It’s difficult… I wanna cry ㅠㅠㅠ
This lesson is great!!! Thanks for your time Alex
thank you very much alex, i wish if you were my teacher in kurdistan and thanks again.
Thank you!
I should learn english to have a good conversation with english speakers. teacher, pls correct my grammar or sentence. Thank you
I could pay coffe for the team but sorry, I dont do it. I should bring something to drink at the office in my birthday. Is that correct?
Thank you, Alex. I love yours videos.
Thank’s a lot for this lesson
5/5 – short quiz for simple lesson :)
Thank you very much for all your help
Dear Alex
I found this instance clause performed by a teacher:
Sherlock did everything he could TO help Rhys.
Is it correct ? TO after could ? I have neve ever seen before, English is really difficult.
Thank you. A
thank you!!
The explanation is easy and I like it.
Thanks Alex
Alex thank for all lesson. Please is possible explain me about past modal?
Yes I Got 5 correct answers Thanks…
Thanks Alex. I got it, but now I need to practice.
Thank you Alex
think you very much,i understand this lesson totaly
i love this too much
Thank you sir
wow! It was easy, thank you Alex.
I got 5/5! Thanks Alex!
Thank you Alex so much
but the quiz dose not respond.
Thank you Alex
Thanks alex
thank you very match you are a good teacher
Very Much*
thank you teacher
i m so happy because all the lesson i got 100 thanks a lot
thanks.:D but i should study this lesson again. could & should is a little bit tricky for me.
Thank Alex! Very useful lesson so nice!!! You are a marvellous teacher. Grazie!<3
Thanks a lot
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Thank you, I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge.
Well done, it is interesting lesson.
thank you teacher Alex for you class.
I will learn inglish with your class teacher Alex.
I going to learn inglish with your class teacher Alex. what´s the correct sentence
you might teaching, what is the different between will and going to.
thanks, Alix, I could learn more from your lectures.
i mean could and should use for future possibility
Thank you a lot!!!
Thank you!