EITHER or NEITHER? “I don’t want to go!” “I can’t do this!” How do you agree with these statements? Learn about the different ways that you can agree with negative sentences in English conversation in this free class on ‘either’ and ‘neither’.
what a pleasure! I am the first one to comment on this lesson . As everything you do Alex PERFECT … thank you very much and merry christimas !
ricardo alessandro
Hello Alex!! you don’t have the test already do you? I didn’t understand this before, but your lesson has been very helpful for me because I understand this now, thank you so much! Merry Christmas from Mexico!! ;)
The quiz will be up a bit later than usual because of the Christmas holiday. Don’t worry, though. I will post the quiz as soon as it is ready.
thanks buddy… it helps alot… where do I find the quiz? is it released already?
let me know.thanks
The quiz was released later, because of the Christmas holiday. You can now find the quiz under the lesson video.
thanks for good lessons
really iam so plaesed with ur lesson
it is really very good for me and it help me
because it is easy and it goes to the aim of the topic
thank very much for ur effort
im having doubt in “ever”
i mean , can v use “ever” in negative sentence .
if yes then do with some examples ….pls
thank your sir, its a wondefull way to understand the usage of either and neither ,i already got my ESL certificate, and im going back next week to re-take the advance class ,i still need some refreshment ,befor i go to take TESOL CLASS , i do appreciate all your effort , i used to learn from you guys , alex ,james, ronnie ,valen,i do like all your best ways to teach english.thank you engvid team,
karim bak.
Does this three forms have difference? Which one is stronger?
Да, Серёга, тяжёл ангийский для тебя.
Уже в первом предложении ты допустил 2 ошибочки (правильно будет “Do these three forms have difference?”)
There is no difference in strength. You can choose whichever one you want. There are three options for the sake of variety. Your intonation can affect the strength of these statements.
thanks alex ., great that i have got many , tell may i use same for positive agreements ., for example- i have a car .,
i have either
is this right?
Hi Karthi,
I will do a lesson on positive agreement in the future. It’s similar to this one, but “either” is not used at all. Here is an example:
“He has a big family.”
“Me too.”
“I do too.”
“So do I.”
Alex please help me with the word “EVER”., how can i use this at different situations?
“Ever” is often used in questions to express a long duration of time, sometimes meaning from the beginning of a person’s life until the present.
“Have you ever been to China?”
“Do you ever eat Korean food?”
This is a good idea for a future lesson. Thanks for the question!
Perfect lessons, Thanks very much indeed.
it helps me a lot!i got some input as well….thanks so much! and wishing you Merry Crhristmas..:D
thanks our cool and simple teacher for this lesson waiting more and more of u , plz increase you lesson and shorten the period between them thanks …
Hi could any one answer my question?
1.I had been in Australia before I came to India
2.I had been to Australia when I am in India
3.Before coming to India I had been in Australia
do all the above sentences convey same meaning.
yes, i think so…!
because above three sentences convey the same meaning that,
You use to leave in Australia in the past before come to India
sentence 1 and 3 express the same idea.
sentence 2 it’s confused; because is incomplete. it should say, before being in India I had been in Australia.
Sentence 1 and 3 convey the same meaning. Sentence 2 is awkward and grammatically incorrect because of how you use “when I am in India.” The mixing of tenses sounds very strange.
Sentence 2 may be like this “i had been to australia when i was in india”
I enjoyed the lesson
ty its not enough its a wonderful class
very helpful, thanks and merry Christmas.
Alex. Congratulaciones a like your methodology that you are using for teach English,
i love this lesson
Great lesson, it cleared my doubts. Thank you Alex!
Hi Alex , thank u for ur helping us understand this, however , i want to know if it’s correct to use her either or him either or them either etc…help me out whith this…thanx in advance
Remember, you can only use the object with “neither,” NOT “either.” You can say:
Me neither.
Her neither.
Him neither.
Them neither.
Us neither.
Hi Alex this rule is just for negative agreements it isn’t? or in affirmative agreements too. Thanks a lot for your help
Thank you Alex! Your lessons are always clear
I cant see the video window on my screen, why? do i need to do something rather than signin in?
I see you are from Turkey. Unfortunately, the Turkish government blocks YouTube. You must find a way around this.
Hello, I can not watch any one of the lessons please what is the problem exactly. thanks
YouTube is blocked in your country. You need to get around this block.
i am one among your regular viewer.please explain about the appropriate use of all beens in tenses.
i understand the use of negative agreement clearly.thank you very much for this video.
warm regards,
juveriya fatima
juveriya fatima
that was nice
thank you very much Alex
that was really very nice <3
thnx alex was really helpful
I like learning English but I don’t speak English. Who help me?
hai how are they any one here
what about new year Ev
“My uncle is not a good singer.”
this is one of the examles u have among the tests. I checked “Imn`t either”, which seems to be correct, but unfortunately It was wrong. would u plz explaine a bit more about it. tanxs again
your answer is not correct because of the spelling, but if the spelling were right the answer would be right. you can say neither am i or I am not either but you piked Imn’t either. when you use the verb to be in the first person with the negative form it’s wrong to make a contraction
“I amn’t” does not exist in English. Neither does “Imn’t.” :) Both are wrong.
yes,very wrong indeed
Hey!first of all I want to thank you for providing us convenient English lessons those are helpful especially for us who are immigrant but also with less means to support sometimes our studies. I do appreciate all you’ve done in teaching us English for free.
But I do have some concerns about certain points in English:
Example: sometimes I hear people saying I am Home in stead of I am at home why they omitted the word “at”?
secondly,I have more difficult to use the word “to” in a sentence or respond a question using that word. And finally,why sometimes people say “I have five fingers” and “sometimes I have got fives fingers”? could you please tell me the difference?
Thanks in advance!
Serge Itunime
Happy New Year
ahmed abdi
I am joining to the students above and thank you for your lesson.
just perfect thnx a lot .
this is very helpul thank you all teachers very much
I just wanna say thank you for this usefull program.
I’m finally learning the stuff I never did in school…scary thought!
Glad to help!
Hi,i have a question…what is the mean(skate)?
hi there, i think it’s kinda sports that u will slip on the ice and that’s in icy countries like Russia
1 ice skate.roller.(verb)to move on skate: I never learned how to skate
hi ,Alex
Thank you very mtch for this lesson.
Randa Awad
thank you for this lesson.It help me a lot. I always have trouble how to use neither and either.
you are god man god.
you doing this just fine.love you.
alex ill tell you what,every single word that in your lessons could help me to improve my English knowledge (If there any grammar mistake plz let me know)Thank you.
Thank you for this amazing lesson on the use of “either” and “neither” in negative agreement. I doubt if anybody who watches this video will not be able to use them easily.
what a wonderful lesson! good job Alex. waiting for more. good luck
thank you Alex.you are a good teacher.i realy love your teaching.keep it up
im from iran
Thanks very much indeed for this lessons
i love you
Hi Mr milad how can you get this video from Iran? please answer me.
thank you very much. for your English class.
You ae such a good teacher I really enjoy whatching your classes. I have been learning english by myself it has been hard so waching you guys has been so helpful to me.
thanks a lot, May God bless you.
Eduardo from Brazil
I’m glad that you’re enjoying the lessons.
I am sooooooo happy coz i get 10 out of 10 :)
thank you
bonjour=how are you my love alexe ,thank you for action i would like with you a lot of information for english ,my from maroco but now iam living in amreca almost 2monthe iam here in it ,but i wanna learn more englich ,i like you,but please present new lessns i wanna say i am went for complet my sudy in uvirsity or colege i wish to help me on speak english very easy ,actully i love y ou when explain good ways can you go in that ways becouse you are good tcheater i have 3 lange berber arabice french i would lean english thank you alene ,merci ,
kamal rahimi
There is a new video posted every day or two, so please keep coming back! Slow study is a great way to learn. Keep practicing one grammar point, like this one, until you master it.
thank you very much Alex for everythings
Modibo Diabate
Very good lesson!
Thank you very much
Teacher Alex
hi how are you doing my teacher i wanna say you ,i love watching you vedio for tought ,and i wish learn more with you please ,i wanna impove myselfe and i have lot problem in egligh set vocavuler but i want to help me much time ,i wanna get best langue also i would like get langue verysimply eveve day i lean with you thank you foraction that s it iwant more in vedeo
Thanks a lot!
hi, i just would like to thank you Alex for your lessons. I hope a day i will be able to speak english like you lol :)
Thank you very much, kiss from France ;)
thank you very much
I really appreciate your effort.
I’am from Brazil and i enjoying so much your lessons,you are a gret teacher
God bless you
José Polli
hi how are you my best teacher please i wannato explain deferent of was and is plus how to use these exemple thank you
kamal rahimi
Hi kamal,
“Is” and “Was” are both forms of the verb “Be.”
“Is” is for the present, and “was” is for the past.
Today, it is raining.
Yesterday, it was raining.
Thank you very much. Can you tell me How i do to join your class?
Hi apple,
I am not taking any private online students at the moment. I hope you will continue coming back to the website and using the videos posted here.
thankx for teaching
Well, this is my first time here, so, everything is just new to me.I liked the neither lesson very much. It was quite cool to see that I am on the right trach with my students here in BR. I guess I just need to use the board a bit more. I usually use the examples I have on the book, but I think that I’d call more attention to the topic if I wrote a few sentences on the board like you did.
And here is something I’m gonna stop doing: I give examples with each auxiliary, so it’s kind of boring for the students. So, where are you guys nestled? In Canada?
Pedro from Brazil
Indeed we are. :)
Yeah, giving examples that aren’t straight out of the book can be really helpful, especially if the examples in the book aren’t overly useful and seem too formal. Board work is also incredibly important, as I’m sure you know.
thank u…..its very useful for me….
Hello Alex! Thank you very much for your lessons. I always watch your lessons. They help me to master English. I want my English to get better and better.
Unfortunately I can’t use these video lessons during working hours and I need a reference book, that’s why I’m looking for a book similar to Oxford Grammar in Use series, but concentrated on American/Canadian English, not British English. Could you please recommend me some? Thanks.
I’m too thankful Mr alex, it’s very helpful for me to show this video
It is wonderful program ,I am going to start learning withe these videos from today.
Thanks everyone
Mr Alex, I have a big problem in English language, I can read and write, I undersatnd your lessens too, but i can’t arive to speak what’s the problem please, can you help me …
I am so glad for you lesson! Thank you very much!
Mr. Alex, thanks a lot! After this lesson, my English was better.
hi sir, how are you? i hope you too well. first of all thanks for the helpful lesson you posted for us. second I am seems to be puzzled, when you said ‘neither do I’. It’s sounds like a tag question to me. can I say ‘me either’ instead of me neither? I really happy if you can give me a clarification.
i hope every successful for you teaching!
Hi Deeq,
“Me either” is a common mistake that is made by new English learners, and by native speakers as well. The correct answer is “Me neither.”
Thanks Alex. It was a great lesson.
I”m so glad to find this site.
and really enjoyed this class!!
my resolution 2011: improve my English skills & go to college!
thank you Alex!!
thanks alex.i like your teaching style.
thanks alex
thank you teacher for your helping
thanks Alex
Hi Alix, I appresiate your explanation aboout either and neither, I request an explanation about either, or, neither, and nor.
thank you
Thank you for the suggestion!
Happy to learn with you. Good teacher
Wish you all the best
Vutha Duong
Thanks alex
Wooooow I’m realy happy I didn’t understood this before but now I do and I got my score 10 out of 10 !!!!!!!!!!
But I wana to ask about (nor) when I can use it and How ??
Please help me Mr Alex & thx 4 a great lesson <3 my teatcher :)
thx a lot
thanks alot for your lessons
Thanks Alex. Your teaching is excellent. I completely understood your lession and when I attempted to answer the quiz, I was a bit confused about second question and in that confusion, I answered wrongly and later found the correct answer and realized the logic. Once again thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Alex it’s so easy to learn english with you.
You are m’y favorite teacher .je vous tire chapeau,i don’t know how we
say it in english
Thanks my Teacher Alex.
I like your lessons too much , but i’ve one Q..
can i say (mee too)instead of neither and either?? Thanks alot
thanx Sr i am asking for the number9 question” I didn’
t get anythingfor chrismas” do you thenk there is anather posibility olso “neither do i’?
“I didn’t get anything for Christmas” is a past sentence, so you have to keep the auxiliary verb in the past as well.
Thanks “BIG-Alex”. people i watched don´t lose any of your lesson at all,Me neither!.See you soon…in next internet -classrooms.and Many, many thanks for your effort and dedication that let me improve our english skills!!
Sir Alex i have a question. is their a positive agreement? can i use that also? for example me either..
for positive sentence there are:
me too
so do I
I do too!
Thanks alex
fantastic …
Thanks Alex. It is very interesting.
Thank you very much,I loved this exercise and this class,too! It was so great and interesting!
Thanks a lot!
could you give me a suggestion that is i know a lot of vocab but i do not know how to use it that is why i forget a lot what i know,,Thanks a lot for helping me and may God bless you
Good One Alex.. thanks a lot.
I got 10 on 10 :)
great alex first time i understand the use… before listing you putting these words in a right sentences was very difficult for me.. Thank you so much GOD bless You :)
Thanks very much Alex for the lesson Either and Neither.
I am very grateful you for your lessons, very clearly and definitely, your teaching is one of the best
thank u so much u are a great teacher!
hello ,Alex ,I have been waching most of yours lessons you are realy helping me understanding meaning that were very confuse for me, but now i can, thank you so much and keep up with your teaching i am gaby argentina/from california
Hello Alex. Thank you for useful lesson. Could you do the lesson about using “to” before the verb? In what cases “to” has to be used, in what it has not? Thanks in advance. With respect. Natalie.
Hi Natalie, that is a very large topic, but I can certainly try. Basically, there is a long list of verbs that are only followed by “to,” and another list that is only followed by “-ing” verbs. If you would like, try to research “gerunds and infinitives” online for more information.
I`m building up
Omg i have only 2 bad answerd xD but progesing =) thnks
Bravo !
Oliver Salas
Thanks a lot for this beautiful class .
I’m improving my English by your classes.
I’m glad to hear that!
Geez~ I’m so lucky to found your videos on youtube! Your explanations of Grammars, spelling, etc. is really good! I can understand it so well!!!
Thank You for your nice teaching.
I’m from turkey. I am enjoy your website. thank you. alex very good. again thank you. I am your thancful.. good evening. :)
:D so wonderful lesson .. Here we can learn a lot with this great way !
Hi Alex!I was really confused about this but now I figured out the problem which was to focus on the auxialiary and not in the main verb.Thank you so much Alex!You´re a great teacher!
Thanks you sir for all of your support. I had some confusion about the words either and neither, but thanks once again sir I understood every usage.
i’m really appreciated!
it is very very useful and helpful lesseon!!
i have to take your more lessons!!
Please, upload more useful lecture!
Again, thank you very much! :)
I got 10 out of 10…I wouldn’t get it if i were on my own.thx a lot. keep up the good work
did you have a (object) suject and verbs lessons????
Shayma El
I don’t like to drive.Me neither…My question is ?Here it is.Me neither or I neither or both of them are right?
hi alex,
using neither and either is completely clear now to me, but im still confused w/ these words: come by, pass by, goes by, drop by, could u do a lesson for these. thnx
Hello Mr.Alex.
I was very delighting for your lesson.
And now, i study hard to reach my hope. Neither onyone who will appailing me. Thanks a lots.
I simply love the way you teach.
I have learnt a lot since then.
Thanks Alex. I think my english skills are improving thanks to you. :)
There seem no words to say beside of thanks very much for your great presentation. I really like you and the others in Engvid.com.
The way you guys teach real English is awesome.
Simple explanations and great examples.
Keep your good work! We do need your help!
Thanks a lot.
Kisses from Brazil.
Thank you Alex, it’s the best way to learn english with you.
nice lesson.thank you very much Alex
but i have question
what can i say when i disagree?
ex.i don’t like banana
what will be the answer?
wow! this is the best explanation for this grammar rule! thank you!
very good for me. Thanks.
nice class. Thanks a lot!
Definitely Good! Thanks!,… satified,… God bless
See ya! ^______^ later
Very good web page, and very good lesson. Thanks a lot!
jst a wonder site. thanku alex sir. i scored 10 out of 10. god bless u sir.
pleas do a lesson on positive agreement too. thanku. tc sir
excellant thanks a lot
Thank you,Alex,for new grammar for me!Really I speak English very well,but grammar!I hate it!I don’t like to read too boring books,but your lessons it’s something new in student’s education! Now I get along with English Grammar,I hope)))
Any Russia
Good Morning Alex ! I need some help from u . I would like to know ” Introduce Your Self ” how to explose with correct meaning !
Thank You ! well lessons from you
Thanks a lot
thank Alex,
you are an excellent teacher….!!!!
Me neither is only used in USA and Canada, I suppose ?
thank you so much for this lesson. please i want to watch a lesson about comparative using (not) as ….. as ) I search in Engvid but I couldn’t see > thank you teacher Alex
she doesn’t have a car, I don’t have a car too. is this correct also. beside with the others ones were understandable. have a great day buddy.
Thanks a lot. Please let me know when you have done the lesson of positive agreements.
Hi! Alex.
All my life I’ve tryed to learn English through
differnt ways, but your lesson “neither-either”
was something great to me.
Thank you and GOD might bless you.
Xavier from California.
Xavier Tapia
Hello I`m carolina I really like your explanation ..I`m studing english ,your lesson have been helping me ..Thanks for all
Thanks so much Mr Alex,,!! i had many problems with that two words.now i can use correct way..thanks again.
hi Alex
could you give me your e-mail? I need your help to solve the exercises of Essay & Letter writng book (part1 chapter1) ??
vaishali sharma
thanx a lot Mr alex for this lesson
Thanks a lot Alex God bless it was very good lesson helped me a lot. please tell me the different of either and neither i confused !!
happy thankgiving Alex you are a good teacher, now I know to use either and neither, thank you.
michael halim
nice lesson, how i can play continue different classes?
nice lesson, how i can play continue different classes?
You can check out the links on the website, or if you want to learn something specific, you can use the search function.
have u ever ate this kind of food..? can we use this phrase..? plz correct me if im wrong
i could’nt score well..in this quiz.. i’m bit confused in the usage of neither n either..i need to improve.
Hi Alex,
I am facing problems in using would.
most respected Ales,
I am from pakistan
I am very glad to listen your lecture on either and neither remained very excellent but my request is that to highlight more and more on detail with examples.
ok thanks
Muhammad Zulqurnain
Muhammad Zulqurnain
I am facing problem to use of neither or either plz explain it with examples
Muhammad Zulqurnain
Thank you.
Thank you Alex
It’s a great lesson. Now I learned Now to use neither and either.
Tarcísio. From Brazil
It could not be better. Thanks, Alex. From Vietnam
Tony Theng
Thank you so much,you are good teacher.
I like you
Thankyou teacher Alex can you plese give us a best site to practice this lesson or a book
I don’t wanna get you bored typing lots of lines, Alex.
Just, thanks for the lesson, m8.
I’ve read that “Me neither” is incorrect. It is used by many people in common speech, but it is still incorrect. According to the source, “neither do I” should be used instead.
hi sir keep up the good work
marlon baderas
thanx Alex, u r doing a great job. Alex can u differentiate between progressive and continuous forms of verbs or tense coz in urdu we use different words to show progressive and continuous forms. thanx again
Hi all, thank you Alex, I could learn what my mistakes were.
Thank for the lesson, I always had problem with that two words.
hi Alex i like your videos. please go on with very formal and informal conversations.
I love your videos!
I appreciate your work. Thank you Alex.
thank’s a lot!!!
you are excelent teacher
Thanks so much Mr.Alex , it was useful lesson and clear explaining
i was having the hardest time understanding this lesson, but you made it sound so easy , thank you verry much for that !
hi Alex, Thank you for this lesson it is very interesting.I always watch your english lesson… I am from Brazil
Very useful! Very clear explanations, too. I showed the video to one of my colleagues and he sure won’t miss the chance to use it for his lessons. NEITHER WILL I ;)
Hi bro Alex, Thanks for helping me to improve my English skill, I had just graduated from the university 5 months ago in majoring in English, But I’m not so good in English speaking, if you have any helpful suggestion please let me know.
Thank you very much my beloved teacher.
thank you veryyyyy veryyy mauch Alex for such precious guidance… m happy that i found this site and now m very sure that i can too speak.. god bless u!
Hi Alex,Just i wantto know that your question is ” my uncle is not a good singer”i choose the answer i am not either but you have said neither am I.Either answers is correct which i have choosen why that is not correct could you explain me please.According to grammer rules either same auxilarly verb or agreement auxilarly verb should use .
Kumar Shrestha
I really like the way you teach
In the Quiz:
My uncle isn’t a good singer
The correct answer is “Neither am I”
But why we can’t use “I amn’t either”
amn't is not a real contraction. We contract the words I+am into I’m. Am+not do not get combined into one.
thanks Alex, you clear up my mind regarding this neither and either. These two words totally confused me before.
Thankyou Sir.Alex!
Alex, Thank you very much for explanation, may be it would be useful to include this nuance “amn’t” in the lesson
Thanks! Easy and beneficial lesson :)
cooooooool …. these are really helpful classes …….wonderful …. i really appreciate this work …:):)
mahmoud negm
Thanks a lot.
its nice sir…..
Thanks teacher i really appreciate it….could you explain in next lesson about ‘either…or’ neither…nor’?
Thanks Alex, I got 10/10 ,Thanks to you.
thanks sir alex.you have done good job here , so maybe we should thanks anyway to you maybe by clicking on sporsors links :) . see you.
Hi guys: Thanks for you test. I humbly say that i scored 10 out of 10!!! i’m happy. good bye!!!
I scored 9 out of 10 :(..
thanks teacher!! with this kind of explanation the topics become easier to understand!!
greetings from colombia!!!
Hi Alex , thanks for lesson. This is my first comment, I couldn’t understand one thing that is as you mentioned in your lesson,”I don’t have a car.” Answers as below and all these are correct. Me Neither. I don’t either. Neither do I. When I took quiz and gave answer (I don’t have any money) why shouldn’t neither have I ?
wowwww!! my score is 10 out of 10….thanks Alex ..Its mean…your explanation is very clear
thanks Alex for your clarification. I always have difficult about use either and neither. Take care friend
Fábio Carvalho
Hi Iam an English student from UASD Universirty in Dominican Republic. Thanks for your help MR. Alex, you have been very helpful to me because most of the time, I am out of contact with native speakers.
Rafael Ceballos
This website is excellent for ESL students, especially for me because I am studying a licenture in English and you (teachers)have been my savers. Many things that I have forgotten, I`ve been refreshing them with your help. Thanks a lot….
Rafael Ceballos
thanks alex
thank u n ur support team :)
Hi Alex, I am happy to have found this web and videos. Neither and either was a topic that I ve never understood. Now it seems easier for me. Thanks
God bless you.
super in first time i understood!
thans understood well
Thank you as big as the glob… helpful lessones
thank you for your video,it is very help me to teach my student.never stop to help us go go go alex !!
Two questions:
1. Alex, you said that native speakers often use “me either” instead of “me neither”. What with using “I, she, he” in place of “me”? Do they make this mistake too? For example: “She neither.”
2. Can I rewrite the whole sentence and add either at the end? For example:
— She doesn’t like cookies
— I don’t like cookies either.
I think it possible to say.
I don’t like cookies either.but I am not sure,you should check….though interesting question.
me neither i got all now so thanks for all
Thanks teacher Joe, It really help me a lot with my student…your quiz helped him a lot with his learning process
Thank you very much Alex! I’m from Italy, your lessons are very clear and interesting!
hello! thank you very much,i get it
very necessary and so amazing :) thanks so much!
Võ Mai Điền Hải
Thank you sooo much T.Alex for the explaining. I haven’t understood this grammar before. but now I got it…Thanks a lot :)
I’m thankful, teacher I got 100%
thank you man you guys doing great
I got a very clear from your lesson about negative agreement. Well, I would like to know that, is that any positive agreement with Neither & Either Prof.?
Thanks for teaching me
Good Luck Prof.
Thank you! I got 100% !
Thanks Alex, you guys are the best…
One more “thank you” from your fan.
Sergey Larin inyazserg
Me nither biatch! Unfortunately, must natives don´t know their arse from their elbows. I´m one of them!
Don´t read people… you may learn something!
Biggy Smalls
thank you for helping us
big star
Excellent explanation mate!
Thank u Alex and all the team for the free english. I scired 7. Not verry bad!
Aires Mbanze
i love this website, and every one of u who have been teaching us:)))u r bad-ass:)this one i`ve learnt from u Ronnie:)))
Thx Alex for this lesson actually i was looking for explain for this points and i think am know understand this lesson and I’ll try to make revision about that later , by the way i got in quiz = 90 % :)
Afro Jack
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Mohammad Ismail
I got 10 of 10 , really u r great :)
thank you very very much
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mr alex
Thanks you so much Alex. Nice explanation. I would like to buy one grammar book for reference. Can you suggest one?
Hi Alex, thank you for the lesson.I want to ask question. how to say disagreement to negative statement. my friend says: I don’t like ice cream. How about if I disagree to him? what should I say?
thank you so much dear alex
it’s very useful
parwiz amini
Thank you very much for your support. I appreciate it!
There are some formal way or Can I choose any of them?
Hi, Alex!
I jst wanna say.. THANKS A LOT!
Your videos are awesome! I always learn lots of them.. :D
I have a request that hope you can answer.. You gave a great explanation about either and neither that are used for negative agreement but what about positive agreement and the use of so and too? I’d be very grateful if you make a lesson on this topic..
greetings from Mexico!
Thank you so much sir Alex
Thank you Mr. Alex
I learned a lot
Hi Alex… It’s a great lesson, very informative. But I would like to ask a question. I know that EITHER is pronounced /ˈiːðə(r)/ in both BrE and AmE. However, I know that sometimes it’s pronounced /ˈaɪðə(r)/. The point is that I don’t understand when to pronounce it one way or the other. Does the class of the word have something to do with the pronunciation?
I would appreciate your answer!
Thnx A LOT! :D
your clips are very useful
thanks a lot
“he’s not my friend”- “neither my” is it correct ? if not, so wats answer ? plzz help me. :)
I think could be:
“Neither mine”??
Alex Sir. I got 7/10. I was thinking that I will get low marks but I got 7/10 but quiz wasn’t easy for me to do but your teaching way is amazing. So, I like it Alex Sir.
With regards
Hi Alex, you’re a very good teacher, really!!!
I’m starting to like English because of your simple style to teach; it makes this so difficulty language seems easy. Excellent job, thank you.
I was expecting that this lesson will meet great impression and huge number of comments as this style of talking is really confused. It was great lesson and enough clear to understand it without any difficulties. I really got 10 of 10. If however made the test before watching the lesson, i think i would get only 4 marks….
Thanks Mr. Alex
Great lesson. You are a very good teacher. Thanks a lot. Ciao
Awesome lesson Alex! I did well the quiz. Thanks
Hehe ALEX! Congratulations! I got 8 first time I did this lesson. I wasn’t expecting so good mark. Thank you, you are a big teacher. Good luck .
why we not use ” me too instead of me neither”
naveed akhter
thanks very much mr.alex and thanks for engvid
mahmoud fathy
I got 100.
Mr Alex,
Your teaching way is so simple and clear. I like it. Thank you so much.
Can not we use “nor do I”
take care
hi Alex
I have a quetion , about either .
Can we use me either with positive sentences? I mean can we replace “me either ” with “me too”?
Is this true?
Amir likes pizza .
me either .
ali b-g
Thanks for your video on English grammar.
thanks a lot
I’ve a question about number 6
6. My uncle isn’t a good singer.
I know that the correct answer is “Neither am I”.
but why is this answer “I amn’t either” wrong ?.
Excellent, thank you!
Hi Alex,
Below the two sentences i wrote, please let me know which one is correct?
1. Still i haven’t finished my work
2. Still i didn’t finished my work
both sentences are correct.But 1st sentence is in British eng and 2nd is in American…correction; for 2nd sentence ” Still I didn’t finish my work.
Each of the lessons you guys are doing has always been so helpful to us especially to those who are non-native English like me.
This lesson has given me crystal clear.
What can I say? Only THANKS A LOT
Hi Alex,
Could you explain the difference between never and ever?
Thank you Alex for a wonderful explanation.
your speech is very easy and understand,that ‘s why i love your lesson ,yhanks a lotttttt
thank you sir.
you make me more understand with these negative agreement. :)
Aprido Silalahi
Your explanation was so clear!!! thanks so much Alex!!!
Bea BG
wow!! so helpful thanks Alex!!
I have no words. i learned most of the grammar from your cite from different teachers.thanks a lot.i want to learn more because i need to attend my IELTS exam
I have no words. i learned most of the grammar from your cite from different teachers.thanks a lot.i want to learn more because i need to attend my IELTS exam
Wow, amazing. Thank you for your wonderful lesson.
You taught it in very easy way to understand.
Thankyou Alex
i must see the auxiliary
Great lessons .its a pleasure to listen you.thanksss
defne ylmazz
Thankyou Alex, I love English….!!
I want to learn more…!!
thanks a lot Alex you for teaching is like a Jarrod
Thanks Alex. You’ve been a great help!
Maryana Keleman
thanks Alex for such useful video lesson!!! I got 10 correct answers out of 10 :) and finally I understood this stuff!! thank you again :) greats from Azerbaijan:)
I used to have problem about neither but you solved it.thank you so much.
Thank you Alex your explanation was excellent!
Thanks Alex you have been a great help
The first time I got 10/10
Thank you for your lesson!
Adriana Chan
10 out of 10
Thanks Alex, appreciate your effort
Alex as always a great class, i have to thank you for all these videos, thank you man!
Sorry Alex I am sad. Better luck next time.
juvenusa c. kabingue
Thank you, Alex! You are the best teacher!
Thanks Alex for your clarification about Neither and Either. Take care.
thank you ALEX.
youssef 01
Good morning, Alex!
It is a pleasure to stay here and learn with you. Thank you and congratulations. Her classes are the best, my friend!
You are very important for world!
Thaks it was useful for me.
How can I mark the videos on the site, wich I have seen?
Great lesson ty!
Dear Alex,
I would like to ask you a question about the usage of “either…or…” in negative sentences. Can we use this conjuction to link subjects? Could you give examples of sentences where this conjuction is used with diffent kins of members of the sentence.
Thank you,
Thank you
Many thanks!
very useful lesson and clear explanation
thanks @alex
Hi Alex
Thank you for this lesson. I have a question about this topic. I appreciate if you can help me. My quastion is about some sentences that their meaning are negative. How would we agree with some sentences that their meaning is negative.
Here some examples:
I disagree with her ( I disagree with her too or either )
I am unable to hear them. (Me, too. OR Me, neither)
I have never been there( So have I. OR Neither have I)
There is nothing left in my plate (too or neither)
I acctially didn’t ecpected to get 10 out of 10! Nice lesson Thank you teacher!:)
Thank you, Alex! It was useful.
Thank you so much…. it helps me a lot…. you are a great theacher… :)
thank you very much! Have a good one!
can you please explain when to use understand and understood ?
Charlie Raymond
Thank you Alex for this lesson.
it was very helpful.
I was just looking for information about this.
all my doubts were solves.
hello Alex
I have a question
For example
Q I don’t like a ice cream.
A (if I want to answer’I like a icecream’) Me eather
Dmitry Kostenko
Me either* it is a correct answer in this situation?
Dmitry Kostenko
is it a correct answer*
Dmitry Kostenko
dear, u must say
i don’t like an ice cream not a ice….
and answer is
me neither or
i don’t either or
neither do i
thanks alex i got 100% i am really happy
Thank you very much Alex by (or for?) you teach us all!! You are a great teacher!!!!
Adriano Fornacciari
Alex, thank you so much for the lesson! When i was at school i didn’t understand this rule!
important lesson
i got 100%
i got 10 out of 10 :D
thank,s alex .
Very .very good
Ram sahu
Thank you so much, Alex! This lesson is very helpful.
Future Chemist
Thank u
thanks a lot! :)
Michele Vis.
thanks a lot …you are great teacher
What an amazing teacher ! Thanks a lot for your video.I can understand how to use neither and either after I saw the video.I will have a big test this afternoon and now,I feel so confident before my test.I hope you will make more helpful videos like this.
Sarah Uyen
hi alex
what about “nor do i”
Thanks teacher! ;)
adalgisa de leon frias
Mr.Alex. You’re an exceptionally experienced teacher. Thanks a million
Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren
Hi, Alex!
Would it be correct to replace ‘niether’ with ‘be not too’ in the example:
She’s not very tall and neither is her husband (and her husband isn’t too).
Thanks for support!
Thank you, Alex.
Useful lessons.
I’m Erick, I’m from Dominican Republic and I’me here because I need to improve my english skills and I want to make friends for practicing , I use hangout Ing.Ericksantana@gmail.com
Thank you Mr. Alex.
90… tnks so much Teacher Alex
thank so much this topic are really helpful…any when the good time to use neither and either
cornelio Mok
Thank you Alex, it’s the best way to learn english with you.
Thank for this lesson
Wonderful!!!! All the teachers and their methods of teaching is awesome. Although, I am a teacher, I wish to learn with with.
Kumar Shambhu Sharan
I watched this video twice on June 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
good information
good job.
very grateful dear Alex for this superb lesson you are the best of all
marc anthony
thanks you save me
basmala h.
Thank you for your clearly teaching. It was definitely useful.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
what a pleasure! I am the first one to comment on this lesson . As everything you do Alex PERFECT … thank you very much and merry christimas !
Hello Alex!! you don’t have the test already do you? I didn’t understand this before, but your lesson has been very helpful for me because I understand this now, thank you so much! Merry Christmas from Mexico!! ;)
The quiz will be up a bit later than usual because of the Christmas holiday. Don’t worry, though. I will post the quiz as soon as it is ready.
thanks buddy… it helps alot… where do I find the quiz? is it released already?
let me know.thanks
The quiz was released later, because of the Christmas holiday. You can now find the quiz under the lesson video.
thanks for good lessons
really iam so plaesed with ur lesson
it is really very good for me and it help me
because it is easy and it goes to the aim of the topic
thank very much for ur effort
im having doubt in “ever”
i mean , can v use “ever” in negative sentence .
if yes then do with some examples ….pls
thank your sir, its a wondefull way to understand the usage of either and neither ,i already got my ESL certificate, and im going back next week to re-take the advance class ,i still need some refreshment ,befor i go to take TESOL CLASS , i do appreciate all your effort , i used to learn from you guys , alex ,james, ronnie ,valen,i do like all your best ways to teach english.thank you engvid team,
Does this three forms have difference? Which one is stronger?
Да, Серёга, тяжёл ангийский для тебя.
Уже в первом предложении ты допустил 2 ошибочки (правильно будет “Do these three forms have difference?”)
There is no difference in strength. You can choose whichever one you want. There are three options for the sake of variety. Your intonation can affect the strength of these statements.
thanks alex ., great that i have got many , tell may i use same for positive agreements ., for example- i have a car .,
i have either
is this right?
Hi Karthi,
I will do a lesson on positive agreement in the future. It’s similar to this one, but “either” is not used at all. Here is an example:
“He has a big family.”
“Me too.”
“I do too.”
“So do I.”
Alex please help me with the word “EVER”., how can i use this at different situations?
“Ever” is often used in questions to express a long duration of time, sometimes meaning from the beginning of a person’s life until the present.
“Have you ever been to China?”
“Do you ever eat Korean food?”
This is a good idea for a future lesson. Thanks for the question!
Perfect lessons, Thanks very much indeed.
it helps me a lot!i got some input as well….thanks so much! and wishing you Merry Crhristmas..:D
thanks our cool and simple teacher for this lesson waiting more and more of u , plz increase you lesson and shorten the period between them thanks …
Hi could any one answer my question?
1.I had been in Australia before I came to India
2.I had been to Australia when I am in India
3.Before coming to India I had been in Australia
do all the above sentences convey same meaning.
yes, i think so…!
because above three sentences convey the same meaning that,
You use to leave in Australia in the past before come to India
sentence 1 and 3 express the same idea.
sentence 2 it’s confused; because is incomplete. it should say, before being in India I had been in Australia.
Sentence 1 and 3 convey the same meaning. Sentence 2 is awkward and grammatically incorrect because of how you use “when I am in India.” The mixing of tenses sounds very strange.
Sentence 2 may be like this “i had been to australia when i was in india”
I enjoyed the lesson
ty its not enough its a wonderful class
very helpful, thanks and merry Christmas.
Alex. Congratulaciones a like your methodology that you are using for teach English,
i love this lesson
Great lesson, it cleared my doubts. Thank you Alex!
Hi Alex , thank u for ur helping us understand this, however , i want to know if it’s correct to use her either or him either or them either etc…help me out whith this…thanx in advance
Remember, you can only use the object with “neither,” NOT “either.” You can say:
Me neither.
Her neither.
Him neither.
Them neither.
Us neither.
Hi Alex this rule is just for negative agreements it isn’t? or in affirmative agreements too. Thanks a lot for your help
Thank you Alex! Your lessons are always clear
I cant see the video window on my screen, why? do i need to do something rather than signin in?
I see you are from Turkey. Unfortunately, the Turkish government blocks YouTube. You must find a way around this.
Hello, I can not watch any one of the lessons please what is the problem exactly. thanks
YouTube is blocked in your country. You need to get around this block.
i am one among your regular viewer.please explain about the appropriate use of all beens in tenses.
i understand the use of negative agreement clearly.thank you very much for this video.
warm regards,
juveriya fatima
that was nice
thank you very much Alex
that was really very nice <3
thnx alex was really helpful
I like learning English but I don’t speak English. Who help me?
hai how are they any one here
what about new year Ev
“My uncle is not a good singer.”
this is one of the examles u have among the tests. I checked “Imn`t either”, which seems to be correct, but unfortunately It was wrong. would u plz explaine a bit more about it. tanxs again
your answer is not correct because of the spelling, but if the spelling were right the answer would be right. you can say neither am i or I am not either but you piked Imn’t either. when you use the verb to be in the first person with the negative form it’s wrong to make a contraction
“I amn’t” does not exist in English. Neither does “Imn’t.” :) Both are wrong.
yes,very wrong indeed
Hey!first of all I want to thank you for providing us convenient English lessons those are helpful especially for us who are immigrant but also with less means to support sometimes our studies. I do appreciate all you’ve done in teaching us English for free.
But I do have some concerns about certain points in English:
Example: sometimes I hear people saying I am Home in stead of I am at home why they omitted the word “at”?
secondly,I have more difficult to use the word “to” in a sentence or respond a question using that word. And finally,why sometimes people say “I have five fingers” and “sometimes I have got fives fingers”? could you please tell me the difference?
Thanks in advance!
Happy New Year
I am joining to the students above and thank you for your lesson.
just perfect thnx a lot .
this is very helpul thank you all teachers very much
I just wanna say thank you for this usefull program.
I’m finally learning the stuff I never did in school…scary thought!
Glad to help!
Hi,i have a question…what is the mean(skate)?
hi there, i think it’s kinda sports that u will slip on the ice and that’s in icy countries like Russia
1 ice skate.roller.(verb)to move on skate: I never learned how to skate
hi ,Alex
Thank you very mtch for this lesson.
thank you for this lesson.It help me a lot. I always have trouble how to use neither and either.
you are god man god.
you doing this just fine.love you.
alex ill tell you what,every single word that in your lessons could help me to improve my English knowledge (If there any grammar mistake plz let me know)Thank you.
Thank you for this amazing lesson on the use of “either” and “neither” in negative agreement. I doubt if anybody who watches this video will not be able to use them easily.
what a wonderful lesson! good job Alex. waiting for more. good luck
thank you Alex.you are a good teacher.i realy love your teaching.keep it up
im from iran
Thanks very much indeed for this lessons
i love you
Hi Mr milad how can you get this video from Iran? please answer me.
thank you very much. for your English class.
You ae such a good teacher I really enjoy whatching your classes. I have been learning english by myself it has been hard so waching you guys has been so helpful to me.
thanks a lot, May God bless you.
I’m glad that you’re enjoying the lessons.
I am sooooooo happy coz i get 10 out of 10 :)
thank you
bonjour=how are you my love alexe ,thank you for action i would like with you a lot of information for english ,my from maroco but now iam living in amreca almost 2monthe iam here in it ,but i wanna learn more englich ,i like you,but please present new lessns i wanna say i am went for complet my sudy in uvirsity or colege i wish to help me on speak english very easy ,actully i love y ou when explain good ways can you go in that ways becouse you are good tcheater i have 3 lange berber arabice french i would lean english thank you alene ,merci ,
There is a new video posted every day or two, so please keep coming back! Slow study is a great way to learn. Keep practicing one grammar point, like this one, until you master it.
thank you very much Alex for everythings
Very good lesson!
Thank you very much
Teacher Alex
hi how are you doing my teacher i wanna say you ,i love watching you vedio for tought ,and i wish learn more with you please ,i wanna impove myselfe and i have lot problem in egligh set vocavuler but i want to help me much time ,i wanna get best langue also i would like get langue verysimply eveve day i lean with you thank you foraction that s it iwant more in vedeo
Thanks a lot!
hi, i just would like to thank you Alex for your lessons. I hope a day i will be able to speak english like you lol :)
Thank you very much, kiss from France ;)
thank you very much
I really appreciate your effort.
I’am from Brazil and i enjoying so much your lessons,you are a gret teacher
God bless you
hi how are you my best teacher please i wannato explain deferent of was and is plus how to use these exemple thank you
Hi kamal,
“Is” and “Was” are both forms of the verb “Be.”
“Is” is for the present, and “was” is for the past.
Today, it is raining.
Yesterday, it was raining.
Thank you very much. Can you tell me How i do to join your class?
Hi apple,
I am not taking any private online students at the moment. I hope you will continue coming back to the website and using the videos posted here.
thankx for teaching
Well, this is my first time here, so, everything is just new to me.I liked the neither lesson very much. It was quite cool to see that I am on the right trach with my students here in BR. I guess I just need to use the board a bit more. I usually use the examples I have on the book, but I think that I’d call more attention to the topic if I wrote a few sentences on the board like you did.
And here is something I’m gonna stop doing: I give examples with each auxiliary, so it’s kind of boring for the students. So, where are you guys nestled? In Canada?
Indeed we are. :)
Yeah, giving examples that aren’t straight out of the book can be really helpful, especially if the examples in the book aren’t overly useful and seem too formal. Board work is also incredibly important, as I’m sure you know.
thank u…..its very useful for me….
Hello Alex! Thank you very much for your lessons. I always watch your lessons. They help me to master English. I want my English to get better and better.
Unfortunately I can’t use these video lessons during working hours and I need a reference book, that’s why I’m looking for a book similar to Oxford Grammar in Use series, but concentrated on American/Canadian English, not British English. Could you please recommend me some? Thanks.
I’m too thankful Mr alex, it’s very helpful for me to show this video
It is wonderful program ,I am going to start learning withe these videos from today.
Thanks everyone
Mr Alex, I have a big problem in English language, I can read and write, I undersatnd your lessens too, but i can’t arive to speak what’s the problem please, can you help me …
I am so glad for you lesson! Thank you very much!
Mr. Alex, thanks a lot! After this lesson, my English was better.
hi sir, how are you? i hope you too well. first of all thanks for the helpful lesson you posted for us. second I am seems to be puzzled, when you said ‘neither do I’. It’s sounds like a tag question to me. can I say ‘me either’ instead of me neither? I really happy if you can give me a clarification.
i hope every successful for you teaching!
Hi Deeq,
“Me either” is a common mistake that is made by new English learners, and by native speakers as well. The correct answer is “Me neither.”
Thanks Alex. It was a great lesson.
I”m so glad to find this site.
and really enjoyed this class!!
my resolution 2011: improve my English skills & go to college!
thank you Alex!!
thanks alex.i like your teaching style.
thanks alex
thank you teacher for your helping
thanks Alex
Hi Alix, I appresiate your explanation aboout either and neither, I request an explanation about either, or, neither, and nor.
thank you
Thank you for the suggestion!
Happy to learn with you. Good teacher
Wish you all the best
Thanks alex
Wooooow I’m realy happy I didn’t understood this before but now I do and I got my score 10 out of 10 !!!!!!!!!!
But I wana to ask about (nor) when I can use it and How ??
Please help me Mr Alex & thx 4 a great lesson <3 my teatcher :)
thx a lot
thanks alot for your lessons
Thanks Alex. Your teaching is excellent. I completely understood your lession and when I attempted to answer the quiz, I was a bit confused about second question and in that confusion, I answered wrongly and later found the correct answer and realized the logic. Once again thanks a lot.
Thank you so much Alex it’s so easy to learn english with you.
You are m’y favorite teacher .je vous tire chapeau,i don’t know how we
say it in english
Thanks my Teacher Alex.
I like your lessons too much , but i’ve one Q..
can i say (mee too)instead of neither and either?? Thanks alot
thanx Sr i am asking for the number9 question” I didn’
t get anythingfor chrismas” do you thenk there is anather posibility olso “neither do i’?
“I didn’t get anything for Christmas” is a past sentence, so you have to keep the auxiliary verb in the past as well.
Thanks “BIG-Alex”. people i watched don´t lose any of your lesson at all,Me neither!.See you soon…in next internet -classrooms.and Many, many thanks for your effort and dedication that let me improve our english skills!!
Sir Alex i have a question. is their a positive agreement? can i use that also? for example me either..
for positive sentence there are:
me too
so do I
I do too!
Thanks alex
fantastic …
Thanks Alex. It is very interesting.
Thank you very much,I loved this exercise and this class,too! It was so great and interesting!
Thanks a lot!
could you give me a suggestion that is i know a lot of vocab but i do not know how to use it that is why i forget a lot what i know,,Thanks a lot for helping me and may God bless you
Good One Alex.. thanks a lot.
I got 10 on 10 :)
great alex first time i understand the use… before listing you putting these words in a right sentences was very difficult for me.. Thank you so much GOD bless You :)
Thanks very much Alex for the lesson Either and Neither.
I am very grateful you for your lessons, very clearly and definitely, your teaching is one of the best
thank u so much u are a great teacher!
hello ,Alex ,I have been waching most of yours lessons you are realy helping me understanding meaning that were very confuse for me, but now i can, thank you so much and keep up with your teaching i am gaby argentina/from california
Hello Alex. Thank you for useful lesson. Could you do the lesson about using “to” before the verb? In what cases “to” has to be used, in what it has not? Thanks in advance. With respect. Natalie.
Hi Natalie, that is a very large topic, but I can certainly try. Basically, there is a long list of verbs that are only followed by “to,” and another list that is only followed by “-ing” verbs. If you would like, try to research “gerunds and infinitives” online for more information.
I`m building up
Omg i have only 2 bad answerd xD but progesing =) thnks
Bravo !
Thanks a lot for this beautiful class .
I’m improving my English by your classes.
I’m glad to hear that!
Geez~ I’m so lucky to found your videos on youtube! Your explanations of Grammars, spelling, etc. is really good! I can understand it so well!!!
Thank You for your nice teaching.
I’m from turkey. I am enjoy your website. thank you. alex very good. again thank you. I am your thancful.. good evening. :)
:D so wonderful lesson .. Here we can learn a lot with this great way !
Hi Alex!I was really confused about this but now I figured out the problem which was to focus on the auxialiary and not in the main verb.Thank you so much Alex!You´re a great teacher!
Thanks you sir for all of your support. I had some confusion about the words either and neither, but thanks once again sir I understood every usage.
i’m really appreciated!
it is very very useful and helpful lesseon!!
i have to take your more lessons!!
Please, upload more useful lecture!
Again, thank you very much! :)
I got 10 out of 10…I wouldn’t get it if i were on my own.thx a lot. keep up the good work
did you have a (object) suject and verbs lessons????
I don’t like to drive.Me neither…My question is ?Here it is.Me neither or I neither or both of them are right?
hi alex,
using neither and either is completely clear now to me, but im still confused w/ these words: come by, pass by, goes by, drop by, could u do a lesson for these. thnx
Hello Mr.Alex.
I was very delighting for your lesson.
And now, i study hard to reach my hope. Neither onyone who will appailing me. Thanks a lots.
I simply love the way you teach.
I have learnt a lot since then.
Thanks Alex. I think my english skills are improving thanks to you. :)
There seem no words to say beside of thanks very much for your great presentation. I really like you and the others in Engvid.com.
The way you guys teach real English is awesome.
Simple explanations and great examples.
Keep your good work! We do need your help!
Thanks a lot.
Kisses from Brazil.
Thank you Alex, it’s the best way to learn english with you.
nice lesson.thank you very much Alex
but i have question
what can i say when i disagree?
ex.i don’t like banana
what will be the answer?
wow! this is the best explanation for this grammar rule! thank you!
very good for me. Thanks.
nice class. Thanks a lot!
Definitely Good! Thanks!,… satified,… God bless
See ya! ^______^ later
Very good web page, and very good lesson. Thanks a lot!
jst a wonder site. thanku alex sir. i scored 10 out of 10. god bless u sir.
pleas do a lesson on positive agreement too. thanku. tc sir
excellant thanks a lot
Thank you,Alex,for new grammar for me!Really I speak English very well,but grammar!I hate it!I don’t like to read too boring books,but your lessons it’s something new in student’s education! Now I get along with English Grammar,I hope)))
Good Morning Alex ! I need some help from u . I would like to know ” Introduce Your Self ” how to explose with correct meaning !
Thank You ! well lessons from you
Thanks a lot
thank Alex,
you are an excellent teacher….!!!!
Me neither is only used in USA and Canada, I suppose ?
thank you so much for this lesson. please i want to watch a lesson about comparative using (not) as ….. as ) I search in Engvid but I couldn’t see > thank you teacher Alex
she doesn’t have a car, I don’t have a car too. is this correct also. beside with the others ones were understandable. have a great day buddy.
Thanks a lot. Please let me know when you have done the lesson of positive agreements.
Hi! Alex.
All my life I’ve tryed to learn English through
differnt ways, but your lesson “neither-either”
was something great to me.
Thank you and GOD might bless you.
Xavier from California.
Hello I`m carolina I really like your explanation ..I`m studing english ,your lesson have been helping me ..Thanks for all
Thanks so much Mr Alex,,!! i had many problems with that two words.now i can use correct way..thanks again.
hi Alex
could you give me your e-mail? I need your help to solve the exercises of Essay & Letter writng book (part1 chapter1) ??
thanx a lot Mr alex for this lesson
Thanks a lot Alex God bless it was very good lesson helped me a lot. please tell me the different of either and neither i confused !!
happy thankgiving Alex you are a good teacher, now I know to use either and neither, thank you.
nice lesson, how i can play continue different classes?
nice lesson, how i can play continue different classes?
You can check out the links on the website, or if you want to learn something specific, you can use the search function.
have u ever ate this kind of food..? can we use this phrase..? plz correct me if im wrong
i could’nt score well..in this quiz.. i’m bit confused in the usage of neither n either..i need to improve.
Hi Alex,
I am facing problems in using would.
most respected Ales,
I am from pakistan
I am very glad to listen your lecture on either and neither remained very excellent but my request is that to highlight more and more on detail with examples.
ok thanks
Muhammad Zulqurnain
I am facing problem to use of neither or either plz explain it with examples
Thank you.
Thank you Alex
It’s a great lesson. Now I learned Now to use neither and either.
Tarcísio. From Brazil
It could not be better. Thanks, Alex. From Vietnam
Thank you so much,you are good teacher.
I like you
Thankyou teacher Alex can you plese give us a best site to practice this lesson or a book
I don’t wanna get you bored typing lots of lines, Alex.
Just, thanks for the lesson, m8.
I’ve read that “Me neither” is incorrect. It is used by many people in common speech, but it is still incorrect. According to the source, “neither do I” should be used instead.
hi sir keep up the good work
thanx Alex, u r doing a great job. Alex can u differentiate between progressive and continuous forms of verbs or tense coz in urdu we use different words to show progressive and continuous forms. thanx again
Hi all, thank you Alex, I could learn what my mistakes were.
Thank for the lesson, I always had problem with that two words.
hi Alex i like your videos. please go on with very formal and informal conversations.
I love your videos!
I appreciate your work. Thank you Alex.
thank’s a lot!!!
you are excelent teacher
Thanks so much Mr.Alex , it was useful lesson and clear explaining
i was having the hardest time understanding this lesson, but you made it sound so easy , thank you verry much for that !
hi Alex, Thank you for this lesson it is very interesting.I always watch your english lesson… I am from Brazil
Very useful! Very clear explanations, too. I showed the video to one of my colleagues and he sure won’t miss the chance to use it for his lessons. NEITHER WILL I ;)
Hi bro Alex, Thanks for helping me to improve my English skill, I had just graduated from the university 5 months ago in majoring in English, But I’m not so good in English speaking, if you have any helpful suggestion please let me know.
Thank you very much my beloved teacher.
thank you veryyyyy veryyy mauch Alex for such precious guidance… m happy that i found this site and now m very sure that i can too speak.. god bless u!
Hi Alex,Just i wantto know that your question is ” my uncle is not a good singer”i choose the answer i am not either but you have said neither am I.Either answers is correct which i have choosen why that is not correct could you explain me please.According to grammer rules either same auxilarly verb or agreement auxilarly verb should use .
I really like the way you teach
In the Quiz:
My uncle isn’t a good singer
The correct answer is “Neither am I”
But why we can’t use “I amn’t either”
is not a real contraction. We contract the words I+am into I’m. Am+not do not get combined into one.thanks Alex, you clear up my mind regarding this neither and either. These two words totally confused me before.
Thankyou Sir.Alex!
Alex, Thank you very much for explanation, may be it would be useful to include this nuance “amn’t” in the lesson
Thanks! Easy and beneficial lesson :)
cooooooool …. these are really helpful classes …….wonderful …. i really appreciate this work …:):)
Thanks a lot.
its nice sir…..
Thanks teacher i really appreciate it….could you explain in next lesson about ‘either…or’ neither…nor’?
Thanks Alex, I got 10/10 ,Thanks to you.
thanks sir alex.you have done good job here , so maybe we should thanks anyway to you maybe by clicking on sporsors links :) . see you.
Hi guys: Thanks for you test. I humbly say that i scored 10 out of 10!!! i’m happy. good bye!!!
I scored 9 out of 10 :(..
thanks teacher!! with this kind of explanation the topics become easier to understand!!
greetings from colombia!!!
Hi Alex , thanks for lesson. This is my first comment, I couldn’t understand one thing that is as you mentioned in your lesson,”I don’t have a car.” Answers as below and all these are correct. Me Neither. I don’t either. Neither do I. When I took quiz and gave answer (I don’t have any money) why shouldn’t neither have I ?
wowwww!! my score is 10 out of 10….thanks Alex ..Its mean…your explanation is very clear
thanks Alex for your clarification. I always have difficult about use either and neither. Take care friend
Hi Iam an English student from UASD Universirty in Dominican Republic. Thanks for your help MR. Alex, you have been very helpful to me because most of the time, I am out of contact with native speakers.
This website is excellent for ESL students, especially for me because I am studying a licenture in English and you (teachers)have been my savers. Many things that I have forgotten, I`ve been refreshing them with your help. Thanks a lot….
thanks alex
thank u n ur support team :)
Hi Alex, I am happy to have found this web and videos. Neither and either was a topic that I ve never understood. Now it seems easier for me. Thanks
God bless you.
super in first time i understood!
thans understood well
Thank you as big as the glob… helpful lessones
thank you for your video,it is very help me to teach my student.never stop to help us go go go alex !!
Two questions:
1. Alex, you said that native speakers often use “me either” instead of “me neither”. What with using “I, she, he” in place of “me”? Do they make this mistake too? For example: “She neither.”
2. Can I rewrite the whole sentence and add either at the end? For example:
— She doesn’t like cookies
— I don’t like cookies either.
I think it possible to say.
I don’t like cookies either.but I am not sure,you should check….though interesting question.
me neither i got all now so thanks for all
Thanks teacher Joe, It really help me a lot with my student…your quiz helped him a lot with his learning process
Thank you very much Alex! I’m from Italy, your lessons are very clear and interesting!
hello! thank you very much,i get it
very necessary and so amazing :) thanks so much!
Thank you sooo much T.Alex for the explaining. I haven’t understood this grammar before. but now I got it…Thanks a lot :)
I’m thankful, teacher I got 100%
thank you man you guys doing great
I got a very clear from your lesson about negative agreement. Well, I would like to know that, is that any positive agreement with Neither & Either Prof.?
Thanks for teaching me
Good Luck Prof.
Thank you! I got 100% !
Thanks Alex, you guys are the best…
One more “thank you” from your fan.
Me nither biatch! Unfortunately, must natives don´t know their arse from their elbows. I´m one of them!
Don´t read people… you may learn something!
thank you for helping us
Excellent explanation mate!
Thank u Alex and all the team for the free english. I scired 7. Not verry bad!
i love this website, and every one of u who have been teaching us:)))u r bad-ass:)this one i`ve learnt from u Ronnie:)))
Thx Alex for this lesson actually i was looking for explain for this points and i think am know understand this lesson and I’ll try to make revision about that later , by the way i got in quiz = 90 % :)
You got 9 correct out of 10.
I got 10 of 10 , really u r great :)
thank you very very much
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mr alex
Thanks you so much Alex. Nice explanation. I would like to buy one grammar book for reference. Can you suggest one?
Hi Alex, thank you for the lesson.I want to ask question. how to say disagreement to negative statement. my friend says: I don’t like ice cream. How about if I disagree to him? what should I say?
thank you so much dear alex
it’s very useful
Thank you very much for your support. I appreciate it!
There are some formal way or Can I choose any of them?
Hi, Alex!
I jst wanna say.. THANKS A LOT!
Your videos are awesome! I always learn lots of them.. :D
I have a request that hope you can answer.. You gave a great explanation about either and neither that are used for negative agreement but what about positive agreement and the use of so and too? I’d be very grateful if you make a lesson on this topic..
greetings from Mexico!
Thank you so much sir Alex
Thank you Mr. Alex
I learned a lot
Hi Alex… It’s a great lesson, very informative. But I would like to ask a question. I know that EITHER is pronounced /ˈiːðə(r)/ in both BrE and AmE. However, I know that sometimes it’s pronounced /ˈaɪðə(r)/. The point is that I don’t understand when to pronounce it one way or the other. Does the class of the word have something to do with the pronunciation?
I would appreciate your answer!
Thnx A LOT! :D
your clips are very useful
thanks a lot
“he’s not my friend”- “neither my” is it correct ? if not, so wats answer ? plzz help me. :)
I think could be:
“Neither mine”??
Alex Sir. I got 7/10. I was thinking that I will get low marks but I got 7/10 but quiz wasn’t easy for me to do but your teaching way is amazing. So, I like it Alex Sir.
With regards
Hi Alex, you’re a very good teacher, really!!!
I’m starting to like English because of your simple style to teach; it makes this so difficulty language seems easy. Excellent job, thank you.
I was expecting that this lesson will meet great impression and huge number of comments as this style of talking is really confused. It was great lesson and enough clear to understand it without any difficulties. I really got 10 of 10. If however made the test before watching the lesson, i think i would get only 4 marks….
Thanks Mr. Alex
Great lesson. You are a very good teacher. Thanks a lot. Ciao
Awesome lesson Alex! I did well the quiz. Thanks
Hehe ALEX! Congratulations! I got 8 first time I did this lesson. I wasn’t expecting so good mark. Thank you, you are a big teacher. Good luck .
why we not use ” me too instead of me neither”
thanks very much mr.alex and thanks for engvid
I got 100.
Mr Alex,
Your teaching way is so simple and clear. I like it. Thank you so much.
Can not we use “nor do I”
take care
hi Alex
I have a quetion , about either .
Can we use me either with positive sentences? I mean can we replace “me either ” with “me too”?
Is this true?
Amir likes pizza .
me either .
Thanks for your video on English grammar.
thanks a lot
I’ve a question about number 6
6. My uncle isn’t a good singer.
I know that the correct answer is “Neither am I”.
but why is this answer “I amn’t either” wrong ?.
Excellent, thank you!
Hi Alex,
Below the two sentences i wrote, please let me know which one is correct?
1. Still i haven’t finished my work
2. Still i didn’t finished my work
both sentences are correct.But 1st sentence is in British eng and 2nd is in American…correction; for 2nd sentence ” Still I didn’t finish my work.
Each of the lessons you guys are doing has always been so helpful to us especially to those who are non-native English like me.
This lesson has given me crystal clear.
What can I say? Only THANKS A LOT
Hi Alex,
Could you explain the difference between never and ever?
Thank you Alex for a wonderful explanation.
your speech is very easy and understand,that ‘s why i love your lesson ,yhanks a lotttttt
thank you sir.
you make me more understand with these negative agreement. :)
Your explanation was so clear!!! thanks so much Alex!!!
wow!! so helpful thanks Alex!!
I have no words. i learned most of the grammar from your cite from different teachers.thanks a lot.i want to learn more because i need to attend my IELTS exam
I have no words. i learned most of the grammar from your cite from different teachers.thanks a lot.i want to learn more because i need to attend my IELTS exam
Wow, amazing. Thank you for your wonderful lesson.
You taught it in very easy way to understand.
Thankyou Alex
i must see the auxiliary
Great lessons .its a pleasure to listen you.thanksss
Thankyou Alex, I love English….!!
I want to learn more…!!
thanks a lot Alex you for teaching is like a Jarrod
Thanks Alex. You’ve been a great help!
thanks Alex for such useful video lesson!!! I got 10 correct answers out of 10 :) and finally I understood this stuff!! thank you again :) greats from Azerbaijan:)
I used to have problem about neither but you solved it.thank you so much.
Thank you Alex your explanation was excellent!
Thanks Alex you have been a great help
The first time I got 10/10
Thank you for your lesson!
10 out of 10
Thanks Alex, appreciate your effort
Alex as always a great class, i have to thank you for all these videos, thank you man!
Sorry Alex I am sad. Better luck next time.
Thank you, Alex! You are the best teacher!
Thanks Alex for your clarification about Neither and Either. Take care.
thank you ALEX.
Good morning, Alex!
It is a pleasure to stay here and learn with you. Thank you and congratulations. Her classes are the best, my friend!
You are very important for world!
Thaks it was useful for me.
How can I mark the videos on the site, wich I have seen?
Great lesson ty!
Dear Alex,
I would like to ask you a question about the usage of “either…or…” in negative sentences. Can we use this conjuction to link subjects? Could you give examples of sentences where this conjuction is used with diffent kins of members of the sentence.
Thank you,
Thank you
Many thanks!
very useful lesson and clear explanation
thanks @alex
Hi Alex
Thank you for this lesson. I have a question about this topic. I appreciate if you can help me. My quastion is about some sentences that their meaning are negative. How would we agree with some sentences that their meaning is negative.
Here some examples:
I disagree with her ( I disagree with her too or either )
I am unable to hear them. (Me, too. OR Me, neither)
I have never been there( So have I. OR Neither have I)
There is nothing left in my plate (too or neither)
I acctially didn’t ecpected to get 10 out of 10! Nice lesson Thank you teacher!:)
Thank you, Alex! It was useful.
Thank you so much…. it helps me a lot…. you are a great theacher… :)
thank you very much! Have a good one!
can you please explain when to use understand and understood ?
Thank you Alex for this lesson.
it was very helpful.
I was just looking for information about this.
all my doubts were solves.
hello Alex
I have a question
For example
Q I don’t like a ice cream.
A (if I want to answer’I like a icecream’) Me eather
Me either* it is a correct answer in this situation?
is it a correct answer*
dear, u must say
i don’t like an ice cream not a ice….
and answer is
me neither or
i don’t either or
neither do i
thanks alex i got 100% i am really happy
Thank you very much Alex by (or for?) you teach us all!! You are a great teacher!!!!
Alex, thank you so much for the lesson! When i was at school i didn’t understand this rule!
important lesson
i got 100%
i got 10 out of 10 :D
thank,s alex .
Very .very good
Thank you so much, Alex! This lesson is very helpful.
Thank u
thanks a lot! :)
thanks a lot …you are great teacher
What an amazing teacher ! Thanks a lot for your video.I can understand how to use neither and either after I saw the video.I will have a big test this afternoon and now,I feel so confident before my test.I hope you will make more helpful videos like this.
hi alex
what about “nor do i”
Thanks teacher! ;)
Mr.Alex. You’re an exceptionally experienced teacher. Thanks a million
Hi, Alex!
Would it be correct to replace ‘niether’ with ‘be not too’ in the example:
She’s not very tall and neither is her husband (and her husband isn’t too).
Thanks for support!
Thank you, Alex.
Useful lessons.
I’m Erick, I’m from Dominican Republic and I’me here because I need to improve my english skills and I want to make friends for practicing , I use hangout
Thank you Mr. Alex.
90… tnks so much Teacher Alex
thank so much this topic are really helpful…any when the good time to use neither and either
Thank you Alex, it’s the best way to learn english with you.
Thank for this lesson
Wonderful!!!! All the teachers and their methods of teaching is awesome. Although, I am a teacher, I wish to learn with with.
I watched this video twice on June 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
good information
good job.
very grateful dear Alex for this superb lesson you are the best of all
thanks you save me
Thank you for your clearly teaching. It was definitely useful.
10 correct out of 10. Thank you teacher