No more confusion with ‘for’ and ‘since’! Depending on whether you want to talk about how long you have been doing something, or when you started doing something, you will need to use one of these two words. Find out which is which in this English grammar lesson!
thank you very much
I have been studying right here on Engvid since February 2015
Thank you Alex. I’m always learning new things here.
I thank you so much ,,,
But I have a problem here in this clause :
I have known Dana ________ college.
• since
• for
Why the correct answer is since not for ?
Can you illustrate this point ?
All the best to you,,,
College is a specific place in time. The sentence implies that you are no longer in college. Remember, to use “for,” you have to talk about a period of time.
For example:
I have known Dana for five years.
I have known Dana for a few days.
And here are some more examples using “since”:
I have known Dana since college.
I have known Dana since she moved to Saudi Arabia.
I hope this helps. Thank you for your question.
This is very helping, I 100% enjoy your videos. I learned a lot english. Thank You for providing this lessons for me. Nice to Meet you on the Video!!
koko tun
Thank you! This is very helpful
You from USA, so you are an expert in english. Aren’t you??
Bye, Bye.
Sueli Cardoso Tavares
I’m actually from Canada. :)
Hi Alex , you are a good teacher If you don’t mind could you please send you e-mail id,then i can contact you whenever i need(
teacher,im from Tunisia,and i need to know more about that,and why in the QUIZ you put just few exemple,
think you teacher for your help
Thanks for your help……..
thank you very much . This lesson is helpe me allot.
“This lesson helped me a lot.” :)
very useful lesson thank you alot.
Nihad Hamad
This lesson seems to be quite easy !
i like these lessons very much!
I like very much you lesson, but I have been cunfuised for a long time ago in how to use “For” and “During”. So, can You help me to solve my problem, please???
Sabado Tomucene
Hi,I too…
thanks for that alex
i guess you was amazing mr alex and you have a unique way to explain and clarify the information
@ Koug
The answer is since because college is not a specific time, it is a duration of time say around 2-3 years. I hope I am right, if not please do explain me the correct answer.
Thanks in advance.
Dear teacher. This lesson is very very easy. It was too helpfull
Thank you.
Sueli Cardoso Tavares
thank you very much is good away to expain and very clear lesson
from yemen ASAAD
thank you ………………………….for all “ENGVID.COM”
Thanks for you Alex!
Hello Alex,
I would like to take e quiz, I’m the member of EngVid and I do not see any opportunity how to take a quiz about this lesson.
Any advice?
Thank you, Gimmi ( ^__^ )
Ops, it just came up by itself.
Does that means that I have to wait and not to navigate for the quiz?
Thank you to everybody, from Gimmi ( ^__^ )
Thank you! This is very helpful.
the speed is good too.
well,that exellant you do help to knoe the difference between the both bue i have a problem with this selection so itis good to know my mistake and learn of course from it
Is this phrase grammatically correct? “Since 2002, there are only five types of chocalate ice cream.” I’m concerned that I am using the wrong verb tense or word choice.
You are using “since” correctly, and your word choice is fine as well. Just in case, could you maybe type that sentence in a different way? What exactly are you trying to say? Your one mistake is not spelling chocolate correctly.
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7.’
thank you so much Alex!
thank you teacher you speach is music ro ears and i would like to remain thanking to you
i have a questioin which make me frustrated and that is “what is the different between the following two sentences,
– i am focused
-i have focused
and what is the correct one?
Thank you so much! It’s important to know SINCE I moved in USA :)
Thank you very much! This lesson was very useful for me.
Good work!
thank you for the lesson. It’s help to me a lot.
Hi Alex
I am new user. Your lessons are very good and I am learning a lot from this.
I have a doubt in the last question.
They have been making together _______ the early 1980s.
* since
* for
The word “early 1980s” tells that, it may be 1970 – 1980 or before that. So it may refers to particular duration of period.
Why the correct answer is since not for?
Please explain me about this with an example.
Is it because the emphasis is on the starting point?
Thank you very much for this lesson. I have been taught for this subject since i was still in school but i didn’t understand it as much. This really helped.
black rider
thanks alot
Thanke U . This is soo good .I’m better now . guys I have a big test next week, give me some beneficial counsels .
See ya later…….
sorry…. Happy new year
i like these lesson very much. It is really useful to improve my Enghlish. my Enghish is not good so I want to find the same lesson on wedsite. I cant afford to follow expensive courses and I want to buy books and CD_ROOM to learn at home. Could you show me where to buy them. I’m Vietnamese and now I live in Ha Noi Vietnam. Please show me those places to buy or send me some massages to my site. My . Thanks you very much
please share me your learning enghish expirence. i love english. i need it for my jod my career.
hello and thank you for your care im not a native im from algeria and i want to speak as a native can i???thank you…
i realy love u help me a lot to improve my english
That is cool to learn Since and for in easy way, Great teachers. :)
Sikandar Rahimi
Hi everyone!this lesson is very usefull and helpfull! Hey, Alex! Could you make a video lesson about definite and indefinite articles!
Thank you in advance!
excellent websit. great teachers are teaching us. i am learning a lot.
zarmeena shahid
it’s really very useful
I was always confused with(for and since)it’s give me a lot of help….all teachers are great and have a great method of teaching…everyday I watch your videos.
Hello Alex thank you for be a good teacher.
Hello Alex.i thank you very much for such a good lesson.i got the difference.
“All The Best”.we Want You To Give Some More Lessons Alex!
thank you Alex!
very nice!
hi Alex ! excellent lesson, thnak you so much. you have removed my great confusion .
Alex is an excellent teacher. Thanks. The topic was interenting and the teacher explained the class in a simple way.
Thank so much Alex you taught a nice lesson
and now i know how to use since and for
this is very much helpful to me.
hi Alex thanx a lot, first time I could understan the difference between these two words. you are a excellent teacher.
thnk u very much for such a imperative quiz
Amjad Raj
hi Alex…this test is very useful ….i understood this easily
I am pleased because I am learning every day more with you thank you for your free lessons
Thanks Alex , yesterday i took this lesson at the British counsil ^_^
Abdullah Hamza
Thanks Alex
thnk you very much
thnk u very much
thnk u very much thnk u very much thnk u very much
Thank you a lot.Could you please tell what should be used in the following sentence ?
My fate has been pre-determined ___ years.
Niranjan Sahoo
hi mister Alex
thank u alot but i still dont understand when we must ask a question in persent perfect bcz i Ask a question in the present perfect because I always understand it according to the rules of my language or the meaning that settled in my mind for us, there is no difference between the words in the past I took my medicine.and saying in the present perfect i have taken my medicine.
i wish you help me plz bcz i love english so much and i want to learn it .bye
sorry . i mean ask a question like :
have you taken ur medicine ?
did you take ur medicine ?
thank u mister Alex for this test i Succeeded in answering when i er _ hearing to ur video time after time .thank u a lot but still have a problem about ask a question in p perfect
hi sir
i still don t know when must be used the present perfect . and when i speak with my friends about something happened in the past i don t know if should be used this sentence or that :
did u read my letters ?
have u read (red) my letters ?
did u broke the window?
have u broken the window ?
plZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz sir help me bcz i lost my self-confidence
Dear Sir,
Here is a problem for me. I couldn’t understood the “word” like when it is used in the beginning of the sentence. For example, like my father she prays five times a day. Please tell me what is the world like in grammar here in this sentence?
Thank you for your lessons, I’ve learned a lot with this videos. I already learning about since, for, ago with this ones. I need to learn about whatever, whenever, whichever, whoever and wherever, if you could help me, I thank you so much.
i really get a lot new about since n for. thankful 2 u. thanx.
Thanks for your classe Alex, and thank for your answers. That explains you’re a good teacher !
thank you very much sir, your act of clearing of doubt is perfect and encourage someone to know it from deep point.
khem Raj(India)
dear sir i like your all lessons because all they are helpful for us but i want to give you and your institution a suggestion that if you will provide a written note of description at the header of your screen beside watching your lesson then it will prove more beneficial to us because then we can read your lesson about at particular topic and also listen your lesson.for example as your descriptive note on the lesson before enter into the lesson( No more confusion with ‘for’ and ‘since’! Depending on whether you want to talk about how long you have been doing something, or when you started doing something, you will need to use one of these two words. Find out which is which in this English grammar lesson!)
you can add here about the description of the topic. please think about my suggestion.if we listen and the read a lesson then we can gain more reminds please do something about this.
khem Raj(India)
Thanks Sir
Dear Alex
your teaching method is very good.
Since is used for specific time/place etc.
For is used where a duration of time is given.
Saeed Mahmood Aslam
Hi Alex,
lesson was fantastic.I had a doubt between these two for a long time.Im expecting new more lessons from u guys.
thanks so lot my friend
Im a new Canadian citizen (since) 2 years
Alex you are my best teacher .
Hi Alex.Excellent lesson.My name i Sansar im from Mongolia.I have been learning English for 2years and i have got problem.Could you tell me? How can i explain myself and Picture.For example: Im 26 and I have big family and i live with my mother and wife.extra… …. Picture means: Any logo,art,and …
Could you send me some example via my E-mail add please! Thank you! /
Hi Alex.Lesson is very clear.I have much confused the use of these two words. your teaching method is very good.Thanks a lot.
Once again. Thank you very much. You explained it very well.Listening to your lectures is very interesting as always.
God bless
strawberry cake
thanx Alex….the lessons are very helpful.I can understand the lessons.But i can’t speak English fluently.Can u please suggest how can i improve my English??
Thanx again.
thanks for teaching
and i want to know clearly about Past Perfect Continues
Hi Alex, thank you for teaching,It is very helpful for me.
it was to the point and explained nicely and simply. Thanks a lot. And the quiz really helped in fixing the concept to mind.
thnk u very much Thank u Alex, thank you for teaching,It is very helpful for me.
i like it thinku teachre Alex it is good i laren a lot .
Mesi from botswana
meseret L D
I am a little confused.Why can one say ,`” The sun has been shining since last week” i thought week is a a duration of time and not a point in time.
Can u then say,i have been in hospital since 3 months?
pls tell me which sentence is correct or wrong and why.
Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend.
Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving since friday.
It has been 3 days since Jim has been misbehaving
Thank u
“Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend.” — CORRECT
“Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days.” — WRONG; change since to for.
“Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days.” — CORRECT
“Jim has been misbehaving since friday.” — CORRECT, but capitalize ‘Friday’ :)
“It has been 3 days since Jim has been misbehaving.” — WRONG. This is a strange sentence but you could say “It has been three days since Jim started misbehaving.”
Hi alex!
I want to ask you some questions as below:
What is different between however,although, ..
hi zuzu,
Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend. omit “the”
Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days. you should use “for”
Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving since friday.
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for the lesson.
Thank u sir for another great lesson…
hmm.. nice lesson. realy i got new sence.thanks
its gave me a new sense thanks.
thanks teacher!your voice is so clearly to listen. I got 100 marks in the test of this lesson! hihi! thanks!
you lessons are best thank you
EngVid has got very good lessons. Its amazing, how in 4 minutes, i can understand this. awesome. Thank you very much Alex.
i wanted hotta learn e.g.thx for help
king s.
Thanks Alex,I’ve got100% marks on this point.Could you please tell me is this sentence right?
“I have been waiting for a year”
Good lesson Alex
Thank you
this is an incomplete exercise on for and since. I don’t like it.
How can we improve it?
I’ve learnt a lot of things!
gim gim
sir alex you taught this topic superbly .I start taking your class now and you are a very good teacher.
THANKS ALOT my teacher
ahmed abdi
Dear Alex,
After watching yr explanation I am understand how to use for and since with Present Perfect Tense. However, I still wonder if Since and For can be used in Present simple tense ? if yes could you pls. explain how to use it ?
Many thks.
Hi Angella,
I can’t think of an example where “since” can be used in the present simple to express time. However, you can use “for” in the present simple to talk about behaviour that is regular or generally true about yourself.
“I practice guitar for 45 minutes every day.”
“On Saturdays, I study English for a few hours.”
thank you,Alex.I learned a lot from your explanation
Vusale from Baki
thank you so much alex for this lesson
thanx a lot!!! great teacher and lessons also!!
This quiz was so easy 7 of 7 I feel like going out drink some beers. viva canada and mexico, so long.
hello alex, how can i improve my writing because i can read and speak only 80% but i can’t write…from Nashville tn
thanks a lot T.Alex
hello , I’m Ammr
thank you alot
thank you very much foe such quizss
how can we improve our speaking
very easy English that help me to understand the topic as well as your conversation. from many years I am in search of this kind of program thanks.
merci beaucoup!!!enjoyed the test:))))))))
Is simple
Thanks Alex for your clear and good topic on your lesson.I got 100% correct on your quiz because of your way of teaching.Hope that,there are more lessons to come.
Thanks Alex ….very nice lesson
thanks — i want lesson about modal verbs
Thanks a lot!!!
Thank’s Alex
This Lession is very useful for all who wanna know about usage of Since, and For.
It’s very good. thanks again.
Mirza Abubakar
Someone asked me about a sentence they found in a text book, ‘since you’ve arrived the weather’s been awful’. They asked why the present perfect was used instead of the present simple. Is this sentence correct or is it a mistake?
Thank you
thank u (:
I have been looking for good english garmmar lessons for long time…now i got it..vvv nice
thank you
thanx alex you are a great teacher i had just only one question wrong:)
is this sentence rite.. million of thnx:)
hey, just one more question. I wonder if it’s okay (not necessarily correct) to say “I’ve been feeling a little bit depressed (ever) since I have this banging headache”; how bad does it sound? thanks in advance.
Hi m.a.t,
It’s almost correct.
“I have been feeling a bit depressed (ever) since I got this pounding (more common) headache.”
I hope this helps!
Hi Alex. I really need in your explanation. Is the next sentence correct?
‘(ever) Since i own the coffee shop I have been very busy.’
‘Since i own the coffee shop’ (here i mean i still have the coffee shop)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much indeed. You guyz have been doing a great job.
could you explain me the meaning between below sentences
1. It has rained since 9am.
2. it has been raining since 9am.
Mohammed Azam
There is very little difference in meaning in those two sentences. The only grammatical difference is that when you use the present perfect, you are focusing on the end result – on the act itself. When you use the present perfect progressive, you are focusing on the process. Mentally, there is a different picture of the event in a native speaker’s mind when you use these two sentences, but the meaning itself is the same.
1. It has rained since 9am. –> It’s not raining anymore now (the rain has stopped) but you can still see the street is wet as the result of raining.
2. it has been raining since 9am. –> It’s still raining now.
Isn’t it so Alex?
u almost there ,but i disagree, we use the present perfect continuous when we talk about an action which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped:
Is it raining ?
No, it isn’t but the street is wet.
It has been raining.
here are some examples:
You are out of breath.Have you been running ?
another 100… thank u…
Thanks Alex
I love this way of teaching
God bless you
Oh I forgot my quiz is full 10/10
a lesson .it help me lot
Hi Alex,
I would like to appreciate the way you are teaching. With regard to “since” & “for” why did you use in present perfect tense only ? For instance, we can say or write like” Since I’m not good in English, I fell TOEFL test.” what is the difference between the above, my sentence & your examples. Thanks a lot.
thanks alex
Thanks !
The quiz was ver interesting, need is to upload more tricky quzies, it was a simple ones
This really works! Thanks,Alex :) you helped me a lot!
alex u r the best teacher
Thank you very much Mr.Alex. Your lesson and explain is very good and i can see it.
thankyou alex ,the lesson was quite interesting.
usha george
great explanation
Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7..’thank you for this free English lesson I’ve learned a lot from you sir Alex…could you teach me for free??i want to be fluent in English…thank you so much
thanx for the help
i have been working for last two hours…. or i have been working since last two hours..??
please tell me
i have been working for last two hours
Thank you very much. This is a fantastisc lesson
This website rocks. Thank God I found this. Finally I’ll be able to improve my English. God bless you ALL the teachers. Carlos
Hi Alex
Thanks for your lesson.:-)
Respected Sir,
If I write english sentences.You can guide me that these are right or wrong.
I hope you will consider my request.
God bless you.
its very helpfull to improve my english knowledge.
thanks to all, may god bless you.
thans a lot SIR,Alex
u r great teacher
muhammad idrees
this topic is really important and i really enjoeded. i want to say thank you for all your hard work with us Gad bless you.
Thanks Alex .
This lesson helped me a lot… thank you Alex!
with best wishes to you. Edyta from Poland
I really enjoy learning here =)
thanx for great & easy teaching methods.
hi alex thanx for that lesson i am very enjoyed and learnt so thnx
saadat ali
Thanks . i get 100% is nice .:( by i have a big problem when i have to write i can do right i am study for get my GED , i have a lot of problem with my easy am really appreciate with this lesson .
Hi! Alex m sudip from INDIA I wanna learn english & I wanna sound in english speaking cause m not sound at spoken english plz give me some best tips which enables me to improve my skill thank u…
Thanks a lot.
thank you alex. what can I do to improve my writing? I always fail on my test.please give me Idea thank you
Hello Alex,
We want to learn Grammer.It is better for me.Thanks
Asif Iqbal Khokhar
Hi. A lex! Would you mind explaining me clear how to choose and use the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous? Many thanks in advances.
While i am teaching my students, I am facing with some problems. the problems are that When should we use present perfect and when should we use present perfect continuous tense? Do you have any specific clues to make them easily understand?
the lesson talking about for and since.
i pass the quiz i got 7 out 7 that mean 100 out 100 right.
finally i like to say thank you so much Mr. Alex
ibrahim magale
This is a great and easy way to learn english.
Stephannie Aycart
Hi Shibu
Your lesson on “FOR’ and ‘since’ was interesting.Good you have chosen the functional method.Please let me know whether agree to and agree for convey the same meaning
Hi,this lesson is very helpful for me thank you for submitting this lesson.
Bhawana Rana
Hi,Alex your lessons was helped for my English alot.Thanks Alex
I appropriate for your free lesson, it was really helpful.
Thank you Mr. Alex..
wonderful lesson, you make it very easy for me. Thanks
Shafqat Ali Khan
hey, i have a question….
can i say … I listened to music since i was 5 years old?
hassan ali mohamud
can u just tell me the usage of since when…
Thank you Alex, it was a clear explanation. I hope you red this message. Best regards.
Cecilia Andrade
Thank you Alex, Nice and clear explanation.
Cecilia Andrade
what do we use since / for ?
———- a short time and why ?
Jayitha Devineni
Hey..Thanks, I like this video . It was really helpful :D
thank for the lesson
Thanks for the great helpful. I think this is the better way to learn how to describe about scince and for!
Hello Sir,
Which sentence below is correct?
“He has spent 7 days in the hospital since he had an accident”
“He spent 7 days in the hospital since he has had an accident”
I would really love to know the answer, Thanks.
thanks for the lesson
when can we consider the action in finish or not finish?
Thank you, Mr. Aziz, Alex. These lessons on the good and wonderful
thanks alex i’ve learn such a nice lesson from u.
Now i`v got the right concept regarding since and for. Thanx Alex
very good
Since and For
Actually they ware very simple :)
very nice .
thank you soo much for this class……!!! it’s nice.
sir i had many problems regarding to this topic……but you have solved my problems..
thanx alot:)
chanchal das
thankx for lesson that was very interesting
hello sir.
There is one example.
(since/for) four hours, he is busy in his laboratory.
What will be used here? since or for?
Thanks in advance.
Can you explain that ?
for many years,for many years
why don’t we use FOR?
and other question
1-I started this job last year.Since then,I have had lots of troubles.
2-I have had a lot of trouble since I started this job last year.
what’s the difference of those clause ?
I have learned something on this video.Thank you so much.
At the first time , l visit this web site
this site will be good for me. thank you
Thank you ^^
this is useful for me.
Dear Alex,
You’re one of my favorite teachers since I’ve been browsing this fabulous website as you answer to most of students questions briefly and clearly with a deep thought.. ;) God bless you for that..
Going through all comments n questions from this topic, reminds me of this :
Since you’ll be away, I’ll cover it for you.
Since it’s your duty, I’m not gonna do it.
How can I explain this ‘since’?
Perhaps another video covering various functions of ‘since’ would help?
And one more thing, I just realized that Canadian English (as teachers’ accent here) is very clear to ESL n EFL learner (it’s my opinion) or it’s just a coincident? So what about your slang, idioms, or expressions? Are they common? I mean can we also use it while talking to American or British or even Australian?
I hope I’m not asking too much..
Yours Faithfully,
p.s. Merry Christmas n Happy New Year for everyone, may peace will always be upon us..
Hi Sir Alex, Nice to meet you on Engvid I really happy for that Engvid help for us. and Henny is also helped me to this Chapter.
Zafar Ali Soomro
Thank’s Alex, I got 7/7 he he he, it’s became easy with your lesson….
Hi,sir Alex,thanks for this wonderful lessons. i am so happy to find this website and helpful english is weak but it will be good because you and your site.thanks.
Hello Alex,
your lessons are great . I have been learning English for 3 years , and I have got some problems with Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive.
Could you please be so kind and explain when I have to use which time forms.
have a good one.
very helpful thank you very much
wao it was interesting
Muhammad Mohsin Anayat
thank you so much but i don’t understand the defferant betwen for and since
hi dear Alex
would you please tell me this sentence is correct or not?
i have been living hear since 8 years ago.
i am not sure about the correct use of SINCE here. it is so important, please tell me
i am waiting for your answerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
100/100 Thank you Alex…
hello sir, where can i able to see the test questions here?
Thank you so much for teach English on the web. I love the way you explain each lesson.
its very good way to help those,who want to learn english language.thanks a lot ALEX
mudassar abbas jrnwla
Dear Alex
**Our Land phone has been disconnected since last 3 days**
Is this Correct?
no here ‘for’ use because ‘since’ is use for fix time which it is disconnected and ‘for’ use for quantity of time.for example my phone is disconnected for 3 days
hi sir
i have little confusion in since for and from my teacher say that since is use for specific time date and for is use for quantity for example you say that.she is waiting for 45min but there is specific time why you not use since and last one is, i have lived here for 4 year it is right because there is quantity of time use so use for but i have a big confusion in since and from plz help help me
I want to know why you used in one sentence,
I was not used to driving
(not)I was used to drive
I know what u used is correct, I have seen like this sentence in some books and articles
I want to know when to use this tense and what is called in grammar
great page today i learn use of since and for ……..
thank you very much for this lesson i was having trouble when i used “for & since” so you have moved this trouble
at the end thank you so much for all your lesson i found them very helpful ,,,,, correct my mistakes please
I like your teaching method .you are great person .I love you.
thank you so much alex.i was little confused on using since & for .i came across your website and it was very helpful for me as my examz are going on .
hena anvar
thanks a lot
thanks mr alex
thankxx dear alexx,,,,
asad nizamani
What does this sentence mean:”It has been four years since he was a teacher.”?
Does it mean He hasn’t been a teacher for four years or He has been a teacher for four years?
Wei Rung
very helpful lesson..Thanks!!!
its really helpful lesson ! thank you :D
Haya Rashid
yes i get 7, thats all coz of u,you are great techer mr alx thanks
Which is sentes correct “I know him” or “I’ve known him”
Ahmet Pasha
Hi i!!got 7!!LOL thank you so much
plus, I want to know some conversations to talk with my foreign teacher:) plz help me
Hi Alex, I’m Tomas from Cuba. I’ve lived in USA for the last 5 years and your lessons are helping me so much. You’re excellent teacher and I can understand you 100%. Don’t quit. We need you. Thanks.
Thank you Alex..Hope I’ll pass my exam :(
thx alot
finally i got it :)
Hi. Alex. I wish you’re fine. Thanks for this lesson. I like your way at explain the lesson. You are always calm in your class,it’s your personality. That makes everyone love your lessons.
thanks Aliex. your teaching is very good.
i am having a doubt about point of time and period of time regarding my professional experience in my resume.
could u plz solve this for me.
•Working as a Software Engineer at TCS, Chennai since Feb 2010 to till date.
•Working as a Software developer at Defiance Technologies, Chennai from Sep 2008 to Jan 2010.
is this two sentences correct or not.
plz send reply.
hi sandeep,sorry for disturbing,to my mind you are correct
Vusale from Baki
Thank you so much
wow.. superb…
Thanks alex….
thank you so much Alex
you solved my problem
i got : 100.00 You got 7 correct out of 7
thank u so much
Great lesson alex..thx
hi teacher, i m a new user iwant to improve speaking english will u plz guide me from whic
h lesson i should start?
Hi Alan
behram khan
I got 100 %.. very useful lesson it was.
Sajjad Malik
i hate blanks
hi,Alex,If you don’t mind could you please send you e-mail id,then i can contact you whenever i need.I work as a translator(in english)and i have some problem using words.pleaseeeeeeeeee dont object.I am waiting your respons.I am grateful beforehand.
Vusale from Baki
Alex,ua the best!!
I have been in Syracuse,NY for three years ,and i didn’t see a great teacher like you and our lovely lady the teacher
Ronnie.God Bless you all
safaa khalil
please we need more about phrasal verbs
and slang language
safaa khalil
Thank u Mr Alex, i actually benefits from this topic.
I got it ! Thanks so much !
what should we use (since/for)before
last-weak/year/10 years and so on?
lakshman a v
thank you very much
“doing that since i was a kid ”
is this correct ?
thank you very much
hai dear
ramesh ramee
Hi teachers!! I want to know the difference in using given,since and because in sentences. I will surely appreciate any comments. Thanks!
thankx Alex this help me alot
Burhan Akhtar
Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7. :/
i am more confidence after watched your teach..
this lesson help me in my
hassan qureshi
this lesson helps me in my studies
hassan qureshi
Hey Alex! Great lesson. I wanted to know how to explain the difference to my students in Portuguese. Your lesson was well explained. Thank you so much.
Its wonderful to see the way you are responding Mr.Alex, from today i have decided to be a regular user of this site, nice one.
is it correct:-
since i’m a good listener i will learn english easily.
Hi Mr. Alex.
I’m a teacher from India. A question I had given for a test in the present perfect tense was ‘ I___________________ (play) football since my childhood.(Answer: have played)
Alice priya David
I have a question,is this sentence is correct?
Since she was a child,she likes sports,especially water sports,such as swimming and water skiing.
you guys are great .. thanks for your help……
thanks iam v.good now full mark
Hi Alex I would like to thank you for this helping vidio , it is really helpful.
Salwa Salman
what should i use in this sentence
i am not feeling well since Friday or i am not feeling well or almost 2 days.
thanks to my great teacher Alex i got a perfect score! keep up the good work sir!
ou got 7 correct out of 7.
he has been doing this job…..many years.(since or for)
which preposition has to place in the blank?
i didnot listen u r lecture so thats why i didn’t deliver my comment
salut, d’abord je remercie votre excellence de nous avoir aidé,j’ai commencé d’étudier la langue d’anglais,et donc je me confond entre “for” et “since”. est-ce que ça sera possible de m’expliquer la base de ces derniers, et merci monsieur alex
I love English grammar!!!
Thats great…!!!
I have learned more from Here
Irha Akbar
I am looking a sentence for “since”
Acually i need this for my homework
Irha Akbar
It was a brilliant class. Thank You alex
tanks you a lot Alex…
Thanks i have cleared different between since and for
Which one is correct. Since when has she been sleeping or since when she has been sleeping.
thank you sir!!! I am clear. i got 7 out of 7,
Some verbs e.g be, have,and know. How they used in the continuous?
thank you in advance
good job, i appreciate ur help, you have been helpful a lot
Thank you Alex :-)
hello thank you very much for these lessons . i hope to get me some informations about how to use : however ,whatever, and whoever . thanks
Hello Alex Sir. I have got 5/7.I was confused on 1 question but you had written about earlier question in comments. You speaks slowly I easily understand what you are teaching and I like it.So,thank you Alex Sir!
With regards
Please tell me if this sentece is correct
I’ve been to mexico in the last year
I’ve been there for 5 month
Nice lesson! Short but effective. I have a question: when should I use whether or if? Thanks
Nice lesson! Short but effective. I have a question: when should I use whether or if? Thanks
Very informative! Simple yet common mistake by many! Thank you Sir Alex! More power and God bless!
yeah…i got 100%..:D
hi,Alex thanks for giving a good lesson,I have been working as a teacher of English since 2005 and I m very happy with engvid videos.I have been watching your videos since last month,improved a lot in me. You are teaching very well. I have a doubt . Shall I use these with only perfect progressive or with other tenses ,some are using with some tense…please help me.
thank you so much for your it help me a lot to understand this matter.
thank you so much
Thank you very much teacher Alex, you make it very easy too understand.
to* not too, sorry
Sir Alex, can you make an examples of sentences using ” Since I have met you” and “Since I met you”. would you use it in the beginning of the sentence, this will help me a lot.Thanks in advance.
you’re fit to be a teacher
Hi Alex, how are you?
First of all I want to say I love this website and all the lessons, really awesome work is done here.
I have a question…the last question of the quiz is:
the last question is :
They have been making together _______ the early 1980s.
Is it sth missing there? making what together?
or is make together an expression for sth? I asked a couple f people b4 asking u and wasting ur time. So that’s why I am asking, I am very curious and because of me a bunch of people are too.( hahahah)
Thank you very much!
Sorry to bother :)
Hello Alex,I have a question about how to use Present perfect,statements with FOR and Since in to a question? thank you for your help. :)
Thank you Alex. Your classes are Excellent!!!
Candela F
i finished the 130 lessons of Alex, lstening ans writhing
Excellent lesson, simple way to explain this subject, congratulations teacher.
thank you ^^
Thank you
Thank you Alex.
Zeljka Horvat
very good lesson.thanks alex.
7/7 ! thank you
Why we do not use “for”for ..for all day or all time
Please you give me your answer
on un
Thanks !! I needed this yesterday for my job and.. ouf !! it was right !
This website is very useful.
OMG! Thank you. Today It was a theme in my class room. Thank for your help. I have been studying very much.
Thanks Mr. Alex
Thank you Alex, you are a great teacher!
Alex Thank you for your very Good gob !!!!!! )
7/7 – very simple and good lesson. Thank you.
Thank you very much teacher Alex, you make it very easy to understand.
Thank you, dear Alex!
Hello, I can’t understand your video called “How to use SINCE and FOR with PRESENT PERFECT”. But in the quiz there are questions in PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE. Why it so?
Thank u my enlish teacher for ur Expline,my quetion is In what tenses we can use for,and sunse?
_ for,and since.are proposation?or what?
i got 86%
I got 7/7.
I’s easy, all about the tenses in english
I like so much your classe.
Thanks for you help.
patricia sosa
Thanks for this great lesson! It helped me a lot!!
Hi Alex your lessons are
Excelet. I like this class…
i love it!
Thank you Alex
7/7 Gool
Sunny Muffin
i can’t do the exam??
it doesnt open
I understood HOHOH
Thanks for the lesson
Thanks for the lesson. Topic inderstood
Thanks Alex for making my life Easier! Your Explanation on the topic is totally clear and helpful. Thanks to you, I will be able to explain since and for to my students in an easy and dynamic way. I hope in the future you explain all the uses of the present perfect with the rest of the words such as: yet, already, just, never, and ever in one single Video Lesson!
Hugs from Ecuador (South America),
Thanks a lot , Alex . I comprehend this prepositions very well. No lore doubts when and how to use it. Take care,Augusto.
Very good lesson, Alex. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Alex, great lesson and very easy to understand.
Chetta Rella
Thank you
alex you are super teacher .. ;)thank you .
I have watched the video since 2 pm, thank you Alex
It’s a good lesson!!! Thanks
thanks my teacher .i have got 100 scales thanks
I got 100 thank you so much
best lesson
Nice teaching.
Thanks a lot for it!
All the best!
thank you Mr.Alex
Aml Mounier
Thank you very much Mr. Alex.
Thanks! I have been trying to figure the perfect tense since yesterday. With lots of practice, I am seeing results in my writing.
Thank you Alex for this smart lesson! Congratulations from Brazil.
I haven’t written to him ______
A)more than a year. B)1987
A)for. B)since
Maanider kaur
I watched this video twice on June 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven correct out of 7.
Hi Alex thanks scine to next topic,, hhhhhhhh(I just joke with you )
So,, I have un Idea, when I can use for or scine,
My Idea it’s to but How before any sentence then answer the question and if you get duration of time or specific time it was be right position to put for, and the opist true,,am I right ?
Ahmed Adam suliman
best regatds Alex (Kazakstan 18 oct2021)
Dear Alex, I feel so great since I found your page. Honestly, I quite perceived my language is getting better, especially when I resolved that do your quiz.
Thank you
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks for nice lesson
why i couldnt see the test
thank you very much
I have been studying right here on Engvid since February 2015
Thank you Alex. I’m always learning new things here.
I thank you so much ,,,
But I have a problem here in this clause :
I have known Dana ________ college.
• since
• for
Why the correct answer is since not for ?
Can you illustrate this point ?
All the best to you,,,
College is a specific place in time. The sentence implies that you are no longer in college. Remember, to use “for,” you have to talk about a period of time.
For example:
I have known Dana for five years.
I have known Dana for a few days.
And here are some more examples using “since”:
I have known Dana since college.
I have known Dana since she moved to Saudi Arabia.
I hope this helps. Thank you for your question.
This is very helping, I 100% enjoy your videos. I learned a lot english. Thank You for providing this lessons for me. Nice to Meet you on the Video!!
Thank you! This is very helpful
You from USA, so you are an expert in english. Aren’t you??
Bye, Bye.
I’m actually from Canada. :)
Hi Alex , you are a good teacher If you don’t mind could you please send you e-mail id,then i can contact you whenever i need(
teacher,im from Tunisia,and i need to know more about that,and why in the QUIZ you put just few exemple,
think you teacher for your help
Thanks for your help……..
thank you very much . This lesson is helpe me allot.
“This lesson helped me a lot.” :)
very useful lesson thank you alot.
This lesson seems to be quite easy !
i like these lessons very much!
I like very much you lesson, but I have been cunfuised for a long time ago in how to use “For” and “During”. So, can You help me to solve my problem, please???
Hi,I too…
thanks for that alex
i guess you was amazing mr alex and you have a unique way to explain and clarify the information
@ Koug
The answer is since because college is not a specific time, it is a duration of time say around 2-3 years. I hope I am right, if not please do explain me the correct answer.
Thanks in advance.
Dear teacher. This lesson is very very easy. It was too helpfull
Thank you.
thank you very much is good away to expain and very clear lesson
from yemen ASAAD
thank you ………………………….for all “ENGVID.COM”
Thanks for you Alex!
Hello Alex,
I would like to take e quiz, I’m the member of EngVid and I do not see any opportunity how to take a quiz about this lesson.
Any advice?
Thank you, Gimmi ( ^__^ )
Ops, it just came up by itself.
Does that means that I have to wait and not to navigate for the quiz?
Thank you to everybody, from Gimmi ( ^__^ )
Thank you! This is very helpful.
the speed is good too.
well,that exellant you do help to knoe the difference between the both bue i have a problem with this selection so itis good to know my mistake and learn of course from it
Is this phrase grammatically correct? “Since 2002, there are only five types of chocalate ice cream.” I’m concerned that I am using the wrong verb tense or word choice.
You are using “since” correctly, and your word choice is fine as well. Just in case, could you maybe type that sentence in a different way? What exactly are you trying to say? Your one mistake is not spelling chocolate correctly.
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7.’
thank you so much Alex!
thank you teacher you speach is music ro ears and i would like to remain thanking to you
i have a questioin which make me frustrated and that is “what is the different between the following two sentences,
– i am focused
-i have focused
and what is the correct one?
Thank you so much! It’s important to know SINCE I moved in USA :)
Thank you very much! This lesson was very useful for me.
Good work!
thank you for the lesson. It’s help to me a lot.
Hi Alex
I am new user. Your lessons are very good and I am learning a lot from this.
I have a doubt in the last question.
They have been making together _______ the early 1980s.
* since
* for
The word “early 1980s” tells that, it may be 1970 – 1980 or before that. So it may refers to particular duration of period.
Why the correct answer is since not for?
Please explain me about this with an example.
Is it because the emphasis is on the starting point?
Thank you very much for this lesson. I have been taught for this subject since i was still in school but i didn’t understand it as much. This really helped.
thanks alot
Thanke U . This is soo good .I’m better now . guys I have a big test next week, give me some beneficial counsels .
See ya later…….
sorry…. Happy new year
i like these lesson very much. It is really useful to improve my Enghlish. my Enghish is not good so I want to find the same lesson on wedsite. I cant afford to follow expensive courses and I want to buy books and CD_ROOM to learn at home. Could you show me where to buy them. I’m Vietnamese and now I live in Ha Noi Vietnam. Please show me those places to buy or send me some massages to my site. My . Thanks you very much
please share me your learning enghish expirence. i love english. i need it for my jod my career.
hello and thank you for your care im not a native im from algeria and i want to speak as a native can i???thank you…
i realy love u help me a lot to improve my english
That is cool to learn Since and for in easy way, Great teachers. :)
Hi everyone!this lesson is very usefull and helpfull! Hey, Alex! Could you make a video lesson about definite and indefinite articles!
Thank you in advance!
excellent websit. great teachers are teaching us. i am learning a lot.
it’s really very useful
I was always confused with(for and since)it’s give me a lot of help….all teachers are great and have a great method of teaching…everyday I watch your videos.
Hello Alex thank you for be a good teacher.
Hello Alex.i thank you very much for such a good lesson.i got the difference.
“All The Best”.we Want You To Give Some More Lessons Alex!
thank you Alex!
very nice!
hi Alex ! excellent lesson, thnak you so much. you have removed my great confusion .
Alex is an excellent teacher. Thanks. The topic was interenting and the teacher explained the class in a simple way.
Thank so much Alex you taught a nice lesson
and now i know how to use since and for
this is very much helpful to me.
hi Alex thanx a lot, first time I could understan the difference between these two words. you are a excellent teacher.
thnk u very much for such a imperative quiz
hi Alex…this test is very useful ….i understood this easily
I am pleased because I am learning every day more with you thank you for your free lessons
Thanks Alex , yesterday i took this lesson at the British counsil ^_^
Thanks Alex
thnk you very much
thnk u very much
thnk u very much thnk u very much thnk u very much
Thank you a lot.Could you please tell what should be used in the following sentence ?
My fate has been pre-determined ___ years.
hi mister Alex
thank u alot but i still dont understand when we must ask a question in persent perfect bcz i Ask a question in the present perfect because I always understand it according to the rules of my language or the meaning that settled in my mind for us, there is no difference between the words in the past I took my medicine.and saying in the present perfect i have taken my medicine.
i wish you help me plz bcz i love english so much and i want to learn it .bye
sorry . i mean ask a question like :
have you taken ur medicine ?
did you take ur medicine ?
thank u mister Alex for this test i Succeeded in answering when i er _ hearing to ur video time after time .thank u a lot but still have a problem about ask a question in p perfect
hi sir
i still don t know when must be used the present perfect . and when i speak with my friends about something happened in the past i don t know if should be used this sentence or that :
did u read my letters ?
have u read (red) my letters ?
did u broke the window?
have u broken the window ?
plZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz sir help me bcz i lost my self-confidence
Dear Sir,
Here is a problem for me. I couldn’t understood the “word” like when it is used in the beginning of the sentence. For example, like my father she prays five times a day. Please tell me what is the world like in grammar here in this sentence?
Thank you for your lessons, I’ve learned a lot with this videos. I already learning about since, for, ago with this ones. I need to learn about whatever, whenever, whichever, whoever and wherever, if you could help me, I thank you so much.
i really get a lot new about since n for. thankful 2 u. thanx.
Thanks for your classe Alex, and thank for your answers. That explains you’re a good teacher !
thank you very much sir, your act of clearing of doubt is perfect and encourage someone to know it from deep point.
dear sir i like your all lessons because all they are helpful for us but i want to give you and your institution a suggestion that if you will provide a written note of description at the header of your screen beside watching your lesson then it will prove more beneficial to us because then we can read your lesson about at particular topic and also listen your lesson.for example as your descriptive note on the lesson before enter into the lesson( No more confusion with ‘for’ and ‘since’! Depending on whether you want to talk about how long you have been doing something, or when you started doing something, you will need to use one of these two words. Find out which is which in this English grammar lesson!)
you can add here about the description of the topic. please think about my suggestion.if we listen and the read a lesson then we can gain more reminds please do something about this.
Thanks Sir
Dear Alex
your teaching method is very good.
Since is used for specific time/place etc.
For is used where a duration of time is given.
Hi Alex,
lesson was fantastic.I had a doubt between these two for a long time.Im expecting new more lessons from u guys.
thanks so lot my friend
Im a new Canadian citizen (since) 2 years
Alex you are my best teacher .
Hi Alex.Excellent lesson.My name i Sansar im from Mongolia.I have been learning English for 2years and i have got problem.Could you tell me? How can i explain myself and Picture.For example: Im 26 and I have big family and i live with my mother and wife.extra… …. Picture means: Any logo,art,and …
Could you send me some example via my E-mail add please! Thank you! /
Hi Alex.Lesson is very clear.I have much confused the use of these two words. your teaching method is very good.Thanks a lot.
Once again. Thank you very much. You explained it very well.Listening to your lectures is very interesting as always.
God bless
thanx Alex….the lessons are very helpful.I can understand the lessons.But i can’t speak English fluently.Can u please suggest how can i improve my English??
Thanx again.
thanks for teaching
and i want to know clearly about Past Perfect Continues
Hi Alex, thank you for teaching,It is very helpful for me.
it was to the point and explained nicely and simply. Thanks a lot. And the quiz really helped in fixing the concept to mind.
thnk u very much Thank u Alex, thank you for teaching,It is very helpful for me.
i like it thinku teachre Alex it is good i laren a lot .
Mesi from botswana
I am a little confused.Why can one say ,`” The sun has been shining since last week” i thought week is a a duration of time and not a point in time.
Can u then say,i have been in hospital since 3 months?
pls tell me which sentence is correct or wrong and why.
Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend.
Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving since friday.
It has been 3 days since Jim has been misbehaving
Thank u
“Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend.” — CORRECT
“Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days.” — WRONG; change since to for.
“Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days.” — CORRECT
“Jim has been misbehaving since friday.” — CORRECT, but capitalize ‘Friday’ :)
“It has been 3 days since Jim has been misbehaving.” — WRONG. This is a strange sentence but you could say “It has been three days since Jim started misbehaving.”
Hi alex!
I want to ask you some questions as below:
What is different between however,although, ..
hi zuzu,
Jim has been misbehaving since the weekend. omit “the”
Jim has been misbehaving since THE past 3 days. you should use “for”
Jim has been misbehaving for 3 days
Jim has been misbehaving since friday.
Hi Alex!
Thank you so much for the lesson.
Thank u sir for another great lesson…
hmm.. nice lesson. realy i got new sence.thanks
its gave me a new sense thanks.
thanks teacher!your voice is so clearly to listen. I got 100 marks in the test of this lesson! hihi! thanks!
you lessons are best thank you
EngVid has got very good lessons. Its amazing, how in 4 minutes, i can understand this. awesome. Thank you very much Alex.
i wanted hotta learn e.g.thx for help
Thanks Alex,I’ve got100% marks on this point.Could you please tell me is this sentence right?
“I have been waiting for a year”
Good lesson Alex
Thank you
this is an incomplete exercise on for and since. I don’t like it.
How can we improve it?
I’ve learnt a lot of things!
sir alex you taught this topic superbly .I start taking your class now and you are a very good teacher.
THANKS ALOT my teacher
Dear Alex,
After watching yr explanation I am understand how to use for and since with Present Perfect Tense. However, I still wonder if Since and For can be used in Present simple tense ? if yes could you pls. explain how to use it ?
Many thks.
Hi Angella,
I can’t think of an example where “since” can be used in the present simple to express time. However, you can use “for” in the present simple to talk about behaviour that is regular or generally true about yourself.
“I practice guitar for 45 minutes every day.”
“On Saturdays, I study English for a few hours.”
thank you,Alex.I learned a lot from your explanation
thank you so much alex for this lesson
thanx a lot!!! great teacher and lessons also!!
This quiz was so easy 7 of 7 I feel like going out drink some beers. viva canada and mexico, so long.
hello alex, how can i improve my writing because i can read and speak only 80% but i can’t write…from Nashville tn
thanks a lot T.Alex
hello , I’m Ammr
thank you alot
thank you very much foe such quizss
how can we improve our speaking
very easy English that help me to understand the topic as well as your conversation. from many years I am in search of this kind of program thanks.
merci beaucoup!!!enjoyed the test:))))))))
Is simple
Thanks Alex for your clear and good topic on your lesson.I got 100% correct on your quiz because of your way of teaching.Hope that,there are more lessons to come.
Thanks Alex ….very nice lesson
thanks — i want lesson about modal verbs
Thanks a lot!!!
Thank’s Alex
This Lession is very useful for all who wanna know about usage of Since, and For.
It’s very good. thanks again.
Someone asked me about a sentence they found in a text book, ‘since you’ve arrived the weather’s been awful’. They asked why the present perfect was used instead of the present simple. Is this sentence correct or is it a mistake?
Thank you
thank u (:
I have been looking for good english garmmar lessons for long time…now i got it..vvv nice
thank you
thanx alex you are a great teacher i had just only one question wrong:)
is this sentence rite.. million of thnx:)
hey, just one more question. I wonder if it’s okay (not necessarily correct) to say “I’ve been feeling a little bit depressed (ever) since I have this banging headache”; how bad does it sound? thanks in advance.
Hi m.a.t,
It’s almost correct.
“I have been feeling a bit depressed (ever) since I got this pounding (more common) headache.”
I hope this helps!
Hi Alex. I really need in your explanation. Is the next sentence correct?
‘(ever) Since i own the coffee shop I have been very busy.’
‘Since i own the coffee shop’ (here i mean i still have the coffee shop)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much indeed. You guyz have been doing a great job.
could you explain me the meaning between below sentences
1. It has rained since 9am.
2. it has been raining since 9am.
There is very little difference in meaning in those two sentences. The only grammatical difference is that when you use the present perfect, you are focusing on the end result – on the act itself. When you use the present perfect progressive, you are focusing on the process. Mentally, there is a different picture of the event in a native speaker’s mind when you use these two sentences, but the meaning itself is the same.
1. It has rained since 9am. –> It’s not raining anymore now (the rain has stopped) but you can still see the street is wet as the result of raining.
2. it has been raining since 9am. –> It’s still raining now.
Isn’t it so Alex?
u almost there ,but i disagree, we use the present perfect continuous when we talk about an action which began in the past and has recently stopped or just stopped:
Is it raining ?
No, it isn’t but the street is wet.
It has been raining.
here are some examples:
You are out of breath.Have you been running ?
another 100… thank u…
Thanks Alex
I love this way of teaching
God bless you
Oh I forgot my quiz is full 10/10
a lesson .it help me lot
Hi Alex,
I would like to appreciate the way you are teaching. With regard to “since” & “for” why did you use in present perfect tense only ? For instance, we can say or write like” Since I’m not good in English, I fell TOEFL test.” what is the difference between the above, my sentence & your examples. Thanks a lot.
thanks alex
Thanks !
The quiz was ver interesting, need is to upload more tricky quzies, it was a simple ones
This really works! Thanks,Alex :) you helped me a lot!
alex u r the best teacher
Thank you very much Mr.Alex. Your lesson and explain is very good and i can see it.
thankyou alex ,the lesson was quite interesting.
great explanation
Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7..’thank you for this free English lesson I’ve learned a lot from you sir Alex…could you teach me for free??i want to be fluent in English…thank you so much
thanx for the help
i have been working for last two hours…. or i have been working since last two hours..??
please tell me
i have been working for last two hours
Thank you very much. This is a fantastisc lesson
This website rocks. Thank God I found this. Finally I’ll be able to improve my English. God bless you ALL the teachers. Carlos
Hi Alex
Thanks for your lesson.:-)
Respected Sir,
If I write english sentences.You can guide me that these are right or wrong.
I hope you will consider my request.
God bless you.
its very helpfull to improve my english knowledge.
thanks to all, may god bless you.
thans a lot SIR,Alex
u r great teacher
this topic is really important and i really enjoeded. i want to say thank you for all your hard work with us Gad bless you.
Thanks Alex .
This lesson helped me a lot… thank you Alex!
with best wishes to you. Edyta from Poland
I really enjoy learning here =)
thanx for great & easy teaching methods.
hi alex thanx for that lesson i am very enjoyed and learnt so thnx
Thanks . i get 100% is nice .:( by i have a big problem when i have to write i can do right i am study for get my GED , i have a lot of problem with my easy am really appreciate with this lesson .
Hi! Alex m sudip from INDIA I wanna learn english & I wanna sound in english speaking cause m not sound at spoken english plz give me some best tips which enables me to improve my skill thank u…
Thanks a lot.
thank you alex. what can I do to improve my writing? I always fail on my test.please give me Idea thank you
Hello Alex,
We want to learn Grammer.It is better for me.Thanks
Hi. A lex! Would you mind explaining me clear how to choose and use the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous? Many thanks in advances.
While i am teaching my students, I am facing with some problems. the problems are that When should we use present perfect and when should we use present perfect continuous tense? Do you have any specific clues to make them easily understand?
the lesson talking about for and since.
i pass the quiz i got 7 out 7 that mean 100 out 100 right.
finally i like to say thank you so much Mr. Alex
This is a great and easy way to learn english.
Hi Shibu
Your lesson on “FOR’ and ‘since’ was interesting.Good you have chosen the functional method.Please let me know whether agree to and agree for convey the same meaning
Hi,this lesson is very helpful for me thank you for submitting this lesson.
Hi,Alex your lessons was helped for my English alot.Thanks Alex
hey thanks it helped me a lot
Dear Alex,
Cau teach prepositions lessons & Direct & Indirect speech?
Very practical
Thank you Alex
The best for you :)
I appropriate for your free lesson, it was really helpful.
Thank you Mr. Alex..
wonderful lesson, you make it very easy for me. Thanks
hey, i have a question….
can i say … I listened to music since i was 5 years old?
can u just tell me the usage of since when…
Thank you Alex, it was a clear explanation. I hope you red this message. Best regards.
Thank you Alex, Nice and clear explanation.
what do we use since / for ?
———- a short time and why ?
Hey..Thanks, I like this video . It was really helpful :D
thank for the lesson
Thanks for the great helpful. I think this is the better way to learn how to describe about scince and for!
Hello Sir,
Which sentence below is correct?
“He has spent 7 days in the hospital since he had an accident”
“He spent 7 days in the hospital since he has had an accident”
I would really love to know the answer, Thanks.
thanks for the lesson
when can we consider the action in finish or not finish?
Thank you, Mr. Aziz, Alex. These lessons on the good and wonderful
thanks alex i’ve learn such a nice lesson from u.
Now i`v got the right concept regarding since and for. Thanx Alex
very good
Since and For
Actually they ware very simple :)
very nice .
thank you soo much for this class……!!! it’s nice.
sir i had many problems regarding to this topic……but you have solved my problems..
thanx alot:)
thankx for lesson that was very interesting
hello sir.
There is one example.
(since/for) four hours, he is busy in his laboratory.
What will be used here? since or for?
Thanks in advance.
Can you explain that ?
for many years,for many years
why don’t we use FOR?
and other question
1-I started this job last year.Since then,I have had lots of troubles.
2-I have had a lot of trouble since I started this job last year.
what’s the difference of those clause ?
I have learned something on this video.Thank you so much.
At the first time , l visit this web site
this site will be good for me. thank you
Thank you ^^
this is useful for me.
Dear Alex,
You’re one of my favorite teachers since I’ve been browsing this fabulous website as you answer to most of students questions briefly and clearly with a deep thought.. ;) God bless you for that..
Going through all comments n questions from this topic, reminds me of this :
Since you’ll be away, I’ll cover it for you.
Since it’s your duty, I’m not gonna do it.
How can I explain this ‘since’?
Perhaps another video covering various functions of ‘since’ would help?
And one more thing, I just realized that Canadian English (as teachers’ accent here) is very clear to ESL n EFL learner (it’s my opinion) or it’s just a coincident? So what about your slang, idioms, or expressions? Are they common? I mean can we also use it while talking to American or British or even Australian?
I hope I’m not asking too much..
Yours Faithfully,
p.s. Merry Christmas n Happy New Year for everyone, may peace will always be upon us..
Hi Sir Alex, Nice to meet you on Engvid I really happy for that Engvid help for us. and Henny is also helped me to this Chapter.
Thank’s Alex, I got 7/7 he he he, it’s became easy with your lesson….
Hi,sir Alex,thanks for this wonderful lessons. i am so happy to find this website and helpful english is weak but it will be good because you and your site.thanks.
Hello Alex,
your lessons are great . I have been learning English for 3 years , and I have got some problems with Present Perfect and Present Perfect Progressive.
Could you please be so kind and explain when I have to use which time forms.
have a good one.
very helpful thank you very much
wao it was interesting
thank you so much but i don’t understand the defferant betwen for and since
hi dear Alex
would you please tell me this sentence is correct or not?
i have been living hear since 8 years ago.
i am not sure about the correct use of SINCE here. it is so important, please tell me
i am waiting for your answerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
100/100 Thank you Alex…
hello sir, where can i able to see the test questions here?
If you can’t see the quiz at, try checking if your browser is up to date. You may need to download the latest version.
Thank you so much for teach English on the web. I love the way you explain each lesson.
its very good way to help those,who want to learn english language.thanks a lot ALEX
Dear Alex
**Our Land phone has been disconnected since last 3 days**
Is this Correct?
no here ‘for’ use because ‘since’ is use for fix time which it is disconnected and ‘for’ use for quantity of time.for example my phone is disconnected for 3 days
hi sir
i have little confusion in since for and from my teacher say that since is use for specific time date and for is use for quantity for example you say that.she is waiting for 45min but there is specific time why you not use since and last one is, i have lived here for 4 year it is right because there is quantity of time use so use for but i have a big confusion in since and from plz help help me
I want to know why you used in one sentence,
I was not used to driving
(not)I was used to drive
I know what u used is correct, I have seen like this sentence in some books and articles
I want to know when to use this tense and what is called in grammar
great page today i learn use of since and for ……..
thank you very much for this lesson i was having trouble when i used “for & since” so you have moved this trouble
at the end thank you so much for all your lesson i found them very helpful ,,,,, correct my mistakes please
I like your teaching method .you are great person .I love you.
thank you so much alex.i was little confused on using since & for .i came across your website and it was very helpful for me as my examz are going on .
thanks a lot
thanks mr alex
thankxx dear alexx,,,,
What does this sentence mean:”It has been four years since he was a teacher.”?
Does it mean He hasn’t been a teacher for four years or He has been a teacher for four years?
very helpful lesson..Thanks!!!
its really helpful lesson ! thank you :D
yes i get 7, thats all coz of u,you are great techer mr alx thanks
Which is sentes correct “I know him” or “I’ve known him”
Hi i!!got 7!!LOL thank you so much
plus, I want to know some conversations to talk with my foreign teacher:) plz help me
Hi Alex, I’m Tomas from Cuba. I’ve lived in USA for the last 5 years and your lessons are helping me so much. You’re excellent teacher and I can understand you 100%. Don’t quit. We need you. Thanks.
Thank you Alex..Hope I’ll pass my exam :(
thx alot
finally i got it :)
Hi. Alex. I wish you’re fine. Thanks for this lesson. I like your way at explain the lesson. You are always calm in your class,it’s your personality. That makes everyone love your lessons.
thanks Aliex. your teaching is very good.
i am having a doubt about point of time and period of time regarding my professional experience in my resume.
could u plz solve this for me.
•Working as a Software Engineer at TCS, Chennai since Feb 2010 to till date.
•Working as a Software developer at Defiance Technologies, Chennai from Sep 2008 to Jan 2010.
is this two sentences correct or not.
plz send reply.
hi sandeep,sorry for disturbing,to my mind you are correct
Thank you so much
wow.. superb…
Thanks alex….
thank you so much Alex
you solved my problem
i got : 100.00 You got 7 correct out of 7
thank u so much
Great lesson alex..thx
hi teacher, i m a new user iwant to improve speaking english will u plz guide me from whic
h lesson i should start?
Hi Alan
I got 100 %.. very useful lesson it was.
i hate blanks
hi,Alex,If you don’t mind could you please send you e-mail id,then i can contact you whenever i need.I work as a translator(in english)and i have some problem using words.pleaseeeeeeeeee dont object.I am waiting your respons.I am grateful beforehand.
Alex,ua the best!!
I have been in Syracuse,NY for three years ,and i didn’t see a great teacher like you and our lovely lady the teacher
Ronnie.God Bless you all
please we need more about phrasal verbs
and slang language
Thank u Mr Alex, i actually benefits from this topic.
I got it ! Thanks so much !
what should we use (since/for)before
last-weak/year/10 years and so on?
thank you very much
“doing that since i was a kid ”
is this correct ?
thank you very much
hai dear
Hi teachers!! I want to know the difference in using given,since and because in sentences. I will surely appreciate any comments. Thanks!
thankx Alex this help me alot
Your score: 85.71 You got 6 correct out of 7. :/
i am more confidence after watched your teach..
this lesson help me in my
this lesson helps me in my studies
Hey Alex! Great lesson. I wanted to know how to explain the difference to my students in Portuguese. Your lesson was well explained. Thank you so much.
Its wonderful to see the way you are responding Mr.Alex, from today i have decided to be a regular user of this site, nice one.
is it correct:-
since i’m a good listener i will learn english easily.
Hi Mr. Alex.
I’m a teacher from India. A question I had given for a test in the present perfect tense was ‘ I___________________ (play) football since my childhood.(Answer: have played)
I have a question,is this sentence is correct?
Since she was a child,she likes sports,especially water sports,such as swimming and water skiing.
you guys are great .. thanks for your help……
thanks iam v.good now full mark
Hi Alex I would like to thank you for this helping vidio , it is really helpful.
what should i use in this sentence
i am not feeling well since Friday or i am not feeling well or almost 2 days.
thanks to my great teacher Alex i got a perfect score! keep up the good work sir!
ou got 7 correct out of 7.
he has been doing this job…..many years.(since or for)
which preposition has to place in the blank?
i didnot listen u r lecture so thats why i didn’t deliver my comment
salut, d’abord je remercie votre excellence de nous avoir aidé,j’ai commencé d’étudier la langue d’anglais,et donc je me confond entre “for” et “since”. est-ce que ça sera possible de m’expliquer la base de ces derniers, et merci monsieur alex
I love English grammar!!!
Thats great…!!!
I have learned more from Here
I am looking a sentence for “since”
Acually i need this for my homework
It was a brilliant class. Thank You alex
tanks you a lot Alex…
Thanks i have cleared different between since and for
Which one is correct. Since when has she been sleeping or since when she has been sleeping.
thank you sir!!! I am clear. i got 7 out of 7,
Some verbs e.g be, have,and know. How they used in the continuous?
thank you in advance
good job, i appreciate ur help, you have been helpful a lot
Thank you Alex :-)
hello thank you very much for these lessons . i hope to get me some informations about how to use : however ,whatever, and whoever . thanks
Hello Alex Sir. I have got 5/7.I was confused on 1 question but you had written about earlier question in comments. You speaks slowly I easily understand what you are teaching and I like it.So,thank you Alex Sir!
With regards
Please tell me if this sentece is correct
I’ve been to mexico in the last year
I’ve been there for 5 month
Nice lesson! Short but effective. I have a question: when should I use whether or if? Thanks
Nice lesson! Short but effective. I have a question: when should I use whether or if? Thanks
Very informative! Simple yet common mistake by many! Thank you Sir Alex! More power and God bless!
yeah…i got 100%..:D
hi,Alex thanks for giving a good lesson,I have been working as a teacher of English since 2005 and I m very happy with engvid videos.I have been watching your videos since last month,improved a lot in me. You are teaching very well. I have a doubt . Shall I use these with only perfect progressive or with other tenses ,some are using with some tense…please help me.
thank you so much for your it help me a lot to understand this matter.
thank you so much
Thank you very much teacher Alex, you make it very easy too understand.
to* not too, sorry
Sir Alex, can you make an examples of sentences using ” Since I have met you” and “Since I met you”. would you use it in the beginning of the sentence, this will help me a lot.Thanks in advance.
you’re fit to be a teacher
Hi Alex, how are you?
First of all I want to say I love this website and all the lessons, really awesome work is done here.
I have a question…the last question of the quiz is:
the last question is :
They have been making together _______ the early 1980s.
Is it sth missing there? making what together?
or is make together an expression for sth? I asked a couple f people b4 asking u and wasting ur time. So that’s why I am asking, I am very curious and because of me a bunch of people are too.( hahahah)
Thank you very much!
Sorry to bother :)
Hello Alex,I have a question about how to use Present perfect,statements with FOR and Since in to a question? thank you for your help. :)
Thank you Alex. Your classes are Excellent!!!
i finished the 130 lessons of Alex, lstening ans writhing
Excellent lesson, simple way to explain this subject, congratulations teacher.
thank you ^^
Thank you
Thank you Alex.
very good lesson.thanks alex.
7/7 ! thank you
Why we do not use “for”for ..for all day or all time
Please you give me your answer
Thanks !! I needed this yesterday for my job and.. ouf !! it was right !
This website is very useful.
OMG! Thank you. Today It was a theme in my class room. Thank for your help. I have been studying very much.
Thanks Mr. Alex
Thank you Alex, you are a great teacher!
Alex Thank you for your very Good gob !!!!!! )
7/7 – very simple and good lesson. Thank you.
Thank you very much teacher Alex, you make it very easy to understand.
Thank you, dear Alex!
Hello, I can’t understand your video called “How to use SINCE and FOR with PRESENT PERFECT”. But in the quiz there are questions in PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE. Why it so?
Thank u my enlish teacher for ur Expline,my quetion is In what tenses we can use for,and sunse?
_ for,and since.are proposation?or what?
i got 86%
I got 7/7.
I’s easy, all about the tenses in english
I like so much your classe.
Thanks for you help.
Thanks for this great lesson! It helped me a lot!!
Hi Alex your lessons are
Excelet. I like this class…
i love it!
Thank you Alex
7/7 Gool
i can’t do the exam??
it doesnt open
I understood HOHOH
Thanks for the lesson
Thanks for the lesson. Topic inderstood
Thanks Alex for making my life Easier! Your Explanation on the topic is totally clear and helpful. Thanks to you, I will be able to explain since and for to my students in an easy and dynamic way. I hope in the future you explain all the uses of the present perfect with the rest of the words such as: yet, already, just, never, and ever in one single Video Lesson!
Hugs from Ecuador (South America),
Thanks a lot , Alex . I comprehend this prepositions very well. No lore doubts when and how to use it. Take care,Augusto.
Very good lesson, Alex. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Alex, great lesson and very easy to understand.
Thank you
alex you are super teacher .. ;)thank you .
I have watched the video since 2 pm, thank you Alex
It’s a good lesson!!! Thanks
thanks my teacher .i have got 100 scales thanks
I got 100 thank you so much
best lesson
Nice teaching.
Thanks a lot for it!
All the best!
thank you Mr.Alex
Thank you very much Mr. Alex.
Thanks! I have been trying to figure the perfect tense since yesterday. With lots of practice, I am seeing results in my writing.
Thank you Alex for this smart lesson! Congratulations from Brazil.
I haven’t written to him ______
A)more than a year. B)1987
A)for. B)since
I watched this video twice on June 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven correct out of 7.
Hi Alex thanks scine to next topic,, hhhhhhhh(I just joke with you )
So,, I have un Idea, when I can use for or scine,
My Idea it’s to but How before any sentence then answer the question and if you get duration of time or specific time it was be right position to put for, and the opist true,,am I right ?
best regatds Alex (Kazakstan 18 oct2021)
Dear Alex, I feel so great since I found your page. Honestly, I quite perceived my language is getting better, especially when I resolved that do your quiz.
Thank you