Do you know how to properly use the words IF, WILL, WOULD, and WERE in English? Many of my students do not… until they take my class. Now that class is made available to you. IF you watch it, you WILL learn.
Hi there!
Great lesson teacher. It’s really useful. carry on doing like that. congratulaiotns for your initiative.
Euripedes garcia
Thanks Euripedes garcia, for the comment and using the site.
james !!!!! hi ? i’m korean ! but i live in canada
if u have time i want to meet in canada
can u teach me face to face ?
i was surprised!!!!!!!!!!! ur lesson is good!!!!!!!!!! really really i want it !
Hi James,
I did a question some days ago about the other Conditionals and you didn’t answer it. How can we be in touch to solve doubts? I’m registered.
all the thank for you my best teachers
king futur
could you help me with will& would (difference)
Mohammed Ajaz
Hi, James!
I have a question.
in imaginary sentence, Do I always need “V2B”?
I hope Christmas holiday will be over soon!
Hi Rieko,
No, you don’t always have to use the “V2B”
You have to have the dependent clause in the past tense and use would, should, could, or might in the main clause.
The “V2B” is a special case when used in the imaginary tense, as mentioned in the video.
Hope this helps.
Hi I like your video lessons a lot. Thanks a lot , James. I didnt know that in the main clause in the second conditional to express imaginary situation I could use should , could , and might. Can you give me an example
in short, we always use V2B in imaginary form…?
Hi, James. I have a problem with this subjunctive past. Can you tell me what is the difference between
“What would happen if I did not remember things?”
What would happen if i were not? to remember things?
I think it is the same , only different expression.
Hi James!
Thanks again for another helpful lesson.
Can you please give me a short idea on what “V2B” means?
Well Nilo,
As you have seen, it has a unique form when used in the imaginary tense.
It is the only verb with a different form for the first person, the third person singular, and the plural/ second person forms.
Ex: I – am/’m
S(he), It – is/’s
You, We, They – are/’re
It is also the auxiliary verb used with the present continuous.
thank you very match . i will be see all your video in the futur
this sentence is right: if I were president I’d change the world
nice lesson
but what about the third condition?
can u make some lessons on how to use would and could?
realy you are skilled teacher
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hi James
your lessons very useful to me, please could you tell the difference between the imaginary would and the will in the past tense
Muhanad Jaff
hi, there~
I’ve just seen your lesson about conditionals. I can say it’s goon enough.
and I wonder… why didn’t you make a video lesson about 3rd conditional sentence, zero one as well.
I hope you make it so soon.
one of those who wait for your lessons.
Hi James,
Thanks for the lesson. i have a question. if a condition is given, will that affect the answer would or will? Example as below:
We can see light because of the carotenoid pigments present in the retina. If these pigments were not present in the retina, we _will/would_ be blind.
what should be the answer? thanks
Big tks to u, James !
Thankyou Sir for helping me out of this thing
Muhammad Asif
thts realy help me
Hi James, your lesson is help me . thank you very much:)
Hi James. I love your classes!
There are many Conditionals (in regreted or imaginary situations, in the present, in future and now). You do not gave that lesson or I couldn’t find them?) . I’m needy of this urgently, please.
thanks a lot
thank you mr.james you are the Best Teacher Thank’s again
hi james,this is first time i join you..thank you for your all help.god bless you.
noureen khurshedi
hi James,u did a great job n your way of teaching is supurb.i have learnt a lot from u but i would like more explanation about conditional n imaginary sentences.what is a major difference between if+will and if+would.
The class was very helpful. Thank you for teach me. Engvid is the best english site that I have found, because of the teacher´s quality.
Irma Conrado
hoohhhh my godness, I didn’t know I were . . he were a good student , , , if you were a girl I fu,,,,,..
thanks james
this site is very interesting and helpful. thanks a lot! ^^,)
hi james, I understood your lesson about conditionals however, I do not understand which is the difference among will and would when they express typical behaviour
hi James, I understood your lesson about how to use if clauses. But I would like to know more about between and among.
thank man that is easy dody from egypt byyyyeeeeeeee
hi james,
How could i master basic english grammar without being sleepy during studying?
hello James :)
i like this lesson, but can i ask u one question?
i do not know can i but i’m asking ^^
i do not understand this thing: i saw that there was written:” if i WERE a smarter man, i would be rich” why did u use WERE….i had been learning in school that i+ to be(in the Past.S) = WAS
is it wrong?
this situation make me confuse…please help me with it…)
Thanks a lot )*
Ruslana, James explains this at about 3:20 in the lesson. If you want to study more about this topic, please read about the SUBJUNCTIVE form in any English grammar book.
oh i am so sorry, forgive me my inattention … and thanks for help =)
Of course. Thanks for using the site.
Congratulations…….you are a great teacher!!!!!
Hi, James, I like you smile=) Just keep smiling=)
thank are a very good teacher
danaila lucian
Thank You James
no entiendo nadaq hablo español
thank u james…
let’s listen to the song ” If i were a boy ” of Beyon C . You will know exactly what is imaginary sense .
But I hate Beyonce and that type of music!
i think the other lyrics of the songs are don’t have gramar..
Hi James, thanks for the lesson, you have really been very helpful. I like your teaching style, I’m so glad there is a site to help indivduals who have trouble with english.
Hi Comrade James.
I am very glad with you lovely lessons, iam a sudanese residing in Juba the capital of Southern Sudan. it’s really my pleasure to express my gratitude to you my teach, i wish you all the best
Hi james,
I have doubt with what’s the difference between could,would,should. I hope you will rectifying my doubt.
thanks for help you are a great teacher
hello there… it’s such a good thing that i could find a video like this. it’s very helpful. honestly, i understood the lesson perfectly. to whatever extent or degree, i hope it is possible for you to give a short teaching demo about the following topic: will/would in the ‘if’ clause. although i know the rules about this, i want to learn more.
really luv ur videos!I really need help in understanding different types of clauses and phrases and tips to identify them!!
Dear Mr.James:
I am working hard to improve my English language skills now a days and I have discovered that is really helpful for English learners. I always watch your online lectures with a great interest; they are really remarkable. if you explain the use of “would have been “in one of your upcoming lectures. I will be very grateful.
Please do this favor to all new English learners and me.
M.Raheel. Zuberi
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Hi Mr.James. I am glad to improve my english language by your great lessons.
FOR ME, you speak a little bit fast. but i will try to pick everything because still im new. My language is “PERSIAN”. Best of luck Mr. James.
I really like your style in teaching …
and am asking to add the ” Would have + been ”
how can i use it ?
Thanks a lot,it helps me to remember this grammar better.
If I were to watch a lesson per day, I would really become a smart english student.
hello teacher
when ever i read English i had too much confusions in my mind but now teacher i’m satisfied n know more than before after watching ur videos on Engvid.Sir . plz don’t mind let me say that u r my favorite teacher .i can write but speaking skill needs improvement.Sir im from Pakistan. its my wish to talk with u once .
plz dont mind .
thanks n grateful forever Sir.
you are the greatest teacher I have ever seen
I am very Grateful To attend you lessons, there are all understandable, I really Appreciated
God be with you
Hakim Kamula
thank you james
Thank you.If I were able to see this video when I was young,my English would be better then now.
hi how are you doing sir thank you too mush i wish to pesent more for enghlish please i wanna find out diferent of would be and should be
mike max
super! you are great!! congratulation:)!
Hello James,
Sometimes people use sentences like:
It would be pleasure to meet in person.
I wouldn’t do that.
I would do that.
Here, is would targeting to future? what actually happing here. I often get confused with usage of would. Could please upload a video just for the simple usage of would instead of using in conditional.
Thank you for your future effort in advance.
lovely website , its realy a nice moral service for English Language
Hi James
Thank you for your lessons, you´re an excellent teacher. Hey one question, do all videos have tests?? I ask you because I didn´t find it in this video.
Best regards, from Bogota, Colombia.
Jesus Prada
how about “would have”?
Where are the quizzes??????????????????????????????/
Ahhh… now i know it..thanks for the viseo it really helps…
actually its very confusing… huh? but i tried to listen…
Salam James,
Thank you for this useful lesson. But, I want to say that “was” is used instead of “were” in some grammar books?!!! So what’s the best one to be used?
Hi James,
Can we use suppose to instead of should? I would be really grateful to u if you explain to me the different between suppose to and should.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks so much.
Hi, James!
What’s the difference between “would” and “could”?
Dear Jame,
I have one question to ask you explain me about how relationship between first, second, third condition and hypothesizing. You can see at OXFORD Upper-Intermediate Third Edition (page:151)for making sure to respond my questions. Thank you so much.
Piseyseth from Cambodia
youk piseyseth
hello James…ur lessons are really great.I like watching them.I’ve a question…what’s the difference of these 2 sentences:”I wish I were taller” and “I wish i would be taller”…thanks a lot..
thanks james for the great leeason and ilike wathing your lectur?
Iam living here in coatzacoalcos veracruz mex.
and Im learning english whit you guys,Im 47 yeas old, congratulations,muchas gracias
Phenomaenl breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
cristal clear james, but it is possible to say: if you study english harder, you WOULD be a good student. thanks!!
hello,teacher I have one question,how often do you refresh your lessons ? PS. thanks for yor lessons
it was really useful thank u james
cant we use this sentence “if i WAS a smarter man ,i would be rich
yup..this is true in my opinion :D
you can but it is used more in familiar language.
Thank you James. You are wonderful teacher.
Dear sir,
i can not take the classes so i want a book for english
shamsher khan
thanks :)
Hello and thanks a lot because of yoyr video, Sorry I have a question, is this question form of the imaginary conditional?” Would it be all right if I went home early tonight?.Thanks a lot, bye bye
I’ve seen in video example: If E were to study he would be a good student.
Does sense of that sentence differ from “if E studied he would be a good student” ?
Is my example grammatically correct?
If yes, what do we need “V2B to” for?
hi m.r james i’m glad that we have teacher like you..but i have question i know passive voice is used when you dont know who did the action but when you say : james was tagged in my photo..why dont we say james tagged in my photo..i will be really glad if you answer me thanks!
thx a lot mr
Hey James! Thanks for this lesson. But i’ve got one question. Can i remove the parts of the sentence like this?:
“I would make it another way, if i were you”
the explanation is very clear>> Thank you^_^
Hi James . thanks for useful lesson but can I have my point? sorry , I think after would we have to put infinitive without :”to”
Hi James,
Wouldn’t this sentence be like that: If E studied, he would be a good student?
I didn’t understand the first clause. ( If E were t study)
Would you mind explaing it for me? If so, I will be really glad. Thanks a million.
Could you please a make a video about conditional 3 and the mixed conditional? I’m particularly interested in the latter. Thanks in advance.
Hello Teacher. How are we going to use the zero infinitive?
Hi James,
Thanks for teaching the way we understand. You taught us:
If + will= conditionals
If + would= imaginary
I want to know about “If I had studied harder I would have passed the exams”.
Kindly explain
If E were to study, he would be a good student. For the first time in my life I saw were+infinitive. . . Could anybody here explain me how it works? Thank you in advance.
hi james…you are very nice and effective teacher…can u teach me how to write report..
Thank you! :)
HI james,
I’m a student of English and I’m preparing The FCE exam, you are of a great help for me. I love your way of teaching, I’d like to have a course about writing articles. Thanks a lot.
Thank you..
Hi James, Thank you for thr helpful lesson.
I would like to ask – why did you write “If E were to study…” and not “If E were Studying”?
This structure (“to study”) sounds weird to me.
Thank you very much for the job you do here for us!!!
I’m going to take IELTS where punctuation is important but it is still double Dutch for me. I would really appreciate if you could explain the punctuation rules in conditional sentences.
Why are there commas in some sentenses and no commas in others?
Thank you very much!
Hi James,I just found engvid few days ago.It’s great to refresh my English.
And you are a really great teacher.I wish,I could find some similar websites for another languages like German,Italian and French. Thanks
Mawinee maming
Hi James, I have a question:
I know that there are only tree conditionals the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd, but I have found on internet a website which mention the following clasification for conditionals:
Present real conditonal
Present unreal conditonal
Past real conditonal
Past unreal conditonal
Future real conditonal
Future unreal conditonal
So I would like you explain us whether that kind of clasification is correct or not and how it is related with the 1st-2nd-3rd conditionals that everyone knows.
R Luis
Hi James,
After watching your video, I read so many books. For imaginary, every one used “were” after I.
If I were you……
(here why can’t we use was?)
Can you please drop me mai.. Bcz, I didn’t get the answer for this in anywhere…
Hi, James
I’d like to ask you about how to use wish and imaginary situation ?
Your video student, from Laos.
when ı foun this site ı really be happy.ıt is usefull.ı just learn english.ı am a teacher but you re better than me.
hi James
i really like your lesson its helpful
thank you very much for this video!
I thank you very lessons and I study English literature and became in the second year and formed a weak in grammar in English and I almost lose my studies that I found your website this who planted in my heart, hope, and then decided to continue in my studies of literature.
That’s cool James. Thanks for the good lesson.
I like your teaching
thank you
Hello teacher,,
I like ur lesson very much and I can understand with you!
ButI need more ditailse about this leasson becouse I start studay the conditional sentences with 1st, 2nd, ampnd 3rd conditional which are talking about present to future, unreal preanent, and unreal past.
Sometimes with mixed conditional sentences and I get confused a little bite.
Could you please help me in this grammar.
Thank you,
Mrs. Alali
Very nice James!!
You have done a great work!!
Because i was curiously in search of How and where Will and Would be used? but I couldn’t find it.
But in this lesson, I have found this.
“If i were find(found?) it, I would never take your lesson” :)
please correct my mistakes in the aforementioned sentence….:)
one question that if “would” always be used only with “were”? please tell me a few bit about this…
Thanks James…
Zeshan Ahmed
Very nice James!!
You have done a great work!!
Because i was curiously in search of How and where Will and Would be used? but I couldn’t find it.
But in this lesson, I have found this.
“If i were find(found?) it, I would never take your lesson” :)
please correct my mistakes in the aforementioned sentence….:)
one question that if “would” always be used only with “were”? please tell me a few bit about this…
Thanks James…
Thanks. It is a good lesson!
Thank you so much james! I love your lesson.
but I have one question. I have no idea what diffrernces between ‘will’ and ‘would’.
will -> the boy is studying, so he
will be a good student.
would -> the boy is not studying, but if he were to study, he will be a good student.
I understood it in this way, but is it correct?
tell me anyone who knows about it.
always Thanks :)
thank you so much for your lesson
Why did you not put a quiz?
Its damn good lesson!
Its a very good lessons….its usefull and also needed to all person…thank you james…!!!!
thank you James I’m always listen to your lessons but my question I need more about vocabulary so vocabulary IS my problem .
very usefull web site homies
u r really great i hav some questions.which topic shd b taught first?active passive or clauses or conditionals
fari khan
plz let me know i would b much thankfull to u.
fari khan
u r great!bundle of thanks
fari khan
Your lessons really wery useful.
Could you please explane how to make opposite of word.
I know that it is possible with “re”,”in”,”im”..
But when use which? Is there any rules?
you have the best lesson ever.
i have question is imaginary mean samrthing that did mot happen but would happen?
wonderful Explain
i really love you teacher you are the best you were the one that helping me thanks a lot
afnan from iraq
hey James,
It is really productive lesson for me.
and… the quiz??
hi james I have question
If I were to study
If I studied
what is diffirance between them?
Its a pleasure watching this video James..
You made my day. :-)
Abdul Aziz
thanks James ;)
Thank you for this lesson james
Hi James
it is possible to do the lesson about mixed conditionals?I think they are useful as well…
Hello James,
I have a question related to this lesson.
Whenever we use “will” in the conditional sentence type 1, the result is 100% certain or just a likely situation??? There are two examples as follow:
A: If I study, I will pass the test.
(Maybe I will fail it even I study, it is
a likely result that I will pass it)
B: If you stop eating, you will feel hungry.
(It is 100% certain of the result.)
So, I am confused if the result clause is 100% certain or just a string likelihood if we use “will” in type 1 conditional.
Thanks James,
Chandra kanth
hi james.first of all you are really the best dude, thank u for all these effort to teach us english.
and i have a question,when i was listening to u i can understand nearly everything that you say but when i was watching an american movie or something like that,it is really hard to understand everything that they say and sometimes it really feels me bad and desperate. why does it happen?do u have an idea? what is the difference between your and their speech?
thank u again best wishes.
hi Jams could i ask you question?
I want to teach my sister the role of like +ing
could you tell me what are the best ways that can be used to make her understand?
thank u
Hi! James
i like this lesson i have gotten the difference between those two words. Again thanks
Thanks James, awesome lesson…
Nice lesson!) But I have a question: is there always ” to be”? I mean as it is in the sentence ” If E were to study…”? And if it’s ” should ” or ” would “, it will be without ” to “, right? I hope I understood right…thank you! =)
I understand this lesson – Thomas from Poland
Ty very much james
Thank you for your lesson !
Hi james sir,
can u make some quiz on this lesson?
hi sir… i have a question..
could we use the word COULD in imaginary or WOULD is only the right word for imaginary?!… thanks
I don’t understand this lesson
you can make other video
explaining this topic :S
hi…. I have a question.
I want to use if with this sentence “they didn’t have a map. they got lost”
I need to know which of these two kinds I have to use.
Thank you.
“If they didn’t have a map,they would be got lost”
Thanks for the lesson and please can you explaine the lesson of conditionnel type 1 and 2 for me please i have an exam after 7 days thank you very much
Thank you so much, James.
At the lessons that I do, I ever leave a big comment. That’s the form that I found to improve my english writing. How you can see, I’ve got to study so much to it.
This lesson was very useful for my english stage. Will, would, were… Those are very confusing words for me to my everyday use.
If I understood this lesson, Now I will expand my english conversation capacity.
If I were a beginner student, I would watch this lesson immediatly.
See you, James!
thank you
Great james thanks a lot
İ have a q for the first conditional sentences we must always use will could may must? what about should?can we use might ınstead of may or could instead of can i know about past tense but another teacher said some thing i got confuse
We can use modals in two ways :
FIRST USE(their first meaning)
SECOND USE(for degree of certainty)
I couldn’t get what is your actual question?
Please elaborate it. :)
Thank you James! Useful lecture to me
Hi teacher James, Great lesson as always, Could you please explain me a little bit about past unreal conditional inverted form? That confuses me a lot. Thanks in advance ;-)
From a movie:
I’m just trying to create the space for wisdom.
Person 1: Okay, so you’re like Buddha, if he wasn’t so enlightened.
Person 2: And you’re like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake.
How “If” is used here ?
Fida Hasan
Okay, so here “if” is being used to describe imaginary situations. It’s funny because it starts out as a compliment, but by adding “if…”, it turns into an insult.
“You’re like Buddha/Jesus”…but an imaginary Buddha/Jesus who is the exact opposite of the real one — unenlightened instead of enlightened, arrogant instead of humble.
Does that help?
engVid Moderator
I got a doubt! You said that when it is imaginary you use If + were. In an example that you show us, you said If I were to study harder I would be … Can I say: If I were studying harder I would. Thank you very much for the video
Awesome class! :D
Thank you Jmaes it was very interesting lesson. Cheers BOSS.
and greetings for all
but I have a question about (had had) and (could)
When we can use them in conditional?
Thank you James, you’re very charming ;)
Thank you.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks a lot for the lessons.
James can you explane me the words “Must” and “Have”, please….?
Perfect *-*
You are the best!
thank you for the lesson!! it is much esier for me to use “if.. will-would” in the right way!!
Bo Cau
Excellent class, you only forget to add a quiz, to reinforce what I’ve learned
hi, I have a question because I don’t know that i understood good this lesson.
If I have that sentence:
Let me know IF you know what time WILL you have a train OR: Let me know if will you know what time have you train.
which sentence it good or maybe both are wrong
(btw sorry for my english but I just start learning)
Excellent class, and good teacher. James, please more grammar letions….I am 40 years old, I don’t speak English, but I like this English Grammar of classes…Thanks…
hi James
thank you, i enjoy of that. but i cant understand the meaning of E in the circle. Could you writing that for me?
best regards
I read about conditional sentence, but I’m not really understand them all. Would you please explain to me; zero conditional, first conditional, second and third conditional sentences?
where’s the quiz?
Hello James, you’re the best teacher ever! Thanks for your lessons, they really give me more information than I’d got during my school years.
Can you please make a lesson about mixed conditionals? It’s so hard and confusing theme for me, I’d appreciate if you could.
I like how you start the lesson!lol. Good lesson. Thanks :):)
Good lesson James.I would like to thank you for all the help you are giving me through this videos to get better.Thanks!!!
please put quizzes, teacher !!!
There is no quizz
Mohamed Elsherbiny
Hi there, i’m new here. i have a question, James told us that If+were/would means that it is imaginary. My question is, after that would, do i need to use past verb or present verb. for example:
If she were a good person, she would never cheated on you. or if she were a good person, she would never cheat on you. thank you very much.
Indra Wicaksono
thank you teacher james =)
I dont know why we use ‘Be’with will/would/should…??? Plz help me..
Gurmukh Singh
I enjoyed the lesson.
Deidre Senra
thank you teacher james =)
Thanks teacher… good lesson!!
Thank you so much, greetings,
Marta Lopez
Could you please add a Quiz on this lesson ?
Hi, thanks for this lesson. I’m so proud to understand what you say. At first,when I watched some videos I thought they were too difficult for me, but now it’s quite clear! I really appreciate your teaching skills.
¿Donde puedo hacer el quiz?
Karen Diaz
Is it possible to say “If he studied he would be a good student” instead of “If he were to study he would be…”?
If he studied he would be a good student. — it is a standard form of the 2nd Conditional.
If he were to study he would be a good student. — if you use «were to do smth», you want to emphatize that this situation is highly unlikely to happen.
sorry – emphaSize
Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid, I thought that when you use “If + present simple + future simple” is the First Conditional and when you use “If + past simple + conditional simple” is the Second Conditional but now it’s also the Imaginary Tense, a new concept for me. Good explanation and performance. It’s all right.
Hi thanks
Great lesson
Thank you sir really helpful if Istudy engvideo then I will become a good person
where is the quiz for this lesson?
Why we dont use were instead of was ı cant understand that but ı understand will.
it is a bit complicate , why were not had , and anoher inquiry when i read a novel , the author usually use would without if . thank you.
Thank you James
Thank you James
Thank you, James. You are amazing. I got familiar to by you.
Great lesson teacher! Thanks!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thank you James!
George C
Hi,James,I really really like your lesson,I’m a Canadian ,where do u live in Canada,if it possible to meet up and have a coffee? Thank u again.
Janice chen
Hello James, i am just wanna get ensure about he-she-it with were!
thanks for this useful lesson but it require to have a quiz
Aml Mounier
Where is the quiz?
When this lesson was made. They wasn’t doing quiz.
Thanks a lot Mr James.
Do we use If I were you to indicate past situations or we should use If I had been to indicate past situations.
Just mixing them
Reem kweider
If I learn English use James’ lesson in Engvid I will be good at English. If I were to keep it this way I would have a good English level.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi there!
Great lesson teacher. It’s really useful. carry on doing like that. congratulaiotns for your initiative.
Thanks Euripedes garcia, for the comment and using the site.
james !!!!! hi ? i’m korean ! but i live in canada
if u have time i want to meet in canada
can u teach me face to face ?
i was surprised!!!!!!!!!!! ur lesson is good!!!!!!!!!! really really i want it !
Hi James,
I did a question some days ago about the other Conditionals and you didn’t answer it. How can we be in touch to solve doubts? I’m registered.
all the thank for you my best teachers
could you help me with will& would (difference)
Hi, James!
I have a question.
in imaginary sentence, Do I always need “V2B”?
I hope Christmas holiday will be over soon!
Hi Rieko,
No, you don’t always have to use the “V2B”
You have to have the dependent clause in the past tense and use would, should, could, or might in the main clause.
The “V2B” is a special case when used in the imaginary tense, as mentioned in the video.
Hope this helps.
Hi I like your video lessons a lot. Thanks a lot , James. I didnt know that in the main clause in the second conditional to express imaginary situation I could use should , could , and might. Can you give me an example
in short, we always use V2B in imaginary form…?
Hi, James. I have a problem with this subjunctive past. Can you tell me what is the difference between
“What would happen if I did not remember things?”
What would happen if i were not? to remember things?
I think it is the same , only different expression.
Hi James!
Thanks again for another helpful lesson.
Can you please give me a short idea on what “V2B” means?
Well Nilo,
As you have seen, it has a unique form when used in the imaginary tense.
It is the only verb with a different form for the first person, the third person singular, and the plural/ second person forms.
Ex: I – am/’m
S(he), It – is/’s
You, We, They – are/’re
It is also the auxiliary verb used with the present continuous.
thank you very match . i will be see all your video in the futur
this sentence is right: if I were president I’d change the world
nice lesson
but what about the third condition?
can u make some lessons on how to use would and could?
realy you are skilled teacher
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hi James
your lessons very useful to me, please could you tell the difference between the imaginary would and the will in the past tense
hi, there~
I’ve just seen your lesson about conditionals. I can say it’s goon enough.
and I wonder… why didn’t you make a video lesson about 3rd conditional sentence, zero one as well.
I hope you make it so soon.
one of those who wait for your lessons.
Hi James,
Thanks for the lesson. i have a question. if a condition is given, will that affect the answer would or will? Example as below:
We can see light because of the carotenoid pigments present in the retina. If these pigments were not present in the retina, we _will/would_ be blind.
what should be the answer? thanks
Big tks to u, James !
Thankyou Sir for helping me out of this thing
thts realy help me
Hi James, your lesson is help me . thank you very much:)
Hi James. I love your classes!
There are many Conditionals (in regreted or imaginary situations, in the present, in future and now). You do not gave that lesson or I couldn’t find them?) . I’m needy of this urgently, please.
thanks a lot
thank you mr.james you are the Best Teacher Thank’s again
hi james,this is first time i join you..thank you for your all help.god bless you.
hi James,u did a great job n your way of teaching is supurb.i have learnt a lot from u but i would like more explanation about conditional n imaginary sentences.what is a major difference between if+will and if+would.
The class was very helpful. Thank you for teach me. Engvid is the best english site that I have found, because of the teacher´s quality.
hoohhhh my godness, I didn’t know I were . . he were a good student , , , if you were a girl I fu,,,,,..
thanks james
this site is very interesting and helpful. thanks a lot! ^^,)
hi james, I understood your lesson about conditionals however, I do not understand which is the difference among will and would when they express typical behaviour
hi James, I understood your lesson about how to use if clauses. But I would like to know more about between and among.
thank man that is easy dody from egypt byyyyeeeeeeee
hi james,
How could i master basic english grammar without being sleepy during studying?
hello James :)
i like this lesson, but can i ask u one question?
i do not know can i but i’m asking ^^
i do not understand this thing: i saw that there was written:” if i WERE a smarter man, i would be rich” why did u use WERE….i had been learning in school that i+ to be(in the Past.S) = WAS
is it wrong?
this situation make me confuse…please help me with it…)
Thanks a lot )*
Ruslana, James explains this at about 3:20 in the lesson. If you want to study more about this topic, please read about the SUBJUNCTIVE form in any English grammar book.
oh i am so sorry, forgive me my inattention … and thanks for help =)
Of course. Thanks for using the site.
Congratulations…….you are a great teacher!!!!!
Hi, James, I like you smile=) Just keep smiling=)
thank are a very good teacher
Thank You James
no entiendo nadaq hablo español
thank u james…
let’s listen to the song ” If i were a boy ” of Beyon C . You will know exactly what is imaginary sense .
But I hate Beyonce and that type of music!
i think the other lyrics of the songs are don’t have gramar..
Hi James, thanks for the lesson, you have really been very helpful. I like your teaching style, I’m so glad there is a site to help indivduals who have trouble with english.
Hi Comrade James.
I am very glad with you lovely lessons, iam a sudanese residing in Juba the capital of Southern Sudan. it’s really my pleasure to express my gratitude to you my teach, i wish you all the best
Hi james,
I have doubt with what’s the difference between could,would,should. I hope you will rectifying my doubt.
thanks for help you are a great teacher
hello there… it’s such a good thing that i could find a video like this. it’s very helpful. honestly, i understood the lesson perfectly. to whatever extent or degree, i hope it is possible for you to give a short teaching demo about the following topic: will/would in the ‘if’ clause. although i know the rules about this, i want to learn more.
really luv ur videos!I really need help in understanding different types of clauses and phrases and tips to identify them!!
Dear Mr.James:
I am working hard to improve my English language skills now a days and I have discovered that is really helpful for English learners. I always watch your online lectures with a great interest; they are really remarkable. if you explain the use of “would have been “in one of your upcoming lectures. I will be very grateful.
Please do this favor to all new English learners and me.
M.Raheel. Zuberi
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Hi Mr.James. I am glad to improve my english language by your great lessons.
FOR ME, you speak a little bit fast. but i will try to pick everything because still im new. My language is “PERSIAN”. Best of luck Mr. James.
I really like your style in teaching …
and am asking to add the ” Would have + been ”
how can i use it ?
Thanks a lot,it helps me to remember this grammar better.
If I were to watch a lesson per day, I would really become a smart english student.
hello teacher
when ever i read English i had too much confusions in my mind but now teacher i’m satisfied n know more than before after watching ur videos on Engvid.Sir . plz don’t mind let me say that u r my favorite teacher .i can write but speaking skill needs improvement.Sir im from Pakistan. its my wish to talk with u once .
plz dont mind .
thanks n grateful forever Sir.
you are the greatest teacher I have ever seen
I am very Grateful To attend you lessons, there are all understandable, I really Appreciated
God be with you
thank you james
Thank you.If I were able to see this video when I was young,my English would be better then now.
hi how are you doing sir thank you too mush i wish to pesent more for enghlish please i wanna find out diferent of would be and should be
super! you are great!! congratulation:)!
Hello James,
Sometimes people use sentences like:
It would be pleasure to meet in person.
I wouldn’t do that.
I would do that.
Here, is would targeting to future? what actually happing here. I often get confused with usage of would. Could please upload a video just for the simple usage of would instead of using in conditional.
Thank you for your future effort in advance.
lovely website , its realy a nice moral service for English Language
Hi James
Thank you for your lessons, you´re an excellent teacher. Hey one question, do all videos have tests?? I ask you because I didn´t find it in this video.
Best regards, from Bogota, Colombia.
how about “would have”?
Where are the quizzes??????????????????????????????/
Ahhh… now i know it..thanks for the viseo it really helps…
actually its very confusing… huh? but i tried to listen…
Salam James,
Thank you for this useful lesson. But, I want to say that “was” is used instead of “were” in some grammar books?!!! So what’s the best one to be used?
Hi James,
Can we use suppose to instead of should? I would be really grateful to u if you explain to me the different between suppose to and should.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks so much.
Hi, James!
What’s the difference between “would” and “could”?
Dear Jame,
I have one question to ask you explain me about how relationship between first, second, third condition and hypothesizing. You can see at OXFORD Upper-Intermediate Third Edition (page:151)for making sure to respond my questions. Thank you so much.
Piseyseth from Cambodia
hello James…ur lessons are really great.I like watching them.I’ve a question…what’s the difference of these 2 sentences:”I wish I were taller” and “I wish i would be taller”…thanks a lot..
thanks james for the great leeason and ilike wathing your lectur?
Iam living here in coatzacoalcos veracruz mex.
and Im learning english whit you guys,Im 47 yeas old, congratulations,muchas gracias
Phenomaenl breakdown of the topic, you should write for me too!
cristal clear james, but it is possible to say: if you study english harder, you WOULD be a good student. thanks!!
hello,teacher I have one question,how often do you refresh your lessons ? PS. thanks for yor lessons
it was really useful thank u james
cant we use this sentence “if i WAS a smarter man ,i would be rich
yup..this is true in my opinion :D
you can but it is used more in familiar language.
Thank you James. You are wonderful teacher.
Dear sir,
i can not take the classes so i want a book for english
thanks :)
Hello and thanks a lot because of yoyr video, Sorry I have a question, is this question form of the imaginary conditional?” Would it be all right if I went home early tonight?.Thanks a lot, bye bye
I’ve seen in video example: If E were to study he would be a good student.
Does sense of that sentence differ from “if E studied he would be a good student” ?
Is my example grammatically correct?
If yes, what do we need “V2B to” for?
hi m.r james i’m glad that we have teacher like you..but i have question i know passive voice is used when you dont know who did the action but when you say : james was tagged in my photo..why dont we say james tagged in my photo..i will be really glad if you answer me thanks!
thx a lot mr
Hey James! Thanks for this lesson. But i’ve got one question. Can i remove the parts of the sentence like this?:
“I would make it another way, if i were you”
the explanation is very clear>> Thank you^_^
Hi James . thanks for useful lesson but can I have my point? sorry , I think after would we have to put infinitive without :”to”
Hi James,
Wouldn’t this sentence be like that: If E studied, he would be a good student?
I didn’t understand the first clause. ( If E were t study)
Would you mind explaing it for me? If so, I will be really glad. Thanks a million.
Could you please a make a video about conditional 3 and the mixed conditional? I’m particularly interested in the latter. Thanks in advance.
Hello Teacher. How are we going to use the zero infinitive?
Hi James,
Thanks for teaching the way we understand. You taught us:
If + will= conditionals
If + would= imaginary
I want to know about “If I had studied harder I would have passed the exams”.
Kindly explain
If E were to study, he would be a good student. For the first time in my life I saw were+infinitive. . . Could anybody here explain me how it works? Thank you in advance.
hi james…you are very nice and effective teacher…can u teach me how to write report..
Thank you! :)
HI james,
I’m a student of English and I’m preparing The FCE exam, you are of a great help for me. I love your way of teaching, I’d like to have a course about writing articles. Thanks a lot.
Thank you..
Hi James, Thank you for thr helpful lesson.
I would like to ask – why did you write “If E were to study…” and not “If E were Studying”?
This structure (“to study”) sounds weird to me.
Thank you very much for the job you do here for us!!!
I’m going to take IELTS where punctuation is important but it is still double Dutch for me. I would really appreciate if you could explain the punctuation rules in conditional sentences.
Why are there commas in some sentenses and no commas in others?
Thank you very much!
Hi James,I just found engvid few days ago.It’s great to refresh my English.
And you are a really great teacher.I wish,I could find some similar websites for another languages like German,Italian and French. Thanks
Hi James, I have a question:
I know that there are only tree conditionals the 1st , 2nd, and 3rd, but I have found on internet a website which mention the following clasification for conditionals:
Present real conditonal
Present unreal conditonal
Past real conditonal
Past unreal conditonal
Future real conditonal
Future unreal conditonal
So I would like you explain us whether that kind of clasification is correct or not and how it is related with the 1st-2nd-3rd conditionals that everyone knows.
Hi James,
After watching your video, I read so many books. For imaginary, every one used “were” after I.
If I were you……
(here why can’t we use was?)
Can you please drop me mai.. Bcz, I didn’t get the answer for this in anywhere…
Hi, James
I’d like to ask you about how to use wish and imaginary situation ?
Your video student, from Laos.
when ı foun this site ı really be happy.ıt is usefull.ı just learn english.ı am a teacher but you re better than me.
hi James
i really like your lesson its helpful
thank you very much for this video!
I thank you very lessons and I study English literature and became in the second year and formed a weak in grammar in English and I almost lose my studies that I found your website this who planted in my heart, hope, and then decided to continue in my studies of literature.
That’s cool James. Thanks for the good lesson.
I like your teaching
thank you
Hello teacher,,
I like ur lesson very much and I can understand with you!
ButI need more ditailse about this leasson becouse I start studay the conditional sentences with 1st, 2nd, ampnd 3rd conditional which are talking about present to future, unreal preanent, and unreal past.
Sometimes with mixed conditional sentences and I get confused a little bite.
Could you please help me in this grammar.
Thank you,
Very nice James!!
You have done a great work!!
Because i was curiously in search of How and where Will and Would be used? but I couldn’t find it.
But in this lesson, I have found this.
“If i were find(found?) it, I would never take your lesson” :)
please correct my mistakes in the aforementioned sentence….:)
one question that if “would” always be used only with “were”? please tell me a few bit about this…
Thanks James…
Very nice James!!
You have done a great work!!
Because i was curiously in search of How and where Will and Would be used? but I couldn’t find it.
But in this lesson, I have found this.
“If i were find(found?) it, I would never take your lesson” :)
please correct my mistakes in the aforementioned sentence….:)
one question that if “would” always be used only with “were”? please tell me a few bit about this…
Thanks James…
Thanks. It is a good lesson!
Thank you so much james! I love your lesson.
but I have one question. I have no idea what diffrernces between ‘will’ and ‘would’.
will -> the boy is studying, so he
will be a good student.
would -> the boy is not studying, but if he were to study, he will be a good student.
I understood it in this way, but is it correct?
tell me anyone who knows about it.
always Thanks :)
thank you so much for your lesson
Why did you not put a quiz?
Its damn good lesson!
Its a very good lessons….its usefull and also needed to all person…thank you james…!!!!
thank you James I’m always listen to your lessons but my question I need more about vocabulary so vocabulary IS my problem .
very usefull web site homies
u r really great i hav some questions.which topic shd b taught first?active passive or clauses or conditionals
plz let me know i would b much thankfull to u.
u r great!bundle of thanks
Your lessons really wery useful.
Could you please explane how to make opposite of word.
I know that it is possible with “re”,”in”,”im”..
But when use which? Is there any rules?
you have the best lesson ever.
i have question is imaginary mean samrthing that did mot happen but would happen?
wonderful Explain
i really love you teacher you are the best you were the one that helping me thanks a lot
afnan from iraq
hey James,
It is really productive lesson for me.
and… the quiz??
hi james I have question
If I were to study
If I studied
what is diffirance between them?
Its a pleasure watching this video James..
You made my day. :-)
thanks James ;)
Thank you for this lesson james
Hi James
it is possible to do the lesson about mixed conditionals?I think they are useful as well…
Hello James,
I have a question related to this lesson.
Whenever we use “will” in the conditional sentence type 1, the result is 100% certain or just a likely situation??? There are two examples as follow:
A: If I study, I will pass the test.
(Maybe I will fail it even I study, it is
a likely result that I will pass it)
B: If you stop eating, you will feel hungry.
(It is 100% certain of the result.)
So, I am confused if the result clause is 100% certain or just a string likelihood if we use “will” in type 1 conditional.
Thanks James,
hi james.first of all you are really the best dude, thank u for all these effort to teach us english.
and i have a question,when i was listening to u i can understand nearly everything that you say but when i was watching an american movie or something like that,it is really hard to understand everything that they say and sometimes it really feels me bad and desperate. why does it happen?do u have an idea? what is the difference between your and their speech?
thank u again best wishes.
hi Jams could i ask you question?
I want to teach my sister the role of like +ing
could you tell me what are the best ways that can be used to make her understand?
thank u
Hi! James
i like this lesson i have gotten the difference between those two words. Again thanks
Thanks James, awesome lesson…
Nice lesson!) But I have a question: is there always ” to be”? I mean as it is in the sentence ” If E were to study…”? And if it’s ” should ” or ” would “, it will be without ” to “, right? I hope I understood right…thank you! =)
I understand this lesson – Thomas from Poland
Ty very much james
Thank you for your lesson !
Hi james sir,
can u make some quiz on this lesson?
hi sir… i have a question..
could we use the word COULD in imaginary or WOULD is only the right word for imaginary?!… thanks
I don’t understand this lesson
you can make other video
explaining this topic :S
hi…. I have a question.
I want to use if with this sentence “they didn’t have a map. they got lost”
I need to know which of these two kinds I have to use.
Thank you.
“If they didn’t have a map,they would be got lost”
Thanks for the lesson and please can you explaine the lesson of conditionnel type 1 and 2 for me please i have an exam after 7 days thank you very much
Thank you so much, James.
At the lessons that I do, I ever leave a big comment. That’s the form that I found to improve my english writing. How you can see, I’ve got to study so much to it.
This lesson was very useful for my english stage. Will, would, were… Those are very confusing words for me to my everyday use.
If I understood this lesson, Now I will expand my english conversation capacity.
If I were a beginner student, I would watch this lesson immediatly.
See you, James!
thank you
Great james thanks a lot
İ have a q for the first conditional sentences we must always use will could may must? what about should?can we use might ınstead of may or could instead of can i know about past tense but another teacher said some thing i got confuse
We can use modals in two ways :
FIRST USE(their first meaning)
SECOND USE(for degree of certainty)
I couldn’t get what is your actual question?
Please elaborate it. :)
Thank you James! Useful lecture to me
Hi teacher James, Great lesson as always, Could you please explain me a little bit about past unreal conditional inverted form? That confuses me a lot. Thanks in advance ;-)
From a movie:
I’m just trying to create the space for wisdom.
Person 1: Okay, so you’re like Buddha, if he wasn’t so enlightened.
Person 2: And you’re like Jesus, if he was arrogant and all of his miracles were fake.
How “If” is used here ?
Okay, so here “if” is being used to describe imaginary situations. It’s funny because it starts out as a compliment, but by adding “if…”, it turns into an insult.
“You’re like Buddha/Jesus”…but an imaginary Buddha/Jesus who is the exact opposite of the real one — unenlightened instead of enlightened, arrogant instead of humble.
Does that help?
I got a doubt! You said that when it is imaginary you use If + were. In an example that you show us, you said If I were to study harder I would be … Can I say: If I were studying harder I would. Thank you very much for the video
Awesome class! :D
Thank you Jmaes it was very interesting lesson. Cheers BOSS.
and greetings for all
but I have a question about (had had) and (could)
When we can use them in conditional?
Thank you James, you’re very charming ;)
Thank you.
Thanks a lot for the lessons.
James can you explane me the words “Must” and “Have”, please….?
Perfect *-*
You are the best!
thank you for the lesson!! it is much esier for me to use “if.. will-would” in the right way!!
Excellent class, you only forget to add a quiz, to reinforce what I’ve learned
hi, I have a question because I don’t know that i understood good this lesson.
If I have that sentence:
Let me know IF you know what time WILL you have a train OR: Let me know if will you know what time have you train.
which sentence it good or maybe both are wrong
(btw sorry for my english but I just start learning)
Excellent class, and good teacher. James, please more grammar letions….I am 40 years old, I don’t speak English, but I like this English Grammar of classes…Thanks…
hi James
thank you, i enjoy of that. but i cant understand the meaning of E in the circle. Could you writing that for me?
best regards
Where is the quiz?
THANK YOU SIR YOU ARE SO HELPFUL I hope this song helps student too :) (its helped me to understand ) :)
I read about conditional sentence, but I’m not really understand them all. Would you please explain to me; zero conditional, first conditional, second and third conditional sentences?
where’s the quiz?
Hello James, you’re the best teacher ever! Thanks for your lessons, they really give me more information than I’d got during my school years.
Can you please make a lesson about mixed conditionals? It’s so hard and confusing theme for me, I’d appreciate if you could.
I like how you start the lesson!lol. Good lesson. Thanks :):)
Good lesson James.I would like to thank you for all the help you are giving me through this videos to get better.Thanks!!!
please put quizzes, teacher !!!
There is no quizz
Hi there, i’m new here. i have a question, James told us that If+were/would means that it is imaginary. My question is, after that would, do i need to use past verb or present verb. for example:
If she were a good person, she would never cheated on you. or if she were a good person, she would never cheat on you. thank you very much.
thank you teacher james =)
I dont know why we use ‘Be’with will/would/should…??? Plz help me..
I enjoyed the lesson.
thank you teacher james =)
Thanks teacher… good lesson!!
Thank you so much, greetings,
Could you please add a Quiz on this lesson ?
Hi, thanks for this lesson. I’m so proud to understand what you say. At first,when I watched some videos I thought they were too difficult for me, but now it’s quite clear! I really appreciate your teaching skills.
¿Donde puedo hacer el quiz?
Is it possible to say “If he studied he would be a good student” instead of “If he were to study he would be…”?
If he studied he would be a good student. — it is a standard form of the 2nd Conditional.
If he were to study he would be a good student. — if you use «were to do smth», you want to emphatize that this situation is highly unlikely to happen.
sorry – emphaSize
Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid, I thought that when you use “If + present simple + future simple” is the First Conditional and when you use “If + past simple + conditional simple” is the Second Conditional but now it’s also the Imaginary Tense, a new concept for me. Good explanation and performance. It’s all right.
Hi thanks
Great lesson
Thank you sir really helpful if Istudy engvideo then I will become a good person
where is the quiz for this lesson?
Why we dont use were instead of was ı cant understand that but ı understand will.
it is a bit complicate , why were not had , and anoher inquiry when i read a novel , the author usually use would without if . thank you.
Thank you James
Thank you James
Thank you, James. You are amazing. I got familiar to by you.
Great lesson teacher! Thanks!
Thank you James!
Hi,James,I really really like your lesson,I’m a Canadian ,where do u live in Canada,if it possible to meet up and have a coffee? Thank u again.
Hello James, i am just wanna get ensure about he-she-it with were!
thanks for this useful lesson but it require to have a quiz
Where is the quiz?
When this lesson was made. They wasn’t doing quiz.
Thanks a lot Mr James.
Do we use If I were you to indicate past situations or we should use If I had been to indicate past situations.
Just mixing them
If I learn English use James’ lesson in Engvid I will be good at English. If I were to keep it this way I would have a good English level.