Learn how to modify comparatives to be more accurate and make your English more interesting and descriptive. This grammar lesson will help you to write and speak in a more precise manner. Guess what? In English, when you communicate precisely, you sound smarter!
I’m far from Canada but I feel close to Canada thanks to internet, thanks to Mr.E n’2 u James. now I know dude, bye 4 now.
I’ve always been thinking that we say “The Internet” am I right?
Yes, we do.
Dear James; your spanish pronunciation is so good.
Thank’s James!It was great as usual))
Emil Ibragimov
I am from Cambodia. i really like this web . thank you so much for this program .
Thank a lot. I like the way you teach….
thank u Jams,i got 4 out of 5,i was slightly far than correct.thanks again:-)
Hi James. Thanks a lot. I really enjoy your lessons. You’re great.
Eliane Maciel
hi james i like your lessons :D great teacher
thanks for everything,your way how to teach is far better.
Hi James!I am from Hungary.Your pronaunciation in hungarien just like kicsi(small)is great.Thank all the leassons,which are very helpful for me.Bee well.
very good l learnd so much
I’m slightly better in english now than I was 10 minutes ago. Thank you James!
i really like the method used by the engvid teachers i gain alot from their lessons i m very impressed and thankful to them
Hi James i like you , i really enjoy your lessons and i can,t stop watching, its soooo clear,understandable and benifit lessons.
Go on . . .
EngVid, please I need an answer immediately, either from James or from moderator. I’ve watched this lesson, but I couldn’t find the answer on following question. When we use the expression FAR MORE, I know that we say, for instance, far more attractive and so on, but what about this: Mark is far smarter than I am, or Mark is far more smarter than I am? First sentence makes sense, but tell me which one is correct. . .
We don’t say more smarter,more happier, more hotter,etc coz more is suppossed to be used with adjectives which have 3 or more syllables,like more expensive, more convenient, etc.
superb explanation.
Does this sentence make any sense? Sandra never always does her homework. It’s weird, but what do you think?
stylish….. great u r mr.james
James, thanks for the lesson, was very handy actually. I really enjoy your lessons. The way you teach is quite interesting.
thanks dina ! ilike you. please give me your skype id.
james, thanks for the lesson and I understand it,
so hope to perfect for the next lesson.
very interesting.Thank you
Thank you James, you are by far the most entertaining teacher I’ve ever seen! I would like to see from you a whole lot more videos like this one! So do us a little favor and make a slightly diffrent EngVid covering some Christmas idioms or other vocabulary items. Thanks in advance! Take it away!
James you are great G.
thnk you james .
Thanks so much, James. Good lessson and you help me a lot to improve my English.
Thank you so much :)
Your lesson is very interesting and helpful.
You are the best English teacher who I’ve been met!
thaks mrs james for your english class, I`m larning very faster. apriciete you time I`m live in mexico sorry but me english it is not very well. but I wont to learn more and more. see you later broth and have a good xmas day
thanks alot
I don’t understand this lesson. The lesson was not clear
sir are these usages correct “i am cross with you ”
“light is out” (power failure) “you may be done for” (curse) pls help me
can I ask u a question plz how can I learn English at home is it better 2 study from a dictionary a new word or from a tv movies :)
The best of the best thanks
i love ur teaching………but i hav a trouble wid phrases and clauses…….i feel it would be better if u add more videos abt them…..and soon…….love ya……waiting for a reply
I love your lessons and your teaching method. It,s take some time to understand you and your method (because of my poor english, too). But now I realy like it. It, s interesting,funny and optimicstic, too. With this vidios, I like learning more english.
Good luck!
hi jem, i like the way you teach.. fantastic
i like it
I`m from burkina faso living in saudi arabia I like well this site.
so,I thank you so much for this site
Thank you .
I TOOK COMPOSITION CLASS AND I GOT AN A THEN I TOOK CRITICAL THINKING AND I GOT B in college, but I still have probles writing papers.
i dropped school for six year then i am back and i found out his problem
tell me what to do Mr JAMES. THANK YOU
Carlos Quizhpi
Thanks for “kicsi”. :-)
Best regards from Hungary.
this website is awesome im glad that found this site, i going to learn english !!!!
Best regards from Athens Greece!
first i want to thank 2 u and ur lesson!but i have one question Why do u beginn ur lesson always reading a book or a magazin?
Thanks Mr.James a lot ! Your lession is a lot interesting than other lession ! Once again thanks !!!
Thanks so much James you’re simply amazing
i’m from philippines… i just want to say thank you JAmes…you inspired me to study english…..more power to you…
James never reply our comments, maybe he is busy all the time.
Are these sentence correct?
The wine is slightly more expensive.
He is taller by far.
JAMES your teaching is much more educative, I love it stay well.. keep on the good work this site is the best . thanks
tnx alot
it is very inersting for me
Am i correct sir? This apple is more expensive than that. which one is correct? 1. Jan is far more happy than Ellen.2. Jan is far more happier than Ellen. thanks a lot.
Dear James,
It’s good to see you have mentioned “kicsi” means little in Hungarian. Best Wishes from Hungary. Krisz
Thanks to James, I’ve got a little more confidence in speaking English.
woow your spanish is great! :D
Thnx sir.
Thank u soo much ;))
why do u always draw a warm james? do you like it much?
anyway thank a lot sir!
very nice thank you
James, It’s a lot better when you use a lav microphone, it eliminates all the reverb that is picked up by the cam’s microphone. Since most computers use cheap speakers that don’t have a very good frequency response I would suggest that you (if you can) roll off the frequencies above 14 khz and kill everything below 100 Hz in the low end. , but a lav should be enough to make your voice more inteligible. Thanks for all, you are really talented teacher, may all the good energy in the world be with you.
I would like to hear about “quite” and ” pretty”. When can we use them? Thank you.
James, this lesson is slightly different from your previous teachings, a slight dull
Hi! I’ve watched your videos and I have to say that you are a great teacher. I try to find you on facebook but still I cannot. Can you give me your e-mail or something ?
He got me with the fourth question !! I didn’t pay attention and I failed! It won’t happen again James! Never again! ^^ hehe
Good lesson as always.
I’d like to ask again for a lesson about the pronunciation of pull against pool or full against fool .. I’m asking this in every teacher’s comment cause I don’t know if it’s seen by anyone when the lesson is a old one.
and in romanian we say ”mic” :)
thank you. But,how can start from the very begging.
I am from India and i enjoy your lesson a lot…good job James…
thanks was a lot useful
you are a good teacher , I learned a lot with this courses
please correct me if I had some error
You are my favourite teacher :). I love you when you make any joke with us.
Thank you very much James.^_____^
thank you a lot james, I only got 2 correct out 5 but i am verry happy for your help
Thanks a lot James, it can be used as a teaching material online to my students.
Great video James! Thanks! I was just wondering if your could make another video about different ways of comparing please? such as twice,three times etc + as ..as to compare two things..
To describe something that continuously changes and also to say that one thing depends on the other…
Thank you ..
Thanks you very much. It’s easy to understand. !!
james and Mr E i beg you to give me ideas about the subjenctive mode because i’ve never known that it does exist another mode in english … you know we learn lot of tenses in english / even more tenses than any language i already know / so everyone will think absolutely that we’ve done with tenses as I did …however… unfortunately other things stretch out to re-complicate our life. LOL
can you help me
+ thanks for the lesson and i’m so sorry i had asked you for these thing directly without even telling you how was the lesson
+ can you tell me why you always draw Mr E in board
thanks again and happy new year everybody
Nice video. I’d like to learn how to use “a bit”
Thanks James! your teaching technique and attribute is the best.I like you.
Thanks, very sad, got only 40%.
Abdul Qayum
Teacher James, Can I ask a question?
This chair is far more expensive than the other chair we bought.
This chair is a lot more expensive than the other chair we bought.
This chair is a little more expensive than the other chair we bought
This chair is slightly more expensive than the other chair we bought.
Did the mean same? and Was the sentence correct?
I didn’t pay more attention today(( that’s why I got 3/5..
useful lesson James thank you )
Hi James. You’ve did a mistake in a quize :)
“My brother is slightly taller then I am.”
It’s much better to put thAn :)
What do you mean? That’s the whole point of that question!!
Thank you.
I am not trapped by your trick.
Thank you so much.
Thanks James
You tricked me James! i did no see that (then) words coming.
Hello James, my greetings is bigger by far now than before after I have looked at this lesson, thanks.
I heard you to use the hungarian for a kicsi, it is great, just go ahead on it. I can help you:)
Hi, James, May I know the difference between “a lot of money ” and “lots of money”?
both of them are the same
MO Alshibli
thanks James i got 4 out of 5
i could catch your lesson
keep going to give us more
MO Alshibli
Nice lesson, I have written down everything, I will try to perform the same as James did)
Thanks for the good lesson.My question is about the 5th Q in the quiz.” My brother is slightly taller than I am.” When do we need to put the subject and the verb after “than”?
It has been a good and an interesting lesson about comparatives. We have reviewed some concepts and expressions with an easy explanation, all these expressions go before the comparative except “by far” which goes after the comparative, it was curious but terrible useful. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, I suppose we are learning much more listening than only reading.
Excelente coment
Ricardo Pizarro
Hi, James thank you
Ricardo Pizarro
Sorry, James, but I don’t agree with you. Syl, the snake, is far more smaller than Mr E. In fact, he is twice her size.
iam Egyptian and i want speak eng
You got 3 correct out of 5.
M kartal
I fell into the trap and didn’t see what it was “then” and no “than”, I am very distracted.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I’m far from Canada but I feel close to Canada thanks to internet, thanks to Mr.E n’2 u James. now I know dude, bye 4 now.
I’ve always been thinking that we say “The Internet” am I right?
Yes, we do.
Dear James; your spanish pronunciation is so good.
Thank’s James!It was great as usual))
I am from Cambodia. i really like this web . thank you so much for this program .
Thank a lot. I like the way you teach….
thank u Jams,i got 4 out of 5,i was slightly far than correct.thanks again:-)
Hi James. Thanks a lot. I really enjoy your lessons. You’re great.
hi james i like your lessons :D great teacher
thanks for everything,your way how to teach is far better.
Hi James!I am from Hungary.Your pronaunciation in hungarien just like kicsi(small)is great.Thank all the leassons,which are very helpful for me.Bee well.
very good l learnd so much
I’m slightly better in english now than I was 10 minutes ago. Thank you James!
i really like the method used by the engvid teachers i gain alot from their lessons i m very impressed and thankful to them
Hi James i like you , i really enjoy your lessons and i can,t stop watching, its soooo clear,understandable and benifit lessons.
Go on . . .
EngVid, please I need an answer immediately, either from James or from moderator. I’ve watched this lesson, but I couldn’t find the answer on following question. When we use the expression FAR MORE, I know that we say, for instance, far more attractive and so on, but what about this: Mark is far smarter than I am, or Mark is far more smarter than I am? First sentence makes sense, but tell me which one is correct. . .
We don’t say more smarter,more happier, more hotter,etc coz more is suppossed to be used with adjectives which have 3 or more syllables,like more expensive, more convenient, etc.
superb explanation.
Does this sentence make any sense? Sandra never always does her homework. It’s weird, but what do you think?
stylish….. great u r mr.james
James, thanks for the lesson, was very handy actually. I really enjoy your lessons. The way you teach is quite interesting.
thanks dina ! ilike you. please give me your skype id.
james, thanks for the lesson and I understand it,
so hope to perfect for the next lesson.
very interesting.Thank you
Thank you James, you are by far the most entertaining teacher I’ve ever seen! I would like to see from you a whole lot more videos like this one! So do us a little favor and make a slightly diffrent EngVid covering some Christmas idioms or other vocabulary items. Thanks in advance! Take it away!
James you are great G.
thnk you james .
Thanks so much, James. Good lessson and you help me a lot to improve my English.
Thank you so much :)
Your lesson is very interesting and helpful.
You are the best English teacher who I’ve been met!
thaks mrs james for your english class, I`m larning very faster. apriciete you time I`m live in mexico sorry but me english it is not very well. but I wont to learn more and more. see you later broth and have a good xmas day
thanks alot
I don’t understand this lesson. The lesson was not clear
sir are these usages correct “i am cross with you ”
“light is out” (power failure) “you may be done for” (curse) pls help me
can I ask u a question plz how can I learn English at home is it better 2 study from a dictionary a new word or from a tv movies :)
The best of the best thanks
i love ur teaching………but i hav a trouble wid phrases and clauses…….i feel it would be better if u add more videos abt them…..and soon…….love ya……waiting for a reply
I love your lessons and your teaching method. It,s take some time to understand you and your method (because of my poor english, too). But now I realy like it. It, s interesting,funny and optimicstic, too. With this vidios, I like learning more english.
Good luck!
hi jem, i like the way you teach.. fantastic
i like it
I`m from burkina faso living in saudi arabia I like well this site.
so,I thank you so much for this site
Thank you .
I TOOK COMPOSITION CLASS AND I GOT AN A THEN I TOOK CRITICAL THINKING AND I GOT B in college, but I still have probles writing papers.
i dropped school for six year then i am back and i found out his problem
tell me what to do Mr JAMES. THANK YOU
Thanks for “kicsi”. :-)
Best regards from Hungary.
this website is awesome im glad that found this site, i going to learn english !!!!
Best regards from Athens Greece!
first i want to thank 2 u and ur lesson!but i have one question Why do u beginn ur lesson always reading a book or a magazin?
Thanks Mr.James a lot ! Your lession is a lot interesting than other lession ! Once again thanks !!!
Thanks so much James you’re simply amazing
i’m from philippines… i just want to say thank you JAmes…you inspired me to study english…..more power to you…
James never reply our comments, maybe he is busy all the time.
Are these sentence correct?
The wine is slightly more expensive.
He is taller by far.
JAMES your teaching is much more educative, I love it stay well.. keep on the good work this site is the best . thanks
tnx alot
it is very inersting for me
Am i correct sir? This apple is more expensive than that. which one is correct? 1. Jan is far more happy than Ellen.2. Jan is far more happier than Ellen. thanks a lot.
Dear James,
It’s good to see you have mentioned “kicsi” means little in Hungarian. Best Wishes from Hungary. Krisz
Thanks to James, I’ve got a little more confidence in speaking English.
woow your spanish is great! :D
Thnx sir.
Thank u soo much ;))
why do u always draw a warm james? do you like it much?
anyway thank a lot sir!
very nice thank you
James, It’s a lot better when you use a lav microphone, it eliminates all the reverb that is picked up by the cam’s microphone. Since most computers use cheap speakers that don’t have a very good frequency response I would suggest that you (if you can) roll off the frequencies above 14 khz and kill everything below 100 Hz in the low end. , but a lav should be enough to make your voice more inteligible. Thanks for all, you are really talented teacher, may all the good energy in the world be with you.
I would like to hear about “quite” and ” pretty”. When can we use them? Thank you.
James, this lesson is slightly different from your previous teachings, a slight dull
Hi! I’ve watched your videos and I have to say that you are a great teacher. I try to find you on facebook but still I cannot. Can you give me your e-mail or something ?
We have a Facebook page!
He got me with the fourth question !! I didn’t pay attention and I failed! It won’t happen again James! Never again! ^^ hehe
Good lesson as always.
I’d like to ask again for a lesson about the pronunciation of pull against pool or full against fool .. I’m asking this in every teacher’s comment cause I don’t know if it’s seen by anyone when the lesson is a old one.
and in romanian we say ”mic” :)
thank you. But,how can start from the very begging.
I am from India and i enjoy your lesson a lot…good job James…
thanks was a lot useful
you are a good teacher , I learned a lot with this courses
please correct me if I had some error
You are my favourite teacher :). I love you when you make any joke with us.
Thank you very much James.^_____^
thank you a lot james, I only got 2 correct out 5 but i am verry happy for your help
Thanks a lot James, it can be used as a teaching material online to my students.
Great video James! Thanks! I was just wondering if your could make another video about different ways of comparing please? such as twice,three times etc + as ..as to compare two things..
To describe something that continuously changes and also to say that one thing depends on the other…
Thank you ..
Thanks you very much. It’s easy to understand. !!
james and Mr E i beg you to give me ideas about the subjenctive mode because i’ve never known that it does exist another mode in english … you know we learn lot of tenses in english / even more tenses than any language i already know / so everyone will think absolutely that we’ve done with tenses as I did …however… unfortunately other things stretch out to re-complicate our life. LOL
can you help me
+ thanks for the lesson and i’m so sorry i had asked you for these thing directly without even telling you how was the lesson
+ can you tell me why you always draw Mr E in board
thanks again and happy new year everybody
Nice video. I’d like to learn how to use “a bit”
Thanks James! your teaching technique and attribute is the best.I like you.
Thanks, very sad, got only 40%.
Teacher James, Can I ask a question?
This chair is far more expensive than the other chair we bought.
This chair is a lot more expensive than the other chair we bought.
This chair is a little more expensive than the other chair we bought
This chair is slightly more expensive than the other chair we bought.
Did the mean same? and Was the sentence correct?
I didn’t pay more attention today(( that’s why I got 3/5..
useful lesson James thank you )
Hi James. You’ve did a mistake in a quize :)
“My brother is slightly taller then I am.”
It’s much better to put thAn :)
What do you mean? That’s the whole point of that question!!
Thank you.
I am not trapped by your trick.
Thank you so much.
Thanks James
You tricked me James! i did no see that (then) words coming.
Hello James, my greetings is bigger by far now than before after I have looked at this lesson, thanks.
I heard you to use the hungarian for a kicsi, it is great, just go ahead on it. I can help you:)
Hi, James, May I know the difference between “a lot of money ” and “lots of money”?
both of them are the same
thanks James i got 4 out of 5
i could catch your lesson
keep going to give us more
Nice lesson, I have written down everything, I will try to perform the same as James did)
Thanks for the good lesson.My question is about the 5th Q in the quiz.” My brother is slightly taller than I am.” When do we need to put the subject and the verb after “than”?
It has been a good and an interesting lesson about comparatives. We have reviewed some concepts and expressions with an easy explanation, all these expressions go before the comparative except “by far” which goes after the comparative, it was curious but terrible useful. Thanks a lot, teacher James Greer from EngVid, I suppose we are learning much more listening than only reading.
Excelente coment
Hi, James thank you
Sorry, James, but I don’t agree with you. Syl, the snake, is far more smaller than Mr E. In fact, he is twice her size.
iam Egyptian and i want speak eng
You got 3 correct out of 5.
I fell into the trap and didn’t see what it was “then” and no “than”, I am very distracted.
Good lesson
It was a great class!