Do you know who this lesson was made by? If you don’t recognize the passive structure, then it’s time we start the lesson and teach you about the passive voice in English.
mmm , i was before kind of confusion abt passive , but now iam quite ok
ya,its gud but,what about the rest of the other tenses.
such as
present continous,and model auxiliaries??????
i need more lectures on passive plzzzzzzz
with the present continuous tense
(is/are + being + P.P)
eg.> changes that are being wrought…
with modal verbs
(can/must + be + P.P)
eg.> food production can be increased.
> you must be restrained
Very nice Lesson keep it up
Sorry James but I don’t think that was the correct form to explain the passive voice
Pablo Meza
your explanation was very clearly, please give the quiz…………..thanks
Hey, como estas all? Good work bro! keep it up!
Good job !
god bless for your help for english learning students
“Your teaching is excellent! I’m very grateful to you. When I started, my speaking was not good. Now I speak English fluently. I never translate. I speak automatically, just like you said I would!”
Usman Khan
I’m a student from China and I am surprised by James’ teaching that it just showed out a completely different way on demonstrating passive voice from others.I always heard from teachers about how to use it rather than why we need this in some situations.James explained basic logic of English,which is actually something I need to know,motivating my passion.3q so much.
Amazing lesson so useful, is one of the best and important lessons that I had seen!! Thanks James
I like ur way of teaching. thnx alot for ur lessons
god bless u
I am greatful you JAMES you are so cute I love your teaching is beautiful thanks a lot James passive voice is very important to improve english byee James
Hi James
very good lessons.
could you give examples for the four passive options(tructures).
hi James
very good lesson. could you please give me some examples for the fourth passive options that you mentioned.
this lesson has been thought up by you very nice…thank you dude
i hope that i enjoy it
WOW you left me with my mouth wide open, I have never had such a cool explanation about passive voice, and especially now that I’am starting to give classes and hate grammar, I am totally copying you. I am going to teach this topic to my students just like you did. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH
Thanks!! very good!
Thanks a lot!! it’s nice.
It’s nice…thanks.
This is all fun and all but this is the easy passive there are many other passive parts that are so hard.
my eyes had been irritated by some dust….
gotta sleep…
good night!!!!!!!!
hi , thank you for your effort. but i am sorry to ask you again if you can explaiin lesson without usinge this fucking execuuuuuuuu. it’s nothing what the add value of this excuuu , nothing. it make me all over in the map
Hello Mr James,Thanks a do not have any idea how helpful is you’r make the lessons easy to learn.You teach English lesson perfectly .Thank you for your are the best teacher i have ever had.
hi Mr James
it is good but we need examples about passive persent perfact as past perfect and will
It’s nice…thanks.
what you are doing is great but i think that Mr. James is losing too much time to explain a rule or the difference between two tenses. is the way you teach communicative?
thank you mr James,your way of teaching English lesson has been attracted me and i am requesting you to give us more time in every lesson like this one for passive voice ,any way i liked your effort and i will attend your course.thank you again
It’s nice..thank’s
i was before kind of confusion about passive,but now i am quite ok.
good job!!Thank’s james
could I ask a question Mr. James: if I want to make this tag question”there used to be people in the house ……….can I say didn’t there? …….plz answer cause I REALLY NEED IT….
Thank you Mr. James,but I want to more example….
thank you Mr. james u are good teacher and we dont need more exemples it’s ok
Very usefull
giv me more lessons on active and passive voice to clear more thank you……….
Thanks James
james you are a great teacher. great teching.
Thanks James
Lhundup Gyatso
ohh…i was not aware about your website but now i am very happy to found this amazing grammar lesson video. i hope i will learn grammar very easily by listening to this video……
thank you for giving correct way of learning the grammar.
thank you very much i thought it was difficult but now it’s too easy
its nice to learn from here but same is the case vid me that i need to learn not only a part of this but the entire….i mean in all cases like for all tenses..
Hi! This web is so good. This is the first day that I stand in here, and I can say “I’m really really thanks for many lessons that I can download from here.
From Cambodia
Dear James,
you are funny teacher,and i like it the way of your teaching us.
it is nice lessne but mr.e has made mistake, thought is not the correct one teach past tens is taught
hi james i just want to know what is v2b.could you kindly help me on this…..
thanks/it was very very interesting.
Very good lesson thanks a lot James
have a good day.
good lesson. thanks james. viejo james where can i find the quiz about this topic?
i am in intermediate level/ in linguocentre i don’t know why i’m not understand clearly your teachingJAMES// because you spek very very very QUICKLY/fellow
hi james i was bad at passive and now u have enlightened me with ur teaching
plz make video about active voice aswell please
please help me to change into passive voice this sentences: 1. An actor killed president Abraham Lincoln. 2. Everyone can see the film soon. 3 Millions of people watch this TV programme. 4. His parents have bought him a new bicycle. 5. A van has taken the load
i wanna talk about your comment.If I am not mistaken,It would be :1.President Abraham Lincoln was killed by An actor,2.the film can be saw,3.this programme is watched by millions of people and e.t.c
bakhtiyar ali
i think the secont sentences was written wrong bocouse the p.p for saw is seen
thanks a lot, it’s funny to learn with you.
Thanks alot.
It’s very exciting.
However, althought it very basic, it vey useful to practice and listen.
thank you so much for your classes man are wonderful.
Thank you for such a great way of teaching.
William Shatner
when we you to be + P.P ?? who can explain to me ?
thanx! passive voice is such a difficult thing
Nice clear explanation of the form (of the Passive Voice)but the use (why after all do we use P.v)remains less stressed upon.
Shafiq Siddiqui
So nice explanation thanks teacher you are the B E S T ! ! !
Paulo Alvarenga
what is the passive form of this sentence “I am reviewing by myself”. Appreciate it if someone will change it into passive. Thanks in advance!
it’s useful but what out other tenses? and please give us some quiz.
James you are the best teacher. simply i love you and your teaching…
yeh i’m here i want speak english please
I don’t understand at 8.22-8.23 and 9.01-9.02.
Could somebody write for me, please?
What about- James is ‘writing’ the message
Will it change to be:
a) the message ‘was being written’ by James
b) the message ‘was written’ by James
well , MR. James ur such amazing teacher thanks ur soooooooo cooool
Hi James ,
Could you tell the relactive clause ?
Take care of you
Hello James , very interesting lesson, just I would like you add a short test as usually.
Thanks so much, your lesson really help me.
David R Florez
firstly i want to say u r just great teacher.
but I am a little confused as am not able to understand the sequence of the videos and its getting really hard for me to understand.
i want to learn good English and want to do it in the most proper and effective way i can.
so if u can suggest me a proper way to catch the sequence it would be great.
by the ways thanks a lot.
samkit raj chhajer
This lesson has been done by James and watched by me. Thanks a lot, James!
Thanks but pls give us more example pleeeeeeeeease.
wooooooow you helped me a lot
hussein syd
hello Teacher with old do respect is there a mistake when you said s+v2b+p.p I thik my Teather It’s o+v2b+p.p thank you ^_^
Ali Abobakr
the lesson has been seen by me thanks
Ali Abobakr
sorry will all do respect I ment
Ali Abobakr
with all do respect I ment
I dont know whats wrowng with my keyboard ^_^
Ali Abobakr
thank’s for all
yacine england
sir how to do this sentence in passive..?
They bought me a watch..
She takes after her sister….and
My father offered him…..
amaaaazing you made it so easy
but i can’t find the quiz
Nice and cool lesson.
James you’re awesome !!
i hope this teacher teach me in future . if he teach me the class will be funny hhhhhhhhh
good luck teacher
faris 1995
thanks it was clear and perfect
nice one bro tnks
Hi James! Is it passive voice ” I’m worried about work”? I can’t understand this sentence
who did the caption???? You should check all the subtitling since is so full of mistakes.
hmmmm :) :) now iam quite OK now but stilllllll….. :( :(
thank you so much teacher.
I don’t know how you are doing is awesome. As all know very well, it is useful also no one deny being beneficial anyway To learn how to do this is proved by these guys. I take off my hat for you some as before. on the other hand I have been to U.K for 3 month but I haven’t seen someone who teachs successfully basically the way of learning is great.To be clear, smart, short, effective is so important. Thanks guys..
Hi James
I hope you can help me. My question is about : BEEN !
I am very confused bout it.
Mr. E wrote: this lesson has been thought up by Mr. E. Why is there ”the” been? Couldn’t i say ; this lesson has thought up …?, cause i also say i’ve broken my leg and not i’ve been broken my leg, right? Generally i do not get why it is not: this lesson was thought up by Mr. E.
I thank you very much.
great teach
thank u so much
I am the youngest person in this lessons so all do respect
It was are teaching well.thanks
I am really enjoying THANK SO MUCH. can i use pronouns in passive?
you can contact your school Councillor for advice.
= He can be contacted for advice.
Hi James, Thks for yr lesson. You are very clear.
Just a question, Which is the different between these two passive sentences?:
The apartment has been cleaned
The apartment was cleaned
I don’t understand when We can use one or the other. Thks in advance
Can u plz make quiz on passive
very good lecture James Keep it up
Thomas George
This an email is being written
These buildings were bulit
This massage will be written
This story has been written
Thank you very much
Khaled Deiab
I like your explanations even if sometimes they are not complete. I would just advise you to speak A LITTLE more slowly.
Queenie 2
All clear…but I can’t find the QUIZ… me please!! :-)
brilliant Mr.e and james but i want verb forms and tences
Where is the quiz ??
A good review of the Passive Tenses. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
I like passive very much !
Thanks, James, You are awesome.
make a part two of this video
i was expecting a quiz..
The explanation could be better. It doesn’t have quiz and examples about the use of passive voice.
Has been… XD
Incredible i have enlarged my knowledge about the passive, im going to create 5 sentences with each one tenses to clarify what you taught us, simply thanks.
hey I have a homework you guys please take YDS exam sample and answer them and understand me how I am underpressure
great lesson as usual.thank you
Aml Mounier
Hello Mr James you are perfect let you know. But I watched better videos than yours to able to understand this passive voice.But you have a video about arise, rise, raise… This video is unique to understand how English works
I’m a student from China and I am surprised by James’ teaching that it just showed out a completely different way on demonstrating passive voice from others.I always heard from teachers about how to use it rather than why we need this in some situations.James explained basic logic of English,which is actually something I need to know,motivating my passion.3q so much.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Uauuu thats nice.
How’s it hangin ?
mmm , i was before kind of confusion abt passive , but now iam quite ok
ya,its gud but,what about the rest of the other tenses.
such as
present continous,and model auxiliaries??????
i need more lectures on passive plzzzzzzz
with the present continuous tense
(is/are + being + P.P)
eg.> changes that are being wrought…
with modal verbs
(can/must + be + P.P)
eg.> food production can be increased.
> you must be restrained
Very nice Lesson keep it up
Sorry James but I don’t think that was the correct form to explain the passive voice
your explanation was very clearly, please give the quiz…………..thanks
Hey, como estas all? Good work bro! keep it up!
Good job !
god bless for your help for english learning students
“Your teaching is excellent! I’m very grateful to you. When I started, my speaking was not good. Now I speak English fluently. I never translate. I speak automatically, just like you said I would!”
I’m a student from China and I am surprised by James’ teaching that it just showed out a completely different way on demonstrating passive voice from others.I always heard from teachers about how to use it rather than why we need this in some situations.James explained basic logic of English,which is actually something I need to know,motivating my passion.3q so much.
Amazing lesson so useful, is one of the best and important lessons that I had seen!! Thanks James
I like ur way of teaching. thnx alot for ur lessons
god bless u
I am greatful you JAMES you are so cute I love your teaching is beautiful thanks a lot James passive voice is very important to improve english byee James
Hi James
very good lessons.
could you give examples for the four passive options(tructures).
hi James
very good lesson. could you please give me some examples for the fourth passive options that you mentioned.
this lesson has been thought up by you very nice…thank you dude
i hope that i enjoy it
WOW you left me with my mouth wide open, I have never had such a cool explanation about passive voice, and especially now that I’am starting to give classes and hate grammar, I am totally copying you. I am going to teach this topic to my students just like you did. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH
Thanks!! very good!
Thanks a lot!! it’s nice.
It’s nice…thanks.
This is all fun and all but this is the easy passive there are many other passive parts that are so hard.
my eyes had been irritated by some dust….
gotta sleep…
good night!!!!!!!!
hi , thank you for your effort. but i am sorry to ask you again if you can explaiin lesson without usinge this fucking execuuuuuuuu. it’s nothing what the add value of this excuuu , nothing. it make me all over in the map
Hello Mr James,Thanks a do not have any idea how helpful is you’r make the lessons easy to learn.You teach English lesson perfectly .Thank you for your are the best teacher i have ever had.
hi Mr James
it is good but we need examples about passive persent perfact as past perfect and will
It’s nice…thanks.
what you are doing is great but i think that Mr. James is losing too much time to explain a rule or the difference between two tenses. is the way you teach communicative?
thank you mr James,your way of teaching English lesson has been attracted me and i am requesting you to give us more time in every lesson like this one for passive voice ,any way i liked your effort and i will attend your course.thank you again
It’s nice..thank’s
i was before kind of confusion about passive,but now i am quite ok.
good job!!Thank’s james
could I ask a question Mr. James: if I want to make this tag question”there used to be people in the house ……….can I say didn’t there? …….plz answer cause I REALLY NEED IT….
Thank you Mr. James,but I want to more example….
thank you Mr. james u are good teacher and we dont need more exemples it’s ok
Very usefull
giv me more lessons on active and passive voice to clear more thank you……….
Thanks James
james you are a great teacher. great teching.
Thanks James
ohh…i was not aware about your website but now i am very happy to found this amazing grammar lesson video. i hope i will learn grammar very easily by listening to this video……
thank you for giving correct way of learning the grammar.
thank you very much i thought it was difficult but now it’s too easy
its nice to learn from here but same is the case vid me that i need to learn not only a part of this but the entire….i mean in all cases like for all tenses..
Hi! This web is so good. This is the first day that I stand in here, and I can say “I’m really really thanks for many lessons that I can download from here.
From Cambodia
Dear James,
you are funny teacher,and i like it the way of your teaching us.
it is nice lessne but mr.e has made mistake, thought is not the correct one teach past tens is taught
hi james i just want to know what is v2b.could you kindly help me on this…..
thanks/it was very very interesting.
Very good lesson thanks a lot James
have a good day.
good lesson. thanks james. viejo james where can i find the quiz about this topic?
i am in intermediate level/ in linguocentre i don’t know why i’m not understand clearly your teachingJAMES// because you spek very very very QUICKLY/fellow
hi james i was bad at passive and now u have enlightened me with ur teaching
plz make video about active voice aswell please
please help me to change into passive voice this sentences: 1. An actor killed president Abraham Lincoln. 2. Everyone can see the film soon. 3 Millions of people watch this TV programme. 4. His parents have bought him a new bicycle. 5. A van has taken the load
i wanna talk about your comment.If I am not mistaken,It would be :1.President Abraham Lincoln was killed by An actor,2.the film can be saw,3.this programme is watched by millions of people and e.t.c
i think the secont sentences was written wrong bocouse the p.p for saw is seen
thanks a lot, it’s funny to learn with you.
Thanks alot.
It’s very exciting.
However, althought it very basic, it vey useful to practice and listen.
thank you so much for your classes man are wonderful.
Thank you for such a great way of teaching.
William Shatner
when we you to be + P.P ?? who can explain to me ?
thanx! passive voice is such a difficult thing
Nice clear explanation of the form (of the Passive Voice)but the use (why after all do we use P.v)remains less stressed upon.
So nice explanation thanks teacher you are the B E S T ! ! !
what is the passive form of this sentence “I am reviewing by myself”. Appreciate it if someone will change it into passive. Thanks in advance!
it’s useful but what out other tenses? and please give us some quiz.
James you are the best teacher. simply i love you and your teaching…
yeh i’m here i want speak english please
I don’t understand at 8.22-8.23 and 9.01-9.02.
Could somebody write for me, please?
What about- James is ‘writing’ the message
Will it change to be:
a) the message ‘was being written’ by James
b) the message ‘was written’ by James
well , MR. James ur such amazing teacher thanks ur soooooooo cooool
Hi James ,
Could you tell the relactive clause ?
Take care of you
Hello James , very interesting lesson, just I would like you add a short test as usually.
Thanks so much, your lesson really help me.
firstly i want to say u r just great teacher.
but I am a little confused as am not able to understand the sequence of the videos and its getting really hard for me to understand.
i want to learn good English and want to do it in the most proper and effective way i can.
so if u can suggest me a proper way to catch the sequence it would be great.
by the ways thanks a lot.
This lesson has been done by James and watched by me. Thanks a lot, James!
Thanks but pls give us more example pleeeeeeeeease.
wooooooow you helped me a lot
hello Teacher with old do respect is there a mistake when you said s+v2b+p.p I thik my Teather It’s o+v2b+p.p thank you ^_^
the lesson has been seen by me thanks
sorry will all do respect I ment
with all do respect I ment
I dont know whats wrowng with my keyboard ^_^
thank’s for all
sir how to do this sentence in passive..?
They bought me a watch..
She takes after her sister….and
My father offered him…..
amaaaazing you made it so easy
but i can’t find the quiz
Nice and cool lesson.
James you’re awesome !!
i hope this teacher teach me in future . if he teach me the class will be funny hhhhhhhhh
good luck teacher
thanks it was clear and perfect
nice one bro tnks
Hi James! Is it passive voice ” I’m worried about work”? I can’t understand this sentence
who did the caption???? You should check all the subtitling since is so full of mistakes.
hmmmm :) :) now iam quite OK now but stilllllll….. :( :(
thank you so much teacher.
I don’t know how you are doing is awesome. As all know very well, it is useful also no one deny being beneficial anyway To learn how to do this is proved by these guys. I take off my hat for you some as before. on the other hand I have been to U.K for 3 month but I haven’t seen someone who teachs successfully basically the way of learning is great.To be clear, smart, short, effective is so important. Thanks guys..
Hi James
I hope you can help me. My question is about : BEEN !
I am very confused bout it.
Mr. E wrote: this lesson has been thought up by Mr. E. Why is there ”the” been? Couldn’t i say ; this lesson has thought up …?, cause i also say i’ve broken my leg and not i’ve been broken my leg, right? Generally i do not get why it is not: this lesson was thought up by Mr. E.
I thank you very much.
great teach
thank u so much
I am the youngest person in this lessons so all do respect
It was are teaching well.thanks
I am really enjoying THANK SO MUCH. can i use pronouns in passive?
you can contact your school Councillor for advice.
= He can be contacted for advice.
Reply on
Thanks James.
James are really good at teaching
James is really good at teaching
Hi James, Thks for yr lesson. You are very clear.
Just a question, Which is the different between these two passive sentences?:
The apartment has been cleaned
The apartment was cleaned
I don’t understand when We can use one or the other. Thks in advance
.. Wonderful lesson! Thank you.
‘….have been…. ‘:-)
Can u plz make quiz on passive
very good lecture James Keep it up
This an email is being written
These buildings were bulit
This massage will be written
This story has been written
Thank you very much
I like your explanations even if sometimes they are not complete. I would just advise you to speak A LITTLE more slowly.
All clear…but I can’t find the QUIZ… me please!! :-)
brilliant Mr.e and james but i want verb forms and tences
Where is the quiz ??
A good review of the Passive Tenses. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
I like passive very much !
Thanks, James, You are awesome.
make a part two of this video
i was expecting a quiz..
The explanation could be better. It doesn’t have quiz and examples about the use of passive voice.
Has been… XD
Incredible i have enlarged my knowledge about the passive, im going to create 5 sentences with each one tenses to clarify what you taught us, simply thanks.
hey I have a homework you guys please take YDS exam sample and answer them and understand me how I am underpressure
great lesson as usual.thank you
Hello Mr James you are perfect let you know. But I watched better videos than yours to able to understand this passive voice.But you have a video about arise, rise, raise… This video is unique to understand how English works
I’m a student from China and I am surprised by James’ teaching that it just showed out a completely different way on demonstrating passive voice from others.I always heard from teachers about how to use it rather than why we need this in some situations.James explained basic logic of English,which is actually something I need to know,motivating my passion.3q so much.