What is wrong with making A lesson by more than one teacher? For example all of teachers can have a lessons about “Preposition of Place”. I think it’s more useful. :)
it is very usefull
thank you :)
hi miss Rebecca, i’m still confused about using simple present tense. especially when i want to talk to someone.in daily conversation did we use simple present tense ? thank you :)
you are so generous teacher
ayoub maati
Ty Kindly
i don’t know ,how can I thank you
i need more help form you, my english is bad , and i love english.
Try to immerse yourself in English. Sing, read, write, speak, listen, dance…in English. Keeping a short daily diary in English can also help. First, just write about simple activities that filled your day. Later, add more details about people, places, emotions and so on. Of course, it’s best if someone can check your diary and correct any recurring errors.
I have seen many students make great progress and I’m sure you can do it too.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I 100 percent agree with you.
!!!My English is bad, but I want to learn English well!!! I’ll do my best!!!Thank You for your help!!!
your words is great and I’ll do your advice. God willing…. thank you very much
OK i will help you if you send to me money
Cute! But you should say “if you send me money”, not “if you send to me money”!
you are a great teacher
hi how are you im from venezuela im taking a english course now im in the beginner level, so understand the english very well if the person that is talking speak slow, but sometimes i feel bad because when i watch the news in the british channel they speak very fast and i think that im bad learning the languaje….what do you think about?
Don’t worry.
When you’re starting out, it’s perfectly normal to experience difficulty understanding those who speak quickly. This happens to everyone. It’s simply a matter of practice and attuning your ear to the language and the accents.
As a beginner, you’re unfamiliar with the vocabulary, expressions and idioms used by native English speakers. You’re also unaccustomed to the accents. As you strengthen your language skills, you will be able to understand more and more.
Just take it one step at a time, and gradually you will be able to cope more effectively. So don’t worry, you’re not bad at learning English, you’re just going through the normal stages that every language learner goes through. Stay positive and you’ll make good progress.
thank you so much,,,,
hi we are good tearchers please helpe grammar bigener and also ihave promlem spoken english iam liven forien contry iam student iwanna study unversity after four months so i realy need some ane helpe thats all see u again
my name ifrah
I suggest you join English language classes in your country or in an English-speaking country right away so that you can start learning all the necessary skills for communicating correctly and effectively in English. University-level English is quite advanced, so the sooner you get started, the better. All the best to you!
your advice is very momentous
HI, i want to say thanks and congratulate you guys, for this big effort that you are doing for us, people that need all this information in video format to improve their English skills. I have been following up all the videos and I feel I’m getting a pretty good knowledge.
once again thanks very much.
Our pleasure. Glad the lessons help you.
Always a pleasure to get feedback from a fellow teacher.
Thanks very much for your input and please tell your students about the website, so we can continue to offer more lessons.
All the best with your classes. Do drop in and see us if you’re ever in Toronto!
can u tell the use of would, could. i usually don’t understand. when to use would ,will, can ,could in some situations.
Hi Preeti
I will try and do a lesson just for you on this subject. Keep checking in on us. :)
I’m waiting you and yearn to the lesson :)
hi, thnx for the great side it is realy use full can u teach me how the rules of teaching i wana join any institute. plz reply
Dear Rebbecca,
I’m wondering if you have any videos or lectures in the verbal instructions in the passive voice tenses because they are the most confusing section in English grammar. mohsen_mozayyan@hotmail.com
Hi Rebecca!
I’m enjoying your classes and the other teachers, so here I can improve my English and I know that this language is very important fot everyone.
Bye and Thank you
You’re welcome. Please do tell your friends in Brazil.
Hi mam Rebecca, you are so good in teaching! Thank you for your effort and to you colleagues as well in doing such videos which are useful to many people and very UNDERSTANDABLE. Thanks much!More lessons to come. May God Bless you all… :)
Thanks, Julia. Glad we could help you.
Hi, you are so good in teaching! Thank you for your effort and to you colleagues as well in doing such videos which are useful to many people and very UNDERSTANDABLE. Thanks much!More lessons to come. May God Bless you all… :)
Thank you so much for your feedback and blessings. All the best to you from all of us and good luck with your English! Please tell your friends about our website so we can keep on doing this. Thanks, again.
Thanks for great lesson ! I wish I could understand whatever I hear in English, and I also want to speak English, but I haven’t done yet. I discover this page and I think that it’s very useful for everyone, who want to improve their grade of english. I hope that this page will work forever…
Thank you !
Duy Nam
Thanks for your feedback. Please do tell your friends if you feel these lessons help you. That way we can continue to expand the website with more lessons.
All the best to you with your English. I am sure you will succeed. With motivation and desire, we can reach any goal.
thank u :)
You’re very welcome.
hi ma’am thank u very much i like it i’m also a teacher recently i have done ma advanced in one of the institute in pakistan n plz can you show me the rules n regulation of teaching. looking forward to resing from u a positive answer
Hi Rebecca!
I’m enjoying your teaching..yesterday I watched the lecture on “present tense”.It’s really good,but after this lecture I’m expecting the lecture on “present progressive tense”.
So where should I get the lectures video on topic “Tenses” ..
please do the needful…..
Hello . Thank you very much. I glad that I found this website .
I wanted to study English very hard by myself . but result is not a good .
Right now you are teaching me by this website. I understand a lot .
Thank you .
Glad the site is helping you to learn better English. Thanks for your feedback and do tell your friends.
Hello, Rebecca, it’s me again. There is no space in “Polite English” so I want to say “Thank you”.
McDonald’s says: “I’m loving it.” It should be incorrect because you’ve written that it’s a stative verb and I cannot use it in progressive aspect. But I heard many people say that it is right. Where’s the trick?
Where can I use stative verbs in continuous’ tenses? Is it possible?
Thank you for your answering.
Yes, the phrase ” I’m loving it.” is incorrect grammatically.
However, it has become a kind of slang expression so you may use it informally, but not in formal or academic contexts.
There is a list in most good grammar books of the few stative verbs which you can use in a continuous context. It does take some time to understand the difference, especially when there is so much slang being used in movies and online.
Keep going, and you’ll get it. My best to you.
Can I tell a person “you are looking beautiful today” or should I just say “you look beautiful today”?
thank you very much and all the best to you with your family. With all my love. your students…
I learn a lot, thank you Rebbeca.
My pleasure to help. Thanks to all.
Hello Rebecca,
thank you so much for your lessons, I really enjoy watching them, they are very easy to understand and remember. I teach English too and use your lessons in my classes. My students in Ukraine enjoy them very much. Thank you.
I would love to listen to a lesson on a gerund. Do you have any? Thanks. Oksana
hi rebbeca
thank you so much for the leson .and i want to gives me some advics in the anglais reating cause i m realy bad .
latifa morocco
Hi Miss Rebecca, I’m having a little problem with my listening skills, like some people had expressed here, it is very difficult to me to understand british people, is there any way to improve the listening skills in order to get what they say? is it difficult for you to understand the way they speak? sometimes I think about british people like spanish people (people from spain) sometimes I don’t understand what they say and I speak spanish since I was 3 or 4 years old, does that happen to you with british people?(or people from other coutries like Australia)
I was living in Toronto (I love that city, is beautiful and full of nice people) and most of the times I didin’t have any problem understanding Canadians, words like “advertisment” are pronounced different by british people, could that be part of my problem?
Lately I’ve been watching some movies with british actors, like “Alfie” and “shaun of the dead”, when I watch your videos I don’t have any problem understanding what you say, but when it comes to understand dialogues in movies…mmm…big problem…plus, I’ve never taken english classes, this is the first time I do it, I’m attending school in order to learn much better, I know I make many grammar mistakes yet, that’s why I’m watching all your videos, which I find really illustrative, like you said before, there is many slang in movies, that makes it tougher because british, american and canadian slang are way different.
I’m concerned about my level, I would like to be an english teacher but I think I don’t have enough knowledge, I read yesterday that in order to be a teacher it is necessary to take the TKT and with an upper intermediate level is enough, I took a test one month ago and they had set me in the b2 level, I don’t understand why they always set me in an upper intermediate or advanced level, I know I make many grammar mistakes, is that right? what testers consider in order to decide which level people go? how can I know when I’m ready to be a teacher?is it normal that I don’t understand british people even having that “so called” upper intermediate or advanced level? thank you very much for your time. Kind regards.
thank you for efforts
hey rebecca..
you are just great and your lectures are really really helpful.
what i want to know is,in a quiz there was a sentence that WE ALWAYS GO FOR A WALK AFTER DINNER.UNLESS IT’S RAINING.
I’m actually confused about UNLESS IT’S RAINING.
Although my teacher told me present continous doesn’t fall by unless..
i mean we are supposed to use simple tenses like unless it rains..
please help me out,i’d be really greatful to you..
hi Rebecca ! thnx a lot , your lessons are excellent.
hi teacher Rebecca.i am very happy beacuse that i am learning from your lesson .
plese send me detail any lesson.plz teacher and take care
Ms Rebeka
please i would like know what is difference and how i use the verbs rise and raise
second question
how use may and might
are there related
thank u
I like you when you explained. It made me understand.
Thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca madam in this engvid website so many teachers are there but u are the best teacher. plzz madam upload ur new lessons of past tense……i love u ……my name is emraan hashmi……..
emraan hashmi
this autumn is the simple present?
thank yu but i need more tests
Hi Rebecca I started watching your videos from You Tube . I could not find the grammatical topics in a regular order like after tenses it comes irregular verbs etc. Can you help me regarding that.
Hi Rebecca I’m very pleased with you and your lesson. I’m listening you and understand quite everything ! I’m very glad to see you in Argentina and dance tango with you ! Thank a lot again ! See you !
you are such a nice woman!
thank you very much!
nice way of teaching .. i want to learn fluent spoken and advamced english. what should i do
what level can i start
can istart from uper elementry
she is working in the hospital..
she works in the hospital..
hi, rebecca are the above sentences correct?
Hi, Engvid lessons are really helpful for me and many like me… to brush up their knowlegde in english grammer…
Many thanks for your noble and matchless effort… and Please dont stop importing your valuable teachings in Engvid. its very very useful and highly appreciated….
well done. you guys are done excellent job. people ll learn English now easily and get progress.
Abhishek Pillai
Thank you so much.
I actually enjoy studying with your lessons,because they are useful ,brief,and precise.
I have a question.
regarding to p.continuous: when can I use it in temporary situations? could you please explain it in details for me?
many thanks.
Thank you mrs / miss but this is not all about
the present simple and present continous what
about the stative verbs where can we use them . well , thanks a lot .
hi, can you give some lesson for children? My daughter is 11 years old and studying in let’s go 6. Thanks.
four your all your help,you are THE BEST!
Hi Rebecca,how are you?Thank you for your all your help.You are THE BEST!
Hi Rebecca , thank you for your good lessons
I want to ask , how can i be agood english speaker?
it is very good lesson
thanks robeeca
Its been a great learning experience with you
I need to know something about state verb and using that in present tenses like that present coninous and present perfect. I’ll be glad if you help me. Marta from Poland
well done thank you alot
oh thank you so much for this tutorial.. it helps a lot…
Thank you so much for the free lessons
hello Rebecca!!! i am from Kazakhstan,i think that u dont know this country,maybe i erronews. I saw your lessons)))) and i think it is fantastic))) can you help me about writting my essay motivation to university,i want to study an abroud. maybe some examples))))))))))) thank u)))))))
hello i am from Afghanistan i know u know that counter and i like to learn English but i have more and more problem in speling i cant wroth if u can pleas helpp me and thanks you Rebecca u are very great teacher thanks for teaching me
hello,i’m yassine ifis from Morocco i need you’re hellp to learn ENGLISH.i’m not bad ,just i have somme dificulty at english.so what soulde i do???
thanks alot mam for these good lesson
and you way of teaching is very amazing and i hope to be one of your friends
mahmoud rashad
miss rebecca i want just say you that you are a great women and professionel teacher,thinks so much for your effort
hello i’m camilia i am from morocco i have some questions we say i have many or much work to do its confusing is rhese sentences are correct where does he arrvie at 2:00 / what is in the envelope i wait for ur response thnx for your help
thanks alot ms.rebeeca
thaks alot ms.rebeeca:)
hi thank you very much it is very helpful for me. my son and i, love to learn English. could you please help us?
greetins, teacher rebecca. this is the first time i write to you. some days ago i made i question to one of your fellow teacher on engvid, so the question: is what the differences bewteen the american english and the british on?, i expect a quick answer from you.thank you so much in advance,so long.
thank you with every language in the world ,not enough for you,thank you
The Egyptian
Ronnie, Thanks, you really made it clear with tenses. I look for to learning more. I thank God for this website sight because I was always shy about asking questions in person in class.
Rebeccia, sorry use the wrong name, you are not Ronnie. I meant Rebeccia;nevertheless, I enjoyed the lesson on tenses.
Yeah, 100 points :)
But what about a present progressive lesson. I can’t find this video.
Thanks Miss Rebecca, my English improving alot
Try not to cry
Tank you Rebecca, i like your lesson’s but i want to give me difference between present simple and present perfect tenses.
thank you for teaching me.
Great, but i would like to ask something.
Should we say that we use P.S in Habits, or Routine is better.
Hi Rebecca ;
Thank so much to help me for learning English with east way.
you are really a good teacher…thank you so much for your nice class
Nirupam Banik
hi rebecca i’m from morocco and i want to thanke you a lot.but pleas can help me i have a lot of problems in writing what i should do
Thank you
thx for this kind useful lessons i think all theachers are elagent in this site .
excellent in teaching
thanks so much for video clases, they serve me a lot. although I’d like to watch and learn about present perfect simple and progressive. bye…
ramirez chaves
Thanks a lot for this web,Its wonderfull place for improve my english. Thanks very much.
Hi Rebecca, first and foremost, I have to say that you are doing an excellent job and highly appreciated by all of us especially a non-native speaker like me. However, I have a question to ask on the 3rd part of your teachings on present tense which is why did you use:
Does He/She/It WORK instead of WORKS?
Hello Rebecca, could you please tell me when should I use words can- could, shall- should, will- would and so on.
Thank you for teaching me!
thank you teacher , me thusday I have an exam for english
hello how are you ? I learn new english
Love the lesson !! Do you have any French courses too or do you know about a website just like this one that can help someone learn French. Please i need help with French .. Really appreciate it if u can lend me a helping hand.
Great lesson I obtained an 80
Keylor Sancho Rodriguez
Can you tell me the clear differences between Gerund and Present Participle?
hello Rebecca, my name is Fahad and i am from Pakistan. I want to tell you that after taking your lesson i am felling improvement in my english grammar.
Hi everyone! I’m Cambodian, I realy happy when we have Website address like this. It’s very important f0r me and other people on the world, I wih u good luck, thank you so much.
Cool! I love Cambodia!
i am from yemen i like english so istudy english from the internet iwould like to ask you how ican sbeak english and understand the meaning of word in the sentence for example i have my history class after lunch what is the meaning of have here and thank you for your lesson adel from yemen
Thank you a lot teacher
how to speak fluently
a helpful lesson , thank you
please I wuold like to help me in the writting memo and report
many thanks
I can not thank you enough. I need forme you to help in the writting how to write memo and report
many thanks
I can not thank you enough. i need from you to help in the writting if you do no maind.How to write report and meno. email
what is memeo
thank you very much teacher
excellent mrs.rebacca.
hi Rebbeca thanks for your help i want that you will explain each tense to us specifically like you did present simple.
It awesome.I need more Quiz for practice …
it’s very simple way to clear the concept of both tenses,thanks for informing.
Hi Rebbeca I am Elnara I am english teacher I love teaching and always tyr to be the bets one but steel I need help with past tense with irregulars and others if you could help me I d be greatefull to you . thanks
who make in the prsent simple and who make the precent contineus
thank you
abdulla saad
me i not know the present simple
abdulla saad
Hello,how do you do? I am a new English teacher and i have not found an appropriate method to present simple present for beginner.
Please give me the solution.
Your sincerly,
Hi Mrs. Rebecca,
Your lesson is really help me.
But in order to mastering all well, I think it would be better if I study in active way as well, like making conversation.
Do you think your site (engvid.com) providing this?
Or do you know another website I can visit?
Thank you very much for your comment.
Good idea sisKA
Thank you for this course. I have just arrived in Toronto to further my English (I am French) Give you lessons in Toronto?
i thinks you so much
I am Cambodian and I want speak English fluently
Could you tell me how can I improve my ability ?
Thank Rebecca, It was great class.
Hi Rebecca, it was very nice. Thanks you for your help.
ur making it much easier Rebecca .THx
Thank You!!! )))
Hi ! MS Rebecca , thanks for you help is really help :)
Which is correct?
He makes sure he “exercise” or “exercises” daily.
Thanks for your help.
hi thanks alot
this video is very good ! :D I have to use tenses on the exam ♥
hi please tell me when i use these all tenses i mean in which situation? give some situations and meanings of using these tenses with the help of tenses.
thank you very much
this is amazing web site really your explain is so clear and you have special method in explaining .. keep on and well don my sister if you want any thing i’m ready just send a massage.
(would you please focus on the conversation)
Thanks that was really nice :)
Many thanks.
thanks alot for helping…but i have some problems in using some preposition in my talk…
Hello teacher! Thank you for teaching English. Your teaching method is excellent. Also I appreciate your voice very much.
Thank you very much for a wonderful lesson to me. It was very useful and meaningful….
I will know is you have more an one questionary after each video. How I can access. Your class are helpme so much. Thank you. Cesar Martinez
can you fix me up i really have big problem in writng and i am new in this website
My score: 70.00.I got 7 correct out of 10…..ummmh!. Some a little difficult for me.I have to practice more……Thank you very much Mrs.Rebecca.
Thank You very match for clear and nice lessons.
nice videos, and the explanations, thanks to Rebecca and the team.
thank u mam..
Thank You!!!
Dear Madam
U & Ur Team doing a absolutely very good job.
dattaram Chavan
In 8 minutes, i learn more than 5 years at french school…^^
Oncle Shu
… I learned (?)…
Oncle Shu
its nice
It was really being complicated before watch the video. Wot she was told is exact Students like me always making that mistake. Anyway I’m So happy about the way u teach and highly appreciated!!!!
thanks you alot.i find your website in youtube today so i am happy right now.
you are a best teacher in the world beacause learn english for free.i hope i can improve my english whith you.i use english class and english grammer in use for intermediat and your leasons also
thanks again:)
Thanks for providing such helpful, and nice lessons. I got much knowledge.
am very happy that i could now avoid the error in my grammer thanks so much Rebbeca ..
Hello, Rebecca!
Nice to meet you :) Your classes are great. I live in Russia and am a translator/interpreter Eng-Rus, Rus-Eng. You know, employers want to get a person who has huge work experience as translator/interpreter and I have only the September internship. This year I’ve graduated the Southern Federal University. I don’t work as tranlator nowadays because of my little experience of being translator but I can use my skills :) I’m a tutor of English and interpret your classes to my pupils who want to learn this language. And this is a way to keep my English and the skills I’ve got at the University.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Your speech is pretty clear and distinct. If I only had the opportunity to study lingvistics abroad… but first of all, I should prepare for TOEFL and get the Fulbright’s grant.
Ok! I wish you luck!
BTW, I hardly see the words on the blackboard because of the light. But I can hear you and that’s awesome.
thank you mam.your teaching is very nice.
i loved to learn from you
and i would do it once again <3<3
thanks to teaching me……
I’m the new student.What the difference between neither and either?
Can you help me because the test Tomorrow
and i not understand the present prograssive
thank you i’m lebanese and i’m studiying english thank you for informing us
Thank you a lot.
Very clear and complete explanation.
All the best
thank you very much
this is panjshiri
It is actually a very good lesson,but I have some questions regarding tenses so shall I leave them here or I should send them to your email which I don’t have? Please will you kindly help me out..
thanks you for the lesson , it was very nice ,i like your methodology to teachs us
lenin ortiz
Hey there thank you very much for your videos and well for this website in general, I’m from Mexico and I’m an English teacher here, still quite unexperienced I’m afraid and my students are having a hard time telling the difference between these two tenses and I’m getting quite frustated :(. I just found this website but I think it’s going to be a great resourse for my classes thank you :D
I learn a lot, thank you Rebbeca.
Hi Rebecca,
you are a good teaching > I have littile problom in english. I don;t understand prasat perfact .you can help me! pleas..
thank you very much mr.Rebecca
Hi Rebbeca,
Thanks for wonderful lesson.
Could you please also uploa the lessons on Past/Future simple and Progressive also.
I am not finding in this website.
Thanks a Lot,
Thank you very much rebecca I benefited from the information and I thank you very for this wonderful website, but I have a problem that I am a second year student in English literature so far, but I am weak in the conversation, but I understand from speaking English in front of me.
Hello: thank You for the lesson.
thanks rebecca
but i need to learn how to speach english realy i am a good in grammers but iam bad in speach
what is your advice ?
thanks a lot miss
10 of 10!!! Thanks
thanks a lot of from your all team. they are working very hard for us any so easy. i do not speak before when i don’t lesson your video now i speak and also writing four your team. thanks to all your team.
madam ayour attitude was very good.thanks for helping us.
Very nice lesson i really like this
It’s late night i need to learned English before dawn.
o that’s nice,this lesson helped me a lot……
it very important, thinks again
Hi Rebecca,
I am an English teacher as a second Language in the United Arab Emirates. I’m from Dubai. I teach grade 10 in a high school. I would like to thank you of your great videoes. I used them in my classes specaily in Grammar classes. All of my 70 students say “Hi” to you.
Many Thanks & God save you wherever you where.
thank you so much.
Mam.. Really u made me the things about present tense very clear.
Thank u very much.
my dear teacher thank you very much 1000 i donot anderstand your voice so i need to tell me how i learn english. every exam i lost 40 pints what i can do my dear mother.
Hello Rebecca,
When is the Present Progressive class coming out?
Davi Oak
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca.I am an Indonesian and I’ve got 9 on the quiz. your lesson was really helpful…
Hello Rebecca,
When is the Present Progressive class coming out?
Davi Oak
hi miss u r a great teacher plz help me my eng is very bad but i want to speak eng plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me and thank u sooo moch.
hi reebaca how r u i daily wached your endvid learning class and i tray to understand it but now i want to speak please could you tell me is any other web site wich i can use for speak
Thank you very much !!!!
i don’t know if a a world have good people
Like you Rebecca.
(I live in saudi arabia)
does it correct sentence ?
I think you are a wounderful teacher. you also tell the different present contiouns and present perfect countious.
Dear Rebecca.
You are really great teacher. I have been taught by some teachers for a long time, but nobody couldn’t explaining in so clear and intelligent way like you. So I thank you very much. I would like to added that your colleagues are very good and lovable teachers, too. So I thank all of you. I am so pleased with your website that I recommend it to all my friends and family.I cordially greet all your team.
Teacher Rebecca, thank you so much. I am very happy to found this website, it,s easiest and best lessons i had had. Thank you so much
Thanks for your lesson, I have a question, why the phrase “who do you work with?” have that order, I mean why is the “with” at the end?
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank a lot. I have confused for longtime.
thanks for your lesson!
thanks so much teacher i love you
Hello Rebeca,
I am new at here! I am from Bulgaria and i have a problem with Present Continious, because in my langulage there isn’t such a continious tense. How can I easy understand Present Continious? Please give me advice! :)
thnaks alot put what about statve verb
Thank you very much.I want to speack english languge but i got very difficult to learn could you give me advises
i got your lesson you are a good teacher but there is a point which is very confusing “how many tense there in English” i asked a lot some told me 12 and the other told me 13 but i don’t know please help me
Hello my teacher,
You are extremely great in teaching English. You always make the vague subject in English , clear and easy to undrestand .. you are greatttttttttttt , GOD bless you
thank you my best teacher :)
Hi! Rebecca you’re great teacher, I enjoy your classes and I learn a lot. Thanks. I have a question about question 2: Why is “I’m working” and no “I work”. Right now _____ as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, just to earn some extra money, until school starts again in the fall. If you ask me are you work as is… I think my answer has to be I work as… instead If you ask me “Are you working at the chinese restaurant…? I am not clear why?
hello teacher thank you abuot tha programe for learn to english a words i tenk help mor peple
hello my teacher thank you abut learnig to english
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for the lesson. I just have a question for you. What is the difference among present progressive, gerund, and present participle? They seem pretty much the same to me.
i got 8/10 why i wrong the sun is sets? the sun is general right? so the sun set right? please explain…i dont know about it… i want learn.. sorry madam rebecca my english was broken
sun is singular so you have to add s with your verb. T
thanks a lot for this great work!
not great work
great work
Thanks so much Rebecca, great explanation
This web site is super cool.
Thanks for all
dear teacher thank you very much.
Rebecca, please give your comment on this excerpt from Advanced Grammar in Use by Martin Hewings. His book says that we use the present continuous or the present simple to describe something that we regularly do at a PARTICULAR time. Then he invites us to compare:
We usually WATCH the news on TV at 9.00 (= we start watching at 9.00)
We’RE usually WATCHING the news on TV at 9.00 (= we’re already watching at 9.00)
Thanks for your video
But can you explain me. Why Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Allan had an accident last week and _____ in the hospital.
is still recovering
still recovers
still recovering
still recover
is still recovering, why with is ???
Thank you for your help.
best regards
Now that I found an answer to my own question, I can help you, Maria, understand the use of Present Continuous. The point is that Allan has not recovered COMPLETELY. He seems to need more time to get well again because he must’ve been badly injured, so he can’t walk so far or act in a normal way. The situation is TEMPORARY, that’s why he is still recovering (he’s still in hospital and has not been discharged yet). “IS” is used here to FORM the proper TENSE, which is made up of the verb “to BE” + V-ing.
You are so nice. I really thank you for the lessons. I am improving my english so faster…
i really appreciate your efforts,could you please tell me as you said with he,she and it we will use “s” and what about his,her and with names like maria lives or live in london.
Tq rebecca nice lesson….
Hello from Georgia Dear teacher. Thank you for your lessons, they always are very interesting for me. Thanks Rebecca.
60 :(
it’s very help me
Hi rebecca you are helpful for me thank you this video ;)
I’m confuse because in the last example that u gave, you said “I like ice cream” and that is the affirmative form then with the negative you said “I don’t like ice cream” but with the question you said ” Do you like ice cream?” Why you use “You” and not “I” in making question with that sentence? Sorry my English is really bad. By the way thanks for the lessons I really like it and looking forward for more topics ;)
You said: ” I’m staying at such-and-such hotel”
Please make a video about this term and similar terms. For example blah and blah. Thanks.
Oh, but there are many comments before me. I don’t think anyone reads mine. :(
But thanks anyway. Thanks for your cool team. :)
Thank you! I was looking for that lesson, and finally I found it! Now I looking for lesson describes Past Simple vs. Past Continuous ;)
Hello guys ,dear Rebecca how are you I was really interesting about your lessons , how can i get your lessons ?
Hi Rebecca, how are you today, I want to thanks for everything, It really help me a lot.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson
take care
you are great people
Essam Nawar
thanks a lot..
I make the wrong answer. could you tell me why the fifth and ninth answer is that?please
howard chen
thanks !! that’s great
thank you for good effort
It is very useful to beginners to learn English
thank you…
Pulla Reddy Bujala
Dear Rebecca,
thank you so much the explanation of the grammar rule has been very clear.
Grettings from Italy.
Very clear
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca
Tchin Shi
Thank you very much
I want to ask a question about will with verb probably who comes first will or probably
ex : we say it will probably be cold tomorrow or it probably will be cold tomorrow
It won’t probably rain tomorrow or it probably won’t rain tomorrow
Thanks for your lesson.
Can we use the present progressive for future?
Thanks a lot, Rebecca ! I adore your lessons. Your explanations are so intelligible!
Hi, Rebecca. Why did you look sad in this lesson? You almost did not give us your nice smile (and your marker was not writing very good). Did something displeasing happened to you at that day? Good luck!
Sergiy D
Should I use -s in verb, plural form, when noun is not human? e.g. “Buses never arrive (arriveS) on time”
thank you so much Rebecca for helping us
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Hello Rebecca,
thank you so much for your lessons, I really enjoy watching them,
Many thanks teacher!
Thank you teacher , i have problem to use “to be” ?
Dear Rebecca
Everyday, I learn and I review my English on your site with big pleasure.
Yours sincerely.
It’s amazing lecture !
hi rebecca
its very informative lecture, could you arrange a skype online section for us to devolope our speaking skill
cyril j padiyathu
thank you for lesson!
Hello! I have few sentences:
1. One day, the little boy goes to the woods.(story)
2. Here comes out teacher!
3. I now mix the butter with the cocoa.
Could you tell me if this sentences are ok? thx
Thank you for your help.
could u explain it with more examples, please
rakesh hotker
teacher, will u help me by suggesting tricks,about how to find errors in English sentences. And is grammar needed for it,or it would be good to just use logic.
rakesh hotker
I need help from you, my english is so bad :(
6 correct of 10 =(
Thank, you for lesson.
We use the present progressive tense when we talk about an action happening at the time of speaking, but we use the present tense to talk about things in general,and repeated actions.
Ameen Alhomaidi
Thank you Miss Rebeeca I really enjoyed the lesson and I got 8 out of 10 in the quiz thanks a lot
Hi teacher Rebecca,
I am Tessi , I just want you to help to give me some advice because I aim to study IELTS But my grammar and writing skill so poor. How to improve it?
Many Thanks,
i will try to spread this web to all of my frends in class
ayoub maati
Thanks Rebecca! :)
It is easy .I got 10 correct out of 10.
Great!!! The explanation and the quiz to check the answers
thank you very much mrs.Rebecca
Thank you very much for your lessons, mrs Rebecca.
Thank you for this lesson! Can I ask you smth?
“I taking a shower” Why Progressive? That is not a routine? Would you give me some examples of how express Simple in sense of it?
thanx teacher i it was really fruitful
Zakaria Youli
Thank you so much.
Marta Lopez
Very big thanks you but t still misunderstanding until now for the different bitween the tow verb ….
Abdi ahmed nour
A challenger quiz that i need continúe practice
Thank you your clas helps a lot of persons also me.
Hey, Rebecca
I scored 9 out of 10. But still I am not much confident about my English. Please help me out.
Thanks engvid family.
Thank you so much ma’am I got 100
Hi teacher, thanks for your lesson. Please, I have a doubt: I read on Internet that verbs finish in s (as focus) can duplicate the s (focusses). Thanks
Thank u mam for such a gud lesson..it was worthy to see it.
Thank you
Ms.Rebeca, I’m loving learning with you, Excellente teacher, never give up, to teach people.I think alot people love you. Thank You so much.
I got 10/10!! Great lesson!
5. Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Allan had an accident last week and _____ in the hospital.
is still recovering
still recovers
still recovering
still recover
what is the answer and can you tell me why please ?
Hello teacher . I ask you some question? how did we use (Are you wearing , and do you wear ? what is the different ? in the present simple and progressive
Dear Rebecca, thank you for your lessons. I have a q about the 6 th sentence in the test. Isnt the present continuous tense also possible in the 1st sentence? When asked what your hobby is , if I answer I am collecting coins?
And Martin is still collecting coins around the time of speaking. Furthermore the next sentence is in the present perfect continuous. Can we also use the present cont. in the 1st sentence?
thank’s my teacher great lesson i got 35 / 100 i watch again and i try
finally i got 100 / 100 when i repeated watch your lesson great lesson thank’s so much my teacher rebecca we hope watch more like that lesson thank’s so much
i got 8/10 without shitin r tkin any help
is there who get+ then me !
golden boy @the boss
n plz teacher
wd u list some other cases wn we use present simple/ continoues
golden boy @the boss
Thank you. Rebecca
I had dinner.
belongs to which tense ???
Thanks very much
You’re a really perfect teacher Rebecca. Congraculations on you….
Novak Dean
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
dear teacher. i understand English and i wrote but i can’t speak more. I started learning about three months ago. Can you give me some advises.
Thank you so mach.
Thank you so much
9/10 thanks teacher very much! I understood everything :D
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
I am not understanding English
Pls correct it according to right tense.Mention the tense & it’s grammatically use.
thank you!!! the present continuous is really really to hard to me learn.
I’m new here! I’ve just past the quiz. It was so interesting. Thank you very much for your support.
thank you
Aml Mounier
Thank you so much Teacher
Thank you so much mam
Thanks so much, teacher Rebbeca. I watch your classes a long time ago. Kiss
Great lesson!
Could you please send me the name of a few books to improve my writing skills?
Thanks Rebecca for this interesting lesson. I will continue to improve my English though yours advices.
Thank you, not so bad, I had 80 % with two mistakes
Thanks @Rebecca for this lesson. it will improve my basics some mistake.
This was a nice lesson! You are an excellent teacher. Thank you.
Right now _____ as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, just to earn some extra money, until school starts again in the fall.
Why ‘I work’ will be wrong answer here?
Thank you,
Wilber MachuPicchu
Always teacher Rebecca is the best teacher about English tenses
Thanks Rebecca
Kasule Alex
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your English grammar explanation. This video I have confused.
May you explain to me at the moment, please?
Why we are using it here Present Simpl?
It is a permanent situation.
4. It _____ a long time to fly from Mumbai to New York, you know.
is taking
Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebecca you are the best teacher…I have been learning English with your video….
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
u are amazing guyz
jakhor nicus
thank you so much MS Rebeca
your lesson is very helpful
hiba el harrach
thank you this assignment helped me a lot to understand this topic!
Thanks a lot rebacca. You’re teaching so good. I got confidence that, I can improve my English writing and speaking skills. Thank you once again
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much Rebecca,but Please explain to us how to use Adverb of Frequency in Simple Present Form. 🥺
thank you so much <3
Thank you!
One step at a time thank you very much.
You are a great teacher. I’m appreciating the lessons.
Thank you so much teacher!
Thanks Rebecca i got 9 out of 10.You are so kind and energetic to teach people…..
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
it was very nice , thanks you for hellping people
My pleasure.
thanks very much mis
could u help me in propestions in place like at in on and other there are very hard i cant underdtand it
and thanks for every thing mis rebca
Hi ahmd,
Alex has recorded a great lesson on exactly this topic:
Prepositions of Place – AT, ON, IN
What is wrong with making A lesson by more than one teacher? For example all of teachers can have a lessons about “Preposition of Place”. I think it’s more useful. :)
it is very usefull
thank you :)
hi miss Rebecca, i’m still confused about using simple present tense. especially when i want to talk to someone.in daily conversation did we use simple present tense ? thank you :)
you are so generous teacher
Ty Kindly
i don’t know ,how can I thank you
i need more help form you, my english is bad , and i love english.
Try to immerse yourself in English. Sing, read, write, speak, listen, dance…in English. Keeping a short daily diary in English can also help. First, just write about simple activities that filled your day. Later, add more details about people, places, emotions and so on. Of course, it’s best if someone can check your diary and correct any recurring errors.
I have seen many students make great progress and I’m sure you can do it too.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I 100 percent agree with you.
!!!My English is bad, but I want to learn English well!!! I’ll do my best!!!Thank You for your help!!!
your words is great and I’ll do your advice. God willing…. thank you very much
OK i will help you if you send to me money
Cute! But you should say “if you send me money”, not “if you send to me money”!
you are a great teacher
hi how are you im from venezuela im taking a english course now im in the beginner level, so understand the english very well if the person that is talking speak slow, but sometimes i feel bad because when i watch the news in the british channel they speak very fast and i think that im bad learning the languaje….what do you think about?
Don’t worry.
When you’re starting out, it’s perfectly normal to experience difficulty understanding those who speak quickly. This happens to everyone. It’s simply a matter of practice and attuning your ear to the language and the accents.
As a beginner, you’re unfamiliar with the vocabulary, expressions and idioms used by native English speakers. You’re also unaccustomed to the accents. As you strengthen your language skills, you will be able to understand more and more.
Just take it one step at a time, and gradually you will be able to cope more effectively. So don’t worry, you’re not bad at learning English, you’re just going through the normal stages that every language learner goes through. Stay positive and you’ll make good progress.
thank you so much,,,,
hi we are good tearchers please helpe grammar bigener and also ihave promlem spoken english iam liven forien contry iam student iwanna study unversity after four months so i realy need some ane helpe thats all see u again
I suggest you join English language classes in your country or in an English-speaking country right away so that you can start learning all the necessary skills for communicating correctly and effectively in English. University-level English is quite advanced, so the sooner you get started, the better. All the best to you!
your advice is very momentous
HI, i want to say thanks and congratulate you guys, for this big effort that you are doing for us, people that need all this information in video format to improve their English skills. I have been following up all the videos and I feel I’m getting a pretty good knowledge.
once again thanks very much.
Our pleasure. Glad the lessons help you.
Always a pleasure to get feedback from a fellow teacher.
Thanks very much for your input and please tell your students about the website, so we can continue to offer more lessons.
All the best with your classes. Do drop in and see us if you’re ever in Toronto!
can u tell the use of would, could. i usually don’t understand. when to use would ,will, can ,could in some situations.
Hi Preeti
I will try and do a lesson just for you on this subject. Keep checking in on us. :)
I’m waiting you and yearn to the lesson :)
hi, thnx for the great side it is realy use full can u teach me how the rules of teaching i wana join any institute. plz reply
Dear Rebbecca,
I’m wondering if you have any videos or lectures in the verbal instructions in the passive voice tenses because they are the most confusing section in English grammar.
Thank you
Yes, we have lessons on this website itself on the passive tense. These lessons were recorded by some of the other teachers:
Ronnie: Easy Introduction to Passive in English
James: Passive Introduction
I’m Sure they will help.
Hi Rebecca!
I’m enjoying your classes and the other teachers, so here I can improve my English and I know that this language is very important fot everyone.
Bye and Thank you
You’re welcome. Please do tell your friends in Brazil.
Hi mam Rebecca, you are so good in teaching! Thank you for your effort and to you colleagues as well in doing such videos which are useful to many people and very UNDERSTANDABLE. Thanks much!More lessons to come. May God Bless you all… :)
Thanks, Julia. Glad we could help you.
Hi, you are so good in teaching! Thank you for your effort and to you colleagues as well in doing such videos which are useful to many people and very UNDERSTANDABLE. Thanks much!More lessons to come. May God Bless you all… :)
Thank you so much for your feedback and blessings. All the best to you from all of us and good luck with your English! Please tell your friends about our website so we can keep on doing this. Thanks, again.
Thanks for great lesson ! I wish I could understand whatever I hear in English, and I also want to speak English, but I haven’t done yet. I discover this page and I think that it’s very useful for everyone, who want to improve their grade of english. I hope that this page will work forever…
Thank you !
Thanks for your feedback. Please do tell your friends if you feel these lessons help you. That way we can continue to expand the website with more lessons.
All the best to you with your English. I am sure you will succeed. With motivation and desire, we can reach any goal.
thank u :)
You’re very welcome.
hi ma’am thank u very much i like it i’m also a teacher recently i have done ma advanced in one of the institute in pakistan n plz can you show me the rules n regulation of teaching. looking forward to resing from u a positive answer
Hi Rebecca!
I’m enjoying your teaching..yesterday I watched the lecture on “present tense”.It’s really good,but after this lecture I’m expecting the lecture on “present progressive tense”.
So where should I get the lectures video on topic “Tenses” ..
please do the needful…..
Hello . Thank you very much. I glad that I found this website .
I wanted to study English very hard by myself . but result is not a good .
Right now you are teaching me by this website. I understand a lot .
Thank you .
Glad the site is helping you to learn better English. Thanks for your feedback and do tell your friends.
Hello, Rebecca, it’s me again. There is no space in “Polite English” so I want to say “Thank you”.
McDonald’s says: “I’m loving it.” It should be incorrect because you’ve written that it’s a stative verb and I cannot use it in progressive aspect. But I heard many people say that it is right. Where’s the trick?
Where can I use stative verbs in continuous’ tenses? Is it possible?
Thank you for your answering.
Yes, the phrase ” I’m loving it.” is incorrect grammatically.
However, it has become a kind of slang expression so you may use it informally, but not in formal or academic contexts.
There is a list in most good grammar books of the few stative verbs which you can use in a continuous context. It does take some time to understand the difference, especially when there is so much slang being used in movies and online.
Keep going, and you’ll get it. My best to you.
Can I tell a person “you are looking beautiful today” or should I just say “you look beautiful today”?
thank you very much and all the best to you with your family. With all my love. your students…
I learn a lot, thank you Rebbeca.
My pleasure to help. Thanks to all.
Hello Rebecca,
thank you so much for your lessons, I really enjoy watching them, they are very easy to understand and remember. I teach English too and use your lessons in my classes. My students in Ukraine enjoy them very much. Thank you.
I would love to listen to a lesson on a gerund. Do you have any? Thanks. Oksana
hi rebbeca
thank you so much for the leson .and i want to gives me some advics in the anglais reating cause i m realy bad .
Hi Miss Rebecca, I’m having a little problem with my listening skills, like some people had expressed here, it is very difficult to me to understand british people, is there any way to improve the listening skills in order to get what they say? is it difficult for you to understand the way they speak? sometimes I think about british people like spanish people (people from spain) sometimes I don’t understand what they say and I speak spanish since I was 3 or 4 years old, does that happen to you with british people?(or people from other coutries like Australia)
I was living in Toronto (I love that city, is beautiful and full of nice people) and most of the times I didin’t have any problem understanding Canadians, words like “advertisment” are pronounced different by british people, could that be part of my problem?
Lately I’ve been watching some movies with british actors, like “Alfie” and “shaun of the dead”, when I watch your videos I don’t have any problem understanding what you say, but when it comes to understand dialogues in movies…mmm…big problem…plus, I’ve never taken english classes, this is the first time I do it, I’m attending school in order to learn much better, I know I make many grammar mistakes yet, that’s why I’m watching all your videos, which I find really illustrative, like you said before, there is many slang in movies, that makes it tougher because british, american and canadian slang are way different.
I’m concerned about my level, I would like to be an english teacher but I think I don’t have enough knowledge, I read yesterday that in order to be a teacher it is necessary to take the TKT and with an upper intermediate level is enough, I took a test one month ago and they had set me in the b2 level, I don’t understand why they always set me in an upper intermediate or advanced level, I know I make many grammar mistakes, is that right? what testers consider in order to decide which level people go? how can I know when I’m ready to be a teacher?is it normal that I don’t understand british people even having that “so called” upper intermediate or advanced level? thank you very much for your time. Kind regards.
thank you for efforts
hey rebecca..
you are just great and your lectures are really really helpful.
what i want to know is,in a quiz there was a sentence that WE ALWAYS GO FOR A WALK AFTER DINNER.UNLESS IT’S RAINING.
I’m actually confused about UNLESS IT’S RAINING.
Although my teacher told me present continous doesn’t fall by unless..
i mean we are supposed to use simple tenses like unless it rains..
please help me out,i’d be really greatful to you..
hi Rebecca ! thnx a lot , your lessons are excellent.
hi teacher Rebecca.i am very happy beacuse that i am learning from your lesson .
plese send me detail any lesson.plz teacher and take care
Ms Rebeka
please i would like know what is difference and how i use the verbs rise and raise
second question
how use may and might
are there related
thank u
I like you when you explained. It made me understand.
Thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca madam in this engvid website so many teachers are there but u are the best teacher. plzz madam upload ur new lessons of past tense……i love u ……my name is emraan hashmi……..
this autumn is the simple present?
thank yu but i need more tests
Hi Rebecca I started watching your videos from You Tube . I could not find the grammatical topics in a regular order like after tenses it comes irregular verbs etc. Can you help me regarding that.
Hi Rebecca I’m very pleased with you and your lesson. I’m listening you and understand quite everything ! I’m very glad to see you in Argentina and dance tango with you ! Thank a lot again ! See you !
you are such a nice woman!
thank you very much!
nice way of teaching .. i want to learn fluent spoken and advamced english. what should i do
what level can i start
can istart from uper elementry
she is working in the hospital..
she works in the hospital..
hi, rebecca are the above sentences correct?
Hi, Engvid lessons are really helpful for me and many like me… to brush up their knowlegde in english grammer…
Many thanks for your noble and matchless effort… and Please dont stop importing your valuable teachings in Engvid. its very very useful and highly appreciated….
well done. you guys are done excellent job. people ll learn English now easily and get progress.
Thank you so much.
I actually enjoy studying with your lessons,because they are useful ,brief,and precise.
I have a question.
regarding to p.continuous: when can I use it in temporary situations? could you please explain it in details for me?
many thanks.
Thank you mrs / miss but this is not all about
the present simple and present continous what
about the stative verbs where can we use them . well , thanks a lot .
hi, can you give some lesson for children? My daughter is 11 years old and studying in let’s go 6. Thanks.
four your all your help,you are THE BEST!
Hi Rebecca,how are you?Thank you for your all your help.You are THE BEST!
Hi Rebecca , thank you for your good lessons
I want to ask , how can i be agood english speaker?
it is very good lesson
thanks robeeca
Its been a great learning experience with you
I need to know something about state verb and using that in present tenses like that present coninous and present perfect. I’ll be glad if you help me. Marta from Poland
well done thank you alot
oh thank you so much for this tutorial.. it helps a lot…
Thank you so much for the free lessons
hello Rebecca!!! i am from Kazakhstan,i think that u dont know this country,maybe i erronews. I saw your lessons)))) and i think it is fantastic))) can you help me about writting my essay motivation to university,i want to study an abroud. maybe some examples))))))))))) thank u)))))))
hello i am from Afghanistan i know u know that counter and i like to learn English but i have more and more problem in speling i cant wroth if u can pleas helpp me and thanks you Rebecca u are very great teacher thanks for teaching me
hello,i’m yassine ifis from Morocco i need you’re hellp to learn ENGLISH.i’m not bad ,just i have somme dificulty at english.so what soulde i do???
thanks alot mam for these good lesson
and you way of teaching is very amazing and i hope to be one of your friends
miss rebecca i want just say you that you are a great women and professionel teacher,thinks so much for your effort
hello i’m camilia i am from morocco i have some questions we say i have many or much work to do its confusing is rhese sentences are correct where does he arrvie at 2:00 / what is in the envelope i wait for ur response thnx for your help
thanks alot ms.rebeeca
thaks alot ms.rebeeca:)
hi thank you very much it is very helpful for me. my son and i, love to learn English. could you please help us?
greetins, teacher rebecca. this is the first time i write to you. some days ago i made i question to one of your fellow teacher on engvid, so the question: is what the differences bewteen the american english and the british on?, i expect a quick answer from you.thank you so much in advance,so long.
thank you with every language in the world ,not enough for you,thank you
Ronnie, Thanks, you really made it clear with tenses. I look for to learning more. I thank God for this website sight because I was always shy about asking questions in person in class.
Rebeccia, sorry use the wrong name, you are not Ronnie. I meant Rebeccia;nevertheless, I enjoyed the lesson on tenses.
Yeah, 100 points :)
But what about a present progressive lesson. I can’t find this video.
Thanks Miss Rebecca, my English improving alot
Tank you Rebecca, i like your lesson’s but i want to give me difference between present simple and present perfect tenses.
thank you for teaching me.
Great, but i would like to ask something.
Should we say that we use P.S in Habits, or Routine is better.
Hi Rebecca ;
Thank so much to help me for learning English with east way.
you are really a good teacher…thank you so much for your nice class
hi rebecca i’m from morocco and i want to thanke you a lot.but pleas can help me i have a lot of problems in writing what i should do
Thank you
thx for this kind useful lessons i think all theachers are elagent in this site .
excellent in teaching
thanks so much for video clases, they serve me a lot. although I’d like to watch and learn about present perfect simple and progressive. bye…
Thanks a lot for this web,Its wonderfull place for improve my english. Thanks very much.
Hi Rebecca, first and foremost, I have to say that you are doing an excellent job and highly appreciated by all of us especially a non-native speaker like me. However, I have a question to ask on the 3rd part of your teachings on present tense which is why did you use:
Does He/She/It WORK instead of WORKS?
Hello Rebecca, could you please tell me when should I use words can- could, shall- should, will- would and so on.
Thank you for teaching me!
thank you teacher , me thusday I have an exam for english
hello how are you ? I learn new english
Love the lesson !! Do you have any French courses too or do you know about a website just like this one that can help someone learn French. Please i need help with French .. Really appreciate it if u can lend me a helping hand.
Great lesson I obtained an 80
Can you tell me the clear differences between Gerund and Present Participle?
hello Rebecca, my name is Fahad and i am from Pakistan. I want to tell you that after taking your lesson i am felling improvement in my english grammar.
Hi everyone! I’m Cambodian, I realy happy when we have Website address like this. It’s very important f0r me and other people on the world, I wih u good luck, thank you so much.
Cool! I love Cambodia!
i am from yemen i like english so istudy english from the internet iwould like to ask you how ican sbeak english and understand the meaning of word in the sentence for example i have my history class after lunch what is the meaning of have here and thank you for your lesson adel from yemen
Thank you a lot teacher
how to speak fluently
a helpful lesson , thank you
please I wuold like to help me in the writting memo and report
I can not thank you enough. I need forme you to help in the writting how to write memo and report
I can not thank you enough. i need from you to help in the writting if you do no maind.How to write report and meno. email
what is memeo
thank you very much teacher
excellent mrs.rebacca.
hi Rebbeca thanks for your help i want that you will explain each tense to us specifically like you did present simple.
It awesome.I need more Quiz for practice …
it’s very simple way to clear the concept of both tenses,thanks for informing.
Hi Rebbeca I am Elnara I am english teacher I love teaching and always tyr to be the bets one but steel I need help with past tense with irregulars and others if you could help me I d be greatefull to you . thanks
who make in the prsent simple and who make the precent contineus
thank you
me i not know the present simple
Hello,how do you do? I am a new English teacher and i have not found an appropriate method to present simple present for beginner.
Please give me the solution.
Your sincerly,
Hi Mrs. Rebecca,
Your lesson is really help me.
But in order to mastering all well, I think it would be better if I study in active way as well, like making conversation.
Do you think your site (engvid.com) providing this?
Or do you know another website I can visit?
Thank you very much for your comment.
Good idea sisKA
Thank you for this course. I have just arrived in Toronto to further my English (I am French) Give you lessons in Toronto?
i thinks you so much
I am Cambodian and I want speak English fluently
Could you tell me how can I improve my ability ?
Thank Rebecca, It was great class.
Hi Rebecca, it was very nice. Thanks you for your help.
ur making it much easier Rebecca .THx
Thank You!!! )))
Hi ! MS Rebecca , thanks for you help is really help :)
Which is correct?
He makes sure he “exercise” or “exercises” daily.
Thanks for your help.
hi thanks alot
this video is very good ! :D I have to use tenses on the exam ♥
hi please tell me when i use these all tenses i mean in which situation? give some situations and meanings of using these tenses with the help of tenses.
thank you very much
this is amazing web site really your explain is so clear and you have special method in explaining .. keep on and well don my sister if you want any thing i’m ready just send a massage.
(would you please focus on the conversation)
Thanks that was really nice :)
Many thanks.
thanks alot for helping…but i have some problems in using some preposition in my talk…
Hello teacher! Thank you for teaching English. Your teaching method is excellent. Also I appreciate your voice very much.
Thank you very much for a wonderful lesson to me. It was very useful and meaningful….
I will know is you have more an one questionary after each video. How I can access. Your class are helpme so much. Thank you. Cesar Martinez
can you fix me up i really have big problem in writng and i am new in this website
My score: 70.00.I got 7 correct out of 10…..ummmh!. Some a little difficult for me.I have to practice more……Thank you very much Mrs.Rebecca.
Thank You very match for clear and nice lessons.
nice videos, and the explanations, thanks to Rebecca and the team.
thank u mam..
Thank You!!!
Dear Madam
U & Ur Team doing a absolutely very good job.
In 8 minutes, i learn more than 5 years at french school…^^
… I learned (?)…
its nice
It was really being complicated before watch the video. Wot she was told is exact Students like me always making that mistake. Anyway I’m So happy about the way u teach and highly appreciated!!!!
thanks you alot.i find your website in youtube today so i am happy right now.
you are a best teacher in the world beacause learn english for free.i hope i can improve my english whith you.i use english class and english grammer in use for intermediat and your leasons also
thanks again:)
Thanks for providing such helpful, and nice lessons. I got much knowledge.
am very happy that i could now avoid the error in my grammer thanks so much Rebbeca ..
Hello, Rebecca!
Nice to meet you :) Your classes are great. I live in Russia and am a translator/interpreter Eng-Rus, Rus-Eng. You know, employers want to get a person who has huge work experience as translator/interpreter and I have only the September internship. This year I’ve graduated the Southern Federal University. I don’t work as tranlator nowadays because of my little experience of being translator but I can use my skills :) I’m a tutor of English and interpret your classes to my pupils who want to learn this language. And this is a way to keep my English and the skills I’ve got at the University.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Your speech is pretty clear and distinct. If I only had the opportunity to study lingvistics abroad… but first of all, I should prepare for TOEFL and get the Fulbright’s grant.
Ok! I wish you luck!
BTW, I hardly see the words on the blackboard because of the light. But I can hear you and that’s awesome.
thank you mam.your teaching is very nice.
i loved to learn from you
and i would do it once again <3<3
thanks to teaching me……
I’m the new student.What the difference between neither and either?
Can you help me because the test Tomorrow
and i not understand the present prograssive
thank you i’m lebanese and i’m studiying english thank you for informing us
Thank you a lot.
Very clear and complete explanation.
All the best
thank you very much
this is panjshiri
It is actually a very good lesson,but I have some questions regarding tenses so shall I leave them here or I should send them to your email which I don’t have? Please will you kindly help me out..
thanks you for the lesson , it was very nice ,i like your methodology to teachs us
Hey there thank you very much for your videos and well for this website in general, I’m from Mexico and I’m an English teacher here, still quite unexperienced I’m afraid and my students are having a hard time telling the difference between these two tenses and I’m getting quite frustated :(. I just found this website but I think it’s going to be a great resourse for my classes thank you :D
I learn a lot, thank you Rebbeca.
Hi Rebecca,
you are a good teaching > I have littile problom in english. I don;t understand prasat perfact .you can help me! pleas..
thank you very much mr.Rebecca
Hi Rebbeca,
Thanks for wonderful lesson.
Could you please also uploa the lessons on Past/Future simple and Progressive also.
I am not finding in this website.
Thanks a Lot,
Thank you very much rebecca I benefited from the information and I thank you very for this wonderful website, but I have a problem that I am a second year student in English literature so far, but I am weak in the conversation, but I understand from speaking English in front of me.
Hello: thank You for the lesson.
thanks rebecca
but i need to learn how to speach english realy i am a good in grammers but iam bad in speach
what is your advice ?
thanks a lot miss
10 of 10!!! Thanks
thanks a lot of from your all team. they are working very hard for us any so easy. i do not speak before when i don’t lesson your video now i speak and also writing four your team. thanks to all your team.
madam ayour attitude was very good.thanks for helping us.
Very nice lesson i really like this
It’s late night i need to learned English before dawn.
o that’s nice,this lesson helped me a lot……
it very important, thinks again
Hi Rebecca,
I am an English teacher as a second Language in the United Arab Emirates. I’m from Dubai. I teach grade 10 in a high school. I would like to thank you of your great videoes. I used them in my classes specaily in Grammar classes. All of my 70 students say “Hi” to you.
Many Thanks & God save you wherever you where.
thank you so much.
Mam.. Really u made me the things about present tense very clear.
Thank u very much.
my dear teacher thank you very much 1000 i donot anderstand your voice so i need to tell me how i learn english. every exam i lost 40 pints what i can do my dear mother.
Hello Rebecca,
When is the Present Progressive class coming out?
Davi Oak
Thank you so much Mrs. Rebecca.I am an Indonesian and I’ve got 9 on the quiz. your lesson was really helpful…
Hello Rebecca,
When is the Present Progressive class coming out?
Davi Oak
hi miss u r a great teacher plz help me my eng is very bad but i want to speak eng plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me and thank u sooo moch.
hi reebaca how r u i daily wached your endvid learning class and i tray to understand it but now i want to speak please could you tell me is any other web site wich i can use for speak
Thank you very much !!!!
i don’t know if a a world have good people
Like you Rebecca.
(I live in saudi arabia)
does it correct sentence ?
I think you are a wounderful teacher. you also tell the different present contiouns and present perfect countious.
Dear Rebecca.
You are really great teacher. I have been taught by some teachers for a long time, but nobody couldn’t explaining in so clear and intelligent way like you. So I thank you very much. I would like to added that your colleagues are very good and lovable teachers, too. So I thank all of you. I am so pleased with your website that I recommend it to all my friends and family.I cordially greet all your team.
Teacher Rebecca, thank you so much. I am very happy to found this website, it,s easiest and best lessons i had had. Thank you so much
Thanks for your lesson, I have a question, why the phrase “who do you work with?” have that order, I mean why is the “with” at the end?
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank a lot. I have confused for longtime.
thanks for your lesson!
thanks so much teacher i love you
Hello Rebeca,
I am new at here! I am from Bulgaria and i have a problem with Present Continious, because in my langulage there isn’t such a continious tense. How can I easy understand Present Continious? Please give me advice! :)
thnaks alot put what about statve verb
Thank you very much.I want to speack english languge but i got very difficult to learn could you give me advises
i got your lesson you are a good teacher but there is a point which is very confusing “how many tense there in English” i asked a lot some told me 12 and the other told me 13 but i don’t know please help me
Hello my teacher,
You are extremely great in teaching English. You always make the vague subject in English , clear and easy to undrestand .. you are greatttttttttttt , GOD bless you
thank you my best teacher :)
Hi! Rebecca you’re great teacher, I enjoy your classes and I learn a lot. Thanks. I have a question about question 2: Why is “I’m working” and no “I work”. Right now _____ as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, just to earn some extra money, until school starts again in the fall. If you ask me are you work as is… I think my answer has to be I work as… instead If you ask me “Are you working at the chinese restaurant…? I am not clear why?
hello teacher thank you abuot tha programe for learn to english a words i tenk help mor peple
hello my teacher thank you abut learnig to english
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for the lesson. I just have a question for you. What is the difference among present progressive, gerund, and present participle? They seem pretty much the same to me.
i got 8/10 why i wrong the sun is sets? the sun is general right? so the sun set right? please explain…i dont know about it… i want learn.. sorry madam rebecca my english was broken
sun is singular so you have to add s with your verb. T
thanks a lot for this great work!
not great work
great work
Thanks so much Rebecca, great explanation
This web site is super cool.
Thanks for all
dear teacher thank you very much.
Rebecca, please give your comment on this excerpt from Advanced Grammar in Use by Martin Hewings. His book says that we use the present continuous or the present simple to describe something that we regularly do at a PARTICULAR time. Then he invites us to compare:
We usually WATCH the news on TV at 9.00 (= we start watching at 9.00)
We’RE usually WATCHING the news on TV at 9.00 (= we’re already watching at 9.00)
Thanks for your video
But can you explain me. Why Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Allan had an accident last week and _____ in the hospital.
is still recovering
still recovers
still recovering
still recover
is still recovering, why with is ???
Thank you for your help.
best regards
Now that I found an answer to my own question, I can help you, Maria, understand the use of Present Continuous. The point is that Allan has not recovered COMPLETELY. He seems to need more time to get well again because he must’ve been badly injured, so he can’t walk so far or act in a normal way. The situation is TEMPORARY, that’s why he is still recovering (he’s still in hospital and has not been discharged yet). “IS” is used here to FORM the proper TENSE, which is made up of the verb “to BE” + V-ing.
You are so nice. I really thank you for the lessons. I am improving my english so faster…
i really appreciate your efforts,could you please tell me as you said with he,she and it we will use “s” and what about his,her and with names like maria lives or live in london.
Tq rebecca nice lesson….
Hello from Georgia Dear teacher. Thank you for your lessons, they always are very interesting for me. Thanks Rebecca.
60 :(
it’s very help me
Hi rebecca you are helpful for me thank you this video ;)
I’m confuse because in the last example that u gave, you said “I like ice cream” and that is the affirmative form then with the negative you said “I don’t like ice cream” but with the question you said ” Do you like ice cream?” Why you use “You” and not “I” in making question with that sentence? Sorry my English is really bad. By the way thanks for the lessons I really like it and looking forward for more topics ;)
You said: ” I’m staying at such-and-such hotel”
Please make a video about this term and similar terms. For example blah and blah. Thanks.
Oh, but there are many comments before me. I don’t think anyone reads mine. :(
But thanks anyway. Thanks for your cool team. :)
Thank you! I was looking for that lesson, and finally I found it! Now I looking for lesson describes Past Simple vs. Past Continuous ;)
Hello guys ,dear Rebecca how are you I was really interesting about your lessons , how can i get your lessons ?
Hi Rebecca, how are you today, I want to thanks for everything, It really help me a lot.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson
take care
you are great people
thanks a lot..
I make the wrong answer. could you tell me why the fifth and ninth answer is that?please
thanks !! that’s great
thank you for good effort
It is very useful to beginners to learn English
thank you…
Dear Rebecca,
thank you so much the explanation of the grammar rule has been very clear.
Grettings from Italy.
Very clear
Thank you so much Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much
I want to ask a question about will with verb probably who comes first will or probably
ex : we say it will probably be cold tomorrow or it probably will be cold tomorrow
It won’t probably rain tomorrow or it probably won’t rain tomorrow
Thanks for your lesson.
Can we use the present progressive for future?
Thanks a lot, Rebecca ! I adore your lessons. Your explanations are so intelligible!
Hi, Rebecca. Why did you look sad in this lesson? You almost did not give us your nice smile (and your marker was not writing very good). Did something displeasing happened to you at that day? Good luck!
Should I use -s in verb, plural form, when noun is not human? e.g. “Buses never arrive (arriveS) on time”
thank you so much Rebecca for helping us
Thank you!
Hello Rebecca,
thank you so much for your lessons, I really enjoy watching them,
Many thanks teacher!
Thank you teacher , i have problem to use “to be” ?
Dear Rebecca
Everyday, I learn and I review my English on your site with big pleasure.
Yours sincerely.
It’s amazing lecture !
hi rebecca
its very informative lecture, could you arrange a skype online section for us to devolope our speaking skill
thank you for lesson!
Hello! I have few sentences:
1. One day, the little boy goes to the woods.(story)
2. Here comes out teacher!
3. I now mix the butter with the cocoa.
Could you tell me if this sentences are ok? thx
Thank you for your help.
could u explain it with more examples, please
teacher, will u help me by suggesting tricks,about how to find errors in English sentences. And is grammar needed for it,or it would be good to just use logic.
I need help from you, my english is so bad :(
6 correct of 10 =(
Thank, you for lesson.
We use the present progressive tense when we talk about an action happening at the time of speaking, but we use the present tense to talk about things in general,and repeated actions.
Thank you Miss Rebeeca I really enjoyed the lesson and I got 8 out of 10 in the quiz thanks a lot
Hi teacher Rebecca,
I am Tessi , I just want you to help to give me some advice because I aim to study IELTS But my grammar and writing skill so poor. How to improve it?
Many Thanks,
i will try to spread this web to all of my frends in class
Thanks Rebecca! :)
It is easy .I got 10 correct out of 10.
Great!!! The explanation and the quiz to check the answers
thank you very much mrs.Rebecca
Thank you very much for your lessons, mrs Rebecca.
Thank you for this lesson! Can I ask you smth?
“I taking a shower” Why Progressive? That is not a routine? Would you give me some examples of how express Simple in sense of it?
thanx teacher i it was really fruitful
Thank you so much.
Very big thanks you but t still misunderstanding until now for the different bitween the tow verb ….
A challenger quiz that i need continúe practice
Thank you your clas helps a lot of persons also me.
Hey, Rebecca
I scored 9 out of 10. But still I am not much confident about my English. Please help me out.
Thanks engvid family.
Thank you so much ma’am I got 100
Hi teacher, thanks for your lesson. Please, I have a doubt: I read on Internet that verbs finish in s (as focus) can duplicate the s (focusses). Thanks
Thank u mam for such a gud lesson..it was worthy to see it.
Thank you
Ms.Rebeca, I’m loving learning with you, Excellente teacher, never give up, to teach people.I think alot people love you. Thank You so much.
I got 10/10!! Great lesson!
5. Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Allan had an accident last week and _____ in the hospital.
is still recovering
still recovers
still recovering
still recover
what is the answer and can you tell me why please ?
Hello teacher . I ask you some question? how did we use (Are you wearing , and do you wear ? what is the different ? in the present simple and progressive
Dear Rebecca, thank you for your lessons. I have a q about the 6 th sentence in the test. Isnt the present continuous tense also possible in the 1st sentence? When asked what your hobby is , if I answer I am collecting coins?
And Martin is still collecting coins around the time of speaking. Furthermore the next sentence is in the present perfect continuous. Can we also use the present cont. in the 1st sentence?
thank’s my teacher great lesson i got 35 / 100 i watch again and i try
finally i got 100 / 100 when i repeated watch your lesson great lesson thank’s so much my teacher rebecca we hope watch more like that lesson thank’s so much
i got 8/10 without shitin r tkin any help
is there who get+ then me !
n plz teacher
wd u list some other cases wn we use present simple/ continoues
Thank you. Rebecca
I had dinner.
belongs to which tense ???
Thanks very much
You’re a really perfect teacher Rebecca. Congraculations on you….
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you.
dear teacher. i understand English and i wrote but i can’t speak more. I started learning about three months ago. Can you give me some advises.
Thank you so mach.
Thank you so much
9/10 thanks teacher very much! I understood everything :D
thank you very much
I am not understanding English
Pls correct it according to right tense.Mention the tense & it’s grammatically use.
thank you!!! the present continuous is really really to hard to me learn.
I’m new here! I’ve just past the quiz. It was so interesting. Thank you very much for your support.
thank you
Thank you so much Teacher
Thank you so much mam
Thanks so much, teacher Rebbeca. I watch your classes a long time ago. Kiss
Great lesson!
Could you please send me the name of a few books to improve my writing skills?
Thanks Rebecca for this interesting lesson. I will continue to improve my English though yours advices.
Thank you, not so bad, I had 80 % with two mistakes
Thanks @Rebecca for this lesson. it will improve my basics some mistake.
This was a nice lesson! You are an excellent teacher. Thank you.
Right now _____ as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant, just to earn some extra money, until school starts again in the fall.
Why ‘I work’ will be wrong answer here?
Thank you,
Always teacher Rebecca is the best teacher about English tenses
Thanks Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
Thanks a lot for your English grammar explanation. This video I have confused.
May you explain to me at the moment, please?
Why we are using it here Present Simpl?
It is a permanent situation.
4. It _____ a long time to fly from Mumbai to New York, you know.
is taking
Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebecca you are the best teacher…I have been learning English with your video….
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got ten out of 10.
u are amazing guyz
thank you so much MS Rebeca
your lesson is very helpful
thank you this assignment helped me a lot to understand this topic!
Thanks a lot rebacca. You’re teaching so good. I got confidence that, I can improve my English writing and speaking skills. Thank you once again
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much Rebecca,but Please explain to us how to use Adverb of Frequency in Simple Present Form. 🥺
thank you so much <3
Thank you!
One step at a time thank you very much.
You are a great teacher. I’m appreciating the lessons.
Thank you so much teacher!
Thanks Rebecca i got 9 out of 10.You are so kind and energetic to teach people…..