If you want to understand the difference in meaning between “should” and “must,” you should check out this free grammar lesson! After you have watched the class, you should take the free quiz below to test your understanding.
Top rank english class Alex. You have classes always very simple and strait. I made 100% on quiz.
ı made 100% on quız too :)
me too, kkk
Dear Sir,
Thank you for this lesson
Shagufta Ibrahim
very good class and it’s easy understand.
A. jey
I think, you should have written : it’s easy TO understand or it’s easily understandable.
Keep it up.
Mukund Chaskar
i really like alex s lessons i give him 99%
Thank for sharing such nice lessons. Just one question: Medicine should or must be kept away from children? Which sounds better to you?
I agree with you basiclevel.Alex is quick like a cowboy in western.I made 100% too.
We should follow Engvid constantly
hello alex my name is jovens and i am haitian
i can tell you this i am very apprciate to write some lines.to tell you how much your courses are strong for me.i would like to know
if you not can’t do ? a course about numbers like how to write them .thank you for support
This is a great idea! I will take your suggestion and film this lesson in the near future. Thank you for commenting!
my answers were correct .thank you for this lesson :))
hi alex your class help me a lot thank you very much
thank you Alex for this important lesson. please give us more lessons like that and more quiz. thank you very much
hi, alex my answer is not good. would you mind explaining me how to use must and shoul correctly?. thanks for this lesson.
engkus daryana
“I must obey traffic laws” is an example where you MUST do something, because something bad will happen if you do not. If you say “I should obey traffic laws,” it means that it is a good idea, but it is not necessary.
MUST means that something is necessary or highly advisable.
SHOULD means that something is a good idea for you, or that it is advisable.
I hope this helps!
hi: alex thank you for this is lesson now iknom how to use should and must thank you very mucth
thank you Alex. it’s really helpful. I understand now about the different.
it helps a lot.your way of teaching is wonderful….keeeeeeep up
thank you, your comment was very helpful.
hi alex . it is really a good lesson.thanks for that . i wanna request you to please conduct one lesson about verbs that we use with ‘off’ and also explain the basic meaning of the word ‘off’ so that we will be able to use it with different verbs .now a days it is being used oftenly . so please do me a favuor .i am looking forward to this lesson.
You’re right. There are many phrasal verbs that use “off.” Thanks for your suggestion, and look for this lesson in a future video on Engvid.
Can you post the link of that lesson(phrasal verb) here .
Thanks a lot for your precious lessons ,you are a nice teacher :)
Susu Joe
hi really i’m very happy to discover this site and i enjoy it very well and it’s very helpfull for me ,because i’m taking everning courses for getting O level certificate in english in Malta, so with ENGVID i think i’m gonna get it.Thanks for now, but make sure that you are helping a lot.The way the lessons are given, is the best for me,nothing wrong, everything right…GOOD BLESS ALL.By for now because i can’t give my coments only ones… ISMAEL
all my answers are correct thanks alex
No problem!
hello alex.thank you for your efforts.
what about modifier
hi alex i like this lesson thanks for given us i scorred 6/10 but i am proud of my self and i will keep it coming her every time
I’m glad that you liked the lesson. Practice is the best way to improve.
hi thank you i forget many of these expresions is a good lesson
Your lessons are really really usefull and sometimes also funny…. plesant way to learn english.
I am so greatfull with you!
Go on in this way.
I’m glad that you find them a little funny!
wow ,wonderful teacher giving wonderful lesson
thanks alot
waiting for more :D
You guys are amazing. I thought that I’ve decent knowledge in English. But after watching your explaination, still I’ve long way to go. Keep up your good work.
hi alex, thank you very much for this lession. could you please explain how to use the verb after “should” and “must”.
He should be sleeping. Here “sleeping” is a verb or noun or adjective
Here, “sleeping” is a progressive verb. It follows the following structure:
Subject + be + verb + ing
You also have the modal “should,” but it doesn’t change the fact that sleeping is a progressive verb.
I’m really glad to get this website. Alex you are amizing teacher i have ever met.thanks for your help and keep going you are really good teacher that i think many people need you.thanks again
Thank you for the compliments. I’m glad that you’re finding the lessons to be useful.
Alex how would i inprove my vocabulary?
Vocabulary is all around you. You could open up a dictionary, but that’s not really the best way to learn since you might feel overwhelmed. I would suggest picking up an English novel, and to have a dictionary near you. After that, just practice, practice, practice.
You can also watch movies with subtitles, speak with other native English speakers (if this is possible), read English websites, and check out grammar sites like this one.
Good luck!
hi i want learn you can help me
i want talk english
oh i dont understand this grammar
“Must” is an obligation. It literally means that you do not have a choice in your decision.
“Should” is a suggestion. It means that it is a good idea for you to do something.
Keep in mind that I have only explained how to use these words for obligation, and not for their other function, which is speculation.
halp :P
what is your real first name?? :)
really good explanation and comprenhension exercises…I’ ll be checking more…thanks a lot…
Hi Alex,
I am Farah from Iran.
thank you and your colleagues for your great videos.
I can not get how these lessons are sorted in the site. I tried to use them in an order, but it is not possible. I like to do all beginners lessons and then start the other level. every time that i open the site, the lessons order has changed.
It is very difficult for me to understand James speaking. should i skip his lessons or I should try? I can get the whole idea, but not all the words and phrases.
thank you again.
Hi Farah. The lessons are not in a set order. If you click on ALL LESSONS in the menu, you can see a list of all the lessons on the site. Use the “English Lesson Finder” on the left side to select only beginner classes. You may choose only a certain topic, or you can choose only certain teachers. If you find James’s classes too difficult, you can check only the other teachers’ lessons. Then click “FIND LESSONS” and you will get a list of only the lessons you are looking for.
Good lesson.
Thank you Sir
Javed Ahmed
It was a good lesson Alex I scored 10 out of 10 from the first time. using appropriate levels of certainty while speaking is very important but it’s hard for international students. Thank you Alex for helping : )
wow. tnx Alex. It’s a great help for my writing job.
thank you alex
Thank you sir,I’ve got it.after watching this lesson I feel I must appreciate it.That is why I comment.(I think I’m right). thanks again sir.Good luck!!!!!
thanks alex for this lesson
thanks Alex
thanks very mutch
Thank you Alex your lessons are the best!!!!!
Hi Alex ,
I’m Bahar from Iran .
i’m really glad to get this website . you are really great in explaining grammatical points . I’m a teacher ,too and I’ve decided to use some of your teaching lessons in my classes as I think my students will get them better . thanks a lot sir . Best of luck for you
Thank you, and good luck to you as well.
Hi Alex,
I’m Mubashir from Pakistan. You make it really simple. I’m not good in English but it’s helping me a lot.
Please keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot.
that is great help me really it is fantanstic
thanks alex i love this lesson
Thank you alex . For these videos , it was very helpful…
Thanks alex. For these videos . There was very helpful
hi alex! thanks so much..
Thank You Alex.
what dose should mean in the frace she should be here in a minute.or, she should be back at fourth
or when parents say to their kids you should be doing your homework and you are watching tv.does your explanation fit in this categorics. can you help me on this ones
“She should be here in a minute.” — You would say that if you *expect* her to be here in a minute.
“You should be doing your homework.” — Here “should” means what they *ought to* be doing
thank you for the explanation. and by the way how do you like Israel? it’s been always my dream to go there. I hope someday i make my dream come true. i hope i didn’t bother you by asking you something that doesn’t have to do whith english questions, but i’m just trying to practic my english and thank you again.
English language requires judgement of the context, before using it. Alex thanks for your genuine advice.
thanks for every thing but please we need know more about passive causative if you please
Thanks for the suggestion. I will make a future lesson on this topic.
thanks for this quiz I need more practice to improve my self in English.
i can’t find the video lessons(
They are normal YouTube videos. Make sure YouTube is not blocked where you are.
Good Website!I will share this video with my friends,thanks a lot!
Thank you
great wed ,,,thank U
Thanks for all your lessons.
Could you explain the difference between like and as? please…
Thanks for the suggestion, Plangam. I will keep this in mind for a future lesson.
Thanks Alex I am from Bangladesh & it’s really nice to understand your speech about should & must.
Akhtar Hossain
Alex!Thank you for your teaching.You are excellent.I like you and your metood.I am from Uzbekistan.
i like it.
Sahar Awan
hi again,
I am not good in listening. sometimes i need the text to find out or distinct words in conversations & lessons.
is it possible to set the text of the videos on the website?
thank you agian for your useful website.
To Sir Alex,
Your instruction manner is influential,to achieve sensibility of profound grammer puzzels.
To all respected teachers of Engvid.com
I have a grammatical question.I expect you would resolve it.
A person is at some work,someone interrupts him,he gives up then,and again continue after passing some interval of time.
On next day,he has to report in English to his Boss,
He told,¨I WAS DOING my job………………………………………………………………………………
…..(Dotted lines are at his mind,what should i say?)
i was doing my job and suddenly X interrupted me and ……….
While I was doing my job, X interrupted me for some minutes and then …
I am not expert or native speaker. It may be not correct!
I really like should and must but I can not find should and have to because most often I get confuses that which one I have to use.
“Have to” expresses obligation, and is similar to “must.” “Should” expresses advisability.
Thanks Alex and for those too,who asked for this topic, I used to have a problem with this, not its all clear.
Thanks Alex I am from Bangladesh & it’s really nice to understand your speech about should & must.
Sharron Clemons
Alex!Thank you for your teaching.You are excellent.I like you and your metood.I am from Uzbekistan.
Marisol Perry
I was looking for site to improve my English language
and I found it
yours site really is great
I must thank you because your lession is so useful for me and everybody! Have fun! :D
hi alex your lessons brush up my grammetical mistakes.but i have a problem i hesitate much when i talk others.can u help me out.
amjad khan
Hi amjad,
Hesitation is common with speakers of any new language. There are a couple of questions you should ask yourself to try to solve this problem:
1) Do you also hesitate in your own language, or only in English?
2) Do you try to translate in your mind before using English?
In order to develop confidence, one of the things that can help a non-native speaker is to TRY to think in their non-native language. When you stop translating and make a language a regular part of your thinking process, you will remember it and be able to use it more effectively in conversation. Basically, you just need to practice and be constantly exposed to the language.
hi Alex,great answer about hesitation. I think it helps a lot.
thank you very much,I’m so happy to all of that,and am I wrighting right?becouse I’m just start to learning english! :)
hello alex my name is Ibrahim
I’m very apprciate to write some lines.to tell you how much your courses are strong for me.
Thank you & best regards.
At the first time I don’t understand Grammar but Now, I think I can pass the exam tomorrow because You. thx very much,teacher.
thank you alex
Hi. whats difference between (Have to) And (Should)?!
“Have to” is an obligation, and “should” is for advice. Very similar to the differences between “must” and “should.”
Thank you Alex
Whats deference between(should) and (have to)??
Thanks Alex
No big difference between should and have to
Hi Ben,
“Have to” refers to necessity, while “should” refers to advisability. “Have to” is close to “must,” and means that something needs to be done.
I just wanted to say that the sentence with the restaurant is alittle bit confusing because i understood it like instead of paying your in YMCA for instance you better pay it in restaurant because it’s where they make meals.
what do you think of my reasoning?
hey i must need it
Hi Alex. I like your videos. Could you recommend me a basic English gramma book? Because I think I need a guide for improve my english. Thank you.
Hi alexmarti,
There are many grammar books available. One of the most popular books for beginners is Betty Azar’s “Understanding and Using English Grammar.”
There are many other books that you may want to consider. If you have access to a good book store, look at the English language section and see which book is best for you. Personal research helps a lot.
thank you for your lesson
Just easy to understand and helpful in uses
Kim anh
i only got 6 :) i must finish the lesson before answering any quizes thank you..
hi alex, first of all i would like to thank u and ur team members,each every tutorials are very useful to me and thank u very much….
Thank you!! My answer is quit good, but is complicate for me: must, have to, should, may/might!! is dificult.
Hi it is very useful.
I’m very thankful for, these lessons.
thank you very much ^^
can you make video about popular and famous???
hello alex i don’t know in which situation i can use have been or has been? so its my kind request to help me. thank you in advance.
hello alex I am very happy to dicver this site please i need more help about tense
bekele herego
Hi Alex,think you for tese precisions.But i want more explanation about it.
Modibo Diabate
Alex you teach very well but try to give more lessons thank-you for this ….
If I put up a new lesson every day, you would get tired of me very quickly! :)
we will be never tired of your lesson but always waiting new one.
Rashmi shrestha
hi, alex i want to ask one question that my father wanted to send me to london for higher education , but i refused to go any where because my english is not so good , i also thought that the local student will make fun of me due to my english , but some one told me that the local people not make fun of you but they encourage you and by spending a time among them you will automatically learn how to speak correct english , IS THAT TRUE OR IT IS JUST A STUPIDITY .
i am stil confuce between should and must . i got 6 out of 10 in the quiz
Hi sweety123, if you want to practice on msn, i’ll be pleased: amyne5 at hotmail.fr
Thanks Alex. This lesson is very useful. Finally i understood the difference between should and must. And thanks for the test.
hello Alex I am very happy to got this site.Alex I need mor help about tenses and verbs.
bekele herego
Hi Alex you are brillant as usual, this cours is very interesting, so we can distinguish between order and advice
thanks a lot.
I am still not clear from the explanation between should and must.
Rashmi shrestha
Hi Alex! I really want to learn Eng! But I dont know how to start. Can u show me how I can start? What must I do 1st and then? Plz help me! Thanks!
Hi peajaesoon,
There is no perfect way to learn a language, and everyone learns differently. Websites like this one can help you. Otherwise, you can learn from films, websites, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts or online podcasts, and books. The best way is to surround yourself with the language. Knowing someone who can speak English well also helps.
Hi Alex! Thank you for lesson about must and should. I need help about how to make questions and question word.
Hi nil,
Great idea! I will create a future lesson about your suggestion. For now, look up the translation of these words:
I had two mistakes lol thank you for these great lessons :))
first of all, thank so much alex, really good for me by website
and you’re really caring thoughtful resolve any questions the fellas made
thanks alex
Hi, Alex U r lesson is very Clear & excellent.
asha harisha
thanks alot mr.Alex for ur explaination , you r really explain by using semple language and every one can understand fully .
Thanks Alex for your great effort.
but i donot get the advice what does mean thanks
thanks MR Alex for you effort i’m very happy to write you a few lines .your lessons are clear and excellent .thank you very much MR ALEX
hi alex! your lesson are all great…
how about the difference between “in to” or “on to” vs. “into” or “onto”, respectively.
hi alex can you please say me the difference between could and would?
Thank you!)
Hi Alex, I have a problem. Although I,ve “surriunded myself with English” it’s still difficult for me to remember new words and frases. I can read any text easy, but in speaking I always fail. Do you know any magic way to remember new words properly. Would you give me an advice?
Thank you very much, My score is 8-10 on the Quiz
Than k you for all again
good day mr. alex.. can u pls help me .. im really confuse in somewhat and somehow.. i dont know wen and how do i use it … can u pls help to understand the differences bet. the two? can u pls discuss this briefly?
i don’t quite understand about comparative degree for the word “handsome”
thx Alex… ur letures r really good =)… they help me a lot…
tanks Alex! your lesson is very nice iam proud of as you a good teacher if Allah want i will meet you because your lesson is very interesting.but unfortunately my way is very long .
Mohammad Saleem
iwant to learn about asking about appropiateness and expressing opligation using shoul / would have to .
i teach english and i cant understand this .
Hi,alex thanks a lot for your useful class about should vs. must. By the way, I have a bouncing doubt in my mind about it, actually how to apply that grammar rule inthis particular case: Tom usually leaves work at 4 o’clock, and he takes 30 minutes to get home,he often goes home directly. it’s 4:30 right now, somebody asks me about Tom,so what should I say? He SHOULD be at home now or he MUST be at home by now.that’s what you call “speculation” isn’t it? I look forward to having your explanation about it. Thanks a lot and keep going, sir!!
thanks alex :-)
thanks Alex , keep on !
It is good way of learning, but i think it wouldn’t be useful until we implement it. Is there any way to make it interactive?
9 out of 10=D
thanks alex for ur help!
Thanks Alex..
very good lesson for our
i have few doubt about WOULD plz tell me
thanks Alex.
It was very informative lesson. I have no doubts anymore about using these words. Thank you, Alex. But there are some other words that make me confused sometimes. They are “definitely” and “obviously”. Could you explain the difference please (with examples, if it`s possible). Or maybe do the lesson about it. Best regards. Natalie.
“Definitely” means that there is no doubt. It means “for sure,” “for certain,” or “without doubt.”
“I will definitely be there tonight!”
“Obviously” means that a fact or point is easy to see for everyone. There can be no argument against it. For example:
“It is obviously snowing.” (you can see the snow)
“Definitely” is more commonly used to make promises, but both can be used in other situations.
“He’s definitely crazy!” (for certain!)
“He’s obviously crazy!” (everyone can see it!)
I hope this helps a little.
Before I forget, three more words: “proper”, “right”, “correct”. How should we use them? Under want circumstances? I hope so mush that you`ll help me with that. Thanks. Natalie.
Hi, Alex. It’s so splendid to be in communication with you. But I wanna ask you, which is correct:
No problemS or No problem? And why?
Thank you for your reply!
Hi Vadim,
You can use both depending on the situation. However, “no problem” is more frequent. For example, if someone asks you to do something, you can reply with “no problem.”
“Can you open the door for me, please?”
“Sure! No problem!”
“No problems” can be used in contexts such as this one:
“How was the test?”
“No problems!” (I didn’t make any major mistakes)
If you answer with “no problem!” to the above situation, your meaning is that the test was easy.
thnks for all your efforts. once again thanks.
layla arabi
Hi alex, i really want to know how to use all the preposition, from,on,in,at,to,of,about, i make a lot of mitakes when i’m using them.. thank you, if you could write me at/in? my email, i’ll appreciate .. :)
Shirley Ulloque
thanks sir to clear my mind about this letter difference , may god bless you
abid suleman uae
Sir Alex,
Could you please make a video lesson about “has, had, and have. i’m a little confused of using those words. Thanks a lot for teaching us.
Hi ALEX thank you very much .It is really very useful lesson.
Hi, Alex thank you for your lesson. It’s very useful lesson. I want to more explain ‘shoud and must’.
Thank you,
Thanks ALex!!
Hi Alex! I’m really interested your topic.job well done!!:)
ur a prtty good teacher,thank u so much sir
thank u sir
I wanna ask you or your colleague about should and must I don’t how to use them but now you give me golden advice thank you kindly
Thank you very much Alex
john milton
hey alex! this is nica i just accidentally found ur site hahaaha then i got 9 out of 10 here, i wanna learn more so it’s not hard to speak of other people like u. so i realy like ur lessons it helps alot,can u post like this lessons (figure of speech) im looking 4ward thank u…
you really teach v well tgat click my understanding i have downloaded most of ur lessions thanks a lot
I think it’s very good for learning english. It’s too simple and make me don’t stress
hi alex, this lesson finds me very useful.i got a question for you…im taking IELTS on 4 june…i am afraid of writting part where in task 1, i need to make report on visual (chart and bar etc). this finds me very difficult.what tense i have to use? if possible explain me little bite about academy essay also. my question is quiet long. sorry for that.thanx.
its easy to understand
My score is 7 of 10
Thank you teacher
Thank you a lot
Hi, Alex I want to know how I practice my pronunciation, because I live in a place where anybody talks in English.. Thanks you for your answer me
I must improve my english skills… :D
thank you so much
anayat khan
i should improve my english
thanks teacher
Umair jarwar
Great Lesson Alex. Thank you so much.
you are great thanks
you are hellping me alot
Thanxx a lot Alex Sir! I am new here on engvid.. I like your lessons & teaching style. I hope my spoken in English will become good in future.
Thanxx again Sir
ahhh .. i can’t enter to the quis by the way :'(
can you tell me !! xx
hi,friend,nice to meet you in this site,realy i feel hopeful,when i find friends in my special hobby,i hope to be with me online so we get benifet
thanks Alex. it’s really helpful
I love you guys!!! you help me a lot when studying for exams :D
you’re the best!!!
especially rebeca, valen and alex :)
ARGENTINA Ushuaia (very close to Antarctica)
you’re quite famous around here ;)
it is really helpful for student thank you
thik you
i like your lessons, because they are very common and basics that most people use. I like your lessons better because it’s very direct and not too boring. Not boring because you target those common mistakes not just teaching the boring grammar. Also, you try to teach things for us to visualize like you draw for the and the percentages it is easier to understand that way. I can’t thank you enough for these.
Hey, your vidcertainlyhelped! thanks ! Anw can you help me by doing a vid on could on adj of word order, use of comma and ‘and’
jamie persis
hi,sir ,realy you’ve good knoldge ,and i get benifet from your lessons please tell me how can i join you online .thanks
hi teacher
May u tell me whats the differences between these two sentences
1_if i had been rich i would have been able to buy the car
2_if i were rich i would be able to buy the car
plz tell me i asked valen these questions but she hasnt answered me up to now
whats this idiom means
taste of ur own mediciane
Assalamu alikkum my dear Ammarkalan,my name is Shihabudheen from India but now I am working in U.A.E,In my knowledge this idiom means. When you are mis treated the same way you mistreated others.
i got a perfect score! thanks alex!! more power!!
Hi Alex I scored full mark in the session,thanks.I woulk to know more about MIGHT,also must have.
Yippee!!!I made 100%
hello alex…thanks for this video…it helps me a lot because i am using must and should everyday in my class…:) please show more videos regarding english words…i really want to speak english during class discussion so that in the future when i have an opportunity to go to other countries it will be very easy for me to communicate with the other people…
my dear teacher
Your quesions were so much easy I became 100%
90 percent only
hi alex
i just started to take lessons from you on internet and i am very happy to get you as my teacher:)
Iam getting very well, thank you
I thank Professor Alex: and say you are wonderful. A good lesson and I will follow all the lessons you
thanks Alex for help
Very well!
What’s the right answer?
I failed the test. I ….. studied harder.
A.should have B.must have C.should
I think it’s A. Am I right?
Thank you for this lesson
I got 7 out of 10.
wow, fantastic!!!it’s a great blessing for me watching your video.i learned a lot.thanks…
Excellent class & i`ve get a lot of different knowledge abt these two.thanx alex.ur style is so easy. i request u to tell the difference between `begin & start` & when to use `had`.because u delivered a lesson on simple past & present perfect but i need the lesson on past perfect use.
omer anwar
pls also give a lesson on `use of may,might, ought & could.i want this lesson by you.
omer anwar
Thanks I made 99% on quiz.
Очень полезно и доходчиво!
Thanks Alex
can we say that ‘should’ indicates ideal behaviour,something which is applicable to everyone?
T K Poornima
Oh my god. I made 100%
me gusto mucho la aclaracion pues tenia muchas dudas sobre estos dos auxiliaries ..pero ya me quedo mas claro …thank you..
iris ines
thanks a lot sir alex… practice is the best way to make it perfect… im preparing my self to apply in a call center industry.. hope i can make it…
got 7 out of 10…. hmm not bad….tnx….
thank you Alex
im really feel upset about my english quiz…but despite of these im still willing to learn and i will not give this up i must to learn… i want to improve my english vocabolary and i want to improve my english speaking…thanks to all the teachers of engvid…..
janeth s. david
Gracias¡!!!! I begginer but i can understand All Your lesson , i am happy
For us, brazilians these two word are very similar in our language, to say the truth, they don’t have difference in portuguese. Thanks for your lesson, teacher !! I’ll keep up studying !!
Bruno Peçanha
hey alex this useful lesson
now i was comprin between should and must
thank you …
Thank you so much for this lesson
Hi Alex i just found this website and i saw the first lesson, i learned something new i well keep watching all your lesson as the way you teaching is very good and very easy for a new learner to understand.thank you very much .MUS
thank thank you verry much to taught me the uses of should and must, i must learn english from engvid.com. i should visit this site everyday
thanks alot
sts mum
thank you Alex.
Your lessons are very easy to understand. so simple way you are explaining. thank you so much.
buuuuuuuuu, still lots to do. 8/10 buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Sheela was to have been here at 8:00 clock.She (must have/should have) ________ forgotten about our meeting.
Jennifer missed her class today.She _________(might have had/should have had) some other work.
help me please in filling these with appropriate ones from the bracket
harish kayarohanam
Thank you..
Teacher.. Your lessons are very useful. Thank you so much, and thanks EngVid. Love it
Hello!Alex.My name is Kishanth.I’ve been in Canada 6 months.I’ve been watching engvid.com especialy your lessons.they help me to understand many basics things.I think i’m progressing well.Eventhough I need to know How to talk about movies that we watched and where to use literaly.
Take care,BYE!
Hi.My name is Masha.I am from Russia.Thank you for this lesson.This lesson very help me)))
Hi Dear Alex,
I’m so happy that accidentally I have opened this web-site. Your teaching technique is awesome, I am listening to your lessons every day until, I could speak english fluent.
OHHH, could you please check my above statement, if it make sense
rona ali
hello alex! Thanks for your clear lesson
rosario alessi
oh i made 100% on quiz. thankx a lot
Very good lesson! Thanks.
Mohammad OMER
Hi My Teacher Alex
I have a question about, future tense, I’m going to Vs I will
thanks for your answer…
Mohammad OMER
thank you alex,
It is a good lesson
thank you too much :)
I’m made 100% too
Dear Alex,
The last question on your quiz:
It’s really sunny outside. I _______ wear my sunglasses
Could be MUST if a I have to protect my eyes from sun rays?
Hi, Alex. u r a great teacher but i want start my beginner class in a sequance waise
just suggest me what i can do to take my lucture in a seeqvince
Thanks Alex, your English class is awesome. I have learned something today which I wanted to learn since long time, your lessons are helpful for improve my grammar and I would like to introduce your class online to my peers. Which will help them too, Thanks agian
yup man ur lessons r gr8 like u ..carry on …u know thats the best way to learn for me..nd i think that its also the best way for teachings others .
rajdavinder singh
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex,with this site,i’m improving more and more my english.
You are talented! You did an excellent job!
Thank you so much ,i’m learning English everyday with you teachers,you are so nice :)
hi teacher. i teach english too. your way of teaching is more easy than mine. hope somehow i’ll study this way
10 out of 10..thank you Alex for the lesson…good bless!
10 out of 10… Thanks a lot
Got 7 out of 10. It should have been 8
if not for my carelessnes not answering no.10 . Anyways
thank you again for this very
interesting lesson. You’re great!
Now, it is clear for me. Thanks, Alex! You know how teach us in a easy way.
Thanks for your lessons.
hi dear sir,
i have a little problem about the use of model auxiliary such as,would,should,must, how to use these in past with have +3rd verb.thanks
Great lecture!
Thanks Alex!
can u make a video on pronunciation on x what does it sounds like thanks
Hi! Alex,
Your all lessons and other teacher’s lessons are too much helping to improve my English grammar, but I need more favorer to you regarding the English spelling, could you help me? This is so much embarrassing for writing anything.
Thanks Alex)
Hi, Alex! Thank you very much for lesson. Could you help me? … “He should be sleeping”, “He may be sleeping’, “He can be sleeping”, “He might be sleeping” … Is it defference between them?
hi Alex,
thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.i was thinking to improve my english since i left my school.coz when in school all sublects are in english but never focused on english standard.now really feeling regret about it.
Good Day, Alex!I love watching and listening to your english video lesson. I am glad i have found this site for learning/studying online for free.You are such a very good teacher. Hopefully, my english will improve quickly.:) Take care always and have a great day!
thank you Alex i like it …
thanks a lot and i’m so happy because i intrestand very well this lesson and that is thank you alex
It’s really sunny outside. I _______ wear my sunglasses.
Ans. Must
becaue it is 100% certain, it is sunny outside
thanks alex
Could you do a lesson about take, get and catch
I’ve added to the list of lesson requests!
engVid Moderator
I had 8/10 Thanks a lot Alex. I will try to understand the lesson (f)
Thanks a lot Alex.I had 8/10
Thank you Alex I had 50 I Alex can you help me my speaking is very low
It’s still quite confusing though. I am a native english speaker and I had 1 mistake.
Shouldn’t we say that these vocabulary items are Modal Verbs?
Thanks Alex, I like your explication because it’s very clear!
yes :)
i get 100%
I realized that it is very important understanding the core meaning and situation of use that a native speaker speaks or writes.
‘should’ sounds more friendly , doesn’t it ? It talks about 60% possibility and good for someone comparing with must. Very good.
Thank you Alex .I new in engvid.com and I find it very useful .I have some questions one of them how we can use must and should in the past time , how we can explain habit in the present and past time . would you mind do a vid about tences .
thank you teacher.
First of all thank you for your clear explaining :) It helps me a lot, I search whole the internet for information. This is the clearest information that I can found. But I made the quiz and my score was 80/100 So, my question, why is the answer of the 1st question should , why not must. My reason is to choose must if you dont eat the breakfast there will be consequents.. I dont get it, and question 8 why should ? Because if Juan dont sleep early that will have an effect.. My english is not so good as well, but I’m 13 and I’m learning 6 languages at the same time and English for 2 years already. I’ll hope you understand me.. Thank You :)
thanks a lot Alex
Hi M/r. Juan has a test in the morning. …why is the answer of this question is should and not must.thank you
Thanks teacher! The lesson is useful.
Sreyna Thorn
Thank you very much.
thanks alex. i have a question for you
” have to” and ” must”
James classes are there for’must and ‘have to’
perfect score:)
Thanks Alex!
I like your teaching.
Hello Alex! your lessons are great, Many students have confusion in some words like,QUIT,QUITE,QUIET..So if you could kindly create a lesson about it,it will help them to understand.I’m looking forward…
Hi, great idea…I agree
so, the lesson is already up?
hi alex iam new user your lessons are great and i want to learn english from you thankz should and must have the same meanings
Hi Alex,
thanks for your lesson. Your lessons are always very helpful
teka care
Great lesson SR!!
by the way,
It’s a good idea for me to eat breakfast every morning.
My answer was with “Must”… you must to take your breakfast every morning if not you will get sick!!
Thanks Alex!
Hello, I’m Italian and I follow your course, thanks for your courses are very interesting. I wanted to ask if you can take a few lessons on geometry or mathematics in English? Thanks.
Thank you for your class!
thank you for explain ;
youssef chafik
That´s the first time i watch your video class and do the exercises. I like so much!
edu arraes
Thank you very much.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
hi Alex I would like you to suggest a lesson about the difference between me,my,mine I think they´re called object,possessive and subject pronouns I´m not even sure can you help me please
Alejandro Arteaga
I would like to suggest* to correct my previous comment
Alejandro Arteaga
8 out of 10. must or should is not easy for me to use in a sentence.
Hi, Alex! Thank you for this lesson. I really had dowbt to use the expressions. Now, I learnt it. But I should see your other videos. So I will learn more and more. Good night.
Sheyla Cunha
I got complete score. Thanks for video with clear explanation. Thanks Alex!
thanx a lot!
Thank you!
Good lesson, thank you
thank you
Jaun has a test in the morning. He must go to bed early.sir it wrong
Syed Faraz Ali
Sorry,it is a wrong answer.why sir?
Syed Faraz Ali
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
hi alex i’m dinang from indonesia thanks for your lesson now i’m understand the difference meaning ‘must’ and ‘should. So will you explain to me how to use ‘would’ and ‘will’. Thanks :)
dinangku aditya
Thank very much from Brazil, Alex!!!! Would you may give me an explanation about difference who whom and/or as, like, how, etc, etc…??? Thanks!!!!!
Adriano Fornacciari
Correcting it: Thank you very much from Brazil, Alex!!!! Would you may give me an explanation about difference between who and whom and/or as, like, how, etc, etc…??? Thanks!!!!!
Adriano Fornacciari
Many Thanks!
yeeee. i had a 100
Hi Alex, your classes are perfect! Thank you.
Perfect classes indeed!!
Sakhi fouzia
I got 9/10! Thanks very much! Good lesson!!
Thank you Alex
10/10 thanks, Alex
Sunny Muffin
wonderful! Thanks!
thanks for your efforts
Thanks Alex. I got 8/10
Reyaz baba 101@
Hi Allex.
I’m from Brazil!
I went back to learning english and your class have helped me a lot to revise the material that my teacher teaches!
I was a little confused by the different between should and must, but now is very clear.
Thank you very much.
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Very Good Lesson
Zerihun Abebe
Hello sir! It helped me alot but can you also explain the proper differance between must and should and when to use must in a sentence?
I’ll be very thankful
Ayesha Noor
thank you teacher Alex, for me your class was very fun and interesting.
the must is more strong than should.
the must is obey.
the should is advice.
is correct teacher Alex?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Top rank english class Alex. You have classes always very simple and strait. I made 100% on quiz.
ı made 100% on quız too :)
me too, kkk
Dear Sir,
Thank you for this lesson
very good class and it’s easy understand.
I think, you should have written : it’s easy TO understand or it’s easily understandable.
Keep it up.
i really like alex s lessons i give him 99%
Thank for sharing such nice lessons. Just one question: Medicine should or must be kept away from children? Which sounds better to you?
I agree with you basiclevel.Alex is quick like a cowboy in western.I made 100% too.
We should follow Engvid constantly
hello alex my name is jovens and i am haitian
i can tell you this i am very apprciate to write some lines.to tell you how much your courses are strong for me.i would like to know
if you not can’t do ? a course about numbers like how to write them .thank you for support
This is a great idea! I will take your suggestion and film this lesson in the near future. Thank you for commenting!
my answers were correct .thank you for this lesson :))
hi alex your class help me a lot thank you very much
thank you Alex for this important lesson. please give us more lessons like that and more quiz. thank you very much
hi, alex my answer is not good. would you mind explaining me how to use must and shoul correctly?. thanks for this lesson.
“I must obey traffic laws” is an example where you MUST do something, because something bad will happen if you do not. If you say “I should obey traffic laws,” it means that it is a good idea, but it is not necessary.
MUST means that something is necessary or highly advisable.
SHOULD means that something is a good idea for you, or that it is advisable.
I hope this helps!
hi: alex thank you for this is lesson now iknom how to use should and must thank you very mucth
thank you Alex. it’s really helpful. I understand now about the different.
it helps a lot.your way of teaching is wonderful….keeeeeeep up
thank you, your comment was very helpful.
hi alex . it is really a good lesson.thanks for that . i wanna request you to please conduct one lesson about verbs that we use with ‘off’ and also explain the basic meaning of the word ‘off’ so that we will be able to use it with different verbs .now a days it is being used oftenly . so please do me a favuor .i am looking forward to this lesson.
You’re right. There are many phrasal verbs that use “off.” Thanks for your suggestion, and look for this lesson in a future video on Engvid.
Can you post the link of that lesson(phrasal verb) here .
Thanks a lot for your precious lessons ,you are a nice teacher :)
hi really i’m very happy to discover this site and i enjoy it very well and it’s very helpfull for me ,because i’m taking everning courses for getting O level certificate in english in Malta, so with ENGVID i think i’m gonna get it.Thanks for now, but make sure that you are helping a lot.The way the lessons are given, is the best for me,nothing wrong, everything right…GOOD BLESS ALL.By for now because i can’t give my coments only ones… ISMAEL
all my answers are correct thanks alex
No problem!
hello alex.thank you for your efforts.
what about modifier
hi alex i like this lesson thanks for given us i scorred 6/10 but i am proud of my self and i will keep it coming her every time
I’m glad that you liked the lesson. Practice is the best way to improve.
hi thank you i forget many of these expresions is a good lesson
Your lessons are really really usefull and sometimes also funny…. plesant way to learn english.
I am so greatfull with you!
Go on in this way.
I’m glad that you find them a little funny!
wow ,wonderful teacher giving wonderful lesson
thanks alot
waiting for more :D
You guys are amazing. I thought that I’ve decent knowledge in English. But after watching your explaination, still I’ve long way to go. Keep up your good work.
hi alex, thank you very much for this lession. could you please explain how to use the verb after “should” and “must”.
He should be sleeping. Here “sleeping” is a verb or noun or adjective
Here, “sleeping” is a progressive verb. It follows the following structure:
Subject + be + verb + ing
You also have the modal “should,” but it doesn’t change the fact that sleeping is a progressive verb.
I’m really glad to get this website. Alex you are amizing teacher i have ever met.thanks for your help and keep going you are really good teacher that i think many people need you.thanks again
Thank you for the compliments. I’m glad that you’re finding the lessons to be useful.
Alex how would i inprove my vocabulary?
Vocabulary is all around you. You could open up a dictionary, but that’s not really the best way to learn since you might feel overwhelmed. I would suggest picking up an English novel, and to have a dictionary near you. After that, just practice, practice, practice.
You can also watch movies with subtitles, speak with other native English speakers (if this is possible), read English websites, and check out grammar sites like this one.
Good luck!
hi i want learn you can help me
i want talk english
oh i dont understand this grammar
“Must” is an obligation. It literally means that you do not have a choice in your decision.
“Should” is a suggestion. It means that it is a good idea for you to do something.
Keep in mind that I have only explained how to use these words for obligation, and not for their other function, which is speculation.
halp :P
what is your real first name?? :)
really good explanation and comprenhension exercises…I’ ll be checking more…thanks a lot…
Hi Alex,
I am Farah from Iran.
thank you and your colleagues for your great videos.
I can not get how these lessons are sorted in the site. I tried to use them in an order, but it is not possible. I like to do all beginners lessons and then start the other level. every time that i open the site, the lessons order has changed.
It is very difficult for me to understand James speaking. should i skip his lessons or I should try? I can get the whole idea, but not all the words and phrases.
thank you again.
Hi Farah. The lessons are not in a set order. If you click on ALL LESSONS in the menu, you can see a list of all the lessons on the site. Use the “English Lesson Finder” on the left side to select only beginner classes. You may choose only a certain topic, or you can choose only certain teachers. If you find James’s classes too difficult, you can check only the other teachers’ lessons. Then click “FIND LESSONS” and you will get a list of only the lessons you are looking for.
Good lesson.
Thank you Sir
It was a good lesson Alex I scored 10 out of 10 from the first time. using appropriate levels of certainty while speaking is very important but it’s hard for international students. Thank you Alex for helping : )
wow. tnx Alex. It’s a great help for my writing job.
thank you alex
Thank you sir,I’ve got it.after watching this lesson I feel I must appreciate it.That is why I comment.(I think I’m right). thanks again sir.Good luck!!!!!
thanks alex for this lesson
thanks Alex
thanks very mutch
Thank you Alex your lessons are the best!!!!!
Hi Alex ,
I’m Bahar from Iran .
i’m really glad to get this website . you are really great in explaining grammatical points . I’m a teacher ,too and I’ve decided to use some of your teaching lessons in my classes as I think my students will get them better . thanks a lot sir . Best of luck for you
Thank you, and good luck to you as well.
Hi Alex,
I’m Mubashir from Pakistan. You make it really simple. I’m not good in English but it’s helping me a lot.
Please keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot.
that is great help me really it is fantanstic
thanks alex i love this lesson
Thank you alex . For these videos , it was very helpful…
Thanks alex. For these videos . There was very helpful
hi alex! thanks so much..
Thank You Alex.
what dose should mean in the frace she should be here in a minute.or, she should be back at fourth
or when parents say to their kids you should be doing your homework and you are watching tv.does your explanation fit in this categorics. can you help me on this ones
“She should be here in a minute.” — You would say that if you *expect* her to be here in a minute.
“You should be doing your homework.” — Here “should” means what they *ought to* be doing
thank you for the explanation. and by the way how do you like Israel? it’s been always my dream to go there. I hope someday i make my dream come true. i hope i didn’t bother you by asking you something that doesn’t have to do whith english questions, but i’m just trying to practic my english and thank you again.
English language requires judgement of the context, before using it. Alex thanks for your genuine advice.
thanks for every thing but please we need know more about passive causative if you please
Thanks for the suggestion. I will make a future lesson on this topic.
thanks for this quiz I need more practice to improve my self in English.
i can’t find the video lessons(
They are normal YouTube videos. Make sure YouTube is not blocked where you are.
Good Website!I will share this video with my friends,thanks a lot!
Thank you
great wed ,,,thank U
Thanks for all your lessons.
Could you explain the difference between like and as? please…
Thanks for the suggestion, Plangam. I will keep this in mind for a future lesson.
Thanks Alex I am from Bangladesh & it’s really nice to understand your speech about should & must.
Alex!Thank you for your teaching.You are excellent.I like you and your metood.I am from Uzbekistan.
i like it.
hi again,
I am not good in listening. sometimes i need the text to find out or distinct words in conversations & lessons.
is it possible to set the text of the videos on the website?
thank you agian for your useful website.
To Sir Alex,
Your instruction manner is influential,to achieve sensibility of profound grammer puzzels.
To all respected teachers of Engvid.com
I have a grammatical question.I expect you would resolve it.
A person is at some work,someone interrupts him,he gives up then,and again continue after passing some interval of time.
On next day,he has to report in English to his Boss,
He told,¨I WAS DOING my job………………………………………………………………………………
…..(Dotted lines are at his mind,what should i say?)
i was doing my job and suddenly X interrupted me and ……….
While I was doing my job, X interrupted me for some minutes and then …
I am not expert or native speaker. It may be not correct!
I really like should and must but I can not find should and have to because most often I get confuses that which one I have to use.
“Have to” expresses obligation, and is similar to “must.” “Should” expresses advisability.
Thanks Alex and for those too,who asked for this topic, I used to have a problem with this, not its all clear.
Thanks Alex I am from Bangladesh & it’s really nice to understand your speech about should & must.
Alex!Thank you for your teaching.You are excellent.I like you and your metood.I am from Uzbekistan.
I was looking for site to improve my English language
and I found it
yours site really is great
I must thank you because your lession is so useful for me and everybody! Have fun! :D
hi alex your lessons brush up my grammetical mistakes.but i have a problem i hesitate much when i talk others.can u help me out.
Hi amjad,
Hesitation is common with speakers of any new language. There are a couple of questions you should ask yourself to try to solve this problem:
1) Do you also hesitate in your own language, or only in English?
2) Do you try to translate in your mind before using English?
In order to develop confidence, one of the things that can help a non-native speaker is to TRY to think in their non-native language. When you stop translating and make a language a regular part of your thinking process, you will remember it and be able to use it more effectively in conversation. Basically, you just need to practice and be constantly exposed to the language.
hi Alex,great answer about hesitation. I think it helps a lot.
thank you very much,I’m so happy to all of that,and am I wrighting right?becouse I’m just start to learning english! :)
hello alex my name is Ibrahim
I’m very apprciate to write some lines.to tell you how much your courses are strong for me.
Thank you & best regards.
At the first time I don’t understand Grammar but Now, I think I can pass the exam tomorrow because You. thx very much,teacher.
thank you alex
Hi. whats difference between (Have to) And (Should)?!
“Have to” is an obligation, and “should” is for advice. Very similar to the differences between “must” and “should.”
Thank you Alex
Whats deference between(should) and (have to)??
Thanks Alex
No big difference between should and have to
Hi Ben,
“Have to” refers to necessity, while “should” refers to advisability. “Have to” is close to “must,” and means that something needs to be done.
I just wanted to say that the sentence with the restaurant is alittle bit confusing because i understood it like instead of paying your in YMCA for instance you better pay it in restaurant because it’s where they make meals.
what do you think of my reasoning?
hey i must need it
Hi Alex. I like your videos. Could you recommend me a basic English gramma book? Because I think I need a guide for improve my english. Thank you.
Hi alexmarti,
There are many grammar books available. One of the most popular books for beginners is Betty Azar’s “Understanding and Using English Grammar.”
There are many other books that you may want to consider. If you have access to a good book store, look at the English language section and see which book is best for you. Personal research helps a lot.
thank you for your lesson
Just easy to understand and helpful in uses
i only got 6 :) i must finish the lesson before answering any quizes thank you..
hi alex, first of all i would like to thank u and ur team members,each every tutorials are very useful to me and thank u very much….
Thank you!! My answer is quit good, but is complicate for me: must, have to, should, may/might!! is dificult.
Hi it is very useful.
I’m very thankful for, these lessons.
thank you very much ^^
can you make video about popular and famous???
hello alex i don’t know in which situation i can use have been or has been? so its my kind request to help me. thank you in advance.
hello alex I am very happy to dicver this site please i need more help about tense
Hi Alex,think you for tese precisions.But i want more explanation about it.
Alex you teach very well but try to give more lessons thank-you for this ….
If I put up a new lesson every day, you would get tired of me very quickly! :)
we will be never tired of your lesson but always waiting new one.
hi, alex i want to ask one question that my father wanted to send me to london for higher education , but i refused to go any where because my english is not so good , i also thought that the local student will make fun of me due to my english , but some one told me that the local people not make fun of you but they encourage you and by spending a time among them you will automatically learn how to speak correct english , IS THAT TRUE OR IT IS JUST A STUPIDITY .
i am stil confuce between should and must . i got 6 out of 10 in the quiz
Hi sweety123, if you want to practice on msn, i’ll be pleased: amyne5 at hotmail.fr
Thanks Alex. This lesson is very useful. Finally i understood the difference between should and must. And thanks for the test.
hello Alex I am very happy to got this site.Alex I need mor help about tenses and verbs.
Hi Alex you are brillant as usual, this cours is very interesting, so we can distinguish between order and advice
thanks a lot.
I am still not clear from the explanation between should and must.
Hi Alex! I really want to learn Eng! But I dont know how to start. Can u show me how I can start? What must I do 1st and then? Plz help me! Thanks!
Hi peajaesoon,
There is no perfect way to learn a language, and everyone learns differently. Websites like this one can help you. Otherwise, you can learn from films, websites, newspaper articles, radio broadcasts or online podcasts, and books. The best way is to surround yourself with the language. Knowing someone who can speak English well also helps.
Hi Alex! Thank you for lesson about must and should. I need help about how to make questions and question word.
Hi nil,
Great idea! I will create a future lesson about your suggestion. For now, look up the translation of these words:
I had two mistakes lol thank you for these great lessons :))
first of all, thank so much alex, really good for me by website
and you’re really caring thoughtful resolve any questions the fellas made
thanks alex
Hi, Alex U r lesson is very Clear & excellent.
thanks alot mr.Alex for ur explaination , you r really explain by using semple language and every one can understand fully .
Thanks Alex for your great effort.
but i donot get the advice what does mean thanks
thanks MR Alex for you effort i’m very happy to write you a few lines .your lessons are clear and excellent .thank you very much MR ALEX
hi alex! your lesson are all great…
how about the difference between “in to” or “on to” vs. “into” or “onto”, respectively.
hi alex can you please say me the difference between could and would?
Thank you!)
Hi Alex, I have a problem. Although I,ve “surriunded myself with English” it’s still difficult for me to remember new words and frases. I can read any text easy, but in speaking I always fail. Do you know any magic way to remember new words properly. Would you give me an advice?
Thank you very much, My score is 8-10 on the Quiz
Than k you for all again
good day mr. alex.. can u pls help me .. im really confuse in somewhat and somehow.. i dont know wen and how do i use it … can u pls help to understand the differences bet. the two? can u pls discuss this briefly?
i don’t quite understand about comparative degree for the word “handsome”
thx Alex… ur letures r really good =)… they help me a lot…
tanks Alex! your lesson is very nice iam proud of as you a good teacher if Allah want i will meet you because your lesson is very interesting.but unfortunately my way is very long .
iwant to learn about asking about appropiateness and expressing opligation using shoul / would have to .
i teach english and i cant understand this .
Hi,alex thanks a lot for your useful class about should vs. must. By the way, I have a bouncing doubt in my mind about it, actually how to apply that grammar rule inthis particular case: Tom usually leaves work at 4 o’clock, and he takes 30 minutes to get home,he often goes home directly. it’s 4:30 right now, somebody asks me about Tom,so what should I say? He SHOULD be at home now or he MUST be at home by now.that’s what you call “speculation” isn’t it? I look forward to having your explanation about it. Thanks a lot and keep going, sir!!
thanks alex :-)
thanks Alex , keep on !
It is good way of learning, but i think it wouldn’t be useful until we implement it. Is there any way to make it interactive?
9 out of 10=D
thanks alex for ur help!
Thanks Alex..
very good lesson for our
i have few doubt about WOULD plz tell me
thanks Alex.
It was very informative lesson. I have no doubts anymore about using these words. Thank you, Alex. But there are some other words that make me confused sometimes. They are “definitely” and “obviously”. Could you explain the difference please (with examples, if it`s possible). Or maybe do the lesson about it. Best regards. Natalie.
“Definitely” means that there is no doubt. It means “for sure,” “for certain,” or “without doubt.”
“I will definitely be there tonight!”
“Obviously” means that a fact or point is easy to see for everyone. There can be no argument against it. For example:
“It is obviously snowing.” (you can see the snow)
“Definitely” is more commonly used to make promises, but both can be used in other situations.
“He’s definitely crazy!” (for certain!)
“He’s obviously crazy!” (everyone can see it!)
I hope this helps a little.
Before I forget, three more words: “proper”, “right”, “correct”. How should we use them? Under want circumstances? I hope so mush that you`ll help me with that. Thanks. Natalie.
Hi, Alex. It’s so splendid to be in communication with you. But I wanna ask you, which is correct:
No problemS or No problem? And why?
Thank you for your reply!
Hi Vadim,
You can use both depending on the situation. However, “no problem” is more frequent. For example, if someone asks you to do something, you can reply with “no problem.”
“Can you open the door for me, please?”
“Sure! No problem!”
“No problems” can be used in contexts such as this one:
“How was the test?”
“No problems!” (I didn’t make any major mistakes)
If you answer with “no problem!” to the above situation, your meaning is that the test was easy.
thnks for all your efforts. once again thanks.
Hi alex, i really want to know how to use all the preposition, from,on,in,at,to,of,about, i make a lot of mitakes when i’m using them.. thank you, if you could write me at/in? my email, i’ll appreciate .. :)
thanks sir to clear my mind about this letter difference , may god bless you
Sir Alex,
Could you please make a video lesson about “has, had, and have. i’m a little confused of using those words. Thanks a lot for teaching us.
Hi ALEX thank you very much .It is really very useful lesson.
Hi, Alex thank you for your lesson. It’s very useful lesson. I want to more explain ‘shoud and must’.
Thank you,
Thanks ALex!!
Hi Alex! I’m really interested your topic.job well done!!:)
ur a prtty good teacher,thank u so much sir
thank u sir
I wanna ask you or your colleague about should and must I don’t how to use them but now you give me golden advice thank you kindly
Thank you very much Alex
hey alex! this is nica i just accidentally found ur site hahaaha then i got 9 out of 10 here, i wanna learn more so it’s not hard to speak of other people like u. so i realy like ur lessons it helps alot,can u post like this lessons (figure of speech) im looking 4ward thank u…
you really teach v well tgat click my understanding i have downloaded most of ur lessions thanks a lot
I think it’s very good for learning english. It’s too simple and make me don’t stress
hi alex, this lesson finds me very useful.i got a question for you…im taking IELTS on 4 june…i am afraid of writting part where in task 1, i need to make report on visual (chart and bar etc). this finds me very difficult.what tense i have to use? if possible explain me little bite about academy essay also. my question is quiet long. sorry for that.thanx.
its easy to understand
My score is 7 of 10
Thank you teacher
Thank you a lot
Hi, Alex I want to know how I practice my pronunciation, because I live in a place where anybody talks in English.. Thanks you for your answer me
I must improve my english skills… :D
thank you so much
i should improve my english
thanks teacher
Great Lesson Alex. Thank you so much.
you are great thanks
you are hellping me alot
Thanxx a lot Alex Sir! I am new here on engvid.. I like your lessons & teaching style. I hope my spoken in English will become good in future.
Thanxx again Sir
ahhh .. i can’t enter to the quis by the way :'(
can you tell me !! xx
hi,friend,nice to meet you in this site,realy i feel hopeful,when i find friends in my special hobby,i hope to be with me online so we get benifet
thanks Alex. it’s really helpful
I love you guys!!! you help me a lot when studying for exams :D
you’re the best!!!
especially rebeca, valen and alex :)
ARGENTINA Ushuaia (very close to Antarctica)
you’re quite famous around here ;)
it is really helpful for student thank you
thik you
i like your lessons, because they are very common and basics that most people use. I like your lessons better because it’s very direct and not too boring. Not boring because you target those common mistakes not just teaching the boring grammar. Also, you try to teach things for us to visualize like you draw for the and the percentages it is easier to understand that way. I can’t thank you enough for these.
Hey, your vidcertainlyhelped! thanks ! Anw can you help me by doing a vid on could on adj of word order, use of comma and ‘and’
hi,sir ,realy you’ve good knoldge ,and i get benifet from your lessons please tell me how can i join you online .thanks
hi teacher
May u tell me whats the differences between these two sentences
1_if i had been rich i would have been able to buy the car
2_if i were rich i would be able to buy the car
plz tell me i asked valen these questions but she hasnt answered me up to now
whats this idiom means
taste of ur own mediciane
Assalamu alikkum my dear Ammarkalan,my name is Shihabudheen from India but now I am working in U.A.E,In my knowledge this idiom means. When you are mis treated the same way you mistreated others.
i got a perfect score! thanks alex!! more power!!
Hi Alex I scored full mark in the session,thanks.I woulk to know more about MIGHT,also must have.
Yippee!!!I made 100%
hello alex…thanks for this video…it helps me a lot because i am using must and should everyday in my class…:) please show more videos regarding english words…i really want to speak english during class discussion so that in the future when i have an opportunity to go to other countries it will be very easy for me to communicate with the other people…
my dear teacher
Your quesions were so much easy I became 100%
90 percent only
hi alex
i just started to take lessons from you on internet and i am very happy to get you as my teacher:)
Iam getting very well, thank you
I thank Professor Alex: and say you are wonderful. A good lesson and I will follow all the lessons you
thanks Alex for help
Very well!
What’s the right answer?
I failed the test. I ….. studied harder.
A.should have B.must have C.should
I think it’s A. Am I right?
Thank you for this lesson
I got 7 out of 10.
wow, fantastic!!!it’s a great blessing for me watching your video.i learned a lot.thanks…
Excellent class & i`ve get a lot of different knowledge abt these two.thanx alex.ur style is so easy. i request u to tell the difference between `begin & start` & when to use `had`.because u delivered a lesson on simple past & present perfect but i need the lesson on past perfect use.
pls also give a lesson on `use of may,might, ought & could.i want this lesson by you.
Thanks I made 99% on quiz.
Очень полезно и доходчиво!
Thanks Alex
can we say that ‘should’ indicates ideal behaviour,something which is applicable to everyone?
Oh my god. I made 100%
me gusto mucho la aclaracion pues tenia muchas dudas sobre estos dos auxiliaries ..pero ya me quedo mas claro …thank you..
thanks a lot sir alex… practice is the best way to make it perfect… im preparing my self to apply in a call center industry.. hope i can make it…
got 7 out of 10…. hmm not bad….tnx….
thank you Alex
im really feel upset about my english quiz…but despite of these im still willing to learn and i will not give this up i must to learn… i want to improve my english vocabolary and i want to improve my english speaking…thanks to all the teachers of engvid…..
Gracias¡!!!! I begginer but i can understand All Your lesson , i am happy
For us, brazilians these two word are very similar in our language, to say the truth, they don’t have difference in portuguese. Thanks for your lesson, teacher !! I’ll keep up studying !!
hey alex this useful lesson
now i was comprin between should and must
thank you …
Thank you so much for this lesson
Hi Alex i just found this website and i saw the first lesson, i learned something new i well keep watching all your lesson as the way you teaching is very good and very easy for a new learner to understand.thank you very much .MUS
thank thank you verry much to taught me the uses of should and must, i must learn english from engvid.com. i should visit this site everyday
thanks alot
thank you Alex.
Your lessons are very easy to understand. so simple way you are explaining. thank you so much.
buuuuuuuuu, still lots to do. 8/10 buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Sheela was to have been here at 8:00 clock.She (must have/should have) ________ forgotten about our meeting.
Jennifer missed her class today.She _________(might have had/should have had) some other work.
help me please in filling these with appropriate ones from the bracket
Thank you..
Teacher.. Your lessons are very useful. Thank you so much, and thanks EngVid. Love it
Hello!Alex.My name is Kishanth.I’ve been in Canada 6 months.I’ve been watching engvid.com especialy your lessons.they help me to understand many basics things.I think i’m progressing well.Eventhough I need to know How to talk about movies that we watched and where to use literaly.
Take care,BYE!
Hi.My name is Masha.I am from Russia.Thank you for this lesson.This lesson very help me)))
Hi Dear Alex,
I’m so happy that accidentally I have opened this web-site. Your teaching technique is awesome, I am listening to your lessons every day until, I could speak english fluent.
OHHH, could you please check my above statement, if it make sense
hello alex! Thanks for your clear lesson
oh i made 100% on quiz. thankx a lot
Very good lesson! Thanks.
Hi My Teacher Alex
I have a question about, future tense, I’m going to Vs I will
thanks for your answer…
thank you alex,
It is a good lesson
thank you too much :)
I’m made 100% too
Dear Alex,
The last question on your quiz:
It’s really sunny outside. I _______ wear my sunglasses
Could be MUST if a I have to protect my eyes from sun rays?
Hi, Alex. u r a great teacher but i want start my beginner class in a sequance waise
just suggest me what i can do to take my lucture in a seeqvince
Thanks Alex, your English class is awesome. I have learned something today which I wanted to learn since long time, your lessons are helpful for improve my grammar and I would like to introduce your class online to my peers. Which will help them too, Thanks agian
yup man ur lessons r gr8 like u ..carry on …u know thats the best way to learn for me..nd i think that its also the best way for teachings others .
Thanks Alex
Thank you Alex,with this site,i’m improving more and more my english.
You are talented! You did an excellent job!
Thank you so much ,i’m learning English everyday with you teachers,you are so nice :)
hi teacher. i teach english too. your way of teaching is more easy than mine. hope somehow i’ll study this way
10 out of 10..thank you Alex for the lesson…good bless!
10 out of 10… Thanks a lot
Got 7 out of 10. It should have been 8
if not for my carelessnes not answering no.10 . Anyways
thank you again for this very
interesting lesson. You’re great!
Now, it is clear for me. Thanks, Alex! You know how teach us in a easy way.
Thanks for your lessons.
hi dear sir,
i have a little problem about the use of model auxiliary such as,would,should,must, how to use these in past with have +3rd verb.thanks
Great lecture!
Thanks Alex!
can u make a video on pronunciation on x what does it sounds like thanks
Hi! Alex,
Your all lessons and other teacher’s lessons are too much helping to improve my English grammar, but I need more favorer to you regarding the English spelling, could you help me? This is so much embarrassing for writing anything.
Thanks Alex)
Hi, Alex! Thank you very much for lesson. Could you help me? … “He should be sleeping”, “He may be sleeping’, “He can be sleeping”, “He might be sleeping” … Is it defference between them?
hi Alex,
thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.i was thinking to improve my english since i left my school.coz when in school all sublects are in english but never focused on english standard.now really feeling regret about it.
Good Day, Alex!I love watching and listening to your english video lesson. I am glad i have found this site for learning/studying online for free.You are such a very good teacher. Hopefully, my english will improve quickly.:) Take care always and have a great day!
thank you Alex i like it …
thanks a lot and i’m so happy because i intrestand very well this lesson and that is thank you alex
It’s really sunny outside. I _______ wear my sunglasses.
Ans. Must
becaue it is 100% certain, it is sunny outside
thanks alex
Could you do a lesson about take, get and catch
I’ve added to the list of lesson requests!
I had 8/10 Thanks a lot Alex. I will try to understand the lesson (f)
Thanks a lot Alex.I had 8/10
Thank you Alex I had 50 I Alex can you help me my speaking is very low
It’s still quite confusing though. I am a native english speaker and I had 1 mistake.
Shouldn’t we say that these vocabulary items are Modal Verbs?
Thanks Alex, I like your explication because it’s very clear!
yes :)
i get 100%
I realized that it is very important understanding the core meaning and situation of use that a native speaker speaks or writes.
‘should’ sounds more friendly , doesn’t it ? It talks about 60% possibility and good for someone comparing with must. Very good.
Thank you Alex .I new in engvid.com and I find it very useful .I have some questions one of them how we can use must and should in the past time , how we can explain habit in the present and past time . would you mind do a vid about tences .
thank you teacher.
First of all thank you for your clear explaining :) It helps me a lot, I search whole the internet for information. This is the clearest information that I can found. But I made the quiz and my score was 80/100 So, my question, why is the answer of the 1st question should , why not must. My reason is to choose must if you dont eat the breakfast there will be consequents.. I dont get it, and question 8 why should ? Because if Juan dont sleep early that will have an effect.. My english is not so good as well, but I’m 13 and I’m learning 6 languages at the same time and English for 2 years already. I’ll hope you understand me.. Thank You :)
thanks a lot Alex
Hi M/r. Juan has a test in the morning. …why is the answer of this question is should and not must.thank you
Thanks teacher! The lesson is useful.
Thank you very much.
thanks alex. i have a question for you
” have to” and ” must”
James classes are there for’must and ‘have to’
perfect score:)
Thanks Alex!
I like your teaching.
Hello Alex! your lessons are great, Many students have confusion in some words like,QUIT,QUITE,QUIET..So if you could kindly create a lesson about it,it will help them to understand.I’m looking forward…
Hi, great idea…I agree
so, the lesson is already up?
hi alex iam new user your lessons are great and i want to learn english from you thankz should and must have the same meanings
Hi Alex,
thanks for your lesson. Your lessons are always very helpful
teka care
Great lesson SR!!
by the way,
It’s a good idea for me to eat breakfast every morning.
My answer was with “Must”… you must to take your breakfast every morning if not you will get sick!!
Thanks Alex!
Hello, I’m Italian and I follow your course, thanks for your courses are very interesting. I wanted to ask if you can take a few lessons on geometry or mathematics in English? Thanks.
Thank you for your class!
thank you for explain ;
That´s the first time i watch your video class and do the exercises. I like so much!
Thank you very much.
Thank you!
hi Alex I would like you to suggest a lesson about the difference between me,my,mine I think they´re called object,possessive and subject pronouns I´m not even sure can you help me please
I would like to suggest* to correct my previous comment
8 out of 10. must or should is not easy for me to use in a sentence.
Hi, Alex! Thank you for this lesson. I really had dowbt to use the expressions. Now, I learnt it. But I should see your other videos. So I will learn more and more. Good night.
I got complete score. Thanks for video with clear explanation. Thanks Alex!
thanx a lot!
Thank you!
Good lesson, thank you
thank you
Jaun has a test in the morning. He must go to bed early.sir it wrong
Sorry,it is a wrong answer.why sir?
Thanks you so much.
hi alex i’m dinang from indonesia thanks for your lesson now i’m understand the difference meaning ‘must’ and ‘should. So will you explain to me how to use ‘would’ and ‘will’. Thanks :)
Thank very much from Brazil, Alex!!!! Would you may give me an explanation about difference who whom and/or as, like, how, etc, etc…??? Thanks!!!!!
Correcting it: Thank you very much from Brazil, Alex!!!! Would you may give me an explanation about difference between who and whom and/or as, like, how, etc, etc…??? Thanks!!!!!
Many Thanks!
yeeee. i had a 100
Hi Alex, your classes are perfect! Thank you.
Perfect classes indeed!!
I got 9/10! Thanks very much! Good lesson!!
Thank you Alex
10/10 thanks, Alex
wonderful! Thanks!
thanks for your efforts
Thanks Alex. I got 8/10
Hi Allex.
I’m from Brazil!
I went back to learning english and your class have helped me a lot to revise the material that my teacher teaches!
I was a little confused by the different between should and must, but now is very clear.
Thank you very much.
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Very Good Lesson
Hello sir! It helped me alot but can you also explain the proper differance between must and should and when to use must in a sentence?
I’ll be very thankful
thank you teacher Alex, for me your class was very fun and interesting.
the must is more strong than should.
the must is obey.
the should is advice.
is correct teacher Alex?
Thank you alex I get 90%
Thank you a lot, it`s a really helpful video.
Thank you!