“I advise that he study more” or “I advise that he studies more”? Learn this advanced grammar point, and improve your speaking and understanding of this formal structure in English, the subjunctive. Personally, I suggest that you click on this video.
Thank’s a lot teacher Alex. I so glad about that. Lily from Brazil
hi,in these lesson ‘that’ works like conjunction?
Thank you teacher Alex.Mokhtar from Algeria
Thanks very much indeed, I really enjoyed this lesson. Greetings from Mexico
holycows this topic was kind of confused, but my scored was good. thanks a million Alex.
Thank you for a very useful information. Marina.
wee bit difficult to me, but my score was 8/10. Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex! Learning some difficult topics is important! My score was good (9/10), but I think that now for me is very difficult use or listen to it well. Bye!!!
My boy marpos you have a long way to go. Good luck.
Hullo,tx in advance,,
It’s not possible 2 me 2 watch the video bcoz u tube is filtered in the country,would u mind give me a helping hand n explain the rules in some sentences??!
Find a transparent proxy server on google and use it. You’ll be able to watch all lessons on here or youtube.
O Gosh!
No way!!
I took great pleasure in seeing sb from The UK here!!!
U know how much I’m keen on British Accent?!
By the way tx 4 ur suggestion.
Hey cutie,
How are you ?
It gives me great pleasure to write you.
I study English as a second language.
It is important that you teach me English through exchanging information on the internet.
I have the honour to be your student.I have some problems related to english vocabulary and grammar.
Do you mind if you become my tutor?
Please say”no,not at all.”
I don’t know your e-mail address.
My e-mail address is
Seedygaber @yahoo.com
use goagant or buy a VPN/SSH.
thanx soo much my buddy. well done . ıt’s a pretty nice lesson.. may god bless you.
Great!10/10…I will try to memorize the subjunctive. Regards
Awesome! Thank you. I appreciate your advanced lessons, please make more :)
Yeah, Teacher Alex make more advanced classes. God Bless you.
It is important that you keep up doing such great lessons!
You scored 10 out of 10.
Thank you I enjoyed it !!
Could we exchange information through e-mails.
My e-mail address is “seedygaber@yahhoo.com”
It’s kind of you to e-mail me.
Please add dates to materials. I don’t remember where I’ve stopped last time.
Thank you so much , Alex .
It was an important class
Hello Alex, i appreciated this lesson.
Is there any place where you(all) teach English??
I’m on vacation in June and i really would like to study english with you all!!!
wait for answers.
If there’s a place, answer by e-mail.
thank you for now.
Thank you. I’ve realized how many times I made mistakes using these verbs.
thank you mr. Alex… this topic so easy to learn with you. sometime i made mistake when I use subjunctive grammar
sometimes strange things happened. it was a new grammar topic for me and after the lesson I’ve passed all the quiz correct!
yes, the strange thing is – after the lesson ” I had pass the quiz”.
“I passed the quiz” “after” indicates “after what” :D
I had passed the quiz before I watched the lesson. I think that in this case it would be correct (using of the past perfect).
Great! Thanks teacher for this lesson. It’s very interesting :). I haven’t never known this before.
This topic was really difficult for me when I was taking Grammar course but nowww I understood it better, my score was 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot ALEX.
I got 9/10 hahahhaha I just didn’t read read the sentence carefully, but at least it’s a good score
thank you Sir Alex
It’s very confusing but I need to remember it is use for advice…
Sir Alex could I ask you a question? I’m sometimes confused of using “with and to” for example
I’m talking to you
or I’m talking with you…what’s the difference?
Talking to you means you are talking to the person, directly to that particular person / kinakausap mo ang tao.
Talking with you means for example you are in a 3 (2 boys & 2 girls) so you were talking to the girl with your friend, you were with him, you both talk to her which means you talk with him.
Or maybe you are talking about the person not with you temporarily, when you are talking to a different person addressing her…
I am not sure but that’s what I think
Thank you, Alex.
10/10 great))) thanks Alex for lesson
Hi alex;It’s important that I score 10 out of 10 on the quiz;but I didn’t;I don’t know what’s the problem with me;any way I enjoyed the lesson;It’s very useful;thanx a lot.
youssef morrocco
Hi i am Ahmed from Egyp, i want to talk to anyone on skype to improve my conversation skills my skype name is ahmedelnassag
I got 10 out of 10 yeey. :p
Then it’s really useful.
Thank yu, Alex ;)
Nice lesson, thanks Alex.
Thank’s Alex.
Thank you so very much for the lessons… I learned a lot from the videos on youtube… Thank you so much..
Thanks a lot for this lesson , we are learning better with native speakers as English for us is Second Foreign lge,but i suggested (that)we need course for writing .
Alex recommended that we make more practise to improve
( is it right ? ?
i got 10/10,,i listen 1st time,,it was intresting….i enjoyed…thankx sir Alex
my score 9 of 10. any suggestions?
you can use SHOULD in the second part of the sentense and everything gets clear. For instance: Alex recomended that Tom SHOULD listen to Sergei. Now leave out SHOULD and life is perfect again..you cannot use final -S with SHOULD neither you can use TO… Alex AM I RIGHT?
very cool..Thanks Alex!
Tke care!
Shing Mang Tun
it’s important (that) he come on time
Alamgir hayat
why can’t we use comes instead of come?
Alamgir hayat
I slipped on “I suggest you don`t speak”. The RIGHT answer had been “I suggest you not speak”.
And thanks for the test, teachers!
u r right inyazserg.
Thank’s for you Alex.
Thank you very much, your videos are truely helpful:D
Thanks a lot!
thank you !!!! its very helpful for me.
Rakesh negi
thank you sir..
its very nice..
please upload more videos..
Anuj Choudhary
Thanks alot teacher Alex, it’s easy to understand your lesson, i hope you could teach our more lesson about speaking skill
thanh minh
Excellent explanation !! thnks a lot Alex.
Oh my goodness………! I’ve got 10 out of 10 ……ha ha ha ha
Great! class, thanks.
nice work!I m so happy to have found your website!
It’s wonderful) thank you))
Modern Indian life
India is a culturally and ethnically diverse nation. In view of rising crime, it causes for several departments of administration of both central and state government have been failed to be vigilant. Many of elected leaders and administrations have been retorting since independence. During elections, voters have been hearing the rumble of wrong promises across the nation.The iniquities of Indian politicians and authorities are a bolt on humanity and it began to poverty and scurried death. The corrupted politicians must be battered in the court of law and according to world lore, the Indian politicians the highest depositors in the Swiss has healing properties.A confrontation between looting political parties and the parties led to a tense situation in all fields of employment and lives of people. Country side did not heed the advice of the others because of their obstinacy. People never dare to bias towards facilitation and development of infrastructure.
India is not only the oldest civilized nation but also mother of several launchers like “Yoga, Kamasutra, gurukula education”. The infrastructure of the rural life such as handy crafts, joint families influenced due to poor administration and unworthy policies. Authorities and elected leaders are making people burst into hysterical tears at the hopeless theories. Youngsters are bickering when they play crucial play in the society due to corruption and crime. How nation could see the pinnacle of the success above their expectations ? Let hope to see the path of climbing Himalayas.
you could be the next mahatma gandhi.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex, I would like to know where I should use the word THERE IS and THERE WAS
Great teaching Alex.
Thank you
Thanks Alex! Learning some difficult topics is important! My score was good (9/10)
Very interesting subject! Thanks
thank you so much you are really great teacher
alex you’re the best.. thanks a million
This is advanced Grammar . Thanks for teaching me .
thanks a lot for this useful and practical lesson. I grasped it very quickly.
Youssef Samrouni
It´s the first time I´ve come across this kind of grammar but scored 10 out of 10 which I was surprised of.
I was very good and useful for me,thank Kate
Thank you Alex. Good job. TheMlad
i really like the way alex explain the th ings.
hurray!.i scored 10/10…:)
Thanks very much teacher . it is a good lesson . and i got all quiz correct .
Teacher Alex I have a question
is it correct if I say I advised her not to do it, instead of I Advised she not do it?
Thanks in advance
if you ask me, the first one sounds better.. but is it grammaticaly correct – that is the question..
excelent !!!!!
thnx good lesson it helped me understand the subjunctive but please can you make the quiz more difficult
Beautiful!!Thank you very much.
Thanks sir Alex
Thanks a Lot Sir….
Salman Khan
Listening this video today i chocked out some confusing from my mind.
Kumar Shrestha
10/10 %100 success ! :) Thanks Alex! you teach understandable all the time so I can understand your lesson. I solved the quiz after the lesson I have done all of them and resut is successful. Thanks again.
thanks Alex :)
Thanks Alex :)…. u r gr8 !!
Your the best techer i have see
hello tnx for everything ..its great and i have learnd a lots of things.. thanks …its really helpful
Thanks!What a bad-ass lesson!
but what about expressing wish?
God bless you. / you be always well and about. Isn’t that subjunctive mood?
I like this kind of teachers.
syed ismail
Thanks Alex! I think you are the best teacher on the internet!
Be healthy and do more lessons for us.
Clear explanation Alex! Can I use putative should like I suggested we should not talk about that. Or it is used just in British english?
Thank you so much,
what does “subjunctive” mean?
in your example which verbs are subjunctive?
thank you
Thank you so much , Alex!
Thanks a lot.I found it really interesting.
8 of 10 its okay ill try again latter :-)
Saepul anwar
Thanks, Alex. It’s a good lesson.
Teacher alex,what is the difference between “not and Don’t?
Thanks a lot!!!!
It was very useful, thanks a lot
Is subjunctive only use to give urgency and importance in a sentence? Just to give more clarifications on this matter. I understand but I just want to know how, is it also only using “that” for subjunctive to show urgency? Look forward to hearing from you Sir Alex. Thanks.
it is important everybody see this. it was clearly explained by Alex.
wasi haider
Thank you very much Alex, it is helpful
pretty good… =]
Many thanks from Saint-Petersburg
Well done and thanks so much. It’s really enjoyable to be with you . Thanks again and I promiss to to back again sooner or later .
Saud S. Badran
Thanks Alex, I saw your video interesting and I had 10/10. Thanks again.
Thank you teacher Alex! A short nevertheless useful lesson!
It is important that we speak and write correctly.
Thank you for presenting this simple lesson on
the use of the English subjunctive.
René LaPierre
its to usefull
Hey there Alex, thanks for the lesson, I’ve got a question though. Isn’t the Subjunctive also used in conditions? I thought the second condition “If I went to London, I would see the Thames” had something to do with the Subjunctive. Thank your for the answer!
Thanks alot
Damn… 9 out of 10…
Thank you for giving these valuable lessons free of charge. I was able to download a number of lessons presented on this site. They’re actually important and useful for me to improve my English. The teachers are presenting these lessons in a manner that is pleasant to the learners.
-I’m Gamini from Sri Lanka
Gamini C. Kumara
I enjoy your lesson. Thanks a lot. Your style is very wonderful.
thank you ,teacher Alex
A subjuct that confuses me alot and cost me many degrees in exams ,only in this vedio lession I understand why we put a verb without “s” even with the third person.thank you
Thanks a lot, teacher Alex. I enjoyed it! My score was 10/10.
tank u
Nice topic and really nice explanation teacher! this was a topic I used to be confused about. Greetings from Colombia!
Thanks, Alex. It’s a good lesson.
10/10 thank you .
Thanks! It was a very useful lesson.
Yes! 10/10
I really love the way you talk to us!:* THANKSSSS SO MUCH!
thanks for the lesson teacher
i have a question about ‘should’
what’s the meaning of should in the sentence below?
1. It’s strange that he SHOULD be late. He’s usually on time.
what’s the difference in meaning if it is removed?
thanks again
i got 9 on 10 thanks sir
thank you for your leason. miha from romania
very well
seems interesting for me. I got 7/10 dramatically speaking, this would be give me a challenge to the next lesson. more power.
thanks tou teacher!
Thanks Alex, it’s really helpful ^^
Hi teacher,
Can subjunctive also express a strong wish? As, for example, in “God save the King/Queen” or “God bless you”. Without the s/es of the singular third person.
On the other hand, what about the structure verb + object + infinitive? For example, instead of saying, like in the quiz, “The doctor recommended that I rest at home…” why not “The doctor recommend me to rest at home…”. And the same for, at least, the nine first questions of the quiz. Last example: “She requested that we wait patiently” / “She requested us to wait patiently”. Are these two ways possible?
I am looking forward to reading your answer. Thanks in advance!
I have the same question because, my teacher told me that Spanish speakers often make this mistake when they try to translate directly word for word: I want that the bank lends me…. and the correct is: I want the bank to lend me a thousand pounds
Thanks Alex,
I didn’t know that!
It’s important (that) I remeber Subjunctives!
10/10 :) thanks for your effort
Thanks/ Dzięki ;p
Thank you. I have a quiz coming up, so I appreciate it.
Simona, from Romania
Simona C
thanks Alex. You are one of the best teachers in the world.
Wow 10/10! Thank you, Sir!
thank you! your tests are the best! really make us think hard and understand better. Brazil to Canada =)
Thiago Souza
I really enjoy doing the quiz to test my knowledge thank Alex . I’m from Cambodia
sok ly
was great but in question number 2 it’s possible as well as ” The doctor recommended __me resting__ at home for a few days”.
or necessary I REST??
Thank you, Alex, so much.
Your are very good at explaining things))
Best wishes from Russia
thanks alex i got 10 out 9
I am really interested in atalaya. I can sepak spanish fluently and I saw the same problem lihe she has explianed. I really appreciated an answer.
it was really helpful
You are a great teacher, Alex! I will never stop saying this.
It’s perfect, you don’t know how much I love this webside.
It’s perfect, you don’t know how much I love this webside.
Thanks for your excellent demonstration about subjunctive.
Thanks Alex.
Thanks so much.
Thank you very much!
thank you alex
is mr alex great?
yes,sure .
Yes, indeed.
Thank you very much Alex, your lessons are always useful and great!
Yeah, that’s what I am calling cool teaching!!! Alex you make my day dude.
is a very good lesson, thanks Alex!
Sorry. It was a very good lesson.
so simple so efficient
Hey Alex. Does the word URGE really work with subjunctive? The other day I was doing a quiz when I came across a question with URGE which I got wrong. I thought I had to use the subjunctive with it but it turned out that the right answer was made by means of the infinitive plus the objective case of a pronoun. I don’t remember the sentence but it looked like this – I URGED HIM TO TELL ME THE TRUTH. Is it the same with I urged he tell me the truth? Or the last one has a stronger meaning like I forced him to tell me the truth?? %) It seems to me that I’ll never get a hang of it (
It was really helpful
He recommended that i not use the medicine..is this correct?
THANKS so much it’s really useful
Thank you Alex for this interesting and useful lesson as always. I would qualify subjonctive as an “educated” tense since it is mainly used by people endowed with a certain education. Personally, I am using it in French; it is natural in a way as I have been taught to use it since my childhood. In English, I must say I am hesitant because as a non-native English speaker, I always fear being wrong and appearing to speak with a phony “posh accent”.
Thanks got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
Advanced grammar native speakers don’t even use. Great!
woohoo I got 100, thanks for teaching
Proffesor Alex,
First,your presentation is clear that is okey, so please accept my gratitude and thanks.
Second, it is incomplete. You have even not done correct translation. Two additional sentences about other subjective mode situations will make your presentation better.
what are those??
excenlent job Alex ;go on! i’ve got 90%
This is the first time to take your lesson. This lesson was really helpful! And I’d never known this grammar. Thank you for teaching!
thank u.it was useful for me :)
Ok, 100 %. Thanks Alex.
100% without looking at screen, I’m sure.
Oh, I love this lesson.
Thank you, Alex.
Respect Teacher,
Thank for teaching me. On this quiz i got 10 out of 10.
Mam Puth Barmey
10 out of 10 – nice :-)
one of my English teachers said we use basic verb in the subjunctive sentence because ‘should’ is omitted.
“it’s important that he (should) be on time”
I think It makes sense. I’m not sure though..
Thanks Mr.Alex. Much appreciated!
Thanks, Alex. I really enjoyed it.
thank you
terima kasih
Christin Mella
Great, now Iunderstood, when my teacher explained I did not undestand, now It is clear.
It’s important that I watch this video again
I don’t know this structure at all
Thanks a lot Alex
Shiva had also decreed that karthik would set up new home.
In this sentence , would set up is used
sir,you didnt mention at all only simple verb form.
i want get clarified sir
Hi Alex, thanks for teaching
I have question guys, what is “Wh- as subjunction words”
like: A birthday party
is a party in which ( where ) a person is given gifts and a cake.
A surprise party is a party about which the guest of honor knows nothing.
A Surprise party is a party
(which) the guest of honor knows nothing about the party.
?? thank you.
Got 100%. Thanks!
Precious Gee
Fatehy Hamed
I liked it! Thanks.
I would like you to upload some Syntactic explanations or maybe trees. I am studying to be an English teacher and in Grammar I (Subject) those things are nessesary.
Thanks a lot, hope you take it in account,
10 out of 10.Very good lesson.Thank you very much.
It seemed to me so difficult,now it’s quite clear!)Thak u very much.
I got 10 out of 10,,,,,so I suggested that you keep follow Alex.
thank you .
Great!!!! Now I understand… when I read it … it sounds difficult but now its clearly! Tks Alex.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Many thanks for this helpful lesson,,, greetings from Armenia!!!
Dear Alex,
Many thanks for such important lesson. However, I have a question. Why not to use the word “should” before the subjunctive?
I finally understood it !
Thank you
It’s a nice lesson. Thank you Alex. But I still do not clear about the sentence “It’s important that he come on time”. Could you pls explain it more deeply and give me more examples about this? Thanks a lot. I look forward to your early reply.
Thanks again alex, again i got 100% on my third test in your video lesssons, i am so glad that i joined your class, feeling so happy,
Thanks a lot, i think this web really help me to improve my english?
great! great~
Good lesson.Thanks.:)
Thanks Alex!
I really wonder whether the answer at 2nd question could be “I rested” as well or not. Likewise, could the answer at 3rd question be “his assistant left”? Also, for 4th “she joins”? If someone answers, I will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Loves :D
Glad I found this lesson!
Thanks for your lecture. Yang from Korea(of course, it’s South)
Thanks teacher,awesome Explanation
this is really helpful…thanks Alex…9 out of 10 score.
Thank’s a lot Alex…10/10 score.
Thank’s a lot for this lesson Mr.Alex.
Daksh Menon, from Dubai
Hello. I am from Havana Cuba and I am an english teacher. I would like to know if I can use the word suppose in the past perfect subjunctive and present subjunctive. I know it can be used in past subjunctive. Give me examples. Thank you
Alenrry 75
I teach my students advanced grammar and I would like to be interact with you teachers
Alenrry 75
I would like to chat and practice my english with persons from all over the world. My WhatsApp number is +5352938136
Alenrry 75
Thank you Alex!
10/10 thank u teacher
imad messaoudi
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
At the summit of my ignorance when i read some sentences like those above i just thought “God thia text is wrong.” Good Lesson!
well done,Alex
Greetings from Kazakhstan o8 Dec2o21:)
Thanks Alex.
Thank you such a great explanation!
Hello! Teacher, Alex. My grammar is much better since I have always listened to your explanations. Advanced English grammar is easy after watching your videos. By the way, I got your book about phrasal verbs. It has been invaluable for my English progress as well.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank’s a lot teacher Alex. I so glad about that. Lily from Brazil
hi,in these lesson ‘that’ works like conjunction?
Thank you teacher Alex.Mokhtar from Algeria
Thanks very much indeed, I really enjoyed this lesson. Greetings from Mexico
holycows this topic was kind of confused, but my scored was good. thanks a million Alex.
Thank you for a very useful information. Marina.
wee bit difficult to me, but my score was 8/10. Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex! Learning some difficult topics is important! My score was good (9/10), but I think that now for me is very difficult use or listen to it well. Bye!!!
My boy marpos you have a long way to go. Good luck.
Hullo,tx in advance,,
It’s not possible 2 me 2 watch the video bcoz u tube is filtered in the country,would u mind give me a helping hand n explain the rules in some sentences??!
Find a transparent proxy server on google and use it. You’ll be able to watch all lessons on here or youtube.
O Gosh!
No way!!
I took great pleasure in seeing sb from The UK here!!!
U know how much I’m keen on British Accent?!
By the way tx 4 ur suggestion.
Hey cutie,
How are you ?
It gives me great pleasure to write you.
I study English as a second language.
It is important that you teach me English through exchanging information on the internet.
I have the honour to be your student.I have some problems related to english vocabulary and grammar.
Do you mind if you become my tutor?
Please say”no,not at all.”
I don’t know your e-mail address.
My e-mail address is
Seedygaber @yahoo.com
use goagant or buy a VPN/SSH.
thanx soo much my buddy. well done . ıt’s a pretty nice lesson.. may god bless you.
Great!10/10…I will try to memorize the subjunctive. Regards
Awesome! Thank you. I appreciate your advanced lessons, please make more :)
Yeah, Teacher Alex make more advanced classes. God Bless you.
It is important that you keep up doing such great lessons!
You scored 10 out of 10.
Thank you I enjoyed it !!
Could we exchange information through e-mails.
My e-mail address is “seedygaber@yahhoo.com”
It’s kind of you to e-mail me.
Please add dates to materials. I don’t remember where I’ve stopped last time.
Thank you so much , Alex .
It was an important class
Hello Alex, i appreciated this lesson.
Is there any place where you(all) teach English??
I’m on vacation in June and i really would like to study english with you all!!!
wait for answers.
If there’s a place, answer by e-mail.
thank you for now.
Thank you. I’ve realized how many times I made mistakes using these verbs.
thank you mr. Alex… this topic so easy to learn with you. sometime i made mistake when I use subjunctive grammar
sometimes strange things happened. it was a new grammar topic for me and after the lesson I’ve passed all the quiz correct!
yes, the strange thing is – after the lesson ” I had pass the quiz”.
“I passed the quiz” “after” indicates “after what” :D
I had passed the quiz before I watched the lesson. I think that in this case it would be correct (using of the past perfect).
Great! Thanks teacher for this lesson. It’s very interesting :). I haven’t never known this before.
This topic was really difficult for me when I was taking Grammar course but nowww I understood it better, my score was 10 out of 10. Thanks a lot ALEX.
I got 9/10 hahahhaha I just didn’t read read the sentence carefully, but at least it’s a good score
thank you Sir Alex
It’s very confusing but I need to remember it is use for advice…
Sir Alex could I ask you a question? I’m sometimes confused of using “with and to” for example
I’m talking to you
or I’m talking with you…what’s the difference?
Talking to you means you are talking to the person, directly to that particular person / kinakausap mo ang tao.
Talking with you means for example you are in a 3 (2 boys & 2 girls) so you were talking to the girl with your friend, you were with him, you both talk to her which means you talk with him.
Or maybe you are talking about the person not with you temporarily, when you are talking to a different person addressing her…
I am not sure but that’s what I think
Thank you, Alex.
10/10 great))) thanks Alex for lesson
Hi alex;It’s important that I score 10 out of 10 on the quiz;but I didn’t;I don’t know what’s the problem with me;any way I enjoyed the lesson;It’s very useful;thanx a lot.
Hi i am Ahmed from Egyp, i want to talk to anyone on skype to improve my conversation skills my skype name is ahmedelnassag
I got 10 out of 10 yeey. :p
Then it’s really useful.
Thank yu, Alex ;)
Nice lesson, thanks Alex.
Thank’s Alex.
Thank you so very much for the lessons… I learned a lot from the videos on youtube… Thank you so much..
Thanks a lot for this lesson , we are learning better with native speakers as English for us is Second Foreign lge,but i suggested (that)we need course for writing .
Alex recommended that we make more practise to improve
( is it right ? ?
i got 10/10,,i listen 1st time,,it was intresting….i enjoyed…thankx sir Alex
my score 9 of 10. any suggestions?
you can use SHOULD in the second part of the sentense and everything gets clear. For instance: Alex recomended that Tom SHOULD listen to Sergei. Now leave out SHOULD and life is perfect again..you cannot use final -S with SHOULD neither you can use TO… Alex AM I RIGHT?
very cool..Thanks Alex!
Tke care!
it’s important (that) he come on time
why can’t we use comes instead of come?
I slipped on “I suggest you don`t speak”. The RIGHT answer had been “I suggest you not speak”.
And thanks for the test, teachers!
u r right inyazserg.
Thank’s for you Alex.
Thank you very much, your videos are truely helpful:D
Thanks a lot!
thank you !!!! its very helpful for me.
thank you sir..
its very nice..
please upload more videos..
Thanks alot teacher Alex, it’s easy to understand your lesson, i hope you could teach our more lesson about speaking skill
Excellent explanation !! thnks a lot Alex.
Oh my goodness………! I’ve got 10 out of 10 ……ha ha ha ha
Great! class, thanks.
nice work!I m so happy to have found your website!
It’s wonderful) thank you))
Modern Indian life
India is a culturally and ethnically diverse nation. In view of rising crime, it causes for several departments of administration of both central and state government have been failed to be vigilant. Many of elected leaders and administrations have been retorting since independence. During elections, voters have been hearing the rumble of wrong promises across the nation.The iniquities of Indian politicians and authorities are a bolt on humanity and it began to poverty and scurried death. The corrupted politicians must be battered in the court of law and according to world lore, the Indian politicians the highest depositors in the Swiss has healing properties.A confrontation between looting political parties and the parties led to a tense situation in all fields of employment and lives of people. Country side did not heed the advice of the others because of their obstinacy. People never dare to bias towards facilitation and development of infrastructure.
India is not only the oldest civilized nation but also mother of several launchers like “Yoga, Kamasutra, gurukula education”. The infrastructure of the rural life such as handy crafts, joint families influenced due to poor administration and unworthy policies. Authorities and elected leaders are making people burst into hysterical tears at the hopeless theories. Youngsters are bickering when they play crucial play in the society due to corruption and crime. How nation could see the pinnacle of the success above their expectations ? Let hope to see the path of climbing Himalayas.
you could be the next mahatma gandhi.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex, I would like to know where I should use the word THERE IS and THERE WAS
Great teaching Alex.
Thank you
Thanks Alex! Learning some difficult topics is important! My score was good (9/10)
Very interesting subject! Thanks
thank you so much you are really great teacher
alex you’re the best.. thanks a million
This is advanced Grammar . Thanks for teaching me .
thanks a lot for this useful and practical lesson. I grasped it very quickly.
It´s the first time I´ve come across this kind of grammar but scored 10 out of 10 which I was surprised of.
I was very good and useful for me,thank Kate
Thank you Alex. Good job. TheMlad
i really like the way alex explain the th ings.
hurray!.i scored 10/10…:)
Thanks very much teacher . it is a good lesson . and i got all quiz correct .
Teacher Alex I have a question
is it correct if I say I advised her not to do it, instead of I Advised she not do it?
Thanks in advance
if you ask me, the first one sounds better.. but is it grammaticaly correct – that is the question..
excelent !!!!!
thnx good lesson it helped me understand the subjunctive but please can you make the quiz more difficult
Beautiful!!Thank you very much.
Thanks sir Alex
Thanks a Lot Sir….
Listening this video today i chocked out some confusing from my mind.
10/10 %100 success ! :) Thanks Alex! you teach understandable all the time so I can understand your lesson. I solved the quiz after the lesson I have done all of them and resut is successful. Thanks again.
thanks Alex :)
Thanks Alex :)…. u r gr8 !!
Your the best techer i have see
hello tnx for everything ..its great and i have learnd a lots of things.. thanks …its really helpful
Thanks!What a bad-ass lesson!
but what about expressing wish?
God bless you. / you be always well and about. Isn’t that subjunctive mood?
I like this kind of teachers.
Thanks Alex! I think you are the best teacher on the internet!
Be healthy and do more lessons for us.
Clear explanation Alex! Can I use putative should like I suggested we should not talk about that. Or it is used just in British english?
Thank you so much,
what does “subjunctive” mean?
in your example which verbs are subjunctive?
thank you
Thank you so much , Alex!
Thanks a lot.I found it really interesting.
8 of 10 its okay ill try again latter :-)
Thanks, Alex. It’s a good lesson.
Teacher alex,what is the difference between “not and Don’t?
Thanks a lot!!!!
It was very useful, thanks a lot
Is subjunctive only use to give urgency and importance in a sentence? Just to give more clarifications on this matter. I understand but I just want to know how, is it also only using “that” for subjunctive to show urgency? Look forward to hearing from you Sir Alex. Thanks.
it is important everybody see this. it was clearly explained by Alex.
Thank you very much Alex, it is helpful
pretty good… =]
Many thanks from Saint-Petersburg
Well done and thanks so much. It’s really enjoyable to be with you . Thanks again and I promiss to to back again sooner or later .
Thanks Alex, I saw your video interesting and I had 10/10. Thanks again.
Thank you teacher Alex! A short nevertheless useful lesson!
It is important that we speak and write correctly.
Thank you for presenting this simple lesson on
the use of the English subjunctive.
its to usefull
Hey there Alex, thanks for the lesson, I’ve got a question though. Isn’t the Subjunctive also used in conditions? I thought the second condition “If I went to London, I would see the Thames” had something to do with the Subjunctive. Thank your for the answer!
Thanks alot
Damn… 9 out of 10…
Thank you for giving these valuable lessons free of charge. I was able to download a number of lessons presented on this site. They’re actually important and useful for me to improve my English. The teachers are presenting these lessons in a manner that is pleasant to the learners.
-I’m Gamini from Sri Lanka
I enjoy your lesson. Thanks a lot. Your style is very wonderful.
thank you ,teacher Alex
A subjuct that confuses me alot and cost me many degrees in exams ,only in this vedio lession I understand why we put a verb without “s” even with the third person.thank you
Thanks a lot, teacher Alex. I enjoyed it! My score was 10/10.
tank u
Nice topic and really nice explanation teacher! this was a topic I used to be confused about. Greetings from Colombia!
Thanks, Alex. It’s a good lesson.
10/10 thank you .
Thanks! It was a very useful lesson.
Yes! 10/10
I really love the way you talk to us!:* THANKSSSS SO MUCH!
thanks for the lesson teacher
i have a question about ‘should’
what’s the meaning of should in the sentence below?
1. It’s strange that he SHOULD be late. He’s usually on time.
what’s the difference in meaning if it is removed?
thanks again
i got 9 on 10 thanks sir
thank you for your leason. miha from romania
very well
seems interesting for me. I got 7/10 dramatically speaking, this would be give me a challenge to the next lesson. more power.
thanks tou teacher!
Thanks Alex, it’s really helpful ^^
Hi teacher,
Can subjunctive also express a strong wish? As, for example, in “God save the King/Queen” or “God bless you”. Without the s/es of the singular third person.
On the other hand, what about the structure verb + object + infinitive? For example, instead of saying, like in the quiz, “The doctor recommended that I rest at home…” why not “The doctor recommend me to rest at home…”. And the same for, at least, the nine first questions of the quiz. Last example: “She requested that we wait patiently” / “She requested us to wait patiently”. Are these two ways possible?
I am looking forward to reading your answer. Thanks in advance!
I have the same question because, my teacher told me that Spanish speakers often make this mistake when they try to translate directly word for word: I want that the bank lends me…. and the correct is: I want the bank to lend me a thousand pounds
Thanks Alex,
I didn’t know that!
It’s important (that) I remeber Subjunctives!
10/10 :) thanks for your effort
Thanks/ Dzięki ;p
Thank you. I have a quiz coming up, so I appreciate it.
Simona, from Romania
thanks Alex. You are one of the best teachers in the world.
Wow 10/10! Thank you, Sir!
thank you! your tests are the best! really make us think hard and understand better. Brazil to Canada =)
I really enjoy doing the quiz to test my knowledge thank Alex . I’m from Cambodia
was great but in question number 2 it’s possible as well as ” The doctor recommended __me resting__ at home for a few days”.
or necessary I REST??
Thank you, Alex, so much.
Your are very good at explaining things))
Best wishes from Russia
thanks alex i got 10 out 9
I am really interested in atalaya. I can sepak spanish fluently and I saw the same problem lihe she has explianed. I really appreciated an answer.
it was really helpful
You are a great teacher, Alex! I will never stop saying this.
It’s perfect, you don’t know how much I love this webside.
It’s perfect, you don’t know how much I love this webside.
Thanks for your excellent demonstration about subjunctive.
Thanks Alex.
Thanks so much.
Thank you very much!
thank you alex
is mr alex great?
yes,sure .
Yes, indeed.
Thank you very much Alex, your lessons are always useful and great!
Yeah, that’s what I am calling cool teaching!!! Alex you make my day dude.
is a very good lesson, thanks Alex!
Sorry. It was a very good lesson.
so simple so efficient
Hey Alex. Does the word URGE really work with subjunctive? The other day I was doing a quiz when I came across a question with URGE which I got wrong. I thought I had to use the subjunctive with it but it turned out that the right answer was made by means of the infinitive plus the objective case of a pronoun. I don’t remember the sentence but it looked like this – I URGED HIM TO TELL ME THE TRUTH. Is it the same with I urged he tell me the truth? Or the last one has a stronger meaning like I forced him to tell me the truth?? %) It seems to me that I’ll never get a hang of it (
It was really helpful
He recommended that i not use the medicine..is this correct?
THANKS so much it’s really useful
Thank you Alex for this interesting and useful lesson as always. I would qualify subjonctive as an “educated” tense since it is mainly used by people endowed with a certain education. Personally, I am using it in French; it is natural in a way as I have been taught to use it since my childhood. In English, I must say I am hesitant because as a non-native English speaker, I always fear being wrong and appearing to speak with a phony “posh accent”.
Thanks got 60%.
Advanced grammar native speakers don’t even use. Great!
woohoo I got 100, thanks for teaching
Proffesor Alex,
First,your presentation is clear that is okey, so please accept my gratitude and thanks.
Second, it is incomplete. You have even not done correct translation. Two additional sentences about other subjective mode situations will make your presentation better.
what are those??
excenlent job Alex ;go on! i’ve got 90%
This is the first time to take your lesson. This lesson was really helpful! And I’d never known this grammar. Thank you for teaching!
thank u.it was useful for me :)
Ok, 100 %. Thanks Alex.
100% without looking at screen, I’m sure.
Oh, I love this lesson.
Thank you, Alex.
Respect Teacher,
Thank for teaching me. On this quiz i got 10 out of 10.
10 out of 10 – nice :-)
one of my English teachers said we use basic verb in the subjunctive sentence because ‘should’ is omitted.
“it’s important that he (should) be on time”
I think It makes sense. I’m not sure though..
Thanks Mr.Alex. Much appreciated!
Thanks, Alex. I really enjoyed it.
thank you
terima kasih
Great, now Iunderstood, when my teacher explained I did not undestand, now It is clear.
It’s important that I watch this video again
I don’t know this structure at all
Thanks a lot Alex
Shiva had also decreed that karthik would set up new home.
In this sentence , would set up is used
sir,you didnt mention at all only simple verb form.
i want get clarified sir
Hi Alex, thanks for teaching
I have question guys, what is “Wh- as subjunction words”
like: A birthday party
is a party in which ( where ) a person is given gifts and a cake.
A surprise party is a party about which the guest of honor knows nothing.
A Surprise party is a party
(which) the guest of honor knows nothing about the party.
?? thank you.
Got 100%. Thanks!
I liked it! Thanks.
I would like you to upload some Syntactic explanations or maybe trees. I am studying to be an English teacher and in Grammar I (Subject) those things are nessesary.
Thanks a lot, hope you take it in account,
10 out of 10.Very good lesson.Thank you very much.
It seemed to me so difficult,now it’s quite clear!)Thak u very much.
I got 10 out of 10,,,,,so I suggested that you keep follow Alex.
thank you .
Great!!!! Now I understand… when I read it … it sounds difficult but now its clearly! Tks Alex.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Many thanks for this helpful lesson,,, greetings from Armenia!!!
Dear Alex,
Many thanks for such important lesson. However, I have a question. Why not to use the word “should” before the subjunctive?
I finally understood it !
Thank you
It’s a nice lesson. Thank you Alex. But I still do not clear about the sentence “It’s important that he come on time”. Could you pls explain it more deeply and give me more examples about this? Thanks a lot. I look forward to your early reply.
Thanks again alex, again i got 100% on my third test in your video lesssons, i am so glad that i joined your class, feeling so happy,
Thanks a lot, i think this web really help me to improve my english?
great! great~
Good lesson.Thanks.:)
Thanks Alex!
I really wonder whether the answer at 2nd question could be “I rested” as well or not. Likewise, could the answer at 3rd question be “his assistant left”? Also, for 4th “she joins”? If someone answers, I will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Loves :D
Glad I found this lesson!
Thanks for your lecture. Yang from Korea(of course, it’s South)
Thanks teacher,awesome Explanation
this is really helpful…thanks Alex…9 out of 10 score.
Thank’s a lot Alex…10/10 score.
Thank’s a lot for this lesson Mr.Alex.
Daksh Menon, from Dubai
Hello. I am from Havana Cuba and I am an english teacher. I would like to know if I can use the word suppose in the past perfect subjunctive and present subjunctive. I know it can be used in past subjunctive. Give me examples. Thank you
I teach my students advanced grammar and I would like to be interact with you teachers
I would like to chat and practice my english with persons from all over the world. My WhatsApp number is +5352938136
Thank you Alex!
10/10 thank u teacher
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
At the summit of my ignorance when i read some sentences like those above i just thought “God thia text is wrong.” Good Lesson!
well done,Alex
Greetings from Kazakhstan o8 Dec2o21:)
Thanks Alex.
Thank you such a great explanation!
Hello! Teacher, Alex. My grammar is much better since I have always listened to your explanations. Advanced English grammar is easy after watching your videos. By the way, I got your book about phrasal verbs. It has been invaluable for my English progress as well.
The best one!