A quick overview of ALL the main verb tenses in English. I explain which are the most important to master for effective communication at various language levels.
Dear Rebbeca first i would like to say thanks.Your teaching so effective and clear,i really love it.But i dohave doubts with the past continuous(i was working),present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous in their meaning or message. thanks for your help!!!!!!
Hello Madam. I am from India. What is Tense : It is form of verb that shows action. Plz check this . As soon as possible.
i’m living in USA for 22 years and I came from Costa Rica and Iam learning alot from your program…it is wonderfull thank you and God bless you!
i have been living or i have lived for 22 years . your grammar is a little bit wrong .
I had been lived in USA … is this past perfect continuous…?
It is past perfect tense.
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been living in the USA.
I hope it will help you. :)
i have been living in usa for 22 years. i am from costa rica and i have learned a lot from your program
this first time I see video give me hope to understand those grammars.
how to talking speaking english
akesh kumar jena
thanks for this lesson
Ikrar Hadi SilondaE
hi, i’ve always looking and listening to your topics… i could be more intersting to your website. giving me a lots of ideas and knowledge in english grammar.
Thanks Rebbeca this lesson have been very interesting!!!
Thanks Rebecca this lesson has been very interesting!!!
hi kiran,can i have your contact detail.i need to don friendship with you.
This lesson is interesting!
This lesson was interesting for me!
hi I’m Iranian I’m at your service
Yes, my scores is 100%. Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you maam Rebecca
hi rebecca i want ask you something about O LEVEL A LEVEL and HIGHSCHOOL.
hello miss. Rebeca hope you ok……..my doubt is what dos the word bruch mean? hope answer my question…….by the way are latin?
see you later and take care :)
Perhaps you mean the word “brunch”?
This is a meal which is a combination of breakfast and lunch. The word “brunch” takes the “br” from the word breakfast and the “unch” from the word lunch. Brunch is eaten instead of breakfast and lunch. Many people have brunch on the weekends, when they wake up too late to separate the normal breakfast and lunch times.
Hope this is what you wanted to know!
Oh, Rebecca, very nice explanation,Now i am also clear about the word ‘brunch’
i have a q for u that is some time we express awsome fabolous fantastic marvellous etc in happiness both are used in same sentence so how we think that awsome is used or marvellous is used i m totally confused
plz answer my q plz
Marvellous we use in studies …
and awesome we use to express our thoughts …
hai Zulaikha imtiyaz ahmed how r u ….
good qus above words are used in feelings express …..
i like this, u explained well
thnk u Misss…Rebbecca fr describing t wrd..hv a nice day
that’s good for our development
expecially in english
vijai indoputra
Hi i have gone through this video and my only problem is that i does’nt know how speak fluently please help me in this manner
Speaking English well is the result of studying the four main skills of reading, writing. listening and speaking, along with lots of practice. Keep using the language in every way possible and as often as you can. You also need the feedback of a teacher or English-speaking friend to correct your mistakes. If you’re really serious, find a private teacher and tell him/ her you want to focus only on developing your oral skills.
All the best!
s…..mam even my problm is same as his….i hesitate to speak in english…
thanks for this great lesson ,i am convinced by what you said in this subject but can you give us a real strategie to success in learning english ?and how to start learning english?we should start by learning vocabulary or by learning grammar or we should mix by all this focus???
good Iam try to stady.
i hope to learn and have more of english
good job…here my problem is that i cannot speak english fluently.How can i practice it?
Thank You
Please see the reply to riaz above.
Good luck!
i can speak in englsh….only thing i need to do is …leave hesitation …i am trying to be confident enough but still struggling frm past 5 years….fr nt attempting…..to speak.
Hi all,
I am a beginer, this homegage helps me to understand grammar correctly.
Hello, Rebecca,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
The video is excelent
Alvaro Cardona
Hi, Rebecca
I think,My problem is Past Perfect and Present Perfect , isn’t it
best and interesting website for new eng. Learners.
Karachi – Pakistan
Very very thank you. Really best. Thanks from Turkey…
thanks ………..you are really doing great job…..
thanks………you are really doing a great job….
this program is very useful one & thank u
this video is good
My problem is i understand English but i cant speak english so please suggestion me
yashwant kamble
Please see the reply to riaz above.
All the best!
thanks for this lesson i have some problems but that’s okay
thanks for your website, I’d like it so much
Hello,teacher Rebecca..
I’d like to thank you and the rest of the staff for all your efforts..This is my first comment since I signed up..It’s irrelevant to this video but pertaining to one of your posts which is Expressions with DO & MAKE..I just wonder why that precious lesson doesn’t have a “Print or Save this File” feature, just like the one on irregular verbs!! I hope you provide this feature so that we can have a hard copy of such valuable lessons. Thank you, dear teacher.
Hisham- Yemen
Hisham Omissi
Hisham! I am glad that you are finding our new English Resources useful! This is a new section, and the downloadable version of each of the resources will be added very soon. Check back in a few days.
I’m joining for greetings and I
Find that the site is very useful and helpful for all
Thanks for the video. I would like to get my long pending doubt clearified from you. Could you please explain me the difference between “had been” and “have been” wrt to the usage. I understand that have been is present perfect and had been is past perfect, i want to when to use what.
say, wht’s the difference btw the following sentences..
— I had been to India
— I have been to India
Awaiting your reply
thanks in advance
“I have been to India”
Present perfect – Here you are speaking about something you have done in your life till now.
“I had been to India when I was younger.”
Past perfect – here you are speaking about something that happened when something else happened.
Here are some better examples to help you understand:
When I came home yesterday, my children had done their homework and my husband had cooked dinner.
This means that the children had completed their homework and the husband had cooked dinner before the person came home.
The past perfect tells us about the past, and what happened first in the past.
Hope that helps!
Thank you – here you real help us.
Thank you again ^_^
Dear Sister Rebecca
I have been watching your English grammar videos for last 2 weeks and gaining grammar knowledge.You have explained so nicely and made for me to understand easily the usage and difference of ‘have been’ and ‘had been’.You are doing a wonderful job. God bless you.Thank you also to Rinku that he/she asked thhis question.
Rafiq Ahmed from Karachi
Rafiq Ahmed
thank you rebecca you are the one !!!!that’s exactly what i saerched to know
Very good explaination,now Iknow how to differ amoung present perfect,past perfect present perfect continous.
Bibin Sudrajat
I understand now..I do appreciate your replying to my message,teacher.
Hisham- Yemen
Hisham Omissi
Thanks for lesson, your program is bery interesting
exelent lesson teacher .
Thanks a lot for your classes.Rebeca is a very good professor.Could you please help me? I would like to know about”unclear comparisons”
Thanks in advance
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
I would like to give you thanks for your great lesson on English Grammar – Tenses – Overview of all the tenses in English.
Thanks & regards,
Thanks alot
It’s superb of modifying myself
B.Chandra mouli
thanks its realy good
hi how are my dear sister……can i speek english i can speek english but not very well..plz
tanveer raza
Keep studying with joy and you will speak well one day. My best wishes to you, Tanveer.
thanks rebecca
wonderful teaching, simple and clear
Nita Lee
Hi Rebecca, thank you for this lesson. Would you please expand this topic on how to use these tenses, especially the perfect tenses. Great job!
Hi everybody
how can I see the relation film?
by the way, I am newcomer here.
have a good time
abdi am new student lake u
i would like to kmw where u from
thanks a lotttttttttt
I love you lesson Rebecca and I watch them every day! Could you do? or make? lesson about the differences between ‘to like + gerund’ and ‘to like to do’ thanks a lot
Thanks for the idea. I will record that one for you!
hi rebecca. No one could thank you all enough for the wonderful videos and priceless suggessions. I am preparing for toefl and i would like to buy essay book that helps me in writting essay because I cant create points myself. So, could you please tell me name of good essay book.
Hello Rebecca, I just want to Thank You for this lesson, It was so difficult to me to understand the different from each other, but this way is simple and easy, Thank You again Adios.
Robert Estrada
Hey teacher,
i really find myself completely unable to use “Could” in any sense.and each time i need alot to ponder over that where would be the exact situation,where i be able to use this “could” exactly.n one more thing differentiate this “these” and “those” to me.
You could use the word ‘could’ in the following ways:
Could you please shut the window/
Could you please pass the salt?
When I was younger, I could run 10 kilometres, but now I can only run 5 kilometres.
When I lived in Paris, I could speak French fluently but now it’s been so long that I make a lot of mistakes.
In the simplest sense, we use the word “these” to refer to people or things which are physically close to us. We use “those” to talk about people or items which are physically a little far. That’s the main difference.
Hope that helps to clarify some of your doubts. Good luck with your English, Sam.
Thanks alot teacher for clarifying me all that ..
i want to ask few more queries..i have some doubts each time when there is a need to use “DOES” in sentence.Could you please explain this to me in detail with multiple of example so that it would be easier from me to understand its usage by all means and wayz..ALSO i know all of the tenses in english grammar but each time i get confused in using simple present sentence with present perfect.that whether which tense should be the rightone for using in sentence instantly.
hi rebecca
i watch ur video from youtube. i find it quite informative.i like ur teaching style very much can u plz help me. i want to learn tenses.
there must be the 3 shapes of tenses like
1: activity
2: state verb
3: possession
There must be 3 shapes of tenses in the lessons to understand tenses easilly like
1: activity
2: state
3: possession
thank you so much for (engvid) work team and wish you all the best.
Hey Rebecca, this is Nadeem. I wanted to ask you the use of “Which” and “What”. Would you please explain the rules on video when to use “which” and “What”. Thanks!!
i am the one who answer all the question good job
Dear Madam, I am not perfect in speaking english. but your videos helps me a lot. Can I have these videos in printable version
Where can I use the words Would, Could,Should.
i am living in Vietnam. i have studied English since 1995 but upto now i still confuse how to use tense correctly. could you help me to make it more obviously. thanks you so much. God bless you
Please check our many grammar lessons, which also include lessons on several grammar tenses. I’m sure they will help to clarify some of your doubts. My best to you, Tin.
Dear Rebecca, with every lesson from you, I can feel that you are the boss. Very, very best teaching. Congratulation.
Wow, thank you kindly, Hoppel. All the best with your English.
Please Rebecca, could you tell me is this sentence correct: “You will be asked by your teacher all lessons we worked yesterday!”? Thank you in advantage.
Hello, Rebecca,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I don’t understand perfect tense . I hope you explain deeply . thanks
These lessons will help you understand the perfect tenses. My best wishes to you, Fathi.
Hello, Rebecca,
i have one question that, in future tense we use shall with [i, we] and will with [he, she, it, they].here in Pakistan. but in ur video u used will. Can u plz explain me y u used will. i m very confused plz do reply me i m waiting for ur answer plz clarified it for me.bye
Today, in common everyday English, we don’t usually use shall at all. Most people only use will. In more formal situations or sometimes in more formal British English, the word shall is used in the future tense. Mostly, it is used by very learned people, but not really in everyday language.
Hope this helps! My best to you, Maha.
good website
Thank you so much.
I just watch every day.
thats great i am so happy to know this site its a great for me and usefull to me.
Moin Jalal
thanks robaca u r a great teacher that i ever seen
and plz help me in perfect tences its tooooo boring
saeed khan
Oh,it’s not THAT bad.
Try to watch some of the videos on our site that will hopefully make it more interesting for you to master the perfect tenses perfectly!
All the best to you, Saeed.
hello Miss Rebecca
your lecture are really good and inspires me to write well in English.
I have a question. I’d like you to help me
” It (rain)……….all day yesterday” what tenses can we use here simple past or past progressive?
Hi Rebecca,
do you have any videous in wich you describe the verb tenses in detail?
Jeova Leite
hi rebecca,
well i am very much impressed with ur teaching skills . I have been learning alot from your vedieos. Madam I am facing problem while speaking , i stuck in between due to lack of vaocabulary or some time due to grammer . how can i be a fluent speaker. kindly guide me as i am not in a position to hire a private tutor
thank you so much rebeca!!!!
Hi, Rebecca thanks very much you explained very well. Endvid.com is wonderful website and really helpful. Rebecca i like the way you teach and one thing i like about you is as i noticed that u reply to your students and clear their doubts unlike others.that way students are encouraged to ask questions? and get thrirb answers. you are great teacher i have ever seen.good job many thanks
Amy from Australia
great!! Can you help me mam the different between search, look and find? thanks
these are absolutely great vieos i really like it thank you for this kind of information
hai teacher
will u wrightdown the forms of the tense… so it will be easier to understand………
I was trying to aquire the English for 4 years by diferent ways and still have a lot of mistakes. Probably i have to draw atention at my grammar. After your lesson i understood that it is possible. If really to say English grammar is very difficult.
thanks,really its helping a lot.give some tips while we use these tenses
Thanks so much for your help… I’m preparing to take the paper and pen toefl, What do I need to emprove in this test?
Hi, i am thirty one years old,I am having problem with spelling, pronouncing, and braking up words in syllable. do you have any websafe you can recommen me to please,
Thank you.
So Great! It’ll be better if you can tell more.
It very nice
very useful =)
thank you =)
Little Julia
Gud job Rebecca. keep t up.
thank you, its hard lesson i score 5 of 8 ,,, not good score
Thank you so much for a nice site, I enjoy a lot, this site is good for someone that speaks English as a second language
maryam asc i would like to learn with u something hw do see that
I can’t speak in english yet.Please help me teacher.
hi and thank you for these helping lessons
i want to know how can i be a good english teacher and how can i controle my students
this is very hard but i’m trying to learn and understand. like you said in the video, 1 day we can only study 1 tense. thank’s Rebecca, i wanna try this…
i m quit cionfused about all these tense and i go through your video and i simply discover that what type of this tense and i feel happy this is goodway for learn
thanks Mam’m
i need some more doupts in tenses
Dear madam,
Very thank you madam.i could not get good job. wherever going to attend the more than interview madam. your communication is very poor your not eligible this job somebody told to me.i am afriad of my carrier.today i saw your web site.really thanks to god. because he was made you.{sorry madam dont mistake me i am a vilage boy frm india,tamilnadu}
Dear madam,
where i can use would,could,should,might and i can’t understand any english movie and professional english.{Tcs,wipro,hcl,cts,hp,Ibm}
Hi Robecca, I am so weak in active and passive voice. Please tell me the way through which I could reach the complete lectures on active and passive voice in array. The lectures on active and passive voice are not given in array on engvid.com
active and passive vioce
I would like to say thank you so much for your leason.
with regards,
Dear Robecca,
I’ll be appriciate if you tell me how can I memorize menings of the words.
what is the importance of grammar, teacher…???
I’m Sorry, I think GRAMMAR it’s too making me confused. so, I just giving you a question like that. But I thought the important of English Language that is only learning about Tenses, learning the Vocabulary, and then Practice speaking every day and also listen the song and movie…!!!
because, I have a teacher from Australian he told me that the GRAMMAR it’s always making many peoples confused…!!
How about You teacher? Maybe you can give me suggestion and conclusion of this question. I’m will be wait for your answer, teacher. Thanks
Hello Rebecca, thank you for the usefull lesson. Your lessons are very important for me. I have been studing English for an year and you helped me to understand English grammar more deeply.
Thank you very much.
Hi teacher Rebecca, you’re best teacher that I had encountered in whole my life, you’re so kind and gorgeous woman in the universe, PLEASE ALLOW ME ASK YOU, WHAT ARE THE CORRECT USE OF “no’.”none”..” not”…….. please creat more videos for us!!! thanks a lot… very truly yours Reynaldo
hi all of u my dear teachers
Hello, Miss Rebecca, Iam a student from Egypt and i need you to be my teacher through the internet and i need something more such to contact with you
Iam sorry i forget to thank you, thank you very much. Tariq Said
i am 22 year old and from india. i have learned a lot after watching ur video clip……….. thanks a lot.
hey thanx
Thank u very much for this beautiful lesson.
hi dear
This lesson is very useful thanx Rececca mam really your teaching way is superb…
Sreeja Nair
My score is 87.5%
My score is 100% exact. You are a good teacher. Thanks to engvid’ teachers I perfect my very poor english. Thank you very much Kind regards Francis
Hi mam my name is khan and i realy like your lessons keep it up.
really a great job. thanks
i have some confusion how to use sone tenses ,so how can you use two past verb at the same time(e.g i had worked)(had is past and u used with worked is past)
becoz ,there was rule says two past can’t flow together. i hope you understand argument.thank all
hi rebeca i like the way you teach……..please can you explain when and how to used this tense…..
Thank you Rebeca and engVid for this excellent tutorials..
Thanks Rebecca.I am happy as I have got 100% score.You are doing excellent Job.All the best.
thank you for helping the students around the world as i see there are a lot of students,god bless you sister,continue
p.s could you please show us how to use the relative clauses?
the moroccan
hi rebecca what is meaning of complecency
yousaf khan
thank u mam 4 the lesson.i really learn alot frm this lesson……..wish u all the best
Thank you very much for this lesson. It’s really more clear for me now.
I had been starting with engvid.com since 1st january. Each day I progress !
Can you explain me the differences between being and been ?
Its really a good lesson.Thank you very much.Could you please make a more advanced level lesson about tenses.
I like very much all videos which inprove my skill. thank you all
hi Rebeca
I am bored in this class
she was board in the class
plz exp it
can we use second form of verb after is are am was and were can exp here bored is a verb or noun
hi dud
hai mam hope you are doing well?? Your all classes are excellent. mam can you explain me what is the difference between respond,response and responds. thank you
Hellooo Rebeca,
This is Sara and I would like to hear your advice.
I am learning English but unfortunately I m facing a major issues with grammer, Reading and writing.
I know most of the grammer principles but I dont know how to apply them in speaking or even writing, moreover; I fell like I m desapiring from reading I usually understand the oposite or I end up with confusion, finally in the writing I have that thought disprder with zillion mistakes of grammer.
looking forward to your advice
thank you and God bless you XOXOXOX
thakls alot Rebecca
Randa Awad
it is really helpful
hmmm,i’m still confused.
thanks man
hello Rebecca thank you for your lessons. it is very helpful lessons . i would like to ask you a question, what is differences between these sentences, i have been learning English for two years or i had been learning English for two years. i hope you could answer my question. thanks
No doubt, I amazed by your personality and the way of your explanation. However,I would rather make my explanation more simple and understandable for non-native speakers.For describing my everyday or regular actions which I can do often,sometimes,always,never(+all other possible key words)I should use the Present Simple Tense.For example: I work. If I want to say that now I am busy with my work, I should say it in Present Continuous. For example: I am working now/ at the moment. But if I would like to say how long I am busy with my work and I am still busy with, I should use the Present Perfect Continuous. For example: I have been working for two days on my project.(and I am still busy with it). At last, my project is ready. I should use the Present Perfect to show that. For example: I have just worked out my project.
So, Present Simple -for everyday/regular actions.
Pr.Continuous-for “now” actions.
Pr.Perfect Continuous- for unfinished actions and you are still busy with it.
Present Perfect – for completed actions by the moment you speak about it. This is a simple way of explanation of the present tense system which can be converted into past and future.
i sufferd many problen… just of because engliah… my english is so poor.. can u plz help me…..
hi Rebecca,i want to learn english but my problem is i can’t speak..my english is very poor do u have any idea can u please help me what to do..thank you and more power..
Hi Rebecca.I am software developer and working with du (dubai),I face alots of problem when i send mail regarding any query,When i write a applicatin i have no idea how to write application and use presen tense and pass tense..please do me a feavour,Thanks
thanks very much for your lesson.
I’ve got 100%
You’re a good teacher for me.
Thanks a lot teachers,i am very happy your videos are helping me in learning English.
thanx Rebeca …. good job
Hi to all teachers…. Thank you for the lessons… it’s really helps my me..
hi teacher, i like ur teaching. i m very confuse in tense can u explain easily each tense wt an example & also make a chart of all tense to understand as easy as fast..
first i want to thank you for the above lesson. second i need your help for an explanation for what is state verbs& when i use it?
Thanks again
Please Rebecca, could you tell me is this sentence correct: “You will be asked by your teacher all lessons we worked yesterday!”? Thank you in advantage. . .
sometime a got confuse alot about the tense and I had been learning it from so long .how will I improve myself?
thank you ma’am.i confused in the use of was and had…so piease:)
I like your teaching methods.
madam Rebecca you are really a nice teacher..
It is good for those people don’t have time for leraning english
it’s good for those people who don’t have time for learning english… thanks a lot
please send me all video tapes of direct and indirect speech , active and passive voice , parts of speech and tenses
Hazrat hussain
u should show to us more details about: ” when do we have to u that tense ?” we need the keys to know
Ricky hum
Thank you so much for this lession but I dont realy understand this lession because i dont know when do i have to use those tenses
I know all the tense.but i confused in which condition use which tense.so please give me idea.
how i use shall and will in sentences …
i have learn that i and we , i have to use shall..
and with other will …
but now sir said me ..we have to used only will with every …is that rite ..now don’t need shall to be used …
wow, it will help me a lot..
grt job u people are doing best of luck to u all….
hina tanweer
please help me I can’t hear good the teacher’s Videos. they get stocl by itself.
what I need to do for correct them
rebecca can you teach me sentence pattern?
thnak u for the quiz, and i hope u to explain the tenses in detail one by one.
Atilla Fawzi
Hi can you also make a video on how to use “did” plus “verb” in a sentence. Like which is correct “I didn’t stay” or “I didn’t stayed?” Thanks!
Hello! Mrs.Rebecca….I really appreciate ur work here & I am improving my english with ur help.Can u plz tell me that difference between…”I wake up early at 6:30am in morning everyday…” & “I do wake up early at 6:30am in morning everyday”…which one is correct?
Hi, Very good thank you.
Hi I would like to see more before commenting
I am with impressed with this site.
I need to improve my writing approach what should i do for this??
Mam u really are a teacher,i love the way you speak n your accent is cool.God bless u
hashoo raza
I had all of the MCQz correct in the first attempt:):):):
tanks for thiss lesson i hope to mett you in new lessson but you are the beast in this
I like very much your way of teaching, you are ease the understanding.
I kindly request you to explaine the past perfect tense, as I am always confused when i am using.
100% thank you.
its very good site i just love this site ans also very help in tenses i just i just i just impressed
Thank you alot ms.Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebbeca, very nice.
thank you
thanks rebecca….. you are best teacher for me…
thanks rebeca,, past i don’t now speak english now i now smoll so thank all teacher on this web alex .rebecca and all teacher
ali said ali
If I got 5 correct out of 8, am I stupid?
excuse me Rebecca I think no one of these items is the right answer of the question you asked for the quiz.
Identify the verb tense.They are going to call you later.
a)Present Simple
b)Present Continuous for the future
c)Past Continuous
huseyin çeri
Every teacher seems to have a personal style and way to teach the 12 Time related verb tenses. Is it possible that James teaches all the verb tenses and gives a “trigger” word for each tense like he did with PRESENT PERFECT and PAST SIMPLE.
I am studying for my TEFL certificate from home and as a native English speaker it is hard for me Mind MAP this out. Yet all your videos seem to help me the most.
I love this video, but i requests to have videos
to explain it thoroughly, when and how to use it. this is important for me.Thanks a lot.
hi mam,
no thanks,I’ve already had lunch.this is pat perfect(its a past tense). how present perfect? please explain me.
Hello, Rebecca.
You’ve mentioned ”I will work” and ”I will be working” Is there any difference? Looking forward to answer, thanks!
mam i am using your site. it is really useful to me. thank u for giving lecture.
Rebeca mam i am using your site. it is really useful to me. thank u for giving lecture.
Hello Rebbeca thak a lot for the lectures .I find your lectures very informative.
can you please describe when we want to use past perfect continues tense
thanks so much mam rebecca…
thanks coz u learned me about tense……
Thank you all of you. It helps me to improve my English language.
God be with you
i speaks to english .
Please send me something tips my email.id,
Sachin Kumar
Sachin Kumar
I am really getting better because of you thanks for your cordiality.
I love to learn English
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re the best teacher and teaching ver well .God bless you .
very well.
could you express the diffrent between the borrow and lend…
atif nasrat
hi miss i am struggling with the future progressive and future simple.
hello, teacher. ^^ this make me understand more about tenses. Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca ,It’s so helpful.we need to open mind.lol.
God bless you
Dear Rebecca:
How many tense does English Have?
Amir Irhayyim
Thanks Rebecca ,it’s so useful very nice lessons ,and help me to improve how to use its all of them.God bless you .wow awsome.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thank you for your teaching.
laszlo nemeth
i don’t understand english verb tenses. i heard there are 26 tenses in english. i want to learn all of it but it’s really confusing :\
Hi Rebecca, very useful lesson!!!
I was reading a book and appeared this verb form:
“I have been married with John”. So, this form is Present Perfect Continous or not? Because if was the Present Perfect Continous the verb “to marry” should not be in the ing form ?
thx in advance
dear miss Rebecca i hope you will be fine i had problems in identification of sentences that in this sentences,its tenses are present continuous tenses or present perfect tenses please help me in this confusion
aniqa khan
am very happy with passing my few mins on this site………..
Sajjad H. Mengal
I live in Phnom Phen.I like this vido.
Korn sovanareach
why did they use were in this sentence “If I were a boy” or “If I were you”…..? instead of was?Could you explain Rebecca…Thank you!
“were” is simply used instead of “was” to show that the action was impossible to fulfill. Lemme give you this example to show you: When you say ” If I were a bird , I would fly” are you a bird? Can you be a bird? impossible ,so “were” is used here instead to show this impossibility.
could you help me .i can`t understand how to use BEEN AND BEING pleas help me. if you can make video for this i will be very happy thank you
“be” can be used just after models such as can,may,must,wiil,shall,could,might,had to,should,would,had to,need to etc
“being” however can be used in a passive sentence to show its progressive aspect.for instance: The phenomenon of global warming is being dealt with a kind of laxism.
“been” is used in perfective sentences for example: I have been learning English for years
I have been in London Seminar about climate change.
Nothing serious had been done to stop ozone layer depletion by countries like USA,China and many others.
Hussein Elsudeiry
thank u so much mam:-)
and ur smile is beautiful
thank u so much mam:-)
and ur smile is beautiful……….
Thanks Rebecca
Dear teacher,
could you explain about mayhave and mighthave,,,,,also can i use,,,
i have written a letter
i have sent to him
you are a good teacher i learned a lot from you thnks
Marlon Baderas
can you help me teacher when to use have thnks.
Marlon Baderas
Hi,Rebecca!I want to ask a question related to Present Continuous.My question is suppose i am at Barber shop and the barber is shaving my beards,at the same moment one of my friend calls me and asks me “What are you doing?”So i want to know what would be the perfect answer for the question?If would shave myself,i would simply answer that “i am shaving” but here the shaving is done by the barber and it’s in continuation.Then what would be the perfect answer?Please help me.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I’m wondering if you could help me with this issue. I am solving one online test right now, and there is a sentence which says:
“I did my homework while I _____ television.”
I’ve thought that the correct answer was “was watching”, but it wasn’t. The correct answer was “had watched”.
Well, I’m a little bit suspicious and confused about the correctness of it, because if I did something in the past while (not before, not after) I was doing something else, then “was watching” must have been the right answer, or I’m completely wrong?
I am preparing myself for an IELTS test and would be very grateful if you correct any mistakes I made in this conversion.
Sincerely yours and best regards also.
Igor :-)
Thanx for ur time Rebecca.You have helped me since i started to prepare my Toefl.God bless you.
hi can you explain me future tense
i am from belarus.. i just start to learn Eng. i want to find people who can help me) who can just talk with me in engl))??
I can help you :) last summer I have been In Uk for learning english my speaking is so well but My grammar is like rubish it is not so good :( can you help me for my grammar
thank you soo much I did learn more from you :)
my learn general english and english grammer. what are the general english between english grammer
Hallo Rebecca!
Thanks for your work. You are very good teacher. I’ve got one question- Can you group all the lessons that are dealing with tenses in one block. Cause a big list of lessons and I can hardly find the right lesson. May be to create one block of lessons that refer to the times. In this lesson you were counting them. I mean want to remember all these times step by step but I can’t find the whole list of tenses here? Maybe I am wrong in something, I hope it will make easier studying times
dear teacher,
please would you tell me the difference between aspect ,tense and time
Hallo Rebecca!
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!
And one more question- when we have to use had had?
hi how are you ? you are going great job by propagating the english language …i have a problem …i cant speak rather i cant make proper sentence structure while speaking but can write correctly so please suggest me some tactics or techniques with which i can be able to speak fluently by making proper sentence structure thanx
hello Rebakka you are really a good teacher.I like your lesson.Thank you for lesson.Have a good day bay
iam from Pakistan
i like this website
Mubariz Ahmed
I’m from Somalia & Iam learning alot from your program…it is wonderfull thnx alot.
Shukri Hussein
Hi Ms Rebecca,
Thank you for wonderful tenes overview lesson. Tt’s help me a lot esppically when i am writing to someone, thanks again & my Allah’s bless you.
Ramzan from Bangladesh, But currently i have beeen leving in Singapore
Ramzan Hosen Bhuia
Thank Ms Rebecca ..
3> ….
dear mis rebbeca my best teacher tnx alots for ur free services to teach us English hope u always success in ur life. @end i love my best teacher ur also my one of best teacher rebbeca
hallo rebbecco how can i speak english. iknow just my name is mohambi my father name is yousaf i am from afghanistan and i know A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z and also i know vovel A,O,I,E,U
how can i improve my english can u give me somr advice please?
My score:100. Thanks very much for your lessons Ms rebecca.
hi guys . can i join your group ?
beenu agrahari
Ms.Rebecca, When we use “when and while” in the Past Continuous ?
I always confused with these(hiks)
you are really doing wonderful job in helping us.
Good work. Thank you very much.
Appreciated your good work
i want to thank you that before your lessons in english i was very much confused in tenses but now my concepts are clear thanks a lot once again.
I want to join group where i can solve my compound sentens grammer
these tenses make a lots of confusing the way i used it during conversation or whenever i’m sending emails related to my work. Thanks to this lesson for giving me clarification in simplest way. Thank you Teacher Rebecca. God bless you!
hello Mam,
hope your engvid team is fine..you people are rocking.i can say u all r blessed people.now through u iam working a lot to master this language.
could u te
could you plz tell me which tense is this.
“We have a project to work on”.
Dear Rebecca, Thank you so much. Your English lesson is very useful for my work.
My Dear Rebecca,
I love this site and I have downloaded most videos ..
I am fighting to learn English as much as possible and be fluent in English ..
I need your support to confirm the below :
The using of Perfect Present for past indefinite event and continue till now while Perfect Continuous Present is the same of Perfect Present except the action in past was definite.
I hope you read this comment and answer ..
also could we(students) get teachers’ e-mail for more communication and helpful in our battle to learn English ??
Thanks a lot
Eng. Ammar Abdul Rasool
Eng. Ammar
Hi Miss Rebecca,
Can you please make a video on future perfect tense?
thank you
thank you MISS Rebecca.
thanx rebecca…
god bless you
hello first thank you!!
Pls show me the video lesson about the control work for the 11 form
bests umar
thank you Rebecca.it’s a bit confusing,really need to review harder
Pleease i need you to explain
“IF statements”
“while & when statements”
you are the best
greetings from Egypt
Eman B.
The test framed by you is easy and simple for the learners of ‘Tenses’ in English. Thank you
Prem Kumar
Halo mam..
Diff between I’m in home?
& I’m at home?
My name is Kate. Could You make presentation including short stories with different English tenses. For example,one short story just with present simle, another one with Past Perfect and so on. Thank’s a lot
Thanks miss Rebecca thanks a lot. 2morrow is my exam and i had a little confution which is solved by u
Great lesson! Thanks a lot
Thanks! Fantastic video!!!!
I like this video that you speak clearly .Thanks Rebecca.
I like this video that you speak clearly .Thanks Rebecca.
I want to learn grammar and other courses to improve my communication skill.
Thank you for your lesson!
7/8 for this quiz. I missed at the last test.
hai mama rebecca i’m tio. i’m indonesian student i like your speaking english clearly i will learn a lot of from your video.
i don’t like
super video i like it
Hi Rebacca, You are my favorite teacher. I have learnt English all through my school, but I never got to understand it in the way that you explain. And your accent is ‘neutral’ in the true sense, really love it…. though I do enjoy James’ & Ronnie’s classes too, both their video’s makes me laugh :-)
Hi Rebacca, I have Question for you, I can speak English, Read English but my writing Spelling is not correct, in every long words like International, i can’t write it with correct words or like schedule, etc so kindly guide me how can i make my spell correct while i writing, thank you…
thank you very for the lesson i need some more examples of each tenses so that i can learn more about tenses please
javaid rashid
Hi rebecca, I want to learn what’s the difference between them: I have lived / I have been lived / I have been living… İn turkish we don’t use many different tenses for past actions. We use I did, I worked,… etc. How can learn the situation where and how I use those tenses? Thanks in advance. You’re very good teaching. hicran
correction. I think it would be: Your teaching is very good! in my last comment.
thanks i m very happy 2 day because i have got 88 numbers from this tenses so much me nasir khan & salman khan with katena caf
nasir khan
very good its use me
tell me please:what express the verb ” can”
tell me about the verb “can”
please send me English tenses
Useful lesson, I like the way how you make it easy for us to undestand, thanks
i wanna know about future pefect…i am totlly perplexd about it as it is used in imagination also… plz make me understand..rebecca
Makkah is the real name of the prophet ( P.B.U.H) not mecca..
so plz use the first one
how to understand the grammer
Engr Mahdi
i want to improve my language skill. i think this site will be helpful if anyone have info about books tell me my contact no 03016202149
Mam ,igot 08 out of 08,It mean i knew english language.but don’t think so coz at the time of spacking i get confused
I am really thankful. Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca for the work you do, the time you take or took to give us this valuable lessons, through this wonderful website we can see how much you care about us, how much you’re interested in all of us to really master and understand English language. Again thank you very much, it has helped me a lot so far. My best regards.
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much! Is the first time than i understand the different tenses in English. Now for me is less difficult study the grammar and the use of tenses. Bye! (excuse me for the grammar errors of my sentence)
dear rebecca, thanks for the video, but i still confuse about number 8. why the answer is present perfect ? because i see there is “had lunch” is it past ?can u explain to me
thanks Rebeca, you are my best teacher in special because all you to teach it is specific and so good developed
Hi! In the quiz (eighth) does the frase “No thanks, I’ve already had lunch.” refer to present tense? In this case have I finished the lunch or not? When I use “already” was not the action in the past?
Hi! As you can see, my name is Alex, Well What I”ve learnt tons of things about english by watching videos at your website. I’d like to make one request, I’m going to graduate as an student of English , And I’m going to take part in my graduation as giving an speech. Honestly I want my speech to be one awesome as if I were an native american . Please, Can you help check my speech? This is highly important for me , and You are important for me too . This would mean a lot for me, I hope to see your reply soon . Thanks!
I got 60 correct out of 100.Next I´ll try to pay more atention.
very nice.
thanks teach.
You´re brilliant!
Thanks for such a wonderful class!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!
good overwiew. it helped me, thank you very much
hi first of all thanks for ur teaching but i have a problem about future progressive and future perfect and future perfect progressive
i get confuse whenever i wanna use these tense in speaking plz help me . tnx in advance
Thank you mam,I got 88% in this lesson. I hope I will learn all your lesson and I will be a perfect learner,and will be a good speaker.
Thanks……its really help…
Sis shella
God bless you Tr. Rebecca, Your passion and sincerity in teaching had reached me,the fact that i am very desperate to speak english fluently, i’m glad to tell you that I’ve learned a lot from your lessons. Now, i am more confident.. Thank you so much and more power to you..
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
Thank you many I am new here and I will learn all your lessons and I will be able to speak English like spokespersons and I will be grateful for you
thank you very much
Thank you very much Rebecca for this valuable lesson … May you please tell me what tenses are preferred to be used in the writing section of the TOFEL ibt Exam ?. Are they the three tenses you told us to master the most or it doesn’t matter …
Bayain Alwan
Hi Rebecca,
thank you very much. You are so great teacher and your explanations are clear a very helpful
take care
hi Rebecca,
am new to follow your teaching and they are interesting. you are teaching us verbs and you began with easy ones. do you have some document about irregular verbs? they some how complicate me.
Thanks a lot.It was really fantastic lesson dear teacher.
It was a lesson for about three months.
adorable teacher.
salem farhmand
dear mam. rebecca, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson. because of this, I know now how to use tenses in my writing. it helps me a lot.
Hi Rebecca
I have been learning English for three years now but, I still confuse where to use present perfect continuous and present perfect simple I would thankful if you could possibly give me some exercises related to these particular tenses. My best wishes for you and your team.
Hello dear teacher Rebecca. Thank you very much for your lessons, you are a great teacher, I really enjoy it. Could you explain me the concept, or the meaning of the word “tense”, please? Thak you again.
very useful but I want to ask you what is the difference between these two word in meaning ?
continuous and progressive
This is very effective and convenient! thank you!
Among these tenses, Past Perfect continuous is the hard tense that make me very confused. Thank Rebecca for let me understand about Grammar Function.
Mam Puth Barmey
Dear Teacher Rebecca
Many thanks for your kind efforts,
Can I know what kind of tens in this sentence (have been discussed)
“Two forms of punishment have been discussed by the political philosopher in his essay”
Thanks in Advanced,
Also please, i’d like to ask about the tens for (was being applied)
“Pressure was being applied to the wound (by the doctor) to stop the flow of blood.”
I have lived in Vietnam for 20years. I love my country so much. But, I want to go abroad to study and visit some beautiful sceneries around the world.
anyone want to talk eith me in eng like as a practice?? then give me your number on whatsapp!!
Pffft, there r 2 wrong!
yeah! i know, with and english
Thanks teacher. I really like your lessons.
I have a question and I hope you could clarify this matter to me, because it’s really confusing me.
which one of the following statements is more likely to be correct and why?
1/ It was raining, so I didn’t go out.
2/It has been raining, so I didn’t go out.
Thanks in advance.
More tenses please and explain further.
Kudos to all teachers here, thank you for sharing your knowledge free and with enthusiasm. May Godbless you all for your big heart.
Red Wanderer
i got 8 out of 8.
thanks teacher :)
quy cody
Hi, Rebecca! I would like to understand, if there is any real meaning difference between: 1) “I have been cleaning the house for three hours” and “I have cleaned the house for three hours”. 2) “I will have been working here for ten years tomorrow, so we’re having a party” and “I will have worked here for ten years tomorrow, so we’re having a party”. 3) “I have been working on that project for the last two weeks” and “I have worked on that project for the last two weeks”. According to my comprehending there is no significant difference in sense between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous in those three cases, is not it? Thank you.
Sergiy D
GOT 100 yupee!
Dear Rebecca
This simple reviewing of the English conjugation is very useful. Thank you.
Best regards.
Thank you for your lesson!
I got 7/8
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
yes! Its helpful …
thanks , good job.
thanks… it is very easy and effective website to learn English, with so many good option and ideas. I really like it.
Amit Mandaliya
i everyone,
i had seen some video in youtube which is interesting with me. i live in vietnames and i want to improve my english because my english is very bad so i hope…everyone can help me improve all of skills. thanks
tan tran
Very interesting and useful, thanks.
I need to practice a lot
Hi Rebecca, i got confused of the question 5.
5. Identify the verb tense. They are going to call you later.
isn’t it should be “Future simple” instead? Thanks
for “they are to call you later”, isn’t the future simple!?
well done. thank so much. It’s so difficult but I am going to try my best.
Awwww such a good explanation! Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks, Rebecca! Great Lesson! Now I’ll study one by one of theses tenses
Hello mam. My name is bindhu .I am living in uae.
I would be delighted if you would do a video on adjectives.
Bindhu k.s
Thanks Ma’am ??
Paramjeet Singh
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
7 0ut 0f 8 (:
Very useful :)thanks
i am just confused still with the present perfect tense. . .the tense is in present but the verbs are in the form of past tense or past participle maybe. . .that is why i thought it’s something like past tenses
I’m very confusing how to use present perfect and past past perfect tenses.
Khin Moe
Thanks Rebecca! I got 100 at the test. Despite that result, I think I need more practice with english tenses because I forget them easily. So, I often will come back here.
Carla Letizia
i got 100%
thank you dear teacher. Really all the teachers are good , but I like your way of teaching more !
Hi Teacher Rebecca,
I did the practice test well, except 8th one.
” 8. Identify the verb tense. No thanks, I’ve already had lunch. ” this one made me a little confused due to the presence of “already and had” but I understood after repeated reading.
Thank you for the lesson, and I am extremely thankful to the EngVid team and teachers (Emma, Rebecca, Alex, Adam, James, Ronnie, Jade, Benjamin, Gill, Valen and Jon) for providing the free platform for enthusiastic English learners like me.
Dear fellow learners, please watch, share or refer to friends and support this wonderful online academy engVid.com.
I wish you all very happy Healthy and successful new year 2017.
thank you. my score is 100.
Hi Rebecca ,
Can you please explain Qno. 8th in the quiz
I already had lunch. ?????
yasikha bhatt
So first of all I should study Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple isn’t it?
Thanks, Rebecca.Good lesson. I got 88
Thanks, Rebecca, it was excellent video how can I improve my English to avoid grammatical error.
Najeebullah Rahmani
Thank you so much for your teaching
Thanks! Excellent video!!!!
Thank you Rebecca
I got only 6/8. I am going to try more.
You are the best teacher I ever seen .You remind me of my secondary teacher back in my country .It is so easy to understand when you guys explain
Ismail Slyveny
Today I got 7/8 I can noticed that I am improving :D
thank you ma’am
i just wanna know about some more details specifically about present perfect continuous tense as well as past and future perfect continuous tense
I got 6/8! Thanks for the lesson!
Hi Rebecca. I’m new at here. I study verb tenses. At this link “https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/english-verb-tenses/” Examples of English Verb Tenses table and Common Time Expressions for English Verb Tenses table, Present Perfect name written “Present Present”… You may correction they please? Thank you for everything…
simple clear easy all the best for you
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
Simple and easy approach. God bless engvid family :-)
thank you
Hello Engvid ! the videos and the lessons are amazing but there is one big problem is the sound is so bad I can’t concentrate.
thank you
Thanks Rebecca, it is a very intersting and helpfull lesson. My great probleme in English was the tenses and how use them. after this lesson i begin indertstanding and see clearly.
6/8 in the quiz not bad for me at the first time, don’t think? anny way, thank you very much.
Thank you so much mam, for your efforts, and valuable,precious time to giving us.
I have got 6 correct out of 8,thank you Rebecca
“You got 6 correct out of 8” – thanks a lot! when I studied English at school I really lacked just such a whole view of the times. When language learning is done using the deductive method.
Alhamdulilha. I obtain 8 out of 8. Thanks.
Hello Ms.Rebecca.
Thank you for your lessons and it’s very helpfull.
Thx :)
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for your video, it’s very helpful.
Thanks Rebbeca this lesson have been very interesting!
I have got 7 correct out of 8,thank you Rebecca
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I watched this video twice on September 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got eight out of 8.
is there any groups that help me to speak eng
i hope a person helpe mee my number is 252618611112
its really an intresting quiz to improve my grammar knowledge
Thanks Rebecca. I got 8 correct.
Many thanks Rebecca I am sure that I am going to make progress if I continued listening to your class and all your advisors.
W/B regards.
Aref Hamood
Thanks Rebecca. I finished quiz and done 8 correct.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
best….. good job
Dear Rebbeca first i would like to say thanks.Your teaching so effective and clear,i really love it.But i dohave doubts with the past continuous(i was working),present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous in their meaning or message. thanks for your help!!!!!!
Hello Madam. I am from India. What is Tense : It is form of verb that shows action. Plz check this . As soon as possible.
i’m living in USA for 22 years and I came from Costa Rica and Iam learning alot from your program…it is wonderfull thank you and God bless you!
i have been living or i have lived for 22 years . your grammar is a little bit wrong .
I had been lived in USA … is this past perfect continuous…?
It is past perfect tense.
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been living in the USA.
I hope it will help you. :)
i have been living in usa for 22 years. i am from costa rica and i have learned a lot from your program
this first time I see video give me hope to understand those grammars.
how to talking speaking english
thanks for this lesson
hi, i’ve always looking and listening to your topics… i could be more intersting to your website. giving me a lots of ideas and knowledge in english grammar.
Thanks Rebbeca this lesson have been very interesting!!!
Thanks Rebecca this lesson has been very interesting!!!
hi kiran,can i have your contact detail.i need to don friendship with you.
This lesson is interesting!
This lesson was interesting for me!
hi I’m Iranian I’m at your service
Yes, my scores is 100%. Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you maam Rebecca
hi rebecca i want ask you something about O LEVEL A LEVEL and HIGHSCHOOL.
hello miss. Rebeca hope you ok……..my doubt is what dos the word bruch mean? hope answer my question…….by the way are latin?
see you later and take care :)
Perhaps you mean the word “brunch”?
This is a meal which is a combination of breakfast and lunch. The word “brunch” takes the “br” from the word breakfast and the “unch” from the word lunch. Brunch is eaten instead of breakfast and lunch. Many people have brunch on the weekends, when they wake up too late to separate the normal breakfast and lunch times.
Hope this is what you wanted to know!
Oh, Rebecca, very nice explanation,Now i am also clear about the word ‘brunch’
i have a q for u that is some time we express awsome fabolous fantastic marvellous etc in happiness both are used in same sentence so how we think that awsome is used or marvellous is used i m totally confused
plz answer my q plz
Marvellous we use in studies …
and awesome we use to express our thoughts …
hai Zulaikha imtiyaz ahmed how r u ….
good qus above words are used in feelings express …..
i like this, u explained well
thnk u Misss…Rebbecca fr describing t wrd..hv a nice day
that’s good for our development
expecially in english
Hi i have gone through this video and my only problem is that i does’nt know how speak fluently please help me in this manner
Speaking English well is the result of studying the four main skills of reading, writing. listening and speaking, along with lots of practice. Keep using the language in every way possible and as often as you can. You also need the feedback of a teacher or English-speaking friend to correct your mistakes. If you’re really serious, find a private teacher and tell him/ her you want to focus only on developing your oral skills.
All the best!
s…..mam even my problm is same as his….i hesitate to speak in english…
thanks for this great lesson ,i am convinced by what you said in this subject but can you give us a real strategie to success in learning english ?and how to start learning english?we should start by learning vocabulary or by learning grammar or we should mix by all this focus???
good Iam try to stady.
i hope to learn and have more of english
good job…here my problem is that i cannot speak english fluently.How can i practice it?
Thank You
Please see the reply to riaz above.
Good luck!
i can speak in englsh….only thing i need to do is …leave hesitation …i am trying to be confident enough but still struggling frm past 5 years….fr nt attempting…..to speak.
Hi all,
I am a beginer, this homegage helps me to understand grammar correctly.
Hello, Rebecca,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
The video is excelent
Hi, Rebecca
I think,My problem is Past Perfect and Present Perfect , isn’t it
best and interesting website for new eng. Learners.
Karachi – Pakistan
Very very thank you. Really best. Thanks from Turkey…
thanks ………..you are really doing great job…..
thanks………you are really doing a great job….
this program is very useful one & thank u
this video is good
My problem is i understand English but i cant speak english so please suggestion me
Please see the reply to riaz above.
All the best!
thanks for this lesson i have some problems but that’s okay
thanks for your website, I’d like it so much
Hello,teacher Rebecca..
I’d like to thank you and the rest of the staff for all your efforts..This is my first comment since I signed up..It’s irrelevant to this video but pertaining to one of your posts which is Expressions with DO & MAKE..I just wonder why that precious lesson doesn’t have a “Print or Save this File” feature, just like the one on irregular verbs!! I hope you provide this feature so that we can have a hard copy of such valuable lessons. Thank you, dear teacher.
Hisham- Yemen
Hisham! I am glad that you are finding our new English Resources useful! This is a new section, and the downloadable version of each of the resources will be added very soon. Check back in a few days.
I’m joining for greetings and I
Find that the site is very useful and helpful for all
Thanks for the video. I would like to get my long pending doubt clearified from you. Could you please explain me the difference between “had been” and “have been” wrt to the usage. I understand that have been is present perfect and had been is past perfect, i want to when to use what.
say, wht’s the difference btw the following sentences..
— I had been to India
— I have been to India
Awaiting your reply
thanks in advance
“I have been to India”
Present perfect – Here you are speaking about something you have done in your life till now.
“I had been to India when I was younger.”
Past perfect – here you are speaking about something that happened when something else happened.
Here are some better examples to help you understand:
When I came home yesterday, my children had done their homework and my husband had cooked dinner.
This means that the children had completed their homework and the husband had cooked dinner before the person came home.
The past perfect tells us about the past, and what happened first in the past.
Hope that helps!
Thank you – here you real help us.
Thank you again ^_^
Dear Sister Rebecca
I have been watching your English grammar videos for last 2 weeks and gaining grammar knowledge.You have explained so nicely and made for me to understand easily the usage and difference of ‘have been’ and ‘had been’.You are doing a wonderful job. God bless you.Thank you also to Rinku that he/she asked thhis question.
Rafiq Ahmed from Karachi
thank you rebecca you are the one !!!!that’s exactly what i saerched to know
Very good explaination,now Iknow how to differ amoung present perfect,past perfect present perfect continous.
I understand now..I do appreciate your replying to my message,teacher.
Hisham- Yemen
Thanks for lesson, your program is bery interesting
exelent lesson teacher .
Thanks a lot for your classes.Rebeca is a very good professor.Could you please help me? I would like to know about”unclear comparisons”
Thanks in advance
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
I would like to give you thanks for your great lesson on English Grammar – Tenses – Overview of all the tenses in English.
Thanks & regards,
Thanks alot
It’s superb of modifying myself
thanks its realy good
hi how are my dear sister……can i speek english i can speek english but not very well..plz
Keep studying with joy and you will speak well one day. My best wishes to you, Tanveer.
thanks rebecca
wonderful teaching, simple and clear
Hi Rebecca, thank you for this lesson. Would you please expand this topic on how to use these tenses, especially the perfect tenses. Great job!
Hi everybody
how can I see the relation film?
by the way, I am newcomer here.
have a good time
abdi am new student lake u
i would like to kmw where u from
thanks a lotttttttttt
I love you lesson Rebecca and I watch them every day! Could you do? or make? lesson about the differences between ‘to like + gerund’ and ‘to like to do’ thanks a lot
Thanks for the idea. I will record that one for you!
hi rebecca. No one could thank you all enough for the wonderful videos and priceless suggessions. I am preparing for toefl and i would like to buy essay book that helps me in writting essay because I cant create points myself. So, could you please tell me name of good essay book.
Hello Rebecca, I just want to Thank You for this lesson, It was so difficult to me to understand the different from each other, but this way is simple and easy, Thank You again Adios.
Hey teacher,
i really find myself completely unable to use “Could” in any sense.and each time i need alot to ponder over that where would be the exact situation,where i be able to use this “could” exactly.n one more thing differentiate this “these” and “those” to me.
You could use the word ‘could’ in the following ways:
Could you please shut the window/
Could you please pass the salt?
When I was younger, I could run 10 kilometres, but now I can only run 5 kilometres.
When I lived in Paris, I could speak French fluently but now it’s been so long that I make a lot of mistakes.
In the simplest sense, we use the word “these” to refer to people or things which are physically close to us. We use “those” to talk about people or items which are physically a little far. That’s the main difference.
Hope that helps to clarify some of your doubts. Good luck with your English, Sam.
Thanks alot teacher for clarifying me all that ..
i want to ask few more queries..i have some doubts each time when there is a need to use “DOES” in sentence.Could you please explain this to me in detail with multiple of example so that it would be easier from me to understand its usage by all means and wayz..ALSO i know all of the tenses in english grammar but each time i get confused in using simple present sentence with present perfect.that whether which tense should be the rightone for using in sentence instantly.
hi rebecca
i watch ur video from youtube. i find it quite informative.i like ur teaching style very much can u plz help me. i want to learn tenses.
there must be the 3 shapes of tenses like
1: activity
2: state verb
3: possession
There must be 3 shapes of tenses in the lessons to understand tenses easilly like
1: activity
2: state
3: possession
thank you so much for (engvid) work team and wish you all the best.
Hey Rebecca, this is Nadeem. I wanted to ask you the use of “Which” and “What”. Would you please explain the rules on video when to use “which” and “What”. Thanks!!
i am the one who answer all the question good job
Dear Madam, I am not perfect in speaking english. but your videos helps me a lot. Can I have these videos in printable version
Where can I use the words Would, Could,Should.
i am living in Vietnam. i have studied English since 1995 but upto now i still confuse how to use tense correctly. could you help me to make it more obviously. thanks you so much. God bless you
Please check our many grammar lessons, which also include lessons on several grammar tenses. I’m sure they will help to clarify some of your doubts. My best to you, Tin.
Dear Rebecca, with every lesson from you, I can feel that you are the boss. Very, very best teaching. Congratulation.
Wow, thank you kindly, Hoppel. All the best with your English.
Please Rebecca, could you tell me is this sentence correct: “You will be asked by your teacher all lessons we worked yesterday!”? Thank you in advantage.
Hello, Rebecca,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I don’t understand perfect tense . I hope you explain deeply . thanks
Please check these lessons:
Present Perfect Simple & Present Perfect Continuous
How to use SINCE and FOR with the Present Perfect
Grammar – Past Simple vs. Present Perfect
These lessons will help you understand the perfect tenses. My best wishes to you, Fathi.
Hello, Rebecca,
i have one question that, in future tense we use shall with [i, we] and will with [he, she, it, they].here in Pakistan. but in ur video u used will. Can u plz explain me y u used will. i m very confused plz do reply me i m waiting for ur answer plz clarified it for me.bye
Today, in common everyday English, we don’t usually use shall at all. Most people only use will. In more formal situations or sometimes in more formal British English, the word shall is used in the future tense. Mostly, it is used by very learned people, but not really in everyday language.
Hope this helps! My best to you, Maha.
good website
Thank you so much.
I just watch every day.
thats great i am so happy to know this site its a great for me and usefull to me.
thanks robaca u r a great teacher that i ever seen
and plz help me in perfect tences its tooooo boring
Oh,it’s not THAT bad.
Try to watch some of the videos on our site that will hopefully make it more interesting for you to master the perfect tenses perfectly!
All the best to you, Saeed.
hello Miss Rebecca
your lecture are really good and inspires me to write well in English.
I have a question. I’d like you to help me
” It (rain)……….all day yesterday” what tenses can we use here simple past or past progressive?
Hi Rebecca,
do you have any videous in wich you describe the verb tenses in detail?
hi rebecca,
well i am very much impressed with ur teaching skills . I have been learning alot from your vedieos. Madam I am facing problem while speaking , i stuck in between due to lack of vaocabulary or some time due to grammer . how can i be a fluent speaker. kindly guide me as i am not in a position to hire a private tutor
thank you so much rebeca!!!!
Hi, Rebecca thanks very much you explained very well. Endvid.com is wonderful website and really helpful. Rebecca i like the way you teach and one thing i like about you is as i noticed that u reply to your students and clear their doubts unlike others.that way students are encouraged to ask questions? and get thrirb answers. you are great teacher i have ever seen.good job many thanks
Amy from Australia
great!! Can you help me mam the different between search, look and find? thanks
these are absolutely great vieos i really like it thank you for this kind of information
hai teacher
will u wrightdown the forms of the tense… so it will be easier to understand………
I was trying to aquire the English for 4 years by diferent ways and still have a lot of mistakes. Probably i have to draw atention at my grammar. After your lesson i understood that it is possible. If really to say English grammar is very difficult.
thanks,really its helping a lot.give some tips while we use these tenses
Thanks so much for your help… I’m preparing to take the paper and pen toefl, What do I need to emprove in this test?
Hi, i am thirty one years old,I am having problem with spelling, pronouncing, and braking up words in syllable. do you have any websafe you can recommen me to please,
Thank you.
So Great! It’ll be better if you can tell more.
It very nice
very useful =)
thank you =)
Gud job Rebecca. keep t up.
thank you, its hard lesson i score 5 of 8 ,,, not good score
Thank you so much for a nice site, I enjoy a lot, this site is good for someone that speaks English as a second language
maryam asc i would like to learn with u something hw do see that
I can’t speak in english yet.Please help me teacher.
hi and thank you for these helping lessons
i want to know how can i be a good english teacher and how can i controle my students
this is very hard but i’m trying to learn and understand. like you said in the video, 1 day we can only study 1 tense. thank’s Rebecca, i wanna try this…
i m quit cionfused about all these tense and i go through your video and i simply discover that what type of this tense and i feel happy this is goodway for learn
thanks Mam’m
i need some more doupts in tenses
Dear madam,
Very thank you madam.i could not get good job. wherever going to attend the more than interview madam. your communication is very poor your not eligible this job somebody told to me.i am afriad of my carrier.today i saw your web site.really thanks to god. because he was made you.{sorry madam dont mistake me i am a vilage boy frm india,tamilnadu}
Dear madam,
where i can use would,could,should,might and i can’t understand any english movie and professional english.{Tcs,wipro,hcl,cts,hp,Ibm}
Hi Robecca, I am so weak in active and passive voice. Please tell me the way through which I could reach the complete lectures on active and passive voice in array. The lectures on active and passive voice are not given in array on engvid.com
I would like to say thank you so much for your leason.
with regards,
Dear Robecca,
I’ll be appriciate if you tell me how can I memorize menings of the words.
what is the importance of grammar, teacher…???
I’m Sorry, I think GRAMMAR it’s too making me confused. so, I just giving you a question like that. But I thought the important of English Language that is only learning about Tenses, learning the Vocabulary, and then Practice speaking every day and also listen the song and movie…!!!
because, I have a teacher from Australian he told me that the GRAMMAR it’s always making many peoples confused…!!
How about You teacher? Maybe you can give me suggestion and conclusion of this question. I’m will be wait for your answer, teacher. Thanks
Hello Rebecca, thank you for the usefull lesson. Your lessons are very important for me. I have been studing English for an year and you helped me to understand English grammar more deeply.
Thank you very much.
Hi teacher Rebecca, you’re best teacher that I had encountered in whole my life, you’re so kind and gorgeous woman in the universe, PLEASE ALLOW ME ASK YOU, WHAT ARE THE CORRECT USE OF “no’.”none”..” not”…….. please creat more videos for us!!! thanks a lot… very truly yours Reynaldo
hi all of u my dear teachers
Hello, Miss Rebecca, Iam a student from Egypt and i need you to be my teacher through the internet and i need something more such to contact with you
Iam sorry i forget to thank you, thank you very much. Tariq Said
i am 22 year old and from india. i have learned a lot after watching ur video clip……….. thanks a lot.
hey thanx
Thank u very much for this beautiful lesson.
hi dear
This lesson is very useful thanx Rececca mam really your teaching way is superb…
My score is 87.5%
My score is 100% exact. You are a good teacher. Thanks to engvid’ teachers I perfect my very poor english. Thank you very much Kind regards Francis
Hi mam my name is khan and i realy like your lessons keep it up.
really a great job. thanks
i have some confusion how to use sone tenses ,so how can you use two past verb at the same time(e.g i had worked)(had is past and u used with worked is past)
becoz ,there was rule says two past can’t flow together. i hope you understand argument.thank all
hi rebeca i like the way you teach……..please can you explain when and how to used this tense…..
Thank you Rebeca and engVid for this excellent tutorials..
Thanks Rebecca.I am happy as I have got 100% score.You are doing excellent Job.All the best.
thank you for helping the students around the world as i see there are a lot of students,god bless you sister,continue
p.s could you please show us how to use the relative clauses?
hi rebecca what is meaning of complecency
thank u mam 4 the lesson.i really learn alot frm this lesson……..wish u all the best
Thank you very much for this lesson. It’s really more clear for me now.
I had been starting with engvid.com since 1st january. Each day I progress !
Can you explain me the differences between being and been ?
Its really a good lesson.Thank you very much.Could you please make a more advanced level lesson about tenses.
hey rebicca thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankssssssssssssss allllllllllooooooooooooootttttttttttttttttt
I like very much all videos which inprove my skill. thank you all
hi Rebeca
I am bored in this class
she was board in the class
plz exp it
can we use second form of verb after is are am was and were can exp here bored is a verb or noun
hi dud
hai mam hope you are doing well?? Your all classes are excellent. mam can you explain me what is the difference between respond,response and responds. thank you
Hellooo Rebeca,
This is Sara and I would like to hear your advice.
I am learning English but unfortunately I m facing a major issues with grammer, Reading and writing.
I know most of the grammer principles but I dont know how to apply them in speaking or even writing, moreover; I fell like I m desapiring from reading I usually understand the oposite or I end up with confusion, finally in the writing I have that thought disprder with zillion mistakes of grammer.
looking forward to your advice
thank you and God bless you XOXOXOX
thakls alot Rebecca
it is really helpful
hmmm,i’m still confused.
thanks man
hello Rebecca thank you for your lessons. it is very helpful lessons . i would like to ask you a question, what is differences between these sentences, i have been learning English for two years or i had been learning English for two years. i hope you could answer my question. thanks
No doubt, I amazed by your personality and the way of your explanation. However,I would rather make my explanation more simple and understandable for non-native speakers.For describing my everyday or regular actions which I can do often,sometimes,always,never(+all other possible key words)I should use the Present Simple Tense.For example: I work. If I want to say that now I am busy with my work, I should say it in Present Continuous. For example: I am working now/ at the moment. But if I would like to say how long I am busy with my work and I am still busy with, I should use the Present Perfect Continuous. For example: I have been working for two days on my project.(and I am still busy with it). At last, my project is ready. I should use the Present Perfect to show that. For example: I have just worked out my project.
So, Present Simple -for everyday/regular actions.
Pr.Continuous-for “now” actions.
Pr.Perfect Continuous- for unfinished actions and you are still busy with it.
Present Perfect – for completed actions by the moment you speak about it. This is a simple way of explanation of the present tense system which can be converted into past and future.
i sufferd many problen… just of because engliah… my english is so poor.. can u plz help me…..
hi Rebecca,i want to learn english but my problem is i can’t speak..my english is very poor do u have any idea can u please help me what to do..thank you and more power..
Hi Rebecca.I am software developer and working with du (dubai),I face alots of problem when i send mail regarding any query,When i write a applicatin i have no idea how to write application and use presen tense and pass tense..please do me a feavour,Thanks
thanks very much for your lesson.
I’ve got 100%
You’re a good teacher for me.
Thanks a lot teachers,i am very happy your videos are helping me in learning English.
thanx Rebeca …. good job
Hi to all teachers…. Thank you for the lessons… it’s really helps my me..
hi teacher, i like ur teaching. i m very confuse in tense can u explain easily each tense wt an example & also make a chart of all tense to understand as easy as fast..
first i want to thank you for the above lesson. second i need your help for an explanation for what is state verbs& when i use it?
Thanks again
Please Rebecca, could you tell me is this sentence correct: “You will be asked by your teacher all lessons we worked yesterday!”? Thank you in advantage. . .
sometime a got confuse alot about the tense and I had been learning it from so long .how will I improve myself?
thank you ma’am.i confused in the use of was and had…so piease:)
I like your teaching methods.
madam Rebecca you are really a nice teacher..
It is good for those people don’t have time for leraning english
it’s good for those people who don’t have time for learning english… thanks a lot
please send me all video tapes of direct and indirect speech , active and passive voice , parts of speech and tenses
u should show to us more details about: ” when do we have to u that tense ?” we need the keys to know
Thank you so much for this lession but I dont realy understand this lession because i dont know when do i have to use those tenses
I know all the tense.but i confused in which condition use which tense.so please give me idea.
how i use shall and will in sentences …
i have learn that i and we , i have to use shall..
and with other will …
but now sir said me ..we have to used only will with every …is that rite ..now don’t need shall to be used …
wow, it will help me a lot..
grt job u people are doing best of luck to u all….
please help me I can’t hear good the teacher’s Videos. they get stocl by itself.
what I need to do for correct them
rebecca can you teach me sentence pattern?
thnak u for the quiz, and i hope u to explain the tenses in detail one by one.
Hi can you also make a video on how to use “did” plus “verb” in a sentence. Like which is correct “I didn’t stay” or “I didn’t stayed?” Thanks!
Hello! Mrs.Rebecca….I really appreciate ur work here & I am improving my english with ur help.Can u plz tell me that difference between…”I wake up early at 6:30am in morning everyday…” & “I do wake up early at 6:30am in morning everyday”…which one is correct?
Hi, Very good thank you.
Hi I would like to see more before commenting
I am with impressed with this site.
I need to improve my writing approach what should i do for this??
Mam u really are a teacher,i love the way you speak n your accent is cool.God bless u
I had all of the MCQz correct in the first attempt:):):):
tanks for thiss lesson i hope to mett you in new lessson but you are the beast in this
I like very much your way of teaching, you are ease the understanding.
I kindly request you to explaine the past perfect tense, as I am always confused when i am using.
100% thank you.
its very good site i just love this site ans also very help in tenses i just i just i just impressed
Thank you alot ms.Rebecca.
Thanks, Rebbeca, very nice.
thank you
thanks rebecca….. you are best teacher for me…
thanks rebeca,, past i don’t now speak english now i now smoll so thank all teacher on this web alex .rebecca and all teacher
If I got 5 correct out of 8, am I stupid?
excuse me Rebecca I think no one of these items is the right answer of the question you asked for the quiz.
Identify the verb tense.They are going to call you later.
a)Present Simple
b)Present Continuous for the future
c)Past Continuous
Every teacher seems to have a personal style and way to teach the 12 Time related verb tenses. Is it possible that James teaches all the verb tenses and gives a “trigger” word for each tense like he did with PRESENT PERFECT and PAST SIMPLE.
I am studying for my TEFL certificate from home and as a native English speaker it is hard for me Mind MAP this out. Yet all your videos seem to help me the most.
I love this video, but i requests to have videos
to explain it thoroughly, when and how to use it. this is important for me.Thanks a lot.
hi mam,
no thanks,I’ve already had lunch.this is pat perfect(its a past tense). how present perfect? please explain me.
Hello, Rebecca.
You’ve mentioned ”I will work” and ”I will be working” Is there any difference? Looking forward to answer, thanks!
mam i am using your site. it is really useful to me. thank u for giving lecture.
Rebeca mam i am using your site. it is really useful to me. thank u for giving lecture.
Hello Rebbeca thak a lot for the lectures .I find your lectures very informative.
can you please describe when we want to use past perfect continues tense
thanks so much mam rebecca…
thanks coz u learned me about tense……
Thank you all of you. It helps me to improve my English language.
God be with you
i speaks to english .
Please send me something tips my email.id,
Sachin Kumar
I am really getting better because of you thanks for your cordiality.
I love to learn English
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re the best teacher and teaching ver well .God bless you .
very well.
could you express the diffrent between the borrow and lend…
hi miss i am struggling with the future progressive and future simple.
hello, teacher. ^^ this make me understand more about tenses. Thank you very much.
Thanks Rebecca ,It’s so helpful.we need to open mind.lol.
God bless you
Dear Rebecca:
How many tense does English Have?
Thanks Rebecca ,it’s so useful very nice lessons ,and help me to improve how to use its all of them.God bless you .wow awsome.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
Thank you for your teaching.
i don’t understand english verb tenses. i heard there are 26 tenses in english. i want to learn all of it but it’s really confusing :\
Hi Rebecca, very useful lesson!!!
I was reading a book and appeared this verb form:
“I have been married with John”. So, this form is Present Perfect Continous or not? Because if was the Present Perfect Continous the verb “to marry” should not be in the ing form ?
thx in advance
dear miss Rebecca i hope you will be fine i had problems in identification of sentences that in this sentences,its tenses are present continuous tenses or present perfect tenses please help me in this confusion
am very happy with passing my few mins on this site………..
I live in Phnom Phen.I like this vido.
why did they use were in this sentence “If I were a boy” or “If I were you”…..? instead of was?Could you explain Rebecca…Thank you!
“were” is simply used instead of “was” to show that the action was impossible to fulfill. Lemme give you this example to show you: When you say ” If I were a bird , I would fly” are you a bird? Can you be a bird? impossible ,so “were” is used here instead to show this impossibility.
That’s right! We have a few lessons on this.
could you help me .i can`t understand how to use BEEN AND BEING pleas help me. if you can make video for this i will be very happy thank you
“be” can be used just after models such as can,may,must,wiil,shall,could,might,had to,should,would,had to,need to etc
“being” however can be used in a passive sentence to show its progressive aspect.for instance: The phenomenon of global warming is being dealt with a kind of laxism.
“been” is used in perfective sentences for example: I have been learning English for years
I have been in London Seminar about climate change.
Nothing serious had been done to stop ozone layer depletion by countries like USA,China and many others.
thank u so much mam:-)
and ur smile is beautiful
thank u so much mam:-)
and ur smile is beautiful……….
Thanks Rebecca
Dear teacher,
could you explain about mayhave and mighthave,,,,,also can i use,,,
i have written a letter
i have sent to him
you are a good teacher i learned a lot from you thnks
can you help me teacher when to use have thnks.
Hi,Rebecca!I want to ask a question related to Present Continuous.My question is suppose i am at Barber shop and the barber is shaving my beards,at the same moment one of my friend calls me and asks me “What are you doing?”So i want to know what would be the perfect answer for the question?If would shave myself,i would simply answer that “i am shaving” but here the shaving is done by the barber and it’s in continuation.Then what would be the perfect answer?Please help me.
Dear Ms Rebecca,
I’m wondering if you could help me with this issue. I am solving one online test right now, and there is a sentence which says:
“I did my homework while I _____ television.”
I’ve thought that the correct answer was “was watching”, but it wasn’t. The correct answer was “had watched”.
Well, I’m a little bit suspicious and confused about the correctness of it, because if I did something in the past while (not before, not after) I was doing something else, then “was watching” must have been the right answer, or I’m completely wrong?
I am preparing myself for an IELTS test and would be very grateful if you correct any mistakes I made in this conversion.
Sincerely yours and best regards also.
Igor :-)
Thanx for ur time Rebecca.You have helped me since i started to prepare my Toefl.God bless you.
hi can you explain me future tense
i am from belarus.. i just start to learn Eng. i want to find people who can help me) who can just talk with me in engl))??
I can help you :) last summer I have been In Uk for learning english my speaking is so well but My grammar is like rubish it is not so good :( can you help me for my grammar
thank you soo much I did learn more from you :)
my learn general english and english grammer. what are the general english between english grammer
Hallo Rebecca!
Thanks for your work. You are very good teacher. I’ve got one question- Can you group all the lessons that are dealing with tenses in one block. Cause a big list of lessons and I can hardly find the right lesson. May be to create one block of lessons that refer to the times. In this lesson you were counting them. I mean want to remember all these times step by step but I can’t find the whole list of tenses here? Maybe I am wrong in something, I hope it will make easier studying times
dear teacher,
please would you tell me the difference between aspect ,tense and time
Hallo Rebecca!
Why do some people use “have had/has had/had had” in their sentences??
Are these sentences correct grammatically? Do these sentences follow grammar rules?
I have got some sentences which made me so confused-
1. Have they had their breakfast yet?
2. Have you had a nice evening?
3. Have you always had hay fever?
4.I’ve had a headache since early morning.
Please make me understand anyhow.:)
And do correct if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you!
And one more question- when we have to use had had?
hi how are you ? you are going great job by propagating the english language …i have a problem …i cant speak rather i cant make proper sentence structure while speaking but can write correctly so please suggest me some tactics or techniques with which i can be able to speak fluently by making proper sentence structure thanx
hello Rebakka you are really a good teacher.I like your lesson.Thank you for lesson.Have a good day bay
iam from Pakistan
i like this website
I’m from Somalia & Iam learning alot from your program…it is wonderfull thnx alot.
Hi Ms Rebecca,
Thank you for wonderful tenes overview lesson. Tt’s help me a lot esppically when i am writing to someone, thanks again & my Allah’s bless you.
Ramzan from Bangladesh, But currently i have beeen leving in Singapore
Thank Ms Rebecca ..
3> ….
dear mis rebbeca my best teacher tnx alots for ur free services to teach us English hope u always success in ur life. @end i love my best teacher ur also my one of best teacher rebbeca
hallo rebbecco how can i speak english. iknow just my name is mohambi my father name is yousaf i am from afghanistan and i know A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z and also i know vovel A,O,I,E,U
how can i improve my english can u give me somr advice please?
My score:100. Thanks very much for your lessons Ms rebecca.
hi guys . can i join your group ?
Ms.Rebecca, When we use “when and while” in the Past Continuous ?
I always confused with these(hiks)
you are really doing wonderful job in helping us.
Good work. Thank you very much.
Appreciated your good work
i want to thank you that before your lessons in english i was very much confused in tenses but now my concepts are clear thanks a lot once again.
I want to join group where i can solve my compound sentens grammer
these tenses make a lots of confusing the way i used it during conversation or whenever i’m sending emails related to my work. Thanks to this lesson for giving me clarification in simplest way. Thank you Teacher Rebecca. God bless you!
hello Mam,
hope your engvid team is fine..you people are rocking.i can say u all r blessed people.now through u iam working a lot to master this language.
could u te
could you plz tell me which tense is this.
“We have a project to work on”.
Dear Rebecca, Thank you so much. Your English lesson is very useful for my work.
My Dear Rebecca,
I love this site and I have downloaded most videos ..
I am fighting to learn English as much as possible and be fluent in English ..
I need your support to confirm the below :
The using of Perfect Present for past indefinite event and continue till now while Perfect Continuous Present is the same of Perfect Present except the action in past was definite.
I hope you read this comment and answer ..
also could we(students) get teachers’ e-mail for more communication and helpful in our battle to learn English ??
Thanks a lot
Eng. Ammar Abdul Rasool
Hi Miss Rebecca,
Can you please make a video on future perfect tense?
thank you
thank you MISS Rebecca.
thanx rebecca…
god bless you
hello first thank you!!
Pls show me the video lesson about the control work for the 11 form
bests umar
thank you Rebecca.it’s a bit confusing,really need to review harder
Pleease i need you to explain
“IF statements”
“while & when statements”
you are the best
greetings from Egypt
The test framed by you is easy and simple for the learners of ‘Tenses’ in English. Thank you
Halo mam..
Diff between I’m in home?
& I’m at home?
My name is Kate. Could You make presentation including short stories with different English tenses. For example,one short story just with present simle, another one with Past Perfect and so on. Thank’s a lot
Thanks miss Rebecca thanks a lot. 2morrow is my exam and i had a little confution which is solved by u
Great lesson! Thanks a lot
Thanks! Fantastic video!!!!
I like this video that you speak clearly .Thanks Rebecca.
I like this video that you speak clearly .Thanks Rebecca.
I want to learn grammar and other courses to improve my communication skill.
Thank you for your lesson!
7/8 for this quiz. I missed at the last test.
hai mama rebecca i’m tio. i’m indonesian student i like your speaking english clearly i will learn a lot of from your video.
i don’t like
super video i like it
Hi Rebacca, You are my favorite teacher. I have learnt English all through my school, but I never got to understand it in the way that you explain. And your accent is ‘neutral’ in the true sense, really love it…. though I do enjoy James’ & Ronnie’s classes too, both their video’s makes me laugh :-)
Hi Rebacca, I have Question for you, I can speak English, Read English but my writing Spelling is not correct, in every long words like International, i can’t write it with correct words or like schedule, etc so kindly guide me how can i make my spell correct while i writing, thank you…
thank you very for the lesson i need some more examples of each tenses so that i can learn more about tenses please
Hi rebecca, I want to learn what’s the difference between them: I have lived / I have been lived / I have been living… İn turkish we don’t use many different tenses for past actions. We use I did, I worked,… etc. How can learn the situation where and how I use those tenses? Thanks in advance. You’re very good teaching. hicran
correction. I think it would be: Your teaching is very good! in my last comment.
thanks i m very happy 2 day because i have got 88 numbers from this tenses so much me nasir khan & salman khan with katena caf
very good its use me
tell me please:what express the verb ” can”
tell me about the verb “can”
please send me English tenses
Useful lesson, I like the way how you make it easy for us to undestand, thanks
i wanna know about future pefect…i am totlly perplexd about it as it is used in imagination also… plz make me understand..rebecca
Makkah is the real name of the prophet ( P.B.U.H) not mecca..
so plz use the first one
how to understand the grammer
i want to improve my language skill. i think this site will be helpful if anyone have info about books tell me my contact no 03016202149
Mam ,igot 08 out of 08,It mean i knew english language.but don’t think so coz at the time of spacking i get confused
I am really thankful. Thanks a lot teacher Rebecca for the work you do, the time you take or took to give us this valuable lessons, through this wonderful website we can see how much you care about us, how much you’re interested in all of us to really master and understand English language. Again thank you very much, it has helped me a lot so far. My best regards.
Dear Rebecca, thank you very much! Is the first time than i understand the different tenses in English. Now for me is less difficult study the grammar and the use of tenses. Bye! (excuse me for the grammar errors of my sentence)
dear rebecca, thanks for the video, but i still confuse about number 8. why the answer is present perfect ? because i see there is “had lunch” is it past ?can u explain to me
thanks Rebeca, you are my best teacher in special because all you to teach it is specific and so good developed
Hi! In the quiz (eighth) does the frase “No thanks, I’ve already had lunch.” refer to present tense? In this case have I finished the lunch or not? When I use “already” was not the action in the past?
Hi! As you can see, my name is Alex, Well What I”ve learnt tons of things about english by watching videos at your website. I’d like to make one request, I’m going to graduate as an student of English , And I’m going to take part in my graduation as giving an speech. Honestly I want my speech to be one awesome as if I were an native american . Please, Can you help check my speech? This is highly important for me , and You are important for me too . This would mean a lot for me, I hope to see your reply soon . Thanks!
I got 60 correct out of 100.Next I´ll try to pay more atention.
very nice.
thanks teach.
You´re brilliant!
Thanks for such a wonderful class!!
Thank you very much Rebecca!
good overwiew. it helped me, thank you very much
hi first of all thanks for ur teaching but i have a problem about future progressive and future perfect and future perfect progressive
i get confuse whenever i wanna use these tense in speaking plz help me . tnx in advance
Thank you mam,I got 88% in this lesson. I hope I will learn all your lesson and I will be a perfect learner,and will be a good speaker.
Thanks……its really help…
God bless you Tr. Rebecca, Your passion and sincerity in teaching had reached me,the fact that i am very desperate to speak english fluently, i’m glad to tell you that I’ve learned a lot from your lessons. Now, i am more confident.. Thank you so much and more power to you..
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Thank you many I am new here and I will learn all your lessons and I will be able to speak English like spokespersons and I will be grateful for you
thank you very much
Thank you very much Rebecca for this valuable lesson … May you please tell me what tenses are preferred to be used in the writing section of the TOFEL ibt Exam ?. Are they the three tenses you told us to master the most or it doesn’t matter …
Hi Rebecca,
thank you very much. You are so great teacher and your explanations are clear a very helpful
take care
hi Rebecca,
am new to follow your teaching and they are interesting. you are teaching us verbs and you began with easy ones. do you have some document about irregular verbs? they some how complicate me.
Thanks a lot.It was really fantastic lesson dear teacher.
It was a lesson for about three months.
adorable teacher.
dear mam. rebecca, thank you very much for this wonderful lesson. because of this, I know now how to use tenses in my writing. it helps me a lot.
Hi Rebecca
I have been learning English for three years now but, I still confuse where to use present perfect continuous and present perfect simple I would thankful if you could possibly give me some exercises related to these particular tenses. My best wishes for you and your team.
Hello dear teacher Rebecca. Thank you very much for your lessons, you are a great teacher, I really enjoy it. Could you explain me the concept, or the meaning of the word “tense”, please? Thak you again.
very useful but I want to ask you what is the difference between these two word in meaning ?
continuous and progressive
This is very effective and convenient! thank you!
Among these tenses, Past Perfect continuous is the hard tense that make me very confused. Thank Rebecca for let me understand about Grammar Function.
Dear Teacher Rebecca
Many thanks for your kind efforts,
Can I know what kind of tens in this sentence (have been discussed)
“Two forms of punishment have been discussed by the political philosopher in his essay”
Thanks in Advanced,
Also please, i’d like to ask about the tens for (was being applied)
“Pressure was being applied to the wound (by the doctor) to stop the flow of blood.”
I have lived in Vietnam for 20years. I love my country so much. But, I want to go abroad to study and visit some beautiful sceneries around the world.
anyone want to talk eith me in eng like as a practice?? then give me your number on whatsapp!!
Pffft, there r 2 wrong!
yeah! i know, with and english
Thanks teacher. I really like your lessons.
I have a question and I hope you could clarify this matter to me, because it’s really confusing me.
which one of the following statements is more likely to be correct and why?
1/ It was raining, so I didn’t go out.
2/It has been raining, so I didn’t go out.
Thanks in advance.
More tenses please and explain further.
Kudos to all teachers here, thank you for sharing your knowledge free and with enthusiasm. May Godbless you all for your big heart.
i got 8 out of 8.
thanks teacher :)
Hi, Rebecca! I would like to understand, if there is any real meaning difference between: 1) “I have been cleaning the house for three hours” and “I have cleaned the house for three hours”. 2) “I will have been working here for ten years tomorrow, so we’re having a party” and “I will have worked here for ten years tomorrow, so we’re having a party”. 3) “I have been working on that project for the last two weeks” and “I have worked on that project for the last two weeks”. According to my comprehending there is no significant difference in sense between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous in those three cases, is not it? Thank you.
GOT 100 yupee!
Dear Rebecca
This simple reviewing of the English conjugation is very useful. Thank you.
Best regards.
Thank you for your lesson!
I got 7/8
Thank you!
yes! Its helpful …
thanks , good job.
thanks… it is very easy and effective website to learn English, with so many good option and ideas. I really like it.
i everyone,
i had seen some video in youtube which is interesting with me. i live in vietnames and i want to improve my english because my english is very bad so i hope…everyone can help me improve all of skills. thanks
Very interesting and useful, thanks.
I need to practice a lot
Hi Rebecca, i got confused of the question 5.
5. Identify the verb tense. They are going to call you later.
isn’t it should be “Future simple” instead? Thanks
for “they are to call you later”, isn’t the future simple!?
well done. thank so much. It’s so difficult but I am going to try my best.
Awwww such a good explanation! Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks, Rebecca! Great Lesson! Now I’ll study one by one of theses tenses
It was very fantastic and helpful
Thank you
Hello! Rebecca I have a doubt, in these links:
I didn’t find the Future Progressive/Continuous explained in video. There’s something wrong?
i passed the test
Thank you Rebecca i need more practice
Hello mam. My name is bindhu .I am living in uae.
I would be delighted if you would do a video on adjectives.
Thanks Ma’am ??
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
Thanks you so much.
7 0ut 0f 8 (:
Very useful :)thanks
i am just confused still with the present perfect tense. . .the tense is in present but the verbs are in the form of past tense or past participle maybe. . .that is why i thought it’s something like past tenses
I’m very confusing how to use present perfect and past past perfect tenses.
Thanks Rebecca! I got 100 at the test. Despite that result, I think I need more practice with english tenses because I forget them easily. So, I often will come back here.
i got 100%
thank you dear teacher. Really all the teachers are good , but I like your way of teaching more !
Hi Teacher Rebecca,
I did the practice test well, except 8th one.
” 8. Identify the verb tense. No thanks, I’ve already had lunch. ” this one made me a little confused due to the presence of “already and had” but I understood after repeated reading.
Thank you for the lesson, and I am extremely thankful to the EngVid team and teachers (Emma, Rebecca, Alex, Adam, James, Ronnie, Jade, Benjamin, Gill, Valen and Jon) for providing the free platform for enthusiastic English learners like me.
Dear fellow learners, please watch, share or refer to friends and support this wonderful online academy engVid.com.
I wish you all very happy Healthy and successful new year 2017.
thank you. my score is 100.
Hi Rebecca ,
Can you please explain Qno. 8th in the quiz
I already had lunch. ?????
So first of all I should study Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple isn’t it?
Thanks, Rebecca.Good lesson. I got 88
Thanks, Rebecca, it was excellent video how can I improve my English to avoid grammatical error.
Thank you so much for your teaching
Thanks! Excellent video!!!!
Thank you Rebecca
I got only 6/8. I am going to try more.
You are the best teacher I ever seen .You remind me of my secondary teacher back in my country .It is so easy to understand when you guys explain
Today I got 7/8 I can noticed that I am improving :D
thank you ma’am
i just wanna know about some more details specifically about present perfect continuous tense as well as past and future perfect continuous tense
I got 6/8! Thanks for the lesson!
Hi Rebecca. I’m new at here. I study verb tenses. At this link “https://www.engvid.com/english-resource/english-verb-tenses/” Examples of English Verb Tenses table and Common Time Expressions for English Verb Tenses table, Present Perfect name written “Present Present”… You may correction they please? Thank you for everything…
simple clear easy all the best for you
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thanks a lot.
Simple and easy approach. God bless engvid family :-)
thank you
Hello Engvid ! the videos and the lessons are amazing but there is one big problem is the sound is so bad I can’t concentrate.
thank you
Thanks Rebecca, it is a very intersting and helpfull lesson. My great probleme in English was the tenses and how use them. after this lesson i begin indertstanding and see clearly.
6/8 in the quiz not bad for me at the first time, don’t think? anny way, thank you very much.
Thank you so much mam, for your efforts, and valuable,precious time to giving us.
I have got 6 correct out of 8,thank you Rebecca
“You got 6 correct out of 8” – thanks a lot! when I studied English at school I really lacked just such a whole view of the times. When language learning is done using the deductive method.
Alhamdulilha. I obtain 8 out of 8. Thanks.
Hello Ms.Rebecca.
Thank you for your lessons and it’s very helpfull.
Thx :)
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for your video, it’s very helpful.
Thanks Rebbeca this lesson have been very interesting!
I have got 7 correct out of 8,thank you Rebecca
I watched this video twice on September 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got eight out of 8.
is there any groups that help me to speak eng
i hope a person helpe mee my number is 252618611112
its really an intresting quiz to improve my grammar knowledge
Thanks Rebecca. I got 8 correct.
Many thanks Rebecca I am sure that I am going to make progress if I continued listening to your class and all your advisors.
W/B regards.
Thanks Rebecca. I finished quiz and done 8 correct.
Thank you!
Thank you engvid for this amazing course
Thank you so much for this lesson