Hi, Alex, what’s up?
Thank you for your wonderful video class (and explanation). I’ve got a question, maybe you could help me to undertand it.
Let’s pretend a friend of mine tells me he is going with me to church. Using this verb as a main one, how can I use it in the past?
Let’s pretend a friend of mine tells me something like this: “I’m going to church with you”.
How can I say this same sentence in the past?
He told me he was going to church with me?
He told me he was going TO GO to church with me?
or BOTH?
Thanks again.
Bye for now.
First of all, I wanna thank Alex for this awesome video
Secondly, according to the sentence that Wenderson wrote sayin “I’m going to Church with you”
Well, that’s different coz this sentence is in present continuous tense where you guys are on your way to Church, so the sentence should be written this way ” I’m going to go with you to church” and if we want to make in the past ; ” I was going to go with you to Church” that’s all
Hi Wenderson,
You can use both. The difference is that in one sentence you are using the past continuous tense to talk about the future (“He told me he was going to church with me”), and in the other you are using the construction I talked about above. To me, the second sentence sounds a little better, and more common in my own experience.
Thanks Alex. I think we can use both but there are some differences in meaning. “He told me he was going to church with me” is only the past continuous tense and not talking about the future. Just like, “he told me he was eating when light went out yesterday”.Second one is correct to describe the future action in past. I am your student so hope you excuse me if i misunderstood.
I wasn’t gonna study 2day but i changed my opinion
simple and meaningful.thanks
Hi Alex,
Could you tell me what is the difference between “Going to” and “Going to go to”. i can’t grasp it.
Looking to hear from you.
Hi sandeep,
Good question!
The formula for using “going to” for future plans is this:
Subject + be + going to + base verb
You can say things like “I am going to see a movie,” or “I am going to stay at home this weekend.”
“I am going to go” is just another variation of this structure. You are using GO as the base verb. You can say something like “I am going to go to my aunt’s house tomorrow,” or “I am going to go to the library.”
In spoken word, many English speakers also use the following form:
“I am going to go see a movie.”
While this is technically grammatically awkward, it sounds natural and is accepted by native English speakers.
I hope this helps.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for telling me.
So you mean both sense are right. means we use “going to” in written whereas “going to go” in spoken English. is it right?
Hoping to hear from you.
Hi Alex I have a question about your explanation
You wrote: “I am going to go see a movie”
Why not you put the verb “to” next to the verb “go”?
Can you omit the verb “to” in this case or you can add too?
Thanks in advance :D
sorry “you can add it too”
I wasn’t going to leave a Comment, but I found this Lesson with a question useful for me, so thank you Alex.
Good job.
thank you for this lesson
I got 9 out of 10! Nice score but I want it perfect. hehe. I was confused with this because of the word “game”:
The game __________ be played at 1pm, but it rained, so they postponed the starting time.
I answered were going to instead of was going to. Anyway, thanks for a wonderful lesson Teacher Alex! :)
lol..same here apple…
apple? you’re her boyfriend
Avril Lavigne
I got 9 out of 10
Thanks Alex it’s very helpful.
Thank you)))))))))
very useful.,thank u.
I’m a little confused on when i’m going to use “was” and “were”. Is it related on singular or plural subjects. Should i use was when i’m talking about a single subject? but “were” is also used in single subject like “i thought you were going to be there.”.. Thank you very much for helping us.
-Jeiami from the Philippines
Dear Jeiami,
He + was
She + was
It + was
All others + were
Hi jeiami,
It all depends on which subject you are using. Here are the rules for “was” and “were” depending on the subject:
I was
You were
He/She/It was
We were
They were
Good luck! I hope this helps!
Thank you Alex cuz I was lose too.
Carlos from Granada, Nicaragua.
Hi Alex,
I would know if I can substitute this form “I was/were going…” with conditional form, for example: “I should have called you but I forgot”. Is it the same or is it wrong?
Thanks a lot
Your sentence is correct, but it has a slightly different meaning. “I should have called you” shows regret about the past, while “I was going to call you” shows an intention or plan you had in the past, but that you did not act on.
Great lesson Alex.
I have a question:
What’s the difference between ‘I was to’ and ‘I was going to’? They seem to be almost the same. Perhas I was to is old fashioned because I run across it in books.
Hi Juan,
“I was to” is not common in everyday speech, and the only example I can think of where you would use it is in formal situations or literature. For example:
“I was to call her early the next day.”
In this case, “I was to” shows that the person had an obligation to call. It’s similar to saying “I was supposed to call her the next day.”
“I was going to call her” shows a past intention or plan, and has a slightly different meaning.
I hope this helps.
Hello Ronnie,
Thanks a lot for your video’s. I have a quick question about “use of haven’t”. Could you please explain me?
Many thanks
Hey Alex. One more question: What’s the difference between WILL and GOING TO?
Rey - Brazil
That’s a big question, so I will try to give you a compact answer. :)
“Going to” is used for set plans in the future. You use it to talk about things that are likely to happen, or that you are very certain of.
“Will” is used to make predictions about the future, or when you make a decision at the moment. For example:
“Do you want to see a movie tonight?”
“I have some work to do at home first, but okay, I will be there!”
hi thanks for the lesson its really helpfull.make learning more fun…:)
hi teacher Alex;
I scored 10 out of 10 thanks alot,I appreciate your help…..
Not a problem! Congratulations on your quiz score!
Hello my friend , my browser can not show the video , can you help me ?
thanks a lot
Hi! Check if you can see other Youtube videos; if not, it might be blocked where you are, or you might need to install the Flash plugin.
Can you guys provide a lesson about the parameters we should fellow to choose a good bilingual dictionary.
The oxford dictionaries. Actually I think that you were going to make a good purchase, obviously from english into your language and veceverse.
Alex .. i like your way in teaching especially in grammer lessons .. god bless u ..
i have a problem and i need to help
the problem is in using past perfect, present perfect and future perfect.. can you made a lesson in those subjects as Comparison ..
and what is the time that we should to write or speak in past perfect, present perfec..and future perfect ..
thanks and have a nice night sir ..
thanks so much , Teacher Alex ,i really got a great benefit of you in this subject and i like the way you teach and your speech can be understood for all
thik you for that i love this
Hi Alex
your teaching was great !
thank you
hello alex
how are you…i hope you are very well
thank you for this videos and i am grateful to your hard work
fathy from egypt
Hi Alex,
I like it very much you’re great teacher who explains simply
good question for me
i can learn for my exam
Thank you so much…what a great service you are rendering to us-the second language strugglers!
Abundant blessings to you from the Almighty Creator!
Thank you for your interesting lecture. I found your website today and I have decided to be your student till now.
Alex, you’re great ! My listening have been improving since I heard you. And this lesson was very good ! Thank you !
Thanks Alex for the nice Video lesson.
10 out of 10 like usual :-) thanks once again Mr. Alex for great efforts.
Thank You Sir For This Great Lesson.
Javed Ahmed
Can I say ‘I am going to come to your house/your country/the party’?
Hi Alex first of all i want to say thanks to Engvid.
I want to download this videos for future purpose.Could you please help me..
hello sir Alex,i really appreciate your way in teaching grammar,thanks u so much ,and i hope one day you will going to talk about tenses ,it’s an issue for us,because english is our third language
Mr. Alex you are the best
thanks for this lesson it’s very usefull :)
Hi there alex i have a question to u that is
When should we use so and too
Example(am so hungry? or am too hungry?)
this structure seems to be a little bit similar to reported speech….isn’t it Alex?? thanks
Dear Teacher Alex,
Thank you so much for your help. I scored 10 out of 10!
Tanks Alex
I’m really find help in your lessons, and my English was improved.
your are gentle teacher
ur marvellous teacher
Thanks Alex I will practise everyday
I really don’t know how to thank you .
Alex, thanks fot this lesson…
you are great,please give me some information about a good book to read
I finally found a great internet english course for free!!!!
i got the perfect score.. hehe.. i thought i didn’t understand… but, i understand… hehe… tnx.
Thank you Alex.
I was planing to get the full score, but I missed 2 points!
That is because I thought that this is so easy!
Thanks Alex for THIS lesson . I have a question “could I use a semicolon instead of however between independent clauses ?
I have six faults=)
Thanx dear teacher!!!!(***)
Dear Sir,
thank you for your worndeful video & Explanation. sir please can you help me regarding english spelling problems.last 4 year i am try to corret my spelling but it ont work out so please can you help me
syalalala….got 9 point :))) not bad, I will work harder ::))
Thanks for the lesson Alex ::))
i learned a lot by studing ur lectures. thnxxxx
I scored 9 out of 10.
thank you teachers so much
Thank u for ur lessones .I got a good mark
Thank you for your lessons.
God Bless you for being a great teacher.
from Granada, Nicaragua
Sao Pulo, Monday 2nd May 2011
Hi there
My name is Edson and i live in Sao Paulo Brazil i have been studying English
to improve my knoledgement.
However i have some doubts about
Past perfect tense.
Please guys send me some examples.
Thank you for while.
May you have a fantastic week.
Warm Regards.
nice video.. i like the way you explained the the future in the past.. it helps me a lot.
thank you teacher for everything
thank you teachers for everything
Thank you so much i learn so much thanks for helping :)thanx
hi Alex, I just had known the phan in the future. And with your lesson I have known the future in the past. thank you so much!
dear sir!
i was thought my english is terrible but now i am doing better sir
thanks to you sir…
thank you very much teacher Alex. it was very interesting and understandable for me. i couldn’t understand before this grammar. but in this lesson there isn’t quiz(test) above. i enjoy your lesson quiz after i watched your lessons. and thanks a lot. i wish you good luck.
hello Alex,
Im learned easy and understand clear.
Thanks a lot….
Hi, Alex
I listen to you everyday because you (and your collegue)have an american accent, no british accent,so sometimes I get lost and I don’t understand “any” steps of your speech, but I can understand the meaning of it, that is very useful for me because I need to learn (for my job) american accent, thanks. But I wanna do a question…. Why do the English teachers in the world continue to teach grammar rules? In this way when we (pupils)speak we always think at the rules ….present perfect…no, present perfect continuous….now I have to put “any” (because negative sentence)….yes but it’s interrogative sentence with “would” so I have to put “some” no “any” ….little no few or very fewer ecc. We (pupils) won’t speack fluenty but in hiccup way. I answer corretly at all your questions on test-quiz, without knowing any rule (I made it before to look your video). So my suggest is… we should learn english like a baby who doesn’t know any rule but he can speaks corretly when you go at the first elementary school, how?? listenig his parents, his brothers, his friends, listening everybody and relate with them. Sorry, it wasn’t my intention to teach someone something, I just wanted to exchange some opinions. Let me know something and sorry for my english.
Bye from Italy
I agree with most of what you said. Let’s see what Alex says…
Hi 610seiunozero! I would like to react to your comment. Yes, it’d be super not to learn any grammatical rules and just learn a language by “intuition” such as babies… but to be honest I don’t think it can work and I explain you why! I’m French and I live in Italy since 10 years. Before coming in Italy, I could speak a little Italian but I’ve learnt most of the things living here. As I see it, living in a country is the easiest way to learn a language (you have no choice, to be understood you have to speak and listen!) but don’t delude yourself if you think it’d be enough! If you don’t learn and understand rules, you always speak an approximated language. Of course, you’d able to speak and be understood by others, but you’ll never speak like natives ones. Even if you do mistakes, no one corrects you! (because they don’t want to offend you , because they understand so that’s enough for them, because they don’t care or because they themselves don’t speak well!!!) If I tell you that last week, I’ve “discovered” a new Italian grammatical rule after 10 years living here!!! (10 years of mistakes!!!! OOOOPS!) For the babies, it’s a different story. They are “new” and not conditioned by a language and a way of thinking! Their brains are new and ready to learn everything. I’m a mother of a 5-years-old boy and for my son it’s a complete different story than for me. I’ve always spoken to him in French and his father in Italian. Now he’s completely bilingual. He can speak fluently the both languages without any problem and in a very natural way. I’m sure that within few years he’ll speak better Italian than me! I am also sure that even if I speak fluently Italian I could never be bilingual as my son. (for example, I’m still not able to do a multiplication in Italian, I have to calculate in French!!) But for the rules that you always need to think about, don’t worry! That’s true, that at the beginning you hesitate, you need to think about… (and not in a very natural way !) but that’s normal! Your brain need to be used at a new way of thinking with a logical different from your normal ones. The important thing is to learn the rule at least one time. (and of course to understand it!!) and little by little, when you’ll see the rule in different contexts (film, book…) without even thinking about it, you’ll understand and the most important thing, you’ll memorize it and be able to use later it without problems! More you study the rules, (and exceptions!!) better you’ll understand the logical and better you’ll speak after!! (nearly as a native one!) I’m not a teacher, I just wanted to share my experience. I’d be glad if you’d let me know what you think about my way of thinking!!! Bye.
P.S. Who is the “zero” one?! (610?) :)
Wow, you were so brief!
I know! Brevity has always been my strong point… :)
Hi there,
U’ve shared ur profitable experiences as well.Lots of tx.
Best of luck!
Thanks Fatiima for your nice comment! Even if I think now that the day I wrote my comment I was a “little” out of mind… My comment seems more a book than a comment!! ;) Thanks anyway!!! All the best to you!
Hi Milly,
I’d like your comment very much and it was very useful to me really thanks for sharing this rich information i’m living in turkey now and i’m confused about what is the best way to learn language and use it as a native speaker
can you help me and give me an advice like notes to follow according to your experience,
thanks in advanced
How can I know is it you in the last question one person or more?
Is not it possible that the answer can be “is going to” if there is only one person?
yeaah I got 8 of 10 !! thats good!! isn’t it???
Hi~!!!your explain is good to me. i’ve been studing english but It’s difficult to me that how to speak english . but I will do my best!!
sunghee seo
Thank you for knowledge. see ya
thank you Mr Alex for this helpful podcast
I am begineer English student. I am wonder, that helpful web page to learn this important and necessary Idiom. Thanks to all teachers, the classes are perfect.
Maria del Pilar
I’am a Filipino and I’m really willing to learn more about English language/grammar rules and everything. This topic is very interesting and I hope that more lessons to post and examples. thanks for this site I really like it. thanks also for sharing your knowledge to all of us. more power and God bless as will.
I like very your all lessons
Hi people and all the teachers, you are the best . I love english and like to see your videos on you tube.
I would like to say Hi teacher Ronnie! nice to meet you.
Mr.Alex, thanks fot this lesson…
Thanks Alex for you time
Thank you
you helped me a lot
keep going :)
Oow !
ıt was my fırst full little quiz. ı was always failed the exams. but that time was different thanks alex it was awesome with your explanation!
you good man :D
thanks Alex
you helped me alot
Thank you Alex!
Thank you, Alek. You are very good teacher. Your explanation is very easy for understanding.
hi Alex, i love the video and the way you teach. it s help me lot to explain to my students. i m a new comer. i have some questions related to the future in the past.what is the different between “was/were+going to” and “would” in the future in the past?when we use “would”? how about “should” can it be used for future in the past?
looking to hear from you
tiyut from indonesia
you are great guys! very good job and for free!
im from greece and im preparing for proficiency in november!
Hi Alex, I am from Saudi and you lesson was so helpfull for me
hi Mr.Alex
i m a new student here, i like ur teaching, i got many knowledge about english here…
thank u very much…
thank you very much
i need more practice yea because i get 6 out of 10
ibrahim magale
thanx for your valuable help.IT cleared my doubts
can we say :
you promised us that you would do something?(in the future of the past?)??
Omar alkaisi
tsss nice lesson, it was very helpful, thanks a lot!
Sorry Mr Engvid for the lenght of the message!! I haven’t realized that it was so long!! OOOPPPS! :)
thanks alot MR ALEX .
Hi Teacher Alex, I scored 10 out of 10. Thanx a lot for your wonderful lesson! However, I’ve some doubts about the perfect tenses. Would you please explain the difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous;the past perfect and past perfect continuous and lastly the future perfect and future perfect continuous.And please send me an example of each. Thank you very much in advance..God bless..
first of all i’d like to thnk Mr.Alex !hope you doing well . I still lerning some base points which can help me to bring up my self . Thank u for ur wonder speechs . have great days .
chenna rao
hi alex
thx for your excellent pictorial presentation……i think every one can understand this video ….thx a lot.
but i have one problem it is very shame to me.i can’t remember selling of english words. please tell me which way i have to prates to remember the spelling of words
am waiting for your response ………..urs Naveen from INDIA
I will follow all your vid ….I really appreciate your effort!
Hi Alex I`m from Brazil, was a pleasure to meet you again on the internet.I have ever been studied with you in Montreal just alf two months ago in A.L.I, you are a skil teacher grammar in my opinion, tank you for this lesson,but I`m going to study more. I hope a answer you.
Hi my favorite teacher Mr. Alex,
i offer you sincere thanks a lot to open my eye. i want to know is there any differences between UK and USA English in pronunciation and grammar? Kindly solute me.Best of luck.
Don’t we write the last sentence like “You promised that you were going to help me TO study”?
hai alex.u r classes very nice.i under stand u r classes easily……….thank u……….
I think your lesson is very useful.I like it.Thanhk you so much.Trung from VIetNam
phan thanh trung
this is the great video! thanks for your lesson!
Thanks Alex so much!I like the way of your teaching,I think,i learn more some of time,my english can be improve to the best!!!!
He alex that was great lesson, I just recently realized that my english was so poor for work particularly in grammar ,and verily find an Engvid is awesome.
thanks Alex for this lesson.
I was going to give this website adresse’s to my freind,but i forgot.
First of all thank you very much! Could you please clarify usage BIG and LARGE. Many thanks.
Hi Alex.
Thanks for all your useful lessons.
I have some problems in using “future in the past” .
For example when I wanna say
“before I got here, my supervisor had emailed me and told me that he … come to the airport to pick me up, but I replied that I… already asked the pick up service of the uni to pick me up” I don’t know which tenses I should use in the gaps!
I guess it shouldn’t be was/were going to. Am I right?
hi teacher alex, thank you for this wonderful and very informative video.:)
Iam going to learn english in school but iwas going to study in english vidio
mohamed eltahir
Thanks, Alex. Your explanations are very logically and I like it.
Could i ask a little confusing question? For example, you said that you are going to visit your friend in two days. But you come earlier, i.e. next day, and you are going to explain this situation.
“I was going to visit you tomorrow, but I have arrived today”. Is it right or wrong?
Thank you
love it..!!!
hi sir,
this video really helped me. thank u so much.
Hello!! Alex you are good teacher.
Thank you Alex, your lessons better.
I have some broblem with this.
______ you _________ tell us?
Was you going to…
Were you going to…
Why is firs answer is wrong? I think with I we need to use Was.
Thank you.
Thank you a lot Mr Alex , you are so good teacher ,,,,
hi Alex!
I’ve a question… the “FUTURE IN THE PASST” could be used in other types of future? thanks…
thanks a lot
hello alex, i have a couple duoubts: why in the two last questions i cant use the word was? because the correct answer start whit were you going to… and the last were going to
i hope you can help me. tanks
hello alex!! i think you are great teacher, and this lesson is very useful.. but i would like to learn about future perfect, future perfect continuous and future continuous, i am a little confuse.. i hope you can help me..
hi alex
i m in canada,and want to improve my english what shuld i do ?
do you have esl centre?
thx sir it’s amazing
am question Alex what is de different between yet and still; could you explain to me. i am a student the low level and my english it is not so good.
i am sorry i wrote a mistake in the first comment. i wanted to write ” i have question. i expect that you understad me.
thanks sir
Am new for this video lesson,wow it is amezing thanks for all techers
Dear Alex, I am very weak of in English, but I got 10 out of 10! thank you for your wanderful video lesson.
Ramzan Hosen Bhuia
What is the correct way: church is me and you or church are me and you?
Cris Smedley
Perfect Alex!! thanks
thanks you save me
thanks Alex for this wonderful lesson.
Hi teacher
I would like to ask you about the grammar for this sentence:
I thought you were going to call me, but you didn’t!
It should need a connector between “I thought” and “you were…..?”
who in this world is Alex??? I don’t know him… I want to be his friend =)
I love this class!
I’m happy because you are a big help for me!!! Thanks!
Thanks Alexitow!
very useful video on english,many days thought how to talk future in past..even got tired of thinking thanks a lot alex…..
you r doing job wall .i want to study with u with skype is is possible
I can’t find the words to thank you.
salomon pierre
Thank you Alex For your lesson.
Good Job.
Which is correct?
‘Normalcy’ or ‘Normality’
What is the difference between wiil and shall?
Which sentence is correct?
“I will call you at 8pm”
“I shall call you at 8pm”
Hi Alex,
Which correct verb shall be used in this sentence?
The loss of his jobs was/were a big blow to his family.
thanks you are the best
Hi Teacher! Thanks for your explanation on… talking about future in the past. You always explain the classes in an easy and direct way!
I love to learn with you, you´re a good teacher! :)
hi ronnie,one day at the store i had heard this man asking his friend .’are finish to buy? is it right?..in my oppinion seems like its not correct..am i correct with my sentences?thank alot..
Teacher, what part of speech is this highlighted?
I want >to go< but I can’t
The way Alex is teaching on engVid, its really very easy to understand it, thanks to made this learning easy with your great effort.
I had also seen many idioms lesson, and wishing few more idioms lesson from Alex.
thank you Alex you are my best online teacher , good luck
THANK YOU,Alex!!! I’ve got 10 score!!! It means your explanation was perfect!!!
Thanks Alex,another great lesson!
hello teacher !you are so ,greatful for me i guess so! Actually i am not a qualify person but i am really intrest in english this is the hobby of my real life and i am going to learn english as much as i long .thank you so much and just read my comment i don’t know it is right or wrong .
Hello, Alex… I´m confused in sth….
You said that this is talk about about things that were planned but never happened… So there is one example in you video “I always knew you were going to marry” and it actually happened… so the rule was broken about failed things that we planned in the future ???? I’m confused… can you explain that one to me… thanks!
Nataly Barrios
In other examples Alex has included ‘but’
But it didn’t happen..
Hı Sir
Thank you so much for all your lessons but would please explain me how can ı know when (you) is plural or single in a phrase for expl. the 2 last phrases in the quiz
I have a question, I know the Topic is was/were + going to, but can we use another verb in gerund, and If we can use it, what kind of verb it would be??
the sentence is ” I saw him pass by my house yesterday” does it mean ” I saw him going past by my house yesterday”?
That’s correct!
Well done :) I like the way you teach.
HI, its very useful for me Thanku sir…!
hi, Alex! When you say ” was going ” and when “went”. The bought are on past tense but when you use it?
And what about the use of “would” for the future in the past..?
and what about the future in the past by using “would”?
That’s also possible.
“I believed/thought/felt that he would run over me!”
Can I say “She said He would be going to call” instead of “She said He was going to call”?
In other words can I use “Future Continuos-in-the-Past” instead of “Was/Were going to”?
Thanks in advance =)
Hi in my opinion we will not use like that .‘I am going to’ is similar to ‘will’ but ‘i was going to is not equal to ‘would’.
she told me they would win but they didn’t
Thank you Alex.
Quite bloody example.. :-)
(sorry for my question repetion, unintentional..).
Are there any significant differences between the two uses?
Can somebody help?
What’s the difference between “it” and “this”. I mean when and how do we use them?
It is a book vs this is a book, whats the difference?
Hi i think both are correct.Here book is an object it,this can be used to represent such an object.
What is this? This is a book
What is it? It is a book
Thanks so much
Excelent lesson Alex, thank you very much
awesome sir,thank you so moch
wow…..i liked your explanation alex, yet i have to teach it to MEXICAN students, hence it becomes WAY more, i wouldn´t say harder just more challenging. cuz of that whole past in the future in the past….that is confusing on its own…but thanks, cool vid bro!
Actually a heve a problem in using past tense..when i use was/were and when i use past verb..”i played football yesterday or i was play football yesterday..
Hi..In my opinion
‘I am going to’ is similar to ‘will’
Therefore the past tense of ‘I am going to’ is ‘I was going to or You/They were going to’..This one is based on a future plan in the past,which is different from ‘i played football yesterday or i was playing(play+ing–continuous action ) football yesterday.
would tell me how to use thought and tohgh
I enjoy your explanations about “was/were going”. Thank you!
i got perfect score!! tnx sir alex…
Thank you Alex for the excellent lesson. Cheers!!
Hi,Every One I from india I have just registerd on this webside I working in BPO and i just improve my US & Uk english acccent is there any lesson it will help me to my english accent.
Pandit Gurav
Pandit Gurav
I got 8 points, but I have a doubt if the negative or affirmative answer change the result.
I mean that the answer in negative can be as correct as affirmative because we are making a test of tenses.
wowwwww I got 100,,greatttt,,Thanks sir Alex,,,,:)
Thank you Alex. I really learn from this.
Thank you Alex! Is this correct Are you going to be finished with your report by Friday? Thank you.
I got 100 so it is simple and very nice. By virtue of my excellent teacher Alex. Thanks so much for Alex.
Very useful lesson I took today.
One more time Thank u so much my great far… far… teacher.
I have no money to pay an English course( here in Brazil is very expensive).I’ve always taken English class by myself through the books,magazine and I never had a teacher.
But now when I can go to the Lan house I watch engvid my virtual school.It’s amazing.
Hi Alex
Thanks for your video, I got 9 correct out of 10. I have a question here.
What if I want to express my thought in the past and the thought would happen in the future? For example ,in the present, I’m talking to my B friend about a letter that my A friend said he/ she will call B friend (future plan). But A hasn’t called B. So I’m not sure whether A would call B. I believed in the past and I have no idea now. ( A didn’t say what time will he/ she call. Maybe A might call later but we don’t know.)
The time line is like: [4pm] A said to me; [9pm, in the present, now] I’m talking to B.
Does the sentence “I thought A is going to call you (B)” make sense?
Because it’s not the case that I were A, I don’t know whether A forget or not. Probably A doesn’t forget, it’s just because B and I don’t know when A will call. In your video, the examples you gave almost describe the thing should haven’t/ have been done in the past and the thing did/ didn’t finish- all are in the past.
I think “I thought A was going to call you” is more like… I’m telling B that I believe A was just saying and I’m sure that A won’t call. Is it right?
I’ve never thought this would so much esay.. I appreciate that. Thank you!
thanks very much
I’ve got perfect score. thank you so much.
Bel Linwood
Happy Sunday everyone, I answered 3 quizzes this morning and I’ve got perfect score. I love EngVid.
Bel Linwood
very good lesson,but I have one questions to quiz number 3.The verb after going to is past smple .Why.
Alex I perfectly understood the lesson on second chance do 100 per cent thanks I am having a better understanding of the english language.
hi Alex please let me know difference between past continuous and past future cause the structure is same and I got confuse
Thank you for the lesson! I enjoyed so much!
Nadia Vivanco
You are a lifesaver.
I got 80 %. Thanks.
Thank You very much MR ALEX.
mohy tahon
Thank you, Alex.
I wasn’t going to sleep last night because I had to prepare a presentation. However, I slept since 8pm.
Ha ha, i going to learn it or NOT?
Nguyen Dai An
It’s a joke :D
Nguyen Dai An
Excellent your explanation, Alex. Thanks.
Manuel Guevara
Present Continuous with a Future meaning.
Could you talk about this tense?
I need to learn that, really. Thanks in advance.
Hi, alex! Your lessons are very useful to us. Thanks!
I would ask you a question about the difference between “going to” and “will”. How should I use these two terms?
Thank you Sir.
I was going to see you at my dream last night so I slept but you didn’t come
What happened
Hi Alex,
Could you tell me what is the difference between “Going to” and “Going to go to”. i can’t grasp it.
Looking to hear from you.
thank you for helping struggling people like us, Alex
Thank you very much!
very nice
Thanks alex, I got 9 out of 10
Tarik rahmouni
Thanks Alex was great
Leandra Mianutti
I got 9 out of 10. I thought I was going to have less than that. thanks for your help.
I did not know about this tense.
Thanks Alex was great
Thanks for all Alex… excellent video
Héhéhé 10/10 !! you rock Alex !!! thank you !!!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your videos. It helped me. In the parties or when we go out with friends. I feel very awkward with my stupid English. I won’t answer properly for their questions. Very good English speaking is my life ambition. I lost so many friends because I won’t speak or share my feelings. I will practice each and every quiz. Thank you..
Avani y
What is the difference in meaning?
I’m going to call you at 8 pm.
I’ll be calling you at 8 pm.
Thank you for your lessons..
She is going to get married next week .or she is going to be getting married..which one is correct
Thanks Alex.
Thank you Alex for your really helpful lesson, I liked it and I did the quiz but I got just 9 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,perfect explanation.
could you make some videos on similar topic for example sentencies like this:
“If I had known this was coming ….”
“There was no chance I was waking up in the morning”
I understand the meaning but what would be the difference using other tenses:
“If I had known this was going to come/would come ….”
“There was no chance I was going to wake up/would wake up in the morning”
Awesome , I got 100 points out of 10 in first time tried. Thanks
I got 100 points out of 10 in first time tried. Thanks
Hey Alex,
thanks for wonderful lessons, by the way, I’m interested in helping Engvid to translate your videos.
Please, tell me how to make a contact with Engvid.
Best regards :)
Hi, Milunovic!
You can add subtitles to engVid videos by clicking the gear (⚙️) icon in the lower right corner of the video, beside the CC button. Click on “Subtitles/CC” in the settings menu that comes up, and there should be an option to add your own subtitles. Here’s a picture of where the option is. For more details, see this help article.
engVid Moderator
I got 10 out of 10 :) i love your video
thank you very much Mr.Alex
Aml Mounier
That video was great Mr. Alex. Thanks a lot.
Jose Guoz
amazing good teacher forever
Hi Alex I am Emmy from Indonesia. It is good to see you by this video. I do hope by this video can really help me in my english skill. It is very useful for me. But my main problems in english is about grammer and tenses. Do you have any suggesstion how I am going trough?
Btw I like to see your way how to teach us by this video. It is awasome
I watched this video twice on May 13, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Nice video to teach. Keep it up and love to see more such stuff. Thank you.
mine date 31/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Alex
take care and stay out of troubles
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi, Alex, what’s up?
Thank you for your wonderful video class (and explanation). I’ve got a question, maybe you could help me to undertand it.
Let’s pretend a friend of mine tells me he is going with me to church. Using this verb as a main one, how can I use it in the past?
Let’s pretend a friend of mine tells me something like this: “I’m going to church with you”.
How can I say this same sentence in the past?
He told me he was going to church with me?
He told me he was going TO GO to church with me?
or BOTH?
Thanks again.
Bye for now.
First of all, I wanna thank Alex for this awesome video
Secondly, according to the sentence that Wenderson wrote sayin “I’m going to Church with you”
Well, that’s different coz this sentence is in present continuous tense where you guys are on your way to Church, so the sentence should be written this way ” I’m going to go with you to church” and if we want to make in the past ; ” I was going to go with you to Church” that’s all
Hi Wenderson,
You can use both. The difference is that in one sentence you are using the past continuous tense to talk about the future (“He told me he was going to church with me”), and in the other you are using the construction I talked about above. To me, the second sentence sounds a little better, and more common in my own experience.
Thanks Alex. I think we can use both but there are some differences in meaning. “He told me he was going to church with me” is only the past continuous tense and not talking about the future. Just like, “he told me he was eating when light went out yesterday”.Second one is correct to describe the future action in past. I am your student so hope you excuse me if i misunderstood.
I wasn’t gonna study 2day but i changed my opinion
simple and meaningful.thanks
Hi Alex,
Could you tell me what is the difference between “Going to” and “Going to go to”. i can’t grasp it.
Looking to hear from you.
Hi sandeep,
Good question!
The formula for using “going to” for future plans is this:
Subject + be + going to + base verb
You can say things like “I am going to see a movie,” or “I am going to stay at home this weekend.”
“I am going to go” is just another variation of this structure. You are using GO as the base verb. You can say something like “I am going to go to my aunt’s house tomorrow,” or “I am going to go to the library.”
In spoken word, many English speakers also use the following form:
“I am going to go see a movie.”
While this is technically grammatically awkward, it sounds natural and is accepted by native English speakers.
I hope this helps.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for telling me.
So you mean both sense are right. means we use “going to” in written whereas “going to go” in spoken English. is it right?
Hoping to hear from you.
Hi Alex I have a question about your explanation
You wrote: “I am going to go see a movie”
Why not you put the verb “to” next to the verb “go”?
Can you omit the verb “to” in this case or you can add too?
Thanks in advance :D
sorry “you can add it too”
I wasn’t going to leave a Comment, but I found this Lesson with a question useful for me, so thank you Alex.
Good job.
thank you for this lesson
I got 9 out of 10! Nice score but I want it perfect. hehe. I was confused with this because of the word “game”:
The game __________ be played at 1pm, but it rained, so they postponed the starting time.
I answered were going to instead of was going to. Anyway, thanks for a wonderful lesson Teacher Alex! :)
lol..same here apple…
apple? you’re her boyfriend
I got 9 out of 10
Thanks Alex it’s very helpful.
Thank you)))))))))
very useful.,thank u.
I’m a little confused on when i’m going to use “was” and “were”. Is it related on singular or plural subjects. Should i use was when i’m talking about a single subject? but “were” is also used in single subject like “i thought you were going to be there.”.. Thank you very much for helping us.
-Jeiami from the Philippines
Dear Jeiami,
He + was
She + was
It + was
All others + were
Hi jeiami,
It all depends on which subject you are using. Here are the rules for “was” and “were” depending on the subject:
I was
You were
He/She/It was
We were
They were
Good luck! I hope this helps!
Thank you Alex cuz I was lose too.
Carlos from Granada, Nicaragua.
Hi Alex,
I would know if I can substitute this form “I was/were going…” with conditional form, for example: “I should have called you but I forgot”. Is it the same or is it wrong?
Thanks a lot
Your sentence is correct, but it has a slightly different meaning. “I should have called you” shows regret about the past, while “I was going to call you” shows an intention or plan you had in the past, but that you did not act on.
Great lesson Alex.
I have a question:
What’s the difference between ‘I was to’ and ‘I was going to’? They seem to be almost the same. Perhas I was to is old fashioned because I run across it in books.
Hi Juan,
“I was to” is not common in everyday speech, and the only example I can think of where you would use it is in formal situations or literature. For example:
“I was to call her early the next day.”
In this case, “I was to” shows that the person had an obligation to call. It’s similar to saying “I was supposed to call her the next day.”
“I was going to call her” shows a past intention or plan, and has a slightly different meaning.
I hope this helps.
Hello Ronnie,
Thanks a lot for your video’s. I have a quick question about “use of haven’t”. Could you please explain me?
Many thanks
Hey Alex. One more question: What’s the difference between WILL and GOING TO?
That’s a big question, so I will try to give you a compact answer. :)
“Going to” is used for set plans in the future. You use it to talk about things that are likely to happen, or that you are very certain of.
“Will” is used to make predictions about the future, or when you make a decision at the moment. For example:
“Do you want to see a movie tonight?”
“I have some work to do at home first, but okay, I will be there!”
hi thanks for the lesson its really helpfull.make learning more fun…:)
hi teacher Alex;
I scored 10 out of 10 thanks alot,I appreciate your help…..
Not a problem! Congratulations on your quiz score!
Hello my friend , my browser can not show the video , can you help me ?
thanks a lot
Hi! Check if you can see other Youtube videos; if not, it might be blocked where you are, or you might need to install the Flash plugin.
Can you guys provide a lesson about the parameters we should fellow to choose a good bilingual dictionary.
The oxford dictionaries. Actually I think that you were going to make a good purchase, obviously from english into your language and veceverse.
Alex .. i like your way in teaching especially in grammer lessons .. god bless u ..
i have a problem and i need to help
the problem is in using past perfect, present perfect and future perfect.. can you made a lesson in those subjects as Comparison ..
and what is the time that we should to write or speak in past perfect, present perfec..and future perfect ..
thanks and have a nice night sir ..
thanks so much , Teacher Alex ,i really got a great benefit of you in this subject and i like the way you teach and your speech can be understood for all
thik you for that i love this
Hi Alex
your teaching was great !
thank you
hello alex
how are you…i hope you are very well
thank you for this videos and i am grateful to your hard work
Hi Alex,
I like it very much you’re great teacher who explains simply
good question for me
i can learn for my exam
Thank you so much…what a great service you are rendering to us-the second language strugglers!
Abundant blessings to you from the Almighty Creator!
Thank you for your interesting lecture. I found your website today and I have decided to be your student till now.
Alex, you’re great ! My listening have been improving since I heard you. And this lesson was very good ! Thank you !
Thanks Alex for the nice Video lesson.
10 out of 10 like usual :-) thanks once again Mr. Alex for great efforts.
Thank You Sir For This Great Lesson.
Can I say ‘I am going to come to your house/your country/the party’?
Hi Alex first of all i want to say thanks to Engvid.
I want to download this videos for future purpose.Could you please help me..
hello sir Alex,i really appreciate your way in teaching grammar,thanks u so much ,and i hope one day you will going to talk about tenses ,it’s an issue for us,because english is our third language
Mr. Alex you are the best
thanks for this lesson it’s very usefull :)
Hi there alex i have a question to u that is
When should we use so and too
Example(am so hungry? or am too hungry?)
this structure seems to be a little bit similar to reported speech….isn’t it Alex?? thanks
Dear Teacher Alex,
Thank you so much for your help. I scored 10 out of 10!
Tanks Alex
I’m really find help in your lessons, and my English was improved.
your are gentle teacher
ur marvellous teacher
Thanks Alex I will practise everyday
I really don’t know how to thank you .
Alex, thanks fot this lesson…
you are great,please give me some information about a good book to read
I finally found a great internet english course for free!!!!
i got the perfect score.. hehe.. i thought i didn’t understand… but, i understand… hehe… tnx.
Thank you Alex.
I was planing to get the full score, but I missed 2 points!
That is because I thought that this is so easy!
Thanks Alex for THIS lesson . I have a question “could I use a semicolon instead of however between independent clauses ?
I have six faults=)
Thanx dear teacher!!!!(***)
Dear Sir,
thank you for your worndeful video & Explanation. sir please can you help me regarding english spelling problems.last 4 year i am try to corret my spelling but it ont work out so please can you help me
syalalala….got 9 point :))) not bad, I will work harder ::))
Thanks for the lesson Alex ::))
i learned a lot by studing ur lectures. thnxxxx
I scored 9 out of 10.
thank you teachers so much
Thank u for ur lessones .I got a good mark
Thank you for your lessons.
God Bless you for being a great teacher.
from Granada, Nicaragua
Sao Pulo, Monday 2nd May 2011
Hi there
My name is Edson and i live in Sao Paulo Brazil i have been studying English
to improve my knoledgement.
However i have some doubts about
Past perfect tense.
Please guys send me some examples.
Thank you for while.
May you have a fantastic week.
Warm Regards.
nice video.. i like the way you explained the the future in the past.. it helps me a lot.
thank you teacher for everything
thank you teachers for everything
Thank you so much i learn so much thanks for helping :)thanx
hi Alex, I just had known the phan in the future. And with your lesson I have known the future in the past. thank you so much!
dear sir!
i was thought my english is terrible but now i am doing better sir
thanks to you sir…
thank you very much teacher Alex. it was very interesting and understandable for me. i couldn’t understand before this grammar. but in this lesson there isn’t quiz(test) above. i enjoy your lesson quiz after i watched your lessons. and thanks a lot. i wish you good luck.
hello Alex,
Im learned easy and understand clear.
Thanks a lot….
Hi, Alex
I listen to you everyday because you (and your collegue)have an american accent, no british accent,so sometimes I get lost and I don’t understand “any” steps of your speech, but I can understand the meaning of it, that is very useful for me because I need to learn (for my job) american accent, thanks. But I wanna do a question…. Why do the English teachers in the world continue to teach grammar rules? In this way when we (pupils)speak we always think at the rules ….present perfect…no, present perfect continuous….now I have to put “any” (because negative sentence)….yes but it’s interrogative sentence with “would” so I have to put “some” no “any” ….little no few or very fewer ecc. We (pupils) won’t speack fluenty but in hiccup way. I answer corretly at all your questions on test-quiz, without knowing any rule (I made it before to look your video). So my suggest is… we should learn english like a baby who doesn’t know any rule but he can speaks corretly when you go at the first elementary school, how?? listenig his parents, his brothers, his friends, listening everybody and relate with them. Sorry, it wasn’t my intention to teach someone something, I just wanted to exchange some opinions. Let me know something and sorry for my english.
Bye from Italy
I agree with most of what you said. Let’s see what Alex says…
Hi 610seiunozero! I would like to react to your comment. Yes, it’d be super not to learn any grammatical rules and just learn a language by “intuition” such as babies… but to be honest I don’t think it can work and I explain you why! I’m French and I live in Italy since 10 years. Before coming in Italy, I could speak a little Italian but I’ve learnt most of the things living here. As I see it, living in a country is the easiest way to learn a language (you have no choice, to be understood you have to speak and listen!) but don’t delude yourself if you think it’d be enough! If you don’t learn and understand rules, you always speak an approximated language. Of course, you’d able to speak and be understood by others, but you’ll never speak like natives ones. Even if you do mistakes, no one corrects you! (because they don’t want to offend you , because they understand so that’s enough for them, because they don’t care or because they themselves don’t speak well!!!) If I tell you that last week, I’ve “discovered” a new Italian grammatical rule after 10 years living here!!! (10 years of mistakes!!!! OOOOPS!) For the babies, it’s a different story. They are “new” and not conditioned by a language and a way of thinking! Their brains are new and ready to learn everything. I’m a mother of a 5-years-old boy and for my son it’s a complete different story than for me. I’ve always spoken to him in French and his father in Italian. Now he’s completely bilingual. He can speak fluently the both languages without any problem and in a very natural way. I’m sure that within few years he’ll speak better Italian than me! I am also sure that even if I speak fluently Italian I could never be bilingual as my son. (for example, I’m still not able to do a multiplication in Italian, I have to calculate in French!!) But for the rules that you always need to think about, don’t worry! That’s true, that at the beginning you hesitate, you need to think about… (and not in a very natural way !) but that’s normal! Your brain need to be used at a new way of thinking with a logical different from your normal ones. The important thing is to learn the rule at least one time. (and of course to understand it!!) and little by little, when you’ll see the rule in different contexts (film, book…) without even thinking about it, you’ll understand and the most important thing, you’ll memorize it and be able to use later it without problems! More you study the rules, (and exceptions!!) better you’ll understand the logical and better you’ll speak after!! (nearly as a native one!) I’m not a teacher, I just wanted to share my experience. I’d be glad if you’d let me know what you think about my way of thinking!!! Bye.
P.S. Who is the “zero” one?! (610?) :)
Wow, you were so brief!
I know! Brevity has always been my strong point… :)
Hi there,
U’ve shared ur profitable experiences as well.Lots of tx.
Best of luck!
Thanks Fatiima for your nice comment! Even if I think now that the day I wrote my comment I was a “little” out of mind… My comment seems more a book than a comment!! ;) Thanks anyway!!! All the best to you!
Hi Milly,
I’d like your comment very much and it was very useful to me really thanks for sharing this rich information i’m living in turkey now and i’m confused about what is the best way to learn language and use it as a native speaker
can you help me and give me an advice like notes to follow according to your experience,
thanks in advanced
How can I know is it you in the last question one person or more?
Is not it possible that the answer can be “is going to” if there is only one person?
yeaah I got 8 of 10 !! thats good!! isn’t it???
Hi~!!!your explain is good to me. i’ve been studing english but It’s difficult to me that how to speak english . but I will do my best!!
Thank you for knowledge. see ya
thank you Mr Alex for this helpful podcast
I am begineer English student. I am wonder, that helpful web page to learn this important and necessary Idiom. Thanks to all teachers, the classes are perfect.
I’am a Filipino and I’m really willing to learn more about English language/grammar rules and everything. This topic is very interesting and I hope that more lessons to post and examples. thanks for this site I really like it. thanks also for sharing your knowledge to all of us. more power and God bless as will.
I like very your all lessons
Hi people and all the teachers, you are the best . I love english and like to see your videos on you tube.
I would like to say Hi teacher Ronnie! nice to meet you.
Mr.Alex, thanks fot this lesson…
Thanks Alex for you time
Thank you
you helped me a lot
keep going :)
Oow !
ıt was my fırst full little quiz. ı was always failed the exams. but that time was different thanks alex it was awesome with your explanation!
you good man :D
thanks Alex
you helped me alot
Thank you Alex!
Thank you, Alek. You are very good teacher. Your explanation is very easy for understanding.
hi Alex, i love the video and the way you teach. it s help me lot to explain to my students. i m a new comer. i have some questions related to the future in the past.what is the different between “was/were+going to” and “would” in the future in the past?when we use “would”? how about “should” can it be used for future in the past?
looking to hear from you
tiyut from indonesia
you are great guys! very good job and for free!
im from greece and im preparing for proficiency in november!
Hi Alex, I am from Saudi and you lesson was so helpfull for me
hi Mr.Alex
i m a new student here, i like ur teaching, i got many knowledge about english here…
thank u very much…
thank you very much
i need more practice yea because i get 6 out of 10
thanx for your valuable help.IT cleared my doubts
can we say :
you promised us that you would do something?(in the future of the past?)??
tsss nice lesson, it was very helpful, thanks a lot!
Sorry Mr Engvid for the lenght of the message!! I haven’t realized that it was so long!! OOOPPPS! :)
thanks alot MR ALEX .
Hi Teacher Alex, I scored 10 out of 10. Thanx a lot for your wonderful lesson! However, I’ve some doubts about the perfect tenses. Would you please explain the difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous;the past perfect and past perfect continuous and lastly the future perfect and future perfect continuous.And please send me an example of each. Thank you very much in advance..God bless..
first of all i’d like to thnk Mr.Alex !hope you doing well . I still lerning some base points which can help me to bring up my self . Thank u for ur wonder speechs . have great days .
hi alex
thx for your excellent pictorial presentation……i think every one can understand this video ….thx a lot.
but i have one problem it is very shame to me.i can’t remember selling of english words. please tell me which way i have to prates to remember the spelling of words
am waiting for your response ………..urs Naveen from INDIA
I will follow all your vid ….I really appreciate your effort!
Hi Alex I`m from Brazil, was a pleasure to meet you again on the internet.I have ever been studied with you in Montreal just alf two months ago in A.L.I, you are a skil teacher grammar in my opinion, tank you for this lesson,but I`m going to study more. I hope a answer you.
Hi my favorite teacher Mr. Alex,
i offer you sincere thanks a lot to open my eye. i want to know is there any differences between UK and USA English in pronunciation and grammar? Kindly solute me.Best of luck.
Don’t we write the last sentence like “You promised that you were going to help me TO study”?
hai alex.u r classes very nice.i under stand u r classes easily……….thank u……….
I think your lesson is very useful.I like it.Thanhk you so much.Trung from VIetNam
this is the great video! thanks for your lesson!
Thanks Alex so much!I like the way of your teaching,I think,i learn more some of time,my english can be improve to the best!!!!
He alex that was great lesson, I just recently realized that my english was so poor for work particularly in grammar ,and verily find an Engvid is awesome.
thanks Alex for this lesson.
I was going to give this website adresse’s to my freind,but i forgot.
First of all thank you very much! Could you please clarify usage BIG and LARGE. Many thanks.
Hi Alex.
Thanks for all your useful lessons.
I have some problems in using “future in the past” .
For example when I wanna say
“before I got here, my supervisor had emailed me and told me that he … come to the airport to pick me up, but I replied that I… already asked the pick up service of the uni to pick me up” I don’t know which tenses I should use in the gaps!
I guess it shouldn’t be was/were going to. Am I right?
hi teacher alex, thank you for this wonderful and very informative video.:)
Iam going to learn english in school but iwas going to study in english vidio
Thanks, Alex. Your explanations are very logically and I like it.
Could i ask a little confusing question? For example, you said that you are going to visit your friend in two days. But you come earlier, i.e. next day, and you are going to explain this situation.
“I was going to visit you tomorrow, but I have arrived today”. Is it right or wrong?
Thank you
love it..!!!
hi sir,
this video really helped me. thank u so much.
Hello!! Alex you are good teacher.
Thank you Alex, your lessons better.
I have some broblem with this.
______ you _________ tell us?
Was you going to…
Were you going to…
Why is firs answer is wrong? I think with I we need to use Was.
Thank you.
Thank you a lot Mr Alex , you are so good teacher ,,,,
hi Alex!
I’ve a question… the “FUTURE IN THE PASST” could be used in other types of future? thanks…
thanks a lot
hello alex, i have a couple duoubts: why in the two last questions i cant use the word was? because the correct answer start whit were you going to… and the last were going to
i hope you can help me. tanks
hello alex!! i think you are great teacher, and this lesson is very useful.. but i would like to learn about future perfect, future perfect continuous and future continuous, i am a little confuse.. i hope you can help me..
hi alex
i m in canada,and want to improve my english what shuld i do ?
do you have esl centre?
thx sir it’s amazing
am question Alex what is de different between yet and still; could you explain to me. i am a student the low level and my english it is not so good.
i am sorry i wrote a mistake in the first comment. i wanted to write ” i have question. i expect that you understad me.
thanks sir
Am new for this video lesson,wow it is amezing thanks for all techers
Dear Alex, I am very weak of in English, but I got 10 out of 10! thank you for your wanderful video lesson.
What is the correct way: church is me and you or church are me and you?
Perfect Alex!! thanks
thanks you save me
thanks Alex for this wonderful lesson.
Hi teacher
I would like to ask you about the grammar for this sentence:
I thought you were going to call me, but you didn’t!
It should need a connector between “I thought” and “you were…..?”
who in this world is Alex??? I don’t know him… I want to be his friend =)
I love this class!
I’m happy because you are a big help for me!!! Thanks!
Thanks Alexitow!
very useful video on english,many days thought how to talk future in past..even got tired of thinking thanks a lot alex…..
you r doing job wall .i want to study with u with skype is is possible
I can’t find the words to thank you.
Thank you Alex For your lesson.
Good Job.
Which is correct?
‘Normalcy’ or ‘Normality’
What is the difference between wiil and shall?
Which sentence is correct?
“I will call you at 8pm”
“I shall call you at 8pm”
Hi Alex,
Which correct verb shall be used in this sentence?
The loss of his jobs was/were a big blow to his family.
thanks you are the best
Hi Teacher! Thanks for your explanation on… talking about future in the past. You always explain the classes in an easy and direct way!
I love to learn with you, you´re a good teacher! :)
hi ronnie,one day at the store i had heard this man asking his friend .’are finish to buy? is it right?..in my oppinion seems like its not correct..am i correct with my sentences?thank alot..
Teacher, what part of speech is this highlighted?
I want >to go< but I can’t
The way Alex is teaching on engVid, its really very easy to understand it, thanks to made this learning easy with your great effort.
I had also seen many idioms lesson, and wishing few more idioms lesson from Alex.
thank you Alex you are my best online teacher , good luck
THANK YOU,Alex!!! I’ve got 10 score!!! It means your explanation was perfect!!!
Thanks Alex,another great lesson!
hello teacher !you are so ,greatful for me i guess so! Actually i am not a qualify person but i am really intrest in english this is the hobby of my real life and i am going to learn english as much as i long .thank you so much and just read my comment i don’t know it is right or wrong .
Hello, Alex… I´m confused in sth….
You said that this is talk about about things that were planned but never happened… So there is one example in you video “I always knew you were going to marry” and it actually happened… so the rule was broken about failed things that we planned in the future ???? I’m confused… can you explain that one to me… thanks!
In other examples Alex has included ‘but’
But it didn’t happen..
Hı Sir
Thank you so much for all your lessons but would please explain me how can ı know when (you) is plural or single in a phrase for expl. the 2 last phrases in the quiz
I have a question, I know the Topic is was/were + going to, but can we use another verb in gerund, and If we can use it, what kind of verb it would be??
the sentence is ” I saw him pass by my house yesterday” does it mean ” I saw him going past by my house yesterday”?
That’s correct!
Well done :) I like the way you teach.
HI, its very useful for me Thanku sir…!
hi, Alex! When you say ” was going ” and when “went”. The bought are on past tense but when you use it?
And what about the use of “would” for the future in the past..?
and what about the future in the past by using “would”?
That’s also possible.
“I believed/thought/felt that he would run over me!”
Can I say “She said He would be going to call” instead of “She said He was going to call”?
In other words can I use “Future Continuos-in-the-Past” instead of “Was/Were going to”?
Thanks in advance =)
Hi in my opinion we will not use like that .‘I am going to’ is similar to ‘will’ but ‘i was going to is not equal to ‘would’.
she told me they would win but they didn’t
Thank you Alex.
Quite bloody example.. :-)
(sorry for my question repetion, unintentional..).
Are there any significant differences between the two uses?
Can somebody help?
What’s the difference between “it” and “this”. I mean when and how do we use them?
It is a book vs this is a book, whats the difference?
Hi i think both are correct.Here book is an object it,this can be used to represent such an object.
What is this? This is a book
What is it? It is a book
Thanks so much
Excelent lesson Alex, thank you very much
awesome sir,thank you so moch
wow…..i liked your explanation alex, yet i have to teach it to MEXICAN students, hence it becomes WAY more, i wouldn´t say harder just more challenging. cuz of that whole past in the future in the past….that is confusing on its own…but thanks, cool vid bro!
Actually a heve a problem in using past tense..when i use was/were and when i use past verb..”i played football yesterday or i was play football yesterday..
Hi..In my opinion
‘I am going to’ is similar to ‘will’
Therefore the past tense of ‘I am going to’ is ‘I was going to or You/They were going to’..This one is based on a future plan in the past,which is different from ‘i played football yesterday or i was playing(play+ing–continuous action ) football yesterday.
would tell me how to use thought and tohgh
I enjoy your explanations about “was/were going”. Thank you!
i got perfect score!! tnx sir alex…
Thank you Alex for the excellent lesson. Cheers!!
Hi,Every One I from india I have just registerd on this webside I working in BPO and i just improve my US & Uk english acccent is there any lesson it will help me to my english accent.
Pandit Gurav
I got 8 points, but I have a doubt if the negative or affirmative answer change the result.
I mean that the answer in negative can be as correct as affirmative because we are making a test of tenses.
wowwwww I got 100,,greatttt,,Thanks sir Alex,,,,:)
Thank you Alex. I really learn from this.
Thank you Alex! Is this correct Are you going to be finished with your report by Friday? Thank you.
I got 100 so it is simple and very nice. By virtue of my excellent teacher Alex. Thanks so much for Alex.
Very useful lesson I took today.
One more time Thank u so much my great far… far… teacher.
I have no money to pay an English course( here in Brazil is very expensive).I’ve always taken English class by myself through the books,magazine and I never had a teacher.
But now when I can go to the Lan house I watch engvid my virtual school.It’s amazing.
Hi Alex
Thanks for your video, I got 9 correct out of 10. I have a question here.
What if I want to express my thought in the past and the thought would happen in the future? For example ,in the present, I’m talking to my B friend about a letter that my A friend said he/ she will call B friend (future plan). But A hasn’t called B. So I’m not sure whether A would call B. I believed in the past and I have no idea now. ( A didn’t say what time will he/ she call. Maybe A might call later but we don’t know.)
The time line is like: [4pm] A said to me; [9pm, in the present, now] I’m talking to B.
Does the sentence “I thought A is going to call you (B)” make sense?
Because it’s not the case that I were A, I don’t know whether A forget or not. Probably A doesn’t forget, it’s just because B and I don’t know when A will call. In your video, the examples you gave almost describe the thing should haven’t/ have been done in the past and the thing did/ didn’t finish- all are in the past.
I think “I thought A was going to call you” is more like… I’m telling B that I believe A was just saying and I’m sure that A won’t call. Is it right?
I’ve never thought this would so much esay.. I appreciate that. Thank you!
thanks very much
I’ve got perfect score. thank you so much.
Happy Sunday everyone, I answered 3 quizzes this morning and I’ve got perfect score. I love EngVid.
very good lesson,but I have one questions to quiz number 3.The verb after going to is past smple .Why.
Alex I perfectly understood the lesson on second chance do 100 per cent thanks I am having a better understanding of the english language.
hi Alex please let me know difference between past continuous and past future cause the structure is same and I got confuse
Thank you for the lesson! I enjoyed so much!
You are a lifesaver.
I got 80 %. Thanks.
Thank You very much MR ALEX.
Thank you, Alex.
I wasn’t going to sleep last night because I had to prepare a presentation. However, I slept since 8pm.
Ha ha, i going to learn it or NOT?
It’s a joke :D
Excellent your explanation, Alex. Thanks.
Present Continuous with a Future meaning.
Could you talk about this tense?
I need to learn that, really. Thanks in advance.
Hi, alex! Your lessons are very useful to us. Thanks!
I would ask you a question about the difference between “going to” and “will”. How should I use these two terms?
Thank you Sir.
I was going to see you at my dream last night so I slept but you didn’t come
What happened
Hi Alex,
Could you tell me what is the difference between “Going to” and “Going to go to”. i can’t grasp it.
Looking to hear from you.
thank you for helping struggling people like us, Alex
Thank you very much!
very nice
Thanks alex, I got 9 out of 10
Thanks Alex was great
I got 9 out of 10. I thought I was going to have less than that. thanks for your help.
I did not know about this tense.
Thanks Alex was great
Thanks for all Alex… excellent video
Héhéhé 10/10 !! you rock Alex !!! thank you !!!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for your videos. It helped me. In the parties or when we go out with friends. I feel very awkward with my stupid English. I won’t answer properly for their questions. Very good English speaking is my life ambition. I lost so many friends because I won’t speak or share my feelings. I will practice each and every quiz. Thank you..
What is the difference in meaning?
I’m going to call you at 8 pm.
I’ll be calling you at 8 pm.
Thank you for your lessons..
She is going to get married next week .or she is going to be getting married..which one is correct
Thanks Alex.
Thank you Alex for your really helpful lesson, I liked it and I did the quiz but I got just 9 correct out of 10.
Hi Alex,perfect explanation.
could you make some videos on similar topic for example sentencies like this:
“If I had known this was coming ….”
“There was no chance I was waking up in the morning”
I understand the meaning but what would be the difference using other tenses:
“If I had known this was going to come/would come ….”
“There was no chance I was going to wake up/would wake up in the morning”
Awesome , I got 100 points out of 10 in first time tried. Thanks
I got 100 points out of 10 in first time tried. Thanks
Hey Alex,
thanks for wonderful lessons, by the way, I’m interested in helping Engvid to translate your videos.
Please, tell me how to make a contact with Engvid.
Best regards :)
Hi, Milunovic!
You can add subtitles to engVid videos by clicking the gear (⚙️) icon in the lower right corner of the video, beside the CC button. Click on “Subtitles/CC” in the settings menu that comes up, and there should be an option to add your own subtitles. Here’s a picture of where the option is. For more details, see this help article.
I got 10 out of 10 :) i love your video
thank you very much Mr.Alex
That video was great Mr. Alex. Thanks a lot.
amazing good teacher forever
Hi Alex I am Emmy from Indonesia. It is good to see you by this video. I do hope by this video can really help me in my english skill. It is very useful for me. But my main problems in english is about grammer and tenses. Do you have any suggesstion how I am going trough?
Btw I like to see your way how to teach us by this video. It is awasome
I watched this video twice on May 13, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Nice video to teach. Keep it up and love to see more such stuff. Thank you.
mine date 31/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Alex
take care and stay out of troubles
Thanks Alex
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank you