Thnkuou very much uou are a great teacher thankyou again
thank you 4 ths lsn. i enjoyed the lsn alot
I like to learn english very much
hi can you add me on skype ?I want improve my english skype name is fil_04
we should learn another language
One of the best teacher, I thanks you everyday.
thank you for this lesson. I enjoyed the lesson a lot
good lesson
Thank you, Rebecca. It is simple lesson but I too make errors with it.
mis·take (m-stk)
a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; “he made a bad mistake”; “she was quick to point out my errors”; “I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults” See you!
hi karen! Good day to you! i’m willing to to spend my time to help you develop your english well. May i have your skype username? i will send you a request. Thank you so much!!! is my username. hanks karen! i’ll be expecting..
Help Karen with english!!. that´s not what you were thinking about, naughty boy.
it is good to have a conversation in order to improve our language. I am here if you need to practice.
hi can u help me i want to improve my english
hello…i wnt to talk with u at skype…
May be this sentence is not correct …”but I make errors with it too” sounds a bit better. :) Sorry.
Good morning…
To avoid making errors or miss understanding of this lesson.Firstly search for words which can guide you for”manner, place, quantity and time” then put them in the end of the sentence.
I hope that this will help you.
Hi Karen, can you write to me?
can i join with u ?
Don’t worry! . You have a possibility for practice a lot
I’d like to talk to your friend on skype
yeah ,it’s good
Thank you for more this lesson Rebecca. Would be very interesting if you put a link to this quiz in youtube video!
Till now i’m thinking english grammer is very difficult to lean.But your way of teaching is very smart and enjoyable one.I like your way of speech a lot.
thanks very much
thanks 4 all
i love it
that s my first english online lesson thanks a lot
Thanks for this lesson
Very well explained the position of these adverbs.
the position of these adverbs have explained very well. i think better but i may be wrong as im learning english too, hhhhhhhhhhh
it isn’t like this. you have to say .you explained the position of adverbs very well. you forgot to write ‘you’ which is necessary because without it sentence goes wrong as no one can know who explained it .the way you wrote it means that something is explained by the adverbs and not by the teacher
+1! When Iёve read the comment above has thought the same. :)
take care…
Thank you very much.
that is very good score
At last after a huge strugle of 18 months I feel, i have abled to learn English through this nice teaching method. Thx a lot.
Thank you for offer this quiz. I do enjoy it.
Shane Dobbs
ok thanks you now i understand how to use the adverb.
Thanks my greatest teacher, your way of teaching is very good.
Thanks you’re a good teacher. Please put difficult sentence of adverbs
Thank you Robecca for this lesson.
Could you please also explain to us in more details when Verb meets with Adverb, for example, Run quickly. Also when Adverb meets with Adjective, for instance, Very happy. And finally, when you have Adverb + Adverb, like, too quickly.
God bless you!
Very nice lesson.
Thank you Teacher.
Javed Ahmed
thank you very mush ^_^
l have one question ? what’s the different between borrow and lend ? can you tell me , please ?
A customer borrows money from the bank.
The bank lends money to the customer.
Mary borrowed a book from the library.
Could you please lend me$10? I forgot my wallet at home.
The one who gives is the lender.The one who receives is the borrower.
Hope this helps. All the best,
Excellent… Thanks for this type of good example…
ooooooooooooooh iknow now
shaahi qaxiye
very well
I LOVeee It ! WONDerFUl ..AmaZIng.. I DOnt Know How TO Explain That. oMG! THANNkss Im REally learning Very WEll Jeje THaNks TEACHERs XD
why do you write like that ^^^? :p
I’ d love to talk to you I also want to practice my english
Thank you for this lesson . I have learned a lot.
I got 100% Thank you a bunch.
thank u rebaka..
Hello .i have a big problem in writing where i make a lot of spelling errors.What can i do to avoid this problem pleas i need your help and thank you very much
English spelling can be tricky, it’s true. Start with a simple spelling book and work your way up through the levels. You can do it!
All the best to you, Matuma.
Where can I find the answer to my comments
madam very nice method of english i like your teaching method a lot.
dawar khan
if he hadn’t gone there , he would not have been successful.
is this sentence correct . if it is so please reply me so that i will get to know how to use sentences like this. and please conduct a lesson on this topic
Yes, your sentence is correct.
Good for you. All the best with your English.
thanks..i love it. specially for me, because i need pratice more english, i am a cabin crew.
the lecture is clear and helpful thanks lot
Thank you very much for this lesson
i am a new subscriber, i hate grammar before but now ur video tutorials induces me to learn grammar.thanks a lot mam.
Iwant learning to english
thanks from teaching lets take a example
today he will explain the lesson
in here could you explan is it adverb of time
but it came at the first ????
There are always exceptions! Your sentence is correct too.
All the best to you.
teacher i want to be good in English i am from morocco i am beginner What do you advise me ??
hi everyone
this website is verry usefull
i would like to express my thanks for your kindness- :)
kak farhang me too :D i say the same!
hi kurdish boy
i am from kyrdestan of iran
sorry i wrote mistak
its kurdestan
i love it…
Happy to have you join us!
My best wishes to you.
Thanks ihope ican speak english well as soon as possible.
ahmad firdaus
you are explaining the lesson amazingly ..i appreciate.
clear and understandable, very good… thank`s
thank you very much madam!
Thank you so much Rebecca! I have already learnt a lot by you.
Rebecca your grammar topics I watch more often than other.
This website is great and its very helpful to me.Thanks a lot God bless you.
thanks for your help toward our success in english
david rowland
Thanks for this lesson
ahmed essam
A simple lesson, Rebecca, but so many students make mistakes with this. Thank you.
Toda, Sharon. Always nice to get feedback from a fellow teacher. Please let me know if you have any special suggestions that would help your students.
u are jewish
thanks a lot of
nice, thanks
thank u so much u really help me
At last I will take control on the adverb positions attending this instructive classes. Thanks Rebecca.
How can i download PDF files of the same lessons.
You want a PDF of the video?
At 1:45 you say ‘… so that you(‘ll) understand well how to use this’, maybe it’s not well done! ;-)
I mean: the adverb must be near the verb it modifies, and by simply saying ‘at the end’ you can generate confusion. The adverb “well” in your phrase fragment refers to the verb “understand” and not to the verb “use”.
because of this lesson,now adverbs are very easy for me
Rebecca will you please help me to improve my vocabulary and give me some tips regarding this. I am waiting for your promptresponse.
Hi Adnan
There are so many ways in which you can improve your vocabulary. There are lots of books specifically designed to help students improve general English vocabulary, business English or specialized English. Besides this, you can read more, watch our videos, listen to English shows or movies. You could also try to join an English conversation class so the words come to mind more easily.
All the best to you.
Great lesson, thanks Rebecca!
I really like the way to teach is amazing.
hi rebecca how are u? this lesson was something that missing for me thank u alot but i have a questiong if someone gives u a good advice can i say u speak well to day?
No, it wouldn’t be right to say that.
If someone gives you good advice, you can just tell them, ‘Thanks for your advice. It really helped me.” or something similar.
All the best to you.
Thank you very much for your lessons.
wow,very nice ; l learn english
Thank you very much teacher Rebeca.i’m one of yuor student,but i am new the first time i taked lesson and i’m very glad to you and i say you are very clever teacher,so i wanna to help for adjectives and adverbs.
thank you very much.
Welcome to engVid, Shreif. We have a wide variety of English lessons on different topics so please check the categories on the home page to find what you need.
My best wishes to you.
wonderful lesson.thanks a lot REBECCA
Dear Rebeccoa,
thanking once again for giving good lecture and honest information to student.
I don’t want to west your precious time would you please start active vice and passive vice from the begging?
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
its great thing for me.
Thank you for all your work. Rebecca……
Thank you so much for such a fantastic site. I’m grateful to all of you my dear teachers :)
Süleyman Kahraman
Dear Rebecca,
your lessons are so helpful, interesting and exciting! Thank you very much!
A little question: What is right or more English?
‘She kindly smile at me’ or ‘She smiled at me kindly’
‘They welcomed us warmly’ or ‘They warmly welcomed us’
‘He quickly said goodbye and left the room’ or ‘He said goodbye quickly and left the room’
My best wishes,
thanx million
Dear Rebecca:
please accept my grateful, regarding your expert and excellent teaching method. I am
an Iranian residing recently in Manila.I watch
your English video grammer presentations now and then, they are really very helpful for all students, specially for bilinguals.i would like to ask you,whether English native speakers know English grammer structure perfecly or not?
Hi how are you My Great Teachers Team of EngVid I like your Videos so much I wish to talk with My Respectable Teachers Mis Rebecca, Mis Ronnie, Mis Valen, Sir Alex and my Favourite Sir James. Please accept my invetation and Text me on My E- Mail Please… to my Dear and Respectable teacher.
Thank you very much i’d learned a lot
Hello Teacher Robecca!
Could you please give us one lesson that will explain the differences on using WHOM & WHOSE.
God bless you.
Thank you.
he always comes to the calss late
the adverb is in the beginning
What do u mean?
frequency adverbs like always,usually,often,never…come before the can also use some adverbs at the beginning of a sentence,for example
‘I met a friend yesterday.OR
‘Yesterday,I met a friend .
huseyin çeri
Hello everybody!, well, thank you teacher Rebecca and in general to all the teacher, I think that this lessons are a really good work. I am from México!, and I am studying English. This classes help me to improve many things, since the vocabulary, the pronunciation until the grammatical structure etc. thank you so much and I continue to seeing their lessons!…
i like the quiz!! :))
Excellent teaching method …. Great teacher!
thanks a lot…you’re a very good teacher
ahmed abdi
hey, what is up?
I am an international student who study English n America. I would be pleasure if I could Subscribe your lessons.
its realy nice madam.thanx for teach us……….but mam, i am suffering with one problem i.e i living in that environment where no one speak english,so i cannot speak english……… if u provide me some time on skype or yahoo,then i shell very thankful to u
Thanks a lot.I really like your way of explanation.
i’m a dentist&we say
the tooth is badly decayed not decayed badly why?
thank you.
i am Shahbeg from Pakistan thank you dear teacher
Thanks a lot for providing excelent lessons. You are simple and anybody can understand your lessons easily.Please continue with more topics.
thaks a lot ma’am…i’ve learn a lot from your free english lesson…i also like the way you explain things… simple,clear and understandable…have a gud day!
hi rebecca…this website really good….and i liked yuor accent much more…….can u teach me article?
Eema Emaan
i always enjoy after taknig your lesson
Eema Emaan
tk very much.the lesson is interesting.i enjoin the lesson a lot of your.but i can not understand all of what you said in the lessons :D
what must i do ? to improve skills to speak eng lish ? help me….!!!
Wow! I got full marks in the quiz..Thanks a lot Rebecca..
thak you a lot it’s right? ^^
i am so happy with this website you did good job i like it thankful, and when i came here for first time some friends told me about this website and i improve
hi Rebecca
i am so really happy with this website you did good job and when i came for first time in England to improv my english i had like support this website after my lesson in my school i check this website for more information, and i have invited many friends to check this website, i wish all the best.
Very nice lesson.
Thank you Teacher.
Hi Rebecca
would you like to tell me when do we put adverb between verb and object.
hello, thank for this lesson but can you help me in the classification of adverbs:))
John Dayego
thank you for this lesson. I enjoyed the lesson a lot
luis miguel
thanks for this lesson your teaching way is so impressing and very good but i want more grammar lessons from this website thank you for this and bye for now …………
Thank you very much it is very good lesson.
Hello Teacher
can you tell me please what the difference between ( Wily & Sly )?? thank you so mach
hi teacher
very good lesson
Thanks Rebecca for the nice lesson, it would help me a lot on my grammar :)
Hi Ma’am,
I would like to say thank you for your clear and nice way of teaching.After watching and to your video,I’ve been tried to answer the quiz below,then I got it all correctly.
rebecca you are the best
this lessons are very good
Hi Rebecca, this lesson will be help me very much.
Is this sentence correct?
Thank you
Thanks so much all lessons are very good to understand, I wish you the best.
hi Rebecca.. excellent job you done.. i am really appreciate you because i have doubt since long about this case but now i am very clear.. thank you so much… i have watched you class then i have answered to your quiz.. i got 100% thank a lot.. and also i am really happy with that.
I found this lessons very useful.thaks Rebeca you explain the grammer very well.
Thanks Rebeca, I am learning a lot of things from you.
very useful lesson.
nicely done…………than 4 da infomation .:)
Ryan Ken
very good.I have a problem with writing, can you help.
Thank you
Julie Lambert
Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca for your wonderful lecture. I would like to now.. “Does adverb always sit after the object that is in the last of the sentences.”
Thank you once again Rebecca ma’am. God bless you.
Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6.
I don’t know how to thank you .
Thank you Rebeca everything is clear. God bless you.
Thank you madam Rebecca, God bless to you
Thanks a lot ! )
Thanks a lot !
I can’t thank You enough. This lesson is really great.Keep Up!!!!
very useful ,you’re great
Hello, teacher Rebecca, I’ve watched some of your videos and they are all awesome. what I want to ask to you is: what about the adverb placed in the middle of the sentence, like: “They were actually very good soccer players”. Is adverb modifying adjective must be placed that way? thanks a lot.
and I was confused when I found this sentence: “His indecision adversely affected his job performance”. Will it change the meaning if I put the adverb at the of the sentence like: “His indecision affected his job performance adversely”.
no difference,I think..
huseyin çeri
so far i take it as a variety of exceptions, depends on how u want to give the impression to ur listener.
– Actually, they were very good.
– They were actually very good.
– They were very good actually.
they all have the same meaning but are all slightly different from each other on the impression, or should i say perception..
well, i hope i still could find something more on it. i’m still browsing through though..
n really hope becca would come back soon.. right engvid??
I’m korean and I have studied english for many years. But I didn’t have enough chance to speak english, so my english isn’t good.
I’m looking for friends who talk to me on the phone(skype). I’m ok, who will be my friend, you or your students. My e-mail address is Nice to get to know you. Have a nice day. Bye^^
Your english lessons are very clear and understandable, tank you !!!
Rebecca i apologize, fault committed in the previous paragraph. Thank you for that !!!
great lesson
thanks for teaching me.
thanks! teacher! GOD BLESS YOU!
hector ararao
interesting one
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your kind explanation about adverbs. I’ve learned from your teaching a lot.
I enjoyed the lesson a lot. another execent score, I feel like going out to drink a couple of beers.
What a satisfaying facility! It is very help full to save and/or print the lesson materials.
Thanks so much!!!
thanks a million
I can say u r so cleaver I hope to became like u..
realy interesting lesson<3 thanx
thank to you alot
Hi everybody! Can somebody explain me which one of these sentences is correct and why? “He speaks English very well.” and “He speaks English very good.” Thank you.
Hi, thank you teacher rebecca for your lesson,
good job
Thank you very much Rebecca. It was nice lesson.
thanks alot for your kindnes and hard work to teach us english for free and very delibratly i love the way you teaching. wish you all the best. best regards barakaay
I can’t thank you enough.
Hi! i love your teaching very much,i want u teaching me and anther people be came native speaker and real english!.
i’m so lucky that i found this web site!
Thanks my greatest teacher, your way of teaching is very good
you are the best teacher i ever met. everything that you taught us was useful and informative where i can correct my way of writing and speaking too. keep posting some simple and common mistakes that every one makes and please do correct me if have made some errors in these sentences
a get it…100
hi Ms.Rebecca, i want to know if when we will use the word “going to and will+main verb, im a little bit confused of it,thank you very much..i think this will help me to pass my english exam that im going to take 2 months from now..
thanx for your clarification. keep it up.
Can I say: ” Tank you a lot? ” :) . Great lessons Rebecca. I’ll follow you more.
For everyone, you can read more about me and how I study English on: catamari dot com.
See you soon!
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6. Check your answers below.’
He is leaving for Japan today.
He is leaving to Japan today.
Can you use both sentences are same meaning???
When you want to say (yo tengo muchas cosas que hacer)… I have to do things a lot. or how ?
Thank you
Thank you very much, you are a great teacher.
Jonathan Hans
It is really helpful to me
I want ask you when i can use how many & how long
thank you
yeah… i like it………cool
ohh my God the life is very clear sice i get in Rebecca lessons . I’ll follow you more.
Rebecca, thanks you,very nice lesson.
i want u tell me whats the difference between these sentences
if i had been rich i would have been able to buy a car
if i were rich i would be able to buy a car
plz tell me the difference and the tense for each sentence
The first one is in the past and the second one is in present.
huseyin çeri
Was nice i am answser all right eeyeyyeaaa thanks .
thnxxx 4 the simple yet important lesson ,that will come in help…thnxx a lot Rebeeca ma’am
it’s a very useful lesson with great and helpful teachers.thx alot
the best! thank you so much! I really like this site very informative!
aaron jed
Thanks again.Nice lesson.
Hello all,
I have been studying on toefl examination. There are a lot of materials, ways and subjects here or other places on net. All of them are dealing with the learning of English and they are very useful but which of them will be better for me to take enough point from my examination? So my mind is mixed! Thanks. :-)
Thank you I liked a lot this lesson
thanxs a make me more attention to my mistakes be this great lessen.
my sentence:
I have raed english literature books alot.
is that right?
thank you a alot ^_^
Thanks Rebbeca for giving instructions clearly.And I could’t understand the preposition ‘for’ in one of the examples you have mentioned above as; ‘He is leaving for Japan today’ Will it be wrong if leave ‘for’ in this example?
I mean,which one of these is right?
‘He is leaving for Japan today’
‘He is leaving Japan today’
sorry:I forgot the subject in this sentence;
‘Will it be wrong if I leave…?’
Both are correct.
“He is leaving for Japan” means that the subject (he) is somewhere else, he’s going to Japan.
“He is leaving Japan” means that the subject is actually in Japan and is going somewhere else.
Best wishes.
I understand the adverb very well.hank you
thanks a lot rebecca
you are my hero
i like the way you explain this lesson
Thanks for the great class!
Thanks Rebecca. Your English is so understandanle
thanks rebecca, by the way can you also teach us about the correct usage of the preposition on in and at? im hoping for your quick response thank you! coz i am really confused
Call Center Agent
Whenever I’m confuse using English grammar, I always look for results and watch them carefully (if there’s any). Thank you very much for this kind of videos, we are learning a lot. (“a lot”, I used adv. properly) hahaha
:) thank u very much … Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6. Check your answers below.’ jejej xD
i’d like to be friend with you and i want learn english
great lesson, i enjoyed a lot.
awesome, I really like a lot. thanks for the learning. God bless you Rebecca.
i desperately want to learn glad to see your lesson i enjoyed so much for it..thank you very much..
you are a nice teacher. thank you very much.
thank you very much
thank you a lotttttttttttttttttttttt it’s great
Brahim Ally
Thanks for everythigs
thanks alot
Abdullah alqhtani
In my school days, englisg grammer is very difficult to me.But now its becoming easy because of you.
thank you very much
I’m scored 100….yahoo
the way you teach, i like it very much
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much.
THAnks Rebecca!!!!!!!
And which ones do we use not at the end of the sentence?
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, your wonderful teacher that i ever had… God bless
Present Maam…:).That is very good lesson…
thanks rebecca i am getting your lectures very well. is there any series of your site which shows the full grammer practics, mean tenses wise
Muhammad Sadeeq
Hi, I come from Viet Nam, Thank you for your clear voice!
Kim Nguyên
god bless you
Hi Mrs.Rebeca, i love you so much. please send me an email so that i will contact with you by email. plz send me. i have a lot of questions and need information
Hi Rebecca,
The lesson was really interesting.
The example, he is leaving for Japan today.
Here we use to or for!
Thanks a lot
nice … :) :)
thank you
Thank you,my teacher Rebecca
Indeed, It was very useful. (Is this correct or indeed should come at the end)
Thank you
i have one promplem so please help me to avoid it.
i understand all what the people say in english but i can,t reply it. so teacher hoe can understand them
shaahi qaxiye
i have one promplem in english so help me to avoid it.i can understand all what the people say in english when they are speaking but i can,t reply my dear teacher how can i understand them quickly.
shaahi qaxiye
thnk u soo much but plx add videos abt comprehensions etc..thnkuu
Hello Rebecca, your lessons are quite interesting. Lots of time I am embarassing with the same subject “ If clauses“, it´s too hard to understand. I have been stdying English for same time, but there are same subject difficult to learn. There is no sense if we transleted (phrasel verbs). Could you help, please? Thanks a lot.
good lesson thank you for teaching it
Rissa ag Abdoulay
Ma’am Rebecca Would you please give more examples of adverb that I understand well because sometimes I confuse
thankyou ceran i like u teaching …
think you very match ms rebecca she is very easy lesson whith you i hope that i find more quiz then this think you again have good day
thank you Rebecca. I had a problem and it solved. but in this sentence Mary arrived home safely or Mary arrived safely home. Which one is correct?Same time I can ask that in your one of the example 1) they sell newspaper here instead of that here they sell newspaper.2)He is going to Japan today. for this one what if I say Today he is going to Japan
please help me in this instance. thanks again
Very good
Hi Rebeca
Could you tell me where I Shouldn’t put the adverb and abjetive in the sentence?
thanks a lot Rebecca.Keep it up!!!
thanks teacher.
will you please tell me if more than one adverbs occur in a sentence then which one should we put first.
and also tell me where to place since and for in a perfect continuous tense?
i thing it should be placed at the end of the sentence because it is adverb of time. like since morning or for 2 hours etc. plz reply asap.
Arif Anjum
clear,userful as all lessons of rebeka! thanks a liot rebeka!
mrs.Rebecca mom really good.In English your`s key point in grammer more useful for all of us.
Thanks Rebecca,for let me know for your advice.It really helped me.About the Adverbs,like :I speak English slowly.Thanks again ,your’re the best teacher .have a nice day ,hug.
Thanks a lot for all the effort that you have done.
I just finding this page and there are very helpful information. Thanks for explaining everything in a simple and effective way. Cheers!
Thank Rebecca this grammar to me very helpful
please cheers !! let me learn English more
have a good day
Jesse Liu
It’s a very good lesson. Your are great !!
I am getting confidence now days. Looking forward for lessons on Adverb.
Thank you Rebecca your way of teaching is very good and more benift for non speaking english Ihope if explain (if 1 f2 f3). best regards
Hello All at engvid, I would like to thank you all of you for your great efforts to teach english to non english speakers. I am so excited to watch each and every video at engvid. In short I feel like i found the valuable treasure. Please let me know if I made any grammatical mistake in this comments.
I love you. I love English here.
Very good lesson, buy when should we put well or good, whats the difference.
The adverb of time could be placed in front of the sentence or at the end of the sentence however if it stays at the end of the sentence,it sounds better and more interesting.for íntance we went to school yesterday.
Cuong ta
great lesson! are there any other adverbs that don’t follow the rule? thank you!
small lesson but very useful Thanks Rebeca
I got 6 correct out of 6.Thank you Rebeca
Thank you for teaching English , but I want you to make a long time for explain and give more example. Thank you again for all of you, and I wish all of you all the best.
I like to follow that quize and english learning
I want to find more friend here in that site
Hi Rebeca god bless you , please give me advace for how to learn english well, reply me if you want. i’m from morocco
can u help me I want emprove my English please
Hi…mum rebecca
i always like study in english.for me is very dificult starting from the beginning.till now i don’t know how to use all of the present.i hope you can help me.thanks alot…
lilik supiati
quiz is good …
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your good lessons.
I have a doubt about prepositions. Here you say: He´s leaving for Japan today! In another lesson you have: He traveled from Mumbai to New York via Amsterdam.
Do we use for with de verb to leave and to with de verb to travel, is it?
Dear mam..
i hope you’d like to help me with this prob which is irrelevant to this lesson..this is a very important grammar point which nobody of my friends could explain of…
mam i know how to use ”where”with other ways..
how to use where with words like these??
1 That is the RELATIONSHIP where one thing makes a change in another.
2 if you have gone to a WEBSITE where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in CASES where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the EMAILS where the answer can be found on our web site itself.
5 I got to the STAGE where I wasn’t coping any more.
These are a few sentences i have a lot..please explain to me with some of your own sentences how to use ”where” with these words.
Haw are you
Thank you teacher Rebecca.
I really appreciate you job.I wishes the best to you.
100% Thanks
Thank you. You one of the best round here
Thanks a lot……
I like your way of teaching.
Thank you madam I got full marks.
Can you teach about . , ; ‘ ” ? and all?
Thank you teacher, you explained this lesson very well. I got them all on the quiz. :0)
Very good!!!
Mahfouz Youssef
Thank you so Much
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
very useful lesson & I got full marks.
1.I like this lesson very much.
2.Thanks a lot.
3.I am studying all your video lessons everyday.
4.I went to my native for the traditional festival and my children enjoyed a lot.
5. They have done their exams very well.
yey i got perfect score :-) thanks for this!!!
did not understand much, rebecca could make another video please
Hello! Talking about adverbs of manner, I have a little question. What if I say for instance: My car’s radiator was badly smashed. Is it wrong? Is “badly” working as an adjective instead of working as an adverb? Please, I’d like to have a deeper explanation. Regards! btw Rebecca you’re the best teacher I’ve ever met.
Many thank teacher i will try my best. I want to get scholarship to study abraod !!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lessen.
I like learning English on EngVid a lot
take care
the lesson was clear. thaks!
thanqu teacher the lesson was very clear
the lesson is great, thanks !
Good lesson … easier to learn with engVid.
Mrs. Rebeca I want to thank you for this video It really help me to understand adverbs and their funcion. I don’t know if my writing is fine but I hope you understand
Mrs. Rebeca I want to thank you for this video It really helped me to understand adverbs and their funcion. I don’t know if my writing is fine, but I hope you understand.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
I study your lessons everyday. I test my understanding whenever.
I make errors a bit. I like your courses.
Best regards.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
You are explaining what I am looking for,,, thank you alot
You got 6 correct out of 6.
chakim hamzah
thnks rebeca and you are very good teacher
I always use it wrong in the sentences. But after i watched your video, I understand about doing put Adverb clearly. You help me a lot!
PS. I got 6 correct out of 6. :D
You’re my favorite teacher.Thank you very much.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thank you
Rebecca ,you are a teacher that you are looking for you for a long time ,I like your style of teaching
thank you very much my teacher
Thank a lot teacher.
Ms.Rebecca, thanks you so much. You are the best.
Marta Lopez
Thank you a lot,your explanation is very easy and clear.
Is it possible putting on the adverb before the sentence? Ex: Today I am going to the beach!”
What about ” today I’m going to…” Is that correct?
I worked late YESTERDAY.
We sell newspaper HERE.
I enjoyed the meal VERY MUCH. I play the piano WELL.
I liked that man A LOT.
I do the work everyday.
I have knowledge alot.
We play the bascateball here.
She went to visit yesterday?
Maya aryal
Thank you
Night quest
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100! Thanks for the lesson!
Thank you!
Aysun Ozturk
You got 6 correct out of 6.
M kartal
hi rebbeca thank uu for all your supportive video but i have a question about how to use ing and ed it’s a little bit confusing cuz i remember that we use ed just to express the feeling but ing it can be a verb / adverb / noun / adjective ) tat’s why i’m confused
if you can make a nother video about that or add me on facebook to explain it for me
adverbs made easy.
thank you Rebecca
Nice, I got 6 correct questions!
Amazing! I got 6 out of 6! This video was old. Thank you Rebecca
Chan M.
Thank you ma’am Rebecca. It’s help me a lot.
thank you
I got 6 correct out of 6. wery well!
I got 6 correct out of 6. very well!
Thank you! ?
hi mam,
i like ur teaching way.
rajesh tikka singh
I have a question!
If I say: Yesterday, I went to the park.
‘yesterday” is still an adverb in this sentence?
Hi, your class is very informative. Thanks.
Ricky V.
Thanks a lot…
i managed to get 5/6 before watching the video. I made a mistake in second question. How dare I!
I overestimated my skills that’s why i made a mistake.
I should consider it a little deeper.
But there is no point in crying over spilled milk.
I’m going to watch the video. I hope that after that i will be able to do these quizzes with 100% effectiveness.
It was nice to see you Rebecca.
Until later.
Bye ;)
Thank you so much Rebecca :)
Rebecca teaches English well; I enjoy her lesson very much.
I always thank you to Rebecca …(I don’t know the spelling word) of my heart.
You are easy to understand
Salman Khan Mujahid
This is a great way practice. Thank you Rebecca
Thnaks lot Rebecca, I got 100%
the sound is terrible..
Thanks miss Rebecca
thank you
Thank u so much
I don’t know whether you’re seeing this comment or not, but if you’re reading it, could you please make a video explaning about the differences between present perfect continuous and present perfect?
I watched this video twice on September 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 6.
Nice class. All the best.
kannanji sampath
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thank you very much
Suleiman M
Thank u rabaca god bless you
Abdul Rasheed K M
I got 6/6.
Thank you! :)
Good lesson.
Thank you teacher Rabecca.
Thank you!
Dear Ms Rebecca, an adverb will always finish a sentence, if it describes manner, time, quality or place.
I will remember this helpful rule. Thanks a lot.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thnkuou very much uou are a great teacher thankyou again
thank you 4 ths lsn. i enjoyed the lsn alot
I like to learn english very much
hi can you add me on skype ?I want improve my english skype name is fil_04
we should learn another language
One of the best teacher, I thanks you everyday.
thank you for this lesson. I enjoyed the lesson a lot
good lesson
Thank you, Rebecca. It is simple lesson but I too make errors with it.
mis·take (m-stk)
a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention; “he made a bad mistake”; “she was quick to point out my errors”; “I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults” See you!
hi karen! Good day to you! i’m willing to to spend my time to help you develop your english well. May i have your skype username? i will send you a request. Thank you so much!!! is my username. hanks karen! i’ll be expecting..
Help Karen with english!!. that´s not what you were thinking about, naughty boy.
it is good to have a conversation in order to improve our language. I am here if you need to practice.
hi can u help me i want to improve my english
hello…i wnt to talk with u at skype…
May be this sentence is not correct …”but I make errors with it too” sounds a bit better. :) Sorry.
Good morning…
To avoid making errors or miss understanding of this lesson.Firstly search for words which can guide you for”manner, place, quantity and time” then put them in the end of the sentence.
I hope that this will help you.
Hi Karen, can you write to me?
can i join with u ?
Don’t worry! . You have a possibility for practice a lot
I’d like to talk to your friend on skype
yeah ,it’s good
Thank you for more this lesson Rebecca. Would be very interesting if you put a link to this quiz in youtube video!
Till now i’m thinking english grammer is very difficult to lean.But your way of teaching is very smart and enjoyable one.I like your way of speech a lot.
thanks very much
thanks 4 all
i love it
that s my first english online lesson thanks a lot
Thanks for this lesson
Very well explained the position of these adverbs.
the position of these adverbs have explained very well. i think better but i may be wrong as im learning english too, hhhhhhhhhhh
it isn’t like this. you have to say .you explained the position of adverbs very well. you forgot to write ‘you’ which is necessary because without it sentence goes wrong as no one can know who explained it .the way you wrote it means that something is explained by the adverbs and not by the teacher
+1! When Iёve read the comment above has thought the same. :)
take care…
Thank you very much.
that is very good score
At last after a huge strugle of 18 months I feel, i have abled to learn English through this nice teaching method. Thx a lot.
Thank you for offer this quiz. I do enjoy it.
ok thanks you now i understand how to use the adverb.
Thanks my greatest teacher, your way of teaching is very good.
Thanks you’re a good teacher. Please put difficult sentence of adverbs
Thank you Robecca for this lesson.
Could you please also explain to us in more details when Verb meets with Adverb, for example, Run quickly. Also when Adverb meets with Adjective, for instance, Very happy. And finally, when you have Adverb + Adverb, like, too quickly.
God bless you!
Very nice lesson.
Thank you Teacher.
thank you very mush ^_^
l have one question ? what’s the different between borrow and lend ? can you tell me , please ?
A customer borrows money from the bank.
The bank lends money to the customer.
Mary borrowed a book from the library.
Could you please lend me$10? I forgot my wallet at home.
The one who gives is the lender.The one who receives is the borrower.
Hope this helps. All the best,
Excellent… Thanks for this type of good example…
ooooooooooooooh iknow now
very well
I LOVeee It ! WONDerFUl ..AmaZIng.. I DOnt Know How TO Explain That. oMG! THANNkss Im REally learning Very WEll Jeje THaNks TEACHERs XD
why do you write like that ^^^? :p
I’ d love to talk to you I also want to practice my english
Thank you for this lesson . I have learned a lot.
I got 100% Thank you a bunch.
thank u rebaka..
Hello .i have a big problem in writing where i make a lot of spelling errors.What can i do to avoid this problem pleas i need your help and thank you very much
English spelling can be tricky, it’s true. Start with a simple spelling book and work your way up through the levels. You can do it!
All the best to you, Matuma.
Where can I find the answer to my comments
madam very nice method of english i like your teaching method a lot.
if he hadn’t gone there , he would not have been successful.
is this sentence correct . if it is so please reply me so that i will get to know how to use sentences like this. and please conduct a lesson on this topic
Yes, your sentence is correct.
Good for you. All the best with your English.
thanks..i love it. specially for me, because i need pratice more english, i am a cabin crew.
the lecture is clear and helpful thanks lot
Thank you very much for this lesson
i am a new subscriber, i hate grammar before but now ur video tutorials induces me to learn grammar.thanks a lot mam.
Iwant learning to english
thanks from teaching lets take a example
today he will explain the lesson
in here could you explan is it adverb of time
but it came at the first ????
There are always exceptions! Your sentence is correct too.
All the best to you.
teacher i want to be good in English i am from morocco i am beginner What do you advise me ??
hi everyone
this website is verry usefull
i would like to express my thanks for your kindness- :)
kak farhang me too :D i say the same!
hi kurdish boy
i am from kyrdestan of iran
sorry i wrote mistak
its kurdestan
i love it…
Happy to have you join us!
My best wishes to you.
Thanks ihope ican speak english well as soon as possible.
you are explaining the lesson amazingly ..i appreciate.
clear and understandable, very good… thank`s
thank you very much madam!
Thank you so much Rebecca! I have already learnt a lot by you.
Rebecca your grammar topics I watch more often than other.
This website is great and its very helpful to me.Thanks a lot God bless you.
thanks for your help toward our success in english
Thanks for this lesson
A simple lesson, Rebecca, but so many students make mistakes with this. Thank you.
Toda, Sharon. Always nice to get feedback from a fellow teacher. Please let me know if you have any special suggestions that would help your students.
u are jewish
thanks a lot of
nice, thanks
thank u so much u really help me
At last I will take control on the adverb positions attending this instructive classes. Thanks Rebecca.
How can i download PDF files of the same lessons.
You want a PDF of the video?
At 1:45 you say ‘… so that you(‘ll) understand well how to use this’, maybe it’s not well done! ;-)
I mean: the adverb must be near the verb it modifies, and by simply saying ‘at the end’ you can generate confusion. The adverb “well” in your phrase fragment refers to the verb “understand” and not to the verb “use”.
because of this lesson,now adverbs are very easy for me
Rebecca will you please help me to improve my vocabulary and give me some tips regarding this. I am waiting for your promptresponse.
Hi Adnan
There are so many ways in which you can improve your vocabulary. There are lots of books specifically designed to help students improve general English vocabulary, business English or specialized English. Besides this, you can read more, watch our videos, listen to English shows or movies. You could also try to join an English conversation class so the words come to mind more easily.
All the best to you.
Great lesson, thanks Rebecca!
I really like the way to teach is amazing.
hi rebecca how are u? this lesson was something that missing for me thank u alot but i have a questiong if someone gives u a good advice can i say u speak well to day?
No, it wouldn’t be right to say that.
If someone gives you good advice, you can just tell them, ‘Thanks for your advice. It really helped me.” or something similar.
All the best to you.
Thank you very much for your lessons.
wow,very nice ; l learn english
Thank you very much teacher Rebeca.i’m one of yuor student,but i am new the first time i taked lesson and i’m very glad to you and i say you are very clever teacher,so i wanna to help for adjectives and adverbs.
thank you very much.
Welcome to engVid, Shreif. We have a wide variety of English lessons on different topics so please check the categories on the home page to find what you need.
My best wishes to you.
wonderful lesson.thanks a lot REBECCA
Dear Rebeccoa,
thanking once again for giving good lecture and honest information to student.
I don’t want to west your precious time would you please start active vice and passive vice from the begging?
best regards
Please check this lesson on our website:
All the best to you.
i like this lession
Thanks to all for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
its great thing for me.
Thank you for all your work. Rebecca……
Thank you so much for such a fantastic site. I’m grateful to all of you my dear teachers :)
Dear Rebecca,
your lessons are so helpful, interesting and exciting! Thank you very much!
A little question: What is right or more English?
‘She kindly smile at me’ or ‘She smiled at me kindly’
‘They welcomed us warmly’ or ‘They warmly welcomed us’
‘He quickly said goodbye and left the room’ or ‘He said goodbye quickly and left the room’
My best wishes,
thanx million
Dear Rebecca:
please accept my grateful, regarding your expert and excellent teaching method. I am
an Iranian residing recently in Manila.I watch
your English video grammer presentations now and then, they are really very helpful for all students, specially for bilinguals.i would like to ask you,whether English native speakers know English grammer structure perfecly or not?
Hi how are you My Great Teachers Team of EngVid I like your Videos so much I wish to talk with My Respectable Teachers Mis Rebecca, Mis Ronnie, Mis Valen, Sir Alex and my Favourite Sir James. Please accept my invetation and Text me on My E- Mail Please… to my Dear and Respectable teacher.
Thank you very much i’d learned a lot
Hello Teacher Robecca!
Could you please give us one lesson that will explain the differences on using WHOM & WHOSE.
God bless you.
Thank you.
he always comes to the calss late
the adverb is in the beginning
What do u mean?
frequency adverbs like always,usually,often,never…come before the can also use some adverbs at the beginning of a sentence,for example
‘I met a friend yesterday.OR
‘Yesterday,I met a friend .
Hello everybody!, well, thank you teacher Rebecca and in general to all the teacher, I think that this lessons are a really good work. I am from México!, and I am studying English. This classes help me to improve many things, since the vocabulary, the pronunciation until the grammatical structure etc. thank you so much and I continue to seeing their lessons!…
i like the quiz!! :))
Excellent teaching method …. Great teacher!
thanks a lot…you’re a very good teacher
hey, what is up?
I am an international student who study English n America. I would be pleasure if I could Subscribe your lessons.
its realy nice madam.thanx for teach us……….but mam, i am suffering with one problem i.e i living in that environment where no one speak english,so i cannot speak english……… if u provide me some time on skype or yahoo,then i shell very thankful to u
Thanks a lot.I really like your way of explanation.
i’m a dentist&we say
the tooth is badly decayed not decayed badly why?
thank you.
i am Shahbeg from Pakistan thank you dear teacher
Thanks a lot for providing excelent lessons. You are simple and anybody can understand your lessons easily.Please continue with more topics.
thaks a lot ma’am…i’ve learn a lot from your free english lesson…i also like the way you explain things… simple,clear and understandable…have a gud day!
hi rebecca…this website really good….and i liked yuor accent much more…….can u teach me article?
i always enjoy after taknig your lesson
tk very much.the lesson is interesting.i enjoin the lesson a lot of your.but i can not understand all of what you said in the lessons :D
what must i do ? to improve skills to speak eng lish ? help me….!!!
Wow! I got full marks in the quiz..Thanks a lot Rebecca..
thak you a lot it’s right? ^^
i am so happy with this website you did good job i like it thankful, and when i came here for first time some friends told me about this website and i improve
hi Rebecca
i am so really happy with this website you did good job and when i came for first time in England to improv my english i had like support this website after my lesson in my school i check this website for more information, and i have invited many friends to check this website, i wish all the best.
Very nice lesson.
Thank you Teacher.
Hi Rebecca
would you like to tell me when do we put adverb between verb and object.
hello, thank for this lesson but can you help me in the classification of adverbs:))
thank you for this lesson. I enjoyed the lesson a lot
thanks for this lesson your teaching way is so impressing and very good but i want more grammar lessons from this website thank you for this and bye for now …………
Thank you very much it is very good lesson.
Hello Teacher
can you tell me please what the difference between ( Wily & Sly )?? thank you so mach
hi teacher
very good lesson
Thanks Rebecca for the nice lesson, it would help me a lot on my grammar :)
Hi Ma’am,
I would like to say thank you for your clear and nice way of teaching.After watching and to your video,I’ve been tried to answer the quiz below,then I got it all correctly.
rebecca you are the best
this lessons are very good
Hi Rebecca, this lesson will be help me very much.
Is this sentence correct?
Thank you
Thanks so much all lessons are very good to understand, I wish you the best.
hi Rebecca.. excellent job you done.. i am really appreciate you because i have doubt since long about this case but now i am very clear.. thank you so much… i have watched you class then i have answered to your quiz.. i got 100% thank a lot.. and also i am really happy with that.
I found this lessons very useful.thaks Rebeca you explain the grammer very well.
Thanks Rebeca, I am learning a lot of things from you.
very useful lesson.
nicely done…………than 4 da infomation .:)
very good.I have a problem with writing, can you help.
Thank you
Thank you.
Thanks Rebecca for your wonderful lecture. I would like to now.. “Does adverb always sit after the object that is in the last of the sentences.”
Thank you once again Rebecca ma’am. God bless you.
Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6.
I don’t know how to thank you .
Thank you Rebeca everything is clear. God bless you.
Thank you madam Rebecca, God bless to you
Thanks a lot ! )
Thanks a lot !
I can’t thank You enough. This lesson is really great.Keep Up!!!!
very useful ,you’re great
Hello, teacher Rebecca, I’ve watched some of your videos and they are all awesome. what I want to ask to you is: what about the adverb placed in the middle of the sentence, like: “They were actually very good soccer players”. Is adverb modifying adjective must be placed that way? thanks a lot.
and I was confused when I found this sentence: “His indecision adversely affected his job performance”. Will it change the meaning if I put the adverb at the of the sentence like: “His indecision affected his job performance adversely”.
no difference,I think..
so far i take it as a variety of exceptions, depends on how u want to give the impression to ur listener.
– Actually, they were very good.
– They were actually very good.
– They were very good actually.
they all have the same meaning but are all slightly different from each other on the impression, or should i say perception..
well, i hope i still could find something more on it. i’m still browsing through though..
n really hope becca would come back soon.. right engvid??
I’m korean and I have studied english for many years. But I didn’t have enough chance to speak english, so my english isn’t good.
I’m looking for friends who talk to me on the phone(skype). I’m ok, who will be my friend, you or your students. My e-mail address is Nice to get to know you. Have a nice day. Bye^^
Your english lessons are very clear and understandable, tank you !!!
Rebecca i apologize, fault committed in the previous paragraph. Thank you for that !!!
great lesson
thanks for teaching me.
thanks! teacher! GOD BLESS YOU!
interesting one
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your kind explanation about adverbs. I’ve learned from your teaching a lot.
I enjoyed the lesson a lot. another execent score, I feel like going out to drink a couple of beers.
What a satisfaying facility! It is very help full to save and/or print the lesson materials.
Thanks so much!!!
thanks a million
I can say u r so cleaver I hope to became like u..
realy interesting lesson<3 thanx
thank to you alot
Hi everybody! Can somebody explain me which one of these sentences is correct and why? “He speaks English very well.” and “He speaks English very good.” Thank you.
Hi, thank you teacher rebecca for your lesson,
good job
Thank you very much Rebecca. It was nice lesson.
thanks alot for your kindnes and hard work to teach us english for free and very delibratly i love the way you teaching. wish you all the best. best regards barakaay
I can’t thank you enough.
Hi! i love your teaching very much,i want u teaching me and anther people be came native speaker and real english!.
i’m so lucky that i found this web site!
Thanks my greatest teacher, your way of teaching is very good
you are the best teacher i ever met. everything that you taught us was useful and informative where i can correct my way of writing and speaking too. keep posting some simple and common mistakes that every one makes and please do correct me if have made some errors in these sentences
a get it…100
hi Ms.Rebecca, i want to know if when we will use the word “going to and will+main verb, im a little bit confused of it,thank you very much..i think this will help me to pass my english exam that im going to take 2 months from now..
thanx for your clarification. keep it up.
Can I say: ” Tank you a lot? ” :) . Great lessons Rebecca. I’ll follow you more.
For everyone, you can read more about me and how I study English on: catamari dot com.
See you soon!
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6. Check your answers below.’
He is leaving for Japan today.
He is leaving to Japan today.
Can you use both sentences are same meaning???
When you want to say (yo tengo muchas cosas que hacer)… I have to do things a lot. or how ?
Thank you
Thank you very much, you are a great teacher.
It is really helpful to me
I want ask you when i can use how many & how long
thank you
yeah… i like it………cool
ohh my God the life is very clear sice i get in Rebecca lessons . I’ll follow you more.
Rebecca, thanks you,very nice lesson.
i want u tell me whats the difference between these sentences
if i had been rich i would have been able to buy a car
if i were rich i would be able to buy a car
plz tell me the difference and the tense for each sentence
The first one is in the past and the second one is in present.
Was nice i am answser all right eeyeyyeaaa thanks .
thnxxx 4 the simple yet important lesson ,that will come in help…thnxx a lot Rebeeca ma’am
it’s a very useful lesson with great and helpful teachers.thx alot
the best! thank you so much! I really like this site very informative!
Thanks again.Nice lesson.
Hello all,
I have been studying on toefl examination. There are a lot of materials, ways and subjects here or other places on net. All of them are dealing with the learning of English and they are very useful but which of them will be better for me to take enough point from my examination? So my mind is mixed! Thanks. :-)
Thank you I liked a lot this lesson
thanxs a make me more attention to my mistakes be this great lessen.
my sentence:
I have raed english literature books alot.
is that right?
thank you a alot ^_^
Thanks Rebbeca for giving instructions clearly.And I could’t understand the preposition ‘for’ in one of the examples you have mentioned above as; ‘He is leaving for Japan today’ Will it be wrong if leave ‘for’ in this example?
I mean,which one of these is right?
‘He is leaving for Japan today’
‘He is leaving Japan today’
sorry:I forgot the subject in this sentence;
‘Will it be wrong if I leave…?’
Both are correct.
“He is leaving for Japan” means that the subject (he) is somewhere else, he’s going to Japan.
“He is leaving Japan” means that the subject is actually in Japan and is going somewhere else.
Best wishes.
I understand the adverb very well.hank you
thanks a lot rebecca
you are my hero
i like the way you explain this lesson
Thanks for the great class!
Thanks Rebecca. Your English is so understandanle
thanks rebecca, by the way can you also teach us about the correct usage of the preposition on in and at? im hoping for your quick response thank you! coz i am really confused
Whenever I’m confuse using English grammar, I always look for results and watch them carefully (if there’s any). Thank you very much for this kind of videos, we are learning a lot. (“a lot”, I used adv. properly) hahaha
:) thank u very much … Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 6 correct out of 6. Check your answers below.’ jejej xD
i’d like to be friend with you and i want learn english
great lesson, i enjoyed a lot.
awesome, I really like a lot. thanks for the learning. God bless you Rebecca.
i desperately want to learn glad to see your lesson i enjoyed so much for it..thank you very much..
you are a nice teacher. thank you very much.
thank you very much
thank you a lotttttttttttttttttttttt it’s great
Thanks for everythigs
thanks alot
In my school days, englisg grammer is very difficult to me.But now its becoming easy because of you.
thank you very much
I’m scored 100….yahoo
the way you teach, i like it very much
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much.
THAnks Rebecca!!!!!!!
And which ones do we use not at the end of the sentence?
Thank you Ms. Rebecca, your wonderful teacher that i ever had… God bless
Present Maam…:).That is very good lesson…
thanks rebecca i am getting your lectures very well. is there any series of your site which shows the full grammer practics, mean tenses wise
Hi, I come from Viet Nam, Thank you for your clear voice!
god bless you
Hi Mrs.Rebeca, i love you so much. please send me an email so that i will contact with you by email. plz send me. i have a lot of questions and need information
Hi Rebecca,
The lesson was really interesting.
The example, he is leaving for Japan today.
Here we use to or for!
Thanks a lot
nice … :) :)
thank you
Thank you,my teacher Rebecca
Indeed, It was very useful. (Is this correct or indeed should come at the end)
Thank you
i have one promplem so please help me to avoid it.
i understand all what the people say in english but i can,t reply it. so teacher hoe can understand them
i have one promplem in english so help me to avoid it.i can understand all what the people say in english when they are speaking but i can,t reply my dear teacher how can i understand them quickly.
thnk u soo much but plx add videos abt comprehensions etc..thnkuu
Hello Rebecca, your lessons are quite interesting. Lots of time I am embarassing with the same subject “ If clauses“, it´s too hard to understand. I have been stdying English for same time, but there are same subject difficult to learn. There is no sense if we transleted (phrasel verbs). Could you help, please? Thanks a lot.
good lesson thank you for teaching it
Ma’am Rebecca Would you please give more examples of adverb that I understand well because sometimes I confuse
thankyou ceran i like u teaching …
think you very match ms rebecca she is very easy lesson whith you i hope that i find more quiz then this think you again have good day
thank you Rebecca. I had a problem and it solved. but in this sentence Mary arrived home safely or Mary arrived safely home. Which one is correct?Same time I can ask that in your one of the example 1) they sell newspaper here instead of that here they sell newspaper.2)He is going to Japan today. for this one what if I say Today he is going to Japan
please help me in this instance. thanks again
Very good
Hi Rebeca
Could you tell me where I Shouldn’t put the adverb and abjetive in the sentence?
thanks a lot Rebecca.Keep it up!!!
thanks teacher.
will you please tell me if more than one adverbs occur in a sentence then which one should we put first.
and also tell me where to place since and for in a perfect continuous tense?
i thing it should be placed at the end of the sentence because it is adverb of time. like since morning or for 2 hours etc. plz reply asap.
clear,userful as all lessons of rebeka! thanks a liot rebeka!
mrs.Rebecca mom really good.In English your`s key point in grammer more useful for all of us.
Thanks Rebecca,for let me know for your advice.It really helped me.About the Adverbs,like :I speak English slowly.Thanks again ,your’re the best teacher .have a nice day ,hug.
Thanks a lot for all the effort that you have done.
I just finding this page and there are very helpful information. Thanks for explaining everything in a simple and effective way. Cheers!
Thank Rebecca this grammar to me very helpful
please cheers !! let me learn English more
have a good day
It’s a very good lesson. Your are great !!
I am getting confidence now days. Looking forward for lessons on Adverb.
Thank you Rebecca your way of teaching is very good and more benift for non speaking english Ihope if explain (if 1 f2 f3). best regards
Hello All at engvid, I would like to thank you all of you for your great efforts to teach english to non english speakers. I am so excited to watch each and every video at engvid. In short I feel like i found the valuable treasure. Please let me know if I made any grammatical mistake in this comments.
I love you. I love English here.
Very good lesson, buy when should we put well or good, whats the difference.
The adverb of time could be placed in front of the sentence or at the end of the sentence however if it stays at the end of the sentence,it sounds better and more interesting.for íntance we went to school yesterday.
great lesson! are there any other adverbs that don’t follow the rule? thank you!
small lesson but very useful Thanks Rebeca
I got 6 correct out of 6.Thank you Rebeca
Thank you for teaching English , but I want you to make a long time for explain and give more example. Thank you again for all of you, and I wish all of you all the best.
I like to follow that quize and english learning
I want to find more friend here in that site
Hi Rebeca god bless you , please give me advace for how to learn english well, reply me if you want. i’m from morocco
can u help me I want emprove my English please
Hi…mum rebecca
i always like study in english.for me is very dificult starting from the beginning.till now i don’t know how to use all of the present.i hope you can help me.thanks alot…
quiz is good …
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your good lessons.
I have a doubt about prepositions. Here you say: He´s leaving for Japan today! In another lesson you have: He traveled from Mumbai to New York via Amsterdam.
Do we use for with de verb to leave and to with de verb to travel, is it?
Dear mam..
i hope you’d like to help me with this prob which is irrelevant to this lesson..this is a very important grammar point which nobody of my friends could explain of…
mam i know how to use ”where”with other ways..
how to use where with words like these??
1 That is the RELATIONSHIP where one thing makes a change in another.
2 if you have gone to a WEBSITE where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in CASES where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the EMAILS where the answer can be found on our web site itself.
5 I got to the STAGE where I wasn’t coping any more.
These are a few sentences i have a lot..please explain to me with some of your own sentences how to use ”where” with these words.
Haw are you
Thank you teacher Rebecca.
I really appreciate you job.I wishes the best to you.
100% Thanks
Thank you. You one of the best round here
Thanks a lot……
I like your way of teaching.
Thank you madam I got full marks.
Can you teach about . , ; ‘ ” ? and all?
Thank you teacher, you explained this lesson very well. I got them all on the quiz. :0)
Very good!!!
Thank you so Much
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
very useful lesson & I got full marks.
1.I like this lesson very much.
2.Thanks a lot.
3.I am studying all your video lessons everyday.
4.I went to my native for the traditional festival and my children enjoyed a lot.
5. They have done their exams very well.
yey i got perfect score :-) thanks for this!!!
did not understand much, rebecca could make another video please
Hello! Talking about adverbs of manner, I have a little question. What if I say for instance: My car’s radiator was badly smashed. Is it wrong? Is “badly” working as an adjective instead of working as an adverb? Please, I’d like to have a deeper explanation. Regards! btw Rebecca you’re the best teacher I’ve ever met.
Many thank teacher i will try my best. I want to get scholarship to study abraod !!
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for your lessen.
I like learning English on EngVid a lot
take care
the lesson was clear. thaks!
thanqu teacher the lesson was very clear
the lesson is great, thanks !
Good lesson … easier to learn with engVid.
Mrs. Rebeca I want to thank you for this video It really help me to understand adverbs and their funcion. I don’t know if my writing is fine but I hope you understand
Mrs. Rebeca I want to thank you for this video It really helped me to understand adverbs and their funcion. I don’t know if my writing is fine, but I hope you understand.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
I study your lessons everyday. I test my understanding whenever.
I make errors a bit. I like your courses.
Best regards.
Thank you!
You are explaining what I am looking for,,, thank you alot
You got 6 correct out of 6.
thnks rebeca and you are very good teacher
I always use it wrong in the sentences. But after i watched your video, I understand about doing put Adverb clearly. You help me a lot!
PS. I got 6 correct out of 6. :D
You’re my favorite teacher.Thank you very much.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thank you
Rebecca ,you are a teacher that you are looking for you for a long time ,I like your style of teaching
thank you very much my teacher
Thank a lot teacher.
Ms.Rebecca, thanks you so much. You are the best.
Thank you a lot,your explanation is very easy and clear.
Is it possible putting on the adverb before the sentence? Ex: Today I am going to the beach!”
What about ” today I’m going to…” Is that correct?
I worked late YESTERDAY.
We sell newspaper HERE.
I enjoyed the meal VERY MUCH. I play the piano WELL.
I liked that man A LOT.
I do the work everyday.
I have knowledge alot.
We play the bascateball here.
She went to visit yesterday?
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100! Thanks for the lesson!
Thank you!
You got 6 correct out of 6.
hi rebbeca thank uu for all your supportive video but i have a question about how to use ing and ed it’s a little bit confusing cuz i remember that we use ed just to express the feeling but ing it can be a verb / adverb / noun / adjective ) tat’s why i’m confused
if you can make a nother video about that or add me on facebook to explain it for me
adverbs made easy.
thank you Rebecca
Nice, I got 6 correct questions!
Amazing! I got 6 out of 6! This video was old. Thank you Rebecca
Thank you ma’am Rebecca. It’s help me a lot.
thank you
I got 6 correct out of 6. wery well!
I got 6 correct out of 6. very well!
Thank you! ?
hi mam,
i like ur teaching way.
I have a question!
If I say: Yesterday, I went to the park.
‘yesterday” is still an adverb in this sentence?
Hi, your class is very informative. Thanks.
Thanks a lot…
i managed to get 5/6 before watching the video. I made a mistake in second question. How dare I!
I overestimated my skills that’s why i made a mistake.
I should consider it a little deeper.
But there is no point in crying over spilled milk.
I’m going to watch the video. I hope that after that i will be able to do these quizzes with 100% effectiveness.
It was nice to see you Rebecca.
Until later.
Bye ;)
Thank you so much Rebecca :)
Rebecca teaches English well; I enjoy her lesson very much.
I always thank you to Rebecca …(I don’t know the spelling word) of my heart.
You are easy to understand
This is a great way practice. Thank you Rebecca
Thnaks lot Rebecca, I got 100%
the sound is terrible..
Thanks miss Rebecca
thank you
Thank u so much
I don’t know whether you’re seeing this comment or not, but if you’re reading it, could you please make a video explaning about the differences between present perfect continuous and present perfect?
I watched this video twice on September 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 6.
Nice class. All the best.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thank you very much
Thank u rabaca god bless you
I got 6/6.
Thank you! :)
Good lesson.
Thank you teacher Rabecca.
Thank you!
Dear Ms Rebecca, an adverb will always finish a sentence, if it describes manner, time, quality or place.
I will remember this helpful rule. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much