If you’re used to “used to” to talk about past habits, then you are ready to add a new grammatical structure to your English language skills. “Would” has more uses than you think! Also, learn about the differences between “would” and “used to” in the past in this lesson.
Hi Alex
it’s a good lesson,but i am still confused how could we use would have in past can u plz make a vedio on different usese of would have thanks.
I have a quistion why you used ….were wth I …”if i were taller “…. i don’t understand could u tell me pls…thanks
me too, but i understand a little bit, maybe it is because he used the word ”IF”means you wanna do in the future, that’s why its -‘if i were taller.
Hi there, when we say about an imaginary situation, sth is not real, sth unlike we always use WE for all people. Ex: If I/YOU/ HE/ SHE/ THEY WERE… I hope u get it!!! ;)
I’m sorry, I made a mistake: I could edit my explanation. I said We always use WERE….
Because it is a assumption. its not true. so we use were express the simple past time
why used were with I and not was…???
Hello, Alex! Could explain the reason to this answer:
Didn’t you used to work for IBM?
Thank you and congratulations for your good job!
Here, ‘work’ is a state like ‘live’ so the same rule applies.
But many people would write the question:
Didn’t you use to work for IBM?
It is easy to understand your lesson. Get with big thanks!!!
but i have a little bit problem with it.
sir i want to know one thing. could u tell me an interrogative sentence having term “used to”. Please sie . i mean i want to know a sentence which is interrogative and containing term used to
thank you teacher for drawing my attention to the difference between them because i thought that they are interchangeable
well, i got 10/10. it’s good to have a refresher course on ‘would’ and ‘used to’usage. thank you, sir allen.
Hi, Alex! What are differences between
1) yours and your and my mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
Dear sir, could you have a lesson on four conditional sentences? Actually I need its application! I’ll be grateful to you,if you could..!
Thanks Sir Alex
oh my god too bad i got 3 out of 10,,,,,,,,,,
marzia, you’ve been honest to yourself when you said you got low score…that’s part of learning. keep going! everything will turn out well!
don’t worry marzia we’re the same I got 3 out of 10 too, it’s really confusing but we have to keep going we can do it! ^_^
Hi Alex I have a question in this sentence”the doctor made them will” is “will” here is objective complement or obligatory adverb I mean is it pattern 7 or pattern 6 in sentences type ?
I am not Alex nor an English teacher, but your sentence “the doctor made them will” is so incorrect, what ever the patten it belongs too. If Alex sees this he is sure to SOB.
It must be a typo in the sentence. “The doctor made them well” makes more sense. This is a past action,so I think we can use either “would” or “used to” in the sentence, such as “In the past, the doctor would make them well” or “In the past, the doctor used to make them well”.
HI ALEX i was waiting for this lesson. i have question how i can use would in the future . thanks
Hi Alex you are an excellent teacher
I would like to know the exact meaning of [your word agains my word] i heard people say that . thank you keep up the good work you are doing.
thanks that was very helpful
good to know
it’s so easy …thanks
THANKS THANKS THANKS!!! great lesson!! my score was 9 of 10!
Hey Alex, how’s it going? is there other words that i can change when i used BECAUSE???, i’d like to explain something without because.
Thank you.
Rey - Brazil
What great teacher you are, Thanks a lot for helping me to improve my English. You are all great.
here from Brazil I senf you a big hug
Thank you. That was a good lesson.
WoOoOoW, I got 10 out of 10
Thank you Mr.Alex.
What’s up with W’s O’s.
Thank you, it was very usefull lesson)
Thank you.
very interesting..thanks,i really appreciate
hi mr, Alex . i’d like to thank u for this listen that helped me much . with the best:)
yemen's girl
thanks alot
i wish u do many lessons about tenses
Thank you for help me to make it clear. i like your lesson
Thank you for your explanation.
You’re a very good teacher.
Thank you.
Your lesson is very helpful.
That’s great.
Thanks so much for the lesson! enjoyed it!
Thank you for your teaching
i think that you are a good teacher
lyhon ho
Thanks so much for the lesson .
I scored 9 out of 10. Thanks for the lesson. You are very understandable while you ‘re speaking :)
It is great Mr:Alex I’ve got 10 out of 10 thanks alot
It is graet. I’ve got 10 out of 10
i took a quiz and i got 9 out of 10, it means i understand the lesson and the grammar rules of this lesson, however im just wondering why we use present verb after would, where as we are talking about the past..hope you could explain the answer to me…thanks..
Hello Mr. Alex this was a good lesson but I am cnfuse these three words would ,used to ,both… How can I recognize to use them in correct way… Please can u explain more in a new lesson. Thanks
as alex explaination, “would” can be used and replaced “used to ” only for habitual action in the past, however there are some exception that you can only use ” used to ” , for an instance your talking abut the place where you were living before and your profession that you were working before. hope this help you understand the lesson. keep studying..
tnx Alex
i couldnt understand why used to is correct in this question:
didnt u ….. work 4 IBM?
PLZ explain 4 me…
Thank you very much
Kob Kun Ka :)
Thailand Learner
thanks a lot,sir
i had so many confusion using ‘would’ and ‘used to’ ,however now i know ,when i use ‘would’ and ‘used to’ and once again thanks a lot,sir
Thanks for your lessons, they’re all very helpful. I’ve a grammar question that’s bothering me… Can I use WILL after WHEN in a sentence?
Such as: “I’ll return the book when I’ll see you next week” Is it wrong? why? thank you so much!
This is my first lesson in this web site I’m really exinted by the quality of education thank you so much my teacher
i want to know the difference of “would” and “would have”
still i din’t understand the difference between the “would” and “used to”.
its quite complicated having both with a singular person,
do you have a reason for it?
Good practice thanks
I wanted to know adjective and adverb subjected verb explain to me more
alex uncle didn’t always use with “used to” tell me
First and foremost at envid No uncle’s and No Anty’s Only Teachers. The grammar in your sentence is a brain twister.
Hello sir,
Besides, what are the situations where i can use ‘would’in the simple past??
Please explain me why you used were instead of was in the first sentence.For example
If I “WERE” taller, I would play basketball.
If I “WAS” taller, I would play basketball.
Thank you.
Bilal Arshad
great… another 10… thx a lot…
ratna ahmad
thank you so much it is very informative, I used to be a good listener
Hi sir! I wanna ask a question from you. In the question above, what does “both” mean in the above questions.
thanks, I think very accomplishment lesson and very clearly.
kadir ali
Thanks a lot. I would play ping pong twice a week….. how do you record a movie without mistakes? Do you learn it or is it easy for you?
A little of both, although grammar is not always easy, even for native speakers.
I thank you exceedingly.
Great class I learned a lot good job
I got 8 out of 10. I was just confused because there’s “both” in the choices. Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
Hi there.
I’ve read the comments and everyone would thank you so do I, well I had the quiz for the first time and I got 7/10 its good attempt I’ll try my level best.
Thanks very much for your lesson on the above.
I want develop my English ability.
r.danuska cooray
hello mr Alex;i wonder if you could give me your skype account,cause i am an english learner and i just want to improve my spoken skills at english language ,thank you so much in advance teacher.sincerely
I got confusing why you said “I were” instead of I was in the first sentence
i had really enjoyed ur way of learning english is excellent
It is very easy way to learn English. It is understandable to me. Thank U.
Thnaks a lot Alex.
i dont understand in the last question, it is “a friend of mine ____ always came late to class… we don’t say A friend of mine use to always came late to class… right? but, the answer is both.. why?
but. i enjoyed… hehe… i love ur lessons.. tnx
THAKX :D the explanation was very clear.
Greetings from Mexico City !!!
Please do not stop to make classes like this.
Thank you ,it is understandable .
Goodluck with ur English!
Thank you dear Fatima for your kindness
I wish the best things for you
Take care
Thank you dear Fatima for your kindness
I wish the best things for you
Take care
10/10. Thanks doc.
thank you so much for the lesson it was so helpful and the explanation was really good and really fruitful, wish u keep on doing this great efforts and stay blessed.
thanks alot
thanks a ton!!These lessons are easy to be understood. They’re really helping ESL learners. :D
I’m still not clear how to use would & used to.
Please, explan me again.
Thank you.
A friend of mine _both__ always come late to class.
used to
i would like to know about both word please explain me why it is use
I’m very happy to know your lecture.
Thanks a lot
Thanks alot Alex. I’ve never used would we are used to using ( used to) to explane somethig happen in the past and we used to do it every day so, I’m still confused how to use WOULD in the same time.On the other hand is it matter if I use ( used to ) only in the past habits?..
Thank you again for your time hopefully to find the answer from you.
you are the best…
Your lessons are very interesting.
could you please expalin for me .is used to helper verb or not?thank.
could you explain me about relation between hypothesizing and first, second and third conditional.
youk piseyseth
afeter watching this video by me, I had some idea about where we use would.
hi Alex sir….. thanks u soo much for lesson. if u dont mind plz let me know your email address i wanna be learn more english lesson i live in canada.thanks
Hello! Very, very good lesson. Congratulations!
Can I ask?
Where do you used to live before you came in US?
Thanks Alex ! It is really useful stuff.
Respected Sir
Thanks a lot
oh shit… i got only 4 marks out of 10
although i understood well so i don’t know how can i use it in front of ppl…..
but i always wanna say that Alex is a good teacher and gives us a great class
Oh.. I really appreciate your class. I will learn English more and more.. thank you very much..
Hi Alex,I’am a new student would you mind if I ask you a question could u please help me!
Could you pls. explain the meaning of Perfect Modal and the Perfect Modal Continues, because when I speak sometimes I get lost, and when to use it.
I will be very glad if you take a glance to answer my questions. Tnx!
By the way, my name is Britzz I will appreciate your kindness!
Thank You. Lesson understood!
Can would be used to express the future tense?
Can would be used to express the future tense?
Would can only be used for present and past conditionals, and to talk about typical past behaviour or habits.
Hi Alex, Thanks for your lessons. I have a question. What is the difference between these sentences: I had a Toyota car and this sentence I used to have a Toyota car. These two sentences mean the same, don’t they?
thanks Alex for this lesson
Thanks a lot…..that was very detailed and informative…
excellent clase, just today i kwen these website, but i have watched two videos and i have learned a lot.
you;re just wonderful
Thanks for your teaching as good for more understand
what is both in grammar and what has todo with would??
This lesson is very useful me. I got 9/10
Thank you very much.
Hola a todos !!! entienden castellano?? Hi alex I`m argentinian from mendoza downtown, I really enjoyed looking at your videos they are so interesting for me because I`m not a NATIVE speaker and i do not know to write and speak it like all you do. Can you contact to me . I hope so Thanks Im so glad !!! Besos(KISSES)
I got 10/10.thankx again
on the school soccer team …? not schools ?
Another good lesson. Thanks!
Thanks a lot :)
And Argentina????? ¬¬ jeje
Thanks for the lesson. it was very usefull
Hi,Alex.I have always confused ‘used to and would’ but your lecture is clear to understand, thank you
And I didnt understand that if we can use ‘used to/use to’ in question forms.
For example in this quiz question, the correct item is ‘used to’ but I think it should be ‘use to’? Thanks again.
Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
used to
huseyin çeri
7 out of 10…so bed…I need more practice for this lesson…)Thanks,Alex)
Any Russia
good teaching alex…………thank u very much
Hi Alex, you are very good teacer!. Well, I have a question, It is common use both?
hamster is not with P.HamPster.that is not correct.
hi alex.
am naveen this videos are very useful me.
thx alex
sree from singapore
thanks for your help
Alex, thanks a lot! It’s great job! I found this lesson extremely useful! (for teachers as well)))
Awesome.I obtained 10 on 10.
why both???waah!sorry i cant understand,…!can u give me another example??thatn
thanks alex sir.usufull lesson.if you don’t mind,please give me some example about’would’
Thank you Alex. Useful info for me. Only the construction “Didn’t you used to…” makes my brain boil)
thank to you so much,you are great
Hi! Alex I also didn’t understand why can’t we use ” If I was taller instead of I WERE”
This is changing today. In older grammar books, they advise using “If I were,” but more modern ones also say that “If I was” is okay. Honestly, both are used by native speakers, so if you say “If I was” in a conversation, people will know what you mean.
thanks for your lessons can you please teach me more sentences about would
Alex,you are my favourite teacher.I like your lessons they are useful for me.Hi, Irena ¨from Czech rep.in Europe.
I like it..but still not very clear about would could and being n been uses
thank you very much Alex your lessons are very useful we love you so much.
ouassila haddad
Thank you .
I feel good when I listen to your lesson .
when i was wake up early i woud visit english vidio and then having a breakfast
mohamed eltahir
a very good explanation Alex , as always. Please , make lessons about GERUND and please explain how to use prepositions more detailed and about many other grammar problems , this would be very useful, thanks teacher.
That’s great .
Thank you and Merry X’mas
Thank you my teacher.
but I think there is mistake in the quiz…
Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
The answer is used to!!!
I think we must delete (ed) right???
Dear Alex
As I remember in some cases in the past, if you are going to quote from someone’s sentence like “I will be there on time”, you should say he told me that he would be there on time.
Is this a conditional use or other?
You are correct, but the grammar point is called “reported speech.” It’s not a conditional.
“I like cheese!”
“He said that he liked cheese.”
“I will be there!”
“He said he would be there.”
thank you Alex a wonderful and a useful lesson
I like your lessons Alex they’re usefull. But there’s something not clearly in my head….Why I cannot use both WOULD and USED TO when i say I used to work as a pharmacist. ? wor is not and action?
Your focus is on the fact that you were a pharmacist. If you’re talking about a job that you had in the past, you should use “used to.” You CAN use work with “would” in the past too, though.
“In high school, I would always work very hard.”
Thank you so much Alex, I get 8/10 on exercise.
I got …
Alex in the last text’s question the correct answer is both, used to and would but used to is after the always.
Thanks for a good lesson. ‘If I were taller’ like that if I wanna use for ‘they’, is there any different in that?
For example, If they were taller, they would play basketball. Is that correct?
Thank You , Alex. You explained fantastic… I love this programme.
Shah Haq
I use to use would
thx sir
What a great site I just found! Thank you so much! I also missed ‘work’ example though I was almost sure the same rule applies for that.
So, rather than memorizing exceptions, can we say that if the activity has no close relation to the time:
– I’m a doctor even when I’m asleep
– I work for IBM even though I’m driving home now
– I have a hamster however my mum is taking care of him while I’m on vacation
– etc
we should always use ‘used to’, right?
PS: sorry for my grammar I’m not a native speaker
Hi Alex,you are a very good teacher.
But I have a doubt in the first sentence that you wrote.The sentence is:
“If I were taller,I would play basketball”.
Is this sentence same as “If I was taller,I could have played basketball”
or does it mean “I am not taller,so I can’t play basketball”
And,why did you use ‘were’ after the subject ‘I’?.
Didn’t have to use ‘was’ after ‘I’?
And also tell me why ‘would’ is called as past of ‘will’?
Could you please explain?,,because I’m so confused now..
Thank you :)
i used to watch stupid movies instead of teaching English) but now i prefer to watch ur videos. thanks
I like it you clarified it well
also wondered if simple past can be used for pastactions or habits?thank you
hello Sir,
I have difficulty in understanding use of would. what should I do?
You are great Alex
thank teacher
Hi Alex, what is the difference between “I used to be a doctor” and “I was a doctor”? Thanks
thanks Alex.,
Thanks Alex very much. That’s all what I need now. I was wondering a lot of about how to use Would.
I want to know about” would ‘in other situations. plase help me .
Alex great job… thank you
nice lesson,tanks Alex…
Hi guys: thanks for the quiz and also for your video, now i understand clearer the use of used to and would. Bye =D
i don’t too much understand
I use your video in my blog englishiza.blogspot.com
Hi Alex, please help mi with this sentences with would in the past. Both of them were incorrect. Could you tell me why?
_______ work as a pharmacist. I put both, why not?
A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
I put both too.
Thank you Alex
Hi Alex, sometime I hear some people use would or could in present tense. Fox example: Probably she would come
I guess they used Would in this sentence as they weren’t sure the woman comes or not, isn’t it?
is this correct: “If I were healthy, I would undergo training everyday and I would become more successful.”
hello frnds
could u explain how to use “would be,would have & would have been”
and in what conditions.
for example
1) he would have been a great cop
2) (u should have told me).”i would have gone with you too”
3)i would be there
I like the teaching
10 out of 10 =) Thanks Sir !
thanks sir.i got 9 out of 10.
nice episode after long time i got this episode.thank you sooooooooooo much…
hi..alex i want to know,are these all correct?
if i were there,i would have enjoyed it too.
i would do it,if i were you.
i would have done it,if i were you.
thanks in advance,hope you will reply…..
Hi sir,
In question 9, ‘Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?’ None of the three choices (would/ used to / both) are correct.
The right answer is ‘use to’, isn’t it?
Anyway, congratulations for your clear and really useful explanation.
alex uncle didn’t always use with used to never with would?????
In the quiz about used to/ would I think No9 is incorrect Look!
9. Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
used to
you sloved it as /used to which is not correct
the answer should be use to because we have didn’t
I have got 6 correct out of 10.Development for old man is very dificult to do.I hope that will be better.
Just keep trying. Even if you don’t get everything right, you will still know more than you did ten minutes earlier!
Hi Alex! You REALLY taught this point to me! I love your videos!
9. Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
2,used to
This is a question from the quiz. The second variant is correct. Сan you explain if this is a question then why do we use the verb “use” with ed-ending? I thought that the anwer would be like “Didn’t you use to work_ for…?”
This was a typo on the quiz. It has been fixed!
hello teacher !i am so greatful on you and finally i got a problem that would be a question .so ,would is the future of past ,right ?i really would like to know about it and please ,teacher i am waiting for that specifically .thank you
sorry dear best teacher it was not good not even 30% I do not know what happen to you it seemed you had a problem home or with some other colleague at Engvid school . I guess Jam because he talks too much and that is the main reason to make you confused and stressed Please take it easy cool down neglect him try to get a cup of coffee with Emma or Ronnie Robacca set with them talk to them and do not even mention his name Jam loves problems and also known as a trouble maker
Wonderful lesson on would. Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex. Your teaching is very interesting. I like it very much. Keep up !
I’m so happy I have found this site :) Thank you Alex. Your lessons are great!
Thanks a lot.
As I know the pet hamster is written without “p” :-)
Hi, thank you so much for your class. It would be great if you could teach us the differences between used to + infinitive, be/ get used to + noun and + ing form, it’s a little bit confused to me. Thank you so much again, have a good day. Please!
thank you for the courtesy extended
B S V Prakash Kumar
Dear Alex,
sometimes letter U sound I like in business.
how do we know U sound (yooo) or I in a word
Alex let me talk a little about my self
I waste a lot of my time trying to improve my English. I used to read from books that I could improve my English. Actually, For me it is extremely to achieve more in seeking to develop my English even though I got a degree in my subject by using English. But the English itself I found it is hard to me.
Since I’ve start to take lessons from this websites, I notice a big change which is uncompetable to before when I am unsuccessful to make a big change by time.
Thank you
I’m happy to hear that! It takes patience and persistence, but sometimes you just need the right tools to help you out. If engvid is working for you, that’s great.
ALex please check my post and please correct me.
What are the differences between I am from a place AND I come from a place?
I would appreciate it if you could answer My question A.S.A.P.
Roohallah Ahmadi
Thank’s teacher for there valuable tips
Hi Alex. I did the exercise and I would like to know why using the verb “work” talking about our pass, we can not use “would”. Thanks a lot.
Sorry, I mean, talking about our past. Because “work” is not a past state, location neither possession. thanks.
Thank you very much, Alex!
It was exactly what I was looking for :)
thank you so much Alex i like how calm you are, and how you take your time to explain the lessons you are my favorite teacher keep the good work
sara dirie
why “Didn’t you would work for IBM?” is wrong ? isn’t action ?
Wow, 10/10!
What is the difference between I would go and I would have gone?
it is an excellent class by u sir Alex
it is easy to understand your english
and also engvid has provided a quiz facility to test our knowledge
your are my favorite teacher
hi alex….In this video u have written ” when i we were “ON” the school team”….don’t u think it should be “IN” the school team…..i am toatlly confused between “IN” or “ON”…plz help me.
thank you
raghav sahi
Awesome lesson, very clear explained it, thanks a lot Alex
thanks buddy….
Thanks Alex it was very usefull the explanation!
bravo…I got 10/10
You are on fire! lol
This lesson is great! Thanks you so much Alex.
Thanks so much! This lesson is very useful.
Thank you ! Alex for explaining the diff between used to and would.
Thank you so much!!!I’ve had confusion with would have, could have and should have or one more question can I use should/could in the replacement of would for the past activities ???
Your kind and instantaneous response would be highly appreciated!!!
Stay blessed!!!
I do like your lessons , teacher Alix. I retook the quiz to check my understanding about would and used to. I noticed my hesitation when giving the answer— that means I am not so clear of their use although I got 10/10. Why only ‘ used to ‘ is the only correct answer rather than both? Without doubt, “I used to be a pianist ” is clear enough to understand comparing with ‘ I would be a pianist.” Wrong usage, isn’t it ?
By the way, I am confused in the following sentences :
Where are you from ? = ask my nationality.
Where do you come from ? = ask the last place I have just leaved.
Thank you.
Have I done something wrong ? I have no intention to log out this wonderful web site at all, instead, I spend times to improve my English through your lessons.
I remember that I have no idea how to upload my picture when submitting my application. If you won’t mind , may I just use the green logo here, which you provided me ?
I listened again this lesson then I got the answers. This is my fault . Your explanation is extremely clear . Now I’m able to use either ‘would’ or ‘used to’ properly. Thank you very much.
10/10 ))))
It was very important lesson.
hi sir..
i like your classes very much.. :)but i have some doubts in my mind like..
what is difference between
I won’t be able to do this, or
I wouldn’t be able to do this… can i use wouldn’t in lieu of won’t… pls answer me
Hi Alex,
In this video i learned only that how to use would in past habits but i am still confuse how to use would in sentence while writing email. i need your help to use it in sentence. kindly reply on my comment.
thanks a lot sir alex
Thank you so much, alex
Thank you!
teacher can I use would in past form like this in polite way.examples . How much I will pay? then could I say, it would be 10 dollars.
is it correct ?
yes of course
Hi alex :) I want to know the difference between -if I was taller and if I were taller .
please explaing how would use in the present tense.
use of would accoring to my knowledge please correct if m wrong.
2.unreal condition
3.conditional sentence2 condition use would
4. polite request
5.to express what we wantor are willing to do
the above conditon are exhaustive according to my knowledge please correct me and tell me when use would in the present tense.
6. uncomplete wish
would that I had not made this mistake.
please correct me if I am wrong and illustrate wht is typical pastor present behaviour.
Thank you so much professor :)
I got 3 correct out of 10. It might be the worst in my score. I’ll watch the video again, and try the quiz.
Never give up! Thank you Alex :)
Hi Alex, your lessons are just great! I got really confused about the use of the preposition “on” in this sentence: When I was on the school soccer team. Something inside me tells me that I have to use “in” instead of “on”. Why “on”? Thank you so much.
Alex, just let me say you made my day. :) Thank you!
A friend of mine would always come late to class.
Because if you use “used to” it should have a different order of words (A friend of mine used to come late to class always). I don’t know really why but that’s what my feeling tells me.
Elimar Orlopp
Thank you for your lesson. all of you are really great.
Cool 10 of 10 ^_^ Thank youu very muchhh Alex.You are my favorite teacher…you are even better than my teacher at school.
I got 8 corect out of 10.It means I need to review the video several time till my mind tired out.
Please my Lord,the Brazil world Cup is come soon and I am spelling like a child.
I’m afraid I’ll never learn English the way it must to be.
But I hope one day I’ll be there!!!
I got 9 out of 10, it’s not good, I have to study more
Thank you Alex!!!!!
You’re explanation is very clear.Thank you so much♥
easy to understand!
I always got 5 out 10. May be i should watch this video again. Thanks sir alex!
Hi sir alex!how about “can” and “could”?
thanks for your help very kind of you
Thank you Alex! you are the best teacher))
Aina Utebekova
Thanks! Very helpful! Sometimes in real conversations I “overthink” about sentece structure, and this lesson really helps!
hi Alex. tell me please why in first sentence is “I WERE” but in second “I WAS”?
Alex already answered to this question above in this comment box. However, I’m gonna tell you. “If I were” is subjunctive and the correct way of saying. “if I was” is also used by natives but this is actually incorrect.
helpful! thanks!
thank you teacher Alex…=)…i didn’t expect that i would get a score of 10/10
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude.
I _______ work as a pharmacist.
used to
Why can’t we use would here? Work is a verb in this sentence, so we could use would?
Really, I never used before ” used to”. In this quiz I did 40 % but other 40 % were right to used BOTH of them answers, so It’s not wrong to used one of them.
Yeah, I got full marks!!!
Thank you for your lesson.
I would sleep when I studied English grammar, but not now.
Thank you for this lesson.
every lesson i used to leave a comment, and also
every lesson I would leave a comment,
Great lessons
Great quiz. I love quizzes that beside evaluate reinforce my knowledge of the lesson.
Sofia Ruiz
Great lesson, thanx a lot!
this lesson has helped me so much!
victor igor
I would like to express my appreciation for your selfless efforts.
I have a question. what is difference between these two sentences
1.I have been a doctor
2.I used to be a doctor
You used “I were…” and “I was…” actually this confused me is it correct to say like that?
Imtithal Saeed
Would for past it’s very difficult for me i didnt understand
Help me with these sentences: What should I use?
1. He____________ listen to heavy metal music when I was young.
2. When we were children, we ______________ get up and help our mother make breakfast.
You can use both would and used to (:
hi alez my name is eduardo….first of all i wanna thank you for your awesome classes.they´re really useful,thanks because this page is for free at least i dont have to pay at all and i have a excelent teachers here where i can learn everyday…keep it up you´re doing a unbelievable job here. thanks engvid teachers.
Thank you alex ! I was wondering if you could tell me how to use would
in the future because it’s so confusing ..
Hi Alex, Thank you for your lesson. It is now more clear than before. The difficult part for me is when i have to say it.
ann ann
Hampster or hamster ?
magda cioclov
Love your videos Alex..It seems to me that I am in the classroom..
Hi, Alex! Good chanel for getting a good experience on grammar. I like your videos, you did a lot and every other one is understandable, I make notes after watching. On the whole, thank you a lot for your work!!!
Thanx alex before listen to this lecture i used to get confused.may god bless you even more virtures
Thanks Alex :-)
Hi Alex, this is Dounia I was your student in Mtl, hope you are well, i ve just known about this site, i am really happy to see u here. You are a good teacher
Thanks for the lesson, Alex!
Precious Gee
hi sir this is ramakrishna form INDIA
please clarify my doubts with word “would” usage
“in london she met the man that she would one day marry”
“he left 4 minutes late, unaware that the delay would save his life”
Please do need full
In this sentence, “would” is used as future in the past.
Thank you so much Alex
Thanks, Alex!
Thank you, Alex.
You’re a great teacher Alex,thank you very much for your work.
Alex, you are adept at teacher. I love your lessons and others teacher’s lessons .
Would:ıt use active verbs such as run
used to:sitatuation and active such as I used to be a doctor and I used to run at university.Alex: ıt is correct?
Thank you very much, Alex! Everything is clea.
Clear )))
Hi alex, Is it correct to say: when I was a child, I would go to school with my father?
Tarik rahmouni
Hey, Alex. Is this sentence gramatically corect?
-Mark would seem quiet and distant in class.
I dont think it is correct(seem is a stative verb).. but I read that in a book.
If it were correct, What would be the difference between “Mark seemed quite and distant in class” and the first one?
Check it out this one, please!!!
When I was child, we used to go on Holiday to the coast. Every day, we would get up early, would have a quick breakfast and go down to the beach. we’d play in the sand and swim in the sea until lunchtime. It was great!!….
“Would HAVE a quick breakfast” here is correct because “have” is not showing or meaning a possesion. It has another nuance. Doesn’t it?
very helpful.. Thanks for sharing Alex.
I did not used to have 7 outto 10 I always used to have less so I am improving my English skills thas great.
I scored 9 .thank u . Its difficult for me to said would in places of used to as used to seems to more appropriate as compared to would at several places.
Hi!! Great content and lesson!
I just have one doubt but it’s not about the lesson content. It’s about the “When I was on the school” sentence:
Why is “on the school” and not “in the school”? I’ve watched many lessons about prepositions and it seems it’s not enough yet. ha ha.
Thanks for the attention til now.
Dyeff Pilat
thanks that was very helpful
little tricky, nice information. thanks alex
Thank you very much . One of the best lessons !
what does “both” mean in the sentences test ?. I don’t understand. im confused because that is not explained in the video
You are great! But this last one, it’s a little confuse..
Andre pimentel
8/10. Thank you.
ann ann
Very useful thanks alot
Why “both” is incorrect on questions 7 and 9? The verb “work” wasn’t mentioned on the 2nd part of the video.
thank you teacher
Hi Alex,
In my humble opinion, in 7 and 9, the verb “work” describes an action. I’ve looked for it in Google and I’ve found 15,000,000 of sentences containing “I would work as a…”
In addition, is it correct the word “hampster”? I’ve looked for it and the result is not…
Take care,
Thanks Alex for a good lesson!
May l know if we could use the contraction form of ‘would’ which is l’d …..in the past form? for example;
‘I’d play piano twice a week” instead of “I would play piano twice a week’ ?
Thanks for this such useful lesson.
Hi teacher Alex, your lesson is very important and I got it.
I get used to watching your EngVid and I can learn from the lessons.
Thank you. This is not so easy for me to use when I speak but I wrote down all the examples that you wrote and I’ll go through them and I’m sure they’ll sink in.
Jude Benyamin
Thank you. A question: can we use “would” in the negative form? For example: I wouldn’t ride a bike when I was a child. Or we should say: I didn’t use to ride a bike?
Thank you Alex. I only got 6 out of ten. I will study and try it again tomorrow.
50%its too bad for me l well learn mor
Thank you Adam!
Daniel F. Munoz
I got 10/10, thank you Alex!
Hi Alex, In the number 8th of questions, should “weekend” be “weekends”?
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
The police took someone into custody concerning a shooting incident. When asked by a journalist about the state of the investigation, the police spokesperson replied “We did our investigations and we would have arrested one man…”
Is the spokesperson’s reply grammatically correct?
late bloomer
i like your classes and help me lots thanks once again
I got 10 correct out of 10
HI, thank you Alex for this great lesson. Quick question in the last exercise I think you cannot say: I used to always …
I think it would be sth like this:
I always used to…
A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
used to
I think is:
a friend of mine always used to come late to class.
Thanks mr Alex??
Daler Begmatov
excellent reacher congratulations
9/10 thanks
10. A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
would (I marked this)
used to
I got a little confused in the Quiz since I’ve read in a training book for FCE that “would” is set before the adverb of frecuency in a clause. Therefore I marked would as the only possible answer. In the case of “used to” is ok since you put it after the averb of frecuency.
Why is the word “where” used after the word “I” and not “was” in sentence “If I were taller I would play basketball”
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks alot, My Teacher!
alot is not a word buddy!
wow what you taught it is so good!
hi how old r u?
Hi Alex
it’s a good lesson,but i am still confused how could we use would have in past can u plz make a vedio on different usese of would have thanks.
I have a quistion why you used ….were wth I …”if i were taller “…. i don’t understand could u tell me pls…thanks
me too, but i understand a little bit, maybe it is because he used the word ”IF”means you wanna do in the future, that’s why its -‘if i were taller.
Hi there, when we say about an imaginary situation, sth is not real, sth unlike we always use WE for all people. Ex: If I/YOU/ HE/ SHE/ THEY WERE… I hope u get it!!! ;)
I’m sorry, I made a mistake: I could edit my explanation. I said We always use WERE….
Because it is a assumption. its not true. so we use were express the simple past time
why used were with I and not was…???
Hello, Alex! Could explain the reason to this answer:
Didn’t you used to work for IBM?
Thank you and congratulations for your good job!
Here, ‘work’ is a state like ‘live’ so the same rule applies.
But many people would write the question:
Didn’t you use to work for IBM?
It is easy to understand your lesson. Get with big thanks!!!
but i have a little bit problem with it.
sir i want to know one thing. could u tell me an interrogative sentence having term “used to”. Please sie . i mean i want to know a sentence which is interrogative and containing term used to
thank you teacher for drawing my attention to the difference between them because i thought that they are interchangeable
well, i got 10/10. it’s good to have a refresher course on ‘would’ and ‘used to’usage. thank you, sir allen.
Hi, Alex! What are differences between
1) yours and your and my mine and etc.
2) “etc.” and “so on”
Dear sir, could you have a lesson on four conditional sentences? Actually I need its application! I’ll be grateful to you,if you could..!
Thanks Sir Alex
oh my god too bad i got 3 out of 10,,,,,,,,,,
marzia, you’ve been honest to yourself when you said you got low score…that’s part of learning. keep going! everything will turn out well!
don’t worry marzia we’re the same I got 3 out of 10 too, it’s really confusing but we have to keep going we can do it! ^_^
Hi Alex I have a question in this sentence”the doctor made them will” is “will” here is objective complement or obligatory adverb I mean is it pattern 7 or pattern 6 in sentences type ?
I am not Alex nor an English teacher, but your sentence “the doctor made them will” is so incorrect, what ever the patten it belongs too. If Alex sees this he is sure to SOB.
It must be a typo in the sentence. “The doctor made them well” makes more sense. This is a past action,so I think we can use either “would” or “used to” in the sentence, such as “In the past, the doctor would make them well” or “In the past, the doctor used to make them well”.
HI ALEX i was waiting for this lesson. i have question how i can use would in the future . thanks
Hi Alex you are an excellent teacher
I would like to know the exact meaning of [your word agains my word] i heard people say that . thank you keep up the good work you are doing.
thanks that was very helpful
good to know
it’s so easy …thanks
THANKS THANKS THANKS!!! great lesson!! my score was 9 of 10!
Hey Alex, how’s it going? is there other words that i can change when i used BECAUSE???, i’d like to explain something without because.
Thank you.
What great teacher you are, Thanks a lot for helping me to improve my English. You are all great.
here from Brazil I senf you a big hug
Thank you. That was a good lesson.
WoOoOoW, I got 10 out of 10
Thank you Mr.Alex.
What’s up with W’s O’s.
Thank you, it was very usefull lesson)
Thank you.
very interesting..thanks,i really appreciate
hi mr, Alex . i’d like to thank u for this listen that helped me much . with the best:)
thanks alot
i wish u do many lessons about tenses
Thank you for help me to make it clear. i like your lesson
Thank you for your explanation.
You’re a very good teacher.
Thank you.
Your lesson is very helpful.
That’s great.
Thanks so much for the lesson! enjoyed it!
Thank you for your teaching
i think that you are a good teacher
Thanks so much for the lesson .
I scored 9 out of 10. Thanks for the lesson. You are very understandable while you ‘re speaking :)
It is great Mr:Alex I’ve got 10 out of 10 thanks alot
It is graet. I’ve got 10 out of 10
i took a quiz and i got 9 out of 10, it means i understand the lesson and the grammar rules of this lesson, however im just wondering why we use present verb after would, where as we are talking about the past..hope you could explain the answer to me…thanks..
Hello Mr. Alex this was a good lesson but I am cnfuse these three words would ,used to ,both… How can I recognize to use them in correct way… Please can u explain more in a new lesson. Thanks
as alex explaination, “would” can be used and replaced “used to ” only for habitual action in the past, however there are some exception that you can only use ” used to ” , for an instance your talking abut the place where you were living before and your profession that you were working before. hope this help you understand the lesson. keep studying..
tnx Alex
i couldnt understand why used to is correct in this question:
didnt u ….. work 4 IBM?
PLZ explain 4 me…
Thank you very much
Kob Kun Ka :)
thanks a lot,sir
i had so many confusion using ‘would’ and ‘used to’ ,however now i know ,when i use ‘would’ and ‘used to’ and once again thanks a lot,sir
Thanks for your lessons, they’re all very helpful. I’ve a grammar question that’s bothering me… Can I use WILL after WHEN in a sentence?
Such as: “I’ll return the book when I’ll see you next week” Is it wrong? why? thank you so much!
This is my first lesson in this web site I’m really exinted by the quality of education thank you so much my teacher
i want to know the difference of “would” and “would have”
still i din’t understand the difference between the “would” and “used to”.
its quite complicated having both with a singular person,
do you have a reason for it?
Good practice thanks
I wanted to know adjective and adverb subjected verb explain to me more
Hi dahir,
Check out this link:
This should answer most of your questions.
alex uncle didn’t always use with “used to” tell me
First and foremost at envid No uncle’s and No Anty’s Only Teachers. The grammar in your sentence is a brain twister.
Hello sir,
Besides, what are the situations where i can use ‘would’in the simple past??
Please explain me why you used were instead of was in the first sentence.For example
If I “WERE” taller, I would play basketball.
If I “WAS” taller, I would play basketball.
Thank you.
great… another 10… thx a lot…
thank you so much it is very informative, I used to be a good listener
Hi sir! I wanna ask a question from you. In the question above, what does “both” mean in the above questions.
thanks, I think very accomplishment lesson and very clearly.
kadir ali
Thanks a lot. I would play ping pong twice a week….. how do you record a movie without mistakes? Do you learn it or is it easy for you?
A little of both, although grammar is not always easy, even for native speakers.
I thank you exceedingly.
Great class I learned a lot good job
I got 8 out of 10. I was just confused because there’s “both” in the choices. Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
Hi there.
I’ve read the comments and everyone would thank you so do I, well I had the quiz for the first time and I got 7/10 its good attempt I’ll try my level best.
Thanks very much for your lesson on the above.
I want develop my English ability.
hello mr Alex;i wonder if you could give me your skype account,cause i am an english learner and i just want to improve my spoken skills at english language ,thank you so much in advance teacher.sincerely
I got confusing why you said “I were” instead of I was in the first sentence
i had really enjoyed ur way of learning english is excellent
It is very easy way to learn English. It is understandable to me. Thank U.
Thnaks a lot Alex.
i dont understand in the last question, it is “a friend of mine ____ always came late to class… we don’t say A friend of mine use to always came late to class… right? but, the answer is both.. why?
but. i enjoyed… hehe… i love ur lessons.. tnx
THAKX :D the explanation was very clear.
Greetings from Mexico City !!!
Please do not stop to make classes like this.
Thank you ,it is understandable .
Goodluck with ur English!
Thank you dear Fatima for your kindness
I wish the best things for you
Take care
Thank you dear Fatima for your kindness
I wish the best things for you
Take care
10/10. Thanks doc.
thank you so much for the lesson it was so helpful and the explanation was really good and really fruitful, wish u keep on doing this great efforts and stay blessed.
thanks alot
thanks a ton!!These lessons are easy to be understood. They’re really helping ESL learners. :D
I’m still not clear how to use would & used to.
Please, explan me again.
Thank you.
A friend of mine _both__ always come late to class.
used to
i would like to know about both word please explain me why it is use
I’m very happy to know your lecture.
Thanks a lot
Thanks alot Alex. I’ve never used would we are used to using ( used to) to explane somethig happen in the past and we used to do it every day so, I’m still confused how to use WOULD in the same time.On the other hand is it matter if I use ( used to ) only in the past habits?..
Thank you again for your time hopefully to find the answer from you.
you are the best…
Your lessons are very interesting.
could you please expalin for me .is used to helper verb or not?thank.
could you explain me about relation between hypothesizing and first, second and third conditional.
afeter watching this video by me, I had some idea about where we use would.
hi Alex sir….. thanks u soo much for lesson. if u dont mind plz let me know your email address i wanna be learn more english lesson i live in canada.thanks
Hello! Very, very good lesson. Congratulations!
Can I ask?
Where do you used to live before you came in US?
Thanks Alex ! It is really useful stuff.
Respected Sir
Thanks a lot
oh shit… i got only 4 marks out of 10
although i understood well so i don’t know how can i use it in front of ppl…..
but i always wanna say that Alex is a good teacher and gives us a great class
Oh.. I really appreciate your class. I will learn English more and more.. thank you very much..
Hi Alex,I’am a new student would you mind if I ask you a question could u please help me!
Could you pls. explain the meaning of Perfect Modal and the Perfect Modal Continues, because when I speak sometimes I get lost, and when to use it.
I will be very glad if you take a glance to answer my questions. Tnx!
By the way, my name is Britzz I will appreciate your kindness!
Thank You. Lesson understood!
Can would be used to express the future tense?
Can would be used to express the future tense?
Would can only be used for present and past conditionals, and to talk about typical past behaviour or habits.
Hi Alex, Thanks for your lessons. I have a question. What is the difference between these sentences: I had a Toyota car and this sentence I used to have a Toyota car. These two sentences mean the same, don’t they?
thanks Alex for this lesson
Thanks a lot…..that was very detailed and informative…
excellent clase, just today i kwen these website, but i have watched two videos and i have learned a lot.
you;re just wonderful
Thanks for your teaching as good for more understand
what is both in grammar and what has todo with would??
This lesson is very useful me. I got 9/10
Thank you very much.
Hola a todos !!! entienden castellano?? Hi alex I`m argentinian from mendoza downtown, I really enjoyed looking at your videos they are so interesting for me because I`m not a NATIVE speaker and i do not know to write and speak it like all you do. Can you contact to me . I hope so Thanks Im so glad !!! Besos(KISSES)
I got 10/10.thankx again
on the school soccer team …? not schools ?
Another good lesson. Thanks!
Thanks a lot :)
And Argentina????? ¬¬ jeje
Thanks for the lesson. it was very usefull
Hi,Alex.I have always confused ‘used to and would’ but your lecture is clear to understand, thank you
And I didnt understand that if we can use ‘used to/use to’ in question forms.
For example in this quiz question, the correct item is ‘used to’ but I think it should be ‘use to’? Thanks again.
Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
used to
7 out of 10…so bed…I need more practice for this lesson…)Thanks,Alex)
good teaching alex…………thank u very much
Hi Alex, you are very good teacer!. Well, I have a question, It is common use both?
hamster is not with P.HamPster.that is not correct.
hi alex.
am naveen this videos are very useful me.
thx alex
thanks for your help
Alex, thanks a lot! It’s great job! I found this lesson extremely useful! (for teachers as well)))
Awesome.I obtained 10 on 10.
why both???waah!sorry i cant understand,…!can u give me another example??thatn
thanks alex sir.usufull lesson.if you don’t mind,please give me some example about’would’
Thank you Alex. Useful info for me. Only the construction “Didn’t you used to…” makes my brain boil)
thank to you so much,you are great
Hi! Alex I also didn’t understand why can’t we use ” If I was taller instead of I WERE”
This is changing today. In older grammar books, they advise using “If I were,” but more modern ones also say that “If I was” is okay. Honestly, both are used by native speakers, so if you say “If I was” in a conversation, people will know what you mean.
thanks for your lessons can you please teach me more sentences about would
Alex,you are my favourite teacher.I like your lessons they are useful for me.Hi, Irena ¨from Czech rep.in Europe.
I like it..but still not very clear about would could and being n been uses
thank you very much Alex your lessons are very useful we love you so much.
Thank you .
I feel good when I listen to your lesson .
when i was wake up early i woud visit english vidio and then having a breakfast
a very good explanation Alex , as always. Please , make lessons about GERUND and please explain how to use prepositions more detailed and about many other grammar problems , this would be very useful, thanks teacher.
That’s great .
Thank you and Merry X’mas
Thank you my teacher.
but I think there is mistake in the quiz…
Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
The answer is used to!!!
I think we must delete (ed) right???
Dear Alex
As I remember in some cases in the past, if you are going to quote from someone’s sentence like “I will be there on time”, you should say he told me that he would be there on time.
Is this a conditional use or other?
You are correct, but the grammar point is called “reported speech.” It’s not a conditional.
“I like cheese!”
“He said that he liked cheese.”
“I will be there!”
“He said he would be there.”
thank you Alex a wonderful and a useful lesson
I like your lessons Alex they’re usefull. But there’s something not clearly in my head….Why I cannot use both WOULD and USED TO when i say I used to work as a pharmacist. ? wor is not and action?
Your focus is on the fact that you were a pharmacist. If you’re talking about a job that you had in the past, you should use “used to.” You CAN use work with “would” in the past too, though.
“In high school, I would always work very hard.”
Thank you so much Alex, I get 8/10 on exercise.
I got …
Alex in the last text’s question the correct answer is both, used to and would but used to is after the always.
Thanks for a good lesson. ‘If I were taller’ like that if I wanna use for ‘they’, is there any different in that?
For example, If they were taller, they would play basketball. Is that correct?
A useful lesson, but, pls, could you explain using “didn´t you used to” ?
I found this : http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/used-to
Is it somehow different in the american english?
Thanks a lot for the answer.
all the best.
My third re-run for this part.
Thank you so much.
Did not used to is incorrect it should be did not use to
4.- (used to express repeated or habitual action in the past): We would visit Grandma every morning up at the farm.
from: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/would
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank You , Alex. You explained fantastic… I love this programme.
I use to use would
thx sir
What a great site I just found! Thank you so much! I also missed ‘work’ example though I was almost sure the same rule applies for that.
So, rather than memorizing exceptions, can we say that if the activity has no close relation to the time:
– I’m a doctor even when I’m asleep
– I work for IBM even though I’m driving home now
– I have a hamster however my mum is taking care of him while I’m on vacation
– etc
we should always use ‘used to’, right?
PS: sorry for my grammar I’m not a native speaker
Hi Alex,you are a very good teacher.
But I have a doubt in the first sentence that you wrote.The sentence is:
“If I were taller,I would play basketball”.
Is this sentence same as “If I was taller,I could have played basketball”
or does it mean “I am not taller,so I can’t play basketball”
And,why did you use ‘were’ after the subject ‘I’?.
Didn’t have to use ‘was’ after ‘I’?
And also tell me why ‘would’ is called as past of ‘will’?
Could you please explain?,,because I’m so confused now..
Thank you :)
i used to watch stupid movies instead of teaching English) but now i prefer to watch ur videos. thanks
I like it you clarified it well
also wondered if simple past can be used for pastactions or habits?thank you
hello Sir,
I have difficulty in understanding use of would. what should I do?
You are great Alex
thank teacher
Hi Alex, what is the difference between “I used to be a doctor” and “I was a doctor”? Thanks
thanks Alex.,
Thanks Alex very much. That’s all what I need now. I was wondering a lot of about how to use Would.
I want to know about” would ‘in other situations. plase help me .
Alex great job… thank you
nice lesson,tanks Alex…
Hi guys: thanks for the quiz and also for your video, now i understand clearer the use of used to and would. Bye =D
i don’t too much understand
I use your video in my blog englishiza.blogspot.com
Hi Alex, please help mi with this sentences with would in the past. Both of them were incorrect. Could you tell me why?
_______ work as a pharmacist. I put both, why not?
A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
I put both too.
Thank you Alex
Hi Alex, sometime I hear some people use would or could in present tense. Fox example: Probably she would come
I guess they used Would in this sentence as they weren’t sure the woman comes or not, isn’t it?
is this correct: “If I were healthy, I would undergo training everyday and I would become more successful.”
hello frnds
could u explain how to use “would be,would have & would have been”
and in what conditions.
for example
1) he would have been a great cop
2) (u should have told me).”i would have gone with you too”
3)i would be there
I like the teaching
10 out of 10 =) Thanks Sir !
thanks sir.i got 9 out of 10.
nice episode after long time i got this episode.thank you sooooooooooo much…
hi..alex i want to know,are these all correct?
if i were there,i would have enjoyed it too.
i would do it,if i were you.
i would have done it,if i were you.
thanks in advance,hope you will reply…..
Hi sir,
In question 9, ‘Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?’ None of the three choices (would/ used to / both) are correct.
The right answer is ‘use to’, isn’t it?
Anyway, congratulations for your clear and really useful explanation.
alex uncle didn’t always use with used to never with would?????
In the quiz about used to/ would I think No9 is incorrect Look!
9. Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
used to
you sloved it as /used to which is not correct
the answer should be use to because we have didn’t
I have got 6 correct out of 10.Development for old man is very dificult to do.I hope that will be better.
Just keep trying. Even if you don’t get everything right, you will still know more than you did ten minutes earlier!
Hi Alex! You REALLY taught this point to me! I love your videos!
9. Didn’t you _________ work for IBM?
2,used to
This is a question from the quiz. The second variant is correct. Сan you explain if this is a question then why do we use the verb “use” with ed-ending? I thought that the anwer would be like “Didn’t you use to work_ for…?”
This was a typo on the quiz. It has been fixed!
hello teacher !i am so greatful on you and finally i got a problem that would be a question .so ,would is the future of past ,right ?i really would like to know about it and please ,teacher i am waiting for that specifically .thank you
sorry dear best teacher it was not good not even 30% I do not know what happen to you it seemed you had a problem home or with some other colleague at Engvid school . I guess Jam because he talks too much and that is the main reason to make you confused and stressed Please take it easy cool down neglect him try to get a cup of coffee with Emma or Ronnie Robacca set with them talk to them and do not even mention his name Jam loves problems and also known as a trouble maker
Wonderful lesson on would. Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex. Your teaching is very interesting. I like it very much. Keep up !
I’m so happy I have found this site :) Thank you Alex. Your lessons are great!
Thanks a lot.
As I know the pet hamster is written without “p” :-)
Hi, thank you so much for your class. It would be great if you could teach us the differences between used to + infinitive, be/ get used to + noun and + ing form, it’s a little bit confused to me. Thank you so much again, have a good day. Please!
thank you for the courtesy extended
Dear Alex,
sometimes letter U sound I like in business.
how do we know U sound (yooo) or I in a word
Alex let me talk a little about my self
I waste a lot of my time trying to improve my English. I used to read from books that I could improve my English. Actually, For me it is extremely to achieve more in seeking to develop my English even though I got a degree in my subject by using English. But the English itself I found it is hard to me.
Since I’ve start to take lessons from this websites, I notice a big change which is uncompetable to before when I am unsuccessful to make a big change by time.
Thank you
I’m happy to hear that! It takes patience and persistence, but sometimes you just need the right tools to help you out. If engvid is working for you, that’s great.
ALex please check my post and please correct me.
What are the differences between I am from a place AND I come from a place?
I would appreciate it if you could answer My question A.S.A.P.
Thank’s teacher for there valuable tips
Hi Alex. I did the exercise and I would like to know why using the verb “work” talking about our pass, we can not use “would”. Thanks a lot.
Sorry, I mean, talking about our past. Because “work” is not a past state, location neither possession. thanks.
Thank you very much, Alex!
It was exactly what I was looking for :)
thank you so much Alex i like how calm you are, and how you take your time to explain the lessons you are my favorite teacher keep the good work
why “Didn’t you would work for IBM?” is wrong ? isn’t action ?
Wow, 10/10!
What is the difference between I would go and I would have gone?
it is an excellent class by u sir Alex
it is easy to understand your english
and also engvid has provided a quiz facility to test our knowledge
your are my favorite teacher
hi alex….In this video u have written ” when i we were “ON” the school team”….don’t u think it should be “IN” the school team…..i am toatlly confused between “IN” or “ON”…plz help me.
thank you
Awesome lesson, very clear explained it, thanks a lot Alex
thanks buddy….
Thanks Alex it was very usefull the explanation!
bravo…I got 10/10
You are on fire! lol
This lesson is great! Thanks you so much Alex.
Thanks so much! This lesson is very useful.
Thank you ! Alex for explaining the diff between used to and would.
Thank you so much!!!I’ve had confusion with would have, could have and should have or one more question can I use should/could in the replacement of would for the past activities ???
Your kind and instantaneous response would be highly appreciated!!!
Stay blessed!!!
I do like your lessons , teacher Alix. I retook the quiz to check my understanding about would and used to. I noticed my hesitation when giving the answer— that means I am not so clear of their use although I got 10/10. Why only ‘ used to ‘ is the only correct answer rather than both? Without doubt, “I used to be a pianist ” is clear enough to understand comparing with ‘ I would be a pianist.” Wrong usage, isn’t it ?
By the way, I am confused in the following sentences :
Where are you from ? = ask my nationality.
Where do you come from ? = ask the last place I have just leaved.
Thank you.
Have I done something wrong ? I have no intention to log out this wonderful web site at all, instead, I spend times to improve my English through your lessons.
I remember that I have no idea how to upload my picture when submitting my application. If you won’t mind , may I just use the green logo here, which you provided me ?
I listened again this lesson then I got the answers. This is my fault . Your explanation is extremely clear . Now I’m able to use either ‘would’ or ‘used to’ properly. Thank you very much.
10/10 ))))
It was very important lesson.
hi sir..
i like your classes very much.. :)but i have some doubts in my mind like..
what is difference between
I won’t be able to do this, or
I wouldn’t be able to do this… can i use wouldn’t in lieu of won’t… pls answer me
Hi Alex,
In this video i learned only that how to use would in past habits but i am still confuse how to use would in sentence while writing email. i need your help to use it in sentence. kindly reply on my comment.
thanks a lot sir alex
Thank you so much, alex
Thank you!
teacher can I use would in past form like this in polite way.examples . How much I will pay? then could I say, it would be 10 dollars.
is it correct ?
yes of course
Hi alex :) I want to know the difference between -if I was taller and if I were taller .
please explaing how would use in the present tense.
use of would accoring to my knowledge please correct if m wrong.
2.unreal condition
3.conditional sentence2 condition use would
4. polite request
5.to express what we wantor are willing to do
the above conditon are exhaustive according to my knowledge please correct me and tell me when use would in the present tense.
6. uncomplete wish
would that I had not made this mistake.
please correct me if I am wrong and illustrate wht is typical pastor present behaviour.
Thank you so much professor :)
I got 3 correct out of 10. It might be the worst in my score. I’ll watch the video again, and try the quiz.
Never give up! Thank you Alex :)
Hi Alex, your lessons are just great! I got really confused about the use of the preposition “on” in this sentence: When I was on the school soccer team. Something inside me tells me that I have to use “in” instead of “on”. Why “on”? Thank you so much.
Alex, just let me say you made my day. :) Thank you!
A friend of mine would always come late to class.
Because if you use “used to” it should have a different order of words (A friend of mine used to come late to class always). I don’t know really why but that’s what my feeling tells me.
Thank you for your lesson. all of you are really great.
Cool 10 of 10 ^_^ Thank youu very muchhh Alex.You are my favorite teacher…you are even better than my teacher at school.
I got 8 corect out of 10.It means I need to review the video several time till my mind tired out.
Please my Lord,the Brazil world Cup is come soon and I am spelling like a child.
I’m afraid I’ll never learn English the way it must to be.
But I hope one day I’ll be there!!!
I got 9 out of 10, it’s not good, I have to study more
Thank you Alex!!!!!
You’re explanation is very clear.Thank you so much♥
easy to understand!
I always got 5 out 10. May be i should watch this video again. Thanks sir alex!
Hi sir alex!how about “can” and “could”?
thanks for your help very kind of you
Thank you Alex! you are the best teacher))
Thanks! Very helpful! Sometimes in real conversations I “overthink” about sentece structure, and this lesson really helps!
hi Alex. tell me please why in first sentence is “I WERE” but in second “I WAS”?
Alex already answered to this question above in this comment box. However, I’m gonna tell you. “If I were” is subjunctive and the correct way of saying. “if I was” is also used by natives but this is actually incorrect.
helpful! thanks!
thank you teacher Alex…=)…i didn’t expect that i would get a score of 10/10
Words are inadequate to express my gratitude.
I _______ work as a pharmacist.
used to
Why can’t we use would here? Work is a verb in this sentence, so we could use would?
Really, I never used before ” used to”. In this quiz I did 40 % but other 40 % were right to used BOTH of them answers, so It’s not wrong to used one of them.
Yeah, I got full marks!!!
Thank you for your lesson.
I would sleep when I studied English grammar, but not now.
Thank you for this lesson.
every lesson i used to leave a comment, and also
every lesson I would leave a comment,
Great lessons
Great quiz. I love quizzes that beside evaluate reinforce my knowledge of the lesson.
Great lesson, thanx a lot!
this lesson has helped me so much!
I would like to express my appreciation for your selfless efforts.
I have a question. what is difference between these two sentences
1.I have been a doctor
2.I used to be a doctor
You used “I were…” and “I was…” actually this confused me is it correct to say like that?
Would for past it’s very difficult for me i didnt understand
Help me with these sentences: What should I use?
1. He____________ listen to heavy metal music when I was young.
2. When we were children, we ______________ get up and help our mother make breakfast.
You can use both would and used to (:
hi alez my name is eduardo….first of all i wanna thank you for your awesome classes.they´re really useful,thanks because this page is for free at least i dont have to pay at all and i have a excelent teachers here where i can learn everyday…keep it up you´re doing a unbelievable job here. thanks engvid teachers.
Thank you alex ! I was wondering if you could tell me how to use would
in the future because it’s so confusing ..
Hi Alex, Thank you for your lesson. It is now more clear than before. The difficult part for me is when i have to say it.
Hampster or hamster ?
Love your videos Alex..It seems to me that I am in the classroom..
Hi, Alex! Good chanel for getting a good experience on grammar. I like your videos, you did a lot and every other one is understandable, I make notes after watching. On the whole, thank you a lot for your work!!!
Thanx alex before listen to this lecture i used to get confused.may god bless you even more virtures
Thanks Alex :-)
Hi Alex, this is Dounia I was your student in Mtl, hope you are well, i ve just known about this site, i am really happy to see u here. You are a good teacher
Thanks for the lesson, Alex!
hi sir this is ramakrishna form INDIA
please clarify my doubts with word “would” usage
“in london she met the man that she would one day marry”
“he left 4 minutes late, unaware that the delay would save his life”
Please do need full
In this sentence, “would” is used as future in the past.
Thank you so much Alex
Thanks, Alex!
Thank you, Alex.
You’re a great teacher Alex,thank you very much for your work.
Alex, you are adept at teacher. I love your lessons and others teacher’s lessons .
Would:ıt use active verbs such as run
used to:sitatuation and active such as I used to be a doctor and I used to run at university.Alex: ıt is correct?
Thank you very much, Alex! Everything is clea.
Clear )))
Hi alex, Is it correct to say: when I was a child, I would go to school with my father?
Hey, Alex. Is this sentence gramatically corect?
-Mark would seem quiet and distant in class.
I dont think it is correct(seem is a stative verb).. but I read that in a book.
If it were correct, What would be the difference between “Mark seemed quite and distant in class” and the first one?
Check it out this one, please!!!
When I was child, we used to go on Holiday to the coast. Every day, we would get up early, would have a quick breakfast and go down to the beach. we’d play in the sand and swim in the sea until lunchtime. It was great!!….
“Would HAVE a quick breakfast” here is correct because “have” is not showing or meaning a possesion. It has another nuance. Doesn’t it?
very helpful.. Thanks for sharing Alex.
I did not used to have 7 outto 10 I always used to have less so I am improving my English skills thas great.
I scored 9 .thank u . Its difficult for me to said would in places of used to as used to seems to more appropriate as compared to would at several places.
Hi!! Great content and lesson!
I just have one doubt but it’s not about the lesson content. It’s about the “When I was on the school” sentence:
Why is “on the school” and not “in the school”? I’ve watched many lessons about prepositions and it seems it’s not enough yet. ha ha.
Thanks for the attention til now.
thanks that was very helpful
little tricky, nice information. thanks alex
Thank you very much . One of the best lessons !
what does “both” mean in the sentences test ?. I don’t understand. im confused because that is not explained in the video
You are great! But this last one, it’s a little confuse..
8/10. Thank you.
Very useful thanks alot
Why “both” is incorrect on questions 7 and 9? The verb “work” wasn’t mentioned on the 2nd part of the video.
thank you teacher
Hi Alex,
In my humble opinion, in 7 and 9, the verb “work” describes an action. I’ve looked for it in Google and I’ve found 15,000,000 of sentences containing “I would work as a…”
In addition, is it correct the word “hampster”? I’ve looked for it and the result is not…
Take care,
Thanks Alex for a good lesson!
May l know if we could use the contraction form of ‘would’ which is l’d …..in the past form? for example;
‘I’d play piano twice a week” instead of “I would play piano twice a week’ ?
Thanks for this such useful lesson.
Hi teacher Alex, your lesson is very important and I got it.
I get used to watching your EngVid and I can learn from the lessons.
Thank you. This is not so easy for me to use when I speak but I wrote down all the examples that you wrote and I’ll go through them and I’m sure they’ll sink in.
Thank you. A question: can we use “would” in the negative form? For example: I wouldn’t ride a bike when I was a child. Or we should say: I didn’t use to ride a bike?
Thank you Alex. I only got 6 out of ten. I will study and try it again tomorrow.
50%its too bad for me l well learn mor
Thank you Adam!
I got 10/10, thank you Alex!
Hi Alex, In the number 8th of questions, should “weekend” be “weekends”?
I watched this video twice on June 13, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
The police took someone into custody concerning a shooting incident. When asked by a journalist about the state of the investigation, the police spokesperson replied “We did our investigations and we would have arrested one man…”
Is the spokesperson’s reply grammatically correct?
i like your classes and help me lots thanks once again
I got 10 correct out of 10
HI, thank you Alex for this great lesson. Quick question in the last exercise I think you cannot say: I used to always …
I think it would be sth like this:
I always used to…
A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
used to
I think is:
a friend of mine always used to come late to class.
Thanks mr Alex??
excellent reacher congratulations
9/10 thanks
10. A friend of mine __________ always come late to class.
would (I marked this)
used to
I got a little confused in the Quiz since I’ve read in a training book for FCE that “would” is set before the adverb of frecuency in a clause. Therefore I marked would as the only possible answer. In the case of “used to” is ok since you put it after the averb of frecuency.
Why is the word “where” used after the word “I” and not “was” in sentence “If I were taller I would play basketball”