In this English class, I discuss a few common expressions that you can use to talk about time. I show you the context and how to use the idioms. The expressions I explain are: Better late than never, Let's call it a day, Crack of dawn, Long time no see, Once in a blue moon.
To me “let’s call it a day’ seems to be too old enough and lengthy too. There must be some substitutes…
I read English books once in a blue moon .
i can’t complete studying let’s call it a day.
It has been a long time no see such a nice video .
I think it’s wrong to write ( see) i Supposed to write (watch)
please Correct for me
The first one sounds great! The second one sounds a little awkward because it’s best used in conversation after you’ve been working a lot. And the last one should be in reference to a person. However, you’re trying and that’s the point. Take care.
thaks jon you are great teacher.ı realy enjoyed .I wake up CRACK OF DOWN every day for your lesson…aspecially your idioms and slag I like it and very enjoed
thanks for this site
I liked very much the class, i hope to see other as it
I love this teacher. Great lesson! Keep recording lessons like this one. We want to learn English in a new way. You’re the best at doing it. That’s what makes us learn with passion. :D
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Iari,
Do American or Canadian people usually say “thanks a bunch”? Is it an idiom?
Hi, Cristina.
Well, I don’t know whether it’s said in a specific country, but it’s an informal way to say “Thank you very much”.
I also like to say “Thanks a million”. But remember that it’s informal.
Now we have one question to Jon. Is this expression from a specif country or it’s common in every country that speaks English?
Take care.
Hi Iari, Thanks a bunch for answering my question!
I’ve been studying English for such a long time and I’ve never learned this expression. My daugther told me she’s already heard “thanks a million” in movies.
Well,let’s wait for Jon now! Maybe he will leave us a message and make it even clear!
Best wishes,
p.s. from Brasil!!!
I don’t. However, I have heard it. I think it’s more from the States.
Great to hear!
Nice!!Thanks Jon. Can I use these expressions in The US and in The UK?
thank a lot jon! you’re such a nice teacher
It’s better to listen to this vid a little bit late than never listen to it. Thank Jon for making this vid. Best regards,
Good Day Mr. Jon.
I’m asking about let call it a day. is it means satire to who get really late? Thank you sir.
It essentially means that we should stop because we are no longer productive.
I love speaking with idioms :)
Thank you teacher for your lesson.
i enjoyed this video lesson keep going on
it’s amazing that i’ve never hear before. The teacher is clear, it makes me understand.
it’s really good for our language improvement as we are not a native speakers.well done teacher
Thank you, very much. it’s a wonderful lesson
Thanks .yeah u said it there are fantastic leeson on engvid :)
Shayma EL,
i want to improve my English please contact with me.
hey sir Jon, long time no see….
Perfect use of the expression!
I love your lesson. Thank you for your lesson
I got a scored 5 out of 5. that was so easy, I want more quits like this one.have a nice day everyone. bye 4 now.
it was very sufficient…
hnx alot
Thanks Jon :) I like this lesson very much. Thank you a lot. I hope see you in next lesson ^^ You’re a great teacher, have a nice day
Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much Jon good job
Hi Jon,
I can’t understant the second idioms. Could you explain it once again for me?
Thanks in advance
“Let’s call it a day” just means that we should stop working. Imagine that you are working with someone and you are so exhausted and so are no longer productive. I would say to you: “Let’s call it a day.”
Jon …let’s call it a day mean let’s finish working anymore …we can use it this way??Anyway I wiil wake up crack of the dawn tomorrow but I can’t help watching your video:) please answer me:)
sevdiye kuzu
Thank you John for such a wonderful lecture on time idioms. But could you tell me the meaning of Idiom “Once in a blue moon”. This was a little difficult.
Thanks for request.
Hi buddy,
“Once in a blue moon” means: RARELY!
Good luck!!!
thank you teacher,Iam learning,Engvid,class
you ninny-hammer
Could anybody of you guys tell me that where is quiz? There is no question in quiz just written,
“Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz”.
Thanks for you guys.
It appears only in some specific internet browsers. For example it does not work in Firefox while it does great in Safari. Hope it will help…
Hi malgosia,
Thanks for your request. I thought I should try in the other browsers or their will be fault in Firefox. I’ve tried Windows Internet Explorer and it helped. Thanks for the request friend.
I love this lesson
The second one means that when it is very late and you are to tired to work any longer, it is better to continue the next day (In Polish we say: tomorrow is another day)but I know in English it is an idiom meaning ‘don’t worry’). Correct me if I am wrong.
thanks alot teacher
Teacher! Can i ask you? We can use “many thanks”. is it okay?
Please anwser me! Thanks a lot!
Yes. It is often used in conversation.
i love speak idiom…it’s so interesting…
thanks teacher teach how to speak idiom…
me too love to speak in idiom. I think that there should an idiom language. Well that’s will be a little crazy. Isn’t it?
Good idea!
It was so good
thank you
Thanks Mr.JON. Keep up the good work.
Could you please explain this idiom that is showed in the quiz “crack open a beer”?
I am confused about it. I’ll be grateful for your answer.
“To crack open” simply means to open (a beer). Sometimes people will say: “let’s crack a cold one”, refering to beer.
very nice lasson.
keep going on this way.
You are a great teacher
thanks sir
pls i wanna you talk about vowels and how to pronounce it when its come together
I will take note of this and try to incorporate this into my next lesson.
thank u
Thanks for help us. Hugs from Brazil.
Thanks Jon, i love ur lesson! :)
good lesson and i hope found a lot of idioms
thanks your kindly !hi Mr.John , can u tell me about ” Conjunctions ” ?
it is very good program,Velen is awesome teacher
where are all your lessons Jon what happened? you are a good teacher what happen Jon????
I wanna see all your lessons in this page ok¡
i like this lesson. i need more of english idiom.
thank u 2 much
i like your teaching style and your voice is too clear as it should be.
That’s great!
What’s a great lesson! Thanks Jon
I have Question for you if you don’t mind!
I’m good with reading English!I think!
Not bad when I speaking English!
My big problem with listening / hearing English on audio / phone?
Any advice will be appreciated!
Uh, one more thing… do you have any website/program for listening practice
Many Thanks,
A fun way to practice your listening is with music and watching television. Of course the best way to practice your listeing is to have as many conversations with people as you can. I do not know of any specific websites, sorry.
could the video downloaded
exelent i like your class
from costa rica
Mr Jone great greetings to you i ask about more idioms rally i love `em .
thank you for your efforts keep it up .
thanks very much
fern leen
Would you like to explane the next phrase from the one song : ” one way ticket to the BLUE”
Thanks in advance.
Hello! Jon, your lessons and videos are very informative and educational. I love every aspect of your lecture as well as the videos! To admit, I’m an avid fan of English; therefore, when I discovered this website last week through random search, I have been glued to it. Thank you and your colleagues for such costly acknowledge which has been offered pro bono.
That being said, I would love to seek your grammatical help on the following sentence: “The phone is on the charging.” Last week, I had an intense argument/debate with one of my friends over the accuracy of the above measured sentence. He said, the sentence is erroneous beyond all grammatical considerations; and I refused to agree with his assertion. Currently, we are living on two grammatical islands. Your help is highly needed to unite us once again on the same grammatical island.
Thank you and I hope to hear from you in the soonest time possible.
Madison Freeman
It is incorrect. Sorry. However, you can say; The phone (or Your phone, My phone, etc) is charging. You can also say; The phone is being charged.
hi madison,
your language is very interesting. it’s very well-written n well-spoken, i assumed.
i wonder where do you come from?
i hope you don’t mind me asking..
It’s so nice
Time is the most valuable what we have in our life. Thanks a lot for your lesson connected with time, it sounds good!)))
thanks for your lesson with idioms, it’s importants for me.
roeun voeun
love these lessons
Jon, your class is so good, thanks… All of EngVid are excellents, I got all you teach.
Juliana Matos
Hello, John
one question (actually two):
1)”better late than never” can be used to emphasize that someone finally did something or that something finally happened?
2)”let’s call it a day”,if I have understood, means,in a working context, it’s enough,I can stand no more, I stop working (for today): is it correct? Thank you
“Better late then never” for me can be both. I would usually use it after someone finally shows up, but it could also be said of a report, homework assignment, etc.
Yes, “let’s call it a day” is about stopping work because you are no longer being productive and you’re tired, so it’s better to just go home.
Watching one of your videos, I’ve just realized that your name is Jon and not John…sorry for the mistake in the previous message..
(…fortunately I haven’t used any articles..
:-p – Just joking) By the way, nice lesson that one too. Thanks
My name is Jon, because it’s short for Jonathan. Thanks for the comments.
ups.. my bad.. i did called u john too..
i thought it won’t matter coz i have a foster brother from Greece whose name’s ioannis n he likes to be called as john.. :D
what about u, jonathan..? ;) (there.. i wouldn’t be mistaken..)
You are the best ,but (let’s call it a day) is a lazy one..
thanks Mr jhon for this wonderful lesson i like it a lot, it helps me to advance my level in english … thanks again
I like these lesson
This website is so nice to improve my english. But I have to leave because tomorrow I have to crack the dawn.
Your lessons are excellent, Jon!! Thanks a lot!! I’m from Argentina and I don’t usually have the chance to speak with native English speakers, so it’s a great way to learn slang and informal vocabulary!! Thanks again!! :D
very nice and useful lessons. thank you
shay d.
wow! I love all of your lesson. I have one problem is …I want to speak English very well like other people .How should I do?
ps. In my country teacher teach only grammar :)
Thank anyway.
this lessons are vary useful for me, thanks…
hye sir how are you dear,,i have little question and my question is “what is the diference between an idiom and proverb?if there is difference between them so how can we find it?and there is an idiom “Jack of all trade”,,what does it means..take care of urself,,
thanks for ur lesson, but teacher,can you explain again” crack of dawn” for me. thanks so much
Awsome teacher Jon! Really like your pronunciation too. Explaining to us the meaning of blue moon, you said something on these lines: In the calendar like in the….(something mountain??). I couldn’t make out that, will you make it clear for me?
Another issue: if crack is taken in the sense of broken, what does it have to do with the morning? I’ve heard a son (Cat Stevens) that says “morning has broken….” What does it mean?
Let’s call it a day, and thanks a bunch…
cool lesson ))
Great lesson! wonderful teacher
Very Nice teaching methods
Hello, I am happy to find you in this site! You really are doing a great job! Thanks! I have a question: which of the following sentences is correct:
a) I wish I were rich.
b) I wish I was rich.
I think you made a mistake in the lesson about ‘wish’ and ‘hope’.
looking forward for your reply,
Your student,
I like your lessons so much. It is easy to learn
i am from algeria …i apreciate so much your lesson and i have 5 Of 5 and this mean that i understand your lesson
finally i understand the meaning of ‘once in a blue moon”
thanks a lot :)
hi Mr.Jon
it is my first lessen her…
you are a wenderfull teacher
and thank you a lot
Thank you so much, I am learning a lot from your videos. You are much better than my english teacher. Is “at the end of the day” also an idiom? and what does it mean? Thanks :)
thanks teacher, great lesson.
nice, thanks engvid
Thanks Jon, these are very nice and useful time expressions. I knew only two but now i know more than that. I have recently found this website. I always try to learn new expressions.I will be glad if you add more videos here. Thanks a bunch
I had dinner and wanna carry some food home, can I say “Could I have the food as a parcel?” then mention the food items.
Is this sentence correct?
thanks a lot, it’s very usefull
Hi Jon: great lesson. I love learning idioms. You are a great teacher, your lessons are very clear and your accent too.
Greetings from Chile.
I am so intresting with your is lessons you are great but I need to ask iam study with myself to get IELTS what the subject i have to study it ? i look forwad to answering me
take care
Hi Jon: I really understand and like your way of teaching! you are great and handsome too .
I didn’t understand the first idiom when you were teaching. However, I understood when I read the comments.
Gajendra Andrew
I like your way when you teach us ……….. a couple of thanks to you MR.John
Something new everyday in life. Idioms is something what i never heard of. But i’ve learned that today. Thank you Engvid. Hope i can memorise all these new things, when i sit for IELTS next week.
Excellent source of information. Heaps of knowledge.
Fun way to learn English. I tell you what, If you understand Aussie or British accent it’s very easy to understand any other accent around the world. Ireland accent is a bit funny though.
Amazing explanation Jon!! You have a clear pronunciation!! Perfect to understand!!! But it´s late and let´s call it a day!!! hehue se y!
marvellous sir , keep your momentum up
Jon, thanks a bunch for this very useful lesson. looking forward to more videos for expressions and idioms like this. thanks.
Bravo, les idiomes sont très importants dans la langue anglaise.
Congrulations !
All of your lessons are very helpful.
Thanks Eng Vid.
Jon, Thanks again for your lesson. This is very informative.
Thanks a lot but better write more sentences!
Thank you man!!!
Thank you, really appreciate it.
Dear moderator. It will be really great if you enable a function on this site so that we are able to watch the status of our comments. I submitted many question but I forgot where and in which lesson I added them.
Once again thank you for all those wonderful lessons.
that is very interesting thanks Jon
it was very good Jon. merciiii!!!! test was so good too.
thanks for a useful video clip. i am a new member. so may ask you a question? you know for certain word” out of th blue” and” blue in the face”. so are these adjective or adverb? thanks in advance!
Hi Jon! I love this video. I’ve never heard once in a blue moon and ckack of dawn before.
I have a question. What’s the difference between “call it a day” and “call it a night”?
hello Jon,
why don’t you please write the meanings on the board? I think that’s better
Thanks a lot Jon ! I gotta go because tomorrow I need to wake up at the crack of dawn .
yeahhhh 100% , thanks
i think better late than never suit for me in case of learning English.
‘i want to get up in the crack of dawn’is this correct?
my salutation to u jon you are doing very well in teaching english
100% for a disaster than me..really good teacher!!!
Hi Jon,
It’s surprise to hear that your full name is Jonathan but not Jon. Same as you, my full name is Fellicias Seth but usually I introduce myself as Fellis, sounds more simple.
Out of topic, thanks for the video, it helps!
Fellis Seth
Hi dear Jon
Another great lesson:* I know it’s not so good to kiss a guy especially a married one but I really like to express my gratitude beyond a simple thank you:)
I always get up at crack of dawn to study languages!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
Thank you very much, Jon.
hey byddy!
they look like American idioms, aren’t they? anyway well done, kind of useful!!!
Incredible lesson! Thank you John!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Interesting lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.
I got 100.
Charles Colucci
When I’m in Surakarta, I play violin once in a blue moon because you know college students are busy :(
i have learn alot from him
5/5 Thanks, Jon
Sunny Muffin
best cours thanks for all
Aril Bahreddine
mine date 01/11/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Jon
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It is realy very interesting!!!
To me “let’s call it a day’ seems to be too old enough and lengthy too. There must be some substitutes…
I read English books once in a blue moon .
i can’t complete studying let’s call it a day.
It has been a long time no see such a nice video .
I think it’s wrong to write ( see) i Supposed to write (watch)
please Correct for me
The first one sounds great! The second one sounds a little awkward because it’s best used in conversation after you’ve been working a lot. And the last one should be in reference to a person. However, you’re trying and that’s the point. Take care.
thaks jon you are great teacher.ı realy enjoyed .I wake up CRACK OF DOWN every day for your lesson…aspecially your idioms and slag I like it and very enjoed
thanks for this site
I liked very much the class, i hope to see other as it
I love this teacher. Great lesson! Keep recording lessons like this one. We want to learn English in a new way. You’re the best at doing it. That’s what makes us learn with passion. :D
Thanks a bunch!
Hi Iari,
Do American or Canadian people usually say “thanks a bunch”? Is it an idiom?
Hi, Cristina.
Well, I don’t know whether it’s said in a specific country, but it’s an informal way to say “Thank you very much”.
I also like to say “Thanks a million”. But remember that it’s informal.
Now we have one question to Jon. Is this expression from a specif country or it’s common in every country that speaks English?
Take care.
Hi Iari, Thanks a bunch for answering my question!
I’ve been studying English for such a long time and I’ve never learned this expression. My daugther told me she’s already heard “thanks a million” in movies.
Well,let’s wait for Jon now! Maybe he will leave us a message and make it even clear!
Best wishes,
p.s. from Brasil!!!
I don’t. However, I have heard it. I think it’s more from the States.
Great to hear!
Nice!!Thanks Jon. Can I use these expressions in The US and in The UK?
thank a lot jon! you’re such a nice teacher
It’s better to listen to this vid a little bit late than never listen to it. Thank Jon for making this vid. Best regards,
Good Day Mr. Jon.
I’m asking about let call it a day. is it means satire to who get really late? Thank you sir.
It essentially means that we should stop because we are no longer productive.
I love speaking with idioms :)
Thank you teacher for your lesson.
i enjoyed this video lesson keep going on
it’s amazing that i’ve never hear before. The teacher is clear, it makes me understand.
it’s really good for our language improvement as we are not a native speakers.well done teacher
Thank you, very much. it’s a wonderful lesson
Thanks .yeah u said it there are fantastic leeson on engvid :)
i want to improve my English please contact with me.
hey sir Jon, long time no see….
Perfect use of the expression!
I love your lesson. Thank you for your lesson
I got a scored 5 out of 5. that was so easy, I want more quits like this one.have a nice day everyone. bye 4 now.
it was very sufficient…
hnx alot
Thanks Jon :) I like this lesson very much. Thank you a lot. I hope see you in next lesson ^^ You’re a great teacher, have a nice day
Thanks! Have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much Jon good job
Hi Jon,
I can’t understant the second idioms. Could you explain it once again for me?
Thanks in advance
“Let’s call it a day” just means that we should stop working. Imagine that you are working with someone and you are so exhausted and so are no longer productive. I would say to you: “Let’s call it a day.”
Jon …let’s call it a day mean let’s finish working anymore …we can use it this way??Anyway I wiil wake up crack of the dawn tomorrow but I can’t help watching your video:) please answer me:)
Thank you John for such a wonderful lecture on time idioms. But could you tell me the meaning of Idiom “Once in a blue moon”. This was a little difficult.
Thanks for request.
Hi buddy,
“Once in a blue moon” means: RARELY!
Good luck!!!
thank you teacher,Iam learning,Engvid,class
you ninny-hammer
Could anybody of you guys tell me that where is quiz? There is no question in quiz just written,
“Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz”.
Thanks for you guys.
It appears only in some specific internet browsers. For example it does not work in Firefox while it does great in Safari. Hope it will help…
Hi malgosia,
Thanks for your request. I thought I should try in the other browsers or their will be fault in Firefox. I’ve tried Windows Internet Explorer and it helped. Thanks for the request friend.
I love this lesson
The second one means that when it is very late and you are to tired to work any longer, it is better to continue the next day (In Polish we say: tomorrow is another day)but I know in English it is an idiom meaning ‘don’t worry’). Correct me if I am wrong.
thanks alot teacher
Teacher! Can i ask you? We can use “many thanks”. is it okay?
Please anwser me! Thanks a lot!
Yes. It is often used in conversation.
i love speak idiom…it’s so interesting…
thanks teacher teach how to speak idiom…
me too love to speak in idiom. I think that there should an idiom language. Well that’s will be a little crazy. Isn’t it?
Good idea!
It was so good
thank you
Thanks Mr.JON. Keep up the good work.
Could you please explain this idiom that is showed in the quiz “crack open a beer”?
I am confused about it. I’ll be grateful for your answer.
“To crack open” simply means to open (a beer). Sometimes people will say: “let’s crack a cold one”, refering to beer.
very nice lasson.
keep going on this way.
You are a great teacher
thanks sir
pls i wanna you talk about vowels and how to pronounce it when its come together
I will take note of this and try to incorporate this into my next lesson.
thank u
Thanks for help us. Hugs from Brazil.
Thanks Jon, i love ur lesson! :)
good lesson and i hope found a lot of idioms
thanks your kindly !hi Mr.John , can u tell me about ” Conjunctions ” ?
it is very good program,Velen is awesome teacher
where are all your lessons Jon what happened? you are a good teacher what happen Jon????
I wanna see all your lessons in this page ok¡
Jon took a short break, but he is back now!
You should be able to view all my lessons here.
i like this lesson. i need more of english idiom.
thank u 2 much
i like your teaching style and your voice is too clear as it should be.
That’s great!
What’s a great lesson! Thanks Jon
I have Question for you if you don’t mind!
I’m good with reading English!I think!
Not bad when I speaking English!
My big problem with listening / hearing English on audio / phone?
Any advice will be appreciated!
Uh, one more thing… do you have any website/program for listening practice
Many Thanks,
A fun way to practice your listening is with music and watching television. Of course the best way to practice your listeing is to have as many conversations with people as you can. I do not know of any specific websites, sorry.
could the video downloaded
exelent i like your class
from costa rica
Mr Jone great greetings to you i ask about more idioms rally i love `em .
thank you for your efforts keep it up .
thanks very much
Would you like to explane the next phrase from the one song : ” one way ticket to the BLUE”
Thanks in advance.
Hello! Jon, your lessons and videos are very informative and educational. I love every aspect of your lecture as well as the videos! To admit, I’m an avid fan of English; therefore, when I discovered this website last week through random search, I have been glued to it. Thank you and your colleagues for such costly acknowledge which has been offered pro bono.
That being said, I would love to seek your grammatical help on the following sentence: “The phone is on the charging.” Last week, I had an intense argument/debate with one of my friends over the accuracy of the above measured sentence. He said, the sentence is erroneous beyond all grammatical considerations; and I refused to agree with his assertion. Currently, we are living on two grammatical islands. Your help is highly needed to unite us once again on the same grammatical island.
Thank you and I hope to hear from you in the soonest time possible.
It is incorrect. Sorry. However, you can say; The phone (or Your phone, My phone, etc) is charging. You can also say; The phone is being charged.
hi madison,
your language is very interesting. it’s very well-written n well-spoken, i assumed.
i wonder where do you come from?
i hope you don’t mind me asking..
It’s so nice
Time is the most valuable what we have in our life. Thanks a lot for your lesson connected with time, it sounds good!)))
thanks for your lesson with idioms, it’s importants for me.
love these lessons
Jon, your class is so good, thanks… All of EngVid are excellents, I got all you teach.
Hello, John
one question (actually two):
1)”better late than never” can be used to emphasize that someone finally did something or that something finally happened?
2)”let’s call it a day”,if I have understood, means,in a working context, it’s enough,I can stand no more, I stop working (for today): is it correct? Thank you
“Better late then never” for me can be both. I would usually use it after someone finally shows up, but it could also be said of a report, homework assignment, etc.
Yes, “let’s call it a day” is about stopping work because you are no longer being productive and you’re tired, so it’s better to just go home.
Watching one of your videos, I’ve just realized that your name is Jon and not John…sorry for the mistake in the previous message..
(…fortunately I haven’t used any articles..
:-p – Just joking) By the way, nice lesson that one too. Thanks
My name is Jon, because it’s short for Jonathan. Thanks for the comments.
ups.. my bad.. i did called u john too..
i thought it won’t matter coz i have a foster brother from Greece whose name’s ioannis n he likes to be called as john.. :D
what about u, jonathan..? ;) (there.. i wouldn’t be mistaken..)
You are the best ,but (let’s call it a day) is a lazy one..
thanks Mr jhon for this wonderful lesson i like it a lot, it helps me to advance my level in english … thanks again
I like these lesson
This website is so nice to improve my english. But I have to leave because tomorrow I have to crack the dawn.
Your lessons are excellent, Jon!! Thanks a lot!! I’m from Argentina and I don’t usually have the chance to speak with native English speakers, so it’s a great way to learn slang and informal vocabulary!! Thanks again!! :D
very nice and useful lessons. thank you
wow! I love all of your lesson. I have one problem is …I want to speak English very well like other people .How should I do?
ps. In my country teacher teach only grammar :)
Thank anyway.
this lessons are vary useful for me, thanks…
hye sir how are you dear,,i have little question and my question is “what is the diference between an idiom and proverb?if there is difference between them so how can we find it?and there is an idiom “Jack of all trade”,,what does it means..take care of urself,,
thanks for ur lesson, but teacher,can you explain again” crack of dawn” for me. thanks so much
Awsome teacher Jon! Really like your pronunciation too. Explaining to us the meaning of blue moon, you said something on these lines: In the calendar like in the….(something mountain??). I couldn’t make out that, will you make it clear for me?
Another issue: if crack is taken in the sense of broken, what does it have to do with the morning? I’ve heard a son (Cat Stevens) that says “morning has broken….” What does it mean?
Let’s call it a day, and thanks a bunch…
cool lesson ))
Great lesson! wonderful teacher
Very Nice teaching methods
Hello, I am happy to find you in this site! You really are doing a great job! Thanks! I have a question: which of the following sentences is correct:
a) I wish I were rich.
b) I wish I was rich.
I think you made a mistake in the lesson about ‘wish’ and ‘hope’.
looking forward for your reply,
Your student,
I like your lessons so much. It is easy to learn
i am from algeria …i apreciate so much your lesson and i have 5 Of 5 and this mean that i understand your lesson
finally i understand the meaning of ‘once in a blue moon”
thanks a lot :)
hi Mr.Jon
it is my first lessen her…
you are a wenderfull teacher
and thank you a lot
Thank you so much, I am learning a lot from your videos. You are much better than my english teacher. Is “at the end of the day” also an idiom? and what does it mean? Thanks :)
thanks teacher, great lesson.
nice, thanks engvid
Thanks Jon, these are very nice and useful time expressions. I knew only two but now i know more than that. I have recently found this website. I always try to learn new expressions.I will be glad if you add more videos here. Thanks a bunch
I had dinner and wanna carry some food home, can I say “Could I have the food as a parcel?” then mention the food items.
Is this sentence correct?
thanks a lot, it’s very usefull
Hi Jon: great lesson. I love learning idioms. You are a great teacher, your lessons are very clear and your accent too.
Greetings from Chile.
I am so intresting with your is lessons you are great but I need to ask iam study with myself to get IELTS what the subject i have to study it ? i look forwad to answering me
take care
Hi Jon: I really understand and like your way of teaching! you are great and handsome too .
I didn’t understand the first idiom when you were teaching. However, I understood when I read the comments.
I like your way when you teach us ……….. a couple of thanks to you MR.John
Something new everyday in life. Idioms is something what i never heard of. But i’ve learned that today. Thank you Engvid. Hope i can memorise all these new things, when i sit for IELTS next week.
Excellent source of information. Heaps of knowledge.
Fun way to learn English. I tell you what, If you understand Aussie or British accent it’s very easy to understand any other accent around the world. Ireland accent is a bit funny though.
Amazing explanation Jon!! You have a clear pronunciation!! Perfect to understand!!! But it´s late and let´s call it a day!!! hehue se y!
marvellous sir , keep your momentum up
Jon, thanks a bunch for this very useful lesson. looking forward to more videos for expressions and idioms like this. thanks.
Bravo, les idiomes sont très importants dans la langue anglaise.
Congrulations !
All of your lessons are very helpful.
Thanks Eng Vid.
Jon, Thanks again for your lesson. This is very informative.
Thanks a lot but better write more sentences!
Thank you man!!!
Thank you, really appreciate it.
Dear moderator. It will be really great if you enable a function on this site so that we are able to watch the status of our comments. I submitted many question but I forgot where and in which lesson I added them.
Once again thank you for all those wonderful lessons.
that is very interesting thanks Jon
it was very good Jon. merciiii!!!! test was so good too.
thanks for a useful video clip. i am a new member. so may ask you a question? you know for certain word” out of th blue” and” blue in the face”. so are these adjective or adverb? thanks in advance!
Hi Jon! I love this video. I’ve never heard once in a blue moon and ckack of dawn before.
I have a question. What’s the difference between “call it a day” and “call it a night”?
hello Jon,
why don’t you please write the meanings on the board? I think that’s better
Thanks a lot Jon ! I gotta go because tomorrow I need to wake up at the crack of dawn .
yeahhhh 100% , thanks
i think better late than never suit for me in case of learning English.
‘i want to get up in the crack of dawn’is this correct?
my salutation to u jon you are doing very well in teaching english
100% for a disaster than me..really good teacher!!!
Hi Jon,
It’s surprise to hear that your full name is Jonathan but not Jon. Same as you, my full name is Fellicias Seth but usually I introduce myself as Fellis, sounds more simple.
Out of topic, thanks for the video, it helps!
Hi dear Jon
Another great lesson:* I know it’s not so good to kiss a guy especially a married one but I really like to express my gratitude beyond a simple thank you:)
I always get up at crack of dawn to study languages!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
I can’t even explain the level of amazing that you are. Thank you!
Thank you very much, Jon.
hey byddy!
they look like American idioms, aren’t they? anyway well done, kind of useful!!!
Incredible lesson! Thank you John!
Interesting lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.
I got 100.
When I’m in Surakarta, I play violin once in a blue moon because you know college students are busy :(
i have learn alot from him
5/5 Thanks, Jon
best cours thanks for all
mine date 01/11/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Jon