Learn how to speak about and understand the news more effectively with this lesson based on the terrible floods in Pakistan. After watching this lesson, you will know how to analyze news stories and use them as a resource for enriching your English vocabulary.
It is good lesson for new learns to get more words for their writing in pharagraps.
Yes, please do try and write your own sentences using the vocabulary so that you can learn the new words well.All the best, Dara.
your lesson is great
happy! happy!happy!
thanks! thanks! thanks!
Rebecca, you are a great teacher. Thank you for this very useful lesson. I LOVE YOUR CLASSES
Arvind Sahu
Rebecca, I’m really in love with your way of teaching. Thank you very much for helping all of us with your videos.
This way of teaching something (in my opinion) is the best way of all, because we can catch lots of words in a unique context. It’s a little bit longer than usual, but it’s richer of information. I hope you give us more classes like this one. Thank you very much.
Wenderson (from Brazil).
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Wenderson and so glad you enjoyed the lesson. I do plan to have more lessons on events in the news. I think it helps to take the English study out of the textbooks and into real life. My best wishes to you.
thank you REBECCA for this great lesson , it`s good to know new vocabs but they are`nt happy ones (>_<) please next time i would like to have vacabs about parties .
actuly , Rebecca you are teaching excellently , your prenounceyation is greet and clear , also , you speek slowly so we can understand you , thank you for every thing , i`m waiting for next lesson .
i`m new learner and my weakness point is writting , i appreciate if you correct my mistakes ?
Corrections: New vocabulary, aren’t, actually, pronunciation, great, speak, everything, the next lesson, a new learner, my weak point or my weakness, I would appreciate it if you could…
Thanks for your feedback, skoood.
Rebecca, you are a great teacher. Thank you for this very useful lesson. I LOVE YOUR CLASSES
My pleasure. All the best with your English, Bilge.
It was a excellent lesson. You have made me feel very motivated to learn all those new words about catastrophes.
Thank a lots Rebecca
Thanks, Raul. Yes, unfortunately, we have to speak about whatever happens in life – good or bad. Try to write a short summary of what happened, using some of the new vocabulary. That will help you review the words, too. My best to you.
this lesson helped me not only improving vocabulary but proving pronunciation also
I’m glad the lesson helped you improve your pronunciation too. Thanks for the feedback. All of these messages from our students help us to improve future lessons. Thanks.
I would like how watch the videos in this site I don’t understand
You should see a video at the top of this page, under the menu. If you do not, you need to figure out why you cannot watch YouTube videos. Some countries, schools, and offices block YouTube videos.
Rebecca ! You’re always a great teacher. Thanks a lot. I understand you, and you don’t speake very fast, so I understood everything. See you next !
Thanks to you too. It is always helpful to get feedback from our students. My best to you, Raulo.
Hi Rebecca,
Your lesson was comprehensible. And I found new English Vocabulary.I am in Intermediate Grade but some words are truly difficult and hard to understand like, Calamity, Tragedy, Inundate(flood), destitute, evacuate, etc.But after understanding them they were so easy.The lecture you delivered and the event that you mentioned in this Lecture was really tragic.This happened in Pakistan. The flood is entering in all sea level areas and destroying them. The villages containing crops, trees, rice paddies and farms are all destroyed.I am also living in Pakistan But safe because of highland towns.
Thank you for your lesson.Bye
Thank you kindly for your message. I am so sorry about this tragedy in your country and we all hope that more people can be helped as soon as possible. There are so many urgent needs there. Thank you for writing and do take care of yourself.
Hi Rebacca! Thanks a million for Your lesson, it’s really enrich my vocabulary and your way of teaching are wonderful. I’d appreciate that for you.I hope you give us more lessones like this one.
Thank you very much, Donia. Yes, we plan more such lessons. My best wishes to you.
very intresting…
love this episode..
Thanks, Pawan. Glad it helped you.
Thank you Rebecca for this great lesson. it enrich my vocabulary. I hope you give us other lessons like that.
Planning to do so. Thanks, Tawfik. All the best with your English.
hi,can u help me to watch the lessons
It looks like you are in Libya, right? Unfortunately, Libya blocks YouTube, where are lessons are hosted, so you will need to find a way around that.
Congratulations! it’s a very good lesson. I like the way you explained the new vocablulary.
have a great day!
Thanks, I’m glad the lesson helped you. Try to use the new vocabulary in the next few days so you can remember it more easily. Best wishes to you, Esperanto.
I’ve learned new words like ‘the destitute’, ‘rice paddies’, ‘flood-hit’, ‘calamity’, ‘to inundate’, to wade’ and ‘to pledge’ by heart with the help of your lesson! Many thanks and the best of luck to you!
That’s great. So happy to hear that you learned the new vocabulary. We are planning more such lessons on the news. My best wishes to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca for your wonderful teaching.I was really appreciate the way you taught and explained vocabulary.It gave me the great idea how to learn new more words.I liked your clearly pronunciation and the rythym of your speech.You are a great teacher!!!! Thank you once again. Supak Beard
Supak Beard
Thanks, Supak. With your motivation, I am sure you will continue to expand your vocabulary steadily. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebacca for this lesson. I wish some longer lessons like this will be done.
Thanks, Murat. We are planning more thorough lessons such as these,so keep checking. Best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca. Congratulations! It was my first time watching your videos and I liked it very much. Th way you speak and explain the subject is awesome. I´ll keep watching you again and again. Just booked engVid.com in my favorites. Best regards from Brazil.
Hey, thanks so much for your comments, Aloisio. It’s always a pleasure to hear from our viewers and have the chance to understand them better. I’m very glad the lesson helped you. By the way, you write very well in English. My best wishes to you.
You are a great techer.
Thanks kindly, Quetzal. All the best with your English studies, and in the future.
I have looked for this kind of classes. I would like to improve more advanced vocabulary.
Kay Lee
So glad I could help you, Kay Lee. We do plan more lessons of topics in the news, which will add to your advanced vocabulary. My best wishes to you.
Rebecca , Thank you so much you are so great teacher . waiting your next great lesson . Mohamed from Egypt .
Thanks, Mohammed. It is inspiring to know that I have been able to help you. My best wishes to you.
well thanks for the lesson I got this:
Your score: 100.00 You got 12 correct out of 12.
i´m also sad with all this calamity, I hope they can go over this very soon!!
Congratulations on your perfect quiz score. How wonderful that you were able to use the new vocabulary in a sentence already. You could say, “I’m also sad about this calamity.”
All the best, bigboy85.
hi Rebecca! great lesson! ut helped me alot! I just have a quiestion past tense of pledge, it is with ed but has it got a d sound or t sould?
thank you very much in advance.
Hi Constanza. That’s a really good question. The past tense, pledged, is pronounced with a muted d sound, but it does sound quite close to the t sound too! You are a very smart student! My best wishes to you, Constanza.
I watched this and I think that is really important to be aware about this situation and we are finding out everyday in tv´s shows, news. congratulations because this is the more interesting lesson, I´m sure most of us never tried to understand this subjet in english . . then I give my thank for your effords, again, again and again . . .
it´s very sad know the poverty is going to be present always and while the interests have never changed… bla bla bla . . .
my regards….
Yes, Sergioss, you are right. I think any subject, including English, becomes more interesting when we see the relevance of our learning. As you recognize more vocabulary, you will understand more and feel more confident. My best wishes to you.
what a great lesson guys . thanks for inviting me !~
Glad you enjoyed the lesson. All the best to you, Sazujo.
Hi, I’m new here….as everybody I must to improve my knologies english, so, I’d like to know how this site ( engaVid), works .
You come to the site. You find the lesson you want to watch — go to “ALL LESSONS” or “TOPICS” at the top of the page. You click on a lesson. You press play and watch the lesson. You can take free quizzes under most lessons.
That’s it! If you like the site, please post the link on your site/facebook page and tell your friends about it!
Hi Rebecca i am really appreciate your way of teaching,thank you very much.I kow alot of new vocabulary from your lesson again thanks alot.Rebecca,Iam test taker for TOEFL and I am on the way to prepare for that test,but i have proplem of speaking.Ineed your help.My best wishs to you.
Thanks for your feedback. Please check my free TOEFL website for ideas on how to do well on that exam, as well as on the speaking section. Make sure you know how to answer each of the six independent and integrated speaking tasks. You will find speaking samples on the site as well. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebbeca.
Undoubtedly you are a very good teacher. This lesson is really pretty useful for us to understand news on T.V. As for this is a very though matter to understand. I usually watch CNN news on T.V. and sometimes it is difficult for me to get all from the news. Your lesson has helped me a lot. Thanks again,and I forward for new lessons like this one.
From Colombia South America
Thanks, Juan, for your feedback. Whenever a news story like this one breaks, you have many opportunities to learn new vocabulary from the repetition of the story on TV. We will be recording more lessons like this one. Please tell your friends if you enjoyed the lesson, so we can continue to provide these lessons. My best wishes to you, Juan.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 91.67 You got 11 correct out of 12.
im hassane this is my point im very faible in english i will take more more videos from this website hank you rebbeca
That’s a great score. I wish you all the best with your English.
so easy ,but I am very happy.
La Da Kyi
Good. It is always helpful to know that something is easy for us. It helps to build our confidence. All the best to you, La Da Kyi.
so easy , but I can’t answer the question.
Soe Thiha
There are two possibilities:
a) You can watch the lesson and learn whatever new vocabulary you can.
b) You can watch the lesson many times until you can answer the questions.
You can use the lesson in any way that helps you. All the best, Soe Thiha.
Dear Rebecca!
Thank you very much for this useful lesson.
Iuliana Maria
p.s : my score on this quiz : 12 out from 12… wow… really, you are a very god teacher.
Iuliana Maria
And wow, you are a really good student.Congratulations. Try to follow this story about floods in the news and you will have a chance to review the vocabulary. All the best to you.
It is Good teacher, not GOD(oooops) teacher.
Iuliana Maria
yeah…sorry abt that.
Iuliana Maria
Hi ! thank you so much for all what you do for us . Please I need your help i have meeting this week end and I need some informations from you ( no one can help as u can do ) i hope to get answer from you thank you so much :)
i’m just discover this website,so i am so happy to be with you . thank you very much teacher .
Welcome to engVid! Thanks for your message and all the best with your English.
Hi Rebecca, i liked this lesson very much and learnt some new words as well.I like your english accent it is very precise so I pick some words from your speech as well, actually i am preparing myself for my IELTS test which is after one month so i am keep watching engvid videos to improve my english since i need 7 band in IELTS.I am very weak in writing so too scared.
well this video was very informative, simply awesome. I cant thankyou enough for such a hard efforts for us.
please do let me know if i wrote something wrong in my comment.
Overall, you communicate well in English and I think you can do well. Keep studying though because the IELTS can be tricky. Please watch How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay on engVid. It will help you with your IELTS essay too. Since you asked, here are some of your errors:
– I pick up some words from your speech as well. ( not I pick some words..)
– I keep watching engVid videos. (not I am keep watching…)
All the best with your English, Amy.
thanks you kindly Rebecca for letting me know about my mistakes i really appreciate that u spent ur precious time by answering me, indeed u r a unique teacher i am really impressed by u.I am glad that u posted nice comments to me that i can do well:):_
and Rebecca could u plz make a lesson or just let me know by msg that when we can use word intend to and tend to
actually i am too confused.
thanks alot
“I intend to become a doctor.” means that I plan to become a doctor.
“I had intended to call you, but it got late.” means that I had planned to call you, but it didn’t work out.
“I tend to eat the wrong foods when I’m on a diet.” means that I am inclined to breaking my diet. It means I have a bad habit of eating the wrong foods while dieting.
“He tends to study for tests at the last minute.” means that he has a bad habit of studying just before the test, instead of studying in advance.
“Tend to” does not have to refer to negative behavior but is often used in this way.
Hope this helps, Amy. Best wishes.
thanks a million and billion Rebecca. I must appreciate that and i am appreciating from the bottom of my heart…u cleared my doubt wonderful job…. u r the one the nicest teacher I have ever seen….
God bless u…..
Thanks Rebecca
I always like your lecture series. None of those were difficult in your way of teaching.
You are the only teacher whom reply to all the lesson comments. Thanks for your help in English.
Thank you, Rebecca! Nice lesson!
Thanks! Always nice to know what the viewers like. My best wishes to you, ipou.
Thanks for your classes Rebeca, are very, very good and I’m improving my english with your help.
Thanks again from Chile
Thanks for watching us from Chile. Very happy that the lessons are helping you improve your English. My best wishes to you in the future, Ximena.
Very good job! keep on walking..
Thanks. All the best with your English!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lessons. They are very interesting. I love your voice, I can understand every word. I would like to understand this expression : “Both a and b”. Can you help me? Can you give me an other example? Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your feedback. If you are asking about the expression, “Both a and b” from the quiz, it simply means that the correct answer is both the a answer and the b answer. Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, joelle.
how I can watch the video lesson because I don’t see anything
It is possible you live in a country where youtube is banned. Sorry. All the best to you.
thank you
i love you and you are agood teacher im from jordan i understan all lessons that ypu are teach it
I’m so happy you find the lessons useful. All the best to you in the future, Ammar.
Thanks Rebecca. Yor are such a great teacher. I have been watching your videos since I joined Engvid.com. All your lessons are very clear and easy to understand for english language learners. I will also looking forward for your coming videos.
I’m learning english for the purpose of working in Ireland as a Nurse. Any suggestions for me please?
Thanks again.
Phyo Phyo
Thanks kindly for your feedback.
There are specialized books available on English for Nursing. I’m sure these could help you a lot as they focus on English used in the medical field.
My best wishes to you in the future.
really very-2 nice………..
Thanks so much. All the best to you, too.
Really really Great!
Thanks a lot. My best to you, seawind.
i like that lesson thank you very much and i have question and the question is that can you teach us about preposition . becouse all the time i am problem in them
maira and naveed
Please check the list of grammar lessons on engvid. You will find some lessons on prepositions there. All the best to you.
good morning
I can not read fluently.i got stuck in between
I am working on it by reading newspaper loudly. But that’s not working a lot for me.
I request you to please recommend me something
Whenever something becomes difficult for us, we need to drop back a little to find the last level at which we felt comfortable, and then build up from that point once again. In this way, we can make breakthroughs in challenging areas. Don’t worry. The same thing happens to me when I am trying to learn another language.
Try to find some books which focus on developing English reading skills and which come in graded levels. Start at a level a little lower than your current abilities to build confidence and move quickly. Then, go forward steadily to higher levels from there. Play word games to help you get more comfortable with the language. there are many such games available online as well.
You seem to have a lot of motivation to improve, and that is your strength. All the best to you, Mayan.
i love this class♥
i love this class! lol thank you ;)♥
Thanks, Vanessa. We will have more lessons on topics in the news. My best wishes to you.
how can i download the video ? Please mail me the solution.
I’m very thankful to you Rebecca for the effort
We are grateful that you enjoy our website. Please tell your friends so we can continue to produce new lessons. My best wishes to you, Soso.
hi these are very useful videos from i learned so many thinks from these videos and i am thank full of u people
How can to download these all videos
Mohammad yonus aryan
hi rebecca, i’m really glad for your lessons. i have learn much, since i found this website. it’s just like totally awesome, thanks! and to the other teachers!
So glad that you are enjoying the lessons. All the best with your English – you already seem quite comfortable with the language. Good for you!
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are really great. i gained a lot by listening them.
Thanks, Aizhan. All the best to you.
hi,Rebecca i hope u r fine…can u please suggest me how can i improve my english? i can’t speak english fluently.I like to speak english like other people but i can’t.Please give me some easy tips :)
Be bold and proactive. That means don’t wait for opportunities to come to you, but go out and create whatever you need to achieve your goal of speaking English well.
Aside from reading, writing, listening and speaking English as much as possible, one of the fastest ways I know to improve your English is to work with a good private teacher. He or she will correct your specific mistakes and enable you to make progress by overcoming your difficulties. If it is too expensive to get a private teacher, perhaps you can exchange services. I wish you all the best.
thanx for ur kind reply.I’ll follow your advice.thank u soooooooo much :D
You’re welcome!
hai Rubecca hru? really i like ur class.Very nice way, nd very clear also.
Thank you, Jome. Glad you enjoy the lessons. I wish you the best with your English in the future.
Welcome and best wishes.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this important lesson about vocabulary. Really, I need more vocabulary to improve my English. You are a good teacher that I can rely on. I will look forward for your next lessons about new vocabulary. May God bless you for your great teaching method.
Thank you kindly for your blessings. You write very well in English and I am sure you will reach your goal of communicating effectively in English. My best wishes to you, RSagum.
Hi Rebeca, I am from Colombia and this is the first video that i saw. I am studying english and this page will help me a lot to study in my house. You are a great teacher. Congratulations.
Welcome to engVid, Carolina. So glad that you enjoyed the lesson. All the best with your English.
hi teacher
how are you i hope you are fine.flood lesson is my 2nd lesson to watch very usefull and i lean more thing please help me how i improve my english speakingand sent me some conversation slass please.
Thanks for your feedback.Please check out the many lessons we have and each one will help you improve your speaking skills, little by little. Use every opportunity to speak English with someone who can correct and help you.
My best wishes to you, Jamil.
Are you Pakistani Jamil???
Check your English mistakes once.
dear teacher
i am a new student, am very poor in english
today i visit your www and saw a new word abaut floods, i am not understand at all meaning, i like to try to again.
thanks very much
KATO from Japan
Welcome to our website. We are happy to have you join us here. Please look at some of the many other lessons. They are at all levels of English, and I am sure you will find something that you can understand fully and which can help you improve your English.
My best wishes to you, Kato Hiroshi.
Hi Rebecca!
I’m from Vietnam, I’ve watched your lessons a couple of times and they are all useful to me!!
Thanks a lot for your effort!
My friends found it interesting when i introduced your website to them, too.
But as I know “inundate” also means to give sb so many things, to make sb overwhelmed by sth, right??
thanks again!
keep on your useful work , please!!!
Best wishes for you and your family!!
Yes, you are absolutely right. You can flood or inundate a place with water, for example, as in the lesson, or you can flood or inundate a person with love, good wishes, etc.
Good for you for recognizing the various ways in which this word can be used. In the video lesson, we have limited time to explain all aspects of word usage. I wish you all the best in the future, and I am sure you will do well, as you seem to be very dedicated, huynh_tantai.
Great job!
Thanks a lot. My best to you, rios.
hi Rebecca!that was a great lesson!you did a kind of mind-mapping, it helps to organize our vocabulary and to have it prepared for all causes. waiting for new useful staff,with best wishes,anje
Yes, mind mapping is a wonderful tool to help us organize our thinking, our learning and our planning. I find it very useful when tackling complex subjects. My best wishes to you, Anje.
thank u so much Rebecca
It’s very usefull.
Thank you…
dear teacher
i am a new student, am very poor in english
today i visit your www and saw a new word abaut floods, i am not understand at all meaning, i like to try to again.
Hi Elham
This lesson is slightly more advanced and that may be why you had some difficulty. We have many different lessons at all levels so please check them out.
My best wishes to you, Elham.
thanks a lot for informations about bring or take , you are tesching verey gooooooood , i love you rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
I am doing (CIE) o levels and my English is extremely bad. Could you please tell the tips of how to improve English vocabulary and talking power. Thank you
Akash Hans
thanks alot,,,,nice lesson
Excellent. No words to explain how excellently teach these lessons
thank you so much for your valuable lessons
It is great! Hi Rebecca, this is the fist time I watch your website but it give me a deep impression. In my opinion it will be more perfect if you teach new words in a real video, after learn words we can see-listen and check through this video. Thanks alot Rebecca!
Huy Hoang Pham
Thank you Mrs Rebecca
Abdolfatah Mostafa
It’s very interesting!!! Thank you so much))) I’m from Ryssia! I want to know English)))))
Dear Sister Rebecca
I liked the way you designed your video and gave us new technique to improve our vocab. Hoping you will bring more ideas in your next long videos. Thank you very much for teaching so nicely. Warm Regards,
from Karachi
Rafiq Ahmed
Thank you kindly for your feedback. So glad you enjoyed and benefited from the lesson. My best wishes to you, Rafiq.
Hi, teacher
i really appreciate your teaching lessons, so i want to tell you,thank you so much.
Thank you kindly. My best to you, Khaing.
why you use the article ” the with homeless , the injured, etc
We say “the homeless” because we are referring to the entire group of such people. Other examples of the same principle: the poor, the visually-impaired, the injured, etc.
All the best, Wallace.
You are such a GREAT TEACHER!
Thanks Rebecca
I understood all you said.You don’t speak too
ooooo this page its fantastic
my english is better than before
if i want to go to canada to learn english in your school
where can i arrive?
can you help me?
you are fantastic
Oh, thank you kindly. My best to you, too.
Great ! very helpful lesson. very lately there was a calamity or catastrophe in my country. therefore this lesson is very helpful for me to explain to others.
Thank you very much
So glad you found the lesson relevant. All the best with your English, Sukha.
great lesson
Thank you so much
thank you:) this vidoe is a good idea to learn the vocabulary.
DEAR,my teacher….i am so happy from this leason…really you made to me useful more…thanks alot….and god bless you
You’re the best teacher that I never see. Thanks for your teaching and hope you can give us more courses to learn.
super lesson! thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was great!
I faced a word “devastation” in news and as I checked in dictionary it means “destruction”, is there any difference between them?
Thanks in advance
Devastation is somewhat stronger than destruction. It usually means something closer to “completely destroyed”.
All the best to you.
thak u very much miss rebbeca you have good style to teatch english the firste time i see this video floods in pakistan i inderstande many words grace u mu engligh is bad u can correct it this paragraph im from morocco the firse langauge is frensh
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was great.
Jairo Angel
I would like to send my best wishes to you.I enjoyed so much with lesson
mohammed ali
Hi teacher Rebecca. how are you doing? I hope you doing well.If i introduce myself to yours, my name is Deeq, live in Australia especially in Brisbane Queensland.the reason I’m writing to you is, I have been useful lesson regards to flood recently and I am so grateful to you for it. Honestly I enriched some of the vocabulary and benefit from it in many area.As you know, there is natural disaster is underway in Australia at the right time, particularly states called Queensland and New South Wiles and I hope you are processing useful lessons in greater detailed.Thanks a lot for taking time to read it and I really expecting to hear from you soon, thanks.
Hi teacher Rebecca. how are you doing? I hope you doing well.If i introduce you myself, my name is Deeq, I live in Australia especially in Brisbane Queensland.the reason I’m writing to you is,recently I have seen useful lesson regards to a flood and I am so grateful to you for it. Honestly I enriched some of the vocabularies and benefit from it in many area.As you know, there is natural disaster is underway in Australia at the right time, particularly states called Queensland and New South Wiles and I hope you are processing useful lessons in greater detailed.Thanks a lot for taking time to read it and I really expecting to hear from you soon, thanks.
sorry about for the inconvenient time. I mean sorry if my writing is woefully full of grammar error because I’m not expecting to write as native speakers do but only I tried the best i could, all I’m saying is sorry for the hard-time i give you to read it.im sure
sorry about for the inconvenient time. I mean sorry if my writing is woefully full of grammar error because I’m not expecting to write as native speakers do but only I tried the best i could, all I’m saying is sorry for the hard-time i give you to read it.I’m sure you understood comprehensively what i mean because I think you have a lot of experience for people who are learning English as additional language.
thank you rebecca sooooooooo much this class was help me to understand 50% from the news
i think we need also another words such as sports,politics ,science ……pleasssssssssss .
Hi Rebecca! Can u show me what I must do 1st to learn English? I really dont know how to start! I really really want to study Eng better, so plz help me! Thanks a lot!
hi madam rebecca i really wants to improve my english as soon as possible plz tell me how i start to learn and speak eng plz reply me i send u msg 2nd time plzz reply
Thank you teacher i am very happy with you i like to learn english language please help me pease by sending some thing that usfull for me.i am in kurdistan
Hi Rebeca, you are fantastic, I can understand you perfectly, please still giving courses on ENGVID…..thanks a lot again. I love you.
Dear Rebecca,
It is a very useful lesson. I realized that after I had heard many live news about that disaster.
it is amazing technique in teaching.
Once again,thank you…
Medhat Nagy
Medhat Nagy
Thank you for these lessons. They are honestly really useful and easy to remember. I find them interesting and will definitely let others know about your site.
Really appreciate it :)
Hi,Rebecca! I`ve made one misteke in a quiz :( The question was: Aid packages were distributed to the villagers. What was done with the aid packages? And my answer was: They were mailed to the villagers. Is it an absolutely wrong answer? I thought that mailing is a way of distributing. Wy it is wrong? Thank you. I like your lessons very much! :)
great leasson! I would like to learn new words with the situation given. Please come with more topics. It is really interesting. Now I can describe the event Flood to anyone for I know how to express thoughts using words taught by you. Once again thanks a lot Rebecca!
Hi rebecca,, i’m Ria from Indonesia. I like the way you teaching. And from your video I can train my listening and improve my vocab, I get a lot of new words here. Many thanks to you,, ^ ^
It is a marvellous class! Thank you so much.
thanks alot Rebecca
I like your way .
I’m new in this site ;) I wish learn more with you .
the way of youes are excelent.i am very glad.thank u all the teachers.
Hi Ma’m,
Your lesson was a great effort indeed. Ma’m can you please make one video on Where to Use the Article “The” and where should it be avoided. When do we say The People and when it is without “The” and so many other words. thanks
Kashifa Naz
“I feel so sad about the clamity that occured to the fate of Pakistan. Evacuting the inhabitants because of the catastrophe, distributing the donations among flood victoms, and aiding those who were injured was a great target. The response was appreciable and some countries pledged to provide with more donations. I’m glad that this trageddy has normalised to a great extant by now”
:):):):):):):) wao I used so many of words I just came accross. yahooooooooooooo
Kashifa Naz
owe, I must have writted that the trageddy has been normalised to a great extant, right Ma’m?
Kashifa Naz
HI Rebecca,
I’m happy that you respond to almost all your students comments. Truly a brilliant idea to improve our vocabulary and put in practice.
continue the good wrok.
Good luck.
Thank you Rebeca, It´s really useful,
Great lesson and useful exercise. I appreciate it very much indeed!
i’ve been looking for the best website to improve my vocabulary and fortunately today I found your site. I could spend all day listening to your videos and never be tired !! it’s so great. i’m here forever…. thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebaca, as many of your classromms, it is excelent for leraning, many thanks!!
I did it great on the quiz, thanks to u Rebecca. great lesson, wonderful teacher. so long.
Thank you for your teaching. It is good for me to write a pharagraph.
Thank! you Rebecca very nice lesson….
navneet tripathi
Thank you a lot teacher, this lesson has been very useful for me. Thanks again,good job!!!
thanks a lot i have a question if you could answer me it will be very fine the question is how to use “At” please response.
i really do not how to thank you Robacca Mam because of your style of teaching ,it seems fabulous and extremely useful .
Hi Rebecca,thank you for your time.This lesson was really useful to me.Every day I am making progress.Do you know what?. I passed the quiz,my score was 91.67(11/12).Again,thank you so much teacher.
Learning errorless enlish is so castly in pakistan. But now I am sure i can do it by your help. thank you very much
salman jilani
what a wonderful lesson and teacher!
I’m very happy about watching your English class. How say I don’t know. I’m glad about teaching you. I’m studying English language last 2 years. Actually, even now I have not good English speaking, writing, listenning, reading. Sometimes I give up. But now I can do it by your wonderful English lesson. Thank you lots of…
i appreciate your teaching very much.could you please do a lesson on using – ‘to,of,by, and for’ and their differences.plz plz plz
Thank you Rebeca for your persistence to teach us English language. . . I must say this is, without suspicion, the best lesson I’ve ever heard. . . Please, in the future try to make longer lessons as much as you can, because it’s the best way to learn something. . . So many different words, synonyms, explanations etc. can help us by learning. All the best to you, and good luck. . .
Why you teachers never answer to last comments? It can be frustrating for all of us who didn’t have a chance to leave comment first or second . I understand that you don’t have enough time to respond to every comment, but try to respond, for example to first comment, then skip over several comment, then go in the middle etc. and finally to the end. Thank you. . .
Very good lesson. Thanks Rebecca. Lily from Brasil
hi thanks alot teachers for the great efforts iam english student from algeria
please i need your helps because i have problems
in speaking
Hi Rebecca, very interesting lesson! I read above that you’ll do more lessons on topics in the news. May I suggest you new topics for these lessons? What do you think of themes like “ELECTION” (= poll, vote, opposition…), or “ECONOMY” (= crisis, unemployment, export/import..) or maybe a theme a little more funny like ART (= release of film, CD, edition of a book, reviews…)? Best Regards.
Thank you
it’s good lesson for new learns to get more words for their writting in paragraph
thanks.good lesson
Rebecca,thank you very much for your explanations.They are all very useful and clear.
Best regards.
Lidiya from Moscow.
thanks Rebecca you are agood teacher
I love the way you are teaching
T got lots of new vocabulary
Thanks a lot….
Thank you so much. I think this is the best way to learn vocabulary. you are the best.
i love ur way of teaching
Hi Rebecca
You’re a good teacher.I was thinking how could you answered to a lot of us.
thanks a lot
Good work teacher..thanks alot…im going to ask u somethng dat im unable to understnd eng news paper..plz send me technics nd also i want which vocabalary used commonly in news paper plz send me vocabs nd technic so that i can understnd news papers…
Dear Rebecca, I don’t know how can I say thanks,because words are not enough. I think you are one of the best teacher in the world, your teaching is fantastic!
Hai Rebecca, it was wonderful classes which you have taken, we expect the news vacabulary classes, and why we use would. for example i would say. kindly help me when we can use would?
Hi teacher! thank you for this lesson I have gotten it..as I am news I think that I’m going to get more more with your lessons. I like the way you teach and keep teaching like this.
Thanks a lot!!
Really I like your way of teaching & thanks a lot for bringing my knowledge towards vocabularies
thanks very much to initiate such a beguiling and comprehensive programme to make all of us proficient in English language and English writing skills. But I want you to suggest me something to uphold my confidence in speaking and improve the same. And most of all is that please comment on my writing skill by observing my comments. thanks, I am forced to love your bewitching personality and good method of teaching.
Rashad Bhatti
Dear Rebecca,
Your presentation of the lesson is excellent
Thank you
i really like the way you teach us rebeca, and i wished you are the best.It’s very useful all the videos that you shown with us thank you very much rebeca
Ur so great. I like you teacher :) your lessons made me very self-confident. Now I now what I’m gonna do
hi ,i got many new words by that.thanks
hi , I got many words and phrases. thank you rebecca
Rebecca, you are a great great teacher!!!. I love your lessons. :)
Thanks so much, your lesson is great, your ability to simplify the lesson is wonderful
Thanks alot
Thank u
This lesson helped me alot
Hello Rebecca, operates this site actually still active. I ask because there are no new contributions from you?
Still a very good job.
Thank you a lot. My home in Thailand face the worst flooding to day
your lessons are so good. I really enjoy them all.
i really learn a lot from that lesson…..tanks rebeca
thanx very much beckky god bless you
That’s very good. I can understand new/model vocabuary when I talk about flood in Thailand. Wow!
hey Rebecca
i really enjoyed
you are amazing teacher,and i wanna be like u in the future one day.
hi Rebecca i have no words to describe how people from all over the glove enjoy and learn on this useful website,i’m one of these people.all of you are the best teachers you tich us with soul and heart .thanks all the best to you.from honduras
hey rebbecca
i just found out about this website a month ago and its been really helpfull. can you post more videos to do with the news so i can understand the news much better.
thank you
i’m pretty keen on the way you teach us, it’s really easy to understand all of words. thank you very much!!!
hi Rebacca! Thanks a million for Your lesson, it’s really enrich my vocabulary and your way of teaching are wonderful.:)
Sam Walker
thank you so so so so much i love your teaching method you rock and i got a a++ on my english exam its all beacause of you thanks
brianna v
thanks Rebbeca for your lessons its amazing to learn and improve our english skills with you your way of teaching is wonderful
very nice lesson…………. ever had as this……..thanks mam………
Rebeca, your class is very good. I improve my English because you. I keep study with you. See you next oportunity. I want learn rather. Bye.
Edson Ferreira
Rebeca, thanks to its form of class I improved my English a lot, by the way, I will continue studing with you. Until the next opportunity. Big hug.
Edson Ferreira (Brazil)
nicely prepared lesson which gave me understanding to three not ones in mylife heard words. thank you very much.
Think you very much Rebecca but sam word I’m just lessening I’ve not idea what is the really min little bit time i can read the word but I’m don’t andastan
Situation the word is write
their is 4 word min I dont andastan please can you tall me think you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,you’re a great teacher and very nice teaching .thanks again for your time .I’m so glad to learn about the flood for many words to help everyone .God bless you.
Hi. Using this language here does not help you to improve your writing skill. If you write in usual way like others you can learn English better. Best regards
Thanks so mach Rebecca grit job.
Thank you so much for your presentation .you are emazing how make any thing simle and easy….
Hi, Mrs Rebecca , Actually, I am a new student of yours and I have been watching your lessons since a couple of weeks,and the way you explained all those lessons was just “””BRILLIANT””””””!!!! Therefore, Thank you so much.
I just wanna say that very useful lesson thanx a lot rebbecca . I want to see you and watch your lessons everytime . even in my dreams :D ;)
Hi dear Rebecca. Thank you so much for your lessons! You are great! Best wishes to you from Bulgaria and me, Ivan!
i realy love you teaching dear rebecca
Thank you very much this video lesson. I learn a lot of new words and their proper usage. Good work, keep going.
hello my best teacher in the world. i really like the of your teaching. i feel so happy to watch ur nice class. thanks a lot my dearest teacher.
GOD bless u…
yours truly,
BAKHT from Pakistan
Thanx for doing a great job, planning to learn on English with you.
Best regards,
Nadica.(Kazakhstan, previous soviet union country)
i’m sure that this lesson will help me watching news, thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson.It was very useful.Your accent is very good also your explanation.Your metod is really enrich my vocabulary.Just tell me how can I improve these vocabulary in the sentences.How can I find the news about this subject.I appreciate for your help.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Great lesson!
Many thanks for good lesson.
ring a bell.. one of the illustrative of major events reports i.e; website and TV is National Geographic,
Thanks teachear, you are great!
I have been learning a lot from all of you teachers,I thank you all guys on you’re great job.you’ve been helping many people around the world..God bless you all.
your great job{a correction.lol)
thank you Rebecca, your lesson was very useful
hi Rebecca
by listening your lesson it was so helpful for me. i scored 10/12 marks thanks for explaning me
wowwwwwwwwwww I got 12/12 thank you for the lesson! very useful !
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re allways a great teacher .too much helping all of us with your videos .i’m improving to learn many things .God bless you .take care
You’re really a good teacher …thanks a lot!
Thanks Sir. You are number one
Your lessons is very useful to improve my English. Thanks…
Thank you very much , Ms teacher Rebecca, you really gave me very useful vocabularies that I needed it a lot , I have earned 100% in the quiz, I can say you are my English elevator, your lessons enhance my English knowledge , I can’t thank you enough, well done Rebecca!, live longer with peace and happy! my confidence in English is now getting better and better since I found http://www.engvid.com on the internet , thanks for giving me hand and keep my hope to speak English fluently alive, I don’t know how to thank you but my heart feels happy for having you , keep on doing this useful job!
Hi dear Rebecca. Thank you so much for your lessons! Merry christmas to you! Ivan.
My great thanks for you Rebecca.i am glad that find your lessons here.your teaching way is very different than other teachers.i can easily understand you.thanks for it
what is the difference between inhabitants and residents?
it’s very useful ^^. thanks teacher :*:*. Love your video :)
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a million for you sharing. By the way, could you please tell me the website where I can study the effective words to success in IELTS speaking.
Thanks in advance.
Hope you all the best.
thanks Rebeca you are my best teacher.
This is one of the most remarkable lesson I have ever watched in EngVid. Congratulations for the great job Rebecca! I hope replay this lesson another day in order to check out if I really retain the several words wich were added to my vocabulary. Thanks!
thank you, Rebeca.
100 %
I’ve got 12 correct out of 12
Oh!Rebecca you haven’t talk expressions!Can you tell me about that?Thank you very much!
Please reply quickly.And your lessons are good!
stephen lee
thank you, Rebecca mam.
Arvind Sahu
Thanks a lot!
thanks alot rebecca
I did quiz
I get 10 in stead of 12 question
thanks a lot
agus muda
it was absolutely useful thanks dear teacher Rebecca
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Ted Lee
Thank you so mach
Ayad Saeed
Thanks Rebeca, you are my preferred teacher
Hi Rebeca, Thanks for your excellent videos. Now i know some news words which i never know before.
Maqbul Hussain
this way or method of teaching is perfectly and helpful to me cause that it gives an accuracy knowledge how to improve my english systematically so, I appreciate and thank u lecturer REBECCA be blessed
safari faustin
I got 100% 12 CORRECT OUT OF 12
safari faustin
Great lesson Rebecca:-) Have a nice day:-)
Jacek 79
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca, you are wonderful teacher and I love your teaching style.
You are so talented in teaching I feel that I am getting more and more interest of you I am really appreciate your effort dear teacher .
and my God protect you ..
you have superior personality and a very lovely way in teaching such that I have learnt more vocabolary in a short time
heydar Ali
Thank you
I always wanted the longer lessons. Here is it. Great!
what a great teacher..! thanks for these lessons.
Thank you very much. This is a first time see the lesson. I got 10/12 > you are grate one.
Abu Ruwaida
Great and very useful lesson! Thank you very much Rebecca!!!!!!!
Wellington Porto Brito
Rebecca thank you too much, I really enjoy this class.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this example about how to analyze news stories.
Best regards.
great lesson! thank you madam
my quiz
You got 12 correct out of 12.
chakim hamzah
Am new here. I wish i knew this website before . Thank rebecca and God bless you
Thanks Rebecca you are a great teacher.
Fortunately, I corrected 11 out of 12
11/12.Great! Rebecca,thank you.You are a great teacher.Willing to get more from you.
thank you very much
waleed mohmmed
very useful lesson. Thank you.
10/12 thanks Rebecca =))
thank you
very good explanation, a lot of thanks to you teacher. .
This is a well-structured lesson. I really love the way it is explained: plain, logical, ordered and very useful… and of course really in touch with reality, even if very tragically.
Thanks teacher :)
Thank you, Rebecca. I like such lessons. I would like more lessons for enriching my English vocabulary.
Great lessons.
i got 100%
great lesson with inundated informaion
One of the best lessons teacher , thanks .
hi Rebecca, learnt lots of vocabs. thank you.
hi teacher,great lesson but you didn’t express your sympathy in few words for those affected people that was something missing.thank you.
Raja Asif Masood
I scored 11 out 12 Ver nice lesson a new vocabulary for me you’re awesome Rebecca God bless you.
fernando triana
Thank you Rebecca !
Yay I got 100 percent!
really useful, and very good advice all the best for you
hi Rebecca
your very good teacher,I scored 11 out of 12 ,thanks so much.
thanks Rebecca
You got 11 correct out of 12.
M kartal
Great lesson, engVid is the best off cost website to keep improving your English. I am recommending this website to all my family and friends.
Greeting from Florida.
Thank you very much!
engVid Moderator
it was great to learn new vocabulary in this lesson. Now..i’m going to see the news;)
Freddy Navas
A great lesson. Thank you!
grace murphy
Very helpful lesson !!
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this lesson , actually i’ve learned many words and skills alot through it .
Have a nice day.Fouad
Hi Rebecca,
This is a helpful and informative video. Many thanks for covering all the useful words and examples related to the topic.
All the best
I got 6 out of 12.
good teacher bon professeur
alain villain
Thank you, Rebecca! I love your lessons! You’re very helpful:)
Thanks Rebecca. Very nice lesson.
I watched this video twice on January 12, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got twelve correct out of 12.
Really I’m still thinking I’m a Beginner,but i succesfully hit 12/12 without to think too much
Thank you Teacher Rabecca.
Your the best teacher in the world 🌍 thankyou mam..
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It is good lesson for new learns to get more words for their writing in pharagraps.
Yes, please do try and write your own sentences using the vocabulary so that you can learn the new words well.All the best, Dara.
your lesson is great
happy! happy!happy!
thanks! thanks! thanks!
Rebecca, you are a great teacher. Thank you for this very useful lesson. I LOVE YOUR CLASSES
Rebecca, I’m really in love with your way of teaching. Thank you very much for helping all of us with your videos.
This way of teaching something (in my opinion) is the best way of all, because we can catch lots of words in a unique context. It’s a little bit longer than usual, but it’s richer of information. I hope you give us more classes like this one. Thank you very much.
Wenderson (from Brazil).
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Wenderson and so glad you enjoyed the lesson. I do plan to have more lessons on events in the news. I think it helps to take the English study out of the textbooks and into real life. My best wishes to you.
thank you REBECCA for this great lesson , it`s good to know new vocabs but they are`nt happy ones (>_<) please next time i would like to have vacabs about parties .
actuly , Rebecca you are teaching excellently , your prenounceyation is greet and clear , also , you speek slowly so we can understand you , thank you for every thing , i`m waiting for next lesson .
i`m new learner and my weakness point is writting , i appreciate if you correct my mistakes ?
Corrections: New vocabulary, aren’t, actually, pronunciation, great, speak, everything, the next lesson, a new learner, my weak point or my weakness, I would appreciate it if you could…
Thanks for your feedback, skoood.
Rebecca, you are a great teacher. Thank you for this very useful lesson. I LOVE YOUR CLASSES
My pleasure. All the best with your English, Bilge.
It was a excellent lesson. You have made me feel very motivated to learn all those new words about catastrophes.
Thank a lots Rebecca
Thanks, Raul. Yes, unfortunately, we have to speak about whatever happens in life – good or bad. Try to write a short summary of what happened, using some of the new vocabulary. That will help you review the words, too. My best to you.
this lesson helped me not only improving vocabulary but proving pronunciation also
I’m glad the lesson helped you improve your pronunciation too. Thanks for the feedback. All of these messages from our students help us to improve future lessons. Thanks.
I would like how watch the videos in this site I don’t understand
You should see a video at the top of this page, under the menu. If you do not, you need to figure out why you cannot watch YouTube videos. Some countries, schools, and offices block YouTube videos.
Rebecca ! You’re always a great teacher. Thanks a lot. I understand you, and you don’t speake very fast, so I understood everything. See you next !
Thanks to you too. It is always helpful to get feedback from our students. My best to you, Raulo.
Hi Rebecca,
Your lesson was comprehensible. And I found new English Vocabulary.I am in Intermediate Grade but some words are truly difficult and hard to understand like, Calamity, Tragedy, Inundate(flood), destitute, evacuate, etc.But after understanding them they were so easy.The lecture you delivered and the event that you mentioned in this Lecture was really tragic.This happened in Pakistan. The flood is entering in all sea level areas and destroying them. The villages containing crops, trees, rice paddies and farms are all destroyed.I am also living in Pakistan But safe because of highland towns.
Thank you for your lesson.Bye
Thank you kindly for your message. I am so sorry about this tragedy in your country and we all hope that more people can be helped as soon as possible. There are so many urgent needs there. Thank you for writing and do take care of yourself.
Hi Rebacca! Thanks a million for Your lesson, it’s really enrich my vocabulary and your way of teaching are wonderful. I’d appreciate that for you.I hope you give us more lessones like this one.
Thank you very much, Donia. Yes, we plan more such lessons. My best wishes to you.
very intresting…
love this episode..
Thanks, Pawan. Glad it helped you.
Thank you Rebecca for this great lesson. it enrich my vocabulary. I hope you give us other lessons like that.
Planning to do so. Thanks, Tawfik. All the best with your English.
hi,can u help me to watch the lessons
It looks like you are in Libya, right? Unfortunately, Libya blocks YouTube, where are lessons are hosted, so you will need to find a way around that.
Congratulations! it’s a very good lesson. I like the way you explained the new vocablulary.
have a great day!
Thanks, I’m glad the lesson helped you. Try to use the new vocabulary in the next few days so you can remember it more easily. Best wishes to you, Esperanto.
I’ve learned new words like ‘the destitute’, ‘rice paddies’, ‘flood-hit’, ‘calamity’, ‘to inundate’, to wade’ and ‘to pledge’ by heart with the help of your lesson! Many thanks and the best of luck to you!
That’s great. So happy to hear that you learned the new vocabulary. We are planning more such lessons on the news. My best wishes to you.
Thank you so much Rebecca for your wonderful teaching.I was really appreciate the way you taught and explained vocabulary.It gave me the great idea how to learn new more words.I liked your clearly pronunciation and the rythym of your speech.You are a great teacher!!!! Thank you once again. Supak Beard
Thanks, Supak. With your motivation, I am sure you will continue to expand your vocabulary steadily. All the best to you.
Thank you Rebacca for this lesson. I wish some longer lessons like this will be done.
Thanks, Murat. We are planning more thorough lessons such as these,so keep checking. Best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca. Congratulations! It was my first time watching your videos and I liked it very much. Th way you speak and explain the subject is awesome. I´ll keep watching you again and again. Just booked engVid.com in my favorites. Best regards from Brazil.
Hey, thanks so much for your comments, Aloisio. It’s always a pleasure to hear from our viewers and have the chance to understand them better. I’m very glad the lesson helped you. By the way, you write very well in English. My best wishes to you.
You are a great techer.
Thanks kindly, Quetzal. All the best with your English studies, and in the future.
I have looked for this kind of classes. I would like to improve more advanced vocabulary.
So glad I could help you, Kay Lee. We do plan more lessons of topics in the news, which will add to your advanced vocabulary. My best wishes to you.
Rebecca , Thank you so much you are so great teacher . waiting your next great lesson . Mohamed from Egypt .
Thanks, Mohammed. It is inspiring to know that I have been able to help you. My best wishes to you.
well thanks for the lesson I got this:
Your score: 100.00 You got 12 correct out of 12.
i´m also sad with all this calamity, I hope they can go over this very soon!!
Congratulations on your perfect quiz score. How wonderful that you were able to use the new vocabulary in a sentence already. You could say, “I’m also sad about this calamity.”
All the best, bigboy85.
hi Rebecca! great lesson! ut helped me alot! I just have a quiestion past tense of pledge, it is with ed but has it got a d sound or t sould?
thank you very much in advance.
Hi Constanza. That’s a really good question. The past tense, pledged, is pronounced with a muted d sound, but it does sound quite close to the t sound too! You are a very smart student! My best wishes to you, Constanza.
I watched this and I think that is really important to be aware about this situation and we are finding out everyday in tv´s shows, news. congratulations because this is the more interesting lesson, I´m sure most of us never tried to understand this subjet in english . . then I give my thank for your effords, again, again and again . . .
it´s very sad know the poverty is going to be present always and while the interests have never changed… bla bla bla . . .
my regards….
Yes, Sergioss, you are right. I think any subject, including English, becomes more interesting when we see the relevance of our learning. As you recognize more vocabulary, you will understand more and feel more confident. My best wishes to you.
what a great lesson guys . thanks for inviting me !~
Glad you enjoyed the lesson. All the best to you, Sazujo.
Hi, I’m new here….as everybody I must to improve my knologies english, so, I’d like to know how this site ( engaVid), works .
You come to the site. You find the lesson you want to watch — go to “ALL LESSONS” or “TOPICS” at the top of the page. You click on a lesson. You press play and watch the lesson. You can take free quizzes under most lessons.
That’s it! If you like the site, please post the link on your site/facebook page and tell your friends about it!
Hi Rebecca i am really appreciate your way of teaching,thank you very much.I kow alot of new vocabulary from your lesson again thanks alot.Rebecca,Iam test taker for TOEFL and I am on the way to prepare for that test,but i have proplem of speaking.Ineed your help.My best wishs to you.
Thanks for your feedback. Please check my free TOEFL website for ideas on how to do well on that exam, as well as on the speaking section. Make sure you know how to answer each of the six independent and integrated speaking tasks. You will find speaking samples on the site as well. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebbeca.
Undoubtedly you are a very good teacher. This lesson is really pretty useful for us to understand news on T.V. As for this is a very though matter to understand. I usually watch CNN news on T.V. and sometimes it is difficult for me to get all from the news. Your lesson has helped me a lot. Thanks again,and I forward for new lessons like this one.
From Colombia South America
Thanks, Juan, for your feedback. Whenever a news story like this one breaks, you have many opportunities to learn new vocabulary from the repetition of the story on TV. We will be recording more lessons like this one. Please tell your friends if you enjoyed the lesson, so we can continue to provide these lessons. My best wishes to you, Juan.
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 91.67 You got 11 correct out of 12.
im hassane this is my point im very faible in english i will take more more videos from this website hank you rebbeca
That’s a great score. I wish you all the best with your English.
so easy ,but I am very happy.
Good. It is always helpful to know that something is easy for us. It helps to build our confidence. All the best to you, La Da Kyi.
so easy , but I can’t answer the question.
There are two possibilities:
a) You can watch the lesson and learn whatever new vocabulary you can.
b) You can watch the lesson many times until you can answer the questions.
You can use the lesson in any way that helps you. All the best, Soe Thiha.
Dear Rebecca!
Thank you very much for this useful lesson.
Iuliana Maria
p.s : my score on this quiz : 12 out from 12… wow… really, you are a very god teacher.
And wow, you are a really good student.Congratulations. Try to follow this story about floods in the news and you will have a chance to review the vocabulary. All the best to you.
It is Good teacher, not GOD(oooops) teacher.
Iuliana Maria
yeah…sorry abt that.
Hi ! thank you so much for all what you do for us . Please I need your help i have meeting this week end and I need some informations from you ( no one can help as u can do ) i hope to get answer from you thank you so much :)
i’m just discover this website,so i am so happy to be with you . thank you very much teacher .
Welcome to engVid! Thanks for your message and all the best with your English.
Hi Rebecca, i liked this lesson very much and learnt some new words as well.I like your english accent it is very precise so I pick some words from your speech as well, actually i am preparing myself for my IELTS test which is after one month so i am keep watching engvid videos to improve my english since i need 7 band in IELTS.I am very weak in writing so too scared.
well this video was very informative, simply awesome. I cant thankyou enough for such a hard efforts for us.
please do let me know if i wrote something wrong in my comment.
Thanks for the feedback. You can find writing tips on my IELTS website. You can also find free sample IELTS essays there, which can help you.
Overall, you communicate well in English and I think you can do well. Keep studying though because the IELTS can be tricky. Please watch How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay on engVid. It will help you with your IELTS essay too. Since you asked, here are some of your errors:
– I pick up some words from your speech as well. ( not I pick some words..)
– I keep watching engVid videos. (not I am keep watching…)
All the best with your English, Amy.
thanks you kindly Rebecca for letting me know about my mistakes i really appreciate that u spent ur precious time by answering me, indeed u r a unique teacher i am really impressed by u.I am glad that u posted nice comments to me that i can do well:):_
and Rebecca could u plz make a lesson or just let me know by msg that when we can use word intend to and tend to
actually i am too confused.
thanks alot
“I intend to become a doctor.” means that I plan to become a doctor.
“I had intended to call you, but it got late.” means that I had planned to call you, but it didn’t work out.
“I tend to eat the wrong foods when I’m on a diet.” means that I am inclined to breaking my diet. It means I have a bad habit of eating the wrong foods while dieting.
“He tends to study for tests at the last minute.” means that he has a bad habit of studying just before the test, instead of studying in advance.
“Tend to” does not have to refer to negative behavior but is often used in this way.
Hope this helps, Amy. Best wishes.
thanks a million and billion Rebecca. I must appreciate that and i am appreciating from the bottom of my heart…u cleared my doubt wonderful job…. u r the one the nicest teacher I have ever seen….
God bless u…..
Thanks Rebecca
I always like your lecture series. None of those were difficult in your way of teaching.
You are the only teacher whom reply to all the lesson comments. Thanks for your help in English.
Thank you, Rebecca! Nice lesson!
Thanks! Always nice to know what the viewers like. My best wishes to you, ipou.
Thanks for your classes Rebeca, are very, very good and I’m improving my english with your help.
Thanks again from Chile
Thanks for watching us from Chile. Very happy that the lessons are helping you improve your English. My best wishes to you in the future, Ximena.
Very good job! keep on walking..
Thanks. All the best with your English!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lessons. They are very interesting. I love your voice, I can understand every word. I would like to understand this expression : “Both a and b”. Can you help me? Can you give me an other example? Thanks a lot.
Thanks for your feedback. If you are asking about the expression, “Both a and b” from the quiz, it simply means that the correct answer is both the a answer and the b answer. Hope this helps. My best wishes to you, joelle.
how I can watch the video lesson because I don’t see anything
It is possible you live in a country where youtube is banned. Sorry. All the best to you.
thank you
i love you and you are agood teacher im from jordan i understan all lessons that ypu are teach it
I’m so happy you find the lessons useful. All the best to you in the future, Ammar.
Thanks Rebecca. Yor are such a great teacher. I have been watching your videos since I joined Engvid.com. All your lessons are very clear and easy to understand for english language learners. I will also looking forward for your coming videos.
I’m learning english for the purpose of working in Ireland as a Nurse. Any suggestions for me please?
Thanks again.
Thanks kindly for your feedback.
There are specialized books available on English for Nursing. I’m sure these could help you a lot as they focus on English used in the medical field.
My best wishes to you in the future.
really very-2 nice………..
Thanks so much. All the best to you, too.
Really really Great!
Thanks a lot. My best to you, seawind.
i like that lesson thank you very much and i have question and the question is that can you teach us about preposition . becouse all the time i am problem in them
Please check the list of grammar lessons on engvid. You will find some lessons on prepositions there. All the best to you.
good morning
I can not read fluently.i got stuck in between
I am working on it by reading newspaper loudly. But that’s not working a lot for me.
I request you to please recommend me something
Whenever something becomes difficult for us, we need to drop back a little to find the last level at which we felt comfortable, and then build up from that point once again. In this way, we can make breakthroughs in challenging areas. Don’t worry. The same thing happens to me when I am trying to learn another language.
Try to find some books which focus on developing English reading skills and which come in graded levels. Start at a level a little lower than your current abilities to build confidence and move quickly. Then, go forward steadily to higher levels from there. Play word games to help you get more comfortable with the language. there are many such games available online as well.
You seem to have a lot of motivation to improve, and that is your strength. All the best to you, Mayan.
i love this class♥
i love this class! lol thank you ;)♥
Thanks, Vanessa. We will have more lessons on topics in the news. My best wishes to you.
how can i download the video ? Please mail me the solution.
I’m very thankful to you Rebecca for the effort
We are grateful that you enjoy our website. Please tell your friends so we can continue to produce new lessons. My best wishes to you, Soso.
hi these are very useful videos from i learned so many thinks from these videos and i am thank full of u people
How can to download these all videos
hi rebecca, i’m really glad for your lessons. i have learn much, since i found this website. it’s just like totally awesome, thanks! and to the other teachers!
So glad that you are enjoying the lessons. All the best with your English – you already seem quite comfortable with the language. Good for you!
Thanks Rebecca, your lessons are really great. i gained a lot by listening them.
Thanks, Aizhan. All the best to you.
hi,Rebecca i hope u r fine…can u please suggest me how can i improve my english? i can’t speak english fluently.I like to speak english like other people but i can’t.Please give me some easy tips :)
Be bold and proactive. That means don’t wait for opportunities to come to you, but go out and create whatever you need to achieve your goal of speaking English well.
Aside from reading, writing, listening and speaking English as much as possible, one of the fastest ways I know to improve your English is to work with a good private teacher. He or she will correct your specific mistakes and enable you to make progress by overcoming your difficulties. If it is too expensive to get a private teacher, perhaps you can exchange services. I wish you all the best.
thanx for ur kind reply.I’ll follow your advice.thank u soooooooo much :D
You’re welcome!
hai Rubecca hru? really i like ur class.Very nice way, nd very clear also.
Thank you, Jome. Glad you enjoy the lessons. I wish you the best with your English in the future.
Welcome and best wishes.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this important lesson about vocabulary. Really, I need more vocabulary to improve my English. You are a good teacher that I can rely on. I will look forward for your next lessons about new vocabulary. May God bless you for your great teaching method.
Thank you kindly for your blessings. You write very well in English and I am sure you will reach your goal of communicating effectively in English. My best wishes to you, RSagum.
Hi Rebeca, I am from Colombia and this is the first video that i saw. I am studying english and this page will help me a lot to study in my house. You are a great teacher. Congratulations.
Welcome to engVid, Carolina. So glad that you enjoyed the lesson. All the best with your English.
hi teacher
how are you i hope you are fine.flood lesson is my 2nd lesson to watch very usefull and i lean more thing please help me how i improve my english speakingand sent me some conversation slass please.
Thanks for your feedback.Please check out the many lessons we have and each one will help you improve your speaking skills, little by little. Use every opportunity to speak English with someone who can correct and help you.
My best wishes to you, Jamil.
Are you Pakistani Jamil???
Check your English mistakes once.
dear teacher
i am a new student, am very poor in english
today i visit your www and saw a new word abaut floods, i am not understand at all meaning, i like to try to again.
thanks very much
KATO from Japan
Welcome to our website. We are happy to have you join us here. Please look at some of the many other lessons. They are at all levels of English, and I am sure you will find something that you can understand fully and which can help you improve your English.
My best wishes to you, Kato Hiroshi.
Hi Rebecca!
I’m from Vietnam, I’ve watched your lessons a couple of times and they are all useful to me!!
Thanks a lot for your effort!
My friends found it interesting when i introduced your website to them, too.
But as I know “inundate” also means to give sb so many things, to make sb overwhelmed by sth, right??
thanks again!
keep on your useful work , please!!!
Best wishes for you and your family!!
Yes, you are absolutely right. You can flood or inundate a place with water, for example, as in the lesson, or you can flood or inundate a person with love, good wishes, etc.
Good for you for recognizing the various ways in which this word can be used. In the video lesson, we have limited time to explain all aspects of word usage. I wish you all the best in the future, and I am sure you will do well, as you seem to be very dedicated, huynh_tantai.
Great job!
Thanks a lot. My best to you, rios.
hi Rebecca!that was a great lesson!you did a kind of mind-mapping, it helps to organize our vocabulary and to have it prepared for all causes. waiting for new useful staff,with best wishes,anje
Yes, mind mapping is a wonderful tool to help us organize our thinking, our learning and our planning. I find it very useful when tackling complex subjects. My best wishes to you, Anje.
thank u so much Rebecca
It’s very usefull.
Thank you…
dear teacher
i am a new student, am very poor in english
today i visit your www and saw a new word abaut floods, i am not understand at all meaning, i like to try to again.
Hi Elham
This lesson is slightly more advanced and that may be why you had some difficulty. We have many different lessons at all levels so please check them out.
My best wishes to you, Elham.
thanks a lot for informations about bring or take , you are tesching verey gooooooood , i love you rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
I am doing (CIE) o levels and my English is extremely bad. Could you please tell the tips of how to improve English vocabulary and talking power. Thank you
thanks alot,,,,nice lesson
Excellent. No words to explain how excellently teach these lessons
thank you so much for your valuable lessons
It is great! Hi Rebecca, this is the fist time I watch your website but it give me a deep impression. In my opinion it will be more perfect if you teach new words in a real video, after learn words we can see-listen and check through this video. Thanks alot Rebecca!
Thank you Mrs Rebecca
It’s very interesting!!! Thank you so much))) I’m from Ryssia! I want to know English)))))
Dear Sister Rebecca
I liked the way you designed your video and gave us new technique to improve our vocab. Hoping you will bring more ideas in your next long videos. Thank you very much for teaching so nicely. Warm Regards,
from Karachi
Thank you kindly for your feedback. So glad you enjoyed and benefited from the lesson. My best wishes to you, Rafiq.
Hi, teacher
i really appreciate your teaching lessons, so i want to tell you,thank you so much.
Thank you kindly. My best to you, Khaing.
why you use the article ” the with homeless , the injured, etc
We say “the homeless” because we are referring to the entire group of such people. Other examples of the same principle: the poor, the visually-impaired, the injured, etc.
All the best, Wallace.
You are such a GREAT TEACHER!
Thanks Rebecca
I understood all you said.You don’t speak too
ooooo this page its fantastic
my english is better than before
if i want to go to canada to learn english in your school
where can i arrive?
can you help me?
you are fantastic
Oh, thank you kindly. My best to you, too.
Great ! very helpful lesson. very lately there was a calamity or catastrophe in my country. therefore this lesson is very helpful for me to explain to others.
Thank you very much
So glad you found the lesson relevant. All the best with your English, Sukha.
great lesson
Thank you so much
thank you:) this vidoe is a good idea to learn the vocabulary.
DEAR,my teacher….i am so happy from this leason…really you made to me useful more…thanks alot….and god bless you
You’re the best teacher that I never see. Thanks for your teaching and hope you can give us more courses to learn.
super lesson! thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was great!
I faced a word “devastation” in news and as I checked in dictionary it means “destruction”, is there any difference between them?
Thanks in advance
Devastation is somewhat stronger than destruction. It usually means something closer to “completely destroyed”.
All the best to you.
thak u very much miss rebbeca you have good style to teatch english the firste time i see this video floods in pakistan i inderstande many words grace u mu engligh is bad u can correct it this paragraph im from morocco the firse langauge is frensh
Thank you so much Rebecca. It was great.
I would like to send my best wishes to you.I enjoyed so much with lesson
Hi teacher Rebecca. how are you doing? I hope you doing well.If i introduce myself to yours, my name is Deeq, live in Australia especially in Brisbane Queensland.the reason I’m writing to you is, I have been useful lesson regards to flood recently and I am so grateful to you for it. Honestly I enriched some of the vocabulary and benefit from it in many area.As you know, there is natural disaster is underway in Australia at the right time, particularly states called Queensland and New South Wiles and I hope you are processing useful lessons in greater detailed.Thanks a lot for taking time to read it and I really expecting to hear from you soon, thanks.
Hi teacher Rebecca. how are you doing? I hope you doing well.If i introduce you myself, my name is Deeq, I live in Australia especially in Brisbane Queensland.the reason I’m writing to you is,recently I have seen useful lesson regards to a flood and I am so grateful to you for it. Honestly I enriched some of the vocabularies and benefit from it in many area.As you know, there is natural disaster is underway in Australia at the right time, particularly states called Queensland and New South Wiles and I hope you are processing useful lessons in greater detailed.Thanks a lot for taking time to read it and I really expecting to hear from you soon, thanks.
sorry about for the inconvenient time. I mean sorry if my writing is woefully full of grammar error because I’m not expecting to write as native speakers do but only I tried the best i could, all I’m saying is sorry for the hard-time i give you to read it.im sure
sorry about for the inconvenient time. I mean sorry if my writing is woefully full of grammar error because I’m not expecting to write as native speakers do but only I tried the best i could, all I’m saying is sorry for the hard-time i give you to read it.I’m sure you understood comprehensively what i mean because I think you have a lot of experience for people who are learning English as additional language.
thank you rebecca sooooooooo much this class was help me to understand 50% from the news
i think we need also another words such as sports,politics ,science ……pleasssssssssss .
Hi Rebecca! Can u show me what I must do 1st to learn English? I really dont know how to start! I really really want to study Eng better, so plz help me! Thanks a lot!
hi madam rebecca i really wants to improve my english as soon as possible plz tell me how i start to learn and speak eng plz reply me i send u msg 2nd time plzz reply
Thank you teacher i am very happy with you i like to learn english language please help me pease by sending some thing that usfull for me.i am in kurdistan
Hi Rebeca, you are fantastic, I can understand you perfectly, please still giving courses on ENGVID…..thanks a lot again. I love you.
Dear Rebecca,
It is a very useful lesson. I realized that after I had heard many live news about that disaster.
it is amazing technique in teaching.
Once again,thank you…
Medhat Nagy
Thank you for these lessons. They are honestly really useful and easy to remember. I find them interesting and will definitely let others know about your site.
Really appreciate it :)
Hi,Rebecca! I`ve made one misteke in a quiz :( The question was: Aid packages were distributed to the villagers. What was done with the aid packages? And my answer was: They were mailed to the villagers. Is it an absolutely wrong answer? I thought that mailing is a way of distributing. Wy it is wrong? Thank you. I like your lessons very much! :)
great leasson! I would like to learn new words with the situation given. Please come with more topics. It is really interesting. Now I can describe the event Flood to anyone for I know how to express thoughts using words taught by you. Once again thanks a lot Rebecca!
Hi rebecca,, i’m Ria from Indonesia. I like the way you teaching. And from your video I can train my listening and improve my vocab, I get a lot of new words here. Many thanks to you,, ^ ^
It is a marvellous class! Thank you so much.
thanks alot Rebecca
I like your way .
I’m new in this site ;) I wish learn more with you .
the way of youes are excelent.i am very glad.thank u all the teachers.
Hi Ma’m,
Your lesson was a great effort indeed. Ma’m can you please make one video on Where to Use the Article “The” and where should it be avoided. When do we say The People and when it is without “The” and so many other words. thanks
“I feel so sad about the clamity that occured to the fate of Pakistan. Evacuting the inhabitants because of the catastrophe, distributing the donations among flood victoms, and aiding those who were injured was a great target. The response was appreciable and some countries pledged to provide with more donations. I’m glad that this trageddy has normalised to a great extant by now”
:):):):):):):) wao I used so many of words I just came accross. yahooooooooooooo
owe, I must have writted that the trageddy has been normalised to a great extant, right Ma’m?
HI Rebecca,
I’m happy that you respond to almost all your students comments. Truly a brilliant idea to improve our vocabulary and put in practice.
continue the good wrok.
Good luck.
Thank you Rebeca, It´s really useful,
Great lesson and useful exercise. I appreciate it very much indeed!
i’ve been looking for the best website to improve my vocabulary and fortunately today I found your site. I could spend all day listening to your videos and never be tired !! it’s so great. i’m here forever…. thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebaca, as many of your classromms, it is excelent for leraning, many thanks!!
I did it great on the quiz, thanks to u Rebecca. great lesson, wonderful teacher. so long.
Thank you for your teaching. It is good for me to write a pharagraph.
Thank! you Rebecca very nice lesson….
Thank you a lot teacher, this lesson has been very useful for me. Thanks again,good job!!!
thanks a lot i have a question if you could answer me it will be very fine the question is how to use “At” please response.
i really do not how to thank you Robacca Mam because of your style of teaching ,it seems fabulous and extremely useful .
Hi Rebecca,thank you for your time.This lesson was really useful to me.Every day I am making progress.Do you know what?. I passed the quiz,my score was 91.67(11/12).Again,thank you so much teacher.
Learning errorless enlish is so castly in pakistan. But now I am sure i can do it by your help. thank you very much
what a wonderful lesson and teacher!
I’m very happy about watching your English class. How say I don’t know. I’m glad about teaching you. I’m studying English language last 2 years. Actually, even now I have not good English speaking, writing, listenning, reading. Sometimes I give up. But now I can do it by your wonderful English lesson. Thank you lots of…
i appreciate your teaching very much.could you please do a lesson on using – ‘to,of,by, and for’ and their differences.plz plz plz
Thank you Rebeca for your persistence to teach us English language. . . I must say this is, without suspicion, the best lesson I’ve ever heard. . . Please, in the future try to make longer lessons as much as you can, because it’s the best way to learn something. . . So many different words, synonyms, explanations etc. can help us by learning. All the best to you, and good luck. . .
Why you teachers never answer to last comments? It can be frustrating for all of us who didn’t have a chance to leave comment first or second . I understand that you don’t have enough time to respond to every comment, but try to respond, for example to first comment, then skip over several comment, then go in the middle etc. and finally to the end. Thank you. . .
Very good lesson. Thanks Rebecca. Lily from Brasil
hi thanks alot teachers for the great efforts iam english student from algeria
please i need your helps because i have problems
in speaking
Hi Rebecca, very interesting lesson! I read above that you’ll do more lessons on topics in the news. May I suggest you new topics for these lessons? What do you think of themes like “ELECTION” (= poll, vote, opposition…), or “ECONOMY” (= crisis, unemployment, export/import..) or maybe a theme a little more funny like ART (= release of film, CD, edition of a book, reviews…)? Best Regards.
Thank you
it’s good lesson for new learns to get more words for their writting in paragraph
thanks.good lesson
Rebecca,thank you very much for your explanations.They are all very useful and clear.
Best regards.
Lidiya from Moscow.
thanks Rebecca you are agood teacher
I love the way you are teaching
T got lots of new vocabulary
Thanks a lot….
Thank you so much. I think this is the best way to learn vocabulary. you are the best.
i love ur way of teaching
Hi Rebecca
You’re a good teacher.I was thinking how could you answered to a lot of us.
thanks a lot
Good work teacher..thanks alot…im going to ask u somethng dat im unable to understnd eng news paper..plz send me technics nd also i want which vocabalary used commonly in news paper plz send me vocabs nd technic so that i can understnd news papers…
Dear Rebecca, I don’t know how can I say thanks,because words are not enough. I think you are one of the best teacher in the world, your teaching is fantastic!
Hai Rebecca, it was wonderful classes which you have taken, we expect the news vacabulary classes, and why we use would. for example i would say. kindly help me when we can use would?
Hi teacher! thank you for this lesson I have gotten it..as I am news I think that I’m going to get more more with your lessons. I like the way you teach and keep teaching like this.
Thanks a lot!!
Really I like your way of teaching & thanks a lot for bringing my knowledge towards vocabularies
thanks very much to initiate such a beguiling and comprehensive programme to make all of us proficient in English language and English writing skills. But I want you to suggest me something to uphold my confidence in speaking and improve the same. And most of all is that please comment on my writing skill by observing my comments. thanks, I am forced to love your bewitching personality and good method of teaching.
Dear Rebecca,
Your presentation of the lesson is excellent
Thank you
i really like the way you teach us rebeca, and i wished you are the best.It’s very useful all the videos that you shown with us thank you very much rebeca
Ur so great. I like you teacher :) your lessons made me very self-confident. Now I now what I’m gonna do
hi ,i got many new words by that.thanks
hi , I got many words and phrases. thank you rebecca
Rebecca, you are a great great teacher!!!. I love your lessons. :)
Thanks so much, your lesson is great, your ability to simplify the lesson is wonderful
Thanks alot
Thank u
This lesson helped me alot
Hello Rebecca, operates this site actually still active. I ask because there are no new contributions from you?
Still a very good job.
Thank you a lot. My home in Thailand face the worst flooding to day
your lessons are so good. I really enjoy them all.
i really learn a lot from that lesson…..tanks rebeca
thanx very much beckky god bless you
That’s very good. I can understand new/model vocabuary when I talk about flood in Thailand. Wow!
hey Rebecca
i really enjoyed
you are amazing teacher,and i wanna be like u in the future one day.
hi Rebecca i have no words to describe how people from all over the glove enjoy and learn on this useful website,i’m one of these people.all of you are the best teachers you tich us with soul and heart .thanks all the best to you.from honduras
hey rebbecca
i just found out about this website a month ago and its been really helpfull. can you post more videos to do with the news so i can understand the news much better.
thank you
i’m pretty keen on the way you teach us, it’s really easy to understand all of words. thank you very much!!!
hi Rebacca! Thanks a million for Your lesson, it’s really enrich my vocabulary and your way of teaching are wonderful.:)
thank you so so so so much i love your teaching method you rock and i got a a++ on my english exam its all beacause of you thanks
thanks Rebbeca for your lessons its amazing to learn and improve our english skills with you your way of teaching is wonderful
very nice lesson…………. ever had as this……..thanks mam………
Rebeca, your class is very good. I improve my English because you. I keep study with you. See you next oportunity. I want learn rather. Bye.
Rebeca, thanks to its form of class I improved my English a lot, by the way, I will continue studing with you. Until the next opportunity. Big hug.
nicely prepared lesson which gave me understanding to three not ones in mylife heard words. thank you very much.
Think you very much Rebecca but sam word I’m just lessening I’ve not idea what is the really min little bit time i can read the word but I’m don’t andastan
Situation the word is write
their is 4 word min I dont andastan please can you tall me think you.
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,you’re a great teacher and very nice teaching .thanks again for your time .I’m so glad to learn about the flood for many words to help everyone .God bless you.
Hi. Using this language here does not help you to improve your writing skill. If you write in usual way like others you can learn English better. Best regards
Thanks so mach Rebecca grit job.
Thank you so much for your presentation .you are emazing how make any thing simle and easy….
Hi, Mrs Rebecca , Actually, I am a new student of yours and I have been watching your lessons since a couple of weeks,and the way you explained all those lessons was just “””BRILLIANT””””””!!!! Therefore, Thank you so much.
I just wanna say that very useful lesson thanx a lot rebbecca . I want to see you and watch your lessons everytime . even in my dreams :D ;)
Hi dear Rebecca. Thank you so much for your lessons! You are great! Best wishes to you from Bulgaria and me, Ivan!
i realy love you teaching dear rebecca
Thank you very much this video lesson. I learn a lot of new words and their proper usage. Good work, keep going.
hello my best teacher in the world. i really like the of your teaching. i feel so happy to watch ur nice class. thanks a lot my dearest teacher.
GOD bless u…
yours truly,
BAKHT from Pakistan
Thanx for doing a great job, planning to learn on English with you.
Best regards,
Nadica.(Kazakhstan, previous soviet union country)
i’m sure that this lesson will help me watching news, thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for your lesson.It was very useful.Your accent is very good also your explanation.Your metod is really enrich my vocabulary.Just tell me how can I improve these vocabulary in the sentences.How can I find the news about this subject.I appreciate for your help.
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Great lesson!
Many thanks for good lesson.
ring a bell.. one of the illustrative of major events reports i.e; website and TV is National Geographic,
Thanks teachear, you are great!
I have been learning a lot from all of you teachers,I thank you all guys on you’re great job.you’ve been helping many people around the world..God bless you all.
your great job{a correction.lol)
thank you Rebecca, your lesson was very useful
hi Rebecca
by listening your lesson it was so helpful for me. i scored 10/12 marks thanks for explaning me
wowwwwwwwwwww I got 12/12 thank you for the lesson! very useful !
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re allways a great teacher .too much helping all of us with your videos .i’m improving to learn many things .God bless you .take care
You’re really a good teacher …thanks a lot!
Thanks Sir. You are number one
Your lessons is very useful to improve my English. Thanks…
Thank you very much , Ms teacher Rebecca, you really gave me very useful vocabularies that I needed it a lot , I have earned 100% in the quiz, I can say you are my English elevator, your lessons enhance my English knowledge , I can’t thank you enough, well done Rebecca!, live longer with peace and happy! my confidence in English is now getting better and better since I found http://www.engvid.com on the internet , thanks for giving me hand and keep my hope to speak English fluently alive, I don’t know how to thank you but my heart feels happy for having you , keep on doing this useful job!
Hi dear Rebecca. Thank you so much for your lessons! Merry christmas to you! Ivan.
My great thanks for you Rebecca.i am glad that find your lessons here.your teaching way is very different than other teachers.i can easily understand you.thanks for it
what is the difference between inhabitants and residents?
it’s very useful ^^. thanks teacher :*:*. Love your video :)
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a million for you sharing. By the way, could you please tell me the website where I can study the effective words to success in IELTS speaking.
Thanks in advance.
Hope you all the best.
thanks Rebeca you are my best teacher.
This is one of the most remarkable lesson I have ever watched in EngVid. Congratulations for the great job Rebecca! I hope replay this lesson another day in order to check out if I really retain the several words wich were added to my vocabulary. Thanks!
thank you, Rebeca.
100 %
I’ve got 12 correct out of 12
Oh!Rebecca you haven’t talk expressions!Can you tell me about that?Thank you very much!
Please reply quickly.And your lessons are good!
thank you, Rebecca mam.
Thanks a lot!
thanks alot rebecca
I did quiz
I get 10 in stead of 12 question
thanks a lot
it was absolutely useful thanks dear teacher Rebecca
Thank you,Rebecca. ^”^
Thank you so mach
Thanks Rebeca, you are my preferred teacher
Hi Rebeca, Thanks for your excellent videos. Now i know some news words which i never know before.
this way or method of teaching is perfectly and helpful to me cause that it gives an accuracy knowledge how to improve my english systematically so, I appreciate and thank u lecturer REBECCA be blessed
I got 100% 12 CORRECT OUT OF 12
Great lesson Rebecca:-) Have a nice day:-)
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca, you are wonderful teacher and I love your teaching style.
You are so talented in teaching I feel that I am getting more and more interest of you I am really appreciate your effort dear teacher .
and my God protect you ..
you have superior personality and a very lovely way in teaching such that I have learnt more vocabolary in a short time
Thank you
I always wanted the longer lessons. Here is it. Great!
what a great teacher..! thanks for these lessons.
Thank you very much. This is a first time see the lesson. I got 10/12 > you are grate one.
Great and very useful lesson! Thank you very much Rebecca!!!!!!!
Rebecca thank you too much, I really enjoy this class.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this example about how to analyze news stories.
Best regards.
great lesson! thank you madam
my quiz
You got 12 correct out of 12.
Am new here. I wish i knew this website before . Thank rebecca and God bless you
Thanks Rebecca you are a great teacher.
Fortunately, I corrected 11 out of 12
11/12.Great! Rebecca,thank you.You are a great teacher.Willing to get more from you.
thank you very much
very useful lesson. Thank you.
10/12 thanks Rebecca =))
thank you
very good explanation, a lot of thanks to you teacher. .
This is a well-structured lesson. I really love the way it is explained: plain, logical, ordered and very useful… and of course really in touch with reality, even if very tragically.
Thanks teacher :)
Thank you, Rebecca. I like such lessons. I would like more lessons for enriching my English vocabulary.
Great lessons.
i got 100%
great lesson with inundated informaion
One of the best lessons teacher , thanks .
hi Rebecca, learnt lots of vocabs. thank you.
hi teacher,great lesson but you didn’t express your sympathy in few words for those affected people that was something missing.thank you.
I scored 11 out 12 Ver nice lesson a new vocabulary for me you’re awesome Rebecca God bless you.
Thank you Rebecca !
Yay I got 100 percent!
really useful, and very good advice all the best for you
hi Rebecca
your very good teacher,I scored 11 out of 12 ,thanks so much.
thanks Rebecca
You got 11 correct out of 12.
Great lesson, engVid is the best off cost website to keep improving your English. I am recommending this website to all my family and friends.
Greeting from Florida.
Thank you very much!
it was great to learn new vocabulary in this lesson. Now..i’m going to see the news;)
A great lesson. Thank you!
Very helpful lesson !!
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this lesson , actually i’ve learned many words and skills alot through it .
Have a nice day.Fouad
Hi Rebecca,
This is a helpful and informative video. Many thanks for covering all the useful words and examples related to the topic.
All the best
I got 6 out of 12.
good teacher bon professeur
Thank you, Rebecca! I love your lessons! You’re very helpful:)
Thanks Rebecca. Very nice lesson.
I watched this video twice on January 12, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got twelve correct out of 12.
Really I’m still thinking I’m a Beginner,but i succesfully hit 12/12 without to think too much
Thank you Teacher Rabecca.
Your the best teacher in the world 🌍 thankyou mam..
Thank you. I got 12 of 12.
Thank you